Sex With Emily - Casual Sex, Condoms and Communication

Episode Date: September 16, 2015

September at Sex With Emily is all about getting back to sex basics and on today’s show, Emily is giving a lesson on the most essential principle of sex, love and dating: communication! Are you to find the perfect way to express your sexual needs and desires to a partner? Are you struggling to be the lover you know you can be? From sexual stamina to FWB’s to an unfulfilled craving for rough lovin’, all roads lead to better sexual communication and Emily has tips to guide the way.  This episode also gets in depth on another significant Sex Ed basic: condoms! We’re all aware of the importance of contraceptives, but so many of us buy, store, and use them incorrectly. Luckily, Emily is here to steer us in the right prophylactic direction with comprehensive tips for condom use.Today’s show is a must-listen for those looking to step up their satisfaction in the sex department. Whether you’re looking for more sex, longer-lasting sex, rough sex or casual sex, Emily gives guidance on how to talk about (and get) what you want in the bedroom. Don’t miss it! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Tonight we're talking about how to communicate about what you really want in bed, whether it's casual sex, rough sex, or more oral. Plus, the one thing you might be doing wrong in bed, and how to fix it. Thanks for listening. Okay, guys. You've heard me talk about massage candles, right? My Emily and Tony candles.
Starting point is 00:00:18 They are just sweeping the world by storm. I'm telling you, I love hearing from all of you who've bought them and used them and loved them. Really, they do spice up your relationship. And also, they can spice up your solo time. They're just regular candles. They look well, they're beautiful candles. They're from France. They've amazing sense. You like them. But they also turn into this warm, luxurious massage oil. When you pour it on your partner, pour it on yourself. It's not messy, not waxy, not sticky, won't ruin your sheets, it will though.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Feel amazing on your skin, it's moisturizing, it's sensual, and it's just a great way you're all saying, like how do I spice it up? Give your partner a massage, it slows things down because one of the reasons you're probably not having sex is because you're all gutted and stressed out. So you let a candle, it's for atmosphere, and then you get a little massage.
Starting point is 00:01:01 I also use it, I let it every night when I get home, it's relaxing, it's room with therapy, and I put it it. I let it every night when I get home. It's relaxing. It's room with therapy. And I put it on my skin as a moisturizer because it feels that amazing. So check it out. Go to And anytime you use code sexwithemily and you get 20% off your first order. That's
Starting point is 00:01:18 Use code sexwithemily. Thanks for listening. You got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got everything. Oh my! The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm off here.
Starting point is 00:01:52 So, I'm gone. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in-between between for more information go to where you can get all your sex questions and relationship questions answered because I am certain. Certain, certain, certain, I'm certain that over the last
Starting point is 00:02:15 10 years I've likely talked about, written a blog about, made a video about anything that you want to know, but you can always email me feedback at as well. So check that out and I'm here with Anderson. Hello Anderson. What up, him? How you doing? Good. How is yours a time going? I can't believe we're halfway through.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Mids of timbers. Crazy. I'm going to New York this weekend. I love it because kids are back in school out of my way. It's amazing. I go to theaters and they're not in there anymore. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Are there screaming and taking selfies all the time? Have you ever read a piece about how to have sex like a little person? No. Well you said anything and maybe all the time. Hey, have you ever read a piece about how to have sex like a little person? No. Well, you said anything, and maybe that's time. You know, we have talked about sex with people with disabilities, but not a little person. We do think that's time. I have, you know, if I got lots of emails about that
Starting point is 00:02:54 or anyone emailed me, I could talk about it. Start emailing them about the sex with little people and how to do it best ways. It's funny that we do get to rest. You're talking to a little person. I am a little person. I'm, what do they call me? I'm a spinner.
Starting point is 00:03:03 You're tiny. You know the spinner? No, because you can spin I get it Yeah, short girl spin around kind of a stretch though. I could throw again that checks a spinner over there I say that yeah, I don't know you know her that Okay, but speaking of September so we took this back. You know, it's like back to school right which we love right at sex Then we've taken this very seriously It's officially the back to school month, but we're making it back to sex basics month. We're very serious about it.
Starting point is 00:03:28 We're very serious about it because, let me tell you what's been going on all month long so far. I revisit all those essential sex and like the hookup skills and all the things that people think they know about and they should have learned about in high school because we know all know that sex had sucked then. And so I'm gonna focus on a new sex lesson that helps everyone become more confident.
Starting point is 00:03:48 The first week was supplies. This week we're talking about different supplies, like which, you know, you can go back to our website, check it out, but like which products you need, which condoms are good, which toys you like, and then we're talking about positions, and I mean, everyone's gonna love it. And I'm teaching a workshop at a house
Starting point is 00:04:03 that's our Hollywood called Back to Sex Ed Basics. I'm doing these every month now. I know you can never make it because you work at Love Line. Back to sex school. And it's Tuesday, September 29th from 8 to 10 PM. And the last one was amazing. My anal pleasure workshop.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Right. And so it's basically you get champagne. We do lots of giveaways. So RSVP to hhrspp at Or go to my website, sexom.. There's a lot of old link there. It'll be easy. Yeah. If they're so fun, though, Anderson, I'm so into them every month because my list is
Starting point is 00:04:31 driving out, dude, I will film it next time. One more thing is I'm heading to New York tomorrow for the sexual health expo, which is getting so much press. You know, the one we had here was like, how many people, 25 100 people in L.A. It's a top sex educator, sex toys, workshops, like I'm giving our sex toy demonstrations, not live demonstrations, but people who make sex products. You use fruit. Use fruit bananas, and then I give you the keynote speech on Saturday.
Starting point is 00:04:57 So I hope everyone can go. It's If you live in New York or you're going, oh my god, my brother, my cousin would love this. Then Tell them to go to sexual health and come say hi So it's gonna be good. It's the 18th and 19th this weekend. What? I'm just imagining an awkward call Do I go brother? Hey bro? I know we haven't talked since I moved in Nebraska, but you should go to the sex education Maybe your best college friend. I'm actually gonna invite all my college girlfriends who live in New York That's fun. I know I did I don't think I'm yet totally they single they put out They're all married Some are married somewhere divorce some are single Okay, why do you want to come? No, I'm just saying and then you ever friends who live in New York. That's fun. I know. I did. I don't know if they got totally.
Starting point is 00:05:25 They single, they put out. They're all married. Some are married, some are divorced, some are single. Why do you want to come? No, I'm just saying. And then you have a big thing coming. Yeah, I got to get back. Very stressful thing, but you're going to be there, right?
Starting point is 00:05:35 Dude. Okay. I don't miss any of your stuff, even though you miss my stuff, but I get what you do. I can't because I'm at work. Okay, but let's talk about our real first. September 26th, NLA. It's a Saturday night. It's down there by the Liberated Harpits on Wilshire
Starting point is 00:05:46 and it's called a Cold Cockle Night. That's the name of my production. I love it. Cold Cockle Productions. Like cock? It's like the same as like a, my wife doesn't like the name at all. Warm the cockles of your heart.
Starting point is 00:05:55 But you know, think, oh, this, this story warms the cockles of my heart. Yeah, since I have like a dark and rye since the humor of my movies tend to be a little darker. Comedically though, so I named the production company Cold Cockle Productions years ago. And I'm showing a bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a
Starting point is 00:06:08 little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a
Starting point is 00:06:16 little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a
Starting point is 00:06:24 little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a little bit more like a I love that you do that. Well, your perfectionists. That's why your films are so good. So I'll be there. Everyone will be there. I'll be award-winning rules of reduction will be playing as well as a number of other ones. So please come out. It'll be fun. I'm going to be there. It's a bar. So we get to be 21 and over. But we're going to be drinking and I'm going to be explaining movies like when it went into them in between. It's going to be a really good time. That's so fun. The first one ever. I'm going to do another one somewhere like in Seattle. I think later this year. But this one's going to be the first one ever. I'm really proud of you because you've done a lot this year. I know we never feel it when we're all working so hard and like it's hard to look up and be like, be present. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I got interviewed the other day and they're like, what would you tell your 18 year old self? Which is an interesting thing to look back on your life. And I was like, uh, probably just to relax. It's all gonna work out. But yeah, I still forget to tell myself that like it's work. It's good. Like life is good.
Starting point is 00:07:02 And how many guys winners would you tell yourself not to suck? I don't regret any winners that I've ever gone to my mouth. None. Good for you. Good for you. No, I don't, you know, I don't live in a world of regrets. I live in a world of living, learning lessons from things that we might not feel so good about.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Many things that makes you Emily and makes you great is that you don't have regrets. I don't. It's really fun to work with you and watch you like, just go with the flow and like, you know, we work with some people trying to get you off your game or say things and you're like, you're unflappable. That was a really nice thing.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I feel like I've been flapped. No, you're unflappable. What on one, I know you flap yourself, you get yourself all freaked out in your head. Like if you're by yourself for a long time, like on the freeways and by the time you get in here, yeah, but when you're dealing with other people, unflappable.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Yeah, thank you. I appreciate that interesting Yeah, I try, you know I mean, I guess I don't try just who am I being your your amazing sex life helps you be relaxed I think she's been really good lately. I have to say Practice what you preach kid. I do I really do practice what I preach and Even more so lately because I realize it now that you know, it's my 10th year and I am gonna do a live show people I have about three more months playing it. Sounds very strange when you say that.
Starting point is 00:08:06 No, a live sex show. I'm going to have you there, Menace. A live what? A live action or a video. Like a live action or a video. Yeah, like how you did. We're still thinking about it at the improv but we're so busy. But how many would you would you guys come in to see it?
Starting point is 00:08:17 Like it's been 10 years. Who would come? It'll be in Los Angeles. LA improv. Great place to go. Yeah, that's I'm thinking because yours was such a success. Your after disaster. That's a fucker out. I know. Yeah. L.A. improv. Great place to go. Yeah, that's I'm thinking, because yours was such a success, your after disaster.
Starting point is 00:08:25 So that fucker out. I know. You kick ass, man. So we'll all let you know about that. But I wonder if you want to come and see me there. It'll be fun. I'm sure you will. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:35 So we've got a lot to cover today. Let's do it. Since it is the safe sex month and back to school basics and all that stuff, I just want to make a note here or tell you about a story that I got interviewed for, which I think is very important to share with you guys before we get into some emails. But this is the title of it. It was for HIV. I know it's depressing. HIV, HIV plus magazine interviewed me about the right way to put in a condom. How many subscribers do they have?
Starting point is 00:08:59 A million and millions. So the thing is online. It's an online magazine. I know. It's just a weird magazine that's subscribed to. I know. It's online, okay? Because the thing is that condoms are so ubiquitous. We all know that we use condoms or we should be using condoms. And when it comes to preventing sexually transmitted infections and diseases or pregnancies, that's always the first choice. And I hope that you're all using condoms. Because I know I've been in situations where I was like, oh, you get caught up in the heat of the moment, but really if you don't want to get pregnant, STI, unless you're tested and you guys shared results like, right.
Starting point is 00:09:30 That's a problem. But the issue is that even though condoms are 98% effective, when you use them correctly, but most people do not use them correctly. Most people, majority people. If I, I'm going to read to you now what matters and I feel like I've probably made these mistakes, I'm lucky I've never gotten pregnant. So I'm just going to run this really quickly because it matters. Oh, you know what else matters? Size matters when it comes to condoms. So those extra large condoms. That's girth, not length boys and girls. Exactly. They come with a tremendous ego boost perhaps to have them around, but there's massive problems using condoms too big. We're not talking about length. It's girth. The problem with extra large condom is
Starting point is 00:10:08 they're often too wide. And so a loose fit leads to friction and that friction leads to breakage and that leads to sperm and herb China. You know what that means? It's guys who are like buying in front of the girl and they're like, you know, I'll take the magnum's please. Exactly. Well skin makes, you know, I'm obsessed with skin, they make them because they're non-latex, poly-iceprin, SKYN. SKYN. They make ones called King, KYNG.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Uh-huh. And I happen to be dating someone who usually uses bare condoms and he loves them and they're awesome. I love them and they're awesome. That was way more than I usually share. Yeah, that was weird. But even if you, okay, number two, your wallet for money, not for condoms. Now, here's the thing. I want you all to be prepared. I'd rather have you have a condom than not. However, you think it's
Starting point is 00:10:55 a brilliant idea, store it in your wallet. You'll always have it. However, stocking your wallet with condoms works against you. The same goes for your glove compartment in your car. You have to... You can't store them where they're exposed to constant pressure, friction, condoms works against you. The same goes for your glove compartment in your car. You have to, you can't store them where they're exposed to constant pressure, friction, or sunlight, or heat. Well, because you're frictional in your wallet, they're in your wallet all day.
Starting point is 00:11:12 If it's going on in glove compartment. Well, the glove compartment is too hot. All right. So you gotta like put it and play a heat, pressure, they all, and friction, weaken the condoms. So just like your medications, red wine, smart foam, their condoms are best stored in a cool, dry place. They should just come with a six-pack of
Starting point is 00:11:28 beer. They really should. So you're always getting new ones. They're always right there. I know. And well, that's the next thing is that take older condoms out of service. They do expire. They do. They do expire. And if you put on your penis, it's, you know, your penis might as well be expired. It's so depressing. I know. I'm sorry. I was like, I'm gonna lighten this up and I'm like looking at the economy He's like I never got to use this one in the three years that shelf life had I know maybe you shouldn't buy Massage don't go to Costco buy your condoms
Starting point is 00:11:53 Three to this is very depressing because what happens is they become brittle and they tear right So you want to get rid of them tell me that the upside down is a no-no, and that's all oh yeah roll with it So now that was I yeah, roll with it. So now that was, that's how I wrote this, roll with it. So now that you've made it fit correctly and it has an expired, make sure you file these tips, these tips to put it on. Tips, I get it. Tips, get it, open it carefully.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Don't use anything sharp, say I know this might be obvious to many people, but think about it. I've made all of these mistakes. Like, I used to have all these, I remember it with a safety pin. No, well, you could do that, but I had expired condoms and I got like, when I first started to take it to the Emily like lifestyle, sent me like a thousand condoms. And I remember
Starting point is 00:12:27 like I had them for a while. And I remember just like I kept using it. I was like, Oh, wow. He's like a thousand. That's all I know. I gave a lot of way because I put my face on him and stick her for a conference. I just thought of a great porn idea. Remember Brewster's Millions? Yeah. It'd be like that. But it's a porn and I could die in or dead aunt or grandmother says, I'm giving you a thousand columns, you have to use them in a year to get my inheritance. Oh, and then she's actually become a whore for a year and use them all. Maybe a hundred, all right, a thousand to cross them. Three like that's three a day.
Starting point is 00:12:55 So long porn. So long porn. So long porn. Although I did have sex three times today. Um, okay. Did you really? Yeah. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:13:03 How many dudes? One. All right. Dude, I don't know that much time. I know. Okay. Did you really? Look at him. How many does? One, that. All right. Dude, I don't know that much time. I know. Okay. So avoid using anything sharp, to open it, obviously it will damage it. Teeth, nails, jewelry. Adding a drop of lubricant inside the tip of the condom can provide a little extra pleasure
Starting point is 00:13:16 for the condom wear. Do you know that you know this, right? You put a little bit of lube, pull the tip, the penis, if it's uncircum size, pull back the foreskin before putting on the condom. Yes. Now most condoms only roll one direction. Position the tip of the condom so it's pointing away from the body aiming at the same direction as the head of the penis. Next pinch the air out of the reservoir tip. Do you know this pinch it pinch it. This will reduce the chance of breakage using both hands as a good idea at this point. One hand to roll the condom
Starting point is 00:13:42 down the head of the penis and to avoid slippage, double check that the roll down condom covers the entire shaft. You sound like a lady on an airplane. I'm talking like this. I wrote this, so I'm quoting myself here. The other thing is, the exits on either side of the aircraft should we need to disembark. The penis, hey, there's the problem though, I mean, it's like, you know, like most, a lot of the time, you're doing this all in the dark. I know. So that's why you got a candle. You got a candle. Oh, light know, like most, a lot of the time, you're doing this all in the dark. I know.
Starting point is 00:14:05 So that's why you got a candle. You got a, oh, light a candle, that's a good one. No, I'm just telling you, I can't have sex unless I can see the person. Because I wouldn't forget. You're like dude, that way. Yeah, well, yeah. Or if you don't trust him, you might like tap out.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Yeah, tap into his friend. When you're not paying attention. Tap his friend, what do you mean? Tap his friend, like his friend will come in and like sneak in the room or, you know. No. I'm going to get a drink of water, then he comes back and it could be another dude. Yeah, I'm with you. Most guys are like that too. A lot of
Starting point is 00:14:28 ladies they don't really care because they're like not comfortable as much. Right. I think I think it's just so much better when you can see like I want to fuck I want to see what's going on there. Everywhere. The last thing is when you take it off before playing out grass with kind of at the base of the penis, holding the kind of securely to the penis as it's pulled out Avoid leakage or having the condom fall off inside. Have you ever had a condom fall off in front of someone? Mm-hmm. You gotta always in front of someone. Have you ever fall off inside of someone? Yes. Yes. Nightmare especially if they make you get it out. I would never I'm a spulunker now
Starting point is 00:14:59 I know I know I know it's so bad So this has been a public service announcement for me. Real quick, too. The upside down is a real bad thing, especially if you have a little pre-come there because then you realize it's upside down, you turn it over and now be really potent. Seaman is on that, and then you're using it as a plunger to hit the service with it.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Exactly. So if you put it on wrong, which happens, just discard of that one and don't try to reuse it. Right. That's all back to school thing. And the other thing I want to say, oh, we've had some really fun videos on this too. So I have my YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:15:27 It's also a sex sell man YouTube. You guys should subscribe to it because we're doing more and more videos. I have awesome video person, assistant producer Lori. She's been like doing, we've been doing really good. We start today. We shot, oh, am I the pool on my office? You have a pool by your office? We have a pool in my office.
Starting point is 00:15:41 I haven't been to the new office. It's so nice. Oh, you're the other one. Yeah. Yeah, this one is nice. It's actually in a pattern building, but it's super cool. We like it. We have a good time. And then also, yeah, it's actually an office yet.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I had to think about that. No. No, we're all there. There's like 10 of us in there. Not that I wouldn't. Right. Also, yeah, check out YouTube and then follow me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, which is all sex family.
Starting point is 00:16:03 If I haven't told you that yet. Sometimes I forget. And what are you? Have you been suspended on YouTube? Oh, dude. No, not yet I thought you were gonna make Facebook. Yes. I would think that you know someone working over at YouTube They got their eye on you with the name sex with Emily. I bet they're they're watching. Oh Yeah, you careful you think yeah, well, we don't put anything on there. That's really like a fence of our weird I'm on Anderson Cowan Instagram. I just started doing, I've been social network signlet for the last 143 weeks, but I'm back. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:16:30 The wife cracked the whip. She's like, what are you doing? You got to get on there. Yeah, it's fun. It's a good time. By barely post, but I'm on that. Well, you're gonna get on it. We're doing it.
Starting point is 00:16:38 You know what? I think that we are gonna take a picture right now and post it of me and you, I'm mine, and then yours. I'm gonna do something funny or? Yeah, super funny. I'm going to stand on my head. Hey, do you have a condom with you? We'll put a condom on the microphone.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I want my car. I got a box of them right there. Oh, okay, well done and done. That was an authentic. Oh, I'm so excited. I'm wondering if we should get, I think I should do a quicks. That was like my sex in the news, but I have another one that I want to do, which I thought was interesting.
Starting point is 00:17:04 So I'm just going to find that for you right now, because it wasn't and the news, but I have another one that I want to do, which I thought was interesting. Someone's just going to find that for you right now, because it wasn't in my document, but I found it very, very fascinating. Well, you're doing that. I found it, yeah. Also, I've heard the advice be given to, like, practice with the condoms while touching yourself. There, guys.
Starting point is 00:17:18 It's a good way to get accustomed to them and get to know that your condoms when you're by yourself, and also it helps if you're too sensitive while having sex with them on. If you're used to doing things yourself with them on, that really helps when you're actually doing the real thing. You mean when people start first start like having sex and stuff that they should practice or just always practice?
Starting point is 00:17:35 Or if they're just not really familiar or that cost them to use in condoms, you use them by yourself. Well, we get a lot of young people to show it's true. Once you practice a few times, it's like riding a bike. Okay. I found this really interesting. And here it is.
Starting point is 00:17:53 This is that online messages are more romantic than phone calls. Now I've been holding out that I love getting a phone call. I like talking and connecting with someone, right? And I think that we way overuse texting and emails and stuff. But most millennials hate the thought of leaving a voicemail, especially when it's to a love interest. Now, scientists say they have a good reason. New study has found Facebook messages and emails are more likely to get to a date than a simple phone call. If you're looking for love, forget about asking for numbers and said you should be getting email addresses. So that's not even texting them. So I actually
Starting point is 00:18:23 this I approve of because that email is more thoughtful, but a lot of people are like email what? The bottom line is that email is much better when you want to convey some information that you want someone to think about. The author of the study said, and he said that we, he wanted to learn more about how we spot,
Starting point is 00:18:38 respond emotionally to emails. So in a study of 72 teenagers, scientists found that people who sent romantic emails were more emotionally aroused and you stronger and more thoughtful language in those who left voicemails. The research was conducted by placing skin sensors on the subject's faces to measure muscle movement associated with positive and negative emotion. It contradicts previous research that claims that email and text messages can lack emotion.
Starting point is 00:19:01 So, when writing romantic emails, centers consciously or subconsciously added more positive content to their message, probably to compensate for the medium's inability to convey tone. So I guess what I'm saying is it's not ruling out phone calls altogether, because I still would never want not want to be in a relationship that's all texts in your old school. Your old school like that. Now, but I love it. I used to, and I still, no, I don't right now, but I used to always date writers and I they they would send me emails and all the time and I loved it. You noticed that like they're really good at first and then they start to get lazy after they get comfortable?
Starting point is 00:19:31 No, I have. No, I have. Oh come on, I'm sure that happened numerous times. No, because they know it really turned me on. They've got me poems and they've got me semi cards. But I would think that like once they start going out with you for a while and they get a little lazy and they rest on the laurels or like, hey, what's up tonight? No, because we fuck.
Starting point is 00:19:44 No, not really. That's what we do. I've already dumped them by then. All right good good for you. Thanks honey. Okay, let's get in D-Mails Thank you for emailing me feedback at sex with and thank you for telling me how old you are and Where you live and how you listen that helps a lot. Okay, this is from a five-minute man Hey there. I've been a long-time listener and my sex life has improved dramatically until lately. I'm 29, I'm a girlfriend, I've been together for over two years, but I've been in a funk lately. I feel like a teenager again and I don't feel confident in the bedroom. The result is me not lasting more than a few minutes in one position and it's
Starting point is 00:20:20 causing some physical sexual anxiety for my partner myself. I'm open to anything, techniques to improve, to prolong my endurance. And I'm not sure if it's all mental or just physical. I'm not sure if it's a preparatory masturbation, if preparatory masturbation earlier in the day would help because our sex isn't usually planned. It's still spur the moment. How do I prepare? Love the show, Tom. Okay, Tom, it is hard with, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:46 I don't know how long he said he's a five-minute man. So, this doesn't say that in the email, but that's what the title is. So I'm assuming it's five minutes. So you're coming before you want to. Now, it's true that it's hard to discern whether or not it's, you know, psychological, if it's a physical thing,
Starting point is 00:21:00 sometimes a little bit of both. And it's hard to know. First off, possible reasons for this new development, because it hasn't been happening in the last two years, could be if you're taking any new medications, the more stress or anxiety in your day-to-day life, or if you feel like this anxiety about your performance is getting worse.
Starting point is 00:21:20 So sometimes what happened with guys, and this is the psychological part, you know, they come to quickly once Twice and then they just that's all they can think about and then it's gonna happen again And and also if you That's one thing, but we're gonna address that there could be a change in your hormones He's 29 probably not going through long periods of time without sex if you're too built up So here's some techniques to build your stamina. Right. Do you notice that when you pre-gaming?
Starting point is 00:21:46 Yeah, well, of course. If you haven't done it in a long time, then you go. Yeah. So I'm wondering, he says it's usually on the planet. Five minutes is almost average, actually. That's true. Average is like, yeah. Five to seven minutes.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Five to seven minutes. The actual average is 7.3 minutes. Yeah, exactly. But Kinsky, like years ago, he did studies. Kinsy. Kinsy, yeah. I think he's like, there's like, Pinsky and Kinsey, okay? And the majority of his, uh, subjects less than two minutes,
Starting point is 00:22:10 less than two minutes. But that's changed, I hope. Uh, wow, to change. Because men are having, because it used to be about them getting off probably in the 50s when Kinsey started so I think he's sacked. He was the first one to ever talk about it. I don't think that most guy, I think it's average
Starting point is 00:22:23 is five to seven minutes. Yeah. This guy's like, he's not that far off part. No, that's true. So you're not so bad, you're really not bad at all here, Tom. First of all, it just seems like it's recently. So think about those things that I just said, but here's some other techniques that will give you more confidence and you can use them to extend your stamina. Pre-gaming, like we said, masturbating, a short period of time before your sexual activity. We always call it pre-gaming, like we said, masturbating. A short period of time before your sexual activity,
Starting point is 00:22:46 we always call it pre-gaming. But, you know, yeah, I know that what you're saying is that you don't know if it's going to happen, but I mean, I don't know if she just, I mean, you've been with her for two years. I would think that you have plans like you know when you're going to see her at night or that day. So that's one thing you can do.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Use condoms that have a decreased sensitivity to them. Lifestyles make some of those. The best thing is to stop and start method. This is one of the best things. And that's like when you start to learn about your sexual response cycle. And that's when you, you know, it sounds like you're kind of starting this already. But when you are masturbating, you practice this. And that's when you start masturbating.
Starting point is 00:23:23 And then right when you feel like you're about to ejaculate you stop and then you know then you then you start again and then you start to recognize You start to recognize when you're about to go over and ejaculate so then you can practice that You're trained body. Well the old that's the thing. This is why I say it's hard It's not it works, but it's not like you can do it once a week for a month You have to do it like for a month. Right. How many times I don't know if you can speak to this, because you know, a little different with you, but there's been plenty of times where it's like,
Starting point is 00:23:50 all right, when that comes on and it's, I'm about to finish, I'm gonna stop, go get a sandwich so I can continue. And then you get there and you're in the verge. And you're like, yeah, if it, let's just finish it. That's why it's so hard, okay? So I understand that there's also a flashlight, makes a stamina training unit that's just for this purpose. It's the same, it's a stop start method, but you use a flashlight, which feels amazing.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Also, you could take it slower. I mean, for many couples, slow, sensual love making can be really hot and it can be the secret to longer successions. So maybe make sure that she's taking care of first. Give her an o, go down on her. Right. As long as you take her hurt, do whatever you like. Right, as long as you take care of her, do whatever you like.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Right, don't go jackhammering all that stuff. And you already know this time, because you've been saying, I hate the jackhammer. I wish there were like signs of where I was like zero. There's some other things you could do though. You could do slower, so instead of jackhammering, like I said, try slower, deliberate movements.
Starting point is 00:24:40 So you can like swivel your and rock your hips instead of thrusting. Hips movements feel good. Like guys just think they got a thrust. So move back and forth. Promessant. Promessant. Promessant is amazing.
Starting point is 00:24:51 It's actually the only FDA proof treatment for premature ejaculation. It's a quickly absorbing delay spray. You put on your penis 10 minutes for a sec. I'm sure you know 10 minutes before and you'll last twice as long. You can also try positions. So for example, there's certain positions where you'll come quicker, like a lot of time doggie style. But if women on top, for example, put turn control
Starting point is 00:25:12 and it involves more grinding than thrusting, doggie style for guys again, that could be one that's just gonna go over the top and missionary, you know, there's also less vigorous thrusting sometimes we're doing it, right? Try permesson, try flashlight. These are all good things that you should do.
Starting point is 00:25:27 And also good my website because I've got a lot of articles on this as well. Good luck, time I'm glad I've helped your sex life a lot. And I don't trip on this because this can totally be taken care of. It just started happening to you. You've been having healthy sex for 29 years and don't trip on it.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I think this is the big thing he's in his head. And the fact that he actually cares enough to write you shows. I love you, right? I mean, I love you listening. And when you say that, I don't know, that's just my ego, but not my ego. Well, it is my ego. But my brain wants to know when people say you've helped me so much, I always want to know
Starting point is 00:25:52 like, I'm not like specifically, like, because you know, I was like, how do you help people? I'm like, I get, but I wanted to like, oh, I didn't know about the wheelbarrow position or I didn't, you know, I got an email from a guy the other night who said that he had to put his dog down in the middle of the night, like 2 a.m. and it was his best friend. It was a really sad email, but he said he's been listening to one of my shows. The after disaster a lot ever since and it makes him feel better every time he puts it on, it brings him to a happier place.
Starting point is 00:26:16 So like that's why I like to do that show. You know what I mean? Because it brings people, it brings a smile of people. I get it. No, I get, you know, in my feedback, I get, yeah, I get those emails every day, people like you change my life. It makes me so happy.
Starting point is 00:26:28 I loved your recent show. I mean, that's why we do it. That's why we do it. And also I can take the criticism. People don't like when I use to drink water and the microphone. Stop doing that. I don't.
Starting point is 00:26:38 The minute we stop having fun, you know, we just have to stop. That's when we have to quit. Right. We're up to hang up the headphones. Yeah, he's not, I'm never hanging these up. Never. But I also want to tell you really quickly about another thing I would say we get a ton of emails about. And this is the intensity, which is the, this is just a quick,
Starting point is 00:26:56 to tell you about one of my sponsors that I am obsessed with, the intensity. It's at Oh, this is that one that I could do that. It does your kegel exercises for you. It feels amazing. It's become part of my daily routine, which let me tell you something like this. Like what Tom, I was telling Tom about doing it every day is really hard.
Starting point is 00:27:12 I look forward to this. Who's Tom? It's like Tom's the guy with the five-minute man. That just be yourself. Oh, okay. So the thing about this is like, it's this very meditative like you put it inside you.
Starting point is 00:27:21 It works your kegels because the thing is that women don't realize that they're pelvic pelvic floor, their PC muscles are so important. You can have, if you want stronger orgasms, if you suffer from urinary continents, IE, you pee in your pants, when you sneeze, or you just want stronger orgasms, this is a game changer because for five minutes a day, it just doesn't for me and it's so relaxing how it, like, it fits to your body and then it doesn't for five minutes, it feels really good. You know you're getting them done right. Like you know they say like at the gym,
Starting point is 00:27:48 like you should be more efficient, you could really only go for half hour. And you're like, and I know that I'll run for 45 minutes and I could have ran for 20, 10 weights or 20. And this is the kind of thing where five minutes, I feel my orgasm, that's why it's sex three times today, so much stronger. But also it's a rabbit vibe.
Starting point is 00:28:01 So then you can also have a little orgasm after, or before, whatever you like. We've actually all done it differently in our office. We've all used it not together. So it is the intensity. It's revolutionary, intimate health and stimulation device takes all the confusion out of caggles and it is no ordinary sex toy. 43% of women experience difficulty enjoying orgasms and enjoying sex at some point in their
Starting point is 00:28:22 life. So check it out,, PO-UR-M-O-I. And then also the flashlight, which I just talked about, the stamina training unit. It's a male masturbation sleeve. It feels amazing, and you've got your hand, why not get a flashlight too? Because it feels like real sex,
Starting point is 00:28:38 and it's just something different. And I've got a million toys that you should at least try it because no one has ever said to me, why did you make me get that? Every guy's loved it. It's true, I keep waiting. No one has ever said to me why did you make me get that? Every guys loved it. It's true. I keep waiting. No one's ever like that sock that was wrong ever.
Starting point is 00:28:49 So that's what I know. And I also use this with guys. And I know of giving it to Matt and they all have been like holy moly. So check it out. Go to Click on the flashlight banner. Use code Emily. Get a free bottle of their award winning fleshloom.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Do that now. Okay. Are you wearing one right now? I am wearing a flashlight. Can you tell? Not the flashlight. What? Intensity. Oh, I'm wearing, no, I'm wearing my crave Vesper necklace. Oh, you are wearing a vibrator. She is wearing the vibrator. I love this freaking necklace. Carman Electro was so excited to get that. I know. That was genuine excitement, too. That was not like a pre-plan little like plug thing. She was pumped. She was so pumped. And we gave her the magic one on plugs.
Starting point is 00:29:25 She was psyched. She was a sweet lady. She was really sweet. That was a great show. You guys want to check it out. It was a really good show. She loved it. We're talking about the Crave Vesper,
Starting point is 00:29:33 which is a really cool necklace too. And if you use code Emily, you get free shipping. Check that out. It's love crave. Absolutely plug, though. Dude, I know people hate going to do that. I hope you guys get mad too, because I used to always plug where you guys think I plug now.
Starting point is 00:29:41 But it wasn't on purpose. I would try to work it into like, you know. It's hard not to when everything you're talking about is stuff that you, by the way, so now I like do really fast, they probably can't hear I'm saying. And Emily finds the products that help your sex life. And she goes to them and says,
Starting point is 00:29:53 hey, I want to help people sex life, but you got to help me too, so I can continue helping people with their sex life. So it's like this, snaking in his own tail, but it's all part of the own thing. I would never, I would never ever, we've turned down plenty of time.
Starting point is 00:30:03 I turned out every day I turned on sponsors. People are contacting me. I don't have enough room, I don't have enough time, and I would never, I would never, I would turn down plenty. I turned out every day I turned on sponsors. People are contacting me. I don't have enough room. I don't have enough time. And I would never support a product that I don't believe in. If the product sucks, like I'm gonna tell you all to buy a shitty product.
Starting point is 00:30:12 No, I would never do it. These are all amazing. The top of the top of the line. Okay, how to communicate needs to a partner. Another email. Wait, real quick. What? Is there gonna be any sex in the news this episode?
Starting point is 00:30:22 I did it. You did? Well, it was a condom one Oh, and then I did the one about the the emotional the okay, yeah with the purview Design just I have another one did you get sensors on the team? You want me to the third one that I didn't do well. I love the sex in the news. So it's a good Yeah, they were but why don't you do it for you? Okay, this is for Anderson and then we'll do and then we'll do an email But sex in the news is sweet. Oh, this is interesting for you. Okay, why is that? Okay, there's better not be a small,
Starting point is 00:30:46 small, linear, quick, a comers or something. Forget roses, give your loved ones access to your emails. What? Yeah, hello? No, I can pass. If you want to show your partner how much you love them, you don't need to spend a fortune. A study has found that more than half of lovers,
Starting point is 00:31:00 56% believe sharing a mobile pin, email password, or social media log in details is the best way to commit to someone That's why you always have that too. Hand over your pin. You have a decoy in the real one. Yeah Now people do that though. They've like their bad phones and more than a third of people admitted They have already been given to their given and given access to the partners accounts the study commissioned by Samsung Survey 2000 British adults and they said all the response were interrelationship and the majority of the predictions were female, 51%. And 40% that they already know their partner's email password
Starting point is 00:31:31 and more than a quarter, 26% admitted knowing their significant others Facebook log in details. A third said they knew the pin code or pattern needed to access the other phone. Does that mean they just watched? Does she know it or do they know it or do they get it? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:46 54% of A to B suspicious of it and give the use. Maybe in your area. Did your wife have a lawyer? Yeah, I don't know about email but if she needed it, I mean she can have it. Does she have your phone log in?
Starting point is 00:31:55 It can be a bunch of like group ons and living social like fucking from home. I get those shoes. That's all she's gonna say. Terrible. But everyone in my office is a log into me. Not too.
Starting point is 00:32:03 I'll do you one better. All right, sure. She can know my code and whatnot but you know the new iPhones that give you like the login to me. I do. You won't better. Sure, you can know my code and whatnot, but they know iPhones that give you the fingerprint. They give you eight different fingers. Give her a finger. One of the thumbs can be. That's true, because my brother on his phone has my little seven year old niece. That'd be romantic. They're like, hey, honey, I took the first seven fingers, but your fingerprint.
Starting point is 00:32:17 I didn't know that seven people could, who would want to? No, it's just like if you're in a place where you want to use a pinky instead of your thumb. Right. Okay, right. Yeah. OK, got it. Because I knew that my niece could access my brothers. So it also says it found that four and 10 adults in a relationship regularly sneak a look at their partner's phone behind their back.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Did you ever done that? And they're in the past. And like an old relationship. I used to be in really bad relationships. So we're like, it was part of the fun of the relationship. Was not trusting them and always think it was bad. It was unhealthy. You didn't trust like you're here, right? I've been really, really bad
Starting point is 00:32:46 fucked up like relationships. Oh, now you're so healthy. Oh, I married the right girl. And I had a friend and she used to, she was like married to my really good friend, but she used to tell me all sort, they're not married anymore. And she used to tell me things about how she would snoop and she got sexually excited by snooping. Really? Like she would like go through his email and go through his phone and she just said she would snoop and she got sexually excited by snooping. Like she would go through his email and go through his phone and she would actually get moist from doing it. Did she find, like just because the activist, she'd find stuff that was...
Starting point is 00:33:11 I guess they excite me to the adrenaline and I don't know. I kind of get it though. I don't want to get like two messin' or anything, but I would get like really excited when I was searching. Yeah. I'm broken into the girls' rooms and rather diaries.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yeah, I used to be crazy. I was in the same person. Yeah. I've had guys do that. Like one time I left a guy by phone in a guy's car and I was sort of casually dating and I ran upstairs to get something that's in San Francisco. And I came back and he was like storming out of the car. He's like, I can't believe that you went out.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Like you always find something. Yeah. And it was innocent. Yes, it was a porn director that I had in our way. But it wasn't like I was sleeping with them. No, that's funny I've actually gone through not just one but multiple cars searching through receipts and looking for stuff and looking back on it and guys if you're doing this or girls if you're doing this Looking back on it, you know what I was doing
Starting point is 00:33:56 I was subconsciously hoping to find something so I could get out of the relationship because I knew I wasn't in the right relationship And instead of just being a man and a normal person and saying, you're not right for me, I was looking for an excuse. Oh, what did you find stuff that? No, I would have find like a receipt for like a hamburger and maybe there's two hamburgers. Right, because you're brain, right? Your brain made you...
Starting point is 00:34:15 Just saying. No, it's not good. So it's not good. If you think someone's cheating, you gotta ask them. But it is true when you, okay, so here's the other stats here. It says that, where'd it go here? You had to enter the porn director. Yeah, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:34:31 That's my job. I know, it'd be tough. Because it was a good work. It's our business or pleasure. It was both, actually. I did end up- I did end up- Shut up, quick scene.
Starting point is 00:34:40 No, okay, and six in ten of these people have caught their partners cheating. People who 54%, okay, back up. A third said they knew the pin code pattern need to access like I said, and 54% would be suspicious if they weren't giving it, given the code. For sure. But I don't, I guess you have to be really serious
Starting point is 00:34:55 so I'm gonna be like, what's your code? I've never been in that point where I was like, what's your code in the phone, but it's been a while since. And there's plenty of ways to go about it. Like, hey, can I get your friend's name or phone number? I need to email them about your party or something later, you know? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Like do it while they're like in the back room or something. What's your code? What is it? Well, here it says, senders engage with email messages longer than they may think about the task more deeply when leaving voice mail, what does this say? Oh, a third also ruined or romantic surprise by looking through a phone or email account.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So they're saying that they found stuff. The study found that the findings run counter to something known as media naturalness theory, commonly held evolutionary standards suggesting that further we get away from face-to-face communications, the less natural and less effective it comes. There's a theory that says that emails and other text communications don't really work well. We should probably go back and reconsider a lot of the stereotypical assumptions that we hold about email and text that may not hold true when we take a deeper look
Starting point is 00:35:49 at how they react psychologically. What? I don't know what the fuck that means. But it says that, I just, this is like, what are they saying? And then people found, this is like 4 and 10 found in them were cheating when they actually did look. But I think that, yeah. 40% if you do look.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Oh, six out of 10 people of caught their partner's cheating. I suppose four out of 10. Wait, sorry. The study initially found that four and 10 adults in a relationship regularly sneak a look. This is where you distracted me. A study initially found that four and 10 in a relationship sneak a look at their partner's phone.
Starting point is 00:36:17 And then six and 10 of these people caught their partner's cheating. So like everyone says, if you look, you're gonna find something. Right. Now, is that just because the people looking are suspicious? Or do you think that if you look at anyone's phone, you find, I guess yours, you wouldn't. Although I don't know. I don't know if you are an Ashley Madison or not. They haven't really. She looked.
Starting point is 00:36:35 The wife looked. She did. And I'm like, did you look up all five of my emails, honey? Do you look all five? We look at five emails. She's like, no. Oh my god. All you want. I feel like you're the person that I don't know why, but I guess I just, you just love your wife. You don't get married unless you're getting, you know, you're ready. I hope. Perhaps. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:53 I think you are. Yeah. You're good. Okay. How to communicate needs to partner? Dear Emily, I'm 33. I'm in a new relationship. He's wonderful and supportive and so fun. We have a lot of sexual chemistry and he's very interested in giving me oral sex in addition to the rest of our repertoire.
Starting point is 00:37:08 My problem is that I've never had anyone give me oral sex or even manual stimulation, so I don't really know what I like. I started masturbating at 29 with the magic wand, which was my first orgasm despite years of prior intercourse. What? 29. She's 33. She's been masturbating since then with other vibrators as well. Like non-stop, probably hasn't left out. I'm sure. Yeah, you're like, what?
Starting point is 00:37:31 Whoa. But it's interesting because a lot of women just will not orgasm through intercourse alone. In fact, only 30% do. So I'm sure she's been having sex, you know, maybe since her late teens or 20. But not oral. Not oral and no orgasms, okay? So she prefers a sensation and then she says, I prefer, okay, she says, in that way, since then, but other vibrators as well. And she says, I prefer a
Starting point is 00:37:52 sensation that reaches the literal legs more than directly on the clitoris. So that means the clitoris beyond what that is, a little love button, the top of the vaginal opening. However, the clitoris has four inches of legs that delve deep. Yep, it's like behind the walls of the vagina, like the the labia, the lips. So there are actually, well, you know, there's 8,000 nerve innings, but it goes deeper. So what she's saying is she likes, I did. So she's saying that she likes that stimulation like on the labia, which is like the lips.
Starting point is 00:38:20 So now I don't know, I know lips sounds. It's all this, the fingers, the legs, the floor, the pelvic floor, all this you're making a very unsexy. Very unsexy. I talked already. So many revisions, leave you out. There you go. The little man on the boat.
Starting point is 00:38:34 So now she says, I want to tell him what I want since I don't know or how to explore with him without feeling bad that he's not pleasureing me. Manual masturbation has never worked for me. What can I do to help him? What can I do to help him help me figure out what I like? Kristen from Wisconsin. Okay, first up, Kristen, you have to figure out what you like. And this is the bottom line with everything in life. What kind of job you want, what kind of relationship you want to be in, and especially sexually, no one is going to write up, you know, someday my prince will come and so will I, women think that all the time, that a man's going
Starting point is 00:39:08 to show up and show you how, figure it out. So, man's stimulation didn't work for you in the past, but you have to just keep practicing. So, it doesn't mean that you need to get rid of your vibrators. It just means that you need to figure out how and where you like to be touched. It won't feel as good to you. So, you might want to first have, you know, get warmed up with your vibrator and then experiment with different strokes and pressures. So if you typically like stroke yourself in a diagonal pattern, like moving your fingers over your clitoris from side to side, you can vary that stroke, you know, press it, use an up and down motion instead.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Because it looks like if you put that V, for example, first of all, use Loop. I don't know if you're using Loop, but Loop enhances women's ability to orgasm and to experience orgasms. I think there was a study like 80% of all women who use Loop or preferred using Loop, even if they were already wet. I would start every session. I get that in the past, you tried it and it didn't work, but that doesn't mean it can't work. Again, I'm not telling you to get rid of the vibes, but do some playing around with yourself and caress it up and down.
Starting point is 00:40:11 You can use one figure to run circles around your clitoris without touching it directly. Like, someone want direct, someone want light little touches that are really soft. You know the standard. Some probably about after seeing some clitoris in your life. So the nerve endings will be indirectly stimulated if you don't want direct stimulation. So again, you can use two fingers, you can place one inside.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I mean, you just gotta really play around with this. You can tap someone with the tapping. And since you like the clitoral legs, like I would do some playing, like put some Leabon, like your Leabian, do the V. Again, where like, let's say the clitoris is in your, what's it's called? The Cork. Cork of the V. And in your, what's it called? The cork.
Starting point is 00:40:45 The cork of the V. The cork of the V. And then your fingers are going down there. Middle finger index finger. Yeah. And you could also use the vibrator clitoris where you're also using your fingers. So use the lightest touch possible to like flick your clitoris when finger. These are all different ideas, okay? So once you've figured out what you like, then you can show him and you can demonstrate it. Take his hand. You can also listen. I get that you want to do it with him and I'm not saying you shouldn't, but maybe spend a few days or a few weeks on your own, but if you're like, no, no, no, I'm not going
Starting point is 00:41:11 to do that because I get it. I make commitments to myself. I'm going to do this every day. It's hard. So when you're with them, you can see, listen, babe, this is going to be fun. Let's figure this out together. Here's the toy that I use. And maybe with his fingers and hands and your fingers, you guys will figure it out together.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Just communicate with them. You guys can make it a game. How does this feel? How does this feel? If you tell them that your experience, where you like pressure, but I'm telling you, if you guys focus on not just jumping into sex, but you focus on this for-play touching thing,
Starting point is 00:41:38 that you'll figure it out. Also go to because we have tons of articles on their blogs about masturbation and all these techniques that I just believe through. So yeah, have fun with exploring though. Like I remember when I couldn't find my G-Spot, for example, it was lost, no, it was never found, that I had a boyfriend that we like really did some serious exploring together. And- You're a map out.
Starting point is 00:42:02 G-P-S. No, but I was like, I really want to find out about a book. And I almost got there with him, but I didn't. You still haven't found it. No, I have. I did, but I found it. You're tricking your line to yourself? No, no, I found other things with him that felt really great, but that was tough.
Starting point is 00:42:16 And then I actually, on my own, I did with a vibrator. But then I can transit. That's the thing is that a lot of these things that women, like if you, someone just won't during intercourse because there's no vibrations, whatever. But some women like if you really pay attention to what you're feeling Kristen when all this is going on, you might be able to move in that way during intercourse that will allow you to have an orgasm. You might. You might not. And you know what? It does it. There's no right or wrong. She knows what she likes at this point. She's been masturbating nonstop for four years. Exactly. That's like the higher length of
Starting point is 00:42:51 high school or college. It's a long time. I was late. Blumer. I didn't start to tell me. Hey, I see important. Sometimes the girls doing this to themselves. Yeah, that's tapping. That's not that's more than tapping. That's like a grip of slapping. But sometimes that feels good. Yeah. I just think they do it for show like they're showing it. It does's like a grip of slapping but sometimes that feels good Yeah, I just think they do it for show like they're showing it does seem like a really porn move But sometimes because there are it's like slapping the ass. You're like why is that hot because there are so many nerve-edding's like if you're slapping the Bottom of the butt. Yeah, no, but like you're also hitting like a cutter. Yeah, you jump you know Yeah, because pleasure and pain or so we know it's like so closely related, so that's that's on that is true
Starting point is 00:43:24 The pleasure and the pain and then going back and forth and you know, riding that line, making it almost a little bit dangerous. Yeah, mixing it up. It's good. I like it. It's like a dance. You're going to let go and just do it. Exactly. And pay attention to her. And ladies, ladies, pay attention to him. That's true. Is if you had to say there's one thing in your experience that like you wish that women would have paid more attention to, I'm sure your wife is perfect. I'm married man. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:43:50 You can't answer this. I don't know. What was the question? Go ahead. Is there anything that you were like, God damn it women always don't do blank. I wish they did this more. No, not so much. I don't know why I ask you thing.
Starting point is 00:43:58 I wish they'd close your mouth some more. I'm kidding. I love talking to the ladies. I'm joking. That was very misogynistic. That wasn't even my style. I apologize. For you. I never, you know what you're talking about lips and how it's gross and I remember the first time I ever I was like in fourth grade or something. There was an ACD song DC song and the lyrics I remember somebody brought it to school And I was just horrified and terrified a little kid a little kid Andy, right and I was the lyrics where I want to kiss the lips
Starting point is 00:44:22 Not the ones in your face. I don't like that is more fine There's a lot of guys older grown men too feel the same way that freaks me out KCD see didn't it freaky? I think it's easy. I don't know I don't remember but I could see it being freaky. Oh, yeah, and now you're bringing it all back talking about the fucking legs and the floral They're not like I think it's awesome that you can know there's our Regions of so many nerve-wracking Dr And Dr. Dharut, you ever hear him explain the squirting? Or what? No, the squirting? Yeah, he'll talk about the barcelain gland. Yeah, stop it. You're
Starting point is 00:44:52 desexualized and everything. Stop. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but it is squirting does exist. Okay, we have time for one more. Pean does too. Good. Okay, this is how to ask for casual sex. Dear Emily, I want, I learned about you listening to Love Line. Hey, look at that. Hey, how's that? I bought an amazing product from your sub-up site.
Starting point is 00:45:11 I love you. And I'm a female 33 years old living in the Midwest. Has she been masturbating on the stop for four years? I don't know. I broke up with my boyfriend about a month and a half ago. I found an old F body and texted him asking if he's still single. He said he is still single and is looking to change that. We went on a few dates, no intellectual connection. Bottom line, he's my age 33. He has never had a serious relationship, which is fine. He got all the
Starting point is 00:45:33 jizz out of his system with casual hookups, so that's good. But problem is, he was the best sex I ever had. He's very giving. This was over five years ago. I'm looking for something real. He is too. Now, I know we don't have a Intellectual connection. We'll never have a relationship. However, I haven't been physically satisfied for over five years with anyone except for him And she just got out of a relationship. She said, so will I be using him if I just want sex? I know he probably wouldn't have a problem with it. Of course But we're both over the casual sex thing So would this be too much for me to ask am Am I overthinking much love Asian in the Midwest?
Starting point is 00:46:08 Asian. There's one girls that they could have overthought less. That's my deal. I'm an overthinker. Yeah. She's definitely overthinking. Yeah, she's overthinking it for a song. I mean, dude, he'll totally hook you up.
Starting point is 00:46:19 So I would say that you're overthinking it. I get it. That great sex. It can be hard to find. I'm also wondering if it's that you fork recall. We tend to go back to like X's and think that it was so amazing. Right. When you're like, Oh, wasn't that great? And then it happens. You're like, this is it.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Yeah. Yeah. Like our X's, we only remember the good things. That's how I always tell friends when they're breaking up with people right down all the reasons why you broke up. Right. Keep it in your wallet. Yeah. I'm like, right on your iPhone, whatever. And then like, let's make that list. You got
Starting point is 00:46:42 to remember. But I think that if you're clicking to the bisexual level, you could take advantage of it, but you just gotta have a long-term relationship as well. Might do you some good, have some hot sex, why not? But I don't think that you're also giving yourself a lot of time to be low and figure it out. So if you think that you can really emotionally detach with sex, because it sounds like you do want the casual sex thing and you guys have already had casual sex
Starting point is 00:47:03 in the past, It might work. So you guys will kind of be stops on your way to finding something more serious. Now I wonder if he thinks the same way you do that you don't have an intellectual connection and will never go anywhere because he might have more feelings for you. Here's what, yeah, here's what I'm hearing for sure. She said twice, I think, that they're both over the casual sex thing. So it's not what they really want, but she does want to scratch that itch. The intellectual connection,
Starting point is 00:47:27 sounds like he's a dumb guy. It looks like he is looking for something more in this stage of his life, but all that being said, he'd still be down to hook you up. Totally. I mean, I think you will hook you up. So I'm saying like, yeah, you are overthinking it.
Starting point is 00:47:39 I'm sure one text being like, what did I read? When you hear last week, it said that, maybe I tweeted this, but Mashable came out the study that in 10 texts are last people are getting Mashable at home. Yeah, I'm talking one text being like, what did I read? When you were last week, it said that, maybe I tweeted this, but Mashable came out the study that in 10 texts or less, people are getting Mashable at the top. Yeah, I'm talking about a little.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Yeah, 10 people are getting related in 10 texts or less for women, it's probably five. I mean, I think that why not have sex with them again? See how great it was. But you also say you want something more serious now, I would just take time and figure out what you really want, but why not? And I think that you should be honest with them. I'm not looking for anything. And have fun. Don't
Starting point is 00:48:06 tell them it's because he's dumb and you don't have any connection with them. But I think eventually, like, most casual things, it ends when someone finds something else. So if you are emotional, you know, whatever, you feel fine, go do it. And I'd be interested to find out if it really is as good as you remember. Especially five years later, you might have put on you. Exactly. I got lazy. But I say go for it, but I think that also it sounds like you're still in touch with them and still friends, you just don't want to hurt them. So make sure you're both in the same place. And that one bar's note before I go, is that the sex might be so great, you might find
Starting point is 00:48:35 yourself spending a lot of time with them, which we also do. So people are like, oh, I'm just hooking up, but we're spending five minutes with each together. Well, when you do that, or you keep sleeping with the next, you're not allowing new people to come in. The universe cannot bring you the person you want when you're sleeping with the wrong person. So I'm just gonna put that out there. Asian in the Midwest.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Thank you, sweetie, for emailing. Asia. Asian, she said. Oh, she's Asian. Asian. Asian in the Midwest. But she lives in the Midwest. That's probably a fairly rare out there.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Is that what you see? You know, I haven't lived there in a long time, but I don't think it's rare. No. When I was good, there in a long time, but I don't think it's rare. When I was good, no. They didn't know. Picture in a Japanese girl with that cowboy hat. Exactly, but you're awesome. Thanks for emailing. Thanks for listening. I love you all.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Thank you, Anderson. Thank you, M. And you rock. So everyone has to check out his podcast, The Film Vault. The Film Vault's in the aftersaster. More importantly, a cold, cockled night. That's what I'm in kind of a weird mood right now sorry i haven't really seen the light of day all of the new in the staring at that things we're gonna come worship you at your movie all-time i just don't want to because there's people flying in from out of the country and state of the people there's people that you
Starting point is 00:49:36 know by tickets and they're in their common their show it's fifteen bucks and uh... you get nothing a bunch of don't a bunch of little stories i mean so it's perfect for your uh... little a dd like a lot of movies like that's of little stories. I mean, so it's perfect for your little ADD. Like a lot of movies, like 90 minutes. That's why I love shorts. Yeah, these in the zero. Because I'm like, if it's over eight minutes and a half.
Starting point is 00:49:49 And retaining them one way or another, I promise you that. I want to waste my time unless they were. Well, we're all going to be there to support you. I love you all. Remember, Hustler Hollywood, this weekend is a, what am I saying? She, New York, and then Hustler Hollywood in the 29th. And I just love you all. And thank you to Madison and to Lori and to Alyssa
Starting point is 00:50:06 for making this show so great. I love you all, my whole team and Eddie too. And Anderson, I love you. Thanks so much for listening. Was it good for you? Email me. Okay, I need to tell you about Promise and
Starting point is 00:50:21 we mentioned it earlier with our five-minute man, Tom. God, I don't need to keep bringing it up, Tom. But listen, here's the thing, promise is the only pre-mature, only approved treatment for premature ejaculation, but also if you just want to last longer in bed, you can just use it because gosh, only less five, I want to go 10, I less seven, I want to go 14. There are no side effects. It just is a delay spray. You put on your penis, you wait 10 minutes, and then you don't have to think about your, you know, aunt with the frame
Starting point is 00:50:47 mustache. Always go to that. That must be a real tutorial. Well, guys, think about baseball players, you know, whatever. So get permissioned. Go to or click on the banner on my website. Love you all. Thanks for listening.

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