Sex, Love, and What Else Matters - Scheana's Wedding Drama with Janet Caperna

Episode Date: April 19, 2023

Episode 22. Former Scheananigans co-host Janet Elizabeth (Caperna) joins Kristen and Luke on this week’s podcast to discuss all things Scheana’s perfect wedding and her own sex & love life! Shout ...out to Scheana, Brock and Summer Honey-Davies and find out why Luke got a seat at their wedding.  Kristen, Janet, and Luke converse about the Scumdoval elephant of the episode (aka the ass-smack viewed across the world), which is the first time Luke has watched VPR in totality.  Janet tells everyone how she met Jason and when/how their shift went from friends to forever!  Who needs “same day marriage dot com”? turns out, Janet did. She is now married (again) and the three discuss the coincidences between her and Scheana’s paths in love and life.  They talk the hard no-no’s in their own relationships and how they’ve strived to move past them. Also, they chat about the difference between a tiff and a fight, and the importance of creating boundaries when bitching to your friends about your significant other!  The MAJOR must listen: find out what “breaking the skis” means and why you need to apply this analogy in your own life! Lastly, hear why Janet stans a bush down there and firmly boycotts a “BJTC”. Follow us: @kristendoute @luke__broderick Email us: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ["Dump to the Dump"] ["Dump to the Dump"] Dump to the Dump! What's up everybody? Welcome back to Sex Love and What All Smasters. I have Luke here with me. Hello, Chris. And I have your favorite
Starting point is 00:00:24 shenanigans co-host ever. One of my best friends, Janet Elizabeth Kaepernah. Hi, I'm so excited. So we are definitely going to touch on last week's episode of VPR Vanderpump Rules. I love seeing it. I love seeing the wedding. The wedding was really beautiful. Yeah, it was so beautiful in person and I'm glad I feel like they captured it. Not every beautiful detail, but the whole ambiance of it, I feel like they captured perfectly from Mexico.
Starting point is 00:00:50 It was just like, it was so super happy the whole time. I feel like it was, you know, she numbed rock like seeing rock. I don't know. We can get into it. I even like things to say. And Luke and I were there.
Starting point is 00:01:00 We were at the wedding. We were not at most of the festivities because of cameras. Obviously. I feel like if you really peek though, you can see you guys every once in a while. You can either there, we were at the wedding, we were not at most of the festivities because of cameras, obviously. I feel like if you really peak though, you can see you guys every once in a while. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. My first time ever around cameras.
Starting point is 00:01:12 It's a lot, right? Not my jam, also, I wasn't even supposed to go. Oh, yeah. You wanna talk about why I got a seat there, Janet? Oh, yeah. Okay, so let's jump into that first. Okay, so I went to I Flute Island to Kankin, we flew together with my mom, Jared.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I think who else was on our flight? Jackson Brittney. Jackson Brittney were on, no, they were on the different flight. But we all flew down, so my mom was invited, my mom knows Erica, she knows mom. She knows super sweet to invite my mom to the wedding. So my mom booked a room with Jared. They bumped up for the weekend.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Because we stayed at a different resort than you. You were in the wedding. And I wanted, Jackson Brittney was staying at that other resort too. Sherry, Brittany's mom was going to be there. So I was like, well, kind of make a mom club. I trust you guys to make sure my mom's all good. I'll be at the other resort. Then before the rehearsal dinner,
Starting point is 00:01:56 Jared, who's with my mom, called my husband, and basically told them that she broke her ankle. But she didn't want me to know yet, because she didn't want me to rush over there. My husband took her to the hospital. She indeed broke her ankle, but she didn't want me to know yet because she didn't want me to rush over there. My husband took her to the hospital. She indeed broke her ankle, couldn't go to the wedding. We saw the whole thing happen. Yeah, I wouldn't have happened in Rand to find a lifeguard.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Thank God for you guys. Thank God for you guys. I think they come, try to put her back together, I guess, or you know. She's all good now. Now it's been, you know, it's more than, I guess, like eight months. So she's, she had to have surgery. She has a really intense surgery, but she's now walking, like kind of like eight months. So she's, she had to have surgery. It's a really intense surgery,
Starting point is 00:02:26 but she's now walking, like kind of like a toddler, but she's walking. I'll take a walk like a toddler. She can get around now, but yeah, she broke her ankle. We had to fly home the next day. Like it was a whole crazy thing, but. I think I noticed when we watched the episode
Starting point is 00:02:41 last week though, that's why I didn't see you in certain festivity moments moments because we had called you once we knew that the injury was that serious. Basically, I had to rush over. From the rehearsal dinner, my mom wasn't allowed to fly home quite yet. Right after she had to wait for smiling to go down before she could fly.
Starting point is 00:02:58 So we had to wait until after the wedding anyway to before we could get on a flight. And my mom, I was like, oh, skip the wedding and just stay with you. My mom was like, no, go, go, go. She was very much like felt bad and didn't want me to miss stuff. And I felt bad.
Starting point is 00:03:11 So basically, throughout the wedding and everything, I was kind of like popping every 30 minutes into my room, making sure my mom was okay and then coming back out. So you really don't see me at all other than walking down the aisle of shorts. And Luke and I discussed this in a much earlier episode of our podcast
Starting point is 00:03:25 about Sheena's wedding and that Luke came. But he was essentially just coming to like hang out with me, but we didn't know if there was like a seat available because it was so incredibly like 12 hours last minute. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, so my flight was booked 16 hours before it left. And this was before Chris and I were dating. Yes, like technically. I remember even like close coming and I was like, what? Yeah, they're like, oh, you're non boyfriend, wing, wing. I think I cornered you guys at the after party. And I was like, Oh, okay. So you guys aren't you really you're not dating, but you're a mexico together, but you're not dating.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And I was like, okay. So yeah, so in Janet's mom, when this happened to her, unfortunately, I get a text from China going, Hey, a fluke wants to come to the wedding. Now there's a seat open and a dinner plate. And I'm like, awesome. I didn't bring clothes for this. This wasn't the plan. It was fine up till right now. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:12 But it was really beautiful. It was a beautiful way. It was awesome. Honestly, I'm so happy for you. And I'm really happy. And Brock, they're so in love and so happy. And the rainbow, Shina came down the aisle, which actually you don't really see, but if you look, you don't see it in the episode, I don think I have a ton of photos unless I missed it in the background
Starting point is 00:04:27 But if you look on Sheena's Instagram, she has a ton of pictures of the rainbow that appeared as she came down the aisle to Somewhere over the rainbow, which is insane I mean, so if you guys don't know Sheena calls like summer's her rainbow baby because she had which we talked about on my podcast with Sheena That she unfortunately had a miscarriage, but without that, she wouldn't have summer. So it was just all very like- It all came together such a special, yeah, crazy way. I was like, when I was walking on the aisle right before, I was like, oh my gosh, I saw it, and then when she's straight coming down, I was like, I hope it stays, and she gets to see it as she's coming down the aisle. And it stayed like for a little while through the ceremony too, which was really cute. It was pretty wild.
Starting point is 00:05:04 It was really. So what I think is just so cool and randomly special, I love good. I don't know if you want to call them really coincidences. I think the universe sets these things in line for our paths is that you became Sheena's best friend. That's how you and I met. And then I fell in love with you because it's a time. I have a five or six years old. You were dating someone who was Lebanese.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Yes. And I'm Lebanese. And I was like, oh my gosh. And then I found out you were a sign language in terms of her. And I used to be very good at sign language. You're very good at sign language. And it was just like, I just fell in love. I'm like, this is the universe telling me this person has to be my friend.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Yeah. Straight up because she's dating Lebanese guy. And she knows sign language. We're going to be best friends. We're always fun being able like chat with you across the bar be like this is whatever like I like. I'm like, oh this is fun. Yeah, because you can sign from like 30 feet away. Yeah. You don't have to yell.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah. It's kind of nice. So that's how I knew I would fall in love with Janet many moons ago. Yeah. But then you being a bride to me that she is wedding and you both getting married for the second time in the same year. So when she and I met, which was five or six years ago in 2017, so we both got married in 2014.
Starting point is 00:06:10 That's when you got married, your first wedding just the same. My first wedding was in 2014. So that was Sheena's. So we both got married. I think I forget what her anniversary date was with Shea, but our first weddings were within six weeks or something apart. They were both like wedding season 2014.
Starting point is 00:06:28 We both separating out divorce around the same time. Oh my God. Then we met when she was like, she was like almost finalized with her divorce. I was at the beginning of mine and she was dating Rob. So she was like still, you know, she had to like sign off and stuff, but seven minute TV Rob. Seven minute Rob. So we met at the Mondrian Hotel where they just had been filming a lot too.
Starting point is 00:06:47 And I met her, she and Rob, and we like, she and I kicked it off. I was like, I knew somebody else she knew. We became really good friends, because it was also like how many other people in their thirties are going through a divorce and can relate to like this specific thing, like getting divorced when you don't have kids, starting your life over, still relatively young, like still having hope for that next relationship. You know, we're not like 60, 70 years old,
Starting point is 00:07:08 getting divorced and like, we're like, yeah, I'm done with life now. Like, both of us still had like a lot of motivation to start over in love after our divorcees. Like, it didn't hold us back. And then both of us got married the same year, this year for her second marriages. So we're kind of on the same,
Starting point is 00:07:23 she and I have always kind of been on the same close to the same paths in life, in life. Because we also, when we were super close and best friends, we were both single. So we were together like six, seven days a week, like sleepovers, going to Palm Springs together. And it's like, well, both of us are just single and like our schedules were each other.
Starting point is 00:07:41 So we've kind of gotten to the same. We've almost at her podcast for so long. Yeah, that was both of that was when we were single. And like a lot of the stuff we talk on there now, and like Jason never, my husband, like never was the new genetic concept of shows. I'm like, I don't want to chase him. Shout out to Brock.
Starting point is 00:07:55 But no, yeah, she and I have always had similar paths in life, which has been really fun for our friendship. You know, we've kind of been able to relate to each other throughout the good times and the bads, you know, the divorces, the marriages. And you actually kind of got married the same way this time around because you both got married, yeah, kind of escaped and did it. Like, well, meaning like she and Brock got technically married.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Yes. And then they went and had their wedding ceremony. Wedding ceremony. Yeah. And you and Jason. Jason, I got married on my aunt and uncles from porch here in LA and then we flew to Tahiti to kind of a lope.
Starting point is 00:08:26 It was just a ceremony just the two of us on the beach. And you got to like have your honeymoon and your wedding. Same thing. And we all got to watch it on a live feed. Yes. I was like, nobody gets to come, but you guys can watch. I was like, I like that. It was fun.
Starting point is 00:08:37 It was an idea. Yeah, yeah. Well, we spent, do you want to a lope babe? Do you want to have a Janet and Jason type wedding? Uh, ask your family to kill you. I feel like your family would like not be cool with that. No, I don't think they'd be upset necessarily. They would be upset if they got specifically excluded.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Like if we had some people there and they weren't included. That would be weird to tell. Yeah, exactly. But I'm saying if no one was included, if it was just you and me, they're not going to get it. And then just like have a party or something. Exactly. The way Janet and Jesus do it. I love doing it.
Starting point is 00:09:05 So I had the huge wedding the first time with like 300 something guestless. Solution. As did she know. All the stuff. And it was like I relate to Shino. When I was in that Shino's wedding, we weren't friends then.
Starting point is 00:09:16 But I relate to the when she talks about the stress. I'm worrying about all these little things instead of just worrying about like the life and the marriage itself. I relate to that. But I also think that's something that happens when you get married younger and you're 20s and you're like, still not, you know, you're not really realizing what is important yet.
Starting point is 00:09:30 So with this time with Jason, like I planned our wedding, like I didn't care at all about our wedding at all. I was like, we could go to the courthouse, we can do like a little backyard thing, like whatever. I was like, I don't care. Um, you guys were going to do that little 24 hour like marriage spot. We actually technically legally got married there. You did. Well, we had to, so my uncle signed all of our paperwork
Starting point is 00:09:48 and we brought it into the place. No, when we went to get our marriage license before we signed it, the office that's through, I don't know, the government state office, was out of power and we waited until the last minute. So we were booked for Tahiti. So we had to get married. So I was like,
Starting point is 00:10:05 oh my God, what do we do? And we drive past this place in the valley that says it's I've seen it. It's like right up the. Yes. On the corner of a strip mall, it has a big neon sign that says Like the dot com is in the giant sign. So somebody was like, there is a place in the valley where like samedaymar We've seen it. So Jason, I went over there. It's like, it's just funny place. I can't think of what it reminds me of. It was Elvis there.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Elvis was not there, but it was very much like, that's probably what it reminds me of. Like, Vegas, you little chapel, because it's like, you walk in, there's like four different chapel rooms with like, different like beads and like, big, godly chandeliers and stuff. And Jason are like, so we messed up. We need our marriage license. They're like, this happens all the time. And I was like, this is probably why this place exists is like straight up just all the last minute people
Starting point is 00:10:53 who need same, because every time I drove by it before that I was like, who gets, who needs same day Where is their customer base? Who are these people? And suddenly Jason and I are there. Like, here's 180 bucks. Please take our money.
Starting point is 00:11:06 And I was very happy to see that Shina took the same for her. I feel like she had the same attitude with her wedding. That's just like, she was like, I don't care about all the details and stuff. Like I just want to be like with Brock, my daughter, our families and friends, and just like, have a great time. And that's what it was. Yeah, she was like a kind of a bridesill of the first time around. And this time she was at so you can see it in the episode, but it also in like real Yeah, she was like a kind of a bridesill of the first time around and this time she was at so you can see it in the episode but also in like real life she was just at peace. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:30 She was so happy. Well, you can tell because she knows a very, she can be a very anxious person and she can worry a lot about the little things and with Brock, she does just have this overall level of comfort. It seems that she hasn't had ever since I've known her. Like Brock seems to really be like, I don't know, a calming force to her. Yeah. Really grounds her. Uh-huh. I adore Brock. I think that she finally has a man. Yeah. A real and real. She's aquaman. Like not just a man. She's a aquaman. Yeah. An aquaman vibes. Yeah. And he's just like the best dad in the entire world and yeah, I just brought your
Starting point is 00:12:06 ovaries aching or Jason I know Jason are trying very much so find obviously you're married. Yeah, I can't you own a home together. I'm very excited to catch up with all these other people. Seeing all everybody like have kids and everybody become moms has definitely made me want to do it. And Brock like at their wedding like they didn't show it as much, but Brock was crying every step of the way. He was so emotional. Even I feel like at the white party, he was like, I can't believe we have these many friends that are supporting us.
Starting point is 00:12:34 How lucky are we? Babe, it's all because of you. I'm like, kept saying something like that to Sheetan. I'd be like, this is Brock, you're getting me. Yeah, I feel like they don't, I don't know, they didn't even show how emotional deeply he was, but I feel like he, rock-hung, like 200 years in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Oh yeah, his crying is what made me hysterically sob, trying to be quiet and in the summer. When summer goes to walk down the aisle and there's a glass bridge and she sticks her little toe out to make sure it's like, can I walk on this? It looks like so beautiful. She's so cute. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:13:08 She's so cute. I love it so much. So because Luke and I were not a part of like, I guess most of the festivities, we say that the resort with your mom all of that just came to the wedding. So was that, yeah, like how was just the whole experience like being her bridesmaid?
Starting point is 00:13:24 Do you know what I'm saying? It was all amazing. I loved the dresses and she was that, yeah, like how was just the whole experience, like being her bridesmaid? Honestly, it was dresses were all amazing. I loved the dresses and she was like, she was not lying, which she said she was not a bridesmaid at all. There was not moments, she was like even trying on those dresses. We all went to a place, we picked out like colors and fabrics and then she was like whatever cut you guys feel good in. If you want it like a cap sleeve, because you don't like her arms look, if you want strapless or vina or whatever, she was like, and we all ended up picking pretty
Starting point is 00:13:48 similar designs a little different, like you can't really tell. But she was so chill about that. She was like, whatever you guys feel good in. I was like, wow, like I was kind of surprised every step of the way because you think like, I know you just expect bright zillers, I guess. For sure. I've been surprised when you made at least 20, 30 seconds. Yeah, when you commit to a Brite's mate, Gage, you're like, all right, I know what I'm getting into. Like, I know what I have to do here. But Chino is probably the easiest Brite ever.
Starting point is 00:14:10 From the time we arrived, she was very accommodating. She's everything in between all the events. We were always in Chino's room. She had this amazing suite with a private pool. So we were all kind of just like met up there. White party, I feel like they didn't give it enough fai. Or they didn't show it enough. Like, well, they obviously focused on the short-term. White party, I feel like they didn't show it enough.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Well, they obviously focused on the short things. The short things. The short things. The short things. The short things. The short things. The short things. The short things.
Starting point is 00:14:35 The short things. The short things. The short things. The short things. The short things. The short things. The short things. The short things.
Starting point is 00:14:43 The short things. The short things. The short things. The short things. The short things. The short things. is dancers, like all this stuff, it was like the best food. And yeah, I feel like they concentrated on the grossness. Yeah, it was like a thing. Okay, so let's get the VPR shit out of the way, because I really do want to talk about like you, because you are not only are you a great podcast guest, because you were a host, but you just are hilarious. And I want to talk about sex.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I want to talk about love. I want to talk about relation. I want to talk about love. I want to talk about relation. I want to talk about sex love and what else matters. I love it. So let's get the Vanderpump crap over with. God, my explore page, RIP. I thought, if I have to see my friends on TMZ or like, TMZ is like on top of VR.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Every time how I get a TMZ article sent to me, I'm like, please don't be my friends. Like, I don't know, giving a weird interview or doing, I don't know. So I want to talk about the biggest elephant of the episode that I hope everyone saw because Janet and Luke and I have basically made Luke watch this because he's not really good at it.
Starting point is 00:15:41 We had to do a rewind pause, rewatch on this quite a few times. I'll add, this is the first time I've watched a whole episode all the way through. Wow, really? I've seen clips, I've started episodes with Kristen or other people. I showed him like some funny moments
Starting point is 00:15:53 from the past that I thought were worth showing. Yeah, look, it used to be fun. Yeah, it's like, when you say you try to take interest in my hobbies, I'm like, I'm trying to take interest in a good job, you know, I'm trying to take interest in my job. Yeah. You know, trying. Let's argue fishing with you and let you keep your hunting
Starting point is 00:16:11 meat in my freezer and watch the fishing show. I would hunting meat in your vegetarian freezer. She's gonna keep anything in her freezer. That's true. I'm not a freezer person. I have all fresh produce. Interesting. But Luke, is a conservationist.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Ready for your frozen pizzas? There's like a couple. There's like a couple in there. But yeah, that's true. OK, so the moment that we saw in this episode, the three of us had to rewatch a thousand times. I was waiting to say, Janet. It looks like after the white party,
Starting point is 00:16:41 when we're all in Shino's room, it's Tom Rikkel, Rachel, Ariana and Shina talking about Schwartz and Rikkel's kiss. And as they get up from that conversation, well Shina Valls has like, here's take the room key, those C-shorts. Yeah. Which I'm like, hmm, I don't know, that was strange to me. But when they get up, she know an Ariana kind of turn their backs to the other two and walk away. And as they do, someone says, like, let's go or like, let's get going or something like that.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And you see, it's like blocked a little bit, but it appears that Tom Sandevol's hand smacks Rekel's butt. And she's wearing like a little dress and skirt. And then she kind of does a little like move. Like she kind of like moves out. She puts her hand back. Yeah, but then she also like kind of like jolt's up as if like she, you know, the same with someone
Starting point is 00:17:34 somebody slaps your butt. And she like kind of goes, yeah. I need to rewatch it honestly like again in slow motion. Yeah. So that happened, are we making it up? I need to we watch it. He smacked her boat. You think 100%.
Starting point is 00:17:47 100%. Okay. Getting me? Yeah. Which is fucking weird. I mean, he's not looking for it because he doesn't care about all that stuff. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:55 And it's literally what is blocking the view is Ariana. Yeah, Ariana was her back in terms. Ariana is in the front. That's right behind her back. You see him with his shoulder drop and like something go where we can't see and Raquel like kind of jolt a little bit and brings her hand back behind her. It's clear as day.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Yeah. It just makes me sick. Makes me fucking sick. Like not only did they did all that and for so long, but that they were doing little things like that, like kind of right in front of everybody. It's like the most disrespectful thing in the era. There was even a moment during that scene that Luke kind of nudged me and he goes, did
Starting point is 00:18:29 you see how he just looked at her? How Tom Cena ball looked at her, Kelle, because he kind of like gives this slide a little like smirk smile. And then they were at like, was it the Habachi dinner or something when you were there and you guys all sat down and then the rehearsal dinner was the Habachi place. Oh and it's because James and Ali were about to walk in and Raquel was sitting on the end and they go like, how much? And they shift and then she's in between Tom and Tom. Yeah. You know something else? All these fucking Easter eggs. It's like it's Taylor Swift
Starting point is 00:19:00 gives us nice Easter eggs. I know. These are like the Easter eggs weeks. This is the Easter egg hot from hell. Yeah. From the underworld. I know. These are like the Easter eggs we... This is the Easter egg hunt from hell. Yeah. From the underworld. I will say something that I feel like is a topic that's relevant for this podcast, specifically, is like, Lala, I feel like in this episode is... And I've said this to her just in person recently from noticing some things. Her intuition and gut is so on point right now, or it has been for like a month since the weddings.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Like, but there's a couple things she says about Raquel about situations and she is just out there saying, my antennas are up, something's not right with this. I don't believe this for a second. I forget what she says exactly. Yeah, she's kind of said that throughout the season. I'm telling you. And I think it's because Lala has been through it. And she, you know, Lala and I are very close when she was with the roach, we refer to him. You know, she was, she bought all the excuses. She bought all the lies, she ate it.
Starting point is 00:19:56 She was like, okay, all right, I guess he just added a towel, I guess. And then after everything came out, she was able to look back at, you know, like hindsight is 2020. She was able to look back at, you know, like hindsight is 2020. She was able to look back and be like, put all those pieces together. Oh, when he said he was here, he was actually doing this
Starting point is 00:20:11 when he said he was this. And people filled in a lot for her. Oh, by the way, when he was here, this is what was happening. And so now she's had this clear perspective to look at her own life and what this person did and how they got away with it with her. And I feel like she's like, oh, so maybe she had little gut things back then that she
Starting point is 00:20:28 was like, no, it's okay. Yes, she was just ignoring them because she was like, no, he's working. She was in love. You know, whatever it is. But now that she has a clear view of what really happened to herself, I feel like she can look at other people and other situations and be like, that ain't right. Something's not right here. Right. And it's not a, I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:20:45 It's not like a jaded perspective as I've heard. Her radar, I'm telling you, she's on point. If I need any, but if there's ever a time where I need to be like, is this a good person for me or like, should I have this person in my life? Lala, I'm bringing them around Lala. She can see through all the bullshit now. There's stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:02 There's stuff. But she's the intent on. There's stuff that all of us would be like, no, they're just friends. They're just what I, Tom, are just just an apartment here. It's just your recall just saying about you. Did it, it's fine. We're like every, it's whatever. Lala noticed stuff even with the scandal ball stuff before it came out that she's like something's not right here. And everyone's like, no, you're crazy. Now I'm like, you were dead on. There's so many things. I wrote down a quote that she said
Starting point is 00:21:27 where she goes, I think your self worth comes from the approval of a man. Yes. Pingo. Which honestly is part of what she said when she made her PR apology on Instagram. She talked a lot about therapy and needing to figure out who she is or and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:21:44 And I feel like Lala hit it on the head. And she also says when they're sitting down sort of after the reception, she was like, you're going to have a breakdown. This is all going to get count up to you. She warns her straight up and she called it. She could not have predicted more. It makes me almost think that Lala is like a little bit psychic. I'm like, your radar is on point or your psychic, but there's something going on that she gets.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I think she just trusts the vibes and trusts her intuition. And that's something a lot of us get away from because we commit too much to this trust or this idea that we believe in more than we believe in our own gut or our own intuition. I agree. We talk ourselves out of it. We talk ourselves out of our gut.
Starting point is 00:22:21 100%. Yeah, that's so me. Yeah, I mean, oh no, no way would that ever, you know, and law is like, I'm looking at it, I'm seeing it. This is what's happening. And all of us talked ourselves out of our intuition and got and stuff and she called stuff for me. I'm like, I trust her.
Starting point is 00:22:40 This is how I feel this way. I listen to mine. Yeah, I tell you immediately, I'll meet somebody for 10 seconds and feel this way. I listen to mine. Yeah. I tell you immediately, I'll meet somebody for 10 seconds and be like, didn't like the vibe. I don't know what it was, but I didn't like the vibe. I don't know them personally, but I didn't like that vibe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:53 I trust Jason with that too, or if I'm like, something's bothering me, and maybe I'm making a bigger deal or I matter the person that I'm supposed to be, I'll run, I'll like show Jason whatever. I'm like, read these messages that I'm texting with this person. Am I being like, am I the bitch or are they? And a lot of times Jason will be like, well, you're all good until this message,
Starting point is 00:23:12 you know that what you're doing here. And I'm like, I was trying to be a little petty with those messages. I was like, that was a passive aggressive message. We have some good, we have some good ex-Janet. They balance us out because he's the exact same way. I'm like, so Jason will be like, so I's the exact same way. So Jason would be like, so I think you should apologize. No, he'll be like,
Starting point is 00:23:27 I think you should apologize for this, this one thing you said. But then I think you do have a right to stand your ground and like stand up for yourself that this wasn't right. And I'm like, okay, all right, I'll apologize for that one bitchie comment that I slid in there. And then whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Or if I always know that I'm like, oh, I'm legit, if I come to Jason and show him something and he's like, fuck them, which Jason actually has never set the effort. So, but he'll be like, I've never heard Jason say the effort or any curse word. He doesn't really swear. He never swears. What year did you and Jason start dating again? I'm forgetting. We started dating in 2019. So we started dating in summer of 2019, because we only had about seven months of relate normal relationship before everything closed down and the pandemic it's right So then it feels like Jason well Jason I were friends for two years because I knew exactly so like kind of explain that a little bit
Starting point is 00:24:15 Because I knew Jason before and then when I found out you guys were dating I'm like wait like Jason Yeah, everybody was like it was a very strange thing So Jason I were super close for two, three years before, like two and a half years before anything happened. And we were out together all the time. We were like late night, like alone together, never ever looked at each other like that. Was he ever dating someone during the same time?
Starting point is 00:24:36 He like had like month long kind of like flings or relationships or maybe dated people for like a little bit, but like nobody ever serious that I knew, but I definitely was around girls who hooked up hooked up with all the time. There'd be many times I was like at a bar with Jason, he'd like getting a newbie with somebody you're like, and I'd be I you know, it was just your friends. It was my friend Jason. I was like, all right cool people are heading out. I'm gonna go home too. Like what was the shift? I went I was single. I was trying to
Starting point is 00:25:02 date again and everybody I was dating from like, bumble and hinge and all those. I was like on paper, like, oh, this person's like, seems smart and cultured and well-traveled and funny into the same stuff I am, and I would meet with them on dates, and I would be like, nope, like, there's just nothing there, like just nothing. And I was like, I got bummed out,
Starting point is 00:25:22 I was like three first dates in a row that I was just like, this person is doing nothing for me. And I was like, I got bummed out. I was like three first dates in a row that I was just like, this person is doing nothing for me. And I was like, I'm on horny. I was like, I'm just like, not into anybody. Nobody's doing anything for me. Like, I'm in a diolone. And I went to, I went to to loom for my 30th birthday with my best friends from home that you know.
Starting point is 00:25:40 There at the time we're both married and like having, on on the road having kids and all this stuff. And I was like, guys, I'm in a diallone. You have to invite me to Thanksgiving when I'm an old maid. And they were like, you're always out with people. There has to be a guy friend or somebody that you like haven't seen that way. And I was like, there's nobody.
Starting point is 00:25:57 And right as we're, you know, talking about this, we're like four corona's deep at a beach bar into loom. Jason, DM's mean is like, your trip looks awesome. I need you to like save all the details and share them with me so I can copy this trip. And we need to talk about it when you're back. And I was like, oh, I showed my friends his profile and they're like, he's hot message him right now and ask him out. And I was like, okay, I'm like four Corona's deep feeling really confident.
Starting point is 00:26:18 And I messaged Jason back and I'm like, we should hang out some time. And Jason's like, what do you mean? We hang out all the time. And I was like, uh, I turned to my friends, I was like, what, you told me to ask them out? Like, what about, is this how it's supposed to go? Like, what else to say now? I was like freaking out.
Starting point is 00:26:36 And I think I was like, why is he grabbing the reins? Yeah, I was like, uh, isn't this how you do this? I was like, I don't know how, and so I think I was like, we should hang out like just us though, and he was like, do you want me to take you on a date? And Jason's like very clear and logical, so that's like very speaks to who he is.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And so he was like, oh, you want me to take you on a date? And I was like, oh yes, yes please. And as you are too, like meaning, I would never expect you to respond and go, oh, I don't know. You would be like,
Starting point is 00:27:03 yes, that's exactly what I've been saying. Hello. I was like, yeah. And then when we got back, or when I got back from my trip, he invited me to an event that seemed like something, it was like a open bar, it was like a salon reopening launch party. One of those very LA events where there's an open bar, past apps and stuff, and there's like 5 million people there.
Starting point is 00:27:23 And so we asked me that, and I was like, this is something he would normally invite me to as a friend. So is this the date or is this the friend thing? So I didn't know. So I invited Leo and Logan, like Lala's Guss Bins, who are good friends of mine and who also knew Jason really well. So I was like, guys, here's a deal. We'll go to this event, open bar, snacks, food. You guys will have fun no matter what.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I was like, but when we walk in, if Jason seems like he's flirting with me, leave or like ditch us, go to the bar. And if not, hang out with us. So I'm not alone in awkward. If Jason's like invited 30 people to this. And I don't know. We walked in Jason, like, his name is like, you look beautiful. And Leo and Logan were like, bye. And we literally Jason, I've been together ever since that night pretty much. Oh my god. Isn't it nice when a guy gives you the clear signs you don't have to like question whether or not he's into you? The best.
Starting point is 00:28:10 A hundred percent. Jason was like this or consistently through he always has been throughout our relationship. After about our third official date and it had been like a week of us hanging out and stuff, he turned to me and he's like all right, well now it's the time like he's like I want to date with the intention that we end up together if that's what you want, but we're kind of at the point now where we either have to give this a go
Starting point is 00:28:31 or go back to being friends. I was like, I wanna date with the intention of ending up together, too, please. And he's like, great, let's do that. That's awesome. And it was literally clear as day conversation. There was no fight that started that, where it was literally just like one day
Starting point is 00:28:45 We were like oh and next week we should do this and we were kind of making plans and we were like before we make those plans We should probably like solidify this or Finish it if neither of us want to move in our direction and then probably a month after that Jason told me he loved me which like I knew we were driving down to Joshua tree together and And we were talking just like about what we want in life and how we see things. And just we were just like having one of those like first conversations where you just like, like the three hour drive like went by in five minutes,
Starting point is 00:29:16 who just like one of those conversations. And in the car ride, in my head, I was like, I am so in love with this man. Like I was like, I have to hold it in a little longer. Like I can't tell him yet. Like it's two, I was like, it's too soon. And then we got down to Joshua Tree. We were like, it was one of our friends' birthdays.
Starting point is 00:29:30 We were like drinking. I think we took a little, I at least took a little bit of mushrooms. We were like, you know, doing the Joshua Tree thing. And Jason, at the end of the night, we're laying down in bed. And it was like, quiet in our room. I'm like, kind of looking at the ceilings,
Starting point is 00:29:43 like my mushrooms are still going a little. And Jason goes, I love you. Like just out of nowhere, just like that. And I, in my head, was like, did I just imagine that? Because I was like, I know that I love him. And I was thinking about it, like non-stop this whole way down. And now I'm on mushroom.
Starting point is 00:30:01 So did I just actually say, I love you out loud and think that he said it? And I'm going over this all in my head. I'm like, so in his head did I just actually say I love you out loud and think that he said it? And I'm going over this all in my head. I'm like, so in his head, he just said I love you. And I'm just sitting there staring at the ceiling, like, I'm gonna do it. Yeah. And then he was like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:30:16 I was at too soon. And I was like, no, no, I love you. I love you. I was like, I love you too. I was like, were you telling me in the morning and you said, yeah. And he woke me up in the morning. I was like, I love you.
Starting point is 00:30:24 I was like, okay, yes. I was like, now I can for sure say that I know that you said that and that I responded appropriately. Yeah, that's what it's just like everything kind of progressed in a normal way, which to be honest I haven't always had relationships like that that have been like healthy and like you don't play the game It's got to be way more rare these days. It is I think think. So, she would technology, there's so many breaks and easy ways to not communicate directly with people, like sending a text that like can be seen a different way than you intended, or stuff like that. And it's like just having a really direct channel of communication, I think, with your partner and not doing the games and the bullshit and the like, I'm going to pretend to be
Starting point is 00:31:01 mad at them, to get them to do what I want. To get the attention. Yeah, exactly. And like, oh, I'm going to hold this against them because they did, you know, it's like, when you gonna pretend to be mad at them, to get them to do what I want. To get the attention. Yeah, exactly. And like, oh, I'm gonna hold this against them because they did, you know, it's like when you cut all that bull tail. The tiff, the scorekeeping. Yeah, it's like life can actually just be really nice
Starting point is 00:31:14 and easy when you just, like Jason and I, like quite literally get giddy when we have nothing to do, but hang out on the couch together. Like Jason, he'll be like, we have nothing this Friday. And I'm like, really? And I like check my calendar too. And I'm like, we have nothing. Friday. And I'm like, really? And I like check my calendar too. And I'm like, we have nothing.
Starting point is 00:31:26 He's like, oh my God, what should we watch? What are we going to order? Like we like both get so excited about it. And it's like, because that's what life's all about, right? The little moments and like not having the bullshit like. And I love the way. The way, I don't want to say the way you guys fight, but you have like a, Jason is a code word that he says.
Starting point is 00:31:44 So Jason doesn't swear. Right. But he's just not even a mean-squeered person in that way. So when I'm nice, I'm a love dove or a tiny dove. A tiny dove, a little dove. A little dove. A microscopic dove. He'll call me a thirg first of dave and darling.
Starting point is 00:32:01 And then when I'm being mean, he calls me a hot dog, which is basically a really nice way to say I'm being a huge bitch. Or a flaccid dick. Yeah, you got to stop gring-cold that too. But it'll literally be like, and it'll be like, oh, somebody being a hot dog right now, and I'm like, sometimes when I'm mad, I'm like, no, I'm not, and then I sometimes,
Starting point is 00:32:20 but I'm like, who can get that mad about being called a hot dog? Right. You know what I mean? It adds a little humor to the situation. Yes. And sometimes it makes me but I'm like, who can get that mad about being called a hot dog? Right. You know what I mean? Like it adds a little humor to the situation. Yes. And sometimes it makes me look and be like, okay, was being a little bitchy there. I see where you're getting this from. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:32:33 And not using any word that could trigger you. No. Because at the end of the day, like, no hot dog does not trigger me. There are a lot of words that trigger me. Hot dog's not one of my dumb landmark for culty stuff I've gone through. Words are just words you put only meaning to where it's wamp, wamp, wamp. No words hurt. Words words can hurt especially they trigger you from past relationships. So even though like I could be like, Janet's my bitch. That's not hurtful. But if Jason said, you're arguing with your partner. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:02 You're a bitch. Yeah's just like a word, but like, oh my God, what I would do if Jason said that. Yeah, and you know what he means when he says hot dog, but hot dog is hilarious. It's a kind funny way to remember you to really do a little bit.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Why does he say hot dog? You told me. I forget where it came from. I don't know, but Kristen, we need a term. We say frog. That doesn't have the same effect as we start to take frog instead of fuck you. We also call each other Rudy Judy's and Rudy Giuliani's. That's hilarious. So hope you
Starting point is 00:33:33 like oh somebody being a little Rudy Giuliani today and I'm like no. We do we do put trees the period monster when I'm being. That's a good's a good one. And I'm being an absolute cunt, like PMSing were on my period. We blame it on Patrice. Patrice the period monster. Am I talking to Kristen or am I talking to Patrice? Yeah. Which is so, what's that movie with James McAvoy where he has called Split, right?
Starting point is 00:33:58 Oh, I'm noticing it. But I think there's a Patrice in Split. It's good. It's good. He has multiple personalities. I think it's a good, I mean, I don't know if a therapist would agree, but I think it's good to have little things like that that are like, it is like a code word to be like, hey, I don't appreciate the attitude
Starting point is 00:34:14 or the whatever, but it's a joking laughing way to do it. My therapist has always said to me, like whenever I have anxiety, anger, anxiety, scared anxiety, whatever it is, to like take it outside of myself, like it's over there, like it's sitting on the couch over there, name it. What does it look like? Is it big?
Starting point is 00:34:34 Is it small? Is it interesting? Is it slimy? Is it rough edges? Is it like a sharp rock? And what is its name? And that's kind of what made me think of Patrice. Well, we came up, we were just like,
Starting point is 00:34:46 Penelope, what's a good, yes. I figured a P name because it was pure of race and the rest, yeah. Yeah. So like that. Yeah. And being aware of the multiple personalities
Starting point is 00:34:56 is a way to fix it. Yeah. What I mean, all of us have, I mean, you could call it multiple personalities, but all of us have emotions and ebb and flow between, you know, I always say like, you know, Jason, I am perfect, but I'm like, I want a B plus relationship. Like, if things are good, like, 89% of the time, I'm good with that.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Like I'll take 11% for like the annoying stuff that happens in life that you can't help that pops up that, you know, Jason's going to be human, get frustrated with, you know, work, life, house, whatever it is. Like, stuff's going to come up and I think, but I'm like, if we got a B plus, that's passing, that's is. Like, stuff's gonna come up and I think, but I'm like, if we got a B plus, that's passing, that's good, like, I'll take it. Seas get degrees. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:31 You know what? And if you've done really well for your first three years, you can get deezing get degrees, and they're senior year. I don't prefer that. But if your average is a good average, it's like overall, you know, most of the days you're happy, like most of the days, you know, you handle things well. Exactly. You might have a semester where you
Starting point is 00:35:48 get a 1.0. You know what I mean? Like in a relationship, you might have a period of time where things aren't always great, but like overall, if you put that one semester in compared to 10 years together in life, you still have a B plus. 100%. I try to pull that in a perspective when Kristen and I fight is like, look, things. They don't really fight often. I just am very I can be a negative Nancy. I am very emotional Yeah, I'm very emotional fight also, and I feel like it's like disagreements like I feel like Jason I don't fight we don't like often like rees our voices at each other Maybe everyone's on me more than him, but like disagree or like have a tip or a tip Yeah, I think it's right right well on me more than him, but like disagree or like have a tiff or a tiff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:25 I think it's the best word. Right. Well, Kristen likes to tell me if I'm so miserable, I should just leave her. Oh, I know. That's what she likes to say a lot. That's a, you tell her therapist. She said that and get her a trouble. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:38 And my response is always like, look, this is one day. You have a fought in how many weeks? Why are you saying this? We're going, we're disagreeing one day. That's the big thing, you can't throw the towel. Yeah, we can't throw the towel in every time. Jason, I had to talk about this. And early on in our relationship,
Starting point is 00:36:52 I did the exact same thing. And Jason sat me down when we weren't fighting one day and was like, if every single time we have something you want to throw in the towel, then we need to talk about this now and like figure this out. And he was like, cause I don't deserve to get dumped every time like, I don't have a good day. Or like, I'm not like, you know, because I don't deserve to get dumped every time, like, I don't have a good day or like, I'm not like, you know, something, if I'm upset about something and
Starting point is 00:37:08 I, you know, and like, root you for a minute, you can't snap at me and say, we're done. And since then, I have not once ever threatened to break up with Jason. Maybe once, but like, not very much. I've ever tried to break up with him. I mean, I wrote the option your way. But any of that, but any way of throwing in the towel, you have to find a way not to do it unless you're a hunter. It takes the value of those words away.
Starting point is 00:37:30 It's like what I've realized is that like, if you say every single time you fight, find just leave or I'm gonna leave. Mine was I'm gonna leave. Like I'm done, I'm walking out. And I'm like, now those words mean nothing to Jason because the first six months for a relationship, I feel like anytime he looked at me the wrong way,
Starting point is 00:37:43 I was like, should I just go, you know? Okay, Kristen. You know? And, but now I'm like, but I feel like anytime he looked me the wrong way, I was like, I just go. You know? Okay, Kristen. You know? But now I'm like, if I were to say to Jason, I'm done, it would create a reaction to him because I haven't said that to him in two, three years. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:55 So that's my motivation to like, and you're married again. Like you own a home together. You guys will be way too hard to break up now. I'm like, you're really, yeah, this is a forever, forever. It would be really hard to break up now. Like you're really, yeah, this is a forever forever. It would be really hard to break up. I own two homes together.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Two homes. Yes, congratulations. I'm in your vacation home. Desert house. Joshua Tree, where he first told me he loved me, now we have her own spot. Another shout out to Joshua Tree. I think Janet had a significant role
Starting point is 00:38:21 in bringing Kristen and me together. It's my first trip to LA when we met at Brittany in Jacksonville. Yeah, you were like, Luke, you should come to my birthday. A Joshua tree and Kristen told me later, she was like, yeah, when Janet said that, I was like, thanks for inviting him without asking me. I purposely did that. I was like, I don't care if Kristen's about it. But I really, but I did want you to come. And I didn't, I wanted to make sure that like everyone else knew
Starting point is 00:38:45 because he wasn't technically my boyfriend. Yeah, like, I was, you guys were not technically, technically boyfriend girlfriend so long. I kept, I know. Every time Chris would say that a big shot up, you guys are fully dating. Yeah. And I'd be like, you did more than me.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I'd be like, you sleep together, you eat together, you poop together, you're dating. And I was like, I don't care. Whatever label you think you have on it, the belly of it is your fully dating. So it was legit for five months of that sort of thing before Kristen was like, okay, fine. I remember when she finally admitted,
Starting point is 00:39:13 if she was like, I know, okay, yes, he is my boyfriend. And I was like, but yeah, Joshua, we know for your birthday was like really important, I think in a stuff in our relationship and being around all my friends, being on this cool campground. And we went to Hicksville and Joshua Tree
Starting point is 00:39:29 look it up if you have it. It's an adult playground. It's really fun. Oh, I've got something to throw into from that trip. That threw me for a loop. What? When we first got there, right? We had just driven down there.
Starting point is 00:39:40 And I think you drove IDJ the whole way. We had a great ride down there. Then we get there, put our stuff in the camper Then we go get in the pool and one of the other girls there is talking to me And I like get out and go back to talk to Chris and she goes do you want to hook up with her? She's like because you can if you want is literally what she said and I'm like What I flew to California drove down to Josh which we're with you and you're telling me to hook up with someone else here What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:40:06 Eating make a list of the stuff and send it to her therapist behind her back and get her in mad trouble for this Her therapist will be christian You said what? Yeah, I did say forgot about that. Yeah, just jog my memory if you can imagine also It's like my defense you guys came together to my birthday and you ended up hooking up with one of my other friends. I would be like, everybody get out. I feel like this is crazy. I was just so mind blown like, what are you talking about right now?
Starting point is 00:40:34 Well, see, we're putting this on your therapy report card. Yes, we are. Okay, well, I was, okay, well, no. All right. Now I was gonna save so, okay, well, no. All right. Now I was gonna save something. Hot cast are kind of like therapy. I feel like I'm in therapy right now. I mean, it's great, you guys.
Starting point is 00:40:51 So I was gonna save this for last, but I feel like this is appropriate timing that I want you to tell a story, especially for all the listeners. And also for Luke, because he's never heard it, and I tell my therapist, you know what I'm talking about. The story. We call it breaking the skis. Breaking therapist those, you know, in order to have a story. We call it breaking the skis.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Breaking the skis. This is a story that Janet told me. This is a story that Janet told me. I give people often. We told it to me in my last relationship. Yes. Very specifically because I was not seeing clearly that I was breaking the skis. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:19 This is an analogy that came out of a friend's relationship, but I've given this analogy to a lot of people in relationships and a lot of people have said that it has helped them and been a good example of what to do and what not to do. It's the way I, I'll just, just to preface, the way that I could see fighting in my last relationship and also kind of why it needed to end. So clearly with it, and I didn't feel defensive anymore when you told me this story. relationship and also kind of why it needed to end.
Starting point is 00:41:45 So clearly, and I didn't feel defensive anymore when you told me the story. I wasn't being defensive. I didn't react. I was just so open and really cut the cord for me. So the story is, I had friends back in the day who dated for many years and the guy was constantly unfaithful.
Starting point is 00:42:04 He was cheating on her non-stop. And everybody throughout, you know, we were all in a group of friends similar to kind of this group. And all of us would be like, why is she with him? He's constantly cheating on her with like a million different people. Like, he's a scumbag. She's amazing. She's like a great girlfriend to him.
Starting point is 00:42:21 And he's just constantly cheating on her behind her back. And all of us always encouraged her to break up with him. And then after college, they moved out west and he was really into skiing. It was, you know, we were like 23 or four or something. He had just gotten, he did their one or bought like $3,000 skis, like really, really nice skis. And they moved, we all told them like,
Starting point is 00:42:42 don't move to out west together. Like, he's been cheating on you for years. It's just going to happen. I think she thought once she got him away, that things would change. Of course, it never changes like that. A few months into them living together, he cheats. She finds out she's enraged. She's so mad that this happened so long.
Starting point is 00:43:00 She thought if she got him away, it would stop. She's so mad. She takes his $3,000 skis, snaps them in half and then leaves them in the dumpster outside of their apartment so that when he drives into park it and come back home, he just sees his snapped in half skis sticking out of the dumpster in the parking lot. And so he explodes when he comes home is like, you're crazy. He tells all of our friends, everybody that she broke the skis. And everybody in our group chat were like,
Starting point is 00:43:31 what a crazy, like not necessarily me, but a lot of the guys, especially like, what a crazy bitch, you don't deserve that. She's insane, who does that? Make her pay back, like that, whatever. And I'm like, for years, this guy was a total asshole. A scumbag cheating on her. She reacts to one thing out of anger and breaks the skis. And suddenly she's looked
Starting point is 00:43:50 at as being the bad guy. And I'm like, in relationships, when someone is being shitty to you, especially for a long time or over and over, when somebody is being super shitty to you, do not react out of anger. Because then everybody will look at the situation and look at you as the bad guy. If you overreact out of anger, you're going to look like the jerk in the situation, even if you're not, even if you, even if the other person's been cheating for years and years and years, like, because they just forget about all of that, all the bad stuff they forget what happened to her. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:19 And now it's like, well, she broke the speech. She does crazy one. She's the bad one. No wonder. Yeah, she's not. She does crazy one. She's the bad one. No wonder. She cheated on her because she's a crazy bitch. So, Jenna always tells me in my life relationship, just Kristen don't break the shoes. I had another friend shortly after this whole thing happened
Starting point is 00:44:39 with the skis who knew these people. And she was living with a boyfriend. She was on his iPad. His text messages came up. She thought he was that sports game with his brother. He was really having sex with this ex-girlfriend. And the messages were like popping up on his iPad. She called me and she's like, I'm going to burn down our apartment. And she's like, I'm going to, like she was like, you know, screaming, crying so mad. And I was like, don't break the skis. And she was like, you're right. You know what she did?
Starting point is 00:45:06 She packed a bag, left. He came home, didn't know where she was. She was like, I'm breaking up with you. I found out you're cheating on me. I'll be staying at my parents' until the end of the month and then I'll be moving out. And that guy still fons after this girl. My friend who I told this advice to
Starting point is 00:45:18 is now married, has two kids. This guy still like, linked in messages her and is like, basically she's the one who got away because she didn't react out of anger. If she would have burnt down the apartment, it would be all about how she burnt down the apartment. Forgetting everything that he ever did. So it's the one that escalates the highest
Starting point is 00:45:33 is always the baddest, right? No matter what it's all you think about. Yeah, it's like you forget about all the other stuff. Yeah, because. It's just like, the lesson to me is let the other person be the asshole. Right. If somebody's being an asshole to you, do not be a bigger asshole to them.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Right. Let them be the asshole. Let people see that they're the asshole. Walk away be the bigger person. Right. Because in my last relationship, there was often times, yeah, you'll always be like, he said this, this, this, and this. And then I did this and I'm like, well, you shouldn't have done that.
Starting point is 00:45:59 He was then, now you do the horrific. He was horrific. He was horrific. And then right towards the very, the really the very bitter end, I was coming over Janet's for hours and just talking it through, being on foot, we were on the phone with my sister one time for like two hours about having a getaway bag because I lived at his home and like having a place to go and really building the strength to walk away instead of react.
Starting point is 00:46:24 And instead the last time he ever went off on me and tried to walk away. Instead, instead, and instead, the last time he ever went off on me and tried to lock me out of the bedroom, I broke the door. I didn't like kick it down, but like I just pushed it hard enough that it broke because it was fucking cheap. But even so, then that story got circulated amongst our group of friends and guess whose fault
Starting point is 00:46:43 everything was, mine because I broke the skis. I don't think everyone thinks everything, but in that moment, that would be another good example. I would be like, Kristen, don't break the door. Yeah, don't break the skis, because now that's all everyone's gonna talk about it. It's like, will you broke the door? Of course he is, you know, is this way to you.
Starting point is 00:47:03 And that was the end of our relationship, think, fucking God. But I broke the damn skis. Yeah. So my comment to compliment your great story is also to try to keep fights personal. If you truly love somebody and you have a fight that you're really upset about, sleep on it,
Starting point is 00:47:19 give yourself a day or enough time to not go vent to your friends or family or whatever and pit people against the person that you love. If you're gonna stay with them. Totally. Just like. Jason, I were very good about like, there's times where I'm like, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:32 when you did this, this and this, I really had that. And they'll be like, I didn't do that, that I did it this way and this way and this way. And we're very like logical, but sometimes when we're just both don't see each other's sides, we'll just have to be like, you know what? Give me a second. Like sometimes just need a second away from you.
Starting point is 00:47:48 From like, so we kind of like will like lay everything out on the table and be like, here's my cards, here's my cards and we'll both look and then kind of be like, I need a second to process this. And then like an hour later, I'll kind of be like, I don't want to be fighting with him anymore. Yeah. And then we'll kind of either help him to me
Starting point is 00:48:03 or I'll come to him and I'll be like, I understand why you saw it that way I hope you understand why I saw it this way and like I don't want to talk about anymore. I love you You know if we're not gonna come to an agreement, you know, sometimes it's just like we got to agree to like I get it I get where you're coming from we just have different perspectives on this. It's what it's what my therapist calls Essentially it kind of goes back to tabling the conversation. It kind of is in the same tune of naming your anxiety or your anger. It's like you take it out of you
Starting point is 00:48:29 and you put, lay it out, fight on the table over there. That's literally what tabling means. If you guys go back and listen to the episode that Luke and I did with my therapist, but yeah, tabling the disagreement, you're setting it on that dining room table over there. Yeah. It does not exist in your inner soul for both of you until you're ready to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:48:51 She always says no more than 24. In that time though, to your point, Luke, we calmed down. You know what I mean? We're not like, it's not so fresh of like, no, this is how I think, or like, this is, I'm getting my way. It's like in an hour, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:49:02 I don't wanna actually care about getting my way that much. Right, and if you, I just such a bad habit, I think to try to involve friends right away while you're emotional and stuff, you're pitting them against the person that you are trying to make a relationship work. It's a lot, right? It's not what you would do.
Starting point is 00:49:14 It's a lot for your friends to stand really. I was saying, I feel like it's harder to, for women to do that. Like, I feel like Jason doesn't always go to his guy friends. And maybe it's not a men and women thing. Maybe it's a Jason, I think. But, like, Jason doesn't always go to his, like, I'm sure he actually never goes to his guy friends. And maybe it's not a men and women thing. Maybe it's a Jason, I think. But I think it's more of a women thing. Jason doesn't always go to his like,
Starting point is 00:49:27 I'm sure he actually never goes to his guy friends to be like, wow, Janet's really like, bust in my balls this week or like, whatever it is. But like, pretty much, I mean, if Jason I have a fight that lasts more than an hour, I've probably talked to my friends about it. And I agree, because, but I also don't think that like, when I present my fights with Jason to people
Starting point is 00:49:46 I'm not like fuck him hate this guy I'm like can you believe that he thinks that this right way to do this as far as our Lines and stuff in in your past baby dating especially for I know I have Yeah, I'm guilty. Oh, I definitely trash you basically make your friends hate that partner And then you get back together with that yeah, and then you expect your friends to that partner and then you make it back together with that. Yeah, and then you expect your friends to be okay with it. Totally.
Starting point is 00:50:10 And it can be very difficult on a friend group, on your family. Totally. To go, well, wait, wait, you just painted this person as a monster. As a monster. And it was terrific. And now you want us to just forget. So it is like, obviously, if you're in, let me trigger warning. But like, if you're in a very abusive relationship,
Starting point is 00:50:27 we're not talking about it. No. That is something. This is though, you're nitpicking your bitch about every little thing. And you're going to your friends with like, guess what, today, guess what he did. And it's like, you know, and your friends get to get that too.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Like, you know, we've all been that person and had a friend that is that person. And it's like, you know, after a while, you're like, either break up or figure it out, but like, you know? Yeah, I had a relationship like that from both angles, where I was as bad as she was as far as like telling my brother or, you know, a close friend like, can you believe this crap I'm dealing with? I know on the other side, it's like, I was just bad.
Starting point is 00:51:04 I learned. Yeah. I mean on the other side, it's like, I was just bad, I learned. Yeah, I learned. You're looking to learn. You have to, I feel like, you know, if you don't have a crappy relationship, it's hard to have a really good one. That's a great point. Well, you don't know the sunshine without the rain.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Oh my God, is that going to be the title of the list? The opposite. Oh. You and your cute little metaphors. Okay, I want to talk a little bit about, I was going to, I was going to, I was going to say fun single Janet, but you're just, you're still fun Mary Janet. Because Luke's favorite topic is sex and fun sex things. And I just want to say two fun facts about Janet.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Oh God, here we go. And actually I have a question about this because you and Jason, again, married trying to get pregnant, so exciting. Jason's loving this part of trying. Yeah. Sounds lovely. So much trying. So you love your bush.
Starting point is 00:51:59 I do love my bush. You have the 70s or 80s. Right now, it's like a tram, so it's a good, it's like a low thing. Do you like scissors? No, I have an electric trimmer. Oh, like the boys use other beards? Yeah. Geez like a five guard.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I think I used a three. Okay, okay. Well, I'm just, I mean like obviously it's clippers when I get my hair cut. Yeah. I'm like, I get a two or three, I'll use like a four or five on my beard. I'm just thinking of you. You're just my thing. Like do whatever you want with your,
Starting point is 00:52:30 I'm actually surprised that more women don't have hair down there more often, I guess, but I guess for at least an art friend group, everybody's laser shaved, waxed, bald. And I'm like, I don't care to do that all the time. Sometimes they do, you know, for like, for a machine as Mexico wedding, I'm sure I got a wax or just up the down there. Do you, when it's like something, because it's, you live in the valley, it's
Starting point is 00:52:53 summertime, when it is summertime, it's hot. If I know I'm going to be in a pool, do you just do your bikini line or do you like go bear? Normally, if I'm going to get rid of it, I get rid of all of it. It's like I want to never see it. It's either all or kind of nothing. I've never seen you're vagina like that. and I've seen you're vagina a lot of times. I'll show you next time I do it. I'll let you know. So my lead might make my next question. I'm just going to get warm soon.
Starting point is 00:53:11 So it's going to go. So yeah, my next question, because also, okay, sorry, because also sometimes if it's just like all of us girls, like it Britonies, oh, none of us shave our bikini lines because we don't care. This is, yeah. You know what I mean? It's just us girls. Yeah, if we're over at Britonies, I don't care. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:53:25 I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:53:32 I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Do you like honey? I was like, that is a bare thing with like one slight Oh, false forever. It looks like it might want to come out, but not really. Yes, like your bald girl.
Starting point is 00:53:51 So when you eventually do get pregnant, this is like my second question to that. I remember, because I was with Brittany, I'm out of all the girls, I just tend to be with, while they were pregnant with Brittany, the most because she lives super close by And she's my best friend and when Brittany got so pregnant she couldn't shave anymore I had my waxer come over and like set up a table. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:54:16 I have video of it that I want Brittany to which you don't see her anything but like she's like screaming and painting Is she like big pregnant? She's like, yeah. Huge pregnant. And she was like, I cannot get over, I can't see it, I can't. You know, so I'm wondering if you've even thought about this, but if you haven't think about it now, when you get so pregnant that you can't see, reach whatever down there, would you get waxed?
Starting point is 00:54:41 I don't know. Or would you just let it go? So for me, it's so funny. Everybody is like, gee, there's a bush. It's like this big like, because I hate it when I have hair. I'm like nuts.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Sometimes I want to turn to everybody and be like, you know that's what your natural vagina is supposed to look like. I'm really in person. I just think it's hard to see. I also don't shave my armpits a lot. I'm like, it's just, body here doesn't bother. I don't find it repulsive like everybody else.
Starting point is 00:55:06 I think it's repulsive. This is for me, it's just like annoyed. Like itches, I get itchy. And I also don't have a ton of body here. Like, you know what I mean? Like, I'm not a doggie. I'm not even like all the hair I have. I'm like, I'm not like coarse thick.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Like, I was gonna say, when your bush is big, it's a very fine, it's very fine light peach fuzz nice, but it's like bigger. I also, this is the other problem, and I love showing it to all girls and gays. I love a reaction out of people, and when I show people my bush, because nobody else has one,
Starting point is 00:55:36 everybody's like, oh my God, they like do this, and I love reactions like that from people. That's true. And I've learned that all I have to do is whip down my pants really quick in front of my girlfriends. They're all like, ah, and run around. It's this silly fun thing.
Starting point is 00:55:51 So now, after I've had one too many, it just always ends up coming out. Yeah, every time we went to Vegas for Britney's birthday, and we played Truth or Dare, it's like, we got to do something about Janet and Naked Janet's push. Oh yeah, you guys, I had to take off all my clothes, run to the elliptical, the elliptical in the room for some reason, and elliptical naked. And I think I had to take a shot
Starting point is 00:56:13 or something like, while we were on the elliptical, or all of the time. I think that's hilarious. So. It was funny. That was a really good fun true third-air game. It was.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Yeah. But no, I think for the UNZAC thing. What happened was ZAC. UNZAC looked like your nipple. Oh yeah, I think I sent for the UNZAC thing. What happened with Zach? You made Zach look like you're Nippel. Oh yeah, I think I remember that. That was hilarious. I was like, did I turn you straight? I think I bet you're feeling extra straight right now.
Starting point is 00:56:34 But I feel like every time we get like toasty and we're having like a girls, by girls, I mean, girls slash gaze night, you're always like, Jared, look at my vagina and he's like, oh my god, girl, I've seen your vagina so many to first time I showed him though. He was like, ew, that's what it is. He's like, you've never seen one before. And I was like, you have, and he's like, no.
Starting point is 00:56:53 And he was like, kind of, I think he was a little mad that I showed him. But now he's used to it. Now he's seen it a lot. Yeah. He's over here. It's like every day. Yeah. It is what it is.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Okay. So Janet, we have decided to start ending our podcast this way. So I have one question for you. Okay, and I think I know the answer, but I'm going to let you answer. I would do anything for love, but I won't do. You know what mine's going to be. I won't do a BJTC. What mine's gonna be, I won't do a BJTC. Can everyone in this room please read what I wrote down on my notebook? Kristen, you can explain what that is. It says BJTC with an arrow.
Starting point is 00:57:33 It is a blow job to completion. I kneel it. You know, it's just not for me. More like a BJWU blow job warm up. Yeah, I'llWU. WU. Blowjob warm up. Yeah. I'll do that. Yeah. I'll do warm up.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Warm up is fine. Yeah. And just it's not my thing otherwise. So I would do anything for love, but I won't do a BJTC. Yeah. But I won't do that. Oh no. I won't do a blowjob to completion.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Oh, this has been so much fun, Janet. I love you. I love you guys. This is so fun. Even though you've been married for a while, congratulations on having a husband. Thank you. I don't have a husband. You won't want to.
Starting point is 00:58:13 And I can't wait until you get pregnant. And then hopefully we get pregnant at the same time or roughly at the same time. Woo. But either way, I'll just be over here feeding you like pickles and Wendy's for all season. Whatever it is that you can't wait. I can't wait. And yeah, okay guys, we Janet, working everyone follow you. Oh, my Instagram is Janet Elizabeth with an ex at the end because there's some old lady that just says Janet Elizabeth.
Starting point is 00:58:38 And I think it's the same on Twitter. Yeah. I think that's all I have. I don't think I have a TikTok. Itac randomly made like one chili recipe on it It's not good. We're gonna get you to take a look at it for fun and Yeah, we love you guys so much and we will having you oh my god. You're the best. I knew you're gonna be the most fun This is great. Oh, yeah. Thanks for coming on. Yeah, I loved it. All right. We love you guys. We'll talk to you next week. Bye Make sure to follow us on social media. You can follow me on all platforms at Kristen Dodie
Starting point is 00:59:09 and follow Luke on Instagram at Luke Double Under Score, Broadred. Be sure to click the subscribe button so you can stay up to date with new episodes every single Wednesday. Thanks for listening. See you next week. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:59:22 See you next week.

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