Sex With Emily - Inside Bunny Ranch: The Tale of Dennis Hof & the 37 Orgasms

Episode Date: August 13, 2014

Today’s show is all about thinking outside of the sexual box, and here to help is owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch and all-around sexual dynamo, Dennis Hof! Along with beautiful Bunny, Miss Ava... Adora, Emily leads Dennis through a lively discussion on sex, legal prostitution, and how to really please a woman - and that’s just the tip!From a self-described sexual square to the Cathouse King, Dennis shares his epic journey that led him to become one of the most successful and knowledgeable men in the legal prostitution industry! He tells us how he came to purchase the infamous Nevada brothel (a story involving comedian Andy Kaufman) and turned it into an empire with his pleasure-based business model.Ava explains how a little case of identity theft brought her from college graduation to the Bunny Ranch, and discloses some of her most memorable sexual experiences, on and off the ranch. She also shares her secret to the art of sexual negotiation, which is like any other business deal, except it ends in great sex!Next, Emily and Dennis talk about the importance of “effing communication”, and how you have to TALK about the sex you want to actually GET the sex you want. Dennis discloses his best tips and tricks for how to REALLY please a woman and Ava tell us why Dennis is the best lover she’s ever had (just a hint: 37 orgasms). You're going want to hear what this guy has to say!They bust the common stereotypes surrounding the world’s oldest profession, and touch on the hot topic of what’s on the menu at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch! Want to know what a "Viagra Party" is? Or what goes on if you order the "Asian wet room?" In this super-sexy episode, nothing is off limits!Want to know more about what goes on inside the Moonlite Bunny Ranch? Catch a new episode of the hit series Cathouse, premiering August 14th at 11pm PST on HBO! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mark our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them in a bygone way. Hey, Emily You got a boyfriend because my man E here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The world's got a Rastandard oh my the women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common all of it?
Starting point is 00:00:25 What do you mean, like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm off here. I'm gone. Being bad feels pretty good.
Starting point is 00:00:34 You know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to You can listen to all of our podcasts, sign up for our mailing list, and you don't really do need to sign up for our mailing list because I send you really good email. I do good email. I just got to say it's not what is annoying news that I do get every week. It's actually get through information to help you
Starting point is 00:00:56 improve your sex life in a relationship which is what I'm all about. Plus you get a report, the five biggest mistakes you're making about if you're a man or a woman, and follow me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, which is all sex with Emily. And on Wednesdays, I answer all your questions. 1231 Pacific Standard Time. You got a question. You tweet me. I answer it.
Starting point is 00:01:14 140 characters are less, so which is really all you need. There's probably only three sex questions in the world that you have. They all boil down to that. And I'm happy to help you. Okay, I'm going to get right into my guest because I'm thrilled with my guest here today. I have Dennis Hoff. He's the owner of the infamous Nevada brothel, the Moonlight Bunny Ranch.
Starting point is 00:01:31 And he's here to talk about sex, prostitution, legal prostitution, his upcoming season of the HBO series Cat House, which features a look at the inner workings of a legal house of prostitution. And I'm so happy because he walked in with Eva Dora, who's actually a bunny. Hi, Eva. Hi. She's the real bunny she works there so there's like no ground there's nothing of limits here. We're getting
Starting point is 00:01:53 into it. You ask it and by the way I get your email and I want to tell everybody I actually read it. I don't think anybody knows more about sex than me. I'm a cathouse king, the brothel Baron. I have 540 girls licensed with me. I'm a cathouse king, the brothel baron. I have 540 girls licensed with me. I think I know everything about sex and I think the gal with me would probably say that too, wouldn't you? It's true. He has a lot of experience. Maybe that's what you do. And I still learn things from your email. That's so important. That's so sweet. That makes me feel very good. See, and you got, because we met years ago at a party, which I vaguely, and you're on my list, and I love that. You didn't cause you could
Starting point is 00:02:23 unsubscribed if you didn't like it. Oh, of course I would. I'm so glad you didn't. So I'm glad you guys are here. So I think we got to give people background. Let's say they haven't seen your wildly successful series on HBO. How did you get started in this business? Well, everything happens around sex, Emily.
Starting point is 00:02:38 You know that. Yeah, everything good and bad in your life happens around sex. So I met a gal. I moved to Reno, Nevada, and I met a gal and started dating her, and she was a prostitute at the Moonlight Ranch, and I didn't know it. And after a few months, she finally told me the truth, what she did, and wanted me to come out and see it, and I was so square. I just- You were square.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Oh, square. I was just monogamous guy relationships relationships and just squares can be and and so I went out and took a look at it and And then I I thought you know what this this doesn't sound bad. I mean it it makes sense because Sex trafficking is disgusting. We know what's going on in sex in American. It's it's out of hand and with all these these websites These back page and things like that who are who are terrible in my mind, sex traffickers. And so I thought this isn't bad. And so one night I was out there on a Sunday night because that was boyfriend night. And I met Andy Kaufman and his partner Bob Samuda, founder of Comic Relief. Now we became instant friends. You met him with a ranch. You met him with a ranch, okay. And it was the place that Andy could go and get away and be himself.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And he loved it. And by the way, at his gravesite, not one member of the taxi crew was there and three bunnies were there. Really? Yeah. He bonded with the bunnies and not even like Danny to be a professional.
Starting point is 00:03:59 He could do himself. Right. Now I get that. I was there the first night he came there. And he lined up all the girls there was 28 girls there and And he just couldn't make a decision and and Zumu da is saying pick pick a girl pick a girl and he finally says, you know I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. I'm gonna pick a girl, but I'm telling you I'm playing at Harris in Lake Tahoe I will party with every one of you girls within the next week. I promise you, and he did.
Starting point is 00:04:26 By partying with every one of them, you mean that's actually the every one of them? A party can be whatever you want to be. It could be snuggling and cuddling and making out. It could be oral, it could be anal, it could be a threesome, it could be anything you want. So with every woman, he either like slammed a beer or slammed them.
Starting point is 00:04:43 But what I would like to do is he'd like to wrestle the girls. So he would line them up like you'd never seen them before. He'd say, oh, Emily, you look kind of strong. You wrestle your brother when you're young. Oh, Eva, what about you? Was it like four-play? You wrestle, yeah. It's a fetish, a wrestle fetish.
Starting point is 00:05:00 He would pick two girls and one would get a white leotard, one would get a black leotard one would get a black leotard and Myself or Bob Zimuda would referee the match. I've still got the referee shirt It didn't fit me. It's too tight. It's an extra large and I'm a double X now and the whistle But he would wrestle the two girls would wrestle each other to see you got the wrestle handy in the finals My god Andy in the finals. Wow. Oh my god. You do still do this kind of ongoing route. Seems like a good. Yes. Wrestling is a big fetish. Have you ever done Lou breastling? Because last time I was in Vegas, I was in the Lou breastling match.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Well, and it's pretty messy, but fun. My assistant was our first week on the job and she actually sprained her toe, but I think it was a good incarnation into the family world. We had some people contact us and we emptied out a room and went to Costco or a home depot and put the big tarps in there, take them up to the walls and Ava had a customer, a couple come in and they all three of them lubed wrestled in that room. I love it. It's the biggest thing, right? Well, you are like Nevada.
Starting point is 00:06:02 That's so funny. So Ava, how long have you been at the ranch now? I've been working for six months now. I started in February. OK. I'm still in the ranch. And how did you get on board with the ranch? Well, it's actually an interesting story.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Somebody submitted my pictures trying to be me to get in. But I guess they didn't realize how legal and safe it was and how we need to have ID. Right. They need to be able to prove that I'm fact. Who exactly? Exactly. You can't have a felony and work here.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Those kind of things. And so when they accepted her with my pictures, she couldn't go. And so she had, I guess, she did the right thing in the end, I guess, and let me know. Did she a friend of yours? She was like a girl I knew in high school. Was it one of those conversations?
Starting point is 00:06:40 Congratulations. You've been accepted at the body room. It was very bizarre. It was I as a kid. It was I was I have never thought about doing anything like this. Well no I have never danced before you know like I graduated from college in May. I went to Boston University so I was you know planning on maybe paying off my student loans in other ways.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Right but this is pretty much you've already paid them off. I'm pretty much almost there. Yeah yeah you make good money doing that. Wow. So I know a lot of your women are college educated, a lot of the bunnies. Most of them have better education than I do. At least half of them do. And a lot of girls are there, like Eva Payne off their school laws, I think what people don't realize
Starting point is 00:07:16 is school laws are now so easy to get. And debt is so easy to run up. And how do you retire that debt? Because you get out of school, the jobs just aren't there right and I've seen it was so many good. Should have done us huh I wish I knew you. I graduated it's been a while but no I mean you're right it makes sense there's a lot I mean the whole thing with a lot of women now like making what's her name the Bell Knox yeah exactly.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Even once even once will be a doctor and so she needs she wants to pay off this debt so she can go wants to pay off this debt So she can go back to school and go back and get it right but Ava how was your sex before like had you had a lot of sex Partners, I mean obviously you have to be barbed Oh, you were slutty already then it's yours that shoe in but I mean I got to believe that there's some kind of I want to hear this Ava It's not about we're gonna learn a lot about you today. Well, I mean, it was, I wouldn't say that I was necessarily super promiscuous in the sense that I had a million sex
Starting point is 00:08:12 partners, but I definitely had sex a lot. And I had sex with girls, I had sex with guys, I had three sons, I did all kinds of things. But I'd also been in, you know, committed monogamous relationships as well. And so, I mean, I didn't necessarily see working here as kind of sacrificing my, you know, sexual purity or self-esteem or any or my self-sense of respect. I don't really see them as mutually exclusive. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:36 So you were having fun. Yeah, I got it. And you had some sex partners and you tried girls? Mm-hmm. I tried girls before I tried guys. I don't like girls. Yeah, yeah. So when you were, like, when you were how old?
Starting point is 00:08:49 I'd say my first sexual experience with a girl, I was 14. What'd you do? Yeah. Goodness. A lot of almost everything. Pretty much everything. Did she been with another girl? No, we were both, you know, I was in ballet.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I was a ballerina for me to six to 17. And we... Your was in ballet. I was a ballerina from age six to 17. And we... The boobs are too big to be a ballerina. But once I quit, they showed up. You know that. You've been nice brass. I mean, they're like almost abstractions. And they're real.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Wow, they're amazing. We're going to get some good shots on the actual family site. So, it was a girl and you two were spending the night where you weren't drinking or anything. Oh, no, we were 14. I mean, we had just left a impractice from the ballet studio and there was a park across the street and we told our parents that we had to you know stay an hour there or whatever and
Starting point is 00:09:30 did you leave it? And then did you leave it? And you left it? And you left it? At the time I thought it was awesome. So I would assume yes. So that's what I think. Yeah you've made out that's the first phase. Right. You know what I mean? Next thing you know when she's got her hands in your pants. Yeah. That's not. Okay so then she's, I know. I, like, which I didn't, but you didn't get mad at your friend, you're like, I'll take it. No, no, wait. Right, so then you get to the bunny ranch six months ago.
Starting point is 00:09:53 And then you meet Dennis for the first time. Right. And he's lovely, right? Is there like a welcoming, can you add to work? Was that anyway? I don't think you've ever talked about the first time. He met me. Of course, I had seen that house.
Starting point is 00:10:05 So you knew you were getting yourself into it. And yeah, I'd been on YouTube and saw his interviews on Hannity and on Bill O'Reilly and all over the place. So I kind of knew, before I got there since I was kind of presented with this opportunity to go, I kind of was able to do all my research and figure out if I liked it ethically and all of these kind of things. And it worked. And so I was really excited to meet him.
Starting point is 00:10:24 But it was funny, He's my first day I didn't have you know my hair wasn't done my makeup wasn't done in normal go clothes And he was just like hi chick my hand and like walked away She wasn't all dolled up. No, no, no, he didn't probably didn't he doesn't even remember this to this day You probably have no idea but then it was a Friday It was maybe my second day working ever and I had you know my red lips on I had you know I like your red lips just thank you. They work for you. Thank you. Yeah, that lips just work Do they really do I feel like I want to go to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah, and so and I was just sitting there mind my own business and you walked in with Barbie girl in Kimber to other bunnies That's bunny right and you just locked eyes with me and you would not let me leave your side the rest of How about that? You got it's attention. That's sweet. It's the next day. Okay, so you guys had said, how was it? Great.
Starting point is 00:11:13 You told me that that was the first time you had sex in your manager's office. Oh my god. Look at you. There's still more plays in the future sex. I know. I just blessed him. You have sex with all the girls that come through. No. No. No. to know I'm real particular now
Starting point is 00:11:27 I don't mind admitting that I've had sex with 4,000 women How do you know though like really forth? I want to keep on like book I can't keep in track at 4,000 so but I don't know I first of all I never sleep with a girl that wants to go to work. Ever. Here's my rule. Like if they see you somewhere around town and they want to sleep with you to get it, that would be a funny idea. I never sleep with a civilian chick.
Starting point is 00:11:52 It's been 10 years. A civilian is a non-working girl, okay? A non-working girl in a legal environment. I would never be with an illegal prostitute because half of them have diseases. And so I quit about 10 years ago because the STD rates are so high. Right. And the young girl age group, if you look at CDC site, it's going to tell you one out of four has an STD right now.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Right. Okay. So I don't want, those odds are too high for me. Exactly. So I don't, I don't, I don't think it's. But use condoms, right? Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:23 But still it's just like, I don't want to take a chance. No, I get it. You don't want to need chances. So I would never sleep with a girl before she came to work there. If she was applying, I'd never do that. I typically don't get involved in the hiring and there's two things. You know, I've been with hot blondes from 18 to 24 all my life. So if a really hot blonde comes I see it come to the computer. I might contact her okay or a crazy mix Like a Japanese and and Mexican okay or Korean and Italian Some of these mixed girls. She's just stunning Beautiful. Yeah, and it's good for our business. They have that that diversity for sure and so But I typically don't get involved and and I'm pretty picky
Starting point is 00:13:02 You know she might not agree with you maybe on that but I'm picky and that that out of all the girls at the bunny ranch I'm gonna slip with the ones that are there now what two three four that's not many have five hundred and forty girls license that's a lot but they're not all there all the time obviously not that there's always about 30 girls working and I have seven places in Nevada okay in North in Northern Nevada between Reno and Lake Tahoe, there's four places. There's the buddy ranch. I bought 92. The love ranch.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I bought 97. The Kit Kat ranch, which I bought in 2012. The Sage Brush Ranch, which I bought in 2013. So all these girls, when you say 500, they're working at all these different places. It takes 540 girls to keep about 110 working all the time. Can I have three places outside of Vegas, two smaller stores there, the Love Ranch Vegas, the alien cat house, and that. So, the answer to your question is no, I don't sleep with all the girls, and I'd like to think that I'm a little bit particular. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Well, I mean, she's beautiful. So I might have something to do. I get it. Okay, so you started your business then a long time, 30, how many years ago? 92. 92, so when you first started. Okay, so you said since then,
Starting point is 00:14:16 you were a monogamous man, you said, you were married, were you? Well, yeah, I was married. I was a genius. I got married when I was 17. Yeah, people shouldn't get married for your 30. But the good thing, I was talking to Chuck Zito last night, and Chuck and I were at the rainbow,
Starting point is 00:14:30 and Chuck is sons of an arki, and the famous guy, he was angel, and Chuck, our lives had some parallels to it. We both got married at 17, and had responsibility. And because of that responsibility, and coming from a poor family, so I didn't have a big support mechanism, I never got into drinking, I don't drink at all. I mean, if the three of us were out,
Starting point is 00:14:54 you guys wanted to order a bottle of wine, I'd have about a third of a glass, and I was acting like I'm a big drinker. And I don't do any drugs, never got into it. Don't eat smoke weed. Wow. And so, and Chuck was the same way. He's the same, he's the guy.
Starting point is 00:15:10 He never goes to the grocery store. It's rare, especially I would think in your business, you know, because you think of him in this crazy life with the hells angels. And of course there's a lot of drugs there. Or me, you think, you would think that we've always got the best cocaine and we're smoking everything and no neither one is because we had responsibility.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Right. And that responsibility, the only good thing that came from me being married very young is that responsibility where I couldn't get off into that world. Right. Okay, got it. But then you switched. I mean, you got there and you were like, wow, this whole awakening. Like before that, you probably didn't have a lot of sexual experiences.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Right. I never, I never- And now- It was always straight sex. I mean like, can we- can I- Anything swear or whatever the hell you want. Okay, when I was married at 17, it was like, I didn't know any better. It was like, it's like, you've got a 25 year old Toyota and you drive it back and forth
Starting point is 00:16:01 to work for a year and it's- you love it. Yeah. You don't realize what it's like to drive a new Mercedes convertible So we were like I found out after being married nine years We were like two monkeys trying to fuck a football right neither one of us got it Okay, you just don't get people think they're just gonna get it and it's gonna figure out he's gonna know what I want She's getting people don't know I thought it was good. I thought it was good. It was sucked It was terrible and so the anti missionary in and out and watch sports in our yeah. I was just I was
Starting point is 00:16:29 ignorant and she was too. So so anyway that that was our life. Now in 78 so I met Kaufman in 76 or 77. 78 or 79 one night where there because Kaufman was a Andy Kaufman. And you met him in Vegas. I met him at the Brunny Ranch in Northern Nevada. Okay, the one that you already had going in 78. No, I bought it in 92. Okay, then how did you meet him in 78? So because my girlfriend worked there. Got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:54 So Kaufman, one night we're in this back room. They treated him special because he's a celebrity. Right. They treated me special because I was a boyfriend of one of the girls. Got it. So one night he says, he said, Dennis, let's buy this place and treat everybody like you and I are treated. And I went, wow, what a great idea because prostitution worldwide is get in, get up, get off, get the fuck out of here. Right. Okay, so that was the plan.
Starting point is 00:17:18 So we started putting our ideas together. I still got the three ring binder with all the notes and I kept trying to buy it. 84 Kaufman died. I still got the three-ring binder with all the notes, and I kept trying to buy it. 84 Kaufman died. Little liquor, no drugs, a vegetarian, died a cancer. And then I kept the fight up, and in 92, I bought it. And all I did was implement, I changed the name from Moonlight Ranch to Dennis Hoff's world-famous Moonlight
Starting point is 00:17:39 Bunny Ranch. Right. And I took the big sign down that says, men only, because most of the brothels in the world don't want women in there and I took it down as it's someday you're gonna see women in there last weekend there was 13 couples in there on Friday night really like together together together so but I've made it cool they all came in by themselves but 13 people together was like a
Starting point is 00:18:04 field trip they didn't get It was like a field trip. No, they didn't get dropped off in a bus. No, we handled like 13. Exactly. Okay. Years ago, women weren't even involved. In fact, most of the brothels in Nevada, women still aren't allowed to come in. Right. Because they're afraid it's a wife looking for her husband. Right. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:17 So all, all I did, that makes sense. Here's the secret to the success. Make it fun. I mean, make it fun. Make it fun. And not just sex and adventure. Because the experience is more about the adventure than it is the sex. I told the girl, they said, I'm now saying, here's the new deal.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Number one, don't ever party with anybody you don't want to. You mean we don't have to fuck everybody? Nope, just the guys you want to. OK, so they can say no. Number two, everybody has their limit. Only do what you enjoy. Don't ever do a sex act. You mean, if I don't want to do anal with a guy,
Starting point is 00:18:50 I don't have to? No, you don't have to. It just be nice and introduce them to another girl. And the last but not least, there's no fixed prices anymore. You, I'm not gonna put a price on you because I think it's degrading and disgusting. You negotiate with the client what you want to do and how much you want to pay for it. Because now what I've created
Starting point is 00:19:09 is a willing buyer, a willing seller, and a great sexual experience and a repeat customer in a fun environment and the model works evidenced by our own seven places now. Yeah, I mean that's amazing that you own seven places and you've been successful for this long. Now, my question about the pricing is, each woman's or how do you, so they're negotiating there, isn't there a range though? Like, there's got to be some kind of range of pricing. Well, I'm gonna let her talk to you about prices, but here's, here's what I say. That's a skill to negotiate. Exactly. Yes. Here's what I say to my friends. You get them all really hot and then you're like, oh, did I say, I said, I meant a thousand or something like that?
Starting point is 00:19:46 Not a hundred. I think it's more about being nice than it is hot. So I think that's what I do. I mean, you get them all hot and bothered and I'll say yes. I tell my friends, I say, look, it's their job to take your house, your car, your 401k plan. It's your job to get it free because you really don't want to pay. So some
Starting point is 00:20:06 place in the middle, everybody's going to be happy. So how do you negotiate that? Yeah, explains me. So last weekend with the couples, did you play with the couples? Yes, I did. Okay, so give me, let me walk me through that. So how did it work out? You're just sitting there because then we can talk about pricing and working into this. So you're sitting there and all these couples are there. And then you guys are all just walking, I've seen this show you walking around music, playing, having fun? Yeah. You're walking around the parlor. There's a lineup. So they meet all the girls that's
Starting point is 00:20:31 called a meet and greet. Okay. It's just like a rock concert. It's a meet and greet, except from there, the person or the couple can either pick a girl or they, it turns into the world's greatest singles bar. So the couples are all there, she's there, she's talking to them and then she gets a couple, so would you like to see my room? Let me show you around and then where do you go from there? Yeah, well, so once I've gone them on the tour, they're back into my room and we're negotiating.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I mean, the best way to, I mean, it's pretty much just like negotiating any other kind of business deal. I mean, where do you start? Are you like, do you ask me what they want? So here's my question. Exactly, kind of so deal. I mean, where do you start? Are you like, do you ask me what they want? So here's my question. Exactly. Kind of so many.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Can you guys stay for eight hours? How many, like, you must know, like, what are they into? Is he like, my wife's never been with a woman, or we bought to do this or that? I mean, do you guys discuss what their expectations are, what their desires are? Well, one of the things that you just can't train anybody on doing is making somebody feel comfortable enough
Starting point is 00:21:21 to explain these things to you. Exactly. But you have a few advantages over, you know, over being in a real committed relationship in the sense that I'm probably, I may not ever see this person again and they know as my job, I can't judge them on what they're going to tell me. They can tell me they have the craziest, weirdest, fettish in the world and it's my jobs. Be like, okay, great. Yeah, I've heard that.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Mindsail. Exactly. Well, that's fine. And that's great. Yeah, my too. Exactly. Well, you know, and that's fine. You know, and that's that's great. But and then from there, you know, depending on what I want to do, you know, and what they want to do, we, we start in the middle. So if it's something that, you know, let's say, I'm not that into or, you know, I may give it, I may introduce them to another girl who I do know is into it, or the price may be a little higher with me. And so, but the biggest thing is, always start higher than you went you want. So what's, so tell me, haven't this couple, can you walk with you this particular couple and what happened?
Starting point is 00:22:12 Well, couples are usually really great because there's a woman there. And I'll tell you if it's just a single man, that's when the single man will try and be like $50 for everything for all night, because they don't, I don't think they're gonna say I have a concept of what. They probably don't.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Exactly, exactly, but with a woman, they're always way more easier to kind of give you, you know, more than what you want. So what did this couple want? Well, that was the couple actually where we put the home, the home depot tarp up everywhere and we had, he wanted to watch me and his wife do some oil wrestling. Nice. And then we did a new room massage actually, which is where you rub the special new root gel all over your naked body and you massage people with your body with just the gel
Starting point is 00:22:48 And it's very sensual Well, you're gonna like what I actually are giving you I get a little tingle here I have to, I gave you a massage candle that I made that's all I'm taking And it's all open oil so I know and you know It burns and if you're a massage candle, it's called Emily and Tony my new product line And it, it's not waxed to your stick hat burns cooler than than then wax and you blow it out You let the way you pour it on your person and over your head and it's
Starting point is 00:23:13 Tonight you'll get a full report. Oh, yeah, we'll let you know. We're freaking out. You're gonna love it Yelp tomorrow. Yeah, please do I'll send you I'll send you for everyone at the ranch. I swear I'll send you, I'll send you a whole thing. We can make it a special. We can make it a special. You rub it all over the room. And then so if you ever had scenarios where you think you're into someone and like something happens and you're not, and then what do you do?
Starting point is 00:23:32 You like ring a bell or it must, it's, what do you think I feel safe or do you ever feel like? The common thought process is the girls are damaged goods. They're there because they have no other choice that they've been molested and sex molested in the end. It's such a myth. It's changed, it's changed. I don't know what it's called. So that is a total fallacy and she's a perfect example.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And she's not the unique one at the ranch. I mean, most girls are like, probably 50% of the girls have great educations and they have they have choices she's got choices and she's got two degrees from a major university she's got choices okay so that that fallacy is gone the second one is all the guys are disgusting and they're dirty they're disgusting and they're obese and it's just not true because of a man time has any value at all or he's got in a relationship he can't
Starting point is 00:24:24 be out in the deity world and but he wants to try things he wants to experiment and he wants to do things that he doesn't think his girlfriend or wife will do when the truth is she will do them he's afraid to ask her exactly this is where I always what I always say I say you know a guy's a guy wants to come to the ranch because his girlfriend or wife won't do a threesome because if the family feud had a number one sexual fantasy, it's a threesome. Oh yeah, it's for sure. So he comes there and he grabs Ava and one of her buddies and has a threesome while the wife is having a threesome with her tennis pro and his girlfriend. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Because there's no fucking communication. Exactly. So they come there and they try different things. So the image is that they're disgusting guys that have no other options. No, it's bull. You get billionaires in there, you get rock stars in there. Vince Neal was there last week, partying with his girlfriend. And why? Because they don't want to get out in the real world. They don't want disease.
Starting point is 00:25:26 They say paving or they can do with things. Exactly. So if you have any time, if your time has any value, or you have any respect for the relationship you're in, the smart guy is going to go to the bunny race, because the girls are tested. She's tested, well, tell them about the testing. Yeah, tell them about the testing.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Every week, every Wednesday, actually, we're tested. A doctor comes into the ranch and we get, we have our blood john, we get cultures taken, we're tested. A doctor comes into the ranch and we get, we have a blood John, we get cultures taken, we're tested for every STD under the sun. And if you have one, you can't work. I mean, you are right. And so it takes a while though, too, right?
Starting point is 00:25:53 Like, you could have it and not be carrying it. And then you could have an information. The brothel industry, not state mandated on their own, put in mandatory condoms in 1981. 33 years of mandatory testing, never a case of HIV, because they're pre-screened, okay, and we've never had a case. Now, in Las Vegas, where the sex business is illegal,
Starting point is 00:26:17 because it's not legal in Vegas or Reno, those two counties, but you're right outside of that, exactly. We were like, I dragon, like the bridge. Exactly. They decided they didn't want it in 1972 when they legalized it. So in Las Vegas, they just arrested their thousandth girl because it's mandatory STD tests working with HIV.
Starting point is 00:26:40 So that's a thousand girls. So what? And so many guys are in Vegas and they're looking for the same thing as the same thing as they think it's legal. And they think the girls are tested and it's just not that. I know. That's been your big, that's been your big, but you've been very vocal about it.
Starting point is 00:26:55 So many people in your position would try to keep a lower profile, but you have been very vocal about your establishment. So I'm wondering, like you have had a lot of backlash, but you've maintained, I mean, for you've been in this business for a long time, I think it's successful. The backlash came from the old timers, my competition, the big brothels in Nevada, and you know what, I own all of them now. Okay. And because during this depression, it came, which one? 2008, yeah. So the sex industry in Nevada, that always thrives, right?
Starting point is 00:27:29 Through many, you're right, through many recessions, that gaming has never had a problem, liquor has never had a problem, and the sex industry, no problem. This one took a huge hit, the brothel industry is all 50 to 70%. Now, in that same time, the bunny ranch is increasing 10%. And so we just do it right.
Starting point is 00:27:50 We do things right. And I sat all the girls down and I said, look, financially, the world's coming to an end. And I'm going to tell you what Roosevelt told my depression parents, the only fear is fear itself. If you're fearful, you need to leave. So I'm going to go out and I'm going to do more media than I've ever done in my life. I'm going to promote this place. I'm going to drive traffic to it.
Starting point is 00:28:10 We have HBO as our feeder to feed us new clients. As you wish, congratulations on all that success. And we're going to get through this and turn off CNN, turn off Fox. Don't read the papers and focus on your clients and give them more bang for the buck. Literally. So how have you, so did you change any practices then the papers and focus on your clients and give them more bank for the buck and we're going to work really hard. So how have you, so did you, did you change any practices then that are like you did do add anything or change your business model something that really worked. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:28:32 You just kept promoting it. We just worked harder than ever and we told the girls take, take more care. One of the things that is really huge for us is that we're always driving traffic to And when they go into, it's an interesting site. We get 125 to 200 million hits a month. Okay. And all the girls are on there.
Starting point is 00:28:52 There's a great photograph. So she just shot for Penthouse. Nice. All the photos are in there. And so people go into our message board. We have a very active message board community. And so guys are able to meet girls And they talk about them and stuff like hey, what do you think of this for that one? Yeah, I'm like yelp review. You talk directly to us and about us
Starting point is 00:29:12 They private message them and we also have a chat a live chat so they go in there and do that and the other thing that works Well for us is we have a you stream show every every Saturday night at six o'clock So it's basically a video lineup and it's me or Eva hosting the show and talking to girls. So where did you come from? Tell us about yourself. Tell us about that day when you decided to go to, hit B a bunny, what was going through your mind? And then when you when you were hired, how did it feel? And then when you got like, what we just
Starting point is 00:29:42 did? Exactly. Because it gets them engaged in your real people It's a good sales tool and they can they can see see on the website you can see photos And you can read bios and that's okay But some people want to see video so they can they can see that a if I can put three words in a sense Yeah, okay, she's not a hillbilly She's educated and the other people women and I mean, okay okay, I've taken a quick break and we come back, we got to get in some sex stuff. I want to know what's out there we are.
Starting point is 00:30:09 I want to get here, what's on the menu. Okay. That's really menu. I got a menu for you. I brought one. You did. I came here and some more of the sex stuff we've got to do. But first I have to read a word for our sponsors.
Starting point is 00:30:21 No, no. I love my, okay, so Ava, you're a woman. Yes, I am. Obviously, you might need this too, but hair removal, shaving, waxing, all that stuff. It's an everyday thing, yeah. It's everything, and it's a pain in the butt, and it's expensive.
Starting point is 00:30:34 All the money you spend on razors. Do you know the No, No Pro? It automatically takes you to do it. I did, I've heard of those. Yeah, it's amazing. You can just, I mean, anywhere on your body that you want to remove your hair, it's long-lasting, no pain, and it's from N2. I don't know, Dennis, if you got hair on your hair, it's long lasting, no pain. And it's for men too.
Starting point is 00:30:45 I don't know if Dennis, if you got hair on your neck or your back, you probably take care of it. But if you're in the show, you want to take care of it. Whether it's your legs, your arms, your face, you guys will freak out and love how easy it is to use. And the weeks of long lasting results, no no pro comes with a hundred percent, sixty day money back guarantee. And when you purchase it, you get a 50 dollar gift card to an award winning skin care line
Starting point is 00:31:06 Go to no no Emily dot com that's no no Emily dot com You know what hair removal is is a serious thing at the ranch. Oh, we gotta talk about that too And I want I want to get I want to try this no no You should okay, I'm gonna spell it online. Let's get right no like you you yeah, no, it's amazing because it's like all that's a beauty laser But you can just do it at home. I do when I'm watching TV no more hair like it everywhere and we I have one more sponsor of hustler Hustler Hollywood stores. I know you a lot of you live out there in the LA area or you come here often And there's also Hollywood stores all over the country That could be your main destination for the best toys erotica lingerie, and the easiest way to find answers you've been looking
Starting point is 00:31:47 for to spice up your sex life. And get yourself a Ron Jeremy while you're there. Yeah, they have a Ron Jeremy, right? Yeah, they have a Ron Jeremy drink there. That's amazing. Have you been asked all the way? It's amazing. I've been, you know, my, my girlfriend was inducted into his hall of fame there. Larry's a great guy. He's an amazing store. In this ain't your daddy's old dirty bookstore. This is a place that couples go. And now we're staying right down in Hollywood. Okay. And and later on tonight when we drive by there, I'm always shocked because it's one in the morning and the place is full of
Starting point is 00:32:17 people. So hanging out on the patio and they're having a little coffee drink and and a little something to eat and they go in and buy a new toy pick up a let's pick up a dildo and some move and go to go home and it's a great great store and I've many times thought that maybe the evolution of the money ranch is in the bunny ranch boutiques which is sort of like a hustle Hollywood. Yeah you guys should do boutiques because Larry's he's got it he's got it done. He's not a great great store. It's daughter Treesa's a great friend. I love Treesa. She runs it. She runs an amazing store and I would highly recommend anybody, especially
Starting point is 00:32:52 people that might be listening that really don't feel comfortable going into an adult video store. By the way, most of them shouldn't. They should feel uncomfortable going in most of these toys. Most of the stores are kind of stating. Exactly. Well, this isn't this isn't a city No, it's a classy store. They have everything you want great magazines pre-auticals toys It's a great store. I love a Larry. I was it is it is bachelor party and That's a story I can't tell on that. Oh, that's a good one. I want to hear about I just met him recently I also gave him a massage candle, but it is great house or Hollywood and if you guys go there tonight I tell him sex with Emily sent you and you get 20% off
Starting point is 00:33:28 They give you 20% off by saying that They say sex with Emily. There you go. You guys should go shopping But it is true that so many couples have a hard time like we said your customers They've such a hard time talking to each other about sex So I say you know, fly who listen to my show together or just go to the store together use that as your third party and just see what flipped your boat maybe dildone maybe some handcuffs fly one thing needs at another and but by the way we use a lot of hustler Hollywood products at the range. You do that so great. Absolutely. Oh my god. I'm gonna okay so what about to well god now I want to talk about toys for sure but I want to talk about the hair of thing.
Starting point is 00:34:01 So do you find most men prefer no hair? Actually, no. There's really no one way that men prefer. What do you choose then? I usually go with none, just because for me, it's an easier maintenance kind of material. It's easier if you try to be like the perfect swear. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:34:21 I don't have time for geometric design stuff. Right, but there's a lot of happy face. Yeah, happy face in the show. Exactly. I don't have time for geometric design stuff. Right. But exactly. What about a happy face? Yeah, happy face in the show. But everybody's idea of what sexy, what's different? It's so different. It's so different. Larry, by the way, I'm telling something about a school. Larry, Larry is a bush man. He is a bush man. Well, he would be a bush man. I can see that back in the day. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Do you think the bush will come back? Because like I got a lot of a laser'm like what I still have some though because I was like what if it comes back? I feel like I'm gonna come back and I think so too. I do think it is. I like to see you do the bunny ranch Humpey and bunny logo Humpey the bunny logo we have Two bunnies two bunnies fucking is our logo. Okay, I hope the Humpey called the Humpey and Bunnies That would be nice, wouldn't it? Yeah, like to see me do what do you mean? I'd like to see you. No, I'd like to see you cut that cut that into your bush. Oh, the butt. Yes. I'm always open for suggestions. That's a great idea. Okay. Or Dennis says hi. How about that? Do you have other new girls? Your tattooed on them? How about that? Do you have other new girls? Your tattooed on them? You know, I don't want to hold that. It's a good question.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Uh-oh, you might be the first next. Well, you know, why is that? It's a hard one. It happened once before, and I just, I never saw the girl again. And so I finally agreed once with a girl to allow, I said, listen, here's what we'll do. Put some red lips, because I love red lips On your on your butt and that would be the thing. That'll be our deal Okay, and the next thing I know like 10 girls had red lips on their ass. Oh, they all stop this. I'm not going for this Because they all want to be with you, right?
Starting point is 00:35:57 Because you're the man you're the master you're the guy That's kind of feel good. I don't know even what do you think? Well, I like being with you But he but how old you I'm 23 23 and how old you I'm 20 I'm as old as the oldest the girl 23 right you're a little older So is that I was either the oldest man you've been with yes, and we was that good experience? Do you learn stuff? What did he do? Oh, yeah? This is the best sex I've ever had. Tell me why. What happened? What do you know? Would you learn Guinness? Well, you have to, I guess a lot of the sex that I was having before I started working, you know, was with people might, yeah, they're college students.
Starting point is 00:36:33 They guys don't know anything about sex, that is. Exactly. And it was, you know, the most selfish experience, you know, unfortunately, I feel like a lot of guys in their, you know, early 20s, 30s, 40s. Right. No, they don't know. It may just because they don't know how it happened. Exactly, but they just, they're much more into, you know, like what we were saying. Get it in, get out. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Right. You probably didn't see the first part. And it was amazing. I think there was this one time, because he has a white board above his bed. And there's, you know, and we'll count orgasms with, you know, Italian marker. And I think one time I got up to 37.
Starting point is 00:37:02 I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry star Sunday You want me a high five now? We're waiting for the show's over 37 we're using a vibrator just your all the toys we use toys every time yeah fingers elbows knows what you name it but whatever it is it doesn't matter because what happens guys like guys don't understand but these girls name like sectioned off No, it's just oh you were raised about 10. Oh, because you wanted to speak competitive. No, but what you guys don't understand is that intercourse doesn't get good until the girls had six or eight orgasms.
Starting point is 00:37:34 I would never penetrate her without her having at least six or eight and typically more because that's what that's when it gets good and and guys and it that's what guys and the joke is It's a silly it's a silly saying okay, but a woman's like a frying pan You gotta get them real hot before you put the meat in it's true and and it's like it's so so true And guys don't get it and especially young guys don't get it now that you you you make them climax orally with your fingers You every way possible there is and guess what when it gets down to the intercourse they just climax and climax and climax and they can't you could you could look at them wrong in their climax right so true and this is what I try to
Starting point is 00:38:17 teach on the show that there are because I remember so many guys they don't they don't know they they realize oh I'm hard I got an erection she might shut me down they don't know that he realized oh, I'm hard. I got an erection. She might shut me down I don't know what it is But they just want to stick in as quickly and they don't have the information about pleasing a woman Here's what I hear is what I talk about every year. I've been here in this for 22 years now My wife's frigid my wife doesn't get it my wife doesn't want to do this and you don't go through my mind You don't make her have Because why would why would she want to come back and do
Starting point is 00:38:46 that again if she's not getting the thrill out of it. I think the thing that you know one of the things that I did a long time ago is is a media employee that I use and I hired John Bobbitt and it came out in the trial that the Bobbitt has been. Yes. And the reason it came out in the trial that he has sex with her, but he got get drunk, come home, catch her sleep and jump on her, bumper a couple times, and that was it. So she had no respect for a penis. If a girl has 6, 8, 10, 15 orgasms at a time, she's not cutting anything off.
Starting point is 00:39:22 She's cutting off her nose despite her face. Right, right. She's not cutting off off. She's cutting off her nose to spider-face. Right, right. She's not cutting off the penis if he'd been plesering her. So so many guys I mean I try to teach them this and like you don't understand when when you give to her and you learn how to become a good lover and you start with her pleasure it'll come back to you even more but exactly. So many guys who I just I don't know it's just intellectual experience they don't get it or they never will but I think once they start to do it They'll realize that it is
Starting point is 00:39:47 Reciprocal beautiful thing and they'll get off on her getting off but there's our so guys are like what I'm sure some of the other girls, but I hear it more because I sleep with her right I hear her about Educational classes as she puts on and with couples and guys how they want to learn things and they want to ramp it up they want to take it to the what the bunny ranch they can do that. Do you take you teach classes? Definitely definitely. So they can sign up for a class and come teach them you or you just teach them about. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Yeah, it's a party. I should send all my access to CEO. They come back. They come back. They learn things and they come back for continued education because where are you gonna get that experience? You guys don't get it. I shared with you you know a secret you know my sex I had with with my wife. I'm serious why I choked and say we're like too muggy fucking a football. We were. That's how most people are
Starting point is 00:40:40 because they don't couples are not right they don't there's nowhere to go for but there are places out but they don't they don't, couples are not, there's nowhere to go for, there are places out, but they don't, they don't look, things to see got information. And couples, they'll talk about everything else on the Sun, but Saks, they'll never, ever talk about it. They'll never talk about their fantasies, what turns them on. That's why I say like, go to Haas or Hollywood, go to a store, go here, go there, and, and just see, spice it up, to have a conversation. I know it might be really hard at first, or you might make you really stressed out and nervous,
Starting point is 00:41:03 just start the conversation. What you're turning out with your fantasy, how about this toy? There's another thing that I see in the world today that thinks wrong is that I was raised that a woman needs to be a lady in public and a little more. Freaking the sheets, right? In a hard bed. I see the world is changing. The girls are horrors in public, and they're conservative and bad.
Starting point is 00:41:28 And I see that. It's like, you're with a girl, and I see them at the ranch, and some of these girls are very just crazy. And we talked about one earlier. And then in bed, they turn into something else. They turn into very supreme and proper. So they're like drinking and wearing a sexy outfit, maybe drunk and crazy, but when she get in bed,
Starting point is 00:41:46 they don't really know what they're doing as much. So it's more like they've got, it's swift. That girl we were talking about earlier, you know. Right, right, yes. I think she'd probably be a terrible lay. Oh no, and I've heard a few stories about how she's not necessarily comfortable in three sums, in three sums, as we were talking about earlier,
Starting point is 00:42:02 is one of the most common things we do at the bunny ranch. And, you know, so I don't necessarily think, you know, that's the woman's fault. And I say, I think, you know, there's a value system that you know, is such a value. Yeah, a lot of women were going to get judged. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:42:15 So much going on with couples that don't talk about this, because they think, if I become... And the guys who still think, like, oh, I can't do this with my wife and they haven't talked about it. I mean, that's just because they have to, because she might be wanting that. You might want to open it and they and even the guys They will I try and she shut me down when you didn't try her enough or you didn't say the right thing
Starting point is 00:42:29 You're free to write you said I want to have a threesome with your best friend or something when a man hooks up with a girl Right, he puts her on the spedal Okay, and she's so special and then you get married you have children and she's the queen She's this and that it's hard to take her off that pedest pedestal and make a little fucking tram out of her in the bedroom. So they don't have the nerve to ask her. When she has those desires that are suppressed anyway, and she thinks that her husband's a square, he thinks she's a square, so they come to the bunny ranch. Do you think everyone wants to be like a slut in the bed? Well, I think women would like all women
Starting point is 00:43:07 want to expand their horizons. I think they want to learn more. They want to try different things. I think most women are bicure. At the ranch, the survey says that 60% of the girls like girls. Another 20% or 25% are gay for pay. The party with a girl if there's enough money. And then there's another 15%, 20% are strictly dickly. They just want cock.
Starting point is 00:43:35 I think another big thing too is that the idea that monogamy is the social construct that we as humans physically and women as well, you know, don't necessarily agree with physically. I mean, we've been taught as women that we have to be with this one guy to wait for your true love, you know, that if you are a slut in the bedroom or if wherever you want to call that, this guy may think differently of you. He may think you've been with everybody around the block. That may make you less attractive. When, you know, that's just this crazy society idea. It is. Absolutely. Where does it all come from? It comes from religion. It does all come from religion. Everything.
Starting point is 00:44:05 The religion. All the religion here to my parents, your social, your, your society. Where have you grew up? The girls, the girls that don't have religion beaten into them or have been able to kick it. Okay, are amazing lovers because they're free from all that guilt. Exactly. And I, and I, I don't, I don't mean to be putting down any religion, but I'm here to tell you that girls that don't have religion in their life are amazing. Well, oppressed are religion. They might have other kinds of religion or other things they believe in. But religion to say it's shameful. Exactly. You're right. You're going to fall out. It's a sexy, sexy thing. I absolutely got that.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Okay, so can we talk about the menu for a second? Of course. So on the menu, I've got, well, I have some things here like the girlfriend experience, love it the y, half and half. Yes. So do people all have to choose from the menu? Oh, of course not. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I mean, the menu is really just kind of like a jumping side or like an appetizer. Right, well, we were talking about earlier about making people feel comfortable. And this Arquit Little menu is a way of doing that. So some guys so some guys, you know his first time isn't gonna walk it and be like I want anal and I want this and that So this is our way of saying, you know, here's our cute little half and half party blow jobs to have sex You know cute names love it the Y is going down on a girl. Let's just let's just let's know what the Viagra party It's letting guys know that they can bring their reagerness. Some people are ashamed to take a ed medicines. And
Starting point is 00:45:28 it's just a fact of life that some people need them. But I see the usage being being more and younger guys that don't need it. Because they can they can bang four or five six girls in a night. Right. Oh, because they last long. There's a lot of recreational ed medicine. A lot of it. And the girls that are doing other drugs and, because they last long. So there's a lot of recreational ED medicine. A lot of it. And the girls, so they're doing other drugs and they can't get hard, so then they take Niagara.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Exactly. So we have, I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot.
Starting point is 00:45:56 I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot.
Starting point is 00:46:04 I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that a lot. I've done that is once a month everyone just have a missionary watch the center? I think a lot of sex is once a month missionary right after my TV show. She pulls up her t-shirts. He pumps her a few times and gets off, goes to sleep. That's America. She turns over and masturbates when he goes to sleep. I think that's a lot of sex in the room.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Yeah, I do too. I do too. So, okay, so then we've got the two-girl party outdoor injured in emergency. Be it like you and Emily and Aila together. So we could have a three-s, so if I was there, we could, like, have a three-sum with, like, someone who came in the, in the jacuzzi.
Starting point is 00:46:37 If you were a girl that came in there by yourself and you wanted to pick another girl to have a three-sum, great. If you bring your man in there and a lot of, you know, we've got an A-list celebrity that about once a month. Oh, I can't tell. Oh, come on. We're very discrete.
Starting point is 00:46:55 I know, but who are the celebrities that you can tell? They're the name and you're not Andy Coveley's dad. He's dad. I know, but can we tell you any good celebrities that we know? Let me think about it. Okay. He's dead. I know but can we tell you any good celebrities that we know? Okay, we actually send a driver to LA we ran a mini van We go to a certain Starbucks in Beverly Hills She walks out gets in the car. They drive seven hours because that's a seven hour drive
Starting point is 00:47:22 Because she can't go to the airport because the paparazzi is always checking out where she's going They drive through through the middle of the desert, in the middle of the night, through the bunny river. This is one of the A-list celebrity. Yeah, couple of things. She's still making a movie. It's a single girl. Beautiful too. Wow, amazing. Because yeah, they're following around.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I got it. So what else would you keep your curiosity on? I'm trying to think like, OK, orgies. So how many people make an orgie? More than three. More than three. OK, so that would not be the three sum. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:47 And now the orgy, do you combine guests who come in? Or usually they come in, like, is it three dudes? Like, you were with like four guys, five guys who want to link the... Well, I haven't done that yet. And one of the rules that we do have for the safety of the girls, is that for every man that comes in, you have to have one girl with you. So in theory, you could, you know, have a five guy, one girl, gangbang session, but then I need to have, you know to have one girl with you. So in theory, you could have a five guy, one girl gang bang session, but then I need to have five other girls
Starting point is 00:48:09 kind of in the wings, you know, watching. Would they probably win? Would you be fine? They could be making out doing each other. It'd be a full-order, do you like your friend? And I've seen that, yeah. But we like to have the numbers. And next thing that your women are treated well,
Starting point is 00:48:21 you pay them, they make a percentage of the earning, what are health benefits. But they make half the money. So if somebody comes in, spends $500 on that party, then they get $250 the next day. The average money works seven to 10 days a month and has a six-figure income. The top girls that put in more time and effort and work on the message board a lot
Starting point is 00:48:42 make half a million a year. God's a good job. But what are your neighbors? Are people like so pissed at you and trying to take you down all the time? Or they can't they got our own? No. They're not. They're happy in there. They love us. So good. So it's pretty like things are good now over that. Like you've gotten your message out you own all these places. It's not you're not fighting that fight anymore. No, I mean the people say, how do you go along with the church? I remember once the hurrah los have tennis off the bunny ranch. How do you go along with the church? I remember once the Geraldo said, Dennis Hough, the bunny ranch, how do you go along with the church? It's great. The limo shows up on Sunday and six or eight girls go to church and we call it a day. It's like really? I say, yeah, really?
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yeah, they go to their house. Because it's legal. Right. It was tolerated from the 1850s. And in fact, like the bunny ranch was a stop on the Pontic Express Trail. Right. We totally prefer oldest profession in the world. Right. Exactly. It's been there a long time.
Starting point is 00:49:29 It was tolerated from 1850s to 1971, and 72 was legalized. And we're a big part of the community. And we're the answer. We're a 60 year old social experiment that works real, real well. The rest of the world's got the problem. Right. Okay, so yeah world's got the problem. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:47 So, yeah. Okay. Good. I'm glad to hear that because you're like, oh, you know, it can be so controversial and but you're taking care of the women. Oh, yeah. What is an Asian wet room on the menu? Well, it's a wet room that's at slick walls and it's got things from the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:50:04 It's got a bed in it where you can do the new room And you give massages girls to grow the new room. I actually saw that and did we see them Vegas? Yeah Yeah, so much so I need to try it. I need to show you guys it without the sex toys and stuff Okay, cool, so it's all so it's all yeah wet in the room. I got it. Okay great to be able to be wet and slide around Yeah, well I always say like you can never be too rich to thinner of too much Lou. I thought I could start I have a Lou too, but I didn't give you one because it's not on work. Yeah, I know, but I love my Lou, but I feel like Lou is so underrated that everybody needs Lou. Everybody needs Lou. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:50:37 There's no such thing as to much. Oh, there's a stigma. Oh, she's dry. It's a no. Just adds a Lou bit. It'll make everything better. People put it on your freaking nightstand. I'm glad that you tell people that I took all Time great advice. I know and they need to understand that there's numerous different types of loops that can be used for different things Right. I mean of course when you if you're doing anal you need a silicone. Oh God. Yeah, and you need you skip the loop. Don't skip on Leave an anal. We're doing it. We do anal. It's actually it's anal pleasure month. Happy anal pleasure month. Did you know that? That means you have something to do today. You have to go out with the candle.
Starting point is 00:51:07 We're celebrating. Oh my god, you guys are gonna have so much fun. But again, it's true. I always say you've got to use, you know, blue people. I write about things like I have an ongoing column in penthouse. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:51:17 And we, one of our bunnies, like Ava's gonna be in penthouse coming up real soon. And I write about things like that in Penn House Forum. And we talk about that because it's little things that people just don't understand. They just think, well, a girl gets wet, that's fine. No, it's not fine, because she doesn't enjoy it. And when you're not enjoying it,
Starting point is 00:51:35 you can't have an orgasm. Exactly, and she doesn't, this is because she's wet at the beginning and she went out and stayed wet if it's a long transaction. Exactly, exactly. You got to add it. So yeah, I mean, Ava, what have you learned in the six months from there about sex? Have you feel like feel like like were you having 37 orgasms before you had sex with
Starting point is 00:51:48 this man? Oh, no. Okay, so that must have been pretty crazy. Oh my god. She was a mind-blowing experience. Yeah, I wonder what you're about this. So what went down like there were okay, his mouth, fingers, hands, elbows, and then toys. What toys? Like which toys do you like? I'm a huge toy advocate. My toy of choice. I have three of them that I think are the best. The celebrator. Oh, love the celebrator. What's the celebrator? The celebrator is basically a,
Starting point is 00:52:13 and we've got a month. How do I know? I will get you one. We got them on site. But it's basically a sonic toothbrush with a little rubber toothbrush. It's just like a toothbrush. Oh, okay, right. And it will, it's, a sonic toothbrush with a little rubber teeth. It looks like a toothbrush. Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And it will, we run stern ones and we had three girls and they were all used to each other. Each one of them had an orgasm within eight to ten seconds. It looks like a toothbrush or it's the same technology. No, it's on the clip. And then I like the G-Spot vibe, the little egg with a long, I like those. And what I'll do to her Sometimes is I'll have her standing above me okay with the G spot vibe in her which is for those of you that don't know is in
Starting point is 00:52:54 up 11 o'clock Find the corduroy and that's the spot in the quarter-way meaning the rougher spot exactly. I love this I've never called I've got it like a keep going but it is like people hear me say it sometimes. Yeah, keep going I love it. I've never called it like a keep going. But it is like. People hear me say it a lot of times. Yeah, keep going. I love this. It is like her. So I love not being the one giving G spot tips. Go. I love it. So now it's like the G spot vibe on the G spot with the celebrators. Her standing over me with this beautiful dark skin body. These beautiful breasts and I'll actually she'll have such hard orgasms her knees will start bending where
Starting point is 00:53:25 she can't even hold herself up any longer. Because you're standing and it's hitting you and right and you have to keep and you also have to hold the toy in you at the same time. Right and hold the other toy on your clit and and he's looking up at me you know it's not oh it's it's a square position I I have before yeah, it has many times and So that's that's one of our favorites. I like like a hotachi Magic wand They've changed it from a touch you know it's called magic wand, but that is the best Mm-hmm. I mean that's the sure thing. Mm-hmm. Everyone should have a better mind of course lots of oral I mean it seems like with us
Starting point is 00:54:03 Every second or third orgasm is oral because she's got this beautiful body, she gets extremely wet and I like it. So, after every orgasm, you know, and I don't want to ejaculate immediately in her, and so we'll do that for a while, and then we'll go back to oral and just move it around. Right, you gotta keep mixing it up. That's how we talk about sex should always be expansive. And so many, like we know couples are together and they never expand and try new things. How girls my favorite.
Starting point is 00:54:32 And then she'll make the twist into reverse scale girl. A verse of how girls, that's why. She's got an amazing ass and I love to add up. Then love like is visually and grab the ass to the ass. Yeah. I love to have her have a vibrator on her clip with reverse and so I can slap her ass when she's having an orgasm. I was just actually going to bring up one of my favorite positions with toys that we
Starting point is 00:54:56 do is actually in Cal Girl, which is like missionary. Right. Isn't it Cal Girl? Maybe when you're on top is Cal Girl. Well, I'm on top. Right. You're on top. Right. So and we'll have been to the point where maybe, you know, 30 orgasms at this point.
Starting point is 00:55:09 This is the point where, you know, he's going to start fucking me. So, he'll, I'll just get, like, he'll just be inside me and I'm on top of him and we'll get the celebrator or the Hitachi, which is not a Hitachi anymore. Right. And, right, just put that on my clip and he'll just be like, just squeeze your pussy, right? And I won't let her move. Right. He'll that on my clip and he'll just be like, just squeeze your pussy. Right. And I
Starting point is 00:55:25 won't let her move. Right. He'll hold my hips there and say, over hips. I want her just to squeeze and release squeeze. Like doing your peg exercises. Exactly. And when it happens, it just explodes. But it's something that most powerful. You've had a gun that
Starting point is 00:55:41 before. Forever and never. And I was very confused. The first time he asked me to do it. I was like, you're inside me. I want to bounce on you. That's what we learn. But exactly. You're squeezing.
Starting point is 00:55:52 He's taught me to slow down so much. Sex, I always say, you cross the planet. What's your number one sex tip? I say slow down. Exactly. And then when she starts having the orgasm, then I'll move her. OK. I'll make her work for the orgasm by squeezing and squeezing and squeezing and squeezing. And then when she starts to have that orgasm, then I'll move her. Okay. I'll make her work for the orgasm by squeezing and squeezing
Starting point is 00:56:05 and squeezing and squeezing and squeezing and then when she starts to have that orgasm then I'll start moving her and I'll take it. I'll slide her where I'm only in her a couple inches so I'm right on that G spot and just just working that G spot to death. You don't have to be in all the way. People think the pounding and you have to go in and we say like two thirds the inner two thirds of a giant are the most sensitive anyway. So I think they got to stick it in. You should be teaching.
Starting point is 00:56:28 You should be making a guess. Now, if I pass the test, you'll know what I'm talking about. I mean, 4,000 women, if you were talking to me about the jackhammer right now, Zach, I'd be worried. No, you do know. Those are some great tips because I tell lies all the time. And it's like, you got to slow it down. The inner two thirds of the giant thirds of everything that was perfect.
Starting point is 00:56:45 I think guys are overly sensitive about size. They think that you've got to be just big, you've got to be Ron Jeremy to satisfy a woman when it's really not true because if they're big, it gets painful and they need to learn not to put it in all the way. Exactly, and it's right, if you're small that might be perfect for some women or any women. And just like men like some men like large breasts or smaller breasts some guys women might like larger Smaller but doesn't mean you're out of the game if you like it at all What do I like I'm open? I like all different kinds of breasts. Yeah, I don't have like a certain
Starting point is 00:57:18 Fatish for certain kind is my my list my list goes like this face That's number one. Okay. Ask number two, legs number three, and breast number four. Now it happens that she has beautiful breasts and an ass. Spectacular breasts. And of course I enjoy them and I know what to do with them. But if she didn't have them, she's still right there. Right. Ava Adora.
Starting point is 00:57:43 People can check you out on the site. Yes. Ava Adora at I also want Twitter if people want to follow me. Yes. Ava Adora. People can check you out on the site. Yes. AvaAdora at I also want Twitter if people want to follow me. Yes. Let's follow you on Twitter, which are Twitter. At AvaAdora. OK. That's simple.
Starting point is 00:57:52 And yeah, running the money ranch is hot. At Dennis' hot for at bunny ranch is easier. And we throw lots of pictures up there. And yeah, now everyone's going to be crashing because they got to check out your site. So what would you say Dennis is your like top sex? I know you already given some really good ones, but if you had to like really break it down because I think there's so much in that you've learned.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Those were some great ones. I'm just milking you for a little bit more because we need it. People need it. The thing that I learned is speed kills. Take your time. If you don't, if you just only have the time for a quickie, don't even mess with it. You're better off just waiting. Because she's not going to get off. She's not. But you know what? I never have a time. Like I'm pretty busy. I mean, if I think if she was truthful, the thing that she would say she likes the least about me is that I'm just not available. I'm busy. I'm moving. I'm traveling, getting things done. And so, you know, that's it.
Starting point is 00:58:47 But because I make her orgasm so much, she's never busy when I go. I can't imagine that any pretty true. So that's a good one. Okay, any. I did description. It's pretty accurate. So what about the men who come in, though?
Starting point is 00:59:00 Because you're working for this. I'm sure a lot of the guys come in. It is just about their pleasure. That is your job. So do you actually get pleasure from being with them and sometimes, yes, sometimes now? I mean, I would even say that's a myth. That guy's just come in wanting just to pleasure himself.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Okay. Well, I mean, of course they come in and expect an orgasm and expect to, you know, be sexually fulfilled or whatever. But a lot of it, I mean, they want intimacy and they want to feel connected to you. And just as it's my job to make them feel like the most important person in the room and you know make them feel like I'm you know, they're all I care about you know if I do my job right then I'm they're gonna reward me not just financially but also in the bedroom and emotionally. Okay, but I don't make sure you're taking care of it, but it's not like we've done it. Of course, yes, you're like in the fat house cat house. Yeah, everyone check it and
Starting point is 00:59:53 It's a fun show. It is a fun show. I mean so much fun. It's real too. You in this lady's or this shoot before you got there Yeah, not this one on Thursday, but I'm in the next season. Oh, also, okay, good. I'll be there. So everyone can see you. Okay, Dennis, anything else? You gotta check you out. You gotta check out your new show. I love it, you're here. Well, I'm so excited.
Starting point is 01:00:13 It's been great. A few girls, my fantasy right now. I have my fantasy too. I bet you do. Right now, I'm thinking about the two of you masturbating on this show. I'm my show? Yeah. Hmm, I've never done that. People always say your show's called Sex Family Now I'm thinking about the two of you masturbating on this show. I'm my show.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Yeah. I've never done that. People always say your show is called Sex to Themely and you never have sex in your show. But we should. Right now. But yeah, maybe you're going to need a little bit of an exclusive episode. It's not making out or something. This should be the episode that I charged for.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Exactly. So that is your, I'm not prepared. I have to do another show after this. But I totally might consider that Well, let's be if then just promise me this if you have sex on the show on the council here that you'll be first with Ava I promise how's that? I think you should better be coming up with episodes and you just got a really big promise If I have sex in the show with Ava we have each other's cards. It's gonna be a real deal. Let me ask you this. What about producer Lauren? Do you
Starting point is 01:01:08 own her party? Producer Lauren? Yeah. Yeah. Um, be party. We party like party how. Together? Are we together? No, she's making with the answer the question. What do you have sex with her? No, I don't. I think I don't think you guys ever kissed. No. No, she's my she's actually takes care of my whole Business and my life and my stuff. I don't that's why you should oh right cuz you guys do I've never even wasn't in her job description, but neither was it was mine either and I took to it great I'd recommend it go for it Lauren Yeah, now we can talk about it. We're actually
Starting point is 01:01:43 Can be revamping something to the office now I feel like the ringmaster and I want to you are anything else you'd like to change my brand To orchestrate a threesome with you and Lauren and Ava right in here in the studio someday on this table Okay, well, we'll pass it by I'm sure the guys here be school with that. Yeah, I guess one exactly right They need a bad in here. They've nice couch, but then okay, we need lights. We can make it work. We can make it work. We've got the candle and I've got lube and toys in my car. Perfect. Okay, then we should wrap this up. Take that menu home. I've taken them in your home. And now I'm gonna crown you as a junior bunny. Oh. So I don't want you, I don't want you giving anything away from now on. Okay. A little shopping trip. Five star restaurants.
Starting point is 01:02:23 I should. I should. I should have that hit up dudes for more. Exactly. Lonnie. Who should it? I don't. I like this stuff. I'm like, not your age. Like I could have told you, because I've always been good.
Starting point is 01:02:32 I'm really good at this. I'm really good at this. I know. That's true. Okay, but still. Okay, kind of go through this. I paid off my loan. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 01:02:40 I would do it. Would you seem fun? Well, honey, if I did what you wanted me to, could we go to Louis Vuitton tomorrow? You can do that. I actually got this Louis Vuitton. I can tell it in Vegas. And the guy that I was going to be. Now what did you know what?
Starting point is 01:02:50 I didn't do anything really. I did sleep with the boys my boyfriend and he did say let's go buy you a beer and have a beer. That is venues. Let me tell you who carries that bag and I bought it for you. Huggers me. Shooters 3g in. Oh. Huggers me. Judith Reagan. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:03:06 That is what the greatest bag is. Yeah, Judith Reagan is my New York wife. And I got her that bag for a birthday two years ago. That's one of the greatest Louis Vuitton bags made anyway. Especially if you live in New York because it's got a zipper on it. Right, because now like the open ones are more, I like it. I like the never full a lot. I think that's an amazing bag. But this one works because it zips. Yeah, I like it. I like the never full a lot. I think that's an amazing bag.
Starting point is 01:03:25 But this one works because it zips. I like it. I've had it forever. I mean, this guy was dating, but still, he were in Vegas and it's like, hey, Louis Vuitton, I'm like, hey, yeah. Anyway, okay, this was awesome. Thank you guys for bringing on the show and anything else. Okay, thanks everyone for listening to Sex and Emily.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Also, follow me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. We're also gonna do a little video after. So if you want to see these beautiful people You can check that out and check out the show and thanks everyone for listening to sex with Emily was it good for you? Email me feedback at and sign up for your newsletter. I love it. I love that you love my music Right, I love you me sign up for a newsletter check me out everywhere and oh, I do have one more Oh you guys are gonna love this put your head for this up and start my last sponsor that you have to hear about. Okay, do you guys know about promescent?
Starting point is 01:04:11 No, I've never heard of that. One in three men suffers from premature ejaculation. And now you don't have to. Promescent is a quickly absorbing delay spray that allows you to have the sex you want. So it also helps with the orgasm gap that is the only approved treatment for premature ejaculation that men put on their penis, they last longer. So if you last six minutes or last 12 and there's no side effects, it's the only FDA approved treatment for premature ejaculation or if you want to last longer, but I should about
Starting point is 01:04:39 you guys a bottle. It's Pro-messons. PROMES. ER-S-E-N-T. It's Pro messants. PROMES. E-S-E-N-T. And I think that the bunny ranch should be the International Testing Center for Promescent. I literally have 5,000 bottles.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Yeah. Oh my gosh. Can we have some? That's great. You know what? Guys want to last longer. I know. And it doesn't just don't side it back.
Starting point is 01:05:02 It's just a little bit like a little bit numbing, but not in a way that is. You're gonna be a great product. I know, it's huge. That is really worthwhile. We're pretty strong. Anyone, everyone check out from us, and thanks for listening to the show. you

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