Sex With Emily - Different (Sex) Strokes for Different Folks

Episode Date: July 7, 2015

In this Sex With Emily podcast, we’re talking cuckolds, fetishes, orgasms and so much more. Emily is taking to the emails to answer all of your most pressing sex, dating and relationship questions. ...No matter what you’re into or how you like it, she’s bringing you the tips you need to embrace and enjoy a full sex life!  Are you confused about your orgasm? Does your husband dislike blowjobs? Are you really really into pantyhose? These are just a few of the emails Emily tackles from our loyal listeners. She shares her knowledge on fetishes, oral sex and orgasms, and explains how these issues can affect your relationships and your confidence.  From blended orgasms to sex in hotel bathrooms, this podcast takes on a wide variety of sex and love issues. Everyone gets turned on or off by a unique combination of things, and Emily is here to help decipher the signs! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Today's show you're going to love. We're answering all your emails about orgasms, fetishes, jealousy challenges in your relationship, sexual confidence, and so much more. So thanks for listening. I need to talk to you about some things in very exciting news. You all know I love my magic wand. My magic wand vibrator that I've talked about for years. It's been around for 30 years. Not mine personally, but the Magic Wand has been, we called the Cadillac of all vibrators because it truly, if you've never had an orgasm, you want to have multiple orgasms, this thing started out as a personal body massager and now it has taken over as
Starting point is 00:00:39 being the top vibrator for 30 years. But now, the big news, a vibrateatex the company that brought you the original magic one They have released it from its cord. There is no cord. There is no limits to how you can enjoy it is now rechargeable Do you know what that means? Do you know what that means? We could take it you could like go camping You could take it anywhere I know before that you had to bring a generator to plug it into hell I know men is too much. It's out in the wild. I know. before that you had to bring a generator to plug it into your account. I know, menace team members. It's out in the wild.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I know, it's crazy. And it's really good as a new silicone head. It really feels amazing. I have to say, and it has more speed patterns, four amazing vibration patterns, intensity settings. I'm so loving that magic one, rechargeable. And you should check out their website, magic, because if you've been hearing about this magic one thing for a while and you haven't really even bought one yet,
Starting point is 00:01:29 you gotta check it out. Read more about it and it'll be your sure thing. It'll be your go-to and you can use it during sex, the whole thing, during intercourse. I hope you love it as much as we do. I know you will. Fill us in. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our secret institutions. Betrubized, they call them in a bygone way. Hey, Abelene, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry? It's shrink?
Starting point is 00:02:08 Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm off your cell. Oh my god. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can listen to all of our podcasts,
Starting point is 00:02:40 sign up for our mailing list and do that. Sign up for it because it's a good time. It's a good time email once a week. And also, we get two shows a week. So easily you could subscribe. You could listen on your smartphone. You could listen online. Hurry up and listen.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Hi, Manus, what's up here? Hi, how you doing? I'm so good. Good. We had a great couple of shows. The best couple of shows. They were fun. A round table.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I know. What did you think about that? That's a single people. That was awesome. That was awesome. And then casual, it's the casual sex show from last week, right? Madison's here too, producer Madison. Yep, last week. And then I announced that I have a dog, my dog, Chiro. And a lot of people for the sex family podcasts are following the dog and loving the dog so found on Instagram my dog Churro. Yes, I'm loving it C-H-U-R-R-O and then yeah, so this was been going on with my life Just you know working like crazy. I'm gonna take some vacation. Go to Boston in New York So what's up? How long you gone? Do we know this schedule?
Starting point is 00:03:39 I Don't know probably not We might need to do some show so just let me know where you're gonna not. I think the pass of bias, because we might need to do some shows. So just let me know where you're going to be. I know. All the scheduling has been up to you before that. So I don't know. I love it.
Starting point is 00:03:53 But I love that you're traveling. So the dog is a bright, you go to the together. Is your girlfriend wanting to get pregnant now? No, no, not at all. This is very like anti because she's still just a puppy. Yeah. So she wakes up at the middle of the night. And Yeah, so she wakes up in the middle of the night And I can't really wake up in the middle of night because I have to work every morning
Starting point is 00:04:09 I Get up at 3 a.m. And then so she has to wake up so it's kind of put her in a bad mood because She has to work and she has it. Yeah, that's a bummer. I mean you have to wake up every two hours But she's so cute. Oh the cute cute stuff. Every two hour because she's not trained yet. Yeah, she's just a baby. Can you send her to like a school to train for like a week and then you bring them back and they're trained? I believe you can probably do that.
Starting point is 00:04:32 You should do that. Yeah, a dog boarding school. No, people do that like my brother. Yeah. He like adopted a dog. He was like, take the dog for a few weeks. Yeah, I'm sure you can do that. But that costs like thousands of dollars.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Yeah, exactly. I'd rather go to Boston in New York York, and do the dogmas all. No, I totally got it. Totally got it. But I think that's exciting. Congratulations, Mollstone's part, what they say, and the Jewish people. Thank you so much. You were kind of talking last time that you were going to go on a date in how that goes.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Yes. I did end up going on a date, and it was just mediocre. I ended up cutting it short. I had to make a pay. How do you cut it short? You say I have a really early meeting tomorrow. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, which were all true. And I just wasn't into it.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Here's the thing. I think that so much about life is trusting your gut and your instincts about people. And a lot of what I've done in dating is stayed too long. As you know, I've dated people for too long. I kept employees for too long, you know, giving people a chance, whatever. But a lot of times you just know.
Starting point is 00:05:31 You just know. You're growing as a person before. You know, I don't really like them, but I'm still going to go out anyways. I know. Someone told me that yesterday too that I've go, oh, I was with my friends from San Francisco, on town this site.
Starting point is 00:05:42 They're like, wow, you're like Emily. Like they haven't seen me in three years. But remember, do you remember my friend, Stelio, who has that amazing house in Noi Valley, we used to go, he moved to San Fei, but we used to go to his house, we used to go to his house, it was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Awesome. Yeah, and he's been my friend for 15 years, and he's like, I can't even believe the, like what you're talking, like I was, he knew he was like making no money. I'm like, instead of paying taxis $40 for their port, can I drive you to their port, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:07 And I tell him all the business, he's exciting. So yeah, I do feel like I'm growing up. That's great. Thank you very much. It's good. So yeah, the date was at, and then I had a wedding this weekend in O'Hive, which is so funny. So I went, have you been to O'Hive?
Starting point is 00:06:20 I've heard of it. It's pretty. It's like on the Weed near Santa Barbara. I know you and I are like so Northern California. Everyone's like, having happened to O'Hive. I'm like, okay, I'll tell you about, like on the Weed near Santa Barbara. I know you and I are like so northern California, but it's like having happened to Ohio. I'm like, okay, I'll tell you about, I know Napa, as you know. I know Big Sur, but I don't know much. So Ohio is really pretty.
Starting point is 00:06:32 There's lots of spots there and stuff. But I went for friends wedding, funny enough. I a guy met on the beach in Thailand 15 years ago when I was traveling. And Israeli guy, sweetheart, we had a weak fling on the beach 15 years ago. Okay. We're Facebook friends.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah. So I was in Israel, as you know, and he saw that I was in Israel and he said, oh my God, you're in Israel. Are you gonna be in Tel Aviv? I live in Tel Aviv. I'm marrying a woman from LA in a few months. She lives with me. I think you guys, you'd be, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:00 and I haven't talked to me for 15 years. Uh huh. It's awesome. I'll come meet up with you guys. So we all went out, I love his wife, literally, we did not stop talking the whole time. She's awesome, so they're like, come to our wedding. So nothing awkward, weird,
Starting point is 00:07:11 that I hooked up with our husband 15 years ago. I don't know, I've been invited to weddings, where I've had past relationships with somebody, and I never go. But it was a week in Thailand. It was still, it's. 15 years ago, not even a week. It might have been three days.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I know what the groom are, you know. I'm trying to look like naked and all kinds of crazy stuff. No, but we are at a YouTube. It's been so long, and here's a thing. I think where she's so funny though, because she said, well, when he said you were from LA, because I'm not from LA, I'm from San Francisco, but anything in Michigan.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I thought, and she's from Beverly, like she's from Beverly Hills. She's like, I just thought, oh, God, she's going to want a big name game. No girl. And then she's like, oh, my God, but we just love each other right away. And you're right. It is all my friends are like, you're going without a date without knowing anybody. And I'm like, just driving up to Oh, hi, never been. So I got there. And it's, yeah, I love Stagg, by the way,
Starting point is 00:08:02 at a wedding. But it was really fun. It was at their family house outside, and it was half a part of Israeli, part of American. And it was beautiful. And they met on Tinder in Israel, because she lives in Israel now. Yeah, they met on Tinder. Wow. It was exciting.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And I just know you love all my ex-boyfriend story, but you don't have a boyfriend, but ex-boyfriend. I just think the connections in life, if you can keep them going, if you spend time in your life with someone that you really care about, because we have a history. If you really cared about, but you know what, I met the girls,
Starting point is 00:08:32 but I met, they have such interesting friends. If I had gone out with them in Israel and it was a bust and they were boring, would I be at their wedding? No. But I found them very, very interesting people, and I love that I went out. That's totally cool. I would hang out with them like 99% of the time.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I just want to do it at their wedding. That's all. We're just different. There's a casual wedding. You go on trips with your ex-boyfriends with your girl and boyfriend. We're just different people. Which I'm going to do that.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Again, right, totally. We are different people. But that makes the world go around. So it's funny. Our last show about casual shacks, I just want to do a mention. Do you put this in this email in here? Oh, because going back to that really quickly, someone said they listened to the show,
Starting point is 00:09:13 and after listening last week's show with the panel, one thing struck him, what happened to sex being an act of love? Well, sex was filled with physical excitement, promotes pure enjoyment, when one performs sex as an act of love, not just lost personally. I think it brings you another level. Maybe it's topic for another show.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I think he was just thinking that we didn't talk about love enough during casual sex, which was a casual sex show. I just wanted to ask Anthony, thank you for, I love when you guys email me your thoughts about the show, specific examples. I just want to appreciate that. And please tell me what city and how you listen to the podcast and the email. you listen to the podcast. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:45 I listen to the podcast on- I'm not getting any emails now, but for some reason that was just there and I wanted to bring it up. On iTunes or podcast one or whatever and what city you're from, you can even say, you know, a fake name. It's all good. But to answer his question too, it was more like about one night stands and, you know, just casual hookups.
Starting point is 00:10:04 I understand the love part. I love talking about love and hope that people find somebody that they spend the rest of life with. Emily might not be on board. She doesn't think that'll ever last. But that wasn't the topic at hand. Right. That wasn't the topic at hand.
Starting point is 00:10:21 But I think it's, he was sweet about it. It's a good point that we could talk more about love. We did. We're just searching for a friend. No, we are, but it's funny that you should say that also I was on a podcast as we could guest on Susan Pinsky's podcast called Calling Out With Susan Pinsky and she's like psychic mediums on the show. And I got my red bio psychic in in she was New York on the phone.
Starting point is 00:10:42 She didn't know me, but she said that she did see. God, I wish I could. The podcast just came out today everyone. You should check it out. in, in, she was in New York on the phone, she didn't know me, but she said that she did see, God, I wish I, the podcast just came out today, everyone, you should check it out. It was really funny and it was good and it was my friend Emily as well. And she said, she just read a lot of stuff and she said that she knew that I, um, she said I'm going to write another book. It's going to be very successful. She said that, um, I'm going to have some kind of something like a sex move or something that I call the Emily, or I'm going to do something Emily of something, like a sex move or something that I call the Emily, or I'm going to do something Emily, or it could be a vibrator, she said,
Starting point is 00:11:08 can I say a vibrator? She said that's going to also be very successful. As far as meeting someone, she said, I've never really been in this space too, and I just kind of pick and choose whatever guys, but I'm not really into it, but there will be someone coming into my life in the next. I've already told you the next big thing.
Starting point is 00:11:22 What? Emily's box. I know. And he just put toys and samples and stuff like that. I'm selling my box. I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm just like, I'm not. Emily's box and then people get a monthly box
Starting point is 00:11:35 of this cool products that you, that's what I'm saying. That's some condoms. I know. Dude, I know how much I'm trying to like, I understand, but I'm just giving you an idea. I love it. Emily's box, who wants to manage my
Starting point is 00:11:48 Emily box program, email me feedback at I'll give you a percent of sales. We'll talk about it after. I'm telling you right there. Yeah, no, we just need someone to spearhead. We don't have, we don't have those people on the, we call the loot crate that I'm
Starting point is 00:11:59 friends with and they, they've already done millions of dollars in sales within less than eight months. See, what's it called? Lead box? Lead, great. But it's like comic content. I know.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I mean, I have got my Emily. Tony products, I've got. You know what I'm talking about? But don't in the box. Everybody wants your box. I know. You do Emily's box kind of presents. I like it.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Emily's sex box. You get into it. You get into it. No, you're right. Emily's box. Yeah, you can be on TV and say Emily's box. I like it. So sex box. I like it I like it, monos.
Starting point is 00:12:32 And then wait, did I guess I didn't, Anthony, I kind of have right, it was at two. Did I get that? Well, no, at that point. Yeah, no, I think so. Yeah, he was just trying to speak up for the people who believe that love makes sex better. Yeah, love makes sex better.
Starting point is 00:12:43 And thanks for having standards there, Anthony, because we're down to the queue. Okay, so I got a little sex in the news. All right, do it. This one's pretty intense. It's pretty disturbing. Okay. Anastasia all just busted calling patients
Starting point is 00:12:56 manhood penis Ebola during surgery Ebola. So this man was knocked, if he was under, he went under to have surgery, right? So when he was doing that, you know, you know, they put you under the anesthesiologist, you're knocked out. The patient, he was doing a, what, a colon, colon, colon, colon, colon, colon ask me, which is the most vulnerable person can be while knocked out anyway, even a doctor broke your body. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And let's see, I have penis surgery like me. So here's the thing. Oh, dude, that was so, gosh. I wish I, like, I'm wondering if there's any video author of it. I was in that of your penis. Yeah, my penis. Well, listen to what happened to this. The patient had set his phone to record. So he wouldn't miss the doctor's post op instructions, but ended up
Starting point is 00:13:37 taping medical stuff, staff joking that a rash on his member was probably tuberculosis in the penis or penis Ebola. It goes on. I mean, he recorded them like the end of the day, he was joking about the rash. They said he wasn't really a man. That man annoyed me his first five minutes in here. After five minutes talking to you, I wanted to punch you in the face and man you up a bit. I think he's probably gay. I'm going to mark hemorrhades even though we don't see them and probably won't.
Starting point is 00:14:03 That was the worst part. When I was reading it and she's like kind of doctors are these If he was being a a hold then whatever no, dude, you don't talk like this. It's terrible And they're he's doing yeah, yeah, I stick some stones people get over it actually really quick Shout out. Yeah, shout out to my GI who listens to the show the guy who did my colon ask me doctor Shabetty is like in love with this I don't think that's gonna work out, but I say I trust you with your colonoscopy is doctor Right you would never do anything this off. No, we just bad. It's just bad
Starting point is 00:14:35 Fisquely anything happened to this guy. No, yeah, he's doing over a lot of money Yeah, yeah, they called us peanut smold and they a lot of money. You jam a jean, they called us peanut small, didn't they? They slander. Oh, wow. Slander. They said he had to eat bullets at peanuts. He's the one that has the audio.
Starting point is 00:14:48 He didn't put it out there. He's the one that's slandering himself by putting it in the public. Well, I think he actually was just like bringing it to like lawyers because he wanted, I think he heard dollar signs when he was listening to it. He was like, well, that's rude. And then I was like, oh, wait, I make money off of this.
Starting point is 00:15:02 And now it's public. You know what, it sucks, it's embarrassing, and I would be upset to you, but to go ahead, to go to the studio. No one knows, just got rashes on the penis. Yeah. To the other hand. To the studio, you're being a pussy, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:13 OK, got it. All right, man dresses up as a giant penis to another penis, story to promote safe sex. A Norwegian sex education charity wants to encourage people to use condoms and have safer sex. They can't put a really novel way to promote their cause using a man dressed up as a giant penis. Philip, he's 19, was the lucky one to get the unusual job. He dresses up in a giant penis
Starting point is 00:15:38 costume and runs around beaches and parks giving people a fright as he sprays them with golden confetti, apparently all in a good cause. Kind of like a golden shower. I thought I was hilarious. If I can do a good thing for others just by being a dick, there's nothing better. He says. Now the reason why he was a winner for this, I guess apparently there's casting is because he was six six foot four inches tall. So I wonder. Wow. Size does matter when you want to dress up as a penis. It doesn't really matter with a penis. The other thing is,
Starting point is 00:16:08 Madison, can you show me, that penis is so, did you look at the picture? I did. Let me see this penis. Let me show you. It's the most awkward, stumpy, like it, I got it right here.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Look at this costume. Do you think this is weird, minus, look at it. Oops, look, it's how it's how it's how it's how it's how it's how it's how. Oh my goodness. That it's even a penis. It's like a thick, it's like a, it's hot in town. Oh my goodness. That it's even a penis. It's like a thick, it's like a...
Starting point is 00:16:27 No, I would say that was a penis. But it has balls on it. Oh no, but it's bizarre. So what is he doing? He's going up behind people on the beach. Do you remember that guy at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, he's a jump up with the trees behind you? He'd have like a tree in his head.
Starting point is 00:16:40 He died, by the way. He did? Yeah. Well, there was two of them, so one of them died. I'm sure there was a few, but this guy jumps up on you and he's a penis, but they're trying to promote safe sex, so I'm all, you know, I'm all for that. But suddenly lots of people, he said,
Starting point is 00:16:53 once I touched the penis, take pictures with the penis. I almost felt harassed. I mean, I would definitely throw that guy in a hug. Like, you'd want a picture of you just hugging your six of your penis. For sure, I actually want the penis costume. But I'm all for safe sex, so whatever they gotta do, because apparently there's a high STD rate
Starting point is 00:17:08 and they don't use a lot of condoms in Norway. So that was the point. Good. Good to know. The jumping up behind people, come on. This kinda ridiculous. Spraying them with glitter. Oh my God, it's penis!
Starting point is 00:17:20 Okay. How mad would you be? I'd be so mad. I don't like a dick in the back or a dick in the box or a dick surprising me. Okay, emails. Men, tell them what they got you to do when they email us because I think you're really convincing to the people. They listen to more.
Starting point is 00:17:34 When you email us, this is all you have to do. You don't have to use your real name. It's all good, but we'd love to hear what area you're from and how you listen to the podcast. Like if you listen on iTunes, if you listen on podcast one, are you just listen at Just let us know because we like to see where we should focus on. Exactly. And you also said, sorry, I was talking about it.
Starting point is 00:17:58 You said to put your name and where you're from and all that. Yeah, and always wherever you get the podcast from, if there's a place to comment on the podcast or review it, just do that. Not to guilt-trip you, but that's the least you can do. Emily works hard every day on the podcast. Please just do that. And then she can sleep at night.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Okay, thank you. That's all I want to sleep. Okay. Hi, Emily. I've been dating my boyfriend for three months. We are both of these are the emails. Yeah, feedback at Love hearing from you. Hi, Emily. I've been dating my boyfriend for three months. We are both of these with emails. Yeah, feedback at, love hearing from you.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Hi Emily, I've been dating my boyfriend for three months. We are both 23 and he is my first boyfriend. I love the idea of blow jobs. I haven't done much of them, but my boyfriend doesn't like them at all. When I get near him with my mouth, he says, not to bother, it doesn't get him off. We do talk about sex and I've told him how much I love to get them off with my mouth, but he doesn't seem into it,
Starting point is 00:18:47 is there a way I can convince him to want more blow jobs? PS, love your show, Malina. Wow. Having gotten many of these emails, although I've gotten some, I've gotten some that guys don't love blow jobs, and women feel sort of like maybe they're doing something wrong. Yeah, they're probably terrible at it. This is more common.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Yeah, there's a lot of women that aren't as great, which is why I'm taking my blowjob workshop and oral sex workshop on the road. We just did that killer one at hustle last week. And I think it is more common than you think here, Melina. Some guys, you know, are blowjob fanatics. Some guys aren't.
Starting point is 00:19:18 And he just might not be entirely comfortable with that. Maybe he has like a post traumatic blowjob disorder where someone gave him a really bad blowjob or you heard him sell for maybe he just in the two other times he had blowjobs who knows he wasn't able to get off that way. So I'm not sure. It's just like people have limiting beliefs about how they can orgasm. But I mean men, do you know guys who don't like blowjobs? Ah, no. I don't know any guys. But the only reason that I would think would be is they just receive really bad ones.
Starting point is 00:19:48 And then they go, it's not even worth it. I rather just have sex with you, you know? Yeah, or maybe, right, exactly. And women do, I think in their, you know, I'm not going to stare at type, they're someone who are great, but there are certain things like, you know, having enough pressure, having enough saliva, making sure it's wet, like I'm using my hands, using your hands, using your mouth. I mean, I just think that,
Starting point is 00:20:07 Malene, if you want to like read up on some blowjob, think I'm just like, hey, baby, try this one. Tell me you can't come from this. I mean, you could have some fun with that, but first ask him why he's not a fan. Maybe like I said,
Starting point is 00:20:16 he had a bad experience, he could be insecure, it could be some religious reasons. Maybe he feels he can't last that long. And then so he'd rather have, you know, a once a guy Maybe he gets to completion It's gonna take him a while to get back in
Starting point is 00:20:33 Fighting chase to have actual sex again, and maybe that's what his his ball is and he might be thinking to himself exactly Like if you if if right if I jack lay you will wear a sex I just think you got to talk to him about it. I think that there could, I mean, it could be a million, there could be a million if anything is going on. It could be that he thinks that yeah, he won't, and you could say if the thing is that he's afraid he's gonna ejaculate and not be able to sex,
Starting point is 00:20:54 you could be like, you know what babe, tonight's all about you, just want you to come. Work on it. Bees your hands, get my hands off, try, try to raise your arm this, but first ask. I mean, maybe it's painful for them, I don't know, but talk to him about it and then practice. You can practice your broad enough skills. If he's down, if he's not, you know, that's what you got to do. We all make sacrifices and relationships.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Agreed. Okay. Next one is about orgasms. All right. Dear Emily. Dear Emily. I am 22-year-old female in a relationship of two years, and I've been listening to your podcast while I run. I've experienced orgasms during masturbation and through sex, but they feel very different.
Starting point is 00:21:31 I'm wanting to know if what I'm feeling is actually an orgasm or not during sex with or without claddle stimulation. When I reach a peak, it feels like a huge way is being lifted off my shoulders and a rush of emotions comes to the surface and a wave comes over me sometimes that even cry in a good way. Is this an orgasm or close to an orgasm?
Starting point is 00:21:51 Anita. Anita, I'd say you're having a friggin orgasm there. Yeah. Now, it's true that your orgasms during masturbation might feel different than your orgasms during intercourse. It sounds like you might be having a blended orgasm or a g-spot orgasm that's more internal with his penis. I'm not sure how you masturbate.
Starting point is 00:22:12 If it's clearly, it definitely does feel a little bit different. But it sounds like you're having that full body emotion, shaking, crying. I believe you're having an orgasm. I mean, also wouldn't, wouldn't there be some fluid also? Is she squirted, you mean? No, I mean just a little bit, right? If she's having an orgasm. Sometimes there's fluid, yeah. I mean, do you not feel sad, is there something that I wonder where she's asking, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:40 if she's not totally sad? Because I always feel like you just know, you just know. But there's, again, like if it was triggered by literal caresses in a course, G-Spot stimulation, we don't know. Orgasms in context are different too, because they're very exciting. If you just fell in love with someone in a relationship, it could be like you could just be having
Starting point is 00:23:00 a lot of emotions right now. During lovemaking, if there's longer sessions, he's touching everywhere. They could be more intense climaxes that it built up to. But I would say, stop questioning it. That sounds like you're good to go. 00.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Just go with it. I know. The first couple of times I had orgasms, I was kind of like, whoa, what is going on here? You're not 100. You know, it feels good, but you're not 100% sure. If it's an orgasm, if it's close, like, the buildup feels like an orgasm in itself,
Starting point is 00:23:28 and then the actual orgasm happens, you're like, what in God's name was that? Right. And you're still practicing, you're gonna have, I mean, you know, good for you, keep going, keep mastering, keep playing with yourself, you're gonna know, it's good. Okay, but first, now, before we get back to fetishes,
Starting point is 00:23:42 which I know, minus let's talk about that, we're gonna talk about our sponsor, Emily and Tony, which is actually my candles that I make. I have a brand called Emily and Tony. You go to Emily and Tony. And if you've never heard of a massage candle or used one, you're gonna want one because it is,
Starting point is 00:24:01 I made it so you'll have better sex and it'll spice your sex life. Because it smells good and it's fun to use. Have you had fun using it? Um, me personally. Oh, he does some massage. It's okay. I mean, I don't massage.
Starting point is 00:24:14 You like the down under comfort. I love the down under, the down under comfort. It is awesome. That's for your balls. But I use the candle all the time. Yeah. You know, for the house. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Just not as massage candles. But my co-workers, which remember, I don't know if you remember, they gave me a bunch to give my co-workers and they absolutely love it. I love it. Okay, that's good. So basically it's a messa, it's a candle.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Look, it's a beautiful candle made in France. It's made of amazing ingredients. If you care about that stuff, a Roman therapy gets you in the mood. But what happens is you light it, you blow it out and it turns into warm, sexy, sensual, luxurious, and massage oil. That's fun to play with.
Starting point is 00:24:50 And it's not, yeah, it's like, I put it on at night, people like, I have no one massage. I'm like, I give myself a hand massage every night, I blow it out and it's not like, it's not this kind of like, you know, like a lot of massage oils you get like all over your clothes and your bed, you got changed sheets, it, sticky, this stuff is just warm, it sticks to your skin, not anywhere else, and you'll love it. So check out Emily and Use code sexwithemily for 20% off your first order, that's Emily and Check it, you'll love it.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Just say you must spend your sex life. Do it. Okay. What? You have other stuff with Emily and Tony. I don't under comfort. Uh-huh. Which is, oh, well, the summer, we could talk about that too. It's a cream-to-a-powder form. Who did I give it to? I was at a party the other night. After Susan Pincies
Starting point is 00:25:33 podcast, Ray von from American Idol, was a friend of her, whatever he's done right now. And his stylist for American Idol was there and he's like, he said, you Emily, he's like, I use your diet and your comfort. I've given it to everyone on the road with American, I've changed our life because it's a cream to, I mean, a lot of men use talcum powder. And they sweat or women use it under their breast, lower back, you know that dripping sweat in the summer when you just can't stop it.
Starting point is 00:25:58 It's coming from every pore. And you use the odorant, but like what do you do about your ass sweat or your boob sweat? Or you put this on, it smells amazing. And it, no rash, no, no, no chafing. And you actually feel fresh. Let's just say you don't have time to, you work all day and you have a date right after, you apply this and you, you'll smell great.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Because what about if you're working on that, you have a date after it goes really well, and then you smell down there, you're not gonna get laid, you know? No, exactly. And you still smell good at night, right? You don't pop ours, you smell good. Okay, so you guys, that's enough about that. Panihose fetish.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Emily, I just love pantyhose. Everything about them, how they feel when I put them on, how my wife looks and feels, and how other women look. I've mentioned to my wife how sexy she looks, and I bought her some pantyhose. What are your thoughts on pantyhose? And how can I incorporate that more into our sex life?
Starting point is 00:26:52 Thanks, Marcus. All right. Okay, Marcus, this is not unusual to have a fetish. Usually this is define fetish. Typically you need the object present to actually have an orgasm to ejaculate to be aroused. And so you're saying that, you know, laundry fetish is, that's focused on panos, totally common.
Starting point is 00:27:13 For some people it's like the look, the feel, someone get aroused when you put it on yourself, totally get it, but it sounds like you're interested in all of it and you want to incorporate it into sex. So why don't have your wife wear some, do a sexy strip tease for you? What are those thigh highs? Those are super sexy still made out of panties. Yeah, there's also people that are really into it.
Starting point is 00:27:35 You didn't mention sniffing panties, right? He did not mention sniffing, but there's a lot of guys in the singing panties. I know, we were just talking about the today because on the... On the Woody Show? On the Woody Show that I do, they were just talking about the today cause on the... On the Wattish show? On the Wattish show that I do, we had this thing called Freak of the Week
Starting point is 00:27:49 and we read just like Craigslist ads. And in the ad, there was one guy who was just like, hey, I'm looking for somebody to sniff their panties. And that's it. And he goes, by the way, I live in my car. Oh my God. It's crazy. There's something for that internet.
Starting point is 00:28:07 That internet. But it's weird because some lingerie, I think, is hot, the girls with boy shorts and stuff like that. But the stuff that has all the crazy straps. I know, you don't love that stuff. We've only talked about that. They're trying too hard. So cheesy to me.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Might be of when I was a kid and I would see like girls in the lingerie on posters and so like 80s and they should have Aquinet like frizzy hair and something like that. I know. I know. But some women like lingerie and some men find it sexy. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves.
Starting point is 00:28:42 They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love it for themselves. They love Here's a thing, menace, even if you don't find it sexy, for a woman, which one has you put on the matching panties and your bra or your wearing slant-rate, we feel sexy, it gives us confidence. So, hopefully that transfer, because we all know that confidence is the sexiest thing you can wear in the bedroom.
Starting point is 00:28:54 So if you're feeling really good about what you're wearing, that's gonna help too. But here's the thing with you here, Marcus, is that she can do a strip tease, you could even have her wear like a cheap repair and rip them off her. I think that's hot. I've got to do that once I rip off my pantyhose.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah. Yeah, have you? This rip them? It has. It has. Ripped them. Like you ripped off the crotch and boom. Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Yeah, I was like, I'm down. She can wear them during sex too. Like if she's wearing thighs or you could rip a hole in it, if she's cool with that, they're cheap. You buy them like a dollar of the drugstore to be like her fancy ones. Use them as bondage to blindfold. You said you want to incorporate them.
Starting point is 00:29:29 If she's cool with you wearing them, you can wear them, but she could also wrap around your eyes and your face, you can smell them. And she could blindfold you. You could trace them across your naked body. The material, she could wrap your penis in it very lightly and use like, she could use like drape it over your penis, the feeling of that, she could use some beads,
Starting point is 00:29:48 she could use some feathers. I mean, there's different things she could do to tickle your penis using incorporating it. The possibilities literally are endless. So if your wife is down with this, it's his wife, correct? I'm cool with it, do. Just keep talking about it. Yeah, go for it.
Starting point is 00:30:03 I love it if a guy was, I mean, if he was like, I'm really into you wearing sexy. Just keep talking about it. I would love it if a guy was, I mean, if he was like, I'm really into you wearing sexy lingerie every time it's sex, I'd be like, or sexy, whatever, I'd be like, cool. Yeah, you would love that. I would, that's true. All right.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Okay, we're gonna time for another one. Dear Emily, I've been dating my partner for about a year now and from the initial point of our relationship, he made it very clear that he genuinely is not jealous. At first I thought, okay this is great but it's time progressed he repeatedly talked having three sums with either men or women, claims he would enjoy seeing me with someone else, this isn't what concerns me. It's the fact that he says he would like me to have sexual encounters with other women behind his back and then tell them about it, claiming that what turns them on is the cheating aspect of it.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Another huge concern? I have is that recently there was a conversation about Facebook and he claims that he doesn't mind if I explicitly flirt with other men online and even talk about sexual things with them. I am so confused as to what all this means and to be honest, I don't like it one bit. It makes me feel undervalued and somewhat self-conscious. Any advice? Is it just a bad situation that will only get worse? Exo, Exo, Emily. Her name's Emily as well. Okay, how long have they been together a year? Okay, Emily, it sounds like it's like a borderline, cuckold fetish when you want to see your partner with somebody else, usually it's another man. It doesn't mean that
Starting point is 00:31:22 he doesn't value or find you attractive. It's sort of like his fetish. His desire is predicated on seeing, part of it, is predicated on seeing you with other men or other women. And it's kind of like a desire to be, that you want to be turned on by being spanked or something like this is what visually would turn them on. And so it's like he wants you to cheat, but he wants to know about it because it's the thrill of him getting off. Yeah, I don't understand that at all, but I know there's a lot of people into that. Right, I mean, a lot of people are,
Starting point is 00:31:54 but you have to have both partners that are into it. So there's way to like carefully walk into this situation, like maybe you do just start talking about it when you're having sex. He could say like, oh, I think it's so hot that you know, watching you. Oh, what are how those situations go down? Like, is there, is the guy, like, let's say the husband?
Starting point is 00:32:13 Is he just in the corner saying, yeah, do that, you know? Yeah, they are. They get commentary and stuff like that. Yeah, I mean, it's kind of like a, it's kind of what we say. I kind of like, I happen to know about this because we had to do some research. We had a doctor David, was he the one, who was talking about hot wives and stuff. And literally it's the excitement comes from watching your wife.
Starting point is 00:32:31 It's almost like a shaming thing, like an SNM thing. It's like a submissive thing. It's like the shame and the like, I don't know, the kind of like aggression that comes from watching another man like ravage your wife and watching her enjoy it. So they literally sit in the corner with their penis in their hands and kind of like watch it. Yeah, they watch it.
Starting point is 00:32:48 But it's that, but it's also sort of, did you say it's also sort of a shaming thing? Yeah. Whereas it's like my penis is bare, I don't feel as good, but it's like, it's just like how pain and pleasure are so closely linked. Yeah. But if you're not comfortable cheating on your boyfriend as, but he's not even calling it cheating, indulge the fantasies other way So it's talk you got to talk more about this the threesome idea further again role playing and then you could dirty talk it
Starting point is 00:33:12 Tell him about a fair that hasn't even happened yet or maybe what your fantasies are and just see how that go is You might be able to rope you into this. I don't know but if you don't feel comfort with it It's a good time to know a year in yeah, this is not the kind of thing that every woman's going to come around to, but this is happens. And I'm glad that he's telling you, because I don't think you should wait too long sharing sexual fantasies with people. No, not at all. Man, if there's any sexual fantasies you'd like to share with me,
Starting point is 00:33:36 please go. Otherwise, we're going to wrap up this puppy. All right. Fantasies. Try and think. What's, wait, let me ask you first. What's your fantasy? I need to update them.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Let me see. I haven't, I think I've done a lot of things that I want to do. My fantasy would be, I don't know, I guess I'd like to do a little more bondage. I mean, I've done some, but maybe some of these little more experienced, little more bondage play I've had three sums. I've been with the woman. I've done a lot of stuff. I got to update. There's got to be more You got to make a new list. I need to make a new bucket list. Yeah, Madison any fantasies for you'd like to share on parting words I was just thinking about that. I need more time. I need to think these things out I am in the spring and I'm just gonna be the sex of them late off the top my head
Starting point is 00:34:23 I'm like, I don't know. I'm so boring. I'm like, ah, like windows open, the hotel on the beach. Yeah. Sounds nice. I have you next week though. Yeah. Oh, yeah, with his family. I'm like sleeping with his sister. I'm not even like sleeping in the same room with them. Wow. They're tradition. Well, they're traditional. And he's got your sister has an older boyfriend who's coming to us. It's more of like a they don't want them to sleep together. So my boyfriend and I
Starting point is 00:34:44 can't sleep together. Kind of boyfriend and I can't sleep together I think we do bus kill We're gonna have sex in random places. Yes, be careful with the stand in your ass though. Oh no hotel battles Yeah, I don't think that's gonna make it happen. Okay, the other thing I wanted to say to everyone is follow menace on menace At menace the witty show you can download the podcast. Yeah, they we just talked about you again today You're coming up on the show. Do I'm just come in there? We just talked about you again today. You're coming up on the show. What was that?
Starting point is 00:35:03 Do I'm just coming in there and now you're not in the line? D-E-E-E. A bondage came up and I talked about how we had to people on the show and like all the stories that they shared. Right. Because some story came up about bondage and I go, oh, that's mild. I go, when we had guests on on the sex family podcast. They shared crazy stuff crazy stuff It's crazy. Yeah, I mean that you gotta listen to it. It was sunny mega chart. What was it called sex with sex with sunny mega sure
Starting point is 00:35:32 Yeah, but yeah, no, that's what no, it's not we called it. We called it um I know it's here that day. No, no, no, I'm talking about old school Oh, yeah, San Francisco bondage. Yeah, yeah, check out our shows you guys you can find out like this shit was talking about like your nation in the Oh, she was a dominatrix from my sex school. Yeah, Sarah. I remember that okay We got a lot of podcasts. She was saying how like some client was upset because she drank coffee before it was like Blowing my mind. I know we should have been turned If she said she had a lot of requests for that we should get more people like that We have a lot of fun. I know we'll put it on the list. Yeah. What do you guys want
Starting point is 00:36:07 to hear about the show? Yes. If you've been listening or even if you just started, you're like, God, I really want to hear. Blank email me. Feedback at sex with Emily. Also, I'm going to be in New York, September 18th to the 20th for the sexual health expo, which we've had great success with it. We've been, we did it in Los Angeles and then we did in Phoenix. Now we're going to be in New York. I will be giving you more information about that. A lot of people, when you heard I was teaching my house to workshop, you're like, come to my town, come to my town.
Starting point is 00:36:33 If you can arrange it, you can figure out a way to get me to where you're at. I will come teach you. We will come talk. I'd love to meet you all. Thanks a lot. Also, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It's all at slash sex with Emily. I love you all.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Thank you, Madison, great production. Thank you, Menace for being fabulous. And I love you all. Thanks for listening. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at Okay, everybody, this is where I talk to you
Starting point is 00:37:02 about your penis again. If we haven't talked about your penis enough, I'm going to talk to you about the fleshlight, which is the number one sex toy for men, because it really, well, it just really is. It's the only one that you want. It is a masturbation sleeve. Oh, and they just came out with the go this week, is that true mass? Yeah, it's just lighter. Yeah, it's closer to the size of an actual flush light,
Starting point is 00:37:27 but it's not more compact on the inside. So the outside is more small and more discreet. Inside exactly the same can still accommodate 90% of men, I believe. Yep. It's just more travel size. It looks more sneaky. And check out our Instagram,
Starting point is 00:37:40 we posted a really funny video yesterday. Oh, I got, we posted the best video yesterday, sex with Emily, but just, I don't know, you guys, I've been talking about this for a year and a half now, and I know you guys are all loving it because every guy you got one is like, oh my God, where's it been my whole life? And it's not because you're not having sex, it's not because you're dissatisfied with your sex life,
Starting point is 00:37:56 it's just like how I have a million vibrators or some of them have two, it's fine. You should have something as well that just feels a little different than sex, just as good as sex, and a little different than your hand. And also, if you want to last longer in bed, the stamina training is awesome. So do me a favor, because I love you. And if you love me, go to, click on the flashlight banner,
Starting point is 00:38:15 use code Emily, and you get a free bottle of the award-winning flush loop. Thanks, everyone, for listening. Love you. for listening. Love you.

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