Sex With Emily - Going the distance: Keeping sex alive no matter what

Episode Date: June 18, 2014

 In today’s show Emily sits down with Menace to answer your most pressing sex and relationship questions sent to Including what to do in a long distance relationship when... your partner refuses to send sexy texts, have Skype sex, or engage in dirty talk. How to make your wife feel beautiful and why this is crucial for long lasting, amazing sex. Emily advises a woman in the middle of a sexual awakening whose boyfriend is experiencing delayed ejaculation among other penis issues. Emily shares her experience about shooting her first porno scene in San Francisco without getting naked. Hey, it was a dinner party scene!  Also, guess what bodily fluid is being sold on the black market to help men bulk up and who do you think is better with condom use, cheaters or swingers? All of this and more in today’s podcast. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks everyone for listening to The Sex with Emily Show. I've made it my job to give you the best show possible and make sure that this show stays free to you. So please take a moment and listen to about one of my awesome partners. Have you ever had that not-so-fresh-feeling-down-under? I created a solution called Down Under Comfort. It's a cream-to-partar formula that keeps you fresh and dry all day, which means you'll always be ready for action.
Starting point is 00:00:22 It's for men and women who can use anywhere in your body. It prevents sweat stains, chafing and then not so fresh feeling. You're probably thinking, hey, I started this morning. I'm so clean, but guess what? Poor hygiene is the number one complaint about sex for men and women. Especially now as the weather gets hotter, do your balls, breasts, your whole body gets sweatier? I can tell you they probably do. Keep your intimate areas dry, fresh, clean and ready for action with down at our comfort. Most people never think they need a product like this until they try it and then they can't live without it. We've already sold out of it once. It's a vegan
Starting point is 00:00:52 formula. You will love it. Check it out. Go to Use coupon code Emily for 20% off. That's Use coupon code Emily for 20% off. [♪ INTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ [♪ BOOK INTO HIS EYES! [♪ [♪ THE EYES OF A MAN UPSSESS BY SIX! [♪ [♪ EYES THAT MAKER SICKRID INSTITUTIONS! [♪ [♪ BETRUBIES, THEY CALL THEM IN A BIGON DAY! [♪ Hey, Emily! You got a boyfriend? [♪ [♪ Cos my man E here, he just got his heart broken, [♪
Starting point is 00:01:21 [♪ he thinks you're kinda cute! [♪ [♪ The girls gotta understand, it's a lie! [♪ [♪ The women know about shrinkage! [♪ [♪ Isn't it common, Emily? [♪ [♪ What do you broken, he thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh my! The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:01:32 Oh my god, I'm so, so, so, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more amazing good is where you can listen to all of our podcasts, we update every day with blogs and videos and posts and interesting things that will make you laugh, smile and have better sex.
Starting point is 00:01:54 And you can also check out Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. It's all sex with Emily and I've always have it chock full of information for you and things that will make you laugh and have better sex. Because what's better than those two things on the planet? I'm here with Minus today. Hi, how you doing Emily? Are you doing Snapchat yet? We're sitting down naked photos to your podcast listeners
Starting point is 00:02:14 because that, you know, gets you more downloads. I do have a Snapchat account. I'm not really sure how many naked photos you put out there. I've never, ever sent a naked photo or a sex. Well, you've claimed that on your or sex. I've sexed. I've sexed it, but I've not, I've not sexed with a photo. Oh.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I believe it's an error. It's a mistake and people should not do it. I know, there's too much. There's too much stuff out there. Some guy just got put in jail for 10 years for putting like naked photos of some girl that he dated online. What was this? Why 10 years, everyone does that? Well, he was like 17, she was 15,
Starting point is 00:02:50 so it was like childhood stuff. Yeah, so 10 years in jail, just don't do it. Don't be that guy. You guys broke up who cares. Right, exactly. It's so mean. Even if somebody stole property from you, it's just things.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Yeah, take a few minutes to think about it, breathe. And here's the thing, you gotta think about this. If you're a woman sending a photo or a guy, guys don't really care if their penis is online, really, probably, but women, he's gonna, A, show it to his friends, the second he gets it, who's ever seen next one.
Starting point is 00:03:19 And then when you break up, he might publish it online. He might show all his friends. God knows what he's gonna do with it. And there is, he might pressure you into it, because I I believe a leody young guy's pressure of women into sending Send me a photo send me a photo Sent into menace because he won't show anyone but me No, but really I just think or cut your head off at least and don't make it known as you but just no Don't support cutting that off. Well, I'm just saying they're gonna do it anyway
Starting point is 00:03:43 So I'm just trying to give them an alternative, but really just don't do it. There's no reason. Why not just tell them to wait till he sees the real thing in person? That's just too much work. What is cutting that off? No, just... Waiting till seeing the person. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Why, just say, babe, I can't... See that person in person, like... And then people are doing it before they even meet someone, too. I know, that's cutting it. Like, they're tindering and then they're like, oh, we're gonna meet up and then here's my breasts. Like, okay, and let me ask you something. So once in a while, for the radio show
Starting point is 00:04:08 that I do here in Los Angeles, I have to cruise all the Craigslist ads. And in the Craigslist ads, they'll be a man looking for woman. And it's a man showing dick pics. I know. Does that turn you on at all? No, I never, I don't even want to see Dix at all mostly,
Starting point is 00:04:27 but not that I don't like Dix, but if it's a dick that I choose to see, but a random dick is so not pleasurable. Like if someone sends you a dick pic, you're like, it has no meaning. Like women's body is beautiful, breasts, a dick, just sitting there, a wrecked dick. I mean, please don't do that.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Really, this is a not a track. So people do that on Craigslist. Oh my God. So yeah, I- And they're going to get responses? I don't know. But I scroll through all, like all different types of like, you know, do you know who's the nastiest? Oh.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Freakiest is a woman looking for women. Like, they're descriptions because, you know, women take- Are they taking pictures of their vagina? Uh, oh yeah. They're taking pictures of their vagina. They're they waxed or not. Photo some are some you know, so what are they saying like I want to lick your just the most freaky stuff they can think of. There was this one. I can think of some pretty freaky stuff. Oh, there was this one. It was sisters looking for a girl to hook up with. Two sisters?
Starting point is 00:05:25 Two sisters, yeah. That's just wrong. You're not supposed to hook up with your family. Isn't that illegal? In some states it is. Oh, speaking of illegal, yeah. Speaking of illegal. So there was this couple I was reading the news.
Starting point is 00:05:38 And they robbed the Walmart, okay? So they're like trying to steal some money from Walmart. They get caught and then they're making out through like the prison cell bars and all the stuff. And while the cops are looking up their information comes to find out they're half brother and half sister. Oh, are you serious? And then they go to, they go to them and they're like, hey, your half brother half sister is like, oh, it's okay, we don't have the same mom. Oh my God. Right?
Starting point is 00:06:06 And then they get out of jail and it comes back in the news because they get out jail and they're hiding out in a hotel room because the husband of the girl finds out that they're like hooking up. Oh my God. And then it attacks her. And you think this is something I'm making up.
Starting point is 00:06:24 This is actually happening in America. Was it in Florida? then a taxer. And you think this is something I'm making up. This is so crazy. This is actually happening in America. Was it in Florida? It was in Florida. No offense to Florida. I believe it was somewhere in the Midwest. Right. I mean, it's in Michigan.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Everyone knows all the crazy stuff happens in Florida. I know, it's true. That is crazy. If I find out that they're hooking up with it, this is half sisterhood God. They're like, oh, where does half? And we're gonna rob Walmart. The whole thing just gets worse and worse.
Starting point is 00:06:44 It was bad. That's a bad story What's going on with that? Yes, what else you were in your in-sare and sister's I was in our old place your your birthday. I was in that birthday It was it was really fun. I hadn't been back believe it or not since I moved here Like I'd been back like once when we did some shows like a year and I've been I moved a year and a half ago And it was great. It was beautiful and sunny and all that, but everyone's complaining about how much the city's changed and the rents and all the craziness. And it was parking was significantly more difficult.
Starting point is 00:07:12 It just seemed crowded everywhere. But it was, you know, for me, I got to see on my peeps at a birthday party. And I had like 15 people there. And it was a really nice dinner. And I just kind of got to see all my friends go to my favorite places and Who should hook up with you know, I didn't but I was open
Starting point is 00:07:28 Okay, oh No, I did I did I three X boyfriends at my dinner and one of them I would I we kind of hook up I haven't hooked up with them in a long time because I had a boyfriend when I was leaving San Francisco But we've always like flirted and he came out here once to LA We were supposed to meet up, but then I had to stay in New York for next to the day, whole thing. So I figured, on my birthday, we're sitting next to each other. He's rubbing my leg, the whole thing, and his best friends there,
Starting point is 00:07:53 who's our friend to the saying, he's always had these feelings for you. And I'm like, it's quite awful, couple of nights. Of course you're eating it up because you love the attention. Oh, I love it. And this guy's cute. And we've been talking a lot. He's not seeing anyone. I'm not seeing anyone. So, but then he was, but it was a busy night.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Like I was trying to talk to everyone and then he just left, he gave me a kiss, he's like, I'm leaving. Like, you know, at the end, it was like, you know, 12, 38 night. And then I thought, Yeah, but how many other people are around? Did you have any other ex-boyfriends around
Starting point is 00:08:19 while he was still there leaving? Yeah, but no one that I, but they have other girlfriends and that I'm not flirty with. He sat next to me at my birthday dinner. Yeah, but he doesn't know that and he's not gonna stick around. It's like, oh great, the other ex-boyfriends are here.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I'm not gonna stick around. He didn't know, I don't know that's true. No, but then I think that's confusing. And then all my friends were like, you weren't paying attention to him. You barely talked to him. Like he was robbing my lag going to the table all through dinner.
Starting point is 00:08:41 No thing. And then there's an eight and talk to him that much. Did all three ex-boyfriends know that they were ex-boyfriends of you? Yes, of course. One of them was like 10 years ex. The one that I go to, way away with on trips and stuff. But so do you introduce these guys to each other? They all know each other.
Starting point is 00:08:56 They all know each other. Oh, do they have like support groups? Yeah, they do. They do. There's a 1,800 number. You know, my friends used to joke, my, no, no, no, no. My friends used to have a joke
Starting point is 00:09:05 that there was a support group for men in that group, because I usually used to end them in ways that weren't very particularly kind. But I don't do that anymore, because I just don't commit. But I thought we were hook up and he left, and I meant to ask him about it because Elnate Long was like,
Starting point is 00:09:17 on, on, and I didn't really care. It was good to get a good night's sleep, but no, there was no sex. Yeah, but did you... And then my friends were like, you been on top of them? Yeah, maybe it was just sex. Maybe I don't think I was giving off the vibe that I would have been down with it, but I told you was no sex. Yeah, but did you... And then my friends were like, you've been in touch? Yeah, maybe it was just sex. Maybe I don't think I was giving off the vibe
Starting point is 00:09:27 that I would have been down with it, but I told you what it been, so now I'm like, ah, should I have, but I wasn't gonna leave my part, you know. You screwed up. I get my don't like hair. Like I don't, I get what have been fun, it would have been a one off, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:09:37 It doesn't really count, either. Like, it's like we already know each other's bodies, it would have been good sex, and we're gonna home in the morning. All right, so here's another thing that happened while you were there. So you had your birthday celebration, which sounded fun.
Starting point is 00:09:49 You got to see all your friends. And I mean, you didn't hook up, whatever. But you also were involved in a, your first porno shoot. And a porno shoot. Exactly. My first porno shoot. Was there double penetration?
Starting point is 00:10:00 There was no penetration. So here's why I was there. It was a coincidence. They flew me up to do this porn. It's an indie porn. And here's why I was there. It was a coincidence. They flew me up to do this porn It's an indie porn and it's all about a story. It's about this I mean the director writer he's you know one a bunch of awards for his short films and it's like it's a good story It's about a couple who wants to open up the relationship and start exploring So I was in a non-new to the scene non naked scene nownaked scene. Now, I was there for seven hours shooting.
Starting point is 00:10:25 It was a dinner scene. And the couple comes in, it's like, I don't know if it's like at the beginning of the movie, I didn't read the script. It was like an 80-page script, but at that time, 200 pages, but I just know I was in the dinner scene where the couple comes into this house where we're having a dinner, and it's me, myself, and a few other sex educators.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And they're like, wanna talk about opening up and what it means and having an open, you know, have an open relationship. So I just had my clothes on and played myself. Sounds great deep. I did, it was deep, but then towards the end, all the porn stars, because after I laughed, the porn, that's when the sex was going down
Starting point is 00:10:56 and then all these porn stars, and literally, and they're all sitting around naked, rubbing each other's backs, and like, it's just like a whole naked fest, seriously, like, they're all in the way each other, she's and then this woman next to me, one of the, because the porn stars were at the dinner table. There was like 15 of us and they were going to have sex in the next scene. And she's like, Oh my God, I said, so that kind of,
Starting point is 00:11:15 they're so cute. You're, she's like, yeah, it's actually been yesterday. She said, I've had sex with every guy at this table because it was like male porn stars. Yeah. I was like, wow, you get a, that's crazy. She's got sex with like every guy in this room. I'm like, that's amazing. It's not like a birthday party. Fine. That's what you go home and talk to your mom about. I know exactly. It was a good, it was an interesting
Starting point is 00:11:32 experience. But again, I didn't, I didn't want to stay for the sex scenes because I'd been there all day and I'm tired and I'd already been on a porn set once years ago. And here's what I just found out six years ago. And this is on my YouTube channel, you can check it out. I did. It's called like Emily is on a porn set or something And it was five or six or seven years ago when I first started the show and I went on a porn set I don't know if you remember Oh, yeah, yeah, I do This is when we were on CBN free FM and the porn stars came in the director Yeah, and they came in the next day. We talked about this porn. Well turned and the women came in turns out my friend
Starting point is 00:12:02 I saw my friend Steve in San Francisco goes do you remember that porn set we were on? I said, yeah, he goes, do you know that was James Dean's first film? You know, James Dean is a huge female porn star now? I didn't know that at a time. What? I didn't even interview him, but now he's a big deal. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:12:15 I didn't know that. So those are my experienced porn. So they flew me up there. I got a free trip to San Francisco. I had to do some porn. I didn't know how the friends, yeah. It was a good thing. And-
Starting point is 00:12:23 It's great, do they give a time on when it's going to come out? Um, probably like six months or something. What's the title again? I don't know. All right. I don't remember the title of it. I'll tell you all when it comes out. Yeah, I was like sex of that one. But you know who else was in it? Was I read? Do you remember read? Of course, from this misadvised, the Bravo show, the guy, the kissing workshop. Yeah. The guy was in a combination of stuff with like 30 women and a lot of people. He was there too. And he's like, I know you think I'm creepy because I call them creepy on national
Starting point is 00:12:47 Creepy I'm like, I don't think you're creepy Perfect. He's not creepy Maybe if you're listening or creepy. Okay. Oh, no Hopefully I know no no no technology was was was harmed in my spelling Today show so men's we've been getting so many emails from listeners lately. It's like blowing up. We always do feedback at sex at, but I just feel like we, I want to answer all your questions.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I love hearing from you and people are also hitting me up on Facebook on my sex at mme page. So we're just going to cover some relationships and a little bit of sex in the news today. It's a relationship themed and sex, but these are some of the topics. Flirting during deployment, giving compliments to your woman, of course. Boyfriend can't finish inside of her. And a woman gets dry and has a problem with Lou. And there's some other things we're
Starting point is 00:13:39 going to see if we get to him some thing about. Three of them. So we'll see how far we get here, because we've got a lot to cover. Dave, what's up with you, though? Anything I need to know? What's up with you though? Anything I need to know. Do you guys have a, do you just get a towel?
Starting point is 00:13:49 I love this sparkling ice cream. It's about the right outside the door that my have favorite towels. I feel bad, but I only spilled on one microphone. I don't feel bad. I said my ice cream has Azure Woody Morning Show. It's good. It's good. It's on, if you live in Los Angeles, it's on Alt 98.7, money through Friday, 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. Pacific Standard. So proud of you.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Thank you. Thank you. And it's going well. And you know, if you want to tune in listen to it. Go ahead. Let's live streams every day. Yeah, I listen to the morning show, but I didn't like that they were mean to you. But that's the morning show. I got it. Because you're like saying, yeah. People say that I'm mean to you, but that's just... You are mean to me. That's just how it is. You're not mean to me. I don't think that menaces me.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I love menaces. Like I see menaces, I scream, I'm so excited. That's how much I... Like if you were up behind the scenes, I'm like, Ah! Menaces, I scream. I love seeing you, and if I didn't, you know, why would I be doing this? Why would you be doing this for so many goddamn years?
Starting point is 00:14:42 I know, right? So I do love you here, and it's cool cool because it's good training for when, you know, relationship come, I mean, we don't talk about sex and relationships on the other show, but, you know, sometimes there'll be something in the news. Oh, and you know, you know, I'm able to, I'm able to talk about it. You're able to talk intelligently about sex. So you have to learn something. I learned a couple things. You can always call me to call in. Yeah. If you want. I'm not awake at 6 a.m. Yeah, but you're going to be like, oh, they're making fun of me. No, no, they can make fun of me. I can take it. I can take it. I just really didn't mention the podcast on the show though. Sex of Emily? Yeah. Really? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:15:15 What did you say? I'm just saying, I think it was like a day after we recorded and they go, oh, I saw that you were out in Beverly Hills recording, you know, with Emily. Good stuff like that. Awesome. Love it. Okay, a little bit of section of the news, because we've got some good stories here. Crazy things going on. Okay, a grown men are drinking breast milk to bulk up. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:15:35 According to an article on, more men than ever are turning to breast milk for dietary and fitness purposes. And a column out this morning today explains the the purpose behind men chugging bottles of boob juice and the benefits of breast milk for the still trying to grow boy. In an unusual twist, some men are turning to human milk and a quest to bulk up or improve their health, believing all the benefits it provides to infants
Starting point is 00:16:00 can produce similar facts in adults. The trend is puzzling. Experts who say breast milk is meant for human babies not human grown-ups. They were at the safety of it, obviously. So how are the men getting their hands on the breast milk? There's black marketing buying, of course. It's not a part of you can pick up at the store.
Starting point is 00:16:17 It's only I don't think this is a good idea. They have it's men buying breast milk category since it's inception four years ago. Experts weren't against it, guys swear by it. So they get the HGH or other performance hands-in drug. I mean, why don't they try other things, seriously? Yeah, well, this has been going on for a while, and yeah, the black market has been going on. There are people, yeah, Craigslist again, posting things on Craigslist, but you don't know where that's coming from. No. Well, I mean, if you're a girlfriend or wife, whatever,
Starting point is 00:16:46 even that's a little weird. But who made this up? I feel like it's a marketing ploy. They made it up like you should be a breast fund. What? Well, they don't even say what the hell benefits that get Kim Fistamil effects. It doesn't even say that.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Oh, it's just creepers out there that want to drink breast milk. And they're covering it up by saying that they do it for the whole day. It's not even started by the FDA. It's so stupid. But I drink my... Well, to say that it's a supplements are, it's not selling it in the store. I know, that's the problem.
Starting point is 00:17:12 It's not even regulated. How do you know it's breast milk? Could just be like, you don't have. I did taste breast milk once. I tasted my friend's breast milk once. She pat a little cop and I tasted it. Do you think that's gross? It was a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't do it, but I can't do it. We all dare to each other. It was like my five best friends we were all together. We should have baby. People will do it. I'm gonna have sip. It feels so many that I wouldn't. And then I bolstered up.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I was really with a bit of a bulky. If it was somebody I was dating, I guess I would try it, but that's it. Oh, you would? Or dating or had a baby with? Yeah. For example. Of course. Because if you were dating someone, I'd have breast milk lying around and it wasn't. I already had a baby with somebody else. That probably wouldn't
Starting point is 00:17:46 be happening. Probably not. I don't want to deal with your baby daddy drama. Exactly. Too much. Okay, I love this because this next survey, cheaters are worse than swingers for condom use, which is the stupidest thing ever because cheaters are the ones who are going to bring the diseases back home. And, you know, swingers are too. I'm glad that swingers are eating condoms. But, swingers are like cheating and not using condoms, and then they're going to mess up. And they don't like, probably swingers are prepared though. Right, and cheaters are like, I'm wasted and there's a hot chick and we're not using premeditated cheating. So, people who were a section and faithful with out their partners' knowledge were less likely to practice safe sex
Starting point is 00:18:24 than those who had other sexual relationships with their partners consent. The study found that cheaters were more likely to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol at the time of the encounter. And that's why. Because when you're drinking whatever we're just gonna do this it'll be fun. Like your inhibitions are lowered, I'll have an affair and then you have no condoms on you. And do you realize what a risk this is putting your partner because you're going to go back home and sleep with her? And most people have some kind of disease.
Starting point is 00:18:48 It's just not smart at all. So University Michigan study, my alma mater, found so must be right, found only 27% of cheaters used condoms for vaginal and anal sex. Please, people, not even for anal, who those in open sexual relationships use in 35% of the time. Drug and alcohol use was 64% higher for non-monogamous couples, both cheaters and smears.
Starting point is 00:19:11 So monogamy can be an effective method for preventing the spread of SCAs, obviously, but only if couples test negative for SCIs at the start of a relationship and remain faithful or together. If they're not faithful, you just never know. So it's just stupid people. If you're going to cheat, but if you're going to cheat, you get it out you're gonna cheat you get a new S.C.D. coming out of San Francisco. No I feel like it's gonna be no. No, no, no, what is it? What is it? I honestly, I don't know I just been hearing it on the news and it's only based in San Francisco. They said it came out of San Francisco
Starting point is 00:19:39 Yeah, oh my god a new S.C.D. That's all we need. Watch out, patient zero, anyone with, seriously. San Francisco. See, I'm glad in those sections everyone just go, woof, thank God he left the party. You're right going on. Thank God. Okay, I love this one too, because it's about cuddling.
Starting point is 00:19:55 All right. My favorite thing in the world, post-coital cuddles are key to better sex lives, menace. You're not a cuddle. Yeah, no, I love cuddling. You do? I do. For like two seconds. Yeah, just for cuddling. You do? I do.
Starting point is 00:20:05 For like two seconds. Yeah, just for a little while, and then it gets too hot. And just like, get off of me. You push her off and roll her off the bed. Yeah, just actually kick her on the ass. Do you? Get away. Yeah, that's sweet.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Okay, so what do you do straight after sex? Can have a huge influence in the success of your relationship. Researchers have claimed. So when you kick her in the ass, probably next sex is successful. They say that kissing and cuddling after sex leads to a more satisfying and happier relationship. They advise post sex cuddles can boost the affectionate side of a relationship. When people think of sex, they tend to be focused on intercourse or orgasm. The research suggests that other affectionate aspects of sex are important for sexual and relationship satisfaction.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Okay, you always say this kind of stuff. Now, my thing is, you never put a time on it. You say, oh, you should cuddle, right? But never, oh, you should cuddle for five minutes, ten minutes, an hour. It's right here, right? In the online survey participants reported that they engage in affection to behavior for an average of 15 minutes after sex. Jesus! In the second study, couples were asked to cuddle for longer than an average duration. The couples who spent extra time together reported feeling more satisfied with both their sex lives and their relationship with their partner. The after-gloved post-sex affection proved to be long-lasting for couples, with participants
Starting point is 00:21:21 reporting higher levels of satisfaction. I think it's true. It's the oxytocin, the cuddle hormone, that gets emitted after sex from your body, it makes sense. I'm such a... There's only so many minutes in the day, but I think Friday. 15 minutes is really too long for you.
Starting point is 00:21:34 15 minutes. Well, within probably 15 minutes, I'll fall asleep on you. I know that's a problem that men fall right asleep. I don't when we do sometimes, but it's just nice to, I mean, I think cuddling is just so important. I can't date a non-cuddler. I can't date someone who's not affectionate.
Starting point is 00:21:48 I'm not saying I'm all PDA in public, means sometimes I am, but I just, I need to cuddle. Like I almost sometimes, you know, I'm just a chick, but like I like to cuddle even more than sex, sometimes I'm not in the mood, it's sort of make sure I cuddle. I love it. I know.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Okay. We can cuddle just don't talk a lot. Okay, have you heard about the right, do you think don't talk about it? Nodle just don't talk a lot. Okay. Have you heard about the right thing? What did you say don't talk about it? No, just don't talk a lot. Remember when you dated that guy, he made you stop talking after a certain hour. Yes, so we've all heard this. That's a guy I'm so about to use that my birthday break.
Starting point is 00:22:16 It's like 10 years ago. And I'm like, I talk for a living. I want to give that guy a hug. I think you've mad him. And he's like, I'm like, is there a way you think we could maybe not talk after 8 o'clock at night and before 8am? I'm like, hell no, I can't stop talking. This is what I do.
Starting point is 00:22:30 This guy's genius. And dude, I don't talk all the time when I'm alone. I spend a lot of time alone where I'm not talking, even to myself. And when I'm with someone, I don't talk the whole time. I don't think. No one's ever complaining, except for this one guy. Obviously, we were meant to be together. And he was a loner.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Okay, so have you heard about the women campaign for the right to go topless with the free the nipple movement? Yes, I have. Why does it bother you? No, I just... It's about Scott Whillis, a 22-year-old daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis. She causes Stirr when she's strolling topless
Starting point is 00:22:58 to New York City to protest internet censorship. And appear she's part of a bigger movement, free the nipple. Okay, so again, you're not gonna find a guy that's against, I mean that a straight guy that's against this, all right, but the thing is saying internet censorship, it's they're talking about Instagram, okay, so Instagram's policy is not to have have nipples showing on Instagram. Do you know what? You don't own Instagram. I'm sorry. So it's not like an American right freedom of speech thing where Instagram needs to be forced to be able for you to show your nipples. I'm sorry. It's just if you want to show your nipples,
Starting point is 00:23:42 start your own free. Right. Do it on your website. I get it cuz it's a family-friendly. Yeah, like I mean I do get it I don't think it's necessary cuz people are following her. She's got fans, you know I mean you know who really started this was Rihanna so Rihanna Took some photos some topless photos and she tried to post them on Instagram Then they got taken down. So what did she do? She just went and post them on Twitter because Twitter doesn't have a ball. Twitter doesn't have a policy at all. Are they going to though I heard they might now?
Starting point is 00:24:08 Well, if they do, they... Facebook does because my Facebook page and my section that my Facebook page, I've gotten one time it got shut down like years ago and then I got it back up. But then recently I post something and then when I log down to Facebook, they're like, alert, we deleted this post from your Facebook page. I didn't remember what post it was.
Starting point is 00:24:26 It's not like they're monitoring it. It's people that there's people that like your page and they're complaining about it. So also, you know, if people, if you get a message like that, it's, it's people that are following you and paying attention to you that are shutting you down. It's not, it's not the company. The company is just going by whatever the community wants. I wonder if that is if it's so many things complained. It is. Because there's no way Facebook's like, let's check out what sex is on me.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Yeah, they have more important things to do. Okay. So, I mean, if you want to show your boobs all day, I support it, but again, you don't own Instagram, so don't get all upset and high mighty on how they want to show your breasts online. It's over so. But the thing is, they say women are regularly kicked up
Starting point is 00:25:09 Instagram for posting photos with any portion of the area that they expose, while photos sends Nipple without their Nipple, degrading as they may be remain unchallenged. So. So what, I'm sorry. If that's what you want to do, then it's so bad.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I know it's Instagram policy, I get it, I get it. People don't, you know, and I get it. My nieces follow Rihanna like, you know, they don't need to see pictures of her, her, her nipples. Yeah. And young boys, they're already going to find it anyway online. So people, so people are just so entitled these days, they think like if they have, you know, an opposite thought of somebody, they just want to argue and get people to come over to their side. But there's things all about women's worth and judging their bodies and women should feel free
Starting point is 00:25:51 to express and show their naked bodies. And I think people should really make a website and do it all day long. Right, I agree. I believe that people have to be careful. Because what happens when you're going to apply for a job, right, and then you're nipples in the middle of it. I'm sorry, but you're you can work for me. I wouldn't care, but but most of your employers would care.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And you're Wilson. Your family has millions of dollars. If you want to start an app, I'm sure they would help you out. That's true. It's a good point. She should be an enterprising young person that is living off her trust fund. I like it. Okay. We can move on to the emails. All right. From the people because I love hearing from you all at feedback at sexwithem it. Okay. We can move on to the emails from the people because I love hearing from you all at feedback at Hello Emily, I'm 36 years old, I've been married for nearly 17 years to my high school sweetheart. Oftentimes during deployment, my wife has never felt open enough to send a flirty pick. Skype online or be adventurous in any way. I know in the past that if I were to send her a pick to get her attention, she would know
Starting point is 00:26:45 I was seeking her out, which would make her feel appreciated. I'm doing temporary duty out of state. She's reluctant to be adventurous. I don't want to push her over fear of causing a fight, but on the other end of the spectrum, I feel disheartened due to the lack of intimacy. When home, she rarely initiates a bedroom romp. She doesn't like oral nor does she go for a lot of foreplay. I'm physically fit, financially stable.
Starting point is 00:27:05 I've given her everything a husband could give a spouse. I'm often complimented on my looks and fragrance. Yet she is for a lack of a better word, a prud. Your assistance is greatly appreciated, respectfully, Nathan. Dump her. They've been together for 17 years. It's like, how are you gonna try to change something?
Starting point is 00:27:22 This is so common, okay, people listen. He's been a relationship for 17 years, and he's emailing me like I get every day, people do not talk to their partners about what their sexual desires and needs are because they're going to change in the relationship after the first nine months, two years. You're gonna stop having sex as much. Things are gonna change and they don't talk about it. It's like the elephant in the room. We don't want to have the conversation and then all of a sudden you wake up 17 years
Starting point is 00:27:43 ago by and he's not being sexually satisfied. So I don't think, I mean, it sounds like you're angry, but I doesn't sound like Nathan that you can't force her to do anything. So you're going to be like, send me a naked picture. She probably doesn't even feel sexy enough to send you naked pictures. She doesn't know how. She doesn't know what you mean because you're starting it with the problem and you're not going back to where it all started. Maybe I jumped a gun by saying, cut her off. Yeah, you did, but that's like you. But I do agree with you.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I talk everything out. You have nothing to lose. You're not getting anything right now anyways. So see what she has to say about it. And you love her and you want to be with her. So there might be some things. And understanding can be hard to start the conversation with someone when you never have talked about it.
Starting point is 00:28:24 You've been together 17 years. And obviously, I got the sex because people have so much shame around it or guilt if they don't know how to do it, but I think you do have to say, babe, I'm gone. I really miss you when I'm gone and I, you know, I, or I've been thinking, when you get back, anything, because I don't think you should talk about saying the picture, because it's not about the picture. And just when you get back, say, I love our sex life, I really want to bring it to the next level. Keep having sex again. Or, you know, I used to love ours. I don't know. They should go back to how it was at the beginning, first of all.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Did you have great sex at the beginning, Nate? I'm assuming because you married her. It was good. You can start talking about, you know, how it was at the beginning. You can start exploring together. And you can say, you know, let's go to a sex toy store. Let's watch some porn. Let's tell me about some of your fantasies.
Starting point is 00:29:06 What's the most memorable time we've ever had sex out of the 17 years? What are your top five times? I mean, that's a great way to get started. That's a great like non-confortational way to say, you know, she says, oh, that time we were on vacation in Hawaii, I felt so free. Maybe she'd go to a hotel for a night.
Starting point is 00:29:20 And then, you know, ask her, like what, I mean, she's saying she's approved, she doesn't initiate sex, oral, does she orgasm? I'm curious if she masturbates, if she does, what does she think about? Sometimes when you add a new element again, if you, you know, buy a toy together or you watch porn, it can be a great way to bring couples together. I mean, it's, and sounds like she might be a little prudent, you might not want to jump into the porn, but
Starting point is 00:29:42 again, it all comes back to communication. And I know this seems like really hard, and you probably have a lot of anger in your Nathan right now. It sounds like you do or a lot of resentment, but when you start having this conversation about Section 3rd, it sounds like for the first time that you have to be very gentle, not a key story, not like you won't let me go down on you and you won't send me a picture and I'm very frustrated because she's just going to lash back at you. Whenever you start a confrontation with your partner with, you know, negative things and attacking them, they're not even going to hear what you're saying. So you can just say, I love you, I love our relationship,
Starting point is 00:30:12 and I just feel that when we're together sexually, there's so much more fun that we can have what's been, you know, how are you feeling about it? And what would you like? And you got to talk to her, and there might be some deeper issues here. So, you know, maybe you might need some counseling, some therapy to get through it. If you want to stay with the swimming after 17 years, I would say that you got to make this like priority number one. Yes. It's also because you're not in town that much and intimacy is what connects you and you have good sex.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Emily, you keep saying to compliment your woman about her looks. Not all women are beautiful. She may have been beautiful when you got married, but now she's fat and ugly. Do you want us to lie, signed anonymous? Wow. Okay, Mr. Anonymous, here's the thing. We're keeping it 100 right now. I'm not saying that you need to tell, when I say beautiful compliment or 20 times it, I'm
Starting point is 00:31:02 not saying every time you guys say you're hot, you're hot, you're hot, you're hot. First of all, and I have said this before, what I'm saying is or twenties, I'm not saying every time you guys say you're hot, you're hot, you're hot, you're hot. First of all, and I have said this before, what I'm saying is make her feel good, make her feel cherished about something. I am sure that there is still something that you love about your partner. And if you're feeling that your partner is fat and ugly, it sounds like you've got larger fish to fry here because that's a terrible thing to say about your partner. And I don't want you to lie, but I want you to find some beauty that you do see in her because it's not all about, you know, I'm not talking about
Starting point is 00:31:29 her looks. I'm not saying you have to say nice ass. You could say like, I love, you know, that you are so the dinner that you cook tonight or you are so fun tonight as party or you're doing great at your work, something that makes her feel good and not just saying it's all about the looks. And you don't find her beautiful right now, I think that you again have it mean she's fat and ugly. This is harsh. I don't like this at all.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Do I want you to lie? No. But maybe you could talk to her about maybe she's got low self esteem. Maybe it's because you think she's fat and ugly and she knows you think that. So you're not doing anything to help the situation here. So maybe you can offer like let's go for a walk. Let's do something together. You know, I'm sure if she's a walk. Let's do something together.
Starting point is 00:32:05 I'm sure if she's feeling fashion, she probably feels overweight too. So you should be supportive of your partner, not criticizing or emailing me about it. But when I talk about complimenting, you can even have anything, because people do. But again, I'm talking about women want to feel cherished, men want to feel appreciated.
Starting point is 00:32:24 And so whatever you can do in your language in a day-to-day basis when you're with your partner to facilitate those feelings would be a wonderful thing to do. Yeah, and then do something active, you know, and see what the response is. Yeah. Some people don't want to do things that are active, then, you know, then you're going to have to look at your relationship. Exactly, you gotta look at other things. She sounds like you have some like resentment
Starting point is 00:32:48 and maybe you're a fan, ugly too. Oh! No, but I just wanna understand, I'm like, yeah, you're happy. I wouldn't wanna go to God if I'm in your happy maybe 12 times a day and that's not what I'm talking about. It's just about appreciating and cherishing. You cherish your girlfriend, man.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Yes. Tell her she's pretty. Tell her that you like her. You appreciate things she does for you. Yes, every day. girlfriend. Yes, tell her she's pretty to tell her that you like her you appreciate things She does for you. Yes every day because she does everything for what does she do? She cooks for me every single day. She does laundry. She cleans the entire house She makes you dinner every night. Huh every night. Yeah, yeah, and then like a big meal Like a meal like you come home. Yeah, full meal Yeah, yeah, and then like a big meal like a meal like you come Yeah, full meal
Starting point is 00:33:25 Wow, and then yeah, and even like when I have actually so much work stuff She helps me out and does like some of my work stuff for me. Wow. What do you do for her? I Am a provider a protector I don't know that's good. Yeah, that's sweet I mean I take it out all the time. Right. I mean, what I do this week. You suck on home with a hot, how many people really, that's so nice.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Do you make dinner? Yeah, what I do this weekend, I took her somewhere. Damn, I can never. It's really fun on a ball. No, no, no. Okay, Saturday, we went and had dinner at dinner. Lunch at Disneyland, and we had some awesome drinks and then we went and saw that movie, The Fault in Our Stars, which is like number one.
Starting point is 00:34:13 It's like some chick movie about cancer and- You saw chick movie. Yeah, chick movie and then we did that and then we went and saw neighbors and other movie. And then I took the last night to go see 22 Jump Street. So we're really doing stuff all the time. You guys are fun. Yeah. Fun little couple.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Okay, good, I'm glad. You sound like you're in a good place. You did a lot of movies. Did you have sex this weekend? Yes. How was it? It was good. Now I'm just trying to think when,
Starting point is 00:34:41 I don't know, I'm really tired. You're blacked out, that's okay. But first, okay, now I have to just cut for a second and just want to say hello to my sponsors and thank everyone again for listening to the show. And you know, we want to keep it free, we want to keep it interesting, and I want to do two shows a week, if possible, five shows a week. So thanks for supporting my sponsors. I know a lot of you out there living the LA area or come here often, the Hustler Hollywood store should be your main destination for the best toys, erotica, the sexist laundry.
Starting point is 00:35:09 And most of all, the easiest way to find the answers you've been looking for to spice up your life. Your sex life, Hustler Hollywood, is the perfect date night spot. If you're in a relationship, browse the selection of sexy products, they have the weirdest there with the field trip, sex-only field trip. It was so fun. the store is so massive and they've parking, that's huge, and they've all this lingerie, like a whole room of just lingerie and this crazy sexy shoe is in every toy in the planet that you can imagine times 10
Starting point is 00:35:37 for men, for women, they've got DVDs, they've got a cafe, the whole thing. So browser selection of sexy products, see we get you both turned on. Again, this is a great way to spice it up. If you don't want to talk about bring her somewhere like this, the way you can avoid this way, you can avoid any awkward conversations about sex and go right to the source. And I'm doing a workshop there. If you're in the LA area on July 16th, it's called How To Blow His Mind. And I'm teaching it from at eight o'clock at night. So we'll have more information on that. So check out how of Hollywood. Also, more sex stuff. If you wanna buy some toys, I gotta tell you about good
Starting point is 00:36:10 They carry all the best sex toy brands. You can get the new vibratox toys, the girls, they're great clitoral simulators. They have the rabbit, so you know the rabbit, rabbit, so you know the rabbit. So the rabbit is gonna be this clunky, heavy thing, and it's like I have like double-deave batteries. I'm not kidding you.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Is that something double-death, right? Yeah. And that just boobs. Now the battery's with big freaking batteries. But now it's like really late weight, the new rabbit habit, and I just got one, and it's amazing. It has like all this functionality
Starting point is 00:36:36 where you could control the little flicky part and the in-the-the-shaft part. It's, they're from Vibratex, they have the rabbit habit, the dollya, they also have the magic wand, my all time favorite. If you use Cubanko GVM-LE 20, you can get 20% off. Go to, click on the Good Vibrations banner, and it'll take you to my store. You'll see all the toys that I love there. So again, go to slash goodbyte., click on the good vibes banner.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Use coupon code, GVMW20 for 20% off. Why can't I talk? I wish. Okay, so you know why you said, oh, did you have sex on that pause? I know. I was still trying to think what we did on Friday and I took her to an Italian restaurant.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Oh nice, that's why. That's what I forgot. Oh, that's sweet. See, I do all the time. That's romantic. Yeah. No, I'm not saying you're not a good boy Right, I was gonna come with you on a date one time. I'll be quiet. I just want to watch you with the girl Not gonna happen. Why she loves me your girlfriend
Starting point is 00:37:33 So you're talking about all the sex toys and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, I have a flashback of something that was funny When I was a kid I found this box and it was like in the 80s, and my mother was really into, and still is into gardening, right? And I guess my dad got this as a joke, but you know, flowers will be really tall and long, right? I don't know, a day'sy or something, or just like any old flower.
Starting point is 00:37:59 It's a really long stem coming out of the ground. Well, I guess my dad found something where you, they're like these hollow penises and you put them over the flower. So it looks like penises are growing out of the ground. I don't know why I was saying that. That's funny. Did you get funny?
Starting point is 00:38:17 Yeah, my dad's hilarious. That's funny. So he's from the penises, it's telling me. And I don't know how he did this, but he used to, it would be early in the morning, and my dad used to convince my mom, like, he would dare her to go run outside and grab the newspaper naked,
Starting point is 00:38:32 and then she would go do it, and then he would lock her out. Are you serious? Where we got? And you remember this. I remember, yeah, yeah. That's really funny, that's cute. But they're not married, they're not together anymore, they?
Starting point is 00:38:42 They're not, no. No, but it sounds like they had some good time. I guess nothing's forever anymore. That's hilarious. I remember my first second. I just remembered this when you were saying this. So when I was like, I must have been, and I was like in this kid, I must have been like 13 or 14.
Starting point is 00:38:56 And my dad, he was a lawyer. And for all of his clients, he would send them like, like this up for the holidays. He'd send them this catalog. And say pick anything out in here. It was like from Macy's or something one of those department sources and I'll send it to you. It was like that was his gift to his clients.
Starting point is 00:39:10 And it was like, you know, everything in there was probably like 30 bucks. And you can pick anything. It looks kind of cool. It's like, you know, you can get a toaster, you can get this. So I got what looks like the high-touchy match. You want I got I but it was a back massage. And I'm like, that's so cool. I'm gonna get that because that probably feels really good
Starting point is 00:39:27 on your back, like as a massageer, I didn't know about anything. And I remember ordering it and getting it and then it like disappeared from my room, like a few weeks later. And I never knew what happened to it because I didn't know that it was actually a vibrator. Really?
Starting point is 00:39:41 Yeah, I just had that memory. I gotta say mom about that because she was like, I'm gonna take this. Yeah, she probably still has it. I don't know. I don't know if she does. I gotta say mom about that. Because she probably is like, I'm gonna take this. Yeah, she probably still has it. I don't know. I don't know if she does. I gotta bring her some stuff. It's funny because like also if you go to like sharper image or I don't know what is
Starting point is 00:39:54 it, a brookstone and stuff like that, they have all these little like vibrating toys. Right. Look like sex toys but they say that they're misogers. Right, but they are probably sex toys. Yeah, it's crazy. Because then you'll see like all the kids in there, like because everyone like plays with everything. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Yeah, so. Yeah, it feels good to me. I was like, oh, that'll look like it'll feel good on my back. That's not doing anything. It's so funny. There are our barriers everywhere now. It's true. And I actually spent the weekend because I
Starting point is 00:40:21 got this huge new box from GoodVac. Because we do a lot of sex toy reviewsory reviews and there will be more coming up. We're actually going to bring back an old favorite segment called Intern Sex-tory Review Day. Remember we used to do that mess. And so we got to go on GoodVibes site. Everyone got to get, got to pick new vibrators that they want. And so we just had this huge shipment and it's hilarious because everyone in the office
Starting point is 00:40:41 building like to like open the, the guys at the front, like open that package now. And so we had opened the package and show them everything that's inside, and there's like 20 crazy vibrators, which are all amazing. But I had to test some too, and so I went around my house the other day, and seriously, I had extension cords. Every outlet was filled with like 15 toys charging all over my house. So I'm proud to say that I actually have enough extension cords and outlets to make this happen. Your power bill must be insane. I know, it must be. over my house. So I'm proud to say that I actually have enough extension cords and outlets to make this happen.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Your power bill must be insane. I know, it must be. When are they going to come out with the solar powered vibrator? Oh, no, that would be a bummer. That would be just akin to a vibrator running out of batteries right here about to have an orgasm. Solar powered, no. But these are all great because they're all rechargeable and waterproof like most vibrators are now these days. So, okay, next email. Dear Emily, I'm 37 years old dating a 41 year old man. I'm divorced and have a young son. Coming from a sex dead marriage, I'm in a sexual awakening. My boyfriend has hot sexy and loves
Starting point is 00:41:42 to pleasure me. I'm enjoying a new depth in my sexual life, but I've noted what I perceive may be an issue. My boyfriend can't seem to come inside me. He gets erect quickly and stays hard long enough to deliver multiple orgasms for me. He goes down to me, loves to watch me pleasure myself, but generally he either doesn't orgasm at all, and if he does, he needs to jerk himself off or he likes to come to my mouth. This doesn't bother me necessarily because I'm always satisfied and I know he usually gets off, but when he doesn't or when he needs to finish himself off, I start to worry that there's something more I can do or if this is a problem. Please help.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Thanks, Jessica. So, Jessica, what it sounds to me is that your boyfriend has a case of what we call delayed ejaculation. It's just like, like, we call delayed ejaculation. It's just like, for children ejaculation, this is delayed. And it's very, very common actually in men to just not be able to ejaculate during intercourse. And there's really nothing, it's not because you're not
Starting point is 00:42:38 hot enough or sexy enough or it's not. Because a lot of women take the blame, they're like, why am I not turning them on enough? It's very, very common. I'm wondering, at least he can ejaculate, though, by or through oral sex or if he jacked themselves off. So if you help him add some lube to the equation, I don't really see it being a problem if he's not upset by it.
Starting point is 00:42:56 He could, you know, get checked out by his doctor. Maybe there's something else going on or if he's taking any medication. But I do hear this all the time about delayed ejaculation and there's just some guys for whatever reason cannot orgasm during sex. But thank God he can do it with a hand job or blow job or, you know, jerking himself off. I used to be this guy. Really? Yeah, because, see, you're thinking, you're thinking, no, no, not because I wanted, yeah, I just didn't want to get a, I just didn't want to get a chick pregnant.
Starting point is 00:43:24 And if you are a girl that already has a kid, then he's like, oh my God, I might bring another one in this world. If you're not having the conversation that you want to have a kid, then he can mentally hold out. But they're probably using protection. I hope you're using protection, Jessica.
Starting point is 00:43:42 No, I mean, this whole email wouldn't be about this if they were using protection. Like, you know. Okay, but she, but maybe she's on the pill. Yeah, but he's still, I mean, You think it's like, logically, he's still thinking he could get up, but that was your right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I mean, there could be a lot of things going on. I mean, a lot of people's sex issues are related to issues they have from growing on. Repressed sexual homes, you know, they could be their religion. You guys are one another kid. I don't know if that's it. I mean honestly, you can ask them though, Jessica. Talk to them, say, listen babe, I would love, you know, if you could jack the eight inside me, but are you cool with this way or is it something that's always going on? Ask them. You guys have been together. You're having great sex. You're having multiple orgasms.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I'm jealous. I love that. And he's pleasing you and you're having a satisfied sex life You're actually said you're having a sexual awakening which I was that makes my heart jump But you know, I love people having sexual waking things even want to do that. She just wants it Well, here's a thing. It's her thing. She's wondering if it's a problem and I'm saying Just say it's only a problem. It's a problem to you or problem to him But if you're both cool with it, there's no problem here. Yeah. That's all I can say, no problem. Because somebody will email me like, am I normal?
Starting point is 00:44:47 Is this okay? I don't see a problem here, because you're both getting off. It's just not traditional that he's coming inside you. So I would just say though, you can't hurt to talk to him about it and just say, what's up? It's not tradition.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Because I was with the guy once who, I think we were together like six months and he probably only jacked like three times. Mm-hmm. And I knew like I talked to him about about he's like, this is my thing. I'm like, okay, fine. So we still have sex and I'd have my pleasure and who knows. I mean, he was just come like one time he did.
Starting point is 00:45:11 It was like 50 minutes. It was like an hour of like blow job. I was like a whole thing. I'm like, you know, and I don't mind, but it was like every time. So then it just became like, you know, it's more like, he dealt with it. But he said to me, yeah, this is my thing. It's been common my whole life and you live with that
Starting point is 00:45:25 So Jessica you're fine, but just talk to them about it if you're concerned That's what I got to say about that. Have you heard it so that used to happen you but that it changed menace? Yeah, and now you've no problem Jack getting all over the goddamn place. I'm like I have whatever whatever happens, but you don't want a baby. I don't I love that no knocking people that do I just I Know you used to why I feel like you used to be more traditional like you wanted a baby and sell down Yeah, but I just don't work in the industry where we don't make any money I just started the industry where I feel it's fair for me to have a kid where I kid just you know
Starting point is 00:46:00 Be a provider one day and then the next day not be able to provide But you never provides for you though that shouldn't be a reason not to have a baby if that's your real reason Well, you're doing fine. I'm not knowing well. That's a whole nother story. It's not about Monday Yeah, I can be around kids for a little while, but Jesus Christ, you know like I don't know how you do it I know I think that mothers and fathers are our brave heroes Yeah, and if you love your kid more power to you and if you have a good time it's cool But I mean don't look at me because I just don't want to have a kid. Right. I just, you know, want to.
Starting point is 00:46:33 I don't think you're wrong. I don't think you're like murdering and chilling and you're under anything bad. A lot of people don't want kids. And especially because of the way our culture is now and in this generation is that people are delaying marriage. They're living alone. They're realizing, oh, this is pretty good. I'm independent.
Starting point is 00:46:46 They're not. People are deciding not to have children and getting married and more so than ever. Like during my mom's generation, it was like, you had to be married at 22, have a kid by 25. Like, you didn't even think about it. Yeah, it's crazy. And in some ways, I wonder, like, did my mom have it easier
Starting point is 00:46:57 because she really just, like, there was no, you just had a kid. You just did it. You had a knock out a kid by 25, 26. Yeah, I know. You did, and they had another one. I would did it. You had not got a kid by 25 26. It's like what you did and they had another one. I would say everyone that I know that got married early or had a kid kid early, probably 80% of them are not with the people that they... I know. That's why you shouldn't get married before you're 30.
Starting point is 00:47:17 You know what's crazy is also I was reading some numbers about now that everyone's getting divorced. And now they're living with people, we're saying about people in their 50s, they're just not getting married again. They're in a relationship, they live with somebody, but they just don't wanna deal with the marriage. Yeah, the divorce, yeah, because the marriage
Starting point is 00:47:41 in the first year is old. You know, a lot of people are living in She know 30 or 70s 80s. That's another 30 years of your life Right when all these marriage things were happening earlier on we were people were living as long It was a different world We were like till death. It was partying with one person now We're living like 30 40 more years than we were and it makes sense that the divorce rate is higher and and I think it's good To wait to not to jump into their marriage.
Starting point is 00:48:05 My mom, I was actually her third marriage, but she did, she was with my stepdad, who she's been with for 30 years, but they waited 10 years before they got married. They met, my mom was like 40 something and he was 50, and they waited 10 years now they're married, but they weren't gonna rush into it. After two other failed marriages.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Don't get me wrong, I would love to I would love to get married to And you know, hopefully you would last forever You know, but again, and now more and more I it sucks because you don't even look at the love side of it You just look at financial side of it and like how much of a burden it can be if it doesn't work out Right, that's why you have a prenup prenup. Prunup! Yeah, but still, just like, you know, you, no matter if you have a prenup or not,
Starting point is 00:48:51 you have a house that you share. I know everything. You gotta split all up. So I just better not to be in a relationship. Not to live with anyone ever. No, no. I think living with stories is totally fun. And I love it.
Starting point is 00:49:02 But, no, I, I know. I get it. Emily doesn't even, you know. Well, I've never lived with anyone. I know. Except for my mother. You need that experience. There's so much fun. I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:49:12 I haven't met anyone that I feel like living with yet. That's crazy. I see them frequently, and then I leave. But then you also find out really quickly, like, okay. Is this person compatible with me? But can't you find that anyway just from dating or when you move in? I know when you move in together just from dating or you live in I know we move together? Yeah, you learn then you start to bug each other. You stop having sex
Starting point is 00:49:29 Bleed I'm kidding. I know works for my new friend who Got married not too long ago, and they didn't live together before they got married Okay, okay, she's like oh she just like she's kind of a person that likes her own space, right? And I go you are freaking crazy You need to live together before you get married. She's like no It's not it's not traditional or anything. She just like she just likes her own space See I get that and I go that is then why are you you? Why are you getting married? You know? And she tells me now that after that they're married,
Starting point is 00:50:07 that they go into two separate rooms. Well, you know, that's really common now that people do that. They have like separate bedrooms, they have separate spaces, the people have separate homes. That's insane. It is kind of insane.
Starting point is 00:50:20 That's just so useless. It's a- It's gonna be like that. I mean, I don't know's just so useless. It's for gonna be like that. It's kinda, I mean, I don't know if it's useless. I think that maybe it's the solution. If people, because the whole notion of getting married and living together and becoming one, is not conducive to enhancing your sex life
Starting point is 00:50:38 and your intimacy in that way. Because then, you share everything, you see each other every day, and the things that are make sex and relationships interesting is when there's a mystery and surprise and you don't see each other all the time. So I kind of like, I think that can work. Like couples who like travel who are together,
Starting point is 00:50:57 but like one of them travels a few days a month, like those couples are doing pretty well. They're like I'm so happy it's gone, I'm happy when he's back. Like you need space. And I don't think couples do a good enough job as taking space from each other. Because I think we have to do everything together. We have to share everything together.
Starting point is 00:51:09 But then it no longer feels, you no longer look at that person as like a sexual being. It's more like your best friend and they annoy you and they didn't pick up their socks and you don't want to have sex with them. Yeah, but you want infinite space. I do want infinite space. I don't want to know what my space.
Starting point is 00:51:22 I don't want to know I'm coming over, really. Okay, so next question. Emily, I love your show. I never miss infinite space. I don't want to do it in my space. I don't want to do it coming over, really. OK, so next question. Emily, I love your show. I never miss an episode. I haven't concerned about what happens sometimes with my boyfriend and I have sex. Sometimes, if we have sex for a long amount of time, past 30 minutes, I tend to dry out.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Even though a few minutes before, I would have very wet orgasms. Is it possible that I could run out of my own juices? I say hi to the very well, I'm only 22. I'm really concerned because I like to have sex for a long amount of time and my boyfriend does too, but I can tell you get this appointment when we have to switch to Loub. All help and tips are welcome.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Sign Kate. Okay, I love this question because you are going to allow me to make a very, very important point right now. You all have got to cut the stigma with lube. People think that lube is if there's a problem. There's a stigma. She's dry, there's discomfort, what am I doing wrong? She's not wet enough, so therefore I'm not pleasing her and guys turn their nose up at
Starting point is 00:52:21 lube. But women, there's a study that came out. Many studies. Women who reach for Lou during the deed report significantly higher levels of satisfaction and pleasure compared with women who don't. And this is according to Indiana University who's a leading sex education university. It's the extra slip-in-side made sex more satisfying and more comfortable sex tends to be more sizzling sex. Also, there's no normal amount of wetness
Starting point is 00:52:46 and different times a month, you might be more wet than others, but if you're wet most of the time, and you guys are going for 30 minutes, there's nothing wrong with adding a lube. It's like, and this is why I started my Emily and Tony line. I said, I met Tony, who's a skin care guru and he's an old friend and we every dinner
Starting point is 00:53:02 and San Francisco for years ago, and I said, I think there needs to be a lube on every night's stand. It pisses me off that like people that you gotta start dating someone, you gotta like do you mind the lube because there's all these issues. It enhances sex, ask anybody, even if you're wet, you know, you can even add more to it.
Starting point is 00:53:18 And if you're wet, you get dry after a while. After 30 minutes of anything, you're gonna get dry for 30 minutes, exercising if you had a whole glass of water before you're gonna be thirsty again. So minutes exercising if you had a whole glass of water before you're going to be thirsty again so your body can't stay wet that entire time so it's completely normal to use lube. And we actually do have a lube that is waiting FDA approval at Emily Tony. So there's also other things it could be stressed, low estrogen, birth control pills.
Starting point is 00:53:41 There could be other stuff going on, Kate, but you're a young woman and, honestly, 30 minutes is just about the time you should be adding the lube if not before. And there's so many great loops out there. Like, again, if you go to good vibes, sex, click on the good vibes banner. There's the please lube by Goodlott vibes, which I really like. I love Uber lube. I like liquid silk. Just leave in there a nightstand.
Starting point is 00:54:04 And he just, have haven't listened to this. That it's gonna enhance your experience as nothing to do with him turning you on. It's not a bad thing. It was that goddamn movie. We were talking about this. What movie was that with the super bad? Do you remember that with Joan Hale?
Starting point is 00:54:16 His friends like a Winf-6, and then I've got the condom in the Louvre. He's like, Louvre's for Sissy's, and he tosses it over him to me. I remember that. Louvre's not for Sissy's. Louvre's is for people who want their partners to have pleasure. It really pisses me off. Do you remember that? Loob is not for sissy. He's loob is for people who want their partners to have pleasure. It really pisses me off.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Yeah. Do you have that feeling about Loob? No, I just, you know. You just never use it. Never. Never have you. It's not needed. It's, maybe she'll like it.
Starting point is 00:54:35 It'll make it. Yeah, but I, yeah, I've used it, but it's just extra slippery, you know. Yeah, but it dries out after a while. It's not messy. It's not sticky. It's like, you know. Yeah, no, everyone should try it and see if it's for them. Exactly, I totally agree.
Starting point is 00:54:49 So we got Jonah Hill, super bad. Again, I saw, I saw, oh, you did. He's like my big celebrity, the one celebrity that I've seen that I actually noticed, like someone like, hey, do you see that's, you know, Robert Jr. next to you, but I saw him, I'm like, that's Jonah Hill. No, you, you said that, you saw Seth Rogan.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Oh, right. I messed it No, you said that. He said that. He saw Seth Rogen. Oh, right. I messed it up. You're right. Yeah. But the socket celebrities. No, that's okay. But they're in a lot of movies.
Starting point is 00:55:12 They're in a lot of movies together. See, aren't they confusing? I can't even think in part right now. One word's glasses. One doesn't. Which one is which? It was the one without glasses. Without glasses? Then it's Joan Hill.
Starting point is 00:55:25 No, it was Seth Rogan. I don't forget to remember. Jesus Christ. But anyways, I did see a 22 jump street that's coming out. It was a great. And it's super hilarious and fun. I'm excited. I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:55:37 And there are people talking about sex and stuff like that. But yeah, if you just want to go see a really funny movie, I suggest you go see that. OK, sounds good. Anything else? Because we got to sign off now. So, oh, I mean, not to pimp anything out, but a dream has come true for me. What? I, uh, I'm doing, uh, radio commercials for Shut up. Yes. Oh my God. I've never heard of a more perfect match. Are you getting free? Tell me everything. Oh, I'm not getting free or anything. But I'm just doing commercials for them now.
Starting point is 00:56:07 And you go to Vegas and get messed up like me and say, no, no, no, just like, you know, if you want discounts and stuff, you just do it. To the code, they call it a minus. What is it? Take 10., take 10. And what do they get?
Starting point is 00:56:18 They get 10% off. They're already extremely low rates. So awesome, dude. Did they know that you like go to their every five minutes? Oh, yeah, yeah. That's how they hit me up and asked me to go to a car. You got a car, you know? Dude, you have a good life. That's so bad. They give you a free car. Yeah, but you know, the only thing I don't give me wrong.
Starting point is 00:56:40 I love my life. I get to do a lot of crazy awesome experiences and a lot of stuff is handed to me. But I always have it in the back of my mind like every five minutes that it all can be taken away. So it is like in this business. It's a very scary business. That's why I never get super excited about it. I know about anything. Well, that's so hard about being an entertainment is it can get take we've seen it happen like you know the first radio station we worked it together I was about to go into work and they call me, like, sorry, we're now like classic rock or whatever. Like, really, you're not talking anymore. Okay, I guess I won't come in.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I mean, that's really what happens. It's top being tossed yard any day. Yeah, so they're trash. Imagine like all that kind of stuff. And then also like thinking, okay, I want to have in a family. You know, it's very rare that people in our industry unless you're at the tippy top making. You know, it's very rare that people in our industry, unless you're at the tippy top making, you know, high six figures, then a lot of those guys are not having families
Starting point is 00:57:32 because they're just too risky. So that's why I think you people should support us radio people and buy all this stuff we talk about. Okay, so, Menacee Rock, thank you for being here. You can find menacee on Instagram and Twitter, M-E-N-A-C. Yes. Anywhere else? Do you care for them to find you? No, Instagram is always the best. But I love all the tweets that people send me tweets all the time after we, you know, They're like, Ha, Ha, that was funny when you told Emily she was, yeah, I love that.
Starting point is 00:57:58 I mean, you have so many other podcasts going on. I do. I do. I do two week. How many, how many release a week? Two week. Two week. To Tuesdays and Fridays. So just subscribe.
Starting point is 00:58:06 You know what the best thing to do is just go to iTunes and search Sex or Demi and then you'll see all the shows there and then you subscribe and then you'll get the new show every week. And you have to worry about it. You got a lot of people listening because I was on the Stitcher website the other day and you were like in the top 100 people listening.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Yeah. That's cool. I'm on the top 100 19s too, which make you feel good So thank you everyone. You had you were beating Oprah in Health and Sexism like that kicked Oprah's ass so Thanks, I love your support of the show and thank you everyone for listening and supporting and
Starting point is 00:58:39 Emailing me because again, we're gonna do more of these shows so we can get to all of your answers And I'm sure all your questions and answer them. Again, you can always get in touch with me and anyway you want. So follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. It's all sex with Emily across the board. Thanks, everyone, for listening to Sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Feedback at Hi, I'm Dr. Emily Morse from Do you want to last longer in bed? Promescent is the only FDA-approved treatment for premature ejaculation. One in three men suffer from premature Do you want to last longer in bed? Promescent is the only FDA-approved treatment for premature ejaculation. One in three men suffer from premature ejaculation, but they don't have to. Go to to give the desensitizing spray
Starting point is 00:59:13 that will allow you to have the sex you deserve.

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