Sex With Emily - Best of: Sex In Retrograde

Episode Date: September 18, 2020

On today’s throwback show, I’m revisiting my 2018 interview with Elizabeth Kott & Stephanie Simbari from the That’s So Retrograde podcast. We talk about mindfulness, wellness & how it re...lates to your relationships both with yourself and a partner.We also get into what all this “retrograde” talk really means, how it affects your life and some alternative ways to work on yourselves because we’re never done improving. Plus, how your gut relates to sexual health and acts like a second brain.For more information on Elizabeth & Stephanie, click below: That’s So RetrogradeFor even more sex advice, tips, and tricks visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. On today's show, I'm joined by Elizabeth Cot and Stephanie Symbari from the That's So Retrograde podcast to talk about mindfulness, wellness, and how it relates to your relationships with yourself and a partner. Topics include, what does all these retrograde talk really mean and what does it mean for your life? So, about alternative ways to work on yourself because we're never done improving and you know I'm all about self-work. Why astrology can actually tell us a lot more than we think it does, and how your gut is like your second brain, and how it relates to your sexual health.
Starting point is 00:00:31 All this and more, thanks for listening. [♪ Music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background of a male obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubize they call them in a fight on day. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between for more information. Go to sex with If you not check it out, Lely, because it's a good, freaking time.
Starting point is 00:01:01 We've got a lot of things there to help you have the sex and relationships that you've dreamed of and also if you haven't yet Find me on serious exam Monday through Friday 5 to 7 p.m. Pacific Eight to ten East we take your calls and as always you can find me at sex down the across the board on all social media I am so excited to welcome my guest to the show. I'm jumping right into that. They are the host creators, founders, lovers. They're not actually lovers, but I love them. That's so retrograde podcast. Coin the ad tab of the new age.
Starting point is 00:01:35 They are quite fabulous. You know what you've guests coming in? Well, you don't know this because you don't miss out, but if you do, and you're like psyched, you're like, don't need to prep, don't need to think about it. I know it's gonna be awesome because everything they have to say is super inspiring and their cool chicks.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Elizabeth Cot, Stephanie Symbari. Hi. Welcome to the show. Thank you. Let's give out the social first at Elizabeth Cot. Kav TT, thanks. At S Symbari, that's S-I-M-B-A-R-I. Right, and on Twitter, you're Steph Symbari.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Yeah, but I like, I have a, you know, I hate ones a month, slash ones every six months. Do the Instagram, and then you guys also have that so retrograde. It's at so retrograde. Act, so retrograde. Take out the that. Take out the that.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Just so retrograde. So retrograde. Yeah. You so can't miss it. Yeah, that's so awesome. So. You're so awesome. Oh, you guys miss it. It's so awesome. So you're so awesome. Oh, guys, so tell me what's going on that you guys started the podcast. How long go now? It'll we were working on it around four years ago. This time we launched in February. It will be like four years on air. Okay. What was the concept? Tell me
Starting point is 00:02:39 about how it all came together. Well, we kind of were really just obsessed with astrology and into making our lives better and smoking weed. And we set out to make this podcast that sort of positioned us as experts on astrology. And quickly we realized that we knew nothing about astrology. And so we decided that we would just be explorers in the space. And that's really taken us very far. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:02 So really, it's just explorers in these different modalities that like as one of our astrologers said, help people find their soul. Yeah. Okay, so it was really, let's talk about astrology though for a minute because I feel like I always read my horoscope. What are you? I'm a Gemini. Oh, guest.
Starting point is 00:03:21 So you don't know astrology, do you? We don't claim to know. I mean, Gemini, like, I love reading, when I dating someone, like, my boyfriend was a Gemini, so then we had the same birthday. I thought that meant something. Like, what, you know, so anyway, and I think we all read our horoscopes,
Starting point is 00:03:36 but I don't really, is there a lot of value to it, truly what you've learned? I think that it's interesting because we've all come to know astrology just as like, I'm a Gemini. I'm a Scorpio. She's a Taurus. You're a... Aries. Aries. Okay. But that's just one aspect. Like if you actually get your chart read, it's a gigantic circle.
Starting point is 00:03:53 And there's like lines and dashes and symbols and aspects and all these different energies that are at play. So basically it's like to know your whole chart is really the most empowered thing you can do. Because it's described as a snapshot of the moment that you are born. It's basically like the blueprint of your soul and you can learn so much about yourself through knowing all these different ways that you're going to play with yourself in the world with your emotions with relationships with work. It can describe and give you the archetype of how you will be in all aspects of your life. And you found it to be very accurate. Yes. And then Stephanie, as business partners,
Starting point is 00:04:27 we did work that traditionally, one of the astrologists we work with will do for couples in a romantic relationship, which is a composite chart. Yeah. And so to work through some hurdles in our business partnership, we did like astrology couples counseling. I love it.
Starting point is 00:04:43 And it's been, because when you learn how people intrinsically think and how they see the world and how they approach conflict based on their astrological blueprint, you're then able to understand and kind of predict how that person is going to be able to work through a problem. So you can, in tone like work through it easier. It definitely like helps with the communication because so say she knows that I'm the kind of person that's not going to respond to a certain type of confrontation. She can then approach me in a different way or yeah, it's a really interesting way to kind of have compassion towards someone else's way of being and not put your own agenda on them and then get angry at them for not being like you. I think that's like a lot of what happens in
Starting point is 00:05:28 relationships and you're just like that's just not going to work for them. So I'm just not going to do that. Okay. It's really cool. No, that is cool. And I got my chart done like 20 years ago. Would it still be, do I need to do it again? They say you should get your chart read once a year. Oh, I have to want to actually my acupuncturist. Yeah. Wants to do my chart, because that's so right. That's so great. That's so right.
Starting point is 00:05:49 So he's like, I'm literally, I've had a reminder on my phone for two months, it says find your, I can't find my birth time. Yeah. I think in the beginning of every year, it's a cool thing for you to do, because it kind of will map and track, like what unique challenges you have that year or what,
Starting point is 00:06:03 we'll be working for you that year, and what sort of like things to look for and things to look out for. It's really like why wouldn't you want a road map? Okay, good. Well, that's a word that's meant. So then more than, so what about all the people who are like, what I read it mine and like I get these emails every day like, oh, more scope, I read it sometimes. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:06:19 That's basically like one hundredth of the story. And I think that those are just a really beautiful modality in weaving consciousness into your day. Yeah. Just to have somebody say like, here's something to look up for. Like those just kind of like generic readings. Like there's nothing wrong with that. That really, it adds perspective and you're able to look at situations in a much deeper
Starting point is 00:06:38 level. It's all good. It's just like an added layer of consciousness. Got it. Okay, so different modalities. So what are the other modalities that you guys have found now after a few years doing the show that have been, like, that could be helpful and relatable? Yeah. I think the biggest thing for me this year was Fung Chui, which was something that I
Starting point is 00:06:59 so badly wanted to learn about. And I talked about it on the show. And I was like, this is something I'm so into. And I couldn't really find like the right person to learn about. And I talked about it on the show, and I was like, this is something I'm so into, and I couldn't really find the right person to learn from. And then this woman popped out of the sky for both of us this year. And we just totally dug her approach and a lot of stuff to do with relationships. And you'll find this really interesting. The right size of bed you should have in your room
Starting point is 00:07:22 for relationships, so like, or having mirrors in your room, if you're having a problem with trust or infidelity, like having a mirror in your bedroom, it's like magnifying the issue. And also like imagery of twos is better than threes, having things on both sides of your bed. I've heard about that. I was like so many symbolic things that sort of subconsciously
Starting point is 00:07:40 infiltrate your life and think, like a clean bed is best because you're not too far apart, you're not too close, there's enough room. It's just like really interesting, thank God you didn't take king, you're a fit in my room. And she frames, and God damn it. She frames it.
Starting point is 00:07:54 And what we really responded to is the fact that it can really your fungshway, your space could act as a living vision board. So it's broken up into these nine different categories, the Bhagwat chart, and you can see what part is relationship, what part is success, what part is family, what part is health, and work through that in the space that you're in to really call and think you want. Did so she came into your home and walked around?
Starting point is 00:08:18 Yeah. And I get her name because I'm in the house. Absolutely. I've moved in two years ago. I have no furniture. Yeah, absolutely. Oh my gosh. You're working to be obsessed. Megan Wallace James is her name. She was probably one of my most favorite discoveries we've had this year. And then it's like the shway of your life, like computer shway. Like I'm holding on to like all these old files I don't need are like shower shway.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Like how many shampoos do we need? And it's just all about just like cleaning this like relationship shway. Like get the people who are dragging you down out of there. Let's talk, yeah, I think this makes so much sense because I often think about that. Like when you walk in the room, you can feel when something's not right. And we do often talk on the show about like, if you are single, for example,
Starting point is 00:08:55 making your room welcoming to welcome someone else. So if they come in and you've got your bed against the wall, one night stand, like not enough room, you just have two night stands, either side and just set it up in that way. But God, I'd love to have that room. So bedroom, she says, my favorite thing, bedroom needs to be for two things, sleeping in sex.
Starting point is 00:09:12 And it's nothing else like no tech, no. And once you clear everything out, like what really holds space for sleeping in sex? Yeah, exactly. What else is there's to be to do in the bedroom? Okay, find that fascinating. And it's also just like energetically, I know like when my house wasn't in order
Starting point is 00:09:26 and I knew things, I knew if I even if I'd put them in a closet I knew they were there, I'd go into my house, I'd bring someone in and I'd be in that state of like weird shame even though I wasn't saying it was definitely an energy that I was carrying and now I'm like, come into my room. Look at how there's nothing here. Like there's eucalyptus in the corner
Starting point is 00:09:42 and it's all pink and it's like, let's get to it. I wanna sleep over and have sex. Yeah, I don't know if youus in the corner and it's all pink and it's like let's get to it. You want to sleep over and have sex? Yeah, I don't know if you should come over. It's okay, like I have to do a lot of energy blocks around my house. Yeah. And I would be keep thinking I need someone who knows space because to me I know what's wrong. I even just turn my couch other day because I do have a couch, but I'm getting rid of it.
Starting point is 00:09:59 That's all I have. But I thought this opened up the whole room. I feel better. Like energy was flowing and I felt tight and constricted. So that is really cool. I love that. What was the one for you too? Was it the fungshway?
Starting point is 00:10:11 Oh, I mean, I'm such a big fan. I love fungshway for sure. That's been really helpful. It's hard for me to pick because there's so many. PRP facials. I love the PRP. I love the PRP. That's really cool.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Yeah. I mean, wow. Because I'm, I like, I don't want to look old,pea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea.
Starting point is 00:10:44 I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the hairpea. I love the not trying to do that, so I'm trying to find other ways to keep up with the young looking Joneses of Los Angeles. Both look fabulous. Thank you. I have said yes to Botox. So, yes. I'm also because I have like an eye issue and I'm afraid that I have poise in my face. I'm just like, I'm trying to not irritate anything in my system.
Starting point is 00:10:58 So PRP is amazing. Yeah, it's true. I think numerology is very fascinating. Yeah, I love that too. Sister Friends with Astrology. We've had that done together too. That's really interesting. Our first episode at the top of the year It runs through all the numerology So we can all can check that out for curious because what I'm curious that people listening like oh, yeah I don't really
Starting point is 00:11:18 Get all this stuff but it sounds interesting what you guys do in your podcast is like You're learning along with everyone else Yeah, and you're actually on the journey and you break it down and you guys are real and you're funny and you're cool chicks. And you're like, this is what we got, what we didn't see you're honest about. So it's not like someone's got to be like, oh, it's all woo woo. Like, we really try to ground it in like conversational banter so that, and people can just take the information that works for them and try something and put it down and we say we like to
Starting point is 00:11:46 Provide the information so everyone can build their own tool kit So there's absolutely no one size fits all we don't preach like you must meditate But we will talk about the scientific benefits of meditation and have the leaders in the space on To communicate all of that and like if that inspires someone to try it, that's really all we really aim for. Right, you're not like pushing down their throat, but hopefully they'll pick up like just a gun on this podcast, we cover so many things about sex. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:11 One day they're gonna wanna be ball-gagged. Right. Like I know about anal sex from your show, but like I haven't needed to throw that in my toolkit just yet. But if it does, it'll longer, but like Emily says, go slow, breathe slow, and use lots of loops. I know exactly the type of loop to use. Exactly. All in
Starting point is 00:12:26 the toolkit. You will be leaving the leaves today. FYI, we're basically the same show. Yeah. I think we are the one fuck you too hard. Yeah. Is that your sign off? Yeah. I love it. But no, I love that it is kind of true because you're breaking down this hole because everyone knows everybody knows now if you've been living on planet earth for at least the last 10 some odd years You should probably meditate they saw yoga mats at Walgreens like the whole wellness health spirituality space is there And I think it's there's a gate. We were like gateway that they can't quite or there's a hurdle
Starting point is 00:12:58 They're like well, I don't really know and I don't really see the way you guys kind of feed it They can kind of they choose But what do you think do you hear from people who are like I I want us get into the way you guys kind of feed it, they can kind of, they choose. But what do you think, do you hear from people who are like, I, I want us get into the space and not sure what it means for me, where do I start with being more enlightened, if you will. What does that even mean? What I always say to people is just follow your curiosity.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Whatever is the most interesting to you, go towards that, because it doesn't really matter what your entry point is, it matters your connection to the thing that you're looking towards. And there's no shortage of people at this point like touting this information. At this point, it's really like mainstreaming in a very real and amazing way. So we're just here being like, do it however you want to do it, what feels good to you, what sounds good to you, just try something, and then that will lead to something else.
Starting point is 00:13:42 The biggest thing, the biggest like disservice, I think that you can do to yourself is to think that there's a disconnect between you and the thing, because your wellness and your health and your wellbeing isn't something that is outside of you. You have everything that you need. You just might need like an assist of some kind or like guidance, but really internally at the end of the day what we've learned is like,
Starting point is 00:14:03 really, truly, all you really need is like water and meditating and you'll be fine. And breathing is true, though. Like the more we learn, the more we're like, what's our secret, hydrating and breathing. It's so true. You don't need a whole bunch of sugar. You really don't really sleep to take a sip of water at the moment. Yeah. Yes, listen, everyone, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Have you had your 50 ounces or whatever? It's come about in an interesting time where our health and like a macro scale were not supported by our government. No. It has completely turned our back on supporting our health. So it is imperative that we all take it into our own hands. And so if we can be the tiniest part
Starting point is 00:14:40 of introducing people to information. The tiniest part? The tiniest part. You're a t, keep people. Can you talk about that more? Sure. About our government and what you mean by that? I'm assuming health care system.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Health care system is impossible. And if you are even trying to look out for yourself, there's the languaging in the hurdles of just even signing up for covered California. It just is not clear. And I will say that the way that medicine is structured now in that system is that they're treating the symptoms and not the cause. So say you're depressed, which I'm sure a lot of people are depressed.
Starting point is 00:15:14 They're going to say a moment, but I think that's right. But we are living in a time when a lot of people are, yeah, it's a depressing time. But depression stems from other things besides Donald Trump, besides the economy. It's not just about the external thing. That's a side thing. But you're depressed. They're like, oh, we're depressed. Hold on, we have like this fucking booklet of all these pills you can take to treat your
Starting point is 00:15:36 depression. What they're not looking at is what's going on inside of your body that might be adding to your depression. Your gut health, for example, is like the first thing that you should look at if you're depressed. Your second brain is in your gut. It's like well-documented. All the research is calling your gut your second brain.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Like 90% of your started hormone lives in your digestive tract, your immune system lives in your digestive tract. It's like so much is going on there that to give your brain a pill, which we don't even know that much about as the first line of defense is a mistake. That's treating the symptom and not the cause. and that's how so much of medicine functions right now Yeah, I think you're so right and I'm just hearing more about this because I always feel like I've been healthy
Starting point is 00:16:13 But I've been hurt and the more road I've been going down with like acupuncture and massage I hurt my backs I've had to like slow down this year and be which I think has been a good thing Ultimately when you get sick or something happens But I've heard more about this at your gut is your second, what did you say your second brain? You're second brain. And so talk more about that because I was shocked.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I actually kind of heard it, but now I keep hearing it. So let's talk about how can people know if they're gut's healthy? Well, most people's guts are not healthy. Exactly. Exactly. Because we're living in a very over processed, chemical world. So how do you know if your gut's unhealthy? Let's see. I mean, going to the bathroom regularly
Starting point is 00:16:50 is a number one indicator. But what is your poop? What does it look like? Yeah. How does it feel when you do it? Is it solid? Is it what's the call? Like it's gross to talk about.
Starting point is 00:17:00 It's like probably not what people want to hear, but like your poop is like a weird tell of obviously the inside of your body. There's that. Then like what's happening with your skin, what's happening with your energy levels. Do you have brain fog? I mean, these are all symptoms of an imbalanced gut. Are you really gassy? Are you cramping?
Starting point is 00:17:17 Does it hurt? When you eat certain things, is it burning? It's not hard to tell that some things imbalanced, but I know so many people that will like eat something. It'll hurt. They do it every day and they take a thumbs. Right. Every day.
Starting point is 00:17:29 And it's like, every day. You're fucking your soul out. Exactly. We're in California. We are so lucky. Like, I literally dry past, you know, 16 Pilates studios, eight acupuncturists, wellness, there's five whole foods. Like, we are lucky.
Starting point is 00:17:41 We live here in the space where it's everywhere. But if I'm in Michigan, Elizabeth and I both grew up in Michigan, Michigan, are you in Arkansas, are you in Florida, and it's not as what kind of work where would you start? If your doctor's saying take a pill, is this accessible? Can you find this kind of help if you're not in California or you know, you can empower yourself? Yeah, I think there's more and more You can empower yourself. Yeah, I think there's more and more resources available to us that it was interesting. At South by Southwest, two or three years ago, you went during tech. You can kind of always see like what trend is happening.
Starting point is 00:18:16 And the biggest thing was health and health apps and all of these different things as a direct response to the fact that everyone was feeling so failed by the way our health systems were set up. And so this now, you know, that being a few years ago is now trickling down. So there's a lot of different apps. I think a lot of the insurance companies are getting hip to the more natural offering.
Starting point is 00:18:40 A lot of insurance companies are covering and I keep on failing. A lot of doctors too have been failed by the systems that are supposed to support them. So they're turning to kind of a 360 approach. And so I think it's it's a slow burn, but it is going to be it is turning around in its favor. And the fact that we're just the access to information is there to somebody who maybe didn't feel like a family medicine doctor is really giving them the full diagnosis or help they need. A natural path is always a sound investment. Get your poop tested, get a blood plant panel. So that's what I was gonna say is you have to ask for those things though, is the thing like a lot of times a doctor won't say, oh, let's test your poop, let's test your blood. They'll just give you like the basic rundown. It's interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Your Western doctor will do that. Yeah. And the American, just the basics. The basics and the American system of reading your blood is also like they won't tell you something's wrong until you're like really sick. Right. So there's like this whole level in between like what's thriving and what's like your very ill and there's a middle ground will wear in America. They'll say like you're fine. Right. like you're very ill and there's a middle ground where in America they'll say like you're fine, right? But you're not. So you have to ask for these tests, you have to have them read by someone who is an astropathic doctor, but literally like a poop test any doctor can run it and they can
Starting point is 00:19:58 tell you, oh, you've been eating eggs and you're allergic to eggs. You have a dairy sensitivity. Wherever you live, you could do that. That is available. And that's the thing you have a dairy sensitivity. Wherever you live, you could do that. That is available. And that's the thing to take. Yeah. Take initiative with your doctor. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Yeah, no, that is such good advice. And also, I don't think, I mean, this might be making an assumption, but I'm pretty sure no matter where you live, there's some kind of natural clinic, acupuncturist, within 100 miles of where you live in America. Like, I probably could say that with like 90% certainty that they're around. Yeah, they are around.
Starting point is 00:20:29 You just have to look for it. It's not so. It's because you're right. South by Southwest is a great indicator, but that is where a lot of tech and trends are, that's where it's kind of gets set every year of the conference in Austin, if you haven't been. We were there, we missed each other. We did.
Starting point is 00:20:41 And can I plug one thing too? Like if you're someone who's like, oh, I don't know where to start. I there's no Whole Foods or Natural Grocer near me. Um, and I don't know what, what to do or where to buy. Like I would say two things like try and elimination diet. If you're eating something regularly that's, that's hurting your body. Try to eliminate each food group over the court. Like say like, okay, I'm not going to do dairy for the next three weeks.
Starting point is 00:21:02 So I feel if that doesn't do anything, okay, I can have dairy. I'm not going to do grains for the next three weeks. So I feel maybe, okay, that's fine, I'm not gonna do dairy for the next three weeks, so I feel if that doesn't do anything, okay, I can have dairy, I'm not gonna do grains for the next three weeks, so I feel, maybe, okay, that's fine, I'm not gonna do nuts. Like, your body, you need to treat your body like it's your own science experiment. Just because you're not around a whole foods or something, doesn't mean that you're outside of what's possible for you in terms of healthy options.
Starting point is 00:21:21 We're gonna take a quick break, and we'll come back with more Elizabeth and Stephanie. I would just see my Western doctor about my back, for example, and I told her that I was going to see, I said, well, I think I'm gonna do acupuncture and I'm singing that. She's like, well, supplements don't work and that's not proven.
Starting point is 00:21:44 It's like, cedars. No. But then that's the thing. It's like, well, supplements don't work and that we that's not proven it. Like, cedars. See, but then that's the thing. It's like, so who are you looking to not to get like, political, but like then you're looking to the FDA. And the FDA is clearly not stirring us on the right track 100% of the time. So if something isn't FDA, quote unquote, FDA approved,
Starting point is 00:21:59 like that to me personally is like, so. Yeah, exactly. And that's the FDA is doing this. What is FDA-approving that are and literally curling our society? And like, I guess I would ask you, like when your doctor said that, how did you feel when she said supplements don't work?
Starting point is 00:22:14 What was your like, internal read? My internal read was like, I've been seeing this natural path, imbar, bank, schlepping there. And he's, I know that it's helping me. He read my blood work so differently than you did, but I had to go in because I slipped a disc and I just had to go through the motions
Starting point is 00:22:28 so she could recommend that I go see a physical therapy. I just listened to her going, I knew you'd say that and I'm sad for you. So that's the thing and I think something that's really challenging. I didn't even try to change her mind. She knows. And you shouldn't, but what I'm saying is
Starting point is 00:22:40 to be in your own personal power of saying, like I'm trusting my internal read versus like you as this like so-called authority figure, I think is very difficult. I've been in a position where I've had to like stand up to doctors before and it's so challenging because we give them this power. And as, I guess on some level we should.
Starting point is 00:23:01 But because the paradigm is shifting of these kinds of things, it really does come down to your intuition and you being like, I don't think what you're saying is correct. In fact, I know what you're saying is incorrect, and I need to trust myself more than I trust you right now. Right, and trust my gut. And that's why if you have healthier gut, it's a real thing. If you say trust your gut, there's a reason we have our intuition
Starting point is 00:23:22 and our lives there, we know most the answers. We truly do, and most of what we know, intuition and our lives there. Like, we know most the answers. Yeah, we truly do. And most of what we know, all that we need is inside of us already. Yeah. In many ways. Namaste. Namaste.
Starting point is 00:23:32 So, when are retrograde? I need to ask you guys, because I know that your thing, but like, is that real too? Mercury and retrograde? Is that really going to, because we always joke, everyone does. Oh God, by cell phone, I lost it. It cracked.
Starting point is 00:23:42 What does it really mean? Mercury and retrograde. Talk the astrolog astrological and I'll talk the avoid, things you should avoid. Okay, retrograde happens is a phenomenon that happens to every planet in that, basically the energy of the planet slows, so it's not creating the same energetic field around it. So the way that it relates to us on Earth and our bodies
Starting point is 00:24:06 that are made of water and all that shit, changes. It looks like it's moving backwards. It looks like it's moving backwards, but it's actually not moving backwards. It's just changing speed. Okay, I guess. Yeah, I get it. I get it.
Starting point is 00:24:20 So kind of like when you're going by a car and it like, you know how that happens when you, it looks like the car is standing still, but it's, you're just passing. It's like that. Okay. So Mercury, the planet itself, is the ruler. All the planets rule different archetypes
Starting point is 00:24:34 and energy forces. So Mercury and Euro Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury, which is the planet of communication. Yeah, here we are. Hey, I'm in the right place. Thank God. Go ahead and have a great job.
Starting point is 00:24:47 So yeah, exactly. Gemini's love to speak, not to throw this into the mix, but Donald Trump is a Gemini, and that's why he can't stop tweeting, because he's, he's out of fucking control. He's a Gemini. Oh, God. Kanye West is a Gemini. Can't shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Doesn't know how to stop talking. Like, those are shadowed, dark aspects of being a Gemini. You're in a good positive light Gemini. But these are things that we see with signs where it's like, if there's some sort of imbalance, it will go off the rails. So Mercury's ruling communication and such technology and transportation.
Starting point is 00:25:18 So that's why it's like my phone, my car. So that's really true. We should pay attention to that. Mercury will go retrograde every year. So that's the one planet that every year goes retrograde. And I will say for all those, it's four times a year. Wheeling and dealing out there, try to avoid signing contracts during a retrograde.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Unless, if the deal has been like a long time in the works, it's okay, but recommended not. And we've, at times, we've been like, we need to wait tilts's out of the retrograde and they say okay. Yeah. It's because we're in LA, but we're in LA. They're like, of course.
Starting point is 00:25:53 See, I really so obsessed with the retrogrades too, because what it, think of the word retrograde, it's like a reword. So all of the words that start with re, like revisit, review, revise, like all of these resolutions, resolution, all these things that have to do with three,
Starting point is 00:26:08 come up during the retrograde, depending on which planet is in retrograde. So this last year, we had Venus retrograde for many months, which is the planet of love and the planet of relationship, the planet of one to one interactions, the planet of beauty. So there was a lot of things happening,
Starting point is 00:26:24 and I'm sure you saw this on your show with a lot of deep relational issues coming up with people that was more than just the surface of what's at hand. Maybe things were being triggered from their past because they didn't deal with something 20 years ago and all of a sudden it's back because they never dealt with it. And the Venus retrograde is gonna be like,
Starting point is 00:26:42 we're reaching back and we're gonna say, you gotta fucking deal with this issue or you're not moving forward in your life in this way. And that's true for all issues that we don't deal with. See, I just talk about it. And like, if you haven't dealt with something, like trauma or anything that's happened to you in your past, which we all have,
Starting point is 00:26:58 what I always say, whatever we resist persisted and resist dealing with it, it never goes away. We word, what? Another reword. We write re, right? resist persist, resist dealing with it, it never goes away. You word. What? Another reword. Right, re. Right, yeah, but that to say, like all of these, with astrology and numerology and all of these things, it just provides to go back to it as another layer of consciousness or a lens
Starting point is 00:27:17 to look through to self-assess. And I think that that's really the thing that's so cool. It's like, okay, like, I'm more, always a little bit more on the skeptic side of things. But if it gives me an opportunity to look and evaluate my life, look at my relationships, look at my day, look at my month ahead, look at my year ahead with like a deeper sense of knowing and consciousness.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Like that is such a beautiful thing to bring into your days. Right. So you kind of take what you like and leave the rest as they say from different legalities. Is there anything that you were so psyched about and you're like, this is bullshit, as far as any of the things that you studied or learned.
Starting point is 00:27:52 You don't have to mention names. I would say that I have a little bit of a chip of my shoulder about psychics. No. Okay. Not that I don't think that it's real. Okay. I think that there is a lot that can be gleaned
Starting point is 00:28:06 from someone who's highly intuitive, which is what a psychic relish it called themselves. They're gut's clear. Highly intuitive people, we are not fortune tellers and we're not going to predict your life's narrative. We live in a free will universe where everyone makes choices and that is how things move forward and that's how we affect things.
Starting point is 00:28:29 But an intuition is interesting and cool and you can have about yourself reflected in that way, but anyone that tells you this is what's going to happen, this is what you're going to meet, this is what they're going to look like. All that kind of thing just based on like nothing, they're intuition, they're psychic thing, I can't with you. Okay. She's like no. I'm firing my psychic. Also what I can't do is people, and we see this a lot in no shade. I'll love, obviously, but anyone who is like celebrity blank in front of them, like celebrity psychic, celebrity astrologist, it's like, you don't have to say that. Oh, and they're the right down, like on their Instagram, like the celebrity. Or like the oppressed kid, or whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:02 It feels like 90s to me. Well, you automatically discredit yourself. Cause when you come like a celebrity psychic, can you imagine your biggest nightmare? Oh my god. Goodbye. So yeah, that is just for you even. I just think it's dangerous and irresponsible for you to put something into somebody's head.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And then now like someone's like, you're gonna meet a man and he's gonna look like this and he's gonna do that. And he's gonna be from here. And then everyone else that I meet if, you're gonna meet a man and he's gonna look like this and he's gonna do that. And he's gonna be from here. And then everyone else that I meet, if I like them, I'm like, well, you're not that guy.
Starting point is 00:29:31 And then I'm missing out on real life experiences because some random fucking person, I gave my power away to tell me that he's gonna wear a business suit and be from Florida or whatever. Exactly, no, I think those experiences. So what have you been doing with psychics? I'm like, that is not true. Why didn't they tell me the black,
Starting point is 00:29:46 I went to the psychic like right before I got bit by a black widow two years ago. And I thought the psychic was amazing and I kept listening to it. And I was like, couldn't she saw all these things? She didn't see the black widow that had to be up in the hospital for a week. I mean, that's a big thing.
Starting point is 00:29:58 That's big. Yeah, that could have killed you. Any other thing that was gonna happen. Yeah. So my question that is, what do you think, how has this show helped both of you personally in your personal life? That could have killed you. Any other thing that was gonna happen. Yeah. So, okay, so my question that is, what do you think, how has this show helped both of you personally in your personal life?
Starting point is 00:30:09 So what you've learned are like in relationships, your single, right, stuff, you're dating. Single till I die. And I was getting it. But like anything, like do look at, even your relationships, how has it affected your personal life? All these, three years now, of interviewing experts,
Starting point is 00:30:25 do you feel like how have you guys changed? And how does that manifest? How does that look like? Well, there's two fold one in that we, on like a larger scale, we are our journey, our health, are everything we do in this space with wellness and consciousness, like we talk about it.
Starting point is 00:30:42 So it holds it to a higher standard and it becomes paramount. And I would say when we started the show, we were interested in things, but I certainly wasn't living my best health and certainly wasn't on the road that we're on now, where I'm really open to anything. Whereas before, I think I came in with more of a skeptic hat.
Starting point is 00:31:03 And then, you know, and on the other side of it is doing something we love and something we created from an idea and having it grow steadily and expand and have a community around the show expand. Like, they always say that to have confidence, you gotta impress yourself. Like that's the key to self confidence. Who's there? Dr. Laura says that. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Dr. Laura, I know. I say so. She said that I have become a lot more confident in myself. I think that it has to do with A, doing something I truly, truly believe in in a door. That's one side of it. And also being really focused on feeling great. So those two things combined have brought me into a place of, I think,
Starting point is 00:31:50 I'm a great friend and a great partner and really good at my job because I have all of these little components working in my favor, with not without challenge, but that's kind of like this show because it is so health focused and wellness focused and mindfulness focused, like being on my game is primary. That's a good answer. I love it, and I think you guys, and I'm impressed. You guys are doing great work, really. You started this podcast, you have events, and people come, and they love you, and I've not been to one yet, but I want to,
Starting point is 00:32:21 but I've seen it on the Instagram, and I feel like you guys are doing great, great work. Thank you. You're on podcast mom. I am your podcast mom. I said you guys go over, hang on, anytime. It's so fun. Can I add to what she just said?
Starting point is 00:32:34 Yes, of course. So I've got to do the next question. Oh, good. It was to you as well. Oh, perfect. Wonderful. I thought we were just, we're one. We're like, enjoying time.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I just wanted to say that I was impressed to your comments. Thank you. Thanks mom. Yeah, but now it's your turn. I just wanted to say that I was impressed to our confidence. Thank you. Thanks Mom. Yeah, but now it's your turn. I'm impressed too. Thanks Mom. I was going to say because I don't really think of it as like, impressing myself as much as accepting myself.
Starting point is 00:32:56 I think that's more what the show has given me tools to get closer to. I can remember being a child and never doubting myself and always being confident, always just like knowing who I was. And then, you know, the world is constantly trying to guide you in ways that take you away from yourself. And all of these practices, whether they be spiritual or whether they be just practical things like Exercising and sweating or just things that are normal everyday things have just led me to a place of being like Okay, I am this human in this body with this soul and this mind and this heart
Starting point is 00:33:35 What can I do every day to take care of this body this being in order to live my most? fulfilled life for me. That's a good answer. I just think, I love it. So what is it that you're doing every day? What could be glean? What would be some things to start? We want to start on a path like this.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Like are you, you said sweating. Do you guys go to that sweat place? Shape out. We love sweating. We want to go to shape out. We're bringing out. You've not been? No, but I want to go.
Starting point is 00:34:03 You have to go. How often do you go? Like twice a week. Stop. Yeah. Okay, and not been? No, but they keep, I wanna go. You have to go, so. How often do you go? Like twice a week. Stop. Yeah. Okay, and you just sweat for an hour, right? Yeah. And we're doing lymphatic drainage,
Starting point is 00:34:11 which is, you put on this like suit, that's like a compression suit, and it lymphatic drainage is so hot right now. Can I do it there? Can we do it there? Yeah, so the best thing. Can we do it? Cause usually we get manicures, we've got.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Yeah, that would be way more effective. You can't live drain and then sweat.. You can live drain and then sweat. And then that's like the dream day. And you feel after from sweating. Like I have a steam shower at my house. Steatite saying it's just, you also your heart rate goes up a bit. Like you're just like really ringing out
Starting point is 00:34:38 whatever shouldn't be in there. Yes, steam shower is incredible. Oh, by not God though, yeah. I want to go west. We're in. It's a different thing. So is that what you're meditating every day? I know it's hard every day kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I do meditate every day. It took me many years to get to that point, but I kind of think I hacked the system. Would you have to have this system? I mean, my own self and resistance. Yeah. I do it before I get out of bed. I know that's like, sounds obvious.
Starting point is 00:35:03 No, that's exactly your, but I wake up in the morning, I sit up while I play with my dog for a second. Even if I look at my phone. I know that sounds obvious. That's exactly where I wake up in the morning, I sit up while I play with my dog for a second. Even if I look at my phone before, it doesn't matter. I've tried to do the thing where I don't look at my phone. That's challenging. I do it sometimes. I don't do it other times. I try not to be too hard on myself about that.
Starting point is 00:35:15 It doesn't matter. But after a five or 10 minutes, I'm like, all right, this phone's gonna suck me in. You know when you look at your phone and then like, all of a sudden it's 45 minutes, you've done jack shit, you've lost your whole mind. And I was like, I don't know about that. Yeah, it's not a good feeling.
Starting point is 00:35:27 The mom called, miss you. Like, I'm not, it's like there goes my day, yeah. So just make sure that before you really let yourself get carried away into the phone, you give yourself, I do 11 minutes and 11 seconds. I love. Cause I'm trying to sync with the magic of the universe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:43 That portal. I think you know that portal, that magical portal. But, and I just sit up and set my timer. And for me, silent meditation is good. For some people, they need to do a meditation track, maybe some music, whatever you need to like get yourself in the focus zone. Do it before you get it bad because there's something about getting at it bad and seeing your house and suddenly you get ramped up into the day,
Starting point is 00:36:05 that that little moment of taking care of yourself becomes less and less and less important. The farther you get away from that instant realization that it's the most important thing. So that's what I had to create. I know I totally with you. That's great. It's a great hack.
Starting point is 00:36:19 In fact, it reminds you of a hack. I think it was Deepak Chopra. Told me. I mean, Deepak. I mean, Deepak Chopra. When Dee and I were out for coffee, no, I read it was Deepak Chopra told me. I mean, directly. I'm Deepak Chopra. When D and I were out for coffee, no, I read it somewhere. He was like, this is the secret. And he said RPM, rise, p meditate.
Starting point is 00:36:35 So he's like, who? He's like, wait, can I, or who? And I said it to your doctor, I got to do for. But it's like rise to you meditate, because it's more like, can I get cough? No, rise to you meditate. Can I call my friend? No. And then it's kind of like you have to do for it. But it's like, rise to your mind, because it's more like, can I get cough? No, rise to your mind. Can I call my friend? No. And then it's kind of like, it's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:36:48 So that helped me too. That was my hack too. Haven't been as great last few weeks, but I get unpass on it off. And most of the time, it's okay to get off your habits of think sometimes when you get out of your practices is when you really realize how much they've been helping you. And that's just as much an important part of the journey
Starting point is 00:37:05 as doing them, as being like, wow, I checked that for granted. And that's something that I is a non-negotiable for me and knowing what your non-negotiables are is really important. Because it's for you, not for somebody else. Exactly. Yeah, and I'll add to that for both of us journaling in the morning is really helpful.
Starting point is 00:37:21 We subscribe to morning pages of just doing you know, doing a brain dump. Do you handwrite it? Do you do three pages? I don't every morning I don't do that. I mean, I keep my drone next to me when I meditate and I'll just write shit down and however much time I have or whatever, but there are sometimes when I'm like, why do I have to do three pages? Because some shit is working for my mind. For me, like right now, I really been trying to force myself back into making it a routine, so it's at least a page. And I try to just leave it at that. And if I'm writing tiny, great, if I'm writing big, it's too.
Starting point is 00:37:53 It's like, what have I? But I think it's really important, I think, to do the first two weeks and try to do three pages every day if you're trying to kickstart some type of like new creative juice. But if you're just trying to like skim whatever off the top layer of your brain before you start the day,
Starting point is 00:38:10 like it's so healing, I agree. It's so healing, I agree. And it's fine, but there's just something about that practice for me like I'm killing it if I'm meditating and journaling in the morning. One or the other is just as good. Yeah, no, I'm so with you on the journaling. So that's some talk more about that for a second because I that keeps coming back.
Starting point is 00:38:29 I read the artist's way. Love. So I in 1992 for the first time. That means. And then when I moved from San Francisco, I was six years ago, I was cleaning out all my books and I had four copies of it. There. Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I can't buy. If I never really did, like I did it when I first got it and I was like, I'm going to write and I'm going to read it. And then I was like, so the morning pages, I have all happy of it. There are a lot of things. I can't buy it. I never really did it. Like I did it when I first got it, and I was like, I'm gonna write it, I'm gonna read it. And then I was like, so the morning pages, I have all of our things. And then recently I got back in the therapy because you're never done.
Starting point is 00:38:52 And she was like, you should try to journaling in the morning. I'm like, God damn it, the morning pages again. Don't tell me to buy the guy in the book, I gave it away. But there is a lot, and I know that, so I started that again. I got my morning journal, and I, not every day, but I do think that it is very, and that's so tangible, like everyone's got a notebook. And don't do it on your computer, although I wanted to do that.
Starting point is 00:39:12 It's, there's something about the pen to the paper. Yes. And getting it out and being kind to yourself, they've just a page or three pages, because all day long, whatever, I love how you said, skimming off the top, like whatever's in the brain, percolating when you wake up, get it out. I love the soap hour. The visual's in the brain, percolating when you wake up, get it out. I love the show power.
Starting point is 00:39:26 The visual of the pool that collects the leaves and the junk overnight and just needing to skim off that junk of the pool, if your brain's a pool. Yeah, no, you're absolutely right. Those are all really good tools. It's really helpful. And honestly, just those things, breathing, as we said, hydrating, giving yourself a little creative outlet
Starting point is 00:39:44 to just work through whatever's going on in your head. Everything else is just like, I love it. I think what those things do, I think, more to the point is that journaling is getting you fully cognizant of yourself. That's, I think, a lot of the problem with people is that they aren't in touch with themselves and so that when there is even if it's a stomach problem or a health problem, they don't even realize it because they're not connected to their own self. So, if you're writing in your journal, because you're not controlling what you're writing in the morning pages, you're just a free write. So, if you're like, okay, I woke up this morning, I have a stomach ache, I had a stomach
Starting point is 00:40:20 ache for us three days, and then you keep doing that. You're like, oh, I have a stomachache. Like you almost need to see yourself. Yeah. In order to like listen and respond. Because again, the world is like, you are secondary to what we need you to do. Exactly. So easy to react to the universe rather than be
Starting point is 00:40:38 control of it is what you're saying. So yeah, no, I think you're absolutely right. So what, that is another great tool that helps us connect to ourselves. Because I do believe so many of us are so disconnected from our bodies, which is what I often talk about. Is that why we think we don't want sex, need sex, for women masturbation.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I'm like, you gotta do it. It's gonna connect you. That sexual energy, you gotta keep it flowing. And we just don't, we just assume it's just not part of us. And so have you found that a lot of this stuff has helped, like first of all, what do you attribute this disconnection to that you're finding from a lot of people? Do you think it's more so?
Starting point is 00:41:13 Or do you think it's in a condition that the phone? We're not, we're not sitting with ourselves ever. Ever. Like if your friend is 10 minutes late for coffee, like what are you gonna do?'re going to pick up your phone. We had a guest, Poppy Jamie, who has an app called Happy Not Perfect on our show, and she explained it really perfectly in that 60 years ago, before like, when people were like moving their bodies for a living, and then people became more
Starting point is 00:41:41 stationary. So then people started going to the gym and they started making time in their day to work out because people were no longer moving around as much. Now we're at that part with our brains. Like we're not using our brain. Yeah, you have to, like, which is not so true, the consciousness to be like, I'm waiting for my friend, I'm not gonna scroll Instagram till they come,
Starting point is 00:42:01 I'm gonna sit, I'm not meditating, I'm just sitting with myself, I'm sitting with my thoughts, I'm observing people walking by, I'm thinking about what's in my head, I'm thinking about yesterday, I'm thinking about tomorrow, I'm engaging with myself in my senses as opposed to immediately, I mean, I truly believe that the phone's zaps your hypothalamus, I really think that it's like
Starting point is 00:42:22 a direct, like, soft. What's the hyposophila, hapothalamus? It's like, it's the, it's your third eye, that it's like a direct that I have a stuffy little hop with that it's like that's the that's your third eye. Yeah, it's like the center of your brain that's connected. I was wondering why it went. I was going to the Feng Shui person. I'm like, oh my god, what the hell are you talking about? For sure.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Jesus, the cell phone is a toxic. I agree with you and I can't I can't stop right? It's outside my room for while but then I clock in my room whatever. I think have you set I can't, I can't stop right. It's not time I room for a while, but then I clock in my room for whatever. But I have to think, have you set up screen time on your phone? No. In settings, you can have the apps turn off. So my phone turns off at 10.30 and I have social media set on us. I'm allowed to use it a certain amount of hours a day and it will turn off.
Starting point is 00:42:59 You can like add 15 more minutes manually, but then the apps go black. It's the most genius thing. I'm so thankful that I'm- What is it called? If you go into your setting, then it's called screen time. I'm gonna show you. I'm writing it down.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Okay. And then you set it for all of the content that you can and cannot use. Okay, so we don't want to know if we're out of control. We don't know if we're out of control. No, I'm not sure. Because I've been noticing lately when I'm out and about like I went to a car dealer,
Starting point is 00:43:30 our car fixed, we put whatever place. And you know, they've shit, not gonna read their magazines about like mechanics weekly. And so there's no magazines. I thought, well, back in the day, you just be sitting there. Maybe you talked to someone next to you and you'd observe who's coming in.
Starting point is 00:43:40 You'd maybe look at their other cars or whatever's going on. But now you walk in and there's like six people just staring down and that's wherever it is wherever you go and that's how I used to meet people and used to observe now It's like I feel like life is just passing by it's because we always have this entertainment and it's interesting the way you just said this is that We are reacting we're not creating it. We're just like this is taking us out of ourselves work to directly We're putting everything into the stupid goddamn phone And it's so convenient and great at times, but it's just because it's convenient and great, doesn't mean it should be it's convenient and great all the time.
Starting point is 00:44:11 That's the other thing about all this wellness shit, consciousness, all of this. You're a human being accepted. You're not going to get over that. You're not going to transcend that. You're not going to be perfect. Everything's always going to be messed up and fucked up because that's with the human condition. So start with accepting that and then we'll move forward. So it's in relationships. It's like, you know what? We're not always going to get along.
Starting point is 00:44:33 We're not always going to see eye to eye. Sometimes things are going to be hard and we're going to have to have shitty conversations. But don't want to make that as easy as possible. Yeah, they don't have. Right, exactly. Accepting the fact that life is a series of open downs, I just talked to a friend the other day,
Starting point is 00:44:47 she was like, why is this happening to me again? Like, she got another job, didn't work out or something, and she's like, again, I think we're going so well. And I'm like, this notion that we have that somewhere, somehow, someday life is going to always be perfect. And there's not gonna be, maybe even every day every week, something that's gonna throw you off and be an upset you or be like off the track like that that is life Yeah, like that's the that is the process of the ups and the downs and learning how to navigate and negotiate
Starting point is 00:45:14 But I would say to your friend get your chart red You're probably bumping up against an issue that you're not aware that you have in your fucking soul And because you're not aware of it, it keeps biting you in the ass. So let's make you aware of it. And the chart, we just tell you that. Like, that's a lot easier than that. Literally your chart will be like, I'm going to say my acupuncturists and bring my birthday so you can deliver the chart.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Truly, you are someone who rubs up against authority. I mean, I don't know. I'm just making that. Right, right, right. So whenever there's a thing with authority and you rub up against it, you don't know how to deal with it. So you act out in X, Y, and Z ways because of this, that and the other thing in your truck.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Probably because you're the brother. That's you? Yeah. You just be like, oh, I'll never do that again. Right, or you might, but when you do, you'll know. You'll know. I will never do it in the same way in the way that I've been doing it. Okay, that's really. Guys, this is all chock full.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It is. It is. It is. I already feel change just hearing you buy. But that's the thing about this stuff, is that you have to do it. You have to stick with the plan. And at least, if there's anything I have one more question for you, and then we have actually five questions for you each. Each guess has to answer our quickie questions.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I love a cookie. I love a cookie, right? And then my question is, is there anything that you said hacking it so you could learn to meditate or run for a journal? Is there anything that you, because you are talking about a lot of new modalities for people to adapt? Is there anything you've learned about people and habits that hasn't, that has worked? I know it's hard, I struggle with it.
Starting point is 00:46:36 That has worked? That works, like a habit thing. Like I've heard the things about do everything for a minute. You don't have to do 10 sit-ups, you could do one sit-up, you could do one page of a book if you want to read again. And then eventually you'll add upon that. I think personally for me, it's just my biggest learning curve was making space in my day. It was just allowing there to be time for me to make a meal that will stay she ate me,
Starting point is 00:47:03 allow there to be time to sit down and write in my journal, just like giving space so that I can be places on time, just like, not constantly, just constantly being ahead of myself was just not helping. So I wasn't making room for me to sit with myself for a second. And so just like, not over scheduling. I know that sounds so silly.
Starting point is 00:47:23 No, I'm tired. But that's just like, for scheduling. I know that sounds so silly. No, I've titled. But that's just like the, for me, that's the only way that I can stick to a practice or try something new is making my day clear enough to do that. And it's not about like not having responsibilities and not having being at work on time. It's about just like, okay, instead of going to drinks right after work,
Starting point is 00:47:44 I'll go home and give myself 30 minutes to get to like sit with myself. Yeah, that's where, that is in my bedroom or like whatever needs to happen. Right, that's something I've, yeah, exactly. That is a great, because when you're back-to-back, you feel like, yeah, you're getting everything done and that brief time is important. I've just learned that as well. So important. It's great. Good, anything for you? I just think, it's not making excuses. Ooh, is the trick. Like, get over yourself.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Take a hard look. Do your work. If there's something that you feel like you need to be doing, you're not doing it, you find yourself in like, I'm not doing it because of that, I'm not doing it. It's like, no, you're not doing it because you're making an excuse, you're putting something
Starting point is 00:48:24 else in the way of prioritizing your shit. And doing the work is not easy and it's not fun all the time. And sometimes you do have to be like, fuck, I'm looking over here a lot. What I need to do is take 10 minutes and make myself a meal because that's going to show me that there's nowhere else I need to be except for right here. Right. That's a really good advice. Because I'm always saying do the work, do therapy,
Starting point is 00:48:41 but these are all, you guys have definitely presented a lot of different. No one is going to use gonna, like therapy is great. I love, I love that we have that available to us. I love we have all these things available to us, but at the end of the day, it's you and you alone, that's gonna get you where you need to go. And if you find yourself just not doing that shit, that's your bad.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Yeah, we all have a, sorry to be a tough mom. No, I love it you guys. It's good mom, bad mom. Yeah, I'm the bad mom. Okay, mom. No, I love it you guys. It's like mom bad mom. Yeah, I'm the bad Thank you guys. I've questions for you. We can go back and forth. Okay. Okay, so biggest turn on Elizabeth Dr. Laura
Starting point is 00:49:16 More than I didn't say that I know you're not on the same network you booted Dr. Laura. We're on the same net. She's on a different channel now. Yeah. Oh, right, right, right. Okay. Sorry, I'm obsessed with that, by the way. Laugh humor. Humor. For sure, for sure, for sure. Biggest turn off.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Listening. Okay, biggest turn off. Biggest turn off, bad breath. Unkempt fingernails. Ooh, that's a good one. Okay, biggest deal breaker on a date. Either one of the ones. Rude to the waiter.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Someone who doesn't ask me one question. It's the worst. Okay. Wait, bigest turn. I wanna go back. Okay, go back, go back. Getting fingered? Ah, I was kidding.
Starting point is 00:50:03 You're not kidding. Don't even say that. I like being fingered. No, I love it. Who doesn't love it. I was kidding. You're not kidding. Don't even think about it. They're like being fingered. No, I love it. Who doesn't love it? I think it's so fun. Right. That thing will finger enough anymore.
Starting point is 00:50:11 They don't do it wrong. They do it wrong. And they don't touch a breast enough. I agree. I don't like when guys go straight, they just want a straight fuck. It's like easy does it. Or is it straight on and give you head?
Starting point is 00:50:21 It's like no. Right. Oh great question. Side no. Is it okay to have a colored guy giving head when he's going and give you head? It's like, no. Okay, great question. Side, no. Is it okay to have a colored guy giving head when he's going down on a girl? Yeah, I think because he's his head. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Who's that, no. Like, boyfriend and I got into a debate about it. He's like, no, because it's referring to the head of the penis. I'm like, no, it's the head of the brain. Who's in your head? Yeah, no, you're right. I think you could say giving head.
Starting point is 00:50:42 I've heard it used both ways. Yeah. I also like that it's very generally true. Yeah, exactly. you're right. I think you could say giving hat. I've heard it used both ways. Yeah, I also like that It's very Yeah, exactly. Yeah, okay number one sex tip each one of you Be with the person that you're with Okay, yeah, so many people and I find a lot of times people are like doing their moves And I could tell I can feel when you're like doing your moves and you're not with me and my personal body and myself and I can feel when I'm being like,
Starting point is 00:51:10 look what I can do versus me being like, I'm learning about you in this moment. Exactly, because no one's paying attention. I've rolling our heads during sex so we just try to fit, pull out our move and you feel that move. I can feel it hard. I'm like, hello, okay.
Starting point is 00:51:22 I got it, you do this, you do that. Yeah, no. So true. I think, like, hello, okay. I got it, you do this, you do that. Like, yeah, no. It's so true. I think, like, not getting out of your own way to like feed into like what it is that you really want. Big set, was that your sex tip? Yeah, yeah. Like, I asked her so long just like being afraid to ask, being afraid to say it, and it's
Starting point is 00:51:39 like so fun to say it and do it. Guys, also I find like love, if especially younger guys, now that I'm into younger guys, the love when you're like, no and do it. Guys, also I find love, especially younger guys now that I'm in to younger guys, love when you're like, no, do this. They're like, oh my god, you know you want, you're a woman, it's like, yeah, I'm not 25, I can be like, what you're doing, is it working for me and I like it like that. Because I think when you get into your 30s, maybe it hopefully people listening in their 20s can get it now, is that I used to assume that my partner knew more than I did. I don't know, shit. And they don't know anything. and their 20s can get it now, is that I used to assume that my partner knew more than I did.
Starting point is 00:52:05 And they don't know anything. No. And they're so grateful when you give them a little. They're like, thank God I have to like, flail around and try to figure it out. Men are so adaptable in that way. Yeah, they were incredible. Yeah, they're incredible.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Yeah, they're incredible. Okay, I sent that puts you in the mood. Sandalwood. Palo Santo. Palo Santo. Oh, God, I know you guys have answered that. Okay, thank you guys so much for hearingalwood. Palo Santo. Oh god, I know you guys have to answer that. Okay. Thank you guys so much for hearing that. So retrograde. Elizabeth Codd, Stephanie Sambarri, you have to check other podcasts that so retrograde and then they are watch the space because
Starting point is 00:52:35 they are coming soon. Yeah, and we want to come back to talk about fucking. Yeah, yeah. So you can talk about fucking next time I swear to God. Okay, thanks guys for being here. Thanks, thank you so much. I love it. I'm so happy for you guys. Congratulations. I'm great. I'm very proud of you as well. Thank you. You guys, there's so much more to talk about. So don't miss my next episode. Subscribe to Sex with Emily right now. Just do it. Dizzy. Do it right now. You can find it on social media. It's at Sex with Emily. If it's good for you, email me. Feedback at

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