Sex With Emily - How to Stay Penis Positive

Episode Date: August 23, 2014

This show is all about having great sex and great relationships, no matter what you’re packing down below. Emily and Anderson swap sexting stories, answer listener emails, discuss topics such as lin...gerie, lesbians and what NOT to do at a strip club. Emily opines about the rising popularity of dick pics: Is this the new American pastime? Or just a frisky form of digital foreplay?The two also discuss the latest sex in the news stories, including a man with no penis who has the secret to sexual intimacy, and a man who called the cops when a stripper wouldn’t have sex with him. Then they give advice on an array of topics, from big penis problems to sex toys to stamina.Whether you have a big penis, a shy penis or no penis at all, this Podcast gives tips to improve your sexual intimacy and help you have better sex in your relationships. Don’t miss out! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for checking out this episode of Sex with Emily. I know you're gonna love it, but first thank you for supporting my sponsors because I've told you about the No No Pro. I'm obsessed with it. I love it because I've spent so much money and time on razors and waxing in any way to get rid of hair. But the No No Pro is the best way to remove unwanted hair and there's zero pain. I do it when I'm sitting in my couch, I do it at home, I can do it in the office really.
Starting point is 00:00:24 And it's for men too. You know your back of your neck, your back, your chest, all those areas that you want to remove hair, you can do it in the privacy of your own home. Legs, arms, face, you're going to die how easy this is to use and the weeks of long lasting results. NoNoPro comes with a 100% 60-day money-back guarantee and when you purchase it, you'll get a $50 gift card to an award-winning skincare line.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Go to that's no- institutions. Betrubized, they call them in a fight on day. Hey, Avaline, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh, my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, but only?
Starting point is 00:01:17 What do you mean, like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh, my God, I want to feel so drunk. Being bad feels pretty good. You know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:01:31 We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between for more information go to Well, you can listen to all of our podcasts. Sign up for the mailing list, which you absolutely should do. I love when you all sign up for it because I send you really fun emails. They'll change your life. And it's really easy to go to iTunes and just subscribe. I do two shows a week and you'll never miss a show again.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And also in recent weeks, I mentioned to people that it'd be really cool while you're on iTunes if you could just give us a review. Let us know what you think of the show. And people have been doing it and I appreciate that. So keep them coming. It's great to hear from you and know what you think. And you can also, as always, email me feedback at I'm here with Anderson tonight.
Starting point is 00:02:12 What up, sex? How you doing, Anderson? I'm good. It's so good to see you. It feels like it's been a month. Why does it feel like it's been rushed, I guess. I don't like it. I don't like it either.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I need to come visit you when you're work again. That was so funny, you saw my office. I did that That was sexual things. It is and I just found out today it was so funny So worse because on the door it says sex with Emily as you know, right and I'm sitting in the office and it's a mix So there's a bunch of different kinds of you know, there's one of the offices and what we all sorts of different types of people a lot of party types Partiers Why what when I was in there that a few drunkards walked by the right? We're having drinks all sorts of different types of people a lot of party types. Partiers. Yeah. Why? What?
Starting point is 00:02:45 When I was in there, a few drunkards walked by and they're like, we're having drinks. Come on. Right. Right. They do have drinks a lot. It's like a co-op space, but we have a officer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Don Draper was smoking a cigarette, finger banging as assistant. Exactly. It's crazy. It's just like the 60s again. It's fun. It's a crazy office. But it's, I mean, people have like legit, but there's like a nonprofit church group next to me. Oh, I'm sure they love the fact. So you
Starting point is 00:03:07 came in after them. No I was there first. I've been there like six months but here's the funny thing. So we're sitting there in the office today and the guy runs the office space comes in and he goes hey I want you to meet this guy. Wayne he runs a record label. He's like Wayne needs something some moisturizer for his skin. I thought you might have some because your candles can you give him when you're because you know my candles are the, you know, they're moisturizing, they're like all natural coconut. So anyways, we come in and we have a candle lit
Starting point is 00:03:30 because I light them every day. And he's like, what, I was, he's looking at our office and there's the, you know, all the products and there's that big penis. You remember the penis that's not in the room? Yeah, it's almost like a trophy. You see, and he's like, I've been afraid of this office. I didn't want to come in here.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I'm like, why? He's like, well, I walked by one time last week and and you guys were talking about some raunchy stuff and I just didn't know I'm like, what are we talking about? He's like anal sex or something Dude, he's he's a record. He owns a record label. He's a totally cool dude. He's like he's not the church group guy He's not the church group guy, but he's like you were talking about anal sex. I'm like, well, it's anal sex month He's not the church group guy, but he's like you were talking about anal sex and like, uh, well, it's anal sex month August happy anal sex month. He's like I think it was before August But then he was really cool and he's like I'm Friday night is a night with my lady. I need tips and then he was like rubbing oil all over him and we're pf
Starting point is 00:04:15 So those guys are the ones you gotta be scared of the ones that are like pent up at first I know like that one say let it go. It's like oh no. You gotta there's no holding back Yeah, I know he's like what toys I get for my girlfriend. I'm like, oh sorry We're talking about anal sex and offended you, but now you're gonna open up and like he's like oh no, you gotta there's no holding back. Yeah, I know he's like what toys should I get for my girlfriend I'm like oh sorry. We're talking about anal sex and offended you but now you're gonna open up and like He's like yeah, I like the till though, but what are you used for the ass exactly? You know that he wanted to hear about anal sex, but we try to shut the door But you know you should do that the church group next door you should try and sell them the candles for like a Confessional or whatever you know like Catholic church exactly you should do that
Starting point is 00:04:41 Just like they smell really good and you can use them as that no. Plus the Catholic Church needs like a whole makeover like why not use a massage or a candle? Spice it up for real. The Catholic Church needs to spice it up. They do need to spice it up. It's so funny that you say that because the people on the other side of our office is like editor video editor sound people or something I don't know what they do but one night someone in their office came into our office and took a porn of what was a naked porn woman. Oh yeah, Chubby.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Chubby, a Chubby women porn. Something to be done. Who was that talking off like? What happened? Madison's my intern. And Madison's my intern. She's sitting here with me today. She's the one who tests your products, right?
Starting point is 00:05:18 She tests so she does everything. Madison's filling in for Lauren this week as Lauren's I Towns. Because I mean, she has to be double duty on the testing of the Vibrators oh my god. I should give you some more vibrators. I know. I'm still I'm still working on the dolly Into the mic. I'm sorry. I'm just working on the doll. Yeah. Yes. I am. It's quite fun It is really fun. The doll is often so awesome. So what was the porn they put?
Starting point is 00:05:38 I don't remember exactly. I wasn't there. I just heard that they were like about it off in the background. They were talking to Lauren. I guess they had left a plus-size porno on someone's desk and been like, oh, this would be so funny. She came back and was like, what is this? And then they actually forgot it there. And so she came in the next day and was like, why is this here? She walked into our office and thought we did it. She's like, this woman that you don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:03 This woman I don't know. She's the same. She the one of her colleagues. Of who's colleagues? One okay. So this is an office next to us. And someone in the office of dude came in our office, took a porn, put it on this woman's desk. Took one of your, so it was your plus size porn.
Starting point is 00:06:14 But she would know that like who would put porn on my desk probably mean. You could blame for everything. I got blame for the porn. It was my porn by didn't place in our desk. So it's like funny stuff goes down and you see everyone walking by and doing a double taken. It's a good time.
Starting point is 00:06:27 You should have a red light out in front of your... I should. Yeah, and then to say, no, it's for on air. I do a radio show. But you are so funny, but it's a porn. Exactly, I swear to God. He's like, well, I thought you guys were all wrong. I'm like, I'm a doctor.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I like, I'm like, I'm like, trying to prove. I'm like, there's my book, you know, but whatever, but Wayne, he's our new BFF. But it was funny because you just never know who you're gonna find but i do remember him walking by and saying something like well anal sex and then making eye contact with him the lawway this is like a wild go now he wants to pay your butt
Starting point is 00:06:54 he wants to think he does i think he does does he doesn't really need a moisturizer now we will um i don't know if he listens but so also another thing that's been happening is so we got our Facebook page back up as you know I didn't know it's down. What happened? You didn't know this time. I got a Facebook. I'm against it. Dude, why really? Okay, I get it Well, because I have a Facebook page, which you should all like if you if you if you like me Like my page sex family because it's actually We just provide funny information all day informational information, but it's funny and it's light and it's you know
Starting point is 00:07:24 We all the podcasts are on there and articles i write appreciate face book like my wife keeps me up to date with all my friends that's what you need a white for she's constantly scrolling through and then she'll let me know what's going on my friends people she's no bob wonder why would that girl they just met she's a bad news oh really that someone died that kind of thing or like call your friend her husband died five years ago today that kind of thing all that's because that's I would get a good wife. She's a good one. Yeah, I need like a wife assistant
Starting point is 00:07:49 Okay, so so my face or pay do I take it down because there's like this religious oh yeah, Lauren was telling me about this You had some kind of semi pain against me. Yeah, take it down They all complained to Facebook so bam it was down and I was so suck. I believe like 65,000 likes and it's very Interactive and we've got a lot of likes and Matt and we've all upset because we've like 65,000 likes and it's very interactive and We've got so many questions because you know people today show we will be answering your questions And we got some really good sex questions here and relationship questions and we were going through it because a lot of people email Me through Facebook so as well you should like my page and send me a question because I might just answer it on there as well so the point with oh, but it got taken down because
Starting point is 00:08:27 People were complaining about some photo that wasn't even that what was the photo? It was like a flashlight. It was a flashlight. It looks like a vagina sometime. Where can I find it? Facebook that comes last That's the picture still there though. No, we took it down. We're being much more careful now. We should tweet it though Oh, I tweeted we do tweet everything that we we Facebook, but sometimes a little difference a different audience a different thing So it got taken down and then I had to Pull out all the stops call everyone and because all my San Francisco friends are like at Facebook or Google and I was just I like 16 people working also. This is your personal no, no
Starting point is 00:08:58 This is my I still have a personal page right, but this is my slash section Now this group. Where did they go out looking for you or was there somebody on there that complained to them no they face yeah this whole group because it was it was a call out the group I know that it's a which I know I don't know who the group it's not what a group it was people who are all sending the same message I find this photo offensive can you please take it down there was like ten people in a row so then I just reported them a spam so they got our yeah that's what I'm doing now because now I'm pissed I'm like don't mess with my Facebook page because I love my you know it's fans it's people they want
Starting point is 00:09:32 to communicate so that's what's going on but I did get a dick pic on Facebook multiple dick pics multiple dick pics just this week and when complain about that I'm complaining about it just me just mad at him who's reading him first but I really like I didn't want to complain about that. I'm complaining about it. Just me. Just Madison, who was reading them first. But I really like, I don't think that it... Okay. Here's the thing about dick pics. We've got some stats here.
Starting point is 00:09:51 So most people are actually 54% of people have said that they have received intimate content, including videos, photos, e-mails and messages. One in three American adults have film sexual content on their mobile devices and people between 18 and 24 year old, they receive more sexual success of content and blah, blah, blah. The point is, don't do it, people. You don't know me. First of all, what did you want?
Starting point is 00:10:16 Did you want me to like your dick pic? Did you want to date me? Because if this is your strategy for overall life, you're just going to send a random dick pic to someone like, I don't think that's if you're dating someone intimately, you can send him a dick pick. Is it anonymous? Who are these people? No, they have their name attached to it.
Starting point is 00:10:32 They hate me. Yeah, he's like, how's this? I think that there's a lot of men who think, well, if I send her my dick and she sees it, well, then maybe she'll go out. This will be like a, you know, a foreplay. I think I might be more of like a naughty thing like, well, they're all aroused and going crazy and trying to get like over the top You know what I mean? And then after they complete themselves they might have lots of shame Maybe maybe I'm speaking for myself. Oh, do you send it? It wasn't mine. No, no, no, no
Starting point is 00:10:55 I never sent a dick pick to anybody I just think that everybody should be careful about who they're sending exactly explicit content to because Here's the other thing. It's sort of commonplace now when you're dating that guys ask you're right away send me a sexy photo and people just girls do it even in high school high school age kids and I especially that and I think that you don't realize that what happens the second after you said it's a very second he receives it and
Starting point is 00:11:23 who's ever standing next to him. He's showing on the picture. Not everybody. Everybody. No, not every guy is going to do that. I've received plenty of things in my life. And girls assume that I showed to my friends. I think some of them even wanted me to,
Starting point is 00:11:37 but no, I would never ever do that. Because that's a total betrayal. Well, you're a little good guy, but I can't tell you how many of my guy friends, I have a lot of guy friends and they're like, here look at this look at her They they all show it to me, but maybe just because it's like braggart, so you guys are no, but they're not bragging They're just like so look what she sent me and here's the girl. Absolutely bragging of course they are not to me though I don't I'm not impressed by your naked check. I'm like she's such an idiot. She cut her head off at least
Starting point is 00:12:00 That's what I say. I'm not that impressed. They're not trying to impress me by all the women I'm just saying people be careful with your, especially like if you're shooting a movie, whatever, a home video. These things get out of hand. I don't know if everyone's like, oh, maybe I'll be as wealthy as Kim Kardashian if I do a really good sex tape, but it's so strange how commonplace it is now because I got two little sisters. I don't ever forget probably 15 years ago now. I was snooping in my sister's room because I knew she was up to no good. and I was kind of looking for some Contraband right and I came across a letter. I'll never forget it was from prison
Starting point is 00:12:31 There's a guy that she had gone to school with she's still in high school at the time Okay, and she had gone to school with this guy He was in jail and he can always tell the jail Less because they have lots of artwork on the outside right and they spend so much time writing the letters to make them look all pretty like They're from medieval times or something exactly and I read the letter I know that maybe I was going over the top as far as big brotherhood, but I she's five years my my my younger and I was worried about her And at the end of the the letter he was requesting pictures of her and her bathing suit And it's like so I I had to let the you know
Starting point is 00:13:03 I had to let her know that I was snooping and I found this and do not send that guy, because they'll be trading your picture around like renting it out for cigarettes. And there'll be like 16 guys in his cell jacking off to her photo. And I'll never, I'll never forget that, but nowadays it's like anyone's asking for that
Starting point is 00:13:16 all the time. We've come along with. And I think that women sometimes feel pressured. Like if I don't do it, he's just gonna move on to someone else so I better comply. But I think that you're classier if you don't't you're the class or chick that isn't gonna do it I plus guys always want what they can't have so if you don't give it to them
Starting point is 00:13:29 They're gonna continue to come out you try to see it in real life, right? You know exactly wait till he sees in real life Wait till you're like in a committed relationship, you know Don't do it as for play early on and don't send me dick pics to Facebook because who knows what can happen Facebook might Shut me down again again they read my messages uh... i just just wanted to fuck those people by the way and anger is me a lot i mean your show is a lot of things it's not anti religious other than fact that you know you
Starting point is 00:13:54 maybe you talk you allow like uh... talk about pre-marital sex but other than that everyone settled out no exactly they have to relax with the face but the thing is that our face who pays there's never any new to the i mean the thing about facebook is they do very that our Facebook page doesn't have any nudity. I mean, the thing about Facebook is they do very strict guidelines like you can't have a woman breastfeeding, you can't have any nudity.
Starting point is 00:14:10 And I get that, but we don't do that. We're talking about like orgasms and how to have better sex. Yeah, your show is like a service and it helps people. Exactly. That's what I understand. So, um, fuck them. So like my page and, uh, follow me on Twitter and I'll, oh, one, one, uh, Wednesdays, it's 12.30 to 1, Pacific Standard time. I answer all your questions on Twitter and I'll oh, once a, one says 12, 30 to one,
Starting point is 00:14:25 Pacific Standard time, I answer all your questions on Twitter at Sex with Emily. And then also there is a survey people can rate, they can do, right? Oh, yeah, podcast one. Podcast one is a great way to listen to my podcast in Anderson's podcast, the film vaults. The film vaults on the old podcast one over there.
Starting point is 00:14:42 And so we love hearing from you. And so send your tweets and comments. They vaults on the old podcast one over there. And so we love hearing from you. And so send your tweets and comments. They read all of them podcast one. Don't miss a chance to take their very important listener survey at Your responses will help us to make this show the very best it can be. It takes three minutes of your time. You'll get the instant gratification with knowing that you helped us out.
Starting point is 00:15:02 You can tell us how you really feel about the show and help us to get to know you better. Do it now, take the and keep those tweets coming and all that stuff. So support them. And then one more Facebook thing, and then we're moving on because we've got some great stuff here. Is the Batchee selfie contest, so they're the lingerie company. It's hashtag selfie contest.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Go to slash Batchee brand that's B.A.C.I. And you can go on a $500 shopping street and all you can do is take a picture of it yourself in sexy laundry and post it on there and $500 with their no, but not that funny. You just finished saying. In everyday work gear, not naked. So I did it wearing a skirt and little thigh highs, but a little little okay, you're right. That just came a hot so wrong Yeah, but there's no nipples. No, no, no n assistant Lauren. Yes. She was wearing that out for a couple weeks ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Was that some bachi? It was, I think. That was killing me. I'm a married man. I didn't need to see that. I know. It was hard to look at. It was a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:12 High thigh highs. Yes. With a little skirt. So there's just that one part of the thigh that was invisible. I should tell her not to do that. But you liked it at Major. Yeah, it was pretty great. Well, there's some pictures of her on there.
Starting point is 00:16:23 And Madison, did you take any pictures yet? Yes, I did. There's a sexy picture of Matt and me. But they're not. OK, so I sat down. You're going to be like, Emily was pretty great. Well, there's some pictures of her on there and Madison, did you take any pictures yet? Yes, I did. There's a sexy picture of Matt and me, but they're not okay. So I sat down. You're gonna be like, I'm like, no, these are not too sexy. They're just fun. So if you want to win 500 bucks, do that. Go there. Check them out. Vote by some pictures of you and see how do you become the winner. Um, they pick the winner by the votes. You can vote on the pictures. Do you think a nip slip will help? No, nip slips. And we don't want this to be dirty. We just want to show that, OK, here's a thing about lingerie. I have a problem with it because I like buying nice lingerie,
Starting point is 00:16:50 like sexy bras and underwear. For my partner, I don't wear them and post them on the internet. But except for just the bottom down in these bachi things. But what I'm saying is, I feel like men don't appreciate it at all. No. And so I feel like it's really for me. I feel sexy when I know that I'm wearing something new
Starting point is 00:17:05 and sexy and some guys are just like, just sort of get the clothes off. But don't you ever notice a woman when she's wearing lingerie and you're like, oh, that's kind of sexy. No. In fact, I've gotten a few of the only fights I've ever gotten in with my wife,
Starting point is 00:17:17 because I didn't notice the lingerie. So she doesn't do it anymore at all. Well, this is the point of the whole contest is that I feel sexy when I feel good. I feel confident. I don't give a shit give a shit without all things that's a point It's like a guy a businessman wearing a suit. I think I know. I know But when a man in a suit makes me crazy, but it makes it gives him confidence too like you can do more evil things That is true. Right. It's true. Yeah, that's exactly what it is
Starting point is 00:17:40 So or go buy your refund some some lingerie and even if you're not gonna pay attention to it, she'll feel good about it Because a lot of women have insecurities Okay, so we've also got some sex in the news Which is interesting about penises so they come off there's a myth what do they come off in this news story? Yeah, I don't like that. Well, it has a happy ending This is the man with no penis. Leave it to a man with no penis to school the internet on sexual intimacy. That's what happened when a man who allegedly lost part of his genitals in a childhood accident.
Starting point is 00:18:17 He lost his penis. So it got slammed into door. He was trying to close the bathroom door with his friends. He was like fooling around. And he was 12. And he put his erect member to close the bathroom door with his friends. He was like fooling around when he was 12. And he put his erect member through a door crack to tease his buddies. And one of them, oh, his co-name on Reddit is penis in door.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Unfamiliar with the basic laws of physics, slammed it shut. After took to the hospital, he was left with just a stump. Fully intact testicle and a rerouted urethral opening. He provides photographic evidence if you're interested. The 30 something though, he's 30 now. Look at your face, I know, right? No penis.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I don't think you guys understand the pain. I know, I, I, I, but it has a few. No, I can imagine. Like trauma, major trauma. The right. I just hope it wasn't a wreck, because that would make it even worse. It was a rap. He stuck his back.
Starting point is 00:19:06 What is his weener doing now with his friends when he's 12 in a door. Maybe this is God's say. Let's make sure that you don't do that. I can't boy do that. Yeah, guys, hide your wreck. But don't doesn't Mike Catholic always talk about like Jack. You're right. He's not normal.
Starting point is 00:19:19 OK, so he said he's fully capable of orgasm and ejaculation. And no, the absence of a penis does not prevent him from having sex with his girlfriend. But the next part is the most surprising. How, you know, because you're like, how do you have sex out of penis? And he gives really good sex advice. He's got a stump, though. He's a stump.
Starting point is 00:19:38 I'm surprised he's like, stumpy, penis and door. I have part of my shaft under there which still is nerve endings. User imagination for the rest, and he wrote, any loving couple can be intimate. Those just might be two of the best sex tips around. Number one, user imagination, and number two, any loving couple can be intimate. So say with that, think about it. I mean, everyone trying to figure out how to be good at sex and to figure out like the right moves to do, but it's just, it's simpler than that. It just means that you know you can try anything to get to give sexual pleasure to your partner. So you can you know he does things to her that makes
Starting point is 00:20:15 her feel good obviously and you can still have enjoyable sex. He knows how to please her. I mean there's people who have no feeling in their body of great. Christopher Reeves used to get it on before. Exactly. You pass. So it's on your mind, man. If you love your cup, if you're in a loving relationship, you can figure out a way to have good sex and to be intimate. I wonder if it gets phantom erections.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I don't know how it is. People listen to limbs, have phantom pain. Exactly. You might get a phantom erection. People do get phantom erections actually when they're missing their appendage. Exactly. So they think that it's hard and that feels like it's hard but they look down and just nothing. Anti-merection people do get phantom erections actually when they're missing their you know appendage exactly So they think that it's hard and that feels like it's hard but they look down and just nothing Yeah, so sad. I wonder if his house that he lives in now just no doors
Starting point is 00:20:52 I'm all over. Oh my god really I'd be afraid of everything. Imagine if you had a kid just keep your dick away from that son I can't believe that but I can't believe that it was so fake like it was not fatal fatal for us penis I'm just so glad that I was not there, because I've seen a lot of horrible things, but that may be one of the worst things. Imagine your friend just sitting there screaming with his direct dong in the crack. Trauma for everyone. And then you gotta open the door.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Ah, gee. Oh my God, and the penis just fell out. I don't know what happened, but. I can't kick. But here's the thing. The bottom line is that he shows that sexual pleasure intimacy are way bigger than any dick could ever be.
Starting point is 00:21:24 So don't worry about your penis size. Relatedly, a study just came out that finds lesbians and men of all sexual orientations experience more orgasms than heterosexual women. So lesbians, yeah, I mean, I don't think they really needed science to tell us that, but they're more, mostly they're more connected, they're communicating to have more.
Starting point is 00:21:42 They each have the same hearts. We can have multiples. They can tryb, which is always good. Right, what's tripping? And so be- Tripping, it's the best. What did you say? Tripping?
Starting point is 00:21:52 Tripping, tripping. What's that? It's where the vagina's kiss. Oh, like, scissors. It's like scissors, but it's more like, like, detailed scissors. That's funny. Yeah, it's like that little kisses.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Yeah, exactly. So that just shows that penis and vagina sex, it's just one kind of sex and not the most Not necessarily the most satisfying kind of sex. I might get in trouble for saying this But I can say it is not you saying it but also maybe because The old lesbians over there have a little more testosterone Possibly maybe you know not all lesbians do have the testosterone that you They do right, but it doesn't mean they did some do some do enough to tip the scales in this study I
Starting point is 00:22:24 don't know I, I think that women With another woman knows how to please her and knows it's not that they have more sex life because you've also sort of lesbian bed death syndrome Right. Yeah, they get really angry about that too though when I say that no when anyone says it I mean, I've heard them scream it drew over the years, but I mean studies show that after like usually six months or so Yeah, you haven't you heard the joke like what is what is a lesbian bring on the second date? Are you all because they move in and they move it very fast? I'm just my cousins lesbian wedding. I was talking about lesbian. I love lesbians. I mean That's offensive. It's not but they move quickly. They can many can I had like seven lesbians on my wedding
Starting point is 00:23:02 I think you did seven Yeah, a lot. Yeah, yeah I don't I have a lesbian front they all had a lot of testosterone Yeah, but that that's a good point, but I also think that women just you know know how to please each other We can have lots of what it is is the middle You know the common parts Okay, the next one next story is a man. This is just hilarious. So this will make you feel better There's no penis loss here. They're well He doesn't get any is a man. This is just hilarious. So this will make you feel better. There's no penis loss here. They're well He doesn't get any action a man calls the police to complain that a stripper wouldn't have sex with him
Starting point is 00:23:33 So 53 year old William was arrested at William, Danya was arrested Saturday night after he allegedly called police to complain that a stripper would not have sex with him called police to complain that a stripper would not have sex with him. McDaniel has been visiting sagebrush Sam's imbued Montana, where police say he gave woman $350 for private dance. The dance ended abruptly because he became sexually aggressive towards the dancer. And unhappy that his advances were denied the man had allegedly called 911 to inform him that the woman would not have sex with him. Authorities responded by arresting him because it is illegal.
Starting point is 00:24:08 He's going to get some sex now. Exactly, right? It's illegal to solicit prostitution and so he was put in jail. This guy's an amateur. If he thinks a lap dance is automatic sex. But why would you call the police? I paid you, yeah, I know. That's a thing. He was probably drawn. He's probably had. Inbued. So I just want inbued. What else are you going to do in in but except for try to get laid I guess I was in the place sagebrush I love going to little strip joints when I'm out of town and strange little places
Starting point is 00:24:29 I love it. Do you go to strip joints? Why not only only when I'm out of town yeah yeah because they're open late and One of the only places like usually open past 2 a.m. Plus I'm not gonna run in anyone I know and I just love to watch all the Interaction to get turned on no no, you watch every now and again, like a really attractive girl go up and say, Oh, wow, she's really, and I get to see her naked in a minute. This is pretty cool. Yeah, it is pretty cool. But it's not your thing like Mary's in Portland is one of my favorite places of I've been really the hottest stripper there by far had a C
Starting point is 00:24:59 section. Yeah, it was it's one of those places. A lot of them I had no hair at all. They're bald up top. They just shave their heads. Okay. It's like, it's a dicey place. Right. That is dicey. But there was a super hot or that was that there's no hot ones. Okay. I thought you said that's not how I might have changed. It's been a number of years, Mary's.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Yeah. That's fun. I've had my I've had my share of sort of cups. It's not my you know, I've had moments or I'm like, God, I should have been a stripper. Like, I could see myself having fun with that when I was younger, instead of being a waitress in my 20s, I would have been a lot more. You want to be the same person.
Starting point is 00:25:28 At all. First of all, you have no time for men. You'd be so sick and tired. No time for men. You're right, I would hate men. You would dislike them. I would dislike men. I'd have like, serious, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:38 You and I would get along. No, I have another stripper. I've actually done like all the real waitress and cocktail waitress and more to chew stores and stuff like that. Okay, so we've got some emails, but first we should say a little word here for more sponsors who help keep the show free, because I know you all love that, right?
Starting point is 00:25:55 I'm not charging you. I've got good vibes. Good, so here's deal. I talk about sex toys a lot in the show, as you know. And I only because they have the best toys, they're all body-safe materials, and I can promise you that I would never recommend something I haven't tried or someone who works for me hasn't tried. I've tried most of them, and they're just the best of the best. So if you go to my website,, and you click on the Good Vibes banner, you can
Starting point is 00:26:22 see my store there. You can get the Vibratex Dalia, which Madsen still has to try out. It's kind of like a rabbit vibe, but it has a little twist to it, a little, a little clitoral and internal stimulation. You can also use coupon code Emily, you can get the strongest, most orgasmic vibrator all time, the magic wand, which I love. Go to my site,, click on the Good Vibes banner to see my favorite toys, because you know, I've tried them all, I would never steer you wrong.
Starting point is 00:26:46 And also, speaking of earlier, I was talking on my candles, it's friggin hot out, it's summer. And if you've ever not felt so fresh by the end of the day, and you might want to have some action down under comfort, we know is the best thing to use. It is our hero product. Oh, and men's health just voted it as top 10 products. You didn't know you need until you got it until you got it. That's the best way to put it. But that's exactly what it is. Yeah, you don't know that you're missing it until you have it. Right. And it's like, oh, this is great. So I mean, I gotta explain it. It's a
Starting point is 00:27:17 create. It can be used anywhere in your body or sweat for men and for women. It presents, it prevents sweat stains, chafing, and then not so fresh feeling. And so between your legs and in lower back, boob sweat, you just don't sweat. And it's a cream to a powder vegan formula that just keeps your fresh and dry. It turns a little powder, but it's not messy. And you'll love it. And I can tell you that it will keep your intimits fresh and dry and you're ready for action. Down under comfort, go to Use coupon code emily.
Starting point is 00:27:43 That's Use code emily for 20% off down under comfort. Do it now., use coupon code Emily, that's Emily and, use code Emily for 20% off down under comfort. Do it now. You got any more? I want some more. Oh yeah, so what do you really? Yeah, why don't you just ask me? People don't, you guys have.
Starting point is 00:27:53 I'm asking you right now. Okay, Matt, so we make a note, we'll bring them some. Yes, absolutely. Everyone here's like, do mine. And then somewhere, I think it was Rune who just walked in, lied to me one day that he needed a candle or something for someone, but it was really for like Lindsay who didn't want to ask me and I'm like people we all work together just ask me for a forget if you want. I got a quick question for you. You just talk about good things. I know you
Starting point is 00:28:11 will email. Yeah. All right. You should probably talk about all that off-air. Go ahead. Much better. Uh, what are you gonna say? Oh, you're you're sex toys that you try. You're constantly sex trying out sex toys. What do you do? Keep them? You know, I do keep them. I actually need to be out my why? Because if you ever get like really down on your lock you lose your voice. You can't do the show anymore Yeah, you can buy sell those online as you use sex with Emily Sex toys make a little nest egg really you think people would buy them I always say to like my assistants. I'm like listen. I've used this once
Starting point is 00:28:41 It's cleaned. It's sterile if you do want it, but I don't know if I would sell you I think that's like a legal part wait a minute You give your assistance I haven't yet, but I always say like there's these ones that like second hand I've some that I've never even used theirs open. That's what I mean Not that I've used it once and they're like a five-dollar vibrator $200 wait a minute five hundred dollar vibrate 200 250 Those that kind of come from comet
Starting point is 00:29:01 Dosturs exactly the gold I did there's for us, but I do have a lot and I need to start cleaning out my door because I actually just have a few that I really like lately They you can sell them in Japan alone You know that they have a very nice machines with use. Oh, I do know the Okay, so I should go to Japan and sell my use that you can do it online you can stay here. Yeah, I kind of want I travel to Japan. What are you from? I've got hundreds. I've got storage of the used ones in my garage. I've got in my house. I don't know that much room the whole thing, but Yeah, good point. We got to do a video with another revenue stream
Starting point is 00:29:32 We do you come shoot it because you're a filmmaker. We got to make up some some kind of I keep talking about this doing like my garage With all the toys and the things I want to like do some kind of twilight's own thing where they come after you my toys They come to life. Yeah, like come after you my toys they come to life Yeah, like maximum overdrive where they they come to life Chasing you know, it's so funny. I do have times where I'm like, okay this weekend I'm gonna try out all these toys and every outlet in my house Like if you walked in my house you didn't know me there is just things charging out of every like I've got the power strips And they'll be like five and one and five and the other in every room in the house
Starting point is 00:30:02 Charging the same Russian I do I do and I went to a book. Oh my god that time when he came in be like five and one and five and the other in every room in the house. Charging. You still got the same Russian. A landlord. I do. I do. And I went to a broke. Oh my God. That time when he came in, electricity, very expensive. He's never been in.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Oh, he gets. Yeah. He gets mad at me for electricity. I went out town and left the air conditioning on. He wasn't happy. But then all these toys were plugged in and that pilot toys. He just step over. But I thought he hated me, but then I went to his sons.
Starting point is 00:30:23 But I know, you know, I think, oh God, I think they listened to the the show because the sun was saying who's my landlord who's actually my direct landlord that his dad lives next door He was like oh I get your newsletter and he was telling us fried to sign up for it And I just assumed we had this kind of like we don't talk don't ask the towel But the he like reads my same way listen to the show too and know that I talked about his dad That's the worst thing the people like listen to stuff that I say and I get really really paranoid. Yeah. I do too. But you can't censor yourself. I don't do it. I rush landlord. If you're listening to how are you? I love my landlord. I don't never want to move by the way. He said last time. I loved him. I just felt bad that he had to see the stuff. Okay. Let's move into
Starting point is 00:30:57 some emails. Thank you. Everybody for emailing me feedback at Dear Emily my husband has lost some weight He's generally a big guy and I'm pretty small and after losing weight when we have sex I feel like his penis is too long. It's hurting a bit as if he can't fully enter me Is there something I can do to stop the pain or help my poor insides any advice would help? I don't know who else I can ask. Thank you Desiree. The thing that's interesting about this is that he lost weight and now he feel it feels bigger to you. Is it because his stomach maybe was sticking out and he wasn't able to push it in as deep as what I'm. Yeah, you grow when you lose weight for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:42 What? And Drew's in my ear because he's listening as well. Not to throw you off, but he's in New York. And he listened to my show. Yes, and he's in my ear. Drew, would you like to. Here, I'll put them on. But he's telling you what I was going to tell you,
Starting point is 00:31:53 which is, go ahead Drew. I drew the love grommet. The love, tell me about this. It's just as Dr. Drew Pinsky. I'm thinking invented back. Thanks. We run MTV and Crow invented these kinds of complaints. And he invented this sort of grommet that slipped over the penis maybe with a little spring action that would sort of reduce the length and then give something to springboard against
Starting point is 00:32:15 does that make sense? Yeah it does make sense but this guy lost weight well his his foop has gone okay got it yeah and so his apron his panace is no longer there to provide the The cushion. Let's let's say the the grass around the mailbox now has been cut down right? Right, so the mailbox looks or is a little taller relative to the surface of the grass. So that's another good news about losing weight Is this gonna happen? You think that every guy would be like walking around real thin? Who's worried about their penis size?
Starting point is 00:32:44 Well, the irony is that so many guys are fat because they're depressed because they have small penis I know, but they just lose weight. Yeah, the the penis that's a pain incentive He is innocent so let's put him on as well. Hi Max. Okay By Drew. Thanks Drew. That was Dr. Drew. So he's conferring that happens. I love that. He's just like boom But here's the thing is that Desiree um It is common that a lot of women do have pain from having sex with a larger penis. So sometimes deep predication can feel amazing,
Starting point is 00:33:12 but those large and in chargement don't always know the right angle or position to make women feel good. So the most important thing to do is to make sure that you have a lot of time, and you spend a lot of time in foreplay getting warmed up. Because the more turned on you are and the more lubricated you are,
Starting point is 00:33:26 the easier it will be regardless of the position. So that goes for all sex. And about a size that you use lots of loob, I cannot tell you enough that I think there should be a loob on every nightstand in the world. That's your goal in life. It is my goal in life because people think there's a stigma, she's dry, there's discomfort,
Starting point is 00:33:41 they better bring out the loob from in the bottom of my nightstand. No, it enhances your sex. Should be right next to the Bible in every, uh, it should be next to the Bible. You know what? That's a good, good, good idea. The people next to you in your office,
Starting point is 00:33:53 it's their goal to save every soul. And yours is to get a little more in their office. We should the Bible people. They probably just, all right. Now Loub, uh, is the Bible porn their must be? There's everything else for. Okay, so if he's larger, again, you need lots of lubricant and there's some positions
Starting point is 00:34:08 that are best. Shallow thrusting is the best. That way his penis won't hit your cervix, which can be extremely painful. So I recommend the G-spot. You know, it's located only a few inches inside the vagina on the upper wall. So the positions that use the tip of the penis to stimulate the G-spot will feel amazing with a larger penis. And it's excellent for G-spot stimulation. So you can try having them as knees while you're on one side and make sure he thrust lightly
Starting point is 00:34:32 as to not go too deep. So the thing is, Desiree, you have to stay in control here of the motion and the pressure and the speed. Did she save? She told him or not? You know what? I wouldn't be surprised you didn't because all these married people email me and they're like, I've been married for 62 years and I want to know if my wife is a run orgasm like I've ever talked no no
Starting point is 00:34:49 No, no partner does the right needs to first tell them because it'll make the newly skinned man very proud of himself Right any man who thinks he's hurting his wife with his massive dong We're gonna start a diet revolution. Yeah exactly and be Once he knows he you don't have to go all the way you don't have to jackhammer ever I mean you need to do is like halfway and you're good halfway is good. She's probably gonna like it much more Guy's is so used to this gotta go deeper gotta go deeper gotta get it all in but I don't think that it's any more pleasurable for us to go I hate that we're pleasurable. Why? I don't know. It just sounds so 70s But I don't think that it doesn't do anything more for us
Starting point is 00:35:25 to thrust all the way. I think that we just feel like that's the right thing to do. That's what men think is right. So spooning inversion with the man on his side and the woman on our back is another extremely intimate pose and sweet pose where you can also control. She's like, it's the spooning position. Her legs in the air.
Starting point is 00:35:39 No, like don't you for spoon with you? Yeah, but she said she's on her back and he's on his side. That gives me thigh. But they're both on the side. Oh, yeah, the woman is the back. Yeah. Okay, the spooning inversion. Sorry, the spooning inversion with the man on the side and the woman on her back is extremely intimate. Both partners can cuddle closely as the man as the angle of this position puts pressure in all the right places for both parties without discomfort. She's on her back and he's kind of spooning her and slides over and I'm sure the pictures
Starting point is 00:36:04 in your book. There is pictures on your book. It's kind of spooning her and slides over and I'm sure the pictures in your book there is pictures and book it's kind of hard to explain it but also spooning just the spooning sex you do that I feel like a lot of good I don't do sex you know just spooning do you I don't do sex you don't talk about sex that's right well that's our next topic is couples are not sex you'll fit right in also try a woman on top this is what I always tell women with a man with a large penis if you you want to be on top because this way, you can control the depth. She's a good girl.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Yeah. And she doesn't slip. But don't let him plow on muscles. Exactly. Let him don't let him pound you. Use lots of lube. And again, you can also use vibrator if you need extra stimulation.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Steer clear of doggie's style. That is likely to cause the most pain unless he can control himself and not thrust you hard. Yeah. And I also wrote about this for glamour. I have a new column for, glamour magazine, and on Sundays I give a Sunday sextet. That's the magazine that George Costanza got caught
Starting point is 00:36:53 beating off to by his mom and on Sunfeld. Really? Glamour? Yeah. hilarious, I love it! I did not know that. OK, hi Emily, I'm in a relationship over a year now. I'm 31, he's 35.
Starting point is 00:37:04 I love him to bits and want to please him as much as possible. He loves BJs and anal, but I have never been able to finish him off as his penis is quite big. This is another large penis one. This is the first time my life where I feel sexually confident in myself and want this to be the best he's ever had. Any idea so I can overcome this big matter, excuse the pun, also be a first time trying anal sex and worry that it might cause damage in the future.
Starting point is 00:37:27 I'm glad that you are having this new sexual confidence and I'm just gonna give you the same advice about it, about read my article on glamour, but as far as oral sex goes, put your hands into the equation if he's larger, you don't have to do the whole deep-throw thing. You just make sure that it's very wet, use both hands and you don't use your mouth.
Starting point is 00:37:45 So use your mouth to work the, use your hands, work the shaft and use your mouth. And the cognacincent sensations should feel amazing, but also as for as input, you can also finish them off with lots of lube, just your mouth of the tip and give them kind of like a hand job or all sex thing. With anal sex, please, please proceed with caution as you always, always should. You want to make sure that you are lubed and prepped and ready because unlike the vagina of the skin in your anal area is dry and thin and it can really tear. It can tear from a large length. Dry and thin? Yeah it is. So if you're
Starting point is 00:38:16 determined you got to warm up with a lot of foreplay and when I say a lot I'm just going to keep saying it a lot. Use lots of lub. Go slow slow, very, very slow, and you should start with this finger at first. If you've never had anything in there, use a finger. And try a variety of positions to feel, do what feels to see what feels best and make sure that you're very relaxed and you breathe. And stick up for yourself. Yeah, if you don't want to, don't do it, but breathe, breathe, breathe.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Why is this guy so deep into oral and anal? That's her new boyfriend. It's a nice treat at her new boyfriend, exactly. He should work his way into that, not? He should, and don't do it if you don't want to. I was using emailing because she wants to. She wanted tips, but don't let him force that. She sounds like a pleaser.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Yeah, but maybe she's feeling like she wants to open up and be more adventurous. Literally. But I agree, but don't literally open up. And it is anal pleasure month, so happy anal pleasure month. It's August. What? Oh, yeah, I do that. OK.
Starting point is 00:39:05 They pick August because it's A and it's alliteration there, you think? Eighth August. It is ain't a log. It is ain't a log. If you go to good, you can see they're having sale on other butt plugs. I was going to bring you one of those as well.
Starting point is 00:39:14 But that's not part. I'm good. Good to go. Hey, you have anything to look like horse sales, though? That's what I'm in. The one I gave my gather. Yeah. Do you want that one?
Starting point is 00:39:23 Did you really give it to him? I don't listen. You are here. I don't listen. I'm not a I'm in the middle of the Christmas. I wasn't here I was seeing you give me more beautiful Pony butt plug. I wish I could remember what the name of it is because they're beautiful and it's a glass butt plug and it has a pink pony. It's like my little pony It's for bronies. He loved it. It was the best present ever Okay, so hey Emily. I'm a big fan of yours and I think you're really hot by the way.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Thank you. But anyway, I'm moving away for a few months, so I wanted to get my girlfriend a vibrator. She's never used any sex toys before, but she's pretty outgoing sexually. Just wondering if you could recommend one for me. Thanks. Steven. Wow, okay, so I know nothing about your girlfriend and she's never used sex toys, but she's outgoing sexually. So, well, the first thing I would recommend is there's this great new technology by Omibod. Omibod was the first, like, eight years ago they came out with this. This is when I, everyone had an iPod, you could set the vibrator to the sound on, to the music on your iPod and that's how it would vibrate. But now they have these remote control vibrator
Starting point is 00:40:25 oh my bods, that it's a wireless, panty vibrator that can be controlled by Bluetooth from your smartphone and connects with Wi-Fi giving users long distance control of the multiple vibrating functions. So they're long distance, he can vibar. She can wear the panties, he could be 3000 miles away and use his phone to turn on the vibrator if's wearing it. How friggin hot is that?
Starting point is 00:40:46 This is a recipe for disaster. Why? Because you know there's gonna be like cross things like someone how she's gonna get some other frequency by a mistake of some kind of like R&B station and it's to go hog wild and her band is that would that be awesome What if his music wasn't right like she's gonna get like some hardcore techno or punk rock station like 120 beef for a minute. Yeah, I don't, whatever. I don't think like music playing too fast on a vibe. In fact, my biggest problem is that like some of the songs are too slow. Oh my, just give me some hardcore music. But also if she, I mean a great starter toy is always a bullet vibrator or a clitorial vibrator. I don't know how she orgasms, but that's always a great gift.
Starting point is 00:41:22 My new obsession is the We Vibe. I think it's the tanga, it's called T-E-N-G-A vibrator. It's the strongest bullet I've ever experienced in my life, rechargeable. It's up there with the magic wand. Oh, not in the car. Not for use in the car, not for use. It's as strong as what you've ever had.
Starting point is 00:41:41 It's the best bullet. But it's just great because you can use them during intercourse, you can use them. But if she wants to do some G- just great because you can use them during intercourse, you can use them. But if she wants to do some G-Spot, I can't, I think a great starter one. This would be a fun, like you're going away, GIF, the blue, it's called the, Blue Motion Blue Tooth Remote Vibrator from Omibod.
Starting point is 00:41:57 And you can also get that at, but also, just, you could get her like a little kit too. From Goodvibes, you can get her like a little sex kit with like bubble bath and like Little vibrators and she can try out different things and see what she likes a little going away. Give her a back voucher as well. Exactly. Okay, so we have
Starting point is 00:42:17 Another email that we're going to answer because we've got some time here, right? How many emails you get him? Hunter a day a week. A day. Let's go by day. I think we probably got 30 on Facebook today maybe 50. I don't know and then feedback emails. It's actually the only I probably get 30 to 50 a day. And you go through all those right? I do. We get every single one. I do. That's good. Yeah. We all do. We go through and we try to answer them all. You know, I can't get to all of them and also a lot of them we, you
Starting point is 00:42:42 know, there's we just answer them and say, hey, listen to the show or check this out. We try to, I wanna advise people and help them. And who picks the ones that you bring on to the show? I have to put you on the spot. Madison, my intern, or Lauren, my assistant, picks ones that are kind of, sometimes we try to find some that are similar, like the two penis ones.
Starting point is 00:42:58 And also, sometimes we try to find some that are just like, couple, like this show is gonna be, but it's kind of all mixed in now. But couples who are having a hard time with their sex life, right? But really it's just a variety I pretty much like to have a variety on the show and I pick ones that I don't know are relevant. I mean if people are asking me something crazy out there whatever But I know I usually answer everything I do so after this email Madison I'm gonna ask you to think about it. Well Emily's doing this next email
Starting point is 00:43:24 I would like to hear the most fucked up one you've read since you've been with her. Emily you can weigh in as well. I'll think about it. You can think about it. Wow. That's it That's a really good question. I'm excited Okay, I know I know okay. This one's really long Should we answer this? You should have your assistance added it. I'll answer if she did edit it There's one under it. I know but she did edit it. There's one under I know but the big believe that what okay? This is good one. Dear Emily, I'm 21.
Starting point is 00:43:49 My boyfriend is 36. I curse. I'm his first girlfriend and first everything else. You're his first girlfriend. We've been together for a year and a half and have tried to have sex, but he can't seem to keep it up. When it comes to anything else sexual, he's great at it. I'm not sure if it's the pressure of it, but we were very comfortable with each other. We're very comfortable.
Starting point is 00:44:08 He says he doesn't know why it happens. I love sex and can be a freak in the sheets and I want to be able to share that with him. Any ideas to maybe ease his mind or why he may not be able to stay hard? Thanks, Emily. Her name is Emily as well. Okay, Emily, does he drink, take medication? Is there anything that he's on? Do you know, he's smoke a lot of pot? That could be a problem. He's 36.
Starting point is 00:44:30 He's never had sex before that. He's a 36 year old virgin. He was before her. He's a 36 year old virgin, so he's been masturbating. Does he have a basement? Does he have a freezer? And you should check it for bodies. Well, I mean, I don't even know where to start here,
Starting point is 00:44:39 because I just want to say you're 21 and he's 36. Like that's such a huge age difference at your age and the fact that he's never had sexy for a pick you at 21. I'm just wondering how healthy this relationship, it's in me, like, where do they meet? I don't even know. See, that's a thing about the emails
Starting point is 00:44:53 that's why the calling on love lines are nice because you can be like, wait, break this down. Yeah, I'm picturing him being, I can get you to get some violence. Like, working on computer stuff, making lots of money meeting it or strip joint or maybe hiring her and then it's his first ever so that the relationship continues. Yeah, this isn't a good one.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I mean, he can't stay hard and I mean, what can he do? He can practice with the stop start method, with masturbating, with masturbating, just to learn to control, to stay harder longer. But a lot of guys just have a reptile dysfunction. He should go talk to his doctor and get checked out. And I'm judging here, but if you're 36 and he's still a version of something psychological is going wrong, something upstairs that's happening. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:33 So before I even give you advice, I mean, I don't think that that's, yeah, he's for his entire life. So let's say 20 years since he had a masturbating, he's probably been Jack in office certain way. He's never had sex 20 years. 20 years. 20 years. He could be very anxious about it. That's true.
Starting point is 00:45:48 There could be a lot of other things, but I'm just concerned about is your mom know you're dating this guy is 36 year old and lives in the basement. But that's right. He had some bodies to the basement. I don't think it lives in. Guys do experience this a lot with their penises going going hard going soft. I mean, could take a biographer. But I don't I don't want to go there with this because it's not really your job.
Starting point is 00:46:04 You don't want to be in your first, I don't know this your first relationship, but this serious relationship and the age difference and then he's got penis issues and I just think they ought to end this way. Yeah, I guess. Call level. Call level. I will answer you. On a Thursday night so you can talk to him.
Starting point is 00:46:17 But really, if someone does have this problem where they can't say hard, that is very common for men, erectile dysfunction. First thing you should always do is rule out any kind of medicine. Heart disease. Dr. heart disease. You take any pills, medication, you know, any depressants, anything like that. You could check that out and do that first. I'm not going to go into her situation here. So that was a pretty fucked up one, but you got you got one more. I do. I do. Do we have time? Yeah. Okay. So I know, but I
Starting point is 00:46:44 feel like okay. What's what, but I feel like, okay. What's happening? There's people whispering off like this guy asked about a flashlight. So I feel like it's going to be like, I'm trying to, but this guy actually asked about the flashlight. So I'm like, oh, people are going to think I'm just talking about like toys all time, but it's a question. It's a sex show.
Starting point is 00:46:57 You should be talking about toys. I know, but people suddenly go, you're okay. Hey, Emily, be following your page for a while. And this was from Facebook. And just started listening to the podcast. Perfect length for car trip to or from work. Looks like I have some catching up to do. You recently posted about the flashlight.
Starting point is 00:47:10 My wife and I are looking for ways to not so much increase my stamina but more so to increase my abilities for quick repeat performance. I like the idea of a toy that's focused on the guy for a change too. As a couple would you recommend the Ice Virgin or the stamina version? Thanks and keep up the good work, James. Okay, so here's the thing is, the older that you are, did you say how old he is? Did you wanna say the last name?
Starting point is 00:47:35 No, but I should've said no, let's cut that out. Yeah, they'll flesh like that. So here's the thing, the older you are, it is harder for the repeat performance. I don't know if you Anderson, but when you were like in your twin Couldn't you like your refractory period was a lot less like you could get hard again every year it gets Longer right so the older you get a starter and actually we've been doing it on at least 20 minutes now
Starting point is 00:47:53 Come on if you go again Yeah, so so the older you are it's harder for repeat repeat repeat performance in your 20s A lot of guys get sex multiple times experience multiple orgasms But as you get older it's called kind of like single bullet sex. You just got one bullet, you get it out and you're done. So if you want to make it count and you want to make it last, and that's why the flashlight created the stamina training unit. So you use like the stop start method where you put it on your penis and you go, you know, you to the point that you're going to the gym. It's like going to the gym. It is. You know,
Starting point is 00:48:23 your PC muscles and your penis, all those muscles, you need to work them out just like everything else. What are the wife and feel about that? I'm going off the gym, honey, and she goes in the garage. I'm just sitting in the car with the flashlight. Well, it's important. You've got to work out every muscle. It's a gym.
Starting point is 00:48:35 You want to have a thorough workout. So the flashlight, it's tameric unit, can help you just control those muscles so you can last longer in bed. It's not necessarily going to help you with your refractory period, although doing cagal exercises can also help you. I always say to use my iPhone app cagal camp. It reminds you every day to do them. So I would say the stamina training unit, and also if you want to stay
Starting point is 00:48:55 harder longer, you can try a promising. It's a delay spray. Helps you last longer. But I would say, he wants to know the ice. I say just go for the stamina training unit because that's what it's about. What is the ice one? ice one is is a lightweight? There's so many different versions of the flashlight. It's it's more lightweight and sleek looking I think but the same Let's cooler. Yeah, doesn't it's like clear and like it's clear and frosted looking. Yeah, is that for like when you're traveling
Starting point is 00:49:19 Yeah, say it's gonna take it out You want to make sure you have a good looking one. That's the flight. The flight is the one that you can pass TSA with not even a glance. So which one is the ice? The ice is the, it literally just looks like a bigger, the inside is the same as the flight and it's clear. So you can, I guess it's for guys who want to see their penis going in.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Yes, they want to see their penis going in and out, which men love watching that. Yeah, into plastic. Yeah, I mean, I can understand it. But you want to see it going in a place. Yeah, you do. No judgment. I don't know. Some guys want to see it, I can understand it. I love the thing about the plastic. You want to see going into the plastic? Yeah, you do. No judgment. I know some guys want to see it, but it's it's it's rubber and you want to see your penis. You know, I don't
Starting point is 00:49:50 know what men want to think about it. They're gonna say, maybe some guys want to watch the penis going in now. But the thing about the flashlight is that it it's great just as the number one selling sex right for men because it's probably the only one, but the only one that does it right, they've been doing it for a long time. And it actually, every guy I've given it to, like straight men, even men in relationships, married, gay, straight, single, all different ages, like no one said they hated it.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Let's spread that way. Every guy know like freaks out and loves it, and I think that there might be a stigma attached to it, like why should I need it? My hand is fine, like a lot of them do look like porn stars, you don't have to get the porn star vagina, you can get the flight, or the ice, or whatever. My boyfriend loves his. Oh my god, Madison, your boyfriend. Tell that story.
Starting point is 00:50:28 I'm gonna do a full review but honestly my boyfriend is like- She's 24. Yeah, check it. He's so happy because he's way more sexual than I am. Like I'm, you know, I have long days, I get tired, I'm not a machine, I'm not a sex robot, but he is. You can just go and go and go. 24.
Starting point is 00:50:43 So, I mean, he's even younger than I am. He 21 So he's decided nine. Oh, so he's in his prime So on those nights where he's like all hornies like trying to poke me with it I'm literally just like go get the flashlight baby and I just go back to sleep and you don't care And then yeah, or I'll be like go take a long shower quote unquote and he'll take it in the shower and come back And be totally fine and then I get to snuggle with him and go to bed There you go. He's describing like a well trained dog. I know. That's the most world.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Honestly, yeah. Yeah, also, it kind of makes me a little bit competitive. I was reading someone else's blog. Oh, the guy who invented the flashlight. He was like, you know, I brought my home and my wife has started wanting to like have sex more and it's because he's sitting there like, oh, my flashlight's so good. And I'm like, I got a reminder that mine's better. No matter what, I'm a woman attached to it.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Exactly. Would it be offensive if your boyfriend cut out like a picture of me like who in his face and put it on the tip? You know, knowing what I know just working, I would be able to like appreciate it from like an outside perspective, but it would be kind of weird
Starting point is 00:51:41 because the whole thing with the flashlight is, it's just a vagina. There's like no person, it's not cheating. Oh, I have a cell of future. Like a sex toy, you just like that. I have a cell of future. What? A flashlight with like a hologram that comes out the top.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Oh, it's perfect. You would have sex with two pock. Holy hell. Oh my god. I think we can probably cut him out. I mean, I just want to say that there is... Try it. Go to my website, click on the flashlight banner and check out if you...
Starting point is 00:52:03 I mean, the thing is women, we have a million sex toys, lots of things we can try for all different parts of our body. We've got nipple clamps, you've got the G spot where we're not trying to win. Do you have nipple clamps? We have nipple clamps. That's true. That's true. I don't know why I just guys don't typically straight men that I know don't do you like your nipples played with? Yeah, it's fine. What do you mean it's fine? It's good. Because I feel like most men, it isn't a Roger zone. And I think that a lot of guys sort of shy away from that. And they don't realize that actually they could straight men. It's good because I Most men it isn't a Roger zone and I think that a lot of guys sort of shy away from that They don't realize that actually they could straight. It's good if you can get a lady who's willing to tickle the nip
Starting point is 00:52:30 Why not yeah, I've had mixed review mixed not reviews. I was it give reviews what mix experiences with men wanting that I can see how some guys would shy away guys are weird That makes me gay if you touch me Like a or if you prostate play we just did a show in that That's a different That's the make you get either. That's healthy, so here it is. Wait, so they actually, do you say pain in the ass?
Starting point is 00:52:49 Did you just say that? Yeah, no. Did I- No, I'm funny. You did? I'm funny. They actually created a fleshlight that's created to get through airport security.
Starting point is 00:53:00 That's a real thing. Yeah. I don't think they said like- They were like, I'm trying to get through air, but it looks like it's like- It's not a marketing. No, but you can't get it like I'm trying to get through here, but it looks like no It's lightweight is the flight it's you can take it with you wherever you go long The terror is actually is the terror sex toy It's it is fantastic. We just you know
Starting point is 00:53:14 We just want people to have sex wherever you are on the planet take it with you wherever you go Fucked up email. What is it and the thing is what fucked up email? Oh, yeah, most fucked up email. I'll go So I actually think that you guys answered this on the show but Lauren and I for a while We're just kind of like oh my gosh. What do you even say to that? It was about the guy who is in a relationship What he says is in a relationship with an absolutely amazing woman he turns them on we both want to avoid having kids So we only do hand jobs or anal sex that's all they don't want to have they don't want to have kids So just hand jobs and anal they don't even they don't even fuck with blow jobs
Starting point is 00:53:44 Yeah, I know what happened to risk what about birth control and condoms That's the thing is it's like and then he goes on He's like my problem is that I can't ejaculate in front of her and like that's your problem Okay, you got you've got bigger problems. You're only having anal sex someone missed the day where they did sex That in class and told him about contraceptives or even the fact that you can apparently get pregnant from anal sex. Much easier to get pregnant with anal sex. But no one can get pregnant if you can't ejaculate. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:54:10 You can also can't ejaculate. Did we answer him? You did. I think it was mutual masturbation. And then make masturbation part of your sexual routine and then at the very bottom because I wrote the notes on this. I go, blow jobs, birth control, condoms, anything? Anything other than what you're doing right now.
Starting point is 00:54:28 But that was one of the- That's because you can't inject it, who cares? Oh, and then at the very bottom, also I'm on it to depressants. And it's all good. There you go. I mean, it might even want to have sex. Because that's gonna be a problem too, everyone.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Remember, if you are on any kind of medication that could have an impact on your sex drive, your desire, all that stuff. So, yeah, that's what we got for you, Anderson. I just heard recently, actually, a couple people have somehow gotten pregnant from oral sex. Forget where I heard that. I'll look that up. I'll talk about that next time. I'll bring you some facts. We got pregnant from performing. Maybe they rubbed his semen and they like-
Starting point is 00:55:01 Maybe they sneaked right after? I don't know. I don't know. Maybe like it was still on him and then they had sex afterwards. There's just a semen on his penis or he was touching himself and gave her a little interaction and then maybe he had a cup of semen his hand and just shoved it up inside her when he was a finger. I have no idea but that's interesting Anderson. You'll have to find out. I'll do a little research on that later tonight.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Okay. That sounds good. Yeah. Well, thanks, Madison. My amazing answer. Thank Okay, that sounds good. Yeah, well thanks, Madison. My amazing answer. Thank you, Anderson. You rock and for this new show, it's just fun. Everyone, as you know, you can always email me feedback at and follow me on Facebook,
Starting point is 00:55:35 Twitter and Instagram. Sex with Emily. Kids love the Instagram. They do love the Instagram today. So everyone, thanks so much for listening. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at Perhaps play a little game called Just a Tip.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Just for a second. Just a C.I. Hey, this is Jordan Harbinger, host of the Art of Charm Podcast, the number one dating and relationship advice podcast in iTunes. I'm Emily Morris, host of the Sex with Emily Podcast, the number one sex and relationship podcast on iTunes and it's And this is just the tip. So last time we talked about some sex mistakes and these were big heads.
Starting point is 00:56:11 So what are some other sex mistakes that we didn't cover last time? Guys sometimes in a hung up of a woman doesn't get slippery enough for sex and for penetration they think, oh my god if she's wet, she's turned on if she's not, she's not, but the truth is every woman is different. So you really can't judge the fact that she's wet. I mean, yes, she could get wet in turn on, but other women might be really turned on, but's not, she's not. But the truth is, every woman is different. So you really can't judge the fact that she's, I mean, yes, she could get wet in turn on, but other women might be really turned on, but they don't get wet.
Starting point is 00:56:29 So don't make assumptions, even if she has natural lubrication, it can change from day to day as well. So women change on their menstrual cycle. I know, talking about periods isn't sexy, but it is true. There are certain times in a month where women are wetter than others.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Yeah, and also alcohol, right? If you're like, I definitely recall, like women who are really drunk and stuff like that. Not at that cable. When they're really just. That's my day rape. But like, you know, if you drink a lot, you dehydrate and stuff, you can be pretty dry down there. Yeah. It's a horror, actually. True, exactly. So that's why I always say, you use lubricant. Use Emily and lubricant, actually. I just put a little spit on it. No, I'm serious though The lubricant actually most women reported that using lubricant during sex is more and durable 70% of women said that using a lubricant during sex enhance their experience even if they were already wet
Starting point is 00:57:13 That's good. Yeah, good to know. It's not if you're dry It's not there's this comfort. It's to make sex better. I think that there should be lubricant every night stand There you go in America and in the rest of the world. The whole world just looped out. Exactly. Let's leap up the world. Also, here's another one. There's another big mistake that guys make. They think they have to be silent. They think they don't want to be like, yeah, they do. That's hot. Because, you guys, we don't even know the orgasm today. Now, you didn't make a goddamn noise. Why? You know, it's it's hot. You just like, you think that with
Starting point is 00:57:40 hot one way and making noise, we want to know of you in orgasm. If you don't speak up, we have no idea. So, I'm not saying that you need to like, you know, scream or anything, but you can let or know how you're feeling and do it all talking in the morning. Little gorilla. Yeah. Pump it. If you guys want to learn more from the art of charm about dating, relationships, and
Starting point is 00:58:00 even networking for business, visit us at or check us out on iTunes and follow me on Twitter at theartofcharm. And check out the sector of the M.A. Podcasts at and iTunes if you want to have the best sex or life that is, also follow me on Twitter at sexwithmley. Buying a car can be such a stressful experience, but true car is changing car buying forever. True car actually helps car buyers get rid of the fear that they might overpay, and that fear is the worst. Last month, over 45,000 cars were sold by the True Car Certified Dealer Network, and True users save an average of $3,046 off MSRP.
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