Sex With Emily - Best of: Allie Haze Talks Squirting and Good Oral for Everyone

Episode Date: June 25, 2020

Allie Haze is the coolest, most down-to-earth person ever, and she’s also a really hot bisexual porn star. When it comes to squirting, Allie gets into the internal orgasms (aka the G-spot) and how y...ou need to get over your fears around what comes out of a woman during female ejaculation. Let’s be real, if you have a killer orgasm, who cares what happens?We also get into Allie’s background and hear about her transition from being a preacher’s wife to a porn star. Growing up, she realized she was more into women than men and as a bisexual porn star, Allie Haze has amazing sex tips for pleasuring everyone. She gives a very detailed description of how to go down on a woman and she literally goes deep into how to give a guy good oral.For more information about Allie Haze, visit: even more sex advice, tips, and tricks visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between for more information. Check out You're gonna love our site if you haven't been there yet. You can just Google things. All the questions you send me, you email me, there's a lot of answers on our site with incredible blogs to help you have a better life.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Find me in all social media. It's at sex with Emily across the board. Are you not following us? I don't understand. My guest here tonight is Ali Hayes. Hello. Hi, Ali. She is a porn star. Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Okay, she was 20 years old when she made her first porn debut. So how did you get involved? I know you've been asked if it's all those times. Because people don't want to know. Like how does it happen? They're like, oh, her father abused her. Like, you sound like you're great with this. You know, you seem like a very well-adjusted smart
Starting point is 00:01:05 human being, not the Alpornch. I'm just talking to people who have those. Yeah. No, there's a stereotype in any direction in any career. We embrace them and move on. No, I actually got started in the business because of my love for women, crazy enough. Serious bisexual.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Yeah. So I once I became bisexual, I was a lesbian first and then I became bisexual in my younger years. Okay. And how young? 18. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:34 How did you, you just, did you feel it earlier? I mean, I did my thing with guys and hung out with them, but I was just so much one of the guys that I was just like, why am I doing this? This is boring. And guys must have always like loved you. Well, peepies are boring. They were boring to me. I'm like, this am I doing this? This is boring. And guys must have always loved you. Well, Pepe's are boring. They were boring to me. I'm like, this isn't fun.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I mean, I think my body is more fun than there. So why don't I just find somebody to let me play with the party? Right. So how'd you find that at 18? I mean, I did it younger before 18. Okay. I was with girls before 18. By the time I was 18, when I ended up getting married
Starting point is 00:02:01 to a preacher when I was 18. And was he down with a bicycle? He was my best friend since seventh grade and he didn't know. So it was like my life took a crazy turn. I was kind of did this thing when I was younger and I was experimenting and living on my own. And then for whatever reason I was raised really religious. So by 18 I felt very convicted about the way I felt, how I felt sexually and what I was doing with myself. So then I got married and did what I thought was the right thing.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Cotation tears, big bunny ears. Big coatings. So at 18 I was like, I'm doing everything wrong. I ended up getting married. Good for you. Good for you for like being able to buck like, because so many people are caught up in their religious background, like their family. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:41 And they don't know how to get out of that, but you were strong enough to. Yeah, it took me about two years. I did the religious thing. Heided, you know, hid who I was. Didn't tell my ex-husband anything about that. He was looking up at chicks on the side of the fence. I was flirting with them. Because I was very dedicated to my relationship, because I was like, I'm going to do this. I'm going to do the strife. Yeah. And then so two years after that, we had some issues and we split up. And from there a year later, I was actually hanging out with some of my old friends, getting back into some of my old habits.
Starting point is 00:03:10 And I was finding it very hard to bring a woman home crazy enough, men I know how you feel. I would hit on them in bars and they would like, you know, chicks make out in bars. Cause they're like, oh, I wanna get that guy's attention. They know 2 a.m.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And I'm like, and then I'd, you know, say, hey, you wanna come home with me and I would freak them out and they'd be like, you, I want to get that guys. Right, exactly. They know 2 a.m. And I'm like, and then I, you know, say, hey, you want to come home with me and I would freak them out. And they'd be like, you are you serious? I'm like straight, yeah. You're girls who are more. Well, I just, I worked at a bar. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:33 So, yeah, I was a bartender and a cocktail waitress. And so I would just, you know, play the part or whatever. And I would, I would, you know, hit on the women that I was like, ah, she could maybe be the one that I can hook up with. And it just never worked. So I started dating somebody at that time also, but I was like, ah, she could maybe be the one that I can hook up with. And it just never worked. So I started dating somebody at that time also, but I was like, look, I'm still going to keep trying to have sex with women. I'm being so open and saying that.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Yeah, I'm like, really? Like, yeah. I was just like, I'm going to do this. If you're not okay with it, I then maybe we don't need to be dating. Okay. And it ended up working out and through that and through a couple of friends that were like, look, you have always been open sexually and you're totally chill with your body.
Starting point is 00:04:08 So why don't you just do girl, girl porn or something? Like why do you keep trying? And I was like, oh, I'm like, I don't know. I never even watched porn when I was younger. It was never even something that I knew anything about it. Right. So I was kinda like, well, why not? I did a little research on it,
Starting point is 00:04:27 went and found, did some research on some agents, did my first gig, and I loved it. And I was just doing it for myself. You know, just to get my own rocks off, it's not like, I had a job, I was going to college, I wasn't even thinking about it being a career. And you were like, starlet of the year? You were like, your natural thing?
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yeah, then a couple months later They offered for me to do some boy girl work and I was like, oh, I never really thought about doing anything more with this But sure heck why not and I kind of just dove in Head first and like I know right Yeah, I just went for it. That's and you know, it'll be five years in June. So almost five years later, this is where I'm at, and I'm loving it and wouldn't want it any other way. That's an amazing career. That is amazing. I mean, so that's congratulations. I'm success. And you're a business woman. You've got to be psychoing and you're like doing all the right things. Yeah, I got my website, my Twitter,
Starting point is 00:05:21 which is also just alley haze doc or out Twitter forward slash aliehs. So it's just ALLE, IE, H-A-C-E. You can find me on there. I do the same thing. You do questions, emails, all the stuff. Yeah, you ask questions. That's great. We actually have some colors coming in. We're going to get to them, like I said in a second. But I also want to know, so when you started, oh, so you're in a relationship right now. So do you guys bring other women into the relationship? Or do you kind of do that in your own? We haven't just yet. It's not an issue, but you know what's so funny? I feel like when you really find somebody that you love, even though those are your tendencies and those are things that you like to do, a lot of those things fade away.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Like I'm not objective to it, but I am having so much fun with my partner that it's like there's no reason for it. I mean, we've had our couple crazy times. By your all so many days, maybe you're having your day job, I mean, you're having sex with women. But yeah. But are you turned on during those days,
Starting point is 00:06:19 even though you're in love with someone like it's still hot doing those things? Yeah, sex is different. Sex is different for me. That's what I'm saying. It's two different types of sex. It's so hard to explain because, yeah, I definitely, I swear I was born with a penis in my brain for some reason.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I don't have one on my body, but I definitely think like a dude for realistically. So I definitely have, I just actually was talking about a new movie that I'm about to start doing. And I was like telling the director that you know my current whatever you know my current what we call I hope I can say this. I'm sure it's podcasts. What I call a clip boner. My current clip boners for certain girls and she was just cracking up. And I'm like no I need to
Starting point is 00:06:59 bang this girl. Someone tweet that clip boner. That's amazing. For these so you get to cast the girls and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. I get to pick. I'm at, I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I'm a kid. I've had my moments where sometimes I do. I definitely always enjoy myself, but always when you're working with a new partner, sometimes if they don't catch the signals during sex and they happen to be a little too far to the left or a little too far to the right, I mean, you can't say that little point right.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Or can you? I mean, you can. You can do whatever you want. You're more than welcome to, but even then, sometimes it takes more than one shot. Because I've worked with girls. Sometimes the first time I work with them, it doesn't happen. And then the second time, they remember and they're right on it, right at the right time. So this is where I was meant to be. Men were more like women, they don't remember oftentimes.
Starting point is 00:07:57 No, no, they don't, because I do have a lot of male partners that I work with. And I do things that I remember from before. And they're like, how did you, and I'm like, we've worked together before. I knew what worked the did you, and I'm like, we've worked together before. I knew what worked last time, so I know what works now. That men are so focused on. They get distracted. Yeah. I think they get distracted.
Starting point is 00:08:14 You know how they say, you're come drunk. I think as soon as a penis gets hard, they're immediately come drunk. Women get come drunk after the fact. Right. It's like, it's like having like, yeah, like you black out. That's almost like a. Yeah, they're immediately come drunk. Women get come drunk after the fact. Right, it's like, it's like, having like, like, yeah, like you black out, like that's almost like a, yeah, they get so excited. It's like, it's like a,
Starting point is 00:08:29 it's like a puppy dog when you go to the dog biscuit. Right. They just don't know what to do. My dogs are like all over the place, so run in things, so roll on their back though. Right. They just get so crazy. I don't remember what you wanted or what I wanted.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I want to please you, that's really important, but wow, this feels like it. Yeah. You don't need me to have anything else. I know, no offense to men. I mean, like, it's great. Totally love men. But this is show, we try to help men, and we try, that's really important, but wow, this feels good. You shouldn't be having anything else. I know, no offense to men. I mean, I love men. It's great. Totally love men.
Starting point is 00:08:46 But this is show we try to help men. And that's what we're going to do. I'm actually going to be asking Ellie a lot of really good, she's got some experience. And I love hearing from, you know, since you have been so sexual and I want to hear, like I'm going to be asking you about some of your, you know, top tips for sex, pleasing women, pleasing men.
Starting point is 00:09:02 We're going to get into so much good stuff. You've got so many calls coming in. I think we should take one. Let's talk to Matt in Canada, because he's been holding for a while. Hey, Matt, you're on the sex with Emily Show. You got a question for Ali, Matt's in Canada. Hi. Hey, Ali, how are you? I'm good, how are you? I got a question for Ali, he met in Canada. Hi. Hey, Ali, how are you?
Starting point is 00:09:26 I'm good. How are you? I'm good. Wait, what should I say? I'm good, don't you know? Right? Hey, Ali. You're good, eh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:34 How are you doing, eh? So what question do you got for me, Matt? I was just wondering, what's the hottest scene that you've ever filmed with a boy in it? Currently, I would have to say it changes through the years as I learn to learn about my own sexuality through porn and who I am and what I like and don't like or what I want to experience or new things I want to play in. I would have to say, currently, one of my favorite scenes would be found in an evil angel
Starting point is 00:10:00 video directed by Dana Visboly and it's called Fluids and I'm just recently getting into a little bit more rougher sex kind of you know not knowing what's going on there's a lot of waterboarding in it. I love waterplay. Waterboarding is actually a military thing that they used to torture people to get information out of them. So more like BDS. Yeah, a little more BDSM. Basically, you get a sheet or something put over your head and they pour bucket of water over you. So as you're trying to breathe, you're also breathing, you know, you're getting in water. So it's very, when you eliminate one sense, all the other sense is heightened. And when you learn
Starting point is 00:10:39 to control yourself and calm down and trust your partner. A lot of crazy things happen. Wonderful, beautiful things that you wouldn't imagine come out of such as an extreme experience. So for me I would have to say that that's probably currently one. I really turned on by that. Yeah. It's scary, but then you say it's like the same, it's exhilaration, but then you get. I get excited with the fact that I could trust somebody so much with my own with my own body that they know. And even somebody doing a scene with, like, just some because it's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Yeah, because I, yeah, so currently Matt, that would probably be the one that I would say to check out. And then obviously most all of my favorite scenes because I choose them and direct them. And they're, you know, totally in it. And it's what I want to do are always found on because that's kind of like my own ideas I know you put my dreams on there That's what I dream about right you do yeah, you do have weird dreams about I put all those yeah, they're hot videos Like I was late coming here tonight because I was watching her videos. I was like oh wait I gotta go meet her in person. So Matt, did you sign up first? Yeah, you should go do that now
Starting point is 00:11:42 Yes, you're sure thanks for coming. Okay. Bye Matt. Have a great night Okay, when you just said that now. Yes, you're sure. Thanks for coming. Okay, bye, Matt. Have a great night. Okay, when you just said though, you said you said you're learning about your own sexuality and you're born. I'm wondering what you've learned. I mean, Pabbie, you're probably always learning, like we all are. I always say to you, like,
Starting point is 00:11:55 sex should be expansive. If you're in a relationship right now that you feel like, we're not learning the same way, he comes that way, she comes that way, she keeps expanding it, keeps you should never stop learning. So what do you think you've learned lately or how you wow that your body makes the most hilarious noises really doing it right
Starting point is 00:12:09 that's what I have to say I feel like if you're not laughing about you know body sweat farts or you know vaginal farts whatever whatever happens hilarious always acknowledge the funny things because if you heard it she heard it or vice versa if versa, if you hear it, you heard it. I don't think it's so like, oh my god, he's not going to like me. It's going to go like, hopefully you're with a, and you know it, if that person you're with doesn't like you anymore because of that, you don't want to be with them, buddy. Yeah, exactly. So most times, turn on if you can get into it and not think about it too much.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it goes both ways. Either you're having too much fun because it's drunken sex or having serious sex and nobody talks about it. Exactly. It goes both ways. sex and nobody talks about it. Exactly. It goes both ways. People don't talk about sex.
Starting point is 00:12:48 I know. That's what my show has been all about. I've done 2,000 podcasts and it's all about all comes down to talking to your partner or even at first learning your own body so you can communicate to your partner about what the hell you need and bed to feel good because sex. Why should we all be having like amazing sex all the time? Yeah. I mean actually something that I've learned about myself too is that I love to
Starting point is 00:13:07 masturbate after I have sex even no matter how good the sex is. I don't know and luckily I have found a partner that doesn't find that offensive. Some men would be very very offended by that and I had an orgasm during sex. Yeah, even if I've had an orgasm during or I've had multiple. It doesn't it's just something that I now enjoy doing for myself, because I'm so turned on by the experience I just had. I'm so horny still that I just want to think about that. I'm pretty don't fall over real asleep. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And you can have multiple. And I can have multiple. So do you have orgasm easily? Do you need toys or extra things? Or do you usually just come? No, I'm pretty much like a, I've mastered the skill because of what I do for a living. And sometimes it is very hard for a new partner to figure it out real quick in a 45 minute video. I have mastered the skill of pinning a man down and saying, sit still, all I need is about a minute.
Starting point is 00:13:56 And I can figure it out, make myself come very quick. Oh my god. So is it more like with a penis? Entirely? Yeah, well, it's a penis inside me and grinding my clit on the right area. You know, obviously if somebody's bone structure is a little bit different, that's really what I think girls forget that they have to find is, I mean, I think, if you're clitorally stimulated,
Starting point is 00:14:18 you can find that anytime you have a penis inside you and you're on top. You know, it's just a matter of some men, I understand are bigger bone or different way, But if any man were to project his pelvis up in an upward direction at your point or put a pillow on your feet. So is it you like grinding in circles or you just moving up and down? It's just kind of all over the place. I'm a real big like eye contact person. I'm really intimate. Like I said, right now I'm really into spit, so I'm not spitting on people, but making out really slobbery stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:49 That's kind of, I love that. So hot and connective and intimate. Yeah, I love hot sweaty. It doesn't gross me out. It's very, it lets me know that my partner is into it as much as I am. Exactly. Or they're really exerting energy. If we both come out, we just came in looking the same. Our makeup's still on. We didn't do it right. Exactly. What they're really exerting energy. Like if we both come out, like we just came in, looking the same, like our makeup's still on,
Starting point is 00:15:06 we didn't do it right. Exactly. What is that? What is that? It's supposed to be a painting. Your bodies are supposed to become a painting. I say of sex art. And together you should create a painting together.
Starting point is 00:15:16 So right, you're so right. I love that. So also like learning on sex reality, where there are different ways, like do things to make sure you start doing porn, like we only will be able to orgasm one way and now you've learned, like there's other ways that you can orgasm or other ways you experience.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Other parts of your maybe your other rodent of soons you discovered? I never knew I could orgasm during sex period and I didn't know that there was different kinds of ways to come, that there's different, you know, different ways to experience that. That's definitely something that I've learned in the porn business because there would be times.
Starting point is 00:15:41 So, where are the different ways that you learned? How could you explain them? I wish, I wish I could. That's the crazy. Like I know clitorial. I can definitely identify when that's happening. But sometimes when I'm having sex also, a man's penis will just, I guess it's hitting my G spot in a sense.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I guess that's the theory. And then coming from that feels so much different. Then I feel like it's like an overwhelming surge through my whole body where it like just shocks me. So much that I can't move. I'm dead. I'm done. Versus clitoral, it's just it stimulated just to that area where I just like feel it in my pelvic region. Right. And it feels great. And then when it's done, I'm ready to do it again. Right. Do you feel like you sometimes have to have a clitoral orgasm first before you have the
Starting point is 00:16:27 juice spot orgasm? No. Okay, you can have it. I can do it. Yeah. You're so lucky. I can do it on either either form. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Malta, okay. Make sure you're got it. Yeah. That's hot that you masturbate after too. I love that. Um, let's take another call because it's just they're coming in. Okay, let's talk to Adrian and Tempe Arizona.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Ooh, Adrian or Jonathan, must be Adrian. Okay, Adrian. Hi, Adrian, you're on the section of the Emily Show. Hi. Hi. Great. Do some questions for Ali. A question for Ali.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Yeah. First of all, can I say Ali, you're my favorite porn star. Oh, thank you. You're freaking gorgeous. And finally, I can tell that you're really down there, so I school to do. Oh, thanks. And so my question is, what's your like a funny, awkward high school story that you have? Because I just thought about a high school like Mom to go.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Wow, well, congratulations by the way. Yeah, thank you, thank you. Yeah, crazy, funny high school story. Oh my gosh. Oh, whatever. I, you know, I never, I don't even have any weird stories. I got through high school pretty, pretty easy. I can't even think, I mean, I can't even think of anything crazy
Starting point is 00:17:41 happening today. Yeah, I was pretty much a good kid. I did my thing. I mean, I did school. What you going to I did my thing. I just scrolled around then. Redlands, California, a group around here. Wow, worst thing that's ever happened to me. How much do awkward sex story? I didn't even really have sex in high school
Starting point is 00:17:57 because I was into women. So I didn't even, I mean, I gave a couple of blow jobs, but that was about it. I mean, I didn't even ever go past that. I mean, I was, I can only think I could ever think of as like drunk and throwing up in front of everybody. I'm like, I'm sorry, Adrian. I was such a normal kid.
Starting point is 00:18:16 I'm the worst to ask these questions. I wish I could say I had some like, I peed my pants in geometry class. I don't have anything weird. I was a good kid too, so it's not a big deal. Yeah, I mean, maybe I ate too many, I'd never even farted in class. So I don't even, I mean, I don't even have a good story like that. Lane, I'm okay.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I know, Adrian. It's cool to talk to you guys though. Yeah, thanks for calling. Bye. Talk to you soon. Awesome. Yeah, I was pretty good kid too. And then I'd be like, like, I think my friends might say like you're doing what? Because like I kind of was. I prudish or whatever. I'm not prude, but like I didn't do a lot. I was like a good and then I got to see. I was such a tomboy. Right. But it wasn't like I was never in those situations where I had those
Starting point is 00:18:58 girly embarrassing moments or things like that. Right. Because you're very confident in yourself. I mean, into your, you know yourself. Yeah, I kind of, you know, I get it. Like I was just doing my own thing, and then, you know what I mean? It was hard for me because I was pretending to be, because I was a cheerleader, so I was pretending to do the guy thing, and then also on the side.
Starting point is 00:19:16 You were probably so sad. I don't probably love you then, because you were like the girl's girl and the guy's girl. Yeah, I was kind of all over the place, definitely. And you still are. Yeah, the girl's gone. I know, I really am. My mom still gets mad at me, because I don't know all over the place definitely. And you still are. Yeah, I really am.
Starting point is 00:19:25 My mom still gets mad at me because I don't know how to cross my legs. Are they cool with your career? It took a while to be honest with you, only because of the stereotype of the business. And let's not be wrong in any entertainment business. I think mostly in the entertainment business, which unfortunately we've seen some people die from lately. There are the curse of getting involved in drugs or alcohol or if you have an addictive personality, sometimes it can be very, very hard and tough. So they were more concerned along those lines of me putting myself at the forefront of those things. And for me, you're like, what kind of
Starting point is 00:20:00 right-hand friend? Yeah, do you ever experience for? No, actually, to be honest with you, I, it's so crazy. I mean, my name is Ali Hayes for a reason. Let's not be wrong about that. I never deny that. But I have never dabbled in anything else. I just doesn't peak my interest. I've never been really crazy about it or anything like that. I mean, I love who I am.
Starting point is 00:20:22 And I'm very happy with where I'm at. You're not super confident and great. You seem like, mean, I love who I am, and I'm very happy with where I'm at. What a super confident and great. You seem like, I want to hang, I think we're going to be BFF. Yeah, heck yeah, let's do it. I love wine and uno. That's my thing. Wine and uno. I love uno.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I don't play in my stuff. I know. That's a good stuff. Okay, we're going to do that. Okay, I have a question for you. Well, we actually kind of covered this, though. So, because I was going to say, you of the top question that is, I did ask you have your already reached orgasms. But what advice would you give for women who aren't having
Starting point is 00:20:51 orgasms during sex? Or what advice would you have for their partners? Um, orgasms, when women that aren't having orgasms during sex, I would have to say that you need to find a dark room and play with yourself. Right. Because until you understand, um Because until you understand what you have going on there, you don't know where to put what where, and you can't tell somebody how to do it either. And if you're just so frustrated and you feel like you can't find those things, I mean, then bring toys in.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Do you have vibrators? Do you have any stories? You know the first thing that I ever masturbated with was a mock three vibrating razor. Oh, really? That's crazy. But if you hurt yourself, no, you take the razor head off, those things, you know, the razor head, right?
Starting point is 00:21:30 Right. Like, people use toothbrushes and stuff. Exactly. Had no clue. I was with my ex-husband. Okay. So I think it was probably either 18 or 19 at the time. And sex just didn't seem right to me.
Starting point is 00:21:42 It just didn't make sense. He didn't have orgas on with the first husband. I've never, ever remember it. Don't even can't even say that I did. So is it after you broke up with the new start of porn or in between there, you started exploring your own sexuality and masturbating on your own? I would have to say right after I started porn.
Starting point is 00:21:59 A little bit before that, only because I knew that I was going. I mean, I would be hired to play with myself and I was very confused. And because I'd never watched porn, I didn't even know how to quote unquote fake being a porn star. And I wasn't doing porn to be a porn star. So I was very, that's how it works. Because you're so authentic and you're yourself. And then we say the reason why people are successful in this was any business entertainment, talk, whatever you do, it's when you're authentic yourself. And you seem like you're very self-aware and you know yourself.
Starting point is 00:22:27 And you're by yourself. The fact that it's great that you weren't like, watch, trying to watch porn and become, like I was in a reality show last year. I've never, I haven't told this in 20 years. Like I didn't even, I'd never seen a reality show on the station that I was on a Bravo show. And I was like, the director's like,
Starting point is 00:22:39 you should watch. I'm like, I don't even care. I'm just being myself, you know? I was told by. Yeah, what's the difference? Right, I totally go hard to pretend to be. You can't pretend to be. You can't pretend to be. Right, it's like, I'm just being myself. I was told by. Yeah, it was the difference. Right, I totally get hard to pretend to be. You can't pretend to be people. Right, it just blows my mind.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And it also breaks my heart from the people that I do do that. I know. It's gotta be exhausting. Because people aren't confident, and they, exactly. Because I always say to people, if you're trying to be someone else, you're never gonna be as good at being them,
Starting point is 00:23:00 and being them as you are being yourself. So they're gonna always be the best them, and you're gonna be the best you. So you guys will work on becoming the best you know. Yeah, and I feel like people forget that they probably got that opportunity because for that one moment, they let their guard down, and that's why they're there.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Exactly. So, you know, you always have to remember that you are where you are because of who you are. Exactly, because of who you create. Exactly, so for yourself people, this is all good messages. Okay, we've got another call. He's been waiting for a while.
Starting point is 00:23:23 So let's stop the Jonathan in Las Vegas, Nevada. Hey, Jonathan, how you doing? We're going to write how you guys doing great. Thanks for coming to our family. We're doing all right. Hey, I just want to know what's like the wildest thing you ever did in a studio. Wildest thing of every girl or guy. Almost so would a girl. Because I like girl and girl action. Girl and girl action. Um, craziest thing. You know, I think the best part about if you do or don't know a lot about me, I have done a lot of, you know, porn parodies and I'm known for a lot of my couples porn and
Starting point is 00:24:01 all this stuff. So there's a lot of craziness still to come from me in the years to come. I'm definitely gonna be around in the business for at least another five years and I have a lot more to show of my wild side. So unfortunately Jonathan, currently, I don't think I have any really crazy stories.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I mean, I'm done some cool spit videos, like I said, I'm into all that. But I haven't, the craziest thing that I would think I would ever done would be what you wanted to talk about was winning most outrageous sex scene. Yeah. I wanted to get into what that was. What was the most around? I'm dying asking you out. Why? What was the most outrageous sex scene that you won for? That was a girl, girl, girl video. So Ronald Johnson and Sally. And here we go. And it was in Beledona's fetish fanatics, and a Maboot camp.
Starting point is 00:24:47 It was an Maboot camp thing. So it was two women, Amy Brooke and Adriana Nicole, who are like, anal queens, and they are amazing at it. They love it. And I still don't do anal. You don't do anal scenes. No, you don't make me sex. Or you just, I just don't do it yet.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Okay, got it. I'm waiting for Jon and I'm even waiting for even everyone good. It's kind of way good wait for something definitely coming coming soon for sure But in that it was basically little old me getting Enema's squirted on me and You know and then like sticking fist toys in their butts and I was just I You were in the video. I was just so in awe like in the video I was just so in awe. Like I feel like I look like a scared little child. So they were giving you animas? No, no, no, no, the girls were getting animas
Starting point is 00:25:31 and squirting them out of their butt onto me. Oh my God, how did you feel about that though? I was like, who was like, there? No, no, it was all clean. They were everything's clean butt. Everybody's clean butt. Right, okay. I mean, but was it how we turned that by it?
Starting point is 00:25:43 Or was it just, yeah, just yeah, because it's one of those things that a woman is confident in herself to feel sexy and do that, you know, and still orgasm and feel great about herself, like this is what I'm doing. It's very hot. It's, you know, an empowered woman is very sexy. No matter what they're doing. A confident woman, right, Jonathan? Don't you think that's a sexy thing a woman who knows what she wants and asks for it? Yeah, and, you know, Jonathan and anybody that's out there listening, any of these videos
Starting point is 00:26:09 that I'm mentioning, please find me on Twitter. Yeah, what? And you can just tweet me. Yeah, go ahead and tweet at me. And I can send you a signed copy of that. You can purchase that straight from me from my Twitter. Something else I'm gonna be launching soon is gonna be
Starting point is 00:26:24 It's also gonna be called called Playhouse alleyhaze. It's going to be a giant store where you can purchase anything you would like. Oh, that's so cool. Shoes clothing from a movie. Toys you want me to play with. And then also you can, there will be a link to get the custom videos from that studio. Oh, that's awesome. That's on
Starting point is 00:26:38 And that's on new site. Oh, that's on new site. Which will be announced. So, it's 16 sites. Yeah, it's a little entrepreneur. Okay. Which will be announced. Everything will be linked to either my Twitter, which is just forward slash Alieh's ALL, IE, HA, ZE, or wall.
Starting point is 00:26:50 So you can also find out my site, which is Alieh's dot com. Okay, Jonathan, yeah. Let me save you some grief. You shouldn't find out what Jonathan's Twitter handle is so that you don't have a ton of people claiming to be Jonathan. So you have to send out that free stuff. No, it's not free. He's got a purchase.
Starting point is 00:27:04 No, no, no,. He's got a purchase. He's got a thing in that one. I think you're going to send it out. No, no, no. Okay, thanks Jonathan. Thanks for calling. Good luck. Have a good day.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Okay, good night. Whatever the hell it is. Okay, so I wanted to. So you've also recently started directing porn, right? I'm about to. That is something that I'm just getting my feet wet in it, and I'm very, very excited. And what I'm going to do is try and work with new girls
Starting point is 00:27:37 or girls that aren't being shot a whole bunch due to the new market and kind of work with them and put a new series out based on that. And I wanted to be a little bit more reality based so I'm gonna definitely talk to the girls and if they know a hot guy or they wanna ask me some of my favorite guys to work with or girls to work with, I want the experience
Starting point is 00:27:57 to be definitely what they want to do. Because that's the hottest thing. You don't wanna force them into any scenes. And sometimes when you first get started in the business, people don't know you, you don't know people. You might even just kind of like, yeah, you're just kind of like, okay, you know, you just, if the guys hot, you're working with him and things like that.
Starting point is 00:28:12 So I'd like to give those people those opportunities that they know they do good scenes with or they want to have another chance with this person. That's so cool. Kind of put those together, so you get some real love. So you're going to start doing that, like you're starting to do that now. Next month, yeah, I'm next month, I'm going to start month. I'm going to start shooting, hoping to release in June.
Starting point is 00:28:29 So I've got my fingers crossed with all that. You'll be able to find that hopefully. That's awesome. I mean, there's a lot of porn outdruck by women in the were years. Yeah. But I just think it's a different perspective because a lot of times porn is like made for men, but women want porn, want to watch porn too. Yeah. Nothing then can't do it. But just I think it's great to get the female perspective. So good for you. Thanks. And I have a question for you.
Starting point is 00:28:48 So you do a lot of girl and girls say, if you talked about it, I mean, you're bisexual. So what is your advice for bicarious girls who want to hook up other girls, but they're not quite sure what to do? I used to say, you know, if you're talking with your girlfriends, you definitely feel open with one of them to communicate that with. But there's also issues in that too. So I- They might judge you.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Yeah, I deter from saying, find your best friend and tell her to just do it with you. Yeah, I feel like whenever I've had my experiences with them, several like with my friends, like it's always like not- Yeah, it's always- It's always my best friends. Like I don't feel sexual towards them, but-
Starting point is 00:29:23 Yeah, I would say something about it. You talk to them about it. Yeah, talk to them, but. Yeah, I would say something about it. You talk to them about it. Yeah, talk to them about it maybe, but I would say necessarily somebody that's more of an acquaintance that you know of, maybe that one friend that you just, you know, call up when you want to go have a glass of wine and get a little loopy and be a goofball with, that may be the best one.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Definitely somebody obviously, you know a little bit. Right. I mean, if you're really that open, there's a lot of groups and different things like that. Like groups, do you need good websites? I don't have any good websites. Right. Because I don't, I know that's such the bummer.
Starting point is 00:29:52 I know. I know. I definitely do more research into that. Right. I have given some sites out. There's like some swinger sites and stuff like that. But yeah, just look around. It's at the internet.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Like you can find people in your neighborhood. Also, there's like a lot of stuff. It's not as close as you think is what I should say. Like if you're feeling reserved about it, it's the internet. Like you can five people in your neighborhood. Also, there's like a lot of different stuff. That's the only thing. That's the only thing. Right. It's what I should say. Like if you're feeling reserved about it, it's really not. And I mean, and obviously start with kissing, start with touching.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Yeah, exactly. And you don't, it doesn't mean you gotta, you know, and I mean show your fist and somebody is not. Exactly, not yet. Not the first date. I know, right. Okay, so speaking of fisting, no, but let's go to the Boral sex element.
Starting point is 00:30:22 So what would you say is one of your top tips or just few of your really good tips for a performance oral sex on a woman that you think maybe people don't know or that you kind of know is like a sure thing, even the all women are different. Yeah, all women are different, but I feel like I read an article which most of the times statistics are very off the wall. But I did read something that's 75% of women are stimulated clitorally. Right. So always start there. My suggestion would be always start there. And I'll always start slow because it's such a sensitive area. It's like if I bit the head of a guy's penis.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Right. How would you let that? Exactly. I'm slowly kissing your stomach, all of a sudden, and I took a freaking bite. Yeah, or you just suck too hard or I touch the head too much. I always say go five times slower than you think you should. Yeah, exactly. You know, take a breath. Yeah, I mean, keeping the area warm too is like breathing and like being moist is definitely the number the number one thing. Right. You know, saliva. Yeah. and then work your way through the motions, you know there's twisting the tongue there's sucking there's up and down right to left you know there's all different things that you can do I would always say start with
Starting point is 00:31:37 your mouth first don't incorporate your mouth and your hands too much sometimes it can be overwhelming. It can be it's beginning. Yeah especially if you don't know the one. Yeah it is it's definitely a warm a can be, it's beginning. Yeah, especially if you don't know the one. Yeah, it is. It's definitely a warm, a warm her up kind of thing. Right, exactly. So what about fingers? You find like most women like that or they don't, or it's a different kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I feel like, I know it's different everyone. Right, it is different with everyone, but I feel like hygiene is such a thing that's in right now. Right. You know, we go through phases in society of what's cool, what's not. And I feel like hygiene is such an in thing right now. As. You know, we go through phases in society of what's cool, what's not. And I feel like hygiene is such an in thing right now. As far as what, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:32:09 I feel like women are very aware that, also men too, that people are dirty, hands are dirty. So a hands thing is not- I know, I'm always like, I'm like, you should be in there. I'm like, guys, wash your hands. Like, you know, it's like if you didn't just see him or hear him go to the bathroom and wash his hands,
Starting point is 00:32:24 women are very aware of that- So late you guys- It's so late you guys- To see him or hear him go to the bathroom and wash his hands, women are very aware of that. So it's so weird to what it used to be. It's I think you're absolutely right. But speaking of like, I was thinking of a high dream, but then also like grooming. So what about like, what do you think about the bush? Like I heard some rumors of like people are like not big bushy bushies out of bushes, but like people are starting to grow hair again down the women. Um, I have a bush and I have, I did one year in the business without it in the constant sex.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Definitely made her very uncomfortable and made her very uncomfortable down there. You're like, did not. So how much of a house, but you don't have like, you still trim or like it's trim bush or like the landings trim? Oh, landings trimmed around my lips and it doesn't grow, grow down. It stops right at the hood. And, but it's a, it's not, it's more than all, I mean, you could land a couple planes on it. It's pretty, it's pretty thick. I have a beauty mark down there that matches the
Starting point is 00:33:09 one on my face. Yeah, you have a pretty good figure. So, yeah, so they're opposites. Okay. So I expose that beauty mark. Otherwise, I would definitely have a full triangle. I'm really into the bush. I love to play it. Play with it. I love to tug on it as a joke. I grew it out one time and corn rode it. I love it. I just feel like I'm Super so back. I swear to God not crazy all over the bush, but I just feel like condition it. Treat like your head Exactly bring it to me back So what is your advice for stimulating a girl's g-spot with your finger? Ah g-spot with your finger is very strange women have to understand that you're not gonna pee a lot of women feel like you're gonna pee
Starting point is 00:33:44 That's what you're about to organize. That's what I'm going to do. That's what I'm going to do. That's what I'm going to do. Yeah. Which also sometimes can be confused for squirting. I'm bipolar. I'm bipolar on the squirting thing.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Sometimes I'm okay with it. Sometimes I think it's right. Sometimes I don't think it is. You think you're squirting or sometimes you think you're not? No, not necessarily me. I've had a couple episodes where I've escorted where it hasn't really been scored. It's just been excessive ejaculation. So I know that that is the technical term for squirting, but I have never squirted like a 10-foot stream in somebody's face. I have been quote unquote squirted on, which I knew wasn't squirt because
Starting point is 00:34:23 everything smells like what it smells like. Exactly like so that wasn't okay, right? But I would have to say like let somebody push you enough And don't stop them when you start. I mean it might feel uncomfortable But it does feel uncomfortable That's my thing was squirting is a lot of men are very into the fact that they can make a woman squirt Especially some men into the business and I am Sometimes like that's not fun for me. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Let's not keep doing that. Right. Right. Right when you get there, let's just talk. But there are people want, there are some great, if you want to explore the juice back. Because I always say if your partner like wants, you want to explore the juice back, there's also, you can use your finger. That's a great way to start with the hook.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Definitely the great choice. The hook is the thing. That's right. There's not much more than you could describe. The two fingers come up for the other, also, there's some great sex toys. If you go to slash good vibes, you can check out, there's like, just look for G-Spa, look at my page there, but also,
Starting point is 00:35:15 there's some like amazing, amazing G-Spot vibrators. And you can see, I also have the end, do you ever use dildos, like enjoy, or like the one, it's like a, it's a steal. I have like the Lilos and the, you know, I have, I have all those things. I like fancy toys like that, that have a lot of gadgets and gizmos and things to push
Starting point is 00:35:38 and a lot, you know, things that do amazing things. I sometimes can't find all the reason to use them because I'm so focused on myself. So there's kind of toys I like to give my, yeah, and those are the kind of toys I like to give my, I like to give my partners and say, play with this with me. Right, do something. That's what I do, right. You get to, they get to, then there's something for them to play with. Not only does your partner love watching you, but sometimes they get a little bored like, okay, in and out, in and out, when it's gonna be done. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:36:05 And if they have buttons to push, well, there's so many remote control vibrators right now. They have buttons to push, then they love to play with you with toys, and that's a new sexual experience. Exactly. And it's kind of like a video game. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:16 You guys do love your, is there any toys that you love now, like anything new that you've gotten that you've gotten? I mean, the hotachi is my go-to all the time. Right. Everybody loves that. It's a quick, easy, simple thing, and it's just so overwhelming sometimes. Exactly. But I do, I do like my Lilo. I have a collateral
Starting point is 00:36:32 one or it's it. It's both. Okay. It's both. And it's the black one. I forget what it's called. I know. I think I know. Yeah. And it's got the tiniest little I've had it for a couple of years now. So I think I know I want to give the name of it now because I love Lee Low Toys and I love Jay Zhu. I always talk about that. Yeah. Because any of their toys, yes, I have the Mimi. I love the Fifi.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Yep. Luckily, I've been to a lot of toy conventions. So I've got to get the trial out of this furry. Yes. I go every year. I've got a trial out of these things for free. Yeah. My entire, well, everyone's heard me say this on my show.
Starting point is 00:37:03 I have an entire garage filled with sex toys literally. I just went through them today. I actually just got an office today and I said to him, there's not enough room. I need storage. Like I want to get the toys out of my garage and I'm like I need more storage, but I do get to try everything. So here's all the pictures. Is it this one? This mark. Okay, come over here. Is it the smart one rechargeable? Wait, which one is it any of these? Okay, come over here. Is it the smart one rechargeable? Wait, which one is it any of these? Oh, no, it's this, but it has the clitorial thing.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Oh, it's this. Oh, that's awesome. Okay, so everyone check this one. It's on, it's on the, um, It's s-o-r-a-y-a. The rechargeable waterproof vibrator. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:37:41 It's cool. It kind of looks like a rabbit. It's got things in it. Exactly. It's kind of like the thing that they're. I just like that they're waterproof and things like that because I do a lot of stuff. Right. The shower in the bathtub. Exactly. I mean, that's it's so great. I think they all should be waterproof and they're rechargeable, which I love right now. And again, it's sexlet Sexlet
Starting point is 00:37:59 Sash Good vibes. And there's some special valentines. They just this kind of if you if you have a water president yet, you can go there and do that as well. After you buy the Emily and Tony candle. So okay, what about oral sex? And then do you have any great below job tips that we all need to know? Oh my gosh, that is my I am very well known for my oral skills. I have one more thing for that yet. No, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Job of the year. They do. They do. They give out best best oral sex scene and things like that. I have yet to win that one yet. Okay, that's very important. I know, right? I would love it. What are your good tips for that? Actually, there's going to be nominations coming up for a convention that I'm going to. If you'd like to meet me in your local social Atlantic city, it's Alzotica,
Starting point is 00:38:37 your local Atlantic city. We are going to be there April 11th through 13th. So you can come and meet me and many other stars at that. Awesome. They also are going to start a voting thing for that, speaking of voting for something for best oral. So you can find that. Yes, it's a fan vote only. They do best oral, best female performer, all that kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:57 So please, I would love the extra program. Okay, it's on your website, the information. It's going to be on my Twitter. I will post, yeah, I will post all that. I know it's called the fannie awards. I love it. Okay, so what? What is your tips?
Starting point is 00:39:11 My tips are always like, it's another thing to start off slow. I mean, it's always a good thing to start off slow. I love to use my hands and my mouth at the same time. It keeps anything from getting tired too fast. Right. To send us to get tired. Yeah, sometimes we do get tired. And sometimes it does take a long time. And sometimes it goes too fast.
Starting point is 00:39:31 But I do feel like when the penis is completely overwhelmed, like all at once and you're doing a whole bunch of things that once it freaks out and just goes into overdrive, basically, kind of like fem bots. Exactly. Freak out and blow up. And that's the whole point. So you got to keep mixing up to like you twist. Yeah, never never do the same thing for too long.
Starting point is 00:39:50 I say give everything about 30 seconds. It's 30 seconds in your head seems like a short time, but it's very long. It is doing something like that. It's a very long time, especially if you were to count it in your head, you'll be like, Holy crap, I could have done a whole bunch of more things. Exactly. So and lots of loube and what do I have to do? I'm a spit girl and I'm a spit. Deepthroding is something that I do. I actually also do live shows.
Starting point is 00:40:12 You can find me sometimes at your local strip club. Wow. It's called Feature Dancing. Feature? Feature Dancing. Yeah, a club will hire an adult star to come out for a weekend. That's something you'd like me to do. Go ahead and let your local club know,
Starting point is 00:40:25 or let me know what club you have local of the highest features. And in my show, I take about a 10, 12 inch, double-sided dog and shove the whole thing down my mouth. Wow. So it's pretty insane. Crowds go wild. It's pretty insane.
Starting point is 00:40:38 It's pretty amazing. But that's definitely a relaxing thing. I ask women ask me all the time, and I wish there was some crazy thing I could tell you, but it's, you gotta be comfortable. You gotta be comfortable with who you're with, and you gotta be with yourself. And you have to be into it.
Starting point is 00:40:54 So as long as you keep it wet, you use your hands, you seem like you're into it, and you use enough pressure. And ask if you're not sure if you're doing it, because I know there's a lot of young women working for me, you're like, I don't know what to do. It's like ask, you know, it's practice, but also ask the guy, you can tell if you're... Yeah, you can tell if you're doing right, because I know there's a lot of younger women working for me, you're like, I don't know what to do. It's like, ask, you know, it's practice, but also ask the guy, like you can tell if you're...
Starting point is 00:41:07 Yeah, you can tell if you're... And you can feel where it's at in your mouth. Right. A lot of men get scared about the deep throat thing, because, and just so you know women, you just may not be constructed. Your jaw just may be, if you have a narrow jaw, you won't be able to deep throat a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Right, it's fine. It'll scrape your teeth and it feels, I mean, the most... Teeth is always the number one thing. Yeah. So yeah, but sometimes women don't understand that they can't help it and they think they're doing something wrong, but we're all designed a different way. So sometimes it has, it's not you when there's nothing that you can do about it. Exactly. Like it's not like your guy sitting there going, oh, the last girl did this. If you, you could make up your own
Starting point is 00:41:41 blowjob routine. Exactly. Yeah. There's no right ways. Never forget the balls. That's also I was gonna say never forget the balls. What are your balls? I have a ball fetish. I am obsessed with balls. I love them in my face. I love to touch them.
Starting point is 00:41:54 I think it's the most amazing thing. That's I'm very, very into it. Really? Yes. Very, very into it. Like, it could be possible watching TV with a pair of balls in my hands. Oh my God. I love that.
Starting point is 00:42:04 So excited. Do you know what I have to give you. Oh my God, I love that. So exciting. Do you know what I have to give you? Oh, God, I got to say that to you. So another product you do sell at massage canals, but I have the most amazing thing that I'm, it's called Down Under Comfort. And it's a, you know, a lot of menus, talcum powder, like they're not that fresh down there.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I'm like, a lot of guys are like, oh, I really wish you be able to jump and they think they're fresh, but like, at the time, you're like, oh, you shut like hygiene. Yeah. So it's basically deodorant for your balls. But because talcum powder is carcinogenic
Starting point is 00:42:24 or even guys use that, it gets crusty and all over the place. Or they think they're fresh, and they're not, they're like, I shower this morning. So it's like a deodorant for your balls, it's a cream to a powder formula, that it's like a light citrus fresh scent. And you can just use it in the morning, like your deodorant, and it's like,
Starting point is 00:42:39 then you know that your fresh and dark all day if you sweat, and like anytime you go down there. That's an amazing product. I wish I sell it to my car. I'm gonna send it to you. But that's also on my site down under comfort. And again, starting tonight, right now, when you hear this actually, coupon code,
Starting point is 00:42:55 you get 20% off, which we've never ordered, and a free mystery gift, and free shipping for orders over 50. This discount will be valid through Valentine's Day, so order now. And also I wanna say is that I'm gonna be New York Valentine's Day week, and we're actually going into some of the Ricky's stores if you live in New York, and I'm going to be doing some store appearances.
Starting point is 00:43:12 So follow me on Twitter, sex with Emily, and I will be letting you know where I'm at, because I don't know exactly, but it's going to be like two hours, three days a week, and we're going to be like showing the products and meeting a lot of customers, and that will be really fun. Valentine's Day. So also, my other question for you is, well, I've eight million, I wish I take this call. He's been waiting for 33 minutes. Oh my God. Okay, let's talk to Marcel from Texas ASAP. Hey Marcel, thanks for holding. You really want to talk to Ali, don't you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:38 You are such a trooper. Thank you, my dear. Hey Marcel, what's going on, baby? It's one great, How are you? Great. Ally's done it. I'll talk to you. So my what's your question? Yeah. What do you got to say? One of the questions for you is, uh, the heavy, like any advice for like a guy that, that's trying to ask a girl out for the first time.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Oh, that's my question. Yeah. You know, that's another thing where you just need to be yourself. You know, whatever your thing may be to calm down right before you talk to her, whether it's, you know, take a shot, have a cigarette. You know, whatever. Becoming, yeah, smoke bowl. I mean, all those things tend to calm people down
Starting point is 00:44:19 in some way. If you're really nervous, I would say use one of those things to kind of calm you down. You can never be too honest. The truth is the best. I'm such an honest person. I don't know any other way.
Starting point is 00:44:34 So definitely, I would say be honest to a Tee, but don't smother. Don't smother one thing. Don't smother one thing. Be scary. Right. So enough information to let her know how you feel without letting your heart bleed. Right. So enough information to let her know how you feel without letting your heart bleed. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:48 And if you just meet a woman, here's a thing. The guys think they have to have pickup lines. There's gotta be the right thing. No, I gotta comment, no. Be yourself. So you know what you do, Marcel? Next time you see a hot chick, like let's say you're standing in line to get coffee, right?
Starting point is 00:44:57 I would just examine. I need a better example. Like, let's say you're standing. I don't know. What do you do for a living, Marcel? A student. Well, I'm not, I'm a college, but I look at a movie theater right now. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:45:10 So do you take tickets or do you pop corn, whatever? I work at a... Projection? Projection? Yeah, I do take it. Okay, take it. So let's say there's a cute girl that comes up, right? So a lot of guys do they freeze.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Like, oh my god, she's not a cant talk to her. Or maybe she's with a guy just be like, you can just say something funny. Like think that like you know something around you, like man, you just got the last ticket for this. You excited? Do you know about this film? It's like, it's like, my favorite film I've seen here. Like you just kind of just observe something and you ask a question about something that's
Starting point is 00:45:36 going on in the situation. So you can just say, you look excited to see this film or guess what I heard about this film or just something like that. She's there to see it, ask her a question. It doesn't have to be a pick-up line, just be friendly, be flirty, be yourself. Think of like you're talking to a guy even. Just just make conversation.
Starting point is 00:45:52 And you know what Marcel, it gets so much easier. So if you just start practicing, start with a girl that you're not attracted to. Start with a grandma that comes in and be excited for the movie. And I'm not kidding, Marcel, it's like everything in life. Because a lot of guys, you're age, oh, all age is actually,
Starting point is 00:46:06 everything in life, all age is so nervous, but it's like everything in life, it's practice makes perfect. Don't forget to breathe. Don't forget to breathe. And just the more you start practice talking to women and just having conversations, like it was a dude or what you're hanging out
Starting point is 00:46:19 with your best buddies, the more confident you'll be around women and you won't have that, what do I say, what I do? She's really cute. Oh my God. She thinks I'm staring at her. You just start talking.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Like, I'm just going to have a conversation. And it helps you in life too. It'll help you in jobs. It'll help you be like that guy at the party. They're one stock do. It'll help you be great in interviews. Just to learn to talk to people and make conversation about what is going on in the moment.
Starting point is 00:46:39 So you observe something in the moment about what's going around you. Like if she walked in, you would be like, you know, you could be like, how was your day? It should be great. Give me a ticket. But if you're like, like, you know, you could be like, how was your day? It should be great, give my ticket. But if you're like, oh, you're seeing this movie, man, this has been the most popular movie. I was lucky, it was sold out last weekend. I mean, anything, you know what I mean by myself? Yeah, I think.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Yeah, because then it's not related to, you know, how technically how you feel. So you get distracted and you don't get scared because you're starting conversation. Right, it's just a conversation about anything. And then you practice and then you get more comfortable, and it will give you more confidence because you'll start to see that.
Starting point is 00:47:07 And honestly, maybe the first time I'm going to be like, whatever, do you give me a ticket? You know, it doesn't matter or whatever. And that'll still happen because asking them and I was all about rejection. But you got to keep trying myself. Believe me, I know I've had my share of redirection by Robin.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I feel you're paying. Yeah. So good luck for yourself. Thanks for calling, sex, and Emily. Thank you. Thank you. Have a great night. It is so true. So many men, yourself. Thanks for calling sex to Emily. Thank you. Thank you. Have a great night. It is so true.
Starting point is 00:47:28 So many men, I mean, do you get hit on all the time? Where we go? Uh, you know, I've been told I give this aura about me, like I'm gonna eat somebody. So apparently it might do, yeah, my dude energy comes out sometimes, I tried, I really won't eat you. So it looks like it did, right? So it's gonna eat you, well she might.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Yeah, but out of my moment, not the first time she meets you, I really won't eat you. So it's like a dude, right? She's like an eat you, well she might. Yeah, but out of my moment, not the first time she meets you, she's not gonna eat you. No, but I've had my fair share, things like that. Where people hit on me and it's definitely interesting. And most of the time, you start to just try to hard. Yeah, they try to hard. Hey, baby, don't just be, because I always think about this. When I first started this show and I started giving advice, I was like, okay, I think
Starting point is 00:48:04 my boyfriends have had, or people have been with, I'm like, well, why was it? There's a million guys out there being ahead of me. And usually because they start up a conversation and I found them interesting. Like, yeah, brain is the largest sex organ. Yeah, exactly. And they feel like they're like, we're saying, quoting some like, think from proofs or something, or it was like, they just were like, funny, and they got my attention. They have something different. It wasn't like, hey, baby, they go to the hat tonight or like, where are you from? What do you do? Like, guys, so boring. But just observe, and it's not like a genius thing, it's just having conversation.
Starting point is 00:48:29 So that's a good thing. How can I pile on? A little twinkle night. I ended up teaching myself right before I got married was I would, well, actually, I shouldn't say that I was 10 years before I got married. Okay. But like, if I was like having dinner with a girl or something, I go to the bathroom, and then when I was coming back to the table, I pretend that she was a dude in my head.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Oh, right. If she was a dude and she was saying these things, what I still want to hang out with her, and a lot of time was like really annoying. It was like okay, and she was like, one of my guy friends, this will be like the most annoying dude ever. Really? That's kind of a good way to look at it. I always tell my friends.
Starting point is 00:48:59 It makes them a way less intimidating to her. It's true. Think of it because you got most people are comfortable around their friends and another thing I think about for women that advice for women that if you're dating a guy and let's say things aren't going so well it's not treating you well like I feel like I have these conversations with people all the time they're like yeah we didn't call me back and he said he would or he's not drinking and he was texting to other girl or he said he get broke clad to these three times a row I always say how would you feel if one of your girlfriends treated like like that? Would you be mad at her?
Starting point is 00:49:25 Would she still be your friend? Because they're trying to figure out is she a good guy or whatever? I'm like, no, you probably wouldn't put up with someone of girlfriend treating you like that. Why would you do a need of that? Why would you do it with a guy? I mean, it's kind of a similar thing.
Starting point is 00:49:36 You should not. We all get tripped in our head. Like, gabs and sacks, you've got to be so different, like just be yourself. Well, you want your partner to be your best friend. Exactly. If they're not, you best friend. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that's totally right. Allie, I love, I love your perspective. You're so like,
Starting point is 00:49:49 so many like, you're so like bright and you're so like insightful and great talk to you. Thank you. Thank you so much for being here. So tell everyone what's coming out where they can find you, what you, what you can do. Go to or stream eight and you can find my account. Okay. Like I said, if you're an member, you can find me there live and in the flesh. I wanted to be a member. Yeah, so you can definitely check that out. So, and then is my website.
Starting point is 00:50:13 You can always find me on Twitter, ask me any questions you'd like. And also all this information by Allie will be on my website, So, I love you all and thanks Allie for being here. Yes, thanks for having me. Love you guys too. Thanks everyone for listening to Sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Was it good for you? Email me, Ali, for being here.

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