Sex With Emily - Be Direct for Better Sex

Episode Date: October 15, 2014

In this very special episode of Sex With Emily, a reunion takes place.. Emily and Menace are back again, and they discuss some recent sex trends, engage in a little reminiscing and dish out some much-...needed listener advice.Today's email topics include: A question on Kegel Exercises for men; How to recover from a bad oral experience; How to handle dubious boyfriend behavior; How to tell if she's really interested; How to deliver multiple O's.Then it's on to your listener emails! How do you get past a bad oral experience and learn how to love going down? Emily and Menace give advice for a listener with post-traumatic oral disorder, and revisit the issue of down-there hygiene. Then they help a listener whose boyfriend has been acting suspicious - Should she get some answers or just get going? Also addressed: how to keep yourself out of the friend zone and how to hand out multiple orgasms. Emily and Menace emphasize the importance of being direct - You only get one life to live, so why waste it on mixed signals? Be confident, make the move and open up the conversation to get the sex and relationships that you deserve! All this and more in the latest Sex With Emily podcast. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. One of the reasons you're able to listen to us for free is because of the incredible people at, the only place you want to go to buy toys, carries all the greatest brands and they're the best quality, body-safe materials. You can check out the Vibratex. They have the Vibratex rabbit. Remember the old rabbit from years ago if you still have one, you should throw it away because the new one is amazing and they also have the
Starting point is 00:00:27 girls which is the cutest little, little, little stimulators and then you can also get the magic wand which is the most powerful vibrator of all times and they just upgraded it so you got to check it out. Go to my site, sex with the, click on the Good Vibrations banner and see my favorite toys because you know I've tried them all and use Coupon Code GVM-20 and get a toy because it's time. Really? It is. Get lubed, get whatever you want. Improve your sex life.
Starting point is 00:00:51 That is, good vibes, banner, and use Coupon Code GVM-20. Happy shopping. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that block our sacred institutions. Betrubized, they call them in a fight on day. Hey, Evelyn, you got a boyfriend?
Starting point is 00:01:13 Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh my! The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, Moly? What do you mean, like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:01:26 Oh my god, I'm so dumb. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. Thanks everyone for listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can check out all of our podcasts, set up for a mailing list, which you really should set up for God damn mailing list because I send really good emails and I'd love to stay in touch with you and I won't spam you
Starting point is 00:01:59 or hurt you or anything like that or tell your name. And set up on iTunes also, you know what, I'm here with Menace today. Hello. What up, Menace. You made a very good suggestion last time we did shows and you said, people, hey, if you like us, go to iTunes. Put it in a review. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:16 It helps. And a lot of people did. Oh, you did? Yeah. And so I think it's, we love it. So if you love us and you like the show, go to iTunes and then, as long as you're there, subscribe and do a little. Because we need to stay ahead of Oprah because I know
Starting point is 00:02:29 Oprah she had a podcast like and we're like in health. Yeah, like how something she's like one above us. Yeah. No, we were above her We were above Oprah. We were above Oprah. Yeah, but you know, kicking that bitch. Who knows where she is Right now. I haven't looked at the items in a while. I know, but it was really like, because I don't either go, you said that. I was like, oh, that's really nice, because like a few years ago, we like charged for the show, so I thought that.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Yeah, and people got pissed. They were like, and they were all nasty, and they were like, that's why you took that listen to me read ads and support my sponsors and I'm not gonna charge you for the show. So all is gonna be good.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Yeah. Today's show, we will be answering your emails, because I love hearing from you at feedback at I read all your emails, and I answer them on the show. We will be answering your emails because I love hearing from you at feedback at I read all your emails and I answer them on the show. And some of the topics include someone's got a kegdle question about kegdle exercises for men and women, bad oral sex experiences, suspicious boyfriend behavior, how to tell if she's really into you, how to give a girl multiple orgasms, so many exciting things. I know. And also one thing I have to announce that I am going to be teaching a workshop in San Diego
Starting point is 00:03:29 October 25th at Hustler, the Hustler store there at the Sex Toy Store, which is amazing. If you've been to the one in the Hustler Hollywood here, well now I'm teaching in San Diego. I'm doing the same workshop. I did how to blow his slash her mind in bed. And it was a smash success, like 300 people. It was crazy crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:44 So we're doing in San Diego. Come see me email me feedback at sex the m a dot com to r su p or go to my sex at my page on facebook and uh there's an invite there you can r su p there's a lot of military guys in San Diego really I've never been you've got a oh you never been a city I go five minutes years ago, a lot of people disagree with me, but I always say it's like a mix between hallululu and San Francisco, to me. San Diego? San Diego, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:14 It's like it's kinda just like people hanging out at the beach working out, getting tan. You said you never been there. But I've been there multiple times. Really, like they had like a sophistication to it, like San Francisco. San Diego is really cool. I like a lot.
Starting point is 00:04:27 There's some people that hate it because they're like hipsters that move there from San Francisco. But it is. It seems like perfect weather. Yeah, great weather, cool downtown, super clean. Yeah, it's awesome. I love it. I'm very excited to go and teach the workshop
Starting point is 00:04:42 and I've never had a killer in bed. But watch out for those military guys. Wait, they live there? That's like their base. Oh, it's a huge military town. There's a bunch of bases. Are they walking around in their military uniforms? Some of them, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:52 See, the thing is with military guys, every friend that I have in the military, they get a... Yeah, they doggs. No, they're not doggs. What happens is they wanna get locked down, because if they get married, they can get their own house on the base.
Starting point is 00:05:07 You know what I'm saying? So they just don't want to just date some girls because they want to marry me. They want to marry you right away because then they can get like a free house and so that. Oh, I'd be down with that. Would I have to be there every day? You would have to live on the base. Because I think it's good to have separate houses.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I could just say, yeah, I'll just come out and visit them again. It's only like two hours from here. Yeah, you're welcome. I'll be like, two hours. You're right, I wouldn't even drive 30 minutes to the guy at the beach, but that's true. Okay, I'll look for the mountain. So just that for I.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Okay, for I. And teaching a bulldog class, it was so funny because we were talking about love line the other night. And Michael's like, my catheter was like, so does that mean like people were gonna, like, when people, guys, if they go, they'll go blow jobs. And I'm like, pretty good chance
Starting point is 00:05:44 that people are gonna be riled up and I'm gonna be teaching. I'm gonna be practice. Yeah, totally. You might even get a blow job. Not saying everyone's gonna get a blow job. Not for me unless you're in the military and you have a house. But besides that, like blow jobs are not for free there.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Okay, so Menace, what up with you? Except for your birthday's coming up, which is very exciting. Yeah, my birthday's coming up on the 28th of October. I don't know when this podcast is being released probably before then. Yeah, we got a couple weeks. But the thing is you say,
Starting point is 00:06:13 oh, you're getting so old, right? I'm gonna be 35 years old. I can't believe that because I met you, we've been doing this over almost 10 years and you were like 25, 26. And you were just a young, you were sleeping in the radio station. You were living, you didn't have a house.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Were you like homeless? Kind of homeless, yeah. But I was like, you know, working my way up. I know what you really did. Look at you. Now you're on a billboard in Los Angeles. I just, just can't leave your 30. I always think of you as like 28, 20, 30, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:40 like, that's like a, you're like a full-on adult. But check this out. So I think that I, I think I look at least legal age, right? Within the past two weeks, I got carded for lottery tickets, right? And then I got carded at the movie theater to see Gong Girl. Seriously? Shhh, where'd I got it? You're gonna do look, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:03 You can't, because you're like, you dress like the hips. I don't even know what it's called with your pants and your things. What? I don't know. Leave my jeans. Your glasses and your baggy pants. Yeah, and I don't dress like a hipster, but- Not hipster.
Starting point is 00:07:17 What do you call your thing? I don't have a style. I don't have a style. No, but you're like- I can see that. I all make shirts are from like Banana Republic and then most of my jeans are from like, they're like Hudson jeans, and then I wear like,
Starting point is 00:07:31 a million pairs of different type of shoes. Yeah, I have like a million pairs of different Nike's and Reeboks, and my favorite LA gear. But the thing is like, why the F and my getting carted? I definitely look older than 18 years old. I mean, I don't, yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I don't know why just the less, you do your skin looks good. You look healthy actually. Did you like lose weight or something? You've been exercising. I've been exercising. Nothing like extreme. You have the Fitbit on me.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Both have it on. Which is so funny. Yeah, I'm not, I'm gradually, 10,000 steps a day. It is, it is. Dude, right. But I'm gradually like, you know, just going
Starting point is 00:08:06 to the gym a little bit healthier less soda and stuff like that good but I did get some sun I actually went up to the Bay Area just recently okay I took my dad and my sister to the new 49ers stadium okay right exciting in the super no candle six the old one but the new one is in Santa Clara Oh, I don't care about sounds getting more since we moved I know you shouldn't but the thing is Got a bunch of sun and stuff like that Would you think that little sun your arm here? Yeah, you would think that I would get a bunch of sun living here in Los Angeles Exactly does not happen you fool though. I have a pool, but check stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I get up at three, three a.m. I get to work at like three, 45 a.m. Get on the radio at six a.m. on the radio until 10. And then I'm in the office till one. And then I go straight home into my apartments. And what do you do? And then I sit there and I just work on the show again for the next day this happens every single day until I go to bed. I go to bed
Starting point is 00:09:12 by eight o'clock every night every night like you're out like eight o'clock never 815 nope I have to be in bed by eight o'clock because how many hours is that and then you get like seven yeah wow that's intense that's intense. That's like the thing, how it's turned. Like not every, while I wish I was how it's turned, but even how it's turned, he still has a rough time with this. No, he does. I've been here, I've been listening to how it's turned a bunch by the way.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Oh good. I've been telling you for years. I know, I know, and I listen to it. It's the world's best interviewer. It's the best interviewer. The best, the best interviewer. And I just, I love a show. And I know that I had, and I heard it.
Starting point is 00:09:41 I used to have it in my car, but now I listen to it like on my phone, my old thing, and yeah, he's amazing, but he always complains about that. But that's freaking brutal. But you knew girlfriend's cool with that? Yeah, you know, whatever. But then she probably gets home later. She's not, doesn't want to go to bed at eight. Yeah, no, she stays up till like midnight
Starting point is 00:09:56 and so like that won't sleep even in bed. Did she hear you get up and she must, but she just does do it. Okay. But the thing is like, you know, that's the first time. If we're gonna be relationship, that's just how it's. Okay. But the thing is like, you know, that's- If we're gonna be relationship, that's just how it's gonna be.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Yeah, that's you, exactly. You know, and then just take her to leave it. You know, I very, of dated girls in the past, or like, think they're cool with it, and then like their girlfriends, that, you know, they wanna go turn up and get drunk on a Tuesday night.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And my girlfriend at the time would be like, pissed off because- I remember this. I don't wanna go out on a Tuesday night when I have to get up at 3 a.m. I've always admired that about you because you probably are one of the hardest workers I know and that you I mean you let go on the weekend you the loose but like you're very regimented with your like work and your schedule and you never just you know you never go out to schedule you never go out to schedule and I and I might seem like an asshole sometimes like, oh come on man, and I was like, no, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:10:49 There's nothing out there worth like. Right, you want to be on. You want to be in it. And I just, I've always admired it. You always show up. You never like, you never, you never, you never not like, show up or blow it off or like, you always, that's just me.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Like, I'm nothing. Like, you your real jobs to it's impressive thank you yeah really you're amazing thanks I try you're amazing too and even doing this like all the time now like this is your like you know full time job and it wasn't you're doing like crazy mountain podcasts we would always do podcasts together but now you have all these other ones where you're cheating on me I'm sorry I. I don't think some cheating on them too now when I'm with you. He's just kidding but yeah I do.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I'm like your old lover. I know you are. You love her. I know. You know, Anderson's really cool. He's awesome. Do you know him? If you better.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Well I know Anderson. We should all do a show. You guys just trash on me. I know he's kidding. I know. I know. You know because I know you don't pay attention to any of this kind of stuff. But I don't know Anderson, like super personally, but I've met him a few times, but I've known
Starting point is 00:11:51 of him for years because such being a fan of love line, you know, and love line that you are part of the love line. Right, I'm on every Thursday night. You know, so a lot of people know who Anderson is, you know, so- Yeah, that's true, because they always bring- You're right, and if you always- no, did you always listen to love line? I always listen to love line. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Like when you were kid? Not when I was a kid, but, you know, I worked. I worked at live in a five and since Cisco, which is a love line affiliate. And then so I would, you know, I would listen. I didn't, I didn't never work to board for them or anything like that. But I would, I would definitely listen to the show
Starting point is 00:12:24 all the time, you know, Dr. Drew and then Adam I would, I would definitely listen to the show all the time. You know, Dr. Drew and then Adam, you know, when Adam Cole was on there all the time, they would be on television constantly together. Right. And like, you know, when I was really into watching MTV, they would have shows on MTV. I remember that, yeah. I just saw Drew the other day. He was interviewing all the, all the team moms.
Starting point is 00:12:42 And I loved it. You loved the team moms show. Oh my God. I met fear Abraham. She's got a lot. Oh, you love the team moms, so. Oh, dude, I met Fear A. Ram. She's got a lot of love. Yeah, I just met her at a show this year. And she's actually going to be at the Hussar store Hollywood, the Friday night, October 24th. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:12:56 Which I'm going to be in San Diego in 25th, so if you want to go see her, she has a whole new sex toy line, it's like her butt and her, whatever. Crazy. I think there's this one team mom that I'm so upset with. I gotta tell Drew. It's because there's this one that's like,
Starting point is 00:13:10 I don't know, she's like doing cause with tall G or something like that. And she has like, all her hair. I don't know, I don't know. Anyways, her like, her baby's daddy, like this guy, you know what, I don't know him personally, so I don't to call him a douchebag but you know on television he comes off as a douchebag right right right but he just has a lot of issues
Starting point is 00:13:32 in his life he's like getting duise and all this stuff and the thing is this team mom is always talking a bunch of crap about him but yet she's still hooking up with them right you, and that happens all the time. When I, you know, you see a group of girls, and if you get into that group and you talk to them, and you see a girl like talking a bunch of itch about a guy, that's the guy either she wants to sleep with or she's sleeping with on the DL.
Starting point is 00:13:58 You know? But you think that women are just always in happy and complaining to their friends, but at the end of the day, they're gonna stay with the guy. Is that your thing? Yeah, of course. But it's so funny. They talk about the bad when they get together Yeah, and I'm just like how does he stay with the new watches the show and he's like, oh, so you think I'm an asshole or whatever She says about him. Yeah, I mean, when he just did this reunion special with
Starting point is 00:14:17 Yeah, he's filming it a few weeks ago. Yeah, yeah, and Yeah, and he watched this. Yeah, he got on the show and he's like, I know I come off and everyone, it sucks because, he gets social media, people can message you and tell you that you're a douchebag. And but that's why I'm going to start with the chick. And like, dude, don't be talking all this issue about him and how he's a bad father and then still hook up
Starting point is 00:14:44 with the whole thing, you know? When she with them or she's just hookin' up with them a bad father and then still hook up with them. Exactly. You know, she with them or she's just hookin up with them. She's just hookin up with them. Right. Well sometimes that's hard. We get the name of her. Yeah. It's like on team mom too. Team mom. Check it. I don't even know. I've never I've seen it maybe once. Oh no, I you know, didn't used to be called 16 impregnant. They're 16 impregnant and then there's team mom. Okay, because I did see 16 impregnant before. I one day watched a marathon for some reason, like I binge on it when I was with a friend in a hotel room. Nice.
Starting point is 00:15:10 One more thing I have to mention though, also is that I'm going to be giving the keynote and I'm the spokesperson for the Sexual Health Expo, which is in Los Angeles in Hollywood and it's going to be awesome. It's January 17th and 18th. And go to It's the first like consumer show like men, women, couples, and come, they've got the top sex educators in the country speaking to people and you can take workshops
Starting point is 00:15:33 and there's like all the toys they talk about are gonna be there and it's gonna be an awesome two days and I'm gonna be giving away free tickets. So if people should email me feedback at sex. I mean, that's how I'm why you wanna go and it's super gonna be fun and swanky and you should comment. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Oh I found the team mom. Okay what's your name? Her name is Chelsea. Chelsea if you watch the show. It's like I think sexy is I really like I like Chelsea the most but you don't like her decisions. I don't like her like dude don't talk all the smack you're just still gonna hook up but wait wait wait wait guys do that too guys wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Yeah. But did they like- I feel bad because Chelsea's parents also,
Starting point is 00:16:26 they're like going- Yeah, I love that you're saying that it's poor Chelsea. They go through all the drama too, you know? And then you're like, they're dealing with all the drama and then you find out that your daughter's still looking up at the guy that you dislike, you know? Right. And like, what are you doing that situation?
Starting point is 00:16:43 I don't know. I mean, how old is she? Huh? I'm sure she's like, interposing. 22. I mean, seriously, people think they're so in love. They're 20. I think it's just, not that you are in in love.
Starting point is 00:16:52 And in fact, like you really are in love, but people change. And they're not always emotionally mature enough to like handle it. But we get addicted to the sex or touch to the comfort. And you always think, do you remember, like when you bake up as someone in your 20s, even in your 30s, I guess, and wherever in life, you always think I'm never gonna find someone else. What if, what if, what if this person was right, whatever, like, you know what, guess what, most time,
Starting point is 00:17:12 if you think you wanna break up with them, you probably should. And there will be someone else that you will find that is a better suitor. So, did you do that with yourself, like, what if I made a mistake after you bake up as someone? Or are you not really in relationships until now? No.
Starting point is 00:17:26 No, well, I was like, oh, I probably broke up with them for a good reason. Right, that's a thing, it's like I've never regretted. Yeah. That's the time, at the time, yeah. At the time, you go through in your head. Oh, man, should I really have done that? Right, and you tend to put it on a pedestal
Starting point is 00:17:39 the whole relationship and you glorify it. The rest of it was like really abusive and awful, but typically like, you go around like, oh, yeah, like really abusive and awful, but typically like if we, you go back to the good things, yeah. Yeah, like even on like a Facebook now, like I'm friends with all my exes, it's like, oh, wow, he's having a really good time right now. Like, they're out biking,
Starting point is 00:17:53 he never biked and hiked with me, probably because I was like, if you want to hang out, bring over your laptop because I'm working at night, I was really fine today. All right, just three things I don't want to talk to you. We'll go through real quick. We're talking about exes.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And this funny, we had a topic on our morning show about getting invited to weddings of X's. Oh, right. And because I get invited to weddings all the time. Yeah, you're in that age, right? And it's crazy. And I don't go out of respect for the guy that I don't even know. Right, like I boned your wife high.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Yeah, hi, I'm like hanging out at your wedding. Yeah, it's like, it's crazy. But so we had this conventional on the radio. And girls were just like saying, oh, yeah, you know, I had like five guys I hooked up with at my wedding and all this crazy stuff. And then we had, this was the ultimate call. We had a call from a girl who said that,
Starting point is 00:18:46 oh, I dated this guy in the past. He's been a really good friend of mine, my entire life. We hooked up and we've had sex numerous times. But then we broke it off. And then I found my husband. We got married. We had a kid. And now my friend is the Godfather of the kid.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Yeah, I can do that. And the dad of the kid does not know about anything. Oh, that's not good. That's transparent that they date in. That's no. I know couples who are like Godparents to their exes kids. That's not weird. But you know me, I'm friends with all the exes.
Starting point is 00:19:25 And I travel with my men. But the guy does not know. That's bad, that's dishonest. See, I think that the guy, if he's cool that you guys used to sleep together and your friends, I think men and women can't be friends after they break up. Absolutely. If you find somebody, they can.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Well, you too, you go like on vacation together with your girlfriend. I went to Mexico, right. Current boyfriends, you go like, am I weird orgy cabin stuff? I don't know. Yeah, we sort of the cabin. There was no orgy's.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I wish there were orgy's, but no, my ex, yeah, we used to always go to the cabin. We went to Mexico that year with the, with the other, with the other, both the exes. But yeah, it's cool. We can hang like that. I don't, I don't see no doubt. Because the thing is if you're with somebody
Starting point is 00:20:02 and you bond with them and that might, the first ex that I was with Managed the whole trip thing. It's like we were really really close like we really loved each other in the time we were together We were best friends right away right we broke up. It was hard, but then Usually if you're with someone like there is a friendship there and you care about each other and we had the same group of friends So we just you know we had dated eight years earlier. It wasn't like we were still sleeping together although we did kind of sleep together
Starting point is 00:20:28 for years after we woke up. But then he's fine with my new guy, you know, I don't know, you just have to come with yourself. What's the second thing? I guess, and okay, the third thing is, there's a movie everyone needs to go see is Gone Girls. So good, don't get away with the ending if you know the ending.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I'm dying to see it. But people, and don't be that person if you see it, give away the ending if you know the ending. I'm dying to see it but people and don't be that person If you see it give away the ending like it's amazing Immediately immediately if you haven't heard about the enemy because I think if you do hear about it It might ruin it for you. Okay, don't but immediately go see the movie like right now After you hear the part because what but why is just so good? What made you what it? Is it like what's about? Romance you know being married for a long time
Starting point is 00:21:06 and not being interested in the marriage, that's the part that I can give you. That is a good one. So if you're like, Is it hopeful? I don't know. I kind of know the story, yeah, okay. So I don't know if you can give it.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I don't know if you can give it. I'm not gonna tell you. But I'm gonna go see it. And the third thing is, so I heard some, I don't know if you talked about this in past podcasts, but we didn't like Hitachi like sell off. The magic wand, yeah, no longer her touchy magic wand
Starting point is 00:21:33 to spend a day. Are they like making it still? No. They're not making it. So another manufacturer's making it. Yes. It was just in the news recently, with some porn star who got burnt.
Starting point is 00:21:42 I know, she got burnt using the old Hattachi, right? Exactly. Yeah, it was a Hattachi. It was an old one. It was the old old one. The old version. Yes. It was a Hattachi.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Well, because they said it was a Hattachi. That's why you should get the new one, because it's actually lighter weight and it doesn't wear ever but her vagina. Yeah. It's crazy. It's quite pushing. How does that happen? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Like, honestly, that's bad for her touchy for the old match of ones. Which is why if you have one and it could be malfunctioning. You gotta get on that new one. Yeah, it's been a new, the right now if you go to, keep a code GVM20 get a new one. And they're lighter weight. Because you say that one and then the rabbit
Starting point is 00:22:18 are just like up there, right? And then the most popular. But I wonder what else she was doing. Like how long was it on for? I don't know, like three hours where she, you know, who knows, but you're right, I did see that. And that was the Hattachi Magic One. And that is no longer Hattachi,
Starting point is 00:22:31 they separated, they're just making TVs now, I guess. So what is there any like sex and technology stuff that you've been hearing about? Yeah, a little bit. I mean, there's so many like dating apps right now. Right now there's Health Vana, which is a new app that shares your sexual history, which I think I came up with this before,
Starting point is 00:22:46 that if you, if you're dating, and things are going great, and then comes an awkward moment when your partner Cajunqueers, hey, so do you have any, like, STDs or anything? Any of the conversations? So next time that happens, you can verbally relay your sexual history,
Starting point is 00:23:01 you can whip out your smartphone, call up HealthVana, and a free app that retrieves your test directly from the labs, sends your smartphone. Users can also forward results to new doctors and to partners, download the same app. It was developed with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, sends Climidia HIV, Siphilus, gonorrhea results. It can be a buzzkill though.
Starting point is 00:23:22 You're like, oh wait here, oops, I got gonorrhea. We're not getting on tonight. But that's cool, technology, and use condoms people all the time. I swear to God, no one used to condoms. I was talking to a guy from a, I'm like, do you use condoms? No, he's like, no one to,
Starting point is 00:23:33 I'm like, I know, I feel like people just don't, they think that they've saved me, they forgot that you can get diseases and I get it that fun or sexy, but like, go buy them, have them next your bed. And also, a lot of guys that haven't found the condoms that work for them, every condom fits differently, right?
Starting point is 00:23:48 I don't have a penis. But there are some that you found, right? That's your gym, like dinner or bigger, whatever. They're some have like her pleasure. They have Lubinum, Lifestyles makes them great condoms right now. They just have like a huge box. I couldn't believe the variety.
Starting point is 00:24:03 So chop around a little and find one's work, but work on them columns. Conversations and what we else were thinking, oh, there's a new friggin' Tinder app that's actually 4secs called Mixer. So Tinder is the online dating app that Coby Grindr, which is the gay app. And once it's Tinder's a dating a hookup app.
Starting point is 00:24:22 And what's funny funny because all right That's good because Remember years ago when Grindr was really like yes hot Which is still is really hot, but it was the only thing out there and we would always joke like oh There's a never work for the single person because it's for straight people because it's like it'll be a billion Single guys on there and two girls, right? But I think like Tinder has gradually
Starting point is 00:24:50 primed people for this, maybe? For the straight hook up app. Because Tinder was just like Riner, but it was like disguised as just like dating. And now people are just opening up to like, all right, just a straight hook up. Yeah, mixers like hook up, tenders like, maybe hook up, whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:07 But mixers is somewhat different. You know exactly what you're getting, and it finds people in your proximity geographically, and you put in like your age, and all that stuff for what you're looking for, and you can hook up with them. Wow. Which is so overrated anyway,
Starting point is 00:25:21 because you know what, there's another side of the channel is where you're like women, I mean, this has been around for a long time, like sex is just not satisfying just during a hookup. It's fun, the anticipation, but women don't have work, they fake them. Most women have orgasms the first time you guys are faking it. And nothing's all about the orgasm, it's actually the best part of sex. I think for a lot of women is the anticipation and the buildup and the chase and the excitement that comes. But I don't know. I just think that people are just having a lot of crazy.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I don't know. What am I getting like so jaded? But I just feel like it's better to get to know someone. Wow. They're bad at you. I don't know. I just feel like, oh, that awkwardness and the faking. And I know that I fake it.
Starting point is 00:25:59 I just didn't have one. And you didn't care because we were just hugging up and you pounded away and like the whole thing. Just that's safe. You're changing before my eyes, finally. No, I was never, but I've never been really into like just hook it up, have I? No, it just came off that way because you were like
Starting point is 00:26:15 never really fully into anybody that you were dating. Well, I'm still never in anyone in a big day. And I still, but I just wouldn't hook up with someone in a night that I made. Yeah, but it just, it just comes off that way. You're like, oh, I'm just hooking up with this guy. I don't really care. Right. And now I just don't hook up with someone in a night that I made. Yeah, but it just comes off that way. You're like, I'm just hooking up with this guy. I don't really care. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:27 And now I just don't hook up with people I don't care with anymore. Now I just, I don't do anything. No, I just totally celibate. It seems. I'm not celibate. Did you ever run a mandatoryum? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:37 That's kind of like a few years ago. It was like a moratorium on men. And I did it for like six months. I had no sectors because I was actually having too much sex. Too much sex, yeah. Too many partners with people I didn't like, and I wasn't that into. And I actually did it.
Starting point is 00:26:49 I was in burlake people, I kind of have a woman in Tori, I'm an actor, and I actually toyed with it again, because I found myself getting in the same situation where I was like dating people that I wasn't, which obviously my pattern, that into, and I just thought, what if I just cleared the whole men thing out
Starting point is 00:27:02 and just, you know, worked on myself and did, but then now I have a hot date like next week, so I kind of gave it up. But that was fun. Good times. Okay. We can get into some emails. All right. So thanks everyone for emailing me.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Feedback at As you know, I love hearing from you. Here's about Kegel's for men. Kegel exercises for men. Hi, Emily. This, thank you for your app and your work. I have an app called Kegels for men. Kegel exercises for men. Hi, Emily. This, thank you for your app and your work. I have an app called Kegel Camp. My question is, when doing Kegels,
Starting point is 00:27:31 is it better to be doing it with an erection? Is one more beneficial than the other? Thank you, Matthew. No, you're not just doing it with an erection actually. It's better to do it with that one, but you might get one while you're doing them. The important thing for Kegel exercises is, that if you don't know what they are because I'm always surprised, that's a prize, but a lot of people don't know what they are.
Starting point is 00:27:51 That men and women can do them. Fiboncate your pee-stopping muscles so you stop and start the flow of urine. And for five minutes a day, you can learn to less longer in bed, have stronger orgasms for men and for women, stronger orgasms. And so my app has 20 levels and it reminds you, the thing about it is the doctors tell all men do it for like prostate health, but no one remembers, even though it's so easy to sit a traffic light.
Starting point is 00:28:14 So my app pops up, reminds you time for a gack of camp and then my voice walks you through it. Yeah. Five men stay and there's 20 levels. And people get to these levels, like they get to level 20, like the couples have like races and they send me their screened grabs and stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Wow. Yeah, because when it first came out only at 10 levels, but now it's 20. So anyway, Kegel Camp, you all have better sex. But no Matthew, I would say it's better to do it without an erection. And because then you'll just be jacking off and you won't finish the five minute thing.
Starting point is 00:28:40 You'll just be excited. Exactly, just get all hot and bothered. So the next thing is how to get over a bad oral sex experience. But before that, I'll wear it for more sponsor. You can think about that. This is actually a man writing in who had a bad oral sex experience. Okay. And you might be able to relate to that. But first, a word from our amazing sponsors. Okay, so thanks everyone for listening to this show and I love being able to help you have the sex and relationships you want.
Starting point is 00:29:08 So I only talk about things that I think you're gonna improve your sex life. Like the flesh light is the number one sex toy for men. For a reason, first of all, it actually simulates the feeling of having real sex. And I, you know, women, we got hundreds of sex toys we can choose from, so many, right, men? And you're like, oh, every guy's like,
Starting point is 00:29:24 oh, you got him, what's the problem? Yeah, it feels like they could see mix it up Yeah, they don't sell they don't sell so many flesh lights because they suck No, you know amazing and it's so funny because When I first started working for like a lot of them you know, you can get them like shape like porn stars Viewed for porn star, but it's like like people don't necessarily want that they just they might just want one because it feels freaking good And even Madison you sitting sitting here in my sits and she gave one to her boyfriend who's 24. And she's psyched because she's like, you know what,
Starting point is 00:29:49 if I don't have sex, just go have sex with a fusha and he loves it. So all the people I've given it to in Madison, actually wrote a great blog about at our website, which is hilarious, That like, it's just, it's cool. Like your wife or your partner has toys. This is just a little something
Starting point is 00:30:02 and you can get the stamina training unit, which helps you last longer. And every guy I've've given to is no one's ever said I hated that. And I'm never using again. They actually live for it, to be honest, it's not going to replace your partner, but it feels really good. And if you don't have a partner each try it plus they just told me that they're now giving away all my listeners use coupon code Emily and you get a free bottle of their award-winning fleshloob, which is awesome because I always think everyone needs a little loob, makes everything better. So try that, go to, use coupon code Emily and get a bottle of their flesh
Starting point is 00:30:35 loob. Sweet. I know. And then also, more things about your penis, permessent, one in three men suffers from premature ejaculation, but you don't have to know with permessent, the only FDA-approved treatment for premature ejaculation, even if you just want to last longer. Even if you're not a minimum, but you're a four-minute man because there is an orgasm gap and women take a little bit longer to orgasm sometimes.
Starting point is 00:30:56 You can try for medicine. It's a quickly absorbing delay spray you put on your penis. There's no side effects, and you last longer a bed, and you don't have to think about baseball or whatever. What do you think about when you don't have to like think about baseball or whatever. What do you think about when you don't want to orgasm? Oh, just anything but sex. Like what? Like my friends said it's like thinks about like dead rats and trash can. Dead rats and the trash can?
Starting point is 00:31:14 It's kind of, I think I would just be like completely messed up. Now once I start trying not to think about it, that's one, you know. Right. Well a lot of guys really think about it, but whatever. This way you don't have to even worry about it. It's just slow down, man. Yeah, exactly. And a promise don't help this way you don't have to worry about it slow down yeah exactly and a promise don't help you so you don't have to worry about it so go to check it out okay now we're gonna talk about all sex all right which is my favorite subject always we're gonna have a guy here do you have a question that requires a bit of explanation
Starting point is 00:31:41 the first and last time I tried oral on a woman, I was 17. She apparently did not have a good genital hygiene. The smell was horrible. But being 17 and a trooper, I did it anyways. I gad, I lost my erection, and both of us left the encounter embarrassed and unsatisfied. Ever since then, every time I get close to vagina, I have a flashback to that smell and gag. How do I get over this from Tom? Hypnotist. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I mean, that's kind of, that's sort of post-traumatic vagina disorder, like in post-traumatic stress, like it's sort of, that's like a really bad experience. And I could see, he doesn't say our world he is now, and how long it's been going on. But I feel like you could also take a shower together like beforehand. Yeah. You could try to, I mean, because this is going to be the deal. Do it in the shower, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Try to just be like, let's clean up. That's not all women, but guys have experiences like that's right and you get through them. Yeah. But this sounds pretty traumatic like gagging. That's what I'm saying. He got to go to the hypnotist. He's got to go. He got to go. He got to go hypnotist or yeah, I mean, it could be, you could talk to a therapist, you could
Starting point is 00:32:52 do some EMDR training to get over this, but I feel like. No, but there's like, trot me, I don't know. He could really, I think that like every vagina is different, first of all, and they're not all going to have that order to it, which some do, some don't. And I actually just did a show on this that we were talking about like hygiene and women and that I didn't even know, I got a little older, like before you have sex with someone,
Starting point is 00:33:13 you should just go in, you know, you're gonna fall around, go on the bathroom and wipe down. Like you don't have like toilet paper. We talked about actually Madison about this stuff, who's my, toilet paper crums. Has that ever happened to you? When in a woman's vagina where she had like, toilet paper crumbs? No. No one's average? We're in a woman's vagina where she is like toilet paper crumbs
Starting point is 00:33:25 Yeah, no No one's ever you never had the things in there like she left toilet paper No, okay, so this can happen and So just takes water use the hand towel whatever it is. It's just wipe out and guys should do it too All right, yeah, no definitely guys you have you have something for the down under But what down under comfort down under comfort and we need if you use it It's like deodorant for your balls. You can use it in your legs You can use it in your lower back. Do you need some more? I do while you say that's my trunk every single time I have some my trunk
Starting point is 00:33:57 I have some my trunk. Yep, my balls are always smelling. I know see hot here unless Guys, it's always hot which I love but guys they they, they don't realize that they think they showered in the morning, whatever. So, down under comfort is, do you know that men's health voted down under comfort the number one product that you didn't know that you needed until you tried it? Wow, that's awesome. Emily and Tony use coupon code Emily. So anyway, Tom, here's a deal. Not everybody who's trying to be like this, I'm really sorry you had this problem, but I think that if you take a sexy shower Which is great you can like give her a massage and like then you'll know that like at least she's fresh and clean at the beginning
Starting point is 00:34:30 And then you'll start to see that all vaginas are not like that. They're not. We're all gonna bad penis We're all gonna bad experiences, but you gotta move through it and maybe he can use some hypnosis if it's really that severe Which I don't know that hypnosis has ever have you never cured you of anything? hypnosis No, well I don't know that hypnosis has ever, have you never cured you of anything? Hypnosis? No, well, I'd never been hypnotized. Right. When people like quit smoking and stuff and methods part my- I mean, they did it like when I was part of a morning show like, I don't know, like 13
Starting point is 00:34:57 years ago, they brought in a hypnotist and they're trying to hypnotize me, but I bit my tongue because I didn't want to get hypnotized. Why? Because I didn't know what they were going to want me- Oh, it bit my tongue because I didn't want to get hypnotized. Why? Because I didn't know what they were gonna want me. Oh, they were gonna they can verish yourself. I put it like said crazy stuff, you know, that I didn't want to say.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Right, no, that happens for real, but some of it works. Okay, so this is another email, suspicious boyfriend behavior, which there's a lot of that going around lately, because, and Griffa behavior, because we're all online, we're all doing things. You guys are the most effing, scandalous people on the planet. I know, we never get caught. Never get caught.
Starting point is 00:35:31 I'm a really, I would used to be a really good teacher. Never cop to anything, and you can justify anything, you know? Guys do the same thing. No, guys are too effing stupid. I just do it, they don't care their browsers. They leave their Facebook page open. They don't know how to justify things like you. Like we're so good at it. We're like, oh no, what do you mean? We're talking, we're talking before. We are better
Starting point is 00:35:53 cheaters. We were talking before about, you know, these phone calls are getting, you know, about, you know, sexual professionals, something that we did on this morning show that I'm part of in LA. Right. And you You did sexual professionals that man the morning show. I know right? It's called the Woody show if you want to do the podcast or if you're in L.A. Go ahead. Yeah. And the thing was this girl called in and she said, oh you know there's this guy that I dated before my boyfriend who I love. I've been with like two years, and I ran into them and I kissed them. And we made out, right? She's like, all we did was make out.
Starting point is 00:36:32 And she went to her current boyfriend and said, hey, this happened. Which is, whatever, that's what everyone says, what to do. And she was saying, oh yeah, you know, it's because I just felt like I never had closure with the other guy. That was closure. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Closure, that's open up a whole gala. That's like really closure. Come on, Dean, right.
Starting point is 00:36:53 That's again, that's like women justifying, right? She said, oh yeah, and then so like a couple months later, I'm made into the guy again, and then we like, we hooked up again again but I didn't tell him this time like that's so you guys she's like and going on on the radio is a boyfriend with me yeah who knows right but she's like again going on like justifying it right right well I don't think it's a big deal because she's like I already been with him in the past no she's like I just didn't have closure with this one guy, you know? Would you guys like you're insane now? Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:37:27 It's a day you're insane. But the thing is, like, the guy's doing this too. The guy's own justify it like you guys can. Guys just block it out and they can't come out. No, you make it, like, so you don't feel bad about it. Yeah, I kind of block it. But I'm like, you do, but guys don't feel bad either. They just can go, they think it's sex, sex, sex.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Yeah, yeah, see, that's what I'm saying. But you're like trying to say the same thing. Women justify it because they're more emotionally whatever, but I was able to just, when I cheated in the past, I'm gonna reform to you. You're saying whatever. What? No, I just blocked it.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I was really good at blocking, I guess, and I didn't think that it really mattered. Yeah. But it was never, I never, when I did was a cheater, and now that's why I just don't commit as much, unless I'm really ready, but when it was, it was that I wouldn't necessarily, it was never in the country, or in the state.
Starting point is 00:38:11 It was when I was traveling, and it was never like ongoing, like an ongoing affair with someone. Yeah. So that's why I don't speak English. Oh my God, here I go. Anyway, let's hear from this one. So Emily, I hope you're well. I recently came across your podcast,
Starting point is 00:38:22 and I have to tell you I absolutely love your shows. I've been ranting and raving about you to anyone I come in're well. I recently came across your podcast, and I have to tell you I absolutely love your shows. I've been ranting and raving about you to anyone I come in contact with. But I have a question that I would love to get your view on. I've been seeing my boyfriend for the past two years, and only recently did the deed after I brought up the question why we haven't done it yet.
Starting point is 00:38:37 First, I felt that he wasn't just into doing it, but after snooping, I found a girl sending him half naked pictures, found condoms in this car that at random would change color. Basically, one week would be one color and another different. So that means there were several of us. I've discussed this with him, but was given a lame story as these belonged to his friend, and he told me that he would put a stop to the girl flirting in sending pictures. Should I be worried, are I just reading too much into his lack of interest? I can understand after waiting six months of sex is to respect but two years isn't that suspicious? How should I handle this? Would love to hear from you
Starting point is 00:39:15 warm regards Ashley. You're together for like two years. Okay Ashley, did she say how old she is? Ashley, what no. What are those long distance? No, she's not two years. This is just like, I'm just confused by, I mean, there's naked girls. There's photos. And they have an sex and there's condoms in his car. Like it's probably not even like an SUV.
Starting point is 00:39:40 It's just like in the car, like seriously, because I'm seeing like if it's a truck, his friends are all, I don't even know why that makes no sense. What's crazy is he might like having sex with somebody else, but he likes being in a relationship with you. That might be cool. But they've never even had sex.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Like to me is like, awkward. I don't even know where to start with this, but I mean, you've got to bring it up to him, of course, and that it's actually disrespectful from to getting pictures from other women. Sometimes it's not. And to getting pictures from other women.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Sometimes. Have you asked him, you know, why? Why has he waited so like two years just seemed to me six months? Yeah, I mean, I know people have done that. Two years is just like, it's like your roommate, your friends, your... Yeah. How does a guy go to... I would be thinking like, if I were like that he's gay, but she's finding condoms.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Either he's gay and those really are for, or he's having sex with men. Mm-hmm. Right? Or he's having sex with men, right? Or he's just cheating. Like, what, what, what, you're a man? Why would a guy do this? Do you think he's gay? And he doesn't want to come out and he's having sex with men? Actually, you should use protection.
Starting point is 00:40:32 There's something going on here. If you do have sex with them eventually, but two years. Yeah, definitely like you're, you're wasting your time. You need to talk to this person and find out what's going on. And she doesn't even say what she really likes about him I mean honestly
Starting point is 00:40:46 I would be very suspicious of all these things and I don't maybe you're a little bit younger Ashley And I would just like try to get some answers and move on set a deadline to this and I hate to break up I don't know there's two sides of a story have a conversation have a conversation Not a heat conversation tell them how it makes you feel when you find the photos and how it makes you feel when you find the condoms And that you have an ed sex you need to have the sex it makes you feel when you find the photos and how it makes you feel when you find the condoms and that you have it at sex. You need to have the sex conversation of two years, get some answers, and then talk to some of your rational smart people in your life that you trust, that you know. Maybe not even a girlfriend because you always say girlfriends they give you advice, you
Starting point is 00:41:17 don't listen. But really, I think this is a situation that you have to make it decision to go either way really soon. People just stay in relationships a way too long that they're unhappy. And I try to convince Vice and they're not ready. They ask me, you only get one life. It's true.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Actually, you are in one life and you should be having sex and having really good sex with someone who cherishes you and loves you and respects you. And even like the naked girl, and I know you're saying that's not a big deal like to get naked photos from another. But sometimes you get them like unsolicited. Yeah, I do, I get, yeah, I know. I know you do, but these holes out there.
Starting point is 00:41:49 But if you see them, but they're flirting and stuff, I'm sure it's like a flirting thing that she saw in the text what we do, not only do we justify what we cheat, you're saying when but you justify someone's behavior that you're dating because you don't want to look at the truth. Yeah, you got to look at the truth. Totally agree. Okay, so another one. How got to look at the truth. Totally agree. Okay. So, another one. How to tell if she's interested. Dear Emily, how do you know if a girl is talking to because you are a good conversation, good conversationalist
Starting point is 00:42:14 or because she wants to hook up? Thanks, Donna. This is the ultimate question we've been talking about for years because the eyes are so effing dumb. Like, we do not pick up on signs at all. No. At all. We do not know if a girl's interested in us unless they tell us to our face or like tell
Starting point is 00:42:33 their friend. For grab you and you see or something. You know. So yeah, it's true. It sucks because I wish I wouldn't know. I'm like a bunch of time. I know you could have gotten late so many more times. But like women come up to you later.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Like I had a biggest crush on you in high school or college. Like really? Why didn't you tell me? I get it. I get it. I hate it. She, okay, so Jonathan, the thing is you don't know maybe, for sure. But if she's talking to you for a long time and you're a good conversational, she means she might not have even decided yet. She might just think he's a, but you know, I think it's a pretty good chance
Starting point is 00:43:03 that she's saying talking to you. It's probably because she's interested. And let her know you want to avoid the friends on. So how long are you talking to her? If you're interested in her as well, then make a plan with her. Say, hey, Saturday night, let's go out. Let's go here. Like try to kiss her. I mean, see how long is she been like, is this been going weeks and weeks and you're just, she's just dumping her whole life on you? And maybe she's just looking at the friend zone. but if a lot of girls are coming up and chatting with you, they're probably interested.
Starting point is 00:43:28 And if you're interested in them, that's the important thing because then you should just make the move. Let it be known. Kiss, we always, yeah. We've talked about this for years. We're like a married couple. We get like these recent.
Starting point is 00:43:37 I know, right? It's just like, yeah. Look, if she's not into you and you're into her, then good, you already figured it out. If you make a move and she's not into you and you're into her, then good, you already figured it out. If you make a move and she's not into it, guess what? You're not gonna die. You're not gonna die.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Nothing physically. She's not gonna kill you. Nothing physically is gonna happen to you. Maybe, yeah, you might be depressed for a second. You're like, oh, I really like this girl. She's not into me. But good, you didn't waste any time. Again, you only have one life.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Exactly. I've been that person where I don't know. Thank you. She likes her not and then I don't waste any time. Again, you only have one life. Exactly. I've been that person where I don't know if she likes her or not, and then I don't make a move, and then I wasted all this time, you know, and I could have just moved on to the next person and would have been happy, you know. Exactly. So I believe that this is a great takeaway from all of this, that you, people kind of start taking responsibility for their own lives in seriously Jonathan. If you're interested in them as a man, like you might get rejected, but it doesn't, it gets easier.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Yeah. And it's practice. And you just, if you're interested in her, be like, let it know. I'm like, you know, touch her, not in a grope way, but like there's certain things you could do to let or know that you're interested and to avoid the friend zone and let her know right away.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Like, hey, let's, let's start a night, you come with me, you know, we're going out. And when the love of confident men, too, anyways, you know, if you don't have confidence, just fake it. You got to think it's you know, we're going out. And when the love of confident men too, anyways, you know, if you don't have confidence, just fake it. You gotta fake it too, make it because it's true. The more that you practice talking, so as there's a guide listening, the more that you, it's a muscle.
Starting point is 00:44:54 It really is like the dating muscle, the talking to women or men muscle. Like you gotta practice. So whatever you're out, like just start talking to women wherever you go, men, what it's a high, like practice those skills and then it won't seem as uncomfortable. You might be like walking a buy, and you'll see this girl with this guy,
Starting point is 00:45:10 and you're like, how is that guy with that girl? And I'll guarantee you, most of the time, is because he had the guts and the confidence, to go ask her out when other people didn't. It's so true, and if you guys like go, we probably is really rich or... No, he's just confident. It's confidence, and I have to say other people didn't. It's so true. And if you guys go, we probably is really rich or... No, he's just confident. It's confidence.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And I have to say that I didn't even know as much about this until I started doing the show, is that the guys that I've essentially dated in my life, most of them, are the ones who had the balls to ask me out, or to start talking to me, or hit on me in a confident way. But there was all these really nice guys, like a lot of our listeners sitting in the corner, probably that might have wanted to date me
Starting point is 00:45:47 that I would never have known because I didn't go up to them. And they were really nice guys. You didn't know how to talk to women. Because I know all these men that are amazing and have just this one thing. And what I'm saying is it is a skill set and you can learn it and you can get comfortable with it.
Starting point is 00:46:01 So don't worry about women's sign and stuff like that. Exactly, that's our take. Just go for it if you want it, you know? Exactly, and I've a guy friend tried to kiss me and I've said no, but I didn't get like mad or whatever. It's all fine, it's all good, nothing loose. Okay, how to give a grown multiple orgasms. I love men who care about female pleasure.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Emily, could you advise please, the best way to get a woman to orgasm are better, still woman to orgasm or better still multi orgasm and Would you recommend this for the best sexual position to achieve this? Thank you Emily kind regards Ron It's called the YSL purse. He just like handed over and then they instant The insulin orgasm so amazing. Yeah, it is true. You got to go shopping It is a little bit costly
Starting point is 00:46:42 Mike might cut run it $2000 bucks. Some Christian Louis Vuittons, some Versace. I know, I still haven't dated that guy yet. The Louis Vuitton guy? There's any guy who's like, I need guys to find me really, really, well, yeah, there's really nice things. It would be awesome.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Maybe I have more orgasms. No, really Ron. Every woman is different. They all orgasm differently. And the most important thing is that you need to communicate with them how they orgasm. So if you're with a woman, like a lot of women can orgasm, you know, on top or on the bottom, but most women need their clitoris stimulated first before they can even, you know, that's how they have an orgasm. A lot of women just have clitoral orgasms.
Starting point is 00:47:19 And then other women can have like multiples by their G spot. So when you're actually having sex and their clitoris, she's about during sex like they can mix it all up, but you don't, it's you're not gonna be able to figure out without talking to the person about how she orgasms or if trying to figure it out, she might already know how to move. And so if she's never not even orgasming at all,
Starting point is 00:47:39 she might not have ever had an orgasm. And so a lot of women expect men just to be able to give them that orgasm, but really it's a woman's responsibility. So I would, I would. And so a lot of women expect men just to be able to give them that orgasm, but really it's a woman's responsibility. So I would just give do a lot of foreplay, because that'll really help our of an orgasm, like go down on her and a lot of women can't orgasm because that way on her clitoris.
Starting point is 00:47:54 In fact, a lot of women need to have an orgasm first, like a clitorial orgasm before they can have one during a like a G-spot orgasm, during sex. So warm her up, and even if it's not world, whatever you do to warm her up for play oral sex, give her a massage, we'll get her turned on in more of the mood and more likely to have more orgasms. But if you just like go ahead and stick it in like that's probably not going to be the time she's going to have multiples. So target or g spot or clitoris. You can find the best way to find her g spot beforehand. If you like
Starting point is 00:48:24 are going down on our You can use your finger and the calm Heather motion. I feel like people already like go to my website and Google G-Spot location Sex selling me duck. No one sex-land duck. I'm no one's done the G-Spot locator app yet by the way See I told you about it. He's laughed. I'm like, yeah, I don't know. It's gonna work And then sex toys are amazing a lot of women might have toys and they might not want to tell you that a lot of women just can't have an orgasm with a guy or during intercourse.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And there's like little, little little toys or whatever, don't be intimidated. She might use that. You might want to use that on her or what you're going down on her. You can use your tongue and the vibrator. She can use it during sex. Ask her.
Starting point is 00:49:02 She'll probably show you that she has one, but be really cool about it. and then she'll have orgasms. And if that just because of the toy, it's a combination, it's not going to replace you, don't be freaked out. And that's where I suggest Ron, but I think that's great, that you know, if you're in a long-term relationship, let me look a lot, I don't know if you are, but there are, again, there is no sexual position.
Starting point is 00:49:21 You got to talk to her and you got to work on it, but women can have multiple, women can have 10. I've had 10. It's crazy. There was this new story, the other guy, or the guy who can't stop having orgasms. He'll have 100 plus in a day. Really?
Starting point is 00:49:35 Yeah. I've heard a woman like this, but yeah, it's kind of a burden. Okay, so it can be. Okay, so I think we're gonna wrap up now, men's. We do. Yeah. I have to wrap up right now. I can't not do it. I know. I I think we're gonna wrap up now men's we do yeah have to wrap up right now I know I love you. It's Friday. We got to go party It was so awesome seeing you. It was nice seeing you too and and thank you for everyone that always hits me up on
Starting point is 00:49:55 Twitter and Instagram Menace and AC and talk about the show It's cool. I know it is awesome people have you they love us. They love us together. We're back to getting a 10-year anniversary of this show. I was thinking we have to do something. We were like the 69th show. And then we were like the 169th show. And now it's like 2000 that I've done. We do something.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Yeah, we can do something. 10-year live show. A live show. Yeah. What do you mean? Live show. We're doing a live podcast show somewhere in LA. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:24 People are doing that. That's like the trend. It is the trend. Do I want to do like never done a live show? Have we know we've talked about it. Let's do that. Okay, diversity. Don and done. Okay, you're awesome. Thanks menace and everyone remember check me out on Facebook sex that was it Facebook that comes last sex with Emily and on Twitter and on Instagram It's all sex with Emily across on Twitter and on Instagram. It's all sex with Emily across the board. And also, Com See Me in San Diego, October 25th, at the House of Workshop, what else? I just love you all. And I so appreciate hearing from you.
Starting point is 00:50:53 And thanks so much for listening. Was it good for you? Email me, feedback at Okay, just like I was talking about earlier, everyone, I've got a product that will change your life down under comfort if you have that feeling. It's like anywhere you sweat that not so fresh feeling. Your balls, your lower back, it's for men and for women, boobs wet under arms. My friend, like, uses, when he plays guitar, like, I mean, it can be used as a dry shampoo.
Starting point is 00:51:15 There's all these ways, men's health just voted. Like I said, top product that you didn't know that you needed down under comfort. It smells amazing. It's like a cream to a powder form. It's kind of a place that messy to have the powder that you use. And it's just so much better than that. You're gonna die.
Starting point is 00:51:30 You gotta try it. Emily and Use coupon code Emily for 20% off. Check it out. You will love it. Thanks everyone for listening.

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