Sex With Emily - Interview Orgy

Episode Date: December 13, 2017

Today’s show is the first ever interview mashup. Emily has been so inspired by her guests this year, so she’s picked a few of her favorite interviews with people who gave us some real honest and i...nsightful looks into their sex lives. Emily is joined by her good friends and fellow podcasters, Amy and April, Jason Ellis, pornstar Joanna Angel, and three everyday guys who were willing to tell all. Emily chats with them about everything from open relationships to the wildest sex acts they’ve encountered. There’s a little something for everyone in this very intimate and revealing show. Hey, it’s an interview orgy. Thank you for supporting our sponsors who help keep the show FREE: Hello Fresh, Womanizer, Fleshlight, Intensity Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. As 2017 is coming to a close, I've been doing a lot of thinking about how truly great this year has been and how thankful I am that you, my lawyer listeners, have been here with me, sending your thoughtful questions, sparking your own curiosity, participating in our contest with seriously the most creative submissions that keep my staff entertained and educated. Because hey, you guys inspire us too. And I'm also incredibly inspired by my guests who always show up with an open mind and a willingness to share their knowledge and truths with you. We had so many great guests this year, so you're in for a real treat. On this show, we added together a few of my favorite interviews with people who aren't
Starting point is 00:00:38 afraid to be vulnerable and share their stories with all of us. All this and more, thanks for listening. [♪ INTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ [♪ INTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Hey, Evelyn. You got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh my!
Starting point is 00:01:06 The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common all the way? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm so dumb. Being bad feels pretty good.
Starting point is 00:01:17 You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily, we're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to Check out everything on my site if you're looking for reading or listening. All the podcasts are there. We've got blogs every week that we're updating about everything you want to know about sex and relationships. And I know it's a holiday season.
Starting point is 00:01:40 It's a stressful time. So take a deep breath and check out my podcast from a few weeks ago, a breath away from better sex. It's packed with tips for how to make every moment count with your partner and really work on deepening that intimate connection. I talk about breath work and meditation and the importance of always allowing yourself to be vulnerable. You guys really like that show, so check it if you haven't heard it yet. You can always get more sex with Emily and social media. It's all at sex with Emily. Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, check those out. I love hearing from you.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Okay, you guys, and it's contest time. I would be wrong if I did not give to you with many splendor sexy things this time of year. So this contest is how to be a better lover going in 2018. So what I want to do is take a moment here and think about it. Where are you right now, this moment with your love life?
Starting point is 00:02:25 Looking back on the last year, how was it? Is it what you wanted? Is it what you wanted to be? How could it be different? And a year from now, how would you like it to look? So write it down, you guys. Think about it. Think about some things that you'd like to work on for the next year and that you'd like
Starting point is 00:02:38 to see in your life. And a lot of things do get better on our own. We don't need to make commitments or resolutions, but you know, sex is not one of those things. It takes a little bit of effort, but it's so worth it. I mean, maybe you want to move from like, a calculation, orgasm, roll over and go to sleep. Maybe you want more for a play, you want more connection, you want more intimacy, you want to break out
Starting point is 00:02:57 of the routine that you're in. You know, maybe you want to stay in bed longer. And then we just studied it, came out that said, couples who stay in bed longer and being more affectionate, feel more satisfied with their sex lives overall. So maybe you just need to set the alarm for a few minutes later. Also you guys masturbate more you know, huge friend of masturbation. And if you're dating and frustrated right now, why don't you just try not dating? Take dating off the table. I don't know, be celibate for a few months. You'd think that's the last thing I want to tell you, but sometimes we just need to pull back, stop putting
Starting point is 00:03:24 pressure on ourselves and work to be the best version of ourself we can be before we start dating again. Be like a reset button. So think of all these things, you know, like, do you want to be a better listener with your partner? Whatever it is, I want you to write it down and I want you to email to me. Feedback at with the title Better Lover 2018 and share with me your pledge. What you want to work up for 2018, there's so much power and writing down and sending it to me and you'll be entering the contest and you have till Sunday, January 14, 2018, I'll pick four winners and you're going to win some incredibly sexy prize packs.
Starting point is 00:03:59 So I can't wait to hear from you. Okay, let's get into our interviews and also let me know what you think of this mashup interview show, because we've had so many insightful guests, so if you want more of these shows, I'd love to hear from you. And if you want to hear the full episodes from these interviews, look at the links in the show notes, which can be found at I'm really excited for my guest. I'm jumping right into it. You should just hear, if this show is as hot as the mic checks that we're not in pre-show, I'm pretty right into it. You should just hurt. If this show is as hot as the mic checks
Starting point is 00:04:25 that we're not in pre-show, I'm pretty psyched. Okay, I'm sitting with two awesome smart, amazing, sexy and powered women. We have Amy Baldwin and April Lampert. And you guys have both been in our sex toy industry for a while now, right? Yes, both of us since 2008. Okay, and I bet you got,
Starting point is 00:04:44 so this show, like I said, we're gonna get 2008. Okay, and I bet you got so this show like I said We're gonna get in some good old fashioned sex dating sex toys and I know Amy because we well everyone you both from the shows You guys were like the hot girls the shows that go weren't be fun, but then we're gonna do the best friends I'm like I love you both you can all hang out But Amy I did so mad at her together. We went through our intensive training So we bonded we've gotten closer so can't wait to talk about that. I know April's got a lot of relationship stuff going on, divorced, but now like, friends,
Starting point is 00:05:12 having so much fun, having so much fun all over the world. Okay, so April, you work, you've worked in the toy industry. I actually started up your pleasure, initially. Oh, you did? Is that how you guys can be FF? Yes. Well, we met before that.
Starting point is 00:05:26 In a restaurant, we were both working the restaurant industry maybe 10 years ago. And April got hired. I was already working there. And she was telling the story on her first day about going to a party and getting spanked. And I turned bright red because I was like, oh my God. Well, I proceeded to actually spank myself
Starting point is 00:05:42 in the back kitchen area. And I was like, oh my God, she's this one. I love this one. I actually spank myself in the back kitchen area. And I was like, oh my god, she's my soulmate. She thought I actually hated her because she was like, oh, did I just scare her away? And then Amy said she's gonna open a shop and she's like, I want you to work with me. No, I think. Be the assistant manager.
Starting point is 00:05:56 And I said, I have never worked in retail and I don't even own a vibrator. Right. And she was like, I'm gonna change that right now. Here's a vibrator and a chop. And I changed my life. Yeah. That's amazing. a suburbator and a job. My life, yeah. That's amazing. 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Yeah, around the, yeah. So you have eight of us will be open. That is like the beginning of a beautiful friendship. And here you are now. You guys are like me deep in the industry. I'm in. We're in lots of times. I couldn't imagine.
Starting point is 00:06:18 I was gonna be a lawyer. And now I'm selling dildos. My mouth is so proud. Exactly. No, I was gonna be a lawyer too. I'm gonna take the LASAT and here we are. It's fine. Good choice. Lawyers choice There's are not as happy as I know Okay, so we're able you worked so we work for fun factory director sales for fun factory USA and then
Starting point is 00:06:33 You're gonna change to hot octopus, which is like the best they're amazing So awesome congratulations on that because I know I always like see you guys in the show So we'll continue to keep each other so okay, so we've got your backgrounds. I need to know okay and you guys in the show. So we'll continue to keep each other. So, okay, so we've got your backgrounds. I need to know, okay, and you guys are how old? Eve, I'm 31, going on 32. Amy's 31, and I am the 34, going on 12. I'm actually, I get it. Okay, so what relationship status?
Starting point is 00:06:58 What's your broth? Oh, for me, we're gonna call it single with an it's complicated attachment. Astro-jabbo. Okay, it's complicated. Yeah, but single at the call it single with an it's complicated attachment. It's complicated. Yeah, but single at the moment. Okay. Got it.
Starting point is 00:07:10 So, single ends. Yeah. Still sleeping with the experts, not really committed. Yeah. I don't know. I'm just going to get it. I should go out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Yeah. Yeah. And he's not here right now. He's not present right now. So it's time and space to heal. Right. We all need that. It's time and space heals all. Okay. April. I am newly divorced. It's almost finalized. And this is the first time in my life. I've ever been single. Like since I was pretty much 18. Wow. How long were you guys together? Seven years. But I had a boyfriend before that for six years. And
Starting point is 00:07:39 I was with another relationship with a girl for a little while. Wow. Okay. Okay. So you. So then and then how long you married just now? Seven Wow. Okay. Okay, so then how long do you marry just now? Seven years. Wow. Okay. And you're coming out of it. So now you're like, what? You're just like, it's like full on.
Starting point is 00:07:51 It's so much fun. It's so much fun. I feel so connected to myself. I'm just like, this power, I don't know, I found my power. Tell me, okay, so when you were going to, you didn't have to feel like you had this power before. What time? Well, I wanted to be like a good little wifey, like so sweet and domestic and good to my
Starting point is 00:08:08 husband. Sure I'll get on top sometimes, but just missionary me all the time. Even after working in this industry, you've been knowing, you've got tools at your supply. Totally. You were just like, I'll be this business. It was just, I mean, and I understand it's an issue to have consistently amazing sex with your partner.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Oh, yeah. It really is. And I mean, yeah, but I've definitely awakened from my slumber and I'm feeling so great sexually. So are you just kind of sleeping around right now, meeting? I'm taking a good way. The best possible. I break, yes, but I've been, because I travel all over the world selling sex toys.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I've been in Chile and Brazil, Spain and Germany, Australia and Thailand. And so I've been, yeah, really experienced, you're having a maintained culturally. Right, that's a main, right, okay. It's been fantastic. So that's, I wanna hear so your partners that you've met in different countries,
Starting point is 00:08:59 is there anything you'd like to say about lovers from different parts of the world? I, oh my God, so many things. So I'm just curious because people are always encouraging me. They're like, oh, you should take a German lover. You should take a German lover. I have never dealt with on circumcise calls before. Talked to me about that.
Starting point is 00:09:14 So, and I had a Scottish man with a prince Albert piercing, OMG, new, interesting things. Also, let's explain what that is. Oh, might not know. It's a head. Basically, they take, it sounds, this sounds very intense. I'm not a doctor, but it's like through the yearythra, there's the barbell goes through there.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And then it's like, yeah, really interesting. And he was uncircumcised. He was uncircumcised. I guess only one in like 20 people in Scotland is circumcised. So interesting. And he was uncircumcised. He was uncircumcised. I guess only one in like 20 people in Scotland is circumcised. Right. So interesting. And then what I've learned about people all over the world, it was like the year of anal licking.
Starting point is 00:09:55 I was like, what is happening? That's the name. I totally, I've never experienced that. He's your name for podcasts. He's like, oh, the office when the year of anal licking. I think there's gonna be more. Wait, so because every guy you were with just wanted to lick your anus? Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I'm like, is this a new thing? I didn't get this. MMO, like, I'm into it, but usually I'm like, let's do that in the shower, just, you know, because I'm like, hey, yeah. Interesting. So even before they lick your vagina, are they licking your anus first? Usually, no, usually it's vaginal licking first. Yeah. Are they licking your anus first? Um, usually, no, usually it's vaginal licking first. Okay. And then it goes into the anal licking. Also, this
Starting point is 00:10:31 might be graphic. I hope you don't mind. Come on. But this guy in Thailand went down to me when I was having my period and he knew about it. And he was like into it. Really? Good. Okay. And he's got it. What are you doing? He was totally fine. He was totally fine. He was into your pleasure. I know. And he was an all-tripped up on it. So I just felt very, it was liberating.
Starting point is 00:10:53 That is, right? He's nothing's wrong with the period to choice. Guys, he'd be like, who grows out? And he's like, I'm into this. A one thing I do for every guy that I've been with in different countries, I send them a care package afterward with fun factory products. And I'm like, here's to please your next women.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Like you have to know, because most 99% of them have been terrified of products. So it's been awesome. And they get a party gift. They get a party gift. I'm like, think of what you're saying. You guys fun factory makes such cool, like, like, I usually send them the Cobra Libre,
Starting point is 00:11:22 which is a male masturbator as well, and then a bullet. So I'm like, whenever you do it, doggy bust this out and put it on the girls' clip and she's going to love it. And then they love you. They, yeah, I have a fan club. So every time I go to these countries, I have, you know, different homes and different area codes.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Oh my God, I love the use of the party gift. That's not a bad one. That's a really good idea. Really? Yeah, no, it is brilliant. You're never going to get any bad reviews in the Alporni thing if it comes to that. Have you noticed anything?
Starting point is 00:11:50 I noticed something about analicking too. I'd like to say I had in my few sexual experiences in 2016, by choice, there was some more analicking than usual. Yeah, no, I had a very interesting analicking offer when I had... I hadn't even been intimate with someone and that was something that was offered to me. Do you think it's because of because in porn they're seeing it more served up on the porn menu? Maybe. Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 00:12:11 No one was looking my ainess randomly eight years ago. Yeah, or something in the air. There's the energy of anal in the air. I think there is the energy of anal. I know. A finger, but not just a lick. Yeah. So a whole thing out.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I had a guy who went right for the lick. Like, he was like, flipped me over and wanted to lick. I'm like, no, that's why I asked you, April. I was like, can't we start with like some other licking first? Yeah. Like, maybe my nipples or like, what? I do. Like, today is, but I had been warned by a friend.
Starting point is 00:12:38 He was very, she said to me, oh, you're going out this guy. He's great. He loves but play. That's all she said to me. I was like, okay, fine I just mad. I'm like I'm bumble. Cool. And then we had one date Sure enough, we're like making out. Obviously like flip me over I'm like, oh my god, and then my brain. I'm going. Oh, he's really is and then I kind of slowed him down
Starting point is 00:12:55 Right, but anyway, I didn't know I feel like that wouldn't have happened. Yeah, the year of the ass, huh? Yeah, what about your Sexual would you say I know we's hard of a new year, but in the last year, were there any sexual highlights for you? Oh, Amy. Yes. Yeah, definitely. I think every year I step into my most juicy essential self.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I just get better with age like a fine wife. It's true, don't you think so? Yeah. How do you feel that you stepped into it this year? Is there any like one pivotal one moment that was like a highlight? Yeah, I mean it was just like an overall general more embodiment and like stepping or dropping deeper into my body and it's understanding of the pleasure that it wants and more orgasms and more ejaculation more juiciness more connection more transcendent sexual experiences where I'm like leaving my body for extended periods of time. Okay,
Starting point is 00:13:44 let's do that. Let's do that. That sounds boring. Now, would you think it started with our somatica training? That helped definitely. Yeah, I think that really helped bring me in my body. That was a big practice of what we were doing. And so I think it really helped to turn that up.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah. To get the heat there and more connection into that part of myself. I feel like it was a great, I feel like I didn't know that you're also seeing clients not too. Yeah, yeah. that part of myself. I feel like it was a great, I feel like I didn't know that you're also seeing clients not too. And so I'm not going to do that, but I feel like I still want to be doing more somatic. Like it's not, it's a part of me because I want to still be engaged. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Like doing stuff. It's a powerful practice. It is a powerful practice. What was your, I don't know, I've talked about this, I always try to explain what it is. How do you explain it? Well, I like how they describe it as a relationship lab. So when we're working with clients specifically, we're really trying to develop this intimate relationship with them to heal old attachment wounding from their parents, from their upbringing,
Starting point is 00:14:38 where we become that secure attachment to show them the way of secure attachment, to show them what a healthy relationship can be. So, we step in kind of as that role for them. And so, I'm doing that with a lot of my clients, and a lot of it, it really is, we're doing a lot of work on wounding. They come in and they're like, I can't have orgasms. It's your parents fault. Let's talk about your childhood. Right. It is always, I mean, parents are doing anything purposefully. No, well, no.
Starting point is 00:15:07 You have to get the point where you're like, my parents are the best they could, the knowledge they had. But something from your site, something that happened in society or in school with your parents is going to kind of hold you back sexually. So you're like helping them. Yeah, abandonment and lack of trust and safety. They have a hard time going into their bodies, being in their bodies because their bodies don't feel safe because maybe it wasn't respected, people didn't show up for
Starting point is 00:15:27 them, people abandoned them and left them and neglected them, where there's actual physical trauma, emotional trauma, it's all just, these layers and layers of pain and trauma and shame that we're undoing, we're like spending a lot of time unraveling that. That's amazing, I'm so glad you're doing this, helping me. I love it. It's really beautiful. God. Everyone needs to have any amazing stories though
Starting point is 00:15:46 from your training? Oh, from Somatica? Emma? Yeah. I haven't really spent so much time with Emma. I haven't had a moment to hear. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Yeah. That was OK. So the exercise, I think it was, I was supposed to touch you and bring my eroticism to you in the touch. And you were just supposed to receive. You weren't requesting. You were just laying there and receiving. And't requesting you were just kind of laying there and receiving and I have a lot of experience with conscious touch and I teach classes on conscious touch
Starting point is 00:16:10 and I'm a meditator and into mindfulness. And so I started touching you and I didn't realize it wasn't erotic. I was just like touching you with this mindful way and you're paying attention to all the senses and all these things. And then at some point I think it was a Danielle. She came to Danielle sat down and she's like, that doesn't look very erotic.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Emily, how is that? You're like, yeah, it's not very erotic for me. I was like, oh, oh, okay. And I had this kind of aha moment of that there's different levels of conscious touch. And there's a difference between conscious touch and conscious erotic touch in that we have this ability to turn on eroticism within ourselves and then to bring it outward. So through that, that like fail view.
Starting point is 00:16:54 That's how we learn. Yeah, exactly. And so through that, I actually learned, you know, and I failed in that moment. And then my next exercise, I think it was with the beloved dragonfly. We love dragonfly. Love dragonfly.
Starting point is 00:17:04 And shut out. And yeah, shut out dragonfly. We love dragonfly. Love dragonfly. Shout out. Shout out dragonfly. And just learned I could essentially go within to myself and just go in there for 30 seconds. Kind of connect with my inner body. Please set with it. Yeah, go in there to take a moment. I talk to clients about this too, so we have the ability to just go within, feel our bodies,
Starting point is 00:17:20 you know, feel our genitals, feel our pussy, feel our cock, go in there, like feel this churning, warming energy, open your eyes and then go out where it and bring it to the person in front of you. And I learned that I can do it for anyone, like I can do it for any gender, any, is just I can turn on and any gender. You can turn on your, and that's what it is. And you talk me that Emily, they say. I did. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:17:41 You love it. Well, yeah, well, we all help each other in this class, but it's interesting because people here are saying, what? But when you are a somatic or practitioner and you're working with clients who have a problem, you know, are struggling, have challenges around like desire, arousal, erotic thought, we have to be able to like turn it on in any moment
Starting point is 00:18:00 with some bring that around. And I'd be like, well, what if you're not attracted to the partner, what if you're not attracted to your client, or what if you can't, but what we're saying is like, we learn as like, you actually can't, like, it's a choice at any moment. Yeah. Yeah. Join your body.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Yeah. Fantasy is a big part of it, too. You know, you can look at this body and say, hey, you're not usually my type, but I'm going to use fantasy and assign a whole different body to you. And it's nothing against you. We all have our preferences. And you know, I could look, because I'm definitely more attracted to men than I am to women, so I could look at a woman, turn their body in my eyes into this hot, men body, and just
Starting point is 00:18:31 wrap it up. And that's totally fair to me, right? Yeah, totally. And you would be energy. It is healthy. It doesn't mean anything against the person. It doesn't mean that if it's your partner and you're still using fantasy of someone else, it doesn't mean you don't love them.
Starting point is 00:18:42 It doesn't mean that you're not attracted to them. It means that you have some awesome tools in your spank bank that help you to go deeper and why not because you're giving them a lot of high arousing energy. So it's a good thing. So I'm really excited for my guest today. Jason Ellis is here. Hi Jason. Hello Emily. So good to see you. I gave you a lot of sex toys last time I was in your, do you remember this?
Starting point is 00:19:08 I gave you all the sports sheets of. I got them. I got them. I got them. I got them. I got them. Okay, I want to talk to you about masturbation real quick, because it's masturbation month and we had a bunch of questions
Starting point is 00:19:16 that came in, so here's the thing. Okay, so everyone, but Jason is talking about it. He just came in, he's been knocked out, he won a huge fight this week last weekend, just we didn't, what was the name of your fight? That was a king of the cage fight. Okay. It's like a stage and it was a you got knocked out at the beginning. I didn't get knocked out. I got I don't say I don't want to talk about it because it's like a chick talking about sports. I suck at it, but you do something awesome and came back. Yeah. Okay. So how do you do that?
Starting point is 00:19:39 I got masturbation. So went think back before the fight before the training. How often do you masturbate? Well I masturbate in the steam room all the time because guys try to jerk me off or whatever so there's that kind of thing that happens. But I don't finish myself off. I don't really want to say the actual steam. We got it, right? You're right.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Well maybe we'll get a lot more blow jobs. I get a lot of blow jobs. You do? And you just don't even know. I'm the hottest person in. It's like being a pretty girl. I know what it's like kind of to be an attractive lady. Right, right. Because when I go there, everybody shits a brick and I'm like, this is fucking crazy. It's kind of great. How can anybody, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:20:19 I'm a chewed up man. It's kind of weird. You're right. You walk around there. I have a very straight. Large penis. Well, that too, but I have a straight, and I'm uncut, and that seems to be a thing that gay guys love as well. There's like, I have all the things that a gay guy's really into, being straight.
Starting point is 00:20:34 They love that. Having a big dick, it's uncut. All those things, and I look barf, I've got a lot of tattoos, I look like a warrior of sorts, gay guys love that shit. Love it. So there's just a constant, like I get like a warrior of sorts gay guys love that shit So there's just a constant like they like I get like a little Herum of gay guys following me into different steam rooms like trying to jerk off in front of me and stuff
Starting point is 00:20:52 And I'm just I am like a stuck out pretty lady like I don't touch anybody I just sit there and they're like can I give you right? Yeah, and then I'll like maybe let somebody Jerk me off and maybe blow me if you're lucky. Like a stuck out little bitch. And this was not you a year ago. No, I mean it might have been just didn't tell anybody. Okay, right, but now you've come out. You got so, I mean, this is like the whole, what an amazing transformation. I'm allowed to.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I know, this story gets told to my fiance when I get home from it. So this is, this is, no. See, this is what we're saying is that you shouldn't get married to someone that you can't share all these stories with. It's like, but I couldn't, but you can. You really can find someone that would be, I've got to. I haven't really been looking for it,
Starting point is 00:21:32 but now it's a longer story about what I want, but I get that this is what I would want. I don't want any secrets. I don't want to cheat. It's hard. Like, I mean, I was squeezed to tell the truth. I felt like, even when she was like, you can tell me anything, I was like,
Starting point is 00:21:44 I don't, not this one. I mean, you gotta admit, the story I just told you right then, I don't think a lot of women find me attractive when I say that. About what the men do. I mean, you're saying that, I know that's cool. You're sexy when you say it. I get it, the women might not.
Starting point is 00:21:56 You know what I mean? I do, I get it. But my fiance thinks that it's hot and we laugh about, we laugh about guys that, I'll be like this guy came in and had like a giant dick and just sat in the corner and she loves the Toma Finland stuff. She's super into the giga, the big bus gig guys that wear leather chaps and stuff. She's kind of a giga, that's why it works out.
Starting point is 00:22:16 But if there's anybody that's really big in there, I'll tell her the story when I get home and she just thinks that it's the funniest shit ever. And we laugh about it. And she's with funniest shit ever. And we laugh about it. And she's not right, that's awesome. And she's with women and men. She made out with a, I was making it after my fight, one of my friends, she's important. She cut her tongue cut.
Starting point is 00:22:35 So it's like a snake and I made out with her. That was all I would do. We made out with her, but she's got a split tongue. She's so hot. She's got it split. I don't know what that is. She's Serpent her tongue goes like this, but she cut it. Oh, yeah, yeah, I've kind of heard about it. Stitched and then stitched up so it's permanent like that and she can make both like sides move around stuff. That's fucking crazy. I know. I'm gonna get a blowjob from her. You did
Starting point is 00:23:01 her going to. There was there was a lot of people in the room was in appropriate time, but it's coming. Okay, I believe that that I believe that you could probably get a blowjob She said she was a pretty good place to be in the world by it by a serpent Dude, I don't know anyone else has done that it's so metal right yeah I mean, I don't even know but you're happy and getting lots of blow jobs and I'm really happy for you. Thank you Here we go. Oh, I need my blow job strike. So do you know what this blow job spray is? No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:28 You know when you're on the radio, like, you're, you get that thing. Are you gonna blow me? I feel like it wouldn't be special. I mean, no, it would be awesome. But I feel like you get, so when you blow job, now I just feel like I, Oh man, have I show myself down?
Starting point is 00:23:39 Kind of. Wait, you're spraying yourself with blow job spray. Because it helps with the, it helps with the, I don't want to be like, make that, you know, my mouth. So I want to be, my mouth to be well lubricated. Wait, is it a lube? You spray it in your mouth and it's in your mouth? It's like, no, make sure it's, so your mouth,
Starting point is 00:23:53 it's dry mouth spray. Hey. It's by Doc Johnson, it's called Goodhead. So you could also give a good head or a good radio. It's a two-fer. You can have some. Hey, I'd rather a blowjob. I just feel like you could say you'd be like, oh, it wouldn't even be, well, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I know that I'm really proud of my low-jump skills. That's pretty sucked up that you would say that. You were just telling me about the people, there was a line of fun. I didn't say it. It took everybody up on it. I know. I'm 45, I don't just get sucked off all day. No, that's not like it, just like on the weekends.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Every now and then, I will have a suck off party and that's one day, and then I'll... Oh, I mean, you can invite me to that one. I can just wait, I'll wait for that. You're a special person to me, and it wouldn't matter. I would definitely, I wouldn't have a bunch of blood jobs before you, but even if I did, you brought me would be a fucking extravaganza.
Starting point is 00:24:43 It would be. Just know that I would have to reciprocate. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, we can start there, maybe. I would prefer to start there. My man, I love it. She comes first. I'm getting tingly in my pants.
Starting point is 00:24:56 I know me too. This is so fun. Okay, Jason, we'll readress that. We'll address that again later. I'm losing my speech. But I have a moist mouth. Hi, Emily. Love your show. I enjoy listening and get a lot of helpful tips to make my sex life way better. I got a question. My girlfriend and I really want to have a threesome and we're talking about it, and we're getting really excited. We've never had a threesome before, and I'm going for She Comes First,
Starting point is 00:25:19 which is the whole thing I attack around on the show. She has to come first, which makes sex life great. How can I get into threesome without giving one the feeling of being neglected? I want this to be a nice, relaxing time with lots of fun and no jealousy. What can we do thanks regards George from Germany? We kind of touched on this earlier, but you are the three sum. I think we had a three sum once, you didn't even remember. That's how many points. Didn't say that about it.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Okay, okay. I think it's dangerous. But you've had a lot. So this is the kind of questions we could ask. We've been talking about it. We're both kind of excited. I think there's another question here, like another girl says, wife's not so excited, but anyway, let's say they are both,
Starting point is 00:25:56 let's say for the sake of this question, they're both really excited, they're on board. They've covered all the ground, they've set the rules, they've set the, you know, you can't kiss her or whatever. Kind of kiss, to that. I don't know, people make these rules rules, they've set the, you know, you can't kiss or whatever. Kind of kiss. I don't know. People make these rules. You can't have sex.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I know. Because during the moment, you want to do it all. It's a threesome. Everyone has males and vaginas and buttholes. Lots of warfaces to them. Everyone's going to touch everything. I got you. How do you do it?
Starting point is 00:26:18 That's fun. And what have you learned? Well, the first rule of threesome club is that if you're the other the person that is the guest in this thresum and I'm assuming there's a man and a girl here and then another girl the other girl is lost. She's the girl that doesn't get as much attention as your girl. Your girl gets the most attention. So you need to remember that at all times and the second one would be you need to remember that at all times, and the second one would be, you need to make sure that there isn't a situation where one of them is sitting there out of the game.
Starting point is 00:26:52 You need to make sure that they're both in play at all times. How do you do that? I mean, you've got a penis and a mouth. You know what I mean? So I always have a pussy connected to one of them. Right. So, or they're connected with each other, and you're organizing that,
Starting point is 00:27:08 and you can like tickle the bits that they have free. But you're definitely, it's. It's not about your penis. No, I mean, you're the one, you're the only one that has one. So of course it's gonna be about you in the end. By default, but in your brain, you gotta prioritize. You get too giddy, cause get giddy
Starting point is 00:27:27 and they start slamming into one of them and they can't use their hands or their mouth or because their penis is busy and that's a game that you need to learn quick and you also need to not come. You need to make sure that they come at least once each before you even think about it. I feel like really, you need an athletic penis. You need to be like that they come at least once each before you even think about it. I feel like that really, you need an athletical penis.
Starting point is 00:27:47 You need to be like, have you girls had enough orgasms and then the end of the threesome is when you come. Unless you're a guy that can come and keep it up, I don't know that guy, because usually there's a break there. So there's a little fracture here and for man, little longer. That's a great rules.
Starting point is 00:28:02 And also I tell, you know, some, they established rules we had a time meeting or even are we both, are we truly comfortable with this? And some couples say like, I don't want her to sleep over or I don't want you to have a pen and tree. No, you don't want her sleeping in bed, yeah. Yeah, you don't want her sleeping in the bed. Figure all that stuff out and then that's a great answer. So let me give a quick shout out to our sponsors.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Hey you guys, it's not too late to buy some sexy holiday gifts. So check them out and thanks for supporting them and listening to the show. We'll be right back. I hope you guys are enjoying the show so far. The next half features porn star Joanna Angel and part of my discussion with three single everyday kind of guys sharing frank experiences with sex, dating, and relationships. I'm excited for my special guest today. She's so special.
Starting point is 00:28:50 She's been here in months. She's adorable and hot. Just check out my Instagram after this to see pictures. Because when this airs, our snaps will be gone. Because we are doing some sexy snaps now. We're getting naked and stuff. So I'm sorry you missed that. But I'm with Joanna Angel.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Hi Joanna. Hi, how are you? It's gonna be back. Good to see you. Joanna Angel is amazing. She's an award-winning performer, writer, director, and the adult industry. I think a lot of people forget to mass-rate women forget to mass-rate. Exactly right? That's particularly yeah. Okay but you have a lot of sex your day job and then you boyfriend you live with Not as much husband now husband But I'm married. Well, I got married. I got married on Halloween. Oh my god At the ripe young age of 35. Yeah, well, right. You guys Congratulations. Thank you guys when together. Wow. In a Halloween in Vegas. I plan a course in a week. I'm sure but that's by the grim reaper. You did in like
Starting point is 00:29:45 zombie makeup and stuff. Oh my god. How else would you do it though? Yeah. Congratulations. Thank you. So you're a husband. Do you still mask? Do you fight time and masturbate? Um, yeah. And I actually, you know, I want everyone to know I probably don't have as much sex as people think I do, you know, because I actually do get very busy. And I, you know, I do, I only shoot a lot of people think, okay, you're a porn star, that means you're in a porn 24-7, unless you take like a small break to go to the bathroom and eat. That means you're literally an important, you know, like I own a company, I direct, I produce, I direct a lot more than I shoot these days.
Starting point is 00:30:18 But so I'm probably only actually on film, you know, like two or three days out of the month. And sometimes, some months go by where I'm not in film at all, I just film other people. And sometimes they get really busy. But, and I forget to masturbate a lot. Sometimes it'll be like, really cranky, it'll be in a really bad mood, you know, and then I'm just like, what's wrong with me?
Starting point is 00:30:35 Why am I being such a bitch? And then I call masturbate and I'm like, that's why. I'm not as a masturbate. And there's something very special about being able to get yourself off and not I think a lot of women they forget that they can get themselves off. They think that they have to find somebody else To please them whether it's a man or a woman, you know, however you identify yourself and whatever gender you're attracted to You know, like I feel like a lot of women they get in the habit of being very co-dependent
Starting point is 00:31:02 They're like I'm horny. I need to find someone to give me attention and get me off. And it's like, you can do it yourself. And it's important. And whether you're married, whether you're in a relationship, whether you're having a good day or about it, I think it's very important for women to mess with. I wish I started earlier. I think it would have fixed a lot of my crazy childhood.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I think, or maybe I wouldn't say, child, like, you know, like a later, the early adulthood. I think I would have been a much more confident person and a lot of my issues when I was young are based for, you know, just feeling weird in my own skin, you know? And I think it could really help. So, you know, it's a strange thing.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I don't have kids or anything about it. How do parents say like, masturbate, like, exactly what they say, you're kids, you know? This is the problem. I didn't either masturbate until I was like 20 I don't even think of it as like a sexual dirty thing It's just it's just about confidence understanding your body knowing your body exactly I really I don't I did not know my body at all until I was like probably 23 years old
Starting point is 00:31:58 You know, right? And then you basically a blob connected to my head That's how most women a lot of women walk around the planet, feeling like, well, I'm dressing sexy, or I want a tension from it, and I feel sexy, but there's a total disconnect from their body. And then when they have sex with someone, they don't know what to say or what to do,
Starting point is 00:32:16 because they don't even know what's getting themselves off. They're just kind of flopping around, waiting for the other person. Exactly, like that. So they're trying to mimic what they see in pornos, or like this and that, you know, and they're just not, they just don't, the masturbation really does build confidence. I strongly believe that.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Yeah, and it's a release. And it's so, I feel like the same thing, like even though it's like literally my job to masturbate, whereas I people studying me toys and products that I want to try to see if I like them. And if I like them, I want to tell my listeners that I like them. And they're like lined up sometime. I'm like, I've got six toys to try. More toys.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Do you want a toy for? I'll give you a tiny, I'll give you some toys. Of course, dude. Yes, you would never, don't leave here empty handed. I know we both like the magic wand. We've talked about that, right? We do. Everybody likes the magic wand.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Magic wand's a good, I gave it, but I've got some new goodies for you. I'm so excited. Don't try some toys. Can we use them? And I'll just plug it now, even though I'll plug everything later. I do, you know, all the pornos, all the movies I direct, it's on And I started an OnlyFans page, which I'm kind of relentlessly promoting, which I know is annoying everyone. But slash Joanna Angel, I do.
Starting point is 00:33:15 It's actually- So now I'm sitting in your talking faster than I am, which is kind of awesome. Because I get what you're saying. Yeah, you get it. But slash Joanna Angel. But it's on topic because I have been masturbating on there almost every day. And it's been great because now I like, don't forget to masturbate.
Starting point is 00:33:34 And my husband is actually happy. He's like, this is really great. You're so much more relaxed now. You know, true. So I've been like just every day. I've just been like turning it on and masturbating on there. And so I'm like,
Starting point is 00:33:44 how are you massed? Tell me about your masturbation routine. Maybe we can inspire some people for anyone. It's nothing, it's nothing crazy. It's not easy. It's not easy. Right, for me I'm like, is it charged? I'm ready to go. Yeah, usually I just use my fingers, you know.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I rub my clit like really hard. Really hard? Do you warm it? Do you use lube? No, I just stick my fingers in my mouth. Maybe I should use lube. You should. I should use lube? No, you just stick my fingers in my mouth. Maybe I should use lube You should I should use. Okay, you're leaving here with some lube Okay, yeah cuz the life of sometimes you don't know where it's true. It's true. You're right. You're right
Starting point is 00:34:14 Right. Yeah, no lube and also your your clitoris doesn't self lubricate so I know we need the loop that for our mouth Yeah, no, I have used lube before and it always feels really good and I'm like I should do this next I love that I'm getting you tips. No, this is amazing So we're gonna give you some Lou but I'm gonna give you I'm proud of think what I could give you like have you tried the woman eyes Or yet, no, okay, you know, I try to tell people it's up. I'm really I'm not like a sex I'm expert I'm a foreign expert. I'm pretty good at doing porn. I'm not the best, but I'm pretty damn pretty damn good Doing porn I can't even I'm not like I, but I'm pretty damn pretty damn doing porn. I can't build an empire. But I'm not like I don't know, you know, like I've, I'm not as good as walking to a bar.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I know it sounds like it should be the same thing. It's actually not. No, I get it. No, do, but you in any ways you know a lot about it's an expert. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm joking. You got the loop thing. I mean, of course, no, it's I'm always taking care of people. Yeah, so give me some loop. The point is, yeah, so for me, it's like I did the talk going back to the stress relief, I call it procrastination because typically I'm procrastinating about something on the house, I'm like, I'm just gonna masturbate first. Yeah, I think I should work out.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I should write this quote. I wanna masturbate. Oh, it feels great. It feels so great and then time goes by sometimes and it's happening recently, I think a stressful few months, not the whole few months but certain pockets of time where I've been like dealing with stuff and I just feel like masturbation.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Just fix the office table. And then I did and I was like, oh my God, I think it's been a month since I masturbate. For me, that's, you know. I was like, wow, it was a good. Huge release and I felt like, like the birds were chirping, like it was a cartoon,
Starting point is 00:35:40 like there'd be all these animals following me and singing kind of like, you know, Snow White or whatever one of them was. I felt like so happy. And so yeah, we got to release it and we got to do it. I felt like there was like, oh the birds were singing. Sometimes even when my husband's like asleep, I like just masturbate and he hears me sometimes and he likes it and he thinks it's hot. Does he wake up and he's like, sometimes almost to the time he doesn't, you know, he's a very deep sleeper.
Starting point is 00:36:03 But he'll tell me the next day, like, oh, you were masturbating. I'm like, I should say it had to be done. And let's talk about, I get a lot of questions from people all the time who are very confused by their partner's masturbation. We've already said how healthy that's here, but just to reinforce the fact that,
Starting point is 00:36:19 totally normal, your husband want to like, why are you masturbating without me? Because we all need that release on our own. For many reasons, it's good for your health, it's good for your mind, it's good for, you know, understanding your body. I guess I'm not as, I think, I don't know. I masturbate a lot.
Starting point is 00:36:33 But if I do see my husband masturbating, I'm like, what the fuck? You do? What's wrong with me? Huh? Do you do that? I do. Dude, this is what we're telling women not to do.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Oh, okay, well, I do it. You do it. You get mad at him? I do. Because you're like, okay, okay, because you're everything you're like, I have to say my husband actually doesn't have to read them because he does porn. So, between doing porn and satisfying me, but you really feel like that sperm could have been mine or I do.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Are you trying to get pregnant? No. Okay, just like in general, you feel like. Yeah, I do. Are you trying to get pregnant? No. No. Just like in general, you feel like. Yeah, I just want it, because I'm a bitch. Right. So you're like, how dare you master it? That would mean because I would have had sex with you right now. But you understand then for men that they need that release
Starting point is 00:37:17 on their own. I understand. And my husband, he does porn. So it's totally different. And now, his sperm schedule, people don't understand how difficult it is to date. You know, like tell me about that. The farmer, you know, like it is, it's a whole thing, you know, because if he's, but you were the performer first.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I was, I got him in the industry. You pushed him in and now it's annoying. Yeah, and now it's, the sex isn't annoying and I love our life, you know, like it's fun, but sometimes, like I mean the sex he has on camera is not what life, you know, like it's fun, but sometimes, like I mean the sex he has on camera is not what, you know, but it's just, it's the scheduling that I kind of forgot about because this is my second time with, you know, I did another male performer for a really long time and I kind of forgot about this part,
Starting point is 00:37:55 you know, but it's like, it's pretty come, and you know, when a man, I don't know how many, most people don't know this, when a man has to come on camera, you know, like he can't have wild sex the night before. Just can't, some of them can, it's rare. Right, maybe if they're 20. Well, yeah, exactly. Maybe if they're 20 or they're just,
Starting point is 00:38:14 I don't know, I find that Europeans are like born with a different sexual chemical makeup and they're capable of doing anything. I don't know, it's just different. But even here's how to do that. But for the most part, you know, like he can't, he can't have a wild night of sex the night before. And like you usually exactly, you usually don't know your schedule till the day before. It's pretty common for
Starting point is 00:38:35 a director to be like, oh, your call time tomorrow is this. It's it's rare for a porn director to actually give you your info a week before. So it's kind of like as soon as we know his info the next day, we have to like schedule our sex. Which is funny sometimes, you know, so if he's kind of be on set at eight o'clock in the morning, like we're not going to be able to bone the day before. And we'll know that like, if he has to be on it, it's on set at eight o'clock in the morning the next day after that. We'll know that like we have to have sex as soon as he gets home from work that day or it's probably not going to end like, right? Yeah, he kind of needs a good 12 hours to refill the tank. Or we'll have sex, I mean, we've gotten kind of creative.
Starting point is 00:39:12 A lot of it's just like, he can't come. He's a little time to go down on me for a while. A perfect. And we'll ask, I know you can't come but. Yeah, but I can. Right. So we'll have sex for like, you know, for like, until he's like almost there,
Starting point is 00:39:25 then we'll kind of stop, you know, then he'll go down on me, and then we kind of switch around. People don't realize how much we sacrifice just so he can give the world of beautiful performance. It's he on your side as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:36 So I mean, we perform together any more. Oh my God, that's hot. It's the thing. It's really, it's like being an athlete, you know. It's different for women. We just, we can keep coming, we can come and come and come. I'm never like, oh, I can't do whatever I want. I'm just like, I can't do whatever I want.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Yeah, exactly. I can do whatever. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. sex and dating lives. How do you always learn about sex? How about masturb- Well, but also like masturbation. I had a awesome first girlfriend. I had a very awesome, very confident, very in tune with her self girlfriend. Who literally just- What you, okay, tell me one thing she taught you. Out of go down her.
Starting point is 00:40:16 What you did to you. She was like, to know. She was like, don't attack my clip right off the- Right? I'm like, cool. I won't, you know, wait a minute. Like go around the clip, around the clip. Go slow, you know, take, take you know and like this idea that
Starting point is 00:40:27 there's you know this Gavin chat this is good advice when you're like 17 you're like you're like you know better I'm putting my dick in you you know it's like and she's like no there's all this other stuff I'm glad you know because guys do that like you're 2737 bigger that out some men never do well that's so you're asking just in June like not the not the big question like how did we find out what sex was you're asking about how do we learn? I don't know. Yeah, how did you learn about that? Yeah the other way. Yeah, I I Lost my virginity really young like 14 14 and my the girl that I was dating at the time was between 17 and 18
Starting point is 00:41:03 So she'd like turned 18 while we were dating. So plenty, plenty of lessons went in with that. Yeah. Okay. So she's talking stuff. Would you remember one thing that you're like every time you're having sex now, not that you think of her, but you're like, oh, thank God, I know how to like, on hook a bra with whatever.
Starting point is 00:41:19 That was one of them. Touch your nipple. Oh, it was all of us. I mean, you know, I was a freshman in high school. I was a living the dream at that point. This was all my friends were like a senior man. Good job, you know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:30 When I first heard your question, I was thinking like, oh God, like when did I learn sex ed? Like, that's what I thought she did. This is gonna be embarrassing. Well, no, it's funny because my mom was the school nurse at the school that I went to. And so I learned sex ed from her when I was at fifth grade. Yeah, you can't just be like my mom, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:48 right? You have to give us some context there. Great. Master Gratian, how often do you guys masturbate? Very frequent. All the time. Yeah. Like just now when you got here, went to bed.
Starting point is 00:41:57 I did this morning. Twice this morning. Twice this morning, okay. Last night. Yeah. Do you watch porn? Yes. Yeah. Well, kind, how do you decide, like, in the moment?
Starting point is 00:42:06 We'll come to porn. Yeah. I have a naked lady fetish, so I'm really... Which must work for you. That's one of those weird ones, yeah. It's real confusing. It started in Japan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:15 So it was really strange. That's an old Canadian thing. Do you ever think I'd rather just watch porn than have sex? Not necessarily, but I definitely see the appeal of not having to work to find someone to have sex with unless you got his four-person list going on. But yeah, I definitely like, you're-
Starting point is 00:42:40 The Gavin Struggles in his own way. No, no, he's doing great, he's doing great. But yeah, I definitely see the, like, man, you know, I just worked 14 hours. Do I want to go out to a bar, you know, and try to pick up with someone, or do I just want to go home and watch, watch porn? Do you think it's impacted the way that you have sex?
Starting point is 00:42:55 Yes. How so? Several different reasons. That, by itself, like, if this were the 70s, would I be going home to look at a magazine, or would I actively try to go meet someone more often? And I definitely think I would be doing that.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Wait, because there's point, what do you say? But in the 70s, you're saying you'd go home and you have to, the magazine wouldn't be as satisfying. So now that you've porn, you can just go home. Is it more satisfying? I would imagine so. I would imagine porn makes things easier. So it makes, it probably makes me less motivated.
Starting point is 00:43:27 I would just go home, I can just jack off, like tend to, I don't even need to write, interesting, so it's kind of a deterrent. Right, and then the other part of it would be the sensitivity part of it. Like a guy masturbating is going to be different sensitivity than having sex with someone. It's a different kind of orgasm.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Oh yeah, it's changed, perhaps for you, over time, do you think the more... Oh, I'm sure it has. Like, I've had conversations with women that I've dated before that I go too long about things, but when I master, I can get myself off in 10 minutes. Oh, so you're saying that you go to during sex to like, why are you taking so long to...
Starting point is 00:43:59 Right, yeah, yeah, it's because the sensitivity is different. Like, the section of my penis that I'm used to pleasureing myself on is different than what sex would feel like. So it's not that it's better. I get it. I much rather have sex than masturbate, but yeah. What do you guys, anything else, porn? It's a different urge for me.
Starting point is 00:44:19 It's like sometimes I'm like, yeah, I just want to like be naked by myself and beat off a whole bunch. And then sometimes I'm like, no, I just want to be naked by myself and beat off a whole bunch. And then sometimes I'm like, no, I really want to touch another body. So they're kind of different for me. It's not as simple as like, I'm horny, which am I going to do.
Starting point is 00:44:33 It's more like, I would like to have sex or I don't. I guess. I think porn and masturbation for me is just a good way to wind down and relax. Just with my job in an office from, you know, set hours, so just to be able to come home, wind down, she'll have just a convenient way for me to get that release. I got it.
Starting point is 00:44:56 OK, but it doesn't like impact. What you're thinking about are fantasizing during sex. Doesn't sound like it. No. OK, you guys, I've got questions for you guys. I got, we're all, I've got questions for you guys. I got, we're, I'm going to ask you all five questions. We're going to go right now.
Starting point is 00:45:08 So we'll wrap it for our questions, okay? Chad? Yes. Biggest turn on. Where a woman would like me to ejaculate? When she tells you where? Yes. Or where would you like her to?
Starting point is 00:45:20 When she tells me where. Got it. Okay. Heartwik. Uh, uh, I'm retaken. Biggest turn. I like, I like, I want to women get, I want to woman gets off. When she tells me where got it. Okay, hard work We talking big is trying When a woman get when a woman gets off that's that I mean I When a
Starting point is 00:45:35 When I take tells me to come on her tits Accolations up. Okay. I love it. Okay. I'm hard. Wait biggest turn off Some of those all stuck up about thing like we're supposed to do it like this I'm like rigid That's a good question biggest turn off for me. I think is just being too needy If you're you're asking me to do too much her if it's you know That makes sense for you. You're an island got it. Okay Chewick uh
Starting point is 00:46:01 I got it. Okay. Chavick. Uh, Chav. That's hard work. I used to mind games. It's one of my nicknames. That's cute though. That's Chavick.
Starting point is 00:46:10 That's hard work. Yeah. I think he and I are going to be. That's kind of a voice, but it means name. It's amazing. Yeah, yeah. My biggest turn off the shitty personality. That'll, yeah, that's just completely get me out of a situation.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Like, I mean, in exact exact like someone who doesn't you know Oh, well, I don't tip servers or something like that. That's when you'd rather watch porn like Someone's just mean to people someone that's just just celebrate the rignorance or something like that I just can't get on board with that. Okay Gavin sex is part of a woman's body 2017 the year the ass Yeah, just this year. Okay, Chad. I'm a big fan of really nice hair. All right. Yeah. I sold off butts, but I have a thing for like upper backs. Like well, my sold up, but I think that's super hot. Yeah. Like it. Okay. Heartwick, what's the one thing you wish you could tell your future partners
Starting point is 00:47:03 about your needs? Like the second she shows up. Oh, if you've never seen an uncircumcised penis before get ready. Perfect. It's not that complicated. It's not right. That's our whole other show but right? It's really not. I'll show you in like three weeks. Yeah, done and done. It's not a problem. Yeah, and like that's it. Like right. Wow, get over it. Okay, what's the one thing? Yeah, your body. What would you help them to know when they get there? I'm gonna need to be groomed periodically
Starting point is 00:47:31 because I'm pretty hairy. So you want her to groom for like trim your, you're just saying like, she doesn't need to groom me, but I am gonna need to be groomed. Okay. Chad. Oral sex can get me in the mood
Starting point is 00:47:43 for just about anything It anytime anywhere blood ops like if a girl just says hey, you know, this is what I'm yeah I'm gonna go down on you right now that we feel like a lot of women come equipped knowing that with no teeth or you're so Go you would think but yeah, yeah cool. Okay, crazy is place you guys can just jump in the last one crazy place You've had sex that's a fire tower for me. Yeah, you already talked about it. That was cool. Those are the things. There are guys shooting guns in the distance.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Awesome, guns, it's hot. It's not really. It's cute. But maybe in a good way. Yeah, not at me. In a party bus, in college, around a lot of people, around a lot of people, on a sorority date night. Right, of course.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Sorry party, I love it. In a bus. It was on a second dateity date night. Right, of course. Sorority party and love it in a boss. It was on a second date with a girl. There was a lake, like a public lake area that a lot of people went to and would hike around. And it was right on the dock of that lake. Right, like our sex. Yeah, outdoor, right in the middle of it.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I mean, we were both drunk, but people had those scenes. Like, is there a head of the door? That's kind of hot, right? Like, people watching? That's way I'm totally in scenes. Like, it's the end of the world. That's kind of hot, right? Like, if people watching. That's the way I'm totally in there. Yeah. You guys should go to sex parties.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Have you been? I know, that's a whole thing. I've been on the list for like five years. I'm waiting for the email. And you're like, uh, that's a planning. It takes the like, you know, that heart. It takes the time. You're not like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Okay, you guys are awesome. Do you have any questions for me at all? Anything come up? What's the elusive male g-sp spot? And how do you find it? The prostate. Oh, I was gonna ask you guys if you were interested in An apply that was one of my questions. How do you find it? Very carefully. It's great to start like when you're on your own The partner when you're masturbating. It's similar to how you find the G spot. Have you found the G spot yet? It's similar to how you find the G spot. Have you found the G spot yet?
Starting point is 00:49:23 It's awesome. All right. But yeah, you go slow, use a finger and or a Tory, like that but plug, but not the one here on the table. Use lots of loot. Breathing is really important because oftentimes, like if you're having anal sex, if you guys have anal sex before with women, you ask.
Starting point is 00:49:39 I've done it to myself. I've done it. It made me come so hard. I started dying laughing where it was happening. Also because of the image of me with a finger up my ass, kneeling on my floor, just like gazing at everybody. You're fellow man. Yeah. I was like dying. I was like, what the fuck is going on right now? It was truly hilarious. Right. And how did you, did you warm up? Did you lose your sleep? Yeah, yeah. Of course. You got to go slow because it's a tricky
Starting point is 00:50:04 area. Yeah, you can't. Like, it's a tricky area, but not like, not to scare you, but just make sure that you're warmed up. Turned on, use the loop is awesome. I'm gonna give you guys, we're gonna get some loop when you go home. Some jubble, it's awesome. I could give you some toys that would happen,
Starting point is 00:50:14 but really, you just wanna like, you could just take your finger and go around the outside and see what feels, there's a lot of nerve endings there and then like, so I put a finger inside. And it's kind of like that come-hither motion, the same way that you're like looking for a G spot like with your finger like towards the belly it's the same place on the man and I mean got tons of stuff on our website if you want to find out about it.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Can I one more question because I'm assuming guys are all straight because that's what I we talked about before the show but have you had experiences with men or ever had any things like that. I have, yeah. You have, okay. When I was younger and it was totally cool. Right, what'd you do?
Starting point is 00:50:43 Did you? It was relatively tame by my standards now. I just made that look more like a cover. It was all outside of an balcony with this guy who was straight up the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life. DeAngelo, if you're out there, call me. And that's his name.
Starting point is 00:51:01 He's a really good singer. Of course. He's in the music. No, not that guy. Oh, I thought that was his name. He's a really good singer. Of course. He's in the music. No, not that guy. I thought that was the joke. No, that would be amazing. So what? Different to Angela.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Did you have a blowjob? No, no. It was all pretty much over the pants and stuff. But I was 18 or something. So I was like, well, this is new. But now, if that was to happen, it probably would have gotten much farther. Because it wouldn't have. It wouldn't have far. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, because like now if that was to happen, it probably would have gotten much farther. Because it, like,
Starting point is 00:51:25 It wouldn't have far that would have. Yeah, because you'll be interested in being, Yeah, I'd be fine with it. My whole thing is again, it's like, if the bodies work together. Right, it's about energy, it's about, right? That said, you're trapped too. I am straight because I wouldn't want to be
Starting point is 00:51:39 in a romantic relationship with a man. But physically, I can be, I try. As far as I can tell. Right, all right, who knows? Open mind. Yeah, no. I've had, you know, three Sims where a guy was involved as well. I'm 100% straight.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Some of my closest friends are gay. They call me terminally straight as what they would call me. Because they're very convinced that a lot of straight guys will have experiences, but they're like, Chad just doesn't. I've never had an experience with a guy other than like a friendly kiss, as almost as a joke, you know? God, that's mean.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Well sure, yeah, and it's fine. The threesome did lead into the guy really thought that that's what was happening. So while the girl was going down on me, he, I turned and he was, you know, I was like, what are you doing? He's like, I just wanted to give you a kiss while you're getting a blowjob. And I was like, no, you know, I felt bad, but I was like, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Because you're like a Southern German, right? I'm really sorry. I open the door for him later on. That's awesome. That's great. But Gavin, you were asking about prostate playing. I think a lot of men, I love the US set, because there are a lot of men, let's my show that I think are they believe in that the men who listen to my show because they know but there are men out there who think like, oh, it would make me gay or why would I ever venture in that area.
Starting point is 00:52:52 However, like, a heart work can tell you, just the best work as long as you're being black. It's your own model. It's like what makes a gay about touching your own butthole, it's like, get over it. Exactly. Okay, I'm not in that note. Thank you, everyone.
Starting point is 00:53:01 You guys were awesome. Thank you so much for being here. This was a blast. This was a blast. This was a blast. I'm really enjoyed having you part of this amazing roundtable. And thank you to everyone for listening to the show. Thanks for emailing all your questions and for being in touch. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Amazing team, Ken, Jamie, our intern Shannon, producer, Lark, and Michael. And thanks everyone for listening. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at for you, email me feedback at

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