Sex With Emily - Fornication Forecast

Episode Date: March 11, 2020

On today’s show, Dr. Emily is joined by psychological astrologer Dr. Jennifer Freed to give you your astro-sex forecast! Plus, she’s answering your sex & relationship questions. The two g...ive a breakdown of what your sign might mean for your sex life and relationships – whether you believe or not, it’s always fun to have more ideas for sex. Plus, Emily gives tips on getting your partner to finish in your mouth, a little success story of having the sex talk in a canoe, and the age old penis size question – does it matter?Follow Emily on all social @sexwithemilyFor more on Dr. Jen Freed, visit For even more sex advice, tips & tricks, visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. I'm Dr. Emily, and on today's show, I've got psychological stroller, Dr. Jennifer Fried here to give you your astro-sex forecast. Plus, I'm answering your sex and relationship questions. Tap of Sinclude. A really good breakdown. Probably one of the best I've ever heard of what your sign means for your sex life and relationships. Whether you believe it or not, it's always fun. So you love giving oral but your partner never finishes in your mouth and you really want them too. What do you do? A little success story about having the sex talk in a canoe and the age old penis-sized question, does it really matter? All this and more, thanks for listening. Into his eyes They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex
Starting point is 00:00:48 Eyes that mark our sacred institutions Bit rumies they call them in a fight on day. Hey, Evelyn You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The girls got everything oh my the women know about shrinkage isn't it common? What do you mean like laundry? It's r. Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm on for sale. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with.
Starting point is 00:01:23 You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between. For more information, check out, and it is Sex with Emily and all social media across the board. Intentions with Emily. For each show, I want to start off by setting an intention for the show, and I encourage you to do the same. So what I mean is right now, think about what you want to get out of listening to the episode. It could be, I love astrology, and I'm curious about what would be good sexually for my sign, or it could be,
Starting point is 00:01:49 I don't believe in astrology, but love a good sex tip. I know this show's gonna have them. My intention is to give you some ideas and varieties of what you could do with your sex life. Enjoy the show. I have some things I want to talk to you about, Jen, because I think we're gonna first go through
Starting point is 00:02:03 the astro forecast. Oh, hi, kid I think we're going to first go through the Astro Forecast. Oh, hi, kiddies. But I did mention at the top of show that I'm dating some people, and I didn't mention how you're connected to that yet. But I think we want to go to this sex. Let's do the Astro Forecast first. Let's do that, and then I can't wait to talk about your new paramour. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Okay, so this will apply if your son, your moon, or your rising sign is in-be signs. So we're going to go quickly, but you can always listen to it later too. So if you're in Aries, the month of March for you is about optimal frustration. So what you want to be looking at is how to tease yourself almost to climax, back off, and practice that again and again because what you're working on areas this month is how to be a patient lover with yourself and others. If you are a tourist, Venus is coming into your sign baby. Hold on to what you've got.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Venus and tourists in your sign is about the deliciousness of cherishing every curve on your body and your lovers and getting into the savoring of each kiss. Gemini, this is your month of the art of negotiation. Instead of trying to push against the walls, climb over the walls, walk around the walls. So everything sex and relationship is about the very strong art of refined language. Cancer, you are the power source this month. You're the watering hole for emotions and comfort, but what you need to do is let your lovers know that you have strong urges and desires, and it's time for them to service you.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Leo, your month is not so much to shine as usual, but to adjust and adjust and become more flexible. I'd say practice some yoga flexible moves, because you've got to love what you cannot have right away this month. You've got to really practice waiting and really anticipating the climax. And Virgo. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Virgo, you have the month to get into the commasutra. You are a vessel of sensuous magic this month. So absolutely, confirm your sexual powers by just the way you walk down the street. And Libra, you've got to turn toward your inner balance this month. Ask the scale to be more tilted in favor of what you need to take in and less what you need to take in and less what you need to give. And Scorpio, this is the month to find your warm love nest and see how deep your soul can be entwined. This is an excellent period to find out not just sexually but emotionally how well you can
Starting point is 00:04:59 know somebody. And then Sagittarius, wow, you're going to have to slow down your usual horsey pace and see the journey as one gorgeous step at a time and savor every flavor that you taste. And Capricorn, I'd say you're horny to go. If not now, when? Become the sexiest version of yourself and most importantly, impress yourself as the best lover you can be towards yourself and others. And then Aquaria, it's time for you to really get into your feet. Have people suck your toes, give you foot massages, do anything you can to bring yourself
Starting point is 00:05:41 into the earthy part of your nature because you're always sky high. And then finally, pice, swim toward the optimal feeling of orgasm in every moment. Don't just make it about the body. See if you can breathe in an orgasm or swim toward an orgasm, because right now everything's opening for you. So consider yourself like one big turn on to life. That's the astrosect 4CAST.
Starting point is 00:06:10 So good, Dr. Jen Fried. Thank you. We're so into it here. You're welcome. And from you I've learned, then through your book, she has a new book out. Use your planets wisely, which we'll also, we put about this in the show notes at Because Jen, I got to be honest, before I met you last year, I like red my Gemini horoscope,
Starting point is 00:06:32 but I was like, oh, it's silly. It just feels good, but you know, for a moment. But I didn't really understand it as well until, I mean, I think a lot of people feel that way after meeting you that it wasn't just about my Gemini sign, that it was all the other houses and things. Yeah. And I feel like I got a lot of attention. I got a lot of stuff going on. I'm like three torses, not just Gemini, you know, so all the things. I have to thank you, Gem, because not only have we met through the podcast and through this show, but we've become friends,
Starting point is 00:06:58 dear friends. And I was saying that I've met some people, I've been dating, I didn't date for a year, and I've dated several people, but there's people too that I like right now. And I said I had a conversation with both of them and was very honest and by being honest with people about where I'm at and not pretending I'm not dating anyone, I'm just being like this is I'm trying to figure out myself right now and I'm honest with them that it's actually worked in my favor and they've appreciated the honesty and it's actually deep into our connection, and all those things.
Starting point is 00:07:26 However, what I didn't mention is how I met them. How I met these two men. It's because of you. Jen Friede, who is not a matchmaker, so don't be hitting her up for that. Unless you want him to, she read these men's charts, they're not alike at all, and you thought Emily. And I like and you are, other people have fixed me up in the last year, and they're not to not know success there.
Starting point is 00:07:48 But you were right, Jen. How did you know? Yes. Well, again, when you look at a whole person's chart, you see a lot more complexity, and of course I had done your chart, and I knew that although you're Gemini, the master communicator and you can have a conversation with anyone about anything. You've got your moon, Mercury, and Saturn, and Taurus, which means you're this Earth goddess, you're sent to it.
Starting point is 00:08:11 But you want to be taken care of. You're this heroine, taking care of everyone, but deep down with Venus and Mars and Cancer, you want somebody that can hold you and cuddle you and be there for you. And I just happen to know twodle you and be there for you. And I just happen to know two gorgeous, and I mean gorgeous listeners, men, very different. I'm going to say they're ages, ones in their 30s, ones in their 50s, and in both
Starting point is 00:08:36 cases, I know them, they're friends of mine, and I went, whoa, I know your chart, I know your chart, you'd go great with Emily, and then I kind of push them because you know men can be stubborn sometimes to like call you, get down to LA, they don't live in LA, and to my great happiness, they both pursued you at the same time. Yes, they did, like the same exact time, and you are right. I'm just telling you, I gotta thank you, so much gratitude. Yeah. That's really cool.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Maybe you could start a matchmaking thing, Jen, I don't know, because it was pretty amazing. OK, fine, don't. Yeah, not at all, because here's the bottom line. Emily, you are so dear to me like a sister I just found again. And so it's so important to me who's around you. But I don't have that kind of commitment to everybody in the world. That's you.
Starting point is 00:09:23 But here's what I want to ask you. Yeah. What do you notice? Because one is a Sagittarius and one is an Aries. What do you notice is the main difference? Because they're very different guys about how you are around them. That's what I want to ask. Oh wow, that's a great question. I think I'm the same. I don't think I change myself around people, but I feel like I'm more, okay, they're both affectionate. I'm trying to think, I don't know if I change around them,
Starting point is 00:09:53 Jen, I think, oh, I can't answer that right now. I don't know how I'm different. Jamie, I've told you my story. It's not much different, but people bring out different sides of us, and it's like, I know the two gentlemen, and one brings out a very playful side of me and the other side brings out a very intense side of me. So, I guess playful, I guess that is C, thank you for the adjectives there.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I guess one is a little bit more playful and one is a little more grounding. Yeah. So that's it. And that shows up between your charts. It's absolutely the truth., so that's it. And that shows up between your charts. It's absolutely the truth. Yes, that's it. Playful and grounding, I would say is a difference that one I feel like I could be at home
Starting point is 00:10:32 and one is just playful and sexual. I guess they're both sexual. Yeah, sexual. Here's another question, because I know your listeners are dying to know about you. What have you noticed about your own energy and sexuality having two beastly, gorgeous men pursuing you?
Starting point is 00:10:50 What are you like? Okay, well here's what's happened, Jen, is that Dr. Jen Freed is that I was saying that I didn't, I took a year off of from dating and I really was focusing on other things. And what I realized now is having this double dose of this like the newness and the excitement and like the dopamine of what it's like to be
Starting point is 00:11:08 in like this new sexy relationships has been life-changing for, I think my team has seen it. I've come in like a lot brighter and it's sort of kind of flipped my world around. And so for my listeners, also listening, calling in, they're like, having sex in a year. I didn't barely have sex for a year, and I'm telling you, it changes the game.
Starting point is 00:11:28 It is something that we all need touch and intimacy and connection. And so I feel like it's really brightened so much of my life, my mood, my work, everything I'm doing. So. Well, I do want to compliment you because your chart, as of last year, was not a great love match chart. And what you did is instead of just go into relationships that wouldn't have
Starting point is 00:11:48 fed you or nurtured you, you took the time off, which was hard. But I think there's everything's about divine timing. And now is your GC opulent time. And you can just really bask in all of this true loving attention. Yeah, it feels, it feels incredible. It's intoxicating and it's in a healthy way though. It's a very healthy time for me and for the people that I'm choosing or that you brought my way, Jen. So if you think...
Starting point is 00:12:15 You still are choosing because... That's true. A lot of people throw people your way, but I can vouch for both these guys are stand up fabulous guys and so the fact that they also see you for the gloriousness that you are just makes me so good. Jen, thank you so much., F-R-E-E-D, joined her wisdom club. She's got moon and Venus levels. All right, we're going to take a quick break and we come back.
Starting point is 00:12:39 We're going to get in to your questions. Let's talk to Geneva. She's 46 in California, and she wants to know, now this is a interesting question. How can she get her boyfriend to ejaculate in her mouth? Don't often hear that one. Hear it the other way around. Hi Geneva, thanks for calling. Hi, how are you? Great. Tell me often hear that one. Here at the other way around. Hi Geneva, thanks for calling. Hi, how are you? Great. Tell me what's going on. Thanks for calling. So I have been dating my boyfriend
Starting point is 00:13:12 for a little over a year and every time I try to give him a blow job when it gets to the point to where he would, you know, ejaculate, ejaculate, he stopped me. Oh, and then he just wants to have a fact. Oh, I see, because he doesn't probably just wants to save it. Does he come inside you? Yes. Oh, okay. So I think you just got to tell him that like I really want to taste it. I think it'd be hot coming my mouth Like I think he's probably like okay, and what happens? He just says that he would prefer to come inside me Well all I can think is that either there's two things going on either he's like no I actually prefer the sensation of coming inside you so I'm only gonna come once so I might I prefer that in your mouth in inside of you Or number two he was with some but how long have you guys been to oh you said you've been together for years
Starting point is 00:14:13 He was with someone in the past who I'm over a little over here He was might likely with someone in the past who was like gross. I don't want to do it. It's not that's this is my guess That didn't like it and so he's sort of trained that you even if you say you want to, you don't really want to. That's just my guess. But I think Geneva, what you could say to him is like, I don't care if we have, because the truth is if he comes in your mouth, then you won't be able to have, I mean, let's see, it's hard again, then you won't be able to have, right, intercourse. So, and you could maybe let him know that you're fine with that that you just want to have like tonight I wanted to be all about you. I want to taste you in my mouth Like you know like that like letting him know that he doesn't have to do another act after that Now you could also have sex and he could pull out while that he might as well do that
Starting point is 00:14:56 But what I've done with people is like have them pull out and then come my mouth So but let's just start with this letting him know that because it's kind of nice I don't know. I love it when someone's like, I'm just going to go down on you, Emily, and you don't do anything. That's a good time. So maybe if you express that to him. And he's like that too. Okay, so maybe he doesn't think, so if you're like, right, so you've said to him, I just
Starting point is 00:15:18 want this to be about you and he still says, no, then you've got to ask him why. You just say, I'm just curious. Not in the moment. Not in the moment when he says, no. But like when you guys are hanging out, when you're having dinner, then you gotta ask him why. You just say I'm just curious. Not in the moment. Not in the moment when he says no, but like when you guys are hanging out, when you're having dinner, glass of wine, hey babe, I'm curious, I actually really love you, I wanna taste it, I'm just curious what's that about.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Explain more to me, in a loving, curious way, and then you'll get your answer. Yeah, he said I'm the only person that he's been with that I would actually do that first. See, so it goes to my first point, or my second anime, which I would have made it in, but my second point is that a lot of men are shamed around it. Maybe he grew up in a town where I was like,
Starting point is 00:15:52 oh, gross, only bad girls do it or no one wants to do it. That's true, there's a lot of women who don't want to do it. So he might not trust that you really want to. So you need to just keep telling him, I love it. It's taste, I want to taste it, I'm excited. That's all it's all you got to do. Keep talking to them about it because you've to show them differently. Okay. Okay. Thanks Geneva. Keep me posted. I want to hear how it goes after. She's well as I'm with you before, during, after, and we're going to have to enjoy 45 in Arizona. Hey, Joy. Hi there. Hi. What's going on, Joy?
Starting point is 00:16:21 I'm so glad. on, Joy? We're going to talk to all of you. We're going to talk to all of you. And thanks for everything you do your show. It's been life-changing. I'm so glad. Thanks, Joy. What's going on? So I took your advice and talked about my sex life with my husband in 21 years after.
Starting point is 00:16:40 We had kind of like a little chance on some canoes in the lake. And it was not in the bedroom. And so we decided we were going to go to a sex store and look at some toys. So we went out for a lovely meal, went to a really cool sex store. It's kind of near where we live. And so we picked out some toys. But then you know how they have like all the apparel
Starting point is 00:17:02 and the cups and all that kind of fun stuff. And then, he kind of started to shut down because I was like, what sexy to you or what do you like? Or that type of question? And it was kind of hard for him to like pick something out. And then, it just seems like I might be moving too fast for him because I'm really like, what's to this and let's go here and there have it a Halloween party. What's your love, you know? Right, Joy, I mean, that sounds like, yeah, maybe,
Starting point is 00:17:32 like, maybe it is if he's never been in the sex toy store and then he's like, what do you like? And then he's like, oh God, what if I say the wrong thing? I mean, I don't know where your husband's coming from, but I think it sounds like Inakanu, which I love it. I've never said, I really like, have the conversation when you're just chilling or going for a walk or Inakanu. And it was a good, it was a good conversation.
Starting point is 00:17:50 I've never said that, but I love that you were in a canoe. I can picture it and then you had a good conversation. And how did that conversation go? Because then maybe we can figure out just your one next step. What did you say in that conversation? So we just talked about how sex can become a bigger part of our lives because we're not trying to just keep kids going. And I also had a history rec to me the past December.
Starting point is 00:18:20 So I feel like it opened up a whole new world for me because now I don't have the like danger. I can make a baby anytime. Right. Exactly. And so for me, I just feel like I want to be like, let's do everything and sometimes I feel like we're almost with us being in our 40s. It's almost like I'm in a different sexual place than he is. Okay. I, you know, and, yeah, so I think that's the, and so I'm trying to use the curiosity of the toys and maybe some outfits and stuff like that to kind of add or lengthen the experience. Right, right. Yeah, it makes total sense.
Starting point is 00:18:59 So maybe, yeah, well, did he say that, did he say what he wanted or did he understand what you meant by Changing up the experience Yes, but he always says really sweet things where he's like, you know my favorite outfit is just you being naked You know right well, you know what I think joy. You know what this comes down to is that I think your husband wants to see What you feel sexy in and I think the good news is that it's time for you to be like, oh, I feel sexy in this and you go in there by yourself or with your girlfriends and you try on stuff and you walk around and you feel joy. What does joy want? Like you're doing. And then I also think for toys, he doesn't. Can I believe what I'm thinking is he's just like, whoa, you come home when you show him like I found this toy and it makes me feel good
Starting point is 00:19:44 and here's how you use it on me. I think he's gonna be down with it. So maybe it was just the experience of being there and being like putting him on the spot. Now also, but I don't think that I'm, I don't think you should hang up and go to the store right now. I think that you need to have one more conversation with him and just be like, hey, so I get, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:59 to tell him what we, you know, what we talked about and to say I was thinking like, I've been thinking about the store and it seemed like maybe you would rather have me pick it out or was there something El Abbey thought about that was there anything else that you want just kind of check it and then you could say if he's like oh no whatever you want you could be like I was thinking of going back and finding what would I like how would that feel if I brought home a toy. Okay, now I love that that's absolutely perfect. Just the next step okay good.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I want him it's yeah. So he gets careful but after years, it's such great progress joy. So I'm really proud of you. Keep it posted. We can talk after that conversation. And the next one, okay, you're so welcome. That's a thing, you guys. It's baby steps, you know, like I can I'm glad that they 21 years never talked about it in a canoe. I love canoeing. I've been to John 59. He He's in California and he wants to know if size really matters. Hey John, thanks for calling. Hi Emily, thanks for taking my call.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Of course. So, I have, we've been married for a little over 40 years now. 40. And my wife is only the second person I've ever been with. The first one was a one time thing and it was a little humbling because she kind of lapsed at my size. Ha. My wife, we have what I consider a good sex life.
Starting point is 00:21:14 I don't think I have ever given her an orgasm through just intercourse. Okay. Usually it involves a toy or oral before or after. Okay, and I'm fine with that, but I'm just wondering if there's something I can do to make it make my lack of size be less of an issue. Huh. Even if it's just for me.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Well, John, okay, well, let me, a few things here. First of all, it sounds like it's only an issue for you, not your wife. Also, I'm not certain that this woman 40 plus years ago actually was laughing at your size. She was. Okay. It was pretty, pretty clear. I don't think I've ever seen one that small.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Okay, but maybe she was with one other person. Like, you know what I'm saying, John? So, what were you 18 at the time? She'd been with one other person? Yeah, 17. Okay. So we carry these messages from childhood one person makes fun of us in the locker room When we think we have a small penis you've been in a successful relationship now for 40 years and she's not brought it up and you're concerned about now I will get to your question of how you can please her more But I'm actually trying to reframe this for you and show you that I do not think it's a problem.
Starting point is 00:22:25 It doesn't sound like it. Okay. So that's that. I mean, most men are way more concerned about their penis size than women are. So that said, I'm telling you in all my years of all my phone calls, I hear more about penis is actually being too big and hurting than they were too small. Okay. Yeah. So, John, if there's other ways you want to please her, if you think she would like, and
Starting point is 00:22:50 also one more thing, John, you said you've been listening, but you know that only 20% of women orgasm through penis stimulation. I understand that. Okay. Okay, John. So, now, you want to know how to please her more. Have you ever talked to her about what would that look like? Like, what else is she, is she into?
Starting point is 00:23:05 You know, we've tried various toys. She loves her womanizer and I love watching her have a really good orgasm, whether it's just with that or that in combination with, within her course. And she really enjoys oral when I go down on her. Great. So I don't have a problem giving her orgasms. Okay. I don't feel like I'm able to just do it by myself. Right. So I don't know if that's real common.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Yeah. Well, it is common. Oh, you mean, and you mean by yourself, you mean with your penis? Could you sounds like you are with your mouth? Exactly. Oh, yeah. When I say only 20, I'm really good with my mouth.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Yeah, I got to tell you something. When I just said only 20% of women, orgasm from penis stimulation alone, that's 20, that's 80% do not. So if you're asking if this is common, because you don't have a lot of experience, I'm telling you, it's the most common thing in the world. Many women need a toy. In fact, their studies recently done,
Starting point is 00:24:08 I think it was the last year that said the women are more likely to orgasm through a mouth, through fingers, or through kissing. I think like as far as the kissing turned them on and then fingers in a mouth. Not penis was not in there. Okay. So John, I think if you somehow need to feel,
Starting point is 00:24:22 I think that maybe it just sounds like you and your wife need to like Could take the yes-no, maybe let's go shopping for some toys together create some fantasy some role playing some Some other kind of connection that you've been having sexual 40 years the same way It sounds like it's not just about your penis It's about keeping things interesting in your relationship and getting her on board with the plan. All right Sounds like a plan. Okay. Love it John, John, for calling. I appreciate it. Kima posted. John, John, John. I mean, a 17 year old was like, I've never seen one that small.
Starting point is 00:24:52 She's probably saw her brothers or something. Yeah. I don't know. I'm not saying I didn't ask him for the size because I don't and she's whatever like happily married. It's fine, but we always find something to worry about. Well, let's talk talk to Michelle She's 61 in New York and she feels bad for the last color and she wasn't able to reach orgasm With a larger penis Michelle. Welcome to the show. Yes. Hi. Hi. I'm great. Thanks So I was I was so Motivated to call because I'm listening to John and I feel so bad for this man He's walking around in the successful marriage for 40 years thinking that it's his Small penis and I hope he's still listening and I want him to go home and he checks with his wife and know that it's not him.
Starting point is 00:25:35 My husband was so well and down that I remember the first time I had sex with him. I was in my sentence and oh my god, you're not coming in with that. And a car. One of those 20% of women that has never regarded some of the size of my partner's penis ever been able to reach. It's 80% 80% of women can't to reach orgasm with a penis. 20% can. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Uh, yeah. I just had a bad with the little. No, I'm just saying I had a reinforce if our listeners are going to freak out. Yeah. 80% cannot with a penis. 20% can't. Right. I've had a bad person a little time. No, I'm just saying I had to reinforce it for our listeners. We're going to freak out. Yeah. 80% cannot with a... And like his wife, I can have an orgasm with oral sex, with a vibrator, with manual stimulation, and my husband always felt bad. And I tried to tell him this is so normal. I'm also in the women's health field so I do tell patients that my son died of normal. But I want that man to go home and feel really good about his penis and feel really good about his successful marriage.
Starting point is 00:26:36 And I was so motivated to call because could you imagine this poor man walking around feeling so bad about himself? No, you go home and celebrate that you have a great marriage and know that it's not you. It's the anatomy of the women and how we will put together. Exactly, Michelle. Thank you for, I'm really glad you called in. That's exactly, I was feeling that too.
Starting point is 00:26:56 I'm like, no, John, but Michelle, what a great way to put it. I'm so glad you called in. Thank you for that. John better be listening. He says, he's a listener of the show. We all felt for you, John. Go celebrate your 40-year marriage. It's pretty amazing. If you guys have any questions or comments or things you'd like to hear about on the show,
Starting point is 00:27:11 you can also email us. Finally, thanks for sharing this with a friend. If you were listening and you're like, maybe my friend would get something out of this. A lot of you have told me that, you know, or listening with a partner. A lot of people listen with their partners and they've found that this has been like a little many sex therapy session. So it works. Thanks for sharing the love. I appreciate all of you.
Starting point is 00:27:28 And thanks to my awesome team, Ken, Kristen, and Lisa Bryan are interns, producer Jamie and Michael. Was it good for you? email me feedback at you

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