Sex With Emily - Does Size Matter?

Episode Date: November 4, 2011

Free Friday: Emily talks with guest Nicholas Sher about his Inches for Charity, what's jelqing and how does it make your penis larger, vibrating cock-rings, Kim Kardashian is getting pathetic, spide...r foreplay, Lindsay Lohan vagina mold, do women stop performing oral sex after marriage?, why men are obsessed with big penises and is bigger really better? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that block our secret institutions Betrubized they call them in a bygone way hey, Emily You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair stand. Oh my the women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, though? What do you mean, like laundry?
Starting point is 00:00:26 It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm so, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with.
Starting point is 00:00:38 You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to It's free Friday, everyone. Happy free Friday. You know this every Friday's an episode for all everyone who wants to listen to our shows.
Starting point is 00:00:52 We do shows Monday, Tuesdays, and Thursdays for our friends with benefits members. You might want to become a friends benefits member right now because you get all of our shows. You get free discounts on things. You get your email. You get all of your sex questions, relationships questions, answered right away, your email goes to the top because you know we get hundreds of emails from listeners and just consider me your personal sex and relationship coach.
Starting point is 00:01:13 So if you are a friend of benefits member, but we love all of our listeners and I hope everyone is looking forward to a great weekend. So today's show, very excited about my guest, it's Nick, he's Nicholas Scheer, he's the director of Inches for Charity. It's a documentary focusing on penis size with a goal of raising money for age and children's organizations in South Africa. His website is And we're gonna talk to him a little bit.
Starting point is 00:01:39 He's been working with men and penis size. We're gonna talk about like, one of the top questions and Kelsey's here with me today. Menace's on vacation. he's at Disneyland or something. Hi, Kelsey. So, so we, one of the, and Kelsey reads all of the emails that come in right away, like lots of men are concerned about penis size.
Starting point is 00:01:56 We actually got an email today about some guy who's worried about his seven inch penis. That's a nice penis. Yeah, that's a great penis. What is the media doing? He's too big. He's watching too. He's what? Could even be too big. But he's worried about a seven nice penis. Yeah, that's a great penis. What is the media doing? He's watching TV. What? Could even be too big.
Starting point is 00:02:08 But he's worried about a seven inch penis. I mean, men, guys, I got to say that Nicholas is going to chime in on this a little bit, but I feel like the men are way more uptight about the penis size than women. He agrees. He's nodding. Okay, so anyway, we're going to talk about penis size. We are going to be answering some of your emails and doing a little bit sex in the news.
Starting point is 00:02:26 And Friday, what am I doing this weekend? I am, oh, I'm going to a Moroccan party tonight where I have to dress Moroccan. What are you gonna wear? I don't know yet, I gotta Google it and figure it out. So I'm going to a really fun party tonight. What are you up to? Um, I'm gonna go to Berkeley and be boring.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Really? That sounds boring. Hang out with my boyfriend and watch a DVD. Maybe a porn DVD? Yeah, maybe. Okay, because you know, I've got some for you. You need it. Check flick. Yeah, make him watch a chick flick.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Guys hate that ship, but whatever, you can do it. If you wanna leave a message on our voicemail, anytime we'll answer your questions. 415-9927-392, we'll play it on the air, and we will answer your questions that way. And I got to give a shout out to Adam and Eve. You know, if you need a sex toy and you probably do more than half of all people have based all these studies have come out lately that so many people are using sex toys.
Starting point is 00:03:15 We had a story on the show yesterday, a new study came out, a section of the news, a part of our sex and the new segment that men are not intimidated by vibrators. We always think that men, they're going to be intimidated, but you know what? I feel like vibrators are like a man's BFF. It's like, you don't have to do all the work. The vibrator, a lot of women need extra-cliteral stimulation, and it's awesome. So if you want to go to, they've got a new mobile site, and they've got a mobile site you can order from your phone.
Starting point is 00:03:41 And I recommend to start out with a pocket rocket or a vibrating cock ring or awesome. So go go to toy there. You get 50% off any item, most items, and you get free shipping, three adult DVDs and a free gift. So please check out Adam and me. I just ordered a cock ring actually. I'm so excited. There's cock ring.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Yay. It's a super nice one. It's like bongo something. Oh, cool. Yeah, I got like five stars and people are like really excited about it So well the reason why they're so cool is because they're vibrating so it helps the guy with his like stamina helps them stay hard longer It also has it reaches the women's clitoris the vibration part and the vibration feels good on a man's penis too So it's a win-win so go order a cock ring or whatever you want want from Adam and Eve. And we're Kelsey ordered them because all my interns ordered toys this week because
Starting point is 00:04:29 we are doing sex to reviews coming up from the interns. Life in their mouths. It's our favorite winner on the show. It's so awesome. Okay, we have a poll that we just got the results from. How did you find out you were being cheated on? Okay, 11% said I caught them in bed with someone else. Is that ever happening? That's such the cliche. Like that really happens. You just think people will be more careful.
Starting point is 00:04:55 But 11%, 23% heard from a friend, 30% looking through their email or the phone, and 36% said they've never been cheated on at least that I know of. Everybody's been cheated on. You think? Well, they say a lot of people cheat. So I know, I don't know if I've been cheated on, but I assume, yeah, I probably have.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I know I've cheated. Long, long time ago. Didn't get caught. You know, like what is cheating? Right, it could just be like Skype set. It's just dancing at the club. I know, it depends. That is, we've done shows on that, like what's the definition of
Starting point is 00:05:27 cheating? Like what constant cheating, if you're sending hot and sexy emails with someone but you've never met them, is that cheating? And I think that could be like emotional cheating. So but then I'm glad that 36% which is the highest percentage here, they've never been cheated on, but we're not sure that that's true. Sorry to break the news to you, you might have been cheated on. Okay, our new poll.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And this was from a topic we did this week, which is a hilarious show. We did it earlier in the week. I can't remember which day, but it was your bucket list. What is on, was it Monday? Tuesday's show was, what's on your sex bucket list? What is that thing that you're like before I die?
Starting point is 00:05:57 I want to have sex under a waterfall or whatever it is. So we want to know what's on your sex bucket list. A, sex in the rain, be getting handcuffed, C, sex on an airplane, D, a threesome, and E sex on a famous landmark. What do you think? Go to our website and vote now. Thank you very much. Okay. So I think anything else we can give some sex in the news. I love that bucket show. If you missed a ticket. Okay. well, first we got to talk about Kim Kardashian. Oh man, what a mess. I know. On the divorce, she says, I'm so distraught, I can't even function. Kim Kardashian is telling friends she is so distraught
Starting point is 00:06:35 over the divorce and torrent of publicity that followed. She's bailing out of her Australian appearances and returning to the US of A. She's moaning to friends. The Melbourne Cup experience, a thoroughbred horse race, is the first time she's ever missed work, but she says she just can't handle it. She's missing an Australian race. She's saying, I need to take care of me now and I can't work for a while. It's unclear if Kim means that she's put the brakes in a reality show or whether she'll be selective as to what she does and doesn't do. So at least she's distraught and has
Starting point is 00:07:04 emotions about this. Like I didn't know if she just got me, had a $10 million wedding just to have a wedding because her sister has a baby and the other one got married, but she's clearly distraught. I mean, I would be distressing just to have to return all those gifts. That would be a big thing I need to do list. She should give those to charity.
Starting point is 00:07:18 She is giving them charity. That's what she said today, that she said in the news that she's giving all the gifts to charity. That was my first question. I'm like, people probably gave her super nice gifts. She should give them to her friends, or she should give them back. If I were to someone's wedding
Starting point is 00:07:30 and I bought them a really nice present, I would want the option of taking that present back. I'd be like, I'll take it back, bitch. You just got divorced. I was like, you're wedding five minutes ago. I'm still digesting the meal from your wedding and you are getting divorced already. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Okay, Lindsay Lohan has a $1 million offer from Fleshlight in addition to her $1 million offer from Playboy. So her genitals, apparently, are a freaking gold mine because Playboy's $1 million baby is just received another offer from a company from a sex toy company. The Hanchos from an adult entertainment company called Fleshlight have fired over letter to Lohan's reps, hoping to seal a deal with the actors which will allow the company to take a mold of Lilo's lady parts to produce authentic Lindsay Lowhand sex toys. I can see that it's not going to be that good. Shockingly, the practice of general molding is not that uncommon in the world of adult entertainment.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Loads of XXX actresses including Jesse Jane and Nailinin, Palin, Star Lisa, and I've copied their private parts for sex toys. And I know Nicholas can talk about this too, right? Nicholas, making clones of I can talk about it. Yeah. Yeah, we'll talk about that in a minute too. We're told she hasn't seen the offer yet. And but that's good. Two million bucks for showing. I mean, I guess at the end of the day, she's not going to get work as an actress right now. She's too volatile and she's supposed to be in jail. So if she can sell off her private parts, I guess that's what you do. Yeah, I mean volatile and she's supposed to be in jail. So if she can sell off her private parts, I guess That's what you do. Yeah, I mean, I would do that for two million dollars. If you're desperate. Yeah, make up like a
Starting point is 00:08:55 I know you're like right now a thousand bucks sounds good. Seriously, seriously You're like buy me launch here's my vagina. Just stick some molding in. It's fine. Whatever Okay, spider for play isn't all this about fun and games Okay, spider 4 play isn't all this about fun and games. They say practice makes perfect and there's a lesson Come footed spiders have apparently taken to heart. Young spiders play it sex before sexual maturity. The behavior as a downside for young males though, who may later be too tired for the real thing. Okay, the aptly named Analysts Somias Studios is, I can't read that.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Land. Is the only spider known to play this way? And a don't-mail hangs out of the web of juvenile female waiting for her to mature sexually, while he waits he courts her going so far as to copulate with her, even though her gentle track is still sealed, making it impossible to fertilize her eggs. Whatever. That's what we got for some science says whatever. If you care about, if you care about spiders and facts, I don't care that much to be on. I want to know what if I have one in my book. Is there a spider position? I don't know, but you know when you're a kid and you do that swing thing where it's called spider.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Oh, oh, yes. you like some little voice. Yes. That was kind of racy. Did you do that? Yeah, I did that all the time. I bet you did. It was too though. It was like super sexy.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Oh, that's hot. Yeah. That is like a spider position. I always used to do that. You probably break this. Honey, do it. Go do it tonight instead of in Berkeley. There must be some kind of swing set.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I'm speaking of my book watch. I just mentioned. It's called Hot Sex. You can see it if you're looking at this, if you're watching the show right now. Hot Sex, over 200 things you can try and buy it in Amazon. Just go, just Google Hot Sex in my name, MLA, because there's another Hot Sex book from years ago. And it's got all these pretty pictures in it,
Starting point is 00:10:40 and it's got 200 things you can try tonight. It's selling really well, buy it in Amazon, buy it at Barnes & Noble. You can buy it in local bookstores too. And I just wanted to give my little book a plug because I love my book. I'm really proud of it. I'm proud of it too.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Yay! I think it's awesome. Okay, so that's what we got for news. Why don't we move into some emails? You, what do we have now? This is what we got. Okay, hi Emily. Me and my wife have been happily married for 11 years some emails. You, what do we have now? This is what we got. Okay. Hi Emily.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Me and my wife have been happily married for 11 years and we have one child. Lately, I've not been having a really strong desire to come inside her during sex. She's currently on the pill. We are not looking to have children. Do you think it's safe for me to finish the deed since we've used birth control
Starting point is 00:11:22 or should I keep pulling out as usual. Thanks guys. This is from DAX and New Orleans, Louisiana. So the thing about the pill is when it's used properly, it's 99.9% effective. So that means every day and the same time without fail. So if she does mistaking a pill, the percentage of effectiveness goes down. But I would say that, Dex, you're pretty, I think you can come inside or within 99.9% rate of effectiveness. But again, if she misses the pill one day, it goes way down. Missing the pill for one or two a month is no longer reliable. And I know that when I take the pill, I was always forgetting it, like not always, but. when I used to take the pill, I was always forgetting it, like not always, but I sat in on your alarm clock or every month you'll be like, oh my God, I'm for sure. Exactly. Exactly. So you never bring in but
Starting point is 00:12:10 somehow, but how do you, I really, I wouldn't worry about it. If you enjoy coming inside of her, I get that you don't want more children and gosh, I hope, I hope that you're not the point one percent that can get pregnant, but it's pretty foolproof. And if you really want to be foolproof, put a condom on. Like, if you wear a condom and she's on the pill, but I don't know, I guess you want to come inside our stale. So I would say that just if she is on the pill, make sure she takes it regularly. I just say do it when you're brushing your teeth.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Like keep the pill box by your, keep the pill case by your toothbrush. I was supposed to take mine one hour ago. Kelsey! You could get pregnant. I know. I'm getting pregnant. Yeah. And the timing matters too that you should try to take it at the same time every day.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Okay. Dear Emily, I'm having trouble with my girlfriend who I've been together with for almost two years. Anyway, I made her favorite recipe when she visited last weekend. She told me she would reward me with oral sex. That weekend, she didn't and said she was too tired. I accepted her apology and she told me she'd make it up to me.
Starting point is 00:13:07 The following weekend was my birthday weekend and we got into the biggest fight we've ever had. To punish me for the fight, she decided that I did not deserve any birthday sex or even the oral sex that she had already promised. I love her with my heart and plan on marrying her, but I'm angry. How can I trust she won't go back on marriage vows?
Starting point is 00:13:25 I'm worried I will never get any oral sex ever again. I want to be able to let it go, but I don't know how or what to do to get rid of the anger I have for the situation. Thanks for reading, love the podcast, your poor but loyal fan and listener, Aaron from San in Tonyo, Texas. Okay, I would say that you've been together two years that this is sort of a red flag that she's using sex as a tool a weapon against you She's using sex. I don't like when women or men use sex as a bargaining tool I think that that's just petty and not cool and wide than weekend before she's too tired and we do talk about this in the show a lot
Starting point is 00:14:03 That do women stop performing oral sex after marriage. There's plenty of women who do it. There's plenty of men who stop performing oral sex after marriage. That's sort of a joke, like an urban legend, or urban myth, they're like, yeah, you get married and your wife stops going down on you. But I mean, I hope this isn't the case.
Starting point is 00:14:19 I do think this is a red flag. I'm not sure what your fight was about, but maybe she's having some issues around sex and she perhaps could have started the fight So she to prevent her from having to perform the oral sex or put to prevent her from having sex You didn't say what the fight was about and you're saying you're planning on marrying her. How do you know you've been together? I mean, I guess you've been together two years The blowjob is going to break the marriage
Starting point is 00:14:41 Is that what this is? I guess though. I mean, I don't want the blowjob to make the marriage You can't you said and you wonder how you can trust you won't go back on marriage vows. Yeah, I mean, this is showing that she's going back on this vow. I don't know about the marriage vows. She's head then, she's probably going to be a terrible wife. She's going to be a terrible wife. No, you're right, you're right.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Exactly. She just seems really volatile. Should we move the camera back? Let's get Nicholas in here. Nicholas, share, he's just made a documentary called Inches for Charity. Hi, all. Come closer to me, baby. Hi, I can close it to you.
Starting point is 00:15:11 OK. If I may just respond to your listeners email, the key would be communication. And I wouldn't want him to walk away from the marriage without first talking to his wife. Right. His girlfriend. his wife. Right. Boy's wife to be girlfriend to be about the issue. And so yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Communication is lubrication and you need to break this down with her and be like, I have, I have fears. Like I'm, I'm nervous that you are going to go back on vows. You may, you made a promise to me, or it was my birthday. We got in a fight on my birthday. And that's just not cool. That hurts my feelings. And so I hope that you'll talk to her.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I think that's a great, great point. I always, that you got couples, it's amazing. And I love that people email you out this, but they don't talk to their partners about it. They're both stewing and angry, eating, get his blow job. People are scared, they're insecure. They don't always want to approach about this kind of topic.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Right. It's kind of scary topic. Yeah. OK. Good advice. OK. Maybe we should move on, too. Let's go to the email about the one that about the penis.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Our way we could do, now let's do that, because we'll penis email. I saved my penis email for you, because you're a penis expert. I have a penis. You have a penis. I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, because God knows I don't have a penis. But I've seen some penis in my day. That's what I've heard. Yes. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. I'm known for, yeah. It's okay. I'm a slot just kidding. Hey, Emily, I'm a 17 year old guy. I've been listening to your show for two years and a bit. I love it. I
Starting point is 00:16:39 used to be fat and ugly, but then I lost 40 pounds. Now I've been hugging up with so many girls. I love all your tips, and it has been a huge help in my life, so thank you for that. So I was at an after party, and I was talking to a girl, and she came over and sat in my lap. As a night progressed, and I flirted for a while, she told me she would hook up with me if her friend didn't have a crush on me. Apparently, it's breaking some girl code.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Now we kept flirting, and she teased, and she, now we kept flirting, and she te teased and she was really hot. She was lying down in the couch with her head on my lap and got up and climbed on top of me. She began to gently kiss my neck, so I whispered her name. She looked at me and looked down. I gently lifted her chin and said,
Starting point is 00:17:19 if it, if it regarding the girl code and we began to make out it was really hot She got up and was about to drag me to a bedroom But then one of our mutual friends intervening got pissed at her and I because we were breaking this code So what WTF is this girl code? Okay, so we'll get to that in the minute We'll get to the penis part so the girl code is and and it's just true It's there's a girl code. There's a guy code. There's hose before bruh. There's bros before hose I don't believe in bros before hose though because every guy I know they'll just be like
Starting point is 00:17:49 Really? So I mean that I guess the girl the girl code is that like if she thinks she this other girl at the party called dibs on you first and So that's a hot guy I'd really like to be with them like girl if you're a good girlfriend You wouldn't hook up with them. So I guess that's what the girl code is, right? It would be timing, though. I mean, did her friend initiate early on and say she liked him?
Starting point is 00:18:10 Dips. Yeah, you got dips. I mean, I guess there is a sort of dips, but as soon as it's annoying, like, did they both meet you that night? Like, if they just walked into the party and the girl goes, hey, hey, hey, he's hot, he's mine, I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Like, she might not have seen him yet, but that is good, the girl code, right? Like, you can call the I don't know about that. Like, she might not have seen him yet, but that is because the girl code, right? Like, you can call the girl code pretty quickly like that. It's like calling shotgun. Yeah, it's like shotgun. Yeah, but it's a little different versus the front seat of the car and the front seat of his pants.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Exactly. I would say, yeah, there's a code for both men and women, but you have to, once in the word, you have to actually go and actually present yourself to the person. You can't just call dibs and then stand by and do nothing. Right. I mean, she probably should have climbed off your lap and gone over to her friend and then listen, hey babe, I find him attractive.
Starting point is 00:18:59 We've got a great connection. Are you cool with it? But clearly, she just started making out with him and the friend got pissed. So that would have been the right thing to do was to approach her friend and be like, I know you kind of called dibs on him, but that's the girl code. Okay, let's get into the penis part. Sure. This is his second question. And this is from anonymous and Montreal Quebec. Okay, the girl joked, don't be getting hard. The girl joked, don't be getting hard when she was on my lap. I blush and said, I'm not. She
Starting point is 00:19:24 responded, I know. And followed with, you're just very adequate. I responded playfully. Are you sure about that? Who says I'm not adequate? She told me that she has seen the outline of my dick through my jeans. She said, I can tell you're very adequate.
Starting point is 00:19:37 If not, I might not be sitting on you and winked. I'm Italian. Not sure that it is a factor, but I haven't ever worried about my penis size. Currently seven inches. But I wouldn't mind having a bit bigger. I've heard of gelking. My question, does it work in penile enlargement and how much can one benefit from this? Okay, so this is from anonymous in Montreal, Quebec, and I got one. Nicholas is the expert on penis and all this. But what I
Starting point is 00:19:58 want to say to you is that I love that you've never worried about your penis size before, and don't let some chick who's like making snide little comments get start you on a complex. And seven inches is well over the average. Yeah exactly. Men in North America the average about five and a half and I think in Europe as well it's probably certainly Scandinavia. It's a little larger. Not sure why it's certainly but they all know. Do all know this penis sizes across the country, across the world. Not off the top of my head.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Right, but that's interesting. They've done studies and there's a map. There's a penis map of penis size here. You don't know on the way. That's a good place to figure out where to move. You're like large penises and you know, Quebec, they go in there. Not that I care about, Peter's size that much.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Okay, so what is gelking? And what works in penile and large, and I know this is, and we're gonna get into this like, heavy in a few minutes. Gelking is a manual method of massage that you do over time, and allegedly it results in permanent penile growth.
Starting point is 00:21:04 And it, right. It's, you need to warm up, you need to use a warm towel, and you slowly massage a semi-arrect penis. You put the penis over your wrist as one of the exercises and you pull gently. And you do this for about 20 minutes. Wow. You can look up gelting online.
Starting point is 00:21:24 There are plenty of videos, guides. Do it, does it work? I don't know. Like most of the non-surgical devices out there, the manufacturers claim they without a doubt work. Part of the documentary is to figure this out. Right. So let's get into your documentary now. That's a nice segue into your
Starting point is 00:21:46 documentary. Before we do, just with regards to the seven inches, we interviewed Nina Hartley, who is a famous porn star and what a wonderful lady. Amazing. Incredibly eloquent, smart, vivacious. And she related a story to us. She slept with many men, many large men, and somebody said to her, well, isn't it great you had a man who's, you know, 12-inch dick? And she said, well, the first six inches were wonderful, but what I do with the remaining, because only six inches is going to fit in. Right. And it's sort of, it's wasted in her estimation. And the, it was wonderful hearing that because we are marketed, men are marketed. And it's probably about time that
Starting point is 00:22:34 men get the rotten end of marketing because women have had a long time. Exactly. God knows, right. And so we have become insecure. And I think porn being so prevalent, but porn actors are such a minute percentage. And it's just entertainment, you know. Right. We don't all have such large penises. And they can get in the way. The number of porn stars that we've interviewed have indicated that it's painful.
Starting point is 00:23:03 So through the documentary, I became somewhat insecure and thought, oh, maybe I should try some of the penis devices. But after listening to Nina talk, it was really interesting. Oh, that's great. So once the document is out, you will hear from people who've experienced large penises and I think you'll get. This is going to be an amazing documentary. I cannot wait to see it.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Let's just recap here, okay? So that you're listening to Nicholas Cher, his organization is And he's doing a documentary, which is a documentary. And it's going to answer the question. Once and for all, is bigger, better. The film explores a subject of human sexuality focusing on penis size.
Starting point is 00:23:48 It examines the various penis enhancing products on the market, the creams, the pills, the pumps, the snake, or all the surgeries, the things at work, and the things that don't. And the end goal of the film is raising money for AIDS and children's organizations in South Africa. I love it. It's a win-win.
Starting point is 00:24:02 It's a win-win. It's a very strange way. We've gotten some criticism for tying in AIDS orphanages and penis size and talking about penises. I'm from South Africa, so this was a way for me to try and give back to the country that gave me so much. And I see a connection between penises and AIDS, and especially in Southern Africa,
Starting point is 00:24:24 where unfortunately there's this number of myths and men are raping young girls in order to rid themselves of AIDS. And so for me there's a very close connection in the subject here and so the benefit is that guys are participating in a penis enlargement regime and we'll get people to sponsor companies, individuals to sponsor for every inch of fraction thereof. And we raise, hopefully, hundreds of thousands for these orphanages in South Africa. That's amazing. I think it's great in sex cells, like you're doing something a documentary that's important as an important message, people are always going to get upset about the sex angle.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Yes, they do. The penis angle. The penis angle can be upsetting if you've got a small one, or if you've got a large one that your girlfriend doesn't like. Right. We've got emails from guys who are like, or women who are like, my boyfriend's penis is too large or my penis is too large, you know, there's both sides of the spectrum. Well, I mean, and women are different, you're depending on how large you are inside. You may want a large
Starting point is 00:25:26 penis to feel full. Right. Or you are petite and a large thing is just going to hurt. Yeah, I know I've heard many stories from a woman who were like it was painful. It was painful to have a large penis. So okay, tell me a little bit about the film. You've got men who have who have jumped on board. How many men are participating in the film? We have currently about five men participating. Actually a number of guys from Iraq signed up to do this. And we just did the exotic expo in Los Angeles to sign up more men. So if any of your listeners want to participate, how do they find you? Yes. Just email me at
Starting point is 00:26:08 We provide you with the stretching device. We provide you with consultation if you have any questions. And the winner of the stretcherthon, the man who stretches the most or gains the differential. It is the greatest. It is right. Our quarter-era. Or quarter-era, yeah. We'll get an all-expense paid two-sy Africa where we will present the orphanage with the check.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I wish I had a penis, I would do it. What a day of surgery. What? I know. No, I don't need you in that bad. But I always wish I had a penis just for a day. So anyway, okay, so these men, how are they doing? Are they, as anyone, are they growing? Does it stuff work? So the stretchathon has not started yet. Okay. We are in the process of setting it up. We want everyone to sort of start at the same time. Okay. And I appreciate you having
Starting point is 00:27:02 me on your show because it has been difficult in getting the word out. Okay, yeah. Craigslist for some reason, keep shutting us down. I have no idea why, because you go on the best of Craigslist and there's some nasty stuff on there. Yeah. But when we put an ad out looking for men to participate within an hour, we have flagged.
Starting point is 00:27:19 How about Facebook? I haven't tried Facebook. Well, be careful. Don't you can't say the word penis, but you could say interest for charity in your website, because I get flagged all the time. You do. They pulled my hot sex book.
Starting point is 00:27:30 You had this as my profile piece, my profile picture the other day, and I woke up in the morning and I had an email from Facebook that said, sorry, we had to remove your picture. And then they just had it. It was like a blank picture of it. It was just like that. That question mark. Yeah, the question mark with my face. But I think if you say inches for charity
Starting point is 00:27:47 and check this out and here's more information, you could try Facebook. I will definitely do. Yeah, and of course, you can put this show that we're recording now on your website, but we'll talk about that after. So, so you're, so you then what happened? So then you're going to, the stretcher time starts.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Well, we were hoping to start on Bastille Day and then run it through Valentine's Day, but that's, you know, it's, we've been doing this now since 2006. It's taking longer than we expect. It always does, documentaries. My partner, Lisa and I, who's helped me on this form, both have other jobs. And so it's just a pain in the back. Right. Yeah. But we hope to start with the stretching in the first quarter of next year, depending on what kind of response we get. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:33 If we don't get the response, I guess I'm gonna have to stretch. Yeah, why not? Cause I'm sort of happy with my average size penis. Right, right, right. But is it permanent? I mean, I know that I've looked into this stuff before and I know you brought some items with you that that are popular for men To use but like you really don't know what you're gonna find
Starting point is 00:28:51 So we interviewed Dr. Levine of Rush Medical in Chicago And he is a doctor a urologist who's been looking into Pyroneastaseach which is curvature of the penis and They used one of these stretching devices similar to... Okay, he's showing us if you're watching us on camera now, which you always can. It was a device similar to this one. This is made by a company out of Denmark.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Okay. Very, very nice guys. Where they have large penises in Denmark, right? They have large penises. They don't even need a Denmark, but hey, I'm just kidding. This is where the device was first created as a medical device. And what you can see on the camera now.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Is you stick your penis through here. OK. And you can see there these plastic rigid pieces, which keep the penis straight. And this attaches under the gland, or the glands. And then you can ratchet this out, and you put the penis under tension over time.
Starting point is 00:29:49 The doctor recommended that you... Wow, I'm just like intrigued by this thing. Okay. Yeah, you don't wear this for two hours because you can lose blood flow. Wow, one more time. You don't want a gang on this penis. No, no. Not really.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Not really. But the doctor in Chicago, what he found through the Peronis trial was that it definitely works for curing peronis the curvature. But they were also finding that it created permanent length as well as girth. Wow. And he couldn't explain why the girth, the supposition on the length is that you have your penis under traction and the cells divide and then multiply and fill the area. And so that creates a permanent length.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Okay. The other device that we are using is from bathmate. Bathmate, yep. Which is a vacuum. Penis pump, right? Penis pump that you use in the shower. What I have found, I don't know if most of your listeners are shaved in the Nether regions.
Starting point is 00:30:57 That'd be good to know. Are you shaved? Feedback at Because giving up more information than I perhaps should, I'm not shaved. And so getting a good suction. So you fill this with water. Okay, we're showing a penis pump now on the webcam. And it has a little nifty length guide.
Starting point is 00:31:17 And you fill it with water and you put your penis in. You used to do it in the bathtub, right? In the bathtub, yeah. And then it, this is a release valve. But this creates, you push on here, squirts water out here, creating a vacuum. It is definitely good for erectile dysfunction. This will help you get an erect penis.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Great. Will it end up with permanent growth? I don't know. Right. It's temporary, right? It's temporary. It gets you to your full maximum the owner manufacturer of this device
Starting point is 00:31:55 swears that it will result in permanent growth. It's that everyone I've talked to so far sort of poo poo is that idea. Right. So I don't know, of poo poo is that idea. Right. So I don't know, but we have guys testing this. OK. Got a guy in Chicago. Bathmate.
Starting point is 00:32:09 All right. Who's doing it? And then this is. Oh, I love cloner willy. I've never had anyone do it, but I think it's really cool. That's what is cloner willy. Could be find a guy next door, perhaps you could do his clone. Totally.
Starting point is 00:32:21 This is awesome. I've always wanted to use it. OK, so cloner willy, the way to make sure we're capturing the correct growth is we do a clone of a man's penis before. And then we do a clone of the man's penis afterwards. That's how you're going to find the winner. And so, you know, though, I think every man knows that his penis gets hard differently depending on his emotion, depending on the weather, whatever is going on in his life. So, you know, there's probably going to be some sort of error in this, but hopefully, doing it performed, doing it often, in similar conditions, we will adjust for that.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Okay. Wow. Yeah, and the guys in Iraq have sent back their clones, their foreclone. Oh my God. Is it weird handling other man's penis clones? It is strange. It's like getting their urine samples or something. You're like, who's your penis clone?
Starting point is 00:33:17 It's not weird to hold dildo. No. Not weirded up on that, but it was strange. You used to make dildos too, right in your past life? No, no, no, no. I don't do that. It was past life no no no no I don't okay okay got it I just got someone took over that and they've actually asked me to give you a gift oh I love gifts so I love Loub I got this they're they're sponsoring holy water Loub I put one for all three of you oh you sweet. I love that you're such a sweetheart. I love
Starting point is 00:33:45 Loub. Loub is so important. Loub so blessedly good. Even God uses it. I love it. Holy water. Loub. And it's got and again, organic ingredients made in Canada. Those can agents, those can be paraben free. I'm totally trying this tonight. I feel like there's such stigma around Loub that people are like, Oh, it's only when I'm dry. And I like no you can use you should use Loub when you master bay when you have sex like every time It feels so good like I can knock in a flu. Thank you so much. Yeah, love it. Thank you I also have I didn't know how many folks there would be but I got you one of our t-shirts. Oh no way inches for charity a Calcumentary. That's so cute. Thank you. So I was in the bag since a bit of a day. I love it.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I love it. I'm going to wear it for sure. Awesome. I'm going to come to your premiere and wear it. OK, so tell me, why do you think the obsession with penicides, with men in their penicides, from a man's perspective? You know, I can't figure it out.
Starting point is 00:34:39 So I wasn't born in this country. OK. So I didn't grow up with, you know, I moved here in 85 and immediately in high school, people talking about, you know, what kind of cars they have, the engines and how powerful they were. So I don't know if it's an American obsession or didn't back then, certainly based on the research and doing this documentary, this is not an American obsession. Men all over the world are obsessed. We are like monkeys. We like playing with our penis.
Starting point is 00:35:10 And we have this idea that bigger is better. And it's true if you have what is called micro-penis. Anything below two inches, you're going to have a hard time. There's nothing wrong with you, but either one of these devices or surgery. Now surgery has massive side effects. Yeah, I would never recommend surgery. But at two inches. I guess it's two inches. A racked two inches? A racked two inches.
Starting point is 00:35:48 And it's at honey sweetheart. I love you because that's not too inches. Oh my god, two inches. I'm like, wow, how many, what percentage of men have two inches? You know there's a bell curve. So some guys have the 12 inch dick and then some guys have the tiny. Have you guys ever, Kelsey, you ever run have the 12 inch dick and then some guys have the tiny... Have you guys ever, Kelsey, you ever run into a two inch penis?
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah. Really? Yeah. Yeah, okay. I'm not gonna lie, it wasn't the best experience of my life. Okay, yeah, so this, this, I get it. I mean, there's nothing you can do, like women, we can get bigger boobs, that's pretty easy to do.
Starting point is 00:36:22 You know, your email from Montreal mentioned something that was important, that he had lost 40 pounds. Okay. And so we do have a weight problem in this country. Yes. And what we find is that when men lose weight, their penis gets bigger. Because the fat...
Starting point is 00:36:40 Oh my God, we should tell men is that. The fat resides in that little soft pelvic area and it just grows and it will. Come on. I swear to you. I would think that would be the number one incentive for men to lose weight. I'm not sure men know about it.
Starting point is 00:36:53 We should create like a new weight loss program. Dude, totally and be like, your penis will be bigger. Do you do something that around documentary? Though I can see you running the class. I'll totally run the class. Yeah, let's do something like that together. I love it. you running the class. I'll totally run the class. Yeah, let's do something like that together. I love it. Do you like phoenix?
Starting point is 00:37:08 Do you like phoenix exactly? Like losing weight for your penis and you have a picture of like a big penis in your refrigerator. You and you go on a diet and you have a picture of like, you put stuff on the refrigerator of like like models like models and stuff. You'll just have like a big penis.
Starting point is 00:37:20 A huge dick, right? And what we don't realize is that the penis is connected to the vascular system. And so if you don't have a healthy dick, right? And what we don't realize is that the penis is connected to the vascular system. And so if you don't have a healthy heart, so if you don't eat well or you smoke, it's gonna affect your penis. It's so true. You're not gonna pull enough blood down there
Starting point is 00:37:34 to get hot, so you may have erectile dysfunction. So guys, healthy. Healthy, be healthy. I say that all the time that you, when men have erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation or anything, it's a lot of it goes back to health. Are you exercising?
Starting point is 00:37:49 Are you eating healthy? You know, if you drink a lot, if you smoke a lot, that's all going to impact your ability to your sexual prowess, I guess, your sexual abilities, your sexual... And for the most part, again, women are crying out for massive penises. You definitely have size queens on both sides. Right. But you're going to hurt your partner if you're too big. And as long as you...
Starting point is 00:38:19 This is very cliché, but as long as you know what you're doing and vibrators are a man's best friend. Yeah, for sure. You're going to please your partner. Yeah, you can please your partner in a matter of... Yeah, there are many ways. Even the man with a two-inch penis.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Yeah. Become an expert in oral sex. Exactly. Become an expert at oral sex, get a vibrator, it'll all work out. So what are the women's reactions to your film? They've all been positive. Yeah. So what are the women's reactions to your film? They've all been positive. Yeah, I interviewed a number of people at the Folsom Street Fair, which probably is a bit skewed. Right. Folsom Street Fair is a crazy fair in San Francisco. How do you even explain it? It's a big leather Bonding come out and be who you are fair and
Starting point is 00:39:02 people dress up in all sorts of outfits to get your furries, the guys and the animal outfits to you. The furries, right? Fully in vinyl with gas masks. People wearing nothing. I've seen many appenis at that event. Yeah, most men are naked. I missed it this year.
Starting point is 00:39:20 We were going to go and do a thing, but we couldn't go together. We didn't go together. I did see the biggest penis I've ever seen in my life at the Fools' Mystery. Are you serious? It was. That should have been a reason to go, then, Kelsey. A gay guy whose penis was probably about that big. It looked like an unleavened loaf of rye bread.
Starting point is 00:39:38 It was massive. And him and his partner grabbed onto it, and they both leaned backwards like that, holding onto his penis. Oh my God. Is he a porn star or something? Not a porn star, but I don't know how he could stay awake when he gets at heart because all the blood has to flow down. That is crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Oh my God. Did you take pictures? I didn't take pictures. I just put away the camera. Oh, dude, you got to pull the camera out for that. The unlimited bread, penis, God, Jesus, that's crazy. But so, yeah, we've talked, this is so important. I mean, this is so great.
Starting point is 00:40:13 I love this because men, it is such an important issue for men. So you're saying that you're still looking for participants so they can email you. Yes, we'd love to hear from you. And, you know, you need to be okay being on film. This is an important thing. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:26 There's a massive taboo around talking around the subject and sex in general. So the more open we are about sexuality, I think the better society is America is such. We're so repressed in some way. In some ways, this is the greatest country in the world. And then other ways, you just got your head and go, what's the problem?
Starting point is 00:40:43 I know. That's why I took my show off, Trestorado, off. It's hard to get, you know, you can't say things. People are upset, advertisers. It's like, well, it's why your book is fantastic because we should all be having as much hot sex as possible. We'd be less warm-ungering. We'd be happier. We'd love for another. I know. I believe, yeah, I totally am down with it. I feel like all the repressed nations are having major issues because they are told that sex is wrong and masturbation is unhealthy and you should only have sex with procreation
Starting point is 00:41:12 and there's so many mixed messages and so many people here grow up with mixed messages from religion or whatever growing up. So I think your film's gonna be great because I feel like the contest or the to see you stretch as long as it's part of it but really has an important message. Yeah, really, I would love to get to the roots of why we are so concerned about penicides.
Starting point is 00:41:29 I think it's great that you're tackling this issue. Well, thank you. My other one concern, one downside is I don't want to be putting a message out there that we should be using all these different devices. Right. If you want to play with yourself and you want a bigger penis just because for you, big is better. Go for it.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Try it. But don't feel pressured into doing this. And I really, the guys in Denmark are fantastic. But the marketing of these devices, the bathmate, I don't necessarily agree with the way the stuff's market. I got it. I got it because nothing's guaranteed, but try it.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Yeah. Yeah, try it. Try everything. So this is great. Thank you so much for being on the show. Oh my God. This was great. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:14 So it's Nicholas. We can find you at if you want to get involved or find out more. And hopefully the film will be coming out when you think I know it takes forever. I did a documentary once. It took me four and a half years. I thought it would be out in 2010. Right. But it's to the next year thought it would be out in 2010. Right. But it's the next year.
Starting point is 00:42:27 We'll be rooting for you. Excellent. Okay, good. Awesome. Thank you so much, Emily. Oh my God, thank you so much. Thanks for the gifts. We'll do this more often than every four years.
Starting point is 00:42:35 For sure. Yeah, exactly, for sure. Okay, everyone. Thanks so much for listening to Sex with Emily. It's free Friday. Thanks for joining us. And also, you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter. And Twitter, Sex with Emily, go like my page. It's free Friday. Thanks for joining us. And also you can follow me on Facebook at Twitter and Twitter
Starting point is 00:42:45 Sex with Emily go like my page. Follow me on Twitter and Thanks everyone for listening to the show. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at

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