Sex With Emily - Freaks of The Week

Episode Date: July 5, 2014

In this week’s podcast, Emily and Menace are back in action, ready to answer listener emails and talk sex, love and relationships. Emily had a rough morning and shares the gory details. Plus, we the recent  developments in Emily’s social life.  Menace announces his BIG Taco Bell news and he and Emily embrace their brother-sister relationship with a little sibling squabble, followed by a quick makeup.Next Emily and Menace move on to some freakier subjects, including freaky sex ads on Craigslist and ‘freaky’ first time sex moves.Emily explains why you should avoid getting too kinky the first time you sleep with someone  and shares her experience with some overzealous men.Answering listener emails, Emily gives advice to a girl going off to college, looking to explore her “inner freak-” and shares her ideas for the dream sex toy starter kit.  Then Emily counsels a man who is frustrated with his married sex life and thinking of cheating.This podcast addresses the hard-hitting questions: What’s Menace’s all time favorite taco? What’s the best music to listen to when you masturbate? What if Emily had an orgy and nobody came? Find out the answers and more in this week’s show!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Emily from Sex with Emily. Thanks so much for listening to this show. And one of the reasons you're able to keep listening to us for free is because of my amazing sponsors. So thanks for supporting them. And I have to tell you, I am obsessed with my Nono Pro. I've spent so much time and money on razors and waxing and plucking and twezing and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:20 But Nono Pro is the best way to remove unwanted hair with no pain, no pain at all. And it's for men too. You know that hair on your back or your long neck hairs, all that stuff, whether it's your legs, your arms, your face, you'll die how easy this is to use. And the weeks of long lasting results. No No Pro comes with 100% 60 day money back guarantee. And when you purchase, you'll get a 5050 gift card to an award-winning skincare line. So go to that's Check it out. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them in a bygone way
Starting point is 00:01:06 Hey, Evelyn, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair stand, it's a lie The women know about shrinkage Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Oh my god, I'm off here, I'm so gone Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. Thanks everyone for listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to You can check out all our podcasts, sign up for the mailing list, and do all that fun stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:40 And I love hearing from you. So everyone, thanks for emailing me all your questions at feedback at, because today's show, we are answering your emails. We love hearing from you and we're getting so many lily that I just, I just want to help you all with your issues, your problems, your desires, your wants, your dreams, have the best sex and relationships of your life. And to help me out, I've gotten minus here today. Hi, how you doing? I'm good. It's so good to see you. Good to see you too. It's always weird like when we. Hi, how you doing? I'm good. It's so good to see you. Good to see you too.
Starting point is 00:02:05 It's always weird when we say hi, how you doing, because I've been sitting here probably for a half hour. We haven't talked yet. And we haven't talked. I know. We never talked. It's always awkward when we first talk to each other, but then we get into a group.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Exactly. And it's early for us right now. It is very early for us. Not for you, because you do a morning show, but I do not do a morning anything. Well, for us to be together to do a show. It is. We're never together in the morning. So what is going on with your life?
Starting point is 00:02:28 Oh my god. It's been insane when my brother was here, which I know. I'm totally missing. I know. I know. As a matter of fact, I saw photos of you guys together online. And you know, I love your brother. I know everyone loves it. He's amazing. I mean, he came on the show. So you know, I do the show on Thursday nights. Yeah. But love lines. He's amazing. I mean, he came on the show. So you know, I do the show on Thursday nights. Yeah. But love lines. So he came into that show and started to trash me all over the place. No, he got him online. He went on a
Starting point is 00:02:51 journey. You guys, everyone else to check out the show because it was last week's episode with Deanna Jordan. She's actually an addiction specialist. And the show is called a Dictator to Love and Other Drugs. And people just loved it. My brother, like, made an appearance. The first 10 minutes he comes in, like, kind of buzzed from dinner. And he's- He went on air? He came on air. Yeah, and he's like, hey, he's like,
Starting point is 00:03:09 so does everyone know about your issues with relationships? I'm sorry, he just started. I know. I'm like, what are you menace? I'm like, everyone knows my stuff. What are you talking about? Well, it's funny, because, I mean, we've had him on the show before.
Starting point is 00:03:19 It was actually on television, on misadvised. If you want to see it, you can download it on iTunes, just type in misadvised on Bravo, but there is an episode where your brother hangs out with you and it is hilarious. And yeah. He breaks it down. If you're not gonna watch it.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Yeah. Because it, you know, it all stems for, you know, you got issues, but. The divorce. No, no, no. He started getting into like, and I was like Michael, not everyone's listening to this show. If they've been listening for a while, I've 2000 episodes how many years are we doing this eight years?
Starting point is 00:03:48 I'm like they know my issues, but he was like well I think it's because of mom the divorce is in the dad dying in the remarages That's why you're you have your issues and you don't want to get my Michael came Michael This show is not and he's drunk. I could see next to this addiction specials on the show It was pretty funny. I mean she's not really drunk, but he was buzzed He was hilarious. But he was like I love your brother. They only heard a private. But he does break it down. But in the meantime, what is going on in your life?
Starting point is 00:04:09 With my life, anything new. Yeah, a lot. You quit Tinder. You know what? I couldn't even have Tinder. It was too much, you know, you had to focus on something else. I had to focus on something else. And you don't do well with that.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Well, Tinder was just like 90 people match. I couldn't even, it was just a little overwhelming. And I, did you see that big Tinder lawsuit too, that the guys who started Tinder are... Yeah, well... Sexually harassing, sexually harassed a woman who's supposedly one of the founders. I did, but they, apparently, they were in a relationship.
Starting point is 00:04:38 So you always gotta look out for, you know, in office relationships because things like that could happen and then lawsuits can happen, you know. Right, but care what you sleep with. Be very careful. Know who you're sleeping with because you never know. Exactly. You slept with people you were with though. Yeah, but I sleep with people that are like cool, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:56 better. I know they're not. Is there a cool test? Yeah. I mean, I don't. Like an SDD test for like a test to make sure that you know that they're not going to present in legal charges. I think if you were working with somebody, you should know them for a long time before you sleep with them first
Starting point is 00:05:08 Sure you sleep with them do not sleep with them right away And then you know what about if it doesn't work out then you're stuck with them unless you switch to another job You know right and exactly because because you are gonna see them every single day I know it's very attractive to sleep with so many work with, because you're maybe you're in meetings together and you're brainstorming and you see them at work and it's powerful and then you actually see them more than you see your significant other, or if you have time when affairs too,
Starting point is 00:05:33 that happen in the workplace. So I get that you want to date people you work with, but yeah, just be careful. So what else happening? I'm doing a workshop at Hustler. On August 16th from 8 to 10 that night it's a Wednesday I believe and you can just go to my website, sex at and you can register you can just RSVP there click on the Hustler banner. What I say
Starting point is 00:05:55 July July 16th I said June or August I'm really I had a bad morning I'm gonna be honest so let me finish this so click on the Hustler banner and then RSVP because it's gonna be awesome. We're gonna have giveaways. It's called how to blow his mind and bed. And we already, yeah, RSVs are limited. We have a lot of them, but I want to make room for my listeners.
Starting point is 00:06:14 And I'd love to meet you in person. If you're in Los Angeles, the House for Hollywood stores for you in Epic, have you been there yet? You gotta go. It's like an event. It's like they've got this, like coffee shop. They've got vets, like all these funny drinks, like blowjob got this like coffee shop They've got bits has like all these funny drinks like blowjob Whatever, but every sex throw in the world huge department of lingerie like it's just it's amazing
Starting point is 00:06:31 Well, I heard they have parking. I heard they have a casino also do they do really want to do I can't get you in there What I can't just walk in no you can but I can't you be happy passes. I'm friends very flannel. Oh, oh No, I mean I've been dropping. I'm not a name dropper. Let me pick it up. I'm French Larry Flynn now. Oh, sweet. No, I mean, I've met. I'm not a name dropper. Let me pick it up on the floor right now. Oh, that's funny. I'm not a name dropper. I'm not. I did meet him once though.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I gave him a sexual, I gave him a Emily and Tony ballcreme. Nice. And a candle. That's great. That was really nice, I thought. Okay, so another thing. Okay, so that's the workshop coming up. All right.
Starting point is 00:07:01 And that'll be fun. And also, if you do go to the house or hall, I would store it. And you just check it and you use sexual Emily. At the desk, you tell them when you're checking out. They'll give you a And also, if you do go to the house or Hollywood store and you just check it and you use sex with Emily at the desk, you tell them when you're checking out, they'll give you a 20% off if you buy stuff. But just wait a minute, you can go now, but then go to my workshop. That's great.
Starting point is 00:07:12 So yeah, I had a bad morning and you know me, I come in here and like I always do the show and it's like my human, it's like a, it's like Zanax or something, or ProZac because I feel so much better after I do the show. Like, so then if I come in here, like I'll be like, oh, but really today, I got just a lot. I got a friggin' ticket.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I pulled up to get my smoothie that I get now. It's been a year since I quit coffee. A year tomorrow I went into the hospital. My poor and I got sick. Yeah. And I pulled up and I knew it was illegal. And I ran in for a second and it's totally my fault. And I got like a $70 ticket for my $8 smoothie. And I was pissed and swearing at her and I was in for a second and it's totally my fault. And I got like a $70 ticket for my $8 smoothie.
Starting point is 00:07:45 And I was pissed and swearing at her and I was really angry. I know $70 there's a lot of money, but still like from where we moved in San Francisco, $70 is nothing. You can't get a $70 ticket if you try it. It's just how my day started. It would be minimum $85. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Okay, so I say 15 by living in a lot of titles. That's pretty good. Yeah, no, it's really good. And then this week was a great week because Lauren, my devoted assistant and dedicated, came over to my, I'm like, we got to do it. We got to work from home today because you know, I always say what my garage and we spent hours.
Starting point is 00:08:20 And I'm like, I don't know why we didn't take pictures, but we were going through all my looms, all my sex toys, everything in different containers. And now it's all like, there was like, I mean't know why we didn't take pictures, but we were going through like all my looves, all my sex toys, everything in different containers. And now it's all like, there was like, I mean, you just can't believe this stuff. I've gathered over the years, but it was a, it was a pretty fun day at work. And we're going to, um, yeah, because I, when people are always emailing, let me have some of your toys that you have, but it turns out like I've given a lot of them away the listeners already, but we just, um, so I spent a lot of time organizing my life this
Starting point is 00:08:42 week. And, um, I have lots of looves if you want to. It's great. Yeah. And, um, I have I have a date is fourth of July weekend. Yes. Coming up happy fourth of July Yeah, or if you're listening to it now exactly It's probably after we've got to be cares and are you doing anything? Yeah, my my work is throwing off a free concert in the park and Grand Park in downtown LA Oh fun and we have bands like Phanagram and semi-precious weapons and Echo Smith Like whole free. So I can't have you for tickets. No, you just walk up and you watch it. I just like I'm not gonna get you backstage
Starting point is 00:09:16 Because you're gonna drive everybody crazy. Stop it. I do not that. I'm so built for backstage They love it. Yeah, I'm like chill. I'm not gonna take pictures No, but like people don't talk a lot backstage. It's not what everybody thinks. It's so funny because I know it's boring backstage. Yeah, not even good food. So it's gonna be like amazing food. Oh my god. It's so boring backstage. People, you know, they want to get backstage so bad. I know. I tell you right now, I've been doing this for 15 years. It is so boring. The area that you want to be to have a good time is the side of the stage. Side stage or in the pit, I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:09:53 if you have an opportunity to get into that, do it, but backstage is absolutely boring. Nothing is happening. I swear to God, don't kill yourself trying to get backstage. Exactly. You're gonna be really disappointed. You're so right. So what's new with you? Have you been? I've been really good. A lot is happening. I mean, I have a major announcement.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Oh. A major announcement for everybody that's been listening to this show for many years and they know that I have a love for Taco Bell. And the major announcement is it is finally happening everybody. No. I'm going to Taco Bell headquarters and go into their test kitchen. How did you do that? I talked about it on the radio, so if people don't know, I'm part of Morning Show in Los Angeles. And it just so happens that Taco Bell headquarters is in Los Los Angeles and I was talking about my love for Taco Bell.
Starting point is 00:10:48 You know, I talk about it. Yes, you want the what the Grand Slam band is. No. Thank you. See, she never listens to me. I don't know what that was. This is how come none of her relationships work out because she doesn't listen to the other person. I do. This is just you. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Fuck off. Here we go. Seriously, don't piss me off. Day of Menace because I swear to God, I will kill you. It was just a ticket. God, we go. Seriously, don't piss me off. I'm going to get into the game. I swear to God, I will kill you. It was just a tick. God, calm down. No, it's not that.
Starting point is 00:11:09 There's a lot of other things. I'm not going to get into the game. All right. OK, well, it's all good though. We'll go ahead. Fine. I'm good. The four alarm double alarm.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Sorry, I called it the grand slam. You tell me I don't listen. At least I knew. But the dennis. You would know. So I think the four alarm double decker taco, thank you. I listen. Fuck you. I listen. Fuck you. Go ahead. You don't really love me. Anyways, the four long
Starting point is 00:11:31 Pissed. Yeah, you know, yeah, so anyways, the history is they took it off the menu years ago The menu in 1997 disappointed ever since Anyway, I was like talking about all the stuff and then it's it's all come together and I have a invite and I'm going Just tasting kitchen. I that doesn't even sound testing kitchen where they test products that they have They have anymore released to the public yet. That's so cool We're in all that kind of stuff. Well, no, that's a secret test. Okay. I won't tell anyone You can't you know that is really cool. That is a big milestone when you Yeah, when you said I know you have a love. I almost had a heart attack that you're engaged no no no we're talking about Taco Bell
Starting point is 00:12:09 here very serious I know that's even that's your bigger love if you've been your girlfriend I think your girlfriend what abs but Taco Bell is here to stay yeah so I've been talking about you know if people have been fans of the show for a long time the you know that I've been talking about it forever it's finally happening if you want to see photos, I'm sure I'm going to Instagram some photos. Yeah. Uh, uh, uh, uh, menace on Instagram and E and A C E. And then, uh, yeah, just that happening in, you know, I do a daily morning show. We talk about pop culture, not really sex or anything like that. It's fine. People like that stuff. What's happening? Pop culture that I've missed. Anything in pop culture? Mm-hmm. I don't know. Chris Browns out of jail. Right. Nothing. It's good.
Starting point is 00:12:46 You found a job that where you can talk about all the things that you know. Yeah, yeah. It's a it's great. And then we have billboards in LA, which is weird. Yeah, I saw your picture on Facebook. People have been Instagram. It's a little cartoon of you. Yeah, it's a cartoon of the group of people I do the show with. So that's kind of weird because like I get random calls from people I haven't talked to in a long time saying, oh, I saw the billboard. Yeah, that's really cool. I've moved to LA in five minutes.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I do have a billboard. Yeah, people dream of that for years. We have a billboard. And I've been in the gutter. I still hope when they get a billboard. Like some in San Maraca, some in Hollywood. I'll take a picture if I can. It's great, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:18 So it's fun. I'm proud of you. Yeah, that's good. I love it here, but I love being here with you. You do? And talking about your relationship. Okay, so overanalyzing everything. Overanalyzing anything. Okay, so another thing is making you upset.
Starting point is 00:13:30 You just made me upset just because I was already on the brink. How many podcasts will you that you do without me that you get upset? Probably none. None, no one upsets me. People love drama though. See? So we should fight more? I'm not.
Starting point is 00:13:43 No, people like drama. You're like my brother or whatever I get it. No, you're right. People are usually typically nice or to be. You're probably stressed out. Because it probably, you're probably stressed out. This is why. Why?
Starting point is 00:13:52 You don't want to hear any crap from me because your brother's been in town. I'm sure he's been giving me, I'm sure you killed you like every single day for the time he was here. How long was he here for? Like five days. Five days. He's got a huge face.
Starting point is 00:14:03 He's like, you're so small minded. He's like, oh, he's gonna be business-fights. And like, we can't talk about business because he thinks I should be doing all these other things. I'm like, are you gonna pay for it? Like, really? And he's like, you're so small minded. He started yelling at me.
Starting point is 00:14:13 And then my mom calls me the other day. She goes, are you still gonna be talking about blow jobs when you're 60? I mean, really? It's really what you're gonna keep doing. And I'm like, mom, this is going well. It's like business. I'm like, Dr. Ruth Wush, but she was the first one.
Starting point is 00:14:25 I'm like, my parents still think like plan B. Yeah. This is my life people. I love this. All right, I'm sorry. It's okay. No, my family just, they're just, they're, you know, they're Michigan.
Starting point is 00:14:35 And this the first year I haven't gone back before the July and like 20 years, because my whole family's been out here so many times. I just don't need to go. But yeah, my mom, do you believe that? Are you still going to be talking about blow jobs in 10 years, like fit 20 years?
Starting point is 00:14:44 What are you gonna do? So yeah, I think people knew, yeah, she mom do you believe that are you still gonna be talking about blow jobs in 10 year like fit 20 years? What are you gonna do? So yeah, I think people knew yeah, she I think she was kidding. It's because I was just having Your mom is a really smart business woman your brother is really successful too And they just you know, they probably just don't understand the path that you've chosen. No, right And my mom always says to me Emily you didn't choose the easy road, like, because it is entertainment is the hardest career that you could choose in life. It really is. It is.
Starting point is 00:15:12 It sucks. It sucks. It really friggin sucks. So it, um, it, it, just, it's, it's hard. And there's a lot of rejection. There's a lot of things that you think are going in. And after eight years, when I started this, the podcast, it was the first year podcast that I was starting.
Starting point is 00:15:26 There was no way anyone was going to ever like pay money or do anything, you know, to add sponsors, which is why I appreciate you all listening to and supporting my sponsors, because I've finally been able to, you know, make a little bit of living off of this, my doing my passion and helping people with their sex lives, which feels good. So, and then what else are they going to tell you about that?
Starting point is 00:15:44 So no, but everything's good. Families good. Relationships, it's about Scott and Knight, although he just texted me. What do you say? What do you say? Okay, so he heard him say, I'm getting this in live time.
Starting point is 00:15:55 So, every guy I date like Liz and Venice, I swear, he lives in, like far, there are no. But no, he said that he heard his back and he might not be able to hang out, but now he said he's okay. And hang on, you can. Anyway, I don't know. That's all he said. But I'm like, if you don't want to get together, tell me what he does. He just heard us back. He in the gym, he pulled a muscle. And I'm like, well, then I'm like, is he saying he doesn't want to get together? And then he does. But it's cool. So I had to read that to you all.
Starting point is 00:16:20 All right. So, um, and then I don't know, she was getting, doesn't he, mouse? Yeah, going to emails apparently you don't want to talk about your life No, I do I'm trying to think so I've got this guy. I I haven't what else if I got out who else? I mean what have you done like other than SX and dating like what have you done other than work to I'm gonna have fun I mean come on so this is a really hard question because it upsets me as well. This actually started my whole thing with my mom because I was listening to Kate. Do you ever listen to Tony Robbins?
Starting point is 00:16:50 No, but I know he is, right? He's like a guess-off help guru. And I've always liked that to him and the message. So I got like one of his courses like his DVD, like the CDs or whatever. My friend got it and gave it to me like because no one likes me. So you can usually download it, but then I transferred them all, and they're on my phone.
Starting point is 00:17:07 And he was saying, in one column, I want you to, oh God, this is so personal. Why? No, but he was like, in one column right down on the left, all of the positive emotions you experienced and then on the right side, all the negative. Yeah. And I was thinking lately, it's not that I don't have positive,
Starting point is 00:17:22 I do, but it was like a lot of anxious, worry, all this stuff, and then the positive was like, oh, I think I don't have positive, I do, but it was like a lot of like anxious, worried, all this stuff. And then the positive was like, oh, I think I laughed last week in the app. It's just, it's been stressful lately because running the business and just life. And so I feel like to answer that question, I don't know what I've done, that's very fun lately.
Starting point is 00:17:39 And so after doing this like analysis and like my life is passing, like that's my mom and I were having this talk. It wasn't just like she's like, you can be talking about blow jobs. She's like, I want you to have fun. I want you to live your life. But I've been so driven for so long to to make this show work. So I could do what I love because as we know from misadvised, another thing that came up in that show very clearly was that my mom raised me that you never rely on a man or anyone else to take care of you. So as a young girl, when she told me that when I was 14, I was like, oh, well, then I better find what I love
Starting point is 00:18:10 to do in life, because then if I'll be working my whole life. And so when I did this, as like, sex only is it, I'm done, I'm out, that's my job. But, you know, it's been a challenge. And so I feel like it's things are going well too. So I have to like, take a step back. Some thinking since it's the long weekend, I might just leave town by myself.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Which actually for me would be fun. Like go to a spa or just go something. No, you should totally do that. I've caught myself because I, you know, I would kill myself. I would be at the radio station 20 hours. Right, you have been in the past. But you had, I've learned from my friends
Starting point is 00:18:44 that are really successful. like, dude, you have to stop down for a while and just have fun. Exactly. You know, don't focus on like, what is your next radio bit or something that you're, you know, you're going to write, there's time to work and then there's time that you need to just. And you're a better worker. Like, I'm better at this if I'm having more fun.
Starting point is 00:19:03 It's not that I'm not having fun. I have great friends. I go out, dinners and stuff, but nothing like really exciting have I done lately. And so that's where I realized that there's like a dearth of excitement in my life. Yeah. So. Palm Springs.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Yeah, but it's with 120 degrees there, but I don't think I would mind if I had to have by the pool. I know, I think I might just literally after the show just leave. I don't know if I'm being so, just do it. I know. I'm gonna leave now actually.
Starting point is 00:19:24 You're just gonna leave me here. I've never done that. No, it silly just do it. I know I'm gonna do it now actually. Oh, you're just gonna leave me here No, it's just yeah, but no, it's yeah, I'm gonna like I will and tell that I don't I sound like it's a buzzkill right now I'm not that I don't have fun. It's just been there's just a lot of little things going on lately Facebook page got taken down because there was like a photo unpublished. There's a photo Uh-huh fan page that someone what did she text me? do you know anyone Facebook? yeah can you get my friggin page? we got 30,000 likes in the past month. is it still cool? we have 55 plot yeah thousand and and and and we do a lot of Facebook that helps people and they took it down because there was like a fleshlight photo that had
Starting point is 00:20:00 like a sort of a nipple slip or something. oh see.. But I apologize, I peeled, I haven't heard anything. So that's like annoying too. Is the flashlight, was it the one thing where it was a flashlight that attaches to the iPad? Did you see that? I have, they just sent me one of that. What's it called? The launch pad. The launch pad.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Okay. They're having sex with it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They just sent me one yesterday. Oh, you're serious. It's pretty freaking amazing. It's the launch pad. Everyone should check it out. Click on my flashlight banner on my website.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Doors are like having sex with their iPad with the flesh. It's like a flashlight. It's crazy. Well, the flashlight feels amazing and you stick at your penis and if you're like having like, did you see the video of the guy like having like phone Skype sex with his girlfriend and then he starts like having sex with that. I saw pretty crazy
Starting point is 00:20:46 But I think people are gonna free him by this thing. Oh, of course. I mean it makes so much sense I saw you're already masturbating with your I've had you know There was an article about it and I was so I was just researching it and This one word somebody was having sex with Yoda. It was crazy. I'm just serious. Yeah, because you know you can put whatever video you want into it. Yeah, exactly. So basically, you talk to your mother. People don't know what we're talking about. You know, the fleshlight. You stick your penis. It's a master male masturbation tool. The sleeve that you use to stick your penis in it
Starting point is 00:21:20 and it simulates a feeling of real sex. You're like, well, I have my hands. What the hell? It feels amazing. You know, switch up your masturbation, check it. And now so there's an attachment that lays on top of it where your iPad is laying flat and you look down on it and you could, you know, it could be like you're doing somebody doggy style. You can see the video and having sex with this thing. And it, I mean, I'm sure in the moment, you can eat, it seems real. Right, I mean, I'm not, you know? Yeah, it does seem real.
Starting point is 00:21:50 So. Do you want one? I got a launch pack. Yeah, I would love to, yeah, show my friends. Really? Yeah. If you have one. You try it, we bring it into your morning show.
Starting point is 00:21:58 I would totally bring it in. Dude, Lauren, we're just talking about that. Oh my God, I have one in my, I'll bring it to you. It's freaking amazing. And I'll bring you a flashlight too. I'll bring it to you. It's freaking amazing. And I'll bring you flashlight too. I'll bring everyone flashlight. You should bring me on your morning show. And I won't readurdy or swear, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:11 if they don't the radio. I mean, I do love line. I've never sworn on it. Don't do anything bad on there. I know. You're not gonna bring me on. I'll just give you a flashback. You should talk about sex.
Starting point is 00:22:20 We just don't bring on guests. Really? Whatever. I'll just drop one off. We've had like two guests since we've been here. Okay, that's cool. So what would you say? But eventually, I'll just give you a flashlight.
Starting point is 00:22:30 I just have to say, you're gonna love this. Like I'm just telling you, I told you, I gave it to my guy friend. He's like, I would leave my wife and Vic if it cook, if it cook the flashlight. Like that's how good it feels apparently. Like if I had a penis for a day, I would.
Starting point is 00:22:42 So if you want to find this thing and get a discount, you get that. Oh, sex, a discount, you go to that. Oh, slash flashlight. Okay. Yeah. You're all over the place today. Should we have a moment of silence? Yeah, just know, just, you know, talk with me here.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I know. What's going on? I did talk to you. You're just too stressed out. I said, I told them when I came in, I was like, you guys, I got it, I got it. No, I'm good. I'm not stressed.
Starting point is 00:23:03 I'm just, I want to just be free this weekend. Okay. And I still have one more thing that I have to write. There's this new show. I can't really talk about it actually, can I? Okay. Forget it, can I? A USA network called Satisfaction.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Does that have a spell? You've heard about it. And they sent me the pilot to watch, because they want me to write about it, because they'll about relationships. And it's really good. I actually watched it yesterday, and I'm writing a blog about it, but it's about a couple. And I think it premieres mid-July on USA. And it's about a couple.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And it was really interesting because we're a lot of my friends are now or exactly where this couple of them are at 13 years. They have a kid. He's working all the time. She doesn't feel appreciated. He has a freak out at work like like pulls like a whole like Jerry McGuire, like I, you know, I'm about the people, this job sucks, but doesn't get fired. The boss thinks he's joking. Goes on a trip to New York, flight gets delayed, canceled.
Starting point is 00:23:56 He comes back home, catches his wife having an affair, but doesn't say anything. And long story short, it's just unrolled, but that's a lot of the, I'm not gonna get into the whole thing, but the issues that they're having is like, so what I hear from people every single day, it's sort of the, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:10 been together, we no longer prioritize sex, like she's with, at the gym with her younger friend, it's like, what do you mean? How often do you guys have sex? She's like three times a week, and the wife is like, mm, when you get married, you don't have sex anymore.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And we're just all these things about, you know, I just feel like I talk to so many friends say two that are like have kids and the sex falls by the wayside. And what would you do if you could cheat, but no one would know, and like all these things that come up, and I thought it was really well done. It kind of reminded me of a California vacation.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Really? What you love, right? Which I love. Do you like it? I never watched it. You did it. I love California Cation. I heard it was really good. It's kind of like a David do couple of head down. You like it because, well't I love to havearnication. I heard it was really good It's kind of like a David do come because well it is David to come no, but this guy on the show starting at USA show is It's sort of similar and not that similar, but I don't know something about the the way it was reminded me of those issues
Starting point is 00:24:58 Good. Yeah, it's good. So I did that watch that. Okay. Oh, there's a movie coming out. I want to write the blog post today, so I want to be done, but I still have work to do. That's my problem. There's a movie coming out called Sex Tape, which I'm flying the premiere of that. And it's about people that work at a radio station, the guy, and they decide to make a sex tape but they use an iPad.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And a lot of iPads and iPhones, if you're signed up on the cloud, anything that you take a picture of or do videos it'll automatically upload to your cloud. So they took like a work laptop and had it made a sex tape out of the iPad, I'm sorry. And the video uploaded to the cloud, so everyone at work can see it.
Starting point is 00:25:43 So that's hilarious. Who knows? Okay, Karen Diaz. That's funny. I saw it. There's a big billboard about my house for it. Oh, of course. So I lie like it's a billboard for your house.
Starting point is 00:25:53 They're like outlaw billboards is there for the scope but here there's like the billboards that were. Yeah, I want to see it. It was good. Maybe I'll see movies this week. I'm just going to knock on top to anyone. Go away and see movies. Do it.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Okay, I'm going to. Okay, let's get into the emails. Thanks everyone for emailing me. Feedback at You can also find me on Twitter, sexe-with-emily, and eventually on slash sexe-with-emily when they put the page up. Okay, hi, Emily.
Starting point is 00:26:15 I'll be off to college in August, and I want to know what you would recommend for a sex toy starter kit. I'm no nympho, but I'm ready to start exploring and possibly become one. Also, where can I learn about sex? Any tips for a college girl? You're my expert, Sydney. Well, Sydney, you've come to the right place. Where can you learn about sex?
Starting point is 00:26:32 Well, I've got 2000 podcasts. I've got a website. You can start there. But no, sex, let's start with your first question. Sex toys. Have you ever masturbated before? You didn't answer that question. You didn't say that in here, but if you've never even masturbated, I would start by just exploring your own body, but doesn't hurt if you do want to try a sex toy, that's usually the first thing that's going to get you there. So if you go to my website and click on the Good Vibes banner, you'll see all my favorite toys that I'm about to mention, but I think to start out, it's great to get a clitorial vibrator, clitoris vibrator, stimulator, like a bullet,
Starting point is 00:27:01 or the, I love the girls by vibratox. So these cutest little tiny vibrators that each look like a different, like, they have the ears and they have these little, I can't explain the girls. They're just amazing. There's three different ones. And I would just start with your clitoris. I would start using lots of lube. I would also say that if you want to find your g spot, there's a lot of g spot toys.
Starting point is 00:27:24 We just did a show on this recently. And I would just say, Loub, a G-spot toy, a clitoris toy, and maybe some porn, and or just try to fantasize on your own and see what feels good. I love that you're off to college and you're doing all this, and I would say before you even start having sex, a lot of sex with someone,
Starting point is 00:27:42 the women who have the best sex long term for their whole life are the women who spend the time getting to know their bodies. So I think this is the perfect time for you to do it. And there's also the, oh, the Dalya by Vibratex, D-A-H-L-A, is like my new favorite rabbit style vibrator that you can also get a good vibes. And use coupon code Emily for 15% off if you get any of those toys. Any sex tips, I mean you want sex tips, I've got hundreds of blogs on my website, I would go there by my book, I'll cut sex over 200 things you could try tonight, and with the toys, maybe just get some lower priced ones to start and just so you can kind of get a vibe for what you're vibe with. How about that?
Starting point is 00:28:22 Yeah, I... The J.J. Me, Me, Me, You know I love. That's great for during intercourse. What about the Oh My God? The Oh My God, I love. The one that I always, always pin about. I love the Oh My God. The Oh My God is great. They make, they, oh, oh, their new love life line.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Thank you. They have great, they have a great little clitoris one. It's called, yeah, it's called Oh My God, love life line. And they're all cute. They're pink and they have little hearts on them. But the oh my bad started. You remember this? Like in 2006, they called into the show because it was the, it connected to your eye pod at the time. So you could still buy those as well from all my bad where your music sinks to the vibrator. You could down with your music and your vibe. They're on some JT or you know. If you really want to get crazy some maybe some... What would be a crazy vibration song?
Starting point is 00:29:09 Crazy vibration song? To vibrate too. I would say any type of EDM music. Oh good. But I don't want to stop and start. I should've gone, mmm. Is there any music that goes like that? Dubstep probably.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Dubstep. Mmm. Like that. No, like. Or maybe just like if it's a video iPod, then you know, download the new Transformers and then all the sounds from there would probably crazy vibration. Oh my god, it is a great gift too.
Starting point is 00:29:37 They also make the vibrating panties as well. I just, we just found those in my garage. Did you have like some remote control panties? I did. Yes, and I actually use them at a party. I think they're really fun. I haven't talked some remote control panties? I did. Yes. And I actually used them at a party. I think they're really fun. I haven't talked about them in a while, but they... It's been years. Years. That was years and years ago, because I remember when I was dating. So it was probably like five years ago. And we went to this party. And
Starting point is 00:29:55 they come in like one size for sale. You can just again go to good vibes Google vibrating panties or just click on my website thing. But it's, they're black panties, one size for it's all. They did fit me. And it's, you stick the little, um, the little vibrator inside the, you know, under your, the flap, like where your vagina goes. You stick the vibrator in there. And then you give the remote to your partner. So you're at a party or your dinner and he plays, you know, he can like turn it on and I'm talking to someone and getting a drink. It's sexy. It's like, it's like four play. It's, it's's it's hot to be out in public
Starting point is 00:30:26 and it's kind of like having sex in public, but not. And super do I do want a pair? No, I was just bringing up. You remember that. Yeah, it was fun. Good memory. See you do listen to me too.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I just didn't remember kind of friggin taco you like. It's my favorite taco. You would think you would remember. I remember so many other things about you. My feeling so much is good. I love you. OK, so this guy does not want to intimidate his partner. This is from Eric. Emily, long time listener, big fan. Hold on, let me guess he has a huge penis. Nope. All right. No, but we've gotten those before. Is there anything that I should hold back on
Starting point is 00:30:58 sexually during an encounter with a new partner? I don't want to intimidate them. Thank you, Eric. Hold back on your big penis. Yeah, that's very general though. You'd think, oh, I'm really into dressing up like a baby or something like that. Yeah, no, I think it's your recrush and Eric. I'm curious what you're holding back on. Because I want to know that.
Starting point is 00:31:18 But I would just say before you go into anything with someone, you got to communicate. The first time you're with someone is at the time to whip out your whips and chains and your furry rabbit outfit, or your, what did you use to have? What was your furry outfit? You were wearing this. Tell it to me, where you came from.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Oh, tell it to me, yeah, I have it. Don't wear your tell it to me, outfit. But I would say just communicate, ask for what you like, so what you're doing it, is really what you like to try. But I wouldn't get too kinky, too crazy, at the first time you have sex with someone, just be yourself. And the truth is though, women, I think,
Starting point is 00:31:51 prefer a little more, just that you're paying attention and you're in touch with what she needs and her desires and all that. But if you want to, you know, maybe the second or third time, be a little more aggressive or talk dirt, you mean, see how it goes. But I think it's the first time it's good to play it kind of vanilla. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Let me ask you this. Since, you know, you go and you like to date like, whacked out guys, what is the craziest thing that a guy has been into that you found? That's a great question. The first time I've been with him or just in general. Or just in general, like, like oh this guy was really into you. God it's so funny because that's like the question I was going to ask is by reporters is so what's the craziest thing you've ever been asked and I keep telling them I'm like I need to come. Never then for me for me let me think so to me nothing is that friggin weird but
Starting point is 00:32:41 I'm trying to remember if anyone did anything because I'm so like But I'm trying to remember if anyone did anything, because I'm so like open sexually, that I don't think of things, and you know whenever did anything that I was super offended by, but there was a guy, like the first time we're together, he was just really into like my butt, and wanted to like stick, like do a bunch of anal stuff,
Starting point is 00:32:56 when I like the first time we were together, and I, the first time we were together, yeah. Yeah, the first time we were like, full of rindies, like sticking his hand, I'm not even having sex with like, what are you doing? He was like really obsessed with my ass like in that way.
Starting point is 00:33:06 But that wasn't so, we say, I'm not gonna be the question for this, anything so weird. But I've had guys are into, forget everything. And I'm usually kind of like, try everything once, there was been nothing that I was like super freaked out by that I can remember, but I should probably put it in the book that I'm gonna write.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Let me think. Oh my God, I know I have had weird things. It's okay, like, so we do on this, that morning show thing that I, that I'm part of, we do this thing called the Freak of the Week. And so I, my job is, it's terrible. My job is I have to go through the Craigslist, Craigslist, casual encounters and I look for the craziest stuff. Like, so what do you find? Oh my God I find stuff where this one, this guy, he's like, oh my, my wife is out of town. I'm looking for another guy that's interested in a guy that
Starting point is 00:33:56 likes guys that are dressed from the waist down in pantyhose in heels. Right, very specific. Yeah, just come over if you want to. This, this other one was crazy, because I didn't think a woman would ever do this, but a woman's like, I made a glory hole in my apartment, and I'm looking for people to come over and use it.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Which I don't believe it was a woman at all. I believe it was probably a guy. You can trust anything you read on friggin' face. It was totally a guy that was protecting me, girl. To get more guys to come over, you know? And watch them, I'm sure. And I'm sure it happened. You guys be careful in Craigslist.
Starting point is 00:34:30 I can't believe they, I thought they took down all the casual encounters. No, it's still there. It is, it's good. But I mean, you said be careful, but like, you know, I mean, you can't because you're meeting up with rain and people, but people are doing that on Grindr and they're doing on Tinder and all that kind of stuff too
Starting point is 00:34:47 But you know, it seems like Craigslist is the place where they take it to the extreme right they can't take it to the stream So I feel like guys I'm with like never I'm just trying to think like there was nothing I mean, I'm gonna really like to slap my ass like on the second date and I let them slap because I like I don't mind You said my ass, but you did really hard. I like his hand print on my ass I say but I liked them too. We ended up did really hard. I like his hand print on my ass. I like to say, but I liked him too. We ended up dating for a while. I'm like, I have your hand print on my ass. He's like, that's really hot.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Okay, we have to take a break here for our sponsors real quick. So everyone, I've already talked about good today. They carry all the best sex toy brands and you should really support them. They're sex positive, amazing retailer. Good Get the viper text, Daya. It's like the old rabbit, but it's even better. The girls are great for literal stimulation and you get 20% off when you use coupon code Emily.
Starting point is 00:35:32 You can even get the strongest, most orgasmic vibrator of all time, the magic wand. So go to, click on the good vibes banner to see my favorite toys. There's a little store there and you can see everything that I love. Also, what, we're gonna say. Oh no, it's just thinking of another Craigslist ad that you probably be interested in.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Okay, one more thing I forgot to promise in. So, promise in is freaking taken off right now. You know, I've been talking about them for about a year, but they're the only treatment for premature ejaculation, but it's not just premature ejaculation. It's like, if you just want to last, like, let's say you last five minutes and you want to last 10, because they're like, this is an orgasm gap, right? Men orgasm in like two minutes, five minutes, 10, women take some maybe 20. So it's just a delay spray that you put in your penis and helps you last longer. So it's quickly absorbing.
Starting point is 00:36:17 You don't even have to think about baseball or anything so you don't ejaculate. You can focus on your partner's hot body. Now that you have the time to make them orgasm and promise and close to the arousal gap, and the orgasm gap between men and women, because you get there faster than she did. So check out Promessant. It's the only FDA-approved treatment for premature ejaculation.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Go to to find out more. Okay, tell me. What's the other story? You're saying that you want to have fun. I saw this crazy. Yeah, I feel so lame, man. Where a guy He's looking for someone to go to a burning man with. Oh
Starting point is 00:36:52 Because his girlfriend can't go because of business. Oh sure But no, it's an in the ad that you had to meet the girlfriend. Oh interesting Yeah, he wants to go have some crazy sexual experiences with your birdie man. Well, no, he said nothing sexual in the In the girl friend. Why is it half and why does it have to be a girl? Right, exactly. Why does it be the girl to meet the girlfriend, but he doesn't like that kind of like like something you're on the bus?
Starting point is 00:37:11 Yeah, but it's something that I'm sure you would be, you would be into because you hang out with like, you know, exes all the time. I think of exes, yeah, and I'd be, I'd be like the perfect person for that. And you would totally love Burning Man. That'd be like your thing. I think it's a Burning Man.
Starting point is 00:37:23 I know, but do you remember what, I don't know if I knew you when I went? No, I think you did. We had like, we're Burning Man. That would be like your thing. I think it's a Burning Man. I know, but. Do you remember what, I don't know if I knew you when I went? No, I think you did. We had like, we're Burning Man people on the show. Oh, right, right. I slept with one of them by mistake. They brought like, they brought their book of photos, which I thought you're not supposed to take photos,
Starting point is 00:37:38 but I've been seeing a lot. No, everyone just photos and movies, but I, this guy in the show that I slept with by mistake, and he was, I don't even want to talk about it, but he was an asshole. And that to me, but this whole thing happened that Anyway, I'm just saying that you know burning man's awesome, though And I really want to go this year. I haven't been in like 10 years. I mean, okay, I'm sure that Pretty man is fun and all that but you gotta look you gotta look out with the type of people that you're looking up
Starting point is 00:38:04 They're going to burning man. No, but there's all people there. There's like so where people there's all ages. Yeah but I know. It's in the desert. It's in Nevada. In a desert it's like 60,000 people. Every single person that I met that goes to Burning Man something is a little bit off about them. You think and nothing's off about you. No I don't think that nothing is off about me but I'm talking about on another level. Like what? Like spiritually or like freaked out or what? Just like, like me, like, like, like, like, trying to pretend that like they're hippies from, you know, the 60s and 70s type, type thing, you know? I mean, I think it's just a place people go to express themselves, some loud people do drugs, they dance, 60,000 people in the desert. They build amazing art
Starting point is 00:38:45 If you're into art, it's a really cool place to go. It's very hot. Yeah, they They mask everything that's all the orgies with art people you know, I'm so bummed But when I was there I didn't see any orgies and I'm kind of pissed because if anything I should be invited to an Orgy on a birdie man totally so I think I might go and just start my own orgy No one came when I know orgy no one came So I think I might go and just start my own orgy. What if no one came? What if I had an orgy and no one came? I know.
Starting point is 00:39:07 So I do have an epic story that I could share. OK. That it was just in the news recently. So there's been the anniversary of the OJ case. Yep. Well, everyone remembers watching the high-speed chase. Well, at the time, there was two rival helicopter pilots that claimed that they were the first one to see the truck
Starting point is 00:39:31 and all the stuff, and they fought for years over it. Well, fast forward to today, both of them have both become women. Seriously. And now they're best friends Yeah, you can just look at online you just you Google it but both of the helicopter pilots are now women They both then they then they hated each other at the time right probably because they both were like new that they Were off or knew that they were so similar. Yeah, but it's a pretty epic story
Starting point is 00:40:02 It is an epic story. I didn't know about that. Get on the internet people. Look it up and read about it. Take a second to kind of center your dog. There's literally like an hour and a half in between you and like a fun weekend. I know, but I still have to work. I still have to write this blog for satisfaction.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Take me a while. But you're right, it's almost here. I'm still stuck in here. I know me too. I'm like, having a meltdown. Making me. What? Here we go.
Starting point is 00:40:44 OK, so I just pick off with them? I'll say yes. It's really cool people should look it up. Okay. And then surf from there. Okay. Yeah, it's really cool people should look it up. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Okay. Another email. Dear Emily, I think you're great and I always enjoy listening to your positive, energetic, and informative podcast. I've been married for 18 years and it just seems hopeless. I know that I please my wife and we have sacks as I spend a prolonged period kissing her breasts, stimulating her juice, but with my hand and rubbing her clitoris until she climb maximums.
Starting point is 00:41:14 There's some kissing during this, but her kissing is not very passionate as she barely moves her mouth. After she is climaxes, after she climaxes, she will climb on top and we'll have intercourse until I climax. I'm now allowed to go down in her as she thinks it's gross, and she will not give me oral as that is out of her comfort zone. She's very quiet during sex and only starts moving when she's near climax. I've talked to her, told her that I need more, but she's not willing to try new things.
Starting point is 00:41:37 A constant mantra verse is, I don't like change. She's not shown any initiative to upgrade her sex game. We're in our early 50s, and frankly, it takes more tension for me to maintain an erection than it did for Year Zero, and I could use some more effort on her part. I think when we first married neither of us was particularly experienced or sexually adventurous, but I would like to be more adventurous, and this doesn't seem possible with her. I'm still considered good looking and physically fit. And thought of being sent to this dreary hopeless sex life for the rest of my life is depressing at best.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Other than the obvious, is there a good reason why I should not cheat? Soldering on and these coasts thanks Ben. Oh, Ben. I mean, this is like the satisfaction, the USA show, yeah. It is. Well, let me ask you this Emily. I mean for all the podcasts that I have been on why is it all these emails coming recently where women are just not into it? What's going on? I don't know that it's that women okay so what happens?
Starting point is 00:42:40 It seems like we're getting a lot more complaints from guys. Yeah maybe I mean I think that when you're in a relationship for a long time, that frustrations can build up. Well, and I think for a couple, they've also been together 20 years. So they never communicated about their sex life early on. And what I'm always telling people is you need to talk about your sex life at the beginning.
Starting point is 00:42:58 So you already know how to discuss it. And then you can evolve. Because our sex life changes. And our 20s, 30s, 40s were always changing. But I think that women, you know, and men get frustrated with their sex life because it has to do with beyond the sex life. Let's say he's working all the time. Like this is something in the show too. They keep working all the time and he's at home and she doesn't, women want to feel appreciated, adored, you know, they want to feel desired, they want to
Starting point is 00:43:22 feel beautiful. And I'm not sure Ben, you know, I don't know if you've been doing that. Have you been making her feel desired? And if you make your feelings or not, get she saying, I don't like change. And she's down into the sex. And I would say before you cheat, do not cheat ever. Go to couples therapy. Figure out is she the person you want to be? I have to tell you couples therapy will fast track any issues you dealing with.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Well, I assume if you've been to get there 10 years, these are not new issues. But, but going to therapy, and I know I say this a lot, it's only because it works. I have a friend who just told me we were dinner at the night and she couldn't get her husband to go and they finally went to therapy. She's like within two hours, she summed up the whole situation. We know exactly what our issues are and now they know what the issue is. And now they're going to figure out if it's going to work and they're going to take another few months work on this issue and if it doesn't go away they're done.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Now most couples stick together for 20 years without ever talking about it and then they just get divorced so you cheat. But I would say if you really care about your wife and you love her which I know that you do or you you know you married her and you've been with her this long that don't cheat on her. Break up with her if you're going to cheat on her just go and work on this stuff. Make her talk about why she thinks oral sex has grown. So I mean, she might have some hang ups that happened towards she was younger sexually.
Starting point is 00:44:30 I mean, I just get the feeling you guys have never talked about anything because you're having sex the same way for the last 20 years. So I think that it's women and men who get free. But you're right, women over time, just everyone over time. And when you're with the same person, if you don't talk about what's going on, and she could be mad at him for something that happens,
Starting point is 00:44:48 so she can't get, she can't get turned on if there's all these issues she's having with them, and he doesn't even know about. So I think for women since the brain is our largest sex organ that it really has, it probably has nothing to do with her, the sex, per se, but the sex is, is a indicator of other things going on.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Yeah, you're annoying her somehow. Yeah, she's probably annoying him. So don't cheat on her. And it doesn't sound to me like Ben, like you've tried everything because you say you're having sex the same way. She says I don't like change, but you're not talking about the issues at hand. She thinks it's gross.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Well, do you know why she thinks oral sex is gross? I mean, you should figure that out. Because once we can tell her how not gross it is, she's going to mind you go down on her every day. You're going to say your famous line. Communication. Communication is a lubrication. A lubrication.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Also, it's funny because, all right, I'm going to use an example of a TV show that I watch, Little People, Big World. I don't know if you ever seen it. Not yet. So it's two Little People. And then they actually recently have been talking. I don't know if you've ever seen it. Not yet. So it's two Little People. And then they actually recently have been talking, I don't know if they got divorced or they were talking about getting into divorce or whatever.
Starting point is 00:45:52 And you watch the show, like the guy on the show, he totally, like, annoys the hell out of everybody. But he is not aware that he's annoying every, annoying every people are not aware at all. Right. So you can tell how she wants to leave him, but he probably has no clue. No clue. No clue. And because guys, we don't pick up on science at all. We don't we think everything's fine, you know, unless you tell us, we don't know what the problem is. We want guys to figure it out. We want them to it. It is true. We want guys to figure it out. We want them to... It is true, you're the one that we don't figure it out. We want them to be my readers.
Starting point is 00:46:26 We want you to know exactly what we want. We want you to appreciate us, tell us we're beautiful. We want you to know that if we bought you something, a little gift, we want you to be appreciative. I mean, there's all these things and men want stuff from us too. But I think women, especially, especially when it comes to sex, we think that guys will know what to do, but they never know what to do. because even if they build with a million people every woman's different So you can't rely and be mad at someone if you didn't communicate your needs. Yeah, and vice versa And that's all the time we have today on the show. Oh, it's just a great show. I know I love seeing you
Starting point is 00:47:00 I'll be on another episode soon whenever yeah, I love it want to release it So how many times you cheat on me a week with other people and do other shows? Just once, just once, I do this. Just once? But you can do it. I mean, honey, you're always welcome to be on the show, but you don't.
Starting point is 00:47:15 You don't come out all the time. But yeah, one other, so we've released two shows a week. Yeah, but this is your 24 hour life, you know. Yeah, this is my life. You have another life. You just drop in on my life, and I appreciate it so much. Thank you. So yeah, you'll be back soon, and it's awesome, you have another life. You just drop in on my life and I appreciate it so much. Thank you. So yeah, you'll be back soon and it's awesome seeing you.
Starting point is 00:47:27 And thanks everyone. Check me out. We do these Twitter chats on Wednesdays, 1231 Pacific Standard Time. It's at Sex with Emily and I answer all your sex questions in 30 minutes and it's been very popular. So check that out. Check everything out at Sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:47:40 And thanks so much for listening. Was it good for you? Email me. FeedbackSex with Thanks everyone for listening to Was it good for you? Email me. Thanks everyone for listening to the show. I appreciate it and I know I talk a lot about sex toys on the show and you all email me, which one should I get? It can be so overwhelming to choose.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Or maybe if you're like me, you wanna try everything. Well thank God there's a new home delivery service that wraps the sex shop and great discrete packaging, send it straight to your door. Spicy subscription is a monthly delivery box. service that wraps the sex shop and great-discreet packaging, send it straight to your door. Spicy Subscriptions is a monthly delivery box. With a fun theme each month to help you improve your sex life, complete with the latest sex accessories like vibrators, lube, and massage oils that are picked out by a sex expert and
Starting point is 00:48:17 relationship experts. Plus, you get to try new on each month. It's the perfect way to add an extra spark in the bedroom. In fact, this is amazing. 80% of subscribers have noticed an improvement in their sex life by getting this little box. Because it's like I always tack on the show. You need something to spice up your relationships. So what if you could look forward to this little box coming every month?
Starting point is 00:48:36 How fun is that? If you're looking for way to spice up your already fabulous sex life and level little variety, spicy subscriptions is definitely worth checking out. To get started, with your spicy subscription, go to, use code Emily and you receive a free Deluxe toy and 5% after order. Or, if you get a 4 to 8 months subscription, you'll get a free Deluxe toy and your first spice box for free that's use code Emily. Do I have to do two cars as well? One more.
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Starting point is 00:50:20 I mean, you heard me, like, get angry. You mean you heard me like get angry?

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