Sex With Emily - Episode 325 - Trick or Cheating

Episode Date: October 31, 2011

Emily goes on the Today show in New York and Menace gets sex wounds on his birthday. Dating On Demand videos are taking over, and is Halloween an excuse to be slutty? Kim K files for divorce, Penis pu...mps enhance your member, and masturbation guilt is the curse of the jerking classes. Should Emily sign up for E Harmony? And Trick-or-cheating: what are the signs you are being cheated on? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that block our secret institutions Betrubized they call them in a bygone way hey, Emily You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair stand. Oh my the women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common all the way? What do you mean like laundry?
Starting point is 00:00:27 It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm so, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:00:39 We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information go to where many of you are there right now watching the show, listening to the show, we still appreciate it. And we love our friends' benefits members. If you're friends with benefits members, you get four shows a week, you get your emails,
Starting point is 00:00:55 answers right away, you get special gifts, you get special attention. You're one of the family. So thanks everyone for becoming your friends' benefits member. And I'm happy Monday and most importantly happy Halloween I know why I don't you why aren't you wearing a costume right now? I why aren't you wearing a costume right now because I have to want to wear one later What are you wearing later do you have your company party? Yeah, I don't know if I'm gonna bust out the tinky winky I thought that's why you got the tinky winky. I've worn it so many times. I even wore it on Thursday
Starting point is 00:01:22 You did we need all the pictures because we've got a tinky. We've got a menace and tinky winky album going on the on the website Yeah, there's some on my Facebook. Yeah, he's the gay teletobby. That's what I didn't know it was the game What else it is though? I was someone complained that I say what abs too much I got an email from a listener and he was like what's with the what abs? Do you think I overdo it? Well see this is where you messed up. You're listening to the listeners, because I never... I should listen to listeners. Okay, anyway, I just thought it was funny, because I appreciate you as a fan,
Starting point is 00:01:50 but don't tell me what the fuck can do. Don't tell me what to do, don't listen, okay. Hey, real quick. I don't know, we haven't been, it seems like we haven't done this so long. Yeah, I was in New York, yeah. Yeah, and I was all weird out. I shushed you, right, when we started the show,
Starting point is 00:02:03 because for some reason, when I had this on mute I could still hear it through the headphones. That's so strange. And that's bad because we usually say really bad stuff We like swear and yeah, so that's why that's why I pointed it. I'm used to you pointing and just me Just letting you know dude you point and shush me all the time like today's any different Okay, so listen today happy Halloween.'re going to be doing some trick or cheating. That's topic for today's show. What constitutes cheating and how to tell if you're being cheated on, trick or cheating? Love it! We'll also be reading your emails that you send to feedback at Please call us and leave us a message anytime on our voice mail for 159927392. We will
Starting point is 00:02:44 play it on the air. So if you don't feel like writing us an email, at, you can just call up and be like, hey, I've got a question in my girlfriend blah, blah, blah, my boyfriend, and we'll play it on the air and we'll answer it. So we love that. We are doing giveaways, too, of my book. Why does your sex life need improvement?
Starting point is 00:03:02 Tell me why you need to have my new book, which is called Hot Sex, over 200 things you can try tonight. You can buy it on Amazon. You can buy it in bookstore. Some bunch of people tell me they saw in bookstores and I haven't gone to bookstores yet to see it. You get to see it in the bookstore. I've been too busy honey. How the FT have a book out and you don't go to school. Because I'm lame. But I gotta tell you it's number 30 on Amazon in sex life. I know. It's number 30. It's doing really well. If you buy it, you gotta review tell you it's number 30 on Amazon in Sex and Health. I know. It's number 30. It's doing really well. If you buy it, you got to review it because it's a really good book.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Not just because I wrote it, but it really will help improve your sex life, which I assume this is why you're listening to the show because you want to improve your sex life. So if you want to read a book that will help you, then that is the book for you. We also have to talk about Tenga. Tenga is amazing. Sex toys. They're not just for you. And we also have to talk about Tenga. Tenga is amazing. Sex toys, they're not just for women. Tenga are revolutionary products from a Japanese company that does the work
Starting point is 00:03:52 of masturbation for you, for men. And it's a lot better than your left hand. It's engineered to give maximum pleasure and will give you amazing sensations that you have never felt before. The masturbation sleeves that go over your penis with the nubby things inside, it also helps increase your stamina
Starting point is 00:04:08 and prevent premature ejaculation. Their website is, they're in Japan. You know, everything cool comes out of Japan. And these are like everywhere now. Everyone's talking about it because you know sex toys are huge in the world like after half of all women have admitted to having a sex toy and I think it's time for men to start having sex toys including yourself.
Starting point is 00:04:27 You've been pushing this on me for years to get some sex toys. I know. It's not good. Hold on one second just for the listeners. I'm going to put you on me. Okay. I Weird okay, sorry, I'm gonna devil clean the so it's it's not okay I sound funny. It was just like a sound thing. It sounds funny. I just want to ask you No, no, I got it. I thought you had like invisalign in your no, I don't know invisalign
Starting point is 00:05:03 But I should cuz I had braces and then my kids shifted and I never wore the head. I want an invisalign in your no I don't know invisalign but I should cuz I had braces and then my kids shifted and I never wore the head I want an invisalign so bad me too I do they should get a miss an advertiser and then we I've been trying to for years but really I'm okay so this week in New York was amazing I know I was on the TV what the hell I was on the today show with Kathy Lee and Hoda yeah I love them I love too. They do the show from 10 to 11. You can check out the video on my It's gonna be on the website soon, but it's on my Facebook page It's on my sex with Emily Facebook page. You could also find me on Twitter or sex with Emily But anyway, I was on the today show. It was so exciting. It was so cool and Justin Timberlake
Starting point is 00:05:42 It's this is the thing you go in the green room, right? And everyone has their own room. It says, and there's like three different green rooms, it said Justin Timberlake and relationship expert. And right next to each other. And I wanted to take a picture of it, and then he already went on stage and so they pulled out his card. But it was really exciting to be on the show.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I wasn't nervous. I thought I'd be really nervous, but they asked us questions about, from the audience, about relationship issues. And I was with two other relationship experts and it was really fun. So I mean, being on the stage shows, total great and Kathy Lee was great in Hoda. They drink on their show every day. And they did not share any alcohol with us. And I'm like, I'm so ready to down some alcohol at the end. But it was a thrill. It was a total thrill. And then I love them. They're awesome. And you did awesome.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Thank you. I watched it while I was on the radio. I turned down the radio. I could have had to air, but I had to watch it. And it was really, really good. Thank you. And the men is called to tell me that I did good. And I got to tell you, when men is gives me a compliment, I know that it's right spot on.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Because he's not just throwing them out there. No, no, no. So thank you. I've gotten good feedback on it. So check it out for today's show. It was awesome. And then I did a big book party on Friday night at the Museum of Sacks for my book Hot Sacks and there was like 60, 70 people there and it was at the Museum of Sacks on the Animal Floor.
Starting point is 00:06:57 So it was the third floor and it's all these animals having sacks. So like peanut bears, yeah, effing and like it was an interesting room. Oh, yeah, I got to change your settings on your Facebook because I saw that. I saw that picture, but you didn't post it. No, my friend posted it. So many tag do in it. Like, I got to change your settings. I don't let anybody tag me. I know. And I always tag you in photos and they never show up on your page. So that was really fun. And then, oh, I, I did a briefing. I did a bunch of stuff. I just, I had to, that, whatever. It was great for the book. I was on a bunch of radio. I just met with, I had to, that whatever. It was great for the book to rise on a bunch of radio shows
Starting point is 00:07:26 on serious XM. It was really fun. Any, to go out? I did no time to meet any man. I was supposed to have a blind date. So one of the women that was on the, on today's show with me is her name's Amy Lawrence and she's a relationship expert.
Starting point is 00:07:43 And she was like after the show, she was like, oh my God, I totally should fix you up with someone. And she had a guy that fixed me up with. And then it fell through because I had another. Oh, he did. You did. You probably saw my picture. He canceled. He didn't cancel on me. We just didn't. I had too much other stuff going on, but maybe next time he sounded hot. I talked him on the phone. He sounded hot. Well, I talked him on the phone. He's like, he sounded really cute. I'm like he sounded really cute. We were supposed to go on a date But didn't work but next time I'm in New York it'll happen
Starting point is 00:08:09 What was wrong with him and nothing was wrong with them I was I was ahead but I was asking why I always ask why would a woman Suggest a man to another woman Why wouldn't she just want to date him? That's what I asked him. Like, did you bone him yet? Yeah, she probably totally did. She said she didn't, and she's a matchmaker. That's what she does for a living. She matches up people. So I was like, okay, yeah, I'll tell you
Starting point is 00:08:32 you want to date with him. I don't really know her, but I was like, she's got a great matchmaking company. So I was like, okay, great, but then it didn't work out. But I haven't gone on any dates. I just got back late last night. What time are you flying? I flew in at like nine. I got it. Where'd you stay? I stayed at my one of my oldest oldest friends in Brooklyn in Williamsburg with all the hipsters
Starting point is 00:08:51 I love when you say oldest friends because you didn't say girlfriend. You said friends friend It was a girlfriend and her husband no way. Yeah, it was not sexual Yeah, that's usually when you can call I know I know I'm going out with a friend tonight. What does that mean? No, I say with a friend Allison who I lived with actually for 12 years from college through San Francisco and so she and her husband live in Williamsburg and Which is very different than saying in Manhattan. I didn't love it, but I liked it and I felt hip I always feel hip but yeah, so I didn't, to be honest, it was all work. I did not get to shop.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I did not get to date. I didn't do a lot of the fun. That's me. I know I weak. I suck. I was there for week two. But I'm really happy to be back and do the show. I miss it.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Like I miss it in my heart when we're not doing the show. It's like painful. And I miss you. And I miss your birthday. What'd you do? I went to a couple of parties. Thursday I saw one of my favorite bands who shine toy guns Okay, yeah, you don't know that I saw them
Starting point is 00:09:50 I got to hang out with them for a little bit. That was fun And then the next day my birthday went to sushi Love it. Love it. And then I went and bought a bottle of rum and then I went and watched a movie and a rum. And then I went and watched a movie, the rum diaries with Johnny Depp. Okay. So disappointing. Bad movie. It wasn't bad, it just never really went anywhere.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Okay. It was kind of boring. Got it. Did you get laid? And yes, of course I did. I have a birthday? Yes. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Bye. Who doesn't? You know. That's girl you raise up with. Yeah, girls I already sleep with. There's no new people. You just like rotate these exes, the girls that you sleep with already. There's like no one new in the pool. No, I don't really bring anybody new in.
Starting point is 00:10:33 No, just the old. And do you know what I did get on my birthday? For having sex, rug burns, on my knees, hurts so bad, I'm in pain. Really? Yeah. You ever have that happen to you? Totally totally I calm sex wounds um when you do to what do you do to fix them up like you should put a towel that was in your apartment it's too late I'm telling you what do you do now
Starting point is 00:10:54 oh rug burns you just put on like best of trade like not best of station but you put on like um what's it called the ointment for your for um bangay no no no no no uh tiger bomb what's it called first aid stuff first aid stuff first for for me for a bit aloe vera yeah you could put on aloe vera you could put on um... a visit called you know that creamy stuff that you put on before you put your
Starting point is 00:11:17 band-aid on do you want to talk about the analyst it's like lotion it's like i'll give you a chance for a state stuff and put band-aids on. So dude, you must have had rock and sex if you got sex wounds. Yeah, you know, I was intoxicated, whatever. You're always intoxicated. I just might dream for you in this new birthday year is to have non-intoxicated sex.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Yeah, but it's not as fun. You don't know. I just can't remember that couple that, remember they gave us that email and they said they used to get wasted all time Have awesome sex and then they stopped getting wasted and they're like how boring it is now Yeah, because they're depressive and they were addicted to drinking a pint a night of whatever it was They sounded like people that I want to hang out. I mean, we do not promote alcoholism on the show I'm not promoting alcoholism I'm promoting a good time is what I'm promoting
Starting point is 00:12:04 You don't even remember it. I remember it was a rug burns. If you didn't have rug burns, you wouldn't even know that you got laid. That is a tall rug. But I remember in college getting really bad of rug burns on my back. And that's when we came up with the term sex wounds
Starting point is 00:12:17 because there was rugs in I. Did you use to show them to your girlfriends? Yeah, totally. I was like, look at my sex wounds. Yeah, you gotta be careful about those though. You guys are so bad You just share everything guys. We're locked we're locked down tight man. I don't know. I didn't tell any of my My friends about the the knees you're the first person. Oh, I'm so I want to get you stuff for your knees
Starting point is 00:12:39 I would put band-aids and you got to put this stuff on it. Yeah, give me some hello kitty band-aids W dude Tiana is Hello Kitty today. Nice. Do you have band-Aids? Yeah, how cute she is. My intern is to know. I don't have any band-Aids on me. Sorry about that. So I'm trying to think what else happened. So it's Halloween. I kind of missed the whole celebration because I was in New York. So I didn't do anything. So what are you going to do tonight? It's Halloween. Officially. But do people go out tonight? Yeah. My work is on a giant party. Oh, should I come? No. As your date, I could be really hot and sexy.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Do you know what I dress as is every year? What? I came up with this outfit a few years ago because I have this awesome gold dress. It's like cut out my stomach. I like sexy. It's like tight and long. And I go with queen Midas.
Starting point is 00:13:19 You know, like king Midas, everything he touches turns to gold. I go with queen Midas, everything I touch and stuff. All gold. Or the photos for the website. From a few years ago? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I post them. And if you like me to your party tonight, I should go. I'm only gonna go to the party for like an hour and then I'm going home. All right. Because I gotta get up. I have priorities, man. I'm not like these chicks.
Starting point is 00:13:40 I was actually just talking about this today. Or people that just have to go out. Just have to out or it's the end of the yeah, I'm like no I'm going there because it's a work function right hour And they do this work function Halloween parties. Yeah, but not actually on Halloween. This is the first time because there was a I mean you missed out in San Francisco San Francisco was insane from Thursday through Sunday. I'm sure I'm so glad I missed it. Or just parties, just crazy stuff people in the street.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Like people here always dressing costumes. And then when it's Halloween, it's like 10 to 10. Yeah, I'm sorry, Mr. Binah really, because I've been, I, I'm fine. I've, I've lived here for so long and I've done it and I've gone out. And I've been a million different things. So I'm fine with that. But happy Halloween everyone. I'll help you go out.
Starting point is 00:14:26 But it's really cool. About Halloween, is the slutty outfit so it just gives girls a reason to pretend they're not really sluts. Exactly. They're like every other day of the year I'm not a slut. Yeah right. I wear slutty outfits on Halloween. I wish that you invited me to your party because I would whip out this gold dress.
Starting point is 00:14:42 I'd be the hottest chick there. You can go. I'll get you tickets and drink tickets and you I would whip out this gold dress. I'd be the hottest chick there. You can go. I'll get you tickets and drink tickets and you can have a good time. Where's it at? It's on Venice at the Regency. Oh yeah, that's cool. There's like 20 DJs.
Starting point is 00:14:52 I don't want to beg my way into your party. I'll give you tickets. I don't want a charity ticket. Just go. I just don't want to go. That's cool. What if? I just made an effort to do it.
Starting point is 00:15:02 So yeah, so that's what I got. And then we've got some sex in the news. know like what my leading story is I broke the story you did no okay but I was one of the first people to post about it it's crazy okay Kim Kardashian is filing for divorce oh 72 days of not so wedded bliss to Chris Humphreys they've learned, and now we have the documents. We're told even though the marriage was short, she's not seeking an ennomenade. It's a garden variety divorce in which Kim site's irreconcilable differences. The date of separation is listed as of today, October 31st.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And I wonder if she has to pay him any money, you think? No, no now no way but see think i think is i think that she's doing the divorce instead of the analement which i think she should just do because look why not a know it because it's a divorce you can get money out of it oh and
Starting point is 00:16:01 she's not gonna get money though she can who knows the details of that? She has more money than him, I would assume. She does, but I'm just saying, who knows, you know, what the deal was made on the prenup? Like, she could be entitled to some money out of it. She's an idiot.
Starting point is 00:16:17 She knew him for less than a year and got married and had a $10 million wedding. Like, don't people, isn't there no reality chakras? Is she surrounded by yes people? Look, look, look. I'm not really talking I'm not really gonna talk any crap about Kim Kardashian okay why because I think what was going on with Kim Kardashian was the total thing that was happening to me around she's like she's the same age as me she was just having a freak out she's 30 something years old
Starting point is 00:16:45 Her sister her youngest sister just got married her older sister just had a baby There's all this attention around them and their life and the youngest sister even had their own break-off reality show about being married and She she her whole life is has been and she said this many times since she's been on television, like she has been planning her dream wedding since she was a child. So she was just like, okay, this guy's cool. And he'll do. He'll do.
Starting point is 00:17:16 And she wanted to have a wedding. Wow. And she probably made a bazillion dollars on. From television. Yeah. So this is the only thing that I don't see like, okay, just have an enolman. You don't need a divorce to get money out of it because you know what? I just tweeted before the show started.
Starting point is 00:17:35 You're going to make more money off selling the story about the breakup. What happened though? Are they saying, why did they break up? They haven't said yet. But what do you, like I said something, I said something. I was reading like a trashy magazine on the plane. Something like he's parting too much and he's not really round. Because he doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:17:52 He doesn't wait on her hand and feet. He's not, he talks, he talks shit to her. If you watch a promo, if you watch some of the promos for like upcoming episodes because they're about to just release another television show of her and him in New York and her sister and her sister. Oh, that was filmed before the Demolese. Yeah, before and in the promo the guys talking about how Yeah, when you know we have kids and race you know settle down. I really want to move back to Minnesota And Kim is like I don't want to move back to Minnesota. And Kim is like, I don't want to move back to Minnesota. What about my career?
Starting point is 00:18:29 And he goes straight up to her and he says, by the time we have kids and they're in school, no one's going to care about you anymore. Oh my God. That's in the promo. Wow. He just doesn't wait on her hand and feet. And maybe that's the way that she needs.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Right, but here's the, okay, here's the bottom line what we should all learn from this, is that before you get married to somebody, there are a list of questions that you should ask them. I should write a book on this. There are a list of things that you need to get clear on before you get married. For example, I'd like to move to Minnesota one day.
Starting point is 00:19:06 When we have kids, are we having kids? When are we having kids? What religion are we going to raise our kids? What happens if we're ever attracted to someone else? And that comes up. Are we going to talk about it? There's just a series of things that sounds like, then say, Newtia, they're for five minutes, and then they spent the other, like, but they knew each other for ten minutes.
Starting point is 00:19:24 They spent the first five minutes going to New Year's other, the last five minutes planning the wedding and now they're getting divorced, but they didn't have any conversations in between. So that shouldn't, like they should've said, like, I wanna go Minnesota, like, that could've been a deal breaker.
Starting point is 00:19:34 She's like, I'm never moving him into soda. Maybe we shouldn't get married, but they have these conversations after they get married, people do this all the time. So dumb. Talk, talk to your partner. Don't get caught up in the wedding and the whole thing. Yeah, I mean, I mean, if she was truly in love with him, then you know, that I guess that's the only
Starting point is 00:19:54 loss out of it. Truly in love after dating for six months. Who knows? So why you've never been in love? You don't know. I've been in love. Yeah, right. I've been in love like the long time ago. Like when you were a 16. No, well, yeah, but since then, I have been in love, but, right. I've been in love like the long time ago. Like when you were a 16. No, well, yeah. But since then, I have been in love. But it's been a very long time since I've been in love. I have in love with sex with that. So that's why you're so jaded right now. I'm not jaded.
Starting point is 00:20:13 I'm so jaded. I'm just jaded about this dumb mistake she made publicly for $10 million wedding, but I'm sure she got paid a lot. What do you talk about? Yeah. She got made way more than that. Maybe she knew she was going to end it with them, but she just, anyway, anyway, so that's she has made money off this from beginning then she set for life So what is the what is the lost? That's the that's what I'm saying the only lost is third wedding or second wedding?
Starting point is 00:20:34 Second wedding. I said I'm saying the only lost Lost is if she was really in love with the guy, but that's the only part that she's losing Public opinion freaking who cares about public opinion? You're set, you're young. She makes millions. Yeah, you're young. You're still gonna live your life. You're still gonna go out and date more people.
Starting point is 00:20:54 You're good. No problems. No problems. So anybody's like talking crap about it. Yeah. No, I'm just saying it's like kind of seems like a silly thing to do to get married without ever having a conversation with your husband.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Okay. So what would the conversation be with you? My conversation would be like, what would be your demand, your list of demands for you to get married? I would be like, if we have kids, how do you want to raise them? What kind of lifestyle would we have? Where do you want to live? He might be like, I really want to move to the country. Well, I love the city. I'm a city girl.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I would talk about what kind of lifestyle we want to have that I work a lot, that I work obsessed, that my work comes first. If I was in a relationship, I'd probably make compromises around that. I'd want to talk about the fact of what would happen if we are attracted to other people at some point. Because that happens.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Because that's totally going to happen with you. Yeah. So that happens. So what's totally gonna happen with you. Yeah. So that happens. So what are we gonna do about it? Would it be open to eventually maybe opening up the relationship? Where you can have sex with other people? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I'm not saying I want to. Because maybe this guy that I meet that I want to marry will be, I won't even be thinking that. But I just think that couples need to dress this guy. Who is that guy? Dude, do you find him? Do you have his number? Man, I don't know. I know. It's taken me a, do you find him? Do you have his number? Man, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I know, it's taken me a long time to find him, but I'm not really looking right now, but I am going to start dating, I'm matching doing all that crazy stuff, so I'm going to do it. Can we, oh, can we make a video? Oh my God. Can we do one of those on-demand videos for Comcast Television?
Starting point is 00:22:22 What? Dating on-demand? Oh, it's the best ever. What do you mean? It's these video, like a video blog that you would do about yourself and people can watch it on Comcast Cable, like on demand. It is so good.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Does anyone do it? Huh? Can anyone do it? Yeah, oh my God, I don't know why I've never thought of this before. I have no idea where to hang out. I can pull up some videos. So anybody can submit it and it's on the end.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Yeah, you go, they have like, they'll have like an event, right? And they go, oh, we're taping you, dating on demand videos. Just go to, you know, meet up at the CERN bar. And then you're gonna go sit in front of the camera and you talk about yourself. You know, like, oh, hi, I'm Emily Morris. I'm super rad. And then they put it up on on concast cable and people can go with the remote and they click dating
Starting point is 00:23:11 on demand. I'm like, oh, who's this girl? So there's a bunch of women who have uploaded their profiles. Yeah. And then you click on it and people watch it. Let's do it. We help. Yeah. And then they go to the website. They type in your number. How many women have done this? Oh thousands. Okay, let's do it. Will you write this down? I might hate down. I don't know why it just hit me right now.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Because you're genius. Dating on demand. Okay, should we move into our next sex, our next sex in a new story? Or did we have anything else about Kim Kardashian? Kim, I love her. I love her. I don't feel bad for her. I think.
Starting point is 00:23:43 They lived together. This is another thing, like they moved in together and realized it was a stupid. It was a mistake. I don't feel bad for her. I love her. She probably didn't love her. I don't feel bad for her. I think. I lived together. This is another thing, like they moved in together and realized it was a stupid. It was a mistake. Here's a dating underman for the film for you. It's Comcast though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:54 But it's always it on television too. Yes. Very well. There we go. Ready? Ready. I'm just looking for somebody to have fun with. That's it. I'm not into having a long-term relationship
Starting point is 00:24:08 and I don't want to get married again ever. That's you. Well my profession is that I don't work okay and I love it because I get to take advantage of so many things and work sucks. Signs like a name is number one because I'm always the first person in line for everything. Name is number one because I'm always the first person in line for everything When my main thing is going to see free movies because I love movies and why should I pay for something that I don't have to yes I idea hell is Mmm That they wouldn't be anymore freebies in town. Okay, she's sheep and lazy sounds like a where sounds awesome.ore okay let's check out this guy I love it dating on demand everybody to search on YouTube dating on demand this is real
Starting point is 00:24:58 any person wants to go out with me oh my god anyone with a pulse. We have a working wood palette development, make palettes, and he makes palettes. And a fortily of dryburn? He's homeless. No, he's not yet. He's drunk. He might be a little... I love you to the woman, if that's what you want to know. I'll date anyone who goes out with me.
Starting point is 00:25:21 It has a pulse. If they got a pulse, they should call me up right now. Oh my god, it's so good. I'll do it. Good. I'm doing everything I can to find the guy. All right, find some, here's another thing for note for you guys for the website. No. Find some really good ones from YouTube and then post them on the website. Perfect. We'll do that today. To date dating on demand, yeah. It's so good. Love it. Is it new or it's been around for a long time? No, it's been around for a long time. Hopefully they still do it. I just remembered it from a couple years ago.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I'll just do it and post it around. Do you ever see that video that guy did a few months ago? He's a year ago. He's like, I'm looking for my mate and he did this whole website. And he was trying to find a partner and he did like this really cool website all about him. And he had everyone email it around and it was like, I'm single. It was a cool website. Really? Yeah. It wasn't like some stupid video like that. Okay, righty. Next, sex in the new story. Sex toy in luggage elicited a wildly inappropriate note from TSA agent traveler says. So an alert that the Transportation Security Administration Screener at New Jersey's Newark Airport apparently spotted a sex toy stuffed inside
Starting point is 00:26:24 a passenger's luggage and offered the travel or some encouragement. Get your freak on, girl! Was found written in black ink on the back of a TSA notice. Passengers Jill, Philippovic revealed on her Twitter page. She says, just unpacked my suitcase and found the note from TSA she tweeted. Guess I discovered a personal item in my bag. Wow. found the note from tsa she tweeted guess i discovered a personal item in my bag it was a fifteen dollar bullet by from baybland about the most basic sex
Starting point is 00:26:50 toy you can imagine it is now been officially retired since i have no idea if the tsa agents man handled it she discovered the note on tuesday she landed double in it's wildly appropriate i'm freaking disturbed that is so disturbing that they go through and they find your sex toys and what you know that i should be fired that t.s.a. agent my luggage is you can inspect my luggage but don't make any comments
Starting point is 00:27:15 how many times you think this is happening to you and it yet what is the loser job if they can track that they probably will track who did it i think never they can't even find your bag they won't be able to find out i'm not back at last i mean that's crazy i always fly with sex toys but you gotta think that there is out because then they turn on by the stag and uh... and say uh... anyway that's funny that's embarrassing but
Starting point is 00:27:37 i think that's kind of a funny story i think it is uh... at least the chick was a lighthearted about it because tweeted it yeah and hilarious i would tweet the photo if she did some people Would probably freak out and want to see their line. I would see I'd be like Diff know in your commentary. Oh, like what are they like nice shirt or ugly dress? You're wearing why'd you pack that dress? Like look who asked you TSA agent? She's looking for drugs and guns like leave me alone Okay, Prince Harry is dating a California cocktail waitress
Starting point is 00:28:06 who looks like Kate Middleton. A cedar. Prince Harry is apparently dating cocktail waitress from San Diego who looks like her sister, looks like his sister-in-law. Remember when Prince Harry was coming to California but he was not going to date you? However, this is wrong if your name is Jessica Donaldson and you are a cocktail waitress from San Diego
Starting point is 00:28:23 because according to the always reliable British child Lloyd citing a source, Miss Donaldson and you are a cocktail waitress from San Diego because according to the always reliable British Chabloid citing a source Miss Donaldson and Prince Harry have been out in two dates lunch at a B side restaurant and dancing while drinking tequila at a beach side tavern However, the cocktail waitress denies dating Prince Harry our dreams of Princess cocktail waitress might be premature Hi, honey. Can you imagine bringing home to like the Prince like I found this great cocktail waitress She makes a mean Margarita. She has a giant tattoo too on the side of her, but she does look like she does look like Kate Millington. Really? Yeah. Yeah. I've seen her. I haven't seen her before. Well, yeah, she does. She's totally denying that they're hanging
Starting point is 00:28:58 out because she has a live-in boyfriend. Of course, but Preteri comes town and the boyfriend. Yeah, because that's why you can never trust them, Hose Emily. You know, you got a living girlfriend that you're probably helping to support, you're paying all the bills, working hard at home, and then some prince comes by and steals your lady. Yeah, but he's the prince. You got to understand. Oh, it's a prince. You got to understand. I'm glad I'm glad. That's pretty bad. She's got a boyfriend. People don't cheat. Break up first.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I love your attitude on that. I know. But he's the prince. Yeah, but honey, how many women would dump, how many women would go out with the prince if they're at home, if they're head of boyfriend at home that they're probably tired of sleeping with anyway. And the prince comes down.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Wow. Wow, Emily, wow. Where's your, where's your morals? Where's I'm going to find the one one day. I am going to find the one. No, you're going to find, you're going to maybe find the one, but then Prince Harry is going to come by. He's too young for me. And then it's, then it's over. What is cutie pie? Okay. Today, just so you know, we're going to be reading your emails in a second, but it's Halloween and we're going gonna be doing some trick or cheating. What constitutes cheating and how to tell if you're being cheated on?
Starting point is 00:30:09 I just wanted to recap. That's coming up next. And we can get in some emails. We've been getting a tons of emails lately. So it's been gone. Since I've been gone. And they're all blown up. Yeah, I think it's because I don't know why, but we always get tons of emails, but we've
Starting point is 00:30:22 been getting tons of emails. Feedback at or write on my website. There's an Ask Emily button and you can just do it right there at And follow me on Instagram. My Instagram has been blown up. I have, I Instagram the photo of you on television and a lot of people liked the photo and they said, good thing. So there is textualtomely listeners that are following me on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:30:46 How do we follow you? If you have the Instagram app, it's a photo app for your iPhone, just Instagram, just download it and then search white minutes and all. I'm getting my iPhone this week. Oh, and they were saying that too, they're like, you got to get Emily on Instagram. I know. I would be all over it. And I told them that you would be on it soon. Okay, I'm doing it. I know my friend just got it this week. They're out for my calling plan. Yeah, your service. My service. Okay, so topics on today's show include
Starting point is 00:31:16 for emails. Penis pumps, online dating suggestions, how to get your husband to have more sex and masturbation guilt. So here we go. Hi Emily, I just wanted to say I walked you on this today, show this morning and you were great. Best of luck with art or latest endeavors. Hope to see you in my spin class with your mom on your next trip to town. That's from Steve, he's a friend of mine, I didn't realize I was in here.
Starting point is 00:31:36 He's a friend of mine and I see him in spin class when I'm in again. Okay, so, okay. Hey, if you still have a penis pump, I would love to try and we'll even give you a report on how it works. Thanks, you're helping me from Michigan, Bill. Okay, I don't have a penis, but I do have some extra penis pumps from an advertiser we had last year, and I can maybe send it along.
Starting point is 00:31:56 But you can also try tanga masturbation tools for men, which enhance your confidence in stamina, and experiencing the stimulation from Tenga helps increase your stamina, preventing premature orgasm during sexual ornacore, in sexual ornacore. So Tenga is your best personal trainer. So let me see if I can dig up some penis pumps for you, Bill, but also Tenga does a lot of the same thing as if the penis pump is promising.
Starting point is 00:32:19 How many penis pumps do you have left? A bunch. I should sell them. Do you ever give them to anybody that you date? Oh, hey, check this out. I know that's insulting. No. Hi, would you mind?
Starting point is 00:32:30 Like, it's like the worst present ever. I'm buying your penis pump because your penis is too small. No, it's a gag gift. A gag gift. That's why I'm giving you a birthday. You spoiled it. What? A penis pump?
Starting point is 00:32:41 I'm giving you something else and I know you're going to like it. I'm insulted. We'll see. Okay. So, anyway, Emily, I would giving you something else and I know you're gonna like it. I'm insulted. We'll see. Okay. So anyway, Emily, I would suggest you might try e-harmony in addition to other online dating sites because I've been talking about the online dating sites I'm gonna use. I used e-harmony several years ago and communicated online with 75 women before before finally getting fair far enough into the process where it seemed appropriate to call one of my matches. We hit it off well on the phone. She became the first and only from each person from e Harmony that I dated.
Starting point is 00:33:13 We married three years later and I've been married never four years, but we still live in different cities, but that's a whole other story. Bottom line, give e Harmony a try as well. Thanks, John, from Louisville Kentucky. He's a premium member. The only thing about you, Harmony, the commercials, they had the old guy on there, and I'm just kind of creeped out about the old guy. I know, because I think of you, Harmony, I think older people. Yeah. But I think they've changed, you know what? Recently, they've changed their ad campaign,
Starting point is 00:33:37 so it's not so old people. Yeah, because probably, okay, Cupid is like murdering them on with the young people. I know. We're having the founder of O.K. Cupid on the show in a few weeks. Okay. Yeah, we're gonna talk about O.K. Cupid Because I think I might just like kind of diversify and try them all out But I think if that's gonna be a full-time job is like monitoring all the people You know, I mean assuming that people are interested in dating me I think I just have friends who like date on these sites and they say it's a full time like it's a second job Cool because they get so many responses Now I'm just maybe I should have you filter. Yes, let me filter that would be the best ever
Starting point is 00:34:15 I would like you to fix me up with someone that you think is appropriate. Okay. I'll fix you over the cold people Really? Yeah, you think they would go out with me. Yeah, they'll go out with you definitely Yeah, they might be outside your your realm of you don't know who I date of wacky you know yoga guys I don't know any guys have ponytails one yoga guy I don't know who does that yoga yoga instructor everybody I know who does it this gross he was a yoga yoga instructor everybody? No, who does it this gross? He was a good yoga instructor. I love when he did my corrections. Yeah, he come over and like move my butt and stuff. It felt really good Creepy. Yeah, just once
Starting point is 00:34:54 Okay Emily my husband I've been married for a year but been together for almost four We've never really had much of a sex life. I have come from a few highly sexual relationships before him, however before me and my husband hadn't been with anyone seriously so he didn't have sex at often. On average, we have sex maybe once a week. By the way, I'm 24, he is 27. I don't feel like this is normal. I want sex so much more often than he does.
Starting point is 00:35:22 There will be times when I wait as long as I can without coming on to him to see how long he will go before he notices we haven't been having sex. When we do have sex, it's just not enthusiastic, it's always the same. I guess my question for you is, how do I get my husband on the same page as me sexually? How do I get him to understand how important sex is?
Starting point is 00:35:43 How do we make it fun and not embarrassing for him, but still a little wild and crazy for me? Sarah from Kansas. You know what, Sarah? Can I give a suggestion? I'm sorry to cut you off. I like to go out. You go first. I'm sorry. Okay. It's sexism only. I apologize. I just got, I just had an idea that shot in my head was something different or vice than I usually give. Is it good advice? I think it is. Oh, so it is different than you usually give. Yeah, go ahead, go.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Okay, so you've been together for years. Okay, so here's a thing. Sarah, this is a common issue that people have different sex drives, sex desires, and just, yeah, sex desires. You want a little more kinky, a little crazy, he wants a little less. And first thing is, I think you've got to look at sex drive. I mean, maybe he, a lot of men who don't want to have sex, a lot of it times it has to
Starting point is 00:36:32 do with stress or anxiety around work or money or financial stuff. So it can really inhibit a man's libido when that stuff's happening in his life. So I just want to ask you, has there been any undue stress? Have you guys moved, has he lost his job? Is there anything else happening? Cause that can inhibit his ability to want to have sex. And I would say that it is common for couples to have, like I said, to have different sex drives.
Starting point is 00:36:58 And it's all about compromising. You might not be getting all the sex that you want as my often, but maybe you can get a little more. So first I would be, I would talk to him, like I don't know if you've ever had this conversation with them before Maybe this is the first you've talked about it is to me and I am honored But there's you know nothing like talking to him and just saying you know I Love ours and again when you talk to your partner about sex you have to really start with something positive Because men and women don't like to take criticism
Starting point is 00:37:25 very easily, especially around sex. So you'd say, you know what's so amazing? I love when we have sex and the way you kiss my neck. I love when we have sex or whatever. And then you could say, I really would think it would be great if we could have sex more frequently. And then see what he says to that. He might just say, I'm not my mood, I don't want it,
Starting point is 00:37:41 I'm stressed, and maybe you guys could start talking about some emotions around that. As far as getting on the same page sexually because you want it to make it a little wild and crazy, I would say, start with the conversation about fantasies. That's a really good icebreaker for couples to say, what is your number one fantasy? What do you think about when you're masturbating
Starting point is 00:37:59 or what do you want to try? And then you share some of yours. Or if you don't have any fantasies, or if there's nothing that you want to share, then you share some of yours. Or if you don't have any fantasies or if there's nothing that you want to share, because sometimes we have fantasies and it doesn't even want them to come true, you can tell him, you know what really made me hot, that one time when we had sex and we were on the beach or we were in the bedroom and you tied me up or whatever it is, you give it reinforcement and you let him know what kind of things you like and then you're into.
Starting point is 00:38:25 The reason why I wrote my book and I'm not like here to totally plug my book, but it's hot sex over 200 things you can try tonight because there are these little things in the book, they're not difficult, they're not like crazy commasucho things that you have to do, but they're like, leave him a sexy note, dress up one night, make him dinner
Starting point is 00:38:41 and dress up in some sexy lingerie and get him into your sexual realm and you have to make the move it sounds like it sounds like he's not going to do it and you should try talking to him you should try little things to spice it up maybe he comes in the door and you give him a massage you tell him to get on dress and you're gonna give him a sexy massage or you make him a special dinner or whatever it is that he likes but if you start the dialogue with him and find out what really turns him on and what turns him off and why he doesn't want to sex I think that you have to do some talking
Starting point is 00:39:06 and you have to do some actions and you have to spring some interesting sex things at them. And you can let them know. I like little more freaky. It would be great if you tied me up one day. I'd love to be blindfolded. I'd love to have sex in the shower. Again, communication is lubrication and couples just like they get married, they get together and they never talk about sex, which is the glue of a relationship, which is why I'm concerned here, because if you don't get on the same page sexually, it will wreak havoc on your relationship.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Couples think like, oh, everything's great, we love hiking together and cooking together, and we watch TV every night, things are great, but sex not so great. You can't say that, because if you're not connecting sexually, it will eventually. That is the glue. Sex is the glue. And anyone who tells you the differently is wrong. It's the intimacy. It's important for your relationship. And so I say, you got to talk and you got to try some different, tell them what you want. Man, it's now for your comment.
Starting point is 00:39:59 My comment was going to be, don't talk to them. Because guys don't like talking. gonna be, don't talk to them, because guys don't like talking. I was gonna try something else first and then do what Emily says. My suggestion is start dolling yourself up, start looking hot, but don't do the thing where women throw it in men's faces, say, oh look at me, I'm looking hot, all these guys are into me. That's totally going to piss them off. That's totally going to turn them off. He's not going to be into it.
Starting point is 00:40:31 But don't throw it in his face. Just start hitting the gym, maybe getting a tan, looking hot. Right. And see what happens from there. You're so about the tan. Menace thinks the tan changes everything. No, there's a girl down the level. She's totally pale.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Right, yeah, but, you know, just take care of yourself a little bit and see what happens there. And see if- Yeah, like maybe, I don't know, maybe you come home, maybe every night you come home from work or you come from work and you put on sweats. Your baggy sweats in your old college t-shirt and maybe that's not hot for him.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Just, but just don't throw on those the 80s, fluffy, frilly, sexy laundry. That's so, ugh. Well, find out what turns them on. Ask him what his biggest turns are. Turn on, turn on's are. I would say, you tell him your most memorable sex experience with him and you should ask him,
Starting point is 00:41:19 what's your most memorable experience that we've had? And maybe he loved this one time when you did, you know, I don't know, you made him dinner and then you seduced him. I'm not sure what it is, but I would just suggest having conversations and I know that men don't like talking often, but I would say... Oh, the penis shrivels into their... But she's got to be in silence.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Inside. Because something's going on with him and I think it could be stress, it could be something. So there is going to have to be some dialogue around this. Dialogue. Dialogue. Such a boner killer. Okay. Such a boner killer. Okay. Such a boner killer. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Dear Emily, I finally got a chance to see what the tanga actually is and I want it. Where can I get one in the US? You can go to You can also, I believe, add a sells the tanga and you get 50% off most. Or there should be a link right on sex with only dot com there will be a link and sex on dot com today also i've got one on oh this is where you get a bay blend dot com good vibes dot com the pleasure chest dot com
Starting point is 00:42:15 this is a premium member stand from coastamessa california uh... thank you so much i think that you should try any of those stores so you are in coastamessa i wouldisa. How do you say that? Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa. There is a Bayland and there's a pleasure chest, which is in LA. So those are two good places to get it. And you could probably also order it online at Yeah. And actually, I think there's a premium friends with benefits. I think there's actually a link on it on your website. I'm just kidding. There isn't yet. I don't want to talk about it. Okay. Okay. So yeah, people love the masturbation on your website. I'm just kidding. Yeah, I don't want to talk about it. Okay. Okay
Starting point is 00:42:50 So yeah, people love the masturbation sleeve. Okay, I think it was really popular with the people That have been coming in lately that you had you had them laying out here. I know so many different kinds There's so many different kinds of Tango masturbation sleeves. There's like They all have different nubby feelings to them and I think there's like six or seven of them There's like the spiral the the module, the zen, the polygon, the pile. They have three dimensional textures to them. So you just have to go online and check out which ones you like and at the Tango website.
Starting point is 00:43:16 You can do that. It's a 3D thing for your ween. 3D for your ween. Okay, let's get into today's topic. Happy Halloween. We're going to do some trick or cheating. What constitutes cheating and how to tell if you are being cheated on? Let me see what you got. How can you tell?
Starting point is 00:43:36 How would you be an expert in this subject? Okay, well, I'm an expert in this subject because I would say, from my perspective, if you start locking his phone, he takes his phone into the shower, he comes home late from work, he starts using new product, he starts changing his wardrobe, he's got a new BFF at work and they grab lunch every day and sometimes they meet for drinks later.
Starting point is 00:43:58 I would say if he loses interest in sex, or when you have sex with him, he tries some totally different move that he's never done before, that's some things that I think. Phone, I take it with me all the time. I do too. In the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:44:11 I do too. But it's not, doesn't mean I'm... But if he wasn't doing that before. I do that since the beginning. Okay, so if he wasn't doing it before. All right. Okay. That's from television. They use that scenario scenario on television all the time which one where
Starting point is 00:44:30 People go to the bathroom to the cheat yeah totally Yeah, but I would say look for changes in relationship priorities Is he spending more time in the internet with his friends reading the newspaper or any other tasks besides spending time with you? So is he like all of a sudden spending less time with you? It could be a sign that he's cheating. It doesn't mean cheating. The newspaper and he's still in the same areas you already playing video games. I'm just saying all of a sudden he's just withdrawing a little bit. If he's withdrawing in a different area and not hanging out in the same area as you
Starting point is 00:45:03 cool, but if you're telling women right now, if a guy is reading a newspaper or playing video games in the same room as you, and that's a sign of cheating, you're over analyzing right now. If you're spending more time on the internet, I didn't just say newspaper or any other task. But let's say he used to always drink coffee with you in the morning and you had a thing and then he's starting just to be more secretive and spending more time on the internet and it doesn't have to do with work. What about you reflect your attitude?
Starting point is 00:45:28 Like, how is your attitude been lately? Why he would be acting like that? What would say that again? Maybe you have like kind of a native dimension. Yeah, maybe I've been a bitch lately and just like totally ignoring me. I was going to throw out, I wasn't going to throw out the B word. I was thinking of different ways to say it, but maybe you've been a bitch. It's a legit. Yeah, maybe you've been a video. Yeah, they do I say on radio all the time
Starting point is 00:45:50 But I'm just saying that if you're being a bitch. Yeah, he's gonna act that way too And then all your girlfriends around you are gonna tell you he's cheating on you. No, he's not cheating on you You are acting like a bitch and he doesn't want to be around you Okay true or not true You are acting like a bitch and he doesn't want to be around you. Okay. True or not true? If you're being a bitch, yes, let's assume you're not being a bitch and he's just buying these behaviors. Yeah. First of all, just for arguments.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Then I can agree with you on that. Awesome. Bring to his attention that you feel unwanted and you want to plan some special time together. Most likely, if he does not take you seriously and decides to work on your relationship, he might be considered cheating. These are all like not that he is cheating, but he might be cheating. You try to talk to him and you're like, let's spend more time together. He's like, can't, got to surf the web, got to go on Facebook. Okay. If arguments and disagreements are few and far between, he could be thinking about cheating. If you do not argue, it could be a sign that he is thinking about cheating when you bring the book. Yep. So if we're arguing we're having
Starting point is 00:46:50 problems and he might be thinking of leaving me for somebody else but then if we're not arguing then he could be plotting and cheating on you. What the hell is that? You never know I'm just telling you. What are you talking about? If you try to talk to women at all, if he is uninterested in having a daily conversation with you, that is not a good sign. He might just be like withdrawing. I mean, it might not mean that he's cheating, but maybe he's bored with a relationship. It's not that it doesn't mean he's cheating. Yeah, the next step is cheating. No, the next step is you get out of the relationship. Exactly. Okay, here's some reasons why women might cheat. Many women don't cheat, especially when they're in happy relationships.
Starting point is 00:47:31 However some do. They just don't, they never say it. The incidence of extramarital intercourse for women is 25% and the estimate of single women have cheated is even higher. And if a woman is going to cheat, there are surprisingly specific times when she's likely to do it. You wanna hear what they are? Yes. She's been promoted at work.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Yeah, you know how she got that promotion. She after boss. When she reaches a milestone, say in her career, she may start to think, now what? For her next challenge, she may focus on another big part of life, say her relationship. Writing on the high of her work success,
Starting point is 00:48:04 she feels that her goals are achievable and she be motivated to guess big part of life, say her relationship. Writing on the high of her work success, she feels that her goals are achievable and she be motivated to guess rest of her life on track. Also women with fat salaries are more likely to cheat. So you're telling me, hold on, you're telling me real quick, that every time a woman is doing better than her man, if I'm getting this right, she goes on to the next man.
Starting point is 00:48:26 True or not true. Isn't, what? You just read it right there. It's an indicator. It could happen if she's got it. She's making a lot of money. Hasn't this been a theory? Isn't this a theory that women make more money
Starting point is 00:48:36 and they dump guys? They do or are, I'm telling you, like in Hollywood, every time a woman gets like a bigger role than the guy that she's dating, she dumps her. Same with the guy. Same with the guy. He dumps his 40 year old for the 20 year old. No, no. A university of Washington study found that people who earned $75,000 or more per year were 1.5 more times likely to have an extra marital sex than those earning less than 30,000. So you've sort of feel more invincible. I've got money. I've got disposable income. I'm looking great.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I have money to do my hair and get all this up done. And so I'm going to have someone else. OK. I just want to move to Alaska. Here's the plan to to to to to avoid now. Here's the plan to avoid that. Bragg about your women's promotion. Most guys make the mistake of not doing enough
Starting point is 00:49:22 to celebrate their girlfriends accounts. Oh, I totally would. When she sees you honoring her, she'll feel valued as she does, she'll feel valued by you as she does at work. Oh, do you, would I or when I totally brag and pump up my girlfriend and say if she had a big ass print. I hope you would, but a lot of guys to be honest are threatened by women's success. Hey, no, I want my women's success. It's not you. I don't want a woman that has to depend on me.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I, I hear you, I don't want a man to depend on me. But a lot of guys are threatened. Many men, not all men. Many men are threatened by women's success, by women who are more successful than they are. No, not me. Yeah, they are. Not you.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Yeah. But I, you're getting that, they are. Not you. Yeah. But I get that all true. But not you, honey, you are, I think you are a feminist and you appreciate women and you love women and I think that you promote women. You have always helped women in your career and I think that you are just per woman. I'm not talking about you. Okay. I'm talking about other dudes who are threatened by it. And I've seen you guys who are like threatened by it. They never want to have a career and they don't want it. Yeah. And those are the guys that you dump. All right. So so brag about her promotion. And when she she sees you honoring her, she'll feel more
Starting point is 00:50:35 valued. Okay. Another reason why she might cheat. She's moving in with you. What? Now that you're together 24 7 and sharing every detail of your life, there's not as a great a need to keep the conversation flowing every minute. She could subconsciously interpret this as meaning that you think she's boring. I do think you're boring. If there's someone else around who finds her attractive and intriguing and shows it, she might go for him and say, a survey found that 41% of women who've cheated did it with a coworker.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I know. You can't trust those chicks. I'm telling you Emily, you can't trust them. No chicks? None. And again, with the whole goal thing, now that you've moved in together, she'll be thinking about the next step
Starting point is 00:51:15 such as engagement or marriage. So here's the plan for the guys. Make it clear that you're thinking of living together as a starting point. Talk about the future. Talk about her and your future. So talk, everyone needs to friggin' talk. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:29 I just thought you never lived with anybody. I've never lived with anybody. And I have a friend who thinks that's odd. It is odd that you've never lived with somebody. I know, I never wanted to. Why, I love it. I don't know. I love to move something.
Starting point is 00:51:40 I just like my own space and my house walking around listening music, dancing naked. I don't know if I call somebody else up, come hang out at the house. I have phone sacked with my ex boyfriend. Yeah, what have? What have? Okay, so she thinks you've cheated revenge affairs are common. Yes women have them in attempt to restore self-esteem and field desirable again She'll want to get even The plan if you are cheating or have cheated before, confess and apologize. There's a survey that says the woman who's the author of the monogamy myth showed that 86% of couples who
Starting point is 00:52:13 discussed one partner's affair are still married compared with 59% of couples who barely talked about it. If you're not cheating, she's being paranoid, and she probably has low self-confidence. Your job complements her sincerely, specifically and often. You're posing for pictures. Was that a good picture? No, but I don't know how to look at it later, but I hear about this happening all the time
Starting point is 00:52:38 where a woman can't even confirm if a guy's cheating at all, it's just she has the idea in her head because she's overanalyzed every single little for that he's done. I agree. I told you, and then she goes out and sleeps with some other person, and then oops, wait a minute, my boyfriend wasn't cheating the whole time.
Starting point is 00:52:54 I'm not trying to make people paranoid. Why do you guys get so paranoid about everything? I think that because we need a lot of attention from men, and if he's not showing it or he's withdrawing that we're like always cheating. I think it also is, I put a lot, on on the woman directly but a lot about her friends runner. I think the worst thing is a woman's best friend.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Seriously, that's like their biggest downfall because the woman's best friend will feed them so much crap jealousy. This is where you're going to know. This is where you're going to know. This is where you're going to know. Because the woman's best friend will feed them so much crap jealousy. There's one that are so cattle Kati is ridiculous. I don't have friends like that Wow, you're one and a million. I know all right, I maybe okay, I understand what you tell me these scenarios don't exist They do totally there are some women who are like he's cheating on you girlfriend dump is asked totally get those women Exists that just not in my world. But I get it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Totally got it. Okay, that's what we got for you for cheating. Anything else you want to say? I think that if your partner is cheating, I mean, a lot of times you'd say you think he's cheating you're probably right. But I would do some investigation. No. I've heard that.
Starting point is 00:53:58 No, that's too. Women's intuition is a powerful M mother effort. I think that. And I would say. No, no. This is what you should do. You really think he's cheating? You should hit up cheaters, the television show cheaters, right?
Starting point is 00:54:14 Or hit up a freaking private investigator, get some solid evidence that he is cheating before you have some crazy freak out and destroy your relationship or go and sleep with somebody else before. You need solid evidence that he is cheating before you go do these things. Agree.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Don't go crazy, but just look at the signs and have a talk with them. Everything I'm talking about today is about communication. Communication is lubrication. Couples live together and they don't talk about anything and it drives me insane and it's like Talk I I appreciate your emails, but I'm like next thing I'm gonna tell you is to go talk to your partner about it So happy Halloween. That's what we got time for today everyone go out and have some fun. No, no trick or cheating don't cheat You're gonna post some photos some sexy Yeah, I'm happy if I have any pictures for me from Halloween last year
Starting point is 00:55:03 I probably do. All right. Are you gonna be the gay teletubby? I didn't know it was the gay teletubby until I bought it. I don't care, or whatever, that's what he is. I'm gonna be the gay teletubby. Okay, awesome. Okay, everyone, thanks so much for listening
Starting point is 00:55:16 to Sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at at

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