Sex With Emily - How to Master the Bedroom Basics

Episode Date: October 4, 2014

Do you ever feel like we get so caught up on being great lovers that we’ve forgotten some of our most basic bedroom moves? I mean sure, you can twist yourself into a pretzel during doggie style, but... if you can’t give a good hand job, what’s the point? This show is all about taking you back to the basics, to the things you think you learned in middle school, but forgot along the way. Between talk of self-loving and selfish lovers, Emily gives some much-needed masturbation education and shares why getting to know your own body is the key to amazing sex.Speaking of amazing sex, did you know the clitoris has 8,000 nerve endings and solely exists for female pleasure? Emily shares advice on how to move during sex in order to stimulate that magical O-button. Emily explains why your hygiene habits might be what stands between you getting laid or going home with dirty fingernails, then Emily’s assistant Madison teaches us all about the TPC epidemic - No it’s not a new R&B group, but it is a good reason to “freshen up” before sex. Also discussed: The stigma surrounding female masturbationTips to help you slow down and really be present in the bedroomThe undeniable attractiveness of sexual confidenceThe fundamentals of down-there groomingThis show will remind you what skills you’ve been missing in the bedroom, and help you to be an all-around better lover! Don’t miss it!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily tonight. We're going back to the bedroom basics. I mean, if you really want to have the best sex of your life, it can't hurt to fine tune your skills, right? I mean, maybe you've learned to twist yourself into a pretzel during doggie style, but, you know, if you can't give a good hand job, what the hell is the point?
Starting point is 00:00:19 This show is taking you back to the basic, the things you think you learned in middle school, but forgot along the way. But first, thanks for supporting my sponsors that help keep this show free. You have got to check out all the amazing toys at because there's really nowhere else to buy toys because they pick the very, very best toys. They don't sell that shlocky stuff that's going to like burn you and blow up your vagina because that happens. They carry all the any of that shlocky stuff that's gonna burn you blow up your vagina because that happens.
Starting point is 00:00:46 They carry all the best sex toy brands. You can get the Magic Wand, of course, which is everyone's favorite. And you can also get the Dalia. It's my favorite from Vibratex. It's like a rabbit, but it has all these twists to it, and you will love it.
Starting point is 00:00:57 This has this little butterfly thing and your clippers, you're gonna love it all. Go to my site, Click on the Good Vibes banner to see my favorite toys because you know I have tried them all. Use coupon code gvmly20 at Eyes that mock our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them in a fight on day Hey, Evelyn, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute
Starting point is 00:01:31 The girls got a hair stand, it's a lie The women know about shrinkage Isn't it common with all of it? What do you mean like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I want to feel so drunk
Starting point is 00:01:43 Being bad feels pretty good. But you know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. Year listening to Sex with Emily, we're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information go to I think you're going to love it there because you're going to have so much more information to improve your sex life and have better relationships. We've got blogs, videos, we've got a mailing list that you have to sign up for if you haven't already because I'll
Starting point is 00:02:12 send you really interesting emails that you actually will learn things from. That's what I'm all about. I'm all about having, helping you have the best sex and relationships and life that you want. That's why I'm on the planet, right, Anderson? Just making people have better sex. I just need to start having sex again. I've decided that's on my bucket list now. It's been a while for me and for that How long honestly like a month but for me at the long time Wait a minute what what a month I know no practice what you preach dude. I'm just kidding with everyone No, you're banning yourself though. Oh, yeah I got like a million sex to be easier to hear. I actually thought I had more sex toys than anyone on
Starting point is 00:02:47 the planet except for some a couple that I want to tell you about next. No, yeah, totally. It's not that I'm not, you know, having fun alone, but yeah, and I'm having amazing sex when I'm having it. I'm just kidding. I was joking with my friends because they're like a month isn't a long time. Like what's the longest you've ever gone without sex? 12 years. Shut off. Yeah. You're such a liar.
Starting point is 00:03:09 0 to 12. And then after 12, how long? I don't know. It's a good question. You lost your Virginia 12. Six months, right? Yeah. Were you sick or something?
Starting point is 00:03:18 Yeah. Just in between. Yeah. No, I never had a big huge. I mean, I've really, I've always sort of, you know, had wasn't like I was, I was a zero monogamous for a long time. Love addict. Playing from, maybe, maybe I tried to be a love addict, it didn't work, I'm actually not a love addict.
Starting point is 00:03:32 I really wanted to be part of like a 12-step program, but I'm not addicted to anything, so... Addictions are tough. I mean, no, I mean, they're hard to actually, if you're not an addict, like I remember trying to be an alcoholic when I was a kid. Like, seriously, like vodka in my, uh, snapp my snaple took it to school and then I was like tired and sick in the middle of the day. I'm like, this is hard work. Right, exactly. No, but I'm serious. I have so many friends who've benefited from different programs, like 12 step programs and I went through this phase. I was like, because I've seen people change so much from what they've gotten sober and then my therapist once
Starting point is 00:04:01 was a year ago, I was like, well, I just love the steps. It's just so amazing what you go through and I change. And she's like, well, maybe you're a sexist. I love that. So I went, but I'm not. Turns out. But I do have sex and I want to have some experience that I'm going to share with some people in night class. I would think so.
Starting point is 00:04:15 The show is about, like I said, going back to the basics. There's certain things, you know, I talk about sometimes some more advanced moves or things. And you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah. But there's some basic things you got to talk about sometimes some more advanced moves or things and you're like yeah yeah yeah yeah. But there's some basic things you gotta know about sex to have great sex. It's the foundation of sex and we're gonna get into that. We're also gonna be reading the emails that you sent to feedback at I do read all your emails and I love hearing from you and answering them.
Starting point is 00:04:39 And also we're looking for interns. We're always looking for interns at sex with Emily. So same thing, emails feedback at sexfeedbackatsex with It's super fun. In fact, I have one of my interns sitting here. She's, no, my assistant, working with me in a larger capacity. Yes, I am.
Starting point is 00:04:57 What do you even say, I say you're doing a lot of different things for me. Yes, I may. Writing, Helping Production, producing. Jack of all trades. She is a Jack of all trades. She's amazing. And it's fun, right Madison?
Starting point is 00:05:06 You've learned a thing or two. I've had so much fun. I can't even tell you all of my friends are jealous of my internship. It's got benefits. Let's just say. Right, right. You get some toys, you get some knowledge, you get some, you know, we have good times. So anyway, email me and, yeah, I'd love that also.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Okay. Speaking of learning things back to school, all that stuff, hustler workshop. I taught one here in Los Angeles at the Hussar Hollywood Thorough in Los Angeles, which I never taught a live workshop. And there was over 250 people and it was a great night and now I'm doing it again in San Diego. So, come, it's October 25th, you can RSCP again, feedback at or join the invite on my Facebook page, which is also slash sexe-m-e.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And it's going to be fun. It's called How to Blow His Mind and Bed, but it's for men, women, couples, and people learned a lot. And we had a good time, and I think you will love it. And I'd love to meet you. Also, sexual health expo. Okay, you guys, this will be done soon. I promise I hate like even hearing myself say all this, but I'll be doing another live
Starting point is 00:06:03 event, which is the first of its kind ever. And it's in Los Angeles January 17th and 18th. I'm the host of it and giving the keynote and it's it's for Anyway, I go to all these sex toys shows and stuff, but this is for people like you who want to have better sex relationships. And there are going to be workshops taught by the most like the leading experts that like if I want to take classes, more classes, I would go to them. And there's going to be all the toys and the latest and greatest products.
Starting point is 00:06:28 And for two days in Hollywood, there's like fancy fun parties. Not super fancy, but it's just super fun, cool parties and great people and interesting conversations. You're going to love it. It's called the sexual health expo go to by your tickets today. That's what I say. It's a lot. Damn.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Anything else? Twitter chats? I'm just reading all these notes here. 12.30 to 1pm at Sex with Emily. Answer all your questions. And, yeah. Anything else? Madison?
Starting point is 00:06:55 No, Anderson, you got anything to say? Anything that I forgot? No, I'm excited for some emails and some of your ideas. Oh, you just want me to keep talking? Okay, first, sex in the news. I just, I got to share it with you because Okay, first sex in the news. I just I got to share with you because there's some crazy stuff going on. Speaking of sex toys, somebody has more sex toys than I do. There's a UK couple. They save their marriage with
Starting point is 00:07:14 $32,000 worth of sex dolls. So they're not really toys. These people are a little out there, but they're the at Lars and the real girl balls. Yeah, like the, no, like the big blow up dolls and stuff. No, like the Lars and the real girl balls. Yeah, like the, no, like the big blow up dolls and stuff. No, like the Lars and the real girl. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. Exactly. Oh, sorry, the movie. It's a really expensive doll that looks, they look like real dead people.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I missed the reference. Exactly. So it says here, ever fans size by having a threesome, but thought it might be, you know, awkward because every non-born fantasy for madness have a threesome if you didn't know. A couple has found a way to have that by having the third or even fourth person as a life size silicone doll. So Dave hockey and his partner Shauna openly admits to having spent $32,000 on their plastic friends. They have five including Bianca and Terry. including Bianca and Terry. They named them, which is nice, because it makes them repersonally.
Starting point is 00:08:05 You're like, I'm gonna fuck Bianca tonight, you know what I mean? It's not just about sex, so the couple claims that the dolls have enhanced the relationship and even making them part of their wedding. Do you think these people, how do they, how do they, how do they, how do you think they're something wrong? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:08:17 If they need sex dolls to get to marriage, I think there's something off. This is a little off. Okay, they described that they're always in a constant state of a rouse all and they The dolls are them no, they are this couple these dolls of safer like we need to go back for one second I had to get up and close the door because when you talk about this kind of thing
Starting point is 00:08:34 I need the door closed why? Because we share the building with you know, I know I know every sports Oh, you're right when you're talking about fucking Bianca. I feel like that the door should be closed right to throw my life you should say door I that the door should be closed. Right, dude, sorry my life. You should say, door. I know. I'd your office. I off-no, but today, what was I saying when you walked by, I'm like, so the hand job, I was like, you want a hand job. Yeah. And then when you're giving a hand job, it just looks me and that I'm like, who's the, who's the child celebrity that, or or old child celebrity that that has an office by you? Oh, he's not there. He's just left,
Starting point is 00:09:01 but he was the, um, was the baseball kid from Lucas. I mean, Lucas. Yeah, Lucas. Yeah, the kid that ate his own picture on his wall. Yeah. And he's got all these celebs. And he's, I always pick, I like to picture somebody like reacting to you.
Starting point is 00:09:13 So anyways, you said that they made these sex dolls part of their wedding. They're playing part of their wedding. Were they like the ring bearer, like in a remote control? Well, it looks like one of them is in a wheelchair here and they're pushing them along. Yeah, that's what I thought. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:27 So, it's kind of like a threesome, but nobody gets hurt, which is actually a good point. There's some emotions involved, really. I mean, last one of them deflates or something and they get released that. But the stuff they introduce, why? Because it's still a phone. I keep thinking they're blow up now. You know what I'm saying? All I know about them is from Lars and the real girl.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I don't know anything beyond that. Exactly. So, despite being introduced the world of idolators idolators by Dave Shana is adamant that it isn't just trying to please him I'm doing it for myself. I picked the eye color and made Terry the way I wanted to so there's photos on my blog at because you just got to see to believe it or hugging them They're caressing them and they're even on a talk show here. Yeah My personal favorite is that Terry who is the male sex doll, what kind of a name is Terry for a sex doll? Right. He has three different parts down there, but it doesn't tell us what they are.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Well, I would think that it's vagina. No, he. It's a TV. He is. He has three different parts though. You think he's a vagina and a penis? Yeah, if you're going to call him Terry, it's like a killer way, right? Oh? Okay. I don't know what that third mysterious. But yeah, like a tentacle. I have no idea and then also there's jealousy. There's jealousy between the couple and the dolls but they've got to realize that Bianca is just a doll. Where is the jealousy part? It just says that they're sometimes
Starting point is 00:10:40 or they get jealous right but they realize it's only a doll if you honey Terry's only a doll You know what I mean? She's called a real doll $32,000. How do I know it having like extra cash line? So they cost six grand a piece They're about to fire call from Lars and real girl plus tax that put you around 32 For five of them. Hey, you know what? I am not not gonna think whatever helps you guys have a stronger marriage What I was hoping they have friends to make a How did the story begin like they they save themselves
Starting point is 00:11:08 financially they made an event that they sell them no they bought them they can they sell them do they lose their they didn't save themselves they saved their relationship they save their relationship by buying silicone dolls and name them that have multiple parts that are on the and they live with them and they put part as they their wedding and they brought them closer and it's like having a threesome but there's no motion. Although sometimes they get jealous because
Starting point is 00:11:30 Terry has three parts that are unnamed and and and and and Sean of the wife designed a three part. What's what's the husband's name hockey? Yeah Dave. Dave you think Dave takes it? For Terry? You think he's pegging himself over there? Yeah for sure he pecks. Okay. You know how when you buy a brand new car, they say as soon as you drive it off a lot, like you depreciate it by 15%. What do you think the deal is with the real doll?
Starting point is 00:11:52 Oh my God. You can't sound back. What do you mean? I'm sure that there is somebody who is hard up and would really like one of me. He bought a used... Dude go and eat that which there's some used dolls. I think you guys don't buy used toys. Seriously. Really? They're not toys, they not toys. They're dolls. They're real dolls
Starting point is 00:12:08 Although sometimes I wish I could sell my used toys because like I've used them once I know the circus I never would don't worry but like once and sometimes I never used them I just opened them and then I like I can't like him to anyone because he would want you can't do that No, of course you cannot do that. No, I don't have so many that I picture the hockey couple just now can you really mad at you go? Don't call it area. That's what I like. Terry's one toy. But I use a toy because I can't find it.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I'm like, I know I had this and open it and like, oh, there it is. I'm like, oh, I could have given this to Madison, for example, or to your wife. But don't worry, I do have toys. I have. Here, I'm hunting. This is a used sex toy. No, no, I'm not going to give you this one. Okay, so another sex, and you're straight, a crazy bra camera tell women just how often people
Starting point is 00:12:45 check out their rack, which is so awesome. Have you ever thought someone was staring at your chest, but wondered if you only imagined it? Well, thanks to Nestle Fitness Brakham, one woman has a tendency just who was ogling her and it turns out it's a pretty big group. In honor of October serving as breast cancer, we're in this month, which it is a pretty big group. In honor of October serving as breast cancer awareness month, which it is, it's a happy October. Nestle, like Nestle chocolate?
Starting point is 00:13:11 That's what I was wondering too. They've expanded their scope a lot. If they're hitting on both ends, is this like some kind of, did you say training or fitness thing, related thing as well? It's a camera in the bras. Nestle is reminding women to check themselves by opening a hot print bra with a camera and sending a volunteer out to put it into the chest or test. Now some detractors have pointed out that, of course,
Starting point is 00:13:32 men, infants, dogs, and even other women are gonna stare at a pair when they're wrapped in a cotton candy pink brazier. But still, if the cons of behind the project raises awareness and encourages women to examine their breasts, why not? Women of all ages should perform a self-brest exam at least once a month, so they have a positive message. It's not just to see like, oh my God, 62 guys check out my boobs. It's just to remind women that your breasts are important and that you should always get them checked.
Starting point is 00:13:57 What's the message, though? Like all these other strangers are examining my breasts every day. I should examine them once and for myself. Yeah, Nestle has launched this quirky campaign before it because it's in 2013. In 2013, the company debuted its tweeting bra, which allowed chirp each time it unclassed. What? I don't want to be the rest.
Starting point is 00:14:15 While these videos are necessary, give any breast cancer information people are starting to take them and that's the right start. So people get your boobs down. If I was you guys, I would have a whore off and see who can get the most stairs. Honestly, I would have won this morning. I was walking to the office and people were smiling and waving at me like in the like on my Up to the office the coffee guys were kind of staring me this morning. I get to the office and I walk and I look down
Starting point is 00:14:34 It's because my boobs are out and that's why people are like my boobs are like my shirt has fallen so far down that it's like It's just all cleavage and like what a hungry child like approach you and be fed if I could all out No, no, I mean like no nipples But it's like they were like hanging out my I don't believe it honestly honestly It was so funny. It's cuz my bag like moves my shirt right no one so they're like hanging low And so this guy in the office was like kind of like looking at me as I was walking down the hall And I felt like he was leering and I was like what's that about and then I looked down was like oh Oh honey, we gotta be careful because we already have a reputation at
Starting point is 00:15:03 Except that I don't appreciate that. But you know what Madison, let's just be honest. You didn't tell me that my on my blue underwear was wrapped around my tank top all day out of my jeans. So I thought it was a new belt. She thought it was a belt and it was my underwear was hanging out of my jeans probably the entire day. Because my jeans are so...
Starting point is 00:15:19 Is that jeez or style? No, no, it wasn't. My jeans are super baggy because they need to wash them. You know, they get stretched. And I was in a rush and my blue underwear. It. It was it was who not a bit of belt. She had like a loose flowy shirt That was like kind of tucked into it and it looked like it was a belt It gives like a shirt You guys think you have a bad reputation now. Wait till I have a real used real doll delivered to your office
Starting point is 00:15:39 We have a huge penis you want like the first thing you see saw this when you look in the office You mean it means all the Emily and Tony products and sex toys. Yes, there's some phallic objects, but then there's a our mascot, Maurice, which is just a flaccid silk on penis that just sort of folds over the shelf. It's probably about 10 inches maybe. Yeah, I can't support itself. I can't support itself. So it's not it's a non erect penis. It's flaccid. You guys should just go with it, like just everything, like doorstopper. She just be like, dildos.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Yeah. You should have like little dicks on the wall, or you hang your keys. Oh, that's a good idea. Do you know that I have a whole series of dick objects. I have like a dick later, I have a dick cigarette smoking thing, like, like, oh, a, a, a, a bayser cigarette. I don't know why they give it to me at the sex twish, oh, but it's a penis. And I have penis, uh, what was that marketing to? sex toy show, but it's a penis and I have penis
Starting point is 00:16:25 Well, who's that marketed to? Like who's what kind of woman or dude? That's for that party's bachelor at parties. I want a very bad of a dick all that. I've got a penis necklace. I have a penis cookie I can make a cake this shape of a penis. You get the penis pasta. I do have the penis pasta. I ate it up. Maybe feel gay did it, maybe feel gay. Oh, penis is, you guys don't love penises, right? Okay, so, yeah, so those are crazy sex in the news. Let's get into our show topic here, because this is very important, okay? I actually, this is, this inspired us to say because I wrote a blog, so I have a blog that I write every Sunday night for glamour, you know,, at the magazine. And they hadn't really had a sex columnist before.
Starting point is 00:17:06 So I do it every Sunday night, which is awesome. So you've got to check that out. But also, and I always tweeted out and put it on my site. But I also, I also sometimes help them with articles and other things. And this was their back to school blog. And this is actually an expansion of that. But this is what inspired us to do. This is, it was back to school sex, kissing, and hooking up basics every woman and man should know.
Starting point is 00:17:26 So I thought to myself, you know, we are, we are talking about communicating, talking to your partner and kink and a lot of things, but there's just some basic things that people just nail it, they will have the best sex. And I thought, I'm going to break it down from getting things. And not some bull. We need a refresher course. Meetin' potatoes. We are going to talk about nuts, thanks for asking.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Meetin' potatoes. I didn't try and do the nuts part. Me too. I wasn't trying to do the pun. Did I tell you that you had to talk about your nuts tonight? No, no, I was. I got an unintentional pun. The problem is working and sex everything's upon all the time. And it's not even funny anymore. Because really, I know. It's not even funny. The first one is masturbation. Because everything in life from men and women starts with knowing your own body. Because you will never ever have the sex that you want. And I'm going to start
Starting point is 00:18:12 with women because guys are simpler in this category. But I do have tips for women. But women. And I'd say one of the top questions I get asked from women is, you know, why can't I orgasm and why isn't sex more pleasurable? And my boyfriend won't do this to my partner. I'm just, and we're guys calling all the time. We're, you know, to love my girlfriend can orgasm as you ever had one. I don't know because women, we were all brought up to believe that men were socialized sleeve that dudes are going to come into our life. And then we're going to mind blowing orgasms.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I always say someday my prince will come and so will I. That's a women believe. And some women are lucky. There are a lot of women who like the first time they've sexed like I had my blowing orgasms or they were like riding a bike when they were in fifth grade and then orgasm. You know, they just very easily were new their bodies and they masturbated. But a lot of women don't.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And even if they do, there's always ways you could be learning more about your body. And there's other ways you can orgasm. There's nip orgasms and g-spot orgasms. So the key to an amazing sex life is knowing your body, right, Madison? Don't you think? Yes, absolutely. How can you tell someone else? How to please you if you don't even know yourself? Exactly. And guys are not mind readers.
Starting point is 00:19:16 And this is one of the things that I think that women and men, but again, I think it's I hear it more from women that we just want guys to know. We're like, I don't want to have to tell them to Tell me I like beautiful and I just want them to know to do it or I don't want to tell them to go down to me I just why doesn't he know? Because guys are not my readers. We're not intuitive like you guys are you know, and you just you don't know And maybe your last girlfriend hated when you told her she was beautiful She was like I get her embarrassed so you never told you know what I mean and you're not my readers
Starting point is 00:19:42 How the hell you supposed to know I think you ladies are much more intuitive than most guys. We are. No women are way more intuitive. Because we're more inherently nurturing and caretakers and we want to please like we really want to please you so badly. We want to look good for you. Some of them. Who doesn't?
Starting point is 00:19:58 I mean, after you get married. I've dated some girls who don't really care to please. They don't care? They're all into being pleased by me, but yeah. They don't really care. Selfish lover. So yeah, you know what you're right. I'm not going to discriminate men and women, Kim Boath, sometimes not be the most. But I can tell you this as a guy, women not knowing
Starting point is 00:20:13 their own bodies or how they work or you know, fiddling around with themselves, that doesn't even occur to a guy. Like that just doesn't a guy would never go through life, never get past age 15 without figuring it all out. Right. And you almost like give it. What dream? Whatever it is. It just gets hard one day. You touch it, right? Like, do you remember the first time you like touched your penis and thought, oh, you're just staring at me, not gonna answer that. Anyway, I know that I have a male friend who was telling me the other day that he said one day,
Starting point is 00:20:38 he was like five years old. When he was like five or six years old, he said, he's penis was hard. And he got a wrecked and he went into the kitchen and he was like, Mommy, he was like five or six years old, he said he's penis was hard. And he got a rocked and he went into the kitchen and he was like, mommy, he's like, well, what's happened? Like, what's going on? And she's like, how do you disagree? Or did it go away? That's futile.
Starting point is 00:20:53 But you know what I'm saying? There's like a time you like. That's a man deal with almost everything. We've ignored. You were present. You were present. You're gonna go away. But for me, for example,
Starting point is 00:21:00 and if you've been listening to the show, I've said this, it didn't even occur to me in a masturbate. Until I started having sex and wasn't having orgasms because I heard it heard about them. How old, like 21? 19. 19. Never even.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Before you, you're like, hey, I could touch myself. I'm so busy, I never know about it. I've been doing this for like, when we're like 12, 13 years old, we're like, I wish I was a girl. Right. I would just stare at myself in the mirror all day, be naked all day, touch myself all day.
Starting point is 00:21:19 It'd be great. Right, and a lot of women, so some, Madison, was you, did you masturb it when you're younger? No, I didn't actually. The most erotic thing that ever happened to me was I passed in front of a pool jet when I was in the pool, when I was like nine years old and I was like, what in God's name is that?
Starting point is 00:21:35 I was just like, I can hang out here for a while and then they were like, move along and I was like, oh, right. Did you ever go back? The public pool. Yeah, so much. So many women learn through that. Oh, there's that cool sex-to-it sex-to-it show.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Yeah, there's bubble cool sex toy. Yeah. The bubble love. The bubble love. The bubble love. This woman made this new sex toy that simulates that like whatever bathroom it like you put it in the one to sex right for the water and it creates those jets because a lot of women have their first orgasms like in the shower or in the tub. They discover it.
Starting point is 00:21:59 So anyway, women, the point is that you need to spend that alone time. And if you're not because you're guys not going to figure it out. So you figure out what you like and then you move that way with him, you tell him, you show him, you take his hand, whatever you have to do. And there's nothing to be embarrassed about because I think that women again think that like he's gonna think that I don't know if women still think this. He's gonna think I'm a slut or I'm easier. I know my so I would. I don't think so. Nowadays I feel like so many girls are opting for the other end.
Starting point is 00:22:27 They like, they have to be hypersexual in order to make guys like them to get their attention and everything like that. But they're being hypersexual, but are they, are they, do they know how to please themselves? No, no, no, they're, they're sleeping with someone a lot and not getting your own, not taking, not taking responsibility for your own orgasm. Yeah, I don't know a lot of friends who orgasm,
Starting point is 00:22:43 or who like masturbate openly and like talk about it. Right. It's kind of like even in college it was kind of like very taboo. Like you can talk about it. I know. I swear to God, like I was like my best friends. They used to like then they would start like sending me articles all the time and like they like in the mail email me stuff. They're like read this, read this by mom with sending me books because my mom got in the comments. What? I never asked her. She like bought me a book which is still a great book called Lonnie Barback wrote it. It's called For Yourself. Yeah, my mom was like the comments. What? I never asked her, she bought me a book which is still a great book called Lonnie Barback Road. It's called For Yourself.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Yeah, my mom was like, she's like Emily. Do you forget, get high or something? She thought I was just like, she's got that. Is she Jewish? Yeah. Can you do it like in an old New York Jewish place? Yes, she is. What do you mean you can't, okay.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Mom. What do you mean you can't, it's kind of Midwestern, because she's from New York, but it's like a Midwestern, New York, she's like, what do you mean you can't have an orgasm? Like did you seriously you never touched yourself down there? I mean it feels good Give me a high maybe you smoke a joint or something you ever smoke a joint. It's about a joint. Explain so much. What Hi, you're relaxing. You're so tight. You're so fine. I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:23:39 I'm a little man the boat. What? A little man. She looked at me like I was a Martian like because my mom. I can't show you anything did she? No, but why don't she just? Why don't they teach you because it's not so obvious all women in sex out or something like and women play with themselves too and it's
Starting point is 00:23:53 totally fine. You know what? When I was growing up, it was very taboo for guys and I noticed because I'm a camp counselor every summer, so I still deal with the youngins all the time and I noticed that they're all fairly open about it now. It's not like they're all guys. The guys are, so I still deal with the youngins all the time. And I notice that they're all fairly open about it now. It's not like they're all the guys.
Starting point is 00:24:07 The guys, the guys are. So I think that maybe eventually the women will become friends. I don't know, maybe that should be like my mission. Maybe. I knew mission. Maybe all women talk openly about. I don't know. I don't know something.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I do want to, I am going to start going around college campuses and speaking and stuff. That's something a good goal of mine that I've had. And I'm going to start doing that because I just think kids don't know. You'll never go a month without getting banged. They've started doing that. I'm not sleeping with under. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:24:31 No, no, no. I'm not. I'm not under. That's really bad. I get cold. You don't like the co-eds? No. I've never done that.
Starting point is 00:24:36 They're so eager to play. I haven't slept with anyone. I never do that much younger, a little bit younger, but not that much. And that would be kind of saddened. Madison says somebody very upset into me moments ago. She said that girls nowadays are hypersexual to get
Starting point is 00:24:47 guys attention. I grew up in the AIDS era. They were not hypersexual at all. Because everyone had AIDS. The only girl that I girls that I ever slept with they were always because we were all drunk. Right. So I only dated drunk girls. It's only a day strong girls in college. That's how you get laid. Well, I'm talking to high school too. Oh, okay, high school too. But you're right, the AIDS scared. Did you guys ever do skits scared about AIDS and Collins? Honestly, AIDS is one of those things.
Starting point is 00:25:10 It's like we think it's kind of like extinct. Oh, I'm still not extinct. I know, it's crazy. But like, I mean, yeah, we talked about like the Midian. Herpes is the one that gets me. They're more scared about herpes on the AIDS. We're told one. Because everyone has it.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And herpes is something you wear right on your face. So if you have it, everyone knows about it. So herpes is like the plague and no one wants it. But where condoms they come out with those crazy studies that are like, you know, 70% of people secretly have herpes. No, it's not worth the heavy HPV. Yeah, never share any drinks. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Exactly. It's a being the plastic bubble. I'm with you. Madison, actually, you left your your ice coffee in here. And it looked really good. And I thought about taking a sip. Madison, actually, you left your iced coffee in here. And it looked really good. And I thought about taking a sip. Aren't you glad you didn't know?
Starting point is 00:25:49 Oh, my God. You might have heard of it. Madison, if you wanted to tell, I'm not just kidding. Yeah, one. And I don't have a breakouts. We're good. We're good. We're good.
Starting point is 00:25:55 She's good. So, um, anyway, I don't know where the other. Oh, the clear is again, contains eight. It's amazing, too. I didn't know how many again. I haven't mentioned this yet. Only a thousand, a million times in other shows. But it has eight thousand nerve endings. And if you Only a thousand, a million times in other shows. But it has 8,000 nerve endings.
Starting point is 00:26:06 And if you try to masturbate a few times and you get it, you don't get it. It takes time to take a while. Let's just say that for you to get there. And once you get there, there's so many other ways you can orgasm about. So women spend time. It's the most important work you can do. And if you can't get there and you can always use a vibrator, toy, bring it to the bedroom, whatever it is, there are no more. 8, vibrator toy bring it to the bedroom. Whatever it is
Starting point is 00:26:28 8,000 nerve-riding No, it's too many just the penis toy. I think it's I want to say it's like But maybe almost three times as many as penis. Yeah, are you talking like square square centimeter wise or like no Tire penis has like Yeah, no, I'm serious. 8000 on a little tiny little freaking clitters the only reason the clitters Exist that little love button the only reason is for female pleasure doesn't do anything else doesn't do anything else It serves no other evolutionary purpose except for to give women pleasure Well, because we need to reason to have sex other than to push babies out
Starting point is 00:27:00 Exactly so it's our incentive plan to have sex so and then sadly once the sex actually happens it's not really involved at all. Exactly. That's why you have to masturbate because the tip typical male female sex Penetrated sex is that is that you penis goes in out a lot of men fast. They do the jackhammer jackhammer It does not have to hit the clitoris. it is nowhere in fact if you watch porn and she's He's nowhere near her clitoris most time. How was she having an orgasm? She's not so You start having maybe guy you're right. Okay, sometimes you can have I'm just saying the clitoris actually though The most women need to have a clitorial have a clitorial orgasm before they can even have a g-spot orgasm That'd be warmed up so this goes for the men to pay attention to the clitoris because not only is there like eight thousand,
Starting point is 00:27:48 there's quadrants to the clitoris. Like there's like that whole oaming group in San Francisco, you're the oaming like their orgasm. They scrubbed the clitoris for 15 minutes and they take about the quadrant. So all I'm saying is get to know your own clitoris, teach it to your partner. Then for guys, you might just think that it's only about your hand and like I know I always talk about the flesh right and you're like, what abs, I got my hand and it works fine and it's easy. But the fleshite, you know, every guy I've given one to is like, holy moly moly, that feels amazing.
Starting point is 00:28:14 So also for guys, if you don't last as long as you want bed, you know, you could try to stop, start method. And here's nothing. I'm just going to throw out there, use a little loop, put it on your finger, put it in your butt, see how that feels. Just like time in your masturbating. That's you hard, or just start touching around your anus and just, you know, exploring other parts of your body.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And for women too, your nipples, because all these areas in your body can give you so much pleasure. And we get so stuck in these, like, for women like two to three erotic zones and for men usually just one. But there's a lot of pleasure to be had as all I'm saying so get some of your body. Okay everyone thank you for listening to the show and supporting my
Starting point is 00:28:51 sponsors and speaking of toys and electronic objects that I have in my house. My new favorite is really the Nono Pro. I do not masturbate with it but the Nono Pro removes all unwanted hair from everywhere you have on your body in an instant without pain and it's long lasting and it is the very best way to remove unwanted hair. And it's for men too. So you got that hair on your back or those long neck hairs or you know, whether it's your legs, your arms, your face, it's so easy to use. I just like sit on the couch. I zap it away and there is a it's no no, but it's no no Emily dot com. And it they have like a hundred percent 60 day money back guarantee.
Starting point is 00:29:32 So if you buy it and you're like, Oh, I don't like getting ready every one every unwanted hair pain free for weeks, even months of time, you know, you can return it. That's no no Emily dot com. Oh, I just don't like this at all. What? Getting rid of hair painlessly and affordably and conveniently. I must send it back now. Exactly. You never will.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I'm just telling you, because I spent so much money on waxing and shaving, and now I don't do it anymore. I'm going to get started on the blades. I know. I'm going to cure cancer now, because I spent so much time getting wax and do it. Dude, I asked. I need a no-no. Can we write this out? I'm getting you a now because I feel so much time getting wax and dude I asked I need a no no We can we write this up we text me right now. I'm getting you. No, okay. I'm sorry. It's not for him. It's for his wife We've already said that oh Heros she's not hairy just for the right. No, no, I get it But we all have hairs. We want exactly even my not hairy wife wants the no no badly. I know it's I'm saying okay
Starting point is 00:30:18 Dude see the sucks like guys. It's so hard. I'm sorry or it's not hard enough Or you know, it's one of the ratio now it is though if I let my mind wander like that, it just it goes away entirely. Oh, see that happens when you get a little. Yeah. Yeah, I hear you. You know, every single day I hear from friends who want to start a new venture, they have something they want to sell or they want to write a blog and they want to start a website and they're so overwhelmed by it.
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Starting point is 00:31:01 You drag and drop, and they have hundreds of super modern designs to choose from. Plus, we will make sure that your website works perfectly on web and mobile, which let me tell you is a pain because I'm working on that with my site now, no matter what kind of site you want for business or your portfolio or just show your work. And if you're ready to sell online, we will bring your ideas to life. We all know that making an idea come to life is very hard, but making a website for it should be easy. Create your free website today at That's wweb.
Starting point is 00:31:31 L So weird. Okay. So here's the thing. We're moving on about sex ed. Why don't we have? I don't want to yet. What? Okay. What do I got? I got the weirdness of the clitoris and the place where it's at. Now why, why wouldn't, because once you start the sex, you don't feel that the woman doesn't feel it at all unless the guys robbing proper. Why hasn't it moved down through like years of evolution? Some people actually, this is weird that I know this, but they, some people have it closer downward and they say that the further away your Quitteris is from your vagina the less chance you have of having an orgasm I think some famous French woman. I want to say like she was by Harry
Starting point is 00:32:11 I want to say no it wasn't like Miranda nap But it was like someone along those lines someone did all this all this research tried to like it is true Oh, I've heard right. Yeah, but it is true that the placement some women can more ease have organized Like the gonna of G-spot orgasms easier like some women can have more orgasms easier with you know And also it's the way you move during sex So what I was what I was saying is that a lot of men To believe just go in and out and out and out But there's ways you can grind there's like the cat position where you move around on our right
Starting point is 00:32:40 You gotta go you've said that before in and out then like it's more of like an up and down Then is the in and out. You've got to press on your... Maybe it's a taller than that. Right, on the pubic bone, that reaches your G-spot. And women, if they just, there's ways you can grind, and that's also the inner two thirds of the woman's vagina is the most sensitive. And so there's ways that women can move, so she is hitting the clip, so they are already
Starting point is 00:33:01 in clitoris, or she can use her own hands, he can use his hands You could use a toy or she's on top if she's on top. Yeah, exactly Well Madison said that the only reason why like with tours he even exists is to give you guys an incentive to have sex and then once we have sex To have pleasure chances are if a guy doesn't know what he's doing that thing's not getting tough Well, that's why we started the first 65 hours of the show saying that women have to learn their own bodies And they have to understand that their clitoris has so many Possibilities and just because it might not have worked for you in the past you got to keep working at it and trying to have that orgasm and then also just because you have one kind of orgasm doesn't mean you can't experience other kinds of orgasms and then Once you know exactly how you need to be touched on your clitoris
Starting point is 00:33:41 Then when you're having sex, you move in that way. So you can grind like a lot of them. You know, they grind if you've read sex with a woman before Anderson, you have a grime. Yeah, they grind your wife, but it's what your past. Do you need a cat? No, I realize the other day, the cats, they're called pussy's, I think, because they're very similar to girls. And this, I got a new cat. And like, I, it takes me forever to get this cat, like, warm up to me and like, be like sweet and kind. And she's really sk new cat and like I I take me forever to get this cat like warm up to me like be like sweet and kind
Starting point is 00:34:06 And she's really skittish and scared and then once I finally got her to trust me She's like almost sexual she's like all like rubbing on me, you know what I mean? I'm like that's probably where the word pussy comes from yeah I don't know about that, but you know, I don't know that that's like a feline. They women are like felines I feel like a cat sometimes like when I per I do per like if I get like touched and rock It's very similar. I know I got it I'm sorry. I just found it very curious that the clitoris wasn't hasn't moved down further But let's move on and no and again, there's a lot of women
Starting point is 00:34:33 It is true. It's easier for them to orgasms when they're you know everyone's genetic body It's different. It was different. Why? Yeah, it was Marie Bonaparte Napoleon's great-grandness who I did all this research because she thought that women who had shorter distance between their clitoris and their vagina were more orgasmic. And so she said that, and so it just people are made differently. Every vagina is different, like it's no flex. Exactly, like snowflakes. We're all unique.
Starting point is 00:34:57 And so some people whose clitoris are closer, they get moved around more during regular intercourse, which causes stimulation so they orgasm. It doesn't even need direct contact. It just gets like tugged into the vagina. they get moved around more during regular intercourse, which causes stimulation so they orgasm. It doesn't even need direct contact. It just gets like tugged into a person. And those are the women who were riding their bike when they were five and had an orgasm. And then there's a one like me,
Starting point is 00:35:13 where like 19 and never got off. Nicole Richie sits on a cold tile floor in the bathroom she told us. And that does it for her. She told us like she called to touch her room. Oh, she was on a love line a while ago. Oh wow. See, no, I'm telling you this.
Starting point is 00:35:23 She just sits on a floor in the bathroom and she's like, oh my god. Yeah, it's like the luck of the draw. Oh, wow. See, no, I'm telling you that she just sits on a floor in a bathroom And she's like, oh my god. Yeah, it's like the luck of the draw. I'm telling you there's the women You're like riding the horse ride in the bike. They just have a you know, they're walking down the street I've women are like, oh my god, I'm just walking and I'm thought I'd orgasm and then there's someone but it's just more difficult Challenges or it's let's just say it's a challenge. It's more challenging, but just learn your body We have to move on to the more basic basics, okay? Because the show is like We've just got a few minutes here. Here's a thing your body. We have to move on to the more basic, okay, because the show is like, you've just got a few moments here. Here's a thing. You have the most important thing at the end
Starting point is 00:35:50 of the day is to cultivate your sexual confidence. If there is nothing else that I have taught you and that you need to do is to learn how to have that confidence. Women gets, okay, this is just for the women and then give guys tips. Women, a lot of women get very hung up and how they look, their orgasm face, what he's thinking, he's gonna notice that she gained a pound the way her boobs are moving, you know, that one breast is larger than the other, and they're in their mind, just like we're talking about men with orgasms, and they have to stop thinking and just start feeling. So if you find that you are in this place when you're having sex, where you're really about men with orgasms and they have to stop thinking and just start feeling. So if you find that you are in this place when you're having sex, you're really concerned
Starting point is 00:36:28 about like your inner head, you're just having any thought at all, even if you forgot to pick up your dry cleaning, then you're not in your body experiencing sex the way that you need to to have the best sex of your life. So if you get into your body, you will get more into the sex naturally. But if you're in the head the whole time, you're, I'm going to orgasm. How do I look? How do I feel? So again, that all goes back to the masturbation because once you master
Starting point is 00:36:51 masturbation and you understand your body, then you will naturally have more confidence in bed because you'll have to be having more orgasms. You know how to ask for you. Why it's very empowering. And you get turned on and you, what was it was going to say? It also meant by the text to you, right? and um... get turned on and you were what was it is a say uh... also many of my detectives right you're just saying and that you've been with women in your past who didn't know their own body
Starting point is 00:37:12 now i was saying that they didn't care about my always that was but yeah of course i've been with girls that when they just lay their doctor scared like just uh... you know i know what's going on right exactly okay and then so for the guys here's a thing that I know that a lot of men email me and They worry that they don't they're like, well, you know, they're very specific like either the Virgin's or they're already having sex And they want very specific techniques like how do I do this or how do I turn around or how do I kiss or how do I perform oral sex? And here's the thing every woman is different
Starting point is 00:37:42 Not only the vaginal like snowflakes every's, what turns her on is like something. Her body, the way she moves, her breasts, someone like them touch, someone don't. And so you have the opportunity with every person you're with to be present and in the moment and be paying attention to what makes her feel good, because you can tell. Like, we show you. We're not like, you know, we're not like secretly like having the best time ever and we're just like lying there. The first few times ever in your life you are. Well, you're not enjoying it either and you're terrified you just want to
Starting point is 00:38:07 You're like terrified of her to like what's happening is this bad? I'm gonna get pregnant is my mom would come home But eventually you're like oh, okay, you know if your mom came home she'd be like you're doing it wrong It's like why are you doing did you smoke a joint first really? I'm like you haven't even been even trying to have a joint Then you might have an orgasm So so the best practices are that every time you've sex like start again because like it the You're a Israeli, Emily. You haven't even been. You haven't tried to have a joint. Then you might have an orgasm. So the best practices are that every time you've sexed, like, started again because like the women's bodies are different, what they're going to ask for.
Starting point is 00:38:32 And the most important thing is to go slow. Every guy should go five times slower than you think, because I believe that most men got kind of shut down a lot. And they're so excited to have sex, but they've also had a lot of rejection That they speed up the pro and there's a freaking turn on they just can't wait to stick it inside you that they're just or they're afraid The direction's gonna go away that they rush the whole process and I think it even goes back to men master But boy little boys masturbating and they're afraid their mom's gonna walk into it fast fast fast But for women it's slow slow slow. We want to be slowly around and around every single time, but most of the time, good rule of thumb, five times so are you think?
Starting point is 00:39:08 Yeah, also porn kind of message. You guys, when it comes to that, they think everything needs to be like, and it's just like, ow, that's my vagina. Right, you're hurting hurts. We have pain, people have the tears pain. Go to jail, you know? Go to jail.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Go to hospital, pain hurts. Okay, grooming basics, back to jail, go to hospital, pain, hurts. Okay, grooming basics, we're back to the basics here. Clem, you can't even say it. Clemliness is next to godliness should be your mantra in the bathroom. For men and women, showing for a date, non-negotiable, and guys, watch your hands, especially after going to bathroom because we listen for the sink to be right. Do you medicine to listen for that? If you didn't wash your hands, I don't want you touching me, because that's how we're going to get diseases, okay? And that's how you have like, we just say dinner, I can still smell the pasta on your hands,
Starting point is 00:39:53 the whole thing like wash your hands. And we're looking at your nails as well, because your nails can actually cause a lot of damage to us. If you don't trim your nails, trim your cuticles, there's nothing like staring down to guys like grubby hands and being like,, jagged nails that's gonna hurt me. You know what, that's funny that you say that because I had a girlfriend once who actually we were broken up but we hadn't been together for like a year but we're having lunch and she looked at my fingernails and she said every time a girl looks at your fingernails she's
Starting point is 00:40:19 just thinking wow that's really gonna hurt my vagina. Yeah it's true and you know what you guys really think when you're looking at people's fingernails. I've had wounds, I've had sex wounds in my vagina. Yeah, it's true. And you know what you guys really think? When you're looking at people's fingernails. I've had wounds, I've had sex wounds in my vagina because the guy like, had to cut his nails. Not many. But you go straight to the vagina when you look at the fingernails.
Starting point is 00:40:33 When you go, first we look for the wedding ring, assholes, same thing, you gotta do the right. First you look at the wedding ring. No, I'm saying you look at the hands. When you get old, you're like, Oh, it's made me look good. Charred, charred, wedding rings are no good. And then you look at the nails
Starting point is 00:40:44 and if they're dirty and jagged, you're like, this isn't gonna work, you know, it's gonna hurt me and I'm gonna be in the hospital and that won't be fun for anybody. And so also for the guys too, I can't go out of the store and a little shout out to my old down under comfort. Make sure you're fresh and dry all day
Starting point is 00:40:57 so you don't sweat and you're ready for action. So for women, okay, this is, this is it, I mean grooming, you know what, here's the thing, I don't care if guys shades are not done They're honestly I know that's like the trend and everyone's like shaving right do what feels comfortable to you And if your partner says you know how I need it's really uncomfortable I'm trying to give you the reason why I'm not giving you a blowjob anymore is because you're your pubic hairs are my mouth And I choke on them you might want to cut them but like honestly, and I guess every guy trims down pretty much
Starting point is 00:41:21 Um, no not every guy I just recently found out that guys can actually have hair on the shaft of their penis. I don't think I do. Yeah, I don't do. Oh my god, I do think that was a thing. Oh, right, because you're like, right, 24 and they've all shaved it. Yeah, I was like, what is going on here?
Starting point is 00:41:34 Like, there's actual long curly hair. Yeah, shafts. See, she doesn't know this. So what I'm saying is, now I was trying to get rid of it. I think it's just safe to say all around. A little man escaping, you escaping, never hurt anyone. Of course, unless you actually do hurt yourself and use some kind of razor or tools that are sharp.
Starting point is 00:41:50 But here's a thing for women. This is something Madison I went at the show and I was like, I don't want this to come across around my way, but I gotta be honest. And I don't know when to haunt me this, but really before you're about to engage in sexual activity, and you know what's gonna happen, and you know what's gonna happen,
Starting point is 00:42:04 go to the bathroom and just like, wipe up, clean up, be a little water on your hands, if there's a hand towel, wipe down. Like wipe yourself down and just make sure. And I feel fresh every time. A girl says, let me go freshen up. She's prepping for sex.
Starting point is 00:42:16 She's probably washing her vagina. What if we're in a restaurant when she says that? No, she's probably putting lipstick on. Okay. If you're having sex, women should just, you know, and it's not because you're uncleanly in your bed and you're dirty and whatever.
Starting point is 00:42:27 But if you've had like a long day and you've gone to the bathroom or whatever, things happen and it's nice to like carry baby wipes or fresh and in fact, I was talking to Madison about it and she had a very interesting story about TPC. Yeah, TPC. Do you want TPC as Anderson? No, I don't love this. Okay, so it is a running thing, I guess,
Starting point is 00:42:46 that guys talk about where girls have toilet paper crumbs. They go pee, they wipe, and they have tiny threads of toilet paper. Yes, exactly, ladies, it is a thing. Guys talk about it. Girls talk about stuff about guys. Guys talk about toilet paper crumbs. It's a real thing, and it's super awkward when it happens to you.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Right, and you don't know, like, you're gonna write your out, you're drinking, you're gonna find your, like, oh, I didn't know, you're drinkier and fine, you're like, oh, I didn't know that there was a little toilet paper or whatever. So just, you know, why about be clean down there? It's for yes. If a vagina was a broad, have you ever seen it? I didn't try and say that.
Starting point is 00:43:14 If a vagina was like Europe, I would have like spent many, many, logged many months, you know, traveling across Europe in my lifetime. Never come across DCP. TV's never had something. A foreign, oh my God. TV's never. Are you kidding me? traveling across Europe in my lifetime never come across DCP TV never have for Oh my god, you're not there has been a lot of drunk And the most dark nights
Starting point is 00:43:31 I was saying were you ever staring in the face how often you stare into the face of a giant Loss Loss with a light on lots of whatever we have the opportunity we like to do it that way Really? Plenty So let's talk about this though. I forget that if you've never seen the trail of paper crumbs, toilet paper crumbs, have you ever just been with a woman where sometimes it's great and sometimes it's maybe not as
Starting point is 00:43:53 fresh? Oh yeah, it's not always fresh and nice down there. So what I'm saying? I've never seen remnants. Thank God. You wouldn't say if that's going to be a lot of hours. I hope you never do. I don't wish to.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I don't wish to. Now if I do, it's divorce title. I'm saying is, you know what? Just it can't hurt to use a little power on the bathroom. Oh, wait, wait. It takes two seconds, okay? When I said now, it would be divorce time. What I'm saying is the only way I would ever see that is if it was another girl and she would divorce me.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Because my wife would never ever have TPC. She's so clean, I'll have to talk to her. We didn't even get to our emails and we got to wrap up. But this was a good show. This was really important for me. I I bought it in and upset you a number of times. Number of times. Yeah, you didn't even upset me. I always think I upset you too, but you know what? I think we're I think we're in love. Yeah, we're so good. We love each other. Um Madison, you're awesome. Thanks for being here and talking about 12 paper crumbs, which um I kind of feel like now I feel like a bad feminist or something like that. But really, I think women just, you know, men and women take care of herself and women,
Starting point is 00:44:47 always for our shaving, we didn't talk about that either. Don't let your guy pressure you into it. It's what you feel comfortable doing. Again, if, you know, don't be pressured doing anything you don't want to do with your own body, a lot of people do trim these days and a lot of women. And I know personally that when you do take care of theirs, and it's more easy for you to orgasm and to achieve orgasm and just feels better, some women they don't like,
Starting point is 00:45:07 they don't like the hair going back in and they don't like it. So make your own decisions about it. And that's what I'm gonna say about that. Oh, okay, thank you. Thank you, Anderson, thank you, Madison. And everyone, follow me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram if you want to see some sexy things and learn a thing or two about having better sex.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Thanks everyone for listening to Sex with Emily. It was a good for you. E-Mommy. FeedbackItSex with I'm essence. You guys sometimes, you know, you don't last as long as you want. And it's okay because women take a really long time to orgasm. I feel for you.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Men, even if you only last six minutes and you want to last 12 minutes, you can try promising it is the only FDA-approved treatment for lasting longer and bad, or for premature ejaculation if you happen to ejaculate before you want to. In a minute, it can even be 10 minutes. It will double the time that you last and bad. It might even triple it. And you don't have to do all those crazy things like, better think about baseball, better admit, think about, what do you think about? My friend told me
Starting point is 00:46:07 he thought about dead rats and trash can. I've done what? I've done math. Really like you do math equations so you don't come? Yeah I think about stuff like this is way back one. Thinking about stuff like that I have to do tomorrow that kind of thing. So then you take yourself out of the moment and you're not appreciating any of these activities partner because you don't want to orgasm. So you could use promescent and enjoy your partner's hot body. That's promescent. You can click on the banner for my website, sex at or go to p-r-o-m-e-s-e-n-t-e-k-com. Pretend she's a dude sometimes.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Okay, so Anderson, I'm getting a new car and in the past, I have to tell you that I, when I got my last car, I was actually dating this guy. I didn't like him very much, but I kept sleeping with him just so he didn't buy the car. No, I needed a new car And I'm not great at car shopping. I'm a chick. They want to take advantage of me I don't see you guys coming. I know so I said to him. I was like, hey Take me car shopping and he was like really into it because he wanted to date me He wanted to prove that he's a man exactly so did he get you a good deal? No, he got me a really bad deal. You thought it was a good deal of time
Starting point is 00:47:03 I thought it was a good deal everyone's a good deal at one point or another when the guy's going back and he's like, oh, we talked to my manager and see if that's doable. And then they come back for like, it's doable. But you have no idea, you have no clue. No idea. And then you're going crazy and you're talking to million places. So is changing car buying forever.
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