Sex With Emily - Closing the (Orgasm) Gap

Episode Date: May 19, 2018

On today’s show, Emily is setting the record straight in the world of sex and pleasure. She reveals the specific compliments men and women like to receive on dating apps – and probably in life, to...o, why the orgasm gap exists – and how to close it, how to approach your teen about their masturbation habits, and ways to get the oral sex you crave. Thank you for supporting our sponsors who help keep the show FREE: Lola, Magic Wand, Womanizer Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. On today's show, I'm setting the record straight in the world of sex and pleasure. Topics include the very specific compliments men and women want to receive on dating apps and pretty much in life. Why the orgasm gap exists and how to close it? How to approach your teen about their masturbation habits and ways to get the oral sex you crave. All this and more, thanks for listening. Hey, Emily, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh my! The women know about shrinkage.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Isn't it common moment? What do you mean like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm off here. I'm so drunk. Being bad feels pretty good.
Starting point is 00:00:59 You know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between. For more information, go to the website, There's a lot going on there. And what you could do this month because, hey, it's masturbation month. God, I love May. We are having contests.
Starting point is 00:01:22 You can enter it. Tell us how has masturbation benefited your life and your sex life. What has it done for you lately? Email feedback at by June 7th to enter. We're giving you some sexy, sexy prizes. And yes, we love the detail. We want to hear about your masturbation highs and how they've changed your life. But try to keep your submissions on the shorter side. We so appreciate it. And I'm at Sex with Emily across the board.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I love to see you on all social, because it's a good time there. All right, so there's some stories that have excited me. Excited me, I get excited. I get sex news every day. I get like Google alerts for like sex news. Can you imagine what my inbox looks like? I get to find everything that's happening in the world.
Starting point is 00:02:04 So I'm going to share some of those with you and some things we can learn from them. But first, I want to start with our contest we had. We want to know what are the top things you learn from sex with Emily as you've been listening to it over the years. And we picked winners. It was our kegels of steel contest and you won some amazing prizes like the intensity by Parmol. So here's what you guys said, and these are our top posts. We did pick our winners, and these were our top choices. And I think you'll learn a lot from these. So this is what people learned from listening to sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:02:35 This one's called communication, is a lubrication. Communicate to lubricate. My husband and I have been together for 13 years. We've always had a decent sex life, but after listening to sex with Emily for two years, we feel revolutionized and are interested in talking more and hearing what one another is interested in. It's natural, it's just sex.
Starting point is 00:02:55 How we applied it, we are very busy people. Unfortunately, sometimes that means scheduling sex, but we make it fun. When we're on a long drive, we talk about what would be fun to try out. When sex is scheduled, we look for ways to look forward to it while talking about it over text throughout the day. And in and out of the bedroom, in the bedroom, I now have multiple orgasms. Outside the bedroom, we're more connected as a couple, and in general, we're happier people, Veronica 27. Okay, you guys, I love this so much. I mean, they've
Starting point is 00:03:24 been listening for two years. Veronica, thank you I love this so much. I mean they've been listening for two years Veronica Thank you for submitting this this just warmed my heart. This made my day and you're so right It's just sex and what I also love is what you're pointing out here It's so true you guys once you get over that hump if you will that so hard to talk about you're gonna realize that Might not be easy at first. I get it But once you start talking about sex with your partner It's literally gonna be like the thing that you talk about more than anything else. In a way that's fun, not in a way like, oh, you came again too quickly or did you have
Starting point is 00:03:49 an orgasm? It's more like, wow, what should we try next? It's like your new favorite hobby that you share. That happens to a lot of couples. So Veronica, thank you for explaining that here. That that actually can happen when you talk about sex. Look at this. Sex life can get better.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Okay, this is from Hannah 31, another submission to the contest. Toys, she says, it can be overwhelming navigating the world of sex toys, not knowing if it's made out of the right material, so you aren't poisoning your lady parts is scary. The episodes that are dedicated to toy reviews are so informative and I trust all of Emily's suggestions.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Because of Emily, I have a magic wand, a Wevibe Nova and the womanizer. Since I used toys before it sucks, I got to know my body, which made communicating with my partner a lot easier. Hannah 31. Hannah, I have to say that's quite a nice collection there. If I had to say to tell someone they should buy five toys,
Starting point is 00:04:42 these would be in my list, the magic wand, the Nova, and the womanizer. So good job. And we just this made me think that we need to do another toy show. We haven't done one, so we're just planning one to come out in the next few weeks. I love telling you guys about all this toys we've been driving, so you don't have to ride the bad ones we will.
Starting point is 00:04:57 And just tell you about what we love. OK, finally we've got. I've learned so much, but the one thing I've learned that has impact me the most is masturbation. I've finally been able to accept what feels good to me and own it without guilt or shame. This has changed my sex life, boosted my confidence, and given me courage to experiment with other things as well. It's even let my husband and I experimenting with mutual masturbation, and he's definitely
Starting point is 00:05:23 not complaining. I wouldn't have done this without the show. Beth 27. Beth, I love it. Anyone brings up mutual masturbation, you got my attention, you know that I think that it's an awesome way to get closer to your partner. You know, masturbating on your own and then you show each other what you both like and it's a game changer for a lot of couples.
Starting point is 00:05:43 So thanks for that Beth and thank you to everybody who submitted to the com that what you learned from sex family contest and we have another one as we mentioned so we can't wait to hear from you there as well. Okay, so here's a study, a study that came out, a little study about complimenting and dating apps. You guys know that I'm obsessed with compliments because I think that we can never get enough, whether it's to your partner or someone on the street. Like if you see someone walking and you're like, oh wow, that's a nice dress.
Starting point is 00:06:12 So that's a nice thing that person's wearing. Like let them know, like just let them know. It feels really good. It spikes our serotonin dopamine, all that stuff. But when we're talking about online dating, I thought this was interesting because this is one of the many ways that many women just, I feel like we see a lot of things differently. And often we give what we want to receive in many areas of our life. We might give the gifts we want to receive. We might give the compliments that we actually
Starting point is 00:06:37 would like to receive. But that's not necessarily what men, when men wouldn't necessarily like to receive compliments that women would like to advise for us. So, for example, there was a new study by Ask Men, and it was looking into compliments on dating apps. And it confirms for a lot of women, I think, why some of the remarks that we receive for matches just don't work. I don't want a guy to compliment on my looks at all, right?
Starting point is 00:07:01 I don't want him to say, hey, you look hot, because in my mind, I'm going, yeah, avi, like you swept at my thing, like you, we matched. You probably think I'm cute. It wasn't because of my, my penmanship or what do we call it? My, my, my own penmanship, my, my spelling, my great grammar. So when I'm at, who's writing? Who's penning? I pened you a, I sent it with a, a, a, a, a, carrier pigeon. Men want to be complimented on these things, according to this study.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Number one, men actually want to hear about body and appearance. So a guy actually wants me, if I match with a guy on Tinder, he wants me to say to him, nice abs. Like, nice six pack, dude. That's like, I like your shirt. Number two is humor. I guess I could say like, you're L-O-L on your dating,
Starting point is 00:07:46 you're subscribed, what are your 500 word bio? Like, hey, ha ha ha. The next thing is personality for men, intelligence, and then success. So only 9% of men want to be told about success. Females like to be complimented on these things in this order. Number one is personality, 38%.
Starting point is 00:08:05 They want to hear like, wow, you've got a great personality. Because like I said, if a guy says to me, you look really hot or like that picture or nice, whatever, I actually won't typically answer those guys. Because I think, first of all, I know that. And also like, can you read my profile and just at least pretend you find me interesting. So 38% personality that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Humor, of course, I think that neck and neck with the guide number two, we all want to feel funny. Intelligence, women want to say like, you're really smart. The fourth thing is body and appearance. So at least 16% of women want you ever to comment at our ass. She doesn't want to hear you go nice ass in those jeans in picture three.
Starting point is 00:08:40 And I'm success, 9%. So both men and women, 9% success is the last thing. So what does it mean you guys? Well, here's the thing, you're probably going, what, how do I compliment someone when I'm online dating in a message when all I have is a bio? Well, you have a bio and you have a few pictures.
Starting point is 00:08:53 So it's gonna take some imagination, a little bit creativity, but not a ton of work. So if someone wants to be complimented on body and appearance, so that's what we find out, right? 29% of guys want you to say, you look great. So you're like, you do look healthy. Like, I can tell you work out. Maybe talks about hiking and running and jumping and swimming, which girls turns out,
Starting point is 00:09:11 we don't want to be complimented. Because I feel like, like I said, like, if you're complimenting me, I already know you thought that I was cute. So for guys, you get to tell me like, I love your look. And a guy would be like, oh, good. You think I'm handsome.
Starting point is 00:09:21 As far as personality, you know, see what pick up some things from her bio. If she says I like to work and play and travel and you go, God, you seem like someone really fun to hang out with. I too like to travel wherever you've been lately. So that shows that you read it and she seems cool. Humor, most people try to make it joke or they try to be sarcastic in their profile, not to their joke.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Pretty funny, I feel that way too. I left, I LOL'd. I just found this interesting because I think that it also shows that like the way we give, it reminded me of the love language actually. You guys know I talk a lot about the love languages, which I think is really a game changer for many relationships. There's like five ways that we all want to be loved.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I could point you to a blog about it on the website or I could explain it to you right now. So Gary Chapman, who is a pastor, priest, he wrote this after working with many couples in the church, don't let that part turn you off because it's not all god-heavy if you're not into that. But what he found was there's five ways typically that everyone wants to sleep blood, receive love, and typically two of them speak to us the most. And our partners won't necessarily one experience love in the same way.
Starting point is 00:10:27 So for example, here's what they are, gifts. So I want you to come home thinking of me and bring you a Tiffany's box or a shirt that you got this shirt look great at me. Then there's quality time. I really want us, our Saturday night is our night without cell phones, just the two of us were spending really quality time together connecting.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Then there's acts of service. You saw them, my gas tank was empty and you filled it, you emptied the dishwasher for me, you fixed the light bulb, acts of service. And then there's words of affirmation, tell me I'm hot every day, tell me I'm pretty, tell me I'm smart and successful. And then there's physical touch, okay?
Starting point is 00:11:02 We wanna be touching, we wanna be hugging, we want it's really important to us to touch. So there's probably two of those that you feel, you know, for me, it's words of affirmation and physical touch. So I might be dating someone, he wants gifts and quality time, and if he's never touches me or tells me I'm hot, and he might bring me barrels of gifts,
Starting point is 00:11:21 I would never feel love of him. Like literally if he didn't, this has happened to me. Where guy like, did not touch me enough. He was just like, I'm like, I wanted a hug, I wanted to be touching, we're watching TV and it didn't happen so I didn't feel love. What this made me realize is that this extends to so many other parts of our life where men and women just give compliments or we act in ways that we think that we act in ways of what would make us feel good.
Starting point is 00:11:41 So I think it's interesting to look at the way different ways that we all communicate. So I love this one. The story, think about it when you're on the apps and you're like, why does it anyone respond to me? It could be because you were telling her that she was hot and really she just wanted to say that she looks like she's a good time. So the next one, these are ways that we perpetuate the orgasm gap that we never realized, according to a psychologist. So you know I talk a lot about the orgasm gap in the sense of, God, you know, men orgasm way more often than women and also women need longer to achieve orgasm and sex only lasts between 68 minutes typically and have our sexual couples and women take about 20 minutes to orgasm and there is a gap. Another way to think about the gap is that there's this thing that is suddenly penetrated through society about vaginal penetration.
Starting point is 00:12:34 We are pressured, women are taught from a young age, and men that if we don't orgasm through vaginal penetration, a man's digging his penis in my vagina. And I don't have an orgasm. There is something that's wrong with me. I am broken because that's just how sex is. So here's a few ways that they show that this is why we believe this is that pop culture depicts women orgasming through penetration. So think about it. Everything we've seen in porn, mainstream movies, there's a few seconds of thrusting.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And all of a sudden, like a woman's having an orgasm, and they roll over and everything's amazing. And so we believe that something is wrong with us if that doesn't happen. The other thing is, the proportion of women who orgasm through penetration is way overestimated. I've told you this guys many times, only 30% of women can orgasm through penetration alone.
Starting point is 00:13:26 There's other studies that say it's only like 15%. Bottom line, women need their clitoris stimulated. It is a different deal. Number three shows you here because the next point is female genitalia, since we can remember, in our lifetimes, have been defined by the vagina. So the socialization teaches women that we should organize them through. And of course, begins at that time in our lives,
Starting point is 00:13:52 when we are small children and we're like, men have a penis and women have a vagina. So nobody talks about the fact that actually, the clitoris is something very different than the vagina because we hear penis vagina and then we hear sex. So we think penis goes in vagina and that's sex. And this is kind of analogous to telling a child that the nose is for both eating and breathing since the nose and the mouth are on the face, which kind of reminds me of like the Volvo, which is the exterior to the vagina and the internal. So you can see why we all just assume
Starting point is 00:14:25 that the vagina is where the magic happens. And really for a lot of women, it's the clitoris of the vulva. And then finally, guys, I'm gonna say, this is true that male pleasure is simply valued over female pleasure. Again, this has to do with society. And this comes down to the way we have defined sex
Starting point is 00:14:40 in a way that really favors male sexual pleasure over female sexual pleasure. And so in a study in the favors male sexual pleasure over female sexual pleasure. And so in a study in the journal of human sexuality, they found that 63% of college men, but only 44% of women received oral sex during their last hookups. So men are getting blow jobs after right, and women not so much. So I think that we're always seeing like talking about the blow jobs, women feel like they owe men oral sex, and guess what? That's really not the
Starting point is 00:15:07 case. So let's close that orgasm gap. Shall we? So you guys listen, so I think you can see this this really hit close to home and I hope it really made you think and think about wow. There is this gap. I have not been having the orgasms I want to have. Do you feel like your orgasms have been gaped? Do you feel like you have not received your do-fit, your do-amount of orgasms? Because you can see here, you guys, it's really just the way that we've been socialized.
Starting point is 00:15:35 It's really deeply ingrained to who we are. From a very young age, you guys, this is in no way bashing men. I don't think you know any better. Like I wouldn't know. I believed all of these things at one point that I was broken because I wasn't having orgasms through intercourse, so I get it.
Starting point is 00:15:49 So I want to hear from you though. Is there with, do you think that you've missed out at some orgasms because of this, men or women? Does this make sense to you? Does this resonate? Now we're gonna give a shout out to our sponsors. I love them. I love my sponsors and I love you also.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Thank you for supporting them. Check them out. We're gonna take quick break and we come back. We'll get to your emails. Emails. I love answering your questions. It's why I exist here. It's why I do what I do If you like to have a question answer on the the show. You can text Ask Emily all one word to 7979-7979. Fill out the short form or go to my website, Click on the Ask Emily tab and include your name, your age, where you live and how. Too much of a minute or any of it. Your name, your age, where you live and how you listen to the show.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Thanks guys. Okay, this is from Billy, she's 37 in Ohio. Dear Emily, I've been married for 11 years and I have one eight year old daughter. My husband over the last four to six years has started liking his anal licked. I don't enjoy doing it, however he loves it and really gets her now when I do it.
Starting point is 00:17:03 He started wanting it so much now I think it's the only way he can come unless he jacks off help. What can I do? I don't want to analic shouldn't say that but Billy I Understand this I understand that analicking first of all which 2017 or 16 was the year of analicking So I see you're right on track here. He's right on track. You're right on track But I get it if it's not your thing, I understand that you really might not like it. But what I'm wondering is why you don't like it. So I understand, first
Starting point is 00:17:33 of all, cleanliness. If he's coming home from work, you're both home and you're like, I'm not licking that anal, that anal is right now. You could take a shower. Like if it's a clean thing, take a shower together, and then, you know, lick the ainess. Also, here's a few ways to get around it. First of all, take a shower. If it's cleniasis, the issue, you can take a shower together, you can make sure that it's clean. And then, again, you should feel pressure to do it every time.
Starting point is 00:17:58 But if that is the reason you don't like it, there's nothing wrong with taking a shower together, licking it right after, before he goes to the bathroom, before anything else happens. Also there's lorals, which is a new licking it right after, before he goes to the bathroom, before anything else happens. Also, there's laurels, which is a new latex underwear he can wear that allow you to penetrate with your tongue. And so it's kind of like a dental dam, like a condom, kind of like that kind of consistency that you put over his anus, and you could lick it through there.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Just say if that's your thing about cloniness, that could work. And I want to know is my question for you Bill is, how do you know it's the only way? You said you think it's the only way you can come and you that's all he wants. And I'm just checking it here because a lot of times we create stories over things that aren't true
Starting point is 00:18:35 and then these untruths we create do much bigger problem in the relationship. So he might just be wanting some variety and it might not be all about anal but you've assumed it's the only way he can come and and it's all he wants, and you're failing him. So I would just say you need to talk to him about it too, and just say, what else could we do here just beside? Maybe he wants a butt plug.
Starting point is 00:18:53 You know, you can get him a vibrating butt plug, and that could be his anal stimulation for the day. You know, you shouldn't feel that your tongue is always just there to service his anus. So also, we found something that he might like. It's called the Sliquid squeal oral sex stimulator. And it's essentially a toy that's in a circle. And there's just a bunch of tongues that flip around in a circle, like a chainsaw kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:19:17 That's what it looks like. Like right, the chainsaw thing circling around was like tongues flipping. I actually went on one. Cause there goes, I can just oral sex for like an tongues flipping. I actually went on, because there goes, I can just roll sex for like an hour with that like this tongue, tongue, tongue. But you could do that.
Starting point is 00:19:29 And I laughed because the squeal when it first came out, you guys, and I don't happen anymore, but when it first came out, it was like literally had one of those cords, like a power drill. It was so, it was a huge machine. It was like the sipping of sex toys. And I got like the first version of it,
Starting point is 00:19:42 but now it's like handheld and very different, but it was like, I was like tongues. And so anyway, it's more varied now, so check out the squeal. Okay, Rachel, 25 New York. Rachel. Rachel. Hi, Emily. I listen to your show all the time and I've recommended to all of my friends.
Starting point is 00:20:01 I hope you can help me out with a couple questions I have regarding a guy I recently started dating. He's 26 years old in great shape and very health conscious for background. First of all, we've had six or seven times now and he's never gone down on me. I understand that for some people that might that be something that they feel comfortable doing with someone they don't know that well, but it was odd for me because I've never been with someone who doesn't do it. Our relationship, in quotes, is very casual and fun. I feel we're bringing it up, but it's something I really enjoy and wondering if it's a problem with me. I wax, I'm a clean person, but the fact that it isn't done is making me very self-conscious. Thanks for your help, Rachel. Okay, so here's the thing Rachel This is definitely not a problem with you and this comes up a lot not all guys are into it And it's probably because they don't think they're good at it so they just don't do it
Starting point is 00:20:54 Like they're not just gonna do it because maybe one time they did it with some chicken cheese I hear terrible at that and just some guys have just this fear around it They're like I'm not gonna please here. I don't know what do. And then there's also the guys who just really aren't into it. For whatever reason, they think the vulva, the vagina is a dirty place, they don't want to go there. Let's assume that he just isn't confident on his oral skills. You could just say, babe, I think it would be so hot if you go down to me, I keep fantasizing about it and I would love if you were down to me. You could also like ask, you could just 69. I mean, literally just take matters into your own hands and turn things around, turn the
Starting point is 00:21:31 tables. And then you could just start giving a blowjob when you start going down to you and move your head away. Like he's already going, which I think because okay, here's my thing with 69. I'm a 69 fan to an extent. I either want to be the giver or the receiver during oral. Like it's hard for me to multitask, but for some people, they love it
Starting point is 00:21:49 because then people, especially pleasers, they're like, I just can please and receive and they're all fine with it. I'm ADD, I get distracted. I'm like, penis or my receiving, what do I do? But if you want to implement 69, that could be cool. But really, Rachel, the best way that you can handle this, and I'm gonna be honest with you,
Starting point is 00:22:05 this is what works every time, even if it's more awkward in the beginning, it's gonna serve you so well, and that it's just to be so upfront, and be honest and say, God, I love the thought of you looking me my pussy. I love thought of you going down to me. I love oral.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Please do it. Please go down to me. It'd be so hot, and then I just can't wait to have your cock inside me. But lead with that. And you could also tease them and you could just say, you know what? Actually know, because this is what I've done in the past,
Starting point is 00:22:32 I'm like, I'm actually not even ready. Like, I'm closed for business until you get down to business with your oral. Like, I've literally been like, nah, because I think that for a lot of guys, they just think it's kind of like, they're scratching your back or like giving you a foot rub and then what they don't realize is,
Starting point is 00:22:50 the better they become an oral, the more enthusiastic they become about oral, it all comes around in a circle. The better sex they're gonna have because you're gonna be turned on. You're gonna be way much, you're gonna be way redier prepared for sex and turned on for sex,
Starting point is 00:23:04 whether you just sticks it in sort of pounding away. So I think that you could be part of educating your partner and men out there Everywhere realizing that like it's actually a requirement not just a suggestion for a lot of women So try some of those out Rachel you got nothing to lose here But do you find out sooner than later if this guy's into oral or he's not because in my kit kit taste, if a guy's out into oral, you can lead a horse to water. You can't make him lick. This is from Anthony 51 Ohio. Hey, Emily, my question is due to having prostate cancer. I had this surgery to have my prostate removed.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Also, I had radiation. My doctor didn't tell me the full story behind having your prostate removed, which is no more ejaculation and incontinence. My question is due to these issues. I do not feel comfortable making love to my wife and we go long periods without having sex. I have a very loving and supportive wife, but it's not fair to her. Also, she's younger than me, which in my view makes things worse. How do I get past this? Well, first of all, Anthony, let me just tell you this. My heart goes out too because I read this.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I'm like, oh God, you know, I've heard this too. I've heard this before and I think, how could it that it be that they're not telling you this? You know, because I understand sometimes when you're going, you know, it gets me when you hear from your doctors, you've cancer, like they always show those studies, like you hear 20% of what the doctor's saying, which is why you want wanna bring someone with you.
Starting point is 00:24:25 But then, Anthony, much to my amazement, the same day we got your email, there was a study that came out. And it said, doctors don't always explain sexual side effects of prostate treatments. So you are so not alone, basically they just say that they don't tell men that they can't to jockey it anymore.
Starting point is 00:24:44 They don't tell men that when they, you know, they're gonna have incontinence and they might urine when they don't tell men that they can't to jaculate anymore. They don't tell men that when they, you know, they're going to have incontinence and they might, you're in when they don't want to and their pants or it might be leaky or have urinary incontinence. And they just don't tell them and I really don't understand how you miss this. Like I thought maybe they told you
Starting point is 00:24:58 and you weren't listening or you know, you were, you were going, I thought maybe like I said, they told you but you just weren't, it wasn't easy to hear with everything else going on. But what they say is that they just don't explain it. I think doctors are going about their business. It doesn't mean your doctor didn't treat your prostate surgery well, but they're just like, they're not saying like, hey, we're going to get rid of the cancer. We do this. Oh, BTW, you won't be able to ejaculate. So, the news here though is Anthony, I'm telling you from a lot of them and I know who have had their prostate removed.
Starting point is 00:25:27 It's really just a matter of retraining the way that you experience sex. You have an orgasm, you just don't have anything shooting out of you anymore. AKA ejaculate. So I think it's just gonna take some adjustment and some getting used to. It sounds like I'm not sure how long ago you had it.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I think probably fairly recently, if you're writing me right now. And I also think for the incontinence, there's some stuff that you could do as well. I think there's some treatments for incontinence right now. And you could talk to your doctor about it. And I'm going to be talking about some things on the show in the next few months that I can share with you. But I think that one might be great for you is to build back up to having sex with a partner. Because first of all, I get that you don't want to have sex right now. Especially if you just had the surgery, take the pressure off. You could still just say, you know what? Let's take it off the table, but still be really intimate.
Starting point is 00:26:12 You guys could please her. You could do mutual masturbation. You could be cuddling on the couch and just holding hands, giving each other massages, but you really have to make sure that intimacy is going. And again, I think that you will, you said, how can I get past it? You will get past it. I'm sure you have a loving wife and you're, she's younger than you, but you know what, that happens. I think that she's not seeing you as an adequate or less sexy or less malely in any way. So really, this is on your head in a very understanding way in your head.
Starting point is 00:26:40 So I think that it's just going to take a little bit of adjustments going easy on yourself, not beating yourself. I'm just learning how to adjust to this new kind of orgasm. Okay. You got this, Anthony. This is from Kyle 38 Milwaukee. Hi, Emily. My wife and I have a good sex life. You both talk about how we believe that sexuality is fluid. Because of this, I've been curious about being with another man for some time now. My question is, how do I bring this up to her without scaring her off or freaking her out? I love her and I always want to say that I'm just curious what sex with a man is like.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Also, just make me buy curious or bisexual. Thank you Kyle. Okay Kyle, this is a really great question and a brave question and I've actually been receiving more and more questions like this because it's true you guys. Like Kinsey said, we're all on the spectrum. So one of the Kinsey's is like completely straight and 10 is gay. So they say that most people, even men, you know, most women are more like a two or three
Starting point is 00:27:37 or four were more on the spectrum and they continue more where men are probably like a one or two or two, barely anybody's a one. So I think that this is actually more common, but how do you bring it up to her? Well first I gotta say Kyle, have you guys talked about your sex life? It sounds like you both believe sexuality is fluid. So that means you have a healthy,
Starting point is 00:28:01 you don't feel like you're talking about sex this will be the first time, because a lot of people do email. They're like, we've never talked about it. But I feel like if you're in this trusting relationship and you both acknowledge it's fluid, that you could just say, you know, let's talk about our fantasies, you know, there's some things I've been thinking about lately and I've been thinking about being with a man, like just be honest, say, I don't think, you know, I just think it'd be something to try that could be interesting. And I don't even know Kyle Fizzling,
Starting point is 00:28:27 you want to try, you just want to be able to talk about it. It could be really cathartic and healing, just to know that you can talk about it and know that you could be with a man. And sometimes just talking to her and saying, I'm feeling this way and getting this off your chest and feeling love and accepted for having that desire might be just what you need to kind of feel more
Starting point is 00:28:45 comfortable in your sexuality. And possibly it should be like amazing, like go do that or she might be like, wow, that's really hard to hear, but I understand we don't know what's going to happen, but just the confidence will give you by saying that and by being your true self and being authentic and not hiding that from your wife, I think will be very, very liberating. But you know your wife better than I do. So if you have to ease into this by doing the, like, let's talk about our sex life, what feels good to you, what's been really memorable. The things I always talk about in the show, like writing down each three fantasies, things
Starting point is 00:29:17 you want to try together. So I think that that's first thing is just kind of beyond Twitter because really you guys the more authentic and honest and straightforward we are I know I give you guys a lot of tools about how to talk about things because we don't want to come right out and blame And we don't want to do things at a wrong times and make people feel bad But at the end of the day, I can tell you a million different ways to say things But as long as you're just saying it and you're speaking your truth and you're being authentic and real It can be clunky at first But it's the best practice you guys. It's so good for you because once you get deeper into these
Starting point is 00:29:48 relationships with your partner, you're going to realize like a whole new world is going to open up with your sex lives of being able to communicate and getting what you want. As far as this make you bicurious or bisexual, dude, I'm not into labels at all. I don't think it makes you, I mean, I'm not even going to tell you what it means because I don't think it matters. Like, gay, whatever. I think right now, let's just get you into trying out, you know, you get to decide what it makes you. You get to decide why that even matters. They don't really ask you anywhere for your bisexual bicarious. So I don't think it matters to figure out the label. Don't get tripped up on the label. Get tripped up on you having your sexual needs met and exploring with your partner. That's the most important thing, Kyle. Thanks for emailing.
Starting point is 00:30:22 sexual needs met and exploring with her partner. That's the most important thing, Kyle. Thanks for emailing. This is from Kristen, 30 in California. Dear Emily, I'm 95% certain. My 13 year old stepdaughter has been masturbating the tub with her elected toothbrush almost daily. But we have background. She's high risk for relationship problems due to her sorry
Starting point is 00:30:40 excuse for biological mother slash childhood trauma slash early exposure to her mom sexuality. That being said, I'm smart enough to know that masturbation is not going to make her more or less likely to engage with boys. She's ruined a couple toothbrushes. They aren't cheap. But more importantly, I'm concerned about hygiene. I assume the best approach is to switch her over to a water safe vibrator and teach
Starting point is 00:31:03 her how to sanitize it. My mom never talked to me about sex. How do I go about this? Help. Okay, Kristen, I love this question because I've actually been asked this lately too by a few parents like, do I buy my daughter a vibrator? Like, what do I do? Is it appropriate? Are you encouraging sex?
Starting point is 00:31:20 Is it a gateway? Is it going to make them want to sleep with everyone? No, they're already doing it. For many girls, they're already touching themselves. And what I love about this, Kristen, in your case, you know she is. Like, you found a toothbrush. So, and I also get your mom didn't talk to you about sex. How do you do it?
Starting point is 00:31:34 Well, first of all, it sounds like you're a great stepmom. You're taking her sexual health into your hands and you understand that it's a priority for young girls to really have no shame or am masturbation, but to help them along in their journey. So it's common, you guys. I hear from women all the time when I say, when did you first orgasm and a lot of women say, electric toothbrush or on the shower head.
Starting point is 00:31:54 So something in water bathtub, like that happens. So it's common. And I think really you just got to be frank with her. Be honest. Like, what would you say to a friend? Like, hey, you know, and I knew people like, oh, I can't be your friend. I'm her mom. Yes, I understand that. If they get into trouble, like if just had to curve you, but in this case, you're like, you're a woman talking to a woman. You're not, you know, I can't say certain things. This is what I feel. So you got to say,
Starting point is 00:32:16 Hey, you're getting to be certain age. I want to talk to you about, you know, masturbation, touching yourself. That's totally fine. And it's healthy. You know, it's healthy to masturbate. And I want to give you something that I think would help you along. And here's a toy and you can clean it. It's really important to clean it, to sanitize it, to wash it off with like, you know, there's toy cleaner, you can get her. I would recommend the Wevibe Tango because it's retargeable waterproof. It lasts a long time.
Starting point is 00:32:42 It looks like it's the size of your pinky, of a woman's pinky. Let's see, am I a pinky finger? And it's super pink. They have pink one and a blue one, and I love it. The weebap tango. Keep it clean. I love the UV.
Starting point is 00:32:53 The UV is a great system that stores, cleans, and sanitizes your toys, and your cell phone, and your jewelry, and your makeup brushes, using ultraviolet light. Anyway, it's really cool. The UV, so I would say, just talk to her. Here's the thing about talking to kids about sex.
Starting point is 00:33:07 If they're asking, they need to know the truth. Like at the age they're asking real questions, you have to really answer them. So I would say you gotta do it, bring a toy, and tell her that you're available for any questions around it, it's completely healthy, and it's her body, and it's okay to love it. Just don't do it on the toothbrush,
Starting point is 00:33:24 and I'm tired of going to the store. And I don't have you to mention it, because the other thing is she might be shame of embarrassment, so I say this a great way to go. Okay, let me know how it goes. Thanks, Kristen. Okay, everyone, thanks so much for listening to the show. This was fun. I love hearing from you.
Starting point is 00:33:39 So thanks to my amazing team, Ken Jenny, volunteer Sarah, producer, Jamie Jamie and Michael. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at

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