Sex With Emily - How to Date These Days

Episode Date: April 6, 2022

So you’re ready to date. Fantastic! But are you feeling a little rusty on flirting? Making the first move? And, real talk: how’s your dating app profile? Today’s show is your dating primer ...101, so you can walk into every date knowing exactly what you want: whether it’s a long-term partner, or a just-for-the-night hookup. I’m talking how to meet people, how to make sexy conversations, how to take your best dating app pics, and what people are looking for when they’re on a date. Plus, I take your questions! How to feel more confident saying “yes” to dates, how to express your intentions around sex, when to bring sex toys into the bedroom and much more. Show Notes:15 Types of Sexuality and Attraction to Help You Understand Your Desire StyleFriends with Benefits: A GuideEsther Perel’s Game: So Where Should We Begin?We’re Not Really Strangers GameThe Gottman Institute’s GameThe Magic WandEmily’s Crave Vesper Vibrator Necklace Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm the first date sometimes I've found that people are a little bit more nervous. They ramble a little bit more. And if you're nervous, you might just talk about yourself, you might not be able to listen as clearly. So that's why I always think if the first date went well enough, you might as well go on a second date. So I wouldn't judge anyone on all of this for the first date, but it's important to pay attention to them. Now listen, if someone didn't ask you anything, they showed no interest, they appeared self-centered,
Starting point is 00:00:30 they did some other toxic things, trust your gut on that. You're listening to Sex with Emily. I'm Dr. Emily and I'm here to help you prioritize your pleasure and liberate the conversation around sex. So, you're ready to date. The time has come. you prioritize your pleasure and liberate the conversation around sex. So you're ready to date. The time has come. That's fantastic. But are you feeling a little rusty and flirting?
Starting point is 00:00:58 How about making the first move and real talk? How is your dating at profile? Well, today's show is your dating primer 101. So you can walk into every date knowing exactly what you want, whether it's a long-term partner or a dust for the night hookup, which is totally cool. I'm talking about how to meet people. How to make your conversations a little bit sexier. How to take your best dating at picks and what people are looking for when they're on a date. Plus, I answer your questions like how to feel more confident saying yes to dates, how to express your intentions around sex,
Starting point is 00:01:31 and when to bring sex toys into the bedroom, and so much more on this episode. My intentions with Emily for each episode I want to start off by setting an intention for the show, I do it and I encourage you to do the same. So when you're listening, what do you want to get out of this episode, how could it help you? My intention is to meet you where your ad gets you back out there and make sure that you're the most successful daters you can be. Please rate and review Sex with the Emily wherever you listen to the show.
Starting point is 00:01:57 My new article, 15 Types of Sexuality and Attraction to help you understand your desire style, is up at And check out my YouTube channel for more sex tips and advice. If you want to ask me questions, just call my hotline 559 Talk Sex or 559 825 5739. Just leave me your questions or message me at slash Ask Emily. Oh, always include your name, your age, where you live and how you listen to the show, and it's totally cool to change your name
Starting point is 00:02:30 or choose to remain anonymous. All right, everyone, enjoy this episode. I've got some awesome questions from you all on sex and dating, but before we get into it, I'd like to share some really interesting recent research on dating trends. So over COVID, turns out, a lot of us evolved our thinking around partnerships, around pleasure and sex, and I think these findings might help you as you get back into the dating scene. Check these stats out from Matt who recently released these results
Starting point is 00:03:11 on their dating survey and they do this every year. And I always find them very comprehensive and informative. So check this out. Two in three singles, want to wait until the third date to have sex. I think that's always been pretty common. That three-date rule, and just so you know, I don't have rules about it, but I always think that it's a little bit better to get to know somebody.
Starting point is 00:03:32 If you really want to have sex with them in the first date, you could make out with them, you could pull around with them, and maybe see if you actually see them again, and if you look forward to seeing them again, then maybe you'd want to have sex. But again, do you? 65% of singles want their dating partners to be vaccinated. 27% of singles want a friend of benefits or casual sex relationship.
Starting point is 00:03:54 I definitely have seen these numbers increase in recent years that people are just saying, you know what, I am not looking for monogamy right now. I'm working on myself, I'm working on my professional life, but I just wanna have some casual sex right now. And that's okay. So I love to hear that there's 27% of singles are actually seeing that that's what they want.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Oh, and I just did a friend of the benefits episode a few weeks ago. And if you wanna check that out, if that's something that's interesting to you, that you're trying to get into a more casual relationship, because again, it's definitely on the rise. So here are some other stats from Bumble's 2022 dating survey. So this is interesting. 48% of people on the app now question what their type is. So I'm wondering if this just means a lot of us a time to spend alone and to
Starting point is 00:04:46 really think about what might have been important to us before the pandemic and what's important to us now. I think it's interesting to think about type. I have to look over my my partners in the past. I think that there's some commonalities, but usually it's about their character like I date people who are kind. I date people who are smart. I date people who are smart. I date people who are, you know, make me laugh, who have good values. So I think Sun is being really, really specific, like this is my type and that's not my type.
Starting point is 00:05:14 When I think you might surprise yourself, if you loosen up a little bit on what your type is, and go on like how does person make me feel? Are they treating me the way I want to be treated? How do they treat the people around them? I think that's really important to look at how people treat their mom, how they treat the wait staff,
Starting point is 00:05:31 how they treat their siblings, right? That says a lot. So again, my type is kind. 34% of folks on the app say they're more likely to go on a dry date, which means alcohol free date. They're saying that more now than they were pre-COVID. I say yes, because I think that it's great to go on a dry date. I mean, come on, I could have three drinks on a date and I fell with pretty much anybody because when you drink,
Starting point is 00:05:55 your inhibitions go down. You're not really making as many clear choices. So try to at least monitor how much you're drinking on a first date and ideally you don't want to get wasted. You want to remember what's happening. So also remember the first date is time that you're putting out there to decide if you like somebody. So you might as well have your faculties about you. So I like the people are changing this up a bit. And finally this is from a hidden survey. Okay this should be my headline. This is literally the best thing I've heard lately. I'm so happy to hear this. Ready? 91% of users want to date someone who goes to therapy. And 89% of daters are more likely to agree to a second date if the person mentions therapy on the
Starting point is 00:06:40 first date. You guys, this is great news. This is great news because you know how I feel about therapy. I believe that therapy will benefit all of us. We all need therapy, like we all need to go to the dentist. We all need to go to a private care doctor. Hopefully, we all have doctors that we see maybe once a year. It is the same exact thing for your mental health, your brain health. So important to go see therapy. I've always thought that was really hot, and I made a decision about 10 years ago that I would not date anyone who hasn't gone to therapy.
Starting point is 00:07:10 What I'm seeing from all these stats that I just read is that there's more awareness now about what we want and what we're looking for in partners. What I also like is that we're not afraid to say things that people used to not want to say it all. We're not afraid to say, hey, I'm still in for casual sucks, thanks. Or I really want to date someone who goes to therapy.
Starting point is 00:07:32 You know, I think that we're just getting really specific. Because if you're not specific about it, you're just going to keep dating a lot of the same people doing the same things and years go by. So the more you can sort of hone in on the kind of people you want to date and what's interesting to you, you'll be a more successful data and get to find that person or people that are the right partners for you. I think we all need to get to know what we want and then express it openly when we're looking for potential partners because again,
Starting point is 00:08:00 you could just keep dating and dating and look up 10 years go by and you're like, I've been dating these jerks or these people who don't want to commit or people who lie to me, you could just keep dating and dating and look up 10 years. Go buy and you're like, I've been dating these jerks or these people who don't want to commit or people who lie to me, you know, we all have patterns. So again, that's therapy is also great for picking out these patterns. So all that being said, much of the old rules still apply when it comes to dating though. So let's just dive into some tips before I get into your emails. So number one question I get asked a lot is, well, how do you meet people? And honestly, gotta say here, do the things that you love doing. Find what you're passionate about.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Live your life following that passion. Go to the places where you are in your joy. If you like hiking, you like yoga, bookstores, cooking classes, sports. People are gonna see you doing something that you love doing. You're in your element. You're excited about it. You're passionate about it. And that is so attractive. There's literally nothing more attractive
Starting point is 00:08:55 than somebody in their element doing what they love doing. And so, guess who else is gonna show up through a cooking class? Someone else who wants to learn to cook or who likes to cook. So you've already got some things out of the way. You have one thing in common. Let's talk about the apps for a minute because let's be honest, people are dating on the apps. There's
Starting point is 00:09:11 studies that came out up until social media and dating apps. The number one way we met people was through our friends or through close proximity work you went to the gym together But now the top way that you're gonna meet somebody is through apps So if you've concerned about it or you still think there's a weird stigma about it I hear people all the time saying I really want to meet someone. I don't want to be single anymore But I won't do the apps and I'm? Like, why won't you do the apps? You can find an app that works for you. I just want to say that that stigma around dating apps is no longer warranted. It was never warranted to be honest. It kind of reminds me of people who say they want to get in shape or they
Starting point is 00:10:01 want to lose weight, but they won't exercise. They're just going to eat less or eat healthy. But why wouldn't you exercise if it's proven that it's going to help you feel better, help us remove, it'll help you lose weight. You know what I mean? So I feel like if you really want to meet someone, if you're like, I am dying to meet someone, I've been single for a while, then just try the dating apps out and see how it goes.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Because then you can't tell me that you've done everything to meet someone if you haven't tried out the apps. But let's get specific on the dating apps here. We've got some picture tips from photographers who specialize in photos for dating apps. Because listen, you are marketing yourself. So this matters. So here's some dues. Do be yourself in photos.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Think a relaxed open smile, because relatable, beats out contrived, trying to be sexy every time making the duck lips. You really just want to be yourself. Do take photos from the waist up, not just selfies. It's flattering and shows up more of you than only a face pick. Do get this one incorporate furniture into your photos, which adds structure to the picture. So you're not just floating out there. It actually gives you some structures, some context, don't pose indoors with sunglasses. I'm pleased. Take off the sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:11:14 We want to see your eyes. We do. If you're on a daily up, I want to like look into your soul. I got to see your eyes. Maybe your sunglasses on doesn't have me. Don't post only selfies and don't leave the group photo where it's hard to pick you out. Don't make us do extra work. So those are all mistakes that turn off dating app users, okay? Be honest about your intentions. So now you're on an actual date, whether you've met them on app or on the world somewhere, what are your intentions?
Starting point is 00:11:42 Please know that it's okay to be looking for something with emotional depth and staying power to be looking for a long-term relationship, a commitment to be looking for love. That's all okay. It's also equally okay to be looking for casual sex or hookups. Both are cool as long as you are clear with your intentions and you know what you're looking for. So please do your featured date, the courtesy of bringing up your intentions before you meet up. So everyone walks in with a lined expectations. That's important. Let them know. Don't wait to the third or fourth date to say I'm not looking for a partner, you know, or I'm just looking out for all a lot clearer about our intentions and what we want. We're way more likely to find that person a lot quicker
Starting point is 00:12:30 than sort of holding back and not saying anything for fear of being judged, you know, those days are over. So in 2022, clearly we're not playing games when it comes to relationships, but we are playing games about our relationships. There's all these great card decks out there that you can bring out a date and say like, hey, I've got some questions, like let's get to know each other. So it allows you to unlock a deeper level of conversation early in your relationship without having to feel weird about asking questions, Esther
Starting point is 00:13:05 Peral has a great card game where do we begin? There's one from More Not Really Strangers. Gottmins has a great digital card deck that you can just have. It's an app. The Gottmins tut, it's called Gottmins, G-O-T-T-M-N card decks. And what I love about this, like here's open-ended questions, like you could ask on a date, how have you changed in the last year? Have your goals in life changed recently? What are some of your dreams a year from now? What is one way you'd like to change? You know what I mean? And these are just like fun and something a little bit sexier, but you'll really get to know the person that you're with. The other fun thing is some of them are
Starting point is 00:13:44 made specifically for dating. So if you want to know about your partner's dating history, the first impression of you or the plans of the future you just pick a card and prepare to go deep. So find the card game that works for you. There's a lot of them out there. So another thing is on the date during conversation look for things that you have in common. This is just if you're meeting someone out at a party too or you're meeting someone for work, if you're out in like a business lunch, find the things that you have in common and build on that. Oh, you're into yoga. Me too. Which got you into it. What kind of yoga do you do? You don't have to come with a bunch of topics already prepared. Just
Starting point is 00:14:21 find the commonality. Which is why I thought, again, like I mentioned earlier, that if you already share something, so if you meet someone during a class or a hiking group, then you already know you have that in common. Okay, finally, you want to pay attention to how they respond to you. Is this person of interest, are they relational to you, are they self-centered?
Starting point is 00:14:42 Do they listen, do they ask more questions? When you answer questions, do they immediately turn into talk about themselves? Or can they stay on you and what you're saying for a period of time? Now, I want to also say, on the first date, sometimes I've found that people are a little bit more nervous. They ramble a little bit more. And if you're nervous, you might just talk about yourself. You might not be able to listen as clearly. So that's why I always think, if the first date went well enough,
Starting point is 00:15:14 you might as well go on a second date. So I wouldn't judge anyone on all of this for the first date, but it's important to pay attention to them. Now listen, if someone didn't ask you anything, they showed no interest, they appeared self-centered, they did some other toxic things, trust your gut on that. If you didn't feel good after the date, like you left a date and you've had this bad feeling in your stomach, you kept thinking about some things they made you, they said, it made you feel worse than when the
Starting point is 00:15:42 date started. Do not go on a second date with those people. All right. All right, everyone, let's get into your questions. We've got some great ones. This is from MyRaw, 26 in Ontario. Hey, Dr. Emily, I absolutely love your podcast and I listen to it every chance I get. I'm not sure if you've touched on this topic before,
Starting point is 00:16:02 so I thought I'd write in. I'm 26 years old and I've been single for three years. I was in a serious relationship between 18 and 23. Well, about as serious you can get at that age. During the first year and a half of us being broken up, I was fairly active in dating. However, those few situations didn't work out and left me hurt. Since then, I've developed this wall to avoid getting hurt again.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Through that, I've had my fair share of hookups, but at this point, I'm ready for a relationship. The issue is, between my fear of getting hurt and my past habits, I found a hard to get away from this detached sex I've been having and really open up to get to know people. My question is, how do I move forward to really be prepared to date
Starting point is 00:16:43 and be willing to meet people and let them in? I find if I swipe right and match with people, by the time we get to the point where planning to date, I get scared and back out. Thank you so much, Emily, sending my love. Hey, Maira, much love to you back. And I think that you really sound like you're doing a lot of work on yourself and you are evolving
Starting point is 00:17:05 and you're really paying attention to where you're at and it's not always easy to get out there and date. Especially after the last few years you've all had, it's harder to get out of our homes and put the effort out there to get away from what we're comfortable with which might be like a few friends or even being alone right now. I love that you're so self-aware. So the first thing I want to say is like take the pressure off yourself. And maybe you could say, I'm actually gonna work on myself and my anxiety and the worry I have right now
Starting point is 00:17:35 and not feel like you have to get out there. I mean, you dated for five years with someone in a relationship. And I get that you've been single, but even when you've been single, it sounds like you've been swiping or it's been casual, but now you're ready to meet someone. One of the best things I ever did was I took dating
Starting point is 00:17:53 and relationships off the table for about six months. I realized that I wasn't actually even in the place to do it, and I worked on therapy and I worked on my friendships and I worked on getting my home together. And I just, there was other things I focused on, and there was this huge relief. It's almost like CileMontel giving you like a six month hiatus from work. If you think about all the pressure we spend thinking that we need to be in a relationship.
Starting point is 00:18:13 So I feel like that there is sort of a cycle that you're in. So see if that helps you right now wanting to think about what are the messages that you're telling yourself that like what could happen if you get into a relationship? I think that in working on this wall that you had to go back to what you're saying, since then you've developed this wall to avoid getting hurt again. I'm wondering what your process is for really letting this wall down. And that wall might have started to be up after your five year relationship end, which is a really significant time to be in a relationship. It's probably your first serious relationship and a lot gets formed
Starting point is 00:18:49 in those years. So I'm wondering if there's any kind of therapy here or deeper work you can do in yourself to see what are these patterns like not just that you know the walls up but where do the wall come from and how do we tear that wall down and rebuild it with self-compassion, self-confidence, clarity, and what you actually wanted a partner and what you don't want in a partner. I think that there's a lot to be said to have that sort of intentionality around dating rather than just swiping for you. What are the traits that are important to you to make you feel safe with someone and to make you feel loved? What didn't work for you in the past?
Starting point is 00:19:26 That's what I'm hearing that right now. It might be some things that you could work on as this self-work. Because I don't think you're going to have a problem finding a partner. I think it's more you finding time to figure out what is it you want, working on the negative, maybe some of the negative self-talk you ever on this, and then getting back out there. Now, this might not work for you. You might be like, no, Emily, I just want to get back out there and date, which I understand. So the other thing I would say is, be honest people,
Starting point is 00:19:53 once you get out there and say to them, you know, it's been a while. I'm a little rusty. I'm excited to be dating. I was taking some time off or just being clear about what you want and what you're looking for. I'm telling you, if anything that we're seeing in these stats and everyone wants someone who went to therapy, and want want people are more evolved, we don't want to
Starting point is 00:20:08 mess around with people who aren't right for us. There's no playing games. They often say that on your first few dates you bring your representative. Like we all show up as like the best versions of ourself. I say let's just not. Like let's just show up who we are, where we are, our most authentic versions of ourself because you might find that if you're really honest about where you're at, you'll find someone who's like, oh, yeah, I feel the same way. Oh, all right, it's got a relationship. And then people who judge you or make you feel bad about that might not be your person for where you're at at this time of your life.
Starting point is 00:20:38 So I think the more you can bring this mirror into your life right now, the better. And it'll be a help you kind of get to know where you're at and move through this cycle where you're at. So thanks Myra for your question. I really appreciate you and keep me posted and let me know how it goes. This is from Desiree 25 in Wyoming. Hey, Dr. Emily, it's me back with the need for more advice. So my sex drive is high, very very high and I'm kinky and bad
Starting point is 00:21:06 Well right now I travel for work and I'm not looking for anything other than hookups if something more happens That's great, but not my intention. How do I go about telling a guy that or making the first move? I feel like guys will judge me if I say it right off the bat I'm also interested in females, but I don't know how to go about it. All right, Desiree, I love that you know exactly what you're at right now. I think it's amazing. I think I wish that we could all kind of develop such grounding around our intentions for dating. If we actually knew what we wanted, it would save us so much time, so much heartache, and a lot of failed relationships. So just know that everyone's coming from different places, everyone has different intentions.
Starting point is 00:21:49 There are some people who want to be casual. You know there are people that are looking for a real relationship, people who just want to hook up. So you're totally not alone here. And my best advice for you is to be honest from the beginning because then you're going to find the people who are like, oh yeah, I could be down with that. Or thank you for being so honest. It's so refreshing. Like I can't tell you how refreshing it is when somebody is clear and concise and they tell you what they want. I've dated people before the past and some people have been like, oh, I'm looking
Starting point is 00:22:17 for an open relationship. Or I'm actually not looking for anything. Because then you know exactly where you stand. And I think also the more you practice actually showing up with who you are and where you're at, you're going to find this could be a lot easier because this is also a new language for you. So I think saying, this is where I'm at, this is what I'm looking for. If you're on the dating apps being really clear, looking for fun, looking for casual hookup, not looking for a relationship. And then you bring it up again. You say, I want to make sure that you read my profile that you understand. This is what I'm looking for. And the other thing
Starting point is 00:22:53 that might be interesting to do here does right is to kind of show them what that looks like. Like, what does it look like? Are you looking to see someone three days a week, one some month? Do you want to do overnight? do you want sleepovers, do you want something to travel with? You know, what are you really into? Like have you done this work to think about what it looks like? Because sometimes we say we want something and in actuality, we don't have to execute it. So the more information you can give to prospective partners
Starting point is 00:23:20 and say, I'm thinking it's once a week, on the weekends, we go to dinner, I love live music and then we sleepover. Or I might be like, I'm thinking it's once a week, on the weekends, we go to dinner, I love live music, and then we sleep over. Or I might be like, I never want sleepovers, I just really love to hook up. And here's what I meant to sexually. That's where I encourage you, Desirees, to kind of maybe you do the yes-no,
Starting point is 00:23:36 maybe less with these people, and then you get a bevy of people that you're sleeping with. You get like a few people in different, you're traveling around right now and you're kinky. Like, let's put it all out there, Desiree, because you will find that you're gonna find your people a lot quicker. And who cares people judge you? I'm gonna tell you that people probably will judge you.
Starting point is 00:23:53 They won't understand. They might be hurt. They might, it makes them feel safe to judge you, right? It makes them feel like, oh, this woman's out there wanting her own thing, but I'm telling you that it doesn't really matter what other people think of this case. You're being you and it's going to give you confidence to go out there and really get what you want. So, I would write this all out.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I would practice your messaging, practice what you want, think more about it really, because maybe you haven't really thought about what this looks like. And the more you can paint this picture to someone else that you meet, the more likely you are to get what you want. And we all should get what we want, right? And I think we can get what we want if we get clearer about our intentions about what we're looking for and being able to communicate that.
Starting point is 00:24:37 That's a key thing here that is communicating it. Not sugarcoding it, not kind of saying parts of it, but really just saying, this is what I want, and this is what it looks like. And sure, yeah, maybe a lot of you won't be into it, but you don't need a lot of people. You need one person right now, you need two people right out of hook up with,
Starting point is 00:24:52 but you don't need everybody to be on this plan. That would be exhausting. So let's get you out there, finding your people. And if you're looking to date females, it's kind of the same thing as dating, however you're finding guys, if you're done at, let them know you're looking for that. If you're out to date females, it's kind of the same thing as dating, however you're finding guys, if you're done an app, let them know you're looking for that. If you're out in the world, start talking to women, flirting with women,
Starting point is 00:25:11 finding people that you're interested in, that you're attracted to, go places where a lot of women meet up. If there's any parties, you know, gay parties, lesbian parties, you can kind of look at that as well. There's meetups, there's ways to find out what's going on
Starting point is 00:25:24 in all the cities where you're traveling. It's not necessarily a new skill set as far as dating women or men. It's more like you being comfortable getting to know someone of any gender and then seeing if you can kind of move that into a more sexual place. Thank you so much, Ezra, for your email.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And I just, I feel good about this. I know you're gonna get what you need. All right, we're gonna take a quick break, but don't go anywhere. After we're from our sponsors, I will be answering more of your emails. Ah! Ah!
Starting point is 00:25:56 Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Starting point is 00:26:03 This is from Chris 29 in New York City. Hey, Dr. Emily, love the show. I feel like I made a weird point in my life. My last official relationship ended in 2014 and lasted five and a half years. My ex and I kept sleeping together about every six months, which didn't happen moving on for about two years until we caught it off entirely. Since then, I went in some dates here and there that never went far. And with COVID, I started friends with benefits with someone I've been friends with for a decade. I warned
Starting point is 00:26:31 her that I get attached easily and she just wants the FWB that she can hang out with and get laid. We discuss the possibility of dating but ultimately she doesn't want that and I do. So we're continuing the FWB for now. I need to move on, especially as a relationship oriented person. I need to move on, especially as a relationship oriented person. I've been struggling to remove myself enough from the FWB to make myself present enough to date. Should I cut off the benefits to help myself focus more on the potential dates ahead? I already have a hard time enough with the fact that I haven't been in a relationship for seven years, but on top of that, having a decent FWB and being fairly introverted,
Starting point is 00:27:04 I find it hard to get myself out there. I guess you could say I'm comfortable yet unhappy with my situation and advice to be greatly appreciated. Alright, thank you so much for your email, Chris. I totally get it. It's comfortable enough with this funs and benefits you like and you're getting the sex, but you are craving a relationship and I have to say, you know what to do here. I do think it's really hard to be in any kind of relationship with someone where it's intimate and sexual and find what you're actually looking for. Now, it happens, it does happen.
Starting point is 00:27:34 People are in committed relationships all the time and they find someone else. But for you, it sounds like being really focused on going after what you want would be helpful because this is a diversion. It's comfortable enough. It doesn't sound like this FWB is going anywhere either, but I think if you wanted to end it for a while and see what happens, I think you could probably go back to it. But to get that clarity and actually live in the space where you're really craving a relationship and you're craving the intimacy and a sexual relationship, we'll
Starting point is 00:28:02 put you in a good headspace to attract that into your life. Because remember, every time we spend time with somebody intimately or in a relationship or sleeping with our ex, it's taking away the time that someone else can actually come in and be part of our lives. I mean, a more meaningful relationship with. It just does. Like, you know, they often say when one door closes and other ones opens, well, you've got a door open here,
Starting point is 00:28:26 and it's hard for someone else to come in right now. I think to get your head fully in the game of dating, and finding a relationship that is important for you to be intentional out there, and to be focused on it, and to perhaps, and this relationship, or cut down the time that you see this person, and you've even said that it's content enough, but it's affecting your ability to say present
Starting point is 00:28:47 and find a relationship that's fulfilling you. So it doesn't sound like you need the consistent sex right now because that's what you're finding a relationship. So if you want to be committed relationship than a situation ship, you have expressed this to your partner, and I feel like you need to break it off and go out there and find a person who wants exactly what you want
Starting point is 00:29:07 because it's time and you deserve it and I know you're gonna find it once you put all of your actions towards that goal. That's how anything happens in life You have to redirect towards our singular goal if we have one and it sounds like you have one which I love because a lot of us aren't sure Some of us are like dating. we're like, maybe I want casual, maybe I want FWB, maybe I want hookups, you know what you want. And I love that about you, Chris. So please go after that through everything you can to support your intentions
Starting point is 00:29:35 and your motivation and your goal. Thank you, Chris, for your email. This is from Izzy, 20 in San Diego. Hi, Dr. Emily. I wanted your thoughts on using toys with casual sex. Is using a vibrator or sex toy the first time you hook up too much? Are the relationship levels and sex toys? I'm very lost in this new side of sex. I love this question, Izzy, because I would love to change this sensibility around toys that you have to wait. You're committed and you can't
Starting point is 00:30:02 sensibility around toys that you have to wait. You're committed and you can't use toys in certain times. And you should always be this special thing that you're bringing in. And I absolutely think that you know, this special part of the relationship, like date three now, bring in the toy or six months in. Let's talk about toys. It's a part of you, Izzy.
Starting point is 00:30:19 It is a part of who you are, it's actually just like talking about, if you like dirty talk, or you like long make-outs, or you want sex toys, these are all things we want to talk about with casual sex. So I think it will elevate your sex day for the better. Some people might not be sex positive and they might not be into it, but you're like, this is what I want to encourage everybody.
Starting point is 00:30:38 You all can make change in this world. So yes, people are not going to be ready for sex toys. They're not going to be ready for you wanting more casual sex, not you per se, uh, isy, but everyone listening. The world has not caught up yet with this sex with Emily sensibility. It's true. But it starts with you saying like, here's my toy. This is what I use for sex. I always want lube. I always love this toy. And honestly, toys feel great on penises as well. I can't emphasize it enough that to show them, like, look at this really cool toy that I use, and you turn it on, and it's in your hand, and then you take it and
Starting point is 00:31:16 you put it over their penis on a lower setting or their shaft. You could use it while you're going down on a guy. You know, you could show them how you use it on yourself. I think a lot of the fear around toys is that it's really phallic. We're afraid it's gonna replace us. You know, I think that there's a lot of penis owners who think that these toys are like, looks like they're penis.
Starting point is 00:31:37 But really, it's an extra vibration that we need on our clitoris or alabia, 10 orgasms. And maybe you do have one that's shaped like a penis, that's fine too. I'm just saying that the perception of toys and the belief around toys, that it's still like major, oh my God, that's a toy.
Starting point is 00:31:54 And then when you like show them the toy, that's like a little vibrator that fits in your hand. Most guys are gonna be like, cool, bring it along. Let's do it. It enhances the sexual situation. It takes a lot of pressure off them trying to make you orgasm. I mean, you could show how you use it, demonstrate.
Starting point is 00:32:12 You could do some mutual masturbation where they're masturbating and you're masturbating and showing them how you use it. But I think that absolutely be the change you wanna see in the world, bring the toy in, see how it goes. Let them know. Like, hey, look at this really cool thing I buy my nightstand. Look at this fun toy. And once you start showing them, the right partner, and I'm hoping this is most of partners are going to be like, bring it. Let's bring it every time. Let's do it. Thanks for sharing that
Starting point is 00:32:42 with me. That's my mission. I hope you all will choose to accept it. Bring your toys out there into the world. Throw it in your purse. I have a friend who threw her magic wand in her purse every time she went on a date. The magic wand is a very large external vibrator. And she was like, why am I gonna mess around? I know that this is what I want.
Starting point is 00:33:00 This is where I need and I'm gonna do it. And she has, still to this day, plenty of dates, plenty of sex and a very much thriving sexual life and intimate life. Also, I've got a great vibrator necklace. It is the Crayve Vesper and it is a little vibrator that I always wear around my neck that's such a fun toy to use. You always have it on. It's really fun to tease your partner with, tease yourself with, and you're like, look at this.
Starting point is 00:33:28 I know you thought it was a necklace, but it's actually a vibrator. It's a special limited edition, slash crave. Check it out. It comes in silver, rose gold, and gold, and then three limited edition phrases. Turn me on, meditate, master, manifest, or I come first.
Starting point is 00:33:48 God don't talk about those enough. You guys, check out the Crave Vest Perfeito to have one. You will love it. This is from Jewels 31 in Iowa. Hey, Dr. Emily, my name is Jewels, and my pronouns are he, him. I've started dating again after ending a five-year relationship about a year and a half ago.
Starting point is 00:34:03 During this time, I got a therapist to help overcome my last relationship and to work on myself. Now here I am, where to take a shot at dating. I decided to try the dating at PANGE to meet new people. Last week, I started talking to a girl 29 and we seemed to share a lot of interest. We recently shared what we both wanted in relationship and on paper, we seemed to fit well. But our conversation stopped after I shared this.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Maybe she's waiting for me to make a move or lost interest or I'm reading into it too much? I don't know. I'm excited about this girl but not sure what to say now or how to take this off the app to meet in person or virtual chat she prefers. We've texted on the app for four to five days. Is that enough to move things forward? I feel ready but understand that she may not, and I don't want to rush a come-off to stride, especially when dating online is new to me and we're both technically strangers to each other. Thanks for reading, I enjoy your show. Alright, thanks, Jules. This is a practice here. I got to tell you, I will just follow up again and say, hey, it looks like we want the same things that lets meet up. I think that definitely after four to five days, it is time to meet
Starting point is 00:35:06 up. In fact, I would say, if you've been chatting for a week, have a plan by the time you get today's seven. You will never get that time back from like texting and the back and forth and all the things that like you just go out and meet someone because someone can be a great texture. You can have a great connection online, but until you meet them in person, you will not know. So I wouldn't read into the fact that it stopped. What does it mean it stopped?
Starting point is 00:35:30 But you sent a message on the app and she didn't respond. Sometimes you got to follow up again. When I was on dating apps for a while, I always like would be texting with someone one day or a few days and then I'd got busy with something else. And I had to say, even another guy, this in my life and I wouldn't check the app out and then I'd be like, hey, what happened? And I was like, oh yeah, I love that guy. Like, you don't know, maybe she's chatting
Starting point is 00:35:50 with you guys right now. Assume that she is. In fact, assume that everybody you're dating on the apps are also chatting with other people. You're not the only one. So sorry for that harsh reality, Jules, but you said you knew the apps assume that there's a lot going on.
Starting point is 00:36:05 And I believe that the people that are the most assertive, you, I, you here, and you say, hey, let's get together. I'd love to meet you in person. Let's grab a drink. Let's go to dinner. Maybe there's tickets to show. You know, think about what you wanna do and what you wanna do with her.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Maybe she shared something in the banter the last four or five days about what you both want to do. But I would just follow up again and just know that if you might not hear from again and that's okay, just keep going, keep texting, even learning how to message people on app is kind of an art and you get your own and you'll figure it out, meaning it's practice. So maybe at first it's a little bit awkward but it sounds like you're doing well. So that's not even the problem, just knowing that it's like, okay, if you move forward, it asks for a day, it asks for a plan. And if you'll hear from her,
Starting point is 00:36:52 it's fine. Keep moving, okay? Thank you so much for your question. I really appreciate it, duels. You got this. This is from Liz, 35 in Kansas. Hey, Dr. Emily, I'm 35 and I've never been in a relationship. I've only ever kissed one guy. Therapies helped me work through trusted shoes and I want to start dating, but I don't know how to answer the questions. When was your last relationship or how long was your longest relationship? Any advice I might approach is kind of questions. Thanks. All right Liz, thank you for your question. I appreciate it. And I think being honest and saying, you know, I've had a lot of different kinds of relationships. Can't let you tell you about it when you meet up or if you're actually meeting someone in person to share who
Starting point is 00:37:36 you really are in this journey you've been on. I don't know Liz, I love that you're in therapy and I think you got to be honest.. And you should say that I've had different kinds of relationships or I haven't had a real relationship or I haven't had the kind of relationship that I'm looking for. I am looking for a different kind of relationship right now. I've done a lot of work of myself.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I can't wait to share that information with you. I can't wait to tell you about it. I just think you answer it honestly and they'll probably be intrigued by it and you get to share who you really are and get to share what you're going through and the trust issues that you've had and your background and your history because eventually people are going to know anyway right so I just want to remember that there's nothing wrong with you there's lots of people who have a big relationship with all ages. I hear people all the time.
Starting point is 00:38:25 So I'd love you to be able to normalize your situation and normalize who you are. And where you're at, and I think that you're gonna find that this is going to open up to some really incredible, intimate conversation and some really incredible people in your life who are like, great, let's do it. Let's let me find out more about you.
Starting point is 00:38:42 That's fascinating, you know, like, how interesting. Because remember, a lot of people have been in relationships, but the people you're meeting are no longer in relationships. They're dating. So they've probably got some stories, and they can learn a lot from maybe not the relationship. You've had a relationship with yourself the last 35 years. And where have you been spending your time? What have you been doing in your life? And I just think that you'll find people that, you know, that this stuff doesn't really matter. You know, like when I graduated from college, I thought it meant so much like where I went to school, and what my degree was in, and I came to find out like, it doesn't really matter. You just sort of, you go out there and you meet your people
Starting point is 00:39:16 and jobs come up and situations come up, but it's more about your life experience than it is any one thing that you think defines you. And I don't think that you, the fact that you've been in relationships or not putting relationships, defines who you are right now is at 35 years old, okay? So start practicing, being honest about it, and putting yourself out there. All right, Liz. And I think you're going to feel like that the support you get and the people that you find are going to give you a lot more confidence to continue being you. Thanks Liz. That's it for today's episode.
Starting point is 00:39:52 See you on Friday. Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Be sure to like, subscribe, and give us a review wherever you listen to the podcast and share this with a friend or partner. You can find me on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at Sex with Emily. Oh, I've been told I give really good email. So sign up at and while you're there, check out my free guides and articles for more ways to prioritize your pleasure. If you'd like to ask me about your sex life, dating or relationships, call my hotline 559 Talk Sex. That's 559 825 5739.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Go to slash Ask Emily. Special thanks to ACAST for powering the Sex with Emily podcast. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at you

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