Sex With Emily - Adventures in Foreskin

Episode Date: April 28, 2015

On this episode of Sex With Emily, we’re tackling some of your most personal sex concerns.So you’ve begun to experience adventurous sex. What are the next steps to keeping it fun and hot after you...’ve started? Are you worried that your uncircumcised penis deters women from sleeping with you? Is it all that bad being a virgin at 25? Emily uses her personal experiences to calm these listeners’ worries and answer their sex questions.Also, how does different music affect your sexy time mood? And what 10 online dating profile faux-pas could you be making? And how will YOU be celebrating International Masturbation Month? From the perks of being a hot chick, to month-long nipple orgasms, this podcast is not one to miss! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Today we're talking about sex. But let me break it down for you further. We're also talking about how to really get what you want bet. I mean, really ask for it and make it happen. Also, is being a virgin that bad at 25 is a stigma real or is it in her head? Also, how do you take your sex life to the next level? You know, doing something kind of adventurous. And will someone actually want to sleep with you again if it was really bad the first time? All this and more on sex with Emily. Okay, but first you want to take your sex life to the next level, so let me tell you about
Starting point is 00:00:35 a massage candle. You know, they're like regular, these are actually beautiful candles, which are great because you always want to light candles and have a little atmosphere. No one wants those fluorescent lights over the head, right? No one looks good in that light. But these candles are beautiful. They're a Roma therapy. They smell amazing.
Starting point is 00:00:52 You light the candle, you start getting busy and then you know what? It turns into luxurious massage oil. But not like oily, oily, bad, going to mess up your sheets. It's six right in tears. It sinks right in tears skin and you pour it on your partner and you give them an amazing massage. And it can just be a few minutes, because it's the drip. I just had someone drip it on me, Anderson.
Starting point is 00:01:14 And I know I've used them before. I didn't, I didn't drip anything on you. No, you didn't, but I was with someone and I was like, God, you know, I've, I've used them, but it's been like, I mean, they're the karma. They're the karma there. I actually used it with someone recently and they poured it on me like, I mean, about a year. There was a comma there. I actually used it with someone recently, and they ported on me, and I forget, like, it truly is.
Starting point is 00:01:28 It's all of a sudden, you just feel sexy, and you kind of sink into the moment, and they rubbed it all over your body, and it just, you can rub it in her body, whatever. It feels amazing, and you have incredible socks. And the feedback has been outstanding, one of my listeners. Wrote, my girlfriend was skeptical at first, but it agreed to try the warm oil on me first and gave me a back rub. Then I was supercated and we had amazing sex. She could not stop talking about how good the candle smells, how great the massage oil feels, and I'm convinced that the scent and the candle helped us through some of the barriers to sex that we have faced lately.
Starting point is 00:02:04 So I basically created these candles so you can do the best sex of your life. So go to anytime use code emily for 20% off your first order that's use code sex with or use code emily or sex with emily whatever use code sex with emily that's the best thing to do. Thanks for listening. Am I man-y here? You just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kinda cute. The world's got everything. Oh my! The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common all the way? What do you mean like laundry?
Starting point is 00:02:48 It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm so, so, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between.
Starting point is 00:03:06 For more information, go to where you can subscribe to our podcast. There's an easy button there, you just press subscribe. And then we did two shows a week, and you will never ever miss another show again. And really easy to listen to, you can download the podcast, One app, the iTunes podcast app, and super easy,
Starting point is 00:03:24 and you'll get them. And you can also want to do that If you happen to be in iTunes, you can rate the show tell us what do you think of it? Love it. Love it. Love it. I'm here with Anderson. Hola. It's so good to see you. Hola. I did just get back from Mexico. I know I've been traveling a lot lately, but this was my first true vacation. Was it like a compound? Was it like one of those club med places? What was it like?
Starting point is 00:03:47 No, it was a beautiful hotel in Tulum, Mexico, which is the Yucatan Peninsula. You fly into Cancun. And I went with some friends from San Francisco. And it was just the most ideal, like, beautiful hotel. I have to show you pictures on the beach. Was it heterosyxy? Was it, yeah, kind of. Have you ever been to the Jamaican,
Starting point is 00:04:05 Hito, and weekend? No, but they wanted me to come for free once and like, from now to it. That they would want you to sex with Emily down at Hito. You know, I can get a lot more bang for my buck here. Did you mean to say that? You mean to say that? I didn't, but I could bang for, actually.
Starting point is 00:04:17 You could get a lot of bang for your buck. Wait, that could be a good tagline, eventually, for my show. Bang for, get a great bang for your buck and it doesn't even cost you a buck, it's free, podcast. Mexico was great because I have been traveling a lot, I was in Israel with my family, which was wonderful, but family doesn't equal vacation. Israel, Mexico, they're kind of synonymous, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:04:36 Very synonymous. I don't know. And I like laid on the beach, went for a run, I love running on the beach, I meditated every day, hung out with friends, had a great meals. It's kind of this hippie, Tulum has been really built up over the years. I've never heard of Tulum.
Starting point is 00:04:47 I've never heard of it. Never heard of it. Okay, you can tampon in slowly, fly a tank to an hour and a half, you drive. And yeah, it was super chill, and I got to read and hang out, and whatever. Yeah. Speaking of beaches and sex in the news,
Starting point is 00:04:59 I got something for you. Oh, go. It just occurred to me. Venice Beach here, locally, California. There's been, I think I don't have my facts tricks. I didn't do the the the research. It just came to me. But I heard today, there's been like a 40, 50 year ban on nude sunbathing. They're trying to lift it. No. Yeah. Venice Beach. Oh my God. That would be insane. Not done yet, but they're working on it.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Well, that's so funny that you say that really because first of all, that would be insane because there's really, you know, like San Francisco had one new beach. It was Baker. First of all, no one be insane because there's really, you know, like San Francisco had one new beach. It was Baker. First of all, no one goes to the beach like three times a year. San Diego's got black speech, I think it's called. But it's like a little tiny off the beach, right? Got a high up to get there.
Starting point is 00:05:32 No, same with San Francisco Beach on Baker Beach, but Venice Beach. Santa Cruz has got one. I went to a bi mistake. Usually old people that you don't want to see naked anymore. Yeah, but okay, well, it's funny that you say that because I was with a bunch of guy friends and girlfriends in Mexico
Starting point is 00:05:45 And one of my guy friends looks at me were sitting on the beach one day and there was some women topless You know people from all over the world typically it's not the Americans like we're So he looks at me and he's like see what am I supposed to do about that look at her look at her I'm not supposed to be turned on right now like because he doesn't he's not really into being madagmas right now And he's struggling with this girl he's dating. He's like, look at that. She's hot and like, she's really okay, I got it. He's staring at her and then all these women walking by and we had this whole thing about
Starting point is 00:06:13 monogamy because he's just like, what are you supposed to do about that? Like a woman takes her top off for the beach. Like no matter what. How do you want it? It's like the guy with the foot fetish. I mean, he's probably got the same problem. He doesn't have a, no, it's a chick naked fetish. Who doesn't have aish who doesn't know I know but guys that like defeat like whenever they go to a place where the shoes and socks are off It's like oh no boner time. You know what I mean? Yeah, but but but this is a universal if you're at the beach with your wife
Starting point is 00:06:35 Everybody knows the book. Blond chick who's like 24 years old. I care to you me with no top The only time I had no top on was when I was when backpacking after college, I went to Can. Can. Con. Con. Con. With my best friend Lisa, and we were on the beach and we thought, okay, warm France, let's take our tops off. And we're like 21 years old, a little awkward, and we're lying there. We're like, okay, it's a little scary. And then these American dudes come up and start talking to us. And that is a completely awkward, we're like, okay, it's a little scary. And then these American dudes come up and start talking to us. And then it's a completely awkward we're like covering ourselves.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Like we don't want to talk to Americans. No, no, no, very against it. You are why. Because parking's already ridiculous down there. And those parking spots cost so much money in a lot. So they're all going to double triple. Oh my god. And it's already a spectacle. Right. Like there's so much to see there. You know, you see the homeless people doing their charades.
Starting point is 00:07:35 You see muscled beach. There's pot stores like every five feet. And then you throw in breasts. Yeah, it's a Satan's play around already. And I think, yeah, once you put the nipples in there, it's game over. I'm not into that But it would be great to go wherever once in a while, but I'm not into that for Venice. Venice already has enough problems as it is Okay, plus the homeless people are probably start getting naked. We don't need that Yeah, the homeless people you're right
Starting point is 00:07:58 I know San Francisco homeless people are naked everyone's naked though and San Francisco Yeah, that's interesting sex in the news because I've got some coming up. But also another thing coming Soon, masturbation month. You do that on purpose. No. I can't help it.
Starting point is 00:08:14 It is coming soon. It's May. May is masturbation month. Are you ready? This is an important month. We talk about it every year because you really, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of masturbation for men and for women, getting to know your own body, which is does change
Starting point is 00:08:32 over time, as we know, things that you like when you're younger, you might like now, and our body has such an amazing capacity for pleasure that a lot of times you're not going to find it with your partner. It's by sticking a finger in weird places, the weird normal and strange places or touching your nipples. What? A woman playing with her nipple.
Starting point is 00:08:52 You know, I'm obsessed with the breast gasm, okay? I gotta practice what I preach. If it's the second most common orgasm, I've never had a breast orgasm, but let me be honest. You like unicorns too? I've never worked on it. You don't believe me? You think I made that out? But I've never really like focused on can I have one?
Starting point is 00:09:08 You know, no guys have been like let's give you one. So that's my thing. You know what this year I'm going to have. You know what I'm going to make? I'm going to spend every day trying to have a nipple orgasm. And by the end of May I will have one. That's how you get a celebration. We remind me that I said this. Yeah, I'm going to celebrate with it. Yeah, I'm just saying is that we all get set in our ways of how we
Starting point is 00:09:24 have an orgasm. And yet I'm here to tell you we all get set in our ways of how we have an orgasm. And yet I'm here to tell you, as I have before, that our bodies have an immense capacity for pleasure. And this is the month to go crazy. Who's the Asian dude that can give you an orgasm without touching you? He like covers his hand over your vagina. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He pulls it out of you. He means from India, the Indian. There's an Indian guy who does that and I've seen a film a friend of mine has a film coming out about this and she actually went to see him And he like waves his hand over this woman and she has like a full body orgasm Plus he both fact right who the hell knows, but I'm going India. Yeah, you got to get from for me. You should do that It's a lot to do maybe all this mess with the plane the way there. Yeah
Starting point is 00:10:04 No, I saw a video of a girl doing that through the day online. What, mess with me on a plane? Yeah. Was it real or was it real? Yeah, her boyfriend was like shooting on his iPhone and he was like, you know, panning so you could see other people on the plane there in first class.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Did she go playing, get over her lap? A little bit, but then she was like, got a little bit, you know, crazy. Like, what did she do? She pulled it all out, yeah. She pulled it all out, what was that? All over Pink Park. Who was it hot, who was like a warrior?
Starting point is 00:10:24 It was a risk game. It was a risk game. Risky, all over Pink Park, I saw. Did she have hair. Who's it hot? Who's like a lawyer? It was risk. Game. Risky. All over pink parts. I saw. Did you hear or know here? Like what? What's the trend lately? I'm just wondering if hair is coming back. I think there are people that are saying that it's coming back. But those are probably people that are sick of shaving. It's pain in the ass. I gotta be honest. But I got it, I get it. The bush is back. I just think it's coming back a little bit. Maybe I should say stuples coming back.
Starting point is 00:10:46 I just say scruffle. The strip is back. The strip is back. Okay, another thing I want to tell you really quickly is that May 12th, I'm doing a live show. I'm going to be guest on a live show with Lynette Corolla. Her podcast is crying for crying out loud. And it's going to be its May 12th
Starting point is 00:11:04 at 10 Horn Flats in Hollywood off Highland Avenue, 8 p.m. doors open at 6. Free admission, there will be alcohol served. That's a Tuesday. It's an unfiltered take on relationships, sex, and life. And I love this woman. I friggin' adore Lynette. She is hilarious, her podcast is great, she's awesome, and we're gonna have a blast. So I want to see you there. I want to meet you come say hi Damn it. It would be awesome to see you How are you understand spin-a-wale anything you tell me you feel like you keep saying it's been a long time
Starting point is 00:11:30 I feel like I saw you just a minute. You did see me be go, but I I was you've been through a lot So yeah, I've been through a lot since I've seen you customs for example time zones. I get it But yeah, not much has happened. It's been pretty much, you know a couple days a week Samo's got stuck with him smoking I took the trash out. Oh, I've not smoked more than Yeah, not much has happened. It's been pretty, you know, a couple of days, a week. Same old stuff. That's the quitting smoking thing. I took the trash out. Oh, I've not smoked more than, I've smoked seven cigarettes in the last two weeks since April 1st.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Okay, that's great. Which is pretty goddamn good. Considering I was smoking 20 to 25 a day, you know. For the last 20 somebody else. Yeah, since I was 12. I don't want to get into numbers here. But the guys over at Craft Vaporie, who you on your show, they hooked me up. They're sponsoring me both. They're sponsoring you quitting like Jenny Brad. They're sponsoring me two different
Starting point is 00:12:12 ways. Like they're like I can call them whenever I like I'm having a break done. Usually it's like for the online. Yeah, I can call Josh. He's one of the guys over there. But they hooked me up with everything they gave me everything I need. And they're hooking up my listeners, anyone who listens to this or the the film vault, or the after zester, much like who you do with your little promos. Which is podcast, yeah. You just go to, and they have the best,
Starting point is 00:12:32 widest selection of different juices, they call them juices, the, not the analog cigarette. I'm off of analog, it's what they call actually smoking cigarettes, analog, go digital, and they have so many great flavors. Yeah, they're like curators, right?
Starting point is 00:12:43 Like, kinda so hard, like they send you what you want. They got tons of stuff, so you go there and if you do get something, you just make sure you type in my name Anderson and you get 20% off. Oh my god, that's perfect. Well, I'm part of you, because I know it's been a struggle. It's tough, but you know what, this vaping is making it so much easier.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And there's a lot of naysayers and they're starting to be like commercials now, it's just like the anti-sigurite commercials. You're right, like secondhand vapor smell. They're so annoying. Yes, because there's no studies. And I've done a ton of research to even talk to Dr. Drew about it. And there are a couple chemicals that might be in question. They're not even sure yet.
Starting point is 00:13:12 They might be in question. And most of the stuff that craft paper has is that chemical free. They're making sure that that's not in their stuff. So you get the good ones. And if you have any concerns, call them up. Make sure that those chemicals aren't in there. So much better than smoking. I can tell you, more than I wake up, I feel way better than I did.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yeah, good for you. Well, you look good. Pretty good. Okay, skin to some sex in the news. Let's do it. All right, science proves listening to sexy music does get people in the mood. We all know that music has the ability to change our mood, listening to Taylor Swift's sweet upbeat lyrics
Starting point is 00:13:45 makes you want to jump around the room and hug your enemies. What? Huh. Okay, or Marvin Gaye's, let's get it on. It actually makes you want to get it on. So surprisingly, this is a really interesting intricate study, so I'm not going to read it all to you.
Starting point is 00:13:57 But surprisingly, there's been a ton of research on the psychological effects of sexy song lyrics. And even more surprisingly, those lyrics do a whole lot more than get you in the mood. So you're more likely to give your number out to strangers. And when we say, like, by strangers, they don't mean that you're gonna start like handing out your number to any...
Starting point is 00:14:17 But like people you just met at a bar. Right, exactly. But this shows that this experiment involved 18 to 20-year-old male females, the women were divided in two groups, one listened to romantic music, the other to neutral music. The guys were supposedly administering a market survey, would ask for their numbers during the break.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Those who listened to the romantic songs were far more willing to share it. So, I don't know what that means. It means that sexy music made them more likely to share it. But the next one is, you focus more on people's looks and ignore their personalities, they say. When you're listening to romantic music. So that's another study that says what?
Starting point is 00:14:54 It makes me feel like Shela. So it says they judge profiles and they were doing online in terms of the person's physical appeal rather than, you know, their wholesome characteristics, like reliability, honesty, trustworthiness. And then also you might feel angry at the opposite sex. So if it was, if there was sexually aggressive song lyrics, the researchers who were guys, they gave more, they were like serving food to the women and they dulled out more chili sauce to the women. So they would like,
Starting point is 00:15:22 they're mouth-of-be be on fire because they were angry. And then um what was the other one? I don't know, even more elation and well-being. So it's that was this one. Okay, so your favorite songs? Whatever, the thing is that it hits the same pleasure centers in your brain like dopamine like when you're happy neurological researchers found. So everything's more pleasurable and even when you're anticipating when you've your favorite songs your dopamine you're happy whatever. So listen to sexy music. And I actually like, I like listening to music during sex, but I'm never the one that insigates because like I need a speaker. I need some good new music. But I looked up like the top 10 songs like from sex playlist, from Spotify, and I don't
Starting point is 00:16:01 know a lot of them to be honest. I know magic, cold play. Uh. That's got another idea. Adore you, Miley Cyrus. Just give me a reason, pink. Mirror's just in Timberlake. What? Yeah, I know less about music than you do.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Oh, I got it. Especially modern music. All of me, John Legend, legend. Whatever. I think that I like music during sex. Can I tell you why? Because I will tell you, I'm a desk permission, is because I feel that one of the things about sex
Starting point is 00:16:29 why a lot of particularly women might have a hard time getting in the mood or being focused or orgasm is because we get distracted. So you hear a noise, you're looking at the clock, you're thinking about things, but music can really transport you in the moment. I hope she keeps track of time too. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:16:46 Oh, four songs have gone by, it's 20 minutes, not bad. No, who's think that's the problem? You're not thinking that. I do, yeah. During sex, you're thinking that? Yeah. A lot of guys would, not bad. That's five songs, maybe three, four minutes of song.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I hope you're in the moment and you're just wanting to bang. No, guys are definitely keeping track of stuff like that. Am. Why, because you don't want the sex to last as long? Well, no, if you have problems with premature and like, you know, you go too quick or you're not doing enough for her and then, you know, I'm talking about my younger years.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Right, of course. Now you would just be in the moment. Junior high. Yeah, I pay attention to how many to patch mode songs play. But no, here's an idea. It's a pain in the ass. I already get in the condom on,
Starting point is 00:17:22 getting the condom out, opening it up. And then to add a step of like, hold on, let me go find my playlist and plug it into the... Well, I'm when you walk in the house. You know, that was greeting cards. You open them up, music. Yeah, but they're like, yeah, I'm like, I want to walk.
Starting point is 00:17:34 You can have some sexy music when you open the condom. And it just, it plays music out of the wrapper. Yeah, don't think so. Oh, a condom that plays music. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, be cheesy music. I don't know. Fine. No, but I like your ideas. I like that you're always coming up with creative ways to talk about things.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Okay, listen. I love this. You always come up with like new condom ideas and sex ideas, not that I would do. Because I never think about this stuff unless I'm sitting here with you. Okay. You're always taking me down roads at my mind. Dark roads. No, they're happy sexual roads. Good. I'm glad. Hope it makes you want to go home and bang your wife. Not till May.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Master Basement. Right. What's your goal for Master Basement? You can think about it. Yeah, I don't know. All right, go back to that. So the 10 least attractive phases used in online dating. I love this study because first of all,
Starting point is 00:18:22 who isn't dating online these days? No longer a stigma? People aren't all tripped up about it and it's almost like the go-to thing to do, right? It is the go-to thing. And you can remember when it was really taboo and like, oh my god, you met him where? How? Exactly. I mean, I went to a friend's wedding. I mean, maybe it was about 10 years ago now, but she, I knew they met online and they didn't tell anybody. The parents, like she told me before the wedding, like, don't mention it, don't mention it. Now it would be a whole thing, like, oh my God, we met online.
Starting point is 00:18:50 It's just funny how it's changed. So I think that's great. Nothing wrong with online dating. And I've actually been thinking of revisiting it, not that I did that much. I did that Tinder date. Never did anything. On the show.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Oh my God, I ran into that guy. Dude, shut up by blind tender date. Yeah. And? Who's the strangest thing? Who's the owner date? I know this is off topic a little bit, but, you know, I get my hair cut by this girl in Hollywood, right?
Starting point is 00:19:12 Just a friend of mine from like Wayback went and actually go to her house and she has a couple chairs in there but it's like one of those bougie like Hollywood. She lives in where she works. Right. And just this guy and he's sitting there and he's talking to his hair stylist because there's two hair stylists in there.
Starting point is 00:19:24 And I'm like, no, I know this guy. And then he comes up. He's like, hey, I don't know you do. And he's asking me all these questions and then I'm like, I work on love lines. He's like, oh, I had that date with Emily. What's up? Yeah, yeah, Chad. His name was Chad. Yeah, did he say anything about me? He was really bummed that you never called him back. He didn't say that. Yeah, I swear to God. He said, yeah, I thought I went pretty well, but she never called me back. I don't know what the problem was. We went on a second date and I didn't kiss him. And then, yeah, it was over. Yeah. He was sweet. He was bummed. I was an intel. Didn't want to bang him. Okay. So online dating back to online dating, but he was great. He was a great tender date. He was a great live tender
Starting point is 00:20:00 date. Couldn't have asked for a better. He was fantastic. He was very forthcoming. He was going on Mike. Let's get tech that it for a better. He was fantastic. He was very forthcoming. He was going on a mic. You guys can take that as a tinder show on. Is that what it's titled tinder? I don't know. I think it was probably titled that. He was tinder dating Emily's live tinder date. I feel like 200 shows up there now.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Okay, so no one is claiming that penning an online dating profile is easy. It's tough. It's like writing your own obituary, except in this case, you're trying to convince a woman to go on a date with your dead carcass. What? I don't know. Okay. A creepy fuck wrote this. It's like, write your own obituary book to the sketch. I don't know. That's not even good
Starting point is 00:20:36 writing. But let me tell you the best part of it. It tells you the 10 things statements that you are not supposed to say. Where did you find this study? Oh, and the dating website on was curious about how the things people say in their profiles were screwing up their chances at finding a match. So they analyzed the least popular profiles and then scrutinized what these profiles had in common. So they dissected them and they wanted to find out,
Starting point is 00:21:00 basically, their thesis, what dumb shit are these people saying that's keeping them date less? Ready? Here are the phrases that people use the most that are keeping them from getting dates. This is pretty scientific here. And I agree with all of them. What is it like a top five?
Starting point is 00:21:16 Yeah, here we go. I agree with you. I'm over the bar scene. Is that bad? Yeah, that says like I'm kinda slutty and hook up with random people and I'm probably on the call like, is what I think it says.
Starting point is 00:21:27 But she's over it. Or he's over it. Yeah, like I used to be like, I go, but they're really not. They're just trying to say it, but I don't believe them. Okay, I'm too busy to meet someone. Okay, then you're too busy to date me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:39 That's what I think. Okay, I can't, but this is the worst because this one I thought has been ruled out years ago. Can't believe him online dating. You know not to say that anymore. There's no one can believe it. We all do it now. And now you're judging the other people that are on the next day.
Starting point is 00:21:53 That's the word. Yeah, you're judging me because you can't believe I'm online dating. And actually, I am a friend who dates on Tinder all the time and he's like, yeah, but I can't take any of them seriously. Even if he likes them because he's like, well, I'm at a my my men my tender I'm like dude you're on tender getting blowjumps and tender Why can't you take them seriously? So it's this hypocritical thing and no one can leave their dating because it's saying like you can't believe it And you're disrespecting me. I'm tired of the games. That's not a line. Okay, that says you're just still a game That's number two. I don't know. Number four. Whatever. I've gone through like talking faster Okay, how about this? I like moon faster. Okay. Okay. How about this?
Starting point is 00:22:25 I like moonlit walks on the beach. Oh no. That can be real. People don't actually write that. Yeah, they do. You like puny colladas and getting caught in the rain. What song? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:34 It's a great song. Okay, here's this. I live life to the fullest. Oh, Jesus, one quarter of a mile of time, man. That's from fast and furious. Okay. Terrible. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:22:43 That says that they don't do anything they're home playing video games to me. No, if you just say, they don't have one ounce of creativity or know who they are and they just like a Compositive everyone around them because they have no original fucking thoughts in their head I'm sorry, okay, ready here's this one. I want to be swept off my feet now You know that women say that's not man and I'm telling you That just says that you're super high maintenance and I want you to send me like your bank statement before our first date or something. I want to be switched off of the heat.
Starting point is 00:23:08 But that works. I bet you guys are like, hey, I can sweep you off your feet. I got a bank account. I got a fat wallet. I'll sweep you right up. I don't know. I think they just says you're high maintenance. Like who does it?
Starting point is 00:23:16 I don't want to be switched off of my feet. Because when you get so out of your feet, those are the ones that don't even last. Because it's all BS. It's not like really gaining no person. Here's the other one. I work hard and I play hard. I just think you will play harder than they work. That's another just taking what they've heard a thousand times. So that's it. So they created I would think that the worst would be like like my
Starting point is 00:23:39 clan meetings got moved to the morning. I have nights free now. That would probably be the worst. These are the most common ones and people say, and these are the least successful, though, do you understand? They analyze the least successful data. So you've got the least heads, the least and released responses. And these are the common statements that they all had.
Starting point is 00:23:55 And these are so cliche. Honestly, any one of those things for me, and I'm pretty tough, and I think you might be too. But if I see any one of those things you just read off, I'm not. You're out. Yeah, but unless she's really hot. You're right, you know what?
Starting point is 00:24:09 Can I just tell you something that that statement, unless she's really hot, trumps almost every scenario. I hate it. She's a drug addict who, you know, I found like sleeping on the street who was flashing her breast naked and she slept with six of my friends, but she's really hot really I got this thing
Starting point is 00:24:26 Every woman gets like a get out of free coach all free card people aren't using their blinkers And I don't know if it's getting worse or I'm getting older and noticing it But it's a connect them especially here in Southern California people just don't use their blinkers And you're trying to like turn right or something and there's somebody coming down the street And then they turn right in front of you and you could have gone But they didn't put on their fucking blinker, and I get furious But then all like as they get closer if they don't have their blinker on like I'm flipping people off now. And they don't even know why. But then I they get closer and it's like, it's a hot girl, which often is, oh my god, free pass. Really?
Starting point is 00:24:52 But I hate myself when I do it. But like, the anger, the anger just goes away. As soon as I see that it's an attractive girl, I get way less angry. Because what? Really? Yeah. Because she's just hot. And you're like, Hey, yeah, like, oh, she's hot. You're okay. Go ahead See what I'm saying I some berries and I hate it. It's sucks. I don't know. I kind of like it But it's it's not ideal. I mean I get why it's you're blinker blink it You know what I'm not the I bet you don't yeah, I would think you don't your Parties over right now still is My car is one of the shop but they're painting the whole thing. It's taken three weeks. Wasn't my fault. The accident exactly. Okay. I just got back from Israel as jet lag. Not my fault. Okay. Let's get into the emails from the
Starting point is 00:25:31 company. Sounds like it was your fault. You're absolutely the driver at fault, though. Right? I was at fault. Yes. But they close it up. Why wasn't really your fault? Oh, what? I don't want to talk about. I just want drive her in my next life. Okay, I'm gonna get into emails here right after I live Oh right after a word from amazing sponsors like Promescent Promescent helps you last longer in bed. That's it four songs worth What like at least four songs at least four songs worth. At least four songs worth.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Yeah. If you, that's a great way to measure it. If you now last two songs, you'll last four songs. And back. And not like the strip club type songs, which only lasts like 30 seconds. Right. That's a rip off.
Starting point is 00:26:17 No, like a real love song, sexy, sexy song. Okay, because, promise is all about, they close the arousal gap, the orgasm gap. So if you've had sex, you probably know that women sometimes takes a little bit longer to get to orgasm, to read orgasm. Men, a little quicker. So there's a gap. Sometimes you might even last three minutes or six minutes, but you want to last 12. Permescent is a quickly absorbing delay spray that you can use on your penis.
Starting point is 00:26:47 She doesn't have to know that you're using it. You wait 10 minutes, you have sex, and you will last longer in bed. That's promescent. Check it out. PROMESCENT.COM. Change your life. Listen to our music. Have a nice life.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Have a good time. Okay. Back to emails. Thank you everyone. I love hearing from you. Email me feedback at You can also just on the side note, because sometimes I forget to mention this. It would mean so much to me, because at the end of the show we're rushing, if you followed
Starting point is 00:27:15 me on Twitter, which is sex with Emily, because I've given good tweets, I gotta say it's informative, sometimes people like to learn by reading, they waste their time on Twitter, waste your time on my tweets, and also slash sex with Emily. Our page is off the charts. We've like 300,000 likes. I was going to ask you how many likes you. Because people really like it because it's actually funny and entertaining. And then also Instagram, sex with Emily. Do it, Bands, if you love me. Okay, Emily, I really appreciate what you're doing. I love listening to your podcasts and getting new information as much as I can. I admit you've really helped me a lot.
Starting point is 00:27:50 From your insight to your personal guess, this is some really good stuff you have and really effective. My question is, how do women feel about uncircumcised men? I'm a 27 year old male who have never had problems receiving oral, vaginal or any type of sex at all. I'm very well-capped, handsome, well-dressed with good hygienic habits. Now that I'm older and more aware, I can't help but wonder what women may think about
Starting point is 00:28:14 an uncircuit-sized penis. Do they want to give less oral or is it all about the same? Whatever it is, I'd love to hear your cover. I'd love to hear you cover this topic. I'll be patiently waiting on your amazing feedback. Thanks for your time, Mr. Man. Dude, you call yourself Mr. Man. You're totally fine.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Mr. Man, I'm so glad you enjoyed the show though, and that it's helped you. That makes me feel good. So thank you for letting me know. And here's the thing about poor skin. Unfortunately, you can't warn them at a time, right? There's no like, hey, you know, sending texts, like BTW, you pack in some poor skin, you can't warn them at a time, right? There's no like, hey, you know, sending texts like BTW packin' some foreskin, you know?
Starting point is 00:28:48 Like there's no way to like warn them for sure actually seasick, cause it's kinda awkward. Have you ever had a surprise moment where you're like, Yeah, I mean, whenever I've come across on circumcised penises, which is a few, maybe two or three, it's always like, oh, okay, but it's not like- What's your initial response so honestly? Well, the first time it happened I was with a British guy and it was my early 20s like same trip backpacking when I took my top off. Yeah, you're just going crazy. I was going crazy
Starting point is 00:29:15 and I slept with this guy, but he used to condom so I saw it and I was like, oh, interesting. I'm never you know, but I couldn't feel like different. I didn't like freak me out. I don't think I gave a blowjob. You didn't handle it, my. I didn't handle it. No, exactly. And I was like, interesting, I'm never, you know, but I couldn't feel like different. I didn't like freak me out. I don't think I gave a blowjob. You didn't handle it much. I didn't handle it. Exactly. And I was like, interesting. But it doesn't like, nothing. I mean, honestly, I gotta be honest that most women out there who might even be intimidated
Starting point is 00:29:36 or have a look on their face like during the headlights is probably because it's just unfamiliar to them. But not because they think it's gross or weird. They just are like, oh, it's my first, it's my first rodeo. It's my first uncircumcised rodeo. So, you know, if it comes up a conversation, you could give them a heads up. So, they're not surprised by not sure how this happens in real life. So, here's the thing. It sounds like you have the whole
Starting point is 00:29:55 package there, Mr. Mann. Oh, there's a lot of, there's a lot in you and it's going on. I don't even mean it. Chances are, women who are interested in you are not going to run in fear when they under your pants. However, they might need a little debriefing on the top. Are you doing this on purpose? Are you? I mean, you can be honest with me. It just comes to me.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Oh my God. That was... Dude, this happens all the time to me. You can't. But, okay, if you're not trying to pleasure it or how to accommodate the extra skin that you're packing, that was on purpose, if you suspect that you're taking it back, you just might want to say something like, show her how you like to be touched because there are some women who were pleasers, you know, tell her you like to have the skin pull back, you know, like
Starting point is 00:30:36 curtains, that's kind of how you do it, you pull it back and you can blow a job, you pull it down, or tell them more gently, like however you like it, and take this opportunity to teach them how to pleasure it. But in my experience, pain having sex with an uncroposized penis or not, and I've had it without the condom in later years, not different. No, not different, like I think it's fine. Like sex wise the same, and it adds a little extra girth.
Starting point is 00:30:59 So, hey, good for you, Mr. Ma'am. Research shows enhances female enjoyment during sex. Okay. So make sure you're clean. Carry that study in your pocket. Ma'am. Research shows enhances female enjoyment during sex. Okay. So make sure you're clean. Carry that study in your pocket. Which you are. Tariya, pull the skin back. Sounds like you're doing fine, so keep doing what you do.
Starting point is 00:31:11 But I'm glad that you asked, but I really don't think, if the only reason again, a woman looks at it, is because she doesn't know. Yeah, go ahead. And if you're hitting off with the girl and the thing's, the conversation is a little bit loose, you might be able to say, hey, have you ever dealt with, you know, you could just throw it out there.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Right. If you're with a woman that you comfortable with and you haven't had sex yet. Yeah, just throw it out there and be ambiguous about it. Like, hey, if you ever, I don't, it might be tough. Depends on the relationship. It's kind of tough, right? But if you guys are having like, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:36 a couple of drinks and then things are going well and you guys are joking back and forth and sex comes up somehow, maybe sex with Emily. Oh, you listen to the sex with Emily, so do I. Have you ever dealt with a uncircumcized penis? You know something like that? Yeah, you could totally Know about how it's no one that uncircumcized penis is a more sensitive
Starting point is 00:31:52 P. N. I. Or yeah, yeah, maybe she starts driving your pants at the bar giving you an reaction But wait, you're getting a little nutty. Oh, yeah, okay, but also and here's a drop it drop it. Yeah, you could drop a low And I'm sorry, but here's a good news it drop it. Yeah, you could drop a low You can drop a lady sorry, but here's good news if she does like look at it And she's a little bit concerned and you're one of those guys that wants to be with a girl who hasn't been with everybody chances are she hasn't Had that much experience if she's really surprised by your uncup penis surprise not grossed out like She doesn't of these like oh no, how do I please it? Please, it's like, hey babe, take her hand. I'd be like, here's what I like. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:32:27 You're good, but thanks for asking. It's a great question, because most of the world is uncircumcised. It's so weird. So weird. Okay, dear Emily, I'm a 23 year old straight male from Ohio. I've been dating a girl for about eight months now, and things have been going pretty well,
Starting point is 00:32:40 except for the sex. We have sex about three times a week, which is great, but we don't communicate it about it at all. We typically do the same thing almost every time. She gets off, then I get off, and we're done. It's not much more exciting than that. My real issue is not communicating, though, and I know from listening to your show that
Starting point is 00:32:58 communication is so important. Any time I even bring up anything sexual, whether it's a joke or asking if we can try something new, she shuts it down, gets upset. I don't know how to get her to be more open. We constantly fight because she says she hates talking about sex, doesn't see the point. Is there any advice you can give me? How do I get her to talk to me? Love your show. Thank you, Chen. Okay, Chen. Tough situation, because successful communication about anything including sex does require two people. So it's not unusual that your girlfriend is uncomfortable how old are you here, talking about sex, age 23, or old.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Okay, first of all, back up, when you email me, tell me where you're from, where you live, how old you are, how you listen, or just where you live in your age. Okay, so it requires two people. It's not unusual that women of your age, if that age, they might be uncomfortable, they've never talked about it. She says she doesn't see the point, so it might help to explain to her how important it is.
Starting point is 00:33:56 And you could say, I think it's important because I know sex is something that can be so enjoyable, wonder what else we can do that would be just as fun as a sex or have it. She gets angry about it. She's something like, I love our sex life. So hot, and I often think, what else we can do that would be just as fun as the sex or have it. She gets angry about it. She's something like, I love our sex life. So hot. And I often think, what else could I do to please you, make it about her?
Starting point is 00:34:12 You know, I think it'd be so sexy to see with a blindfold on or to have you climb on top of me so I can watch your amazing body. You know, something like that's suggestive because she needs to know that you're enjoying the sex at a satisfied, because if she's thinking you want to talk about sex, the first thing she might hear is like, you're not into her, something's going on, she's doing something wrong, giving a bad blow job. So you want to discuss the sex so you can make intimacy better for both of you and you can let her know that. It could also be just ask her, what does she think about your sex life? What would she do differently, but it sounds like she's not really open to that.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Remember, don't be pushy or argumentative. But one more thing I have to say to you is, Chen, you said you bring it up as a joke. And I know that for women, when you bring up sex as a joke, sex isn't a funny joke, and your partner brings it up. It's not funny, because all women here, like I just said, you don't like your sex life, you think I'm fat, I don't please you,
Starting point is 00:35:04 you want to be to someone else, that it is not, so if I'm assuming your jokes are like, well, we're going to get on tonight, it's been three days, or hey, whatever your joke is, like women just, you know, when guys joke about like, it's till like going to be the night or a drink at a blow job, we just like want to, we want to like, the last thing we want to do is have sex with you. Sex is never funny. Well, you can't, but you can, I don't know what I'm saying. I'm saying, don't joke about it when you're really trying
Starting point is 00:35:28 to communicate about it. Because we know that joking can be serious and just, it's not working for you. But poor Chan is uncomfortable, obviously. I know, that's what I'm saying. So stop the joking, bring up the topic in a neutral setting, not near the bedroom, like when you're in a road trip, having breakfast, lazy Saturday afternoon.
Starting point is 00:35:43 So she doesn't feel threatened like she doing something wrong. And if I was fails to ask her to listen to sex with Emily with you, I mean, not this episode. Well, that's gonna be a tough sale. Not this episode. I hate sex talk. But maybe hear, want to listen to sex. But one of this, but maybe one of the episodes where he said he heard me talking about which I always do on every show communication might be interesting.
Starting point is 00:36:01 A lot of couples listen to my show together. I'm like the third party in the room with the mediator. So do that. Okay, virgin advice. Emily. communication might be interesting. A lot of couples listen to my show together. I'm like the third party and the right month of mediator. So do that. Okay, virgin advice. Emily. First of all, I want to say thank you for always delivering entertaining and insightful segments. I've learned so much. I know you're best at giving advice on everyone's sex life, but today I'd like your vice and my sexless life. I've just turned 25, I'm still a virgin, I haven't been waiting, I haven't been waiting for a certain someone or holding out, it just hasn't happened. I can be very shy and self-conscious and have always struggled with my weight, which are all playing apart in my non-existent sex life. I don't want to show my thirst or desperation, but the virgin title has been hanging over my head like a dark cloud. I'm afraid my life will become the humorous version, humorless version of the movie,
Starting point is 00:36:45 the 40-year-old version. Do you have any tips for putting myself out there? And once I do decide to have sex, do I tell my partner? I don't want them to think it means more than it actually does. Your frustrated friend, 25 and sexless female, PSN from Baa, forget it. Okay. She's from, but she wants her main anonymous. And it was a very specific place. Yeah, I'm over it. Okay, She's a say she was, she's from, but she wants her main anonymous. So, I think it was a very specific place. Yeah, I'm over it. Okay, so here's the thing. It doesn't matter what age you are, sexless. Don't rush into losing your virginity
Starting point is 00:37:13 just because you're worried about becoming like some weird cautionary tale. Because you're only 25. There's plenty of time. I do believe that it's important to wait till you're ready. Some people might disagree with me that you know what, just go out and do it, whatever. But I think especially for women,
Starting point is 00:37:28 okay, the first time is never that amazing. I think that many will agree with me, right? Man and women, first time, not amazing, but at least kind of try to make it someone that you trust and that you have a connection with, okay? Give your girl a special. Yeah, especially for your girl. Overall, it can be comfortable and a slightly awkward experience to be getting, but again,
Starting point is 00:37:47 some of your comfort with. And the thing that stands out to me the most, though, sexless is that there's your body image issues, which is very common among men and women, and they keep you from having sex. Women just, they worry about it, they're thinking about it, and it's just going to be this like vicious cycle. So I want to say, work on, you know, I'm going to say this, and it's just gonna be this like vicious cycle. So I want to say work on, you know, I'm gonna say this and it's hard to say but you gotta work on feeling better about your body and again I know it's easier said than done. So what if you, even this is sometimes I just want to be like just
Starting point is 00:38:17 exercise, just eat healthy, but if you just start to move your body and it's not something daunting like you gotta join a gym, you gotta start and classes, but like 10 months a day, you go for a walk. You do something outside, you move your body, you start to understand like how it feels to move and to exercise, you might find yourself that you're walking for 20 minutes. Join a gym with a friend, it keeps you accountable, like go walking with someone, a friend. And this will help you feel better about your body image because you'll start to like feel more in shape and
Starting point is 00:38:51 You know, you'll be more open to sex now there it could be a lot of underlying issues people have body image Maybe there's eating disorders that takes the more serious therapy But I just want to say that there's ways to work on it if you're concerned up into shy to meet men online dating love it Don't use any of those terms. Don't say that you're wanting to be so left at your feet. But there's a little less perceived risk for people who are shy. Because online dating you can kind of play around. You can talk with a lot of people. And there's apps like okay, Q big coffee meets bagel, hinge, tinder. This is a tinder case. Once you get to know someone, you know, you want to be intimate with let, you know, I would let them know, but I, because she asked also, do I let them know?
Starting point is 00:39:27 Know you don't let them know you're dating profile, you don't let them know on the first, second, third date. You let them know when it's about to get intimate, like before you have sex. I'd say maybe that night, or, you know, I don't think it's like you need to send out like three days before. You know what I mean? Because I don't, I think you have to be chill about it too. Because it's not like you are saying to him, you know, hey, it's a really big deal because the right guy, first of all, will be understanding and patient.
Starting point is 00:39:54 But let him know it hasn't happened. You haven't been inspired yet, and you're ready. You know, don't make it this whole waiting thing to do. But if you make it nice, it'll loose and light and happy. He'll be the same way. So again, respect yourself. Make sure it's on your own terms. Anything to add to that? Good advice. That's good. Thank you. I think she said a goal. I don't know how
Starting point is 00:40:12 happy she is. But like, you know, once you drop 10, then she puts up a profile on one of these sites. Exactly. Who's 10? Like do something. And again, I've even found with my own life, like everything that I do, meditation or exercise or even work. I need a partner my own life like everything that I do, meditation or exercise or even work, I need a partner. Like I need someone that holds me accountable. My assistant holds me accountable. Right, or some people can hold themselves accountable.
Starting point is 00:40:33 I can't. Like if you can, if you're one of those people sexless, and not a sponsor by any means, but like the Fitbit helps you keep track of all your stuff. And then you can go farther every day and keep track of what you're putting in your body as well as like the calories that you're putting out and it'll I have to say the Fitbit inspired me to exercise more. I have it. I have why I lost it But I have the app so I actually like even when I was in Mexico
Starting point is 00:40:56 I was like I wanted to 10,000 size kept walking like you get it's weird It's like you're competitive with yourself. That is a great accountability thing And it's a free app you can download and then don't let yourself actually go on one of these websites until you've hit a goal that you've attained. And then you're going to have more confidence when you put up your profile and you're going to be ready. Great advice. Ready to give it up. Exactly. Give it up, baby. And then let me know how it goes. Okay. Hey Emily, you have time? Okay, you got five.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Okay. I want to say thank you. All your rice has paid off. My confidence with men, sex, and how I take control of my sexual experiences has changed me for the better. I just started seeing this great amazing, really nice guy. However, he lacks confidence in bed. This is because his past partners were not adventures, so I surprised him the other night. I took him out for drinks and then walked around until I found the right place where I stopped and I told him this is where we're having sex tonight. It was an abit, hot, hidden and dark but still very much in the public. He loved it. Keep saying that he wants to do something like that again.
Starting point is 00:41:51 I really want to as well but it's not going to be ideas that are like dirty, sleazy boring, something that teenagers, teenagers, teenagers would do. We've spoken about a few places but I really want to surprise him again. He loved it and had no idea thanks for reading Amanda. Okay, Amanda, good for you. Awesome, you hit the two indicators of hot sex for many people. Spontanadee, huge for sex, and also outdoor sex.
Starting point is 00:42:14 So you were spontaneous and you would sex outdoors. Those are very adventurous, those are great things, and a lot of people say their best sex was spontaneous. Okay, so sex and outdoor places can be very sexy, thrilled getting caught, it can also very sexy, thrill of getting caught. It can also be illegal. You want to be careful. So here's some other adventures ideas. You can have sex in the outdoors while camping. That's kind of a safer place to do it. Not as cheesy or like in a bar or something.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Except for the bears. Watch out for the bears. Do it in the tent. It's summer. There's lots of country fairs around. You can get on the Ferris wheel. Join some sneaky sex in the Ferris wheel. It'd be pretty slow or he'd better be pretty quick. I don't know, something like that. Are you gonna give him a blowjob? Dressing room at a retail place during it's slow time when they don't have cameras. That's good stuff. Plus because the slots, you can see out a little bit, like you can see people's legs but
Starting point is 00:42:57 they can't see anything. Exactly. Oh my god, there's someone right there. Totally perfect. Utility closets. Often neglected. Next time you're at the mall together, you can duck in, get busy among the brooms, cleaning solutions. And you can clean up pretty easy in the pit. Totally. So that's how I would say. Do that. Do that now. Do one of those things. I love that
Starting point is 00:43:15 she did this. See what I mean. People would listen to this spontaneous sex. Wasn't so crazy. She didn't have to go and buy anything new. She just dragged him and dad sexed them. And we all it's the spontaneous blowjob that every guy wants or a woman wants her guy to go down in for an hour an hour half hour do something and dress me slowly I don't know what I got what I want what would you want what would be spontaneous for me I don't know I guess taking me away for night to tell her something that's it that's it you're so tame you're so tame okay what would you do I mean throw me against the throw me against the bed timey out. Bring in poor massage candle over my body and blindfold me. How's that?
Starting point is 00:43:49 Sounds good. We wrap off my clothes. Okay, Anderson, you're awesome. Thank you. Thank you, Anderson. And also, everyone, here's a thing. We need interns. We love interns.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Follow me. Email me. If you'd like to be our intern, we're looking for social media, marketing, production, video, editing, you get great experience, and you get free sex toys. Also, newsletter. Sign up for it on our website, And I love you all. Thanks so much for listening. Email me. Was it good for you? Feedback, it's sex. What do I say again? Oh my god, I've been doing this for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Thanks for listening. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback. It's You have to go back. You have to go back like it was the alpha back. I know. And say it again. I've said it eight thousand times. Um, okay everyone, thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:44:33 And one more thing I got to tell you. I got to talk to you at the fleshlight. Is the number one sex toy for Ben? And it's probably the only one that you want or need. Because it was so funny because even in Mexico, Anderson, I was explaining to my friends what a flashlight was and they were like blown away. I don't know what people who don't know what a flashlight was. Well, they've heard of it. They never really seen it. I was explaining
Starting point is 00:44:54 to them. It was like patented material created by NASA. They're like, what else was NASA creating it for? I don't forget. No. I know is that guys are like holy moly. This is the best thing I've ever felt besides the African-Dyna. That NASA would create, because the astronauts are in space for a long time. Right. A long time. Exactly. But I think what they were saying
Starting point is 00:45:11 is they probably were creating it for something else. Maybe it was like a suit. No, it was to beat off with. It was to beat off with, why not? I mean, you guys get your hand, masturbation's coming up, and I'm saying like the thing about masturbation month is taking your sex life to the next level.
Starting point is 00:45:22 So if you always use your hand, why not try to flush flashlight and feel some extra at some different experiences? Or if you're a chick, buy it for your partner, and if he has a penis and if you're straight, and it's a great gift, you can masturbate him with it. Little lube, it sounds great, it feels good. The flashlight's damage training unit,
Starting point is 00:45:39 helps you practice lessing longer and you become a better lover. And you'll experience some of the most mind-blowing orgasms of your life. So check it out. Go to, click on the flashlight, band our use code Emily. And because they love you and I love you, they're throwing in some some loob. Fleshloob. Their loob is award-winning.
Starting point is 00:45:58 So again,, click on the flashlight, band our code Emily. That's so easy. Get some loob. Check out the flashlight. Thanks for listening.

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