Sex With Emily - Best Of: How to Build Sexual Tension

Episode Date: June 23, 2023

Let’s talk teasing. Do you know how to build sexual tension? Maybe you’re dating and want to be a cute flirt. Or maybe you’re in a long term relationship and want to create a sexy vibe. No matte...r your situation, today’s episode teaches a lost art: the art of the tease. First, I talk focus and flirting: simple little hacks to put the spotlight on the other person with flavors of sexual play. Next, I talk body language: when to touch, when not to touch, and how to deploy a sexy sort of restraint – not desperation – to your interactions. Finally, I take your questions on confidence and seduction, including: how do you show interest on a date without coming on too strong?Show Notes:ORDER MY NEW BOOK! Smart Sex: How to Boost Your Sex IQ and Own Your PleasureTAKE THE SEX IQ QUIZ! Email proof of purchase to and I’ll send you a link to take the quizSex With Emily: HomeMore Sex With Emily: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | TikTok Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 But here's a thing about banter. Well, it's exciting. And there's a dreadling that comes from that. Banter does not make a relationship. Banter can't take you to a movie or hold your hand or cuddle. Banter is fleeting. You're listening to Sex with Emily. I'm Dr. Emily, and I'm here to help you prioritize your pleasure
Starting point is 00:00:22 and liberate the conversation around sex. Alright, let's talk teasing. Do you know how to build sexual tension? Maybe you're dating and want to be a cute flirt, or maybe you're in a long-term relationship and want to create a sexy vibe. No matter your situation, today's episode teaches a lost art, the art of the tees. First, I talk focus and flirting. Simple little hacks to put the spotlight on the other person
Starting point is 00:00:49 with flavors of sexual play. Next, I talk body language, when to touch, when not to touch, and how to deploy a sexy sort of restraint, not desperation to your interactions. Finally, I take your questions on confidence and seduction, including how you show interest on a date without coming on too strong.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Please rate and review Sex with Emily wherever you listen to the show and if you want to ask me questions, leave me your questions or message me at slash ask Emily or call my hotline 559 Talk Sex or 559 825 5739. Just include your name or age where you live and how you listen to the show. Art of one, enjoy this episode. I'm going to get into some of your questions about flirting and sexual tension. Before we get into it, let's kick off today's discussion with some just basic pointers, some refreshers.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Not to worry, flirting and seduction and building tension is a muscle, and we can strengthen it any time, anywhere. So let's do this. Okay, number one, focus on the other person. Listen, flirting at some spice to our life and supports positive attitudes towards other people. It might be flattery.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I love a compliment. It's a subtle and enjoyable flattery and it's more of a praise. You know, it involves curiosity and humor and imagination. When you feel attracted to someone and you're like, what was that? You are feeling stirred inside and it's not because of anything sexual happened. And you want to both be able to respond to that. So flirting is sort of putting the spotlight in someone else, making them feel
Starting point is 00:02:34 like they're the only person in the room. It's creating that tension, that back and forth, which I totally understand is easier said than done. So here's some ways to get it going. Compliments. Here's a thing about compliments. You want to go beyond looks and you want to make them interesting because you could say you're really hot or god you're beautiful or you're so sexy.
Starting point is 00:02:54 But letting someone know that you appreciate their fashion sense or their insight shows that you get them on a really personal level. Don't you want to feel seen by the person you're dating, like they get you and they know you? You could say you're cute or really like your dress, but maybe you could try to give them an unusual compliment. Like, you're a really confident sounding voice. I love the sound of your voice.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Or I really like the way you talk to people. You really seem like you're somebody who knows how to get the best out of people. Or I really enjoy your personality. You're so quirky and offbeat. I love listening to you laugh, right? It's specific. And it has to do with that person. And you could do that with anybody. And even if you're not interested in them sexually, how good is it feel to be seen from people across the board? So remember that next time you're giving a compliment, you could say great shirt, but God, I always love your style.
Starting point is 00:03:50 You're such a unique style. I love the buttons on your shirt. Specific, specific, specific. Remember, this is a practice and we can all do this. Use their name and a conversation. If you learn their name and I'm really bad with names sometimes, so I try to repeat it. Hey, John, nice to meet you. Oh, really, John, you think so?
Starting point is 00:04:11 And I do this when I'm texting. I always use their name. Not every time, but I'm like, so really, John, tell me more about that. And it just doesn't feel good to hear your name. And also, our brains light up when we hear our names spoken in conversation. Think about it. TV anchors do it, politicians do it. It's a classic trick, but when we hear our name spoken in conversation. Think about it. TV anchors do it, politicians do it. It's a classic trick, but when we hear our name, this reward center is in our brain.
Starting point is 00:04:31 When we stand up, we pay attention. Someone's using our name and it feels good. Be curious. Ask questions. If you don't know what to say, ask a question. Think of who, what, where, when, why? What made you come to this place? Why did you start to get into that career?
Starting point is 00:04:48 When did you arrive? How did you get to this certain place in your life? How did you get into this room? I mean, those are the basic questions that will allow you to be curious. So when I say curious, ask questions and listen. Listening is not just about waiting for your turn to talk, it's about actually listening to what the person is saying.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And how good is it feel when someone is genuinely curious in asking questions? So remember, do more asking questions, unless talking about yourself. Listen, a little bit of mystery goes a long way, and curiosity is just hot. It really is. And I feel like I've said this a lot over the years to be a really great listener on a date, but I can't tell you how many people I talk to go on dates with people and they're like, well, they were a nice person, but they talked about themselves the whole time. And I always think to myself, didn't people get the memo? Don't people know this that we're
Starting point is 00:05:36 supposed to on a date ask questions? It's a gentle dance of giving and receiving information. All right, the next point here is it's all about body language. Body language is so important for building sexual attention. Let's start with eye contact. Eye contact is huge. It really just allows us to feel connected, feel seen, and I don't mean you got to stare into someone's eyes for 60 seconds, but just more so than not. And this is also practice. I noticed there's some things that I do where I look away and my eyes for 60 seconds, but just more so than not.
Starting point is 00:06:06 And this is also practice. I noticed there's some things that I do where I look away or I'm thinking certain things or I look down when I'm not quite sure what I wanna say, but I'm so aware of my eye contact now that I make sure that I bring it back. And this has also become a habit. Now when I don't make eye contact, I am very aware that I'm not making eye contact.
Starting point is 00:06:23 So think about it, I kind of take this hard for you, think about why it's hard for you. Think about what it feels like. And then try to practice. You can do it with a checkout person. You can do it when you're walking down the street. You can do it with your family. Just practice making eye contact again. And remember, this is all the muscle and you will learn how to do it.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Alright, that's the first thing about body language. Okay, then let's talk about just touch. When it's appropriate, it's a very effective form of flirting for all genders. Like, it's light touching shows interest beyond a doubt. Now, you might not be as obvious as you think. So, sometimes you might think, well, I asked them out for dinner, we had a long meal, we put on three dates right now. How did this person not know I was interested? But when there's an absence of touch or an absence of eye contact, your person might not know. And there's different kinds of touch.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Think of the first being friendly. Friendly is like a light shoulder push, shoulder tap or a handshake. That's not really flirting, but it's good to test the waters. And then there's like obvious romantic touch, like a soft face touch or brushing someone's hair. It might feel too forward for flirting if you're not really into somebody that you touch their face. What I'm recommending here is like a middle ground
Starting point is 00:07:35 where you lightly touch their arm or you lightly graze their thigh and put a hand on their thigh. That's more like informal touching around the shoulder or the waist or really on the forearm. There was a study that showed that a light touch on the forearm increased the chance that somebody would go out and date with someone and give them their phone number. The forearm, a light touch, a graze, because you're thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:07:58 If most of connection isn't about words at all, but it's about body language, someone feels your fingers on their forearms for the first time or your hands on their skin, that's going to send a message. And hopefully it's going to be the right message that's going to allow you to take it to another level. And remember that so much of sexual touch is a suggestion that a sexual encounter might be possible. In other words, this is sexual tension. Another thing about body language is how you are presenting yourself. Are your arms crossed? Are there arms crossed? Are you leaning in?
Starting point is 00:08:30 Are you leaning towards them? I mean, since we have these unconscious self-protection habits that we're not aware of, we close our arms off. I remember I used to do that a lot, and now I notice again, you guys, this is a practice, even when I'm in a meeting with somebody, I don't allow myself to sit with my arms crossed. Maybe if I'm alone and I'm reading or I'm focusing on something, but when I'm out in public, even with my family, I make sure that my body language is open,
Starting point is 00:08:53 my arms are down, and I'm leaning towards somebody. It just makes you more receptive and more open, but arms crossed, that self-protection, and that is not at all showing that you are interested. And in fact, pay attention right now when you're out with someone. So let me cross our arms because it allows us to feel more protected or maybe it's the way that we listen or maybe we've been making our parents. A lot of times the body language that we do is because something that we learned from our parents because our parents always cross our arms. So remember, uncrossed your arms and when your arms are open, your posture is more attentive.
Starting point is 00:09:26 It's easy, it's relaxed, it's confident, it's less protective. And then finally, ask yourself, what steps can you take today to make you feel more confident? Remember, this is that thing that you're going to study, like you're going to go home for eight hours and study it. It is a moment by moment day by day practice. So whether you're single or in a partnership, what can you do? So remember, attraction is still visual. You don't need to change how you look or cut your hair or wear something, go out and
Starting point is 00:09:54 just buy a bunch of new clothes, but taking care of yourself, being attentive about self-presentation, grooming, hygiene, all these things matter. So pay attention to your parent, your breath, your body hygiene. Listen, you might be adorable and fascinating. But if your hygiene is off, you're not going to second date. You really just won't. And regardless of what you heard, if you don't take any pride in your appearance and how you look, you may be dealing with some insecurity and low self-esteem. You might be saying, oh, I don't really care about that stuff. But how does that truly make you feel?
Starting point is 00:10:29 Is there a reason why? You can go into a apartment store and ask for help. I'm not really sure what looks good on me. Listen, that is not a skill set that we all have. We all don't know how to dress. Maybe we didn't go open an environment where it was important. But I'm telling you, it is part of attraction to going back to the point here, attraction is still partly visual. So we got to pay attention to our parents.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I would do it in a long term relationship. Never stop trying, you always try to go out and just wear sweats around the house. Maybe we stopped, we never changed out of our sweatpants, but even just for ourselves, we want to make an effort. That is going to help with confidence, doing things that make us feel good. I feel so much better when I do my hair, put some makeup on, get dressed, wear something new, it just feels good. So remember you want to keep trying in your relationships and trying in your day-to-day
Starting point is 00:11:15 life. If you're single and you're looking for someone, think about the next time you go to the store. I know it's so much easier just to grow out of bed and go somewhere, but listen, we're going to meet people out in the real world. So maybe you brush your hair, brush your teeth, put in something that makes you feel good because when we're wearing stuff that makes us feel that we walk more confidently. Like, I know when I'm just throwing on my clothes and wearing my sweats and my uggs and walking
Starting point is 00:11:37 my dog, I put my sunglasses on and put a hat on. I don't want to see anybody. I'm not feeling great or I'm just feeling like I'm going inward. I'm listening to a podcast. I'm talking on the phone. I'm not open to receiving or to meeting anybody, which is totally fine. I'm not looking to meet anybody, but if you would like to meet someone, then think about how many times you put yourself out in the world as somebody who's open for that experience to meet someone. So pay attention to your visual appearance when you're out there.
Starting point is 00:12:05 So even though confidence is an inside job, remember that it's also about patience, right? It's about being patient and planting seeds. Like planting ideas in the person's mind or your partner's mind and letting them blossom. It's like creating anticipation, giving them reasons to think about you. Like a well-timed wink, right?
Starting point is 00:12:27 If you're out with somebody, like a level wink. I love when someone's sitting with someone at the table and they look over and they wink at you, you're like, oh, I feel really, really seen. You can also be that touch I'm talking about. If you're out with someone that you're dating or you're out of first date, touching their cheeks softly, that is gonna be lingering.
Starting point is 00:12:45 That's gonna be planting the seed. You're not doing it for the next hour. You're not groping them, but you're just planting these little seeds, whether they're physical, or they're verbal. And remember, people like to talk about themselves. And if they share something personal with you that you can tell might have made them really uncomfortable,
Starting point is 00:13:02 it's okay to tell them, like, that's really hot. Thank you for sharing that. God, when you share something about yourself like that, I find that even more attractive because they feel like I know you in a more authentic way right now. I had a part of it to be, I shared something that was so personal and he literally said that to me because God, that's hot. And I was like, oh my God, I can't believe that you think this weird thing about me is hot. I was being vulnerable. Vulnerability is sexy people I'm telling you. Go there. Do this. Try it. And also remember this, if you're making out with somebody and the vibe is right, it's feeling good. Maybe a little bit of suggestive touch. I mean, the kisses just have to be with your lips. You can put your hands on their
Starting point is 00:13:44 hips. You know, maybe if your hands were be with your lips. You can put your hands on their hips. You know, maybe if your hands were right around their neck, maybe you move your hands down. But remember, you want to still be chill about this. You don't want to escalate too quickly. I mean, this is the problem we see in a lot of relationships. There are a lot of dating, is that someone goes too quickly. So remember, when you're paying attention and you're going slow, and you're lightly dropping these suggestive things things whether it's a word or a touch, you're going to escalate when the time is right. Because remember, someone's not going to have that opportunity to participate in any of this sexual tension and flirting if you go from zero to a hundred. And that is the case.
Starting point is 00:14:16 It happens a lot. How often have you been making out with someone indexing, you know, their hands are down your pants? You're like, what happened to the making out? I love the making out. I love the slow seduction of the kiss. And I love like, what happened to the making out? I love the making out. I love the slow-seduction of the kiss. And I love like, leave me wanting more. Like, let's leave each other wanting more.
Starting point is 00:14:30 So that's what I'm talking about, being suggestive instead of explicit. It's kind of the difference between biting your lip and grabbing their face. You know what I'm saying here? Finally, no one to make your intentions known. It is totally cool and sexy to let a date know I'd like to see you again. Let up know that at the end of the date and signalling your intentions that yes, you are definitely into them. This is a date and you are nowhere interested in climbing into the friend zone.
Starting point is 00:15:00 I'm going to take a quick break when I come back onto your emails. Let's get into your questions. This is from Jewels 31 in Iowa. Dear Dr. Emily, my name is Jewels and my pronouns are he, him. I'm 31 years old from Iowa. My relationship of five years ended and it left me devastated to say the least. However, after some therapy and working on myself to be a better me, I believe I'm ready to date again. The problem I believe is I'm too much of a nice guy who's kind of shy in the first date. I'm a gentleman to the ladies, which has put me in the friend zone on my first date in six and a half
Starting point is 00:15:50 years, which is fine because I still made a new friend, but that isn't why I got on a dating app. Honestly, I may have forgotten how to flirt as I don't think I showed I was into her. But what I think about it, it's like what Matthew Hossie said in his last appearance on your podcast. There were no signs of romantic interest. So how could she have known I was into her? Do you have any advice and how I can show my next first date I'm interested without coming off too strong?
Starting point is 00:16:17 Well, first jewels, love the self-awareness here. The fact that you have gotten so specific on exactly what it is and what went wrong and you're not beating yourself out for being a bad person, you're just like, okay, I didn't flirt. Really shows great self-awareness and I'm proud of you, Jules. Okay, let's talk about the friend zone real quick. Why do we get into the friend zone? Typically, it's because we act like a friend. We offer to help. We offer to drive them somewhere or do something for them or we listen to other problems. We start to give advice. And so when you act as a friend,
Starting point is 00:16:55 before you act as someone who's interested or you flirt, you're going to go right into that friend's own. I think at the end of the day, we want a lover who's also a friend. Of course I want my lovers to care about me and to do things that a friend would do and help me out But not initially not first thing you don't want to lead with your friend skills is what I'm saying because then they just see you as a friend And then they don't even know the romance part so leading with the romance. Let's start with the basic 31-01 body language Leading with the romance, let's start with the basic 30101. Body language, so much of what we say is nonverbal. Has nothing to do with the words. So be sure to just try some of these simple things next time you're out of first date.
Starting point is 00:17:33 You wanna lean in, not lean away, not with your legs turned towards the side or your arms crossed, but open, leaning towards, making eye contact. And remember, you want to touch lightly with appropriate, not too much gropeing or anything aggressive, but even just a light touch of the wrist, a playful touch on the shoulder, you know, your hand on their thigh, just briefly, but something to show that I'm interested. And then there's compliments.
Starting point is 00:18:05 You want to get specific with your compliments too. Although I know this is new for you, can you even just say you look great or wow, I love your dress. But the more specific we get in our compliments and this is for everybody. The better, no, someone could say to me, Emily, you really pretty eyes, which I get sometimes, which is lovely. But when someone says, what an interesting color. You have that dark ring that goes along.
Starting point is 00:18:27 You have such a dark ring that goes along the outside of your pupils, that's so pretty. So it's like someone specifically notices the color of my eyes, or they're just, it's an unusual compliment. But even just saying you look great, or I love your hair, or even great smile, is I don't wanna stress stress you out here, jewels.
Starting point is 00:18:46 You don't have to also master compliments and master flirting. But let me tell you why this is important. So I went out with somebody and I really wasn't sure if he was interested. We had to check your grade for a state. We were talking and we were really ahead of a lot in common. But I was waiting and it was subtle. But I was like, well, there hasn't been a compliment. There hasn't been a lean towards. There hasn't been a compliment, there hasn't been a lean towards,
Starting point is 00:19:06 there hasn't been a touching, there hasn't been any of those things. I mean, those are really the direct signs that let us know that this isn't somebody who you're gonna be friends with for life. So it was almost like a requirement and it's not like I had really thought in that moment, it was more when I got home,
Starting point is 00:19:22 I thought well, there wasn't any of these signs because this is what I do I study it so I even said something after I remember we were going on another day and I said Well, I don't know I said something like is this a date because I wasn't sure it is like of course I'm so trying something like oh my god. Yes, I hope so I haven't stopped thinking about you And I just needed those words and of course it goes. Any gender, any gender can definitely send a compliment their way. But I was just sort of, you know, wanted to see where they were bringing it. Listen, we're always waiting for someone else to make the move. Now, maybe people that you were dating, they weren't confident either. They weren't ready to show it.
Starting point is 00:19:57 But for a lot of us, we want to know that the person that we're with is interested. So, making a move, leaning in, giving a complement, asking questions, and making eye contact. And being a great listener, those are all the places to start. So what I'm saying is it's subtly, even not consciously, we're all looking for these little signs. That's exactly where I would recommend you to start jewels. And that is really what I think is going on here. And I know you're going to have plenty of second dates in your future. I feel good about this one. Thanks, Jules. This is from Nikki, 24 and Massachusetts. Hey, Dr. Emily, I love this show. And finally, the courage to write
Starting point is 00:20:33 it in for some advice. I really have this guy in my friend group. He's three years older than me. I've asked him to hang out at least 10 times. And we always have a great time. I've done as much as I can to make it obvious that I like him without actually telling him. He's a pretty anxious shy person, and one of his friends told me that he thinks he likes me, but I'll have to make the move because he's anxious and shy. How can I make a move without making it awkward? I don't want to lose this friend group, and even if things don't work out with us romantically, I still want to be friends with him and don't want things to become awkward between us. Please help. Thanks for the show. I love listening
Starting point is 00:21:08 and hearing how you've helped so many people. Alright, thank you for your question. Okay, there's a few things going on here. You've hung out ten times. That's a lot to hang out with someone and not really know. Now his friend says he's anxious and shy. So I think on the 11th day you can just say to him, hey, so what do you think this is? You want to and shy. So I think on the 11th day you can just say to him, hey, so what do you think this is? You want to keep hanging out or I think you're hot. I want to kiss you. I can't stop thinking about kissing you. Lean towards him. Put your hand on his face. Put your hand on his thigh. Say, so we're going to make out. I mean, make it fun. Make it flirty. Let him
Starting point is 00:21:40 know that you're interested. Now back to the thing that you said about I don't want to ruin this because if we're friends and how to make it outward, listen, if you're in a friend group with somebody or your friend with somebody and you're worried about making the move, are you really friends? Like is it really true authentic friendship? If you have feelings for them to let that be known because otherwise it is not a true authentic friendship, right? And your friend group, if they're cool and awesome, which I'm sure they are, your friends won't get hung up on it. I think we make it awkward and we make it weird. So to circle back, if his friends let you know that he's anxious and he's shy, then just make it move. So we've been out so much right now, and I've been thinking about kissing you.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Let them know you're interested. And remember, everyone, it is great practice to learn how to flirt. We are not born knowing how to flirt. It is not a natural skill set for many of us. So if you just start with the basics, eye contact, compliments, body language, you're gonna be well ahead of the game here.
Starting point is 00:22:45 This is from Olivia, 27 in Oklahoma. Hey, Dr. Emily, not super sex-related, but close. I got out of a toxic long-term relationship and I haven't been dating. Mostly because I haven't been interested in the fuss and I just like focusing on me, but also partly because I don't know how to pull myself out there. Recently, I started talking to an older man. He's about 13 years older. We clicked and I was very forward when we first began talking. I was actually sipping a wine cooler and asking my friend for flirting advice. I got his number and all that. Needless to say, I haven't continued
Starting point is 00:23:18 to be that forward and our conversations are brief but frequent. I like him a lot. He's really the only person I'm interested in. He turns me on by some of the things he says, his flirting is subtle, which I enjoy, but how do I know if he's interested in more than the banter? What have you done something by now? He's like me. He's not a fan of casual hookups, and I'd like to explore things with this man, but I don't know how to get over myself and hopefully under him. I hope you can help. And I hope that this is a question you could answer. Alright, Olivia, thanks so much for your question.
Starting point is 00:23:50 So what I hear you saying is, this guy, we don't know, you met him once, you were little buzz and a wine cooler, your friend was helping you out and now you're having this really great exciting banter. That's building sexual tension, but you haven't seen him again. You deserve to see this guy again. But here's a thing about banter. Well, it's exciting. And there's a dreadling that comes from that. Banter does not make a relationship. Banter can't take you to a movie or hold your hand or cuddle. Banter is fleeting.
Starting point is 00:24:25 All the texting and the sexting. Now, it's a necessary component for many. Like, we want to feel that connection through text because that's how most of us initially connect these days. But it's not sustainable. So it's totally okay for you to live here to say to him, hey, let's go and do something. What are you doing, Sarah night? I've got tickets to something or want to go for a hike. You want to go for
Starting point is 00:24:49 a walk. Let's grab dinner. You need to know right now how you're going to know if you have real chemistry, if you don't see him. And I don't think you need to worry that you're going to ruin some great banter unless you're just looking for a relationship that's all about texting. But if it goes on for a week and you're gonna ruin some great banter. Unless you're just looking for a relationship that's all about texting. But if it goes on for a week and you're just texting and there's no room for a plan, it is time to step up and say, hey, let's find out if this is, you know, we actually like each other.
Starting point is 00:25:16 You can even make a joke about it. Well, we know we got this banter thing down. Let's see how we do in person. And I always think it's great to give someone a second chance. Like if you go on a first date with someone, it sounds like you met him once, but you go out of first date. And you think it's good and not great, but there's some kind of connection, but you're not sure why not go one more time and see what happens.
Starting point is 00:25:33 You know, and if the second date's good, you know, and you're like, oh, maybe go three times. But I like a three-day rule. After three dates, that's enough to know if this goes the distance. But remember, you've just been texting with this guy for a while now. So, I wouldn't worry about ruining something that you don't have right now. Let's figure out if there's some chemistry and this could be your guy. Okay? Let me know.
Starting point is 00:25:54 It goes. Thank you. This is from Jake, 21 in England. Hey, Dr. Emily. Recently found your podcast after ending a long-term relationship of two years. Pre-relationship, I always had issues with attracting girls. It's not that I'm an unattractive person, but it's more so my confidence. I lack such self-confidence. How can I approach somebody in person or over text? How do I make the first move?
Starting point is 00:26:20 What can I do to win a girl over? I'm not looking for a relationship. It's more of a hook-up to put it bluntly. This isn't to get over the recent breakup as I'm not ready. It's more for when I am. Thanks for your advice. All right, Jake. So it's a lot of what we've been talking about here is that confidence, it's an inside job and it's something that we work at every single day to feel like we show up as the best version of ourself and Really not worrying so much about what other people think so there aren't any special pickup lines here at all I mean practice saying hello to someone just say hi. In fact, there have been studies that have shown that really saying hi
Starting point is 00:27:01 Is the most effective way to meet someone not high high, beautiful, or is this seat taken, or do you come here often? Just hello. Be interested. Ask questions. Making eye contact with somebody. Using someone's name, when you find their name and you can repeat it, hi, well Emily,
Starting point is 00:27:20 tell me more about, so Emily, what's in the bag? What did you get to drink? So let's say you're waiting in line or you're both in an environment. You want to observe something going on in the environment. You could be in a coffee shop. You could be waiting in line at the grocery store. You could be at the grocery store. You could be in a restaurant. Observe something going on. Well that's interesting. Or how often is it usually rain here? I didn't think it was ever going to stop raining. God, the traffic today was insane. How long to take you to rain here? I didn't think it was ever going to stop raining. How the traffic today was insane. How long did it take you to get here? I mean, really
Starting point is 00:27:47 this casual conversation, observing something in the environment and asking question. That doesn't sound like flirting right, but just a way to get to know somebody. And you get to connect them in a non-threatening way. Because what's way more threatening is coming off is like, creepy or do you come here off when you're using one of these pickup lines. That's just not going to work for you, Jake. That's just not going to work for you, Jake. That's really not going to work for any of us. I'm just going to repeat this. Body language.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Your body language is going to indicate whether you are confident or not. So just be confident. Smile. Have a positive attitude. Don't overdo flirting and you don't want to flirt with everybody. And also, it'll be a good listener. Show that you're interested in your date. And you want to feel relaxed.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Remember, your body language should be calm and relaxed. You want to have a welcoming disposition. You'll have your arms open. Your body language is open. Turn off your phone. Stop looking at your phone and be yourself. The more we are ourselves, the more we are truly ourselves. And we stop censoring what we're going to say.
Starting point is 00:28:43 You know, the more people can authentically get to know us. So it's a practice and let me tell you this Jake, we can practice flirting every single day. There are people walking on this planet, you go out, you're walking, you're on the bus, I'm going to work, you're in the store, you're at the gym, there's always an opportunity for you to smile and strike up a conversation with someone. Even if you're not interested. In fact, I think it's a great practice
Starting point is 00:29:06 to do with people that you don't even wanna have sex with, that you're not even attracted to, practice flirting in your day-to-day life with everybody, and then it becomes a skill set. And it helps you get over the fear you have of maybe talking to people or approaching, and it really has to do with personality too. This makes you more likable,
Starting point is 00:29:23 makes you more approachable as well. And then it becomes more of a habit. It's all with wow, right? We want to do things that make us uncomfortable enough so they become a habit. That's secret. Alright, Jake? Best of luck to you and let me know how it goes. That's it for today's episode, see you on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Be sure to like, subscribe, and give us a review wherever you listen to the podcast and share this with a friend or partner. You can find me on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at Sex with Emily. Oh, I've been told I give really good email. So sign up at and And while you're there, check out my free guides and articles for more ways to prioritize your pleasure. If you'd like to ask me about your sex life, dating, or relationships, call my hotline 559 Talk Sex. That's 559-825-5739.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Go to slash askemily. Special thanks to ACAST for powering the Sex with Emily podcast. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at

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