SERIALously - 199: Diddy Lawsuits “The Names Will Shock You”, Couple Sells Baby, Son Decapitates Mother, & Man Kills Secret Boyfriend

Episode Date: October 3, 2024

Today’s episode dives into everything happening this week in true crime. From new cases to updates on existing ones and more. We're going on TOUR!! Come see one of our episodes LIVE in a city near... you! Head to for dates and ticket info! Beam Greens For up to 40% off go to and use code ANNIEELISE at checkout. Mint Mobile Cut your wireless bill to $15 a month at Shop the Merch: Follow the podcast on TikTok:   Follow the podcast on Instagram:       Patreon:     All Social Media Links:    SERIALously FB Page:    About Me:   For Business Inquiries: Sources:  KAIT8 News NBC News ABC7 News KTLA News WEAU AZ Family AZ Central People 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I've been trying to be more mindful of what I've been putting into my body lately because I know by consuming grilled cheese sandwiches, DoorDash, all of the things, that's a direct reflection of why I'm feeling so sluggish, why I'm breaking out, why I'm like so tired all of the time. And I don't really eat that healthy, which I know is really bad guys, don't judge me for it.
Starting point is 00:00:19 I'm trying to do better and I'm so excited because I finally found something that tastes good and that's healthy and that's Beem Greens. I always loved Beem because of their sleep tea. I've talked to you about that before. They now have greens and I have been doing it for probably what 45 or 60 days now every single morning. It tastes so good. I like drink it so quickly. It tastes like vacation. It's strawberry kiwi flavored and I'm getting all the greens that I need So now I'm not feeling so guilty when I'm not like buying vegetables at the grocery store
Starting point is 00:00:50 Getting your daily greens has seriously never been easier because it has 14 different greens including alfalfa Barley kale plus these other ones that I can't even pronounce all these Antioxidants to support your daily nutrition that you need I mean, it's all the good stuff because I'm not ever just like munching on a thing of kale. You know what I mean? You just mix one scoop in water, mix it well, and then enjoy the benefits. Like I said, 14 different greens plus vitamins B6, B12, D, magnesium, like ashwagandha, all sorts of different stuff to help reduce stress levels, to be healthy. I've noticed improved digestion. I've noticed my skin is more glowy.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I just feel more energized. So be healthy with me, guys. If you wanna try Beam's best-selling greens, get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to slash Annie Elise Greens, and then use code Annie Elise at checkout. That's slash Annie Elise Greens, and use code Annie Elise for up to 40% off.
Starting point is 00:01:47 And don't worry, I know that was a mouthful, but it's all going to be linked in the episode show notes. Hey, true crime besties. Welcome back to an all new episode of Serialistly with me, Annie Elise. Today is Headline headline highlights edition, meaning we are going through everything that is breaking this week in the true crime world. We're going through brand new cases that are on the scene, updates in cases. I mean, we're gonna talk about
Starting point is 00:02:35 a little bit of everything today. We also are going to be talking about the explosive news that has come out this week regarding Diddy. I mean, just when we thought that it couldn't get any worse, we now are hearing that over 3,000 potential victims have come forward that out of that number at least 120 of them have very highly credible cases. So much so that it is going forward with litigation and we're that, and we're hearing that
Starting point is 00:03:06 some of his victims were as young as nine years old. So I did a deep dive, I started digging into all of that, I started digging into the attorney who's bringing these cases public and speaking out on them, and we're gonna go into everything that we know about that. But I will say this, one of the things that the attorney said in this press conference when he announced all of these victims and these potential civil suits that are going to be coming forward is he said, the names of the other people who are involved will shock you. That there are
Starting point is 00:03:34 some very high profile and you know high members of society involved in this, which I feel like we all kind of expected to some degree. And so I will touch on all of that. But first I wanna go through a couple of other cases with you that have been requested by a lot of you and that are hitting the headlines this week. And I wanna start with a story that has a happy ending, but is also pretty devastating the fact that it took this long to really find answers and get answers for. And it's about a boy who was abducted 70 years ago
Starting point is 00:04:05 who has now been found alive. So let me go back in time a little bit. And in 1951, six-year-old Luis Armado Albino was kidnapped while he was playing at a park in Oakland, California. Luis was playing with his older brother at the time when this older woman just approached him, came up to him, kind of did the cliche thing,
Starting point is 00:04:24 was offering to buy him candy, and he listened. However, we know that she didn't buy him candy, and instead she kidnapped him and she brought him all the way across the country to the East Coast. There, another couple raised him and acted like he was their own son. Meanwhile, back on the West Coast, back in California and Oakland specifically, massive searches for Luis ensued. The army and the Coast Guard were both involved in these searches, and they searched the San Francisco Bay, they searched other waterways in the area, but ultimately there was no sign
Starting point is 00:04:58 of Luis. The only information that they had came from Luis's older brother Roger, who had witnessed the subduction, but all he remembered was this woman who apparently was wearing a red bandana and she came up to the park and she started talking to Louise. But here's where it gets crazy and it does seem like it is literally ripped
Starting point is 00:05:18 from a Lifetime movie because 50 years later, sorry, actually 70 years later, in 2020, a 63 year old named Alita took a DNA test. She took one of those tests where you send it in, you later get back the information about your ancestry, any potential family members, things like that. Well, when Alita got her results back, she found a match for a man that she didn't know.
Starting point is 00:05:41 And this test said that this man could have possibly been an uncle. That was the familial DNA matches and whatever the statistics are and the numerical stuff behind it. So she started looking into this man, trying to reach out to him, but nothing ultimately came of it.
Starting point is 00:05:57 But then fast forward, and in February of 2024, four years after she took that test, she decided to start searching again. This time she went to a local library, and when she did, she found an old news story about Louise's disappearance. Her entire life, her family had pictures of Louise all around their houses, and she felt like
Starting point is 00:06:17 this now mysterious family member who matched her DNA, that it had to have been her uncle Louise. So she decided to go to the Oakland Police Department and she presented them with the information that she found and they agreed that the information was a pretty big deal. It was definitely worth looking into. So they opened up a new missing persons case and that case was just closed this past summer because Luis was found. He was located somewhere on the East Coast
Starting point is 00:06:45 and we don't know a ton of the details, but when he was located he provided police with a DNA sample. Alita's mother also provided a DNA sample because she would have been this person's sister if it was in fact Luis, and in June the results came back and the two of them were in fact related. Just days later Luis flew back to Oakland to visit Alita, her mother, and the rest of the family. And when Luis first met his now niece, his niece that he had never known before, he hugged her, he kissed her on the cheek, and he told her quote, thank you for finding me. The family talked for hours and Luis even got to see his older
Starting point is 00:07:24 brother Roger, the one that he was with that day at the park when he was abducted. Now as I said, there isn't much information about Luis's life or what really happened to him. We don't know if he was aware that he had been kidnapped as a child. Remember he was very very young, but what we do know is that he is a father. He's also a grandfather. He's also a Marine Corps veteran who served in the Vietnam War. He also on top of all of that is a retired firefighter. I mean talk about a full and just amazing incredible life. Now unfortunately in 2005 his biological mother died. She never knew what
Starting point is 00:07:58 happened to her son, she never knew that he was still alive, she never knew anything. But right up until her death she was sure that Louise was still alive somewhere. She never gave up hope. And in another heartbreaking turn of events, shortly after reuniting with Louise, his brother Roger passed away just this last August. Thankfully though, they at least got to spend some time together one last time. Roger was able to get answers and know that his brother was still alive. There aren't a lot of other details out there, but police are still actively investigating Luis's kidnapping.
Starting point is 00:08:31 But the reason I wanted to share this case is because although it took 70 years, at least there was a happy ending. I wish that his mom was still alive to be able to be reunited with him and so she could have had those answers. I can't even imagine what that many decades of just that void and that hole in your heart would feel like. But hopefully whoever was responsible is held accountable. Although
Starting point is 00:08:53 if he is now in his 70s, I would have to imagine that the then adult who abducted him is either no longer alive or I mean I don't even know how you get justice in that case. It seems as though you can't, right? Now moving into another case, it's still in California, but it's one that many of you guys have been asking for information on. And unfortunately, there's not a lot of information regarding the why behind it, but let me backtrack a bit. So on Friday, September 13th,
Starting point is 00:09:22 the California Highway Patrol responded to a call saying that a pedestrian was down on the Foothill Freeway near the Rancho Cucamonga area. When they went down to look into it to see what was going on, and they arrived, they found a 17-year-old girl named Emily Gold. She was hit by at least one car, and she was pronounced dead at the scene. Now, Emily, the reason so many people have been requesting this is because Emily was a dance team captain and cheerleader at the local high school. And just this past summer, her dance team actually appeared on America's Got Talent. Now, the judge, Simon Cowell, who is known
Starting point is 00:09:57 for being ultra super harsh, he's always known to be very hard on contestants, he ended up giving the team a standing ovation. He said that their performance was quote, absolutely brilliant and that he also loved quote, all the energy. The team ended up making it all the way to the quarterfinals, but they were unfortunately eliminated in August. Now, Emily spoke with People Magazine in August and she said quote, when I'm performing, I'm really thinking about all of the corrections because we get corrections up until five minutes
Starting point is 00:10:27 before we go on stage. So to really think about all of those so that we apply them, that's my biggest priority on stage. I mean, a professional but definitely self-critical, especially when she was just so young, I mean, only 17 years old, to be taking on such an intense burden like that and feeling as though you need to be a perfectionist is a you know a little bit heartbreaking in
Starting point is 00:10:48 and of itself. But Emily's friends and family have all said that she was a leader, that she was kind, that she was loving, and the investigation into her death is still ongoing. However, it is being treated as a suicide. And the reason I mentioned at the beginning of this segment that we don't really know the why but that so many people are requesting the answers There isn't a lot of information that has been released at this point to the public about whether or not it was in fact a suicide Or possibly accidental but more than that why it would have been a suicide why she would have been suicidal There isn't a lot of information
Starting point is 00:11:22 So I wanted to cover it because so many have requested that we do, but until we know more information, that's really all that we have. Now moving into a very unsettling case that is further across the country in Michigan, a 13-year-old from Taylor, Michigan is now being charged with murder. This is after stabbing her sister to death. On Saturday, September 28th, at around 1 p.m., police officers arrived at a neighborhood after receiving phone calls that a stabbing occurred. And when they arrived, they found a seven-year-old little girl with multiple stab wounds all over her body.
Starting point is 00:11:57 She was immediately taken to the hospital, but unfortunately she was pronounced dead shortly after her arrival. Now, police officers were trying to figure out what happened, right? Like who did this? Was there an intruder? Was there some random person just walking by? Well, as it turns out, the parents of the two girls
Starting point is 00:12:13 were gone and they were out and about doing something and the 13 year old sister was babysitting her younger seven year old sister, while their parents were out and away. But apparently while she was babysitting her younger sister, the two of them had an argument. Now, what this argument was over is very minor, if you ask me, but I'll tell you what happened
Starting point is 00:12:34 and you tell me what you think. But basically this seven-year-old little girl had put a note in the family's shared bathroom asking people to remember to flush the toilet. I mean, a totally innocent and normal request right? But the 13 year old apparently thought otherwise so she took the note out of the bathroom and the seven-year-old kind of tried chasing her trying to take it back trying to put it back and during their struggle the younger sister knocked over a trash can in the kitchen
Starting point is 00:13:00 and when she did this trash apparently went everywhere. She knocked it over and it all spilled out. So after this, the 13-year-old ran up to her bedroom where she stayed by herself for about 30 minutes. But then eventually, she went to the kitchen and she got, quote, a butcher-style knife, and then she hid in the bathroom. She hid there waiting for her sister to come back in, whether it was to put the note back in there, to use the bathroom, whatever the reason was.
Starting point is 00:13:27 So then when her seven-year-old sister entered the bathroom, she just started stabbing her. Now apparently the knife that she had wasn't enough because at some point she went back to the kitchen, grabbed a larger knife, and then went to stab her younger sister more. Once she was finally done after brutally and callously stab stab her younger sister more. Once she was finally done, after brutally and, you know, callously stabbing her sister,
Starting point is 00:13:49 the 13-year-old called 911. When the police arrived, the 13-year-old acted like everything was fine, everything was normal. She showed virtually no emotion to the detectives, and she also went into very great detail about the attack itself. Needless to say, the parents were absolutely shocked to find out what had happened because they said that they had absolutely no idea that their older daughter was capable of anything like this.
Starting point is 00:14:14 They said, yeah, sure, sometimes the sisters would fight occasionally, but it was normal sibling fighting. I mean, nothing that was overly concerning. Surely nothing that would end up in a mass stabbing bloodbath between two sisters. So now the 13 year old is facing charges of first degree murder, felony murder, and first degree child abuse. Prosecutors are considering trying her as an adult, but she is currently being kept
Starting point is 00:14:38 in a juvenile detention facility. Now moving up the coast, we need to talk about a case coming out of Philadelphia, because there is a truly tragic case that has now shaken Philadelphia to its core. 23-year-old Kylan Pratt was just sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his romantic partner, 20-year-old Nasir Johnson. Now the conviction was handed down on Friday, September 27th, and it followed a brutal, brutal, brutal crime that took place in February of 2022. This was when Kylan shot Nasir in the neck, then transported his body to Fairmount Park, and then set it on fire, all in an effort to conceal their relationship. It was his secret boyfriend. He didn't want people finding out, so because of that, he apparently killed him. Now, assistant DA Sydney, who prosecuted the case, emphasized that this was in
Starting point is 00:15:34 fact a hate crime. Kylan was motivated by the fear of others discovering his romantic involvement with Nasir, so that is what they're saying ultimately led to this horrific act of violence. And they said, quote, this is an individual who was killed because he was gay and because the man who killed him didn't want anybody finding out. Sydney called this crime one of the most gruesome barbaric crimes that she has ever encountered. The investigation into Nasir's death began when these two people were just out walking their dog in the park and they discovered his very badly burned remains.
Starting point is 00:16:08 This was three days after the murder had occurred. Authorities were able to connect Kylan to the crime through an anonymous tip and through forensic evidence that was found in his home. He also had very incriminating Google searches that were found. They had terms such as murdering in cold blood, also having sex with dead bodies, which I don't know if necrophilia was a thing of his or if he did have sex and then
Starting point is 00:16:32 googled that after the fact. I really have no idea, but I will say that's something you will never find in my google history. It's unsettling to say the least, but ultimately they say yeah he had this secret relationship. They were secret boyfriends. He didn't want anybody finding out, they were in their early 20s, remember? The victim was 20 years old, Kylan, the murderer, was 23 years old, and he was apparently scared that the relationship was going to be found out, that it was going to be public, and so because of that, it was good enough reason, according to him, to commit murder. After the sentencing, Nazir's family described him as a very hardworking and lovable young man.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And his grandmother, Cynthia, spoke very tearfully at the press conference, recalling how her grandson was preparing to attend community college before his life was senselessly taken. And she said, Sometimes I just force myself to go to sleep. My heart is torn in so many places. Now Kylan's conviction for first-degree murder, abuse of a corpse, tampering with evidence, and possession of an instrument of crime means that he will spend the rest of his life behind bars. Also, all without the possibility of parole. And that sentence will also be followed by an additional four and a half to nine years
Starting point is 00:17:43 for heinous nature of his actions. And I believe that's because they're tacking on the hate crime element to it. But it's just so sad that people feel as though they need to hide who they are or they're ashamed or embarrassed of who they are and then so much so that they think murder is the only way out. I mean, I understand they were relatively young,
Starting point is 00:18:01 but they were grown adults, so I don't really know how that computes, but it's sad, nevertheless, because we unfortunately have seen it play out like this before. Now, I'm gonna, I don't know if you can tell, but I'm getting a little bit sick, my voice is hoarse, so I'm gonna take a quick break, grab some water,
Starting point is 00:18:15 and then we're gonna come back. We're gonna talk about a deranged couple who tried to sell their baby for beer and for money. We're gonna talk about all of those ditty updates, and we also are gonna talk about a son who decapitated his mother before a birthday party. So I will be right back. Okay, so I have to share with you the new life hack
Starting point is 00:18:37 that I discovered for my cell phone. And let me just start by saying this, I love a great deal as much as the next guy, but I also, I'm not gonna crawl through fire just to save a few bucks. It has to be easy, no red tape, no jumping through hoops, all of that. So when I heard that Mint Mobile said that it was easy to get wireless for $15 a month with the purchase of a three month plan, I didn't believe it and I called them on it. But it turns out it really is that easy to get wireless for $15 a month.
Starting point is 00:19:03 The longest part of the entire process was the time that I spent on hold waiting to break up with my old provider. I was able to sign up entirely online and in no joke guys, less than five minutes. It was so, so easy. To get started, go to slash AE. There, you'll see that right now all three month plans are only $15 a month, including the unlimited plan. All plans come with high-speed data and unlimited talk and text that is delivered on the nation's largest 5G network. You can use your own phone with any Mint Mobile plan, you can bring your phone number, you can bring all your existing contacts, it is so easy. So find out how easy it is to switch to Mint
Starting point is 00:19:39 Mobile and get 3 months of premium wireless service for only $15 a month. To get this new customer offer and your new 3-month premium wireless plan for just $15 a month. To get this new customer offer and your new 3-month premium wireless plan for just $15 a month, go to That's Cut your wireless bill to $15 a month at $45 upfront payment required, equivalent to $15 per month. New customers on first 3-month only plan. Speeds slower above 40 gigabytes on unlimited plan.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Additional taxes, fees, and restrictions apply. See Mint Mobile for details. My name is Payne Lindsay, and I host a true crime podcast called Up and Vanished. My new season has taken me to the remote town of Nome, Alaska, where two people have gone missing. We came back without my son. I want you to find him. I know he's murdered. I know he is.
Starting point is 00:20:30 High pain. Would you like to solve a murder? I'm scared. Up and Vanished Season Four is available now. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts. podcast. Okay. So let's start with this. A young couple from Rogers, Arkansas has now been arrested after allegedly attempting to
Starting point is 00:20:57 sell their two month old baby. Yeah, you heard that right. They tried to sell their two month old baby for a six pack beer and $1,000 in a cashier's check. Now, you might be wondering where the hell were they where they were trying to make this sale? Was it on Craigslist? Was it at a motel? Where was it?
Starting point is 00:21:14 It was at a local campground. So Darian, who is 21 years old, and Shailene, who is 20 years old, are now facing charges of endangering the welfare of a minor and attempting to negotiate the relinquishment of a minor for adoption. This incident took place back on November 21st, 2024 at the Hideaway Campground and RV Park in Rogers,
Starting point is 00:21:37 which is near Beaver Lake. Now, the reason this all came to fruition and was exposed is because the Benton County Sheriff's Office was contacted by the campground manager. They reported that this couple had offered to give up their baby in exchange for beer and money. When the police arrived, the authorities discovered a handwritten letter that was signed by Darian and Shalene stating that they were giving custody of their baby to a man for $1,000. Now get this, the letter also included a disclaimer
Starting point is 00:22:06 that said quote, there will be no changing y'all's two minds and to never contact again, end quote. As though it's like this handwritten legal binding agreement, like no changing your mind, no take backs, no racies, you owe me $1,000 and that six pack and here's the two month old baby. I mean, it is truly deranged. Now witnesses at the campground reported that earlier in
Starting point is 00:22:28 the day Shalene had been going around asking for beer. Then apparently another resident offered to take the baby for the night in exchange for some beer. Now it's a little bit unclear here because I don't know if the beer was then from Shalene after she got the beer and it was kind of like hey can you babysit my baby for a night? I'll give you some beer. Or if this person literally said, I want your baby for the night for whatever grotesque reasons, perverted reasons, who knows, and said, I'll give you some beer in exchange. The way it's written in the affidavit, it's a little bit unclear and I don't want to, you know, say with absolute either way.
Starting point is 00:23:03 But ultimately this man was identified as Ricky and he took the baby and then he passed him to another resident named Cody. I don't think that there was anything nefarious because both men were reportedly concerned about the child's welfare and brought concerns up to the campground manager, so much so that when the police arrived, the baby was taken
Starting point is 00:23:22 to a local hospital for evaluation. And once that happened and upon further investigation, it was found that the baby was in fact in poor condition, which unfortunately I don't think is a big surprise here given the parents. But the baby apparently had a very strong odor of ammonia and a very dirty diaper. A woman who had changed the baby's diaper observed severe rashes, blisters, and also swelling all over the genital area. So Darian and Shalene were arrested before this you know, transaction of theirs was completed and the baby is now in the care of the Arkansas Department of Human Services. Now in a very frustrating detail, and I don't know why the law is the way it is,
Starting point is 00:24:05 but Darien has been released on a $5,000 bond, while Shalene remains in custody on a $30,000 bail amount. It's just disgusting. I wish there were rules for people who procreate, honestly. And I'm not saying sterilization is the answer, guys, but in situations like this, when somebody has proven to be a Reckless parent an abusive parent or somebody who endangers. It's my belief that they should not be allowed to have more children
Starting point is 00:24:33 I don't know what your thoughts are on that That's just on mine like once there's rock-solid proof that they have endangered their child's well-being their health their Everything you shouldn't be allowed to have more kids. And I'm not saying they are having more kids, but like, I don't know, it just, it breaks my heart and it makes me sick to my stomach thinking about it. Now moving into another family dynamic with a son and a mother this time, authorities have now arrested Alejandro Gonzalez.
Starting point is 00:25:00 He's 25 years old, and they arrested him for the brutal murder of his mother, 49 year old Teresa Rubio. This was after her decapitated body was found inside her Glendale, Arizona home. It was found inside her home on September 27th. So not very long ago, literally a few days ago. And like I said, she was fully decapitated. Now Teresa's sister is the one who discovered this absolutely horrific scene after Teresa had failed to show up for her surprise birthday party. When she didn't show up, obviously all of the family members got very, very concerned, so they went to look for her. When they got to her house, they
Starting point is 00:25:37 opened the door and they found she was inside, but she was decapitated. Now, according to the police, officers responded to the apartment late that night after Teresa's sister called 911. Upon arrival, they found Teresa's body underneath a blanket, her head that was decapitated nearby, and her body had showed that she had sustained multiple stab wounds
Starting point is 00:25:58 all over to her abdomen, her chest, her arms, and there was blood spatter just all throughout the residence. I mean, it was a truly grisly scene. Investigators also found a knife block with one blood-stained knife that appeared to have hair on it. And this suggested to them that there was a potential cleanup, that somebody tried to clean the scene,
Starting point is 00:26:19 or at least clean the weapon, and put it back inside the knife block. There were also no signs of forced entry into the apartment, which made them think, okay, we need to look closer to home. The family told the authorities that Alejandro had been recently released from jail and that he had been living with his mother, Teresa. They expressed concerns about his mental health, stating that he was, quote, capable of killing her.
Starting point is 00:26:42 And when they started looking into everything, surveillance footage showed Alejandro driving away in a burgundy GMC Yukon earlier that day. This was a vehicle that belonged to his aunt and had been loaned to his mother, Teresa. Police then located Alejandro at a gas station early the following morning and he was taken into custody after being seen moving in and out of this now stolen SUV. Officers also noted that there was dried blood on his legs and his socks, so he hadn't even bothered to clean up. He hadn't washed himself off, he hadn't changed clothing, he just had his mother's dried blood on his body. During questioning, Alejandro admitted to smoking methamphetamines with a man that he had just met, but claimed that the man was the one who initiated the attack on his mom.
Starting point is 00:27:26 But then he confessed to decapitating his mom after he says that she had already been stabbed to death. So basically saying, no, this guy that I smoked meth with, he's the one who initiated the attack. He's the one who killed her. I just then decapitated her. As if that somehow makes it any better, right? So authorities have charged Alejandro with first degree murder and the theft of the means of transportation, meaning that car. And despite his claim of an accomplice, detectives believe that there is insufficient evidence
Starting point is 00:27:55 to support the involvement of anybody else. So in the meantime, Alejandro remains in jail. Now, of course, the police are describing the decapitation and murder as horrific and traumatic saying everyone in the family, everyone in the community is just heartbroken, grief-stricken, and truly horrified by what happened which can you imagine knowing that happened to somebody in your community or a neighbor? It is truly grotesque. So the investigation remains ongoing as the detectives are now working to uncover more details
Starting point is 00:28:26 surrounding this murder. Was it just a drug-fueled rage? Was there something else involved? Was there mental health involved? Is there another suspect involved? They're still looking into all of it. Now let's talk about Diddy, okay? Because we have got a lot to talk about here
Starting point is 00:28:42 and you know that I've been dropping updates on the podcast as soon as they Come out regarding Diddy It's just way easier for me to jump on the mic on here then go over on YouTube So if you're not following the podcast yet, definitely take a quick second Whatever app you're on Spotify Apple I heart wherever it is There should be some sort of button in the top corner where you can say like following and it's free But that way you won't miss these updates as they get posted.
Starting point is 00:29:05 But there was breaking news that just came out literally yesterday and the day before. And an attorney spoke out saying, quote, "'Diddy's long list of accomplices will be revealed "'and household names will shock you.'" Now, before I go into everything that has been alleged and said, I wanna talk about the attorney himself because I've been saying all over
Starting point is 00:29:27 TikTok, social media, YouTube, everywhere that people are kind of like, oh, this attorney is, you know, for lack of a better term or analogy, an ambulance chaser. All of these people are of course coming out of the woodwork with allegations against Diddy. He's just trying to get his 15 minutes of fame. He's just trying to capitalize on it and make money. I don't believe that that's the case at all because I wanna tell you a little bit about who this attorney is, just so that you know who he is before we go into the details on what he has said. But Tony Busby is a very high profile attorney
Starting point is 00:29:59 and he's known for taking on several significant cases, not just this one. He has taken on the BP oil spill back in 2010, was regarding the plaintiffs in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and that resulted in BP paying billions of dollars in damages. He also defended former Texas governor Rick Perry in his abuse of power case back in 2014. He also represented Stormy Daniels. She was the one who had the lawsuit against Donald Trump. And in another similar case to Diddy, he also represented several women in their lawsuits
Starting point is 00:30:34 against Harvey Weinstein. So you know, he's not some hack attorney who's just chasing a payday. He is very reputable and has worked on some very, very significant cases. So let's talk about what he came out with this week and said and what these new allegations are. During a press conference, Tony announced
Starting point is 00:30:51 that a list of alleged accomplices that are linked to the sexual abuse claims against Diddy is set to be revealed soon. Now he's leading a lot of these civil lawsuits and he says that 120 individuals, including men, women, and minors, will file claims accusing Diddy of sexual exploitation over a 20-year span.
Starting point is 00:31:13 The accomplices, many of whom he refers to as quote, household names, are said to have either participated in, encouraged, or helped cover up all of the alleged abuse. These lawsuits are expected to be filed over the next 30 days. So again, if you're not following, definitely do that because the second these are filed
Starting point is 00:31:32 and we know what those household names are, I'm jumping back on the mic and I'll get into more of this in a minute, but there is of course a lot of speculation that this runs deeper and that we're gonna find out information regarding Jay-Z, Beyonce, Usher, I mean all of the things. And I'm not saying that I believe anything yet
Starting point is 00:31:50 one way or another for who's involved. I'm just saying that is all rumor, so please do your own research. But my point in saying that is that I will jump on the mic as soon as that list is revealed and these lawsuits are filed. But anyway, at the press conference, the attorney, Tony, emphasized that while the list
Starting point is 00:32:06 is already extensive, his legal team is still gathering all of the details. He explained that the alleged abuse occurred primarily during the 2000s and the 2010s, with claims that are actually spanning throughout multiple states. I believe it was 25 to be exact. Some of the primary states are California, New York, Georgia,
Starting point is 00:32:26 and Florida. Now in a disgusting detail, and one that has had everybody talking the last 24 hours, is the lawsuits are said to involve individuals who are aged between 9 years old and 38 years old at the time of the alleged offenses, with 25 of these 120 accusers being minors when these incidents occurred. You heard that right, as young as nine years old. And I want to read a direct quote regarding this nine-year-old victim. Quote, the individual who was nine years old at the time was taken to an audition in New York City with Bad Boy Records. Other boys were there to audition as well. All of them were trying to land a record deal. All of them were minors.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Now he stated that the victim reported being, quote, allegedly abused by Sean Combs and others at the studio, all with promises made to both the victim's parents and to him regarding a record deal. And this feels very reminiscent of R. Kelly, right? Oh, I'll make your child famous. I'll get them a record deal. They're going to be, you know, the most famous person in the world. Just listen to me. Just trust me. It seems like that was like the playbook here. So the attorney also mentioned an incident involving a second accuser who alleged that Diddy promised to, quote,
Starting point is 00:33:40 make him a star. This second accuser, who was also a minor, claimed that Diddy suggested that they should quote, meet privately about it away from his parents, trying to isolate this young minor without his parents around. Then, according to the attorney, he says quote, once they were in a private area, allegedly Mr. Combs made the victim
Starting point is 00:34:02 perform oral sex upon him. A nine-year-old. I mean, it is absolutely disgusting. He went on to share that the alleged accomplices included individuals who directly participated in or facilitated the misconduct. And he also said that there were those who benefited from it or enabled it.
Starting point is 00:34:21 He specifically noted that venue owners who were aware of the misconduct could also be held liable. Now co-counsel Andrew Van Arsdale added that the upcoming lawsuits may implicate figures from the entertainment industry, indicating the possibility of even more public figures being named. And I think that's where everybody is starting to wonder who will be listed, what names will be on there. They've speculated, as I already mentioned, Jay-Z, Beyonce, all of them. There's also been a lot of talk about Justin Bieber
Starting point is 00:34:50 possibly being one of Diddy's victims, and we don't know, again, for certain. But what I will say is this before I continue on with all of this. I do find it very interesting, and it has certainly piqued my curiosity that no celebrities, A-listers, even B-listers are speaking out about this.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Nobody is publicly even condemning what his actions were, saying, even saying allegedly, saying, if he did that, that's horrible, he should be held responsible. Or nobody is speaking out except for the people who have been speaking out on this for years. You know, Cat Williams, 50 Cent, Jaguar Wright, nobody else is speaking out. Nobody who has had affiliations with Diddy.
Starting point is 00:35:32 And I can't help but wonder why. I'm sure that part of it is because many of them will be required to testify or they're gonna be named as a witness, they're gonna be spied on, who knows? But it is eerily quiet right now, unsettlingly so. And I don't know what that means, but there's something I feel like is about to happen.
Starting point is 00:35:52 I think the other shoe is gonna drop, I think Obama's about to drop. We know that these lawsuits will be filed within the next 30 days, so how soon we will see some of those names, I don't know. But it seems like ever since 2020, actually since 2019, it's like the downfall of Hollywood, right, and it's like everything is finally starting
Starting point is 00:36:11 to come to light, which I can't even imagine what we still don't know about, right? But sorry, I digress. Let me continue with all of this ditty stuff. I just kind of went on a little ramp there for a minute. But Tony Busby, the attorney, said that the list of alleged accomplices is quote long already So before sharing the contents he explained quote because of the nature of this case
Starting point is 00:36:30 We are going to make damn sure damn sure that we are right before we do that He then urged quote people who know who they are should come forward You can't hide skeletons in the closet forever and this part of the press conference kind of like it sent a shiver down my spine because he was literally looking at the camera saying, you know who you are. Your skeletons will not be hid forever.
Starting point is 00:36:53 It's time to speak up. It's time to say what you know. And he also said, the names who are alleged and who are being accused of these things already know who they are. They've already been made aware of it. So again, it's gonna be very very fascinating to learn who these people are. In the meantime, Diddy, Sean Combs, remains detained at the Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center. He has
Starting point is 00:37:17 pled not guilty to charges of sex trafficking, racketeering, and transportation for the purpose of prostitution. His legal team has dismissed all these growing accusations and allegations with his attorney Erica Wolf labeling the claims as, quote, false and defamatory. And she vows to clear his name once the case proceeds to court. I don't know. I mean, I get it, you are cloaked in innocence
Starting point is 00:37:40 until you are proven guilty, but this is not looking good. So clearing his name, I don't know if that's really gonna guilty, but this is not looking good. So clearing his name, I don't know if that's really gonna happen, but we'll see. So follow along if you're not already, that way you can stay apprised of all these updates. I also just wanna give you guys a reminder for today, cause it's Thursday. If you are in the LA area, Orange County area,
Starting point is 00:38:00 or Inland Empire area, we have a live show tonight in Orange County, where not only will we be doing a deep dive into a case that I've never talked about, but we will also be talking all things Diddy with two very special guests. It's gonna be a great show. So far, every show has sold out, but we still have a couple tickets left,
Starting point is 00:38:17 I think, for this one. Maybe it's sold out now at the time that this is releasing, but you can get all of that information at Go to the events tab and then scroll down and go to the Orange County Show and you can buy your tickets. I always do free meet and greets afterwards too where I get to talk with you guys and meet with you. So if you're in the area, come by yourself, grab a friend, do whatever you do, grab a
Starting point is 00:38:36 coworker, and I will see you tonight. All right. Thank you guys so much for tuning in to another episode of Headline Highlights. I will be back on the mic with you first thing Monday morning with an all new deep dive case where it's a very special one that is very close to my heart. We had one of the best friends join us and share some exclusive insights with us. And so we have that interview to share with you as well,
Starting point is 00:38:57 but I will see you first thing Monday morning. All right, thanks guys. And until the next one, stay safe, be nice, don't kill people, and don't join any cults. Alright, I'll talk with you guys soon. Bye. Thanks for watching!

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