Sex With Emily - It’s All In Your Head w/ Dr. Anadel Barbour

Episode Date: January 23, 2021

You know how I’m always recommending therapy to callers? Well, today I’m joined by my therapist, Dr. Anadel Barbour. She is a licensed EMDR, marriage and family therapist and she has a Ph.D. in sexuality. We talk about coping with a partner’s anxiety, fantasizing about your ex, and how to deal when your partner leaves you for another woman.I answer your calls about finding a quality friend with benefits and what to do if porn is impacting your sex with a partner. We end with my new Rapid Fire Segment where I answer as many of your questions as possible. Did I answer yours? Tune in to find out. Don’t forget to send in your questions! Email me at and follow me on Instagram @SexwithEmily.For more information about Dr. Anadel Barbour, visit: anadelbarbour.comFor even more sex advice, tips, and tricks visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm telling you there's a big difference between frequenting sex and being experienced, a skilled lover, a skilled lover takes time in years in wisdom and communicating and all these things. Look into his eyes, they're the eyes of a male obsessed by sex. Eyes that mark our sacred institutions. Betrubize they call them in a fight on day. You're listening to Sex with Emily. I'm Dr. Emily, and I'm here to help you prioritize your pleasure and liberate the conversation around sex.
Starting point is 00:00:45 All right, today's show, you know how I'm always recommending therapy to callers. And I'm not a pusher, okay? But I just know there's lots of kinds of therapy. And hey, listen, if your car breaks down, you're going to take it to a mechanic. Well, if you're having a challenge, mental challenges, you're stressed, you're anxious, go to therapist, don't go to your mechanic. So anyway, I think we all need a little tune up now and then. And today I'm joined by my therapist, my therapist, Dr. Anadela Barbour.
Starting point is 00:01:15 She's a licensed EMDR, Marriage and Family Therapist, has a PhD in human sexuality. And we talk about, how do you cope with a partner's anxiety? Like, have you ever been in a relationship with someone and maybe they're having anxiety for the first time? What do you do about that? We also cover fantasy. Is it okay if you fantasize about someone else when you're with your current partner?
Starting point is 00:01:37 And also, what to do when your partner leaves you for somebody else? Now, let me explain this. I realize in listening to the episode after that, I talk a lot about EMDR therapy and I want to just give you a little breakdown because I realized I don't define in this episode. So it's a type of therapy that was developed in the 90s and it's a little bit different than talk therapy. It was initially created for war vets who are dealing with PTSD but what they found is if you do this process, you follow a light with your eyes to kind of mimic back and forth the eye movement of REM sleep or I actually do with little buzzers in my hand.
Starting point is 00:02:13 So it helps you essentially unblock your emotions. So you in a sense, hear me out, reprogram your brain. And then you just begin to heal from fear and pain that are associated to, let's just call it emotional distress. It doesn't have to be trauma. It could be that time in third grade where you felt you were teased and bullied or something, you know, you got left. Your parents forgot to pick you up somewhere and now you feel like no one's ever gonna be on time for you again. It's just a very cool therapy that has changed my life and I wanna let you know about EMDR,
Starting point is 00:02:48 just helps you gain a new perspective, it can help you with self-esteem and just enhance your beliefs about your own personal capabilities. So anyway, we don't get a lot into it in the episode which is why I wanted to explain it to you. I also answer your questions about finding friends with benefits. How do you even find them and know it's someone you want to be friends with and you want
Starting point is 00:03:10 the benefits? And is porn getting in the way of sex you're having with a partner? And in the end of the show, I'm going to give you my new rapid fire segment. Since we get so many questions from you, I wanted to see how many of your questions I could answer in succession with my top tips. And maybe I answered your question. So, check it out and don't forget to send in your questions just email me.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Feedback at, follow me on Instagram, it's sexwithemily. All right, intentions with Emily, for each episode join me. Let's set an intention together. So what I mean is, when your list name, what do you want to get out of the episode? It just helps ground you in this process.
Starting point is 00:03:53 So maybe you're thinking, yeah, I've been feeling more anxious than normal and I no longer want it to have the same hold on my life. What do I do about it? My intention is just to drill in the fact to you again that when you work on your mental health, it will benefit your sex life, your relationships, and everything else in your life. All right, enjoy the show. Hi, Annadel. You know, the phones are already lighting up. Why don't we just start with a call?
Starting point is 00:04:20 Let's talk to Angie, 29 in Connecticut. How can we help you? Hi, Emily. Thanks for taking me call. Of course. So I called in a couple like a month or so ago, and you were really helpful. I was like having some problems with like mismatched sex strides stuff with my boyfriend. And you gave some really good advice about like trying
Starting point is 00:04:44 to kind of get more in touch with my body. A lot of what good advice about like trying to kind of get more in touch with my body. A lot of what you guys are talking about right now and trying to be more mindful. And so I feel like I ended up doing kind of like more of a body meditation and really tried to get into myself and I have like an issue kind of like accepting the whole, you know, like self lovelove masturbation thing. I still have some shame around that. But I really tried to like get into it and and what ended up happening and I really felt like I went into a meditation beforehand. My mind started going to my boyfriend that had passed away a couple of years ago. And it made me feel weird because that's
Starting point is 00:05:22 kind of what I was thinking back to and that's what made me get the climax and then I started feeling all these emotions and I haven't thought about him in that like when I'm doing that I haven't thought about that in a long time like when he first passed away I was thinking of that's what that was happening all the time but I feel like I kind of shelf thinking of that's what that was happening all the time, but I feel like I kind of shelf that for a while because I've tried to really distance myself from it and then and then I have this issue now where you know I'm with someone else now and it's it's really great, but it's not nearly as passionate or as intense or as You know just like it's just one of those things and nothing will compare You know, just like it's just one of those things and nothing will compare. But then like, you know, it's a few years later now and now I think it just comes in a little
Starting point is 00:06:09 bit in ways or whatever. But. Okay. Angie, I'm so glad you're coming back in. May I ask you a question, Angie? Yeah. What is it that you're trying to forget about? What's the it when you said, I want to forget, I'm trying to forget about it so I can
Starting point is 00:06:24 be with my current boyfriend. Is it the passionate memories with your boyfriend that passed away that you want to get rid of? I don't want to get rid of it. I'm trying to, I guess not forget it, but just kind of like, I don't know, let go of it, I guess. Just so, because I just, I'm'm having a hard time like not comparing to what I have now. I mean, I think part of it is acceptance too, like knowing that it's not going to be, I think it's not about better or worse, it's more like you had this experience that was beautiful and to kind of accept the feelings as they come up and thinking about your, your
Starting point is 00:07:01 ex and that, you know, you're 29 years years old and I just feel like maybe you're it takes a while to deal with grief. I wish there was a timeline where you're just done and then you can move on, but it sounds like initially maybe you're in a shock and you didn't it was sort of repressed and then you started doing more meditation and then it started coming up and being more present and I think it's kind of more about just making you know understanding that and knowing that it has I'm also here in the black and like, I'm never going to have that again and that always makes me go, well, you know, maybe you won't be with your ex again, but you will, you could still have us some other kind of love and passion and, and it's, you know, so it's just, it's kind of a
Starting point is 00:07:36 restrictive way of thinking as well. And I think a lot of just making, right, making peace with it and accepting it rather than judging it, Anadel, what would you say? I would say that and I would say, I'm not going to minimize anything with this comment. So I'll explain it. You know, we're not the thought police. In other words, many people have sex with their partners and they're thinking about something else. And for you, you're thinking about an X that passed away. And so I'm not sure if you're experiencing some guilt
Starting point is 00:08:10 because it was an X, but I believe that whatever you need to be able to connect with your heart and yourself and your current partner is fine. I believe your grief will heal and yourself and your current partner is fine. I believe your grief will heal and your connection with the new partner, especially if you continue to do this body exploration of your own, is going to be created. And to just give yourself a break that these thoughts come
Starting point is 00:08:41 because, you know, I haven't had that experience where someone passed away. But I haven't had that experience where someone passed away, but I have a lot of experience with a lot of people. And there are a couple of guys that I'll never forget that it was like to be. Right. Yeah, I wish I could be with them, but I've been married with someone for a long time. And so occasionally I'll fantasize about them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:02 My husband doesn't know that, right? And so that, I'm just trying to normalize it in that way without minimizing because I don't want to take away your grief. Obviously, but I just want you to give it a greater. Yeah, I have a feel like this is the kind of stuff I can, I can't talk about this with him. You know what I mean? Wow. Yes, and that would probably not be very appropriate right now.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Well, you can. Maybe someday you can, but you know. And that's okay, too. We have just shared all of our great, you're calling Emily. Yeah, I'm so glad you called in. And I think it sounds like you sound a little bit better, just knowing like a hearing from Anadel,
Starting point is 00:09:44 like it's okay to, we want to normalize it for you right the more you if you can say it's okay this is what I'm experiencing in your present with it and that judging yeah okay yeah that's still better thank you oh good Angie thank you for calling it stay in touch okay Angie for sending you love and Adele I'm really glad you're here because we were actually doing our session yesterday thinking that, oh, you're going to be on and you had a great idea if we wanted to just kind of get into anxiety and how it goes down in a relationship right now, how we're dealing with it.
Starting point is 00:10:17 So let's talk about anxiety and relationships. We've been in this pandemic state for a while now. And it's causing people to have anxiety that never have, causing people to have depression that have not experienced depression. And so when we're talking about individuals suffering from that, then we talk about the couple or the family that has to be with that person, because you might not both get it at the same time. How do you deal with it? It's like, and I keep saying this is true. A lot of people have never experienced it before. It's like, welcome to the anxiety family. We've been experiencing
Starting point is 00:10:53 it for a while. It happened to me. And so that's why it kind of was on the forefront. And it really helped me as the pandemic rolled along with my clients. So my husband, he was out of the country when this pandemic started in one of the countries that was a hotspot. And I was here and all of a sudden we started to lock down and they locked down and he had to like, leave that country fast. And so when he got here, he was in a state I had never seen him like before. And he's practiced Zen Buddhism for a long time and he's just very even healed. And so when he came home, I just saw in his eyes. He just looked different. And so he started talking and he said, this is the first time in his life, he understands what people with mental illness is and mental is go through because he could not deal with his sudden fear of death and dying and thinking everyone was going to die and it created so
Starting point is 00:11:50 much anxiety in him. Actually his throat restricted, like he couldn't swallow because he was so afraid. And so I had never seen him like that. He had always been the rock, right? And all of a sudden I had to be this person to go, okay, and here I am a therapist, but I didn't want to be his therapist. Of course.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Right. And yeah, enough people. Right. And yet all of a sudden, then my survival skills kicked in. And so I was just able to find out what his needs were. I let him have space. And because I'm an EMDR therapist,
Starting point is 00:12:24 I was able to teach him some coping skills and calming skills, things like that, which helped him a lot. But it took a couple of months for his anxiety to go away. And it really was about like his libido disappeared completely. I know weird, because he'd ate your younger than I am. He always had more of a little bit of an idea that I And I was I didn't even have one and at first I thought it was Maybe I should do more to try and you know distract him
Starting point is 00:12:54 But it was really about letting his body in his mind Relax and do what it needed to do so it was very interesting and it took a couple of months and finally I actually did some EMDR sessions with him and we found some deep seated trauma that he was able to reprocess and things started clearing up, things started clearing up. So you know it's all the sudden I had clients coming in going oh oh my God, I have so much anxiety. I don't even want my husband to touch me. Or I can't talk to my kids. I'm afraid they're gonna die.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And so it's these fears that came up that people didn't have before. Yeah, well, Annadell, thank you for sharing that because you're also showing that weird therapist, but we're human, right? Like, it doesn't mean that just because you are, it still happens and then, yeah, how did you start to you know did he feels okay talking to you like that's also an interesting dynamic to shift whether you're a therapist or not to go into the caretaker role.
Starting point is 00:13:54 One night I went out to get some food and when I came back the bad rip and all the food fell all over my feet and the floor and you know know, I reacted like I was I was upset and pissed. And when I looked up, all he was doing was standing there like a deer in the headlight. And he had never been that way before. He looked like he just didn't know what to do. And it was something quite simple, you know, just put on the floor, right? And so then I knew it was bad. I knew it was bad. And so I cleaned everything up and we sat down that night and I said, what can I do? What can I do to help? Because I've never seen you this way before. And because I just waited until he was ready, you know, he began to cry a little bit and he said, I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I just need you to be here. And so that's what I did for like a week. I was just there whenever he needed me when I wasn't working. And then I was able to make suggestions about doing some different breathing exercises, just to bring some awareness to his reality, not the fears that he's having. So counting breaths always helps. Blow tapping on your knees just to calm your nervous system with repetitive phrases about calming your mind, calming your body, being okay, looking around for objects so that you feel comfortable in your
Starting point is 00:15:27 home where you are. And so those were the things we started with. So it wasn't about going into the fear. Like if he was saying, I have a fear that I'm going to die or I have a fear, you weren't entertaining the thoughts of what they met. It was more like, because I think so many of us would go into the analytical side of it, or it's not true, or you're going to be fine, but you know enough to say, let's just be mindful, be present. Coming the nervous system entails bringing yourself into the present moment. And that's hard to do. And you know, it's not realistic that we're always going to be in the moment, always going
Starting point is 00:16:01 to be in the moment because they go so fast. This one's gone, this one's gone, this one's gone, this one's gone. Right? So they're gone. The thing is, we can realize that, oh, I've been in tomorrow. So let me come in to right now. I just breathe, feel your feet on the floor, take a deep breath. Notice where you're holding any time.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Yeah. And so it just brings you into the moment. And you can realize that, oh, I am afraid of dying, but I'm okay right now in this moment. So it's a matter of not getting caught up in our thoughts because our thoughts are not the truth to quote you. Let's talk to Valerie 52 in New Mexico. Hi Valerie, thanks for calling. How can we help? Hi guys. Hopefully I don't lose you. I'm on the road traveling. I'm kind of in a really bad state right now. This year my husband, he came in of January, said that he wanted a legal separation. And after several months, he decided like, no,
Starting point is 00:17:07 I don't wanna get divorced, I wanted to keep working on our marriage, all of that. But you still like insistent on us having this legal separation while we were working on things. We own a business together, we've been together for 23 years. I'm 52, he's gonna turn 50 in the next couple of weeks. The last day I spoke on was October 16th, and then he ghosted me, he's going to turn 50 in the next couple of weeks. The last day I found was October 16th and then he ghosted me.
Starting point is 00:17:28 He stopped talking to me and I tried to call and I tried to text him. You know, through work, he wasn't really answering anything having to do with work. And then my instinct kicked in, I was like, it's got to be somebody. And he had mentioned this woman's name that he was talking to her. She was like an expert or something in OCD with this business group that he was doing like an entrepreneurship group. You know, I get our mobile bills. I started looking and I found her phone number and I put it in my phone just in case.
Starting point is 00:17:57 And then sure enough, all this started happening at the, you know, in October when he wasn't talking to me and I looked it up on the mobile phone and I started matching up her phone calls with what was on the calendar. So I was like, okay, fine, they're having conferences during these days. It's all good. Well, then after I left, they went from three days a week, four days a week in the evening for three or four hours. And so all those times when I was trying to call him or get a hold of him, he was talking to her.
Starting point is 00:18:23 So long story short, on November 14th, he told me of his phone, he wanted a divorce, he said, it's over, I'm done, and I said, it's her, isn't it? And he's like, no, it's not her. Why would you even bring her name into it? And I was like, because you've been talking to her, I saw all the calls on the mobile bills, and you've been talking to her all this time. You wouldn't answer me. So I was like, well, you know what, I have her number, I'll call her. So I called her up, she couldn't
Starting point is 00:18:48 talk to me very long because she was with her daughter, you know, so and so and I was calling because I'm, you know, so and so's wife and she said, ex-wife, she said it's wife. And I said, did he tell you that we were not married, that we were divorced? She's like, I just assumed. And I was like, no, we are still married. I'm like, well, working on a marriage, we talk every day. And he bought her a ring. And I called and canceled the ring.
Starting point is 00:19:12 But then I found out on Facebook over Christmas, there was a photo that she posted of him and her. And there she is with the ring from Cartier. And now it's really beautiful. Oh, this, okay. So Valerie. What is going on with him? This sounds like a really painful situation. We'll go ahead and I'll go ahead. What's going on with him? He has left you. Unfortunately for the moment. He's not really working on this. If he's buying a ring and going on
Starting point is 00:19:40 Facebook, he wants to have his take and eat it too. So, my question to you is what's going on for you? How are you going to be able to take care of yourself? And you take charge and empower yourself from this moment on. How are you gonna do that? That's what I'm trying to do every day. And I finally, my girlfriend, she lives in New Mexico and she's like like come and stay with
Starting point is 00:20:05 me. So I'm on the road. I didn't trust me. That's a good idea. That's a good idea to go be with a girlfriend. That's exactly what I would recommend that. So yeah. On the road to go see her, I've got about two more hours left in my trip. And yeah, I think it's about acceptance right now. This is what I think Ann is absolutely right that like I know that there's going to be a lot of anger and a lot of sadness and it's so it seems like it's having fairly sudden and you feel betrayed and there's trust and it's messy. And I love that you're going to be with a friend that you feel safe with and that you trust
Starting point is 00:20:40 and I would just recommend that I think therapy would be incredible right now as you're going through this because a bunch of new emotions, there's so much going on right now, Valerie, like I wish we could help you in just this evening. I'm just really sorry that it's happening and I know that there's the wisest happening and how can I do it and what do I do with with my husband, but I think that really understanding what's going on with you right now, what the reality is, is that he's not there. So, what can you do? And I don't know how he can move on so quickly, like, is that what they do? Like, is he doing guilty?
Starting point is 00:21:13 It's not what they do. It's what some people do. It's not what they do. It's what some people do. And that's what he did. And unfortunately, at the moment, I think the important thing for you is to accept that he's playing around with this person,
Starting point is 00:21:33 who you've even spoken to. And she called you the ex. So she has her ideas of what's going on. And it takes a lot of energy for you to try and stop what he's doing. It's going to take more positive energy for you to take care of yourself and love yourself. I think the work is going to be loving yourself so that you don't need him anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:00 And it's going to be a journey. And I do recommend that we have to go Valerie. Call me back. I know. We'll to go, Valerie. Call me back. I know. We'll be here every night. Dr. Anadel Barber, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:22:11 People can find you at That's When we come back, I'll answer a question about finding a friends with benefits. Hmm, this is from Emily 22,000. I feel like all my friends are very experienced with sex and only feel open to talk about it sometimes. I still feel very inexperienced.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I haven't been with many people and I'm not sure how to put myself out there, especially during a pandemic. I hear you, sister. I don't even know if I've ever experienced pleasurable sex because I don't think I've ever had good sex. I'm a pretty tall girl, so it's uncomfortable for me to be on top. I've been working and getting to know my body and started masturbating. I think what I'm trying to say is I want to try more sex and become more comfortable, but I don't want to sleep with just anyone.
Starting point is 00:23:07 It's nice to find a partner or a fuck buddy, but I've known in mind. First off, it's hard to find a quality person when we're not in a global pandemic, but when we're in a pandemic, it is a lot more challenging. I mean, here's the news though. The dating apps are popping.
Starting point is 00:23:24 They're not what you think. If you're like, oh, the dating apps are popping. They're not what you think. If you're like, oh, the dating apps are just for hookups. Like, people are going to ghost you. Yeah, people are going to ghost you in real life. People are going to ghost you on the apps. But it is true that they're saying that this was another thing that came out last week about like more people are meeting on apps than anywhere.
Starting point is 00:23:39 And it even said that people in on apps were looking to get into quality relationships, long term relationships. I like that study or that survey is because people always think the apps are not. And this is like a conclusive study that said, people on the apps take it seriously, the majority of them want to get into a long term relationship. But Emily, that doesn't help your question because you just want to get a bunch of benefit. Now you're not going out, probably you're not meeting people, you're not doing something like that. So I would just practice maybe talking on
Starting point is 00:24:08 the apps and just start practicing, getting to know people. I recommend doing a video chat, you know, because we can't go out and meet people right now. So at least you could just kind of start to vet people on the apps. And just because you're tall, doesn't mean you're not going to be able to get comfortable on top. I want to say this to everybody. I'll just the 20-something people who have so much like angst about sex that it's going to be, it should be, you should already know how to be this and you should know how to do that. How would you know if you haven't done it? If you haven't has many partners and if you have had partners, you probably weren't open and talking
Starting point is 00:24:43 about it. So it just takes experience. It's like you can't beat yourself up for things that you haven't even had a chance to try yet. You know, I like that you just started masturbating. I think that's great. And it's also important to continue to not just masturbate, though, get comfortable with your fantasies. Read a rhodica, listen to a rhodica, get in the mood,
Starting point is 00:25:05 start thinking about different ways you can pleasure yourself because the more that we love on ourselves and have more orgasms and start to understand our bodies in all ways, you'll be so much more equipped to be in a healthy sexual relationship because you'll be able to express your need, you'll know what feels good to you, you'll know what feels good to you. You'll know who you are more.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I just think that you gotta maybe just ride this one out a little bit Emily, and I think that you say, I feel like all my friends are very experienced with sex. I doubt it. If all your friends are 22 years old, they're not experienced with sex. They might have had a lot of sex. They might have had sex with a hundred people. You know, their number might be one hundred, but I'm telling you there's a big
Starting point is 00:25:49 difference between frequenting sex and being experienced, a skilled lover, a skilled lover takes time and years and wisdom and communicating and all these things. So they're in the same boat you are. Consider yourself starting now. 22 is a great time to start experimenting. And I don't know. You know how you know when you meet someone and that you want to be friends with them? We should just use that same test when we want to start dating someone. Okay? Hear me out. If you want to become friends with someone, they're interested in you. They call you back. They make plans. They're there for you. They treat you well. You feel better when you're with them and you know, you feel safe. You're not
Starting point is 00:26:30 walking in eggshells. Let's put that same limitless test. That's the same values when we're looking for a partner, like a boyfriend or a girlfriend or anyone you want to be with. I don't know how this culture got caught up in like, oh, well, they were ghosting me or they were, they were not that great at cut up and they go, well, they were ghosting me or they were not the great at the beginning and they were hot and cold and they were in and out. It's like, then dump those people are not, they're going to be like that all the time.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Someone who was there and then they pulled out, they ghosted you or they were dishing you or they weren't available, they're never going to be available. But go with people who make you feel good from the jump. So that's how you're going to find someone and then see if you can build something from that. I mean, I don't know, but I think a lot more of us are satiosexuals, meaning our brains, we wanna have engaging conversation
Starting point is 00:27:13 with someone we wanna feel emotionally safe and intellectually stimulated, and then we're gonna be turned on. So what I love about the pandemic now is that I think for a lot of us, we can actually spend some time getting to know someone and sort of start to build the attraction, the arousal, the excitement of getting to meet them in person.
Starting point is 00:27:31 It won't be this awkward, groping, and the dark, hug up thing where you barely know someone. Because those were not sad. I'll bet you all of your sexually experienced friends, Emily and Thousand Oaks, that's the kind of experience they're having. I bet they were blackout drunk in college, running around, and they've had a lot of sex, a lot of dudes. They've given a lot of blow jobs. That is not sexual.
Starting point is 00:27:51 That might be experienced, but that doesn't mean they're having quality sex. So the fact that Emily, that you're even asking this question right now about how can I find someone quality, how can I get better with being on top, and all the things are all great questions and the fact you're even questioning it, not assuming that you know everything is a great is you're exactly where you need to be.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Check out our website, we've got blogs, we've got podcasts, we talk about this stuff all the time. Your confidence just, it comes from experience, it comes from experience with your own body and with other people. I just think we got to get over all of our worries and fears around dating apps because they're here to stay and during a pandemic you can tell if people are being safe. You know, a lot of people have the masks on and you're swiping, all those things. We can talk to Robert, 45 in California. Hi Robert, thanks for calling. Hi, how are you? Good. How's it going? How can I help?
Starting point is 00:28:43 My God, I love your show. I listen to you all the time and I'm not a straight man. Okay. But I love listening about how girls get their thing on. It's awesome. I'm so glad, Robert. It is so great. I'm like, I went to Pleasure Chest. I'm like, I think there's this toy I heard about in Emily. Oh, we love Emily. Anyway, I love pleasure chest they're right down the street oh good maybe I'll see you at the coffee shop
Starting point is 00:29:09 I would love it my question is so I since this pandemic I've been watching a lot of porn I mean it's just like I don't want to touch anyone I don't want to go on a date I don't want it you know what can you do what you can do? And now I'm thinking like, oh, it's almost easier, but I think it's ruining my dating life. Yeah, if somebody's asked me out, and then my criteria goes way high, and then I think that it should be lighting in the bedroom, and you just have the perfect body part. Oh, because of all the porn? Yeah, I mean, absolutely. Yeah. So, that's all you've had. You haven't had any real life experience with humans. I love that you're calling in about this rubber because it sounds like you know. It sounds like
Starting point is 00:29:49 it's gone a little bit too far. And so now we've got to reel it back in. You're not doing anything wrong, but you're noticing it before you go off the rails, right? That's like what happens people who drink too much or point sounds like. And now that your standards are raising, it's super comfortable. It's always accessible and you can just stay home forever, but you don't want to stay home forever. And you've probably had enough relationships or sex in your life to know that that's actually not real sex anyway. And but sometimes it's such times, Compasture, probably forgetting what is real sex like. So I would recommend that you, if you can, roll back on the porn, stop watching the porn, maybe try to masturbate without porn,
Starting point is 00:30:25 just thinking about experiences you've had in the past, having more somatic experiences where you're touching your body and you're thinking about how it feels to explore different parts of your body and force yourself to start going out with people. Like even if it's a lunch for an hour with a mask or go for a walk, because I think that you've built up,
Starting point is 00:30:46 it sounds to me, you've built up this whole thing in your head now and you just gotta bite the boat. I've just said, you gotta do it. Even if people don't seem great, just be like, it's an hour of your life. And if you do that a few times, I think first you're gonna realize,
Starting point is 00:30:58 like, oh wow, yeah, this is great. I realize that I miss people. So that's one thing. And then I would also just say, yeah, with the porn, try to come back to think you could do that, or even if you can't just don't masturbate for a few days. Put that time into dating apps, or. Yeah, it's frustrating, because, you know, now with the pandemic
Starting point is 00:31:14 they're like, okay, what can we do? You know, I have a feeling that glory holes are gonna be a bad thing. I'm coming. They are. Well, you know, the CDC said glory holes is one of the safest ways to have sex. Well, I'm opening up a break. Decentrically. Where are. Well, you know, the CDC said glory holds is one of the safest ways to have sex. Well, I'm opening up a break. Seriously, I bet you they're popping up all over L.A. But I mean, how do you meet people typically? Well, like it used to be like, same at the gym or
Starting point is 00:31:37 I'd, you know, burn them at the dog park or there's an app here there, but I think people those skittish about the app things. So I'm not real, I can chat with my dog. I don't need to chat with some person on an app that usually doesn't go anywhere. So, yeah. And I'm reconnecting with some of my friends and I'm reaching out to because, you know, we're all kind of isolated. Now, I have a teenage kid at home. So my teenage kid, I have, kid, I don't bring anybody over.
Starting point is 00:32:07 I'm not gonna go spend the night with somebody. So then there is that part too. That's a big thing, that is a thing. Well, you could just start to meet somebody. What if you take the pressure of yourself that you have to meet the perfect person right now, the perfect guy? I would just kind of start to go,
Starting point is 00:32:22 I mean, I see my friends for walks, we wear a mask, we do that stuff. So I feel like, and you could also let your friends know, we ask them if they know anybody nice to fix you up with. I mean, that's how I've met people a lot. I have friends who go, yeah, let me think about it or they'll call me a week later. But I feel like you will be able to break this,
Starting point is 00:32:41 break through this. And I know that you have your son, but maybe he could, maybe he'll be seeing a friend or there could be a time it could just be like a lunch or coffee. But I think such just change behaviors just a little bit because you know that sex is not as beautiful and well manicured as it is important. And it sounds like you're using it as an excuse. Yeah. I do know that I would love it to all be like that, but I don't think my mind is, first of all, I don't feel like I'm in that shape to be like that, but I don't think my mind is first of all, I don't feel like I'm in that shape to be in that other side of the porn.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Anyway. Yeah. Well, there you go. So that's where the harshest critic, because we don't love our, you know, we, we were harsh on ourselves. So love yourself. And by doing that, you need human interaction. You need to get out there.
Starting point is 00:33:20 So force yourself. You'll feel so much better if you do. Even if it's a coffee with someone who's not Mr. Right, could be Mr. Right now for coffee, all right? Right, but now that, thank you for saying that because it has been a pattern like I try to find the perfect and it's gonna work for you. Take the pressure off. It doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Perfect doesn't exist. Take the pressure off yourself. I'm giving you permission to go out with somebody that you deem as even mediocre. You never know what's gonna happen. Okay. You never know. You're allowed to go into mediocre date, Robert.
Starting point is 00:33:47 I'm so glad you found the show and thank you for listening. Maybe I'll see you a pleasure chest. I love you. I love you back. Thanks for calling, Robert. Have a great night. I appreciate you. All right, we're gonna take a quick break, but when we come back, I'm answering your
Starting point is 00:33:59 rapid fire questions. Alright you guys you can know you can send these are these are the DMs that we get through Instagram and we get a lot of them and since I can't always get to you like I can't answer them all individually I just thought rapid fire let me answer remember these are shorter answers because doing quick but I'm gonna get all the points out. So, let's answer your questions. Rapid fire with Dr. Emily. Okay, what's something to break the ice during our first group sex with another couple? Okay, here's one. Take turn giving massages to each person.
Starting point is 00:34:39 So one person goes and they get a 10 minute massage. So the next person gets a 10 minute massage, The next person are 15 minutes and then you all are getting a six handed massage and it's a way to warm you guys up. Get comfortable with each other and appease any anxiety. Sometimes this is from Rachel 32 and Texas. Sometimes I'm so turned on but I can't orgasm while having sex or masturbating. Why? Well, you know, remember, I say your brain is the most powerful sex organ. When your brain is anxious and worried about something, it's going to be less likely to orgasm, especially if you're focusing on orgasm. So my advice is to focus on your breath and focus on what you're feeling in the moment, wherever you can do to get out of your head into your body. How to avoid farts during sex? You
Starting point is 00:35:24 can't, you don't, you won't. Just learn to embrace them. It's part of it. Sex is fun, sex is messy, sex is loud, and you just can't control it. So let it go. And really let it go with farts. Tips for ass play without penetration on a male partner, I've never done it. I would say start with slow, start with a finger. You know, there's a lot of nerve endings on the extra part of the anus. Use a finger, play with it, make sure your fingers are trimmed, use lube, and just play with it and see how it feels. Use your mouth, use your fingers, make sure you're clean.
Starting point is 00:35:56 And then see if you want to move up to penetration from there. All right, I'm a little nervous. It's a male 17. I'm a little nervous about losing my virginity. Is there anything I should know? You should know that I recommend that you should be with a trusted partner, someone that you feel safe with, and that it's okay just to kind of be present,
Starting point is 00:36:15 be in the moment is my best, is vice for you, and just, I don't know if you're with them with what gender you're with, but anytime, be honest, it's your first time, go slow, take your time, and only do it when you feel ready. Recommendations for starter butt plugs. I love the B-Vib butt plug kit. They have a beginner anal kit, and it's amazing
Starting point is 00:36:38 because it comes with all different sizes, and it comes with instructions, and I love their beginner kit. It's great. I need more physical affection from my partner. How can I ask for it without being needy? Listen, just because you need more physical affection doesn't mean you needy. Have a partner, have a conversation with your partner and let them know that you love
Starting point is 00:36:59 touch. Maybe you can give them an example about when you need touch in the relationship, when it would feel good. You can take their hand and guide them and also ask them for what they need from you. Alright, my wife hasn't had an orgasm with me or by herself. What would be some tips to get her closer to orgasm and any toy suggestions? To get her closer to it, I think that it does help to start on her own. I would recommend something like the J.J. Mimi or the Wevibe Touch.
Starting point is 00:37:28 I would recommend using Lube and I would tell her to go slow, pay attention to her body. I mean, you could help her out, but I think it's always helpful to have a first orgasm on our own and again, tell her to relax and get out of her head and into her body. How do you overcome insecurities and anxiety is with initiating and starting sex with a partner? Alright, so if a lot of us aren't secure when we initiate sex because it's a new skill, it's a muscle, it's something we have to practice.
Starting point is 00:37:59 You might want to start asking your partner, how do you best like for me to initiate sex? What really works for you, how do you best like for me to initiate sex? What really works for you? What turns you on, and then you'll kind of have a roadmap for where to start. But remember, anything new might be a little awkward at first, but the more you do it, the more comfortable it will become. How do I let my partner know I appreciate our sex when we are clean and fresh? Maybe you could just say to them, hey babe, let's jump in the shower.
Starting point is 00:38:24 And then after you take a shower together, you could sudd each other off, sudd each other down, dry off and then say, I realize I really like it when we're clean. It really makes me want to devour every part of your body. Reinforce it. King girls squirt during orgasm. Sure, girls can squirt during orgasm. They can squirt after orgasm. They can squirt during orgasm, they can squirt. After orgasm, they can squirt before orgasm, girls can squirt all different ways.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Afraid of having sex with my friends with benefits because he is not social distancing and masking help. Don't have sex with him. If he is not being safe about his health, he is not being safe about your health, just avoid it and don't have any benefits, there's no benefits to being with him right now, I guarantee it. Does semen always taste bad, so bad or is dependent on food habits?
Starting point is 00:39:15 You are what you eat and if you're eating foods that are not great for you, they're not going to treat taste great in your mouth. L habito is in the down soul breast feeding. I don't even wanna be touched help. That's gonna pass. The more that we are give ourselves permission to not always be in the mood, especially after we have child, after after we have a child,
Starting point is 00:39:35 and when breast feeding, it's okay. It's gonna come back, try to find other forms of touch that do make you feel connected with your partner. And to me, still, intimacy's still important. Even if you don't still want the same things after you have a baby. All right, one more. How do I introduce your bite toys for my girl for herself and us?
Starting point is 00:39:52 Go shopping together, go shopping online, check out our website, and make it fun, go and adventure, go to a store if they're open and say, like, let's teach by some stuff that is fun for us. All right, that's all we got time for. That's it for today's episode, see you on Tuesday. Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Be sure to like, subscribe, and give us a review
Starting point is 00:40:11 wherever you listen to the podcast, and share this with a friend or partner. Believe me, if you got something out of it, they will too. We release shows on Tuesdays and Fridays, and look out for a bonus episode every now and then. Find me on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. It's all at Sex with Emily. And I've been told I give really good newsletter.
Starting point is 00:40:32 So sign up at and don't forget to check out our blogs. If you want to talk to me, ask your questions about your sex life, dating or relationships, email me. Feedback at or call into my series XM show Monday through Friday, 5-7pm Pacific, and call me, AAA94 stars, that's AAA9478277,
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