Sex With Emily - Hotline Calls: Cuckolding & Kinky Sex

Episode Date: September 15, 2023

What are your sexual fantasies? No matter how unique (or not) your fantasies are, they teach us something about our needs. On today’s Hotline Calls show, we’re exploring fantasies and partner dyna...mics so we can get our needs met shame-free. First, cuckolding: when a partner, typically male, asks their partner, typically female, to have sex with another man. What if your partner wants it… but you’re not so sure? Next, living with your ex -- if you’re still not over them, how do you successfully connect with others? Later, when you’ve got a unique kink or fetish, how do you talk about it with your partner, especially if they’re freaked out? Is there any way to get that need met? Finally, when a partner says they’re not sexually attracted anymore, how do you call it quits and find the sex you deserve?See the full show notes at Notes:The Lover’s Guide to Sexual Etiquette5 Ways To Do It Doggy StyleSHOP WITH EMILY! (free shipping on orders over $69)The only sex book you’ll ever need: Smart Sex: How to Boost Your Sex IQ and Own Your PleasureWant more? Sex With Emily: HomeLet’s get social: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | TikTok Let’s text: Sign Up HereWant me to slide into your inbox? Sign Up Here for sex tips on the regular. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 First you said when you met you it's sex every single day for two months. We all do, okay? Not to belittle this, but I just want to say this to everybody that sex is usually great in the beginning of a relationship. And that's our usually we stay with somebody, it's because those early days fueled by new relationship energy and the best cocktail of hormones is something that we all just really cherish and covet and we tend to go back to that we want that back But remember it doesn't last forever and then we've to create a new kind of depth and a new kind of connection if you move into a relationship
Starting point is 00:00:32 You're listening to Sex with Emily. I'm Dr. Emily and I'm here to help you prioritize your pleasure and Liberate the conversation around sex We're answering more of your hotline calls in today's episode. Don't you love these episodes? I really do. And today, we're talking about fantasies, relationships, and fantasies in relationships. Specifically, my producer, Eric and I discuss, what it means if your partner wants to watch you
Starting point is 00:00:56 with another man, how to move on when you're still living with your ex, how to deal with a partner judges your fetish, and how to read the signs of a toxic relationship. If you want to leave a voice-man with your question, please do call my hotline 559 Talk Sex or 559 8255739. You can also leave me your questions or message me at slash ask Emily. Please rate and review sex with Emily wherever you listen to the show.
Starting point is 00:01:23 It really helps us. My new articles, the Lovers Guide to Sex etiquette, and five ways to do a doggy style are up on Section Family dot com. Art of One, enjoy this episode. Introducing Uber Teen Accounts An Uber account for your teen with always-on-enhanced safety features. Your teen can request a ride when you can't take them. You'll get real-time notifications along the way. Your teen feels the sense of independence. You can follow their entire route on a live tracking map. Your teen will get assigned to top-rated driver.
Starting point is 00:02:02 You'll get peace of mind. Uber Teen Accounts Invite your peace of mind. Uber teen accounts. Invite your teen to join your Uber account today. Available in select locations. See out for details. This is from Anonymous. She's a female 40 in Massachusetts. Hi Emily, this is Anonymous. I'm 40 years old. My boyfriend is 44. We are in Massachusetts. And my question for you is, my boyfriend wants to watch me have sex with another man. And he wants to be part of it. He says it will turn him on, watching me, fighting so attractive, and he wants to see me
Starting point is 00:02:50 come from another guy. And they're in part of it being able to kiss me and touch me. And I don't know what to think of this. What does this mean? What is it going to open up in the future? He says it would be one thing is done. And no one else.
Starting point is 00:03:11 He knows that we would find someone safe. But I just would like to know your opinion and perhaps experience with a circumstance. Thank you. First, you have to know that Cuckolding is what we call this. Typically, it's a heterosexual couple where the man has a fantasy seeing his partner with another man. That's typically how it shakes down. It's one of the most common fantasies in America, for sure. Wow.
Starting point is 00:03:40 So I'm glad this is coming up because we've got to talk about it. So first, let me tell you this anonymous It's common. I love that you are slowing down and asking more questions, okay? Because it is sort of fraught like there's bringing it to the bedroom bringing somebody you don't know But I have a question for unanimous number one is this hot to you? I couldn't tell from her voice if she's into it would you be into this because that's the first thing remember this with any Fantasy you both have to be on board with it. So, if this is interesting to you and interesting to him, think there needs to be a few more
Starting point is 00:04:09 conversations. And that is, you could ask him, tell me more about it. Like, let's walk it through. Maybe we could dirty talk it when we're like in the bedroom or filling around, like, let me know what this looks like. What does he picture that the guy looks like? What kind of sex acts are happening? What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:04:27 Because the more you guys can visualize, or maybe you can talk about it dinner over drinks, but just I think you both have to get clear on what that scenario is and then feel it in your bodies. How does it sit with you? When you think about yourself with another man, are you churned on, are you a little bit nervous? If you are nervous or you have some concern,
Starting point is 00:04:43 what's coming up for you? And have the conversation with your partner. Have it all out now and figure out like, how would you meet this person? Or what kind of sex acts are on the table? Is there anything that's off the table? Would you be going to dinner first, getting to know him, would you be blindfolded
Starting point is 00:05:00 with this person come into a hotel room? Would you use your real names or wouldn't you use your real names? Would you be using protection? What kind of stuff would be happening? Why do you think that this is such a common fantasy? Well, there's different theories on that. It's really taboo. When you think about the list of what's taboo, right? This is one of those up there.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Like, especially they have found that people who tend to lean a little bit more conservative have this fantasy over others because if you tend to have more conservative values, you really hold the sanctity of marriage and commitment in very high regard and family. And so to think I would ever want to see my partner with somebody else as sort of an ultimate taboo, that's one thing. I mean, there's other theories too that it's about this sort of, I could say could say humiliation fantasy, like, I'm going to let my partner do that and that's humiliating to the point where it flips and it's a turn on. Right. So it's a
Starting point is 00:05:53 chororotic desire. A chororotic desire around maybe being humiliated or seeing my partner with someone else feels very shameful, but then it flips and it's erotic, which by the way is actually a healthy expression of eroticism. And especially if there's boundary set and you're talking about it with your partner. So those are some of the reasons and also like he said, it might not be anything. Like it might not be either one of those.
Starting point is 00:06:14 It might just be that like he said, I am so turned on by you and I think you're so hot and just to see you have even more pleasure is my core right desire. Like to be that much of a giver and to see my partner, take it to the next level with somebody else is just a turn on because to see my partner next is he gives me ecstasy. And we call that compersion, the term compersion sort of relates to this scenario where I actually am getting deep pleasure for my partner's pleasure. Those are all the
Starting point is 00:06:39 theories why and the reason why I don't say it has to be this or that one is because it might be a combination about this is what I love about human sexuality is that I'm just out here giving you all information And then you can think about which one feels right to you and lands right in your body So then you could make some more decisions around this. I also am curious in situations like this Whether it's cuckolding or another fantasy when a partner really wants it to happen the other one is a little more hesitant And the partner who wants it says it's going to be a one and done scenario. Is that ever really true? Is that kind of just a way for them to do it once and get them to do it more?
Starting point is 00:07:15 Like what do you think about that? This is a really important distinction here. So I think that she does drill down that a little bit more. You should ask him, like you're saying it's one and done. But what if we both love it? What if you really love it? You can't get out of your head. Like, let's talk about the fact that it might not be one and done because now he might be saying one and done just together to do it. And if this has been a fantasy or let's say it's a core right desire of his, it might not be one and done. So I think be realistic here and just say like, what's the actual situation here?
Starting point is 00:07:45 Yeah. What's really going on? Do you think that's ever a fair argument when trying to have your partner do a fantasy? I think that we have to pay attention to the fact that we probably say those things to get our way and to get our partner to do something. It's okay to retract that and say,
Starting point is 00:07:58 you know what, it might not be one and done because what do we really like it? Like, we're talking about sex here. If you really like something sexual and you're going out and trying something new, like, let's leave it open that possibility that we both love it, and we're talking about sex here. If you really like something sexual and you're going out and trying something new, like let's leave it open that possibility that we both love it. And we want to do it again. Now if this actually does happen with them, an important point here is that after this happens, they need to debrief. You need to talk about where we both turn on. Did
Starting point is 00:08:18 we like it? Well, went right. Well, went wrong. And how would we if we do it again? What would it look like? So it's important to sort of do a review, if you will, and see what worked but didn't because this is very delicate for a committed relationship. And this is why anonymous is asking this because she's like, this isn't something that my girlfriends were talking about a lunch today, you know, this isn't common. I even heard this a lot. It's new territory and we really have to like understand it. And so that's exactly what it is. You know, what if he's really into it?
Starting point is 00:08:49 She's that what if she's really into it? And he's like, no, I don't want to do it. Right. He's like, never gonna do that again. And she's like, I loved every moment of it. So when we're playing with our sexuality and with a partner, we have to be open and say, I'm not sure what's gonna happen here, but we care about each other now.
Starting point is 00:09:04 If we have a really solid commitment, we love each other, we have great communication skills, and we're gonna figure out the way that we can both get our needs met in this relationship. And that might mean that it happens, and it might never happen again. And it can still be used as fodder for dirty talk, as you said. That's the best thing when people explore, people open up, or they swing, and they find, like, it's not like it's every time they have sex but sometimes once you're like this playing out of fantasy once can work for like months dirty talk for like months or years to come remember that time when we found that guy and we're in Vals Vegas and we got a hotel room like that was really hot and that could be fodder for years to come
Starting point is 00:09:38 so there's a lot of different ways you can slice this scenario here but just make sure that you guys are on the same page and practice really comprehensive communication. Thanks a lot, Emma. Thanks a lot, Emma. Let's see how it goes. This is from Nicholas 33 in Dallas, Texas. Hi Emily. My name is Nicholas from Dallas. I am 33 So I'm currently living with my ex-boyfriend mainly because we have six months left on our lease and we both didn't want to break the lease or anything. We've been split up for about seven months now and I'm kind of having a hard time, I guess dating or being intimate with someone else. Obviously, I'm not over him, but I know it's a done deal. As I've seen, you've already had several conversations about it and everything. I'm just not sure how to get back in to being intimate with other people, get back in to being intimate with other people, feeling the same sensation, everything. I know people think, oh, you're a male.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Any hole is a good hole. You know, that type of thing. But obviously it's not the same for me. Either I finish too quickly or I don't finish at all and it's just not a pleasurable experience for me. Thank you. Bye. All right, Nicholas. Thank you so much for your question and sounds tough right now to be broken up with somebody but to still be living with them. So go easy on yourself that feeling like you can have a clean slate and that your fresh chocolate meet someone new and be really into your body and connected.
Starting point is 00:11:29 It's really hard when you get home every night and you're ex-boyfriend and you're still seeing him every day. Right. So let me just normalize that for you. That's not easy. But what you're also saying I think is interesting that everyone says, oh, just a whole and you're a man. And no, we're all so different. So me, I love that you're able to say, yeah, I get that some people feel like that, but that's not for me. I just wanted to assure you that when you're ready, I believe like really ready, and that might be when you guys are no longer living together
Starting point is 00:11:53 or maybe when you find someone that you feel comfortable with and you're ready, you will get the sensations back. You will learn to feel connected again. It takes time. Would work with somebody for a while and they become the person that we're having sex with. Remember, there's muscle memory,
Starting point is 00:12:10 there's our brain plasticity and all the things that get connected to the way we get aroused. He's currently your source for that. And now we're looking at transferring it so you can be with somebody else. And sometimes that's a really quick leap. You know, just because you're ready, maybe in your mind, doesn't mean that all of you
Starting point is 00:12:28 is really ready. And again, because you're living together, it makes it a little bit more challenging. So I would say, just go easy on yourself. And maybe you could start to expand your friend group by just going out with people and being in the experience of making new friends and seeing people that you may or may not be attracted to, but how great to meet people in an environment that feels less like this is a date, and I should feel roused and I should be turned on, but it's something that's more casual
Starting point is 00:12:53 as you're getting used to being single again and being out there in the world and putting less pressure on yourself to being a connected sexual place and a greater emphasis on just feeling connected to people out there in your community. Sometimes I feel like that's what's gonna work and it's a more holistic approach to healing from a break up a movie gone and then just I got to find someone else.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Right, a replacement. An instant replacement first is reconnecting with yourself after a breakup. What do you look like as a single person? How do you live your life? And again, I understand that this is a really complicated scenario because it's hard to live like a single person when you're still living with the person you were coupled up with. And especially if your ex-boyfriend is moving on themselves,
Starting point is 00:13:34 that would be tough. If like I could definitely see, you know, the tendency to compare yourself to your ex. And that's when we're not living together. And now you're like seeing him walk to the kitchen and his boxers, like making coffee. Right. If you still doing that, I mean, that's just not easy.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Exactly. So go easy on yourself. You said you've been split up for seven months now. That's not a long time in the overall relationships. We have to remember that we are not rubber bands. We don't just snap back. Our brains are just like, okay, now I'm ready for a relationship.
Starting point is 00:14:02 No, our entire bodies are connected to this person, our brain, our body, spirituality, physicalities. Like there's ways that we get into the groove of being with someone and we can't just on magly pop out of a relationship into another one. Exactly. Enjoy your time being single. There's no need to rush to get back in another relationship
Starting point is 00:14:20 just cause you just got out of one. Right, exactly. Wait for the right person. So true, there's just no shit that when we're single, it's just a stopover to relationships. That we're somehow like broken or incomplete a single, but being single is a really, I think, a delightful time for growth, for understanding yourself.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And don't forget the relationship with yourself of masturbation and get out of your self pleasure. So you're not automatically linking that pleasure to your past, but you're also able to have a bridge here where you're really having great solo sessions with yourself before you get out there and date as well. It's all gonna help feel you towards the relationship that you're looking for in the future.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Especially because he didn't talk about, he finishes too quickly or not at all. If you really reconnect with your solo sacks, your masturbation, that'll be great. If it's not a pleasure or experience for you, don't do it. No pressure. Can we all just take the pressure off ourselves right now? What are you pressuring yourself for?
Starting point is 00:15:14 Think about it. It could be anything in your life right now. Is that necessary? Do you need to be pressuring yourself and being hard on yourself? Because most of us do that and we don't need to when we're really able to take a look at it. So I give everyone permission right now to take their foot off the gas and let go of one thing that you're being really hard in yourself for right now. Love that. It's gonna feel so much better.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Thanks, Nicholas. Thank you. Hold the phone. We'll be right back after a quick break for our sponsor's answer. More of your hotline calls. more of your hotline calls. We can wait for clean water solutions, or we can engineer access to clean water, we can acknowledge indigenous cultures, or we can learn from indigenous voices, we can demand more from the earth, or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at slash right the future.
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Starting point is 00:16:42 33 in Southern California. Hi, I'm 33 years old in Southern California. And yeah, like I said a question about just kind of like sex and communication and my wife and I don't really have really great communication with them, but I'm also into something called ABDL or ABDL. And I sit around a lot of things just because she's not into it or thinks it's completely wrong, sounds like demonic and just wants nothing to do with it. And I find it would be something that I could live without, but because I'm suppressing things and I'm able to talk about it, it might jeopardize our marriage. I just don't know kind of like what to do. Like, is it normal?
Starting point is 00:17:34 Is it something that I would grow out of or can eliminate? Or is it just because this kink is here? It's just who I am in a way. I don't know if that's really a question, but hopefully you can answer it. Thanks, Caleb. So appreciate you and your question. So just to clarify here what he's talking about, I think that's important. What he's talking about is adult baby diaper fetish. And so what this is, we call it age play.
Starting point is 00:18:03 It's a specific form of fantasy role play, where your partner is embodying a different age than they actually are. So we hear that with DDLG, or daddy-dom little girl, where you're playing a little girl, and your partner's paying the daddy. And so in this one, in particular,
Starting point is 00:18:18 he wants to play an adult baby, but in a diaper, and have his partner sort of infantilize him. We call it perifelic infantilism. Just so people understand what it is, basically what he's saying is he wants to be in a diaper, and have his wife partake in this fantasy, which is one that's a little bit more intense and would take some really deep understanding of the psychology behind it and what you actually need. And it's really not for everybody,
Starting point is 00:18:47 which I understand. It's part of a core erotic theme. A lot of us have these core erotic desire that we have since childhood. And there's things that we actually require for a rousal. This might even be a fetish. So when we have a fetish, fetish is something that's a requirement for a rousal.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Like basically what he's saying is he would need to be in a adult diaper with his partner participating in caretaking or whatever that fantasy is for him to be aroused, for him to get a ruckian, to be turned on. If you have an adult diaper, baby, fantasy, it's a nice to have. It's really fun every once in a while to play around with this, but I don't need to have it. A fetish is required, a fantasy is a nice to have. It sounds to me like with the suppression that he's doing, it's a requirement.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Caleb, my recommendation is you could take some more time explaining to your wife what it actually means for you. When this desire came about, what do you understand about it? How it might look in your relationship if you actually want it to be actualized? Is it once a month? What would she have to do? What's it like? So maybe there is a point where she's like, I really love you. This took me off guard. I didn't really understand it. But I love you. And I will do anything that you need to be turned on. Yes, I can do it once a month, twice a month, and we could do other things. Or, you know, she might
Starting point is 00:20:02 say, I hear you, I'm out. It's not my jam. It's not my thing. I really hope that you understand that she might say, I hear you, I'm out. It's not my jam, it's not my thing. I really hope that you understand that. First off, Caleb, I think it's wonderful that you are able to express us and to your partner. And I know that if she isn't the right partner for you that you can find somebody who will be, that will be able to share this fetish fantasy with you.
Starting point is 00:20:22 It's just something that we don't talk about a lot. We would not have another understanding around it. But yeah, if this is a core desire and actually a fetish, then we're going to have to find a way for you to get this need met in a relationship with a supportive partner. Yeah, I wonder if your wife would feel comfortable with you working with some sort of sex worker in the sense that there are actually sex workers who sometimes don't even touch you. It's truly like to help you feel that core erotic desire or sometimes there are sex workers who only touch you from the neck up. Like you can set different limits. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:20:56 So there could be a world in which you get to experience that core erotic desire of infantilization without your wife having to partake in it or without you having to separate or go outside the marriage or you can open up. There's a lot of different ways to get your needs met. There's a lot of different ways. And I do know actually some men who do pay for dominate tricks and people to sort of have their fantasies filled while their partners are like, I'm out of this, like outsourcing.
Starting point is 00:21:20 It's like outsourcing parts of your sex life. And while that might be very extreme to many people, this is the world we live in now. There's a lot of ways to get access to people who would want to share in certain fantasies with us. This is where relationships have to have healthier conversations around boundaries and what's hot and what works. But once we get our head around the fact that we can all get our needs met in relationship with really excellent communication, I think this could be a viable option
Starting point is 00:21:47 if she's down with it. We just have to get her to understand that it's not about emotions, it's not about him having an affair, it's not about any of that, it's really just about getting this really core need met. And if she can't do it. And who knows, like maybe if he does find a way to get a met, then they could find other ways to please her.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Maybe just give her an opening to start exploring what her core fantasies are, and her core is also. But I love that he doesn't feel any shame about it. It doesn't seem like it. No, but I know that too. He's like, well, I'm gonna figure out what works. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I'm not gonna suppress it anymore, because I can't. Here's the other thing. If you have a fetish, it's really hard to suppress it. It doesn't go away just because you suppress it. It's going to rear its head and it's going to kind of just keep speaking to you and asking you to pay attention to it
Starting point is 00:22:30 so you can have a fulfilling sex life. So that's what happens. Thanks Caleb. Ishaani 34 in Washington, DC. Hi, I'm 34 year old female and I live in a DC area. I've been dating a 41 year old for over a year old female and I lived in a beefy area. I've been dating a 41 year old for over a year. We broke up back in January because he felt like we weren't
Starting point is 00:22:52 sexually compatible. So I asked him what he needed. He gave me examples of what he needed. A lot of them were porn related. I also felt like he wasn't meeting my needs or initiating what I needed. So that ended up in us breaking out because sometimes he would lose his erection. I think he was just frustrated. But when we first
Starting point is 00:23:11 met we had sex like everything will take for like two months. We ended up getting back together. I was working on things that you know he wanted out of me insects but it's like he would never initiate having sex with me or guiding me and telling me what he wants more over and anything like that. I'm not sure if he just thinks I'm not capable of doing it, but we ended up breaking up again. And this time he told me that he feels like he's not as physically attracted to me anymore or at time, and sometimes he doesn't want to have sex with me. And he's still being felt we're not sexually compatible. When I asked him what he doesn't find physically attractive about me anymore, he's like, I like women that are career, which I am curvy.
Starting point is 00:23:53 But then he said like an example was like having muscle-y guys. My body hasn't changed. Some people have not me. It's been the same. And so I'm just confused. I feel like, you know, I've tried to do everything I could in the relationship and you know I was also pregnant before he broke up with me. The day before it was telling me that he wanted to grow and have his family with me. And then like, both hours later, he broke up with me for not being sexually compatible and not being as attractive. So I was also more in put. Thank you. First, I just want to say that this sounds like a really tricky situation.
Starting point is 00:24:28 And it sounds hurtful. He's using language that is just not really kind. And he's a little bit all over the place. He's attracted to you. He's not attracted to you. You're back and forth. First, let me impact this. Okay. I'm going through your question here. First, you said when you met you, it sexed every single day for two months. We all do. Okay. That to belittle this, but I just want to say this to everybody that sex is usually great in the beginning of a relationship. And that's our usually we stay with somebody is because those early days fueled by new relationship
Starting point is 00:24:55 energy and the best cocktail of hormones is something that we all just really cherish and covet and we tend to go back to that. We want that back. But remember, it doesn't last forever and then we have to create a new kind of depth and a new kind of connection if we move into a relationship. Sounds like he's just saying things that are a little bit hurtful to you.
Starting point is 00:25:11 And I don't really think this is about you, per se. He's saying that he wants you to be curvier and your body hasn't changed. It just sounds confusing. And then you're pregnant and he broke up with you. And like, I just think this sounds like a little bit toxic. That whole thing about wanting you to change at a physical level whenever I hear things like that, I just hear people mostly it's about themselves and him not really understanding
Starting point is 00:25:35 his own sexuality right now and maybe sort of blaming you and putting it on you. It's kind of working and it's making you feel bad. Again, I don't think this is conscious and I'm sure that there's a lot of wonderful things about him. But since we don't have the language, it's just a lot easier to Again, I don't think this is conscious and I'm sure that there's a lot of wonderful things about him, but since we don't have the language, it's just a lot easier to say, well, you're not as curvy as I want, you're not doing the things I want, and I made it, but I'm not in it. So I just think for you, this could just be a great sign for you to maybe end this relationship once and for all, and really work on what you want sexually. It says that here you're doing a lot of servicing of what he wants,
Starting point is 00:26:02 and you keep trying to do what he likes, which is very common, especially being a vulva owner in society. A lot of us want to do what our partner wants, but I think the more you can take the time to figure out your own body and your own pleasures and what makes you feel good in relationship and finding partners who are open to having conversations about what mutually feels good to both of you instead of like sort of leaving it all in your partner's hands to decide what's good sex. The pregnancy I think kind of throws a wrench in it. Obviously, if you need his care to co-parent, that is crucial. But I think if there's no baby involved, I would really question what your reasons are to stay in this relationship. I think that you sound like an amazing person who could find someone who loves you just the way you are.
Starting point is 00:26:49 You shouldn't have to be fighting for your partner's approval. No, not at all. And you don't need to change your body. You don't need to change what they want. He's telling you he wants something that's different than just like listen to that. And maybe some therapy would be helpful
Starting point is 00:27:00 because I feel like when we hear sometimes these kind of things from our partners, we're just worried that it is you, and it's something that you did, but I can tell you after many, many years, if you're having these kind of scenarios, like this really isn't about you, and it's actually more about him. And so the more you can work on loving yourself, keeping your own pilot light lit, and figuring out who you are as a sexual being, you're going to bring that energy into a relationship, and you'll be attracting partners who are also into that collaborative energy of finding mutual turn-on celebrations of each other as you are today.
Starting point is 00:27:29 You feel like a partner just wants you to change all the time. That is not the ideal relationship to be in. It says that they're not saying you're okay as you are, they're dating you on potential, and that never works. All right, thank you so much for your question and keep doing you. That's it for today's episode, see you on Tuesday. Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Be sure to like, subscribe, and give us a review wherever you listen to the podcast and share
Starting point is 00:27:59 this with a friend or partner. You can find me on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter at Sex with Emily. Oh, I've been told I give really good email. So sign up at And while you're there, check out my free guides and articles for more ways to prioritize your pleasure. If you'd like to ask me about your sex life, dating, or relationships, call my hotline 559 Talk Sex. That's 559 825 5739. A go to slash Ask Emily. Special thanks to ACAST for powering the Sex with Emily podcast.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Was it good for you? Email me feedback at We can wait for clean water solutions, or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge indigenous cultures, or we can learn from indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth, or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at slash right the future. At Salesforce, we're all about asking more of AI. Questions like, where's the data going?
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