Sex With Emily - Guess Who's Having Sex With Emily

Episode Date: October 21, 2015

Today, Emily has a special show in store for you. For the first time ever, Sex With Emily welcomes a guest who is actually HAVING sex with Emily. Dr. Ross Grant, musician, medical doctor and Emily’s... special friend, joins her and Menace to answer your emails and take calls from a couple of our loyal listeners. Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to find yourself at a real live “Eyes Wide Shut” style swingers’ soiree? You’re in luck! Emily and Ross share their recent experience at an LA play party and impart practical pointers for anyone curious about attending one of these rendezvouses. The team also takes to your questions via email and live listener call-ins! Are you suffering from a case of the vibrator blues? Are you consistently missing your orgasm mark? Emily talks a couple call-in listeners through various bedroom bummers, and provides advice for a listener who’s been discouraged from dating, despite his measurable success in other areas of life.If you’re searching for a Sex With Emily podcast unlike one you’ve ever heard, then today is the day to tune in. From Emily’s sex sounds to Sybian experiences to her expert-level smoothie making skills, she and Dr. Ross have plenty to share in this week’s episode! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Today's show we've got a special treat for you. For the first time ever, we've got a guest on Sex with Emily who's actually having sex with Emily. We'll ask you to be answering your emails and possibly taking some of your calls on air. Thanks for listening. Okay, I've been throwing out a few mentions here and there about how I received a Sibian in the mail because we were just getting to know each other. I wasn't really ready to get into it, but now I'm ready to spill the beans. This thing will change your sex life. You may think you know all about the Sibian, but forget what you've heard because it's so different from any other sex product you've seen before.
Starting point is 00:00:39 In fact, it's so much more than just a sex toy. Sibian is a full on sexual experience, one that you can enjoy solo or with a partner. For one thing, it's the only sex product with a unique mountable design that simulates the feel of riding a partner during the women on top position. And the cool thing about the Sibian is that each woman has a power to customize her experience.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Every time she uses it and make it work for her. There's 11 different attachments you can choose from. They have like one that look like a penis. They have different literal ones. They have a finger-shaped one, whatever you're into. All this is to provide you with a variety of orgasms it's choose from, right? How it doesn't sound bad, does it?
Starting point is 00:01:20 There's no limit to the ways you can experience a civilian. And each machine is as unique as the woman writing it. And also, women who have trouble reaching orgasm during intercourse, I know there's a lot of you out there, Syvian could be the secret to unlocking your orgasmic potential. So repeated rides on the syvian can actually train your body to orgasm, making an easier to experience multiple O's and increased sexual response with a partner. And because of the unique design of the Sibian, once you learn how to orgasm with it, you transfer that experience to sexually their partner, get it? So you learn like how you move and what you
Starting point is 00:01:56 like, and then you do that with your partner. It's super cool. Oh, have I mentioned how we'll also be happy for your partner to watch you? Watch you play with it, watch you write it, you guys can make out, it's a little foreplay. And this testimonial from the Sibian website says it all. My husband and I have been married for 17 years and I always thought our sex life was okay. But I didn't get too excited about it. My first time on the Sibian, I can hardly describe the feeling I had.
Starting point is 00:02:22 When my body just exploded, it was just unreal what happened to me. I soon realized that age of 38 was Sibian. I had my first orgasm ever. I've now started having orgasms while making love to my husband and I have Sibian to think. Thank you, Joan in Texas. So to hear what other customers have to say about their sex life changing civilians or to order your own customized civilian today. Visit That's And as a special treat for all my listeners, you get $75 off your first order
Starting point is 00:02:54 with code Emily 75. That's Emily 75 at Thanks for listening. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our secret institutions. Betrumaise, they call them in a bygone day. Hey, Aveline, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. It's a lie. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge?
Starting point is 00:03:26 What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks. Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm off here. So, I'm drunk. Being bad feels pretty good.
Starting point is 00:03:35 You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just fling with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to You can check out all of our podcasts, sign up for mailing list. Have you not signed up for mailing list? I don't understand how you listen
Starting point is 00:03:52 and don't sign up for mailing list because I do not spam you. But my emails rock. I will catch you up on all the latest podcasts. We write articles every week and they're just a good friggin' time. And you actually get excited. People tell me they get really excited about my email.
Starting point is 00:04:05 So I'm just sayin'. And things are one for listening. I love you. Hi, Menace. I'm here with Menace today. Hello, Emily. How you doing today? I'm great.
Starting point is 00:04:12 I'm good. When I traveled many places, I'm back. I saw that. I'm sunburned. It looks like I have a disease. You do look like you have a disease. Yeah, but I'm happy to be back with you. I know.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I saw you're like in Haiti and driving right around an old cruise ship. Jamaica, Mexico, some parts of the country, Florida. With your girlfriend. Yeah. When you guys start fighting or something, so we can have something interesting to talk about. Yeah, we don't fight because it was so funny. We were just talking about the other day
Starting point is 00:04:38 and we have couple, we know couples that have issues and stuff like that. And couples of issues. And we just laugh at it We go really does everything need to be that dramatic. It's crazy It's like you found your perfect woman. Yeah, I understand it. I like want to hang out and go to dinner and be like there's some cracks here No, you want there to be because that like gives you I'm not saying you but Yeah, father and I mean 90% of women out there meaning in life To gossip and talk about drama like who gives a crap. No, I'm really happy
Starting point is 00:05:10 Should just go have fun travel the world like we do dude. I'm really happy for you at your house You know, I'm just happy for you. I just want you to I think it's time that you just you know open up by your sex life That's all This is the sex the only show, and you announce that you're having sex with our guests, and that is amazing. I know, I didn't even tell many questions. I, okay, so menace, I did not tell menace,
Starting point is 00:05:34 brief him on our guest, but I, this is Ross. I have Ross, how you doing? Ross Grant. Hi menace. All right. And, um, and we've had some fun experiences lately, and I was like, Ross, you should just come on the show and we'll talk about it.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And I'm sure Menace would have a freaking field day because he's actually never really met anyone. No one's been in the show that dated. Yeah. And yeah. Yeah, this is weird. Making sex with Emily history, right? You kind of are.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I know, like. We're gonna give you a jacket after a special plaque. The question is like, first of all, how do you do it? How do you? Very carefully, Menace. How do you do it? How do you... Very carefully, menace. How do you do it, man? And why would you agree to come on the show? It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Why would you think it's gonna happen? No, nothing's gonna happen. I'm just saying that, you know, okay. I've known Emily for 10 years, right? Right. And I mean, lover, great, awesome person. I agree. But, eff, awesome person. I agree. But, effing, exhausting.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Okay, when you talk to her, like, how do you handle hanging out with her all the time? I don't get it. We don't hang out all the time. Like, what's she talking? She does talk a lot. She's warned. I'm talking.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, you know, she usually says interesting things. I don't wanna take a nap, you know? She tells me that people have told her before no talking after eight o'clock I told you about that my boyfriend long time ago and that her parents used to say only two questions before bed Yeah, cuz I would ask questions all day long. Okay, my mom would be like two more. I know So you don't have any of those rules. Yeah, I mean, I am not always that talkative so sometimes she'll just come in and talk non-stop And then I don't have to say anything. Yeah, yeah, he am not always that talkative, so sometimes she'll just come in and talk nonstop, and then I don't have to say anything. It's great. Yeah, he's not very talkative,
Starting point is 00:07:06 and I'm feeling like. But you haven't like, said any rules yet. No. Like how about talking? Yeah, so how long is it? Yeah, yeah, about talking. No, I haven't limited her talking yet. Okay, that wouldn't go down.
Starting point is 00:07:18 That wouldn't go down. That wouldn't go down. Yeah. That wouldn't go down. Yeah, that wouldn't go down. Yeah, that wouldn't go down. Yeah, that wouldn't go down. Yeah, that wouldn't go down. Yeah. That wouldn't go down. Yeah. That wouldn, man. You know, I couldn't, I could have like,
Starting point is 00:07:25 before I'd been like, man, it's be cool, don't do anything but I'm like, fuck it. You're gonna say, okay, move out from talking. My talking is one of the things that I don't know. He likes about me. That's great. Any other questions?
Starting point is 00:07:36 Yeah, more questions. All right, so, wait, so how long has this been going on? Like, it's sort of been off and on for months, months, all right. What would you say, Emily? I mean, like, we like the truth. Yeah, I mean, we met two years ago, actually, and then we were friends for a while, and then we were dating and we were like, what kind of sex party did you guys meet at? We didn't meet at the time.
Starting point is 00:07:58 We met at like the most non-sex party way ever. We met just looking at apartments. Looking for apartments about a year ago. Oh, okay. Are we met two years ago, but yeah, sleeping together for about a year, but a few months is cool. Yeah, so we met looking for apartments two years ago
Starting point is 00:08:12 when I was moving to West Hollywood and he was moving here from San Francisco. So I was like, oh wow, Bay Area. And then we became friends and we went on a date and then. And then we didn't see each other for like six months or something like that. It was too cool. We texted now and then and then we like didn't see each other for like six months or something like that right It was too cool. We texted now and then I kept our relationship to podcast and love line cool
Starting point is 00:08:30 Yeah, yeah, he listened me. Yeah, because when we met you were like oh, I recognize your voice He had heard me in love line. Yeah, and he likes love line nice and um, yeah, and then we just started dating cool So what do you guys do walk into the sex part? What okay? We did yeah, we didn't meet a sex party But we did go to sex party that I'm gonna talk about. Yeah, all right, so last week, what do you guys do for fun and stuff like that? Pretty much all Sibian all the time, yeah? He actually broke my Sibian. No, for real, I just don't know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:09:01 No, like what do we do? We did a team. Good dinner, maybe he's good at parties. Yeah, Like, what do we do? We did. Good dinner, good movies, good parties. Yeah. Hang out with friends. Mitchell friends. Yeah, what do you think I do?
Starting point is 00:09:10 I don't know, that's why I'm asking. We, I'm asking. Like, how do you keep her entertained? Because she's, you think she'd be hard to entertain? Yeah, I'm chill, man. She's so much ADD. Like, I took her with me to some screening of a movie for like, it was like, it was like, It was of a movie for like it was like.
Starting point is 00:09:25 There's the worst movie ever. It was like some press screen, right? And she just talked through the whole movie and then I was embarrassed because all my colleagues is like, who the hell is this? Everybody talked the whole time. Was the worst movie I've ever made. She's no, everybody was just you.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Talked the whole time. Okay. I'm just saying, how do you keep her entertained? She's a little bit of a homebody. Sometimes I have to make her do this stuff. See, this is what you don't, don't, people don't believe this about me. I don't want to know. Actually, I go out more than she does. Yeah. Yeah. Well, because I'm
Starting point is 00:09:50 talking all day and I'm working all the time and I actually, people assume that, like my friend Anna, David was like, you go out every night, you're out every night and like, I really don't. Like, I actually like to hibernate and, and sort of be kind of more reclusive. So, yeah. I said, home. Okay. so when she said that she does sex with Emily, you're like, oh, hell yeah. Yeah, that's a good, was that like, very interesting to you right away? Obviously, any guy would probably think
Starting point is 00:10:15 that was interesting. Yeah, it was, I mean, I actually used to live in San Francisco and I used to hear on her FM show up there. Like, you heard us on the show. Wow, right, which would, you was like four or five years ago yeah think and then you know I heard her on love line and so when I met her it was just really interesting because I heard her voice now I was like I know that's what you're but that's cool you like soccer I wasn't really looking for the perfect exactly you moved here to be with me now no I mean
Starting point is 00:10:39 I you know I know his likes which you had to say on the radio is interested to get to know her a little bit. Cool. It was cool. So you used to masturbate and listen to the show before you met her. Maybe he did. Maybe that was the connection, but you don't remember. But it's interesting you say that, because I don't know if I've asked you this,
Starting point is 00:10:53 but people do all the time, they're like, our guy's intimidated to date you. Like, is it weird? But I don't know. Because that's just, no. No, that wasn't intimidating. Honestly, just no. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:02 You're like, cool. I made it cool. My parents have been like, so what's that like? His, just no, I don't know. You're like, cool. Sex and I make me feel that something. I made me cool. I mean, my parents have been like, so what's that like? His dad asked him, what's sex with them? So what's that like? And you said. That's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Wow. You had that conversation with your dad. Yeah, and they Googled me. His parents Googled me. Oh, she actually met my parents. I met here. Oh, my God. I went to that family reunion.
Starting point is 00:11:22 How did it go over? I'm wondering what that was. Was it stressful for you? It was stressful because it was actually a few months ago. And when I went to San Francisco and he was having a family reunion outside and San Francisco and he was like, oh, do something to be there, come meet my family. And I was like, okay, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:36 and then I'm thinking, reunion, it was his parents. Like it was this whole, like how many members of your family? Like 30 of my cousins and aunts and uncles and stuff. Yeah, for the weekend, sea ranch. Wow, okay, so there's 30 people there and then you say, oh, this is- Sex them, Liz. Right, are you serious?
Starting point is 00:11:51 Yeah, dude, I feel- Well, we didn't even sit up, but it was like my parents' new shoot is coming for a while, so of course all the cousins had like, Googled her before we got there. Oh, this is the sad one, you're Googled me, it's like, anal sex month. Hi, I'm nice to meet you.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Staking BJ day. Right, exactly. So, wow. Yeah, they were cool. But, they mean, nice to meet you. Staking BJ day. Right, exactly. So, they, yeah, they were cool. But, they like me, I like them. Of course, did they have like a ton of questions that are just asking you constantly or no? Are they avoided the subject? They avoided the sex, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:12:15 They kind of avoided the subject to be honest. I think, didn't they? I don't know, did anybody ask? No, no, I was like, so how did you study sex? So it exactly went into that. Give me a tip, one of PJs. Yeah, no, it wasn't like that at all. No, no, I was like, so how did you study sex? So it exactly went into that. Give me a tip on PJs. Yeah, no, it wasn't like that at all. No, no.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I remember my dad just, they talked later and went, well, at least Ross is having a good time. Yeah, you know that it's a good time. Yeah. What about your mom, though? I mean, of course, dad's gonna be into it. If anything, my dad's a little more conservative, so my mom was probably like, this is great.
Starting point is 00:12:43 It was so fascinated, yeah. Wow. Yeah, mom was nice. I like dumb, but I was nervous because it's like when I meet people, I'm always thinking about like, my job is not just like, I'm a doctor, or I'm a, Ross actually doctor, but it's not like I'm actually like, I'm a dentist or it's like, I'm a sexist relationship, you know, I've a doctorate and human sexuality and I help people better sex and really, you know, he's like, it's always weird sex with
Starting point is 00:13:03 families, my brand, you just, you can't just say it. But I just, I'm impressed, I think they all knew though, because they already googled me. Right. So that was a good time. Wow. Yeah. It's so surprised, meaning family.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I know, I'm sure they loved her. That always happens like that. They did love her, yeah. They could not, I don't know. I mean, it was the last minute thing that she can. It was really fun. It was a good time. Yeah, so there you go.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I'm blown away. I know, you can't even speak. I've never seen it like this. But it's funny. So the reason why I thought it'd be interesting to have Ross in here besides the fact that people who know as maybe we'll see why don't really even have sex because we've never met anyone. But we recently went to a swingers party. Oh, here we go. More than recent. It was two weeks ago. Yeah. And I thought about you minus the whole time. No, not that time. But what happened was Holly Michael their swingers. They've show on playway radio called swing And they've been saying oh come to these play parties. They're fun and you know I've been to like parties in the past And it's interesting if you've never been and they set me a text
Starting point is 00:13:57 We were out the other night, which is such a random night Because first we went out with um dr. Drew and wife, Susan for dinner, it was like normal night. And we went out to see Anderson, who's the call screener, in love, like we did a film screening at BuzzBeast. Producer. Producer? He's not just call screener. He's not even the call screener. And he always said that.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Board engineer, God, sorry, Anderson. I love you, Anderson. He's jealous of you, actually. He's like, it's nice. Because he's like, you think you're my other guy that I used to show it. People know who Anderson is more than me. No, people know you.
Starting point is 00:14:27 No. People know you. OK, so anyway, we would do that. And then in between the dinner and the screening for Anderson's films, I get a text from Holly Michael. They're like, hey, there's a really cool party tonight. The Hollywood Hills, do you want to come? Like a play party?
Starting point is 00:14:39 And Ross and I talked about it because he's never been to one. And if you've never been, it's kind of an interesting experience. So I look at, I'm like, do you want to go? And you had to work the next day. And I was like, well, maybe we should just, you were like, try. But I was kind of tired. I'm always, you know, he's good for me because there's so many nights, I'm like, yeah, we
Starting point is 00:14:56 should go to movie. And I'm like, I'm just going to stay home. And he like pushes me. Right. I mean, that was a perfect example where you'd think I might be like, yeah, sweet. And she was like, oh, let's just go home and go to bed. Yeah. I would have been like, I'm going to bed.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Right. So I kind of talked to her. I mean, I had never been to one but I was just curious. I was like, when else am I going to go to it? Tell me about this experience though. Like how many people were there? What was going on? Were there people naked?
Starting point is 00:15:17 Do you see live sex acts? What's going on? Yes. A raw vulgar. No, I mean. We drive in the house. Okay. So we drive, we drive like, you know, going up the hills and we're like, what's going
Starting point is 00:15:29 to be like. And I knew that these people would be like, there'd be like an attractive swinging crowd, not that it matters. But like, you always think, swingers are ponytails. And I want to tell you that, were there any ponytails at the party? There were no ponytails. No ponytails. No.
Starting point is 00:15:43 And so. And then you went to a really high class one. Yeah. Right. I'm not going to mess around. So we go to the party and we get there and it was we Gahlia Michael greeted us and there was just it's like a regular party. Like people are standing around drinking. Maybe a little more scantily clad. Yeah. But I mean when you walk in it pretty much just looks like any party in LA. It was like they had a bar and a DJ and like food. They had a dervets set up and stuff. Yeah. they were just at a nice house and Beverly Hills and people were just kind of standing around. So how many people are at this party? Maybe like 50, 60, something like that. All right, so you get there one and more probably more women than men. Yeah. So the
Starting point is 00:16:17 rule for Swinger parties is that it has to be couples and then single women are allowed to come. So when they invited me they're like, hey come meet us. I'm like, I'm with a guy. They're like, okay, cool, bring them. So we went and we're talking about the great thing about howling Michael has been in the lifestyle as they call it for a while. So Ross actually had questions. Like they actually were like our tour guides,
Starting point is 00:16:35 our Swinger party tour guides. And they were explaining to you and to me about their relationship and how it all worked. Right? I don't know anything about this whole world. The Michael was a really interesting guy and he has a PhD in psychology, or was getting one,
Starting point is 00:16:47 so he was really into tying about the whole thing worked, and all the different rules that different couples have and stuff like that, so. Yeah, it was interesting talking to him about that. Yeah, and then it took us on a tour. And so before, it's like a regular party, people are drinking and talking and you walk, and we're like, okay, you walk back to the house,
Starting point is 00:17:01 and there's like four bedrooms, there were two bedrooms that were empty, with like light candles and like bowls of condoms and like just beds. You're like, okay, that's where the sex is gonna go down, and there's like a back room, or there's a back room too. Yeah, and it was funny,
Starting point is 00:17:14 because when we got there, I was like, this is just like any other party, and it only kind of went, wait like an hour or two, everybody will be having sex everywhere. And I was like, no way. And then about an hour later after, we just kind of had a drink and high out, and then we went back to look at the other rooms and then we went back
Starting point is 00:17:25 there everybody was having sex. Everybody's having sex. In just in front of everybody. Yeah. It'd be like sort of like each room would have like a couple of people having sex and actually there were a lot of people just standing around watching. Like it was very much about sort of the voyeur aspect of it because a lot of people weren't really participating. They were just watching. Wow. That's included. I mean we just-
Starting point is 00:17:41 Yeah, we weren't gonna like- We just watched. Right. We watched and then we walked right I was funny because we yeah, then there's people like having sex and then we were like on the dance floor I'd start getting kind of everyone's dancing and we're just standing we're dancing We were kind of dancing and saying and then it was funny like we were sort of dancing and just like making out or something And then we looked right left and some couple just started having sex against a pole like yeah So like yeah, what kind of positions are going on at this?
Starting point is 00:18:04 I would say a lot of from next to us. So like, yeah, what kind of positions are going on at this? I would say, from behind standing up, that's the go to. That was the go to. But at first I'm like, are they dirty dancing? Oh no, they're doing doggy style. Like it was so boring to me, because I really, I've never seen any two people have sex in front of me ever, so I'd look over and be like,
Starting point is 00:18:16 wow, that's she's not wearing much. Oh wait, she's actually naked, and he's actually having sex right next to me. And there's like two women going down in the guy in the couch, but then some of them are just sitting around talking. So it's interesting because you look over and you're like, oh, I can't, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:28 So after you experienced all this and you don't have sex in front of anybody, do you go home and have sex? Yeah, well, I thought it was great for a play because it's time to watch people have sex. You know, we were like, You weren't tempted to go into a room there and have sex? No. No.
Starting point is 00:18:43 No, we weren't. No, but it was hot. So I'm kind of like, wait until the end. We had to wait, but then we had all some sex? No. No. No, we weren't. No, but it was hard. You had to wait. But then we had awesome sex when we got home. Yeah. I was really fun because it's kind of like four play. It's like watching porn, but live porn. And then you go home and you have sex.
Starting point is 00:18:55 So it was interesting. But the best part, the reason why I thought, because I, at one point, I'm like, okay, we've seen this, can we go? And then Ross was like, I look over and he was like, wow, like his face was, and it was like, it's probably like how a kid feels like with you know parent feels with their kid like the first time the kids seem to see snow and they're like oh see you through their eyes I was like oh Ross is seeing people have sex it was such a fascinating experience. Oh I know you brought that to him and
Starting point is 00:19:18 it's for the holidays too like what are you gonna do now now what do you do I know exactly your parents are be so proud I proud. I'm opening your eyes up to this. I know, wait until your parents find out that she's bringing you to swingers party now. Was mom did say to her recently, so I don't understand this podcast, how do I listen or something? I'm like, please can we not go there?
Starting point is 00:19:35 I know, my dad has been trying to listen to the morning show that I'm on, the Woody show and Los Angeles for like the past year and a half, he can't figure out how the past year and a half he can't figure out how to stream it and I don't don't work about it. I don't know because we're always ragged on stuff. But you're good. But Menace doesn't ever give any details of his sex life. He used to. I listen to an old show recently. I mean I'm not going to wild sex parties and I mean yeah of course I have
Starting point is 00:20:02 I have sex sometimes here and there but the yeah, I'm not like a single man. I'm in a relationship and But I always said this is you know, this is people are not here for me. They're here for Emily, you know That's thank you But there's I'm not at the level of why people are here, you know, when it comes to sex. I'm here to enhance you and make you a better broadcaster. Okay. Well, I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:20:34 God knows I need that help. The other thing that I also want to talk with Ross about, which we'll get into, is that I believe you hadn't used sex toys before with the partner. You can not very little. Oh, like very, very ready man. Very, very little. You've been to a apartment, right? Oh, yeah. I mean, it's I mean, I haven't been to her. No, I haven't been to a Los Angeles apartment, but we used to have a lot of meetings at her at her at her San Francisco apartment. And that place was growing out of space. Yeah, it's but we used to have a lot of meetings at our Santa Cisco apartment and that place was growing out of space.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Yeah, it's intense when you walk in there the first time. Yeah, the first time. Now I got the Sivian, it's a whole thing and he actually was with me when I tried the Sivian, so we're gonna... And you told me that your LA place is smaller than your Santa Sivian one, right?
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yeah, it is, it's smaller. Yeah, yeah. I'm just tripping over every day. It's just no closet. I know closet. Clothes and sex to it. Wow! It's really, I know. It's hard. It's hard to navigate. Like a clone clothes and sex to it. Wow. It's really, I know.
Starting point is 00:21:25 It's hard. It's hard to like navigate a club. It's to be in to get to my dresses and then climb back over the flesh lights and then, you know. It's cute though. It's small like her. Oh, how sweet. I mean, like the fuse box, I handle all the charging.
Starting point is 00:21:38 It sounds like the new like. It's not even used yet. You need solar power. I know, totally. Okay. You can get one of those new Tesla batteries that they have a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light.
Starting point is 00:21:47 It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light.
Starting point is 00:22:06 It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like a new light. It sounds like How long have we talked about the friggin magic one? Oh, that's been your number one for 10 years. Right. Well, the exciting news to share is that it's the same toy that you know and love and trusted for 30 goddamn years. Who has toys after 30 years? It's amazing, penetrating vibrations, and you remember that I used to plug it into the wall and all that. But now, the mind-blowing magic wand is unplugged, has no cord and no limits to how you can enjoy it. So it's a common belief that rechargeable sex toys can't be powerful, but the rechargeable wand is every bit as strong as the original. In fact, I love it because it is a few new tricks up at sleeve,
Starting point is 00:22:35 including a smoother silicone head for brand new vibration patterns like you've never felt before, and four levels of intensity to choose from, and I've tried them all and they're all equally mind-blowing as the original not to mention a little bit quieter which is great if you're roommates because if you have roommates sometimes they can hear stuff that's going on. Thank God I don't have roommates. Okay, so how much of charge last again on these things? I feel like I never charge just like four hours maybe? I don't know. Probably. Like five, 10.
Starting point is 00:23:05 I've never even charged it. So it's awesome. So this is the deal. You don't have to sacrifice pleasure at all. Just try out the rechargeable vibe. At, are you ready to go? I'm plugged. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Now we're back at the show. We're getting some calls. Yeah. Here's the deal. We thought we'd try this out. We are going to open up the phone lines once a month, twice a month, see how it goes. And we just tweeted out the number and let you know through Facebook, it's all at Sex with Emily. And we have a call coming
Starting point is 00:23:34 in and it's Rachel from Utah. What? Rachel on. What up, Rachel? Oh my God. Hi. What? The phone's working everything crazy i'm such a huge fan so i'm kind of nervous i'm excited too what's going on what's the first call
Starting point is 00:23:57 i've been waiting like anticipating this is crazy hi i'm flake4 i live in Utah. And I have a question. First of all, I thank you for what you do. You've kind of changed my life. Oh my God, you're welcome. Thank you for listening.
Starting point is 00:24:15 You're awesome. No, you're awesome. I'll thank you every day. And I've been listening to you for the last few months. I'm here with menace, by the way. Hannah got Ross. I'm sleeping with you. I love menace. Thank you. I love you too. Thank you, my. I'm here with menace by the way. Hannah got Ross. I love menace.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Thank you. I love menace. Thank you. I'll stop fan-girling now. Thanks, sweetie. It's really sweet to hear from you. Okay, so my boyfriend and I, well I decided to first have sex in March for the first time. I know it was just my boyfriend who I had been dating for like a month.
Starting point is 00:24:44 In the sexist's off-room, I've always been really into text and like she was turned on and always like passionate about it. And so from right from the start it was like amazing and awesome. But I didn't think I was having orgasms because I always heard that if you have one you're going to know. And I never knew. And then so after like a few months it's having sex I was like I really don't think I'm having them so I had to do some
Starting point is 00:25:10 research and that's how I found their podcast and I was like okay I need to go get a vibrator I need a hair masturbating that's it that's it I had never I had never done it and like it took two times and I had an orgasm. Awesome. What toy did you buy? I need to know. Okay. Well I bought like the little mini bullet like the screaming O. Oh perfect. It's a great starter one. Yeah. It's three speeds like 15 bucks. Great starter. Okay. Okay. So. The job. Congratulations. So yeah. So it's awesome. So now I can have orgasms. It's super easy. And I want to point in and I can have work as a no problem.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Wow look doing the Lord's work. I am a menace. Yeah, I am. You are. So many people blive, it's awesome, but now it's kind of a problem because I was having sex with my boyfriend for like six months, maybe before I ever had one and never I still can't have them with him. Okay. And we have awesome sex. That's really super common.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Okay. So, I've even listened to- But now it's been like I've been able to have orgasms for like two months now and I still can't have them with him. Okay. And so you're having them obviously- So now- Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Yeah. You're having them literally, right? The glitter orgasm? Yeah. Because we're having them obviously. Okay, yeah, you're having them literally, right? A clitorial orgasm because you're using little blood. So how come you can't just bring the bullet into the bed? I have. Okay. Really? Yeah, we're very open about everything and I tell him and he was really excited and he wanted to try it on me
Starting point is 00:26:39 and I tried to show him and like, you couldn't do it in the right spot. Well, maybe you need to do it the first time and have his hand. I have tried. I've tried him. It's not. It's just like, I don't know. I think you're blocking yourself.
Starting point is 00:26:51 So you're having anxiety around it. I think because he's watching you and like in your room, you probably feel like you can make the faces you want and you can, you know, rub his heart whatever it is that you do. And you're probably really self-conscious that he's going to be like judging you and it's just not going to happen. And so a lot of times we like cock-buck ourselves from orgasms, you know? You know, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I'm like, we're still like comfortable together though. I don't, I, I, I think my problem is like, talk, like communicate. Okay, here's the problem. It's like, we have a certain way of having sex because it's been like six, eight, eight. Yeah, but that's nothing. You can change it. OK. I know, but OK. But so like I'm like, it's always really good.
Starting point is 00:27:27 But like I think he's like so used to that way that he's like not used to like. What is the way? What is the way like missionary? No, no, we do everything. I think so. There's one way you've sex. No, I know, but it's usually like, like he's
Starting point is 00:27:42 into the G spot more so than the clitoris. But you're not yet yet so here's a deal does he ever go down on you or sex yeah but okay when he does it still like it i don't know if you know is like now that i've okay so now that i know what like i don't think he's giving enough attention to my clitoris and i told him that but then
Starting point is 00:28:00 i think i heard a feeling that i don't know no i don't think you did i think that guys need to be shown in your young yet is he twenty four is up well he's twenty seven okay guys and twenty don't know anything about the clitoris or the vagina so um... i think that you just need to be totally on to them because i believe tells a good man you sound like a good woman and you picked a probably picked a good guy that he would actually be really interested in wanting to to know exactly what to do
Starting point is 00:28:23 to please you so okay but okay okay here's my other problem is only with a vibrator i can't i can't have an orgasm with my fingers okay that's common too but okay so you could bring the vibrator with do you use lubricant yeah awesome so louis great and i think that you just need to show it has he ever seen you have the orgasm yet like as, as you know, and now I don't feel like he doesn't even care because he's so used to like having, like,
Starting point is 00:28:49 I don't like, I don't think he even cares anymore. Okay, listen, okay, like I wasn't having them, so he's like, Rachel, here's the deal. Okay, so you got to back up. So you're telling yourself all these stories about why is not happening, but, bye, you guys are having sex for six months. That's nothing. You can change, this is like, you can change this whole game around.
Starting point is 00:29:06 And just be like, first of all, I recommend mutual masturbation. You have the vibrator. And be like, babe, I think mutual masturbation, mutual masturbation is a great way for couples to learn. So I'm doing it myself and he's doing it himself, because he has a lot of things. Totally, that's hot.
Starting point is 00:29:20 He watches you, you watch him, and then he's gonna see exactly what you're doing. He'll get off, because you're getting off. And try that, but I what you're doing. He'll get off because you're getting off and try that. But I think you're like limbing yours because you're just budding me. So all the things I'm telling you are like, yeah, but yeah, but yeah, but just listen. So there's stuff. No, you're awesome. Okay. So there's a, I actually have a great blog on my website called What's Getting in the Way of Your Orgasm. And you should check that out. I have tons of stuff like this on my website. But I think that you just, you can have your orgasm.
Starting point is 00:29:47 That's great. So you just need to figure out how you can translate him. So first he needs to watch you do it. You need to do exactly what you do. And even if you're holding it while you're on top or bottom or doggie style, and just let him see that time to like slow down. And you're assuming that he only wants to have sex
Starting point is 00:30:03 in these certain ways. He doesn't care about your orgasm, but he just you're right. He's probably not. No, he's not care. But then it's like so he's so I told him so then he'd try to spend more time with the kid. It's been like after like five minutes and I don't have an orgasm. Five minutes is nothing. Five minutes is he could have made your dinner. I got you glass of water like five minutes is nothing. Yeah, you're overthinking it. You should smoke weed or something. I do. Ross, what do you think? Okay, Ross, we got some two guys in here. So I'm gonna, and then we're gonna, I feel like you go,
Starting point is 00:30:27 but- It sounds a little about like you're making assumptions about what he thinks though. I mean, I think just sit down and talk to him. There's too much thinking going on. Yeah, if there's too much thinking, and yeah, honey, you're so in your head, but I love that you got a vibrate.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I think that you just gotta be like, babe, listen, our sex is awesome. I love having sex with you. And now that I've like had a, did he know you weren't orgasm before? Yeah. It's babe, this is so exciting. Let's like, I want to sex with you. And now that I've like had a, did he know you weren't orgasm with me before? Yeah. It's bad. This is so exciting.
Starting point is 00:30:47 I want to show you this. This is how, let's play some music, light some candles, have some wine, be like, let's do this thing where you get off and I get off, you show them what happened, what you do, and then you explain to them what you need. And bring that little bullet with you. Don't worry about that you can't do it
Starting point is 00:30:59 with your fingers or whatever that could come later, but it doesn't matter. So now you just got to figure out how to integrate it and stop like telling yourself all these messages that he doesn't want to do whatever, but it doesn't matter. So now you just gotta figure out how to integrate and stop like telling yourself all these messages that he doesn't wanna do whatever, because it's not true. And check out that on my website, what's getting to wave your orgasm. Thank you Rachel, thank you so much
Starting point is 00:31:14 for listening and calling. You're awesome. You're my first call. You got this, you're on this, keep going. Keep talking. Thank you, I have a big story. Drinks silver, daquila, silver, nothing. Tequila, the female Niagara.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Bye sweetie, thank you so much for calling. Good luck to keep us posted. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you so much. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a big day. Thank you, I'm having a watch. Now speaking about orgasms and stuff like that, first time did you have an orgasm, Emily? With Ross? Yes. Oh. I don't remember. I'm scared. Was there a lot of pressure having sex for the first time, knowing, you know, this is what she does
Starting point is 00:31:57 for a living constantly talking about sex? Wow. It's going back a little ways, I think. I love you. I wasn't thinking about it at the time as much. I probably thought about it later. Exactly, that's why I didn't have one. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:08 That's what she's like. Yeah, you didn't think about it. Mm-hmm. It was kind of a spontaneous thing when it first happened. Because we were friends, and we didn't have to go up. And then we didn't do it again for a while, and then probably I don't know. Oh, Kate, I have a better question.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Okay, forget that one. How does she sound when she orgasms? Oh, jeez. There we go. That's what people want to know. I have a better question. Okay, forget that one. How does she sound when she orgasms? There we go. That's what people want to know. I don't know Emily. Why don't you just do an impression of it? No, I'll tell you if you're accurate. I can't. I can't. Is there a vibrator in here? No. Ross, you tell me. Come on. She's loud. You don't have to, oh wow, are you serious? Yeah, where are you guys having? She doesn't have roommates, yeah. Am I loud?
Starting point is 00:32:48 Am I, are we loud? Yeah, it's great. Okay, so you're having sex at her house. I'm loud, and this house, but he says, yeah. I don't really have roommates either. Okay. I'm loud. Loud, okay.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Yeah, I mean, she doesn't have that. She's uninhibited. How many decibels, like loud, like a lot? Hundreds. So do you think maybe her neighbors can hear her? No, because I don't have neighbors. I live in a separate house. Yeah, she doesn't like a separate house.
Starting point is 00:33:14 I know, but I'm sure there's... I close my windows, I'm air conditioning on. Yeah. But I wonder when the windows are open. Yeah, I don't know. Now, I'm thinking about the first time thing. Why do you have sex with me again then? Because you're hot. And I thought there's potential, because most women don't have. Now, I'm thinking about the first time thing. Why do you have sex with me again then? Because you're hot.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And I thought there's potential because most women don't have orgasms first time with a partner. And then we got closer. I did, though. If you were wondering if I did, I did. You did, yes you did. I did have an orgasm. I know.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I feel like every time you have, thanks. Thanks, that was awesome. But I feel like then we started to communicate more about things because it was really cat. I mean, it was very. So Ross, when we opened up, said a few months, but it's actually been a year, and it's funny because we were visiting your family,
Starting point is 00:33:50 they're like, how many of you guys been together? You're like a year, but then just now you're like a few months. Emily answers in various ways too. Yeah, but it's been a year that like since your penis has been in my vagina. Well, that's always like, that's always like, when you're a face, just in your medicine.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yeah, but I mean, that's the typical thing when you're a face, you're so innocent. Yeah, but I mean, that's the typical thing when you're usually like casually hooking up with somebody and then maybe you end up being in a relationship with them is like, oh, what do you call the actual timeline of us? You know, I also think the guy starts to care more later. Yeah, not always. Ideally, the guy starts to. Ideally, the guy cares. And I was like, we'll just, you know, be banging. Ideally the guy starts... Ideally the guy cares.
Starting point is 00:34:25 And I was like, we'll just, you know, you can't get it. Well, I mean, sometimes it's like girls complain about it. It's like maybe the guy just didn't care the first time. Yeah, well, it's even like Rachel called in, like you think like her guy doesn't, you know, I don't know, they've been, I think most, yeah, if you, someone likes you in their relationship,
Starting point is 00:34:36 you hope that they care. But I wanted to talk about, before we came into the CBN experience we had, but I want to talk about the first sex story I think we used was the Cochrane, the Jeju, the Mio, which is friggin' rockin' it's like a rechargeable Cochrane.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Cochrane, right? Wasn't the first one? I think so, yeah. What color is it? Black. I left it at your house, do you still have it? Yeah. That's in my pocket.
Starting point is 00:34:59 No. And that was cool because I don't think, so what did you think about it? Because you would never, I always talk about how guys like the vibrations But I thought didn't you like how it felt to yeah, and it's like it's a cock ring it vibrates It's just what you use one that you're both using at the same time. Yeah, cuz it he puts on penis And then I get on top of it and have orgasm now you said that you didn't really ever use sex toys before hanging out with Emily has as any of them, you know
Starting point is 00:35:22 Caught your eye like that you like so far. Like, oh, you got to bring in that one. I mean, I like whatever one she likes, so it's just one to like, have her try. She likes the, I don't, I'm about at the name of them. The little pebble one. Oh, the meat, meat, meat, meat. Yeah, you have a problem.
Starting point is 00:35:36 The Jason, meat, meat. You even know that, that's the thing. Yeah, so, the man's hot watching her use that one. Yeah, it's great, because it fit, like, I guess like, yeah, it fits in the palm of your hand and it's great to use for Clitoral Sermolation and also you can use it, you know on guys balls or shaft pretty cool. How she Introduced you to the dumb truck yet No, and light me menace
Starting point is 00:35:56 I've been working on one Menace had this idea for zone sex right the Sib, let's talk about that. Because so what happened was, I talked about Sivian at the beginning of the show, but they sent me one, because I met them at the sex show as I go, and they're like, we want to send you one. I'm like, oh my God. And I got it, and I was a little first,
Starting point is 00:36:14 and it was in the box, and then you take it out, and I was like, I got to try it. And so Ross was over, I'm like, let's try it. And it's cool because, I don't know, you plug it in the wall, and you do mount it. And I didn't try it with any of the attachments because it has attachments so you can ride them like a steam, like a vibrator,
Starting point is 00:36:30 like a, attachment, like a dildo attachment. But I just wanted to feel the vibrations of like literal selection. Yeah. And he like worked the control. It's like a spaceship almost. It has like a vibration control. You can go up to like 11, whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:43 It's really fun. And it was hot. What are you telling your friends? I'm going over to our house. He did text his friend. It would have a Sibian. You know, like that's not everyone has a Sibian. Nobody has them like this only like second person
Starting point is 00:36:59 they've ever given one to for free. Yeah. People are familiar with it from Stern. Yeah, yeah. My friends are like, oh yeah, from Stern. Did you get Sibian ahead? Sibian ahead is a big thing. So did you see how it could be? You didn't that time. I didn't. I didn't. I know. Well, I'll work on that. Okay. It's mind blown. Yeah, I'm trying to imagine all this stuff. So you're
Starting point is 00:37:18 walking in and there's a freaking Sibian. It's not that big though. You think it'd be really big and intimidating. I'm assuming that it's just out there on our coffee table when you walk into the play. They actually just sent me this ottoman. It looks like just an ottoman, like a furniture thing, but you opened it up and I can store the CBN inside of it. It's so cool.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Because I'm thinking the CBN is like, it looks like one of those rodeo horses that you would see at a bar. Yeah, but it's on the floor, like it's smaller though. It's like a little saddle. Yeah, I it's on the floor. Like it's smaller though. It's like a little saddle. Yeah, I actually have the measurements here. Oh, okay. Down.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Yeah, no, but it's not that intimidating at all, like in that way, like it, look at it. Okay. Let me look at the picture. It's small, actually. Yeah, it's the measurements are, what is it? 10 inches high, 13 wide, 12 inches long. Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:03 And the thing about it, which I thought was cool, which we have to do more work on it. But you've, like, okay, what was your experience of, like, watching me on it? It's hot. I mean, it was cool watching you do something you'd never done, either. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:15 You know, if you ever felt the time and then you're trying different settings and stuff and, I don't know, it was just fun to watch your reaction. It was hot. It just plugs into the wall. And it's intense. It's intense. Like the motor, it's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:26 It feels like you're operating a heavy piece of machinery. Right, that's crazy. That's crazy. So fun with sex toys, yeah, exactly. We want to help us answer some emails here. OK. OK. Totally.
Starting point is 00:38:37 This one is about dating in San Francisco, so I thought you could both could really help me with this. Definitely. OK, Emily, I've started listening to your show this year and enjoyed a lot. It's entertaining and definitely insightful. Even being 32, I know there's always more to learn. Hope you can give me some insight into meeting
Starting point is 00:38:51 and connecting with women that are strong and beautiful. I'm five, four, athletic, working out five days a week, own my own company, own my own place, make good money, and feel like I'm confident in every element of my life. I live in San Francisco and have for most my life. I actually think there are a lot of beautiful girls in the city, but for the past four years, I have met anyone that can keep me interested
Starting point is 00:39:10 for more than six months. Besides a general lack of connection, there's either a complete lack of intelligence, no sense of humor or not attractive. I found a few girls who are put together, but not, but unexciting sexually. I feel like I'm looking in the wrong places. I've tried all the dating apps and they're all losers for me.
Starting point is 00:39:27 All my friends are married with kids, so the phase of getting introductions to single friends is pretty much over. Being a shorter guy, I feel like one of my issues is making an approach at a bar, but once I'm in, my confidence takes over. Bottom line, I'm wondering if you'd advice for me and how to meet a woman like you.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Confidence, successful, sexual, and ready for relationship. Do they exist in my city? I know you know this city, so help me out. Do I need to change up my social scene? Any resources outside Tinder and apps, similar apps I can check out. Give me a direction. Thanks, Mike. What do y'all think? San Francisco,
Starting point is 00:40:00 you guys both came to LA, but what do you think dating San Francisco? Dating San Francisco is, it would be pretty easy for confident. Yeah, and he sounds like he has the confidence. Mm-hmm. Then it's just pretty much just a numbers game then. And he seems like he is really high standards and he's kind of judgmental with these women maybe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Yeah. And I'm wondering if he's just holding to the standard that he thinks he knows exactly what he wants. He's like, they're attractive, but they're not attractive. Yeah. And I'm wondering if he's just holding to the standard that he thinks he knows exactly what he wants. He's like, they're attractive, but they're not attractive. I'm in town, but I'm not in town. I have friends like that where they've set such high standards. Like they end up never dating anybody. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Yeah. But again, I mean, if that's whatever, then you're just gonna be a numbers game then. You're just gonna have to keep on going. Yeah, and he also says he's dated these women for six months and they don't work out then they just don't work out. Yeah, I mean, to some extent it's like, what do you want? Did he say for six months?
Starting point is 00:40:50 Did he, he said I get tired of him after six months. Well, a lot of guys do. That's what happens. I don't know that he's the most exactly that happens. I don't think that he's really emotionally open. I think that he's in his head just like our caller earlier that he's thinking about it too much.
Starting point is 00:41:03 And maybe he should try a little duty dating, like with girls that you're like automatically thinking, no, I'm not into, like go have them once, like three times, like three dates, and don't just write people off that you think you wouldn't be into, because clearly the women that you think she's attracted to, he's not necessarily attracted to them. So I think that you just got to, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:19 and if they're not sexually, and exciting, you also might have bailed too soon on them and they might be more exciting because sometimes it takes time, you know, to get into someone. So, Iiting, you also might have bailed too soon on them, and they might be more exciting because sometimes it takes time to get into someone. So, I mean, you got the confidence thing down, and just make sure when you're out with someone using eye contact, you're asking questions, and make sure that you've plans for the dates,
Starting point is 00:41:35 and just really maybe you just got to not think about it so much again, just ask them in a way that you wouldn't normally be trying to do. Okay, my good luck in San Francisco. Everyone thinks that every town sucks, but the truth is wherever you go, there you are, you'll find some one. And we have another caller.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Sweet. So exciting. It's Ryan from Minnesota. Hey Ryan, what's up? Thanks for calling Sex with Emily. You're on air, what's up, Ryan? That's Emily? Yes, hi Ryan.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Hey, hey Emily, that's Ryan. I'll just start. I know you. I heard you talk about before about my readers and guys being afraid to buy them or having for women. Right. Yep. And. Is that you?
Starting point is 00:42:18 Are you afraid to buy them? What's your question? No, we've had a vibrator before, but my wife, you know, we don't get it on that much. And, you know, it seems like when we do have a vibrator that, you know, she would use it, and then we wouldn't have sex for long time. So it's not like we're afraid to have a vibrator. Okay, so what's the problem? What's going on right now? You have a vibrator and she uses it but then she doesn't want to sex. Well, I know, no, I'm just, I'm just, I have heard you talk in the past about, okay, they're afraid that you get vibrators. And you're not afraid.
Starting point is 00:42:56 And you know, to have a vibrator and a hollusome and they're not, because the women, you know, don't use it or whatever,, I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous. Oh, no, don't worry about that. Oh, sweetie, don't be nervous at all. You're awesome, you're so often. No, I love you. So what are you saying? And it's like, don't be afraid of them.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yeah, so you're not afraid of them, but we're saying that she's not as into it, maybe. Are you saying that you buy it? And then she's like, not using it? Well, no, she'll use it, but then it's like, we don't have sex, you know, that often, because we don't, you know, maybe we have a once a week, but if, you know, I'm not around or whatever, so you use a vibrator, then it's like two weeks, well, you know, we want to fix for two weeks. So I'm saying, oh, he's getting replaced by the vibrator.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Are you sure? Yeah, yeah, we talked about that. Well, what do you mean? You're sort of that thing in the dumpster then. Yeah, we might do. You did. Oh, no. Okay. So we've used it together. But then it seems like I said, when I'm not around, you know, I'm always I'm always
Starting point is 00:44:01 wanting to get it on. But for this time when I'm not around and then I'll tell you that she what are did you this and then you guys ever use it to get did you use it together Before you threw it in the dumpster you did Yeah, we then you're like at dinner. She's like test Okay, is there other things going with it later? Is there other things going on in your relationship right now? Have there's been stress or any issues is she going through anything emotionally? Do you guys have a fight? Financial stress?
Starting point is 00:44:29 She gets stressed at work, but you're like- She's just the vibrators that good, Emily. No, it's not true. They don't replace you. Yeah. I know this is true. Are you doing, do you know? I've seen proof.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I've seen proof. Everything backer ups, every time we- because that wall has another thing I was going you know i've seen through what is everything back up everything we you know that will happen as a good talk to you about two is that you know i i don't have that long said about not from out it doesn't it doesn't seem like it that helped me much really it did not be did you use your correctly alcohol that triangle uh... i think that there's a lot going on at first of all do you
Starting point is 00:45:03 make sure that she's pleased? Do you know how to give her an orgasm? I go out to that's the thing. I go down under every time and make sure she's pleased. And then we do the first thing. You're worried about premature jackets. It sounds like there's a few things going on here. Do you think that if you guys talked about that, the premature jacket. So it sounds like there's a few things going on here. Do you think that she,
Starting point is 00:45:25 have you guys talked about that? The fact that you don't last as long in bed and like do you guys talk about this stuff? Oh, we both, I didn't realize that I don't have that long, so I'm gonna make up for it, going down on her and making sure she's always pleased. Right, and how about just like foreplay and like doing things that you guys ever go way together?
Starting point is 00:45:45 Do you have a surprise or do you have sex outside the bedroom? Like sometimes you just kind of mix things up. Yeah, I got to try to get it when it right. Yeah. Okay. Well, I think I think you just kind of like. Whenever she's in the mood, you know, but you got to get her in the mood. Like foreplay starts after the last orgasm. So what can you do to turn around? Like makes her feel good like when you take her out you make a special plan for you surprise or something like you know give her a massage tell her it's all about her pleasure I don't really know like is there
Starting point is 00:46:16 something else that you guys that you've been wanting to try or does she have any sexual fantasies that you guys haven't tried yet do you guys talk about this? I have tried to talk to her about her, but she doesn't, she never told me that I can hold her fantasies or anything. Why is she saying she's not having sex with you? Why does she, we got three kids. Well, that's really hard to, okay?
Starting point is 00:46:39 So you've got kids and more. Yeah, but have you even had that discussion? Have you had that discussion at all? I don't know. I know it's like, it's really hard. It can be really challenging. I have that discussion.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I'm not having sex. It's about what? About just like why you're not having sex. Yeah. I mean, it is a problem. It couples you don't have sex. Like eventually, you do become roommates. So it sounds like you have to change the way you guys
Starting point is 00:47:01 are talking about it because it's not really, like you're frustrated and you're I think that you're also like have some You know you're upset with her because of the vibrator thing and you're thinking that's replacing you I'm not sure that's a case. I think there's something else going on here and that that you need to like take the conversation to a deeper level Okay Okay, okay, good luck. Go shopping for something else Like go to your local sex place or I know there's one I'm gonna start and walk around be like, Hey, what about this laundry?
Starting point is 00:47:28 What about this toy? What about this book? This porn and just get a whole bevy of things you can try to spice it up again. Okay, good luck to you. Thank you so much for calling Ryan. I really appreciate it. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:47:37 All right, thank you all. All right. Good times. See, get in replace by the vibe. Dude, that doesn't happen. No. You always say that never happens. It doesn't happen. They can't cuddle the vibe. Dude, that doesn't happen! I didn't even say that never happens. It doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:47:46 They can't cuddle. I would never, I would never, I would never leave you. I'm okay. Sex toy. Oh, you'd be okay. No, I mean, Emily loves a vibrator, but it's all good. Yeah, I mean, usually every time, although I did on Valentine's Day,
Starting point is 00:47:59 I brought over like a suitcase of toys that I wanted to try to style the literally suitcase. It was kind of hilarious. Anna collar. Anna hilarious. Anna collar. Anna collar. Anna collar. I woke up with a collar on. Anna leash.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Yes. No way. Yeah, I did. Was it studded? What kind of collar was it? Leather. Leather pink. Pink?
Starting point is 00:48:19 We don't really get this. It was like Joanna Angel. It was Joanna Angel. It was from Stockholm. It was from Stockholm. Yeah, a Stockholm. Emily also fell off her chair at dinner that night. I was buzzed and I've done it. No, man.
Starting point is 00:48:33 And then I drink that much. It was a good time. Great to have you here. I'm the sex toys. What else does she do on a Valentine's Day for you? She needs to do other than bring over a suitcase full of sex toys? I know, but I always get to grab them. Other than the sex. What are you bringing to the table? I was telling
Starting point is 00:48:49 Conversation before she fell out of her chair and then wait, it was time I used to say that you see me shit because you're like I don't cook I don't like you're like I don't understand what you bring to the table She made me a smoothie of the other day. I did that was good. It was really good smoothie. Okay. I'll help you buy it or do you make it? No, she made it. That's like her one cooking thing she does. What else does it bring to table? Menace always wants to know. Yeah. Stuff, things. Yeah. So much. Shortcoming.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Okay, we'll leave it on. Never a dull moment. Right. Good time. That's what she brings. Here you are. Yeah. No podcast talking about your sex relationship with millions of people.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Yeah, why not? It's never boring, moment. Exactly. Exactly. I'm surprised to be here, but thank you Ross. And should we give out your Twitter and stuff on our mind? Ross is a doctor, also musician. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Please. And bands and has great music. So you can check them out at Dr. Ross Grant on Twitter. We just started this Twitter podcast. Yeah, I'm new to Twitter. It's exciting. I know. And our listeners are going to tweet you.
Starting point is 00:49:50 They're like, I mean, I mean, I don't know. I don't know what the hell they're going to say. Yeah, I mean, like 80% of the dudes that listen to the show want to have sex with her. So I'm sure they'll have nice comments for you. That could be dark, huh? Don't forget, and it's at Dr. Ross Grant, M. What the hell is it? MD-PhD-OMG. Okay, so on Instagram, that was the Instagram at Dr. Rant, Dr. Ross Grant,
Starting point is 00:50:16 MD-PhD-OMG, and Menace is at Menace. This Menace, yeah. Cross the freaking board, I love menace. This is good, you were going to handle this well. Yeah. See, I don't get you too upset. She gets mad at me sometimes. It feels that I grill her too much. But everyone always sucks her dick all the time. Who sucks my dick? Somebody has to bring her down to reality. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:50:34 You know what I'm saying? It's good. It's worth awesome. Thank you both. Okay. Anything else I can say? I would thank you Madison Price. You're amazing.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Could you start thank you Laurie? Is she here? Laurie, thank you for everything. And thank you Kevin. Thanks for the call. The call is on the board. I know. I know. And so I really hope that we're gonna start doing this more often, taking calls and we will let you know when. So you have to follow me Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, all that stuff at Sex with Emily. And I love it. It's like old times. So yeah, thanks everyone for listening. Was it good for you?
Starting point is 00:51:06 E-Mommy, feedback at Okay guys, I'm gonna tell you about flesh light which is the number one sex toy for men. And it's probably the only one you want. So let me tell you about it. It's a male masturbation sleep. And I know you're thinking, I've got my hand, why do I need anything else?
Starting point is 00:51:22 I'm sure your hand works fine, but we talked a lot about toys in the show. If you could feel something that actually felt like sex, but not like your hand, but just as amazing, and you had mind-blowing orgasms, doesn't make you curious, don't you wanna try it? I think you should try it at the fleshlight. It is a crowd pleaser.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Not one guy, and I know a lot of you about it, who isn't the show, have ever said, like, I wanna return my fleshlight. It sucked, or like, oh my God, where's the fleshlight in my whole life? So check it out. If you want to last my flesh right, it sucked. Or like, oh my God, where's the flesh right in my whole life. So check it out. If you want to last longer in bed, like our earlier color, they have a stamina training unit that can have you do that.
Starting point is 00:51:51 And they also have the new flight, which is smaller, but lighter, but it does not necessarily mean for smaller penises. So don't be upset if you buy that one. Doesn't mean you have small penises. Check it out. Go to, click on the flesh right banner, and use code Emily and you get a free bottle of the award-winning flesh loop. Also, permescent. If you want to less longer in bed, you have to try permescent. Did you know that one in three men, they
Starting point is 00:52:13 suffer from premature ejaculation, or they just don't last as long as they'd like? There is an orgasm gap between men and women. I'm sorry, it's true. Men last between, I don't know, four and six minutes and women can take between 20 and 40 minutes to orgasm. So, promising closes that gap. You should check it out go to that's PROMESCENT. Thanks for listening, love you. Bye.

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