Sex With Emily - Condoms, Communication and Office Flirtations

Episode Date: August 12, 2015

Today’s show is all about traversing the trails of communication, flirtation and, you guessed it, sex! Emily and Anderson take on a few of your most pressing sex questions, including emails on offic...e romances, condom conundrums, sex positions and more!  They also share and discuss some of the most interesting findings from SKYN Condom’s Millennial Sex Survey, revealing what those twenty somethings are really up to between the sheets!  We all know that communication is the key to a happy and healthy relationship, but that doesn’t make discussing sex issues with an S.O. any less terrifying. In this show, Emily provides in depth advice to help you address any bedroom binds with your partner and get on the same page, sexually speaking. Don’t miss it! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Today's show, we're answering your questions. What do you do if condoms make your penis unhappy? Is there a right way to flirt in the workplace? And how to mix up doggy style if your partner is not a fan? Plus, the latest from a groundbreaking survey on sex. You're that's right, sex. That's what we talk about here.
Starting point is 00:00:22 And you won't believe the results. They're pretty amazing. All this and more on the latest Sex with Emily. Okay, you know That's what we talk about here. And you won't believe the results. They're pretty amazing. All this and more on the latest sex with Emily. Okay, you know how I'm always talking about how important it is to mix up things in the bedroom. Well, Hustler Hollywood stores, which you should check for a location near you, they should be your main destination for the best toys, erratica, the sexiest lingerie, and most of all, the easiest way to find the answers you've been looking for and how to enhance your sex life. Unlike other adult novelty stores which you've been to,
Starting point is 00:00:49 Hussar Hollywood is an experience in itself. It turns shopping for sex toys into an enjoyable and enlightening experience. Don't believe me? Take your partner there on a date. Let's see if you want to spice things up in the bedroom. Say, hey honey, let's get a little shopping here. It's a beautiful store. They have about 12 stores around the country. And they're filled with attractive eye catching displays, the top intimate products on the market. Everything you hear me talk about. And their staff is so knowledgeable and friendly.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I was there the other night and they were showing me like hacks to toys that I loved like Digin' No, you could do as you use it this way. I mean, they're super cool. And they're here there to help with any questions you have. You can shop with a partner for yourself. you know, you just want to take your sex life to the next level.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Hustler has all the toy products you need to get you there. So if you're not sure where there's a Hustler stroller, you visit and find it. But also, HustlerHollywood store loves my listeners, so all you got to do is when you're checking out, say at the checkout, say, Sex with Emily sent me, or sex with Emily. I love sex with Emily. Whatever you do, sex with Emily, 20% off. How's that?
Starting point is 00:01:51 Love it, right? So check it out. And also, here's the amazing news. I'm doing monthly events at a hospital. My next one, oh, happy anal sex month, is at hospital, I would. It's a workshop. It's in LA. It's August 25th from 8 to 10
Starting point is 00:02:05 pm, back door basics. We're going to be tackling some of your top questions and curiosities surrounding anal play. Common myths and misconceptions. We're going to be talking prostate play, pegging, sex toys, lube. So much more. And it's time to face those backdoor fears once and for all. And I'm excited to help get you there. Now you might be thinking, oh, I'm gonna go to anal sex, it's so uncomfortable, but no, these workshops are intimate and fun, I was gonna say their hands on, but they're not. I'm not gonna be actually touching your butt, but we will be talking in a very warm opening,
Starting point is 00:02:36 opening open environment. So RSVP 2D to HHRSVP at, H-H-R-S-V-P at That's H-H-R-S-V-P at, like Larry Flint productions. Okay, thanks for listening. Best 5 sex. Eyes that block our sacred institutions. Betrubized they call them in a fight on day. Hey, Avaline, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute.
Starting point is 00:03:13 The girls got every stand. Oh my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, Mollie? What do you mean, like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:03:22 Oh my god, I want to feel a sound. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Aval my god, I'm off there. So, I'm going. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between. For more information, go to Check out our mailing site, not for our mailing list.
Starting point is 00:03:42 And we'll send you an email. Just once a week. Super friendly. I get more compliments on the email sometimes in the shows. No, that's not sure. I hear from you all about the shows. But we send you really good stuff because we produce a lot of freaking content in a week. We write blogs, we do videos, slow stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:55 We talk about it in the show, but more in depth. So we link to that. And I think you like it. And also, if you want to listen to the podcast, you can easily subscribe to all the episodes. We have two a week. And it's a good time there. And I'm here with Anderson.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Just do it. Just do it, baby. Have you been? I haven't seen you in a week. And it feels like my heart's been ripped out. The last couple of times we've seen each other. It's like the first time we've seen each other. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:04:15 It's like we're in a long distance relationship now. It's not cool. I know, but you're like having kids with cans or in stuff. Yeah, I was doing all that. That's really good. I'm back though. I know. I'm so back in my normal life.
Starting point is 00:04:24 That's really good. I'm glad. I actually was so sad when I pulled out bus week because we couldn't do the show, but I was doing all that. That's really good. I'm back though. I know, I'm so much better. Back to my normal life. That's really good. I'm glad because I actually was so sad when I pulled out bus because we couldn't do the show, but I was going to love line. And I pulled in to the parking lot and my heart dropped a little. Oh, because my car wasn't there. No, I knew you were here.
Starting point is 00:04:36 You're like part of the family. Oh no, are you crying? Don't cry for me. No, I just choked on my own. Yeah, I was a camp for eight days. No smoking, no drinking, no sex, no cussing. It's like the happiest prison on earth pretty much. Really? Was it hard not to smoke and drink and no? Oh, it always is. Every time I go up there, yeah. But then is it easier where the fourth day? Yeah, actually, I stopped thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:04:56 There's so much to do. I had a cabin of nine kids, 14 to 15 year old boys. Wow, that's a handful. I mean, I did that when I was a teenager. I was a counselor for a fortune. Were you really? Yeah. What, in the 80s? CIT, yep. That's pretty fun. Oh my god, it was the best I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:05:11 What was it for? I went to camp. I went to a lot of kids in the East Coast, kind of a Jewish thing, I guess, but we go to summer camp. It was for camp to mock on Canada. I went for eight years, for two months. And it was like sleep away camp?
Starting point is 00:05:21 Sleep away camp. And like, were counselors banging? You know, I was pre-banging for me. And I was pretty prude going up. So like I remember like a big sneak over to boys camp and you'd like I think a boy touched my boobs for the first time. Yeah, camp's so different now, especially the oncology camp that I do because kids are like sick, you know, and I mean, I'm a potential camp. And yeah, most of counselors up there are teachers or their college students But I hear stories like way back in the day when you know they used to sneak over to boys down boys village and the campers would sneak out and stuff And it seems like it was like a lot more fun back then it was but now they won't yeah No, we had a blast. I mean that was the best thing because the counselors were put your sleep or I guess when we were CITs
Starting point is 00:06:00 We was easier. Oh, so you are a camper. I was a camper. You weren't a counselor. No, I was both I was a camper for eight years and then I was a CIT. Oh, did you have a camp name? Um, Tomacqua. Oh, no, no, was your like you have a camp name? No, I didn't you guys sing songs. Yeah, you remember any of them? I remember every single one Do you really? Yeah, what was your favorite? Um, my favorite was um, my favorite one was do you have a couple? Yeah, Tomacqua, Tomacqua, what a wonderful spot. What a large, what a camp, what a place. Everybody's happy and never see it around. There's lots of joy and happiness and fun around. I know everything I want. Whoever wrote that should be fired. But do you have like a non-Chattacua version? Or do you have a song that has a... Yeah, down by the bay. Where the watermelons go. Oh, that's a good one. Back to my home. Yeah, down by the bay where the watermelons go. Oh, that's a good one back to my home. Yeah. Yeah. I dare not go I dare not go for if I do
Starting point is 00:06:50 My mother would say have you ever seen turtle wearing a girdle down by the bed? That is such a camp song right there. I know all of that I camp was such a formative experience for me and it was I think Probably one of the reasons why I'm so independent like my brother Would go for three weeks a month and he like once and he hated They want to go home as homesick. I was like can I stay for two months? Like I loved camp. I was like away from the family You know got drunk for the first time brother probably went to camp He's like there's no way to enter price here. I'm not making any money while a camp
Starting point is 00:07:22 Do you know the funniest thing he went once when he's 14 and then he came home and worked on my dad's law office. I saw someone make money. And he put paper, he had three jobs. That makes sense. Then it came home and he swads money on his bills on his counter. But you were changing lives.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Like you continue to do today. Exactly. Happy kids of banging. I do not bang there. No, I'm talking about now. I can give out advice on banging. I give advice on banging and I bang from time to time as well. Do you find, like if you're at a cocktail party and people ask you what you do, if you say,
Starting point is 00:07:50 yeah, I help people with their banging, they'll give you less respect if you were to approach it that way? Yeah, I try not to approach it. I try not to say that. It's funny that you say that Anderson, because I actually lately try not to, you know, it just becomes a thing in the room. I think there could be, I was talking to someone at lunch about the say, he said, yeah, there could becomes a thing in the room. I think there could be, I was talking to someone at lunch about this, I said, yeah, there could be an astronaut in the room. And if I say, and I'm not in ego way,
Starting point is 00:08:08 but if I say, I'm sex and I'm relationship, I have sex experts, sex doctor, sex, the whole room is like, really, how did you get that? What do you do? And then eventually everyone's cornering me and asking me their sex questions. And sometimes it gets, you know, and the thing is, I actually love helping people
Starting point is 00:08:22 and never like, oh my God, get me out of this party. But there are times where I'm like, can we just not talk about what I do? Can we just say I'm a pretty, but it's hard when you're like an intimate setting, speaking of which, so I'm going, it's funny that you're saying this, I am going to San Francisco tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And as you know, I lived there for 20 years. And I've lived here for almost three and I've only been back twice for work. It seems like you're always back there. No, I've been back for like a day or two, but it's always, because I've been so for almost three and I've only been back twice for work. It seems like you're always back there. No, I've been back for like a day or two, but it's always because I've been so busy. So you're going just to go. I'm going just to go. I'm going outside.
Starting point is 00:08:52 No, but I'm going outside lands, which is a great concert. They have every year in the park. However, so I'm going there. And then there's this guy I've been dating casual, like kind of casually. The last few, yeah, last year, this is the guy that you bang with your mate. No, this is difficult. No, I'm Different this is not the maid band. This guy was just someone in the middle But the other guy I've been seeing and now it's getting a little more. Well, here's the thing. Hmm. Hey that word you're about to run Mm-hmm. You going up there to break up with them? No, break up with them in a beautiful environment family has
Starting point is 00:09:24 On the bridge you might jump. I'm not gonna pick up with him there. So his family, this is kind of surprising because we're not like committed, we're not whatever, but we like each other. And his family does a family reunion every year about two hours north of San Francisco. Oh, that's nice.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And he said, oh, you're gonna be up there and I was gonna be at the state of the through Wednesday and he said, do you wanna come to my family's thing for a few days, he's gonna be there a week and I was like, really? Yeah, I'm like, yeah, sure, why not? That's scary shit right there. So at that time, I started to think he's like,
Starting point is 00:09:50 but my relative is like 50 of them. I'm sick, he's been going for like the last 37 years ever since he's born. And he was like, everyone goes, that's it. He's like, but my family is, you know, they're kind of conservative and they're kind of whatever. And I'm like, I think I'm going to say, oh, great. I love the discussion. Yeah, he and the sex doctors. No, you need to come up with a fake occupation on your way up there. But I think they all know like the parents know, you know what I'm saying? I think I'm gonna say, oh great, I love the discussion, yeah, he and the sex doctors. No, you need to come up with a fake occupation on your way up there.
Starting point is 00:10:06 But if they all know, like the parents know, you know what I'm saying, I think they know. Well his parents know, like, when are we gonna meet the sex girl? So I know it's gonna be, and so nobody I meet, it's like you see my profession before, you can get there, you make assumptions, and also I'm like, but then what happens is, you say, well, they're also really fun, they drink a lot,
Starting point is 00:10:22 so I know, after two cocktails, a show played every night. Yeah, we'll just so they're already hammered by the time you get the deal, you know what happened to his aching, they're also really fun, they drink a lot, so I know after the cocktails show played every night. Yeah, we just saw they're already hammered by the time you get the deal. You know what I mean? Exactly, but I'm like, can I tell you something, so honey, I'm like, listen, I don't come honey, but here I will. I said, by the end of that trip,
Starting point is 00:10:35 I'm gonna know about every single, everyone's sex life in your entire family. Like, I'd say half, because what happens is people, like this happens to me all the time. I was out with the guy I was dating about two years ago His best friend in the whole world and his friends and new wife My friend my boyfriend and his friend get really bad room and the wife leans over to me don't just matter We haven't even ordered the sushi yet and she's like, you know
Starting point is 00:10:57 Sometimes he comes a little too quickly in the bedroom. I'm not sure what to do about it I'm like, oh, you know, we start talking about a sex site's like people don't, like, they don't know who to talk to. And she's like, whoa, I'm in it. And so people, the sevens are parties. They corner me this and that. So I swear after a few cocktails, I'm like, I'm gonna know of your Aunt Benny, Aunt Betty is still banging in front.
Starting point is 00:11:14 If we ever go out, I'm never leaving my wife alone with you, ever. Oh, dude. She wouldn't say anything. She wouldn't, no, no, she wouldn't. You don't say anything about her. Because we work professionally together, so she wouldn't open up that.
Starting point is 00:11:23 She wouldn't, you wouldn't open up her. But't You know but but but but you know your parents might oh So another thing I have to tell you all is that So this will be fun and I'm actually the biggest thing that I'm excited for is to See my friends because it's really like these are my peeps You better come back with some good stories because I mean that New York story if you get in your ass Almost kicked was pretty great. That was a great one, right? Yeah, so come back with some good sandwiches. I promise I will. I promise I promise promise.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I'm gonna rock it. Hey, what's on tonight's show? Tonight's show. What are the topics? In the opening, I said that we're talking about some emails, groundbreaking story. What to do if your penis is, I've read it in the opening. Well, I was doing something else.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Well, technical. Okay, so do you want me to read it just for you? No, it's cool, it's cool. Okay, but I'm gonna get into. I wanted to ask you if you had sex on the news. I Technical. Okay, so do you want me to read it just for you? No, it's cool, it's cool. Okay, but I'm gonna get into. I wanted to ask you if you had sex on the news. I do. Okay, great. Okay, but the first thing I'd tell you also is that a lot of you,
Starting point is 00:12:13 like when I say I'm doing these workshops like in LA, you're like, oh, when you come to New York, guess what? I am coming to New York. September 18th to the 20th, I'm gonna be at the Sexual Health Expo. It's our third city we've done it in. And it's pretty freaking amazing. It's the top sex educators for two days teaching little mini workshops about every topic
Starting point is 00:12:32 you've ever wanted to know about. And they're open to public. These are people that I really admire. Plus, those are going to be toys, lace, and greatest products. And I'm going to be even the keynote speech. And it's going to be a blast. I'd love to meet you. And I'm giving away tickets.
Starting point is 00:12:43 So if you want to go, email me feedback at sexual-themely giving away tickets. So if you want to go email me feedback at sexual Emily and let me know why you want to go. We're not flying you there. I cannot buy you a plane ticket. But I can give you a good two-for-one ticket, a two-for. So my sex in the news tonight Anderson is really about a study that came out. That was pretty groundbreaking.
Starting point is 00:13:00 A study. A study? A study came out and I thought let's show it with you. Yeah, I'd love to hear it. Okay, so Ancel, the company that makes and manufactures lifestyles and skin condoms. What's it called? Ancel.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Ancel. Okay, they make lifestyles and skin condoms, which you know I'm a huge fan of. They conducted a survey in March 2015 that measured the sex habits and preferences of millennials. So those in their 20s. So kids, they were born in their 20s. Those lazy Fs and those 20s and my 20s. Right those in their 20s. So kids, there were born. There's lazy apps in those 20s in my 20s.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Right around like late 1990s, early 2000s. Yeah, yeah, or maybe early. Wait for the 20s. No, no, no. Wait a minute. Millennials, I thought there were people that were born in between 2000 and 2010. So they should not be banging yet.
Starting point is 00:13:40 No, no, no, no. These are people who were born within 90s and big 92. Okay. All right, let's do it big 92. Okay. Okay. So they make up 60% of the companies' buyer base of these condoms, lifestyles thought conducting the survey of this age group would provide insightful results. And it measured males and females 18 to 24 of all sexuality and relationship types who were sexually active in the past year.
Starting point is 00:14:00 5,000 people responded to the 69 questions. I wonder if that was on purpose. And here are the 10 most interesting results. Okay, here you go. We've got Survey says orgasms are in When were they out? I know. No, but here's the thing. 89% of females report typically achieving orgasm during sex Well, only 5% responded that they normally don't reach the big out. Now this is shocking. It's shocking.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Because I think their liars, maybe they don't know when orgasm is no, but typically only 30% of women have it during intercourse, so either they're great communicators, they really know their own body and they're women out the oes or, you know, I wish I was born, you know, 20 years ago. But, yeah, that's what they're saying. The next thing is, what's the buzz with the under 25 set of vibrators? One quarter of all survey respondents said they regularly use vibrating pleasure givers in solo and coupled sex.
Starting point is 00:14:55 25%. Yeah. Wet and wild. Responses indicated that Lube is also being used more than ever with 43% reporting it as a regular part of their sexual routine which makes me very happy. Loub and every nightstand. Dream is being realized. I always say to you, I want to Loub and every nightstand and I actually looked at both of my nightstands last night when I went to bed.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Guess what? Loub? Loub and both of them. Wait, is this your house? Well, that makes sense. No, but I never met both on both nights. Wow. It's double cranking. I just dove in the fisting at the Loub. I was pretty both my teeth. Wow. It was double cranking.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I just dove and fisting it with the loom. I was pretty impressed with myself. I practiced with a preach people. Technology has a significant role in sex with this genre. Can you guess how? Sexing 57% of respondents reported having sexed before, but let's break this down. 25% specifically send their nudes via the app snapchat. 49% reported having sent naked pictures from their phones, 11% several times a week, and 7% sexed daily.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Wonder how they're doing. Daily. Dude, who has time? Top 3 sex positions revealed. The number one crowd-pleasing position is Doggy Style, closely followed by the missionary and then the cowgirl. It was noted that men slightly preferred Doggy Style and women missionary, but Doggy Style still
Starting point is 00:16:12 is the running champion. Uh-huh. Doggy's getting the all the credit. Oh, man, love the doggy. What about reverse cowgirl? Not in there. Just cowgirls in there. But reverse cowgirl, that's what it's said.
Starting point is 00:16:21 That's what complicated. Millennials probably got a lot of that. Women are like, you already got me in top. You twist me around. I think millennials know more than we do for sure. Well, they're watching more and that's true. I didn't know anything. We will barrels back in style probably. No, not the wheel barrel. It's overrated. Okay. Maybe you have that in your sex book? The wheel barrel? Yeah. I was in there. Yeah. The wheel barrel, of course. I got the wheel barrel and got the wheel barrel. I got every sped. You're like, you kidding me? The wheel barrel
Starting point is 00:16:43 comes to stupid astray. I do that all the time. I just wheelbarrow. Last night I was at wheelbarrow, wheelbarrow. Wheelbarrow. Yeah. The space girl, you got the space girl in there. No. What is that?
Starting point is 00:16:53 I don't know. Okay, there's a link between higher level of education and condom use. 66% of responders with a doctoral degree. What? That's why idiocracy is becoming a reality. Yeah, and 65% with the bachelor's degree are port using condoms regularly compared to the 44% with the high school diploma.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Yeah, it's bad times for the future of humanity. I know people just use goddamn condoms. Do you understand how rampant sexually transmitted these are and getting people pregnant? You're wasting your breath because dumb people don't listen to this. You know what I mean? The people that are listening,
Starting point is 00:17:27 for the most part, use condoms. I hope you all do. I really hope you do. I really hope you do. Yeah, it's okay. And for my dumb listeners, I hope you come too. They're so dumb they don't know who they are though.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I'm talking to you. No, I'm not kidding. I love you all. Just for listening, you make my world go round. I would think, you know, I think most people listen to podcasts podcasts and you know are looking to better Sort of their sexual life are smart people right right because of you all is like oh, I'm a banger Good
Starting point is 00:17:55 Right You like that baby Did you come or don't care guess what I never ask who came first? I don't care I don't care, guess what? I don't go, no, I never ask a question. Who came first? I don't care. I don't care. Get me a pizza.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Hey, I'm proud of myself right now for doing dumb voice and not going south. I went kind of like Jersey. Yeah, you did. Usually people, when they do the dumb voice, it's not fair to the south because a lot of, well, did you get a beer down south? But people, I don't know what I did.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I'm proud of you. I'm proud of myself. I feel like you're not being as politically incorrect as usual. 58% of millennials currently enrolled at a university reported using condoms regularly as well, and whoa, 37% respondents said they'd give up sex for a year rather than give up the internet. What?
Starting point is 00:18:34 That means they like to bang to the images, rather than... Well, I don't believe these women to go back to the women who are all having orgasms or great sex. They're going to give up... But dudes are saying that, or women both both. Yeah, 30% I'm set 37% say that they'd rather have the internet access than sex I guess they figured well. I can surf porn, but really people know sex I guess you know what you're young you haven't had a lot of great sex that maybe you think you are I
Starting point is 00:18:58 Think they always have these days like women say I'd rather I wouldn't I'd give up I'd give up sex for chocolate Yeah, like there's been so many of those studies. Well, these don't like to sex as much as the dudes. At least that's a story out there. I can see I've heard guys claim to like looking at porn more than sex. I've had claim guys like a flashlight more than sex. Have you like guys who are they married men? No, these are like younger guys.
Starting point is 00:19:18 That's a relationship. Well, we see that's because porn is changing the whole landscape. Yeah, I know. It keeps raising the level of what they're, you know, arousal level, what gets them off. And they're like, oh, I'm just with this hot babe, that's, but she's not, you know, doing double penetration with it. Right, I need you to do that while blowing up,
Starting point is 00:19:36 like animal balloons and making them in the shapes of giant boobs. And God, I'm so glad I'm not, like, and college watching porn. You guys, I'm cool with you all watching porn, but just don't technically learn from it, okay? Get off on it and mix it up. Like, don't try, if you feel like you're not enjoying
Starting point is 00:19:50 actual human touch and flesh, maybe it's time to turn off your porn. Do they have for porn, you know, you can look for everything? Do they have something more like, somebody could take a picture of your face and put it in like a Google search and be like, find porn stars that have Emily's looking face.
Starting point is 00:20:07 That'd be pretty good. Why? Because someone could just... Well then guys could like look at girls that look like you that are happens. Cause you know, there's so many countless women having sex. Right. I'm having sex on the internet.
Starting point is 00:20:17 So I wonder if they have like a face recognition thing. That's coming. You know what I'm gonna be coming. Oh my God, yeah. I don't know. I don't know. Well, one of the search terms for me like if you ever Google yourself, it's like Emily naked. It's like no, there are no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Taking pictures of you fisting Not fisting but fisting You're holding them with your fist. You're right kid, you're having an aneurysm over there.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Squeeze your eyes. Me? Oh, yeah, there's something in my eye. You okay? I'm okay. I'm taking a breather, I can get some biasing out. You're right. Yeah, I'm great. You know it's so weird. Two people that I know me pretty well that in my work environment said to me separately, two days apart, God, you seem so calm.
Starting point is 00:21:06 What's going on? You seem really relaxed. You're doing meds? Take medication. No. No. I haven't even done anything. No.
Starting point is 00:21:13 You don't know what it is? That's the worst thing you've known. I do know what it is. Working out? Well, you know. I mean, yes, but not as much as I have been, but I think it's because my workplace is getting more settled now. Like, I've got the right people in place.
Starting point is 00:21:26 The right people working. And it was really kind of tumultuous for a while because you were growing really fast. I know, I was living it. Yeah. We were growing really fast and as people were coming and going, and now I think I've found that I've made some really good decisions. I've got some amazing team right now that are like blowing my mind every day
Starting point is 00:21:39 and I think I've been meditating a lot more. Oh, that could be a big problem. Yeah, and I try to do twice a day. Okay. I've been meditating right before I came here. I tried to meditate in traffic, which is probably not the best idea. No, that's not the best idea. You can't do it.
Starting point is 00:21:49 You got to close your eyes. I got to, I got nothing else to do, sit in an LA traffic. Yeah, but then you make it an accident. Well, I know that. I'm more of that. I've been with you for almost 40 minutes now. I haven't seen you dig through your bag once. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:21:59 In the middle of the show, I dig through your bag. Ah, you dig through your bag. I'm always digging through my bag. Emily, about 40% of the time that I'm with Emily off air, she is bent over or crouched down, like she's like a rice patty picker, and she's digging through her bag. What am I looking for? I don't know, it looks like the image,
Starting point is 00:22:12 and I imagine a woman trying to crawl back into the womb and then the person's the womb. Always should digging, looking. I just get so much stuff in my bag. I do, I carry, I have like a phobia of like, not having what I need. Yeah, so a lot of time you're just looking to make sure that your phone's still working. We should digging looking for answers. I just get so much stuff from my bag. I do, I carry, I have like a phobia of like, not having what I need.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Yeah, so a lot of time you're just looking to make sure that your phone's in there. Make sure that this is in there. Yeah, you're really needed. You're just trying to make. No, we're always in the glib loss and like, you're taking stock of what you have. No, I'm not taking a stock.
Starting point is 00:22:36 I'm looking like from my keys or you know, the lose stuff. I lost my driver's license. It turns out it's a rent to car in San Francisco so I had to go to the DMV twice today. Oh, that's fun. Oh, dude, I almost died. I didn't even be a brood without him. Without currency because so I had to go to the DMV twice today. Oh, that's fun. Oh Dude, I was died the movie brewed without a forget I went to one like we don't run twice We went to one I got there at 8 a.m. Hello
Starting point is 00:22:52 I'm doing it. I'm proud of there though. Oh Jesus. I got there and they were like oh I got a wait in line for 20 It's oh no, we don't get replaced lost and stolen licenses of this DMV. I'm like you're the DMV Yeah, there's now you've partitioned DMV. We'll go to this one. Right. Fuck you. Well, how, how do you, you left it in San Francisco? I lost it in New York.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Oh, okay. During the fist fight. Oh, really? That's what? That bitch might have your hair. No, I actually lost it on an airplane. Cause I got home, okay. I flew out in New York.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Okay. Never didn't land a day. I bet you it's somewhere in your purse. Maybe we'll just pull it into it later. I know, I've checked everywhere, but you're right. It's whatever, it's coming. It's coming. Okay, I've got some emails, but first I'm going to tell you
Starting point is 00:23:31 all something else that's going to, this isn't in my purse, but I wish it was because I need to, I feel like, okay. So. What's not in your purse? I'm really curious. It's toyed, okay. I bet it isn't there. No, because What's not in your purse I'm I bet it isn't there no because it's big Your purse is massive no that's this one. Okay, here's the thing. I've got a no-pook in here I've got a lot in here. I got a water bottle. She's going through her bag
Starting point is 00:23:55 Okay, it's been 43 minutes and she broke I was I was feeling anxious You went through your bag just now is minor, but now you're going full force get out of there. What are you doing? What is that? She has a paper. Oh, it's from my optometrist. Is that an invoice? Why are you looking at your invoice? Okay, so let me just tell you this. I don't know. I was like, oh, they gave me an invoice. Okay, listen. Okay, I picked up my sunglasses for her. Okay, there's this new toy Anderson. Okay, you know what you hear me talk about. You talk about toys a lot. Okay, so this toy has actually like,
Starting point is 00:24:27 and I feel like I want everyone, every woman on the planet should own this, and it's only $99. It started out for as $900, because the doctor invented it. Here's the deal. It has, I already thought that I was having great sex, okay? And, because I do have great sex. And no, I wasn't always a great sexie, but I just work on it, okay? And, because I do have great sex.
Starting point is 00:24:45 And no, I didn't always have great sex people. I just work on it, okay? You practice what you preach. Yes, I do. And this product, so you know the importance of chaglocker exercises, men can do them, women can do them. But this is for your pelvic floor. No, it's for your pelvic floor.
Starting point is 00:24:58 So women over time, your pelvic floor drops, drops start dropping your 20s, your 30s, especially if you have kids. And it just weakens. And so we say do your chaggot exercises, which is why I have my app chaggle camp. I'm like, well, that'll be a great footprint in the whole chaggle ward and do your chaggle.
Starting point is 00:25:15 So you remember, you don't like your, you don't like, you, uh, pro-elapse uterus, have to have kids. You don't have the floors sagging, yeah. So it's, you know, you, it's the stop and start the flow of your, but it's hard to remember five minutes a day. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:27 So this doctor invented this machine. So he made it into a vibrator now. So it looks like a rabbit vibrator, okay? A rabbit. A rabbit. Like those ones that are lawy, insertion with a little bit of urine. It's like an old screaming tool. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:40 However, it does your keggle exercises for you. Five minutes a day, five days a week, you lie there on your bed, it inflates, contracts, conflates, and it's doing it for you. It feels really good. It's strengthening those muscles, and then you have an orgasm. But it's the most like relaxing, you're getting,
Starting point is 00:26:00 you know, okay, you know what it's like, I hear- It's like putting a puffer fish in your vagina. Have you ever been at the gym on the treadmill and thought you don't be great? If I could be eating a pizza and exercising, you know what it's like. It's like putting a puffer fish in your vagina. Have you ever been at the gym on the treadmill and thought, you know what'd be great? If I could be eating a pizza and exercising, I'd never had that thought, ever had that thought. So, or God, I wish these pushups would give me orgasm
Starting point is 00:26:12 and we rarely get to experience pleasure while maintaining our health and well-being. And now, like lying in my bed, I'm doing something that was good for me because when I started doing kegels, when I had my app, I literally, I was did them for a month because I like committed and I was doing it at five days a week, five months a day. And I had stronger orgasms.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I wanted, because those muscles become, so like your whole clear shirt, you become tighter down there, right? So women always worry that I stretch out, but like after kids are just in life, it makes you tighter. And you can have orgasms just by like squeezing your legs together and I mean more turned on. It was like, it makes you tighter. And you can have orgasms just by squeezing your legs together and I mean more turned on. It was amazing. So now it's like, I get to do this. These exercises without having to actually sit and do them because it does it for me and
Starting point is 00:26:52 I'm masturbating and it's relaxing and meditative. So this product is called the intensity. And then again, it was ventive productors. They've opened the biofeedback machine. They're like, let's just sell this to the people. And it takes all the confusion out of kegels. And it's a vibrator and a kegel-actorcizer. Intensity is the only device that combines pleasure with pelvic floor toning.
Starting point is 00:27:14 And it perfectly targets your G-spot and your clitoris with gentle electrostimulation, which sounds scary, but it feels amazing to contract your vaginal muscles. And it improves your overall sexual satisfaction. I'm telling you, since I've been using it just for a month, my orgasms are stronger. I can have multiples, and they last longer. So the stronger your pelvic floor muscles are, the longer and more intense orgasms you are. And if you're a woman who has urinary incontinence, IEU, LAF, and UP, you jump on a trampoline
Starting point is 00:27:44 and UP, this will be gone in a month, okay? And sex is amazing. If you're a woman who has urinary incontinence, IEU, Laff, NUP, you jump on a trampoline, and you P, this will be gone in a month, okay? And sex is amazing. So check it out,, P-O-U-R-M-O-I-D-C-O-E or you can go to and click on Zibanner. And you will love it. I mean, I just, I don't even know if I need another toy. Okay, also speaking of vaginas, why don't we move on to penis as permescent?
Starting point is 00:28:08 Permescent, one in three men suffers from premature ejaculation. And you know what guys, you don't have to. And even if you're not a premature ejaculator, but you just want to last longer, this quickly absorbing delay spray by permescent allows you to have the sex that you want. It's not like you have to think about baseball or your ant marker with your furry mustache to stop yourself from coming. You can just use permessant. Your partner doesn't have to know you're using it.
Starting point is 00:28:31 It helps you less twice as long in bed. Thousands of your neurologists are recommending permessant, the only FDA-approved treatment. For PE, go to to find more. That's PROMme Okay, some emails. Let's do emails. You like some emails? Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Hello, Emily. Oh, people's. Thank you for listening to this show and emailing me. And you guys have been so greatly when you email me, some people are listening, some not so much. All I want is your name. I want to know how old you are and I want to know you can change your name too if you don't want to give your real name, but
Starting point is 00:29:08 how old you are and where you're listening from. Where you live? Why don't you have one of these great new people that you're working for you, make a form that they fill out? Well a lot of you'll just email us feedback at I know but like you can have a forum on your website. That's true. We do have a forum on the website too. I don't want to ask Emily a section. You're going to fill out all the pertinent information. have a forum on the website too. I don't know, ask Emily a section. We have to fill out all the pertinent info. We're relaunching the website soon. I'll add it to the list. Email Madison.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Any nipples on there? Mine nipples? No, not yours necessarily, but you know. No. No sex. No sex. No sex. No sex.
Starting point is 00:29:39 No sex. No sex. No sex. No sex. No sex. No sex. No sex. No sex. No sex. No sex. No sex. Exercises that you're suggesting people do or new techniques. Maybe I didn't watch this video while you try this out You know with nipples. What is that little porn in there? No, no Okay, hey Emily my girlfriend I've just started listening to your podcast on road trips and such and I've learned a lot and helped us open up a lot
Starting point is 00:29:54 We are both 20. She's only been with me I've only been with one girl before her and we both know we are going the distance We've been in a long distance relationship for the last two years and it's been very successful in the distance. We've been in a long distance relationship for the last two years and it's been very successful. When we do get to see each other and get things get heated, I often get softer as soon as the condom is on. It's not a major issue, but haven't tried anything else yet. Also, you say time and time again to be more open and communicate in such, but I haven't found an episode where you really go into how to do that. Any tips to make this easier and a little less awkward would be much appreciated. We love the show, keep up how the awesome work you've helped us in
Starting point is 00:30:29 many ways and look forward to the continued help. Thank you, Andrew from Phoenix. Andrew, here's a deal. Thank you for writing and I'm so glad I've helped you out. You guys out. That makes me happy. I picked you guys driving along the car. It's awesome. Okay, some research does suggest that a third of college age men may experience erectile problems associated with condom use. And this happens at most likely Andrew, because in your early sex years, putting on a condom still requires a little bit of effort and focus. You know, like when you first get your driver's license and you really got to pay attention
Starting point is 00:31:00 to how to turn and what you're doing, and then eventually it just becomes a road. So that could take away from some of the arousal and what you're doing. And then eventually, it just becomes a road. So that could take away from some of the arousal from what you're doing before. The challenge will be for you and your girlfriend to learn how to get the condom on while still doing things to help you maintain arousal. And sometimes it can just mean you're kissing and touching while one of you puts the condom on.
Starting point is 00:31:20 And if you feel more confident of putting on yourself, ask your girlfriend to kiss your neck, stroke your thighs, or possibly even touch yourself in front of you. And if it's sexy for her to do it for you, you can play with her while she gets the condom on. You can practice with cheaper condoms, either together or on your own, so you feel more confident doing it. And it's also a smoother transition.
Starting point is 00:31:40 You might not be as likely to be distracted and lose your reaction. You can also try, this always helps, A condom safe, lubricant, water bases best, and have your partner give you a hand job with it over the condom. So it's an issue, you can put a little tip of a loo, a loo and a tip of the condom and then she rolls it down and then she can even put loo over it and give you a hand job. So all is not lost here. Because the loo could provide extra sensations that will help you stay around until the sex begins.
Starting point is 00:32:08 So, the important part is to make sure that the act of getting the condom actually on is fun and sexy in part of four play. So, you can also try other brands because maybe the brand you're using feels like it's falling off or it's too tight. I don't know what's going on, but I'm a huge fan of skin, SKYN, condoms because they're polyisoprene, which means they're non latex, they are super soft, but they feel they're thin, but they're like super durable. I don't know, I just, everyone I've recommended to love them. So you can just try different brands, see what you like. And as far as I
Starting point is 00:32:38 know, is how to talk about it and communicate, we actually did a podcast called Sex Scripts where we walked through some possible scenarios and actually acted out how to have certain conversations with the partner on a range of sex topics. So check out that podcast to communicate better. But a few things, I just thought I'd give you a few pointers though. These are the sex script shows into very specific things that the partner people can talk about. But here are some tips that will help guide you through some sex talks. Number one, when you're about to have a talk with your partner around sex,
Starting point is 00:33:10 know what it is that you want to talk about. So before you even bring up the conversation, you need to know, hmm, what do I want to accomplish here? Do you want more sex? Do you want less sex? More for a play? A different kind of for a play? What is your end goal?
Starting point is 00:33:25 That way, you make sure the conversation is constructive and doesn't have your off course. Second thing is timing. Timing is everything. No matter what the topic, sex should always be approached. You've got to talk about this outside the bedroom in a neutral setting. I always think it's great when you're like going for a walk or you're on a road trip because sometimes having the sex talk when you're like looking when
Starting point is 00:33:44 you're face to face can be more uncomfortable. But if you're like walking the dog or you're walking down the street or a road trip, you can much easier have the conversation sometimes when you're not making eye contact. And it should never ever happen in the bedroom, not during sex, believe me, not where you want to go. And the tone, tone can be a huge issue. So no matter what problem you're addressing and no matter what kind of relationship you're in, your tone, tone can be a huge issue. So no matter what palm you're addressing, and no matter what kind of relationship you're in,
Starting point is 00:34:07 your tone, it should match the nature of the talk. And I'd like to, you know, I think that most of these talks, even if you're having a really hard time with your sex life, you want to keep it light and playful. About something fun, you want to try. You know, you want to be like, you know, okay, I think our sex is great. And maybe we can try this,
Starting point is 00:34:24 because you really have to be careful by your sensitive feelings, about want to be like, you know, okay, I think our sex is great and maybe we can try this Because you really have to be careful about your sensitive feelings But your partner sensitive feelings because you know what? Sex competition on wrong can be really hard to make right so just be mindful of these things and then finally keep it positive Keep it non-accusatory by using eye statements instead of you for example I think it'd be really sexy if you and down on me rather than why don't you ever give me blowjabs. Right? Which one would you be more likely to react to Anderson? I'd be nonverbal. Yes. That wasn't one of the questions.
Starting point is 00:34:55 No, it wasn't one of them. I'm sorry. He's working. No, I was saying like if you're like you never any time you use that you if I was your partner and I was like you never do this you never do that but I was like God it makes me feel so good. We take out the trash honey. Mm-hmm. You might be late is what you're saying No, it's the true of manipulation. Yeah, whatever it is Now I'm just saying don't tack when you say see Anderson you never show up on time for the show right what? This is a real thing It's not true you and I fluctuate with you being right people get defensive all the time and it's it's the wrong thing to do but it's
Starting point is 00:35:27 hard not to do it reactionary and i did it just today and i i i only and i apologize to the old wife there and i'm like i know that that was me and i apologize and i shouldn't have said she's in her back she's going in her bag right now she's trying to be sly about it she's got a back guys she has a giant bag within a bag she is in the smaller bag of the two bags going I'm going to town tomorrow, and I'm trying to, I was packing stuff. It's like a, I'm a makeup.
Starting point is 00:35:49 It's like a Russian nesting doll of purses. What, what do you have to get to there? What do you get? Nothing. What do you, what do you have, right? Nothing, a mint. And that's good for, for radio? No, I'm not going to.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Okay, it's for after. Listen, stop talking to me like that. Okay, flirtation in the workplace. How do you feel of flirtation in the workplace? If you're single and it's a big workplace, why not get more motivation to come to work? I guess. That's true. It's true. You make sure you're like pretty. I dated someone years ago in the workplace. No one can know. No. Yes. Well, in college, I was a waitress and he was a bar. I was a cocktail waitress and he was a bartender. Shug in. It was fun boning the bartender because.
Starting point is 00:36:26 It was fun blowing the boat. Boning. Boning. Because then I drank for free. I would have anyway been a waitress. I drank for free all four years of college because I was a waitress in the same bar and drank for free and got in.
Starting point is 00:36:37 It was awesome. It was actually the best I've ever had because it was dollar pitch or night and then guys would just give me a five. It's a keep it change babe. Oh really? And I'd cash all through college. It's so awesome.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I don't have cash like that leg running. No, not anymore. No, like, can I make money? Shake it. I made $40. Very proud, she is. I bet she'll go back to the Golds Club when everyone's to go this week. Oh, you should do that.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Try and make $50. Hey, remember me, I made $40 last time. I tried to make $50. Okay, here's another question. Emily, I got a question. I boo with this girl at work. I've got what? Here's another question, and then you start off with Emily.
Starting point is 00:37:24 I got a question. I've been into this girl at work. It've been, what? Here's another question and then you start off with Emily. I've got a question. I've been into this girl at work. It's a professional setting, but we find time to flirt and joke around. She also jokes around with a couple other guys at the office. So I'm not sure if she's into me or just flirting. What is the best way to approach asking out a girl that you work with? If she isn't into me, every work day will be awkward and I'm sure gossip rumors will start. But I don't want to miss a chance to take her on a date if she is interested. If she isn't into me every work day will be awkward and I'm sure gossip room will start,
Starting point is 00:37:45 but I don't want to miss a chance to take her on a date if she is interested. Any advice would be helpful. Freddie, in quotes. How do I leave his name Freddie? Right, answer to you Freddie. Okay, office flirtations are tricky ground because if it doesn't go well, there they are,
Starting point is 00:38:03 that they're all the time. Brutal. You can't get rid of them, it's just plain and comfortable. So do some little bit of recon before making the move. Figure out if she likes you or if she's just being friendly, friendly and flirty to you. So for the side of it though, the girl might just have a case of the flirts.
Starting point is 00:38:18 It range a hangout. What? I don't know, they say that in my office. I've got the fields, I've got the flirts, I've never heard it, yeah, but if you've young kids, Millennials. Yeah, Millennials, out there not flirts. I know I don't know they say that in my office. I've got the fields with the flirts I've never heard it. Yeah, but the young kids millennials. Yeah, millennials out there Not I know I can't we even said this orgasm in I can't return yet. I don't like the kids of the flirts It sounds too close to something else. I like it. What?
Starting point is 00:38:37 Okay, got it. Okay, so I will you could do is you go to a few options here Friday You can arrange like to hang out with a bunch of co-workers like a happy hour, which it's one thing I've never had a big all I've always worked for myself mostly I never really big that's all go for happy hour. Yeah, and you have an either. No, I can't do the office thing I'm not welcome there I don't know I think it'd be fun But you guys can all go out and see how she acts is she flirting with every Tom dick and Harry in the office Every dick Tom Tom's Harry dick spend some friendly Harry Dick and Tom. Tom's Harry Dick.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Spend some friendly casual time with you guys. Regular workplace helping find out where she stands and gives you a chance to get to know each other outside of the professional office setting. And look for some signs if she's really interested in you. Does she lean close when you talk? Does she lean close to when to when you talk? Does she hold eye contact?
Starting point is 00:39:24 For a concentrated amount of time. These are, these are sweet she touch you these are all great cues But Freddy's gonna be like focusing on what she's doing those other guys. She laughs a lot of jokes But here's a thing you gotta fuck up those spreadsheets. Yeah, but if she is doing this with all the other people in the office Then it doesn't seem like she's you know particularly into you. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't make the move, but you should say, hey, when are you and I gonna get some drinks one night? If she's really into that, I don't care if she's, maybe she's like, everyone,
Starting point is 00:39:52 and just like, trying to figure out who she likes. Who knows? But rather than falling into the friend zone with this woman, she could be flirting with six people, but if you're the bold guy who's like, let's get dinner Friday night, why have this? Friday night I'm taking you dinner. See what're the bold guy who's like, let's get dinner Friday night We're she Friday night. I'm taking you. Why is Friday night. I'm taking you dinner Hmm see what she says. She's like can't go she says no then it's awkward though
Starting point is 00:40:11 No, it's not that awkward. We're like okay fine I was gonna take you this far coming you know come for the fun show out. This is great show I'm gonna see got tickets see she come with me. Okay, that's that's better as a guy be specific be specific about make a plan We're all really worried about rejection actually I had I had a conversation with a 15 year old boy just last week at camp about he was like shocked to learn that women are also worried about rejection. He thought that they didn't have problems with it. I think they might have more problems with the reject.
Starting point is 00:40:33 You did the mint. I told you not to do the mint and you got the mint. Okay. But here's one, I waited out, I'm really fixated. Yeah. Pussy foot into it, you know what I mean? And that's like to ask, I talk about a popular movie or something.
Starting point is 00:40:46 You say, okay, you know this, have you heard of this movie? I heard it's really good. And she shows any interest, be like, hey, I'm going to see it. Say, okay, I'm taking you Friday night. Or I know what you're doing, because girls like women like it when men are very decisive and they have a plan. But if he's not too sure and he's worried about rejection,
Starting point is 00:41:02 just saying, hey, I'm going to see it this weekend if you want to come along. That's a good point. If she says yes, then you're kind of your foot's in the door. If she says no, you're not really being rejected. That's true. She just can't go this far. And then it won't be uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Yeah. Okay. Take it either way, but I think that you know, go out. And even if you can't get all those groups of people together, nothing wrong with saying, hey, did you see this movie? Let's go for it a night. Or do you want to go out for a night? And she's into you even if she doesn't have any any interest in that movie, she'll pretend that she does
Starting point is 00:41:26 because she wants to go out with you. Exactly. So that's how we do it. And I would make this happen sooner than later because it's probably taking away from your productivity work. I would think so. Yeah. When you're stressed about someone at work.
Starting point is 00:41:39 She just took the mint out very softly. Why do you have to report everything you're doing? I like to paint a picture for her. I like to paint a picture of you. What else do I do during the show? Now she's got her arms out, like she's running for president or something. Chicken water. You just looked like, who does that?
Starting point is 00:41:52 You looked like Nixon. I'm thirsty. Okay. Are you wearing your dildo right now, neck tonight? No, you're not. You don't have that vibrator on there. No vibrator. You get to wear it to the,
Starting point is 00:42:03 oh, you get to wear the vibrator to the family reunion. All right, your neck. No, what should I do? I don't have that vibrator on there. No vibrator. Yeah, that's for. Oh, you get to wear the vibrator to the family reunion. All right, near neck. No, what should I do? I don't even know like, what to wear. You gotta go one to wear. You gotta go like, really slutt it up, like short skirt and like tube top and like high heels.
Starting point is 00:42:15 It's 57 degrees in San Francisco. Is it really? Dude, it's the coldest place on earth. No one knows. The coldest winter ever spent with us summer and San Francisco. It's true. I looked up the weather 63 high 57 though And I always joke with people they're like, oh, I love sin for a
Starting point is 00:42:28 Outfit for a coat Yeah, I've got a lot of faux fur or you go really like conservative you got to go hard one way. I don't have conservative Oh, you don't dude. This is me tanked up every day. I am not changing myself for anybody ever Not just goes you. You'll be fine. I'm I'm wearing nothing, okay? Do show up later. I'm going to make it. I'm going to make it. I'm going to make it. Do show up later.
Starting point is 00:42:49 I'm a little bit late. Okay, but it's interesting. I'll let you know. I'll report back. I was thinking to bring them some candles. A massage candles. I thought maybe not. Well, these parents are married a long time.
Starting point is 00:42:57 It's nice, a nice gift, but they might kind of see them as sexual candles. But I'm sure they have sex, they're like been together like 40 years. Maybe not. Okay. Okay. Okay. 40 years. I'm sex with the same person. Maybe they need a friggin massage candle. It's all I'm saying. I'm saying. Okay. Well, we've got a question here about doggy style. I was joking by the way. I made a sex with
Starting point is 00:43:18 the same person for 40 years. I signed up for it. So what I'm doing? Yeah. Married. So you know what? You'd be happy if I brought you massage candle in 40 years. And and I'd be happy to start my wife who wants to have sex with me 40 years from now So good for you guys you guys are sweet. Okay, Emily. I'm Greg 37 from Houston nice job Greg I was a sincere podcast about penis size and sexual peaks I heard you say that you've never heard a man say that he did not like doggy style Well doggy styles very frustrating for me. I'm four 1 1 half or racked, 4 1 1 1 inches or racked. And staying in is extremely difficult. Every time I've tried it with a woman,
Starting point is 00:43:53 I slip out so much we just slip to missionary. Any tips? Okay, Greg, thank you for proving a very important point. One sex position does not fit all. Not everybody loves doggy style, not everybody likes every position. It can be tricky if people who have an average size member, especially if you're doing the thrust heavy doggy style
Starting point is 00:44:14 you see in porn, but don't give up on doggy yet. When it's done, it's all about the angle. It's all about the positions. It's all about using a sex furniture like wedges or shoe back can be archived inside. But when it's another angle, there's a variations of doggy that can work. So check this, you'll want her positioned in such a way that she's able to comfortably place her head and shoulders on the pillow while having her bottom raised in the air. So she's lying flat, she's not
Starting point is 00:44:41 like foreign to the floor. But her bottoms raised to help create the most effective angle, her back should be arched and her thighs should be drawn together. You lean forward during penetration, maintaining as much physical contact as you can comfortably manage. This will keep things intimate, enabling her to reach her sexual peak as quickly as possible. So you're leaning forward and you're leaning on her. This version is less about thrusting and more about moving your hips and swiveling inside of her, which are more likely to also hit her G-Spot.
Starting point is 00:45:17 And if you want to make sure that she enjoys it, try having her user vibrator. I'm sure she does it anyway. She puts against her clip. There's nothing like a great free and literal vibe when a guy's doing doggy style because you use the Mimi, the J.J. Mimi, which I'm obsessed with as you all know. I still to this day of my 100 to vibrators. I just, I like, on my trip, I'm bringing that.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I'm bringing sex toys to the house with the parents. FYI, you understand? You're gonna wash them in their kitchen like you do at your house? No. No. I have a toy cleaner. You have a what? I have a toy cleaner.
Starting point is 00:45:48 They're like wipes. They're like wet, wet, wet naps. Okay, so listen, if you'd like to be sure your partner enjoys a wet, yeah, okay, try the Mimi also have against her Clitoris. Plus good news, the G-spots only a couple inches inside her vagina. So you're in the optimal position for hitting that and giving a girl the G spot. So just try this alteration of the G spot like of the doggy style because you know there's so many different hacks that you can do different positions to make them work for you. But I do appreciate you pointing this out and I feel like that could be useful for you
Starting point is 00:46:19 there. Yeah. That's it. They say the motion of the ocean. Yeah. And like the you just gave them some great motions for the. I did. I did. the ocean. Yeah. And like, you just gave them some great motions for the ocean. I did, I did. His ocean is firm. I mean, people just always go straight to the thrust. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:46:30 And you don't always have to thrust. Don't thrust. It feels really good to go in and out and circle around. It's really strong. Yeah, it's a little circle. Totally. Okay, so that's what I've had time for today. Anderson, I'm great.
Starting point is 00:46:40 How was everything you're doing a show this week? Oh, yeah. We doing an after-disaster. It's going well. We did the destination disaster, which is selling like hotcakes. People are really enjoying our trip to Death Valley, where we did a podcast. Probably the lowest point. It is the lowest point in North America, and I think that we might have done,
Starting point is 00:46:57 it's like 250 feet below sea level. That's where we did part of our podcast. I think we might have be the lowest podcast ever in the history. No way, people are buying the video. Yeah, people are paying for the, it's a, yeah, destination disaster is Google it. I don't even know exactly where to go to get it. People love it and I'm sure you can find it.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Okay, find it. If you're a fan of the after disaster that is, and the film is going bigger than ever, we're doing really well. And we just did top five movies we wish never got made. Oh, that's a good one. I wanted to do negative very often but that was a good one. Okay, that sounds good. That sounds good, Anderson. Well, I'm a chicken kid. And I love seeing you.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Great to see you. And everything else you guys, please subscribe to us on iTunes and review us. So if you're already on your iTunes, you listen through the podcast app. If you like us, review us. We love that. Also, follow me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. It's all sex with Emily. And it's not just some boring tweets and me doing selfies.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Sometimes I do, but really it's a lot of information. With you and I, selfies. We do questions with us. No, but a lot of times on our Facebook page, which you might not have seen, it's super popular. We've got great blog posts and we're always updating the site and you're gonna love it, love it, love it.
Starting point is 00:48:03 And gosh, I just love you all. Thanks so much for listening. Was it good for you? going to love it, love it, love it. And gosh, I just love you all. Thanks so much for listening. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at Let me tell you about this. One more thing before you go.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I want to talk to you about your penis. Flashlight is the number one sex toy for men. For a reason, it feels like you're actually having sex with the vagina or a butt or whatever it is. It is anal sex mom. It's amazing. It is invented by NASA, the material you put your penis in and it feels like you're having sex.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Now you're thinking, I got a hand, whatever. All I'm saying is I've never had any of you listeners and I'm telling you I can see how many you're buying. You guys are loving it. No one said, why did you make me buy it? I hate it. It feels just like sex. Your partner can give you a hand job.
Starting point is 00:48:51 It just mixes up your own routine. If you want it to last longer in bed, you can use the stamina training unit. It's made of body safe material. You can use it over and over again. You just come in and wash it out. It travels well. They got a new one called the flesh, I go. You can take it with you and go on the airplane.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Yeah, you can take it anywhere. And you know, it's a, and what's a good Fleshite experience without some award-winning Loub? If you go to my website, click on the Fleshite banner, use code Emily, buy yourself a Fleshite, you'll get some of their award-winning Loub. So do that now people. Thanks for listening. Love you. Bye. some of their award-winning lube. So do that now people. Thanks for listening. Love you. Bye.

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