Sex With Emily - Episode 301 - Breaking Up For (and with) Dummies

Episode Date: September 26, 2011

How and where should you break up with someone, the importance of the break up and how to move through it amicably. Emily attends the straightest gay wedding ever and Menace wears a teletubby suit. Th...en it’s onto places to have sex, like in front of a mirror, in limos, and on a jet ski. We also learn why you shouldn’t date a person who has no friends, how to make someone a better kisser, the secret Panty Dropper drink, and why you should love your labia. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that block our secret institutions Betrubized they call them in a bygone way hey, Emily You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair stand. Oh my the women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry?
Starting point is 00:00:26 It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm so, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:00:39 We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you get all your sex information. You can listen to all of our shows. We're doing four shows a week, and there's lots of exciting stuff happening there. So thanks for checking out, or, it's all the same. And happy Monday.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Monday's usually bummed me out, but I'm feeling amazing today, because I'm staring at madness. And he just brightens my day. I know. How are you doing? Why are you always bummed out of Mondays? You should be happy to be back.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I am happy. I have the best job ever. And Mondays, because the weekends are so good, and then they're like, money, morning, but I feel great. I didn't even realize it was Monday. I'm like, so happy, so good. I know, it's great.
Starting point is 00:01:16 And today's show, we're going to be talking about how to break up and just get over it. People flounder on the breakups. At least I know I spend a lot of time longer. I spend half the relationships trying to get out of them, whatever. Just break up. If you know it's done, we're going to tell you how to do it. Tomorrow we're going to be talking about how to make a sex tape. How about that? We'll also be reading your emails. Not that I am a proponent of it, but if you're going to do it, you should do
Starting point is 00:01:39 it right. Some topics today include kissing skills of our emails, kissing skills of the panty dropper. We're getting lots of emails with the panty dropper and the hand job debate. And you can call us, we've got Skype here, you can call us in, but you can't use your Skype, you've got to use your phone. 415-9927-392, another cool thing that you can do is leave us a message on our voicem anytime for 159927392 and you, we might play your message on the air. You can leave us a question, comments, what you'd like to hear on the show, anything. So leave us a message there.
Starting point is 00:02:14 It'll be really fun. And don't forget about free Fridays. We've got a free show every Friday. So if you missed last Friday's show, it was awesome. You can download it now. So that's what I got for you. We have a new pull-up. Have you ever had a friends with benefits relationship? Go to the website and check that out. But let us know how it worked for you. That's what I got. And sex and news. And
Starting point is 00:02:34 it's going to be a really fun day. Good. Yeah. One more thing I got to do. Yes. I've got a book coming out. I brought a copy for everyone to look at. It comes out October 11th. You can buy it in stores, but you can pre-order it now at Amazon. It's called Hot Sex. Over 200 things you can try tonight. There's another book called Hot Sex from years ago, so put in Hot Sex Emily, and this will come up. I just have to show you, because this is a video podcast, too.
Starting point is 00:02:59 You know, you can all watch this. But there's some really hot photos in here. A little mutual masturbation photo. It's coming up clearly too on the camera. On the camera. Let's see what are some other good ones. You can check it out later at and feel the scene audio podcast right now. How about this one?
Starting point is 00:03:17 Yeah. It's just full of them. Why did you just pick one page? Wow. There's lots of nudity with their illustrations and they're really sexy and hot lots of people with their like yeah But were they like shower one were they like real photographs? They're real photographs of people doing these things having sex and then we illustrated them So check out the book hot sex and go buy it because it's gonna change your life over 200 things you can try tonight
Starting point is 00:03:40 I'm gonna work my way through this book myself because I haven't necessarily, I wrote it, but I've been necessarily done everything in a while or all of it. So I'm going to work my way through it. I'm going to put little marks in it, little post it, on each page that I accomplish everything. That's my goal for 2012. Good. To do it with someone. All these things. Maybe like a meet a guy at a bar with like, hey, would you mind do this book and would you like to go through this book with me? It's a good thing. Yeah, I think so. So what's up? How was your weekend? My weekend was awesome. I What I do I was dead Friday. I was totally dead from that from being up online that crazy Spotify party and then Saturday I went to a hockey game to a penthouse sky box and it was like
Starting point is 00:04:30 filled to the brim with everything that I love food and alcohol. And that was really cool. I got to like really conversely with like people outside my usual network of people. So that was a lot of fun. We talked about getting about this. How I normally I talked about this. Normally, I wouldn't, this isn't something that I would go to, even though there is free alcohol and food. But I went there and I met some cool people. That's great. See, that happens.
Starting point is 00:04:55 It's good to reach outside your comfort zone. We're talking about what we're referring to this show last week. We talked about if you're single, how to meet someone. Because a lot of people think, oh, I'd never meet anyone. I never got what we're saying, do something different. Except every orientation you get, or just go outside your comfort zone. So men's comfort zone, did you meet anyone interesting?
Starting point is 00:05:10 Yeah, I met a really cute girl that just moved in like two days ago from DC. To the city? Oh, awesome. So she was asking me all about the city. So that was cool. I can spread my knowledge of everything around here. That's good.
Starting point is 00:05:23 It's useful for that. That was fun, because if you get to one chick, there's as many chicks behind that. Exactly. She must have friends here. Yeah, and if you just look out for the girl that doesn't have friends, which trouble. My friend married a girl.
Starting point is 00:05:36 He's divorced now, but he married a woman who had no friends, and he's like, that should have been my first sign. Like someone with no friends, like she had no one to be in the wedding. Like she was like scraping buckets like, do you be in my wedding? You've been wedding? They like they walked on the elder the whole thing and then they got divorced He's like that should have been a sign. So here's another thing though. Really really fun and exciting
Starting point is 00:05:54 So before the hockey the hockey game was at night. So I was just kind of killing time and I was What I had I had to do I had to go do something but it was by a Halloween store, okay And I thought because you know, I'm huge into Instagram, which is right It's an app for your phone that you take photos with so I go I'm gonna go in there and check out all the all the costumes And see if I can put a funny one on for my Instagram So go in there and immediately I see a telly tubbies Oh my god telly tubbies outfit, right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:26 So I go, I have to try it on. So I put it on, I took a picture, and people love this so much, they go, you have to buy it. So I bought it. You bought it? I bought it. Is it purple?
Starting point is 00:06:37 It's purple. And I have a funny story after that. And don't interrupt yet, because it's so funny. So I took a picture of that. The next day I pretended, I put it on, and I pretended I was making breakfast, and I put it up on Instagram again. It like blew up like my friends that work at Instagram
Starting point is 00:06:54 want me to do like a daily series of me dressed up like the guy. So the one that I picked, and I didn't know until after I posted the second photo, is Tinky Winky, and Tinky Winky supposedly is the gay one. Yeah, he is. I didn't know until after I posted the second photo is Tinky Winky and Tinky Winky Supposedly is the gay one. Yeah, he is I didn't know yeah, I didn't know until everyone's not only You're dressing as a telly-tale. You're dressing up as a gay telly-tale The gay telly-tale
Starting point is 00:07:14 So if you want to see the photos, I'm glad you're so comfortable with your masculine Yeah, they're on my Instagram and people are loving them. Oh my god Instagram white Wait minutes. Whatever That's so funny. Are you gonna really be in Halloween? Yeah, of course. Okay. That's good. Why not be tell you know Issues with gay people being a gay tell a tubby. I don't I don't care. Do you think Bert Nernie or gay? That's what a lot of people saying that they should just come out as a I know they like take baths together Remember but that was like an article not too long ago. Are the teletubbies still around? Like, they still do shows.
Starting point is 00:07:47 I don't know. I just remember there was a whole gay controversy about them. Yeah, so I, yeah, I just saw it and I thought it was funny, so I put it on. I want to see it. Let me see. Here's me making breakfast. Oh my God, I love it.
Starting point is 00:07:59 That is hilarious. So if you, you look so cute, Menace. I'll send you. I'll send you, you look like you from behind with the purple butt And then I'll I'll send you guys I'll send you guys the photos so you can put on the last. Oh, we'd love to do that We need to post so sex with Emily calm I'll send you the
Starting point is 00:08:15 Thomas okay, yeah, I'll do it right now. Oh love when you do that right now so you met a cute chick and That's good. I went to a gay wedding. Oh, yeah, how'd that go? It was really really beautiful. It was over the top. It was like it's it was the straightest gay wedding I've ever been to in the sense of they did the traditional like had their moms Walked at my dad's welcomed on the aisle or had they actually had their moms welcomed on the aisle There was like beautiful flowers. It was packed. It was like 200 people. It was at Cavallo Point, which is Down underneath the Golden Gate Bridge like right right over the bridge, it was beautiful,
Starting point is 00:08:48 like views of the bay, and lots of people there, and they, you know, it was a really beautiful union, they cried, they had the great, they had the, they were crying at these beautiful vows and stuff like that, and it was really, it was a little over the top, it was like lots of like photographers and food, and they did fireworks over the Gonga Bridge. And they had cake with two grooms on the top instead of a bride and a groom. It was really funny. Did you meet any hot guys there?
Starting point is 00:09:12 No, I like a quintile. Like yes, I met a ton of hot guys but then like a you get a straight to know. I was watching the Millionaire Mashmaker, the other day, it's on Bravo. And all the dudes there are just ridiculously like ripped and like totally in shape, but some of them like my gay daughter didn't go off. Like I didn't, I- There's a matchmaker set up gay men too.
Starting point is 00:09:36 No, it's just a millionaire matchmaker, but sometimes she does gay men. And this episode was two gay men. And all the dudes that she got are just like Ridigously ripped. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Beautiful. I mean, there were so many beautiful men And I just assumed they were all gay, but the way I don't know. I mean, I I told some old friends. I didn't see you know Well, you went there with the did you go there with the single with my friend a good woman? Yeah, she invited me as her day She single. Yeah, she's single. This is she got there on the prowl or she didn't mind either she didn't feed it meet anyone either we didn't meet anyone really We met nice people, but we didn't there was no love connections I wasn't making out with anyone on the dance floor. That's usually the best place to hook up at weddings
Starting point is 00:10:15 I know in a story a few weeks ago the most people cheated weddings Yeah, the most common place for people to cheat all the chicks are horned up and drunk totally I was a white wedding. We all had to wear white. Yeah, where's the photos? She all the chicks are horned up and drunk totally I'm getting my iPhone 5 soon I'm taking pictures all the time and I'll be on Instagram and all that stuff like you do right yeah So yeah, and I appreciate your email your text this week and help me work my television set and I did I did turn it on and watch that show that you're talking to watch. Oh, you did, sweet.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Yeah, so did. So she's telling me what to watch. And if you guys have any suggestions about shows I should watch, I just got cable, feedback, it's sex with Emily Doc. Welcome. It was fun. It took me a second to turn it on.
Starting point is 00:10:57 And then I noticed there was on the remote, there's an all on button. What? And it was like, whoa, it's all gonna turn on now and my whole world changed. Oh, and there's something else that's really cool. Tell me. I'm going to tell you, um, because now you have on demand. They have bridesmaids and you totally have to watch it. Oh, the movie. I heard it was amazing. Yeah, you got to watch it. Okay. There's a button
Starting point is 00:11:18 that says on demand on there. I know the on demand button. You click the on demand button and you little use the little arrows that go down to movies, and then you click just in, and click that, and then you'll find it. I love it. Remember the text message I sent you over the weekend? It was like step by step. Error.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Error down, arrow right. Error. I left so hard, it was like error right, scroll down, press this button. I'm like, I'm not that challenged, but I actually am sometimes I didn't know. Okay've got some sex in the news okay what you got that's why got Christie Ali is looking for a man to madly deeply love her now that she's master dancing with the stars started her stuff is the most recent
Starting point is 00:11:56 New York fashion we can oh yeah lost a hundred pounds a six-year-old actress and former Jenny Cugged spokeswoman is searching for a man she wants somebody loves me deeply and is madly in love with me for me. She said she's been divorced twice and she's looking for a mate now. And she says for now, for the first time, she knows exactly what she wants in a man. I want someone who has my back who is courageous and brave. So she didn't want to have fat sacks when she was overweight. So she's looking, I guess she's skinny now.
Starting point is 00:12:22 She said the easiest thing on the planet is to find s sex, but I don't see any merit in that. She's 60 already. Can't believe it. Yeah, I mean, she looks good. Yeah. She's beautiful woman. It's weird because she got kicked off the white watcher's thing
Starting point is 00:12:36 because she never lost weight. Like you can, if you never, but instantly when she stopped doing it, she lost weight. Right. It was interesting. That is interesting. I didn't know that she got was interesting. That's interesting. That is interesting. I didn't know that she got kicked off.
Starting point is 00:12:46 That's so funny. So what were you saying? I met a married couple over the weekend, and they were married 48 years. Wow. And they go, this is the advice that we have. Go. They go, you just have to marry your best friend.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Oh. That's it. You got to, for it to work, you got to marry your best friend. Really? Yeah. So you got to look for your best friend, DeMarie. That's it. For it to work, you got to marry your best friend. Really? Yeah. So you got to look for your best friend, to marry. That's good. Write that down. Marry your best friend. They say that. They say that, but do you want to bone your best friend? Like you have to have chemistry too. Don't you think? I like how you just, these people married 48 years and you throw it out the door. You're like, yeah, yeah. But at least I don't know. No, no, you're right.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I think I think it's like someone that you love hanging out with. Totally. Somebody you love hanging out with. They were still half for each other. Yeah. I love that. It's like a mom, my stepdad. They're still half for each other.
Starting point is 00:13:34 My mom's going to be on the show this week. Thursday, she's going to be in town. So we got to think a good question to ask her. I'm very excited about that. It's coming to visit me. Did you have the Jess and Bieber story? I don't think so. What is it? I'll tell you the Jess and Bieber story Did you have the Justin Bieber story? I don't think so. What is it?
Starting point is 00:13:46 I'll tell you the Justin Bieber story. Just go. Coming down. I don't know. So Justin Bieber, he's dating Selena Gomez. He's 17. She's 19. And this was all over TMZ, one of my favorite websites the other day.
Starting point is 00:13:59 He took her to a concert at the Nokia Theater, which is right next to the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles. And it was a total surprise. And he told her after the concert, like, oh hey, come here, follow me. So he goes down into like the basement of the Nokia Theater, where there's a tunnel that will go to the Staples Center. So she followed him in the tunnel, and then when they get out into the Staples Center. So she followed him in the tunnel and then when they get out into the Staples Center, which is the 22,000 people seated arena, it was totally empty and in the middle was a dinner for two. So I had a dinner for two and then while they're eating, then the movie Titanic started playing on the jumbo
Starting point is 00:14:45 trance. Oh my god. Yeah. That's a sweet date. Yeah. The kids 17. He's 17 and he's rolling that way. And he had rented out the staple center. The staple center. Yeah. That kid's going to be so effed up one day. When you have that much money and that much power at that age, it's not going to be pretty. But it's probably fine at 17. Oh yeah. I got to live it up. Hell up. How are you going to say no at 17? My God, you wouldn't say no. That's a good story, didn't know it. What are some more, like the most romantic dates
Starting point is 00:15:11 that people have had? What's something that someone did for you that just blew your mind? That's what my assistant said. What is something like the crazy thing you're doing? That you've done, yeah, email me feedback at What was the most over-the-top thing that someone's done for you? Yeah. I don't have What was the most over-the-top thing that someone's on for you?
Starting point is 00:15:25 I don't have money that come to mind. I have like, I mean, I had like, trips and stuff. Like I had a guy like our second date, we went to Mexico. That was fun. Crazy for how long? Isn't that crazy, but it was for like a week, five days. Yeah, I did, I've said it before, is that one where I said, oh, we're going to go have dinner and then go to a club and then
Starting point is 00:15:45 I ended up taking the shake to an airport and then we went to Vegas for like eight hours I remember that and then the next day. Yeah, and the next day we flew out like six in the morning And got that's fun. That's fun. I haven't done anything like that lately I'd like someone to do something very special. I gotta tell the men you're hanging out with the step up They're getting I know and I don't want it so funny, because every time I'm dating a guy, I'm like, tell my friend, I'm like, oh, he did the nicest thing.
Starting point is 00:16:09 He blah, blah. He, you know, walked my dog for me. He walked my dog for me, and they're like, he should do that sometimes. Or like, he just, everything that I think is so nice so the guy does, my friends are like, that's exactly what guys should do. And I just appreciate when men do nice things.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I'm like, I think. As you should, don't let those bitches bring you down. I know, those bitches are like that's exactly what guys should do and I just appreciate when men do nice things I'm like I should don't let those bitches bring down those bitches are like those bitches because they take their because they take their men for granted that's why it tells me I'm beautiful all the time like it's what you should do see he does tell me I'm beautiful she did ask bitches okay to wreak salahi on runaway wife she won a more money more fame so she's the one of from the real house ways right of DCc she's the one who stuck into the white house she's on the day so friday morning emotional tarik salahi open up to met lower about wife's
Starting point is 00:16:54 mccales affair with journey band member niel shone for rally thought his wife was abducted not sleeping with another man can you imagine you think your wife is abducted hopes she's just boning some other dude i don't know if this any of this is legit for real. Really? Like to be honest, I think a lot of this for polypplicity, but I on the other hand, they are, she's our faith. It says it says that she, that she had possibly been abducted spread quickly with some some sources claiming this was yet another publicity stump from the fame hungry couple best known for crashing a white house party.
Starting point is 00:17:27 But yeah, she could be extra fame hungry and now she's just kicking on the guy from journey. Yeah, exactly. I feel bad that she left a tiriied, speculated to Laura that his wife is probably down. Yeah, doing something. That's what happens with your fame horse. Exactly. Why are you looking at me? You're the fame whore. If anyone's a fame whore, I'm not looking at you. I'm just saying, you have to be looking at me, but you're not looking at me. I'm just saying the, if you're with a chick that's a
Starting point is 00:17:52 frame horror, don't be surprised when she dumps you. Right. Exactly. If you just think that they're all the women that are going to dump, when they get successful, when women get more successful, they're going to dump their counterprime, their partner. I don't know about in the business world, but I think in entertainment, definitely. I don't know. I'd like to be with a guy who I wouldn't mind making way more than a guy and like that I dating and I could like buy them nice things and take care of them. That would be really nice. That sounds awesome. I know. I wish there was more people out there who would like you. I think it would be great. That's kind of
Starting point is 00:18:23 my mom is like my mom makes more of them. I stop dad and she's kind of the bread. I mean, he does well, but she's always in the breadwinner. I've always been like, I'm mom like that. So I feel like I have no problem with that. So that's going to happen to me soon when I make 10 money. Okay, survey says only 6% of people, of 6% of single people are unhappy.
Starting point is 00:18:42 There's lots of news lately about people, because last week was unmarried in single Americans week yeah we missed that no we didn't miss it we celebrated it but so only six percent of people are happy single people are happy leave it to the experts and match to climb into the brains of singles all over the country and come from some very interesting fact when it comes to the lovely state of being single
Starting point is 00:19:01 it's to read five thousand single Americans to see just how they felt about their non-relationship status and found that only 6% called themselves unhappy. Singles between 55 and 64 and 21 and 34 were found to be the happiest. It all stages of all the stages reigned. So a recent study with Zeus said that 64% of single men are more productive in the workplace when they're relationship. Well, 53% of single women said they're work ethic dived when they were coupled up. It's true.
Starting point is 00:19:30 We get a new relationship you dive, but that's good to know people are. I think being single is awesome. Yeah. I like it. Single. I'm such a more of a single person. I hate working with people that have significant others because they they don't do as much Right, they're like adding home for dinner. Yeah, I'm like no, we still got work to do
Starting point is 00:19:49 Come on. I know I know I know show you telling a higher young people who are in relationships I'm gonna say any relationship you don't yeah, can I can I have you move your mic just a little bit? Oh, is that what you're telling me? Yeah, kind of suggesting like that a little bit Marge is in front As front as possible. There you go. Yeah. OK, is Sarah and Todd Palin's marriage on the rocks? The release of a Nutella bag, if you about Sarah Palin,
Starting point is 00:20:13 written by her next door neighbor of all people, maybe the catalyst, oh my god. Maybe the catalyst for a total marriage meltdown between Palin and her husband, Todd. According to the inquirer, searching for the real Sarah Palin book is chock full of stories between palan and her husband Todd. Coordinate inquiry searching for the real Sarah Paran book, it's chock full of stories that if true, could ruin not only marriage but a political career.
Starting point is 00:20:31 She's been destroyed by the biography. It covers all of her lies or secrets or cover up. It says that she, some of the things, we talked about this last week, but it was like that she like, smoked pot or had a fair. And then she did like coke and all that stuff. She did coke. Yeah, but she actually binks. She should or had a fairs. And then she did like coke and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:45 She did coke. Yeah, but she actually binks. She should just become a Democrat now. She smoked pot and she had an affair. She actually makes fun of that guy who wrote the book about her in her old television show that she had where she like showed him on camera. It's like, oh, there he is again. And he had like binoculars and all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Oh my God, that would suck if you're an extra neighbor. My next neighbor, so I've lived in a park and building with six units and we share a wall. My neighbor, it's very thin walls. For sure she hears me whenever I'm having sex or doing anything, two women live next door. Anyway, they could totally write a tell-all book. Why, they hear my conversation.
Starting point is 00:21:22 That's really scares me. You can't trust anybody. You can't trust anybody. You can't trust anybody. So that's about Sarah Palin. Yeah, that would suck to have someone write a biography about you with all your dirty secrets. Can I tell the listeners, I can, I know they can hear you because I, I get here early sometimes and I'm sitting in a soundproof booth and I can hear you from across the building
Starting point is 00:21:44 coming out of the elevator. And you're not even saying anything. It's just your shoes, I can just hear. I wear high heels. I'm very loud. My neighbors probably hate me. And they're gonna write a bad telebook. And it's always worth it.
Starting point is 00:21:59 We're here at the Stitcher office. And I always have to go shh. I don't think they hate me though here. No, they don't hate you. It's just, you know, as you can tell, they're all very quiet here. They need me to come in and pat them up at lunchtime. Totally. Hey, everyone.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Okay, Kendra Wilkinson's craziest sex location spots. You won't believe all of them. No way. And her new tell-all-book being Kendra, and it's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex.
Starting point is 00:22:30 It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex.
Starting point is 00:22:38 It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's not about the sex. It's her theory on why having sex and bed can be dull. Sex and a bed is so damn boring.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I tried to avoid the bed as much as possible, so why limit yourself? The bed is the bed, it's where you seep and read, would you exercise in bed? No, so I try not to have sex there. It's just an exciting place to be. So she has sex in the middle of the workplace, doesn't get better than that.
Starting point is 00:23:01 She says she should do it in front of a mirror. If you're confident and feel hot, she says do it in front of a mirror. She says she should do in front of a mirror. If you're confident, feel hot. She says, do in front of a mirror. She says, if you want to spice up your sex life, a mirror will do it. You can never have enough mirrors. She says they do it two to three times a week and the craziest place they ever had sex together, a jet ski and Cabo. A jet ski? In the middle of the ocean. Oh, that's cool. That is cool. That's hot. A fully endorsed that. A fully endorse that, but you've tried someone fall off hopefully, or wearing a life of a
Starting point is 00:23:27 server. I've had sex in like limos and backstage at concerts and stuff like that. Right, right. Me too. We talked about that. But that's the, I think this is a craziest thing. Yeah, my craziest thing was like on the gondola, or at the music festival and backstage, or a nice rank. But the jet ski is pretty cool. Jet ski is pretty cool that's pretty cool i think she's probably inspiring people all around the country right now rather on the world
Starting point is 00:23:51 uh... uh... a hundred million no one million dollars is reward is a reward offered for proof of gay or straight sex with rick parry now who is a rick parry is a texas governor house their magazines have has their larry flint is offering a big fat juicy million dollar reward for proof of gay or straight sex with texar governor rick pari the call for adulterals ran today in the austin chronicle was picked up i
Starting point is 00:24:15 have to internet shortly after he said the reason why we decided to run the ad otherwise we wouldn't do it flint said we hope to get leads if we do we have good investigators are put on the story. Why do they care about Rick Perry? Because there's all this kind of virtually. Is he married or something? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I can't even really know. Well, I'll tell you right now. Rumors of Perry's extramarital dallances have plagued him for years, but unlike other political figures in Brolin's text scandals, his sex life on the side has gone both ways. So apparently he's playing both sides of the field and they want to find like you know gay man and
Starting point is 00:24:49 weight women he slept with so I guess you get a million dollars if you give him a good I was looking at gocker today that's why I knew that I was thinking well what were I see that Rick Perry and there's a video of girls wrapping about him but I guess they pulled it down because I just looked right now It's on the which website was it a gocker right gocker. I love gocker. Yeah, I actually Like gocker. I like gocker. I appreciate it. Okay. Let's get into some emails from this. Okay. Cool. Was there something else you were gonna No, no, no, I'm just you know, but put a little pep into it a little pep And I'm not peppy a A little underpeppy today. Just a turn off the pet meter, just a, really?
Starting point is 00:25:28 I feel so peppy and so happy. I'm gonna do one or two peps. Okay. All right. Okay, great. Well, we're gonna read your emails now that you sent to feedback at or you did the Q&A on your website.
Starting point is 00:25:39 It's really easy, just send me an email. And you know, if you're a friend with benefits memory, read your emails. First, I'm like, you're on call sex doctor the time, giving you all the sex information you need. Okay, and answering your questions. Emily, how important is a guy's ability to deliver a kiss to you? If a guy's kiss is really well, does that make up for other things he might not do as well?
Starting point is 00:26:00 As importantly, can a guy who struggles to deliver the kiss ever make it up somewhere else? Thanks Jeff, he's from Dublin, California. He's a friend of the benefits of that. Dublin? I think the kiss is really important, but I think that you can work on the kiss. I think if the kissing isn't down, it's kind of hard to get into the other stuff, although I've definitely been with guys for a period of time where I'm like, I don't even remember kissing them, but I know we have sex or I know whatever and the sex can be good.
Starting point is 00:26:25 So I do think when you have amazing, when you kiss well with someone, it's amazing. And I think that you can really work on it. And something to do is if you're not sure, if someone's kissing, if you're not quite jive in, say, I'm gonna show you how I like to be kissed and you show me how you like to be kissed and then you guys can kind of work out
Starting point is 00:26:43 some kind of arrangement. Cause I think kissing is a given take, and between two people, it's like a dance. Kissing is a dance, and we're not all going to kiss the same way. So I don't think it's a deal breaker. I think that you can work on it, but if you try to work on it, it doesn't work. Some people think, well, if I can't keep,
Starting point is 00:26:58 I'm not a track of this guy, I'm going to end it. But I think it's important that a guy can deliver a good kiss, sure. But I'm not saying it's a deal breaker if we can't because we can work on it. You have reformed kissers, bad kissers? Yes, definitely. I don't think I have. No. But I just don't want to kiss them.
Starting point is 00:27:15 No, I don't dump them, but it's just sort of... You're like, oh, that would be the last time we're going to kiss. How do you don't kiss them as much as if I would kiss a good kisser, you know? Right. But when you have a good kisser, and it's like, it's like dancing. It's like everything, just, it's amazing. When you just kind of flow together and kiss the right way, I love that shit.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I haven't seen that many people kissing in public anymore. Really? It's weird. People need to start doing that. You look quite enough. No, I go out. I'm going to the city every day. I don't see anybody kissing.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I do see people up in the club doing way too much and they should. Yeah, exactly. Like, full make out, almost to you having sex. Oh my God, totally. I see that too in the clubs, but when I go to the clubs,
Starting point is 00:27:52 but I'm probably can't give, you know, your sniffer go there, a little peck. A little kiss? Yeah. What's up with that? But kissing is, yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I never noticed that.
Starting point is 00:28:02 I live in a neighborhood, maybe not. People have babies, a bunch of babies. They're probably not kissing anymore. But kissing is the first thing that goes in a relationship. After you're whistled for a while, you stop kissing and it always bumps me out. So I think if you're not kissing, you got to back off. You got to bring it back to the relationship. Yeah. Very important. I love kissing. I love kissing, too. It's like my favorite thing. I got to kiss all night. But the problem is I think also sometimes couples stop kissing and then they feel like if they start kissing it means I would now have to sex maybe some women pull back from it because they say a woman doesn't want to sex.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Let's just give example and she thinks if I start kissing you but a kiss can just be a kiss you can just make out with someone and not actually have sex. Like a lot of times I just think it's going to lead to it but a nice make out, a hot make out session is awesome. Yeah, but then the guy has to go masturbate later. I know, because he got a boner, and then that's why it happens as he gets a boner than he wants to sex. But you just want to make out.
Starting point is 00:28:52 How old do you have to be to stop saying they were a burner boner? No, how old do you have to be? Because I don't see too many older people holding hands. What's up with that? I love holding hands. I love holding hands too. What's going on with that? I love holding hands. I love holding hands too.
Starting point is 00:29:05 What's going on with that? I don't know with everyone. I see people holding hands. I hold hands. With people? Yeah, I've gotten dating like we hold hands. Hold hands just walking down the street. Yeah, we hold hands.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Don't see that either. Once in a while I'll see it because then I have to like figure out how to get around them. But it's not as open either. You think it's changed? Like you think they're used to be holding hands all hands across America and now there's the hands. how to get around them. But it's not as open either. What the hell? You think it's changed? You think they're used to be the old holy hands across America and now there's a hands. I like to go back to the 50s.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I know. The Dew-Op days. The Dew-Op days. I think that people are more lovey-dovey back then. Or maybe that's just movies. Maybe everyone's miserable right now and they're not in good relationships. I think holding hands and kissing and this is my favorite thing. When I'm with a guy who's not into that, I think I'm a little more,
Starting point is 00:29:46 there's a PDA spectrum. I'm on the high end of the PDA. I would totally make out, hold hands in public. I love that. Not the kissing. I don't like loving out in the restaurant or something. I don't want someone to be like, get a room. But I appreciate the kissing.
Starting point is 00:30:02 But in a workout, I'm a sphere. I'm kind of hands off too. If I'm at a, even though it's like a public area, I'm not to, to hands on when at a concert. No, when you're in a date to hold our hand. Yeah, if that is what we're doing, is holding hands, then yeah. If you were at that stage of your relationship, would you ever hold hands on the first date?
Starting point is 00:30:25 On the first date, the pen can tell how well it's going. Right, I got you. And I want to hold her hand. Oh, I want to hold. That's all right. The drink you mentioned the other night, dear Emily, the drink you mentioned the other night. It's right in the runner.
Starting point is 00:30:38 The panty dropper is not the conventional drink rest we know by bartenders. Could menace have mistaken the name. Now this is from John from Lewis and Maine and he wrote. Shot of good back. Or did you write this in Calthie? No, shot of good vodka for drops of ginger ale. Squeeze half lime feed off to Grenadine.
Starting point is 00:30:57 That's what you did say. Yeah, the drink is called and every bartender will know this. The drink is called a Moscow Mule. Right. But the Grenadine when you drop it in, it makes the light drop, so it's grenadine. When you drop it in, it makes it pink. And so that's why it's called the panty dropper.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Okay. Well, I think. The Moscow Mule itself, I mean, the grenadine is not necessary. That's just makes it the official. It makes it pink, like a Cosmone. Yeah, but the Moscow Mule is an amazing drink. We did, I love it.
Starting point is 00:31:29 We posted on the website. We did. We posted a blog post about it, and we would talk about it a lot, because it's amazing. I'm not a big drinker. It's very hard for me to digest our alcohol, and I can digest that, no problem. I can slam those. Yeah, so if you walk up to a bar and you go, hey, can I get a panty dropper? Most likely they won't know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Just ask for a Moscow Mule and you'll be taken care of. And they say, hey, yeah, can I get a couple shots of... Still shot of good... Grinity in there and you'll be good. Good to go. I appreciate that, Menace. Hey, Emily, love your podcast and you are both beautiful and sexy, which is rare, which is rare.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Keep it up. Oh, you just read it just to get a compliment. No, we are both beautiful and sexy. No, it's not. It's a compliment to you. Yeah, yeah. You're both, it's you. You, you, you.
Starting point is 00:32:16 No. Oh, see? Well, because then he gets into you later. Oh, what to say about me? He says nice things about you later. Okay. Hey, I'm we love your product as you are both beautiful and sexy. Okay. I thought you were saying both the lots of people. No, no, no. I read it right away. I didn't. I wasn't a bit of a good. You're both beautiful and sexy, which is really keep up. I read it twice. I just
Starting point is 00:32:37 have to ask from listening to you over the years, I feel you want to be in love, but just don't trust it. And since you hate to fail, you feel getting married and choosing the wrong one while having you feel stuck and somewhat of a failure, leaving you not to trust your intuitive side, which you depend on when you make your decisions. Is this what you think when it comes to relationships and why you figured to just go in the directions you choose? By the way, I'm glad to see you allow Menace to be more vocal on the show and not be afraid that he was taking over the show.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I love how we make your blood boil. It's kind of hot. Keep it up, menace. No, I know how to sit back. De-omega. Boyton Beach, Florida. He's a premium member. De-omega.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Do-a-ma-ja. Amaja. Day in my... It's a great name. I can't pronounce it. I'm really, really sorry. But thank you for being a premium member. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:23 I can address two of the things. Okay, fine. Menace is going to psychoanalyze me. I'll analyze you first, and then thank you for being a premium member. Okay. I can address two of the things. Okay, fine. Menace is going to psychoanalyze me. I'll analyze you first, and then you can respond to all of that. Okay. Okay. Well, let's do the thing. With the show, I think how the show works because I said, this is your show.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I just sit back and let you, I just try to help the show. I don't try to take it over. I can sit back. That should be the start. But if it was men as an Emily, of course, I would dominate people. And then the other thing is, this guy's totally wrong about analyzing it. You just want to polyamory relationship. Let's just announce it and say that's what you want. He thinks I want to be in an open relationship and dazzy with multiple men. Yeah, done deal. To say it.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I'm in it. Done. You like to be in a relationship, but just the option, you know, I would like to be in a perfect world but just the option to, you know, I would like to be a- Okay, in a perfect world, I do it with a guy and I'd be able to bone other guys. Yeah, I don't think that- That's what you want. I don't think it's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:34:13 I don't know if it's gonna happen, but that is what your heart desires. I desire a threesome, doesn't mean it's gonna happen. Dude, I can totally hook your up to the threesome, no problem. No, I don't want the people you gonna hook me up with how do you know? No, you're gonna find some freaks that go to like some Fagino rubbing Freaking group. I don't want people like that clip clitoris rubbing. Yeah, don't want it. Don't want it I'll find my own
Starting point is 00:34:38 How's that going for you? I'm really pursued lately. Yeah, maybe it can happen. Okay, good happen. I'm not worried I'm not worried about you. I think you get would you come in and tell us when it happens? Yeah. Maybe it could happen. Okay. Good happen. I'm not worried about you. I think you could. Would you comment and tell us when it happens? Yes. You won't. I have a girl that's totally down.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I just got to find another one. Really? Yeah. So that shouldn't be hard. She should be finding a girl. See, I just haven't really been pursuing it that much. She should find the girl. Is this the girl that's living with you?
Starting point is 00:34:59 No. Mm-hmm. Whatever. You should totally do it. Okay. Anyway, Emily, I challenge menace, I challenge menace about the hand job debate. If he had a lover who said, I like touching you, but I don't feel like having sex right now. Maybe she knows his attitude to her period.
Starting point is 00:35:20 But it would turn me on to give you a hand job. Would you say, no thanks thanks then go and masturbate? Anyway, thanks for the great podcast. Keep up the good. Well, yeah, I would say no. Thank you. You'd say no Thank you to you you'd rather go masturbate than have a woman give you a hand job. Yeah, look Look, I know I'm I'm weird. I know I'm weird, but I just don't I don't do anything just to get laid or to get off. I'm sorry. But if you're turned down by this woman, she's your girlfriend. She's like, sorry, how do you get cramps? And she wants to get her. No, if you're not into it, then it's fine. I can wait for her oral sex on you.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Then yes, I will accept it, but the hand job is a waste of a goddamn time. It is. You've never had a good one. And I can hold off until she's okay, and then we can go do other things. I don't need to get a hand job every single day in my life, every time I get an opportunity to get a hand job. But you never even take the opportunity to get a hand job. Because I don't want it.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Hand jobs are awesome. Lots of loob, hands, double hand. Yes. I hate, I hate guys, and I've said this before, I hate guys that just bend over backwards to do anything to get laid or to impress a woman or to get it with a woman. I hate guys like that. Guys that will, they see an attractive woman with her can hanging out that they have to turn around and comment on my tell all their friends about it.
Starting point is 00:36:48 I know. A lot of dudes are guys that they never get like there be a hot woman that they really are into and then they just they know the woman is taking advantage of them and just like doing anything for the chick. Like dude, she's not going to sleep with you, get over it. And I guarantee you, if you change your attitude to say screw that chick,, she's not gonna sleep with you, get over it. Yeah, I guess not. And I guarantee you, if you change your attitude to say, screw that chick, then she's gonna be one,
Starting point is 00:37:10 wanna be all over your dick. I'll say probably 70% of the time. If you start ignoring her. Yeah, and not getting her that type of thing. She's so basic men as it's so nice. I know, but so not true. It's totally true. But you ignore a chick and then she's gonna wanna come
Starting point is 00:37:24 around and cycle around. If you don't put her on a pedest and then she's gonna wanna come around and cycle out. If you don't put her on a pedestal, like all the other guys around here, guaranteed, guaranteed you're gonna have a way better chance than those dudes that are. I mean, sometimes that depends what you're dealing with. The people are dealing with their egos.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Those are people who are ego-based, but I like to put her on a pedestal by the guy I'm dating. Of course you do. But I don't treat him like crap. You're not in that. I'm not saying these chicks treat him like crap, but they kind of lead him on like they're gonna get laid
Starting point is 00:37:49 and they're not. And they're not gonna get laid. Yeah. Do you think women do that a lot? They lead them on like they're gonna get laid and then they don't and lay them? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:56 They're like, oh, I'm gonna give it up tonight, baby. And then they don't. Well, they don't say it in that way, but, you know. They just keep stringing you along and you see me for shit. Yes. That's sad, man. I'm they just keep stringing you along. You see me for shit. Yes. That's sad, man. I'm not saying you're thinking is me.
Starting point is 00:38:08 No, I can spot that shit right away. Right. Here's a good thing for you to know when to cut off a chick. OK. If you call up a girl and you say, so what are you doing Saturday? You busy? And she goes, oh, you know, I don't know why what's going on
Starting point is 00:38:26 It doesn't well the moment she says that why what's going on? Then you should cut her off because it doesn't matter what's going on I'm offered for you to hang out with me. It doesn't matter what we're gonna go do I would say why what's going on? Yeah, of course because you're gonna want another option while I might have a better party to go to yeah I don't want to commit without knowing cool You're you're a chick that I don't want to hang out with that. I mean do you want to hate when people are like what do you do on Friday? I mean what if it's something that I don't want to do said to be like well I might have plans but let me
Starting point is 00:38:56 Yeah, but if you're really into me it doesn't matter. It's true. That's what I'm saying It's true unless you want me to go to some big club that was not fun. Cool, but that sucks, but if you're really into me, you would bear that crappy club and you'd go out with me. But the way that's a normal response, hey, what's going on? So what's going on? Now, if she just said to you, if you said, what are you doing, Sarah, and she goes, anything you want, baby, that would be lame.
Starting point is 00:39:23 You're like, oh, we should go do something. Yes I would say no she's not gonna say that's your style That's me. That's me. We got different styles. Okay. I hear you're saying that I it's a good point Uh, I always have to counteract everything I say and we don't do this on purpose Yeah, it's getting you to agree with me on something. No, no, no, but I'm just saying that we don't like fame. I agree with you on that. We don't fake it just for argument. It is really how you feel.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I know. And this is really how I feel. I just want to express that. Yeah, we're not, we don't plan this stuff. It's got time. OK, it's just so easy. Emily, first, Stitcher is great, but having you and men is together there is even better.
Starting point is 00:40:08 We love Stitcher. It's an app that you download for your smartphone, any phone, iPad. Second, as you once said, flirting is fun. I'm probably seeing more of an opinion or comment than asking a question. I'm probably seeking more of an opinion or comment than asking a question.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I've worked with a woman for the foot plus past three years and we become good friends. I really enjoy her a lot and we connect via text and phone outside work. She's 20 years younger. She's 26 and 46. And one of those women that fits the
Starting point is 00:40:35 phrase, if I were single and much younger, what if question? She is hot. I'm happily married. And she's not married. But living with a long time boyfriend. In the past few months, she's been entering a personal space much more noticeably.
Starting point is 00:40:49 One arm hugs, bumping each other, and having body leaning, just a lot of touching, though nothing inappropriate. Okay, Emily, give me your perspective. Is she just messing with me having fun or maybe something else? If other, why do women use their suggestive powers to mess with guys?
Starting point is 00:41:05 Menace, I would love to hear your take as well. God damn right, I just said it. This is just for menace, this is just for menace, this next part. You are right, droid technology is incredible. When a sex with them, they're getting a droid app. The great show is you are awesome, Dean. You, how many do the droid app? Yeah, I really don't know any droid developers, which really sucks because we're in the
Starting point is 00:41:27 home of droid in Mountain View, California, which is not too far from San Francisco, is Google, and they have one of their main offices for a droid. I know. I just need to prioritize it and find a droid. If you can find somebody that's smart enough to use this program online, it's called app and go to Okay. And you can build your own Android app online.
Starting point is 00:41:54 If there's a listener that can figure out how to use that program and build the app, I'm sure Emily would be very well. I love it. There's actually one listener who did email me about Android stuff. So someone else can email me too. Okay, well Let's go back to his issue. He's okay. I kind of think you're married. I think she's flirting with you. She likes attention I'm sure you're attractive interesting man. I would say that why are women messing with you? I mean you're messing right back with her. She's leaning into you. You're leaning into her. I don't think that anything good is gonna come with this
Starting point is 00:42:21 But I understand this is a star will come of it. I understand There's a spark and it feels really good to get a tension from a younger, how are women? Like I get all that but what do I think she's gonna leave her boyfriend for you? Do I think you're gonna leave your wife? No and this just isn't gonna lead anywhere good. So when you're asking me,
Starting point is 00:42:38 give me your perspective is she just messing with me, having fun or something else. I think it's a little bit of all three of those things. I think that she's probably messing with you, having fun, she's having fun or something else. I think it's a little bit of all three of those things. I think that she's probably messing with you having fun. She's having fun because it feels good to flirt and enunice of a relationship and something else could be. Maybe she's isn't happy in a relationship now, but I don't think she's going to leave them. I think 20 years is a big age gap and you're married. So I just kind of start to back off. You're going get busted. You're gonna get hurt. Your life, your wife is gonna leave you, take all your money, and you're gonna live
Starting point is 00:43:08 in a studio apartment. Oh, excuse me, and you work together. And you're not gonna get laid by the 20 year old, and you might lose your job. Yeah, worth a deal. This is not some good deal. Look, if you're gonna cheat with some random chick, just fine, do it, just don't have the three things that can affect your life.
Starting point is 00:43:26 You know, you're going to have maybe a chick with a lawsuit against you and you lose your job and you got your wife that will leave you and take probably half your money to. Right. Totally screwed. I'd be careful, but I get, but people get caught up in this like, it feels really good and it's new and it's fresh and the adrenaline of a new relationship and I get why that's interesting and sexy But I don't think I'm the one who's here to to to make it to give you the the Forsyte yeah, and believe me there's a lot more chicks
Starting point is 00:43:57 I want to bone out work, but I can just tell that they're trouble. I can sense it really. Yeah, so I stay away Stay away. That's good. Gotta stay with me when we work with. That's, yeah. Emily, I just listened to an old show about labia surgery and now I'm feeling self-conscious. Oh, no. Do I have a weird looking labia? I've not looked at very many vaginas for comparison, but I don't think mine looks like porn stars. Hmm. And I menace that guys do notice that. I probably would never get the surgery, but I have never really thought much about if my labia is ugly and just got me thinking, I'm a big cyclist,
Starting point is 00:44:30 so maybe I would have that excuse to justify it if I need to. Anyway, great shows have a wonderful week of Manda. I don't know that many labia is either, honestly. Like, I think your labia is fine. I think there's nothing wrong with your labia. Men, like all different kinds of labias and it doesn't matter what they like. It's matter what you're comfortable with and I'm sure your labia is fine. Do not feel so conscious about it. Men's did make a drugatory mark
Starting point is 00:44:53 about a labia once and we've been wreaking havoc on it ever since. But you guys really sit and notice it that much. No, and if you're in, if, look, if you're never really going to do anything about it, then you shouldn't really care right what are you gonna do about it? I you guys not not gonna have sex with you because I really yeah, right, so who cares right? Labia surgery is just a mistake. I think labies are beautiful like women's bodies are beautiful And they're all shaped every breast looks different every vagina every lab every labia looks different, penises, god knows they look different. Yeah, the ones I see. The holly shaped.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Oh my god, there's so many. Okay, so that's what we got for emails today. Amanda, don't worry about it. Labia, let it go, let it go, let it go. Okay, let's get into our, what? Go ahead, now I just thought that was funny. Okay, this is um, breaking up. How do you break up with somebody? How do you do it?
Starting point is 00:45:46 You do not send a text message, you do not do it over the phone if you can avoid it. Oh, I do it over the phone, yeah. Well, I think it's good to meet in person too, but if you have to do it on phone, but don't just like. Brags on when you meet in person. Go ahead, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Okay, so break up tips, here's some break up tips. So this is how you end your relationship. You know that something's been wrong. So, you know what happens, and at least, I always think it's really important first to set deadlines for relationships. So, a lot of times, I don't know if you're like me or a lot of people I know, start getting in happy with a relationship
Starting point is 00:46:17 and you're not quite ready to end it. So, you start thinking, well, I'm not happy, whatever, and then like months and months and sometimes years ago by, and you're still in the same relationship. You're still with that same person, and I think we just started doing when you're having issues, you write down those issues,
Starting point is 00:46:30 and you should set a deadline for yourself. And you should say, okay, it's now September 26th. Three months from now, if I am feeling exactly the same way, you put in your calendar December 26th. I'm saying, these are the things that I want change. And if you're not seeing progress, it might be time you're might be getting closer to the breakup, right? I just think that's an important thing to do because we just tend to lose track and we think
Starting point is 00:46:54 someone's going to change and they're not. So this is like more for a long-term relationships. I know that would save me a lot of time because I spent half my relationships when I was younger trying to get out of them and I would just be in them knowing I'm not happy and stay with them for too long. So let's say that you know that it's bad though, you're got there, you gotta break up with the person, right? So first you decide that you do wanna do it,
Starting point is 00:47:13 you don't wanna put it back on track. So let's say you're ready to end it. I think you gotta make a clean break. Remember someone was emailing us, we're on break, what does a break mean? I think break is the wimpy way of breaking up. But a break is like, oh, maybe we shouldn't break, it's because you're not quite ready yet.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Just do it clean. You're not, you're sure you don't want to be this person. You can always get back together, but to be on a break is kind of a wimpy way of breaking up. So just do that. If you decide it's over, you want to start fresh and meet someone compatible. This is a really tough part.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Ending it is never going to be fun. There can be confusion, but you really have to say it's over, which is hard to do. Like, I think that I've been guilty of that in the past of saying, well, so be friends, and maybe we can work it out later. And I just think if you know it's over, it's over, and you just got to say it.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Yeah, I was definitely in the beginning of going through relationships. The biggest pussy when I wanted to break up. I just kind of waited and hoped that they would break up with me. And I would just kind of be. So, a lot of men told me they do that. I just acted like an asshole. Yeah, I didn't really do that.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I was just kind of standoffish. I didn't really answer messages right away and all that of standoffish. Didn't really answer messages right away. And all that kind of stuff. You just have to do the fade. But then I got in a really bad relationship where there was arguing all the time. I hate arguing. I think it's ridiculous. Right. And that's where it gave me that too. If you want to break up, just f and break up, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:44 You're just going to waste time in your life and opportunities in your life. If you just don't say, hey, it's just not really working out. Right. You got to say it. And I think that relationships shouldn't be that hard at the beginning either. So if you're doing, if you're on these three month cycles, we date them for three months, three months. I mean, that's just, if it's hard at the first three months or you're fighting, that should be the honeymoon phase.
Starting point is 00:49:07 This is something you should end. I just noticed that trend a lot. People are like, just start dating someone and they're having all these issues. And I'm like, first three months, you shouldn't be having issues yet, right? Yeah, it's, well, a lot of people will be, also, it's so fast-paced these days.
Starting point is 00:49:23 And people just go out on like three days and then they're boyfriend and girlfriend. I know. Why? Why do people have such a relationship? Because everything is just so hind with people, the society today where we have the 80-decentralum too. And but the only thing is too, I'm afraid when I take it too slow, I also have the misopportunities.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I'm trying to think, I'm thinking of I take it too slow, I also have the misopportunities. I'm thinking I'm being respectful. I'm not asking them for like, oh, hey, you want to go and hook up and go upstairs. Then they kind of like lose interest. Women want men to be aggressive. Women want men to be a little more aggressive. Yeah, but I'm like, I'm being aggressive and I'm asking you out, but just like when we're around, I'm trying to be more respectful than trying to get in your pants right away. And then it just seems like you're waiting too long to get in their pants.
Starting point is 00:50:13 I think so too. Maybe. At least try to make out with them right away. Would you do that? Yeah. You sometimes you wait on that too, you said. Yes, but I mean, I didn't wait as long as I did before. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:50:24 I had to go for before where I didn't like Kisser for like a week after we're all together and you're already going together. How old were you? I was in like my 20s. Okay back in my my pussy day slow progress progress. Not perfection though. Yeah, it's just I don't know. It's I think it's so much tougher these days to date them back before I don't know, I think it's so much tougher these days to date than back before. We get so many people have so many, we've talked about this before. You date people in your town.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Right. You know, there wasn't an internet where you even had more options. It was just the people that were around you. Right, there's so many, right. There's so many more options now. Now you kind of grow like you're really into, but like, oh man, there's this,
Starting point is 00:51:01 there's this other girl over on Facebook. Right. It lives 30 minutes away from me. I maybe don't want to go. I know. Never have a coffee. Coffee with her too. And I'm suddenly everyone to play.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Right. You know, everyone is a player and everyone's dating a lot of people. Yeah. But it seems like, yeah, because there are more options and there are more opportunities if you're on a dating website. There's like every day, there's new people. So okay, so if you want to end it, you've got to be really direct. This is not the time to be ambiguous and to be wishy-washy, like don't leave a post
Starting point is 00:51:30 in and don't, whatever, but like, like, let, like, say it, say, you know, just too many women are thinking like, oh man, they're like, I don't want to hurt the feelings, I don't want to, I'm going to just kind of be wishy-washy and I just say like, be direct and get out of it and tell them, tell them what, tell them what's up tell them why do women not believe me when I go for the direct approach. What do you mean? They just don't believe it. What do you say it's over? Can I keep back to my house?
Starting point is 00:51:56 Yeah, I'm just not going to happen. Is that what you say? They don't believe it. They really don't. They don't believe it. It's weird because maybe they're not, you see that direct-over approach. Maybe, but I think it's much better.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Like say things like things aren't working, not, no, but it doesn't mean I'll always feel the way. Don't say that. Don't say like, it's not now, but maybe later, like just be direct and end it. The more you make the thing is just say it straight. Don't disguise what you mean. Because if you say things aren't working out now,
Starting point is 00:52:23 but there might be a chance for later. Here she's walking away with all they're going to hear is, oh, there's a chance for later. So I think it's good to say we're done and do it. Where to break the news? Do it at a place that's comfortable for both of you. Don't come to your apartment and you go to his apartment because you'll have socks probably or something like that and you're trying to end it. So it can be like, you know, take somewhere quiet, steer clear of restaurants.
Starting point is 00:52:48 It's kind of hard to find. I remember my friend dumped some girl right before the meal came and she was like, could you have waited until after we ate to dump me like she lost her appetite. She was really upset. So restaurants are bad. Like try to sit outside and park maybe. What? Girls are crying.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Yeah. And if you're like a dick because you What? Girls starts crying. Yeah. And just. And I feel like a dick because you got to leave them crying. Right. Then you have. What do you guys cry so much? I don't know. I'm never crying.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Never cry it on a break up. That's a freaking lie. No, I've never, I've never, I've never been broken up with, but I've broken up with people. Oh, but I, so no one's ever broken up with you. No. Oh, I can't wait till that day.
Starting point is 00:53:27 You're gonna be happy. I know. I think it's gonna be good for me. I actually think it's gonna be a really good learning experience. And I'll be crushed and really upset. A reality check. Yeah. But probably, I think, I'm trying to,
Starting point is 00:53:38 when I was 16, I got my heart broken by someone. That's what, I wanna find that guy. That's the guy that made you crazy. He died. He died. And not because he broke up with me. guy. That's the guy that made you create. He died. He died. Because he broke up. Probably years ago. He died. Sad. Okay. Tell the person what went wrong. Did you dance on his grave? No. I still loved him. I loved him for years still after. I was so crushed. I was I was I literally think that that might have shaped me for men. Like I really was like
Starting point is 00:54:04 I was I literally think that that might have shaped me for men like I really was like You don't back flip on his grave. No, I was saying Daddy died like 10 10 years like 30 what did you try to dig him up and then hug him? No, no he lived in San Francisco too when I moved here really You followed him no, I didn't know I didn't follow him I did not follow It was a coincidence I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow him. I did not follow here. The true story comes out. I did not. I didn't know anybody would move here. And then I heard later that he was living out here. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:54:49 And I was- How did you not know that? I lost track of him. He was older. I don't know. I really didn't. It was kind of funny. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Okay. So we're going to break the news. We know, okay, tell him what went wrong. You guys didn't work, but hopefully you can learn or she can learn from his mistakes. It removes the element of ambiguity. So like, you're leaving because he doesn't do anything for you, for example, or he doesn't work but hopefully you can learn or she can learn from his mistakes. It removes the element of ambiguity. So like you're leaving because he doesn't do anything for you. For example, or he doesn't pull his way. He's in considered of your feelings or she I'm saying he, but he's unsupported in a career.
Starting point is 00:55:14 He do me and you in public. Whatever the reasons you should tell him what they are. This isn't so this you could be vindictive, but especially if you're breaking up with a guy, he's not a mind reader. He doesn't know what's wrong. You should tell him, don't you kind of want to know? Do you want know if a girl's like we're over do you want to know what one wrong? I should know what's wrong. Don't you think you kind of yeah, you kind of want to know Yeah, if I if it just out of the blue
Starting point is 00:55:36 Most likely she wants to go with another guy, but yeah, I would kind of I would kind of want to know right But not like that stuff that's like personality flaws or trait, like I don't think you wanna like rip them down, but I think it's just like, this is the thing, it's you should mostly do it from the meat, from the eye perspective, like I felt like I wasn't getting this from you and this is what I needed. It's not like you're a bad person and you're whatever,
Starting point is 00:55:56 like it's not a time to get angry. It's a time just to be honest and be like, this wasn't working for me. What about if it was sexual performance? That is a tough one because, because they never, men will never recover from that if you tell them that it's like... What are you doing in that situation? If you have bad sexual performance, I would say first, I hope that you tried to work on
Starting point is 00:56:15 it because a lot of times, you, most times, you can work on sexual issues in a relationship. You absolutely can. You can get, make sex better all the time. You just have to work on it. You could buy this book called Hot Sex. Over 200 things you could try tonight. It's my new book. 200 things, you just need to try one of them.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Like you can spice up your sex life. But if it doesn't ever get spiced up and you're not into sexually, I don't think you need to tell them that. I have a DVD that you can make. Another million dollar idea. I'm throwing it there. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:56:48 You can make a film, a documentary, where they do every single thing in one night. They be exhausted. Hey, I'm sure you can find something like that. I should do a documentary of me doing everything because I'm going to. In one night. Yeah, in one night.
Starting point is 00:57:03 You need a lot of, I don't know, a lot of nights, I think, to do these things. Because these are really like cool things. Okay, be adult about the breakup. Don't tell them it's over by introducing them to your new man or having one of your friends or family members. Do it just be adult. Be mature about it. This person's going to be in your life.
Starting point is 00:57:19 What comes around goes around. It's a small world. Just be adult about it. And then wrap it up. Relationships fail, but it does not mean you're a failure. If you end a relationship, everyone's like, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I feel like every relationship happens for a reason.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Everyone's in your life for a reason. They are not failures. It's just something that did not work out. It does not mean it's a failure. It just means that it wasn't right for you at the time. Happiness should be your life's goal and a good relationship factors into the equation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Yeah, that's what I'm gonna say. I'm freaking out. That's beautiful. It's epic. So we got time for today. It is. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I'm going to say. I'm freaking out. It's beautiful. It's epic. So we got time for today. It is. Yeah. We're a great show.
Starting point is 00:57:50 So much fun. I'm feel so peppy. We're at the Stitcher Studio. So if you guys didn't hear the part of the show where we talk about Stitcher, we talk about them every day because they're nice enough to let us use our studios. So go to or go to the Android market on your mobile phone or the App Store. It's free. They don't pay us to tell you that. No, they don't. They just sell it as you do the studio and eat their nuts.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Yeah, you eat all their food and drink all their sodas, not me. But anyways, download it. And then once you download the app, you can search sex with Emily and you can listen to the show on your Mobile device and there's 10 minutes free every day or you become a friends benefits member Which we really appreciate your support of the show and everyone who becomes a friends benefit member and the biggest thing ever is I emailed you the photo of the me and the tinky winky out. We're gonna post it on the website You're gonna post it up on the website. Don and Don. Kelsey's gonna get it going. Okay everyone. But don't think I'm a furry now.
Starting point is 00:58:47 I was saying that too. You are a furry. I'm not having sex. Honey, that's what I'm gonna say on her knee. What do you mean? I got the photo now. I can leave you whatever I want. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:58:56 It doesn't show up my face. So you've got the key. Never show your face. Never show your face in a fuzzy outfit. Okay everyone. Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at
Starting point is 00:59:00 Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. It was a good for you. Email me feedback at

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