Sex With Emily - Gifts That Suck (In A Good Way)

Episode Date: December 19, 2020

‘Tis the season of giving but what if you don’t know how to receive? Receiving can be difficult for many, especially with gifts of oral pleasure. If you have trouble relaxing while someone goes do...wn on you, you’re not alone. To help ease any “receiving anxiety,” I walk you through specific steps you can take to fully enjoy all the gifts coming down your chimney tonight.We also talk to a caller who is more experienced than her partner. Finally, we go over some of the best gifts that our callers have ever received. Surprisingly, they aren’t all pleasure related.For even more sex advice, tips, and tricks visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is what you say. To evolve a owner if you're going down on her you say babe, I'm not going anywhere. I'm about to settle in and I'm going to stay here all night. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mark our sacred institutions, Betrubize they call them in a fight on day. You're listening to Sex with Emily. I'm Dr. Emily, and I'm here to help you prioritize your pleasure and liberate the conversation around sex. around sex. Alright, the holidays are in full swing and for many, that means giving and receiving gifts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 But hey, let's talk about giving and receiving gifts of pleasure. So when I say that to you, what do you think about giving someone pleasure? Maybe you're thinking about like oral. It's one of my favorites. But there's other ways to please your partner. You can give them a massage, a foot rub, you can tease them, play with their nipples, maybe kiss their neck, whispering in their ear,
Starting point is 00:01:13 our ear is also an erogenous zone. You can cuddle, I mean, you know, the list goes on and on. Well, that's what we're talking about in today's episode, how to give and receive pleasure, because I know some of us struggle with receiving as well. And if you've ever done this performative receiving, it's when you act like you're enjoying something, but you're really not, many of us are guilty of this,
Starting point is 00:01:34 especially those of us with vulvas. But don't you think we all deserve to authentically receive? I think we should start now. Hopefully, we'll be inspired by this episode. All right, intentions with Emily. Let's set off by setting intention because I feel when we do that, you really anchor into whatever it is you want to learn. It could be, I want some ways to learn how to relax and receive pleasure from my partner. Well, my intention is to help you have the most pleasurable holiday season you've ever had. Alright, enjoy the show. A lot of us are really good at giving and we're not great at receiving. Some of us receive, that means we're takers, but we don't give anything.
Starting point is 00:02:16 But what I hear from a lot of you is that it's really hard to allow ourselves just to kind of sink in and receive even if it's a compliment or it's a gift. Even if it's something you really wanted, we somehow feel we're not worthy, we're not good enough that we automatically have to give back. You know, I know I do that. Someone will say to me, you're so great, you're doing so well or something and I'll say, oh, but look at you, right?
Starting point is 00:02:43 I immediately turn it towards the person. Or do you ever do this? Someone's like, I love your shirt. And you're like, got it on sale for 20 bucks, because you want to somehow lessen the compliment or make it less than. We make ourselves small. Man, I know I do that.
Starting point is 00:02:58 I've done that. And I try to stop myself and practice the art of just saying, thank you. Thanks. And letting something just sort of sink in for a moment. And I know where a lot of you struggle too is receiving pleasure in the bedroom too. Maybe your partner wants to do something for you. Maybe they want to go down on you or they want to just give and you just feel that it's not okay that you have to somehow, you know, they want to
Starting point is 00:03:21 give to you and you just have to give back right away. So let's talk to Kendra, 21 in Los Angeles, who's struggling to orgasm from oral sex. Hi, Kendra. Hi, how are you doing this evening Emily? Good, thank you for calling. How can I help you? So I have some questions about oral sex. It's just so confusing to me.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I've never been able to orgasm from getting oral sex. I talk to my girlfriends about it and they're all saying, oh yeah, that's the only time I orgasm or it's okay. And I feel like I'm missing out on something. But I just don't really know what to do when I talk to my girlfriend. I'm like, oh, you just haven't found the right guy. They're like, nobody's doing well, like, what is this pinch charming that knows what he's doing? That's such a good question. So the first thing is, have you had an orgasm before?
Starting point is 00:04:11 Yes, and I do orgasm, like, with penetration, but just never from getting oral sex. Oh, okay. Well, that's pretty cool that you can orgasm from penetration. You realize if that's rare, right? That's only 20. No, I'm serious. It's only 20. No, I'm serious, it's only 20. No, I mean, it's only 20% of women.
Starting point is 00:04:28 So do you masturbate, and if you masturbate, do you have an orgasm through rubbing your clitoris? Yeah, I do have a womanizer that's just on the outside, and I orgasm from that, but I actually find that when I use, I think it's called a rabbit where it has inside and outside, It's like a more intense orgasm. Like it's like it better. Well, there you go. So let me tell you this, Kendra. There's a few things going on here. First off, guys at 20, are you with guys your age?
Starting point is 00:04:52 21, 22? Yeah. Okay. So let me just say this. And this is not a knock. This is about years on the planet, like wisdom and experience. Guys typically, and women too, too, they don't know how to do it as well as somebody who has more years on the planet, more years under their belt of having sex with people, right? And women also kind of knowing what they like and telling them
Starting point is 00:05:17 what they like. So some guys are just kind of, you know, shooting in the dark. We were actually talking before the show. Ovi was telling me that she has a friend who was like motorboating her, her clutter, like you went down on her, Ovi's your agent. He was like, brrrrr, like going back and forth and it's like, no, that's not what you do. So, I would say part of it is, yeah, you haven't found your prince charming of oral yet. So what I've found, and I don't want to give you,
Starting point is 00:05:41 like I believe it's probably somebody who hasn't, who might not know, and they might need your direction, because a lot of guys go in really fast. They don't warm it up. They don't tease you. They just kind of go right for the clitoris. But it sounds like for you that maybe there's a little bit of warm up, maybe they would have to put a finger inside as well as tease you on the outs as you use their tongue on the outside.
Starting point is 00:06:02 There's some women that, is a true ism that are able to orgasm internally. They find that their clitoris is more sensitive and that oral sex doesn't feel as good to them. But I don't know if you're that person because it's not that you're not saying it doesn't feel good. Like it doesn't hurt, right? It's not too sensitive. No, it still feels good. I just feel like I'm nowhere near finishing it. Okay. So part of it is because you don't have experience with it, right? You don't have, you've never had the experience. So it's a first time thing. And so I would say that it's a matter of telling them to slow down another great tip is that this Kevin method
Starting point is 00:06:41 that we talk about on the show. Are you with a partner right now? Are you with a, do you have a boyfriend? I'm not, and I think that's part of the reason I kind of like want to figure this out is because I don't have like a boyfriend right now. And like, I want to hook up with people but I wouldn't necessarily want to have sex. And so I was like, well, I'm not really getting much out of this if we're not having sex.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Exactly. Well, I like that. I really like that you know that because then a lot of young women are like, oh, I'm just going to give them a blowjob, but that's not sex. You should have an orgasm. So you could even tell them if it's with somebody that you're experimenting. And then you could also tell about the Kiven method is a method of oral where you're and you can go to our website, but it's called the Kiven method, K-I-V-I-N. And it's when your partner goes left, like it's going side to side, like from side to
Starting point is 00:07:28 thigh. And because that way you are reaching more nerve endings, you're not going up and down. Like he's not licking from like toe to head. It's thigh to thigh, so you're reaching more nerve endings. And then their tongue is moving like they lie perpendicular. It's a matter of, when guys ask you to say, I'm trying to figure it out right now.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Like, I don't think it's shameful that you haven't had a lot of pleasure that way. You could just say, like show them with your head. You know how you like to be touched. So another thing is guiding them with your hand and maybe next time you're masturbating, use a mirror. Look at, use your fingers and like kind of look and like, where do I like this touch?
Starting point is 00:08:05 And again, since you're somebody who likes, who can have an orgasm through penetration, it might mean that you also need a finger inside and their mouth. So all I'm saying is there's nothing wrong with you, but they probably don't know and you have an experience. So just be patient and try to guide them. Yeah, I think it's tough to, just like with guys my age, they don't understand that it takes a while. Yeah, they think it takes like three seconds
Starting point is 00:08:29 because they look at porn and that's what it takes. But it's a, it could take, so here's the thing. Kendra, there's something called the orgasm gap. Most men can orgasm in six to 10 minutes and women take about 20 to 40 minutes to have an orgasm and really good oral sex with the guy going down on you can take about 30 minutes. So they have to settle in.
Starting point is 00:08:50 It's not just a drive by limb. That's a definitely never settled in for that long. So that's some good advice. Yeah, that's true. We think it should just happen in three minutes and then we think we're looking at the clock going, oh my god, it's been five minutes now and then we're like, it's okay, but but it takes time so those are some of my best tips
Starting point is 00:09:08 there for you Kendra. Yeah go easy. I like to set them pretty confident in the bedroom and like willing to tell people what I want but I just didn't really know what to ask for. Well there you go does that help a little bit? Yeah a lot thank you. Awesome by Kendra let me know it goes okay I'll be waiting to hear. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Have a good night by Kendra. You guys this is the thing we don I'll be waiting to hear. I'll be waiting to hear. Thank you. Have a good night, by Kendra. You guys, this is the thing. We don't know what we don't know. So it takes a little bit of time to allow ourselves to receive, right? We think it's taking too long. I remember staring at that clock in my boyfriend's bedroom, and just like those, I have one in front of me,
Starting point is 00:09:42 those clocks that blink, like the blinking red light, those little dots, and you'd be like, oh god, I'm looking over, it's been three minutes, five minutes. I should probably orgasm by now. Nobody orgasms after, I don't know, maybe you do orgasm after three minutes of your partner going down to you, but I always think, if you're going down on me for three minutes and then you come back up and you decide we're done, it's like, that didn't nothing. I wasn't even settled it. You could have gotten me a glass of water. You could have walked to the kitchen, gotten me a glass of water, come back. And that would have been way more useful than three minutes going down to me. So you need a partner who's going to settle in, but it is the combination of experience and exploration and education,
Starting point is 00:10:21 really. I believe that if you're in your 20s, you just haven't walked on the planet as much. You haven't had as much experience. You probably haven't been with a partner who knew what they wanted. I mean, I love to hear from women in their 20s. You were like, yeah, I get it. I get pleasure. I need to get pleasure.
Starting point is 00:10:35 I lost so many years not knowing this stuff. You're pelvic floor muscles. Don't forget about those. Those are the muscles that we do when I tell you to do your kegels. This is also the muscles that contract when you have an orgasm. So when your kegels are kegels, kegels, kegels, however you say it, you should do them. When they're stronger, it can help you reach orgasm more effectively.
Starting point is 00:11:00 That is the truth. The other thing is get acquainted with your vulva. Look at it, take a mirror, check out what's going on. When you become comfortable with your own body, then you're gonna be more comfortable receiving oral sex, because then you're gonna look at it and go, oh wow, you know, start to touch yourself and look in the mirror and you'll see, oh look,
Starting point is 00:11:20 my clitoris swells, my vulva, you know, my labia is swelling and then you just start to learn to understand your body and I hope from there you go into body acceptance, maybe it's in some body love. The other thing is make sure that you're in a comfortable environment. I mean being comfortable is everything. So make sure that you're in a position that supports you. If you ever had someone give you oral and like your head's falling off the bed and you're not really comfortable, how are you supposed to receive in that position? Like having a pillow under your butt or making sure you know your partner's like supporting your hips. Just make sure you have a good environment. The other thing, this helps for all things, not just receiving oral, but you know,
Starting point is 00:11:59 relaxation techniques, like inhaling and exhaling really slowly. that helps with those distracting thoughts too like does my partner I really want to be doing this so when you inhale and you exhale slowly you'll get back into your body So one way to do it is like a four count inhale and a four count exhale That really helps me because sometimes I think I'm breathing slowly and I'm not, so when you have to count, you realize, oh, this is slowing down. And it can also lower your stress levels and elevate your sex play, especially your climax. And hey, it's also okay. Next tip, give your partner directions. Tell them what you want.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I believe that your partner wants to know why should they be guessing, so it's okay to guide their hand or have a talk about it outside the bedroom. Another thing, flavored lube. I love mues lube. You know I do. They have so many flavors. I'm particularly obsessed with their creme brulee. It's just delicious but they have so many flavors you can check it out but it's great for giving oral. If your partner wants to use it I knew when you're receiving oral, it's body safe, doesn't upset your pH balance, and they taste delicious.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Also you guys, you've had been hearing a lot about CBD lately, but it's excellent for calming your nerves, calming your vulva, sometimes just rubbing something on, taking a moment to make sure that you are ready to go in the mood, this will help you. It's awesome. Another way to enjoy receiving is to put on some music. If you play an amazing sex playlist, that could help you as well stay in the moment and
Starting point is 00:13:36 not get distracted by noises or things that might kind of get you out of the mood. So I think that's really important. Another thing is stimulate other rajan stone simultaneously. So maybe your partner can play with your nipples and be going down in you. It's also really relaxing and it's, you know, your senses are stimulating. They can also stroke your anus. You know, play with the other hotspots. You know, why settle yourself on one? So listen, I know a lot of you worry about, do I taste bad, do I smell bad?
Starting point is 00:14:07 What's going on down there? And I'll say it now, say it again. Your vagina is like a self-cleaning oven. It's going to clean itself. But if it would make you feel better, it's okay to take a quick shower beforehand or have some wipes to freshen up. Try oral sex in the shower.
Starting point is 00:14:23 But I think that we worry about that way more than we need to. I'm not thinking it's just switching up your positions. Maybe you're, you know, lying on your stomach with your booty up or standing with one leg pressed up or maybe hovering over your partner's face. You can also try the, the pillow method. Listen, if you put a pillow underneath your hips and you use a pillow to tilt your hips slightly upward, that allows your legs to open just a bit more and expose more of the anus if you want to play around there. Figure out what feels good to you and then go for it.
Starting point is 00:14:55 So we've got a lot of oral sex tips on our site as well, but I just thought if you've been struggling with receiving pleasure or you haven't had the oral sex that rocks your world, try some of these. We're going to take a quick break but coming up what to do when you're more experienced in bed than your partner. We'll be right back. Let's talk to Erica 22 in San Francisco. Hi Erica, thanks for calling, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:15:29 Hi Emily, this is so crazy, I've always wanted to call in. I'm so glad you did, tell me everything. Okay so I'm 22, I just moved to San Francisco. Over the last couple of years I've really experienced being a young single and a big city thing. I used to live in LA. And let's just say I've slept with a lot of people. I've experienced in a lot of different ways.
Starting point is 00:15:54 And now I feel like I'm already to slow down and be more reasonable. And like, I don't know if I want to like get into a relationship really quickly, but I think that's where I'm headed. And I started seeing this guy about a month ago who before me had only ever kissed women that he was in a relationship with. Okay. And so he's the same age as me, and he's trying now to be a little more casual with his body and be more comfortable with having sex with someone that he's not fully in love
Starting point is 00:16:22 with, which I was excited about because I liked him. Right. But on a few dates, and we started sleeping together really, and he's not very communicative in bed, because he's all of his previous sexual partners. He was the first of for them. So, like, he's kind of been the want and running the show. He's never been with someone who's been like, who's experienced and kind of like knows what they want.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Right. And so, I feel like when I ask for a thing, he kind of is like a little uncomfortable. He's never been or someone who's experienced and knows what they want. So I feel like when I ask for things, he is a little uncomfortable with that. He doesn't know how to ask for what he wants because no one has ever asked him before. I want to figure out how to do that better. Oh, okay. I think this is so great that you are 22 years old and you're thinking, okay, I've done that stuff. I've slept around and now I want to experience it. So I think that that's an amazing place to be
Starting point is 00:17:07 and why not practice with this guy that you've been seeing for a month, right? Who knows where it's gonna go, but like let's just practice it. I think every time we have sex with someone is a great opportunity to kind of learn a new lesson. So first off, he doesn't sound like he's had a lot of experience either.
Starting point is 00:17:21 My first suggestion is you got to talk about it outside the bedroom. So if you're about it, you know, outside the bedroom. So if you're doing it, you said that he seems uncomfortable when you ask for a request. Can you give me an example? Like, I was up on top and like we were moving in a certain way and I was like, I want to, like I'm going to move because I like this better.
Starting point is 00:17:41 And he was like, oh, was I doing something wrong? And I was like, no, I just like this better. Okay. Yes. You want to make him feel bad, but he was like immediately was like, oh no, did I fuck this up? Okay, so Erica, you just nailed it.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Here's what happens. Whenever, since nobody, and not even because you're 22, people in their 40s have the same exact questions that when, since none of us, no matter what age we are are no matter where we're at The majority of people on the planet do not have experience with somebody giving them feedback around sex So when they so when you do hear it for the first time We automatically go to I'm fucking up what I do wrong and so he just has an experience it before
Starting point is 00:18:22 So that's why I always say Talk about it when you're not in the bedroom because when it happens in the moment, we're so jarred by it and it's like, oh my God, she doesn't like me, I did something wrong. So what I would recommend is next time you guys are hanging out, having a drink or just at your house or whatever, just say to him, hey,
Starting point is 00:18:39 I wanna talk about our sex life from it. I wanna talk about what happened the other night. You know, I am working on about what happened other night. I am working on exploring what I need in the moment. And so when I wanted to move positions, I just want you to know that's something that I'm sort of figuring out right now. But I'll let you know if there's something that you're doing that isn't what I want. But right now, I just want to experiment. Is there anything that you want? And he probably doesn't know. So you also said to me earlier in the conversation,
Starting point is 00:19:07 he doesn't know what he wants. No one's ever asked him. Exactly. He's 22 years old. It's never happened. You're probably the most comfortable when he's been with. So together, you can say this is new for both of us. We're both in the same place.
Starting point is 00:19:20 We're both learning together. And like, make it something fun. Yeah, how does that sound? Could you do something like that? I want to be able to do something like that. I haven't heard from him since the last time we slept together. So I'm feeling a little nervous, and I'm being ghosted.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Oh, okay. Is this longer than usual? Yeah, I think so. I worry that he might be intimidated. He might be. Because I'm really confident. And so I don't know how to navigate that either. Listen, it can be very intimidating for men to be with women that are confident,
Starting point is 00:19:53 especially at 22, he has an experience that before, but I wouldn't try to again make yourself smaller or less than what you're doing. I think that if you do when you hear from him, you should just, and I know it's uncomfortable what I'm saying. You're like, I want to be able to do it, but I think it's a practice. And then once you start practicing talking about sex with someone you're actually having sex with, you won't be able to, you won't be able to have sex without it. Does that make sense? But you haven't practiced it yet. So it's a new skill for you. It's a new communication skill. Now, maybe he's intimidated.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I always assume that if we're with the right people, that they're gonna love a confident woman, that they're gonna be like, thank God, finally there's a woman that knows what she wants, and I'm gonna learn something from her, and it doesn't mean that I'm a pussy or whatever they think. But I don't know. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:20:44 People always ask me this too. They say to me, oh, are guys intimidated to date you? And then I was talking to my therapist today, and she's like, yeah, but they are. And I was like, really? I'm so not intimidating. I'm not gonna say that. The minus does the same thing.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Okay, there you go. Do we have the same therapist? I, but I actually, I'm looks like Rachel Ray. Oh, no, not mine, mine's an L.A. But whether this guy calls you or not, hopefully he does. And if he doesn't, we'll never know why. You can call me if he goes to you.
Starting point is 00:21:10 We can go through that. Because we never know. It's probably not what you think. We don't. Now, let's say that is true. So what it means is that you have to have the conversations with guys before you sleep with them and say, you know, hey, I want you to know, know, what are you into sexually?
Starting point is 00:21:25 And I know people don't do this a lot, Erica, but this is the way to avoid this stuff. This is the way to say, so, what are you into? I realize I'm exploring sex right now. I'm trying to figure out what I'm into and I want to be with a partner who communicates because sex is better when you communicate. I listen to this podcast, I listen to this radio
Starting point is 00:21:42 to sex with them, I mean, whatever it is, but this is how you get your needs met. It's never really a thing. I really appreciate that. Thank you. Yeah, I hope that's helpful. I mean, if you do the thing that it's all for this stuff. Well, we do, right?
Starting point is 00:21:55 And we will never know. Could you go get back together with his ex? He might have had a busy week at work. He might think you're not into him. So there's always the option of reaching out to him if you don't hear from him, which I know is like, uh, no one wants to do that. But I'm just telling you that that you just met him a month ago, you'll meet somebody else. The more time we spend worrying about why someone calls or why someone doesn't, is time that takes us away from actually meeting somebody else. And then with each partner and you can learn how to communicate better,
Starting point is 00:22:22 and then you'll just have to. you won't be able to help it Well, yeah, thank you so much of course Erica. I'm here for you. It's so good to talk to you enjoy the time in the city Yeah, thank you. I really okay. You did of course have a great night. Bye, Erica. Thanks for calling It's funny. We've had all these women calling from San Francisco lately or 22 which reminds me of I don't know That's when I moved to San Francisco when I was 22 years old and which reminds me of, I don't know, that's when I moved to San Francisco when I was 22 years old and dated a lot of guys and had a good time and I knew nothing about sex, nothing about communication. It wouldn't be till about 10 years later. So how great that Erica at 22 is asking about how to communicate in the bedroom. This is from Gracie 21 in Canada. She said, I found I have anxiety about someone going down on me. I used to love it,
Starting point is 00:23:05 never had a problem, but a past boyfriend made a comment about how disgusting it is. He never minded doing it to other women, but he doesn't want to do it to me. Anyway, now I'm in a better relationship for over a year and he makes me so comfortable, and I still find I have this anxiety around letting him go down on me. I've let him a few times. He loves it and wants to do it all the time. I love that he loves doing it. But I never let him because of a comment in the past relationship. How can I get past this and enjoy it like I used to?
Starting point is 00:23:38 Oh, Gracie, Gracie, Gracie. First, let me say this. You have a story in here that says he didn't mind doing it to other women. First off, I don't believe that. I believe that he was shaming you and he was trying to say something hurtful for you because he didn't want to do it. And we have to remember that as well.
Starting point is 00:23:56 We can't go back in fact check, but I am telling you that that's just a dick move. Like, why is he gonna tell you that? But also that the anxiety is real. It just takes one person saying one thing about our bodies, about our vulvas, about our penis, anything. And we're just, you know, someone could tease you in the locker room when you're 18 and then you're 40 and you're like, my penis is not good, you know?
Starting point is 00:24:23 And it just sticks with us. So I just have to tell you, Gracie, that what would be the most useful thing for you is to tell your partner, your loving partner, who wants to provide oral to you. I would tell him outside the bedroom that you love oral, but you have a little trepidation about it. You could say you have a partner who,
Starting point is 00:24:43 you could even, if you'd like to share this, you're too often, you could say you have a partner who you could even if you'd like to share this. You're too often. You could say I have a partner who didn't like it. So I always thought that men don't like it even like you're telling me you like it. You don't have to get into all the details. And you could say, can you allow me? I would like to learn how to receive it. And so I want you to know this because then when you share that with him, Gracie, then
Starting point is 00:25:03 he's on board with you. He's not like wondering why won't Gracie let me go down on her. He's like, oh, I get it. You need me to, you know, go slow. You need me to tell you how much I love it. Maybe you need him to say you taste so good, baby. You look so good. I love doing this.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I could stay here all night, which side note, this is what you say to evolve a owner. If you're going down on her, you say, babe, I'm not going anywhere. I'm about to settle in and I'm going to stay here all night. And I love the way you taste and I love the way you smell. And I'm in this. Talk about that. That's how you feel more. Right. If someone said that to you, wouldn't you be able to like settle in and say,
Starting point is 00:25:41 okay, they're down, they're down with going down. But otherwise you have these, these messages in your head, Gracie. So the more you start to realize that you deserve this pleasure and then you actually experience the pleasure of your partner going down in you and then having an orgasm, you're going to forget this ex-boyfriend and all the anxiety, but we just got to get you over the hump. So that's how we stop the negative self-talk. So Alexandria, almost on cue 19 from Florida, has a question about oral. We're talking about oral sex. Hi, Alexandria, perfect timing.
Starting point is 00:26:15 What's going on? Hi. First of all, thank you so much for having me and answering my call. Of course. I'm here for you. I basically have had past experiences. I'm a young girl, so I just feel like my past experiences with oral has been kind of limiting. I feel like
Starting point is 00:26:33 restricted when I don't know like presenting myself. I feel like there's a lot of pressure around how women should look down there. And my main partners have been guys. And so I kind of stress about, is it clean enough down there? Do I need to be hairless? And really, I just don't want to be hairless. And all of that, and I also stress about, does it taste good to them?
Starting point is 00:27:03 Or something like that? And I usually end up losing patience because I think about way too much in the moment. Yes. I never like had an orgasm from oral sex. So it's been a like heartbreaking moment. I don't know because I really like to feel pleasure and not worry. Yeah. I totally get it, Alexandria.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I'm so glad you called in with this because this is so common. You know, you're so young, you're 19 and so you're still figuring it out. And so the fact that you're able to, in this moment, share this and say this is what's going on means that you absolutely can get past it.
Starting point is 00:27:40 And so let's start with the hair. If you don't want to shave it all off, don't shave it all off. Do something that do it in a way that makes you feel good. Trim or don't trim. And then I would also say, if you shower and you take good care of yourself, I think that your taste is fine.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Our vaginas are self-cleaning ovens. They're like that. Our pH balance gets all balanced out on its own. So there's nothing to worry about. But the only thing is Alexander, which you have to contend with, which a lot of women your age have to deal with, is that most men your age, and I don't care if they slept with 50 women, but most of their experience around sex comes from porn. And then the porn, it's not realistic, it's not real life, it's fake, it's a fictionalized version of sex and the women are more shaved and trimmed and they look
Starting point is 00:28:27 perfect because they're literally tucked in and cheated towards like their bodies move towards camera. They're shot at different angles so every vulva looks trim and beautiful. And I'm telling you that it's not real life, but at 19 maybe the partners that you're with, they don't really get it either, but I do think that you can be with somebody who's gonna allow you to be your best self, to feel confident. So it's really just a matter of experience,
Starting point is 00:28:54 and it's okay at 19 that you haven't been able to settle into it because most of us have it. You haven't had a lot of experience, and then you have a lot of messages probably in your head that are telling you you should be something different than you are. Yeah, it is like stressful especially with a person I don't know as well and then I end up just thinking way too much like.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Well, how do you, right? So I think I get, well, maybe it's then honestly then maybe, maybe right now find someone that you do know well, find somebody that you, if you're gold right now, see whenever we're having sex, this is the thing. Whenever we're about to have sex with them, Alexander, I'm at different stages in my life. I'm like am I just looking for sex right now or do I actually want to be with somebody that I know and that I feel safe with. And I have to tell you that perhaps what I'm hearing from you and this is true for a lot of women, that the best sex we have, the most pleasurable sex we have, is when we're with a partner that we feel safe with and
Starting point is 00:29:50 that we trust. And I'm not saying this has to be your future husband, and you even have to be completely committed. But maybe if it's a one-off and you're just meeting them, I don't know that we, any of us, feel that comfortable with someone we barely know, to go down on us. It's so intimate. So that might be at as well. Maybe find someone that you know that they are trustworthy and they treat you well,
Starting point is 00:30:10 that they're not going to shame you and they're going to be as invested in your pleasure as you are. But that's not always easy to find with random people we meet. And my best sex is not necessarily with like some random person I meet. Not in that saying you're dating random. I'm saying I've dated random. I don't know who you're dating, but I've done the random. I've done it all so I could be here and talk to you about it. So I'm just saying go easy on yourself and that maybe that's okay that you're not okay with it with someone you just met, right? And maybe if there's a partner you could have repetitive sex with, you'll start to open
Starting point is 00:30:42 up. I know it. For me, it's better over time when I'm with someone. yeah. So there we go. Well, thank you so much. Of course, you are beautiful as you are. Thank you, Alexandra. Okay, when we come back, we're going to talk to some people who actually have physical gifts that sort of rock their world and mind too. So a little bit of gift inspiration after the break. Stay tuned. And 60 in Canada, she has a special gift story. Oh my goodness. I have the most amazing man. I live in Canada. He lives in Boston. And I traveled down to Boston to spend some time with him
Starting point is 00:31:26 and he surprised me with a trip. And he wouldn't tell me where we were going. When we checked into the ticket counter, he made sure I wasn't in near shot of anyone. So it was completely in the dark until I went to the gate and realized that we were going to Orlando. Now I've always told him as a kid, I'm 60, so I'm up there. But as a child, I always wanted to go on the Peter Pan ride in Disney. And he decided he was going to take me down to Disney. We arrived
Starting point is 00:32:00 there. It was a surprise. He took me to a beautiful hotel, the Cosmopolitan, or the contemporary story. And we spent the night there and then he took me into the park so I could ride my pier pan ride. And then at night, he took me to Victorian Elberts, which is an amazing restaurant in the Floridian. And he took me into the private dining room where there's only four tables and it's a chef's dinner with wine caring and we had a beautiful you know 17 cornstiner and then he took me he scuttled me away down the back of the Floridian out to the marina and on to a private yacht. And he took me out on this private yacht. It was just him and I and we saw the fireworks at the enchanted castle from the water.
Starting point is 00:33:02 We had champagne. He bought me a beautiful diamond ring and he also gave me a glass slipper. Oh, and that's amazing. That is a piece. So he listened. Yeah. He listened. He hit all the mark. He satisfied my childhood dreams. He knows I'm a foodie. Love wine pairing dinners and the romance of going out onto a private yacht. He just it's just amazing He's an amazing man and I feel very very special to have. Oh, and that's beautiful. When was this was this? How long have you been together and when was this? It was five years ago. We've been together about 10 years now, but just because of our situations, meaning his family in the states and mine here in Canada,
Starting point is 00:33:54 we don't, we're together, but we're not physically together. Does that make sense? Yeah. Because we've got a lot of responsibility. So yeah, it's just when we do get together, we feel very blessed that we have each other. I mean, we're always talking on the phone
Starting point is 00:34:09 and everything else, but yeah, it's just, yeah. When you think that you, your dreams can't come true, it really does. You put it out there and there's some very special people in this world, if your heart's open to it. Well, and you're 60, so you're saying you met him at 50 then you met him 10 years ago. Yep. So do you see how did you meet him asking for a friend?
Starting point is 00:34:31 I met him when I was through business because I do a lot of traveling and the business that I'm in takes me into the US as well. So it was very accidental and we just started out as friends and when times get a little tough which they do for everybody. You really realize who's really there for you and who's there to lend you an ear, hold you up and those things are so important. They are. Well, and thanks for sharing that super inspiring, even though it's long distance, so you see each other like once a month or once every few months Well, we see each other about once every five or six months, but yeah with COVID it's been a little
Starting point is 00:35:12 A little more challenging, but the fun part about it is is we can always face time So we still feel connected. I really feel that he's my soul mate and he feels the same. So we are definitely connected Okay, so it doesn't matter distance doesn't matter that he's might soulmate and he feels the same. So we are definitely connected. Okay. So it doesn't matter, distance doesn't matter. Oh, yeah. And I guess it doesn't, you're right. No, Anne, what do you give him? I wanna know what you're gonna give him this year.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Like, do you feel like you have to give him something back? Oh, yeah. Yeah, you know what? We usually, our gift right now is just being able to get together just because of our situation. So yeah, we're more into experiencing things together. So yeah, it's going to be pretty hard for me to talk about one but I love it. That's a
Starting point is 00:35:58 beautiful story. Thank you, Anne. I have a great night. I appreciate you. I'm so glad you found the love. That's a beautiful story Listen to what she wanted what she needed lived her childhood dreams Let's talk to Jonathan 45 in Colorado. Hi Jonathan. What's going on? I Amily how you doing tonight good. How are you? Tell me everything I'm doing great as always listening to your show about the sexual revolution that you're trying to give to the nation. Of course, as most scholars, I'd like to say thank you and your staff for all that you
Starting point is 00:36:35 do for opening up a lot of people's eyes out there. The one topic nobody really wants to touch, but i was calling to let you know that i recently gotten relationship and of course we went ahead and i uh... downloaded the pdf of your yes no maybe let
Starting point is 00:36:55 that out yet uh... we also went over sort of the terms of our relationship and we're going to re-value our relationship every quarter but one thing she did was once we finalized our defy the relationship contract or term was she gives me this envelope and it says congratulations. And in this envelope is about 12 to 14 coupon vouchers for different sexual favors, whether it's BDSM, whether it's a sexual massage with a happy ending, just a lot of sexual goodies in there. And all I have to do is give her a 12 hour notice. First time in my life that I get something like that,
Starting point is 00:37:42 where I really get excited. It's sort of for me and my lifetime feels like when a woman sends you a sexy text message of, hey, come on over, are your girlfriend sends you a picture of some lingerie, she's gonna wear for you that night, say, hey, I'll see you tonight, 11 o'clock, but it was one of the great gift ideas
Starting point is 00:38:04 that I ever see from a girlfriend in my 45 years of living on this planet. Wow. I love to hear that she did that for you. It worked. It was appreciated. And we can just make that at home, right? We don't have to go out and spend a lot of money and look on what you appreciate it. I love this Jonathan. Have you have you cast any of the coupons yet? No, I plan on casting in this weekend. All she really did, if people think about an idea,
Starting point is 00:38:28 was pretty much she just got different color index card and a marker and just wrote on them, is all she did. The other thing I'll let you know that you'll love to hear is we also have an agreement that we will be
Starting point is 00:38:41 visiting an adult sex store every three to four months together. And yes, I already have toys for her, I bought toys for her, as well as me. And yes, I do have lube under my nightstand, whether it's lube for lubrication, and of course, massage oils. Jonathan, you're killing it. You are just an astute at here. This sounds like a really solid relationship.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Yeah. Yeah, and the other thing too that I want to comment is that spot on information that you give to the people. It's just not you blowing up smoke of people's anus. No pun intended. Right? Yeah, I'm not making this stuff up it's legit johnathan i feel like you'd like work with me or something and we have we
Starting point is 00:39:28 met johnathan you're amazing doing it all your killing it what was some other things that she put in your coupon book uh... the one that really uh... made me laugh besides uh... bd sm and there was two in there for bd sm there was one for me to dominate her uh... in those another one in there for her to dominate me.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And she left some blank lines in there for the safe words, whether it was red, yellow or green. Another one she put in there that was really nice was she said, this card is free to cash in for an oral exam. Don't worry, you will pass because I'm going to do all the work. A lot of cute, clever things she put in there. Super cute, Clever. I think this is super inspiring for everyone listening.
Starting point is 00:40:15 We can kind of get into it more. We should call back again, Jonathan. Great to talk to you. That's it for today's episode. See you on Tuesday. Thanks for listening to Sex with Family. Be sure to like, subscribe, and give us a review or ever you listen to the podcast.
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Starting point is 00:40:52 If you want to talk to me, ask your questions about your sex life, dating, or relationships, email me. Feedback at or call into my series sex and show Monday through Friday, 5-7pm Pacific, and call me, AAA 94 stars, that's AAA 947 8277, get a free 30-day trial at slash SXM. You can watch my masterclass on slash Emily Morse. Was it good for you? Email me, feedback at
Starting point is 00:41:23 Emily Morse. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at

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