Sex With Emily - Beards, Blindfolds & Finger Vibes: What Women Really Want

Episode Date: March 31, 2017

It’s safe to say that spring has officially sprung. The sun is shining, and the flowers are blooming. It seems only fitting to bring some of that freshness into the bedroom! On today’s show, Emily... is joined by Madison and Jamie to talk about all the new sex toys, tricks, and tips that have been the buzz of the SWE office! Are you curious about what really turns women on—according to science? Wondering whether to stay in your relationship or live it up in your 20s? Emily, Madison, and Jamie discuss these hot topics, review what new toys have been rocking their bedrooms, and share some of their own steamy stories about sensation play. This tell-all show is packed with spring sexiness you won’t want to miss, so tune in! Thank you for supporting our sponsors who help keep this podcast FREE: System JO, Fleshlight, Womanizer, FT London and Sportsheets. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily and today's podcast, we're kicking off Spring with a fresh new Sex Toy review show. We're sharing which Sex toys we're loving in the Sex with Emily offices month and we're also answering your email questions. Thanks for listening. The eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubized, they call them in a fight on date. Hey, Evelyn, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got every stand.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Oh my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean, like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm off here.
Starting point is 00:00:45 So, so, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to and check out all the fun stuff we have going on there, all the blogs, all the posts, all the videos. And have going on there all the blogs of the posts of the videos and also You can easily subscribe to the podcast. You know release two podcasts a week
Starting point is 00:01:09 Subscribe to our newsletter social media all that stuff and also shop at our store You know we have a store there to talk about a lot of fun toys that I like and products and you can find them all on the website Well, I'm excited for today's show because we've got the team here Hey, guys, okay, we've got Madison Jamie. Welcome back to the show. Thanks gonna be here. Oh, is it pleasure? Always a pleasure. Happy spring. Oh, yeah, happy spring It hasn't feeling very springy here in California, but I don't want to complain cuz it's like snowing everywhere else and people Wait us for that. Yeah, look at me talking about the weather and sex people are just tuning off right now. I will not talk about weather very often, however. It is spring and I'm glad you guys are here because we've had quite a year here, quite a winter
Starting point is 00:01:53 and now we're talking about some toys that we like. Yeah. And, you know, doing that kind of thing today, I don't know. Yeah, you know, just something different for us that we've never done before. Yeah. It's always fun to get tasked with masturbation for work, you know? It is. I'm like, have you tried this out? But I'm usually the one because I'm kind of late with things. I haven't tried it out. Yeah. So, oh, yeah. No, that's really funny. Like, putting on your calendar, like, Emily, go home and masturbate. No, Lily, it says that stuff on my calendar. It says like, which toy? I know that it's not fun, you guys. I still love my job, don't get me wrong. But yeah, we've been, you know, trying out toys, talking about sex, all that stuff. What's going on with you guys? Anything new and exciting I need to know about? I haven't been around that much like the last few weeks.
Starting point is 00:02:34 I've had like family and town and travel and so I feel like we can just really connect here on front of everybody. Well, it's not really sex related at all, but it's fine, Jane. We just tell me what it's on. Well, it's not really sex related at all, but it's fine, Jane. We just tell me what it's on. Well, me and Madison actually are both experimenting with... Yes, no, but a like a new way to take vitamins, I guess. Oh, okay. Yeah, healthily family. So get this and this actually now that I think about it is like one of the most LA things probably, but it's a vaporizer, but just for like vitamins, for specific vitamins, now that I think about it, is like one of the most LA things probably. But it's a vaporizer, but just for like vitamins, for specific vitamins,
Starting point is 00:03:07 because like I really low in B12, like seriously low, and my doctor wants me to come in like every two weeks and like get a B12 injection. And it's like, I don't have time to do that. You've got time, right? Can I put gas in my bag? No, I saw these vaporizers online,
Starting point is 00:03:23 and each vaporizer has up to 14 injections and it's like $9 per vaporizer And it's supposed to give you like, you know, the amount of B12 that you get in the shots. Yeah, everyone's low on B It seems like it's like the thing now. Yeah, so finding out more So I'm curious to see how it works out. I was telling Madison about it And we were both like oh, we're gonna buy it right now and they just and they came they came in the mail super fast too Yeah, no, I mean honestly I have one you can try. But vaporizer, why not just take the pills, the B12 pills? I mean, I like it because it's like a shock.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Yeah, life moves pretty fast, you know? It's true. Slow down once in a while, gonna miss it. No, so it's just for LA people because apparently we will vape anything that you hand us. That's true. I was like, do you get confused between your pod vape and your B12?
Starting point is 00:04:04 No, it says vitamin very big on it What a nice accident to happen that would be fun exactly like oh my god. I meant to get I meant to um, you know Get healthier here at the B12, but I just got really stoned at the office for some reason. I feel like the energy's not coming Right exactly. I can't focus on tasks at hand just full tire So you guys last night I went to America's Got Talent. Oh, that's fine. Have you guys- Did they have talent though?
Starting point is 00:04:28 That's the real question. They did have some talent. I thought it was interesting though. I went with my family because they're in town. And I've never seen the show before, shock. Although I do have my new TV, Shining TV, that's all set up. I'm waiting to turn it on any day now.
Starting point is 00:04:40 But it was interesting. It was like, yeah, there was some talent. But it was one of the talent. It was one of the shows where they, you know, it's the audition shows. You are auditioning for it. So it's not people who are like, we're 100% certain that they have talent. These are the people who were talented enough to get to a point where we can figure out if they have talent. Right. Exactly. And a lot of them were not Americans though. That was a weird part. Like they were not Americans with talent. They were like, Ukrainians with talent.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Well, that's exciting. I mean, we're the land of opportunity. We are. That they were not Americans with talent. They were like, Ukraine ends with talent. Well, that's exciting. I mean, we're the land of opportunity. We are. That is good. That's inclusive. The only awkward part, there was a comedian. He was the only one who got buzzed off because he did a stand-up thing and it was about sex.
Starting point is 00:05:13 And I thought it was very interesting and he was very funny. But I knew that for the American audience that they would never let that fly in television, which still really upsets me about the fan show. It is a family show. So what was this guy thinking? Except for this is the weird thing is that my niece, who's eight, was looking at me. She just knows that I do something with sex
Starting point is 00:05:29 as the word and she also wore on Snapchat. And so the second he said, she just looks at me like this, these eyes like, and Emmy knows what that word is. So that was a fun night. She's like, do you know him? Do you work with him? She's like, do you work with him?
Starting point is 00:05:40 Cause sex is like the thing. Like that's the only time I've ever seen him. I heard it now, someone's saying it on stage. Especially when they buzzed them off the stage. Oh He's the only one that got buzzed off. He's the only one out of all the people. Oh wow. I thought he was funny Ready for that America doesn't have sex America yeah, it's more sex certainly not during time and not during prime time Okay, speaking of sex you guys. I've got some sex in the news
Starting point is 00:06:03 Let's talk about this if you want to turn a lady on, just frown at her and sweat profusely. How about that? The things that we find attractive. I'm turning on our ID. We wouldn't put that on our Bumble profiles, for example. I would. You would?
Starting point is 00:06:19 You'd say sweat all over me, baby. No, but it would be hilarious. You should actually, this actually would be funny. I'd write a story. Yeah, literally. I mean, it would just be like, hey, like only swipe right if you're really good at frowning. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Well, apparently we find this attractive. It turns a woman out into something most men often find complicated. Science is in a little of the hard work for you delving into the intricate female mind to discover what's really gets her going. Well, most men we hope know that listening to her, treating her with respect, putting in the effort to spend time with her goes a long way. There's a few other traits that put you ahead
Starting point is 00:06:51 in the race for her affection. So before you go on the date, take a look at what turns a woman on according to science. Now, the only thing upsetting about this, I'm gonna get, I'm gonna read this to you all. Cause I just found it interesting and I thought we could talk about this. We've got women in the room here.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I don't want men walking around now with a furrowed eyebrow, because that's just what they think is cute. Like if they're like, hey, I better, this is gonna be attractive. I think it's just of you naturally for your brow. Yeah, I mean, well, I think it's the furrowed brow. So when I was in my communication courses, we took like entire segments of nonverbal communication.
Starting point is 00:07:19 And there's like all these little like micro expressions and what they mean. When you look at someone with a furrowed brow, it's not the furrowed brow that's necessarily the attractive part, it's what it means about the furrowed brow. Maybe he's just glaring because they're sun in his eyes or maybe he's a broody bad boy with a problem
Starting point is 00:07:35 that you can fix. Well that's what it is. So the first thing is the furrowed eyebrow. So a furrowed, a wrinkled brow can turn a woman on more than a happy face. So the study says that Femme who displayed the dark triad features of narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. Yeah, that's a dark triad.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I'm more attractive to women. That was like my- We like our men Christian great style. Well, I say exactly, totally. This is- He's still complex. I know, that's a lead. Okay, we're going to lean in.
Starting point is 00:08:02 We've got a fourth here. She's like our silent fourth person. What does it say, but a lean is like new to our team. Hi guys. Do you want to talk? Do you now want to talk? No pressure. Here she is.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Only if I get to talk about complicated men. Please. Yes. No, we are talking about, you're welcome to the show, because that's what we do. And women. So it finds that these traits are more attractive to women, and it all has to do with the perception of social success.
Starting point is 00:08:24 So of these traits, narcissism was most clearly associated with social success and physical and psychological health benefits in men. So they found that women were the preference for highly narcissistic men's faces had more children. Interesting. Attracted to narcissists. What's really funny is if it was a woman walking out this furrowed brow, it would be approximately five seconds before some well-meaning man walked over and was like, smile, honey.
Starting point is 00:08:47 You're so much prettier when you smile. I'm gonna start going over to guys with furrowed brows and being like, smile, you look so much prettier when you smile. Right. And like watching them. Or when a friend's like, you should totally get Botox. Yeah. That's what happened for a woman. Okay, so the furrowed brow, this is just, I mean, it's just interesting about what we find
Starting point is 00:09:03 attractive about seeing how to do it. But the other thing we find is creativity and intelligence. It seems obvious, maybe, but this is just interesting about what we find attractive about seeing how to do it. The other thing we find is creativity and intelligence. It seems obvious, maybe, but this is important nonetheless. The study found that men who take part in more creative activities such as photography, playing in a band, writing poetry, or more attractive to women, playing sports also topped the list. And the study found that the most guaranteed way to attract a partner was through intellectual interest and creative achievement. So men who work in creative industries such as web design, writing, or art are more likely
Starting point is 00:09:30 to get the girl, but are they likely to keep them? Because seriously, the guy in the band. Like unless he's in a successful band, I'm sorry, but like, I love people pursuing their passion. You know, when I pursued this, I had 10 other jobs at the beginning. So if you're only in a band or you're only, you know what I mean? You're not making it. I get it, but like, I dated a drummer, a very not intellectual drummer.
Starting point is 00:09:50 For two years, and at first the band thing was really cute because I was 18, I was like, oh my God, like he's a drummer in a band, it's so hot. Two years later, I'm 20, I'm like looking into like, getting serious about school and transferring, he's still talking about how his band's gonna make it. And he was like 26, 27 at the time. And I was, yeah, he was older.
Starting point is 00:10:06 And so I was just looking at him was like, no, like it's not you anymore. Right, right. Nothing, nothing raw being in the creative industries, but, you know, just I guess what we probably, you know, in a primal sense, find attractive. It's a sweaty thing. It's because it's, it's, it's, it's, it's really, it is, you know, that they're confidence in pursuing their passions and their dreams. But then do you think this changes though also?
Starting point is 00:10:27 Because you're like, yeah, but some women are like, I want the guy who has a stable job and the investment banker. Absolutely. Most of my grandparents, I went to private, kind of religious college, but yeah, all the women there wanted, like business majors. That was like it. Yeah. The more passionate though, I feel like it's like also associated
Starting point is 00:10:44 with like being in tune with like your emotions in a way So they're not afraid to be like romantic and they're not afraid to be certain ways But sometimes I found in my thing is that they're too Emotional like I dated a bassist and like he was super great and you know like the sex was really great And he was like really in tune conversationally and passionate intimate, but he was just too much like there was too much emotions There so it's like right kind of like the telekip balance right? Yeah Yeah, and this is so confusing and not gonna say that you all need to start We're gonna get to sweating and stubble and throwing brows
Starting point is 00:11:12 But you don't need we're just saying that this is like you know a study that was shown that what women kind of find attractive And we're kind of just giving our opinions on this but I don't want people to go start like throwing do you know? I'm saying like the point of this is just sort of, you know, this is like, it's fun. It's like hard, it's like, this isn't what women find attractive, according to science, it doesn't like, you need to go out and join a band and grow your facial hair.
Starting point is 00:11:32 I'm really concerned about men right now. I just have so much passion, compassion, always, because I get, I get concerned. But it is true, I've been at all sides of the spectrum, dating the artist, dating the guy, you know, and I think it does come down to passion. Like to someone who's really, like when you're looking at it and it does change, like
Starting point is 00:11:46 in college, like I dated a drummer as well. It was like in the popular band at college. And like I probably dated him for two months because I had the biggest crush on him for like the entire semester. I remember of a class we were taking, I don't even remember the class, the sociology class. We were probably learning about this stuff, which is why I'm learning about it again now because I probably was staring at this guy, Jeffy the whole time. And he was in the popular band, and he was so cute.
Starting point is 00:12:05 But I dated for two months, just because he was in the band. It was hard to watch him in the band, but you see, not that bright, and not that interesting. Never make the move, and then I had to make it, he was confusing,
Starting point is 00:12:13 but he was just, there's something very sexy about that. I think a pianist would be a good musician to get with, because they're like very technical, and like, I see them as more like artists. They're very sensitive too. Yeah, that's probably part of what we're drawn to.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah, we are right. We're not the overdose of sensitivity. But I think the passion too. Because even now like when I'm dating and I'm talking, I actually had this guy ask me, we were talking in the phone because now I'm doing all the online dating stuff. And I'm like, okay, I'm not gonna go out for a date with a guy.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I wanna talk to him first. Phone in or not. I want you on the phone. Just even for a minute, that, because if I find your voice attractive or not that but like let's just break some things down. And and he's like, what are your deal breakers? Like he asked me that right away. I thought that was interesting. And I thought guys who asked me about my deal breakers. Yeah, no really. I'm like, you just did it. We're done. I'm out. But I really said to him.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And this is where I again, this is change is going to be a different answer. But I said, I just want someone who's kind of settled in their life and their path right now, and they're really passionate about what they're doing for their life's purpose. They're not still trying to figure it all out, which I get that that's kind of the stage of the life that I'm in right now.
Starting point is 00:13:15 And then I said, I couldn't really say, it's so funny, because it's about the person really, because I think we could say we've a million deal breakers and you could just meet some one and you're like, all those things go out the window. I don't want to smoke her and then he's like smoking. I'm like, that's, you know, like, I love the way you smoke, smell.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Love the way you blow it out your nose, that's fine. Okay, but moving on, stubble. Forget what you heard about being clean shaven, it's not what women want. An older beard, I thought it was like an older man, older. Yeah, I was like, what? Or stubble, specifically 10 day old stubble. 11 day, I guess you shave it or something,
Starting point is 00:13:44 I don't know, is more of a turn on to women. Men with a clean shaving, like appeared just as healthy as men with beards, but women raided men with beards higher for perceived parenting skills. But heavy stubble was more attractive than beards and they said this is more manly when they official hair. How do you guys feel about facial hair? I like it.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Yeah. My husband has a beard. I would die if he shaved it. Really? Has he always had a beard facial hair. I like it. Yeah. My husband has a beard. I would die if he shaved it. Really? Has he always had a beard? No. And when I look at pictures of him back when he didn't have one, I'm like, oh, I'm so glad he grew the beard.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Yeah. He knows how I feel about that. Yeah. It's just very manly. It is manly. It's true. But if there's some guys who just, they can't for whatever reasons, and that's fine.
Starting point is 00:14:20 No, but some man can't. They're like, it's the saddest thing I've ever, I never, I never, I never, I never, I never, I never realized. It was like a genetic thing that you're either born with the ability to grow it or not. And like, you just, you hit a genetic lottery. If some people are able to have full beard, but like, I have a best friend who he,
Starting point is 00:14:37 his girlfriend, listens to this podcast. So she knows exactly who I'm talking about, but he for the longest time, it was like a running joke that like, he couldn't grow facial hair. And after a while, I realized like, we would all tease him about it, but he for the longest time it was like a running joke that like he couldn't grow facial hair. And after a while, I realized like, we had all teased him about it, but he probably felt kind of bad. Yeah, no, it's like men who lose their hair,
Starting point is 00:14:50 and they can't grow their hair, like they can't do anything about it. We can get extensions, we can get hair where we don't want it, we get lasered men, like they can't do anything about it. You can't have like fake, stubble extensions put in. Gonna use some of that like, revitalize on his facial hair. Grow that to a boy. Yeah, by a tin.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Right. By only 2017, I'm just wait. I'm sure there's going to be more gifts for it. There were extensions in the gift. You know when you get the fake eyelashes, you put one eyelash. They put one stubble in at a time. The new hair plugs. Then you'd be having sex with them and they'd fall off on the bed.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Oh, no, no, no, no. Okay, deep voice. A voice is known to affect the perceived attractiveness of a person, a low husky voice, to be more attractive voice as it's perceived as more dominant. It's also influenced by breathiness which can soften more aggressive tones. So when asking her on a date, use a deep tinder voice with heavy breath and a husky on her tone. What does that even sound like? I don't know. Like, I think it was a stalker because like, hey, Emily, what are you doing up Friday night?
Starting point is 00:15:44 What do you deal breakers? I'm gonna take you out. Oh my God, in a trash bag and pieces. I take one on her. I don't know, right? Exactly. What about that? Have you ever talked or gotten this voice?
Starting point is 00:15:57 You're like, yes, no. I mean, I just don't think that any of these are conscious either, really. No, I just feel like, I mean, there's just random times where someone's voice does not match what they look like. That's true. That sometimes throws you off and you're just like, okay, like you see them, you're like great.
Starting point is 00:16:13 And then they start talking. And you're like, whoa, wait a second. Who is speaking for you because that is not you. Exactly. That's the only time I get a little like me. And then there are times obviously where I'm like, oh, that guy had a hot voice, but I don't know what it is about the voice. And I wouldn't say that it's necessarily deep.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Breathy, deep and asking. Breathy or anything. I think it's just like some guys have like, like, oh, you sound like you're probably attractive. Right. Yeah. And then sometimes the voice is great. And then maybe they're not as attractive. And personal. Yeah. Okay. And then sweat. This is the one that was kind of the headline of the of the story here. Well, most of them would be quick. It jump in the shower to wash off that post workout trauma. Turns out it's quite a turn on. Women are more sexually roused, head faster heartbeats, increased levels
Starting point is 00:16:51 of the stress hormone, cortisol when they smelled male sweat. Yeah, I mean, I've had that word right. It's more of like, I love a guy's scent, but the sweat thing, I like the look of a sweaty guy. Like that's like a turn on, but like don't come near me and I don't want to touch you and I don't want to smell you. I don't think that's attractive at all. I don't either see, there you go guys.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I used to work at a gym. Like male sweat is my kryptonite. Like no thank you. How do you guys what do you think? Yeah, I mean I think I do like a guy's natural, both a natural musk, but like no, like if you're like super sweaty, like no. Especially because it's like,
Starting point is 00:17:28 and then like when you're at the gym or when they were testing these women, I'm sure they weren't around their sweaty genitals. They were just around them sweaty in general. So like if you're around their like penis and it's all sweaty, it's gonna be weight gross or it's gonna smell worse. It's not gonna be eternal at all.
Starting point is 00:17:42 It's like super disgusting. That's what I'm saying. So it's like when they were, I think that this study's a little skewed because you can't really just put a woman's gonna smell worse, it's not gonna be eternal at all, it's like super disgusting. That's what I'm saying, so it's like when they were, I think that this study is a little skewed, because you can't really just put a woman's face next to a guy's junk. Right, so in the name of a son, I mean, you could.
Starting point is 00:17:51 If you don't know the junk either, like maybe for someone that you're already dating, but it is like, it is, you know, biology or that it's the chemical change, it's a phyramone thing. It is kind of a phyramone thing. I don't think it's a visual thing. It's not, no, it's not. I think it's the smell of sweat.
Starting point is 00:18:06 It's the hormones that come off of a sweaty person. Exactly. But I could easily take just like a guy who sat in the sun for a few minutes over like a sweaty guy who just came out for a spin. Is that like a UPS guy you like? No, no, no, no, no, that's not, that's funny. OK, yes.
Starting point is 00:18:20 But I have commented on that. But only because he smells like hot skin, not like a hot man. He smells like it's like a person has been in the sun for a long time. Beachy smell. Yeah, it's like you can smell the pigmentation. Like you can smell like the top layer of their skin kind of like being hot. It's a process and you can smell. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I don't know. No, we get a lot of men delivering packages here. And they're all smells the same. No, they're all smells the same. This is something I just learned last week, because Massage is like signing off from. Do you smell them too, Jamie? Like, I feel like I just want to sniff them
Starting point is 00:18:52 next time you come in. You know the hot skin smell? I mean, I know what Madison is referring to. I just don't think that I am conscious of it when the UPS people come in. Like, I'm also like, sometimes like, super observant about a lot of things, but I'm going to certain type of zone, like literally a war could be going on. Right. I mean, I'm also sometimes super observant about a lot of things, but I'm in a certain type of zone,
Starting point is 00:19:06 literally a war could be going on. I mean, I have no idea. I'm not really the best person to ask. I get it, I get it. I'm not fun to man smell. I smell like that if I spend too much time in the sun. I have to make an talk about that. Okay, so next thing's key to just kidding.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Clean she, so you carried your daughter around with you. I love it. Okay, you smell like roses. Okay, clean sheets rank higher than a new hairdo makeup and even, okay, I'm so glad, because we stay there all the time and even a hot bath when it comes to getting a woman in the mood.
Starting point is 00:19:30 In a study of more than 2,000 men and women researchers found clean sheets came in second on the top turn on let's right behind losing weight. So get those sheets in the washing machine. You guys, please guys, I understand like, it's hard, right? Sometimes if you don't, you don't have a washer and dryer in your apartment. You're living in a apartment, yeah, you're living in a apartment. You live with other guys, like it's hard right? Sometimes if you don't have a washer and dryer in your part,
Starting point is 00:19:45 man. Living in a part, yeah, you live in an apartment building. You move with other guys, like it's such a pain, I get it, but like, I know you guys are master with it every day, you've got, it's just, you've got the clean sheets. Can you just, and anyone tell the guys you could spray stuff on to make us feel a little bit like, I don't know, but it's a breeze, but it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:20:00 For breeze, but then it smells good. No, you really need to clean those sheets, like you clean your underwear, hopefully you guys do that, and your socks, but guys just, they, they, they don't know. I don't know, I get it. I remember, you really need to clean those sheets like you clean your underwear. Hopefully you guys do that and your socks. But guys just, they don't know. I don't know. I remember it was a hard struggle for me too, like in my 20s that trying to figure out,
Starting point is 00:20:11 you know, when you share a building with someone, and yeah, you get on the string at the quarters, whatever, but you guys, it's important and it's hot and we are judging you on that. Yeah, no. Who, what sheets do I love? I love the parachute sheets, they're amazing. If you haven't tried them.
Starting point is 00:20:24 No, I haven't. Get them online, cut out the middle man, they're amazing. If you haven't tried them. I haven't. Get them online, cut out the middle man, that whole thing. What was the other one that you had that we did? I have sponsored Shibon Branch. Shibon Branch. Shibon Branch, they were really soft. Those are amazing. They're really soft.
Starting point is 00:20:34 They probably took away my key. I don't know why these companies do this. My podcast lasts forever, literally evergreen, right? You can listen to them for the last three years and I tunes. If anyone's interested, I've 12 more years before that. Nine more years before that that aren't available, just email Madison, just kidding.
Starting point is 00:20:47 But it's like, the codes go away with some of these companies, but Bollum Branch, who knows if you use, I don't know if it was Bollum Branch, slash Emily, the big pissed right now, or Code Emily, but those are really soft. They were so nice. We did a video. Yeah, we had a video and like,
Starting point is 00:21:00 it was about having a meeting in Emily's web. Oh, we did, that's funny. But the funny thing is is that we actually had the meeting in Emily's web. Like it wasn't like that's funny. But the funny thing is is that we actually had the meeting in Emily's web. Like it wasn't like fake. Like it was a real thing. We were all in my, wait, this is on Instagram, right? It's on our website, I believe, and it's definitely
Starting point is 00:21:12 on YouTube. I thought it was on Instagram too. No, it isn't Instagram. It's rolled down, you can see it's all in bed. But it was like, that was kind of funny. It was kind of, it was kind of, in the air soft. Okay, whatever, just get, okay, here's your thing. You know how much money you're wasting on other things
Starting point is 00:21:23 because I know for the longest time, it just occurred to me that I was like, oh, I could have two sets of sheets. Yeah, and they're not that expensive. You could get really nice thread count, high thread count sheets, so you know how you just like wasting money on other things to just don't get that extra beer,
Starting point is 00:21:36 whatever it'd save up for some sheets. Promo code M only, if it still works. Oh yeah, Promo code M only, for 20% off. And if not, tell them they should do it. You know them. Okay, and this one's interesting, attractive name. Have you guys ever thought about this? A pretty neat thing when it comes to dating.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Names like Ryan, James, Jack, and Chris are the most attractive names a man can have. James, top the list for perceived success. Jack, for the luckiest, for the list of the luckiest name, followed by Chris, I hate to say the least attractive names because these guys are gonna feel bad right now. But you're hot, don't worry. Peter, Thomas, and George. George, Kastanza. That's a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I don't know, but I guess I could, I don't know, do you guys think about that? You're looking at some calls, you're like, oh God, you really wanna get in? George, it's very romance novel-y to me. Yeah, exactly. I've heard people be like, oh, like Madison, that's a hot name,
Starting point is 00:22:23 and I'm like, really? Cause I know a bunch of children named Madison right now. So like, where are you pulling that out of? I don't understand this whole idea of hot names versus not hot names, and I would never, I think Ryan, James, Dacking, Chris, just sound like really great. Chris, Chris, James, James, is named Chris.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Every guy's name is Matt though I've realized. I can even notice like literally, every guy, is that your husband's name or something? No, it is. Every guy's name is Matt, the guy, where are we going? Now every guy you meet, hey Matt. Yeah, really really I just guessed that their name is Matt because it probably is But I'm not great with names so she in college and this is not a new thing
Starting point is 00:22:51 I know you guys think like I don't remember anything, but I didn't college either I mean, it's true. I actually don't remember anything or anyone, but this has been going on since college And here's why men's names are so hard for you because most of them have one syllable. It's like Bob, John, Matt, Chris, Mark, Dave, John, Rob, Bob, Eric, and Bob, Matt. And I was like, I don't know, they're all, they all sound the same. And they're eventually, they look the same. That was a whole other story. So okay, let's give a shout out to our sponsors.
Starting point is 00:23:21 This was good. Anything else? Any other, let's round this up. This was just interesting for science and cleaner sheets I think is the biggest takeaway. Absolutely. I think that was the most relatable of all of these. I was like, yeah, dude clean sheets No matter what else like that is a deal breaker especially if you have pets To be honest have a great story about that. What go? Okay, so and I got really mad because I was close I'd never really been set up before like my friend was like
Starting point is 00:23:47 Hey, I think that you would really like this coworker of mine and he told his coworker like Hey, I think you'd like this friend of mine. So we men. I was like, okay He's like, you know, he's attractive like I'm down So into his apartment like you know after we had hung out in public like around a group of people and I go to his house and First of all, there wasn't even the worst thing was this she well actually was the worst things But like get into his apartment and apparently he lives with like seven other dudes and they were just all there. So I was like, okay, well this is not awkward at all
Starting point is 00:24:11 because I'm obviously coming over here for what? Cookies, like no. So we go into his room and he, I'm like, it's really cute at first. I'm like, go you have chinchillas, that's great. You know, and so he's like letting them out and they're like running all over, his room and all over his bed and stuff and I'm like
Starting point is 00:24:25 They're like Shitting they're shitting on your bed. Shitting or shedding shitting like they're taking craps like well You're like yeah, they're like bunnies, you know, so they just crap everywhere and he was like hey, and I see he just goes and sits on his bed And I'm like are you gonna let poop right there? He's like yeah, I was like hey You're gonna do something about that before we get going here because. And he kinda looked at me like I was the weird one questioning
Starting point is 00:24:51 whether or not he should be cleaning his sheets right then and there. And I'm like, I don't know how this normally goes for you. Oh God, I hope you don't have that. But I'm like, I'm not okay with having inner cores on top of chinchillers. I'm sorry, no, you're doing it. Dude, draw the line there. I'm glad you're like. I was just like, no, literally. He's like, well, I was like, I was like. I'm sorry, no, you're doing it. You're doing it. I'm glad.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I was just like, no, like literally, he's like, well, I was like, I was like, I just pulled, I did it for him. I pulled his sheets off of him. And then you had sex with them? Well, I mean, I can't, well, you're right there, you're right there. You're sitting there.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Yo, dude, you're already missing. You gotta bang, you gotta bang, I'm, I got it. I never, never saw me get up. That is a good story though. I love it. So clean sheets. Okay, got it. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Okay, so now shout out to our sponsors. Yeah. And then we'll be right back with some, oh my God, some sexy stuff. All right. All right. Hi everyone. We're back. I am back.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Okay, Helena to leave. By Helena. Okay, so we talked a lot about spring cleaning this month because it is spring. Spring is a great time to clean up everything at your house, get rid of all the stuff that doesn't work, including bad relationships, dumping season, and we've encouraged you to get rid of that bad patterns, all that stuff. Okay, so we want to get rid of it. We even did a giveaway, spring cleaning giveaway. We're going to be contacting you if you want a magic wand. But in that spirit of spring cleaning, we want to share what we've been up to in the bedroom
Starting point is 00:26:14 this month because we have clean sheets. And we have cleaned fresh spank, we spank spank and clean fresh new toys, brand spank and new fresh cleaning toys. It's like a word jumble. I've got a lot of night you guys America's got town. It was a late night. Okay, so we do have some brand spank and new toys. There you go Baby in it. Okay, so we've got these toys from F.T. London So let me tell you about F.T. London first So I used to go to the show called the International Laundry Show every year It's funny everything in sex like we're gonna call it a laundry show and there was laundry there So I used to go to the show called the International Laundry Show every year.
Starting point is 00:26:45 It's funny everything in sex. We're gonna call it a laundry show. And there was Laundry there, but there was also, it's in Vegas, there's also all the sex toys. All the companies, all the brands, and then there was always like some standouts every year that people would launch their new brands there. And I met them at this show and there was this guy Jack and his partner, his business partner. And they had that they're like, you go to these things, if anyone's ever been to a conference, like, I don't care if you're going to like a, you know, technology conference or you're
Starting point is 00:27:12 going to like a floral conference, flower conference, a gifting company, they have those gift shows, sex or conference, they're all like, kind of like really, they look the same. There's hundreds of booths. I mean, these if you look in the booth, you're like, oh, there's a bill, though, like, oh, there's like a pack of pussyasi but it still is a big conference also nothing to start to get things to stand out and Disky Jack he's Ukrainian and he the Methys this booth was like this beacon in the middle of this conference of toys That just stood out because their toys were just they were so beautiful. They were so unique and they had the most amazing drawings And they wore these shirts that they has like flowers on them. It was like these blooming flowers
Starting point is 00:27:48 and the toys, which now we're gonna talk about were just, just people couldn't stop talking about them. They went all these awards that year. And there was like nothing like I'd ever seen before. So it turns out Jack, who started the company, he's an engineer who was specializing in silicones for the space industry. I love how people get into this industry. He's like, oh, look at all these silicones. I know. I can make a really cool sex toy with this. And he made this toy that looks like if you took a
Starting point is 00:28:12 vibrate like a dildo shape by, like a penis shape by, and if you split it down the middle and both sides felt, it looks like a flower blooming. And they're just very Madison, Googled images. So, did, how would you explain it Madison? I'm proud. The best thing I could possibly come up with was that it looks like an upside down bell curve. They were just very Madison, Google images, so to... How would you explain it, Madison, to our crowd? The best thing I could possibly, like, my butt was that it looks like an upside down bell curve.
Starting point is 00:28:28 So for all of my fellow math nerds out there, that's what you're working with, except it, I like Emily's imagery more because it does kind of split like two petals. That's so sweet. Two petals, yeah, totally. And they were just cool, and you're like, yeah, and some of these things just look really cool,
Starting point is 00:28:40 and you're like, oh, and they really were, they are very soft. It was just the whole design and shape of them were cool and they just jack as the nicest guy in his partner. They were just cool and everyone was talking about. He brought me pasta. He brought me like pasta and he brought me chocolates and he brought me like tea from Marsha.
Starting point is 00:28:55 He was very nice. He was a Russian always for lovely man. So anyway, I've always loved their toys and now they have like a whole that was like four years ago and they have a whole new things with the FT London and they have a whole bunch of new toys that they came out with, and we all got to try them recently. This toy that I was talking about was called the G-Vib, and it was very successful toy, and now they can't,
Starting point is 00:29:13 the G-Vib mini, which was sold out, because we started talking about this, like probably that girl month or two ago, from a purely superficial level. I love the color. I love that little green. They're so fun. Like I almost think that's not a reason to buy toy, but the softness and the color and the
Starting point is 00:29:27 packaging. Beautiful. The G-Vive Mini. We all tried it. Yeah. Very unique shape and this one's against a little smaller than the larger one and it's designed to adapt to every anatomy and body type. And that was kind of their point in making these toys.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Oh, when he came up with the idea, when he was like sitting at NASA, I don't know where it was. But he was like, oh, oh, and he is a wife and they were trying these out. He's like, God, I'd love to toy that could really go inside of a woman and then it was like, bloom inside of her and be able to fill her up in a way
Starting point is 00:29:54 and hit all of her spots, the G spot, the A spot, all the different spots we talk about. And he's like, this could do it. And you could use it a lot of different ways, a lot of different touch points we're gonna talk about. So the G by many, very unique shape, for every anatomy and body type, and you can use it for dual stimulation,
Starting point is 00:30:09 internally, externally, aingly, men can use it for prostate stimulation. We haven't had any men in here to try it, though, which we, I don't know. Like maybe we should give Michael some eyes, one to go on with. I think it's a great choice. So six vibration patterns,
Starting point is 00:30:23 their silicone is like no other silicone than I've ever felt in a toy. It's so soft. It's kind of on a cotton with it. It's no, it's like, it's nice to hold onto. Like I was like holding it and like kind of spinning one of them around my finger and was like, this is just pleasant. Like I would keep this around.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Right. And no, and you can't really tell it that it looked like a sex toy if you got like kiddo. It kind of just looks like, you know, like, you know, like how those stress relievers, but it's kind of like a hand cramp. Yes, it's a, so it's kind of, that's what it kind of reminds me of because it's like you totally would like, you know, like, you know, like, how they have those stress relievers, but it's kind of like a hand cramp. Yes, it's a, that's what it kind of reminds me of, because it's like, you totally would, like,
Starting point is 00:30:48 just find yourself like, oh crap, I've been holding this for like five minutes, I haven't even mastered it yet. Yeah, exactly. You forgot you were even gonna master it, because masturbation can be a huge stress reliever. Maybe this is the do-you-s. Oh, there you go. It's already has multiple uses, but, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:00 that's one more. So, what did you guys think about the G-Vibe mini from FT London? Let's just have a chat about it. Upon first, it's going to add something. Yeah, hi. I get a little bit nervous when they have a toy that's like, use it so many ways, because I'm like, oh crap, I'm never going to be able
Starting point is 00:31:15 to do all these ways with it. But like, it was really cool to play around with it to kind of like look at it, be like, all right, so where is this going to go? And then after I struggled for a night, Jamie was like, hey, there's a diagram. I was like, look at it, be like, all right, so where is this gonna go? And then after I struggled for a night, Jamie was like, hey, there's a diagram. I was like, okay. Here's the thing about their toys, which I love.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Okay, again, tuck superficially. They come in these beautiful cardboard boxes, like the products nestled inside and then they have these drawings. I thought you jack drew these. It explains to you, they're very pleasant drawings, but how do you use them? They're super-grim.
Starting point is 00:31:43 So Matt has to pull out the instructions. Yeah, so the instructions saved me. And then you can kind of see just the different ways. If you're like, you know, if you're used to using a toy that like either goes inside you or it goes outside of you, like for instance, another one that comes in mind is the Doc Johnson Trist, where I was like, there's so many ways to use this,
Starting point is 00:31:58 like I feel almost dwarfed by the ability to like master bait with it, because it's just so unique. But this one's really cool because you can use it for literal and vaginal stimulation, which is how like, you know, if you like rabbit vibrators and stuff like that, it's a really cool thing to do. And I like that a lot. I have trouble with just G-spot stimulation by itself.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Helps for me to have literal contact as well. So that's how I used it. And I thought it was pretty cool. I liked the way that it felt in my hand, which was awesome. And I thought it was really easy to handle, which is cool because you get big G-spot vibes and they're like long and you kind of have to like finagle them into you. Whereas this one was just like perfect,
Starting point is 00:32:36 so close. Jamie, what do you think? I mean, I agree. I liked it for the dual stimulation the most because I feel like it's like a comfortable clothes pin that you can like goes like the one leg goes on your clitoris and the other leg goes inside of you and like hits your G spot.
Starting point is 00:32:52 And the cool thing is is that like when you move your legs in certain ways or if you elevate your pelvis or if you put your legs closer together, like you can feel the difference in like how the arms are like, right, closer together or if they're farther apart. That's why it's like good to look at the instructions one because it really does help you like figure out
Starting point is 00:33:09 like different ways that you can do it. When I use toys like this, I like to start out with dual simulation, but then try it just internally. I really like the diagrams because it's like when you put it inside you, they kind of come closer together when you put your legs together and up. Right, exactly. And that's how for me, how I felt it more on my G-spot and it felt more intense that way. When you put your legs together and up. Exactly. That's how for me, how I felt it more on my G-spot and it felt more intense that way.
Starting point is 00:33:27 When you put your legs together and up, like elevated or like put back over your head kind of thing, or like when you're getting a gynecological exam. It's almost like when you're in wheelbarrow position, but there's no partner there. So just you laying on your back with your legs kind of like up up. Yeah. Yeah. And the more you move, it's very, right. You can feel the different, because it has those very strong motors on either end
Starting point is 00:33:47 Yeah, I feel where it was hitting inside of you I agree right I felt that too and before I know that I'm ever gonna have any like even g-spot Sensations or turns I have to have a clue. I have like a knock off the clitor orgasm So knock it out get that out of me and so was like, I'm just gonna use this toy for that, and I used it, and I just before I inserted it, and I just like pinch those two motors together, like on my clitters, and my lady, I'm just huge. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Oh, dear, oh, it's like recipes for children, recipes like that, that's all. Why didn't you add the flour before? Oh my gosh. So yeah, so I squeezed it together in my clitters, and then I would like invert it, and I would just put the two little tips on like my Labia and like because that just totally turns that's what gets me going there and then I like then I would flip it back around
Starting point is 00:34:31 It's a acrobatics with the g-bottomini and then had the clitoral which was awesome Per use and then I put it inside me and I know you're saying it's a little different because you have to squeeze it together and It opens and I'd use their other the g-bottomies ago when they got it years ago when I got it, and this is totally different, but I was thinking, well, how is this really going to hit the G spot? Because it's like, the other one was so big, and this one's so much smaller. Then I left it on my clitoris, and then I stuck it inside the G spot, and hit it perfectly. The first time I elevated my butt, it was actually nicely nestled on my clitoris and hit the G spot, but I had to raise my pelvis up.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I had to do that, which I sometimes forget to do that anyway, even though I don't talk about it all the time. And so that felt really good for me. Yeah, I hit it nicely. And then what else did I do with it? I did a bunch of different things. I did, I had a whole day. It was like a date on Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:35:19 And then I twisted it around because we're always saying there's all these sensitive parts of our vagina and we really talk about the clitoris than G-Spot, but I feel like, again, we talk about like masturbation and exploration and I twisted it around just to see like what can I, and I really did feel on those motors I was just like turned on the whole time
Starting point is 00:35:39 from different areas that I hadn't felt stimulated inside of me in a while. There's kind of like dead, dead zones in our vagina. Yeah. Because if you don't take muscles or something, I'll say you only run or just like exercise, and then you play tennis. You're like, oh my god, I have muscles I didn't know that I had.
Starting point is 00:35:52 And you start to feel like sore and certain parts are. It's kind of like that with your vagina, I think. I'm just gonna keep saying vagina. No, totally. And I feel like it was like hitting spots, so I was twisting it around, and it was like, I don't know, I had a really great orgasms and sensations and a lot of it wasn't even orgasm.
Starting point is 00:36:06 It was sort of like a rousal process that led up to like more orgasms. I think at like six. Oh wow. Calf is counting. Just regular date night, you know. Exactly. Yeah, it is cool.
Starting point is 00:36:16 You mentioned earlier, but they have the dual motors. So like there's a motor and each leg and the part that you hold doesn't have a motor in it. So you're not losing any of the vibration power, whereas like sometimes if you've got like a handheld vibrator, your hand naturally takes away a little bit of that vibration. It like absorbs it, so you don't get the full effect.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Exactly. This has all the vibration that motors are in the tips, so you know that wherever you put those tips is gonna be stimulated the best. I think a lot of women don't realize, I might have talked about this before. The opening of your vagina is so sensitive. It's like, like, riddled with nerve.
Starting point is 00:36:49 In the first, yeah, exactly. The inner two thirds, it's like when we're always talking about penis size and why, you know, having a big penis doesn't necessarily mean you can't pleasure a woman because the inner two thirds are the most sensitive parts. So I had a lot of fun using one of the arms, like, up by my clitoris. And the other one was just kind of like at the entrance of the vagina which I thought was nice. That I tried that yes and it was yeah and I was like oh
Starting point is 00:37:12 like this is cool. This is something that most sex toys can't do. Like I can't just have it resting at the opening you know. So that was awesome and then yeah nothing. No, you just reminded me of something. Would I felt I can't forget. That's like my best point, because you know what's funny when you're masturbating and you're not thinking, you're just kind of in your body, and then I'm also thinking about what I wouldn't say about it, it's very confusing, right?
Starting point is 00:37:33 Because I want to like give you guys an authentic thing, but I don't want to be thinking about it because I'm masturbating and I'm in the moment. But you just reminded me that I felt like the little, the tips was like a little tongue, when I did the dual, it was like a little tongue, because I'm the dual, it was like a little tongue, because I'm super sensitive in those inner two thirds. So I just left it sitting there.
Starting point is 00:37:49 For me, that's like, okay, how do I explain this? So it was just like resting like a tongue like nesting, but then I push it harder, and then it's like hitting up on my G spots. It felt like a little tongue, like it was like oral sex, huge fan, as you know, like just if I can have a toy that just doesn't, I'm happy, and that's what it felt like to me.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Like a tongue, and I got that same sensation of like oral sex. So I love that. And the toy also, I did not use it with a male partner, but it is great for that as well. It is for men and for women, you could share it. It's great. Like if you think about how it's shaped with the two, you know, prongs, great for like nestling on the balls.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Great, you know, for nipple play too, like squeeze your your nipples, so it's got a lot of different uses. One of the diagrams. Yeah, one of the sketches shows the two ends kind of like, the way you're talking about stimulating your clitoris, the two ends kind of like nestling, like forming a V against his, frenulum. Right, new best frenulum.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Yeah, so. The best frenulum, because it is frenulum exactly. So you like, yeah, you can like kind of like, cup it around. I'm a frenulum, do you want to have it with the frenulum? Yeah, if people The best freinulum, because it is freinulum exactly. So you like, yeah, you can like kind of like, cup it around. Um, the freinulum, do you want to have it the freinulum is? Yeah, if people don't know. For the underside of the penis, so like where the,
Starting point is 00:38:51 like where the, the head kind of like meets the rest of the shaft. On the underside, there's a little triangle. And it's got like almost like a little like, it's like that rib that like line underneath your tongue, like that webbed kind of thing. It's got like a tiny little ridge like that. It's called the like coronal ridge, I believe, pulling that out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:39:09 I could have made it out of nowhere. You'd screw. But you got this. You've been here. But then, so the freinulum is like, it's like the most sensitive part of the head, and the head is the most sensitive part of the penis. So like, if you're giving oral or something like that,
Starting point is 00:39:21 and you like flick your tongue against it, it drives the guys crazy. So the idea, again, using it like a tongue, you can kind of get it up under there. It's just cool. Exactly, trace it around. I didn't get a chance to try that out. I'm going to have to.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Yeah, okay, I won't tell your boyfriend. Yeah, I have to do it, but should I have a penis in my life? I should actually be like, should we don't all have penis is right now? So yeah, I'm gonna do that. So that was cool. The other thing is, well, should we move on to the next one?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Yeah, the G-Vib min. Let's move to the G-Vib min. The G-Vib, should we move on to the next one? Because yeah, the G-Vibes minute. Let's move to the G-Vibes minute. The G-Vibes, oh, the G-Ring. Oh, no. The G-Ring. So the G-Ring, not to be confused with a C-Ring or penis ring, con-ring. It's the ultimate finger vibe.
Starting point is 00:39:54 You can wear it on your finger, like your finger literally becomes a vibrator. It's like the size of a super bowl ring. Let's try to think of what was a good ring. That's good. Yeah, made of velvety soft silicone perfect for Clidral stimulation during sex or even solo six vibration patterns multiple Intensity levels and a hundred percent water proof just like the G vibe mini
Starting point is 00:40:16 Which I don't know if I mentioned that it was a G vibe mini a hundred percent water proof I thought it was if it's not am I be wrong? Let me see. I want to double check on that Okay, maybe it's not but this one is the middle on it. So I thought maybe I wasn't. Okay. I assume they are waterproof. I swear to God, I like just what. It says it is 100% waterproof. Yeah, my bad.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I just love, okay, so I love the idea of just any finger vibrate. It reminds you of like Jimmy Jane came out with the Hello Touch years ago, five years ago. And it was so cool because you get on two of your fingers, like these little finger pads with that one and you could touch your partner and you become like a human vibrator,
Starting point is 00:40:46 your finger does, your hands. So this I love, and that was a little more tricky, because you gotta put on your wrist, it's like a whole contraption. This just goes around your finger, and it's like, so that means that anywhere it's strong too, that anywhere you touch, you get vibration. So you could easily use it for, yeah, for masturbation,
Starting point is 00:41:00 you put it on your nipples, you put it on your clippers, you could like give a massage with it, turn yourself on, like I'm always telling telling women, you know, take it slow, and I kind of did that, like I've been spending more time doing, you know, all these things, turning myself on, slowly not rushing through masturbation to knock one out, and it just feels good, it's like a little vibrator, like teasing it all over your body.
Starting point is 00:41:18 So it's great for that, it's great for inclidial stimulation and also great for partner sex. Yeah, no, I actually used it. The first time I ever used it was my jaw was really sore, so I used it to massage the area where my jaw comes up under my ear and it was really nice. It felt really good. You put on your finger and you just rub the way you would
Starting point is 00:41:36 like any sore muscle. That's still true. And I was sitting there and I was like, God, this feels really good. Like I had an aloe setting so it wasn't like rattling my teeth or anything, but just, yeah. That'd probably be great for like during a blow job. Well, I was gonna say that I think it in a low setting so it wasn't rattling my teeth or anything. But that would probably be great for during a blowjob. Well, I was going to say that I think it's great for a blowjob and a hand job.
Starting point is 00:41:50 You could use it against your mouth, you could use it on your fingers as you're giving a hand job. Totally. Is that what you're saying? She was talking about putting it on where I was putting it in the back jaw area. We always say right, exactly. Yeah, like turning your mouth. But I think it say, right, exactly. Like turning your mouth, but it was something I think it'd be more advantageous
Starting point is 00:42:07 to put it underneath your chin. Underneath your chin, the chin trick. Do you guys know about this? Putting a vibrator underneath your chin when you're giving a little job? We've talked about this, but maybe not in a while. I think it's your cheek. Totally.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Yeah. I used it on my boyfriend's taint area, and he said it was nice. It was really hard to do during sex. I don't know how anybody can reach around and put pressure on that because I kept accidentally moving and he was like, oh crap.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I was like, it was grinding into his perennium. And it was during sex, but it felt good when it was lightly on it. But once I were moving around a lot so I was trying to press it against and he was like, okay, ow, too much. So you have to be careful. Some guys are really sensitive in that area.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Yeah, there's six, you could turn out the vibration too. Yeah, well, I mean, we, ow, like too much. So you have to be careful. Some guys are really sensitive in that area. But you could turn down the vibration too. Yeah, well, I mean, we were in the middle of sex. I wasn't stopping to play around with the buttons or anything, we were just going for it. But I think that it would feel really good also, like, again, against this perennium, like underneath, kind of like right where his like, shaft needs his balls might be really good too.
Starting point is 00:43:00 You can play around with it because it's wherever you're feeling good. Literally wherever you want a vibration in your life, this will go there. And it was really nice during sex too because like a lot of sex toys are kind of bulky. So it's hard like if you're in a position where like you're flat on your stomach, for instance, like getting a sex toy under there is like really hard. It's getting even your hand under there is really hard.
Starting point is 00:43:20 But like if you had it, it's literally it's like your finger tip. So it's just it's so true. I mean, I'm thinking about this. It's like we always say, like for women, like we always need more literal stimulation during intercourse, that this is like the perfect thing. If you're like, oh, I'm afraid of, like, let's say you're like thinking I'm not sure, I wanna bring a toy in a relationship or whatever,
Starting point is 00:43:38 which hopefully you're moving past that. But this is almost like the perfect toy for intercourse, because it's literally just there in your finger. Like you already like start, it looks like a ring. It looks like a super royal ring. That would be weird. I guess as a woman who runs super royal, but you could just hold it there.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Like it could be easily like we need, we know that women require more clear simulation and this would do it. Yeah, Tandy. That's not intimidating at all. No, that's a little bit of the smallest thing. That was the least intimidating toy I think you'd ever use. I don't, if anyone was like intimidated by that,
Starting point is 00:44:07 it'd be like really dude, like, come on. It's like the size of like a, no. It's literally like a ring pop. Because you can't pop, don't ring your pop. I'm the way you could, but I don't want it. You could taste pie. It's waterproof, but don't. It is odorless.
Starting point is 00:44:17 That's one of the things that they say on the website. Yeah, and what else can I get? I love the chargers, the magnetic chargers. Yeah, it's really cool. It's just a beautiful, like really, like the pack. It's a great gift to the boxes, all that. Love them. The cool thing about the G-ring too
Starting point is 00:44:29 is that like if you use some of the other toys that they have, it's like kind of serves as a remote control. For the butt plug. For like the G plug or like ramp, which I think is. The G plug, right. Yeah, which I think is just like really cool that it can be a sex toy and a remote to another sex toy.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Like that's really ingenious. Like I don't think that's- I think that's genius too. I was reading review by a gay couple who used it and they were like, oh my god, it was so hot because yeah, you've got like, yeah, two vibrator controlling and another vibrator. Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:44:55 When they first talked to us at the trade show that I was at when it was the first time I ever met Jack and the saw all the fun toy stuff, that was the thing that excites me the most. Was the idea that it could pair with a butt plug and you can use it with a partner and it's like a remote. Like, that's so fun.
Starting point is 00:45:08 I know, and they also have a great speaking of pairing. They have a great keglet ball. Mm-hmm, G-Balls. G-Balls. And their G-Balls are so cool because, I don't know if I've talked about these yet, is that they won't get into it later, check it out on their site, but really,
Starting point is 00:45:22 you can wear it and you could, they have an app that pairs up to it. And you can actually measure the progress of your muscles working with this G-Ball. Like it's strengthening over time. What do you think? They're, they're on their website. So the cool thing about the mid-thigh,
Starting point is 00:45:36 you got a, I believe, is with the website. And for the G-Balls one, they have tons of videos. Some are like fun promotional videos where you're watching it and you're like, this is visually entertaining, but I'm not sure what I'm watching here. And then you have actual instructional videos from Emily on the page as well, I believe, for some of them. But for this video, they have it.
Starting point is 00:45:56 The title is, Sensation, Lucy and her pussy. And it just looks very like a circus font, a popcorn-y, just like very, so it's fun, it's funny. Oh yeah, I like it. I was scrolling in Jamie's eye and we both laughed at it because it's like Lucy, you know, like, like, at least tight.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Okay, well go to our website, click on the FT London banner. You can check it out. Do you just see how they're, there's well made, they're well designed, they're smart, they feel good. And I think you can buy them on the shop with them, like, say, Chris, yeah, I think you can. Yes, buy them on our site.
Starting point is 00:46:24 That's fun. Let's do that. Okay. So sensation plays, we talk a little bit about, yeah, that was another thing that we've all been kind of focusing on. It's going to be some sensation play. Yeah. Meaning playing with different sensations.
Starting point is 00:46:36 We have so many senses in our body, and a lot of times we forget to incorporate them all during sex, or maybe we've never even tried. And so if you think about what I'm saying, you know, site, touch, sound, smell, voice. Yeah, talk. Sound. It's like, um, it's part of four play. I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Yeah. It's part, it's generally like a good part of four play. Um, and I know Emily, we did a video about it earlier. And I think there's a blog that should be out by the time this podcast airs. So we can definitely link to that so you can see it. Overall sensation play, it's just the experimentation of different senses and how if you take one away, how the others become heightened. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Exactly. That's why we always talk about starting with a blindfold because then if you put a blindfold on your partner or then everything else, even just the lightest, I just picture that's like a put a blindfold on your partner and then take the g-ring and on your finger just trace it all over their body, that they wouldn't know what comes next. And then you could use a paddle for spanking or you could drip like massage oil, candle wax,
Starting point is 00:47:32 massage, candle oil, yeah. Massage oil, or even massage, candle oil on your partner. And it's just playing with different sensations. And spaking, you know, feathers, touch, just so fun. So we've been experimenting with that here. Yeah, been playing around with it. And we thought it'd be funny. Jamie had a really good sensation play story
Starting point is 00:47:50 that we wanted to share. Jamie's full of stories today. Yeah, so I'm like really, I really like cooling things down like during sex. So I like to use, I like to use ice cubes or like things that are like really, really cold. And like normally during oral sex, you make your mouth really cold, and it feels really good to the other person.
Starting point is 00:48:07 So, like, advice versus- People don't normally do that. You just said normally during sex. Well, I'm like, I feel like- That's a good tip, though. Normally, people that do that do it for that reason, I would say. I guess I'm just a general. No, no, no, I'm saying this is a good tip,
Starting point is 00:48:21 so I want to back you up. Are you saying when you're performing on a man, or in a man's profile, or just in general? Well, both. I would say, like, when this is a good tip, so I want to back you up. Are you saying when you're performing on a man or in a man's performance or just in general? Well, both. I say like when I would cool my mouth because every person that I've done that to, every guy I've done that to, like goes crazy about it, like they think it feels really like crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:35 It was actually, yeah, I was really funny. Like I told a guy to get ice cubes one time and he was holding a handful of them and I started like going down on him and like making my mouth cold and stuff like that and he was still I was like you know you can put the other ice cubes down right like he got so distracted he like was still there's like I smelting everywhere yeah I would know but the funny story is that when reciprocating like my partner I was like oh well you know like cool your mouth down like put ice cubes in your mouth and then go down on me and then he's like
Starting point is 00:49:00 oh like what if I put like an ice cube like in your vagina? And that was just like, I mean, you can try, like sure, I'm sure it'd feel good, but it's like, you know, during sex and the vagina is already a warm and moist place regardless, moist. So during sex it gets even more so. And so like literally like you put one of the ice cubes
Starting point is 00:49:22 in and it, I swear I melted in like five seconds. And it was hilarious. And like I felt and you feel it melt. It feel good though? Yeah, it felt really cool. Like it was definitely interesting, but it was like hilarious because I'm like, oh my god, like there's something melting inside me.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Like you know how like when you drink really cold water and you can kind of feel it like go down, like you're soft against, it's like it felt like that, but like in my vagina and it was like crazy. That's good. I love the blowjob that I mean, the ice and the blowjob too,
Starting point is 00:49:45 because I feel like that's a really like everyone's got ice. Yeah, it's true. We can all perform. But don't like, like because sometimes you can keep the ice in your mouth while you're doing it, but like make sure that it's a smaller piece of ice. Right. Because it will not melt right away.
Starting point is 00:49:58 You don't want it. You don't want it like you don't want to choke like that, you know. You don't want to go that way. I kind of ruin the moment. Right, exactly. That's a to choke like that, you know, during that. You don't want to go that way. I kind of ruined the moment. Right, exactly. That's a good one. Okay, so thank you for that. These are all great tips.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Love it. And I have, I was going to say everyone has eyes. I did not have eyes in San Francisco. Oh. For like eight years, I've been in place and the freezer just would not make eyes. I know. No, I have to like buy eyes to the store, but if I ran out of it, like you buy those bags of eyes, then you don't, you, like because I was always never really had much in my house
Starting point is 00:50:25 anyway in the way of food. I was like champagne and ketchup. Like that was about it in my refrigerator and then never made ice. So, but now I have ice. What else do you need? Yeah, I know. I'm in the face, I'm in the face.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Truly nothing except for sometimes ice. So for sometimes ice. But everybody has ice except for me. So let's talk about some other things we could use. Handcofs. Madsen, you lately even experimenting? Yeah, so I'm not like a big loss of control person, like it's just really who I am.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Yeah, I know, go figure, right? If you've been listening to the show for years, you would have had no idea that I like to know what's going on. But recently, I did give in, Emily gifted me with a liberator and not just any liberator, like gifted me with a liberator. And not just any liberator, like the Mac daddy of liberators. It's like the huge one that's like the size of the bed. You might know what that is.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Oh, a liberator is a sex furniture. So it's a sex wedge. It's made, it's got like, it's like the same thing that you would buy if you had like acid reflux. I needed to sleep upright, but like, way sexier and it's like with black velvet. It's got handcuffs attached to it. So my boyfriend and I were planning our like, sexier night, which is a weekend night.
Starting point is 00:51:30 And he pulled it out and kind of like, was like, he was a little bit dominant. He was like, laid out, I'm gonna cuff you. And I was like, oh, okay. So he did, and he put me on the ramp. And then he proceeded. It's called the ramp, isn't it? Yeah, it's the ramp I think so.
Starting point is 00:51:42 It's the big one. And he put me on the ramp and then he went down on me and it was really more comfortable for him because it was closer, it brought me closer to his face but I also couldn't move. That's hot. I couldn't move my hands and their Velcro cuffs, I probably could have gotten out of them if I wanted to
Starting point is 00:51:59 but they're pretty tight still. So it's like I had no movement whatsoever. I just kind of laid there and let it happen. We didn't have a safe order or anything. I would have just like need him in the face if something went wrong. But sorry. I'm looking it up right now. Just get there. Yeah. But yeah, it was really really hot. It was like it was awesome and granted like the positions were kind like you're kind of compromised. If you're like handcuffed on your back and you have to like switch around and stuff like that if you wanted to try anything different. But man, it was awesome. When you finally-
Starting point is 00:52:24 That's hot because I'm kind of picture you sitting there. Your pelvis is raised. You got the hand-picked- and you have to like switch around and stuff like that if you wanted to try anything different. But man, it was awesome. When you finally- And when I picture you sitting there, your pelvis is raised, you've got the can't move. And it feels like- Yeah, basically, you can't move. So I was like, with it, where my upper body was elevated. So I was almost like leaning up. And he was like still on his hands and knees or whatever,
Starting point is 00:52:41 but he had better access. Because you don't realize that like with a woman being like slightly tilted, one, you G-spice so much more accessible when it came time for having sex, it was like an entirely, it was like new penis, because it was like an entirely different angle that it was concentrating on. Yeah, so that was cool.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Well, you're gonna hide that when the parents come cause it's kind of massive. I, oh my god, I didn't even think about that. You could feel like a quilt over it. I have a sheet on it, but right now, it has handcuffs on it. Like, I'm not gonna pass it as anything else. It's pretty amazing.
Starting point is 00:53:10 But you also use pillows to get the same elevation thing, but I love that you used it. Yeah, totally. And the cuffs were a big part of it. And then we also have one of the sport sheets paddles. Like, it's not a paddle. It's like one of their vlogger. It's a crop, that's the one, right?
Starting point is 00:53:26 It's like a little bit longer, but it's got like the really like flat, flappy part at the end, it's got two of them. And what that means is that it delivers like a sting. That thing can be intense if you use it the right way. So that's always fun. And sometimes we use it in living room and leave it out when people come over.
Starting point is 00:53:41 That's fun. I feel like it looks party. More disciplinary. Oh yeah, you're gonna get spanked kind of vibe than the paddles do. I don't know why even though the paddles look more like spanking tools. Like the crop is just like serious business. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:55 And like I said, like that left, we had to do afterward. I explained to him about aftercare and like the importance of like rubbing my butt after he's spanked the shit out of it. Did he know to spank you? Yeah, no, he knew how. And like, as well as I knew how to thank you.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Yeah, I mean, that's the true. Emily and my boyfriend are the only two people who have spanked me before. And also, the only two people who have poured candle wax on me. So that was so sweet. Yeah, so my biggest experience was sensation. Was Wes kind of jostling me a little? A little bit.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Yeah, I told him I was like, yeah, I know Emily. Emily's dying to see the day. He's like, god damn it. And he was like, wow, really? Like, can I see the footage? I was like, yeah. If you can check out the sensation play video that we did on the website.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Our website, They, I love sportscheats because, first of all, they said it's a lot of cool, amazing stuff. And we've all tried it. I'm really, like, it's so different than anything else. And it's all like, they've all different levels. Like, you get a crop, or you get like a more serious crop, like a more serious copper a beautiful crop like their midnight collection. I don't know It's been fun for for us all to play with together. Yeah, I can't apply so okay
Starting point is 00:54:53 So wait the paddle spanking blindfold Jamie you use some blindfold Yeah, I've used blindfolds before and it's true It's definitely crazy because you don't it's like everything is a prize that's gonna happen to you You don't know like what's gonna happen and you. You don't know what's gonna happen, and you really do. It's crazy how much more you feel things when you can't see. And it's just kind of like, especially if you stay blindfolded
Starting point is 00:55:12 the whole time, it's like literally just like an adventure. Right, you know? You know, kind of like a loss of control, but that's okay, you can let that go. Yeah, I can try. I mean, you guys have to have a lot of trust. I feel like you have to, it seems like stupid. Like you're blindfolding someone to have a lot of trust. I feel like you have to, it seems like stupid, like you're blindfolding someone to have a lot of trust
Starting point is 00:55:28 with them, but like you should. Yeah, because, Embrie, if you don't trust them, like you never know, you could be like, where did you go? And I'm blind, I've rolled yourself 10 minutes later and like all your stuff is stolen. That's what men always use to say, is that they go, we gotta never want to be tied up
Starting point is 00:55:40 to just steal my wallet. I'm like, those are the girls you're dating. I mean, that's what I'm saying, have trust first. I know. But blindfolds are fun, paddles making all the sensation play stuff is super cool and check out. Yeah, check out.
Starting point is 00:55:51 It's spring, try something new. Seriously, people, if you even try this, this is not that hard. Like you could buy something to stuff that'd be great. Sometimes you can only use a band-in, I'll cover your eyes, that's cool. Yeah, totally. I mean, yeah, you could use silk ties,
Starting point is 00:56:04 like literally put a friend t-shirt over your head that's cool. Yeah, totally. I mean, yeah, you could use silk ties, like literally put a fran t-shirt over your head. Who cares? Yeah, okay, if anyone has ever bought the Jiju mini, it comes with like, I don't think it's, it comes with like this black thing that's just like, it looks like a black soft blindfold. I don't really know what it's for. It is.
Starting point is 00:56:20 It's a blindfold or handcuffs, it's silk. I love the jigsaw. So I'm like, I just thought that, that's what I used for. I have it, I don't know if it's intimidating or not I just have it hanging on my like the blind Dude you just hang out my closet. You can use a nap time. I do that in college I remember my first just remembering this right now flashback
Starting point is 00:56:35 I remember that it was my boyfriend's 21st birthday and I rented a hotel room on campus and it was super fancy No, it's probably like a motel six, but it was like cool. And I got my cake. I got, I was a good girl. I did this to get my cake. I get to put in the thing. I think I went to say for whatever was called there that the stores in Michigan. And we were going back to this hotel room
Starting point is 00:56:54 and like using his neck tie and like blindfolding him with his like, cause we were like a formal or something. I was gonna say, why did you have a neck tie? Exactly, cause no one did that. But it was like a formal down, like a fraternity. No. I know. And that ties work. I know.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Flashback, okay, so that was fun. So, to have some sensation play, where they're out there enjoying spring. Toads? Okay, so maybe one email? Yeah, let's go on to some emails. Thank you everybody for emailing me. Go to, click on the ask Emily tab,
Starting point is 00:57:21 fill out the form, hit submit, that's it. There's also the option to call. We'd love to give you a call and get into your stuff so we can help you move you through some issues that might even struggling with your entire life in like in five minutes, I can fix that. For you, leave me a voice mail eight, when eight, ask SWE1.
Starting point is 00:57:36 As always, include where you live, your gender, your age, how you listen to this show. Makes me really happy. Okay, hi, Emily. I've been with my boyfriend for three years, and I really have nothing to complain about. Guess what? Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:49 We have our issues like every couple, but he's a great guy, not to mention the sex is great. However, I can't help shaking the feeling of, what if this doesn't work out? And I'm terrified of having wasted my 20s in a long-term relationship just for possibly the end. I know this sounds super negative to be thinking like this for virtually no reason, but I keep hearing how the 20s is time to be exploring, not being tied down,
Starting point is 00:58:11 and I think it's starting to get to me. Should I be crazy and run for no reason, or say my happy relationship and risk things not working out down the road? Any advice is greatly appreciated Taylor age 21. Ah, the age-old question, relationship in your 20s. So I think like Taylor, I understand that you're like worrying and stressing if it's gonna work out and I don't know where you heard that 20s is time for fun.
Starting point is 00:58:32 I know we talk about that a lot on the show, but you know, you could spend your time worrying. You've got two choices here basically. You could just like worry about it, you know? Could you keep doing that, but that's not gonna get you anywhere, or well, there's actually three choices. You could keep worrying, and that's gonna get you nowhere. But if you're gonna stay in the relationship, here's a deal about the 20s. I don't know what's gonna happen to her. You might be this miracle,
Starting point is 00:58:51 related not the miracle, but one of the few relationships that say that's beyond, it's not a huge number of many. We all know that story of people who were like high school sweethearts and they're really happy together. That could happen but as long as you're in it, why not try working on these issues that you have? I know you're saying, you know, you ended up, you ended the email by saying it's a happy relationship and then the Bob you say you got issues like everyone else. Why not practice and work on those issues that you have right now because let me tell you
Starting point is 00:59:14 every relationship is gonna have issues. If you stay with this guy or you move on, there's going to be issues. And guess what? Working on issues in relationships take practice. We are not trained, we're not learned, there's no instruction manual and how to even talk about issues and relationship.
Starting point is 00:59:28 So work on it, do your best, enjoy the time together and don't spend the time doubting it. You know, one of it's gonna end, you're never gonna be happy or you can say, you know what, my impulses here, my urge to, you know, the sense that I should be in another relationship and the urge to kind of move on and experiment what else out there is dominating my thoughts and I'm just gonna do that. So those are kind of your choices.
Starting point is 00:59:47 You got to pick a lane. Yeah, who's the lane? Picky lane. Pick a lane. I love that. Either stay in and be there and work on it and I'm telling you it is, you could even think if it's like a practice relationship, like you're practicing right now, you're gonna see how good you love them, but do some work while you're in it. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Or fail. Yeah. Start dating. And I feel like when people say that the 20s are a great time to explore and all that, the way that I like to look at that is that if you are single in your 20s, it is the perfect time to be exploring and figuring everything out because you're still kind of young and then you can bring that with you as you age and into your 30s and whatever. However, if you are in a relationship that is good in your 20s, like don't use that as an excuse, like, oh, they say you're 20s at your time to explore. It's like, no, if you are single, then explore. If you're in a
Starting point is 01:00:30 good relationship, stick with that, like work on it just because you're in your 20s. It doesn't mean you have to be single and exploring or explore being in a relationship. That's a thing. That's exactly it. There's plenty of exploration that happens between the ages of 18 to 21 that can happen with a partner. You might actually get your sexual mojo down pat with a partner and then if it doesn't work out, you you already know everything that you like, you already have practice, you know what you want for the next partner. And you can have fun. Being in your 30s and being single is fine too. Yeah. It's always fine to you guys. It's just make sure that you're listening to like what you need and there's
Starting point is 01:01:03 should be no sheds. Like well, I should be in my relationship well I should be in a relationship I should be single I'm not I'm never saying that here yeah I'm just saying that like 20s are a great yeah great time for exploration but also like as long as you're in it and when I say explore that does I think people also think that means just running around hooking up and having sex like someone else every night you could do that but I'm not saying that you should be sleeping around in 20s necessarily I'm just saying like you know no matter what you're doing, whether you're sleeping around and when you're having sex, try to have good sex with these people. Try to communicate your needs and same if you're in a relationship.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Try to make that a healthy relationship and work on whatever issues you're having there. Just don't waste time in your head stressing and worry because I get you zero place. Yeah, the only time I would say don't be in this relationship right now is if you feel like it's really holding you back from, like, growing as a person. If it's like you want to go abroad for a semester and you don't want to because you've got a boyfriend or you want to try this job somewhere else and you don't want to because you've got a boyfriend,
Starting point is 01:01:56 those are the times to question whether now is the best time of your life to be in a relationship or be single. Not because you're worried that five years from now you're going to break up and have regrets. Thank you for just explaining the worry that you should be having. Yeah because you're worried that five years from now, you're going to break up and have regrets. Thank you for just explaining the worry that you should be having. Yeah, you're right. It's kind of like, yeah, you should move for a job.
Starting point is 01:02:10 If it's your high school, I don't know. Yeah, like they don't want to move with you. Like that's probably okay. I wish, yeah, I wish I'd broken up with my, you know, 18 to 20 year old drummer boy, or when I was 18 to 20 drummer boyfriend. I wish I'd broken up with him earlier, because I probably would have transferred into college earlier. I would have gotten my shit together a lot sooner. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:28 But then I wouldn't have met my current boyfriend when I transferred in. So it's like everything happens for a reason. Just stop worrying about everything that's going to happen and go with what you feel. Right. And I'm going to say something that might not be very popular, but I've been here recently. If you wanted to like the college of your dreams and you're like a team, but your high school boyfriend didn't get there, you're afraid to be moving from a different city. So you said you just did no no go for it
Starting point is 01:02:48 But like like literally like it because I think people are dealing with college acceptance They're going after college like don't stay home in your hometown and don't make choices based on your boyfriend from high school And I would even say your boyfriend from college live This is when you got to live your life and make choices if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. You can travel and meet each other. You can, you know, there's airplanes, right? There's a lot of different modes of transportation. But don't let these relationships play back. And don't choose a college based on where you're at.
Starting point is 01:03:13 I'm a school boyfriend. Exactly. Because then if you guys break up, you're stuck at a college for him for four years and your experience is tainted. Yes. What a good advice here. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Okay, I think we're all set. This was a fabulous show with you guys. I love my team. It's always fun. It's always fun. I know. So, I think we're all set. This was a fabulous show with you guys. I love my team. It's always fun. It's always fun. I know. Yeah, you guys, remember spring cleaning? Spring cleaning?
Starting point is 01:03:31 Spring cleaning. You could clean. You could clean. Thank you, everybody, for listening, and thank you to Jamie and Madison and Michael here doing the sound and Helena. And to all you amazing listeners, I love you all so much. Thank you for listening. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at

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