Sex With Emily - Best Of:Real Women Talk Sex

Episode Date: July 28, 2017

Have you ever wished you could read the mind of the person you’re sleeping with? Unless you’re Edward Cullen, it’s a wish that will never be granted– but there is hope yet! On today’s throwb...ack show, Emily is joined by Harriet, Atara, Chloe and Menace to uncover the mystery on everyone’s mind: what’s the opposite sex really thinking? Wondering how to improve your foreplay game? Want to know if she’s really into you? This round table of real women (and Menace) cover these topics, and more. Plus, they dish on early sexperiences, porn picks, as well as pubic hair preferences. If you missed it the first time, don’t miss it again! Thank you for supporting our sponsors who help keep the show FREE: Womanizer, Fleshlight, We-Vibe, Magic Wand Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Today's show is definitely not safe for work, but in the best possible way. I've got three women in the studio of all different ages, relationships statuses who are not holding back one single detail about their sex lives. So get ready for graphic details about their sexual turn-ons, turn-offs, their fancies, masturbation techniques, their best sex stories, their worst sex stories, I mean, we are getting into it. So enjoy the show. Situations, bedroom eyes, they call them in a bike on me. Hey, Abelie, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Hey, girls, gotta have a stand. It's a lie. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean, like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:00:58 Oh my god, I'm off your sound. Being bad feels pretty good. You know, Abelie's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Ebony. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can check out all of our podcasts, send them for our goddamn mailing lists if you're done yet because we give really good emails. And also our website is constantly changing and we are updating it every single day. So if you love the podcast and you want to better check some relationships, then you should definitely
Starting point is 00:01:36 check out our blogs and our videos, which will just be a nice little accoutrements, little accessories, little addition to the podcast. So check that out. I would appreciate that. And I'm here with Menace. Hello, Emily. How are you? Good, good. We've talked about all your New York adventures last time. I've not gotten my ass kicked since. Yeah, so if people miss that podcast,
Starting point is 00:01:56 they definitely have to go back and listen to, at least the first 10 minutes, because it was an epic fight that Emily got. And you're very first fight, so. Ever. Ever and ever. I'm not afraid ever ever never ever not a fighter so that's ever had to be fight in like high school right but you are you know I know I'm like a full grown adult but it was funny because because half the girls I was saying I was a from New Jersey they're like I'm proud of you proud of you it's
Starting point is 00:02:20 about time like they all got in their ass kicked those like it was very tough and straight forward and the east of golf, you know. Exactly, so. Here everyone is so passive and in California. Yeah, and apparently not me. And it was my fault anyway. You shouldn't film drunk girls fighting. So.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Well, it was good content for your website. That's why they're like, what are you doing on my gets content? Yeah. I'm all about content. Okay, today's show, I'm really excited to welcome my guests to this studio because you hear me, I give a lot of advice in the show. We answer a lot of your emails, your questions,
Starting point is 00:02:48 but I want you to hear it from the people. I want you to hear it specifically from women who have had various sexual experiences. I've never met, I've met one of them before. I know Harriet. The other two lovely women here are Atara and Chloe have not met, which is even better because it's like we just can get into it. And we're going to be asking questions about their sex lives and what turns on men is too, because I'm sure you have questions. Yeah, definitely. I'm happy that you allowed me to be on this podcast with you guys because I want to give a male perspective and have a ton of questions. I know. I'm sure you do. On his conversation.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Exactly. Okay. Let's start with Harriet. Hi. I know, I'm sure you do. I'm sure you do. The honest conversation. Exactly. Okay, let's start with Harriet. Hi, I'm Harriet. Hi, Harriet. Talk them Mike. Oh, you can just think lane two. You guys are going to be sharing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Yeah, don't be afraid. Okay. Hi, I'm Harriet. I work in entertainment PR and I'm 28. 28, okay. And okay, let's just look at the names all the way. It's Atara. Yes, hi, Atara.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Okay, and you are right. we won't say your age, but like, right, diminutive, I'm your ageless. Ageless and fabulous. And what do you do? Well, I do two things. I work in movies and television as a costume assistant,
Starting point is 00:03:58 a costumeer, personal stylist. And then by night, I am the lead singer of the band Plastic Rhino. Oh, cool. Oh, great. Great. That's awesome. Okay. And Chloe. Hello.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I'm Chloe. I'm 25. And I am a, I work in reality TV. I'm a producer, slash casting director. Okay. And then by night I'm actually a comedian. Oh. What is that?
Starting point is 00:04:19 Got it. So this is going to be funny. Maybe he'll sing. Got no. What? Okay. Well, um, and menace is here yes across the board listen to his radio show the way she's on the way show you guys on the yeah yeah see he's on billboards all over we don't listen to last show is
Starting point is 00:04:36 like menace never talks about the fact that he's on the which we do every friggin week yeah the Woody show it's a morning show in Los Angeles, Alt 987, Monday through Friday, 6 to 10. Woody started with me. But I won. That's what I did. I did radio before YouTube. I know. But yeah, it's also a podcast, the Woody show on iTunes. Right. So we got that down. That's just friggin' getting sex. All right. It looks like it looks like we're having a summer part in here because there's also like women women spread about, which is awesome. I'm the only guy in here. I know.
Starting point is 00:05:07 It's kind of good, right? Okay, so I'm just going to throw this out there. At which point did you become start becoming sexually active? Who would like to start the question? At the end of the question. So, Chloe, go. I was a late bloomer. I grew up Mormon, so we weren't allowed to have sex for a marriage, still not.
Starting point is 00:05:23 But I lost my virginity when I was 22 Okay, only a few years more were you in Utah? No, actually I was living in Tennessee at the time Not every Mormon lives in Utah. I'm just asking from Utah. Oh They have at least have links in Utah No, it's a 12-o. It's so true. So you grew up like so your family was like Like you just believe you would do church. So you grew up, so your family was like, like you just believed you were the church, did you do a mission and all that stuff?
Starting point is 00:05:47 I did not, my sister's on a mission right now, so my family's still very active in the church, but I found my own way in life. Okay, and did you ever masturbate growing up or were you told that was wrong too? Well, we were told it was wrong. I'm sure you were, yeah. Yeah, we were told it was wrong.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And I think the first time I like attempted, I was maybe like 17, like very late in life, and then I did it and I was like, wait, that's great. Right, you're like, how did I do this before? Yeah, so yeah, but we're talking not too, so I was like, Yeah, but Emily, you didn't start mass abating until? 20, so I never even occurred,
Starting point is 00:06:17 you see, I, in the one moment, I never incurred to me. Didn't even know that was an option to masturbate. Like, I don't even know why I know I was like, hey, guess what? By the way, I think I was super stressed out. Nothing's changed. Okay. So, Aetara, how about you? I was also a late bloomer, 19. I was saving myself to marriage and then I gave that up when I turned 19. Did you have a background upbringing that was like a religious background? I mean, I thought it was the right thing to do. I was raised Jewish, but.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Oh, yeah, we're not really. No, no, no. I think that's the one religion where they're kind of like, go for it. Go for it. That's why I was like pissed to my mom. Like, why did you tell me to masturbate? OK, but you thought you were going to wait.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah, I was saying myself, and then I gave up on that dream. Right, got it. The head dream when you're 19. OK, and then I got masturbation. Oh, well, that's a whole other's a whole other time. When did you start? Like three, were you one of those like in the shower? I was a very high persexual child. Like from since I can remember. Okay. And I, I figured it out pretty young. I think younger than most people figure it out. Like how old? Just like no.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Um, it's, I've heard, I that for five, I've heard, you know, everything. I think I was maybe six or seven. Okay. And you were like, what, touching yourself or in the shower? Shower. Water.
Starting point is 00:07:32 To always a freaking water. I took a million, I showers a clean child, but like I don't know why the house, it never hit me in that way. It just pisses me off. The stream, there's didn't hate me. Okay, got it and hair it. So I'm gonna pull the early card here,
Starting point is 00:07:45 and it was about 15 and a half, but it was with my boyfriend, we took each other's virginity, as it was all cute. Okay. We both had no idea what we were doing, so it was pretty funny. Yeah, no one does, right?
Starting point is 00:07:56 And sorry, do you guys mind saying where you grew up too? Because I grew up in Scotland, and then I moved to Texas when I was about 14. Okay, so got it. Basically the same thing. Yeah, Scotland Texas. Absolutely, yeah. And I was about 14. Okay, got it. Basically the same thing. Yeah, got one Texas. Absolutely, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:06 And I'm just wondering like, coastly, where are you from, and Tara? Born here, Los Angeles lived all over. Okay. Okay, well, born here in Anaheim moved to Utah when I was like eight, so it's pretty much raised there. And then I moved here like two years ago.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Okay, got it, got it, got it. Okay, so let's just go, so relationship status. Definitely single. Single, okay, so how are you, are you dating though? Yeah, I mean, these girls know me pretty well. I go on a lot of dates. I use, okay, yeah, I use the apps a lot, like Tinder, new app happen, I'm kind of getting off of Tinder,
Starting point is 00:08:40 but it's, it's disgusting. Yeah, let's become like the Walmart. It is, yeah, exactly. Right? We're moving on to a new app dating, I think, in Los Angeles. It's a whole interesting ball game. It is, dude. Do you ever hook up with guys that have one-eight stands
Starting point is 00:08:54 on these apps? Because that's what I hear from my guy friends. Well, being honest, I mean, I've gone out for drinks, and then you get carried away in like whatever. But I've gone on a few dates, and I've actually gone on dates to where guys. I was like, this isn't working out, let's be friends and I am still friends with some of those guys three years later.
Starting point is 00:09:09 That's great, but you might have subbed them. Like you don't on the first earth, I think like one, two of them. My friend actually calls it a Tinder blowjob dispenser because he's like, I have a girl that gives him a blowjob right away. I'm like, so I wouldn't stop Tinder than him. Well, yeah, I would live on it. I'm afraid. I mean, I've been in a relationship for way too long. In a entire time that Tinder's been available.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Yeah, I know nothing about it, but I encourage. I encourage my buddies to get on it, and then we'll be sitting at a table and like, dude, you're not on Tinder yet, let's get you on. Right. And then I'll sit through the account and get them on, and then like swear within like five minutes. He's getting a blowjob in the car.
Starting point is 00:09:45 He's talking to the right talk and so he can get in blowjob and that's awesome. I mean, it sounds crazy. Use protection. Okay, Tara, what about you? I am currently in a relationship so I'm also missing the Tinder bandwagon. Yeah, but I really shit for a while. Three years now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Sucks as they made it so easy before like, you know, you're on my space or like friends or Facebook, whatever. Or you would do like pay for like, yeah,, you're on my space or like, friends or Facebook, whatever. Or you would do like, pay for it. Like, do you have a match-up on or something? No, that's up, but it wasn't. Also, what made it hard was you didn't know how far you were away from each other. You know, with these apps, you're like, oh, I'm like five feet from somebody,
Starting point is 00:10:17 I can hook up with them now. Right, your penis is practically in my mouth. So, yeah, that's the part that, you know, your penis is point two miles from my mouth. Yeah, that's a good opening line you know, I made a point two miles from my mouth. Yeah, that's a good opening line I growl. Listen the next city and I don't even drive them too young Right, but now like oh, there's a girl at the same bar. She's willing to hook up Right, you know kind of cuts out the whole weird conversation part and get straight to the point
Starting point is 00:10:39 It's true. Okay, so you guys have been together. How long your boyfriend? You said three years do you live together? We do and how is your sex life do you sell sex?, yes. Good often all the time. Oh, yeah. Good sex. You have to. You have to, right? Sleep sex Sex right and how it knows so tell me like how how is the second I'm sure is that your first? No, you bet I'm sure you people yeah, so tell me about your sex life What would you say is there anything you guys are into that was, you know, um, interesting. Well, I can say that you really, you really got to keep it interesting. And how do you do that? Give me example. Um, can't be lazy. You just give me a blowjob on that, right? It's a flowers for guys. Yeah, you got to still like, flowers for women. Keep putting in the effort. Like,
Starting point is 00:11:19 you know, get dressed up from time to time. Get into a role play. Because, how do you get into a, people make, they're like, my boyfriend would laugh if I came home and said, hey, is that a pizza? You know, like, you can eat like, right? So how do you do that really? I mean, it's not for everybody, because it's like, I like to buy like it. It was so funny, I was watching, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:11:38 some, it was the Jenny McCarthy reality show with one of the guys from New Kids on the Block Cup for a day. Yes, yes. And one of the scenes where she had all these candles laid out and she was dressed in lingerie and all this stuff and he opens the door and there's rose petals everywhere. And my girlfriend and I were watching it together and she goes, you would totally laugh at me if you walked home to that.
Starting point is 00:12:03 You would. And you would. I would, but that's so you, like menace. I know, but I'm just saying it's not for anybody. So maybe you'd laugh and then, then, it's not for everybody. Yeah. But, I mean, laugh, but then get it.
Starting point is 00:12:13 But then get into a menace. So she would laugh. But you're like, you think that it's hard for you to laugh. Yeah, because couples are like, we're together too long. Like people make so many excuses about why they can't spice it up because they've been together a long time. And my partner was, so what if somebody laughs? Then you move past it and then you start being a part? It looks like a party.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I think it's awesome. I'm calling a girlfriend out there. I want to hear, I want to hear like some of the setups. Yeah, like give me an example. Um, well, like Batman and Robin. Like his favorite is like nurse patient. Right. So what do you do like a nurse have the nurse outfit, you know, so do I.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Okay, tell me I need some leg dialogue though. Oh, actually I'm sleeping with a doctor, one of the guys, but that probably is so lame, because he fucks nurses anyway. It's not committed, but whatever. So I'm still dressed up for him. See what happens. It's a nurse though, that'd be so lame.
Starting point is 00:12:54 You know, I'm in a nurse. The sexy nurse outfit. Yeah, but it, yeah, okay. It's like a whole other whole game. I can't even tell. Tell me what you do. Put it on the outfit. You set the scene, right?
Starting point is 00:13:04 I mean, usually obviously happened in the bedroom, but you know, makes you think of the work, and you set the scene right I mean usually obviously happened in the bedroom but you know makes me come to work and hold on I mean I really want you to like oh oh I mean yeah you know obviously sharing the apartment you know it's like hold on give me 15 minutes I'm gonna run in there and do something and then come in in 15 minutes and you you're not gonna know what it is haha you know right and then you like doctor minutes and you're not gonna know what it is, ha ha, you know. Right, and then you're like, doctor, or like, what do you do? I'm so nervous.
Starting point is 00:13:29 He's usually the patient, so it's like, oh, how are you feeling? What hurts? How can I make you feel better? Right. Right. Okay, and then that's hot, right? And you've like, do you like the high boots,
Starting point is 00:13:41 the short skirt and so on? I do do the stockings and the guard or bad. It's hot, I love the guard or the stockings. That's a win-win. Absolutely. skirt and so I do do the stockings and the guard or bad guys love the guard On the stockings that is a win-win absolutely. Okay, so you guys do that kind of thing And you got to put on the heels too heels are very easy. I don't leave them on do leave monitoring sex Absolutely, I know I hate you guys take them like leave those on Take everything else off not take the money off Really expensive
Starting point is 00:14:01 Don't come in my shoes That's it. Don't come in my shoes. Okay. But guys should always take socks off. Always. Always. It's the biggest turn off. It's awkward if they can't.
Starting point is 00:14:09 I've got to lose my bone, I'm like, why? If I had one. I always lose my bone. I have to eat. Some guys don't want to take off their socks here. Get a pedicure. I do the guy with bad feet once. Okay, but also like if your socks are off,
Starting point is 00:14:19 I'm not looking at your feet. But if you're on, I'm looking at your feet. That's such a good point. Oh, wait, that's such a good point. I know I had this radio DJ friend and we his girlfriend brought it up to one of us off the air. So then we brought it up on air and we're like, dude, we hear you never take your socks off. What's going on with that? And he had, we finally like convince him, like, just show us your feet. What's going on? And he had the craziest, ingrown toenail.
Starting point is 00:14:45 It happened. It does happen. You can get it. You take pills for that guys. If you have those crazy feet, I don't mean to be like, it is solvable problem. Go to your pediatrist. Nobody else likes pediatrist.
Starting point is 00:14:56 We shave our legs. We get pedicures and manicures. We do all these things for you. If you ugly feet, you can do that one thing. Yeah. Exactly. Imagine all the money like, we'll be spending, you don't do any of that.
Starting point is 00:15:06 You'll thank us for the pedicure too. It's not forget about the waxing. Yes. Okay, let's talk about the waxing we do. Exactly. Okay, can we get into grooming is a great topic. What do you guys do? Do you shh?
Starting point is 00:15:19 I, I, I usually wax and I have just like a landing strip. Okay. But at the same time, I wanna do like what they want. You know what I mean? Like if I'm dating someone and I have just like a landing strip. Okay, but at the same time, I want to do like what they want. You know what I mean? Like if I'm dating someone and they have a preference and like obviously. Okay, and you're in a relationship.
Starting point is 00:15:31 You said you're dating, you're single for days. Single for days. So you have a strip but you were like, how do you like the strip? And then he's just like, I would prefer nothing. You're like, hold on. I wish I could take care of that. Right, okay. I need to stop.
Starting point is 00:15:42 I could take care of that. Right, exactly. So I just asked her off, okay, got it. So what to stop. I can take care of that. Right, exactly. So, I just asked her off, okay, got it. So, what do you prefer in men though? Do you prefer the beige trim? I don't like nothing. Like I don't like anything.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Oh, I know. How much time she's been doing that, right? Exactly, exactly. I prefer just like, manscape. Definitely manscaping. Trim. Yes. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Same with the other one. I agree with the manscaping. It's a tarar grease. And what about chaving trim? Oh, wax, absolutely. Not bare? All of it. It's kind of just's the best way to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna try to do it. Don't you ever like look in the mirror? Maybe this is weird. You look in the mirror and you're like, I look like a seven-year-old. Never. I think the first time I got it done, I was like, oh, this is weird, but after a while, I just got used to it. Apparently, I could have to get used to it. No, I get it. And then you're part of you can be like, you're the feminist and you can be like, I don't know. Right, right. But yeah. All right. I have two questions. I'm not about here. Go on. No, number one, because you guys seem very adamant that, I'm single.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Like, is there something going on there? Like, you do not want to be in a relationship at all? We're like, secretly in love with each other. No, no, no, no. I'm not having a clue in Harriet. That's a good question. Yeah. Very anti-relationship.
Starting point is 00:16:57 That's what I'm trying to say. No, in fact, I'm focusing a lot on my career right now, which is good for me, because I'm not going to just bang people and be like, mm, bye, focusing on work, no thank you. In fact, that did just happen. I ironically had sex with a man in an alleyway just a few weeks ago. And I'm not kidding, he became attached.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Every day, I was contacting the alley, like who wouldn't fall in love with that? Very valid. No, but right at the time I was starting a new show and I told them I was like, hey, I'm actually moving 30 minutes away, but I'm moving for two months and he was like, what? What am I supposed to do without you?
Starting point is 00:17:31 And I was like, whoa, boozing. Right. So I'm like, just right now, I'm like, not in a place for relationship. I'm like, I'm just been writing. And you left, you left. You left the, and you're meeting guys through apps and stuff and,'m straight. I'm not gonna say that I'm so sick of apps. I'll delete them and then I reate the app. Right, everyone will leave them.
Starting point is 00:17:47 It's like, they're not your alchemist or else. What's the point? And you go by another pack. Okay, I'm now having another question. Go. Now, is it a turn off now that a guy is super into you and he expresses that? Is that, you're like, oh, why is he so obsessed with me?
Starting point is 00:18:01 For me, no. It's not a turn off, but it's also like, I am very blunt about it. Like if we're gonna sleep together, if we go on a date, I am like, okay, I'm not looking for a relationship, we can have sex, we can do that, but I'm not looking for relations.
Starting point is 00:18:14 So then if he becomes like, oh, but are you sure? Like, you really don't want one? I'm like, I told you from the beginning. You know what I mean? Could be just not the right people. Because you hear about those games, like, oh guys, they can't tell a girl that they really like them because then a girl knows that she's in control and blah blah.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And then they become disinterested. Yeah, no, I see, I see that, but I'm personally not that way. I'm in fact, I'm sometimes more of the man in the relationship where I don't call them. They call me. Yeah, I totally got it. I've been there. It is kind of like the thing and it's, you want what you can't have. them, they call me. Yeah, I totally got it. I've been there. It's kind of like the thing and it's, you want what you can't have.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Yeah, and I've always been like that. It wasn't a game. I know I've never really wanted the relationships that I've been in. I've spent half of them trying to get out of them. But then you find that the guys always want more. Right. Yeah, because I focused on my career. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:01 What's going on with you? Me, um, Mary. Why are you guys? Well, I'm just kidding. I definitely, you know, what's going on with you? Me, Mary. Why are you guys? Well, I'm just kidding. I definitely, you know, I'm open to the relationship, I date around, usually the second date end, I just, I'm so bored, the conversation's dull, and then they become, you know, they've come needy,
Starting point is 00:19:15 they call you and text you, and it's like, well, and I just, I can't handle it, I'm very independent. It's because you use apps and you pretty much know everything about them already, and you already have the pre-concision. You Google them and stuff. Probably, no, I don't Google. You don't Google before the date? No. Do you guys Google?
Starting point is 00:19:29 It depends. But here's the thing with a conversation where you feel like it's dull. That's the bummer of dating apps. Yeah. Is you're just chatting, you're chatting, you're chatting, you know everything about them before you've even met. That's why I really love it when a guy, like you're chatting maybe a day and then the next day he's like Friday 7 be there. Like, let's make a plan. Right, let's make a plan. I agree, I don't think that you should chat for more than like a day or two without me.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Absolutely. I hate the check two weeks of tech. That's just too much work. That just sucks the life right out of me. I know, I was once talking to a guy from Tinder. I'm not kidding like three weeks. I have to be out of town when we met. So when I was coming back, we were gonna hang out.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I didn't want to when I got back. I knew everything about him. It's like, what is the point? So we still have never met. I just, I didn't see the point. Because that's kind of the fun, the newness when you meet someone, did you want to ask the question,
Starting point is 00:20:14 you're like, I don't know how much did you have? I saw your trip to Hawaii and your Facebook page. Like, it doesn't matter. So, you know, the question? Okay, the other question is, and I think this will really help a lot of guys, because this is like the holy grail question for every guy Offline when you actually see a guy in a bar or you know or maybe you work side by side with them
Starting point is 00:20:37 What is the indicator that you like them because guys are totally Stupid and they don't pick up on any signs. Like, what are the signs that you're giving that you're into me? Well, I think it's different. We'll be really overly talkative, obviously. Girls aren't like shy like guys are. Yeah. Girls will be forward.
Starting point is 00:20:58 If a girl likes a guy and she's into a guy, you're gonna know. Yeah, but how are you telling me without saying that you wanna go out with that? Like what is her body language? So yeah, there'll be some, you know, like, like, shalons, touching of shoulder. See, guys are so dumb, they're like,
Starting point is 00:21:13 oh, she's just really nice to me. She doesn't really like me. Are you sure guys are that dumb? I'm pretty sure this usually does. What is your name? I mean, sorry, you know what? We start, a lot of guys, we start with the show. They're not great at reading singles for my men.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Oh, and then I would say also it's like, all right, then if you're a guy and you go for it and they happen not to be into you and they are just really nice. You know what, you're not gonna die. Nothing bad is gonna happen to you. So you should go ahead and take the shot. Right, that's true.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Cause guys, that guys look maybe together. But I would like, you know, some clear signs. And if you have clear signs that you can share with us, that be awesome. Well what for you would be a clear sign. Get underneath and put your hands together. Are you gonna need me to just bend over? No. Right in front of you. I don't know like how maybe I mean do you ever say like hey we should go out sometime. Do you guys ever ask guys out? All of you? All of us. I never have. Offline though, without an app, because it's much easier to do it online instead of face to face. Actually, Chloe and I have a funny story from the other night.
Starting point is 00:22:12 We were saying having a glass of wine at the bar. And I was like, oh, Chloe, that guy's really cute. I was like, I think he's really cute. Might have too many glasses of wine. But glass of beer. So Chloe, wine glasses. Yeah, exactly. So Chloe wrote me and Chloe wrote him this little cheesy little poem
Starting point is 00:22:28 and just like our friend who's a bartender or like pass it over to that guy, he read it, looked at us and just did not know what to do. I know, he walked and smoked a cigarette and he was just so awesome. So that was intimidating. But he just did not know what to do. And so later on,
Starting point is 00:22:40 it was like, hey, did you not get that note that we sat here? And he was like, oh my god, I thought you were just kidding. Oh, I'm not even matching with me. No, I do it all the time. I think there's something to be said about a girl stepping forward. And like, if I like you, and I'm giving you the signs and you're not getting it, like, okay, I'll hear I come. Okay, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:22:57 So I, a lot of the times, out of bar, cute, flirty, I'll put pen, you know, pen to an napkin, write a little poem and be like, that's a great idea. Either like, find me on Instagram, or if I'm like really comfortable with it, I'll leave pen, you know, pen to an afkin, write a little poem and be like, That's a great idea. Either like, find me on, find me on Instagram, or if I'm like really comfortable with it, I'll leave my number. Like multiple times, I'll just be like, save this for a rainy day and then leave my number. Have they called and they'd send me a call? I would say 90% of the time I get a phone call. Because it's something different. Right. Because most girls don't.
Starting point is 00:23:19 And it's blunt. You know what I mean? Like they know. I totally support that. Obviously more women should do that. Yeah. Because I get it in there. I agree. We encourage know. I totally support that. Obviously more women should do that. Yeah. Cause I get it. I agree. We encourage it. I encourage it all the time. Some of my bucket lists.
Starting point is 00:23:30 We're gonna write a poem. There's a bunch of guys that want to talk to you, but they're just like. Yeah. The terrified. Well, especially if we're in a group of girls. That's hard to approach though. But there are the guys out there that prefer to do the chasing. And if a girl is too slow with them. It's like you took away my hunt.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Yeah, exactly. Okay, I gotta get into sex here because we promise to sex. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no during intercourse. Okay, so Chloe, hey. I have only had an orgasm through sex twice. In your life, okay. In my life. So that's why I turned to masturbating. So I'm like, how on an orgasm? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:24:14 But I also think I'm not as experienced as a lot of people. I don't really have time to experience. That kind of thing. That's like on me. I really honestly wouldn't be able to do that. But how do you masturbate? Do you do the vibrator or do you use your finger your hand? Some of both in fact like a couple weeks go my vibrator broke and I'm like, well shit
Starting point is 00:24:32 I hate that's so sad that's like sheering like about like an abandoned child or something I want to save you and be working out and stick a vibrator and because I'm working so much I don't have time to get another one so yeah okay last night I was like I just want a vibrator I didn't want to my trunk I guess I guess hop on Tinder during the universe so that you don't have one what about would they go down on you yes I remember every time they go down on you you can yeah or finger yeah so you can you do a g-spot orgasm a clitoral orgasm I think it's more a clitoral orgasm? I think it's more like clit orgasm. Okay, got it. Now me.
Starting point is 00:25:05 During intercourse, do you ever just take your fingers and like put them on your clitters and then you could have an orgasm that way? A couple times, but I'm not gonna lie like when I'm in the moment. I'm like enjoying it and I'm okay. You're okay when you don't have one. Yeah. Do you ever fake it?
Starting point is 00:25:19 Absolutely. Okay. Because it is true when you're newly with a partner, it's harder for women to orgasm with a partner. It is. We're not going to orgasm with you in the first night. And if I ever have, I'd probably fake it. I don't fake it anymore.
Starting point is 00:25:30 But it's not a bad thing. It really is just her body, getting used to. For me anyways, I definitely hold back in that aspect. There are a lot of people that were like, oh no, first time every time that person, no matter what. But, I think that's true. Right, some women are just more orgasm, okay? I have to get used to that person. That's true, I'm sure that you still have that person. That's true.
Starting point is 00:25:46 And guys don't trip on it because would you guys say that sex is still good when you don't have an orgasm or not? Oh, absolutely. You're still sad. And what about you, Atari? You've been in a relationship for three years. And what's your or how do you orgasm? Dramatically.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Loudly. Very, very loudly, unfortunately. That's not unfortunate. Well, the neighbors don't like it. Yeah, I used to They have the walls No, you know, what do they do you live in Los Angeles? There's a lot of neighbors around and you walk out to the mail the next morning and they just look at you a little bit we earn Er, and do you um during during sex? In a course. Yeah, yeah both easily. Yeah, I'm not no, I wouldn't say before playing spot is not an easy task
Starting point is 00:26:26 No, that's a whole rigamoral. It's guys don't get that it takes work Which is why it's not a bad thing that we don't work out right but the clear No one is easier. It's not bad. It's not a bad thing. No, but it's easier But at the same time it's it can still because girls get too heavy We get away our heads get in the way of what's going on. For sure. So as soon as that happens, it's like, oh shoot, I've lost it.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Right. And it's like disappearing or got a little bit. Do you talk to guys right away and just give them directions, I want to do it. Well, I do, because I'm in a relationship. Yeah. Are you like to the left, to the right, like up and down? And so when you're, right, right.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Oh, wait, so, so, let's have a four-way then. So do you require, I'll require four play. Pretty much. I think four play is the one of the most important things a woman needs to do before having sex. Otherwise it's just not, it's, it's, it's like she's sticking to his dry boner. You're like, what? I mean, where, where the head also gets in the way, it's also beneficial in that regard. I think that one of the biggest things women forget to do is, well, you don't even need
Starting point is 00:27:27 the guy. Just do it yourself and then go in and you're ready to go. Then you're going to have such a better sexual experience. It's true because it's hard for us to switch off our minds at that because our brain is the largest sex organ, which I've said in every single show, but it is true that if he just comes, the guys are ready, we're not. Because for a place it's not like a suggestion, so a requirement. Yeah, I feel like it should be a law.
Starting point is 00:27:48 So every time you're with your partner, it should be a law. I'm gonna pass that. Let's put on the ballot. I'll see what I can do on my phone. A poor place? Who's in there now? Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Let's talk to the creator of Tinder. Seriously? Yeah, please answer. Set down the question notification to all the apps. It should definitely be a Tinder law. Yes. Yeah, Tinder is gonna rule the world. Okay. So what do you find, and then do you find that you had No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you like or is it? Oh, yeah, yeah, but fingers great too. Fingers great too, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Toys are great too. You okay? And Harriet? Should have more than one toy by the way, Chloe. I'm sorry. Yeah, Chloe. I'm working on it. I'm building up my personal toy rubber.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Yeah, Emily had a get storage. Like a store. I had a store, I didn't know when I moved here. Just all sex toys. I feel like I need one. It was on storage wars, by the way. I wonder when fucking funny. It was, they were pretty shocked when they opened the door. You need to hear the story about my housekeeper,
Starting point is 00:28:48 but hey, go ahead. I definitely think For Play is a must. And I think, you know, guys automatically expect girls to know how to give an amazing blowjob and like totally treat them well. But it's like, sweetie, you don't even know what you're doing when you go down on me. Let's talk about that.
Starting point is 00:29:02 So then what would you tell them to do? I tell them like, hey, you can use your fingers too. Like, don't be shy. And I totally direct them. I'm probably a bit of a troll. Give me an example. Because everyone is different too. So like someone like, so take, give me an example
Starting point is 00:29:14 of what you would do with your wrist soap for the first time. When what? I was like, when you're with someone for the first time, he's going down to you. And it's like, he's like, going really fast. Or he's like, yeah, I will literally be like, hey, it's okay, you can use your finger as to you and they're like what? I'm like, yeah, go for it, like do it.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Do you ever do ever say like, oh two fast, like go slower, like. Yeah, totally it's kind of like coaching, but. Yeah, most men, I always say go to five times slower than you think, and you'd be good, because guys go really fast, because if you start trying, they're like, oh that's what they want.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Yeah, we're on the jack rabbit. Yeah. Usually they're like, oh, that's what they want. Yeah, one of the jacks of it. Usually they're too hard. It's a nice soft area. You know, you got to be gentle. Right. You might not. Like, any good gentle, take your time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:55 It's not a race. Right. So any good oral sex tips that you have for men? Just do it. Go down on women. I'm not kidding. I had to, they should just do it. Go down on women. I'm not kidding. I had this. I had to, they should just do it and then a woman should really just give them
Starting point is 00:30:08 direction so they're not wasting their time. It's true. Yeah. I mean, I agree. I agree. With women, we are expected to give blow jobs. So we obviously get pretty practice. Guys aren't expected to give oral in return. So they're not as practice. So I're not as practice. So I would say just do it anyway. Even if you're like really afraid or embarrassed that you're not gonna be good, because yeah, some girls might not say anything
Starting point is 00:30:33 and they'll just keep you down there for two hours, you know, and you're like, well, I don't know what's going on. But most girls are gonna tell you what to do. Right, are there one to toy or your fingers or show them what you like? That's right. And I think it's huge. if you're going down on a girl
Starting point is 00:30:46 and she seems like she's not into it, you think you could do better, ask her. Yeah, because then she'll be like, oh my God, he cares. You know what I mean, it's like, I like, thank you for like taking my feelings into a pit. You know what I mean? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:30:58 And then to send it into root to men, this is great point is that the vagina is the root skew of life. And every woman is different. So how are they supposed to know? Right. So, um, it's an impossible.
Starting point is 00:31:08 OK, blow, how do you guys fill up blow jobs? I don't mind them. Oh great. You love it? You love gay at her? Oh, yeah, I'm, I'm a, well, oh geez. But you're great at it. Why?
Starting point is 00:31:18 Opened up that door. You're dead. Let's just say I like the penis. And you never like like beautiful thing. It is. It looks like. It is. I think it's a beautiful orgasm.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I mean, organism. Organism. Like the way that I'm working. That's what it looks like to me. No, like I think it's a great thing, but also like it's a scary thing. Scary how? It's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:31:44 I don't know. The blowjob scares you. See, sometimes it does, because I'm like, I'm kind of the same boat. We're like, am I doing it wrong? I like it. I like it a lot of it. I like it a lot of it.
Starting point is 00:31:52 I do better, and it's not quite the same for a woman to ask. You know, how is it? Am I doing okay? Because he's like, I could just find the next bitch to do it better. Oh, we got to talk about this. Well, first, I got to take a quick break here, but when we come back, we're going to blowjob tips. And you'll come to talk about this. First I got to take a quick break here, but when we come back We'll blow blow job tips and you'll come to my next workshop
Starting point is 00:32:13 Okay, what other pet peeves do you guys have about man? Like starting the guys do it. You're like Like don't go on. There's the list is along. Go But this is the public service announcement Listen up, people. I don't know. Where would I start? Anything. The socks thing definitely, like, take your socks off.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I can't stand that. And I don't even like feet, but I like the socks to be off. Right. I think communication, that is the one thing that is important, even in bed, if you're dating someone or whatever, tell me what you like, tell me what you don't like important even in bad if you're dating someone or whatever. Tell me what you like, tell me what you don't like, and I'll tell you the same, like I'll tell you my likes and dislikes. I think it's just as easy as just being like, hey, I really like this or I really like, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Just tell me. And so then I know. I know what to stay away from. I know what to like, you know. Like balls, like if you, yeah, or like, two by most guys like their balls touch or not. I have been with some that super enjoy it, and then I've been with other dudes that I was just way too sensitive, and they were like, no, stay away from there, because I'm gonna like go and get a little more.
Starting point is 00:33:10 You're like, cool, I'm out. I'm like, awesome. So I know if I'm like getting bored with sex here, I just play with your balls, and then you're done. Right, exactly. And I can go back. I put his finger in his perennium, like, in the middle. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I do do that. You do that, Tara, tell me. I do, I do. And it's, well, current one loves it. So it works. Okay, not in the, how about in the ass? Do you do it in You do that, Tara, tell me. I do, I do. And it's, well, current one loves it. So it works. Okay, now in the, how about in the ass? Did you do it in that? Oh, no, no.
Starting point is 00:33:30 But just the print in which is like the taint, like it mowed the, not the, yeah, it was like right behind the balls. Just push it. Just push it. Yeah. I'll come right away. It's like for your below jobs that you don't like giving,
Starting point is 00:33:38 or the, I mean, it's about, like, give me a row. You should come home. I thought, I have to say just because I've never taught a below job workshop, but I did teach one recently and it was, and I have to do like, because I feel like this show is teaching, but when you're teaching, it's very different. I really had to like get into it.
Starting point is 00:33:50 And it's really, yeah, I mean, I've talked about a lot, but it is true that it's enthusiasm is number one across the world being into it, making sure that it's wet and having enough pressure. So like, like you never want to be like that. You know, I should say, you always have the pressure. It's always wet and you're mixing it up, using your mouth, your hands will to be like that. You know what I should say? You always have the pressure. It's always wet and you're mixing it up, using your mouth, your hands will talk off like that. I feel like I'm pretty good at giving blow drops.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I haven't had any complaints. Right. So I feel like I'm okay, but I could definitely get better. You know what I mean? Like I could always get better. Okay, I've got a whole thing to talk off. Right, okay.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Okay, what is your peppy of then? Is there anything that guys do or that don't do? That you're like, why don't they blink? Like I feel like kissing for me. When guys stop kissing after all, and you're dating for all, and they just go right for the sex, or even if you just started dating them,
Starting point is 00:34:30 and they don't even touch your boobs anymore. I feel like they go right for your pants. I'm like, what? What, my nipples, they're sensitive, these feel good, and they go certain zipping, and I really like don't even wanna see me naked and dressed. So that's what we like. I don't know, I like,
Starting point is 00:34:44 that goes back into the four-play thing No, I think one thing for me to like while we're having sex like okay make out kiss get into it Yes, and then four play while we're having sex especially if it's a long period of time if the guy just does not kiss me at all I'm like I'm like I still have a face boobs end of the China right you have options here Right you like just go the China I would agree and I feel like that's the only focus like once they get on that track and of a vagina. Right. You have options here. Right, you have to just go the vagina or whatever. I agree. And I feel like that's the only focus, like once I get on that track, it's like, you have
Starting point is 00:35:09 so many options, like you don't have. Right, kiss. I feel like we should get a guy's opinion on this. Oh no. Oh no. And the kissing and the boobs and the stuff. Why do you skip all that and go straight to the vagina? Oh, because I think, well, it depends on how long you've been hanging out with each other
Starting point is 00:35:26 Yeah throughout the night because Guys they have no patience, you know, we're like, okay, this is my chance. We're gonna go for it now You know, and they feel that they might mess it up between now and then of You know doing four-ply and stuff like that I'm disinterested. Yeah, I can agree with that, especially because like they do just are there one track line in it's penis. And so once they like get into it, they think, okay, she's into it, let's just do it. Like I'm hard, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:35:52 But I mean, I think it's very sexy for a guy to like care about again, like my boobs and kissing me and my neck and all that kind of stuff. And so it's gonna get me more turned on. So I promise you're gonna stay hard. Exactly. Exactly. You could even be touching his penis at the time. Like literally grinding up against it, you know? and so it's gonna get me more turned on, so I promise you're gonna stay hard. Exactly, exactly. You could even be touching his penis at the time, or like grinding up against it, you know?
Starting point is 00:36:09 And that's not like your penis is being like in the kitchen, making you sandwich. Or your penis is there. For guys like, dude, you guys need a pregame. You need a like master bay before, you go on like a first day, and you think that might lead to sex, because again, you're gonna be like a one minute man.
Starting point is 00:36:24 But there's no way you're gonna last. That's free gaming. You'll be way too excited. That's true, that's a good one. And what about eye contact? It creeps me out when guys just constantly give me crazy staring eye contact throughout the entire thing. I guess so uncomfortable, and I'm just like staring over here.
Starting point is 00:36:40 I'm like, I don't know what to do. There's a thing they stare the whole time. I've had a couple of days like right at my eyes and a lot of guys do it like it every once in a while the nap a whole time I would be like yeah but I was like that's what you guys want it was like solid staring not even looking away and I was and it was so distracting I couldn't even focus on you know feeling pleasure I was like I was like having to look away like just I don't know and then I get one the guys have the dead eyes you know, feeling pleasure. I would like, uh! Coverings that we like, I was like having to look away,
Starting point is 00:37:05 like just, I don't know, in the night, day. Yeah, but when the guys have the dead eyes, you know, we're just like, you know. We're like the attempt of bedroom eyes. Yeah. Where they just like awkwardly like gaze at you and you're like, okay, like. And I got one guy I did for a little bit
Starting point is 00:37:17 and he, every time we had sex, he would say, I love you and be like, give me eye contact. And I was like, I think I ran away. No, he's about to. No, it called Chloe and I was like, I don't know what to do. This is really weird. I said, get rid of contact. And I was like, I think I ran away. I was like, no, no, it called Chloe. And I was like, I don't know what to do. This is really weird. I said, get rid of them.
Starting point is 00:37:28 I'm just kidding. Yeah, the prematurely escalates the, I love you and stuff. But the eye contact thing is we just don't constantly stare, stare a little bit and then look away. And the same thing with blowjabs, guys, I have a question, because we always say, look at one of the blowjabs, I have to just look,
Starting point is 00:37:41 guys want to see you and look up at them, but not the whole time. So it's kind of like, I don't I don't want to look no no no no I I see geez let me see you guys I already know what he's gonna say no I don't think that guys even care about that they're just happy that you're giving them that's not true I had a guy just spelled his fancy to me that's just I think guys you hang out with it do you know what they guys um now they're not you know they're normal day-to-day guy they guys you hang out with, dude. Just messed up. Ketching. What the guy? Another nod.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I think the normal day to day guy, they don't care, they're happy that you're getting a bloat. No, they're happy and give you a bloat. You know what, guys, what freaking, this is your line man. That's just a lie man. He's lying. I've never been to a bloat.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I've never been to a bloat. I've never been to a bloat. No, it's not the wrong bloat. It's like the weird baby- It's such a lie man. We're sex guy. Menace. I've never dated a soldier.
Starting point is 00:38:25 You just mixed your whole menace does think that every swinger has a pointail, which is partially true, but I've never been with a swinger. I know what I'm saying, the type of guys are having conversation. OK, but can I just tell you something really funny? On our last show that just popped in my head, you were saying to me, did you, when I was in New York,
Starting point is 00:38:41 you're like, did you have cook up with any access? Did you have sex? I didn't think about from it. Yeah. I did not. However, I're like, did you have cook up with any access? Did you have sex? I didn't think about it. Yeah. I did not. However, I have a friend that I used to sleep with in San Francisco all the time who now lives in New York. We don't sleep together anymore. I've known for years and I saw him.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Chloe's her remind me. Our friend was like, you ever have sex? I'm like, we did have sex, didn't we? Like, I kind of, I knew we had sex later. I remember he goes, you don't remember we had sex in the alley on Mission Street in San Francisco. And I was like, oh, we did. Apparently it's life changing to them. I remember it was like, it's a rather daily office. We are still good friends. I know we had sex a few times. He's like, and in my office in the elevator, I was like,
Starting point is 00:39:18 whoa, I totally spaced. So yes, I had sex in alley two and it was hot. It was hardly for not. It's like punch in, punch out, you know, for her. Do you, right? Yeah, exactly right. Do me speak, do me. It was an amazing experience. Real quick, you didn't see coming off, you didn't even let me answer your question.
Starting point is 00:39:35 I think it was just like with guys blow job, a lot of the guys that I talk to are happy that you're just giving them blow job. So they're not really tripping that you're looking up at them while you're doing it. Okay, whatever. But the other thing is just, is suction. You know, like, yeah, when you're, you just actually just having your mouth and just floating around there and then... Like vacuum?
Starting point is 00:39:58 Yeah, it's just like... It's like, it's the pressure part I was talking about, but that's a better way of putting suction. Like, yeah, it's some suction, that's it. And then everyone... You don't want it be happy floating your mouth Yeah, I want to feel it because you think about you want to mimic their hand or your vagina right? Yeah, the tightness of that You can't mimic my vagina Literally perfect
Starting point is 00:40:17 So make a flesh lay about it And then the one last thing on a guy's point of view the only thing that I think is pet peeve and it's not even a central thing, is at least on the coast, I think women are kind of rude. In one way. Compared to when I travel through them, I always say about the Midwest, like when you travel through the Midwest
Starting point is 00:40:39 or the middle of the country, it seems like even if you're not like trying to hook up with the girl or anything like that, they're just nice to have a conversation with, you know, I find on the coast, when you're just being nice and cool and trying to say hello to a woman or just have a conversation because you're in the same space, they some of them can be extremely rude and just like blow your eyes like that. You're just saying in general, like if you're like the high roll and just like walk away,
Starting point is 00:41:03 thinking that immediately the guy wants to get in your pants, like no, general, like if you're like me. I roll and just like walk away thinking that immediately the guy wants to get in your pants. Like no, you're like, you're five feet from each other. You're trying to be, you know, nice. That's so funny. I know I'm the person who are like, if I'm out and I'm walking and I'm passing so many walks in my job. And I'm not making like a statement that's like all women.
Starting point is 00:41:19 No, no, no, right. But no, but I feel the same way. Like for me, I smile at people as we pass by the street and I get the weirdest looks. Okay, but I'm also same way, like for me, I smile at people as we pass by the street and I get the weirdest looks. Okay, so. But I'm also not from here. And so I feel like my, I do. I go out of my way to be nice to people
Starting point is 00:41:31 and I feel like people just look at me weird and so I'm like, oh, okay, nevermind. Yeah, it's so, I don't know. So no, I do understand what you're saying. Yeah. So girl should be nicer. Just be nice to me. So because, talking to you, whatever,
Starting point is 00:41:41 I mean, if he's like being creepy and rude then definitely like blow him off and give him the eye roll. But if they're just to you whatever, I mean, if he's like being creepy and rude, then definitely like blow him off and give him the I roll, but if they're just, you know, striking conversation with you, there's no reason just to go straight to science. Yeah. Just walk away and not say anything to them. Yeah. I see. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:59 That's good. Good advice everyone should be nice to everyone. Can we not get along? Jesus. What were you going to say at Tari? You had to answer. I think it really depends on where you are. Like if you're at the coffee shop and some guys just like,
Starting point is 00:42:10 hey, and you're like, oh, hey, if you're at a bar and some guys like, hey, how are you? I'm pretty sure that the bar situation that guy has sex on his mind when he's saying, hey, how are you? Whereas a coffee shop in my just be like, oh, what's going on? Do you have the time or something like that?
Starting point is 00:42:23 Okay, even if he does, are you, what, you just want to send him down immediately or what? Well, see that's the thing, like, girls get into that mindset when they're in those kinds of situations. So yeah, you probably are going to get shut down if the girl's not into it, right away. And don't take it personally. It's just the situation where you are.
Starting point is 00:42:43 And the interaction that's going on and obviously, you know, a dance club, a bar is a... It's hard not to do. And guys are coming up to you. You sort of like that. Girls, you know, we drink at the restaurant and then tell them, we obviously get dressed up. I'm drinking. We look a certain way when we go out to those kinds of places.
Starting point is 00:43:03 We know the kind of attention that we're trying to attract. And then when we finally get the attention, we're like, oh my god, what the hell? Yeah. Girls are crazy. I know. I know. What are you guys up to?
Starting point is 00:43:12 We're good to know. Yeah, I was going to say, I don't know. I'm super chilled out. I talk to everybody, even at bars. These two girls know me. And I'll be talking to a guy or a guy will talk to me. And I'm just chilling, chit-chatting. Most of my friends are guys. So I'm very comfortable. And these two will be like, you know guy or a guy will talk to me. I'm just chilling, chatting, most of my friends are guys.
Starting point is 00:43:25 So I'm very comfortable. And these two will be like, you know, he was hitting on you right. I'm like, no, he was just being nice. Like we're just having conversations. Even if there was a few of those, I'm always really nice to guy. I'm from the Midwest.
Starting point is 00:43:35 I'm from the Midwest. Yeah, I talked everyone too. And then, yeah, I'm really, I mean, we're all nice people in this room. I'm just saying, I'm just saying there's a lot of girls out there that will shut you down immediately. Just don't take your personal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Okay, I have a question on masturbation. Do you guys fantasize or during sex or masturbation, do you guys have fantasies that you think about? Oh, yeah. Tell me, go. I'm going to go first. No, please go ahead. Well, I, will either like have fantasies or I'll like watch porn and get in the mood. Okay, both.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Let's talk about the porn you watch. Either want, fantasy first. Okay, fantasy first. I'm like watch porn and get in the mood. Okay, both. Let's talk about the porn you watch. You either want fancy first. Okay, fantasy first. I'm not watching porn. I probably, I think the one is just like a guy coming in and just throwing me up against the wall and like pulling my hair and, you know, I don't like some general sex.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Right, being submissive. Because it's that feeling the guy wants and has to have you so bad, just like throw you on the back. Yeah, that's what guys want to do. They're afraid, they don't know that you want that. They don't like auto-arride. I don't fix it, Fixie.
Starting point is 00:44:29 What is it? You gotta see how she's feeling. You know, but I feel that guys when they like meet a very strong dependent woman, they're like, oh, this girl wants to be in control in the bedroom. No, it's absolutely. And a lot of times I'm like, no, I'm controlling in my life and I'm very outspoken, but in the bedroom, I want to feel like a woman. Like I want you to pick me up, throw me around
Starting point is 00:44:46 and just do whatever. Right. Fantastic. I totally think of that. I think of that. I think of that. When you're doing that, you picturing the face of someone that you're into that you've been with
Starting point is 00:44:56 or is it like a blank, it's just like a mask canvas. It is just like a mask canvas. That's right. It's whatever I'm feeling like that day. I could have just watched a movie and I'm like, oh, that actor. I'll put his hat on there. I put his on this body and like whatever. And then what about porn? What kind of porn do you watch?
Starting point is 00:45:10 I usually like just like watch it on my phone because I'm too lazy to get out my computer and like, you know, do that whole thing. Right. But what do you like, what scenarios? I think pretty much like everything like anywhere from like three sums to like even like girl on girl, like whatever. When I first started watching porn, I was like, oh my god, this is so weird. And I felt like really like dirty. I think the first time I watch porn, I was like 22. And I like had to like ease into it. And now I'm like, oh, that three sum looks fun.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Whatever. And I'll like just click it on and watch it. And it turns me on. It might not necessarily be something that I'm into personally, but watching it and been like, okay. Did you do two girls in a guy? Yeah, or the other way around. Have you had a threesome?
Starting point is 00:45:49 No. Do you want one? No. Okay. No. Atara, what do you fantasize about? I like, so I think, because I was allowed to watch inappropriate movies from a young age.
Starting point is 00:46:02 So I got introduced to like, sex scenes and movies. So I got introduced to like, sex scenes in movies. So I'm very turned on by sex scenes from movies. So I will go back and like replay like, really hot sex scenes from movies. In your mind. In your mind or I'll find them, you know, or like, so actresses, actors, full frontal stuff, like, I will go find that.
Starting point is 00:46:19 And that's like, can you give me a scene? That's me in the mood. Class 16 or something. Okay. Well, Eva Green, do you know who she is? The artist. I don't know any of them. Absolutely stunning, beautiful British actress.
Starting point is 00:46:30 I don't think so. She was in a movie a long time ago. Oh my gosh, what was it? It's a set in the 60s. Anyway, she's full nude. There's a lot of sex in it. I think it's called The Dreamers or something like that. It's absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 00:46:46 It's a great movie. Have you been with women before? I played the fifth. Okay. And so you think about you two. So you watch romantic women. Like we like the plot. So it's not porn necessarily or do you also watch porn?
Starting point is 00:46:58 So no, yeah, I'll tune into porn by I think I like the storyline that goes along with it, which is why I think I like to find the movies. They're not fairly porn is like the storyline that goes along with it, which is why I think I like to find the movies. They not friendly porn is like the plot. But there's, you know, guys two Michael Fastbender, full frontal in his movie. I mean, I do know that. I do know that. Hello.
Starting point is 00:47:13 I need to watch your movie. Hello. And then are there fantasies that you have had that you want to try that you haven't yet? Well, so porn wise, I'll go and I'll watch like amateur orgies. And I think maybe it's because I kind of want to like be in an amateur or maybe one day. You could totally do that. I get invites like every day.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I don't know if I'm ready. I was, I was with the orgies guys. Apparently. The ponytail. Yeah, you got it. You got to bring a lot of hair over bands and stuff. Like brushes. Um, what is good?
Starting point is 00:47:47 Let's work on that feel. Um, Chloe, fantasies, porn. You know, I don't really have any, and I think it's okay. It's okay, a lot of women. Yeah, I think it's because I'm not experienced as like, I should be or that I want to be. Don't shit all over yourself. Um, no, listen, I have shit to learn, okay?
Starting point is 00:48:03 That's true. Um, but growing up, listen, I have shit to learn, okay? That's true. But growing up, Mormon, porn is like new, like porn ruins marriages, all that stuff. Actually, like, I had a personal experience with it, ruining something. And so- Like what? Like, at the where he watched too much porn, I got you with? Family. Oh, family. That's the Jewish I got. Yeah, yeah, got it. But what's weird about it is now that I'm like,
Starting point is 00:48:26 discovering porn and watching porn and I like it, I don't feel bad about watching it, but I just discovered it later in life. I think it's a very natural thing, and I don't think, I also think it can help you in relationships. You don't even mean like find out your fantasies. Watch porn and then be like,
Starting point is 00:48:40 bro, look at the front, let's try that. Exactly, I talk to couples all the time, just sit down, grab a seat, watch some porn together, like or lay on the bed and see, like that's hot baby, let's try it exactly. I tell couples all the time just sit down grab see watching porn together Like or lay on the bed and see like that's hot baby. Let's try that because couples at this a hard time Communicating with each other about sex that I'm always like bring in a third party couples listen to my podcast together Or go watch porn a little Bible whatever it is. Oh, man. It's funny because she keeps on bringing out the Mormon stuff So I'll have my family is Mormon. I've just never been really close.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Not my, it's like my standard family. So it's never been really close. But my best friend, high school is Mormon, his dad was the bishop of the Mormon church. So anytime they got in trouble, I would just take the fall for it. So they, Because you were the non-Mormon.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Yeah, it was the non-Mormon. So it had to be your fault. Yeah, it was always my fault. So one time they got caught with the Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee Sex tape and of course it was my tape even though it wasn't. So I had to sit down with the bishop and talk to him on how it was bad to bring that over to the house even though it wasn't mine and then one of them dropped a condom in the house and then that was mine and I had to have a talk. And like, dude, I can't keep on taking the fall on this stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:48 It's terrible. Hopefully you don't, anymore. Hopefully you're not. They were banging on some balls. They were banging left and right and I wasn't even getting laid. It sucks. Dude, I know. We even made it out for it.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Okay, do you guys have any, oh, I have a question for you. What do you wish guys, is there any one thing that you wish guys understood about women that they don't? Or if you could tell them one important thing about sex, what would it be? This is the public service now, so far. One important thing about sex. Are probably men that think that?
Starting point is 00:50:14 Don't make a big deal out of it. It's just sex. Have some fun. It's good one, it's hard, thank you. Especially because I think now in this day and age, I can, I really can have a sex with a guy and have no feelings for you. And a lot of guys are like,
Starting point is 00:50:27 oh, well, we just, I rocked her world, she's in love. They always do that. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:50:37 I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not that into, like, we can have sex or whatever. And then it seems like they're like, wait, are you sure it's not into me?
Starting point is 00:50:45 It's always the guys that you aren't, that what about, have you ever had strung out for the bad guy that isn't into you and then that hurts? Oh, yes. I don't think I have. Actually. But not this relationship, right?
Starting point is 00:50:55 This one finally stuck around. That's good. That's really good. Okay, what do you say? Any messages from any of you? Like, why does this keep happening? What guys should know this? First off, I think that guys should not be intimidated
Starting point is 00:51:06 if a girl's friends are majority guys. That's a girls and guys can totally have plutonic friendships. And you know what I mean? That really bothers me when I go and date. You might as well have been an alley every once in a while, but you're not that close. But I would say, tell me what you're into.
Starting point is 00:51:19 If you want to, you're like, oh, I saw this on a porn or I saw this, I really want to try it out. If we're close and we're dating for a while, like, screw it. Let's like try it. And if it like falls apart and it doesn't work, we can sit back and laugh and have a funny story out of it. It doesn't have to be like fully serious all the time.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Like, have fun with it. It's exactly supposed to have fun. That's great. That's totally... And go down on me. Go down on me. Absolutely. Don't be scared of it.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Down. Don't be scared about it. Don't be scared about it. I totally agree. Don't worry. Emily preaches that for you, ladies, every single part. Every single thing. That's all. OK. And then Andy, favorite, wait, how are we doing here?
Starting point is 00:51:55 In time, we got to, we're good. OK. Any favorite sex, toy, or product, or, I know, we've got to get you some of that. I've got to learn. OK. Andy, we said you used toys in terms. I mean the rabbit is, you know, this standard been around.
Starting point is 00:52:09 This is your new rabbit, I guess, the intensity. I'm sure it's the little bunny ears. I'm gonna get you guys one, right? You like the position, it has a literal stimulation in an G spot. Yeah, definitely. I have this one little ball thing. The intensity. It's like a little...
Starting point is 00:52:22 Saga. Bullet. I think that's what it's called. The little bullet vibes. Those are Yeah, great for travel. Yep They're awesome for travel. Yeah See I do like my rabbit. I definitely and then I have the little egg thing and it doesn't go require batteries You just charge it and it's perfect like says it's a little like the little um egg thing It looks like a little egg shame. I heard those batteries
Starting point is 00:52:43 I just have like a string with a thing. A girl with a thing. You like just like plug it on a charger? Oh, it's probably Jimmy Jane. Think so, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's great. You can like charge it up.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Then if you're literal, you guys are literal girls. That way G spot real quickly. Do you guys, G spot orgasms? Yeah. You said you do. I've had them. You tower and you have.
Starting point is 00:53:01 I have had them. But you can like work on it too. Yeah. If thing is don't be afraid to bring your G-Spot toys in and show them what you like, and then you can move around and it's penis that way. Perhaps it'll happen. It didn't happen for me.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Well, no one I think that that's a great thing. Like I think guys would like that. Uh, I remember us going into the room and being like, this is what I want. Let's do it. Yes. Just take control. Oh, it's freaking do it.
Starting point is 00:53:20 There's something. I remember the, when the first time where I thought I got the G-Spot orgasm, it was really confusing. The first time it happens, you're like, what was that? I'm not sure, because it's this whole other sensation inside that, and you're like, wait, but it's not as intense as the literal. So you're kind of like, was that it? Or did I need to keep going?
Starting point is 00:53:42 It's kind of confusing. It was candy candy. You got to work out. It doesn't. Some people come naturally, some people you got to work out going? It's kind of confusing. It is can be confused. You got to work at it. It doesn't. Some people come naturally. Some people you got to work at, but it's worth the work. OK, guys, thank you so much. Harriet, people can find you or we're not
Starting point is 00:53:51 going to get into that because I got just my Instagram. I think you're like it. At Harry Duncan 8.7, Harry as an HA R.I. OK. Not as in Harry Harry. It's me Harry Harry. Harry Harry. OK, Tara. Plastic Rhino Facebook, you can like our page.
Starting point is 00:54:10 You're on the fan. Yeah, the band page. Personal stuff is personal, but you can like the band page. Like the page. If you go on my Instagram, you can find her on there. Okay, perfect. Chloe. I just have my personal Instagram, but I'm trying to get more into the comedy thing. So that would be fun to follow and see what happens.
Starting point is 00:54:27 It's just my name, Chloe, but with no e. So it's clow underscore in the dark. Okay, got it. And we'll have this on the website, it's actually the M&G. Thank you so much for being so candid and open up. Thank you. I love it.
Starting point is 00:54:38 This was so fun. Super fun. Super fun. You more shows like this. We will. I've been trying. This is what I love. I think this is really helpful.
Starting point is 00:54:44 And from our listeners, like, let me know what you. This is what I love. I think this really helped. And from our listeners, let me know what you want to hear and what you thought to think of the show. I feel like people used to give us more. Like now we just get hundreds of questions a day. But also like what shows do you like? Don't you like what you want more? I look so like these.
Starting point is 00:54:56 I mean, you and I together, I mean, I love it. But let's do it. We'll do some English. We should bring more guys next time. It's for honest too. I know. It's real. But that does not mean, you know, do one of these with men.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Yes. We will. I would be in time to see how much I think this guy is. I think this guy is actually like, because I'm a fine baller. Or whatever you have guys versus men, like women on the show. Yeah. We'll have a whole freaking debate.
Starting point is 00:55:17 I love it. Okay. Thank you. Find you at menace. Yeah, just on Instagram, M-E-N-A-C-E. Okay. And then, you know, my baby. Yeah. My dog, Cheryl. Yeah, just on Instagram, M-E-N-A-C-E, and then, you know, my baby. Yeah, my dog Cheryl. Yeah, my dog Cheryl. He has a new dog on Instagram. It's very cute. He has more
Starting point is 00:55:30 followers than like anyone in the club. Okay, so everyone, please check out my two Instagram. It's at sex with Emily, Twitter at sex with Emily, and also slash sex with Emily. Subscribe to the podcast. We have two weeks. I love you all. Thank you for listening. Was it good for you? E-Mommy, feedback at

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