Sex With Emily - Going Down (Under) with Cyndi Darnell

Episode Date: June 9, 2017

Sex and relationships go great together-- there’s no doubt about it. But the two are not interchangeable. In today’s show, Emily’s joined by one of Australia’s leading sex and relationship the...rapists Cyndi Darnell to talk about how to get both back on track! How do you prep for “Mr. Right” when you enjoy your playful lifestyle? Think you’ve tried it all and you STILL can’t orgasm? You’re brimming from cheater’s regret-- should you come clean? Emily and Cyndi answer these difficult dilemmas, plus the pair discuss the highly dreaded mismatched libido with tips on how to fix it! Thank you for supporting our our sponsors who help keep this podcast FREE: Magic Wand, JO, Womanizer, Sportsheets Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. On today's show, I'm here with Cindy Darnel, one of Australia's leading sex and relationship therapists, and we're helping you navigate your sex, dating, and relationship questions. Topics include, how to know if an alternative relationship will work in the long term. Should you ever confess to cheating? What to do in your sex drives just don't match up and why you can't orgasm even though you think you've tried everything? All this and more, thanks for listening! They call them in a bag on me. Hey, Avaline, you got a boyfriend? Because, uh, my man, he here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute. Hey, girls, gotta have a stand.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Oh, my! The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, all the way? What do you mean, like, laundry? It shrinks? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh, my God, I'm so, so, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good.
Starting point is 00:01:00 But, you know, Avaline's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily, you're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can check out the website. Every day we've got new blogs, you got videos, you have a lot happening there.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Also, guys, I love when you subscribe and review the show on iTunes. It really helps the show. And I appreciate you guys taking a few minutes to do that and letting us know what you think of the show. And also, you can follow me on social media across the board. It's all at sex with Emily, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and I'm not just asking you guys to follow me like just because, like, it'd be cool to have you and like, have a number, another number. But when you guys join me on Facebook and social media, you can be part of the conversation that we're having here.
Starting point is 00:01:49 And you can share what you're learning from my podcasts and the blogs, with your friends, your lovers. And also, I'd love to hear your insights and all that. So you could be helping a fellow sex with Emily listener by sharing your views and thoughts and opinions and all that. So I appreciate it. Thank you for connecting with me
Starting point is 00:02:05 and thank you for supporting the show. Also, section of the slash podcast you guys, I've been doing this for 12 years and I've got so many podcasts that aren't even on iTunes. So you can find them all there on the website and subscribe to our newsletter. I know, it's the last thing you subscribe to. Two things I'm asking you, the podcast and the news that are people like our news
Starting point is 00:02:25 that are once a week we said them out. We were like, I really like your email, Emily. Like I'm like, you read it. People read them, they're fun. They sum up what's happening here. We send you some more, um, the podcast and tips and blogs, all that stuff. So that's what I got for you. I'm dying to welcome my guest.
Starting point is 00:02:40 She flew around the world just to be here with me today. I know you were here for other reasons, but Cindy Jarnal is one of Australia's leading sex and relationship therapists. She is amazing. I've been hearing about her through my good friend L. Chase, sex educator who's also here in the room for years, and she just explained she said she's like the Emily Morrison Australia. Cindy, I'm so glad you're here. Welcome to the show. We have a lot of listeners in Australia and you're just so impressive.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Everything you've done. Thank you, darling. You're impressive. You're website, you're blogs, and all your your amazing stuff you've going on. It's super impressive and I'm glad that I you're here and that you made it into the studio. Thank you. I'm really glad to be here. I love, I love, love being in the US. I really adore this country. So thanks for having me. Of course. I'm here for a month. A month. A month. In LA. Oh, no, no, no. Oh, then you're going to New York for the fancy speaking thing you're doing. Yes. I'm going to the Omega Institute in New York. Congratulations. New York for a 16th to 18th of June running a workshop for two and a half days for couples. So cool. Sacred sexuality. Okay for two and a half days for couples. Cool. Sacred sexuality.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Okay, and people can sign up for that. And the on the Omega website, or if they can't find it on the Omega website, my website under upcoming events, it's listed there. Okay, cool. And this all your information will be on our website as well with this podcast, with this post. So tell me a little about yourself because you have an interesting like niche like connecting with like couples and singles and working with people in relationships. So can you tell me a little
Starting point is 00:04:10 bit about how you like I wanted to sign up on your website. Oh, great. I was like wow you really can help with anything. You see patients clients. Yeah, I see clients. One on one. Yeah. So yeah, tell me tell me a little bit how you work. So I call myself a sex and relationship therapist. That's the most accurate description, I guess, for what I do. And what that means is I work in a therapeutic context, so I'm a qualified psychotherapist. But I specialised in sex and relationships because it's something that I think a lot of people still really struggle with, particularly in Australia, around the world as well, because it is such a taboo and a lot of relationships therapists tend to not want to do or they've not been trained in managing sex stuff, because I think the narrative that is so common is that sex and relationships are the same thing, and that if you're a relationship therapist, then you must also be a sex therapist, and they're actually really quite different fields, they're complementary but they're not exactly the same,
Starting point is 00:05:08 like coffee and milk, you know, they go great together but they don't, you don't need to have them together, you can have them separately. So my interest in sexuality and relationships has been, I think it really started in sexuality about 20-something years ago. I had the pleasure of meeting Annie Sprinkle and Barbara Carillas when I was very, very young. And Barbara Carillas and I in particular formed a very strong friendship back then. And so she's been a mentor to me for many, many years and so much of the work that I do has been influenced by her ideas and values. And even though she's not a therapist, she's very much someone that I credit with kickstarting my career in Australia 20 years ago in this field. So I've gone on since then since...
Starting point is 00:05:50 Some people who don't know who Barbara Crelas is. Could you? So Barbara Crelas is from New York and she's the author of Urban Tantra among other things and she also is, I think, one of the world's leading Tantra experts and she's also one of the world's leading tantra experts and she's also one of the world's pioneers in teaching tantra from a non-gender specific aspect. So she has sort of blown the whole idea of sort of divine masculine and divine feminine out of the water and has really pioneered a whole new approach to tantra which is all gender inclusive and she's's amazing. And her partner is Kate Bornstein, who is well known for being a very well-loved trans activist. And most recently on the Caitlin Jenner reality show. So they have both been comments.
Starting point is 00:06:34 So it started with the- My aunties, my six aunties. I love it. But they're a bit there and they were here, but you've stayed in touch with it over the years. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:42 So it started with that and then you got your degree in therapy. Yeah, so I went and studied therapy first. I was just a regular, you know, gun variety psychotherapist first. And then I found that the therapeutic community in Australia and internationally is on many levels quite conservative, especially when it comes to sex, because there's a lot of misunderstandings about even the concept of what is sex, what is normal sex, who has it, who's allowed to have it, and the notions around all the taboos and what's allowed and what's not allowed really throws people and because, you know, we've all pretty much grown up in some version of a sex negative culture, if you haven't learned to talk about sex in
Starting point is 00:07:25 helpful and meaningful ways, even if you're a trained therapist, you can be trying to be helpful with your clients and still make mistakes if you're feeding in to old ideas that are limiting and shaming of people's sexuality. I don't just mean their orientation. I mean, their practices. What they actually do. But the relationship, for the relationship therapist do I agree because I feel like people that it is so different and that I actually think a lot from a lot of my listeners who call and who
Starting point is 00:07:53 Who email the show? I'm like they just need they purely sex there be more the relationship Yeah, well, yeah, it's it's complimentary It is complimentary, but the fact that you know both the most and I understand that most relationship therapists really don't. They don't. It's a whole different thing. I really don't. How would you explain, I think you do it well on your website, but how could you explain the difference, what someone would get from relationship therapy and sex therapy? Well, it would depend on the problem that they're having, because I think we all get tricked
Starting point is 00:08:18 into different beliefs about sex and relationships because of the narratives that we are taught from a very young age. And this happens through movies and books and news and just, you know, common assumptions about how things are. And I think one of the biggest things is that intimacy and eroticism are the same. And they're really not. Because you can have intimacy that is very sort of vulnerable, making heart connected, all that kind of, you know, yummy, mushy, security-oriented stuff. And that can actually put out the fire of eroticism for a lot of people. Pancellz it out, right.
Starting point is 00:08:53 And that can be problematic for people in long-term relationships, particularly people in long-term monogamous relationships. How do we navigate that space between wanting to feel safe and wanting to feel hot? So this is where it becomes a particular skill in dancing between those two points on the spectrum and what is possible, and also engaging people in conversations about what's normal, because I think a lot of folks get very, very invested
Starting point is 00:09:20 in being normal in contrast with being content content that people really want to be normal like you know, they'll say to me, how often should we be having sex? You know, and they want some sort of like, you know, 1.7 times a week or whatever. And instead, I will say to them, first of all, what kind of sex are you talking about? And then it's like, why do you, why do you want to be normal? Why do you care what other people are doing? What is it, What matters to you and people get spent so much energy on trying to be normal and very little energy
Starting point is 00:09:50 on trying to be content or trying to be happy? So true. And it takes them away. It distracts them from where they could actually find the contentment that they're looking for. Absolutely. There's so many things in what you just said. I'm like, I want to talk about all of them
Starting point is 00:10:03 because I do feel like, well, first of all, we get hundreds of emails here a day questions and I feel like everybody just, at the end of the day, am I normal? That's okay, just tell me I'm okay, I'm okay, just like. Number one question, right? Like, is it normal?
Starting point is 00:10:15 It's like, how does it feel to you? Obviously, if it's harmful to your life, if it's something, you know, if you're, for example, with porn, if you're watching too much porn and it's a problem if you can't go to work and you can no longer have a direction. Then we could talk about it, but most things people are worried about are they're fine. It's okay to express your sexuality, give people permission to find out what is hot
Starting point is 00:10:35 for them and what works for them. So I think that's such a great, interesting way to describe it, like that why? Why does everyone really care? I was like, you're fine, you're fine, don't trip on it. But also when you're talking about working with couples, so like, want to like the top questions we get asked and probably think that you deal with as libidos, like mismatch libidos and couples,
Starting point is 00:10:54 because of what happens in that long-term relationship where intimacy does kind of stamp out desire. And they all cancel it, we get close and come to, you know, become one, but yeah, we don't want to have sex with our partners. And people always say, you know, stamp out desire. Yeah. And they all cancel it. You know, we get close and come for, you know, and we become one, but yeah, we don't want to have sex with our partners. And people always say, you know, and then they go to a relationship therapist only. And I'm like, would you just keep talking about
Starting point is 00:11:11 the same mystery as over and over again? And you're never going to get down into what's really going on. Yeah. So I'm guessing with sex therapy, you kind of help them untangle that. Probably remove resentments that have built up over time. Yeah. And but then also in dealing with,
Starting point is 00:11:24 it's interesting intimacy versus eroticism. So then also in dealing with, it's interesting, intimacy versus eroticism. So if they come to you and they're like, well, I don't even know what you mean, but do you help them identify what's erotic to them and share fantasies and stuff like that? Absolutely. Well, yes, and I don't necessarily think
Starting point is 00:11:38 that sharing fantasies is always the helpful thing to do. Not often. So sometimes it's helpful, sometimes it's not. But helping people work out what it is that turns them on. That's in contrast. I'm going to say by chance. Yeah, in contrast with what it is they want to have in a relationship.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Because what we lust after sometimes can be very different to what we want in a partner and a life partner. And that is, I think, a relatively common quandary for folks. And it's something that we are not equipped to manage because our sex and relationships education at school doesn't navigate that ambiguity, you know. And for a lot of people, what's hot is the ambiguity?
Starting point is 00:12:17 Is that area of all what I know about this? And that for a lot of people is sexy. Do you want to open a bank account with someone that makes you feel a bit unsafe? Not necessarily, but it can be a real turn-on to go, oh, you know, what is it about this person that's so intoxicating, but we're not going to get a mortgage together. Exactly. So what is it with, I know it's not just one answer, but how do you help couples fan those flames again and feel like get that ambiguity back when we live together and we own a house and have six children. Yeah, look, it's not easy.
Starting point is 00:12:51 I can tell you that, but it does involve what I call a degree of self-inquiry. So you need to go back and look at what your motivations for having sex are. Yeah, you said, okay, let's go back to that. So they have to think about. They have to think about what their motivation is. So, if they are looking for a motivation, that's what, you know, like lust oriented, that they wanna feel that lusty, kind of hot energy
Starting point is 00:13:14 that you feel when you first meet somebody, you might not get that again in a long-term relationship. I'm not saying that you won't, but you might not. So, I often refer to it as that kind of intention of sitting at the, you're trying to get to a destination, but you're sitting. So I often refer to it as that kind of intention of sitting at the, you're trying to get to a destination, but you're sitting at a bus stop and you're waiting for a bus that never comes because you're waiting to feel in the mood, you're waiting to feel hot, you're waiting to feel excited and that bus isn't coming. And in the meantime,
Starting point is 00:13:36 you're sitting at the bus stop and all these cars are going past and Uber's are going past and your friends are going past, taxis, everybody's going, you know, do you want to ride, do you want to ride? And you're like, no, no, I'm fine. I'm just going to sit here and wait for the bus. And you sit and you sit and you sit and you wait for years for this bus that never comes. And in any other situation, if you had a destination to get to, you would walk if you had to get there.
Starting point is 00:14:00 But for some reason, when it comes to sex, we are so invested in having lust be the motivator that we will sit and wait for that bus even if it doesn't come. We don't even investigate what? And we don't investigate other modes of transport. If we want to get to a place, we might have to get there in a bunch of different ways. And if that bus isn't coming, that's going to be okay. How else can we get there? Can we catch a ride with somebody else? Uber, taxi, whatever. How else can we get there can we catch a ride with somebody else? Uber taxi whatever and That's the thing with sex is that folks get really locked into it has to look a certain way and it has to be a certain way
Starting point is 00:14:30 And it has to be like it is in the movies or it has to be like it was when I was 16 It's not that down you break down You can take a bit of wine. Oh, yeah, it does I mean I was gonna ask you about it because sex education here as a bismill We don't get any sex education. You're not straighter at this time. So yeah, I mean Australia, because I told you we do have so many
Starting point is 00:14:49 hello to all my Australians. Let's hear it. And all my listeners, but yeah, I was just wondering why the huge influx lately also of listeners, I don't know if like what you're saying is it's just even your, it's less there, even less education, less.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I don't know that it's less, but it's just sex is not less education, less, less, less, but it's just sex is not something that's necessarily socially talked about. I mean, there's a presence of sex in the media, but it tends to not be especially robust. It tends to be very kind of light and it tends to be sort of very focused on being normal. There's not a great exploration of sort of alternative sex practices or alternative relationships. That is slowly starting to happen, but folks are still, you know, trying to play the normal game, I think, in a lot of ways, and slowly
Starting point is 00:15:35 slowly that's going to start opening up. Absolutely. There's more access to more information. Right. Is there anything that you see as a difference between, um, you spend a lot of time in the States and Australia that's kind of a different kind of approach to sex besides not talking about it? Is there anything, I don't know trends or things have come up lately, they're like,
Starting point is 00:15:51 oh, that's interesting. Nice, Australia. I think. Is it all the same? It's pretty much all the same in terms of the information that's fed to us through the media is similar to what's going on here. But in terms of like when I teach classes in Australia and when I teach classes in the
Starting point is 00:16:06 US, I'm often amazed at how much more open Americans are with their personal information in public spaces. Right. Right. And it would never ever. Oh my gosh. So we are so. Those kinds of questions in public.
Starting point is 00:16:19 They would come up one at a time and you know, I'll be at an event for an hour and a half afterwards answering questions one by one that would happen in a public forum in the US. I was having needle-ass. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like Australians would never, never do that. Yeah, we're right, we're right, we're right. Yeah, I guess that's it.
Starting point is 00:16:35 But really it's just sex. It's just this big enigma with sex that I agree with what you're saying that we all think we will work on every other part of our life. Yeah. Well, anything we want to be good at, or we want to strive, we want to achieve goals, like we'll work really hard at our career,
Starting point is 00:16:47 on our health, like we want to run a marathon. We'll train for that, our spirituality. But sex is like this mystical thing that we believe should just be amazing and perfect all the time, because it was really good during that glorious honeymoon phase the first few months, and it's magic. People think of sex as being this magical thing,
Starting point is 00:17:03 and when it's gone, it's poof. And it's just like, I spend so much time, you know, as I'm sure you do just trying to get people to, even just the basics of it. It's gonna take some work, the bus you're gonna have to look at where you're going. But it's like fun. It's like, this is an interesting kind of work. This is the best kind of work you could do. It'll help every other era of your life. So I just... And so I think it's a process. I mean, it never ends. You know, I've been studying sex in various forms for over 20 years and I still feel like
Starting point is 00:17:28 I don't know everything. I know a lot of stuff, but then I think I get to a point where I know a thing and then it changes and I'm like, oh, actually, no, it's not that. Exactly. But what about the clitorist thing that just came out of the day? I'm like, I thought I knew everything. I'm like, there's nothing new to us, but that there's now they found out that that clitorist is actually internal as well.
Starting point is 00:17:45 It's like a study, we knew this. But great that they're still studying it. It's not that what the do spot does exist doesn't exist kind of thing. And like, where do these are the stupidest studies you could ever do? But like, let's talk about the clitoris. Like, did you see this?
Starting point is 00:17:57 It was like a few days ago. They're just like, I don't even know. Was a study. But we've known for a while that it's internal. We know the clitor literal legs and internal. Do you do that with your, are you explaining to them? Because I would think that just a lot of women, I know, they don't really even understand their bodies or where to go or masturbation.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Absolutely. Do you get them homework assignments? Yeah. Well, that's why I made my video series, The Atlas of Eritortic Anatomy and Arousal, which is based on that kind of information, explaining to people how their bodies work from a pleasure perspective and not a reproduction perspective. So that's one of my real bug bears that I, in Australia, the term sex and relation,
Starting point is 00:18:34 sorry, sex and reproductive health is thrown around a lot. I don't know if that's a phrase. Yeah, it is. But the emphasis is on reproduction. And the truth is, who has sex for reproduction? Very few people. Oh my God, I love this time. Very, very few people.
Starting point is 00:18:49 First of all, not sexy. It's well, it's not very sexy. And if you think about, they're all the times that you've had sex in your rely on family, and certainly all the times I've had sex in my life, how many of those times have been to make a baby? Never.
Starting point is 00:19:00 There you go. Right. So the emphasis on sex being for reproduction, especially when it comes to women's sexuality, it's so glossed over with this fertility story. Right. And there's no room for women to escape from that narrative and create a new narrative that's about pleasure. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:19:18 So that is a really big thing that has to change. And when they don't even know what's going on with their, with their voters and their criticism. But the clitoris, this is the thing, he's the internal clitoris or that thing you never knew you you never knew you had. So now it came out even in 2017, there's still so much about women's anatomy that we're not talking about. For example, most of us probably don't know that there's more to our clitoris than the
Starting point is 00:19:38 little rosebud shape. Now we know this little shape. Now, but now they're talking about the internal clitoris, which I don't really actually didn't read like, okay, let's say it's bigger than you think, external circulus, you know, we know all this, but I don't know why this study just came out, but I'm glad that it did that people don't know. And there needs to be more conversation about this. I know.
Starting point is 00:20:00 I mean, it says there's a lot more than I should have thought about it. I'm so frustrated about the thing, God, that there, you know, whatever. I mean, I'm glad that they're, I'm like, okay, welcome to the party, but you're right. Women do need to understand my glitterous ring. Oh my God, I was looking, okay. So I've been looking at your ring, and I thought it was like a wishbone,
Starting point is 00:20:16 which is see, talk about that, it's clear. And I was just gonna compliment you on your ring. Yeah. I forget what that, where'd you get it? It's gorgeous. Penelope Jones, I think is her surname She's a jewelry designer in New York and she make a little I can't even speak anymore Yeah, it's called glittering glittering glittering
Starting point is 00:20:37 Penelope is Bella Penelope with an eye at the end. Oh my god It's gorgeous and so sure and it comes in the gold color and then silver color. Oh my god I it's gorgeous. It's so beautiful. And it comes in the gold color and then silver color. Oh my god. I have really wide fingers. Nothing ever fits me. Oh, what do you think? I know. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:20:51 Why fingers? Really wide. Clitoris. Is that anything? Oh, I love it. Okay, so I'm really obsessed with this clitoris. And you're other way too. They're beautiful.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Jewelry. Thank you, gorgeous. Just stunning. Thank you, Kelly. Okay, so where were we? Clitoris is clitoris. This is everywhere. Clidrs is up on the web because they're pretty little pink. I gave little lips on the wall, but maybe you could just
Starting point is 00:21:10 decorate with with with clidrs is and such. Okay Cindy, don't know. I love that you're here. This is we're just getting started. This is just like our four play. You're gonna stay, we're gonna do some sex in the news. We're going to answer some questions for listeners. But right now we're to take a quick break. Give a shout out to our sponsors. Thank you so much for supporting them and helping keeping the show free. I love you all. We'll be right back. Okay, I'm here with Cindy Darnal.
Starting point is 00:21:43 She is Australia's finest leading trusted therapist relationship educator, everything in Australia. You're the go-to sex person. Thank you. I want to come hang out with you in Australia. Please do, that would be fabulous. I know, we'll just dress up like, come on down. Come on down.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Okay, I'm coming, coming, coming. Okay, listen, so sex the news, there's other studies. We talked about the clitoris earlier. How happy couples deal with mismatched sex drives. Okay, so we've got this this study that came out. Glad we're studying clitoris and sex drives. How happy couples deal with mismatched sex drives. So mismatched libidos, I'm sure that's probably people come to you out of time. They're very, very common. Right? Like, but there's a thing I hate to say it's a problem. Like, who wants everything?
Starting point is 00:22:25 You're not hungry the same time as your partner. You don't want to watch the same TV shows. Why would you want to have sex the same time that always, all the time, years together? Anyway, so they did the study and we'll get through them and they give tips and how to keep, and I wanted to discuss them with you. But it says, the interesting thing they found in this study was having sex less often wasn't linked to lower levels of relationship or partner satisfaction. So earlier you were saying people want to know how many times a week is normal. I'm always saying, I'll never give you a number. I'm not going to trap you.
Starting point is 00:22:58 But what the study says though is that this is not necessarily about the number of times a week you're having sex, that makes them happy. So they talked about some things in here that does work for couples. And let's see what they say. So they say if you laugh a lot, again, we probably could do this on a side. But if you laugh, happy couples, sex is really important. But in happy couples, sex was really important, but it wasn't everything. If you're looking at a dip in sex drive, you should laugh about something together, just laughing.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Yeah, look, and I think that's that thing where love and sex are not the same thing. Now, so you can have a really happy relationship and have not much sex in it, or you can have a relationship that is based on lots and lots of frequency of sex because you're wanting to be normal or whatever your motivation is, and be resentful and grouchy about it.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Exactly. So, bigger is not always better, and frequency is not necessarily to be confused with the quality of the sex. Well, exactly. It's more about the quality than the quantity when it comes to sex. And what works for you in your private, you as are happy with ones, whenever the number is. Exactly. It's more about the quality than the quantity when it comes to sex and what works for you in your private You as are happy with one so we whenever the number is Great. There's no problem. There's no problem. Exactly. Why are we trying to create a problem? That's in the last thing. It's a lot of this chill out everyone being made up
Starting point is 00:24:15 You know that we're supposed to be doing it this many times a week or this many times a month and there's no question about Well, what's it? Who's doing what to whom? Right who's the people? Exactly. What are we doing here? Are we trying to connect? Are we trying to have a good time? Are we trying to come? If you really need to have an orgasm, just masturbate. Problem solved. Exactly. Right. And you said that's why you help couples too. You help them realize, like, why do you want to sex? Why are you even doing it? Which is such a good way to put it. Like, your purpose of it? Is it like check off the list right? Okay, so other happy things that happy couples
Starting point is 00:24:53 How they deal with this mismatch sex drive is that they they date says date her plan but are date him to plan date nights We can trips even an amazing evening walk with your partner, non-sexual closest is important too. So that's also helping to build intimacy, which is so true. Like keep that romance, get away, go out of town, even if it's hard to run. Not taking your partner for granted,
Starting point is 00:25:17 putting in the effort as you would with any, and I think one of the things that we forget too, is that relationships are alive. They're not monoliths, they're not static, they need nourishment. And if you don't nourish a relationship like a child or a pet or a plant that needs nourishment, it's something that lives with you.
Starting point is 00:25:34 If you don't nourish it, it's gonna perish. It's gonna die. It's so true. So if you don't invest in your relationship within the form of attention and energy, it's going to die also. So this whole thing that, you know, we love each other and we made our commitment and we, you know, that's it. We're done now. It's like, no, you've got to keep investing
Starting point is 00:25:53 time and effort and energy. Right. It's almost like they said, I was thinking of like signing a car lease. Like you signed a car lease and like every, you know, at least you have to go for your, I just had to go for my check up for a one year. Like they made me go. Like many was like, I have many Cooper and the lights were going off. I had to go over my check-up for a one-year. Like they made me go. Like many was like, I have many Cooper. And the lights were going off. I had to go, but in relationships, you sign that you get married and no one's like, until there's a crisis and it's on fire,
Starting point is 00:26:11 people aren't thinking they have to maintain it and work on it. It's literally magic. We got married and we made the commitment. And it's like a one-time thing. It's so not. Okay, have a sex bed. Have a separate bed, I guess if you can,
Starting point is 00:26:24 if you don't live in a studio, but kids falling asleep in the bed or a partner storm, were listed as some of the common barriers to a bustling sex life. So have separate beds. Have separate beds, sleep in separate places. I think separate home sounds delightful.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Are you married? Are you in a relationship or are you? No. No, and no. Okay, no, yeah, me neither. But I'm like, if I was, I would not want to sleep over in my house. I mean, I wouldn't want to share a home, I don't think. But I think
Starting point is 00:26:46 look, some of the most successful relationships that I've seen through my work are couples who they don't live in the same house and a lot of them don't live in the same city. Right? Because you need that space and that helps to create the intensifies the eroticism. The eroticism, because youism is something to look forward to. You create that longing again. I'm not going to see you for two weeks, and I can't wait to see you. It's going to be really exciting. You can keep the thing going with sexy texts and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Whereas if you're seeing each other morning noon night, or you're seeing each other every day, and you're smelling each other's farts and all that stuff, it's just not very sexy anymore that stuff. It's just not very sexy. Right, exactly. It's so not. It's just like, shut the bathroom door at least. Really?
Starting point is 00:27:31 Everyone can do that. You can shut the bathroom door and maybe fart in the closet. Just, you can do that. You can try. Right, exactly. No. A big old man is. I know, it's true.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I, so, okay, so here's my question for you though. What are some of the, then the unique ways that you think, have helped couples, because I know that there's probably a lot of people listening, like, what am I supposed to do? We don't have that extra bedroom. We've got kids, we both work a lot.
Starting point is 00:27:56 We share a bed for now. We've got everything planned. We can't leave town. How would you, whether they're going, how can I get the space Emily? They're listening, going, what do we do? Yeah, look, it's really difficult. It's you, they're going, how can I get the space Emily, they're listening going, what do we do?
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah, look, it's really difficult. It's really, really difficult. If you don't have the, you know, access to such resources where you've got time or babysitters or space away, it can be really, really difficult. And it really, I guess it really comes down to then making your sex nights or your date days or whatever they are, making them a priority where you can. And if you can get kids to go off with grandma or aunt and uncle and just, I guess, to seize any opportunity. And also to remember that whole idea about the bus stop, that if it comes to your date
Starting point is 00:28:44 night and you're not in the mood that sometimes waiting for the mood to be the thing that motivates you to get into sex is not going to be the thing and that once you start then the arouse will come, then the mood comes and then you're like, you know, 20 minutes in, you're like, actually, this is great, it's a little bit like waking up on a cold morning and going to the gym and you look outside and you think, oh, I really don't want to do this, but you make yourself go. And once you're there, then the endorphins are kicking in. And you're like, yeah, this is great.
Starting point is 00:29:10 And I'm really glad I'm here now, but it took me 30 minutes to get into it. Exactly. And sometimes sex is going to be like that. And it's not very, you know, it's not very pretty and it's not very romantic and it's certainly not very rom-comy. But it's just how it is, you know? it's just how it is. It's true.
Starting point is 00:29:25 I use the same gym and algae. And you're never going to regret. Like, the hardest part when I was getting out the door getting your shoes tied, getting your shoes tied, getting your shoes on. What did he say? He's difficult. For me, it's finding my shoe.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Ones in the car, ones in my bed. But the thing is, is that I feel like, yeah, you're not going to regret it. No one ever says why to go to the gym or why to have sex, right? Like, you're going to be happy that you did it. You got to get started, but you got to make that connection that you got to, like're not going to regret it. No one ever says why to go to the gym or why to have sex, right? Like, you're going to be happy that you did it. You got to get started, but you got to make that connection that you got to, like, pour yourself to do it. But here's the interesting thing I was thinking about so many
Starting point is 00:29:52 couples who don't, you know, I get it. You don't have the resources. You don't have the kit, you know, you don't have help. But the thing is, if it's a priority going into the relationship, you have enough money probably to do, you know, enough resources to maybe, I don't know, eat out a few times. Whatever you budget, your buddy, I think there needs to be part of that or your time, your resources, which is money, time, other things like that.
Starting point is 00:30:15 To relationship, like we need this date night, this requirement. So whatever we have to do to get a babysitter, to get the help, to get somebody or to wake up an hour earlier and ask, I mean, it has to be the priority because this is, you will have this problem. If it is something that you want, you do have to put in the effort to make it happen. Right. And I guess one of those things, too, is that a lot of folks are tired at night, and they sort of think, you know, I get to date night and they're tired. And so to remember that sex doesn't have to happen at night, it can happen on a Saturday
Starting point is 00:30:42 morning or a Sunday afternoon. And that's often when folks are less anxious because then they don't have to happen at night. It can happen on a Saturday morning or a Sunday afternoon. That's often when folks are less anxious because then they don't have to go to work. If the kids can go away for sports classes or whatever they can do in the afternoon, and then you've got a window of two or three hours to drop the kids off at basketball and come home and do your business. You've got energy because it's still the middle of the day. You're not tired and you don't have to go to work and you can focus and spend that time sort of just getting into stuff. And if again, if it is a priority. Right. We all hit right. If you make it a priority, you will
Starting point is 00:31:15 then you'll start to see the time in the day. Like I don't really need to go shopping right now or do this thing or stare at my Instagram for now or whatever people are doing with us for a time. You could find the time. You all the same amount of time in the day. All good points. The next one was just like, keep your independence. You know, couples, happy couples, keep their independence, like, live a part, living a part but together, you know, just don't give up your life, keep your life going and then just be thoughtful, thoughtful gestures.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Yeah, I think that's a really important one. It's just, yeah, that's all for us. Thinking about your partner. Yeah, it's true. Being kind. Yes. Cindy Darnell, this is awesome. You have me answers to me all for us. I think my partner. Yeah it's true. Being kind. Yes. Mm-hmm. Cindy Darnell. This is awesome. Have you had me answer some emails?
Starting point is 00:31:48 I'd love to. Okay. So if you have a question you want me to answer on the show, that's awesome. You can now text me your question, which is so easy. Text 7979-SK-MLI to 7979. I know it should have been 69. But apparently we can get 69, we got 79. That'd be so obvious. But yeah, you guys, you just text Ask Emily one word
Starting point is 00:32:10 and then you get the form back and you fill it out, just like you would on our website. It's super easy. You can also submit a question at Click on Ask Emily tab and also include the information that we need, your gender, your age, where you live and how you listen to the show.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Okay, hi Emily. I've been listening to your show for years and love that you bring science and psychology into your answers, not simply a no-it-all attitude. It's pretty refreshing. I was with my partner for almost three years and we did a fair amount of experimenting to discover our kinks. He continues to be my best friend and is the person I trust most in this world. We have different plans for the future so there will come a time where I'll start dating
Starting point is 00:32:47 someone new and he's totally cut off. In the meantime, we still get together to play with others. I'm at the point where I can engage in lusty meetups with him, feel totally comfortable my skin, ask for what I want, and be happy to walk away with a couple orgasms, or more from lucky. I'm afraid that if I keep engaging in these twists, I'll end up not going after my potential long-term partner as I would temporarily be giving up the lifestyle. I still very much enjoy romantic vanilla sex, but I need to unleash the beast sometimes.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I'm just getting started on rigging and don't want to give it up before I've seen work and take me. Do you have any ideas for how I could possibly find a balance while being ready to receive Mr. Wright for me? Thanks in advance, Emily, 33 Massachusetts. Yeah, I'm seeing here like she doesn't need to, I feel like Emily, you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself here to like choose where you want to go
Starting point is 00:33:40 and what kind of sex you want. It sounds like that thing, I was saying before about the being normal in contrast to being content. Like if maybe her Mr. Right is going to be a guy who's up for all these things. Sounds like it should be. If this is the track that you're, I absolutely don't want to say shots,
Starting point is 00:33:55 but right, I feel like it doesn't. She sounds like she knows what she likes. Which I love. And yet there's that thing of, I can't have this full time because I have to get a long-term partner. So that's the distinction between that I have to be normal in contrast with what makes me happy. Right. Right. Because they don't, we don't see a lot of why those need to be separate for her. If she were here, that's what I'd say. Right. You say,
Starting point is 00:34:18 why exactly? You'd say, why does that need to be separate that you, yeah, like you need to cut off all this sexual enjoyment that you're having to film right now to find Mr. Wright having a great time. Yeah. I don't understand. Emily, this is such a perfect example. You're right, of this restriction. I feel like you could find someone that you want doing what you want right now. I think Mr. Murphy would be a guy who'd be up for that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Because then you're just going to want this stuff, but I think there's a lot of people who think they have to stop to have the kid and have the family when that's not even really what they want. Because we don't see a lot of great examples of alternative relationships working. Alternative. Or even women who choose to not have children, being celebrated in our cultures. We just celebrate that.
Starting point is 00:34:56 How can we do that? How you guys do in Australia with that? Here, I feel like I'm just... We're not doing so well with that. Right? We still struggle with that. It's not easy. And it's like, my body never spoke to me in that.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I'd never said, you should have tried. It was never the goal. Like, this is my baby, my friend. You know, take care of friends, family, like the show. But it's fine. Like, we're not doing anything wrong, I know. That's another show. It is another show.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Okay, so Emily, you're fine. I feel like I love that you're thinking through all this stuff, and it's great that you emailed because I feel like, first of all, you're so ahead of the game, Emily, that you, she's 33, all these things that you love and you're finding them and you're asking for what you want. I think it's now time to think about really stop and picture
Starting point is 00:35:31 like what do you want out of a relationship? How do you picture it going down and like really be true to yourself and you'll find that partner. Doesn't that even know? Hi, Emily, I'm a 32 year old guy from Aberdeen, Scotland. My girlfriend is 26. We've been together for six years and I know I want to marry her. When we have sex, it's fantastic. Honestly, I feel that deep connection every time.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Recently, we haven't had sex as much due to life, work, stress, just being busy. I'm writing because I just did something I feel terrible about. I'm actually in a bus home to the house that I share with my girlfriend. I'm distraught to be honest. I've just paid for sex with a stranger who I found advertising services online and for whatever reason I found myself going through with it. I felt a little horny this morning so I put on some porn and began masturbating. The porn wasn't doing it for me. Out of curiosity, I clicked one of the meat locals ads, I found myself signing up contacting a girl, then I only thought about masturbation and did masturbate because I was still turned
Starting point is 00:36:29 on by this whole experience. However, after quick shower I still felt turned on, the next thing I knew I messaged the girl was an taxi at her flat then in her bed. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but this haze just came over me and I felt like I was just following my penis's orders. Lame, I know. The sex was just terrible, as if that even matters. Emily, I have tears in my eyes as I write this.
Starting point is 00:36:53 I feel completely overwhelmed with guilt. I know telling her would destroy her and I want to avoid hurting her at all costs. I've never cheated before. I feel so awful for doing so. I don't want to lose who I consider to be the girl of my dreams. I should mention I suffer from manic depression and I'm bipolar and I've self-destructive tendencies, which until now I've been dealing with. Could my mental health be a factor in this shitty thing I've done? How can I get passes? Think for your time Charlie 32 Scotland.
Starting point is 00:37:24 for your time, Charlie 32, Scotland. I know, my heart went out to him and then I saw the part about his mental, he's had some challenges. I think he's got to get his mental health in order. For sure. So sometimes what can happen is when we engage in sexual activities that later on we think, oh gosh, I shouldn't have done that.
Starting point is 00:37:41 It can sometimes be, sex can sometimes be the symptom. What can actually be sitting underneath it is some unaddressed mental health things, anxiety, disorders and things like that. So having somebody that you can work through your mental health issues with, your anxiety issues with can be really helpful in order to manage what is going to be the impetus
Starting point is 00:38:02 for you to go and sort of engage in out of control, sexual behavior that makes you feel shitty about yourself, that it's not the sex that's making you necessarily do these things. It's unmanaged, unmanaged, unmanaged, emotional situations, anxiety situations, which with an open-minded, helpful therapist can be,
Starting point is 00:38:22 I don't wanna say easy to manage, but certainly can be managed. Right, yeah, I think that that's gonna be, you said that want to say easy to manage, but certainly can be managed. Right. Yeah, I think that that's got to be, you said that you've been handling it for a while and now you're not, so I think that, yeah, I think the first thing goes to you great therapist that you could neck with and check in on this, but I don't think that you need to tell your girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:38:38 No, I would say that. I do not tell her girlfriend, and I just like, after one time cheating, I mean, what you're thinking of. Well, if it can really, it can be, you know, a relief for the guilt. Sometimes it can be a bit of a pressure valve to be able to say that sort of thing. But sometimes it can actually cause more damage than it's worth in a relationship that's otherwise really, really great. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Depends also on the kind of relationship depends if she's open, like if she would hear something like that, how she would respond. I don't know her, he knows her better. And his guilt feeling about it, he's recognizing that yeah, he was feeling horny, but that really was probably not the motivator because, you know, we all feel horny and managed to kind of keep ourselves under control. Right. So hornyness is not an excuse for doing stuff that sits in contrast with your values. So that's where I think looking at therapeutically is going to be much more helpful to
Starting point is 00:39:31 him. Absolutely. I would say do not pass go right to therapy. And thank you, Charlie, for sharing this to me. My heart goes out to you. I picture them like crying on the bus. So just get some out there. Hi Emily, I just started listening to your podcast, Way Late to the Game. My wife and I have been married for seven years and have two beautiful children. However, I think we would both agree that our sex life is not ideal. I'm the type that would have sex three times a day every day where she's happy if it's once a month. I think she's open to trying new things such as toys, etc.
Starting point is 00:40:00 However, I don't think she wants to invest in a couple's toy due to the cost. Do you have any recommendations for a lower cost toy that we can use together or any other suggestions to help spark up our bedroom time? Thanks so much. I enjoy listening to your podcast, Adam32 Southern California. So this is what we're talking about. This is not a problem. This is your life. This is what happens in relationships.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yeah, it really is. So, you know, it's not wrong that you don't want sex at the same time and it could also be, I think let's you say the way he's talking about it with her too, I'm wondering like, you know, I just wonder sometimes how when couples have these problems they wanted to start addressing like, well, we're not having sex and they get to that day.
Starting point is 00:40:39 So what he's saying, he wants it three times a day, he wants it once a week. Yeah, I mean, I guess the question that he could ask is what kind of sex does she enjoy? For him, that's three times a week thing. Sorry, three times a day thing is, if it's not important to him to just have that release, then he can manage that by himself, that he doesn't necessarily need to include her in that, especially if she doesn't want to be there. Again, if he wanted to engage her in sex a bit more, checking out what it is that
Starting point is 00:41:08 actually she enjoys about sex and offering her more of that. Rather than thinking about, I want this, I want this. Think about, just to flip the narrative around a bit and go, what are you offering her? How could you coax her into your world a little bit more if frequency is that important to you find out what she likes and offer her that See that's amazing and love it. That's amazing point because I think that in relationship skies are and women We're often trying to figure out what can we get when we're not getting where my needs met But it's just like giving back just like what are the entire universe is about having gratitude and giving back your partner Finding out what she likes would come back to, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:45 and serve you both. That can be a really helpful thing to flip it and go, what am I to bring rather than what am I to get? So if they were in your office, Cindy Darnal, and they were like, she was like, I don't know what I like. I just, I just like when he's on top, what do you mean? Like, what do you, how do you work with couples? Like, let's say she doesn't know.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Yeah, well, it's actually really common for a lot of women to not know what they like, which is, again, what happens when, you know, we don't have adequate sex education, that a lot of women don't get to do that inquiry about what do I like, what turns me on, what do I need. And I really encourage them to slow things down and practice touching different parts of themselves or getting their partners to touch different parts for extended periods of time. One of the things that we need to do is not rush.
Starting point is 00:42:30 But what can happen when we slow things down is it gives more room for anxiety to manifest. And that can really throw people off course. Because it's like, quick, quick, quick, quick get it done, get it done. I just want you to stick it in and get it over with because then I can go about my business and do whatever it is I have to do for the rest of the day. And so that what happens then with the slowing down thing is, boom, anxiety goes up. And
Starting point is 00:42:52 so we have to find ways of being able to sit with that discomfort and not give ourselves over to it and have it ruin the erotic connection. That sometimes that can actually be the inspiration keeping ourselves focused, keeping our minds on the job and it goes right back to why am I doing this in the first place. So if any uncomfortable emotions come up that are like quick, quick, quick, I just want this over with because I don't want to slow down and just
Starting point is 00:43:18 just be in the same place. Yeah, I don't want this. I don't want this. You know. And so if you do just want to have fast dirty sex, that's fine. Like, you know, I'm all for all kinds of sex, but recognize that if fast dirty sex is not doing it for you and you want something different, recognize that slowing down is
Starting point is 00:43:34 going to be the key to finding out what it is that you like and in that slowing down process you might experience emotional shifts that you have not encountered before. Love it. And that is okay. Right. God, I love it. And that is okay. Right. God, I love it. I think Al is so much sex is about slowing down, just getting it over with is just a thought of like just rip your clothes off.
Starting point is 00:43:51 You're not turned on yet. We were talking about all the time. Go five times slower than you think you should ever want. Cindy, that was great advice. Slow down. And I'm actually, we're not going to talk about sex toys. I think that we get some good advice here is to slow down reconnect with her, find out if she wants sex toys. Yeah, because if she's not interested in sex toys or she's, you know, depending on what kind
Starting point is 00:44:12 of sex toys maybe she wants you to go down on her, maybe she wants to hang out with you in the shower, maybe she wants to, you know, just spend a whole night massaging together. All these kinds of things, we don't know what she wants. So diverting to a sex toy is kind of like diverting the elephant in the room. There's something going on. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but I think he needs to activate his curiosity.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I love it. And get curious about it rather than buying toys necessarily. And you guys know how I feel about toys. I'm not going to give you a toy right now. I'm not going to give you a suggestion. OK, hey, Emily, I've listened to your podcast for the last four months, and it really helped me change my perspective on sex.
Starting point is 00:44:52 I've done my spring cleaning, releasing old baggage. We had a spring cleaning around here. I just want to release all their issues. Sometimes it takes two months. I invested more loob and encourage others to listen to your advice. So here's the thing. I've referred back to some of your old podcasts and understand what you're saying about orgasms.
Starting point is 00:45:08 But I'm having a hard time with my orgasm. I'm beginning to believe it doesn't exist. I've had a few sexual partners and tried masturbating but I still can't reach the big O. Am I just not in the right mood? Could I possibly not have a sex drive at all? I've tried reaching orgasm for the last three years with no results. Practice makes perfect, so how long it take you or other members of your team to find
Starting point is 00:45:31 your orgasm. Thank you for your advice and advance in Serly Karina 23 in Phoenix, Arizona. Karina, I get it, honey. It takes some time. It does. It does. It's not going to give you a number. I'm not going to give you how many weeks, but it is going to take an effort. And so, and when you say you've tried over the last few years, like a few times, you just
Starting point is 00:45:53 sit down and try to masturbate. I mean, it's, and what has she tried? Right. Exactly. So, do you get women who come to you? Lots, lots and lots and lots. So, it's really, really common. I love that you're here. And the first thing is again, because we can get
Starting point is 00:46:08 really caught up in the result being the certain way. And I understand for her that she's been trying for years. But sometimes it can take an hour, two hours, depending on what's going on for a full arousal. She's never ever had an arousal happen. Yeah, for a full arousal happen. So if she is, you know, because, for arousal. Yeah, for a full arousal to happen. That's what it is. So if she is, you know, because sometimes I'll say to women who struggle with orgasms, you know, when you're masturbating, how long do you masturbate for? And they might say, like, 10 or 15 minutes. And then they'll stop.
Starting point is 00:46:36 And I say, why do you stop? And then like, I'm bored. My mind is wondering, I'm, you know, they get frustrated, they get angry with themselves. And it's just like, this isn't going to work. I give up. So that could be happening, and it might be the difference between, you know, spending that 15 minutes and spending 45 minutes.
Starting point is 00:46:52 And again, that the focus on curiosity has to be there, that if it's very goal-oriented, if it's, you know, I need for it to happen, and I need for it to look a certain way, and it's not happening, it could be because our minds can wander, our minds can start telling us all kinds of unhelpful stuff about, oh, you're doing it wrong. This is stupid.
Starting point is 00:47:12 You're stupid. Those sorts of things that are chattering mind can say to us that take us away from what we're supposed to be doing, which is feeling the pleasure and staying focused and staying present. A lot of us, especially women, have a really hard time staying present during any kind of sex, especially masturbation because they're worrying about how long it's going to take. Are they doing it right? When is it going to happen? Maybe my pussy is not normal. All this kind of stuff that actually
Starting point is 00:47:39 makes the whole problem worse. Exactly. I was going to say those are all good points because I think that they think it's gonna happen after 10 minutes, it's just gonna, yeah, touching yourself doesn't feel that good. Would you, she might be just going, like I'm not sure you tell us a gubulous in the show for Alcarina, but just going right up your clitoris and starting.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Like that's not gonna do it. It's like setting the mood. And I've talked about this a lot on the show. I mean, I love hearing your perspective as well, so I mean, it's just the the process taking the time and thinking about, could be reading a radical, like you might need to feed her mind a little bit. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:48:11 And noticing at different stages in her menstrual cycle. So often, you know, that time when we're in ovulation can be a time where orgasms are going to be much more robust and stronger. If they are going to be present, that could be a helpful thing for her to find out when she's ovulating. If she's taking any kind of hormonally based contraceptive, that could be a helpful thing for her to find out when she's ovulating. If she's taking any kind of hormonally-based contraceptive, that could be interfered. Exactly. Any depressants, I was good to say that too, if you're on any medication, a criminal that
Starting point is 00:48:32 could also be it, but I just think it's that, you know, I had a friend in college, she went away, she had an internship, for like a month in Colorado, and she was like working at some school or something. She wasn't doing this in the school, this part of the story. She said, you know, every night she would come home and she's like, I've never had orgasm and I'm gonna, we were like seniors, but we seniors and she said, I'm just gonna try. And so for she was there for like a month and she said every night for like an hour, she stayed in her room and she just kept trying to find it like for their fingers. She didn't happen and like she just made herself do it and finally it was
Starting point is 00:49:03 like the third week, you know, of the mod that she'd been trying and she finally like, but that was like a lot, like I think it was like an hour tonight, she was like doing it and she didn't stop it. It's like, you have, it's like that kind of drive, but don't put,
Starting point is 00:49:16 if you could do that drive and that intensity and that passion for finding your orgasm without all the negative self-talk and without all the limits on when it should happen it might take you months. But the thing is, it can be a very enjoyable process if you're just curious about, how does it feel
Starting point is 00:49:35 when it's not just going if you're putting your fingers inside you, but how does it feel when you rub your fingers lately over your own body, over your nipples, even inside of your elbow, your arms, using lube is important. I mean, just start to just get curious and feel the sensations, like getting a massage, you know, and not have that cool, but I'm not going to give you a number here, Krena, we're not going to tell you how long, but I feel like you do have the determination and you do the passion, Krena. So I think you just need to go easy at yourself and give it a little more time.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Don't beat yourself up. Don't beat yourself up. I think you just need to go easy at yourself and give it a little more time. Don't beat yourself up. Don't beat yourself up. I think we all beat ourselves up. I'm not beat myself up now, because you've been here, and I'm really happy having you here on this. I'm really happy that I'm here too. They need me because I'll be like,
Starting point is 00:50:13 why'd she leave and I'll be sad. I'll come back another time. Promise? This was awesome. This was a, this was so wonderful having you here. Oh, thank you. I so appreciate your time, and you're doing amazing work. And people can come,
Starting point is 00:50:24 they can come see you, tell us about in New and you're doing amazing work and people can come, they can come to you, tell us about in New York. Yeah, so June 16 to June 18, so two and a half day couples workshop called Sacred Sexuality and you can get information about that on the Omega Institute website or on my website, And then your video series, the Alice Verotic Anatomy in a Rousal. I can't watch the videos you guys because you have to subscribe, you have to, which to Cindy And then your video series, the Atlas of Arotic Anatomy in a Rousal. I can't watch the videos you guys,
Starting point is 00:50:45 because you have to subscribe, you have to... Which, hopefully worth it, because if there is brilliant, you buy it, get it on the website, and I know they are, because I've heard about them. But the friggin' names, you were dying, okay, we're, okay, the penis mightier than the sword. Volvo Paloza.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Hi, why do we have those T-shirts? Squirts and gushes there she blows like do you just sit around? Right and then but but you TT that's not all. I love it and I'm sure they're amazing videos great educational informative and like you are and then also what else do I want to tell people about you? Oh, on your website, you see and you can also see people through Skype. Yeah, wrapped. Yep. So I see. You don't have to go to Australia. No, you don't. You do not.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Which is amazing. You really don't. I'm sure you're. Yeah. And the time difference between the US and Australia actually works out quite well. So it's not too much of a pain in the neck to organize it. Okay. So they can find you at Cindy Dernow. Mm-hmm. C-Y-N-D-I.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Yeah, like Loppa. D-A-R-N-E-L-L. Exactly. Love it. It's on the website. Thank you for being here and thank you everybody for being here and listening to the show. And for supporting the show, I just love you all. Thanks for listening. Was it good for you?
Starting point is 00:52:01 Email me. Feedback at Good for you, email me feedback at

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