Sex With Emily - Intern Sex Toy Review: Finding the G-Spot

Episode Date: June 27, 2014

Today’s show is all about improving your sex life, and discovering the elusive G-Spot orgasm! That’s right, I’m in the studio with my awesome assistant and one of my new interns to give you the ...low-down on that magical little button that you’ve heard so much about. I give tips for men and women how to find it, how to stroke it, and what toys to use to heighten your G-Spot pleasure.But first, we’re popping my new intern’s Podcast cherry! Carolyn tells us about her night with her first ever G-Spot sex toy, the Silky G Waterproof G-Spot Vibrator, as well as the struggles she had of getting into a sex toy rut (prior to being an intern at Sex With Emily, where sex toys abound!)  Then we discuss our own G-Spot experiences- the good, the bad and the totally bizarre. Plus what do women think about when we masturbate? And where can you find a porno so good that my assistant actually stopped masturbating to watch it?Ever wonder about the difference between a G-Spot and clitoral orgasm? Or what positions are best to hit that sweet spot? We’ve got your answers! We give first-hand tips on the do’s and don’t of pleasing your lady: DO use lubrication, DON’T just dive right in, DO keep your nails clean, DON’T rub her clitoris like you’re trying to start a fire. Remember guys, when it comes to her pearl, less is definitely more. Her body language will tell you all you need to know! We also discuss why more guys should be down with sex toys, pet-peeves and turn-offs, and- say it with me- the importance of foreplay.Hope you have as much fun listening as we did recording! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Emily from Sex with Emily. Thanks so much for listening to the show. And one of the reasons you're able to listen to us for free is because of the incredible people at They carry all the best sex toy brands. You can get the Vibratex Dahlia, the Rabbit Habit, because if you got one of those old rabbits on the 90s, you better throw it away.
Starting point is 00:00:18 You can even get the strongest, most orgasmic vibrator all time the magic wand. So go to, click on the Good Vibes banner to see my favorite toys, because you know I've tried them all, and use coupon code GVemily20 for 20% off. That's coupon code GVemily20. Thanks for listening to the show, enjoy it. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubized, they call them in a fight on me. Hey, Aveline, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh my. The women know about shrinkage.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Isn't it common, not only? What do you mean, like laundry? It shrinks. Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm so, so, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl
Starting point is 00:01:14 you just play with. Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can check out my podcast. you should actually just subscribe to my podcast because it's so much easier that way because then you'll just get it right there. Every time you post it, you'll get in the show. We do two shows a week and you can
Starting point is 00:01:35 also on, oh this is amazing, on Wednesdays from 12.31 Pacific Center time we answer all your questions on Twitter. So you just tweet me hashtag ask Emily and my Twitter is sex with Emily as it is across the board with Instagram and Facebook you better like me on Facebook because we get you tips all day long to improve your sex life and relationship which is what I think you all want what's why you're listening to the show oh and PS by the way BTW if you do want to improve your sex life this show is all about it. Because I've got some women here in the flesh who are going to talk to you about something that is very, very important and crucial, in fact, to you having good sex, men and women.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Specifically, we are talking about the G spot is sort of this elusive spot. I always hear about organ internal orgasms, external orgasms, did she have an orgasm? Guys are always even, how do I know if she had an orgasm? But the G spot can be a little more difficult to attain. A lot of women can have literal orgasms and y'all know what the clitoris is, right? Even listening for a while. We don't think we're going to get into that today, but is that little bud? Has 8,000 nerve endings? And if you don't know that, you should rewind and listen to some other shows. But the G-Spot is this internal, like, elusive zone that so many people are just women even, they don't know how
Starting point is 00:02:52 to find it. There's all those women who, and we're going to talk to one in a moment too, they have sex and they just find it and they have amazing orgasms that way. But this is like when people talk about vaginal orgasms or having an orgasm with intercourse, they are usually talking about the G-spot. Just just some background. It was named in the 50s after German gynecologist Ernest Graffenberg. So he got a whole spot named after him. How do I guess spot named after me?
Starting point is 00:03:15 I might be amazing. He discovered the zone of a rodentist feeling located along the suburitural surface of the interior vaginal wall. What the hell does that mean? It's located two inches inside the vagina on the top side of the vaginal wall. It's a little bean-shaped pleasure point and has a rougher texture. And size and location might vary and usually when a woman is turned on, she's already had an orgasm, a clitoral orgasm, it becomes more engorged and easier to find.
Starting point is 00:03:43 And we are going to give you tips on how to find it. Oh, that was my other idea for an iPhone app. I am sitting here, my guest today, just so you know who I'm talking to, is my assistant Lauren, who did start out as my intern a few years ago. How's it going? Hi, and Carolyn, who's my new intern.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Hi everybody. And so we're bringing back intern sex toy review day, which was very popular a few years ago. Lauren started out on my show with her first intern sex toy review. She might have been the first one doing it. And so we get toys and they try them out and they all three of my interns picked G-Spot vibrators this month. So we're going to be hearing a lot from them, but they've also tried another ones along
Starting point is 00:04:19 the way. So this month, so we're not going to be all G-Spot this month. But we are going to be from Carolyn because she tried a toy that we're going to get into in a minute. So we're going to, but we are going to also talking about, I want to hear from them about their own g-spot experiences, how they found them, how they like to be touched that way, and we're going to give tips to guys about, you know, because truly one of the best ways if a woman's never found her g-spot is using fingers. And using a guy's fingers works just well. It works very well.
Starting point is 00:04:48 You can use lubricants, get her warmed up, and we'll explain how you do it. You stick your fingers inside. This will come with her motion. You've probably heard us talk about that. And everything we talk about, we're going to have pointers on the section of the only website so you can see the toy that we talk about and also we'll link to this blog and that we have that's like all about how to find it. So thanks for being here.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Carolyn, we're popping her podcast, Cherry Bubble today. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Well thank you for having me. I'm so excited. Yeah, and thanks for being my intern. How has it been so far? Has it changed your sex life yet?
Starting point is 00:05:22 Oh, I definitely has. I love being your intern. It's so exciting. Every day is filled with fun stuff and I'm learning so much and it definitely has enhanced my sex life. I love that. How would you think? How I heard, because people always ask me, like, is your sex life better from doing the show?
Starting point is 00:05:39 I'm like, yeah, because it's got, but... How could it not be? I mean, I definitely feel like I can communicate much more openly about sex and about what I want in the bedroom. I've purchased some new toys. I have used Loub. Right, right, Loub. I'm on the Loub, like if I run for president,
Starting point is 00:05:56 I'm running on the Loub platform. Loub, yeah. And you've introduced me to some quality loops, which is wonderful. And my boyfriend loves using it, even though at first he was a little like, what's this? Right, which is wonderful. And my boyfriend loves using it, even though at first he was a little like, what's this? Right. Well, exactly. Well, that's my big issue, which you all know is that I hate the fact
Starting point is 00:06:13 that Loube has such a stigma. You know, we're going to wait about the Loube if she's dry or there's discomfort. But Loube, actually, there have been so many studies that have shown that 85% to 90% of women actually say that sex is better for them when you add love to the equation. And so guys, get over your freaking, obviously, direction. Get over your freaking uptightness about, oh, I'm not turning around enough. So she's not wet enough and blah, blah, has nothing to do with you. It's not that you're not pleasing or it's not that you're not performing right.
Starting point is 00:06:43 It's that a little slip and slide feels really good to a woman. So I'm glad that you've taken that on. That is a message I'm trying to have my own Loub with Emily and We haven't released it yet because it's top secret, but it is coming out soon. And we've tried it. We've tried it. It's really, it's really good. It's good stuff. So you use more Loub and you communicate. That's good. I love it. And you're doing everything. You're doing your kicking ass. Thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Okay, so, so Interim Sexory of You Day, so we go to, as you know, is my favorite sex toy place to buy toys. And I have them pick up. And also when they become interns, you can attest this. I say you don't have to do it. You can write about it. Because also she actually wrote a blog post about this. So it'll also be on the website. But I don't force them to do anything. I'm like you could do but she would like that
Starting point is 00:07:29 But I always appreciate it when they do want to come on the show and talk about their experience because it's not you know Always easy to open up and talk about your sex life for the first time and using a vibrator Yeah, it's not easy, but it's really fun and I definitely jumped at the chance to Try out a vibe. Okay. And write about it. So tell me, okay, what did you pick? So I picked the silky G, water-proof G-spot vibrator and I picked it because I'd never
Starting point is 00:07:54 used a G-spot vibrator before. Okay. And had you ever had a G-spot orgasm before? Oh yes. Oh yes. Okay. So you often do during intercourse? Um, I often is a loose term, right?
Starting point is 00:08:07 Because it's not every time. But I do have G-Spot orgasms. I think I would have a G-Spot orgasm more often with a partner than I would a clitorial orgasm. Right. OK. I don't know if that surprises you. No, it doesn't surprise me.
Starting point is 00:08:22 The clitorial orgasm is more Easier for women to achieve I guess most women not a guess it's true But many women is these two women here. I've had you know when easy time having these but our guys I did not I will admit So I don't know, you know, the the clear is the people say it's the better one who I don't think that you know It's like Woody Allen said like okay, sorry to coat Woody Allen I know everyone hates him now because of the molestation of his daughter, but he made amazing films in the 70s, and I love Annie Hall, so anyway, there is no such thing as what,
Starting point is 00:08:52 like orgasm, like bad pizza, or like, there's such things, bad pizza, or... Oh, even when it's bad, it's still good. Even when it's bad, so good, right? So I'm not gonna judge orgasms on a hierarchy or anything, but you said you could have them with a partner, but on your own, this was the first time you were trying the vibrate. On my own, this was the first time I was ever attempting to have a G-spot orgasm.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Okay. And tell me about the vibrate first. It's called the silky G. So the silky G is, again, a waterproof G-spot vibrator, and it's great for external stimulation as well as internal stimulation. Oh, great. You can do it, okay, great. Yeah, and it's shaped for external stimulation, as well as internal stimulation. Oh, great. You can do it, okay, great. Yeah, and it's shaped like Emily mentioned earlier,
Starting point is 00:09:28 it's shaped like the kind of like the comhither finger because if I guess if positioned upwards, that finger will put pressure on the G-spot. Right. It's made of hard plastic, which might turn some people off right away, but I actually the that it was made of that material Not the silica. Yeah, it was so different from anything I've experienced Let's see it has a little dial and you can choose from a scale of one to four as far as as far as
Starting point is 00:09:58 How fast it goes and how much it vibrates or pulsates so Yeah, okay, so you like to, so you were masked, so you went in your room, I guess. And he had some loot, maybe Jews loot. I actually didn't. I went to my room and I was like, I'm gonna use this toy and I'm just gonna take note of how I'm feeling and I'm gonna write this blog.
Starting point is 00:10:20 It's gonna be the best blog ever. And yeah, I just used it and I mean, I just used it externally at first. Yeah, that's gonna be the best blog ever. And yeah, I just used it. And I mean, I just used it externally at first. Yeah, that's good to warm up. Yeah, to warm up. Yeah, I didn't, you know, I can't see because personally just that a lot of women need to have a literal orgasm first before they can have or at least be aroused enough because that's when the G spot tends to like engorge a little and you can find it more with some women. So it makes sense that you think warm up.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Yeah, I think naturally you're you're minding your body is like, okay, we're gonna warm up a little. Right. So I used it externally and I mean, I didn't use Lou, but I mean, you get a little wet. It's okay, I'm still asking. Yeah, you get a little wet in my mouth. You get wet yourself, right? Yeah, it's just, like, I know why they call it the silky G. Okay, yeah, it feels really good.
Starting point is 00:11:01 It feels like it goes like you're right, okay. And then, and then when you're masturbating, do you like think about things? Or do you watch porn? Or do you? A little bit of both. I definitely probably think about things more often than I actually watch porn, although I totally watch porn.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Right. Okay, good. Online once in a while, but I mean cheesy, I think about my boyfriend. No, that's what we even know. I do, women do, we do that. Guys are thinking about everything, but they're girlfriend usually, I think about my boyfriend. No, that's what we do. No, women do, we do that. Guys are thinking about everything but their girlfriend
Starting point is 00:11:27 usually, but it's not true. Sometimes I do with the beginning. But women, we like to think about like, what do you think like kissing the last time you saw him? Or, I mean, yeah, I think about like the last time or one of the, you know, the, like, some of our good, our good sessions. And I think about that.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And, you know, I might think about them going down on me and like that could just do it for you. Yeah, that's what you know me too. Guys, you gotta go down. Okay. Yeah, I think like I feel like I have a very vivid imagination and a good visual memory. So that served me well.
Starting point is 00:12:01 You know, other times maybe if I'm single, I'll think about like a certain celebrity or something. Do you do that you do that? Do you do that? Do you more and do you think about celebrities? I don't think about celebrities. I used to when I first started masturbating as like a teenager, but now it's... I had my fantasy. What do you think about? Oh my... Well, first, sometimes I list... I watch porn. Good vibes has a great view of me. Oh my god, I'm obsessed. I usually watch the tube sites, but I actually started watching a lot more porn now that, you know, we have access to that because they're so good. I actually saw a porn on there. It was so good. I stopped masturbating and it's probably one of my, it's actually a really good movie.
Starting point is 00:12:40 You stopped it for the plot. Yeah, and it was like, it was made in like the 80s or something. Yeah, okay, so she's talking about Good Vibes also has a video on demand program. So if you go to and then again, I was not to bring up another ad, but really if you click on the banner, you can buy minutes, but they have the best curated collection of like porn through the years, like best for couples. So if you're, you want to listen, watch porn with your partner for singles, for lesbians to listen, watch porn with your partner, for singles, for lesbians, gay, straight, like, in the-
Starting point is 00:13:08 It's really classy porn. It's classy porn, yeah. You're not gonna get that whole- So good that Lauren stopped masturbating to watch the end of the porn. Wait, I wanna see how it ends. Yeah, which is like funny, because like when I have this like fantasy
Starting point is 00:13:20 that I realized really gets me all fast, which I would never do in person. I like to state that first. Okay, what's the fantasy? But I have like this fantasy of like, like being like taking in front of people as like a, as like, have you ever watched Spartacus? No. Or I have those hot, sexy, like 300 type move move.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Like an orgy kana? Yeah, but like where there's people like, you know, sex sexy, like 300 type moves. Like an orgy kind of? Yeah, but like where there's people like, you know, sexy ladies, like who are like doing it in front of you with gladiators. I don't know, that gets me wrong. That's right, that's right. That's true. That's a historical fiction fantasy.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Right. It's true that a lot of, a lot of things that women and men fantasize about, am I always saying talk to your part, your fantasies, but it doesn't mean that we all want them to come true. Yeah, I would never like to have a gay baby. She doesn't want to have a gay baby. Or like a friend of...
Starting point is 00:14:08 Not yet. Not yet. She's only been working for a few weeks now. But, right, I get it. So that's what you think about. Okay, to porn or that. And then, okay, so you're G-spot. So then, how was Silky G?
Starting point is 00:14:20 It was a good experience. So yeah, I think as an external vibe, it was great. Again, the material I did not expect to be so pleased in a tactile way. It's so different. I used to use the Rabbit Habit vibrator. All right, that's a great one, too. How long did you have that one?
Starting point is 00:14:36 I was great. So that one got me through graduate school. So I had it for about, I had it for a little while. But it was really my first real vibrator. And so it was, it's made from a lastomer, I think, which is like similar to, is that similar to silicone? Yeah, yeah, it's like, it's like rubbery. It's like bendable and rubbery. And I don't know, just with this, with the plastic of the surgery. It's a hard, it's hard, but it's so smooth that, you know, if you're wet or if you're using lube, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Right. It was great. A lot of women like that. Yeah, I mean, I have a friend who used her electric toothbrush because of the plastic. She's like, I just like the hard plastic. I just like the hard plastic. It's true. I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:15:19 I did not know that I would be stimulated in that way. So then when I tried to use it as like an internal vibe, it just wasn't happening for me. And I really think it's because I used the rabbit habit for so long. And you got to step right for years. For years. Yeah, that I just was, I was like, what's going on? Because I usually, especially if I'm masturbating, I can have an orgasm in like less than 10 minutes. I mean, we're good to go.
Starting point is 00:15:46 But this one took longer. Okay. Yeah, I guess I really realized that you need to have different kinds of sex toys and experience different sensations. I love what you said in your blog, which was, compared to, like, if you read a good book, because that can be the year, and keep reading that book over and over again, you're going to try to read another book. which was a comparison to like if you read a good book, because that could be the year and keep reading that book, go over and over again, you're gonna try to read another book.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So I think it's kind of like having a new partner, having a new sex toy, because you gotta learn how it works, and the great thing about having a sex toy collection is that you can explore these other erogenous zones and play with toys, hit your G-spot, because the G-sp spot really is an extension of your clitoris or some are you, it's all connected in a way, the nerve endings.
Starting point is 00:16:29 And like if you like put your, your vibrate on the corduille, your interior, well, you can play it all, there's all the anterior, there's all these different spots that you might not know and every toy can reach you in different ways but it might happen the first time. Exactly. I've had that too with toys and like,
Starting point is 00:16:43 oh god dammit, but you gotta keep trying. And then you get like amazing. Yeah, I mean, I felt like a brat because I was like, I didn't, I used this vibrator once and it did it work. Like, you know, the whole saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I mean, I took that to an extreme
Starting point is 00:16:57 and I used the same vibrator for years and it was great. But now I really want to, it's just like a partner. I really want to try different vibrators I want to try them with different material. I want to try ones that pulsate or vibe I want to try silicone. I want to try plastic. Oh the thrusting one my fun factor. That one's amazing What's the Zwei the great the Zwei and the dry those are amazing from fun factor. Yeah Well tell me about your experience because those are g-spots. Yeah, that one's intense It's actually kind of like I'm I have are g-spots, too. Yeah, that one's intense. So it's actually kind of like, I have a collection
Starting point is 00:17:26 thing, Stanley. OK, yeah. And that one was the only one that's actually been intimidating to me, because I actually put it on the table on a piece of paper, because they told me to do this at the, we went to an expo. And it moved itself across my table.
Starting point is 00:17:41 It thrusts. It doesn't vibrate. And this is my fun factor, you can get these all good vibes. So it's this way or the drey or... All of them thrusts are just different shapes. Right, okay. So, which yeah, I think you have one that's a little more slender, which I think, when I first tried it, I was like, oh, this is fun, but then I tried it with a partner, and it became really fun because like he could move it. He is it. I like a little bit of, I like using it in the back door when he's in the front door.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Oh, interesting. The fun factory? Yeah. Oh, nice. Okay, using the back door. You thrusted it in the back door. And it does its own, it does the work for it. So, and then he can feel it and it feels awesome. Right. He can feel it because he's inside of you and the vibrations. And the whole, it just, yeah, it just makes everything really tight down there and it's, I love it. That's intense. I've only been interning for a couple months,
Starting point is 00:18:40 so I'm just thinking about expanding my sex toy collection. Oh, yeah. Honey, what will I learn? I keep telling you guys to come over to my goddamn house and just go through my garage I'm serious. I know everyone's gonna email you for toys, but I can't give them all the way to you all But my interns I have to give them to us. Yeah, but yeah, you expand it right? Who would have thought that's that's amazing? This is what Emily's done to me.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Okay, Lauren, I got a note is she's 25 Twenty twenty almost 24. Yeah, you, so, okay, she was 19. Was that legal that you were my intern 19? I was like, you're really, she's always been very mature. This was in San Francisco. And she did her, what was your intonate? What do you remember what your sex toy review was then? My sex toy review was the rabbit.
Starting point is 00:19:18 It was this enormous rabbit. Oh my god. And it was terrifying. Like, I know I said the, the, this wee or the dry was terrifying and intimidating. But like this is my second sex story. Why you got that big one? That was a mistake.
Starting point is 00:19:31 It was the first day I got there. And she pulls out this rabbit from her drawer and she's like, here, Kelsey thought it was too big. Right. Right. Because one of my other interns thought it was too big for her. So Lauren's like, I'll take it. Right. Yeah. That one was fun.
Starting point is 00:19:43 That's right. Good times. We're also brave in Right. Yeah, that one was fun. That's right. Good times. We're all so brave in here. OK, so I want to go back to the thing that Lauren said that's interesting is that, and I always tell guys that you are still intimidated by using a vibrator because just like the lube, I'm not pleasing her. There's something wrong with my penis.
Starting point is 00:19:57 I don't turn her on enough. No. In fact, you should look at toys. Like, thank God she's got a toy because it cuts on your work and half the work that you physically have to do in half plus the vibrations feel really good on your penis Oh, yeah, I think balls guys love it. They're like where did he think did you put it on his balls and stuff? See I think it's really interesting He's the one who goes through my sex toy drawer now and he just digs through the now that he knows where it is and just
Starting point is 00:20:23 Pick things out doesn't know what it does. Let's use this. Let's use, because he used to be one of those guys, who's like, I don't know. Right. And then now that he's experiencing it too. Exactly. He's so into it.
Starting point is 00:20:33 And I'm a multi-aggressive girl. So like, it just, Oh my God, you're fired. Yeah. No, so he's that that's so cool. Yeah. I can too with a lot of the vibrators, I can have glitter all.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I know, my G-spot experiences have not, it took me a while. Like I needed to go through some of the tips that we're going to talk about. I'm like really using my fingers, exploring with the, the, come, when I tell you what the coverhead, their motion, it's like you stick your finger, how do you make two inches in up towards, towards, in the vagina, towards, towards the, um, the, the top of the top of the vagina, the pelvic floor. Like so you're going towards her top of the project. The top of the project.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Yeah, the pelvic floor. So you're going towards her pelvis, pelvic muscles, so they come here and you stick your fingers inside and you play around, you gotta find it. But I was doing that on my own for a while. I bought a book at Good Vibrations 20 years ago how to find the G spot, imagine that. And so I was, yeah, I was exploring for a while.
Starting point is 00:21:23 I mean, I found it eventually, but it wasn't like through sex. It didn't just happen, so I'm saying, it's not like, and believe me, I wasn. I mean, I found it eventually, but it wasn't like, through sex. It didn't just happen. So I'm saying, it's not like, and believe me, I wasn't a virgin, okay? I'm just putting it out there. I had sex with many different kinds of penises, shaped sizes, and it just wasn't happening.
Starting point is 00:21:34 So some women, it happened, some women it doesn't, but you gotta do, you know, for some women, you gotta do the work. And not women like it either. Not like, some women just, or they don't, can't have one, or they don't, you know. Yeah, they can have one, or they don't like it. I personally prefer G-Spot orgasms.
Starting point is 00:21:49 How would you explain the difference? I had this conversation with one of my lesbian friends at a bar the other night. Love it. She asked me, what does it feel like to have a G-Spot orgasm? I'm not sure if I've had one. And I tried to explain it to her. I feel like a G-Spot orgasm is deeper. I feel like it's more of like a full body rumble.
Starting point is 00:22:12 You know what I'm saying? It's deeper. It's definitely deeper. It's deeper and longer. It feels longer. Right, last longer, it's like your whole body. Lauren, how would you describe the G-Spot orgasm? Like, I can have clitoral orgasms and keep going
Starting point is 00:22:25 and keep going G-Spot orgasms. I have to take like a moment and be like, okay hold on, hold on, it's like a full body sensation whereas I think the clitoral orgasm is very kind of shallow. It's on top of the body. Right, I agree. That's how I feel. That's true, it's true.
Starting point is 00:22:41 So can you, and then when you have sex, would you say intercourse with the guy, would you say you mostly do have the g spot before the when I'm having sex? I definitely will have a g spot orgasm a hundred times before I'll have a clitorial orgasm. Okay, because when you're having intercourse, I mean it's it's just so rare that a guy's gonna hit your That's why we talk about all these toys that women can use during sex, or they should at least be rubbing their clitoris. If that's the only way they can orgasm, because the penis, unless you're doing certain positions which we've talked about, it's not going to hit our clitoris in the right way to have one. But if you rub it against him, or if you, or her, whoever you're with, but you know, and you use certain positions
Starting point is 00:23:26 or a toy, like, you know, I love the J.J. Mimi and all the other things I love, but, but oh, and the girls by Vibrotax, which are really cool little ones. These are little things you hold in your hands and you can put it on your, on your clitoris and have an orgasm if you can't have a G-spot. So orgasm. So you typically can have the G-spot all day long. Yeah, I think like Lauren, I need to have a little recovery period because like I said, there's so much deeper and longer and wonderful, but definitely if I'm on top too, that's
Starting point is 00:23:54 how I discovered my G-spot is by being on top. Right, okay. So that's people, a lot of women are more easily able to have a G-spot organization, but Lauren, is that true for you too, on top? That, that's actually on top. See, I can only have a G-spot orgasm when I'm on top if I'm, what's not going up and down, but kind of grind. For an evaporating, yeah. For an evaporating, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:17 That's the only way I can have a G-spot orgasm on top. Okay, but what about on the bottom? On the bottom, there's some positions that like, I know for sure like my go-to's, I can like, where you have your. On the bottom, there's some positions that I know for sure, like my go-to's, I can like where you have your legs over the shoulders, that's super easy for me. I can't, I have problems having G-spot organs with new people.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Oh, it's interesting. Which, yeah, it's, Is it because you're not, you gotta learn there, kind of like she has to learn the silky G. Yeah, I think, you know, you gotta, You gotta learn his silky G. Gotta learn. His silky D. His silky D. You gotta learn a, kind of like she has to learn the silky G. Yeah, I think, you know, you gotta, You gotta learn his silky G. You gotta learn. His silky D.
Starting point is 00:24:46 His silky D. You gotta learn his silky D. And it is true, so that's a great point too, Lauren, that you brought up is that when with new partners, guys, don't assume, I mean, every time she's not gonna have one, especially at the beginning, unless she's super verbal and knows how to move around, we don't know each other's bodies at the beginning. I mean, it's exciting, and the anticipation of having a new partner is thrilling, and superverbal and knows how to move around. We don't know each other's bodies at the beginning. I mean, it's exciting and the anticipation of having a new partner is thrilling until the sex
Starting point is 00:25:09 feels amazing and all that. But, and we might not have orgasms right away because we just, we don't really know how to maneuver. Yeah, and it can still be great, but you might not have an organ. Right. It doesn't mean that you suck, okay? So don't beat yourself up, but it takes a while to get to know someone sometimes. And the more you, sooner you talk to your partner about sex, the better. So, okay, we're going to come back to more talks about the G-Spot, but first I have to give you a quick word from our amazing sponsors. Who helped keep this show free and available to you, and so I can do two shows a week, which I actually would like to do more.
Starting point is 00:25:42 So support our sponsors, okay, Peeps? Okay, so I want to just again thank you for listening to the show and I love being able to help you with all your sex and relationship problems. And I just want to know, have you ever heard of a massage candle? Looks like a regular candle that instantly turns into massage oil. In fact, it's sort of like massage oil that's a candle, like the massage oil is a great thing. So why do you need a massage candle? Because massage gets your partner in the mood. How many times you've been like, hey babe, you want a massage and then you got
Starting point is 00:26:10 laid. The warm, luxurious oil feels amazing when you pour it on. It's your secret weapon in the bedroom. If you want to spice things up, get your partner in the mood and have incredible sex. So and it looks like your back of a candle. It's not like it's a scary thing. They're beautiful candles that you can just leave out and light them around your house for omions. And the feedback has been outstanding. These are from my Emily and Tony candles.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Dear Emily, I bought a candle. My girlfriend was skeptical at first, but agreed to try the warm oil on me first and gave me a back rub. Then I reciprocated and we had amazing sex. She can not stop talking about how good this candle smells and how great the massage oil feels. I'm convinced that the scent and the candle
Starting point is 00:26:49 helped us do some of the barriers to sex that we have faced lately. So as you can see, I created these candles so you can have the best sex of your life. Go to, use code Emily for 20% off that's emily Use code Emily. I know a lot of you out there live in the LA area or you come down your often. The Hustler Hollywood store should be your main destination for the best toys, erotic
Starting point is 00:27:13 gut, the sexiest lingerie. And most of all, the easiest way to find the answers you've been looking for is to spice up your sex life. I know we had fun there. Right girls, we did a little field trip to the Hollywood Hustler Hollywood store. It's the perfect date night spot. If you're in a relationship, you can browse their section of sexy products, see what both get you both turned on.
Starting point is 00:27:32 And this way, you can avoid any awkward conversations about sex and go right to the source to fulfill all your sexual desires. And if you're single, and just want to have more fun during solo play, you have to see this amazing story. We were blown away with the best products on the market today. And if you want to make your sex life better, whether you're single or in a relationship, they're offering a 20% discount. If you mention sex with Emily when you visit this legendary store on Sunset Boulevard.
Starting point is 00:27:56 And also I am teaching a workshop so y'all know on July 16th, right? How to blow his mind, it's called. Right? That's what's called. How to blow his mind, it's called. Right, that's what it's called. How to blow his mind. And there's also a Facebook page that you could go to and it's the best way. Go to and it's up there. Click on any of the banners that you see
Starting point is 00:28:19 that says how to blow his mind with a beautiful picture and then on it. It's also attached to the Sex with Emily Facebook page. They're on the left side, the events column. Oh, good. OK, so yeah, just do that. That's easy.
Starting point is 00:28:31 So you're, slash sex with Emily events column. You can see it's going to be a really fun night. We're going to have giveaways and do, I'm going to teach you how to blow his mind. So if you're here, show up. Bar, Shopee, I can't wait to meet you. It's going to be awesome. They also have these fun drinks.
Starting point is 00:28:44 What would I think I had the cream in your face drink? Cream in your face. Oh my God, they have the best. Very creative. Very creative drinks. And it's really is an experience. Like, yeah, they've got a cafe. You can hang out.
Starting point is 00:28:54 It's gonna be a really fun night. So I can't wait to meet all my listeners too. So you come if you're in that LA area or make a trip right now, book your ticket. Okay, back to orgasms and cheese butts. Okay, so how do we find it? Like, let's say, you know, you're with either for a woman or your partner, again, it's located two inches inside the vagina, top side of the vaginal wall, and you'll know when you find it because
Starting point is 00:29:17 it feels like a bean shaped bump. And again, the exact size and location will vary with each woman. And it's great if you've never found it to use your fingers to find the exact location. And it's easier to find when you're aroused. So make sure that your partner gets you all out and bothered before you go searching for the G-Spot. And so like I said, the fingers are more, can be effective, but also a toy.
Starting point is 00:29:39 There's tons of G-Spot toys too on the market now. Like I think almost every brand makes a different toy. You just gotta play around a lot of them bend and you can try to find one that works for you. So you do the come of their mouth and motion with your two fingers, palm facing up, massage in the G-spot with your fingertips. One hand applies the pressure to the G-spot.
Starting point is 00:29:59 With the other hand, rest on your abdomen just above the pubic hairline. They should apply soft pressure, you or your partner, to the abdomen while they stroke your g-spot. This is kind of like for, if you're doing their couples. And a little bit of an abdomen pressure can help stimulate the g-spot even more. Do you guys ever do this? Do you ever like, I press on my, like during sex, like I press on my abdomen, like it helps me. Oh yeah, definitely. Why is that? Because if you're g-spot, because you press it spot because you press it and you know I want to try this
Starting point is 00:30:25 What yeah, like I naturally and like the guys I'm dating see that I dating sleeping with whatever No see that I do that and they push on it too because it's it's it's pressuring the g spot through your your interior walk through the outside Mine blown because I do that I do that like because I've noticed it over the years. Yeah Oh my god, that's why that's's why you're in the juice box. The secret of the juice box. The secret of the juice box. Oh my god. So if you, she can do it, you can do it above the pubic here and you can just apply soft pressure there and that will also help. But if you're playing it solo, you can invest in an awesome juice box toy,
Starting point is 00:30:58 like the silky g. I love the, um, the g key by jazzy, I believe. It's g dash k i i. That's a great one because it has locking adjustable joints that can be angled up to 60 degrees. So it's like made to your jieves. But that's what I have in my garage for you. I'm trying that one. Oh yeah, what do you think? I okay, so that's I actually wanted to bring this up when Carolyn was Talking about her she doesn't she didn't really understand it at first because that's how I felt about the jiki I was so excited. It's like this really nice toy and Higher points. Yeah, it's very nice and so I started using it and I was like why why like I like it feels good, but I feel like I Could be getting a lot more out of this. And then when I started playing around with it, started, you know, trying it in different ways.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I was like, okay, this is actually really fun. That's actually a great partner toy too. Right. That is a great partner toy because a lot of guys get into it like once, okay, guys, once you get over your hump, like we're saying of being a intimidating by such toys, you're going to friggin' that's what my guy does. He's like, what are you bringing tonight? When he comes over, he goes digging through my you bring it to night when he comes over he goes digging the magic I literally
Starting point is 00:32:05 got over there with a stick to suitcases and one's filled the toys and like clothes and like that's your case is much smaller so it is fun to play with and and guys you'll get into it like sticking this in and out of our like right the love the being control and seeing getting turned on I think that's one of the reasons why the guy I'm looking up with at the moment Right loves the sex toys because it's like he's in control. He's got the power like Yeah, they use them on you. So it's like at first. They're a little intimidated
Starting point is 00:32:33 Yes, and you have to be the one to bring in right okay women Yeah, and that's you have to I think a lot of times women just have to say babe This is we're gonna be really fun. I want you to see my you know my my toy. If you want to bring it in or if you're a guy ask her say you know hey do you ever use any toys I think that'd be really fun. And just experience it try it once. Get out of your head that it means you're not pleasing or it's just for telling you we're three women who can have orgasms without toys but toys just add a little something to the mix. Especially if you're a multi orgasmic or you want to try different positions, it's just fun, they're fun.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Like why should sex, you know, the number one question I get at, how do we spice it up? How do we keep it interesting? I mean, it doesn't mean it can be a toy, it can be bond and shape, it can be like, you know, restraints, whatever it is. It's fun to bring other things besides your goddamn penis and the vagina into the bedroom. That's what we're saying. And it is true that many think they're losing control to toys. You're gaining control. I mean, you really are like, you can be in control and put this toy in and out.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Oh, yeah. You're adding elements, accessories, and to the vagina. Right. And you're more straight there. You're just doing it from a different angle. I like that. Yeah. The jiki has the different...
Starting point is 00:33:41 Yeah, you can crank it in different positions. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, that's cool. I thought I broke it the first time. Yeah, you can crank it in different positions. Yeah, that's cool. Thought I broke it the first time. That might come next. So also, there's the Dildos, the enjoy, pure wand. Have you heard about this?
Starting point is 00:33:54 It's this shiny Dildo. It's made out of, I want to say, I don't want to say, like it's a steel. I think it is a stainless steel. It's stainless steel. It's N Joy N J O Y. And that is an amazing G Sprite. Dildo but it's hard, it's cold.
Starting point is 00:34:14 I mean, it's like, but it hits it. It's like, I can start to cry right now. I've had such good experience. I think I know some people like to put their dildos like that either in hot water. Hot water, boil it. Yeah, I was saying you put it in the fridge, you can make cold or hot. Yeah. You can boil it. Yeah. I've one of those too. I'm learning so much. I know. I love it. She's still learning all the time. I mean, even on the show. This is amazing. And then another thing about the G-Spot is that if you start feeling like you have the urge to pee
Starting point is 00:34:47 Don't panic because that is actually sign that you're getting closer to having the G-Spot orgasm You're not gonna peel over your part there and if you do who cares because you're gonna be killer orgasm Anyway, but you're not gonna but that's that's that's also do you guys have that pee feeling? Yes, definitely if you can't laugh in the bedroom too like if you end up peeing on him if you can't laugh in the bedroom too like if you end up paying on him if you can't laugh in the bedroom That's a problem if he isn't paying you he's like these are my say-honored thread couch sheets guess what like Bye honey. Have fun doing laundry You're not gonna do never yeah, you're not gonna pee on it. That's for sure Yeah, I had lead out that would happen, but that is that is that is one of it one of the signs for for the g-spot
Starting point is 00:35:21 orgasm one thing I might add yes, please Because I had a friend who went on a date with a guy, went home with him, and he tried to give her a G-spot orgasm with his fingers, but he didn't give her any warning, and there wasn't a lot of foreplay. And next thing you know, I mean, she's in pain.
Starting point is 00:35:38 They're kissing, and yeah, she's in pain, and she could not believe it. This guy just tried to stick his fingers, you know, stimulator G-spot orgasm, but you know, I really think that if a guy's gonna go hunting for that G-spot, you're amazing and good for you and you're wonderful, but you should give your partner a little bit of warning, like, hey, babe,
Starting point is 00:35:57 like I wanna, I wanna, I wanna find it. Is he just fingering her or was he trying to find it? Cause some guys just stick to, first of all, and they don't use Lou when you're not warmed up yet Yeah, and it could hurt I mean say he was you know like years later after hearing the story I really think he was trying to stimulate her G spot, okay, she said he was he was given It is all right, right right So you got to slow down because it's a two-person experience. You got to look for her feedback
Starting point is 00:36:21 I mean it's all about communication and I think I just go in I don't know what they're looking for but they're like yeah right their fingers and like really and it can hurt so guys also another thing you remember is to cut your nails oh my god have we all had that experience yes women look at your hands right oh yeah yeah you can just clip on phylum but but if you're gonna be going and doing some interior work make sure that they're clipped and make sure that you use Loub again. If she's not wide enough and you're just going to search and hunting for the G spot. Loub is amazing.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Loub, I cannot believe you don't use Loub when you masturbated that one time. I was about to be like, I get so messy. Well, next time I will. And I will. What's the good Lou loop that I gave you that you like? You remember? I've tried Silk Loop from you. Like Silk? Yeah, yeah, and that was great.
Starting point is 00:37:12 And I've tried a couple others. I can't remember. We have so many samples. It's so many. I know. I really like Slickwood. Uber Loop is amazing. These are all again.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Good Keep on code GBM-20, right? 20% off. Just because you know you're all getting excited here about having good loop. Because you don't want to buy shitty loop on the drugstore. Oh yeah, shitty loop is shitty loop. I know that now. Yeah, I know. I think on like the third day, Emily asked me what kind of loop I used and I said, okay, why? And she was just like shaking her head. I was like, ask her a lie or something. Yeah, because that's what you buy. You know, you know, it's not good.
Starting point is 00:37:49 And you want to make sure that you use a Loub that makes all, you know, paraben free and just get infections. And invest in some good Loub and some good condoms. That's what I have to say to you all. OK, so what else here, guys? Should we talk about the embassy house made of boobs? Definitely. Well, I was gonna actually bring this up to you
Starting point is 00:38:11 the other day. Oh, okay. I just realized maybe one of the reasons why I don't like clitoral orgasms so much is because I've realized recently in like I've been having sex for a couple of years now, but very recently, I don't like when a guy goes off super fast, like on the outside of my vagina. Like, goes off super rassic with their tongue?
Starting point is 00:38:33 With their fingers or their tongue. Like, I cannot stand it. It's almost too much. And it's not a good too much. It's like, intense, like, this hurts too much. Even if I'm stimulated, and even if I'm wet. But now like, I've realized I really do love it. It's like a intense, this hurts too much, even if I'm stimulated and even if I'm wet. But now I've realized I really do love it, is just I love it and it's slow. I can not stand it when it's being fast. Like when someone gets hammered away at that,
Starting point is 00:38:55 like that, maybe in the end when you're like, you're also going down on the ground. Most women want you to start slow, it's true. And do you know what else though, the Lauren, is that a lot of women who are multi-organic and really sensitive, they don't want their clitoris touched. They might not even want to go to perform oral sex because they are multi-organic.
Starting point is 00:39:14 And they don't like it. But it's true that if you, like everything, go three times slower than you think you need to, especially when you're going to clit-'t go diving the click start rubbing it over. I know. I mean, there's been times where, you know, someone, you're really excited. Someone is like, you know, going down on you or something. And maybe you come and then they keep doing it.
Starting point is 00:39:35 They keep going and you're like, stop. Right. I mean, it's too much. I feel like some guys are like, yeah, like I'm the king of the castle. Like I'm going to keep going. It's like, no, stop. Right. Stop. Because it hurts or no, stop. Right, stop. Cause it hurts or something's right out.
Starting point is 00:39:46 But then you can go again, there's like women have a shorter refractory period. Like maybe you can have another one. So much has to do with like the guy paying attention to obviously the words you're saying, but your body language. Right, yeah. When she's like, like,
Starting point is 00:39:58 right, writhing in pain, that's a good time to stop. Pay attention, exactly. And talk about it if you're not sure. But again, like I say, always start slow with anything to do with the female body. I mean, not that you don't ever want to rip her clothes up and throw it out on the bed. I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:40:12 But if you're going into like oral sex and the whole thing, you just, I think even the great thing about it is the tease. We'll play with our thighs for a while. Like, like around or a clitoris, around or a vagina, play with her, like, inner thighs, massage them, um, the labia, with, you know, there's just so many other parts that feel really good, and then go in for the clitoris. Because Lauren, you're one of these women, it's true. There's a lot of them are like, no, because guys have done it in the past two aggressively. Yeah, I loved that whole
Starting point is 00:40:39 sexual breakdown you just did. I got kind of turned on. I did. What? I know. Talking about all of the, you know, you don't go straight in doing things. No. I love when you guys like make you, like you want her to be begging you for it. You want her to be like, babe, when are you going to get to the club? You want her to be like, I cannot wait for you to touch my clear nose. That's what you want. So if you have to kiss her breasts and go down her body and like make everything else feel good and even if you touch it for a second But then you move back and then you go towards it and you move back and then you go for it Then she's gonna be ready, but just these guys are about the ones who just go right fake You're fooling around even for the first time and they can stick their hand on your pants
Starting point is 00:41:19 You're like first of all what about my breasts because we're already making out what about everything else and then what do you think? We're gonna sex and you're we're going to have sex? And you're going to go right to, I just, it just drives me crazy. It's a huge pet. There's so much to be said about the anticipation and the, you know, the, the, like, waiting for it. And I'm not talking about, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:35 waiting three days, five days, eight days, but waiting five minutes, waiting in session. Three minutes? Absolutely. Like, I really like, like, leaving clothing on. Like, like, no, it's true. I'm really like, leaving clothing on during sex you know, I really like leaving clothing on. Like, no, it's true. I'm really like leaving clothing on during sex.
Starting point is 00:41:47 No, I really like leaving, like shoot, like my shoes on. I really like leaving like my skirt on or my bra on. What about leaving like your underwear on and he can just, you know, do his thing down there, like, you know, kiss you, look around. I love the highly popular underwear. And then it's like, you're the one that's trying to rip your underwear off, not him.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Exactly. It's like you just can't wait. I totally agree with you. I'm 100% I love leaving the underwear even if you lick or vibe or touch over the underwear. It can feel really good because the fabric feels great against the clitoris. Women spend so much money on their underwear. We were talking about what agent provoked you all the other day. I went shopping and bought a bunch of beautiful bras yesterday
Starting point is 00:42:26 It's like okay slow down and notice let's use this beautiful underwear to our advantage and leave it on for a little long There leave the clothes on leave them on for a while to agree you went to you went there yesterday I went to the wild I would I did I did my guy bought me some Beautiful stuff. I drove by there yesterday. I thought of you The one I'm out of rose. I mean, oh my god. I shouldn't say the guy that I see sometimes He'd bought me like eight months ago some stuff and then we didn't see each other was in his trunk I'm like, what about that Asian rocker tour stuff? So we went there and you know fit me it's beautiful or China is
Starting point is 00:43:01 I've shopped for underwear They're not a sponsor, but I wish they would be. I wish they would be too. But here's the thing is that, so yeah, notice it. And then also, tell her she looks beautiful and hot and like you recognize that she tried to match her panties in her underwear, which is not always easy. Because then it's a bra's dirty and the underwear and clean. Like we thought about it.
Starting point is 00:43:18 And so recognize it, like worship it. And just again, like take your time. And so the key to one of the main keys to having amazing long lasting, really good sex is the anticipation, the unknown, the that's why like early on sex is so good with someone is because there is a weight and there is like a tease. And so wherever you are in your relationship
Starting point is 00:43:41 if you could still kind of bring some of that back and incorporate it into your sex life, it will be just magical. I think the waiting, the slowing down, that's what we talked about for play. Like I tweeted last week, I was like, this canteen, I'm like, for play is not a suggestion. It's like, it's a requirement for women.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I think, I am for men. And I'm not saying every time is I gotta be 45 minutes of her, men is always says to me, how long do I have to do it? How long? When you say it out for me, how long? 20 minutes or, no, but just like,
Starting point is 00:44:09 it's more so than not, like you should know that it's, we actually require it to get warmed up because we are not when you just walked in the door and didn't happen that way. So we were not, like, you're turned on because you saw us, because you're visual and we need a little more touch
Starting point is 00:44:23 and it's feeling. Yeah, and it's also like a physical experience too, because when women aren't turned on, our vaginas are actually smaller. Right. And then they expand as we, because so if you just shove it in, it's gonna hurt. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:44:36 We do expand. If you ever watch, we should be like a time elapsed. They must have time elapsed with a vagina opening, I'm wide. They do. But really, like, you'll see, like, it flower. If you spend any time looking at the vagina, which I hope, no they do, but really like it, you'll see like it flower. If you spend any time looking at the vagina, which I hope you have when you're down there, it opens up, it expands like a flower, but it blooms. Yeah, and I mean, and so much of it is like it mean the five or ten minutes before you're
Starting point is 00:44:55 even touching each other. I mean, it's like, are you being kind to me? Are we laughing? Are you complimenting me? Not even just complimenting me. Are we, are we, are we, are we, are we, are we, are we, are we, are we, are we, are we, making a feeling? Yeah, is there some good energy going around?
Starting point is 00:45:09 Yeah. And then you can start getting physical. Yeah. Right. Right. And we want to, we want to be felt, felt good. When people have been like, oh, compliment, I don't just mean that, this is, this is, we have to understand.
Starting point is 00:45:20 As a, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, you walk in the door, you see us, you want to sex. Our brain is our largest sex organ, so that's why guys decide in 20 seconds if they're gonna sleep with someone, women men can kind of grow on us, because we meet you, and we're not talking about your penis, but it's an intellectual thing for us sometimes, you might say things, or we can, words turn us on. So, seduction.
Starting point is 00:45:42 seduction seduce us. Send a sexy text. Talk to us. Yeah. I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone yesterday, and at the end of the conversation, I said, well, tell me something sweet. We've been talking on the phone for like an hour, almost two hours.
Starting point is 00:45:55 And I hardly ever do that. And he said, do you want me to, do you want 10 minutes of me telling you something sweet, making some blah, blah, blah? Or do you want two hours of us talking about our days and talking about like our goals and talking about, you know, the things that go through our minds in these days, like, he's like, I just gave you two hours
Starting point is 00:46:14 of like intimacy and I said, oh, yeah, you're right, you're right, you're smart guy, you're smart, he's a good talker. He's a fantastic talker. But then did you get the real sweeping? Oh, I did, I did. See, he thinks, I did. I did.
Starting point is 00:46:26 He thinks he, I let him think he runs the show. Okay. But at the end, he was like, you know, I miss you. Dada, dada, dada. Yes, what does he want that? Yeah. So I get the sweet side and I get, you know, the, the, the, the, into my conversations. I love it.
Starting point is 00:46:39 So you're hailing for you guys or dating? We've been dating for, I don't know, almost six months. Okay. Yeah. So getting, it's a good don't know, almost six months. Okay. Yeah, so getting, it's getting better. It's good. Yeah, it's definitely good. I'm really happy and I like it, but you know, I'm like single. I'm single.
Starting point is 00:46:54 I've been single for a long time. And so when you actually meet someone you want to date, it's just, it throws you through a whirlwind. It's challenging. Exactly. Have you used the toys with them? Yes, yes we have. Like, we've used a couple toys, we've used Loub,
Starting point is 00:47:14 and it's been me introducing them, but he's always really excited about it afterwards. Okay. Yeah. Good. I love it. Well, thank you so much, Carolyn. Everyone can check out. It's been good. I love it. Well, thank you so much, Carolyn. And you can, everyone can check out.
Starting point is 00:47:25 It's been so wonderful having you. Thank you. On the Sex with Emily team, and thank you for coming on the show. And the name of your blog, we can just find it. It's the, so the name of the blog. It's the interned sex toy review. And it's called Get Out of Your Sex Toy Rout with a G-Spot vibe.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Right. She's a very good writer, and she writes all about her experience with it. And Lauren, thank you for everything as always per use. So everyone, be sure to follow me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and all that stuff, so I have to say that it's been amazing getting all your questions on Facebook. We've been getting a lot of Facebook questions too. So you can also easily, if you don't want to go through Facebook, feedback at and check out my
Starting point is 00:48:04 hustle workshop, and just keep listening to this show. I so appreciate everyone's support. And again, I always want to hear, what do you want to hear about? So thanks everyone for listening. Was it good for you? Email me, feedback at
Starting point is 00:48:18 Thanks everyone, I hope you enjoyed this show, and remember that Fleshite is the number one sex toy for men. Wouldn't it be amazing if you could feel the pleasure of having sex anytime, even when you don't have a partner? The flashlight, the most popular sex toy for men, it simulates the sensations of sex. It was engineered to look and feel like the real deal. Many people even think it feels better than sex, not that you won't want to have sex again. But also the flashlight stamina training unit helps you practice lasting longer and becoming a
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Starting point is 00:49:17 Go to slash flashlight to get your flashlight now. That's slash flashlight. And thanks for listening to the show. you

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