Sex With Emily - Episode 290 - Hand Jobs 2

Episode Date: September 9, 2011

Hosted on Acast. See for more information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes They're the eyes of a man up to the best by sex Eyes that block our secret institutions Betrull eyes they call them a bygone Hey, Emily you got a boyfriend because my man E here He just got his heart broken he thinks you're kind of cute The world's got a hair standard oh my the women know about shrinkage isn't it common? You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex.
Starting point is 00:00:25 You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex.
Starting point is 00:00:33 You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex.
Starting point is 00:00:41 You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex. You're not talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can do so many things, You can ask me a question. Any of your sex questions will be answered. Sex or relationships questions.
Starting point is 00:00:52 You can vote in our poll. You can become a friend of benefits member, which we hope that everyone be. You can read our blog, you can watch our videos, there's so much happening. Yeah, and there's live video every single day. Live video every day of this show. This show is live video.
Starting point is 00:01:06 One, two, a specific dinner time, Monday, Friday, except Wednesdays. So we're so happy to be here. It's Friday, happy Friday, yay. I know, I'm so happy. So happy. So excited. Are you so happy it's Friday?
Starting point is 00:01:16 So happy. Let me guess you're going to rest and not do anything all this weekend. No, I've got a huge weekend out of me. Yeah, I'm going to a wedding tomorrow night. One of my former interns is getting married. And that'll be fun, I think. And then I'm going to my party on Sunday in Gullgate Park,
Starting point is 00:01:33 and then I'm going sailing on the bay. Sailing on the bay. Have you ever done that? No, because it's cold as shit. Exactly. I'm kind of like, front assing. I'm like, yeah, sailing's like a great idea on theory on the bay, but it's so frigging cold in San Francisco, even'm like, yeah, sailing's like a great idea on theory on the bay,
Starting point is 00:01:45 but it's so frigging cold in San Francisco, even if it's hot, it's cold on the bay. So that's what I'm doing. Can you believe where I'm going on Saturday? Where? I hate to admit it. Oh my God, wine tasting. Not wine tasting, but I am going to a winery.
Starting point is 00:02:02 But how did I know? Okay. The only reason I'm going to a winery. But how did I know? Okay. The only reason I'm going to the winery is, there's a music festival at the winery. And it's not in Napa. If it was in Napa, I would not go. It is in Livermore. There's a winery in Livermore?
Starting point is 00:02:19 There's 50 winery. Oh, why do you do that? That's right. Livermore is sort of like a mini wine country. Yeah. Wow, well maybe you'll have some nice more low Adam sure name 25 bands sounds awful. It'll be warm there though. Oh, no, so that's what you're doing Yeah, I'm gonna be there Saturday. I'm gonna go to Pixar tonight watch a movie. Yeah, I'm gonna see
Starting point is 00:02:39 Contagion. Oh, yeah, I was just reading about that really yeah It's just be really good. Did it come out yet or I don't know. I think it One of my new sex and news stories talks about Yeah, yeah, I don't know they usually get movies beforehand So it's probably so do you go by yourself without me sometimes I know you never One I always want to be your plus one how long? I've told you that I want to be your plus one and you never plus one me? Next time I have a plus one. Next time blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:03:06 I'll take you and if I invite you, you better not be going to some stupid wine tasting new restaurant opening. Some my friend is at some weird sex orgy crap like that. If I'm your plus one, I'm a girl. If I invite you, you better freaking go. Of course. Menace, done and done.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Okay everyone, listen, today's show, you can call us at any time at 415-9927392. However, you can't call us from Skype. So that will not work. Use your phone. Use your phone. Use your cell phone, use your home phone. If you've got one, 415-9927392,
Starting point is 00:03:42 we can answer all your questions or we can take your comments. And there's a thing, one of my coworkers remind me of when I used to do my night show on the radio, I used to do a thing called Man Up Fridays. Okay. I'd like to bring that to the show. Okay, do it.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Be a man, pick up the phone and call us. Oh, you know, try to talk to the computer, or anything like that. Don't be a pus, just call us up. Just call us, what to talk to the computer or anything like that. Don't be a plus. Just call us up. Just call us. What's your fricking question, your comments? What's a tip that you can give about being a man? What do you think? Be confident. Be confident. Be confident. Don't be wishy-washy. Don't say, I don't know what to do and grab me and throw me
Starting point is 00:04:22 against the wall sometimes and have sex. Oh, hey, hey, oh, is that right? Is that it's that easy? Yeah. In the confines of your home. In the confines of my home, not like on the street when I walk away from here. It's only one o'clock in the afternoon. Good tips for men.
Starting point is 00:04:37 God, I feel like I give them all the time, but I think that's some of them. And I would say don't, if you like someone to ask them out, you've got nothing to lose. You're just going to sit and pine for some chick. If you like or ask about the second meter or whatever like just do it Go for it. That's what I gotta say just go for everything if you're dude. Okay Today's show we're gonna it's hand job show part two. We got to finish up the hand jobs from yesterday We're also gonna talk about how to become a better kisser because you know
Starting point is 00:05:01 If you're a bad kisser, it can be the kiss of death Your kid can be your kiss can be the kiss of death to the relationship. And that is a friggin bummer. I have a friend who just got back, I told this yesterday, but she came back from a date. She was really excited. It was her third date and she always waits to make out on the third day. And she's like, oh, I know we're going to make out tonight. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:05:21 He's hot. He's all these things. And she was really attracted to him. And he comes in for the kiss. And it was like this sloppy, awful kiss. So we're going to teach you how to correct that, what not to do, because your kissing might be ruining your life, at least your relationships. So we're going to get into that and then we're going to be reading your emails that you send to feedback at So I want everyone to email me feedback at Oh, it's free Friday too. Hello, free Friday.
Starting point is 00:05:46 This show is free to everybody. So thanks everyone for listening, free Fridays. Ooh, love it. You have to email me feedback at I will answer any of your sex, relationship dating, marriage, love, questions that you have. We will do that. And if you're friends with benefits member,
Starting point is 00:06:02 we answer your emails first. We answer them right away. You get priority. And that's amazing. We totally do that. And if you're friends with benefits member, we answer your emails first. We answer them right away. You get priority. And that's amazing. We totally appreciate that. So happy free Friday to everybody. And then we've also got sex in the news and the emails, some topics in the emails.
Starting point is 00:06:17 It doesn't even say here, but the topics are, some are just going to tie you with the topics. And we've got our poll. You're really into polls. I love our polls. We do two polls a week. What are you really into? It's just made me. I can't find the people.
Starting point is 00:06:31 The people I like the feedback. I love people emailing the show. You like the polls though? I like the polls. You hate the polls. Why do you have my polls? Uh, because I didn't make them. Dude, you don't know anything.
Starting point is 00:06:42 What? I can't make you a poll. Um, but I just do nothing would be on right now. I can't make you open. But the computer wouldn't be on right now, if it wasn't for you. Do nothing would be on right now, if it wasn't for you. I get it, menace. I get what you contribute to this world, to this sex with Emily World. So I just got interviewed.
Starting point is 00:06:54 This is something that's just to be out for my hometown paper, the Detroit Free Press. Oh my God. How embarrassing is this going to be for your family? It's going to be embarrassing because she interviewed me for an hour about my sex life and I mean not my sex life. How is a nice girl from Michigan doing with a show called Sex Family? How does a nice girl from the Midwest get into sex? And so it was like questions about my childhood and I told her I played a lot with Barbie
Starting point is 00:07:18 and Kendall and she was like, well actually it was Barbie and GI Joe because my brother had GI Joe and I thought Ken was kind of a pussy. And she said well did they have a good relationship? What kind of relationship was Barbie and GI Joe because my brother had GI Joe and I thought Ken was kind of a pussy. And she said, well, did they have a good relationship? Well, kind of relationship was Barbie and Ken. Like she was getting into my psyche. We are. I was like, I don't remember. Like they went to the beach and the Barbie beach bus.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Anyway, it was intense. So then she's interviewing my mom and my brother and she's doing profile piece. All right. Because my book's coming out. Everyone I've taken, my book is coming out October 11th. It's called Hot Sex. Over 200 things you can try night and you can buy it online Right now you can pre-order it if you want but we'll be talking a lot more about that
Starting point is 00:07:48 You ordered the hell out of you I know I know it's on Amazon you can buy it or Simon and she's star and it is a friggin awesome book I'm really really proud of it and also Yeah, that's what I got so it was a little stressful because it's like talking about yourself Not that I don't like talking about myself But for like an hour and getting into like why am the way I am and what are my parents think of what I got. So it was a little stressful because it's like talking about yourself, not that I don't like. Talk about myself, but for like an hour and getting into like why I am the way I am and what are my parents think of what I do is what you should,
Starting point is 00:08:08 and like just talk to them and ask them. Good times. Maybe I'll talk to you, but you have to say nice things. Yeah, it's hard to me. I would say nothing but nice things. I'd be a sweetheart. Oh, you are sweet. You are sweet.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Okay, so yeah, so what else? Anything else that you need to share? Nothing. You were gonna think out last thing, You were gonna set up my DVR. Yeah, I went to bed really early. I know and I was working till 7.30. I know what the hell? What the hell? I was on a very important phone call, which I told you about. Okay. Yeah, it went on and on and on. But and then I just yeah, I went home and worked tomorrow, which was super fun, but this weekend I'm feeling like I'm like chock full of plans, tonight's friends birthday party. So I'm not gonna sit home and work out. We get to be lame. Lane. Are you gonna hang out with any dudes? A little bit maybe yeah, maybe a little sprinkle a little sprinkle of guys sprinkle and pepper and some men here and there Don't really know. Don't really know what's gonna happen
Starting point is 00:08:56 And then we've a contest going out. We've gotten amazing responses to this So everyone keep it common because we'll be picking a winner on Tuesday The contest is what would you give up for amazing sex? What in your life are you like, God, okay, I'll give up my iPhone for amazing sex. I'd give up chocolate or I'd give up whatever. What would you give up for amazing sex? We've gotten some funny answers. You can tweet me, tweet it to me, sex with Emily or Facebook or email me feedback at
Starting point is 00:09:21 because you'll be winning a special prize from Adam and and it vibrates and it's phallic shaped that's all I'm going to tell you. Okay. Okay. It's phallic shaped. It's phallic shaped and it vibrates and you'll be so psyched. So then that's what I'm going to say about that and then Monday show, we're talking about crazy sex accidents. They're hilarious.
Starting point is 00:09:40 What do you think? I can't tell you. I can't reveal my sources. And then our poll. Okay, so here's where's our poll for last week. Here's the results. What's the naughtiest piece of media you've ever created? Okay, here's the results now. I know I've talked about it, but the results are 5% say dirty voicem message, a sexy text message. 24% also says a sex tape and 47% said nude photos. Nude photos?
Starting point is 00:10:12 Everyone's taking new pictures. Does anybody pay attention to the media where all your nude photos are showing up like the cover of the paper, cover of the internet, all over the internet or whatever, like it's not, even if you dress this person in you, and you're like, it's a really good idea for me
Starting point is 00:10:27 to send them a picture of me naked right now, it's not a good idea. Can I just ride the wave of that message? No, you're just being a lady. You know, like Nancy Reagan was like, no one drugs, and like, I really like the Hillary Clinton was all about healthcare. Can I be all about like, no one naked pictures?
Starting point is 00:10:42 It's all about. Could that be my platform? Look. When I go to the top No, I knew today Why not here's a deal how about this? If you're afraid that somebody else might see the nude photo then you shouldn't take the photo How about that? Yeah, but they think oh, it's my boyfriend and I'm in love last Do they know that they're gonna break up in five minutes?
Starting point is 00:11:06 So don't even trust your boyfriend. Don't trust your boyfriend. Why are you trying to keep nude photos off the internet? Because I think it, because once you're taking a nude photo, it's out there and this guy, when you break up with him and you dump him and cheat on him or break his heart or he breaks your heart, he's gonna show it to all his buddies if he hasn't already. For sure, he's drunk. So, especially if you're in like a drunk naked photo,
Starting point is 00:11:26 it's likely that your boyfriend's drunk on the other end and he's sitting at a tape with his friends, he's gonna be like, check out what I just saw. Right, don't guys share? No, I wanna share that. Not my girlfriend. Hell no, maybe some random harm. Right, but to have it any of your friends
Starting point is 00:11:39 ever shared a picture of their girlfriend with you. No. Or their girl that they're sleeping with. They've never been like, check out her rack. Look at my phone, look at her rack. picture of their girlfriend with you or their girl that they're sleeping with. Nope. They've never been like, check out her rack. Look at my phone, look at her rack. Nope. Never?
Starting point is 00:11:50 Why would you want to show? I think that guys do that. No. That you guys would do that. Oh, check out your penis and blah, blah, because you guys are way more filthier than guys are. Wow. You just, you have this perception that, oh, guys are just, you know, going in just
Starting point is 00:12:04 detail that are like, this is the only detail that happens Did you have sex with her? Yeah? Cool. All right. That's it. There's no like oh, I did this and did that that's We think that's gross I think it's like did you banger? Do you want a bang? I think guys goes like this like did you banger? Yeah? Or did you banger? No? Do you want a banger? Yeah, or did you banger? No. Do you wanna banger? Yeah, did you banger friend?
Starting point is 00:12:27 I'd want to banger friend or something like that. Like it's kinda like, right? It's not like, yo, because the thing, see, the thing is like, we don't think it's hot. We talk about the kissing. We don't think there's hot, we don't think it's hot because there's another guy in what's being like described, you know, if it was like two girls going at it,
Starting point is 00:12:44 we're like, oh, I saw this girl totally go down on a Southern chick It was hot and then she put her finger there and there and then they went did that then yeah guys would get But you don't want a human in the penis. I know about my friend being naked. That's gross Yeah, I don't know I do but that's what I do for a living No, but you guys are filthy like women share that kind of stuff all the time all the time Especially me because I need to know how every single I know how every single of my friends orgasms like on top or bottom Or did you have an orgasm like that's my first question. They're like do you have sex with orgasm? I always want to know Yeah guys don't share that kind of stuff and then it's weird because you know when
Starting point is 00:13:20 You how can I share this without getting too much stuff away? But like when people, when friends, girls and stuff like that, or they're like in a click or something like that, and then they end up sleeping with the same guy, girls seem way more cool with that kind of stuff than guys. Yeah, I have a lot of friends with the same guy. I've had in the last few weeks, three girls call me about the same guy, they're boning. Yeah, and have a lot of friends of stuff with the same guy I've had in the last few weeks three girls call me about the same guy. They're boning Yeah, they're banging they're all sometimes the they're like in high fives each other like that guys They don't like that. No, you wouldn't want to be the same girl's your friend. Yeah, that's true I think that some women are okay with that. So you guys are way more filthier than we are
Starting point is 00:14:00 So don't say that who were there describing things because we're not I know but I feel like you would share I'm not gonna share naked pictures with my okay, but I've had guys show me naked pictures that girls have sent them So I just assume they show them to you too. No, but maybe they think that your morals are so strong They don't show them to me. They're like family look at this hot chick, but what apps? Okay, so new poll the new poll is what is your favorite way to be kissed since our shows But kissing today on my penis here at the options. I didn't say favorite place. I said favorite way. Oh damn it. Lots of tongue Open mouth with minimal tongue Aggressive with some biting a long closed mouth peck
Starting point is 00:14:40 Like a long sensual closed mouth peck which one? I would say open mouth minimum time. Yeah, I don't think I'd agree with that. That's what I would go with. Open mouth minimum time. What do you think sex with go there find out do it. And also if you want three months free of sex with Emily which is amazing all you got to do is go like our Facebook fan page and we'll be picking a winner every single day for the
Starting point is 00:15:03 next few weeks and you can get three months free as you know we're doing four shows a week, friends of benefits, you get toys, you get presents, you get things, you get answers to emails. I was just thinking about this kiss that I saw on television. It was on the Jersey Shore. It was between... Do you want to watch something other thing? It was between Dina and Polly D and she's basically ripping his bottom lip off. She's pulling on it and it's just yanking on it.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Like her teeth, her, her, her. Yeah, and if I've had that happen before, I don't like it. You don't like it? You like the bottom lip tug? Yeah. I don't mind it. I think the thing about kissing is that you need a variation. So I wouldn't mind, but I can't remember the last time.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Don't think you should do the bottom lip out of the upper lip. I can't remember. But I haven't, I guess I have had bad cussers. I can't remember that last time. I guess they do the bottom limit out of the upper lip. I can't remember. But I haven't, I guess I have had bad cussers. I can't remember that's it at that. But I kind of like the little pack thing, but you don't like when girls do that to you. No. Okay, it's no.
Starting point is 00:15:55 But I did learn something new about yesterday because I thought you didn't like your balls touched all around. I always assume men is no balls, but you did say it was okay to put them in if a woman put them in her mouth And I thought that was like illuminating new information. It's a nice place to put them I was like never touch men as balls of a cake girls like I feel like I'm doing the women you date just listen to the show because I feel like You know what what they shouldn't I'll be totally embarrassed really I'll be embarrassed to people I always assume no one's like none of my friends
Starting point is 00:16:25 I was saying when I go I've gone out with girls that listen to the show after we've gone out and then they'll they'll say something about Because I'll be describing something that happened between Between them and I really and then they'll I'll be totally embarrassed. I can't even talk about it. I know, I'm so embarrassed too. And they're like, oh, so you, I know. I'd rather guys than I'm dating not listen. No, they should.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I mean, in a way, I feel like I'm, I've gone in phases where I've thought that this would be very helpful because I'm talking about all of my beliefs. But the problem is when you date multiple people, then you can't bother them. That's when I get in trouble. When I'm dating multiple people and they're all listening
Starting point is 00:17:09 and they don't know what I'm talking about and I'm not particularly saying nice things, that's bad. That's why you gotta use, you don't use names. I never use names unless I slip, but I've never used names. I change, I change their names, I change their age, I change the time of 10 and then I've dated them. Also, if you want 30 minutes free of fire TV, you just have to go to, become a friend's benefit member, you have to sign up for an account there, you do to put
Starting point is 00:17:34 your credit card but they won't charge you and it's fire TV, is the Netflix of porn, you get 20,000 porn titles, it's amazing, so check out fire TV, it's my new favorite thing. And that's what I got. We can go into some news if you'd like Man, that's how you feeling about sex news. I am excited to see what you came up with Contagion on how that it's gonna be in the sex news. Okay Contagion is a movie coming out with That horror what's her name? Gwarnath Paltrow?
Starting point is 00:18:02 Gena's yeah, it's a story about how she has like slept with every single. No, she has. She's a married for years. Yeah, but she's like dated every dude in Hollywood. A lot of dudes. They always say that she's had all the golden dicks in Hollywood. Wow. Who like Ben Affleck. Oh, Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt. I think she was with Clooney. Good for her.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I can see it. I can pull it up right now. Wow, that's awesome. Good for her with the Golden Dicks. You should get a word for that. What's crazy is like, you never see it with a- We should not do it with an Oscar, but she should get like a phallic shaped, phallic-shaped award for sleeping with all those hot men.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Yeah. So some sex in the news is China sex ed dolls. Last week, sheying high list, sheying high list, sheying highest, it's a newspaper I guess, post a pictures of young children learning about the human body by playing with dolls that feature very life like parks, including genitalia with public pubic care. I'm worried that it's not good for the kids sexual knowledge so early. So the social press reports in 2009, a study found that well, two thirds of adolescents and young adults and child had very limited levels of sexual reproductive
Starting point is 00:19:09 health knowledge. They were open to primarital sex. So whatever people are upset with these China sex dolls, they need more sex education in China. For sure. That's a huge population. They shouldn't just have a brand. Oh, it's ridiculous. Yeah. Massive. So. So are there going to be Emily, Emily sex dolls? Yes. I would like to make a sex doll one day. Would you? Yeah, oh of me. Yeah. Like an Emily action fixture figure. Oh, no. Oh, no. Thanks, though. Why not? No, no, no, what would you do with it? Like a blow-up doll?
Starting point is 00:19:34 What would you do with it? Let me see. Let me see. You mean like a sex dolly blow-up doll? Yeah. Awesome. You want to see that people feedback at Feedback at Do you want to have a little op-dow? Yeah, and if you're going to smiley and friendly. You're getting enough votes, it might happen. Okay, vote for me.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Vote for the love doll. Okay, men, this is for you. Straight grinder is here. We always talk about so grinder is an app that is for the gay community, right? Mostly or exclusively? Well, grinder is definitely a schoolsy for the gay. Right. So it's an app that gay men can download for their smartphone and they can find other single men in their proximity,
Starting point is 00:20:12 right? And they can track them and whatever. So if you've gay male friends, you've probably heard them mentioned grinder at least once, if not a thousand times. And men has mentioned a lot too, which I'm not sure because I don't think he's gay, but he likes to talk about it. For those of you not familiar with the app, the GPS technology to check other gay men in your vicinity available for meetups. Basically you can look at your phone, find out which men are the same bar or the same block at the moment. You can check out their stats and phone, chat and a sign and a meeting place if you choose.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Soon they'll be able to draw, others call it a slutty hook up heaven. And other people say it's revolutionized or dating life. So is it revolutionized or dating life or is it making you a slut? Probably a little bit of both. Soon we'll be able to draw our own conclusions. This week the company is launching a version of the app for heteros called Project Amicus, AMICUS.
Starting point is 00:20:56 AMICUS. Okay. And you're thinking it won't work. First go to people. Well, do you know what's funny? I was reading Twitter the other day. And I think it was maybe Gaw gocker is that where you got the story yeah don't know gocker tweeted out finally the grinder app for straight people is here
Starting point is 00:21:17 it will never work yeah that's what you always say it won't work yeah I think they were listening to the show and took that tweet they probably did listen to the show because it won't work because why you think because we're too because the dudes will just be like we're just gonna be a thousand dudes and one maybe horny chick is that they're not on the same level. You think the women are gonna be like oh there's a hot guy sitting over there. You never know. It could revolutionize the women. No, I've been saying the percentages of women, there's gonna be one women,
Starting point is 00:21:47 well sorry, I'm trying to find that going into the patrol list. There's the percentage of guys versus women, it's just gonna be overwhelming. For every one chick, there's gonna be, honestly, there'll probably be a hundred guys. For every one chick. Well, she might think that's awesome. Hundred guys for check?
Starting point is 00:22:04 Sign me up. I'll do it. So, yeah women think that's awesome. 100 guys for check. Yeah. Sign me up. I'll do it. So, yeah, women. But what if I know what these guys, and we're having like drinks with girls, like girls out, and then we're like, oh, there's hot guys over there. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:22:14 It's all up to women to make this app work. I'd like to try. I'd like to try it just for fun. There's the guy I want to try online dating, and how I want to try speed dating. Let's download that. I want to try all different kinds of dates. I think that that's my job here in the universe. I can try these things and let
Starting point is 00:22:27 you know if it works or not. I'll download it right now. Okay, awesome. I think it's launching next week though. Okay, gay marriage inspired Joy Bayhardt to marry boyfriend after 29 years. She was there with him for 29 years and never got married. But she explains why she and her boyfriend Steve Jenowicz decided to get married last month after 29 years. She says after a honeymoon for 29 years, we decided to ruin it and get married. The passage of gay marriage in New York, we did have an influence on me. It brought to my consciousness why Gays needed to get married, and I thought it was a good
Starting point is 00:22:59 reason for me to get married and so did Steve, so we did it. If he was going to get down to one knee, I wanted to be doing time when he could still get up from one knee because he's all. So she thought just because gay marriage is so contentious and if they gaze can get married in New York and she should do it herself. 29 years and not married. My mom went 10 years without getting married to her third husband, which I thought was impressive. 29 years. Well, how long has stabbed meman and Oprah been going? Long. 30 years maybe?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Yeah. Long time. But they never got married. People do it. People are going to stop getting married soon. But I'll let them do it for now. Okay. Usually, usually, it was like for financial gain, like for now.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Right, and have to. But it doesn't really anymore. No, it doesn't at all. I know. Like, what are the benefits of getting married? Nothing. Especially when you're a guy, you get screwed over in California. Yeah. That's true. No matter what. No matter if I would love to get married,
Starting point is 00:23:52 I should move to another state though, because even if your chick cheats on you, that whore, that whore gets half of everything goes behind your back. Sleep with some other guy. She gets half of everything and then gets to hang out with the new guy that has money too and probably takes half of his shit too Like it's terrible yeah, it's this shouldn't be like that. It should be Whatever one makes more money than the guy same thing Yeah, but no, it doesn't matter how much money you make like you're half of everything That's that that's not right. I don't think it's right. Yeah, you do get half women get half. I don't think it's income. Yeah, but I
Starting point is 00:24:30 don't think that's right. If a yeah, you do, it is. It's an equal, what's it called equal state? I don't think that is right. Oh, it's not right. You're not saying you're wrong. You're saying it's not right. Hello, we're here. We're here. We're here. Hello. Yeah, it's still I just don't think it's right because you get everything that you pay for. So if you're a woman, you have a job, you get to keep all the belongings that you paid for. If you put a certain amount of money into a house, then you should get all the money back from what you put into that house. Right. La, la, la, perfect. It should be equal. It should be equal.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Yeah, it does not gonna happen though. Yeah, but I feel like I should have already been married and divorced by now. Why do you keep on saying that lately? What's going on? I just feel like I should have gone through the whole divorce process by now. No, that's, that's, that's stupid thing to say.
Starting point is 00:25:18 That's stupid thing to say. I don't wanna say it, but it's like, it's a really stupid thing to say. It's terrible. It kind of feel like, why would you wanna go through all that trauma? I don't wanna to say anything, but it's a really stupid thing to say. It's terrible. I kind of feel like, why would you want to go through all that trauma? I don't want to get married in divorce, but I feel like I could see it have already happening to me by now.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Just so I could have experienced it, not that I might still experience it. Because I messed up. I went through a lot of divorces in my life. So anyway, I just think that I could have seen that already happening to me by now, except for the fact that I'm never going to get married. You're not going to give it. I'm not giving it. Going back to Gwen at the Power Show, Rook.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Go ahead, who is she banged? Who is she banged? She hooked up with Robert Sheen Leonard. You would know him if you saw him. OK. Brad Pitt. OK. Ben Affleck.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Chris Hines. I think that's a. Yeah, he's like a mole. Like a Hines ketchup. Aaron Eckhart. Oh he's cute right? You know who he is. Here's the pictures there and then Scott Speedman. Oh I know him. Brian Adams okay that's odd. Some Prince of Spain. Luke Wilson. Oh, Luke Wilson, I love. And- I would do Luke Wilson in a heartbeat. Just some random guy and then now Chris Martin.
Starting point is 00:26:30 It's a pretty good run. Pretty good one. Now you're locked up with kids. Yeah. But they're never photographed with each other together. I know why. Because I secretly think he's gay. OK, well, we're going to get into it, really?
Starting point is 00:26:42 No, I'm just kidding. OK. OK, a new book says black women should marry white men. It's marriage just for white people, asks author Richard Banks. What? So, meet Audrey Jones. She's 39 attractive, multilingual.
Starting point is 00:27:00 She's got a big job at a multinational consulting company, multinational consulting company, Washington, but she's not a big ego. She's funny thoughtful and smart. Mm-hmm. There's just one thing missing from her life What a husband At this point I thought I'd be not married to children She says I'm trying to get to point where I accept that marriage may never happen her situation may not be ideal But she is a poster child for a breed of African-American like her women like her her child for a breed of African American women like her, educated, successful family might get persistently single on a seemingly endless hunt for middle class black men to
Starting point is 00:27:30 fit into her family portrait. But in a culture where the black male middle class is shrinking, if it's not already invisible, one in four black men will end up in jail, fewer than half graduate of my school. Audrey is stuck in the center of a new book called African American Marriage Decline. And it says sociologists have lamented the marriage crisis among the black poor. They think that African American women are half as likely as white women to be married and twice as likely never to marry. Wow.
Starting point is 00:27:58 They're interesting. Is marriage for white people in this name of the book? I think eventually there will only be one race. Yeah, maybe. I don't know. Because I'm here in California. There's so many interracial couples. I'm trying to think if I know anyway that's really married the same race.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Yeah, I guess a lot of my friends too. I don't even think about it, but yeah, this wedding I'm torn, it's like mixed race. You don't even think about it, because we live in this wonderland where everything goes. Okay, Gweta Peltra is my next story. Hore. Hore. Gweta Peltra still in fire.
Starting point is 00:28:39 I love you, Gweta. Still in fire. I love you, Gweta. Still in fire. Yeah, awesome blog about high society living. You don't like her. do you think she's hot no I think she's good looking okay, she's good. I never know with you who you think is hot and not but she's not your type blotch No, she's not my type, but you do or if it happened this the situation came to it. Yeah, if I had to
Starting point is 00:28:55 She and your wank list She's not a man. Yeah, she's not on my wank list, but this week was actually really good shows So everyone should go back and listen to the shows from this week and become a friend's defense member. She's on your list. Okay. But I mean, if she was in the room and she was down, I guess I would have sex with her. You would. That's so cool. But she has kids. So would I. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:16 I ain't trying to pay for no kids though. I don't pay no kids. Well, that's Chris Martin. I'll take care of that. Oh, yeah. He has money. So but one of Palatros still admires her famous friends who have cheated. While promoting her new movie Contagion, with co-star Matt Damon at the Venice Film Festival, she's getting Guenipaltra was asked a hot button topic about cheating. And she said, I'm a great romantic, but I also think you can be a romantic and a realist. Life is complicated and long and I know people that I respect and admire and look up to have had extra marital affairs. She says, we're flawed, we're human beings and sometimes you make choices
Starting point is 00:29:50 that others people are going to judge. That's their problem, but I think the more I live my life, the more I learn not to judge people before they do, I think we're all trying to do our best, but life is complicated. So who is she talking about her famous friends who've cheated? Does she like BFFs that have cheated? Because it's saying that she's saying that she's still respire, it mirrors her friends who have cheated. Well, never admitted, but Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, right. Because he was married to, uh, Jennifer Anderson. And then he, he was doing a movie with, yeah, for sure cheated. If anyone thinks of that cheating to not go on, it told you what not. They were like living in the same, same state filming a movie with yeah for sure cheated if anyone thinks of that cheating did not go on it totally went on they were like living in the same
Starting point is 00:30:27 Same state filming a movie like Far from home and then all of a sudden they hook it out. They for sure cheated. Mm-hmm. How could they not admit that so obvious? He cheated on her so they haven't admitted it So it's obvious they run a movie together and like five minutes later. They're in Africa and they're having sex They're having sex in Africa. Yeah, didn't they don't you know that I five minutes later, they're in Africa and they're having sex. It's done and done. They're having sex in Africa. Yeah, didn't they? You know that? I kind of remember that.
Starting point is 00:30:48 And they're adopting babies. Yeah, exactly like a hundred children. They have like six children. She's probably psyched. She's not with them anymore, Jennifer Aniston. Yeah. Yeah. I guess, now I was just thinking about,
Starting point is 00:30:59 I think it was him or somebody was commenting on how she likes to talk. Like, and he wasn't into that. Marijuana? Yeah. Oh. Like, she was a toker. I like her.
Starting point is 00:31:11 And she, yeah, I think she's cool. I think he took two though, I heard. Yeah, but I think he was like, you know, he was, he was hanging out with Angelina Jolie and he was above that by that time. So he was over. Well, above toking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Who are these people? You should be down with it. OK, we can move into some emails now, because that's all the sex in the news I have today, unless you have something to add. How's your sex in the news? No news story. Any sex in your news?
Starting point is 00:31:38 Any sex in your future? Since last time we talked, no. In my future, no plans, but apparently there's this The music festival there's gonna be this big after party at the winery, okay, and there's gonna be like a mansion And it's gonna be a private party so maybe I'll run into Some hot lazy there some flusy and doer when I'm wasted. That sounds awesome Just use protection. I'm just gonna be I'm wasted. That sounds awesome, menace. Just use protection.
Starting point is 00:32:05 I'm just gonna drink wine and talk about. Perfect. You're gonna drink wine? No. They'll have other stuff there. Yeah. Maybe not. It's gonna be, it's, it's, it's a bunch of bands. There's gonna be beer there.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Okay. But I hate beer. You do? Yes. So we're drinks. No, because I want to get drunk. And then you have to drink like a thousand beers. Not me.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I need two glasses of wine or two beers and I'm drunk. Okay. But I'm a lightweight. What are you doing after two glasses of wine or two beers and I'm drunk. Okay. But I'm a lightweight. What are you doing after this? You've been doing it for more than two beers? Yeah, totally. Can we blow off the rest of the day and just get drunk? Because I've got a lot to do and I don't like doing any of it.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Okay. So emails. You have a new fan of the show because I put your advice to practice. It's a long story, but it had three very happy endings for her. First time. Three. She couldn't wait to look endings for her. First time, three. She couldn't wait to look you up online. Be wild, Jeff. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:32:50 So Jeff wrote in that he, it's a long story and hopefully he'll write more, but he gave a woman three orgasms because he listened to Section only. This is why people need to subscribe to the show, okay? I'm not like whatever, tootie my own we here, but I have to say that I've saved and helped and enhanced thousands upon thousands upon hundreds of thousands. I say, I'll be angry. Sex lives would be well because we listed the show, we give you practical advice every day that you can use.
Starting point is 00:33:19 So I hope you will become a friend to the benefits member and support the show because it means a lot to us, it means we can keep bringing you more sex information every day. I Loved Jeff. I love him. I love that happened. He gave her three orgasms for her first time because he listens to the show But I want to know he was like in a rush. I'm like, what did you do? Yeah, why did she have the three orgasms? What did you do? Jeff eat me back explain and see we need to I mean, I appreciate that that happened, but okay. Hey, Emily and Menace, I love the show. I found it on iTunes searching for sex, surprise, surprise. I'm a 22 year old gay male in a six month relationship.
Starting point is 00:33:57 And while I don't believe in the perfect relationship or the perfect person, it would be beneficial for me to hear about a long-term male gay couple who are committed and monogamous, a true rarity among the gay community. I strongly feel the dynamic of two males being in a relationship is not completely understood or even studied for that matter. That's going to be nice to get advice and tips on relationships that pertain to gay relationships or maybe you could suggest reading material.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Love Trevor from Nebraska. Yes, Emily, oh he wrote it yesterday too. I think you will know when you have found a guy you truly love when you choose a date, when you choose a date with him over going to your exes cabin. Cause I go to the exit and I go with menist. I'm sure people get down and dirty at the cabin. I mean, seriously, the plethora of sex toys, you have plus lots of horny women and wine equals troubles. Add an ex the mix mix is disaster
Starting point is 00:34:47 She just lies to you people I'm not lying there. I went to the cabin and I had this act We just hang out the cabin we do We do Me two single guys is hanging out at the I'm telling you there I got I get to make a shower outside They don't even look we go right right I swear my life for such good friends. You don't have friends like this. They don't care. You had a naked shower outside.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Two straight males were there and they didn't look. No. Are you out of your mind? Yeah. Always. But no, they didn't look. They don't care. How do you know they didn't look?
Starting point is 00:35:21 Well, there was a curtain around. It's an outdoor shower. Oh, so they didn't peek through the curtain. No, but I got in dress and got in the shower. They weren't in the cabin masturbating. They were in, they were on the deck. They could have peeked around, but I just know, and it was sense, can I be honest, I wouldn't care.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Good. But I just like not use the things. Not use the curtain, just kind of like. Yeah, so that's my whole body for them. Check out my ass, fellas. I know you want a piece. I know you want this ass. You want to tap my ass.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I know a Tardis who will explain, but when you've long term friendships, an X is make perfect best friends. These guys want to sleep with you, right? No. Have you slept with anyone? One, my X. Yeah, but I'm just saying the other guys.
Starting point is 00:36:01 No, the other guy doesn't want to sleep with me at all. In fact, I even asked him. I'm like, you don't care. You would never. We're the only ones who ends care you would never were the only ones of himself together He's lying He's not lying not everybody wants to sleep with me. I swear to God. No, I'm just guys. Just want to like sleep with women Right, like at a cabin and you're the only woman there. I'm single woman Why wouldn't he want to sleep with you? I mean maybe
Starting point is 00:36:49 woman, single woman. Why wouldn't he want to see with you? I mean, maybe, maybe, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, guess living in San, he lives in Nebraska. But living in San Francisco, I know so many men who are in healthy gay relationships. And it doesn't mean that they've been together for a long time, 10, 20 years. And I just think that they do have different rules. Sometimes they give each other a hall pass. Sometimes they have, they're more in an open relationship where they can see people, but they have to be honest about it mean they have different rules i don't think they're your traditional monogamous relationship a lot of them but we should get one of our gay friends and here who's in a couple and talk about their relationship man the beyond this i don't really know too many
Starting point is 00:37:16 i do i know if you that are just i do i knew i knew one but they ended up breaking up after like fifteen years yeah i know I know I know those two and someone cheated I just think in the gay community it's different with cheating and having more flowing sex. Yeah, I think that I mean I don't know about females. I don't know how How lesbian's work is I don't really have any lesbian friends. I don't really have any lesbian friends.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I don't think, yeah, I made me, I have one, but I haven't talked to her in a long time. Right. And I don't know how free-flowing is. I have a lot of gay, guy friends, and they're just all about the bone in. Do you know? Right.
Starting point is 00:37:59 They're all about it. I mean, they have relationships where they have boyfriends, but their relationship is open. Right, exactly. Yeah, a lot of the gay couples I know have like, have like the hall pass or have open relationships, but they're still together and monogamous. And then I go, I asked them,
Starting point is 00:38:18 I go, when you're in the club for like 10 minutes and you're already taking a guy home, like how does that happen? And they go, it's just a look. You just give them a look. Yeah, it's like a look, like totally. That's what they do. They hook up so much easier.
Starting point is 00:38:30 There's so much easier. I wish I would just have like tractor beams to a chicken just look at them and they're like, all right. That's it. So I don't have to talk to them forever. I think you could do that. You could play that game. You just don't pick up women.
Starting point is 00:38:42 You wait for them to throw themselves at you. No way. Which I don't know how that's going But I would I would hit on women if I were you But he's saying it's monogamous and it's rare in the gay community But he doesn't know where I'm saying Trevor come out of San Francisco and I'll do some nice people who are in couples And you can talk to them about the relationships and maybe we should bring some of them in the show. I think it was a great we should break some Excuse me I think it was a great we should break some excuse me That's tired, okay Not really though. I just y'all do you ever y'all and you're not tired? Okay, no? Well it's contagious, too
Starting point is 00:39:12 Okay, yawning are you gonna y'all know crazy? Okay, you're fighting the on It's Friday. What are you gonna drink today? Not that I'm alcoholic you You Not that I'm alcoholic you Paint this picture of me just waste I don't Join in the choir I just believe there should I'm just gonna start my own religion and I believe that sex is enhanced By alcohol I don't sex you don't even remember the sex you have probably I'm sure it's awesome And I come highly recommend it. To take notes in your diary.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Yeah. No, I just think that, you know, it's not good. I think because you're nervous. If you're alcoholic, if you're alcoholic, that's not good. You need to get help. But if you can, you know, pace it out like I do. Why do you think sex is so much better when you're having alcohol? Because there was, there's this thing where you can prolong the experience without call you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:40:10 No You know, you'll be a one minute man. I don't know like I You a one-minute man when you don't have alcohol? No, but I won't be able to go as long is if I didn't know see that so messed up But I won't be able to go as long as if I didn't have. How do you know she that's so messed up? How? Because you need to work on it. You need to pre-game.
Starting point is 00:40:27 You need to do the stop and starting method. But I think that alcohol is just numbing your senses. I don't think that you, I think that you're drunk. So like everything's great. Like eating this dirt on the ground tastes great right now because I'm drunk. No, but pizza. When you're drunk.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Pizza's amazing when you're drunk. Yeah, yeah, but how would that pizza be? You know what I mean? I don't really believe that your sex is enhanced with your drunk. Well, I think you don't remember it. I think you don't remember it. But to people on the phone that would disagree with you. Yeah, follow your alcoholic friends. Doesn't count. Don't count. Okay. Okay. E. You never heard drunk sex is the best sex. Not only from you, honey, I disagree. I have a lot of friends who actually sober and don't drink and they said that their sex life is so much better
Starting point is 00:41:04 than out there. So, because they're just boring. You should try sober sex. It's really good. I do have sober sex in the morning once and while Here and there you probably have an in a long time. Yeah, I have I Don't advocate Drunk sex that often. I mean sure it's fun when you remember when you wake up hungover and then you have sex in the morning and then And then no one can have an orgasm because you're all hungover Weird, I feel dirty. You do yeah, you want a shower? I want a shower and then we can have sex again Oh, it's all good. I'll have sex again in the morning. Just let me get a quick shower Okay, you're really into your shower. You don't have to shower. It's fine. It's just me. I just feel kind of right
Starting point is 00:41:44 Because you got that alcohol spillage all over you Yeah, and dribble and dribble right I got it Um, I really think that menacee should try to have sober sucks You actin like it never do I do you don't you never have? As far as I'm concerned okay, what's your advice and or thoughts about anal sex? And if you want to ask your girlfriend to try it with you do most women reject anal play and I'm very aware of the risks and know that the parts of the body need to take extra time and care and always have say sex all the best to you Bruce. What are my thoughts about those sex I think anal sexes?
Starting point is 00:42:13 You're a nice accoutrements. I want to stick it in my girlfriend's butt. What do you think? I think you got to start slow. I think that you could ask her or you could just start when you're having when you're fooling around, you could put your finger, you could start to circle your of her anus with your finger with lube and see how she feels about it. And if she doesn't push your finger away and freak out, then you could start slowly inserting a finger in and see how that feels. And then slowly, slowly, just see if how she reacts to it. And then if you do that, she put another finger
Starting point is 00:42:46 and she might be more open to anal sex. And then you could talk about it, hey, have you ever been interested in anal sex? So I think you start slow. You don't just like stick your penis inside of her anus. You would take it slow. And you could ask her, you could just try to, I think that's what a lot of guys do.
Starting point is 00:43:01 They just kind of play with that area and see how she reacts. She freaks out and jumps. That doesn't necessarily mean no. It just means that maybe she's never had it before, but it doesn't mean she's not curious about it. So you could also be like, ask her, like, did you like that? Does that feel good?
Starting point is 00:43:15 And she's like, no, it feels awful. Well, then you know your answer. But if she's like, well, I don't know, it's kind of weird, I'm not used to it. Well, then your door's still open. So to speak, the back door. It's a back door, it's still open. Yeah. Don't you back door. It's a back door is to open. Don't you think it's good just to play around? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Yeah, I mean, then also kind of like talk about it beforehand. Maybe just in a joking manner. Don't act like you're serious. What are you talking about? I'm like, God, I want to f you in the ass. Whoa, you're laughing. All right. No, you just kind of joke about it. I'm like, oh, hey, you're laughing. All right. No, you just kind of joke about it. Like, oh, hey, you know, if I put it in your butt, then just like keep laughing and then see where her.
Starting point is 00:43:52 See if she laughs back. Yeah. And then she might be open to it. But then if she's like, no, never do that. I had an ex, which I was kind of, she, the subject came up, I wasn't like trying to ask her about it, but she's like, oh, only gay people do that.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I was like, oh, there you go, that's who. But then I'm like, yeah. I'm like, okay, then I should not date you either. Right, but why do you let that go? If you have that kinda, no, just like that. She's like, that attitude towards that. She's like, that attitude towards it, like, oh my god.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Right, it's kind of ignorance. Yeah, I didn't like that. A lot of things that would be that affects my, how I'll be sexually with a woman is their attitude. Just on things that don't even have to do with sex. Right, exactly. No, it says a lot.
Starting point is 00:44:37 There are attitudes about different things, if they're uptight. Right. Okay, so hopefully that answered your question. I think it did. And we got to get into our sex tips because this day is just flying by because it's Free Friday and Thursday. You didn't tell me what drink you're gonna drink out of it.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Oh, I'm gonna drink wine because I'm going to a friend's girlfriend's birthday party tonight. It's all girls and We all have to bring a bottle of red bottle of white. We're gonna have a little drink out of the show Now, yeah, Do you want to? Maybe one. Really rare. Seriously? There's this thing you reach us over here, I like. I'm gonna love this thing, reaches.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Can we really go drink? Because I sort of have stuff to do but like. Well, effort, it's Friday. I love that idea. Okay. Okay, because but I have to get my dog. Oh, damn. We'll figure it out.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Yeah, see dog, see? I know honey, honey. There you go. I didn't mean to get a dog. I didn't mean to get a dog. It was, she was given to me. Oh, this is the story now. All right, everybody, quick recap.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I know you listen to the show all the time. And didn't she kind of say, oh yeah, the dog is gone. I, I have one of my ex-men take care of the dog. And now she walked into the studio real quick. Oh yeah, I had the dog with me, but I knew not to bring the dogs to the studio because you would get mad. I'm like, what is the dog doing still in your life? Same.
Starting point is 00:46:04 We just love dogs. But we? Same region for the dogs. But we're not staying at the hotel. Doesn't matter, they love dogs. Let's go there, love it. You're shripping right now. You think? Yeah, I'm not gonna be in a hotel lobby bar with the dog. Okay, we at least have to go back and walk her.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Are we kid drinking South Park? We'll work it out. I love drinking in the middle of the day, I dare. Even though I have a ton of... Day drinking. Wrapped a day. It's amazing. Okay, so day drinking is amazing.
Starting point is 00:46:32 I agree. I gotta do hand jobs part two, but we're running out of time, isch. Okay, let's do hand jobs. You can do sex tips on Monday. Okay. It's fine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:42 People like the hand job stuff, so what did we leave out for me yesterday? This is what we do. This is what we do. This the hand job stuff. So what what's what did we leave out for me? I should a this focus focus that you're putting on all the people. I think that I think the fairies on top of it. Okay. I think the hand jobs are lost art and I think that women I'm talking about like heterosexual like women couples that they think I'm going to perform oral sex on him. I'm going to have sex with him, I'm going to intercourse with him,
Starting point is 00:47:06 I'm going to have oral sex, but you don't think about the hands up anymore. I think the hands up is a lost art. And we talked about the hands up, we gave great tips on yesterday's show, so check that out. If you're friends with benefits member, you can do that right now very easily.
Starting point is 00:47:19 And I just think it's a nice accoutrements. I love to say that. After it's not the only thing you should do, but it's a nice thing to do, you could use both hands, you use lots of lube. And I think guys think it's awesome, and it feels really good. I think many men would think that it felt very good.
Starting point is 00:47:36 And I taught, I gave some ways how to do it. Men has to agree, because he thinks that he guides, give themselves hand jobs better. If we did a poll, if we did a poll, if a guy would prefer a hand job over a blowjob. I'm not saying that I'm not saying don't give a blowjob. I'm saying I'm just saying if you had to put one against each other I probably want a blowjob. Yeah, I already tell you the poll that would what is what would win
Starting point is 00:47:56 But you don't want to blow job every single day. Okay. How about this poll? I mean you know this poll Could a woman give a hand job better? See, now we have the poll now. Now people can just answer the question and just get it over with. Just get over with. Let's just, just, just, it's done.
Starting point is 00:48:15 It's out of the oven. It's done. What's the poll? The poll is, can a woman give a hand job to a man better than a man can give to himself? That's the poll. Yes or no, that is it. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Put it up on the web. What do you mean, maybe? It has to be done. This needs to end. No, hold on a minute. We've had this debate going on for like 16 years. Okay. Now we'll end it.
Starting point is 00:48:42 The listeners will decide. Okay, we need to remind me what you just said. Okay, keep these This is the thing so we gave some tips yesterday and how to give good hand jobs Which you're gonna have to go back and listen to but there's some things I wanted you to keep in mind when giving a hand job And number one is try talking dirty to them tell my good is penis fills in your hands And that you want to see his hot load shoot up in the air. Oh, that's sweet classy ladies shoot up in the air. Something that effect. Classy ladies. I didn't write that. Think of new things to say to them to even get them more excited. Number two, rhythm. Good hand techniques is like good music. When you find the right rhythm, you're on your way to
Starting point is 00:49:15 creating a masterpiece. And a lot of times you can tell, like watch him masturbate first. Do a night in mutual masturbation before you dive in for the hand. Because then you know what he does to make himself a jackalette. and you can like do a whole new twist on it. No pun intended. Yeah. Twist. Don't sigh or give facial expressions that you're tired or that you have to do this. Part of what is so stimulating for him is that you're loving it also, which is true with everything, with truth, or all sacks. It's true with a lot of things like when a girl's giving you a blow, she's like, I guess gagging might be hot, but if she's like looks annoyed or not into it You don't want her doing it. No, right?
Starting point is 00:49:50 Number four always remember this if you don't know it already if he's about to ejaculate Constraint on the underneath tip area since that is where most of a sensitive nerve endings are Don't go down all the way on a shaft anymore rub the tip of his penis and keep rubbing until you get out that last drop That's true. Yes, right So that's once the last drop is out you need to stop because it hurts like I heard like you're like drop the penis and run Like don't touch it after you'd calculate because it hurts a guy, right? Like I'm not even playing it There's physical pain for some reason I don't know what we research that why there's physical pain. Why is there immediate physical pain for some reason. I don't know what we researched that.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Why there's physical pain? Why is there immediate physical pain? No, some men don't feel that way, but I say majority of men feel pain right after, if you touch his penis right after. That's why right after performing all sex, that I usually just like stop, because I'm like, oh, it's gonna hurt him.
Starting point is 00:50:39 But sometimes we're like down with you, just touching it lightly, right? Like nice caress. No, no, no, no, you're done. You're done. You're done. You can leave now, actually. And just don't let the door hit you and they ask.
Starting point is 00:50:50 You did your job. You can take the 20 on the dresser and then you can leave. You can leave. Exactly. That's a nice minute. In fact, don't stop till he lets you know. Stopping during the crucial moment of him coming could ruin the whole thing for him.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Yes. Have you ever had a girl like your about to come and she stops? Yes. Doesn't that nightmare? I know. If I'm a girl like you're about to come and she stops? Yes. Doesn't that nightmare? I know. If I'm a dude, I'd be so pissed. Oh my God. I'd like to keep going, keep going.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Okay, learn from the master. Simply ask your lover to show how he likes to play with himself and at least sure to give you a pointer or two. Yeah. Don't you think you'd give someone a pointer? A girl? How to do it best? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:23 You definitely have the guide. I mean, you don't really have to do it too? Yeah, you definitely have the guide. I mean, you don't really have to do it too verbally. You can show them with your hand. Right. Mutual masturbation is huge. And I think mutual masturbation is something that all couples do. You watch each other masturbate.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Either you masturbate each other or you watch each other masturbate. Watch her like rubber clitoris and do whatever she does and then learn. That's how you learn what makes her feel good. And same thing, watch him masturbate and you're like, oh, he likes. He uses his thumb this way and then you could could do it, but times 10 because you've got two hands and a loobe and a bill awesome. That's all I got for you on hand job say. We didn't get to kissing, but we'll do it on Monday. Yeah. Okay. I like kissing. Yeah. So it's time to wrap up. Okay. He said, thanks everyone for listening. And remember our
Starting point is 00:52:02 contest. What would you give up for amazing sex? Email me, tweet me, whatever, sex with Emily, feedback at, tweet, sex with Emily, Facebook, sex with Emily, and vote on our poll and like our Facebook page and have an amazing weekend. And listen to us on Stitcher Radio. Stitcher Radio. We're hot on Stitcher right now. We're one of their top podcasts. So Stitcher, STI, TCHR, it's an app you can download for your iPhone smartphone, any phone, and listen to our podcast so easily. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:30 So do that. Love you, mean it. Thanks so much for listening. It was a good for you. Email me. Feedback at section of the

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