Sex With Emily - How to Sex Up Your Holidays

Episode Date: December 13, 2014

In this week’s show, Emily is dishing out tips to bring you more sex and less stress this holiday season. Not sure what present your partner would be most happy to see under the tree? Emily has got covered, with her top gift picks to bring you and your partner pleasure all year long. She also shares the best way to survive time with the in-laws and teaches you how to step up your sexual routine (as a form of stress-relief, of course!)For some, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. For others, it’s the most stressful. But with the right attitude, and a lot of sex, you and your partner can enjoy a very pleasurable holiday season. This podcast tells you how! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for checking out this episode of Sex with Emily. This episode, we are going to help you keep the holidays sexy and not stressful. You know how that happens sometimes. I'm going to be giving you tips on how to deal with the in-laws, how to have better sex, even more sex, and the perfect gifts that keep on giving all years. So thanks for listening. And also thank you so much for supporting my sponsors, who also would happen to make a great holiday gift. So buying a mattress is one of the worst consumer experiences in the world. Do you agree? You go to the store and you know what?
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Starting point is 00:02:13 Go to, CASPR, slash Emily, use promo code Emily and you get $50 off any mattress that you wanna purchase, $50 off, risk free trial and return policy. Try it for 100 days. If you don't like it, send it back. I promise you you won't, but try it. slash Emily, promo code Emily, $50 off. Try it. You'll have a better sleep. ASAP. Thanks for listening. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubized, they call them in a fight on me. Hey, Abelene, you got a boyfriend?
Starting point is 00:02:56 Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common all the way? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks. Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my God, I'm so, so, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good.
Starting point is 00:03:13 You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to, check out my goddamn website. Awesome! You know I'm serious, like I've got lots of information there. People are different kind of listeners, some people want to listen, some people want to read, I've got lots of educational things happening there.
Starting point is 00:03:37 But like funny educational smart, you know, you're not going to fall asleep, it's like I'm talking about how to give a good blow job. Come on. I'm being your height man. I'm also sign up for my mailing list too. In the background, I'm in the background. It's interesting. I'm being your height man I'll sign up for my mailing list to you. What I'm in the background. I'm in the background I'm coming people to go I like I'm being your height man. Like go there. Go to now like if people like this show
Starting point is 00:03:51 You can just check it out and you'll be like oh, why don't I come around? What's good about it is like just in the middle of the day. I'll go on my email and I'll have an email from you I'm like oh, and then I think about you It's yeah, I mean they're not too much a little sex with them in the middle of your day And they're a good tip. So yes, I don't find mailing list too because I will I'm sending emails And you'll get some special offers and fun things but not a lot in a annoying way because right now It's the holidays how annoying is your inbox right now with all these friggin things offering deals But you're dude so you probably don't you know what's funny is like I don't see it on the computer
Starting point is 00:04:18 But if I look at my Gmail on my phone I see all the junk mail and I'm reminded of how much stuff gets like directly to spam Spam yeah, it's good. I get yours though on either Or I love that. Yeah, I appreciate that. I don't go into well, you know, I might go into spam the first time so you should check your trash after you sign up But I don't think I think it's because it says so ex in the total, but yeah, they're good ones. I'm glad everyone does that so Anderson How is your holiday? How is yours mine was you're in the desert right? I was I was in Palm Springs This is the lane of the gays. I actually was with gays very lovely gay man friend of mine and friends of mine
Starting point is 00:04:51 my friend and her friends who were happening to be gay and wonderful and We had a great time dinner set by the pool. It was amazing. I never do that. I never just leave town often No, you usually go back to like the first year that I decided not to go first year and like 20 or one of the first I decided not to go with my family to Thanksgiving. I'm going to see him over Christmas because I just I go every year But I just thought you know what I haven't had a day off or break and I'm just gonna chill and I'm an adult and I came I've made my own decisions and it was awesome. I would think I'd expect today skipping the family. It's probably better for your sex life It absolutely is better for your sex life because Well, no, not it's funny that you say that
Starting point is 00:05:26 Anderson because we're going to be talking about that. Did you know that? No, I have no clue what we're talking about. I'm just going out in my family. You really don't. I don't even talk to you. But no, we are actually talking about the holidays and because they are around the corner, everyone, a lot of you and home, a lot of you have the holidays coming up, whatever
Starting point is 00:05:41 you celebrate, but you might go see the family soon, you probably will. And so I feel like this time of year, it's really kind of known to be a very stressful time for couples. I mean, I know that the holidays will just be cheery and happy and warm and all this good stuff, but that's right. Interesting. Do you get stressed out or no? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I mean, everyone does. Do you really? I mean, because I don't, because I, I get stressed about the shop. I do a little, but not like you do, because I don't have like, in laws and stuff. I get, yeah, I got like, you know, 15 do a little but not like you do because I don't have like in laws and stuff. I get yeah, I got like you know 15 20 people that it's like I got instantaneously. I have to think of like what I should get them. Right. It's a pain in the ass. It is a pain and how do you feel about your in-laws?
Starting point is 00:06:13 Hmm. Okay, right. So it's not easy. They think I'm okay. They must love you. Come on. I'm like the second best that'll too. What do you mean? Well, they have another son of law.
Starting point is 00:06:23 They have all daughters. So but they have two daughters. They have three daughters. So but that to some of us, they got three daughters, three daughters, no, no boys. And then now they have two son and loss. And I am like a distant second. Why? Because the other guy's handy and he's around all the time and he's already given them two kids. And he's from New York. And he's like, he's, he's that guy. He's handy. He like puts in light bulbs and stuff and like fixes. Yeah, like they get their entire patio. And I can't compete with that Plus I've slipped up instead of few things about the mom in front of everyone at her expense
Starting point is 00:06:51 Which you don't do with that family. No, you really don't you make fun of the mom like early on and you could never rescind her Yeah, they still they still bring that up every time we like you mean like the one time when you called our mother stupid No, they don't yeah really but they must love you You just say that, but they must love that you make their daughter so happy. Yeah. OK, how about your own family? Do you see them in the holidays? Did you just split them?
Starting point is 00:07:12 Yeah, that's it's that's it's own thing. I don't talk about that. OK, this is the thing. So OK, so I got to split them up. Yeah, it's like double the fun. Right. And so it's stressful, but it's like it's I was just thinking about this on the way here,
Starting point is 00:07:22 because I love coming here during the show and I my brain just goes, I'm like, oh my God, you know, it's interesting to holidays because it's so confusing like everything in life. There's a lot of dualities. There's the joy, you know, the holidays, gifts and presents and family. And I'd say 50% of it, maybe for a lot of people
Starting point is 00:07:35 or more could just be like stress and gifts and family and all the drama that that can bring up. And so things are crazy at work. And you know, you've struggled, you find them want to find the perfect gifts and all that stuff. So I'm going to give some work. And you know, you've struggled, you find one, you find the perfect gifts and all that stuff. So I'm going to give some tips for, you know, striving in-laws and all that stuff. And but first I want to say something
Starting point is 00:07:51 that I think is going to go back to. I just can help everybody. And something I've been thinking about a lot too is that like how days do get hard and they can be confusing. And I just want everyone to know this because it's something that I had to deal with with my family. And this is just, there's nothing to do with sex at all.
Starting point is 00:08:06 But I'm going to get to it, promise. Is that your parents did the best they could raise a queue with the skills that they were provided. So I'm sure they had like whatever they did to you, or whatever issues they bring up for you. And I'm not saying everyone could love your parents, but everyone's got issues. They did the best they could.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Their parents probably did the same things to them that they do to you, or that's how they were raised, they didn't know any better, but they love you to the best of their ability. And your parents are going to change. If I'm never going to change. So every year you're going to continue perhaps to get disappointed or let down by similar things that happen every year. Like, oh God, mom did this again. So the only thing that's gonna change for sure and that you know that's gonna change is you and your expectations that you have of what's gonna happen over the holidays. So if every year you expect that you're gonna go home and it's gonna be great and your mom's gonna get you the perfect gift and your dad's gonna compliment you and
Starting point is 00:08:58 your raise of work and all the great things you're doing and it's really nice to your husband or whatever it's not gonna happen this year. Am I not, I mean, I hope, you know, people can change, but only if they want to. And so typically people in our lives, unless they go through some, oh, metamorphosis on their own or therapy, they're really gonna be the same. And I'm just gonna save you,
Starting point is 00:09:16 a lot of you know this. If you do know the standards, do you accept your parents at, I think like people when they're younger, they don't, like I think I had to go through this, like a therapy and figure it out and hate my mom and get mad and then talk to her and confront her and let it go. And realize, did you go through this? Yeah, I think usually when
Starting point is 00:09:28 you get closer to like your parents age when they had you, you have a lot more insight as to like what might have been going through their head. Exactly. So I'm just this is just a public service announcement. Okay. Because I think it's so. So you're saying get your data fleshly? No, I'm just being honest to people that I've been thinking about this a lot and talking about this a lot this weekend that your family Just you know whatever so try to have good time this holiday season and try to not to be so stressed and love your family And appreciate them and love your partner because appreciation and showing generosity and appreciation are the things that make Relationship stronger and if you get all stressed out and anxious and you stop connecting and you stop having sex because you're worried about your family and what to buy then
Starting point is 00:10:06 You're just gonna let it supply so let's all pledge to have a really joyous holiday season So you're saying have sex in your family's house. Exactly. Oh funny. You should say that because We have a sex in the new story about that Really do you have sex in your in-laws house? I don't talk about those things Okay half of Americans admit to having sex well staying with family over the holidays. It's a poll. Hosting relatives and friends over the holidays, odds are,
Starting point is 00:10:32 they're getting randy in the guest bedroom. Because according to a poll conducted by online travel site,, nearly half 49% of the 1,000 US respondents admit to engaging in some sort of holiday nookie. Be it in the teenage bedroom they grew up in or their aunt's fold out couch and the basement. But it's not just Hornie house guests that are engaging in our related to holiday fun.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It applies to the hosts. They've meant to be naughty in their budwara while the guests up. And maybe that's why two thirds, 68% of Americans say they preferred that they're out of town guest stay in hotels. I want everyone to say I want to say hotels. I don't want to say with anybody ever, ever. Like I, I don't even want people to stay with me nor do I want to say with anyone. Not even got like seriously if I'm dating someone maybe, but who the hell want? It's so much better if you can have your life and your time and you're in, you know, where adults do agree. Anderson, you know, we're adults. Do you agree? Anderson. You've just finished saying, enjoy your family, accept them,
Starting point is 00:11:27 and enjoy the all years. Stay by yourself. Stay by yourself. Stay in the hotel. No, I'm just saying. I just want me and my Mimi in room 134. OK, whatever. I understand that you all can't say no tales.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I'm just as my personal thing. But if you're staying with your family and you're going to have sex, which you probably will, I'm going to give you some ideas later. I did think you could be rosy over the hall. They just say no will. I'm gonna give you some ideas later. I do think you can be rosy over the howl. They just say no tell. You can, I have things that you can, they're actually, if you get Randy in the hotel,
Starting point is 00:11:50 it's totally fine. Randy, with your parents. What? There's discrete toys that I'm gonna tell you that are very quiet that you can use. You should probably recant that, Randy at your parents house, not Randy with your parents. Does I say Randy with your parents?
Starting point is 00:12:02 You did. Randy with your parents could mean having a good time. Does Randy always mean sex? It does, I think. It's a British thing. Okay, whatever. So that's people do do. So you don't know, I've had sex in my mom's house.
Starting point is 00:12:11 It was something about going to the in-laws house or even your own house, especially if it's like your childhood house. There's a lot of memories there. A lot of sexual ghosts in that house, you know. But like parents, you know that. My parents, like I actually, I always stay with my parents in Michigan. I'm kidding. Actually, all that rant, because I was just thinking about my stressful
Starting point is 00:12:26 and that's of staying with anybody, like, except for my family, because I actually do love my family. But I've had sex with my mom's house a lot. Like in recent years, too, like I used to hook up with my accent. We'd go and like her patio. My mom passes out, she doesn't know. Well, your mom passes out and you have sex with her patio. I had the best, two years ago, I had the best sex at Thanksgiving
Starting point is 00:12:43 or two years, a few years ago. This was more than that. with the next boyfriend who was also from my hometown we had amazing sex the best sex ever in fact every year I get a text when we broke up five years ago on Thanksgiving that we great sex on my parents patio frigid freezing it was a hot though and cold I can't explain it I see a sea married with kids now? Oh yeah. And he still text you. No, he's not married with kids. Sorry, no.
Starting point is 00:13:07 He has a girlfriend. But yeah, he's like that night Thanksgiving. Yeah, too. They all text me still. Is that bad? Oh yeah, I'm sure they all have a lot of love. I don't do anything. No, we're friends with all my exes.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It's fine. We give them good memories. You know, that's what I can do. That's what I leave them. And they move on. They're better men. I'd love to see what Christmas cards look like. My Christmas card?
Starting point is 00:13:23 Because they're Christmas cards. So all your ex-boyfriends. With just like photos of the place, you guys banged. I do, absolutely. And I dressed it to them and they're wives. And I'm like, remember that time? It's all that. Because most people say, you know, pictures with them
Starting point is 00:13:35 and their kids and their regular spouse, but you just send locations of places that are hot places as you banged. Yeah, maybe I should just do a montage of me and all my exes in the places that we went of all the places together in one Just the locations were like puddles left behind exactly Partles, little bottles, little bottles, little bottles strewn across the floor and no joke that has happened to me Okay, another thing is men who do housework really clean up in the bedroom
Starting point is 00:13:58 So there've been these studies This has come out in recent years like women are turned on by housework and people laugh and they're like, oh, it's really hot If my husband's empty dishwasher,, it's really hot if my husband's up in the dishwasher. But it's really not just about that because couples who I think that couples who are together, I know that couples are together, they share the dishwashing, vacuuming, other domestic chores. Once considered, women's work have a better and more fulfilling sex life, which is a new study.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And it makes sense because relationships are contemporary relationships. We're all doing everything. We're working. We're women and working men are working. And they want equal sharing and they want your partner to be contributing. So women who are left with a sole responsibility, cleaning house, doing laundry, that would piss me off taking care of the kids. And the last thing they want to do is have sex.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Guys, come home. They're doing that. You know what I'm saying? So if you're on the same level playing field, you're going to, you know, have more sex. So everyone should, you know, sweep an empty dishwasher and the garbage baskets, waste baskets. Do you do that? Do you guys have chores that you split up?
Starting point is 00:14:54 No, I do everything. Come on. I do most of it. Because I'm home during the day and she works during the day. Do you care? No, I do all like the heavy lifting. I always think it's manipulation. Because she'll like, you know, I'll be taking a trash out of folding the laundry and she'll be so hot when you do that. No, but it really is high
Starting point is 00:15:08 She's just manipulating no she wants me to hear that so it's positive reinforcement No, but then she's sexy after that She you know, whenever you're not gonna answer that but I'm telling you when men split the workload It says women feel less overwhelmed and have a little bit more room in their mind for more sexy activities. And it's hot. When she's down on her hands and knees plumbing. Have you seen a man and rubber gloves? What? I don't know. With a tool belt. No, I'm telling you. I've, so this guy was dating, you know, when I first went to an apartment in LA like a year ago, he came over and he, this is, and this is a true story. story came over and he Put together like my dimmer switch and hung stuff up in the bath That all this up and I was told I was I was turned it was high
Starting point is 00:15:51 I'm like you know how to do that. I get sounds like such a chick thing because I can't do anything Like that I've other skills, but it was hot and then we had great sex. I appreciate it See that you're describing my brother-in-law. I can't compete with that It comes over the can you cook? Can you edit that. Can you cook? Can you edit them? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you edit them a video, family video or something?
Starting point is 00:16:08 Yeah, I did, actually, for their first daughter's wedding. I did the whole thing. So, would they must have loved that? You're a great editor. I thought it was okay. They're too busy laughing at his jokes, to even notice that I think we might have to push play. I hate this guy.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Can we bring him down this year? Are you being right to be great on this show? He would be? Oh, yeah. He's like a total of New Yorker guys. Yeah. Like New Yorker. What do you mean? But there's so many things that that mean. He would be. Oh yeah, he's like total in New Yorker guy. Yeah, like New Yorker. What do you mean? But there's so many things that that means he's from Long Island. He's like a real dude. No, he's Italian. Oh, Italian. He's like an Italian george. It stands up. Okay, but he's a good, he's a good dear. The good, the, the daughter. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:16:37 he treats her well. Okay, so the thing is help out over the holidays. And again, the holidays are just, there's so much about stress and I just feel like we need to do everything we can to make it, because you know, this is the season that puts a lot of, like, could you ever fight with your partner on a holiday? I mean, I know I've broken up with boyfriend, there's just a lot of stress that goes on to keep the fight.
Starting point is 00:16:54 So I'm gonna tell you how you survive the in-laws first is use active listening skills, listen to what they're saying, don't insult your in laws like like Anderson does. Listen carefully what? One time it's all takes. It's all takes you never forget. Okay so here's the thing. I think bring them a bottle of wine too right off the bat right get them licked up. Get them a really nice bottle of wine. Do you bring them stuff that do they drinkers? Yeah they have a few. I always show up with
Starting point is 00:17:23 booze because I try I want to get them a little bit sauce so that they're easier to deal with. See that's what everyone does over the holidays. So do you think that's why everyone's having, I was going to say that the article earlier, the news story, everyone's having sex because everyone's drunk and you're more likely to have sex. There are a lot of babies in September, a lot of births. Yeah. It's true, that's why.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I'm on my marks in the nursery and it goes crazy in September. No, it's absolutely true. It's true, that's what I'm working on the nursery. And it goes crazy in some time. No, it's absolutely true. Virgo's anal child. What? Anal anal retentive. You know if you're a Virgo. An anal child. No, no, no, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I did that. I did not mean that at all. The thing with the holidays, then, is like, they're either a hundred miles an hour or it's nice when you're actually sitting around doing nothing because people have time off too. So when you can actually enjoy the Christmas tree or whatever, you know, the decorations you got in the fireplace, enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Enjoy those little moments, but everything else is like a hundred miles an hour because you have to do everything in double speed and get everyone something and do more work so you can take time off. Exactly. So you have to take evenings. This is my tips for couples. I'll go back to it in a little minute because actually that's a better, that's a good point, is that take evenings for yourself. So like if you guys look at your calendar and you guys are really busy, like try to plan evenings where you're, you know, you're not shopping, you're not doing things and you're like, let's watch holiday movies or whatever it is that used to make you love the holidays. Like go back to when you were a child and you think about what made you happy. You know, maybe it's watching Chris's movies or watching, you know, porn. I don't know. Have a night where you guys can help each other relax.
Starting point is 00:18:47 So give each other a massage. Like make it, like try to, if you could ever do it any other time of year, this is the time because it will keep you connected. Can you do that? I'm gonna give her a massage with my massage candle. Really? She gets those like all seasons.
Starting point is 00:18:59 She does? Oh yeah. You massage her a lot. I need another one actually. Do you really? I have some of my trunk. Yeah, buy my Emily's on your channel. I'm gonna give you another one. What? Cool, we'll get some from your a lot. I need another one actually. Do you really use a lot of some of my trunk? Yeah, buy my Emily. I'm doing whatever what cool? We'll get some from your trunk later Yeah, okay for my trunk that sounds that sounds really hot. Okay, so I hope you're the relax and like I have lots of sex so
Starting point is 00:19:15 I know there are a lot of times when you're stressed you actually don't want to have sex But it's kind of like you fake it till you make it sometimes I think with women Take a guy say and I hate to say faking it in sex in the same sentence because you should never fake an orgasm. But it's like, I say go into the gym, you put your shoes, the hardest part is getting to the goddamn gym. And so, I have a sex, you think I'm stressed, but just like try, just give in. If you're a man or a woman, I'm not saying it's either a man or woman who want more sex, but just have more sex.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Sex makes everything better, your serotonin race is, you'll just be more connected. And be willing to compromise also, you know, willing to compromise also on your plans for the holidays. So don't say yes to every party, and also when I was talking about families earlier, that if you do have in-laws or you're seeing a boyfriend, whatever it is, or even if you're by yourself, like I did this year, set boundaries because the holidays should be about what you want,
Starting point is 00:20:00 and you don't have to say yes to everything, so you can start to say, you know, I love your family, or I love my family, but I'm only gonna go home for three days and not five. Like take control of your life and figure out, you know, and if you're in a relationship compromise, don't you guys have to do some of that compromising who sees who, you know, right and are saying?
Starting point is 00:20:15 Absolutely. It's like two o'clock in the family. Yeah. Five o'clock, how do we go to your house at six? That gets four hours with the family, with my family. But what you were saying earlier about sex is, and I love it, you said it a long time ago on Love Line, but it really stuck, was one of you ever
Starting point is 00:20:29 get like after you're done with sex, go, ah, I shouldn't have done that. Unless it's a bad decision with the wrong person. Like if you're having sex with your partner, you're like a lot of time you're not in the mood to begin with, but once you actually do it, and you're done, it's not like, ah, why'd I waste my time doing that?
Starting point is 00:20:42 Right, just like working out, right? Do you agree? It's just like working out just like working out Like you could actually see a bad movie and be like why to see that bad way wasted my day my face at two hours Exactly like you probably do a lot to for your podcast. I do but never do I finish sex and go wow The gym exactly like so if you guys like the gym right have you ever worked? What do you say I wasted five minutes of my life? No one's and this time I feel about sex ways too. No one's ever like you know our masturbation.
Starting point is 00:21:05 The couples are like what choice? But no one's ever said why did you tell us these are sex ways together? It was horrible. But it's true. But masturbation yes there's a lot of regret there often with many men especially. Like I can't believe I just looked at that. Really? You guys are so much shame and regret about it. A lot of regret yeah. I think you know, you know, you're like a computer slowly away from you.
Starting point is 00:21:22 A lot of it go. I think it's bad. I mean I obviously it's a problem for a lot of men. If it's like compulsive and there's issues, but really like, there needs to be more Christmas theme porn. They're really good. I was just going to say that. I was going to say watch a holiday movie or watch a Christmas parody, like, ho, oh, oh, oh, oh, baby.
Starting point is 00:21:40 I don't know. What would be it? I don't know. I'm Jewish. What would be a good Christmas thing? I don't know. I'm drawing blanks through Rudolph. I got Rudolph from 40. Rudolph from Red. Rudolph't know. What would be it? I don't know. I'm Jewish. What would be good graces? I don't know. I'm drawing blanks or Rudolph. So I got Rudolph the red. Rudolph's a red what? Go ahead. Rudolph Rudolph the red hose rain. Rudolph the
Starting point is 00:21:54 red hose ate her deer. A horned deer. A horned deer. Put it in her ass. Something like that. I don't know what that means, but I'll give a better one better one when I have more time. Okay, so this is just stay focused also supporting your partner because they're probably not in this the first time you're going home with someone, they might not be aware of what's going on with your family. It could cost frustration and headaches and stuff like that. Remember to breathe and like I said, this is the in-law part. So I just skipped this. Okay, so in-laws, stay focused on supporting your partner. So here's the thing that a lot of couples don't do. They don't support their partner when they're with the
Starting point is 00:22:26 families. And then that creates stress intentions. So I think you should discuss it ahead of time. If you know that something's going to happen and it happens every year, discuss it. Do you guys do this? You think you prepared for my mom to bring up the drug about when I insulted her? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I get like don't make fun of my mom again. Like you did four years ago. Yeah. Don't say anything about my mom's intelligence like you did for you. How I got it? Rudolph the Hort trained, no, rain, train deer. Horror, rain, horror train deer.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yeah, horror train. And then there's a train that gets run on the girl dresses. Oh, so for real that's the name of the movie? That's what I'm making up. Okay, good. I know I wish I met you. You're actually really good at this stuff,
Starting point is 00:22:58 but my brain is firing in different directions because I want to talk more about. In love. No, no. But the thing is that, um, yeah, it can be stressful. So you know, just, you can have emotional reactions all the stuff. Just try to keep it together people and have a good time.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Go back to that. Even if I'm sometimes a little sarcastic about it, I just want everyone to have a great holiday. And part of that is picking the perfect gift. So this is like the third, so the first thing is how to be bonding with your partner over the holidays, seconds with the in-laws. And now let's just talk about picking the perfect gifts. Does it stress you out Anderson? Like, do you just give you a list? What do you do? For her? Yeah. Well, yeah, in her birthday December 2, so it's double whammy.
Starting point is 00:23:35 But no, I mean, as far as she goes, like, you guys, you kind of flocked if you haven't been paying attention all year, I'm gonna be honest. And you know, Emily, you can attest to this. What? You guys drop hints throughout the year. Yes, we do. And if you jot those little hints down and you get even just two or three of them, things that she's been saying throughout the year, like, ooh, I like that. Ooh, those boots are cute.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Don't you think I'd look hot in that? And then you go back and you get those things, hey? So do you do that? You worry about every time? I got a list on my phone. I keep things on my phone. That's really smart. So you're all set to go. That saves it. That's so, I mean, but some people
Starting point is 00:24:05 are like requests specific things from their partners. Like, I never did that. I don't know. Yeah, exactly. I'll take your visa for a day. Thank you. So here's what I think, you know, personally, I'm going to give you some of my favorite
Starting point is 00:24:19 recommendations, because I think that sex toys and sex products make the best holiday gifts. And it's not because, and I'm saying, like, I'm not sex toys and sex products make the best holiday gifts. And it's not because, and I'm saying, like, I'm not sitting here and freaking talk about vibrators and stuff like that. I'm just saying that it reminds you, you can get a bunch of other things,
Starting point is 00:24:33 maybe she wants those boots that make her feel good or, you know, whatever, the new iPad. She should have that. But if you get one thing this year, like, I don't care if it's a stocking stuffer, there's some joke in there, right? Get a little something sexy. Just throw something sexy in there because you should prioritize your sex life over the holidays. It reminds you both that your sex life is important and it reminds you that you can put off
Starting point is 00:24:58 cleaning up wrapping paper or whatever so you can wrap stairs and try out the new toy. Something new, fun to try or a new, you know, watch a new, whatever, out the new toy something new fun to try our new you know watch a new whatever try the new Loube or I have some other ideas here for people You know I'm gonna get you something sexy for your even a partner right? That's what do I get you see? Don't get me stressed. Oh my god. Don't fucking stress. No, here's a thing. I'm really this way I'm not I'm not the chick like that that says that doesn't mean. Like don't get me to think, but I don't mean it. I got you like a set of tools, like I think last year.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I think, didn't Mike get me that? Fuck you. Did you get me that? So hurtful. Wait, I thought. It's very hurtful. No, no, no, you both. Yeah, yeah, so I gave you, it was like a ratchet setter.
Starting point is 00:25:40 I use it, wait, the whole big thing. Yeah, the big thing. I use it all, I use it all the time while the guy does does you thought my cat forgot no you gave it to me. I remember that It was like a month late. Remember I kept yeah totally why do I think my house right? I totally remember Dude, I don't know why I thought that in this moment. I Use that all the time that was the best gift ever toolkit because I am kidding like I will know the guy came over and used it to do Do you use it on you Emily? I've always for that. No, he didn't.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Dude, that was the best present. I've never had a toolkit. I loved it. It was a hard one. You said that you liked it so much you wanted to go home and break some shitty routes. I did. And I actually did break some shit.
Starting point is 00:26:13 And I use it a lot, actually, because I am handier than I let out on to. But I don't want people to start calling me to start fixing their toilets. I thought, Mike got it for me. You know what, Mike got you? He got you nothing. It's true.
Starting point is 00:26:22 I don't know why, honestly. When I come back, I'm telling you my best toys for the holidays, present, things are gonna blow your mind. I promise, but first a word from our amazing sponsors. Hey everyone, let me ask you a question. Are you getting enough? I bet you'd love a little more, right? Well, Adam and wants to give you more with 10 free gifts.
Starting point is 00:26:45 First, you'll get a sexy surprise for her. Second, especially selected toy for him. And third, a little something we know you'll both enjoy. Plus, you'll get six full length adult movies on DVD. And number 10, free shipping on your entire order. So would you have to do to get your 10 free gifts? Not hard at all. Go to Adam and and select any one item.
Starting point is 00:27:07 It could be an adventurous new toy, sexy piece of laundry, anything you desire. Just enter off for code Emily at checkout and you'll get all 10 free gifts. I got this for everyone on my list because I'm telling you, all my friends, birthdays, whatever, get them something sexy, get them something that they want. Go to today, all my friends, birthdays, whatever, get them something sexy, get them something that they want.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Go to today, select one item, get 10 free gifts, including free shipping. I love free shipping, I love 10 free gifts. Enter offer code Emily, that's emil.y. at Okay, so back to the gift stuff. Back to the program. Back to the program.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Okay, so here's some of my favorite things that I like. These are things, okay, so you all know that I do try everything. I get everything in the world, sent to me, every toy, every product, and I never tell you anything that I don't think is amazing. So this is just a little sexy something that I think that you should from all my research that I do really hard work. I have to masturbate. I've spent a lot of time testing stuff,
Starting point is 00:28:02 and I try a lot of toys that I don't like, that I don't talk about, and a lot of products that I do not lot of toys that I don't like that I don't talk about and a lot of products I do not tell you about because I wouldn't do that. Do anyone hurt? Yes, I've had pain. I've had to go to the emergency room. I don't know you did not No, but if I did I wouldn't tell you unless I hate you better for the sake of the show You have to talk about what you are like what if there was someone you're right you're right now I would talk about the air but no no no second it's like the toe sex toys set me to the yard Great topic no, there's a show called sex set me to the yard. I just wanted to be on this show. Have you seen it? No, it's actually funny
Starting point is 00:28:33 I once by mistake how many episodes could they have? It's like millions so popular like people in the new the worst part is Anderson You'll appreciate this is like a movie film person television. Are you television person to good? It's all Reunachments, which are the worst things. Oh, so it's like bad acting. Yeah, it's like, do they do it dramatically? Oh yeah, it's all dramatic. It's actors playing the part of the one that I saw was a couple that jumped.
Starting point is 00:28:54 She's like, so it opens up, I'm just gonna tell you this story. I have to see the show. Okay, so it opens up. This is what I'm doing for the holidays. The couple, she's like, hi, my name's Bob. You know, my name's Mary. We've been together, you know, year and a half and we just love sex.
Starting point is 00:29:09 So we do crazy things, we do crazy things, and it's one time we went on a helicopter, I love jumping out of airplanes. We do, it's really fun. So they go up into the airplane and they said, and then she says, I want to have sex to do what we're jumping out with the parachutes with jumping out of the airplane with parachutes.
Starting point is 00:29:23 What about the pilot? Exactly. So they jump out of, so you know what's gonna have, like what happens next, you cut to the commercial, like how can you sex jumping out of an airplane, like with parachute, I'm giving such PR to the show. They jump out and they can turns out like they, she grabs them and they start having,
Starting point is 00:29:40 like they're literally falling and then he, they start having sex before they pull the parachute, right? Cause you've like a few seconds, pulls on his pants, she pulls her parachute and his won't go. And they're still having sex and like he falls if the song is bloody, I mean it finally goes, because he's got blood, it's like penis is ripped, that's crazy. And it's like naked. And it's a reenactment, yeah. So it's bad, but I'm talking about it. For again, be careful.
Starting point is 00:30:01 So no, I've never gone to the art, but I would be, I to the art, but I would be sure to put it in my YouTube channel. All right, tell me about your sex toys that you want at Christmas. Okay. This is really important. So, okay. I, women, lot of women, love jewelry, onto the tree. You've heard that before. Diamonds are girls best friend.
Starting point is 00:30:19 So, the Crave Vesper is a beautiful gold plated vibrator that doubles as an elegant necklace. And you see me wear it around my neck vibrator. I have not. Come on, I wore it hidden here. I didn't know it was. It's beautiful. It looks like a pen kind of it's a gold. I was wearing it on the love line.
Starting point is 00:30:35 It looks like it's a vibrator on your neck because he saw on my Instagram, I have it. Check it out. It's called the vesper. It's beautiful. It's gold and it's it's sleek and it it charges USB and you can get a good Use coupon code Emily you get 20% I see a lot of girls who are like really hate their dads wearing these No, I wear it all the time just because I think it's really pretty. Hey daddy. No, I love I have to don't have fun No, I do have daddy. She goes with her boyfriend back for the holidays
Starting point is 00:31:01 They use it on her during some like hot sex and I before then she's wearing it at the dinner table for Christmas. Yeah, it's hot. And like daddy has no idea this was up inside me last night. Exactly. That's amazing. You can actually clean it after you add. What if it turns on by mistake? No, that's what that happens to me. So I was needing it turned on beneath it because I wear it. I actually love it. It's beautiful. That's a thing that she'll love it because it's a piece of jewelry and it actually is a really powerful vibrator, but you didn't really know I'm wearing it. I wore all the time. You have never seen anything that looks like a vibrator. Okay, so you wouldn't know. Mike just said it because I'm love lying because he saw me
Starting point is 00:31:30 at print on Instagram but anyway it doesn't look like it but it looks like beautiful jewelry and people compliment me all the time like it's actually a vibrator so it's cool but the point is is if you this only have me once but I was leaning forward and I like against a desk and it the little button it was just first I wasn't it's not loud it's very discrete oh it's perfect for the holidays because you could use it and your parents won't hear you or no one will hit your Reled is won't hear you because it's great. So anyway, and it started going on And I started shaking and my boobs like it was like in the middle of my boobs But it was like in a meeting with people that wasn't a big day. It wasn't like I was well Who would I ever meet with? I fucking care. Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:59 Everyone I'm using like that's awesome. That's a vibe. I would find like a serious meeting That was like a banker. That would be bad, but what is this thing called the best bird by Crava? awesome, that's a vibrate. If I had like a serious meeting, that was like a banker, that would be bad. But what is this thing called? The Vesper by Crava. Okay. Is it C-R-A-V-E or? C-R-A-V-E. C-R-A-V-E. Vesper, V-E-S-P-R. Are you looking it up?
Starting point is 00:32:13 You can do one. No, I'm going to, yeah, I'm going to. Okay, shut, okay, shut. I'm not gonna get it for her because she doesn't hit her dad, but that's also, yeah. I love my dad. I don't mean my dad. You don't have to bring it up.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I wear it all the time. My dad died, thank you very much. Wow, I didn't mean to bring it up. I wear it all the time. My dad died. Thank you very much. Wow, I didn't mean to bring it up. It's a band of issues. It's OK, whatever. No, I'm fine. It was a long time ago. But I have no daddy issues.
Starting point is 00:32:30 I do, but that's a whole other show. All right, so here's the thing. This is a great opportunity. Like I said, sex toys, they remind you that sex is important. This is why you get your partner's thing that's sexy. I don't care if it's like laundry or blindfolds or whatever you do. But if you want to get something like a high quality,
Starting point is 00:32:45 high end sex toy that you wouldn't normally like, spring on, you're like, I'm just gonna get something a little cheapy which you probably should never do. The Jimmy Jane form too. It's amazing that you just relaunched the Jimmy Jane, do you know the form too? You don't know that.
Starting point is 00:32:57 So deluxe vibrator packs a while, you can wear it during intercourse. It's like the two, the numbs on the rabbit vibrators. She can move it between her cl vibrators. She can move it between her clitoris. You can wear it or hand. Use her hand during intercourse alone. She can use the vibrates to for her own masturbation. Jimmy Jane formed two and the new one. I like that new. Jimmy Jane. Really? What's it? It's um, I don't know. There's a new one. Jimmy Jane.
Starting point is 00:33:22 The goal put what it Madison, the gold. It's not even on here. But whatever, they've been new grip. But go to for all these stuff. And get it. And it's my favorite toy for ever. I got it years ago. They just relaunched it. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:33:33 And it's high end in the last year. And it's high end in the last year. And it's high end in the last year. And it's high end in the last year. And it's high end in the last year. And it's high end in the last year. And it's high end in the last year. And it's high end in the last year.
Starting point is 00:33:41 And it's high end in the last year. And it's high end in the last year. And it's high end in the last year. And it's high end in the last year. And it's high end in the last year. And it's high end in the last year. And it's high end in the last year. And it's high. It's one design awards. I love it. Next, here's a deal. These are the top toys that your partner would want to see under the tree or in the stocking or whatever or holiday you sell right. Because another thing about giving them a toy or something sexy is that you're saying, I want to try new things. You're opening the door to new adventures in your sex life too. So that's another reason. Okay, for your favorite techie,
Starting point is 00:34:05 so this is a new trend in sex toys right now, that there's a lot of like wireless toys. There's the blue motion, blue tooth wireless vibe by Oh my God. And it's so cool, we've talked about this. It could be controlled by via Bluetooth across the 26 foot range, or from miles away, can't get by Wi-Fi.
Starting point is 00:34:23 So if you know a long-distance relationship to a comes with pair panties I actually got the first one my friend Brian from my buy-bite gave me the first my birthday this year The first one that came out and you wear has these panties like one size fits all for reals And has a little by a vibrator and and your partner from wherever they are their cell phone at home or next to you can Control it and you can like add the you know, they could be wherever on the iPad It really is like that the hello. they could be wherever on the iPad. It really is like that the hello how are you text of tomorrow I think.
Starting point is 00:34:48 What do you mean just maybe like all day long. Don't forget text. Don't forget text like saying hi. How are you thinking of your experience each other for you know 14 hours of time. But in the future I think they don't just be like a little hey how are you. You know what I mean? It's the text that would like a little bit of it. I forget hate text messaging.
Starting point is 00:35:02 I want to bring back voicemail messages and pissed off about it. I think texting is the biggest inconvenience. I'm not even gonna go there So I'd rather someone vibrate me in my panties than freaking text. Oh, what if you learn more as code as a couple Heavy hot. Yeah, why not learn something new as a couple like so this is super cool These are like this is the latest technology for either one of your techie. It's fun and it's good for couples Another good couples toy is the Wevibe 4 Plus, which is a wearable vibrator. You can use it a lot,
Starting point is 00:35:27 you can also use it during masturbation alone, obviously. When you say wearable, will you help me out? Yeah, okay, so it looks like a C, it's remote control, it can also be hooked up to your phone as well, and it can be worn by the woman during sex, and it stimulates both the clitoris and the G spot. So it's like this, like a C, so she puts it inside over and it alsoates both the clitoris and the g-spot. So it's like this, like a C. So she puts it inside of her and it also rubs her clitoris and you kind of sex while she's wearing it.
Starting point is 00:35:50 And you will like the vibrations. It's about men do. Men like vibrations, this is the thing. No guy ever said to me, so it's saying they've never said, oh, why did you tell me to use a vibrator in my partner? It was the worst thing. I hated the vibrations on my balls or my penis. Like men, like they think it's like just for women. And they're always so psyched when they're like, oh wow, can I borrow your vibrator because that felt awesome on my balls. And that's like the wee vibe
Starting point is 00:36:11 because he can feel the vibration she can. Or you can, again, you can give him a hand job with it. Like you could do so many things with this toy. And it's the four plus, the wee vibe four plus. And there was like a million of them. And I gotta be honest, I tried the one, two, and three. Didn't love, slipped around, wasn't great during, and of course like a million of them and I got to be honest I tried the one two and three didn't love slipped around wasn't great during intercourse for the best the 4 plus they freaking nailed it and it's from a control and you can use it all these different ways and so if you're thinking I'm not sure like I might want to give it to you so you can give it to your partner as a solo thing
Starting point is 00:36:39 for her or for both of you so that's why it's awesome and okay so the best new toy something you probably don't have these are the all the like more toys, is the Strtonic's Way Pulse Sator. So it's a thrusting toy. So these are, this is by Fun Factory. It's a thrusting toy, a thrust, instead of vibrates. So it's like, it has a multi speed motor, it creates a back and forth motion, so you hit the G spot and all the stuff, but it's like, you have to see it, like if you think these videos, you can Google it, like a fun factory, or go to And it's pulses. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:37:08 Like if you put it on the table, it'll like fall off like that kind of thing. It'll like, just like, if someone is having sex with you. It inches forward, inches back, forth, back, forth, it's awesome. Okay, best put toy for your guy is that, you know, flashlight, stamina training unit.
Starting point is 00:37:19 I talk about the flashlight, but the stamina training unit I happen to know is a great gift because for couples, because it's great for her too, because it'll help you last long room bed plus feels really good. You can give a hand job, maybe, you know, as part of his gift or something. We can use it on a zone, and it helps you last longer in bed, and that's my favorite one, and I don't have a penis, but from what I've heard from the people that I know and from the reviews I've read, it's freaking amazing.
Starting point is 00:37:44 That'd be good just to have like the paperwork and always have it laying around whenever you are like having fun with yourself. And then if she catches you, you can be like, honey, I'm training for you. I'm ready to check that. I'm training. You know, that's the thing. That's exactly true. You can say that I'm training.
Starting point is 00:37:57 I'm doing this for you. And then Madison, my assistant, production assistant, she actually gave it to her boyfriend and he tried a few of them and he loved it. And sometimes she's like, I don't really want to have sex. And I'm going to end to it. And then she's like, oh, here, take this. And she's like, I don't really want to sex. I'm not into it. And then she's like, Oh, take this and she's totally fine with it. He's done his own. She's totally.
Starting point is 00:38:09 She's just look up at me. But I've told the story before. So she can't be upset. Yeah, exactly. She puts it on his pillow and says, you know, I'm going to go finish working or writing whatever she's doing. She's probably writing because she's a great writer. I'm going to block the website.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Okay. Also, okay. So here it is. So yeah, that's what we got. So all purpose also, this is the one. It's the GBJ Form 2 Deluxe. That's what I was saying. The Form 2, they have now the Deluxe one and the Stammion Training Unit. And then also my Lube. You can buy some Lubs.
Starting point is 00:38:32 You know, you can never be too rich to then have too much Lube. You got your Lubs back? What Lubs? You have your own Lubs. I do know. I know. The Emily and Tony Lubs. Yeah, you're able to find these on your website.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Like, is there going to be a link for all these things? Okay, so this way too. Everyone, the easiest thing to do is to go to't have the only Tony loops. Yeah, you know the fine. These on your website. Like is there other. So this is what you do. Everyone go to the best. The easiest thing to do is to go to sector the Emily dot com. Click on
Starting point is 00:38:51 the good vibes banner. And then I've a store there. And then when you go into my story, you're going to see all everything they talked about. And you might see something like that. But I kind of, you know, thinking
Starting point is 00:38:59 this maybe a little more variation. Everything that's on my page there. I've tried. It's tested. It's true. They also have gift guides on there. And it's just get one thing. One little you can get it with a freaking iPad. I don't care. Get him. What do you guys want? What the hell do you want? Seriously, would you ask your part wife what's she gonna get you? There's nothing I want.
Starting point is 00:39:16 So what would you get you with a shirt? There's no thing. It's such a hassle. What you can get. I phone like what? What do you want? I want someone to clean up with the stuff that I have. I don't want it. Just of stuff, man. Okay, what if she got you like a nice vacation? The point is, it's gonna be great. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Same thing, that. Do you have like a fruit cake on your list?
Starting point is 00:39:30 I was hoping you'd have all these like sexual exploits. And then they're like one like, like a cupcake making kit. You know what there is? There is stuff like that on my website. Check it out. No, but just get one. Get her sex checks. There's six bucks from good vibes.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Wherever to something sexy. Sex checks, what's that? They're like little checks like good for one blowjob, good for one hand job, good for sex outside. They're fun. Like they're, you know, you know, I'm getting you sex checks, not for me and you obviously. Yeah, that'd be a weird. Yeah, no one's saying is just, I just think that every chance you get whether it's birthday, holidays, valentines, whatever do, you know, get your partner something sexy that's
Starting point is 00:40:00 going to improve your sex life and enhance it and make it a little more fun. Cause let's be honest, takes work sometimes and you're just going for a while, right? Interest, it's not always so easy, so. Yeah, you gotta get creative and make sure those checks aren't cash when you give them to you. Exactly, I love you honey. Yeah, what?
Starting point is 00:40:14 I know you got smart listeners, but I feel like it's kind of smart, it'd be good to maybe make it disclaimer and make sure that you remind people that if they are doing like family Christmas or family gift opening, as well as their own, sometimes as a mixture, make sure you do color coded wrapping paper. Exactly. They have the gift.
Starting point is 00:40:31 This is when you guys spend the night together alone before the holidays or whatever is. It's a really good point. Make sure the vibrators are out of it in case that happens and starts vibrating, a vibrating box. Battery is so. Keep them separate. Also, this is on my website too.
Starting point is 00:40:45 I know I just kind of went through this because I don't want you guys, if you're like whatever, I don't know, it's all on my website. There's a gift guide. It's called the short thing. Emily's short thing, gift guide. And yeah, happy holidays, everyone. So you never do, you never do
Starting point is 00:40:57 like the negative reviews on on things? No, I would, I would. I could do. But it depends. Like if it was like, yeah, if I were joined a blue op for sure, be great. Sorry, story I talk about it. I'd be like oh my god I thought it was this you know I cuz I get shit cuz I I see a lot of movies But I don't like to talk badly about bad movies. So I just trying to talk about yeah, I have to say that I really
Starting point is 00:41:17 I'm I'm I'm genuinely a positive person and it's funny because when I you'll appreciate this when I first started Radio they really wanted me to be more negative, you know like they're more, you know, when I was on the air and live and the, you know, CBF radio. Sex sells negativity sells. No, but they were like, be critical and be whatever. It does. I get it. I get this work some rate.
Starting point is 00:41:35 I get, I'm not that person. Like, I'm not a mean judgmental. Like, and so the point is, yes, if there was something that's, I tell you what's good, I'm focusing on the positive, so you don't even mess around. If I didn't mention it, it's not freaking good. So just go by what I say. I don't need to bring y'all down. Now if something bad happens, like I shoot my out, you know, or like, with something pops my eye and I've giant blows up and my butt something, I'll let y'all know, but that hasn't happened. But Emily, you know, she says she tests all these things and she's not lying. She really does. She comes in hobbling half
Starting point is 00:42:03 the time, But she's really working hard with her vagina to make sure that that it's exhausting. Sex workouts. Okay everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. It was a good for you. Email me. Feedback at Thanks everyone for listening and supporting my sponsors. I have to tell you at my new obsession something very close to me. I'm talking about the most comfortable underwear you'll ever put on. I have to tell you the story. So me sent me some underwear and I was skeptical at first because I'm super picky about what I find in my body and I swear to God you guys can feel these. These are the most I've worn. These are the most comfortable underwear.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I've ever worn I've put in my body, they feel amazing. And here's what I love. Me undies is environmentally friendly and the materials are made of sustainable and natural fibers. And like I've bought nice underwear before, but it falls apart. Fades, shrinks, not me undies. They have cool styles for men and women. They all look great. You can check out the photo yourself. Me slash Emily. And I'm telling you this, quality would typically retail for two times. The price is super reasonable.
Starting point is 00:43:12 So go to slash Emily, get 20% off your first order and free shipping. And they guarantee you're gonna be happy with them or your first pair is free. And I promise you we'll be happy. Once you feel meundies on your body, you're never going back. But to get that 20% off,
Starting point is 00:43:25 you have to go to slash Emily. Yeah. I got four pair of those. You did? Not the panty type. And every time I'm going anywhere, there are always the first boxes that's thrown. Right?
Starting point is 00:43:35 Yeah, there are the vacation boxes for you. I am obsessed. The best. The best. You feel like you're wearing nothing. I love that you know them, and it's good. But you got secure, you're secure. So it's not like you're like free-balling.
Starting point is 00:43:44 No, exactly. The men's that's right for you, they're tucked away. I first. So it's not like you're like free ballin'. No, exactly. The men's of that type of hurt. Your boys aren't free. They're tucked away. I first heard about it. I'm not a radio showin'. I was like, oh my god, it sounds awesome. You can see you heard about it on the film vault.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I heard about the film vault, which is Anderson's podcast, which you should all check out. But yeah, they're great. They're fantastic. Okay, awesome. Me on these. Hello! Hi, it's me, Russ Matthews. America's gay.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Listen, I get it. Life is hard. Okay, we all struggle boys from problems, girlfriend problems,, Problems, Job, Problems, Life, Problems, which TV show to watch, honey. I get it, you need help. That's why I'm here. I'm the gay best friend you wish you had and honey you know you need. It's straight talk with me, Ross Matthews.
Starting point is 00:44:18 This is tough love, honey, but it's worth it, like plucking or waxing. Get your weekly gay pep talk right here on but it's worth it, like plucking or waxing. Get your weekly gay pep talk right here on

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