Sex With Emily - Kinky Fun Sex

Episode Date: May 27, 2015

On today’s show, Emily welcomes super-sexologist couple Sunny Megatron and Ken Melvoin-Berg, creators of the popular Showtime series “Sex With Sunny Megatron.” These sex-educating pleasure advoc...ates are experts on BDSM, alternative sex styles, and all kinds of kink, and are more than happy to share their knowledge. Emily, Sunny and Ken share tips on how to expand your sexual scope and explore fun new ways to get freaky! Topics include prostate play, oral sex tips, squirting, erotica and so much more. Are you interested in exploring alternative sex styles? From clown sex to balloon bondage to the psychology of a blowjob, you can find it all (and more) in this exciting episode of Sex With Emily! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to the show. Today I'm joined by a super couple of sex education, fellow sexologist, Sunny Megatron, and Ken Melvoinberg. Together we'll be discussing a few of your favorite topics, including kinky sex, blowjob, sex toys, and more. So thanks for listening, but first, okay, we need to talk. Have I told you enough about Emily and Tony down under comfort because you know,
Starting point is 00:00:24 summer's coming and How are your balls feeling? I just want to know because if they're not fresh and dry like they should be then you should check out Down under comfort so a lot of men like and women You know we sweat in places. We just don't want to it's getting hot. I knew they're breasts You know lower back men in the ball area and you know in the ball area Well the area where your balls are. And tell competitors actually like carcinogenic and messy, and down under comfort is vegan. It's a cream formula that turns into a light natural powder, and it keeps your intimate
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Starting point is 00:01:30 Plus, until May 31st, get a free down under comfort with any Menajatua candle purchased with code Pleasure. Thanks for running for listening. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mark our sacred institutions. Betrumaise, they call them in a bygone way. Hey, Aveline, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute.
Starting point is 00:01:59 The girls got a hair stand. It's a lie. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean, like laundry? It shrinks. And we not talk about sex so much. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:02:09 Oh my god. I'm off here. So, girl, being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can check out our podcast. It's out of our mailing list, which I don't understand if you're listening to show and you love the show, what you all tell me, dude, you're not our mailing list, it makes zero
Starting point is 00:02:42 sense to me because it's not like I spam you. I actually send you rinsers to see information and you can, you know, sometimes people get into the blogs, watch our videos and the thing is, I just, you know, I don't give your name away and it's interesting and you'll like it. People actually have compilmenty more of my emails than they have in the show, which is kind of a weird thing and I wonder if I should just do like professional email campaigns or something. I'm not gonna get off it You know people like the show too. I know you all have a show and I love hearing from you So thanks everyone for emailing me always feedback at
Starting point is 00:03:14 And following me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and all that stuff. I just love you all I would be nothing without you. I'm excited for today's show. Hello, Sunny and Ken. Thanks for being here Hi, thanks for having us on. It's awesome. We just met, so we, Sunny and Ken, are a dynamic duo sexologist. They have a show on Showtime. Sex with Sunny Megatron, which is awesome. And Ken, you have been a sex educator.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I remember you telling me 17 years, you were doing? A little longer than that actually, but yeah, I've been doing it forever in a day. For ever in a day, longer than that. Yep, yep. Well, that's awesome. You guys are like, okay, so I it forever in a day. For every day, longer than that. Yep. Well, that's awesome. You guys are like, OK, so I need to know real quickly. So we're going to get into some, like,
Starting point is 00:03:49 I want to hear about your show and what you guys are doing. You guys are, we just met at the sexual health expo in Phoenix. I don't think we'd met before. No, I don't think we had. I know. We're like three ships passing in the night. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Like, how we not like hung out. So I feel like I, so I did actually came into your seminar that you were teaching there Which was all I know as I walked in and there was Was it you had a you the unicorn master? Yes, oh yes, and then you were vlogging or something I don't know. I just kind of came in for a second. So what exactly were you guys teaching at that moment? What was it called? It was a BDSM 101 class that was sort of like a starter class of 50 shades of gray.
Starting point is 00:04:26 It's the real 50 shades of gray. Right, so here's how it really goes down. You don't need a red room of paint or anything like that. So does that was cool? So it's like, I like these people. I want a party with them. So you were, you know, that was all,
Starting point is 00:04:37 you guys were great teaching it. We have an extra unicorn mask. We brought it with today too. And in hooves too, guys. Did you bring it all because I saw those props are amazing. And so you guys. Did you bring it all because I saw those props are amazing. And so you guys, so you guys, you teach everywhere I have a little bit more about you here.
Starting point is 00:04:51 But first, you know what, before we get into all of your details, first I wanna share, I wanna get your comments on the sex and the news story. Absolutely. And it has to do with 50 Shades of Grey. Imagine that. I know you think it's like dead and gone,
Starting point is 00:05:02 but here it is. Okay, watching 50 Shades of Grey with your girl makes them frisky. Shock, right? So there's a survey from 2BTV, the movie 50 Shades of Grey might be a compromise to all that porn you watch. The survey found that most chicks who watch the movie got super aroused during it, so maybe just maybe you want to put your Netflix-global. Which for me, this is like not really any news.
Starting point is 00:05:24 But it says that married couples though tend to feel safer. So the survey says, wait, back up. And the survey 68% of the women were somewhat or very roused when watching 58th degree, almost matching 68% of the men. And then married individuals, okay, this thing, married individuals
Starting point is 00:05:42 pulled the highest of being somewhat or very roused at 71%. And they said that married couples tend to feel safer in their relationship, they're far more free to explore their sexuality and that BDSM turns them on and all this stuff. So I just wanna know, okay, so, you know, it's not porn wherever they're recommending it here.
Starting point is 00:06:01 So what do you guys think about this whole 50 shades of real? Like how accurate do you think like the movie was? I think that if he was poor, that it would be a sex crime and he'd be on long order. Exactly. Yeah. It was great inspiration for, hey, I'm watching this,
Starting point is 00:06:17 I'm getting hot for whatever the reason, you know, like the statistics in your article, is it an accurate depiction of BDSM like a how-to manual? Absolutely not. But either we watch porn, that's not real. It's great inspiration. It gets us hot and then inspires us to go into the bedroom and do real things. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:35 So in that sense, great. You know, if you love 50 shades, it's great. Wonderful. I know that it's a fantasy. You know, but something has a really great saying when we teach a lot of our classes and that is you don't learn how to have sex by watching porn no more than you learn how to drive by watching fast and the furious. Exactly. And it's the same thing with BDSM and 50 shades, but it's a great starter for getting into 50 shades.
Starting point is 00:06:56 So you might want to learn a little bit more by going to a local munch. You might go to, you know, some event that is one of your sites. A little munch. Yeah, a munch is a, an event that is at a rest. It is. It is a bunch of kinky people to get together in a very vanilla setting where they get together at a restaurant and just talk about
Starting point is 00:07:13 the different weird, interesting kink events that are happening in their local neighborhood. So networking event. Okay, so I've listeners all over the world and definitely in the States to why live in small town, USA, or where do I find the kinky people? I mean, what do you tell people to go? Usually I say, you know, check out
Starting point is 00:07:30 That's a large kink website. And if you look at groups that pertain to your area, you're gonna find those networking events and those parties and that sort of thing. It's everywhere. Yeah, there's kinky people everywhere, right? I mean, it's just not isolated to the bigger cities. No, not at all
Starting point is 00:07:45 I like it you have to be somewhat near a medium-sized city, but you know, it's like there's a medium-sized city probably within a couple of hours Wherever you're at and that's usually what we're seeing. They also in some instances do like um Skype parties So that if you are isolated like let's say you're in the middle of Alaska No, we're near if you're up in the illusion islands. No, we're near juno or anchorage You can get on board with the Skype or any kind of camming sort of equipment. We did we did an episode one of the segments on the show. It was basically an online orgy where everyone got on like, you know, your video conferencing software and they all had a great time. But they were all by
Starting point is 00:08:20 themselves. So it was sort of voyeuristic in that they would be with their partners on whatever the CAM service was, looking at other people, but nobody's really interacting for real. They're just watching. So nobody's with their partner, even their partners on a single part. No, no, there was some people with their partners.
Starting point is 00:08:37 There was a couple of solo people, but it was like across the board. So the matter where you are, you can just like sign on, and have a emergency. Technology is amazing. Technology is amazing. Okay, so let's just get into what you guys
Starting point is 00:08:47 have a lot going on. So study Megatron, Ken Melvoyneberg, and so you can find you at Mm-hmm, yep. And you have your showtime show, which is first season's done while it hits success, probably coming back from our fingers crossed. Lock on wood.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And also at sunnymagatron on Twitter and psych it. It's actually, yeah, it's psychic, but it looks like side chicken, PSY chicken. I'm like, why chicken? That was a day. Well, originally, I was a professional tarot reader and astrologer is how I started my career off. And then I switched over to sex education.
Starting point is 00:09:20 My background is actually in medical stuff from when I was in the service. Oh, OK. And I have a couple different degrees in medical-related areas. But I thought it was kind of cool to learn how to read pumps to pick up women. Right, but you really believe like could you do really like still do this like, except for with that kind of like a?
Starting point is 00:09:34 You know what, I don't do it anymore, but I loved doing it because it was a great way to meet people and who doesn't like being told their future if you're at a bar, it's a relaxing situation and you had somebody sitting in a booth that would be telling you a little bit about your fortune. Do I believe in it? Sometimes it just depends. Right. Bar. Okay. So Ken's from Michigan. I love that because you still have your accent. Oh yeah. We get the y'all. You guys have it. I love it. You've lost yours. I lost. I've
Starting point is 00:10:00 been in California for 20 years, but it's funny because when I first moved, you're everyone was like, where are you from? Where am I going to mean? I love it. I'm hard to say. I'm my people. Okay, so tell me about this show. So you guys got into the show window back up. So you were in psychic.
Starting point is 00:10:15 You were a psychic. Correct. Then you got into sex education. And Sunny, you were. I was a corporate American. Yeah, I worked for a major ad agency for nearly two decades and sex ed was my second career. I'd always wanted to get into it, but I was kind of your stereotypical.
Starting point is 00:10:32 I got a lot of people that come to both of us that, you know, I've been married for 12 years, I've hit the sexual slump, you know, I'm rediscovering myself and that was me at that point in my mid-30s and I ended up, you know, getting out there, got on set life, met Ken on Fetland. You did, because you guys met a Fetland. We did, we did meet a Fetland. That was my question. I wanted to ask for you guys met.
Starting point is 00:10:53 So you both, you had already been Ken in this world. For many years, yeah. He was born in Kinky. I had it so far. Yeah, I started King in the 80s. God, you were like the pioneer. No, that's cool. So you were in the 80s. And were like the pioneer now. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:11:05 So you were in the 80s. And were you just like timidly gone and felt like because you hadn't really... Yeah, yeah. I actually... You didn't seem timid to me. Well, you know. I was just exploring around.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I actually met a couple of people on Craigslist, I'm still here. And they're like, hey, there's a site vet live. And so I was just slowly dipping my toes into the water, like all of the things that I imagined, and that my fantasies, I touched myself too, that I didn't really think people did in real life. I was like, there's a whole community.
Starting point is 00:11:35 I had no idea. So you weren't even, I mean, you didn't think I did in real life. So were you just like, what were you watching porn? Were you like, the first exposure to Kink I had was the Anne Rice Beauty series. I read when I was 22 or something. Okay. And it was so dirty, but it was so hot.
Starting point is 00:11:52 And I thought seriously that me and Anne Rice were the only two people that had like a weird, perverted, dirty imagination. You like nobody else thinks this way. Right. Yeah. And I had no idea. No, I was completely naive. And then you were married?
Starting point is 00:12:04 Yes. You said for too long. Yeah, well, long-term relationship. No, I was completely naive. And then you were married? Yes, for two months. Yeah, well, long-term relationship. A long-term relationship. Yeah. Right, okay, and that was just like you were at this lump and you were just at nothing. So you were at these fantasy still,
Starting point is 00:12:13 but you don't know how you weren't like the Wesleyan. So I found my, I became single. The economy went into a slump, I got laid off for my job. So it was kind of the perfect opportunity to reinvent myself and boom, Metcun, here we are. Okay, so what happened to me? So you go on fat life looking for like, what was it about Ken's like profile? Well, he approached me first and he commented, I got courage enough to put a picture of my boobs on the internet, not my face, not my face. No face
Starting point is 00:12:38 seems to gather right. So, and he was like, hey, nice boot. And that was our first connection. And he seemed really, which is a great thing. And that he says, you know, you're love boobs bigger than you're right but like that wouldn't be great. But nice boobs is good. When I was a kid,
Starting point is 00:12:52 I have saggy grandma boobs. I was like, he likes my sag. I do. I do, I love them. I like the natural boobs. And you know, I checked out his profile and he seemed smart and intelligent and good looking and witty except for he was into clown sex.
Starting point is 00:13:07 And I was like, what? He seemed so normal. Like what is this dressing as a clown and having sex? And then as I got to know him, I guess are we kind of melded in that way because to me having silly sex, like you saw us with the unicorn mask. When you see 50 shades of grates, very serious.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I am the dumb. Get down on her knees. I'm gonna punish you. And I can't. I laugh. I'm like, are you kidding me? Are you serious? I can't.
Starting point is 00:13:33 One of our first scenes together was she dressed, she used to do miming. And she dressed up like a mime. I was a clone. And I was like chasing around and torturing her at an SNM party. And I couldn't talk. Tell her what her safe word was. My safe word was just like me doing jazz hands. Yeah, jazz party. And I couldn't talk. That was her first date. Tell her what her safe was. My safe word was just like me doing jazz dance.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah, jazz dance. It was fine, but I like rockin' it. Where she was tracking a box. No, that was our fourth or fifth date. This is a good time. Okay, got it. So clown sex. So this is your first date.
Starting point is 00:13:55 I'm into clown sex. But you're like, what is that? You dress like a clown, you juggle. Wait, do you have a clown? I'm a clown. I'm a clown. And balloon bondage. That's one of the other things as I was really into balloon bondage.
Starting point is 00:14:05 So I started off teaching rope bondage for many, many years. And so I took the kind of balloons, the real big skinny long ones that you do balloon animals with. And I would learn how to make handcuffs. I would do a complete, like, mummification on somebody where I would start wrapping at their feet and go all the way up to the top of their head and put silly, kind of, like, big penis hats on them and then like make ristra strains and then take a single tail, a whip
Starting point is 00:14:28 and I would like take off the balloons one at a time and it was just a lot of fun. So it sounds really scary and it's literally just scary sounding because they pop and there's like when a balloon pops there's actually a sonic boom that's created. So it's just a little bit out. It's because the whip never hits you. The only thing that happens is the balloon pops on there's actually a sonic boom that's created. So it's just a little bit out, it's because the whip never hits you.
Starting point is 00:14:45 The only thing that happens is the balloon pops on your skin. So psychologically, it sort of screws with your head a little bit, but it's not really gonna hurt you. So you guys are into BDSM, but not, it's not in a different way. I was interested in BDSM,
Starting point is 00:15:00 but I didn't know that you could, because I'm a, I laugh, I'm a very humorous person, I couldn't be serious. And for me, it was like, oh my goodness, sex doesn't have to be serious. I was always afraid like, my hair's gonna get messed up and my makeup's gonna get messed up and I'm gonna have the fat rolls
Starting point is 00:15:16 and my one boobs gonna be in my armpit and being a clown and having funny, fun videos. So you were counting, yeah, after she met me. Yeah, after she met me. I realized it gave me permission to have my funny, silly, messy, laffy sex that I always wanted to have, but I thought I had to be like the movies
Starting point is 00:15:34 where it was so silly. But like in London. Yeah, but I bet, right. But you know what seriously, sex is funny. There's noises, people fart. There is all sorts of groans and moans. And it's okay. And it's okay to do that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:47 And it's okay to do that, yeah. And it's okay to do that, yeah. And if he doesn't, he's not the guy for you. Yeah, totally, totally. It is messy. And if you want to be with someone who respects you, who's like into whatever, your period happens, you know, that way.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Right, absolutely. And so, okay, so then, clownsacks, then he had you a clownsacks. Mm-hmm. And then what else, how else did you like open up together? Would you say like you've always been into more kinky your stuff. So what was like the next? I started being a submissive for Ken,
Starting point is 00:16:15 I started out that way. I really tried and I realized she did a really good job. She was in for her. But it wasn't for her. Like living in that way, like you guys like, like, No, no, no, no, no, no, no, just in the badger room because I know I can't right that way But in the bedroom I try bottoming and taking the spankings and he can be really sadistic and I have a high-paying tolerance
Starting point is 00:16:34 But it just I wasn't quite into it and then I realized like I want to be you I Want to be the dominant one and it was hard for me to embrace embrace that, to be like, I'm in control in the bedroom because I've never played that role before. So we have an open relationship. I kind of became a co-pilot. Which was awesome. Because I let her know that you don't have to be in one category.
Starting point is 00:16:56 You can try, I was a submissive when I started off because I wanted to try all this stuff. So I know what it feels like to do to somebody else. And with her, I said, you can totally be a top if you want. You can be the one in charge or you can be an evil assistant. And she can actually be more sadistic and funny than I can as the evil assistant. I love being the evil assistant because in order to be a dominant and especially one that is sadistic as he is, it takes a lot of planning. And I am too busy, I have two kids, I am planning everything all the time.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I don't want all that preparation and cleanup. So he's in charge of all of the prep work. I just step in once like, who's asked you want me to hit? And it's perfect. And then how do you okay? So you guys are okay, back up. This is so interesting. So you're in open relationship.
Starting point is 00:17:39 You are married. And we are married. We are married, but we have always been in an open relationship. In fact, I think it took us a year before we actually said, I love you to one another. And admitted we were a thing. Yeah, and then we moved in shortly thereafter. And her and the girls moved in, and now we're just a big happy family.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Okay, so you kids, do they know that you're in an open relationship? And they know what's going on. You know, we don't really talk about that with them. My older one is in college. She's going into second year in college. She's going into her second year in college. She knows. I mean, I've talked about it when we were dating, but she isn't really like, so mom,
Starting point is 00:18:12 you know, were you going Friday night or anything? We don't. That's a really good question, but like the thing that I think my kids could be 50 years old, and I don't think I talk about my sex life to them. Because they're your kids. You just don't. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Now I got it. Okay. So you guys, how do you find your, so is it constant? Like, there's obviously times where just the two of you, but is it usually like every weekend, you have a new person? Or do you guys see people separately? It's actually very rare. It's actually very rare.
Starting point is 00:18:36 And it's funny because we were talking about the more that we date other people. And it's more on a casual basis. It's not like, we want to meet a third partner in all my life. No, yeah, we don't want that. We don't want that. It's just for fun. And the more that we did other people, the more we realized what a pain in the ass other people are,
Starting point is 00:18:51 and that we like each other. Oh, that's kind of good. Yeah. I think that's healthy in a way. You're like, I want to go there. And I'm like, oh, come on. It satisfies our curiosity. It satisfies our curiosity.
Starting point is 00:18:59 And it's interesting because having an open relationship for us, like I have the older I get, the more I have younger women that are attracted to me because they have sort of a daddy thing going on. Yes, I am a delf. I like delf. And one of the issues that we had is that the more the younger girls were attracted to me,
Starting point is 00:19:22 the more I was sort of bored with them because it took the, like, having an open relationship in a way takes the nautiness out of it because I have permission and license to do almost anything I want. And that actually makes it less naughty, believe it or not. And so, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:36 so that's how people like to cheat, they're like, wow. Yeah, no, totally, but we have an open relationship. You know, there's times when I do hook up with somebody, it might be like three in the morning, I'm at a party or a social event and usually work together 90% of the time But if I'm alone I'll color up and say hey this girl wants to give me a blowjob is that okay? And she says yeah, I have good sex. I'm going to bed. Seriously, so okay This is how it works. So so you couldn't just get the blowjob like that's because every person every couple in over
Starting point is 00:19:59 Relationship has to make their own rules right right so you're like hold on babe there like your pants Many of you are like I just got a call and then yeah, yeah, I'm just going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like,
Starting point is 00:20:10 I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like,
Starting point is 00:20:16 I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like,
Starting point is 00:20:21 I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be, I'm going to be like, I'm going to be, I'm going to be like sometimes I'm like, oh god, she's a flake, you know, this is gonna last a week. Oh yeah, it's basically she could do the odds in Vegas for the relationship status I have with other people. She's like, this one's gonna take about three weeks and she's usually right.
Starting point is 00:20:32 That's great. And oftentimes, you know, when we say hook up, it doesn't have to be anything sexual. It could purely be just like a BDSM thing. Like, I want you to vlog me. I want you to kind of mess with my mind and there's not sex involved. Do you guys ever just have like vanilla sex though some nights? Most of the time. It's a lot of work to like do all the prep and set it up, right? Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:20:51 It's funny though because sometimes it's in prom too. We had, right now there's a competition between me and a couple of other of my female friends who are in either open relationships or single and we have a point system. We're kind of doing, it's like flight club, but it's about sex, where we are trying to get points for doing certain acts. So when we got here to LA, one of our friends from Chicago arrived and we both helped her out together by doing some fisting under.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And I actually put on my unicorn hood, I put a condom over the unicorn horn and two over the hooves, and we were doing fisting under so that she could get five points with the hooves. Yeah, condom over the hooves. Condom over the hoves. So we doing fisting under so that she could get five points with the hooves. Yeah, condom over the hoves. Condom over the hoves. So we had magnums over them. One of the hooves are they like bigger than your hand.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Yeah, there's like I'll show you in just a second so you can see. You literally have the hooves with you. Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay, we're gonna have to take some pictures. We're gonna have to take some pictures of this for sure. We're gonna have to use some video, check it out loud in sector Emily and speaking of video. Okay, so you have your your your YouTube channel. Yes, yes, just sunny mega tronum, sunny mega tronum. Yeah, sunny mega tronum everywhere. Okay, so let's
Starting point is 00:21:47 talk about your sector sunny mega tronum and show time. Like, how did you guys come up with the idea for the show and like, tell me it just because that's what you're doing and you're going around. You know, I was doing the YouTube videos and kind of nice sometimes to them together. He has some male reviews. And our business partner now, Paul Fishvine, who is like the founder of the AVN, the adult video news empire, was looking for an educator to do just like a webisode series. And he found me on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:22:14 And he's like, I love it. It's like the American Dream. Exactly. And then things progressed from there. And all three of us were working together. And one day he's like, you know, you guys ever thought about doing a show? You wanna do a show?
Starting point is 00:22:28 Or like, yeah. So, you know, three of us sat down, we put some ideas on paper and boom, we got a show time. I mean, it was the American show time. Right, it is. It did not happen. And you went back out to our show.
Starting point is 00:22:39 You just talked, you went to different sex and art each episode, like you covered different things going on with sex. Yeah, us and Paul and Jay had gotten together the executive producers and the creators of the show and we talked about all these different sorts of segments that we wanted to try and we had things like clown sex, we had things like what were some of the other great examples like having sex in a hot environment and a cold environment. So we sort of did like a sexual myth busters sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:23:08 So we have some, you know, sciencey sort of. Did you guys have sex in the show? No, we did not. No, not at all. That's not everyone else's idea. I do my stuff in private. I'm, you know, I'm very neutral. Except for the boot picture when you guys met.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Exactly. And that was friends only anyway. Right. But basically the show takes people through various sexual scenarios, fetishes, you know, whatever it is. And what we're hoping to show is the human element and, you know, weather clown sex. It sounds weird. Because I feel like I have to get into the concept of birds that come from, like where you like have like fear of clowns and you're little and then you've sexualized it.
Starting point is 00:23:40 That's exactly what. Well, I had a grandfather that was in the circus and some of my first fondest memories are of the circus and I was actually extremely attracted to the tight-rope walkers and the Trapeze artists because of the skimpy outfits and the clowns were also one of my favorites and since then I become kind of an expert on clowns and I've done Stuff like the there's a documentary that I was in called killer legends. It's on Netflix now and it's about the history of clowns and all sorts of true crime stuff. But the it's interesting. Is that like are there other people that are really into clowns? There's a ton of people here in LA Snow Mercy throws clown parties on a regular basis and she was on our show doing a different segment. But since then the clown thing is actually taken off in a huge way and they're getting clown parties all over the United States. Because people already had it or like, oh I can get off on that or they already had it but they thought it was like a secret thing that no one else had.
Starting point is 00:24:31 That's exactly, yeah, it's a combination. I would say more secret because they felt weird. That's the thing is that you normalize sex. Everyone wants to know if they're normal, it's like it's fine, turn you on, everything's good. And the thing is, from the most bizarre to the most mundane type of sex that we show on the show, it's basically if you break all of those things down to their basic common denominator, you know, I want to feel connected to my partner or I want to feel uninhibited, not like I have to be perfect, or, you know, I want to, if someone wants to be, let's say, controlled and and they're submissive, it's because when I'm being controlled, I feel loved and like somebody cares about me.
Starting point is 00:25:09 So when you break it down to the basic need or the basic feeling, these things aren't so weird. We're all looking for the same things. They just manifest differently for whoever is into whatever. Right, okay, so the question is, so people watching your show, I mean, is it more like, because there are a lot of couples,
Starting point is 00:25:26 I mean, you know, who are in that period, that slump, and they want to spice things up, maybe 50 shades of gray did turn them on, which I started that article, because I know you guys teach all that stuff, but they don't even know how to start, like I'm not into clowns, and I can't tie you in all the balloons,
Starting point is 00:25:39 but like what do we do? Like how do we, like I'm amped-tidilated, but I don't, you know, people just, they never know how to have to have to their partner about it. What do you guys, right? Well, do we, like I'm am titillated, but I don't, you know, people just they never thought about it. The partner about it. Like what do you guys? Well, you know, first of all, hopefully the show and what we do inspire couples to talk to each other.
Starting point is 00:25:51 That's number one. We're so afraid to talk about sex. And you know, whether you're kinky or not or whether you're in an open relationship or not, some of those alternative sexual practices encourage communication. And that's what everybody should be doing. That's what I know doing and also watching the show
Starting point is 00:26:06 It lets people realize that there are other people out there that aren't satisfied with their kind of home drum Whatever their sex life is and that there are resources out there whether it's books whether it's your podcast whether It's the classes that we teach or whether it's people like Dr. Charlie Whitman Yeah, who's like one of the anal experts that we deal with I don't know he's been a Charlie is awesome and Adam, who's one of the anal experts that we deal with. I don't know, he's been on the show. Charlie is awesome. And one of the other things. The anal expert.
Starting point is 00:26:27 He is. He kept inviting me. Did you guys go to his thing Friday night and we were at the sexual aspect? We did. No, we missed it. Come here, come here, come here. I'm like, come, come here.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I've never been to one of his hands on workshops. Yeah. With the press team massage. I would love to witness that. But I have to admit. Yeah, right. There's something for us. So I feel like the show, was there anything
Starting point is 00:26:43 when you guys were filming your show that even surprised you or that was due to you or that? No. No. And that for me. In terms of sexual practices, I would say, I would say, not so much. We did, we did a feature, and this I've never seen before,
Starting point is 00:26:58 even though I can do it. Oh, no, for Michael Philia. Oh, yeah, that I taught about for years. And insect fetish. Now, I know about it, like people get off on the insect crawling on your skin, but I had never seen it. So we had a guy with the crickets and like a scorpion. And like, and I was standing on the furniture
Starting point is 00:27:15 because I'm like, that's is, you know, I'm not gonna shame him because that's the thing. No, it's cool. It's cool. It's cool. It's the sensation to him, the feeling of the, you know, the little feet of the bugs feels good to him. And I'm like, I get it.
Starting point is 00:27:29 I'm still terrified of those things that I'm standing on the furniture, but I get it. I can appreciate that you like it. And one of the other great things about our show, it's one of the only sex positive shows that is on a major network. And my job on the show is as a consulting producer, which means that while she's hosting and she's talking, I'm making sure that the different sexual subcommunities are represented in the way that they want to be, that we don't even know like this recent fiasco with Game of Thrones with the rape controversy that they had. I make sure that my job is to make sure that kind of
Starting point is 00:27:58 stuff doesn't happen that we have sort of somebody that's going to take a look at it in a broader sense and make sure that people are called what they wanna be called, that we use the proper words and that everybody is safe across the board and that we have healthy practices for everything and that people are consensual, that they have negotiated everything and that they know what they're getting into when they come to our shows.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Which is so important because there's so many, because I feel like something like the shades of gray, I felt like the movie actually, I mean, but if you just saw the movie and you knew nothing, you're like, people just don't get it. But for me, they were trying to be like, I don't get why that feels good.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I mean, there's so many people just don't have the education around it and the movie was confusing, I think, for some people. Many people, who never even heard of it, that's what it's about, so there wasn't enough education about it. And I could see television in a lot of ways they've done it, like look at these people, it's kind of crazy, but you enough education about it. I could see television in a lot of ways. They've done it. Look at these people.
Starting point is 00:28:45 It's kind of crazy, but you made it like, you know, relatable and so. Right. We get to know every, you know, couple or person that is featured. We sit down and we get to know them and we talk to them. So, you know, you get a little bit connected to these people and we learn about the relatable day-to-day things. Like, these aren't weirdos. These are your next-door neighbors.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Exactly. You know, maybe you're siblings or maybe even you. We had IT guys. We had physicians, engineers, people that were professionals. We had blue collar folks that worked in factories, people that actually worked in sex clubs, but maybe they were a dominatrix and they didn't feel like, in their personal life, they could be submissive because it's their job to be a bossy, dominant female all day long. But what they really want is to have their boyfriend spank them. Right. And then I always say to people like for 10 years on a communication is a lubrication. But I just feel like saying that it's not even just about communication because if you're
Starting point is 00:29:36 it's almost like I've started lately trying to teach you like this is how you do it because if you've been with someone for so long and you've never talked about sex, which is more common than that. It's almost like I feel like there needs to be new toy. I can't just be like, so honey, I know we've been together 15 years having sex, but like, where do we start this conversation? And I think that's why you gotta bring things
Starting point is 00:29:54 in the outside, so maybe you watch something together. You know, I mean, is there anything, I mean, you guys teach classes all over. Absolutely, yeah. Okay, so do you have any classes that just work with couple? I mean, I think that would be so interesting. Yeah. All of our classes are applicable to
Starting point is 00:30:08 couples. For instance, we teach a blowjob class. And a lot of people think it's a blowjob class. It's going to be taught by a women and only women are going to be there or people who blow, you know. And no, we teach together as a couple as a giver and receiver of
Starting point is 00:30:22 any sex couples that will come to our blowjob classes and it's very validating for someone to come with their partner who has a penis and for their partner with the penis to hear what we're saying and turn to the partner and go, that's absolutely great. See, I love that because people, I've talked about class and people are like,
Starting point is 00:30:38 oh, well, how would you know? But it's right, and then next time I am teaching, I'm gonna have a guy from there who's like, can help me teach it together because it's like, what would it, you know, it's just better to have both of your perspectives on that. Absolutely. Everyone wants to upload jobs, so I'm going to take quick break and I would love to get your blow best blow job tips.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Awesome. Okay, because who doesn't want to give a better blow job? But first, okay, to my amazing listeners, let me ask you a question. Are you getting enough? You probably love more, right? Well, wants to give you more. They want to give you 10 free gifts. First, you'll get a sexy surprise for her.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Second, especially selected toy for him. And third, a little something we know you'll both enjoy. Plus, you'll get six full length adult movies on DVD. Because, you know, hey, I know you saw that DVD player and you didn't want that, right? Number 10, free shipping. I hate, we will start it for shipping. It makes me insane. Give me free shipping, God, damn it. So what do you do to get your first 10 free gifts? It is not hard at all. Go to, select anyone item. It could be an
Starting point is 00:31:41 adventurous new toy, sexy piece of lingerie, anything you desire. Literally anything you think about. I don't know if they have unicorn mass they might, but you know you should go to Adam Eve, check it out and to offer code Emily at checkout 1010 free gifts. free shipping the whole deal that's Emily code Emily at Okay, sunny and Ken. Hello. Thank you for being here. This is so fun. Let's get into friggin' blow jobs.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Okay. Because I swear to God every single day you get a blow job question, it's like either it's either it's from emails or it's on the street. Like, like, my, you know, what do I do? My partner wants more blow jobs. I don't like giving them or, you know, you always hear the whole light added. We got married. That was my last blow job. Like, say, you buy blow jobs, I don't like giving them, or you know, you always hear the whole, like, adage, we got married, those my last blow job, like, say good bye to blow jobs. How do you get people to, I mean,
Starting point is 00:32:30 if we're getting tips, but what about, let's just take a stereotypical woman, for example. Right, not stereotypical, but like, let's talk about like a straight couple, okay. I'm gonna love. And she just like, doesn't like it, like she's with someone, she's like, I just don't like the taste of smell, man.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Good at it, who knows, just a million things. And like, I'm like, well, you know, pretend to get extension of him and you love him and you want, but what about you guys teach him? You were like, how do you convert it up? How do you convert it up? Absolutely, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:32:50 When we teach our blow job classes, the first portion of the classes devoted to the psychology of the blow job, both from the giver and the receivers point of view. Now, when I teach about giving blow jobs, I was the person who hated giving the blow jobs. I love this. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:05 First of all, I have jaw issues. So I have TMJ, my face hurts. I have an extra small mouth. So when I go to the dentist, he has to use pediatric size instruments on my mouth. Okay. And I- Even you can give a blow job.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Exactly. I grew up thinking the only way to give a blow job was to like turn your face into a vacuum cleaner, deep throat the whole time. You know, your jaw is sore. And it wasn't until I realized that, first of all, I was in control of the blowjob. I could be comfortable giving the blowjob. It's not all about my mouth. I can do, you know, there's blowjob hacks.
Starting point is 00:33:40 And because I have the extra small mouth, I need to employ lots of blowjob hacks and I don't know how to deep throat at all. And that's not necessary because you have the extra small mouth, I need to employ lots of blowjob hacks and I don't know how to deep-throw at all. And that's not necessary, because you have hands. Hands, you have to let them. Even like, you know, some of us can lift up our boobs and you know, slide them on there. Yeah, I mean, they're so many other things you can do
Starting point is 00:33:57 and as long as you're making the penis feel good and it's wet and, you know, he doesn't care if it's all my mouth or a little hand or what it feels good. And I'm down there being enthusiastic about it, which just that in and of itself makes him a lot happy. And to be honest, I've had a lot of blow jobs in my life and she's the best. I've like, I've had porn stars blow me, I've had swingers, I've had, you for the best? You know, it's just skill and she's a natural born cocksucker. Yeah, I mean, I think it's a little bit of It was it was it no yeah, no, from the first time she gave me a blowjob She's absolutely amazing and I think it was that she would anticipate my needs
Starting point is 00:34:36 She does a lot with the hands and then we also communicate so one of the good hacks that we teach people are Watch your guy jack off because the way that he jacks off is the way that he wants to have his penis touch The other thing is that men need to know that they can have a blowjob as either an appetizer Before the sex or have it as a main course and if you communicate to somebody that you want it as the main course It gives you permission to sort of cut loose and you kind of know more what you're expecting Right because then he's thinking like oh I shouldn't come back because they're back down it gives you permission to sort of cut loose and you kind of know more what you're expecting. You can chill right? Because then he's thinking like, oh I shouldn't come on me up because we're about to.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Right. And I don't know how many times I've given a blowjob or you know, I'm like, you know, doing my thing and I'm thinking, okay, is this it? What am I doing? Should I stop? Should I turn around? Should I keep going?
Starting point is 00:35:16 I don't know. And that takes away from me being in the moment and just enjoying. So what's the hack you're just like babe, I want you, this is for you like come on you to come and mount whatever. And then you send that message to him or I want you to, you like to beforehand, you're like this blow, because you can't be like this blow job,
Starting point is 00:35:27 it's just this is gonna be the main course. Here I go. Yeah, well we talked about it before the blow job actually begins and then like we talk about tips with one another and we actually review ourselves, like whenever we're using anything from toys, maybe she's you know pressing a little bit in my parenting and we're giving me a prostate massage in addition
Starting point is 00:35:43 to blowing me so we talk about what we're going to be doing ahead of time. Really like your ass. Okay, we do. Before we, we've back up. Sure. So you've got like a production schedule almost before hand. You're like, this blow job is going to involve the pain. No, it's more, it's more, you know, we're making out or I got the hands there.
Starting point is 00:35:59 And it's like, so what do you want to do? Do you want this to be all about you today? Or, you know, I'll be like, no, you know, I think why don't you get me going? Then I want to turn you around after that. Right, so it's not like, no, I didn't take you or like, I think you were like sending me and having a cell spread sheet or anything.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Although there are some, that makes her hot, by the way, actually loves a cell spread sheet. Yeah, that's one of my king's cell spread sheets. Seriously? Yes. Yes. It makes me, I can't even open my P and L. I'm like, I really like it. It's like Chinese to me. I seriously can't read it, but that's, that's seriously. Yes. Yes. It makes me, it makes me, I can't even open my P&L. I'm like, I really like it.
Starting point is 00:36:25 It's like Chinese to me. I seriously can't read it. But that's, I wish I could. Go ahead. It's nothing. It's business. One of the things that we do is we actually do have, because we are sexologists, we have to test a lot
Starting point is 00:36:36 of sex toys. Yeah, come on. We have to learn the toys for, yeah, the toys. The blow jobs, let's go for some study. Yeah, so one of the best toys for guys, one of the best toys for guys is a teardrop cock ring that's made out of metal. What it is is it's shaped like a tear
Starting point is 00:36:50 that sort of bent into a curve and it gives you an external prostate massage. And this stuff, it's like metal Viagra. Yeah, the first time she had it, she saw that like how huge, because it's restricting blood flow, my cock was like the Hulk and veins were popping out. I could almost hear the skin scratching. It's like, oh my god. And it's restricting blood flow. My cock was like the Hulk and veins were popping out. I could almost hear the skin scratching.
Starting point is 00:37:05 It's like, oh my god. And it's absolutely amazing feeling. It's metal, completely metal. Completely metal. Yeah, you put one testicle, then the second, and then the flaccid cock goes in. But it's funny, because we learned a very good tip recently. Always learning.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Yeah, I have three degrees on medical related areas. And we were talking to some EMT friends, and they said one of the problems that they've been having recently is that somebody created a cock ring made out of titanium, the saws they have in the ER can't cut through that. So they actually had to call the fire department to get this guy out of a cock ring
Starting point is 00:37:36 because his erection wouldn't go down. And I've heard this, I have a friend who works in the hospital and he's like, these people keep coming in with cock rings, I just heard the same thing. It's titanium, like the softer metal's aluminum that's in stainless, that's not a problem, but titanium's too hard.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Getting nervous with like the aluminum or stainless ones, they make like tantas makes a great silicon. Silicon one, yeah. Okay, to your drawer. Tantas, right. So you can probably get that at a beneath. People have, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:59 So you, but then it has a prostate, but can you talk, let's talk about the prostate for a minute. Sure. So, because I think it is, you know, we talk about a lot on the show, we've had Charlie on everything, but if there are a lot of people who are like afraid of it, I think it is, you know, we talk about a lot on the show, we've had Charlie on everything, but if there are a lot of people who are afraid of it, I'm always like, you know, just try, like,
Starting point is 00:38:09 well, if you don't like it, you don't have to do it again, but it could be this amazing thing. But you also have to be careful if you don't know what you're doing. So would you just recommend they would get this coccering to go in there? Where would you say it would be like the beginning prostate action during a blowjob? Or just...
Starting point is 00:38:23 You know what? Like with the prostate stuff, we actually talk about that ahead of time because you don't want to like surprise somebody, especially action during a blowjob. You know what? Well, like with the prostate stuff, we actually talk about that ahead of time because you don't want to like surprise somebody, especially because most hetero men are so scared to put things in their butt. And that has nothing to do with who they love.
Starting point is 00:38:35 It has to do with like, there's a lot of nerve endings in there. It feels really good. But like, we talk about it ahead of time. And our most popular video to date, I think it's over 200,000 hits now, which is good for a sex review video on YouTube, is when I got my first prostate massage from her,
Starting point is 00:38:50 and even though I had been into this for a long time, just never had one, and they're so good for men's health because having a monthly prostate massage actually lessens the chance of you getting prostate cancer by almost 30%. That is what I've heard. So you actually do the prostate massage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:06 And I mean, you go to the urologist and the urologist, you're going to blow you. But yeah, the urologist won't blow you. Then you got to go out and see the nurses. I'll awkward after. You might as well just do a thing that you teach it. That's amazing. Because I think that people are very confused by it.
Starting point is 00:39:19 And there's a very simple reason, by the way, why it helps reduce cancer? Because massaging the prostate actually oxygenates the prosthetic fluid and gets rid of any viral bacterial or fungal buildups. And it's as simple as that. It's like, damn, it's gone. I know.
Starting point is 00:39:36 That's great. They should check it out on your YouTube page. Yes. Yes. And there's so many people who are like, I'm afraid to try it. I'm afraid to try it. And finally they try it. And they come to me and they're like, I don't know why I didn't do that years ago.
Starting point is 00:39:47 My orgasm, like multiplied, you know, 10 fold. It was amazing. Like I saw like deities come out from the havenings and I spoke in tongues. I was on Jason Ellis's serious ex-exam show the other day. You guys are Jason, you know. And he was like the first thing I'd never met him. But like within the first two minutes and he was like the first thing I never met him But like within the first two minutes he's like, I never had one my girlfriend. I promise I'd say I'd six or like he was like
Starting point is 00:40:09 Freaking out about it, you know, and it was like the best they have ever experienced it was pretty recent And you know, I just think that you know, I mean I just I'm always telling I mean I've talked about this for years that they keep Who have you ever met anyone who didn't like it? I mean, it was, you do it right. No, yeah. And, you know, and I've met a lot of people that are afraid and took them a while to do it. And then all of them, when they'd be like, I don't know why I didn't this is for, I don't know why I was scared.
Starting point is 00:40:34 And I say to a lot of people, if they're afraid to do it with their partner, they're plenty of toys, like the aneroes toys, you can do it by yourself. Because, you know, I encourage people, if you're afraid to do it, if you just can't do it with a partner, try it alone. The nearest, right?
Starting point is 00:40:47 The tanters, what's it called? The nearest toy, the one that's just, or I guess they're all from them, but the, right, right. That's, that's a good thing. They have a whole huge line of them. Also, the enjoy pure one, like the, the small end of the enjoy pure one is one of the things that I prefer to use for my prostate. Like if I'm making her squirt with a G-spot action,
Starting point is 00:41:05 we use the big N, the small one is for my prostate. Right, I love the N-joy too. Okay, let's talk about squirting. I'm glad you brought that up. Yes. Okay, had you always squirted? No. Okay, so this is so good.
Starting point is 00:41:16 I'm glad we're talking about that. Okay, because when I first started, we always like, ANAL is a new blow job. Okay, that was like something we were saying like 10 years ago. And now I feel like squirting is the new Aino. And then I actually was gonna ask you what's gonna come after squirting. But let's stick with squirting for a second. Because I give this all the time,
Starting point is 00:41:31 because I think that people have saw it porn and whatever, like can anyone learn to squirt? Yes, you know, most people can. However, I usually preface the whole like, I need to learn how to work my G spot by not everyone likes it. Right, it may not be everything. It's cracked cracked up to because you see it in the porn. You see people going, you know, the magazine article is like, hey, yeah, G-Spot's of the new anal kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And you might be expecting a lot more of it than really is. Right. And I usually tell people that learning how to, you know, quote, unquote, work your G-Spot is a lot like writing a bike. All the magazine articles will make you think, Oh, it's just a magic button. And once you find it, you just press it and you're, you know, old faithful. And bam, you win it sex. Like that.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Right. It's, it's like learning how to write a bike. Some of us might get it in a few weeks. Some of us it might take months, you know, whatever it is, but it's a lot, the ride is a lot more fun at least learning than learning how to write a bike and follow it on your butt. Right. Um, so I think us adjusting our expectations about what squirting is, what, you know, having G-spot
Starting point is 00:42:30 orgasms is what it might things. Because you have a squirt and not have an orgasm. Right. Or you can do them together as well. Exactly, which is amazing. Right. It happens. But I think that a lot of you will seek its both. Right. Like, you know, and it's not a further one. Oh, and one of the other big misconceptions is that sometimes people dribble a little bit, but it's both, like, you know, and it's not for everyone. Oh, and one of the other big misconceptions is that sometimes people dribble a little bit, but it's because maybe their urethro was dragged inside and they have a retrograde squirt that goes in towards the body instead of outwardly.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Right, exactly. So for you, when you, so you hadn't squirted until Ken guys hands on you? No, actually I got my hands on myself. Yeah, she got her hands on herself, she didn't. I became single and I was like, this is it. You know, I'm in my mid 30s. If I don't use it now, I'm gonna break a hip
Starting point is 00:43:06 but I'm never gonna be able to use it. So I went out and I got all these toys and I went out. Did you have a G-spot orgasm before? No, I've been in the night. So let's talk about your journey to your G-spot then. So your single, you get toys. Right, so I was just, I got all these toys
Starting point is 00:43:19 and I had been laid off. So the kids were in school all day. So I was like, lay in and I bed, touching myself for hours. And I realized for me, usually after I have a clitorial orgasm, because I'm a clitorial girl, most, most of us are, that's kind of my prime time. And I got a curved toy that was similar to the Android pure one, a little bit different, but similar concepts. And it
Starting point is 00:43:43 happened. And I was like, oh, what just happened? Oh my goodness, it was great. So I was a slow progression. But did you happen probably the first day you sat home and said, I'm going to do some of this. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:43:55 It's a practice practice practice practice. It's not going to happen. And I think that a lot of women just assume well, it's never happened with a penis. Several of the anarchists, I only have literal orgasms. I'm like, not true. Like how much time have you spent right
Starting point is 00:44:05 trying to figure it out? And there's different toys. Use your finger. Fingers are great place, but toys. Why not just get a toy and figure that out? And to be honest with you, even though I have G
Starting point is 00:44:13 Spoto orgasms now and they feel good and I can squirt now, I still prefer my clitorial. Yeah, I'm sorry. They're just they're two different animals. They're apple two
Starting point is 00:44:20 oranges. And sometimes I like to eat apples. Usually I like to eat the oranges, but ever you know, an apple every once in a while is okay, but it didn't change my life. It didn't change my life. It felt good, it was a little different. And then were you able to transfer that into having
Starting point is 00:44:33 when you're having sex? Not with a penis, I still can't do it with a penis. Which is, which isn't abnormal? I like having lots of toys. That's like a special treat for me. If I think that she's warmed up enough and she can't squirt, we break out the enjoy or the glass first. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:49 And I love it. I love it. Yeah. No, it's hot. No, that's awesome. I love that. And it is true. That is a good point that I always say that you have, it's most women doing to have the
Starting point is 00:44:58 literal view around, to have a literal orgasm first. Right. Okay. Absolutely. Yeah. And so I think this is me where like, I don't know who it was. I was talking to like everyone I talked about sex. They were like, I kept trying it. Oh, it was a friend of mine that I had never had a G-spot. So I gave her bunch of toys and she said, I can't do it. I can't do it. I was like, no, no, you got to start.
Starting point is 00:45:13 She's like, Oh, I was just because she always had clear orgasms. I was like, no, no, no, you got to start. You know, so it's important point. I think for everyone, but you get warmed up. Do we know? It's important for me to understand that our erectile tissue is on the inside. So just like you can't expect a man to have an orgasm without, you know, having a direction, getting worked up, it's the same with us, but we can't see
Starting point is 00:45:33 when we're warmed up and when our erectile tissue is engorge and we have, you know, our internal heart on surface. Exactly. So like I usually recommend having a clitoral orgasm first, because that's usually a pretty sure fire way to know like all that erectile tissue is engorged and ready to go.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Absolutely. Lady boners aren't visible. Exactly. Exactly, but they do exist. They do exist. What are some of your favorite toys though? Anything new coming to your life that's changed your life? Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I. Oh, my new favorite is the enticed body wand. It's a silicone. It's sort of like a hotachy wand, but it's a mini, but both ends vibrate. So it has like the hotachi-ish head and then kind of a pointy end on the other end and they can both vibrate. And I love it and it's rechargeable. So that's kind of about a new favorite.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Okay. And what about G-Spot Toys? What do you have? You know, I am, I'm an enjoy pure one girl. There's also the, uh, comment G by JoPin. It's the similar shape to the end joy, but it's got some vibration to it. Even though I find myself for my G-spot, I'm not into the vibration. Some people are, but like, that's the thing too. Some of them vibrates, some of them don't. Right. I just want to like the toys that vibrate, especially for someone who's new and doesn't know if they
Starting point is 00:46:45 like vibration or not, because if you don't like vibration, just don't turn it on. Exactly. And if you find that you like vibration great, if you find that you discover G spot and you don't like it, you can use that vibrating toy as a clay toy and just use it externally. So to me, it's, you know, more dual purpose if you're not sure. Right. And that's why this is all about experimentation. And I think this is so such a helpful conversation
Starting point is 00:47:05 because people just write off that they can't have it certain. Wait, that's why they make so many toys now. That's why toys are like, you know, changing so much with technology and the silicone and rechargeable, it is overwhelming. And you might have to get a few. Like they might not be the one for, you know, but you just gotta keep trying and see what works.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Cause it's different, just cause I love a toy. They're essentially having like my, my staff, my, I'm like, this is my favorite. They're like, I didn't love that one, but I love this. You know, we talk about it, where we actually, you know, our next shows would be, we do a lot of interns, sex, her few days, and like a lot of them have
Starting point is 00:47:31 like the first orgasms, it's very exciting. And, but you know, they might not love what I love, and we discussed it. And I think that that just helps people realize, like, we're all freaking different. Yeah. And I can recommend my favorites and tell you what they do, but you gotta, you know, figure it out.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Try it for yourself. Yeah, it's interesting that a lot of the companies now are just coming out with good sex toys for men. Like the Cobra Libre is one of my favorites. And that's a fun factory, I believe. Yeah, fun factory. And what it does is like most like the fun factory Cobra Libre and then the hot octopus are all things
Starting point is 00:47:59 that basically vibrate really, really strongly on the front and the outside of the head of the cock. So it's only that first inch and a half to two inches is what they're focusing on on the bottom side of it, but it is the equivalent of a clitoris at that point. So it's just focusing on that. Okay, wait, so it's not, so you put it over your, and it just stimulates the front and the long,
Starting point is 00:48:19 which I always say is the underside of the penis. Yeah, so you underside, if you take your figure and you put it out, like if you're pointing straight out, the bottom side of the penis is, it has more pleasure receptors than the top side. So, especially just like your finger. Just like your finger. Help me down the shaft and they don't just,
Starting point is 00:48:32 how do they not know that? You know what they do, but they just haven't thought about how to relate it. Right, okay, got it. So that, so that, what is the toy that you said? It's the coberly ride by Fun Factory and then the hot octopus is the other one. I love Fun Factory toys.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I love how they charge and love other buttons. It's a great toy. I think it's because I most talk about toys for women, a little bit for men, but I feel like vibrations toys not just for women. I should go shopping. Go shopping. Okay. We could stop me answering email.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Here. How's that? Okay. Thanks everyone. I appreciate you emailing me feedback at I love hearing from you. Okay. And now we've got three-lear to help you with all your problems.
Starting point is 00:49:08 So here we go, or your issues or challenges. I don't really like saying problems. This is the challenge. Hi Emily, I'm a new listener, and I'm enjoying getting caught up on many of your recent podcasts and I have a very long trip to work. I'm looking for ways to spice things up with my wife
Starting point is 00:49:20 when I return home in a few weeks and think she might like some eroticus and she loves literature and writing fiction and short stories. However, even though she's a sexual and sensual woman, I don't think she'd be into or appreciate anything too graphic or hardcore. Can you suggest any websites, books, or other sources where she, we could find something for couples that's hot and gets us both going but wouldn't be perceived as degrading to women or otherwise embarrassed or turn her off, thanks Dave.
Starting point is 00:49:46 All right. Well, as we were talking about the beginning of the podcast, have you seen 50 Shades of Grey? Because that really is the movie, even though like I said, if I'm dissecting it from a how-to point of view, it's lacking, but it's beautiful. It's pretty to look at.
Starting point is 00:50:03 It is pretty to look at. It got me moist in the crotch area. You know, so that's beautiful. It's pretty to look at. It's pretty like it. It got me, you know, moist in the in the crotch area. You know, so that's a great place to start. Depending on how graphic she wants to be, there is a lot of, you know, female centric porn, feminist porn out there. That might be something that's up our alley, just depending on, you know on how many parts she wants to see. One of my favorite websites is beautiful agony. I like people agony.
Starting point is 00:50:31 And it's, you know, you don't see any private parts, nothing, it's just a camera on the face of someone who's having an orgasm. And that is, even though it's completely, you know, technically, you know, very clean, because you're not seeing anything. It is one of the most erotic things I have ever seen. I thought, when I first started my show, like someone's like, have you seen Guidavaglia? No, like 10 years ago it's been around and it's still, it's a subscription site.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Yeah, yeah, it's like a monthly, and it's, I can't remember how much, but it's not too expensive. No, but it's not like watching women's faces. Right, and they have some free videos too. So you can log on and like check out a couple and maybe that'll do it. I've got a couple suggestions to Anne Rice's new book. Oh, yeah. Her new book in the Beauty series.
Starting point is 00:51:14 What's the new? Oh, Beauty's Kingdom. Beauty's Kingdom. And there's another one on Nina Hartley's husband, Ernest Green wrote a book called Master of O. So it's sort of a continuation of the story But if they're into some of the BDSM perspective stuff even on a light level the Master of O is a great form of erotic And they just came out if if they're like me and they're a comic bookie
Starting point is 00:51:36 They came out with an illustrated novel version of the Master of O and that just came out in March Okay, and he was on my show actually five about six months ago if you want to see the episode I think so he's great and Nina And of course, oh my god, they're so fun. I know. And then also story of oh, yeah, story of oh, yeah, it's all good. Okay. So I think we have time for one more. Okay. Dear Emily. Oh, here's our thing. Uh, guys, when you email me, I love it. And if you could tell me where you live, it'd be awesome. And also how you listen to the show and how will you are? That helps us a lot. Okay. My name is Pam H.
Starting point is 00:52:10 I'm from Massachusetts. I'm 30 years old. I've been married for five years together with my hobby for 15 years. High school sweetheart. I had a baby girl 16 months ago and I know that with her hormonal, hormonal changes, I can be pretty dry. My husband does still excite me very much. I'm still very trapped at home. We honestly don't have sex too much because, well, the baby, and working full time, it just hard to find the time. Last week we had sex two days in a row. Both times were great, but the second day he pulled out the lube, we had the standard
Starting point is 00:52:38 KY. Well, I offered sex the third day, and he said as much as he'd left, he couldn't because he was raw, he showed me an all the way around his head was raw and irritated. He said, I was super dry even with a lube and he'd shaved. I felt awful because he said, I guess I don't excite you anymore. He does. I swear one reason I married him. Because his sex is so bad and good.
Starting point is 00:52:58 So to my question, what is your favorite lube? I don't like it being too super slippery. I forgot to let it go. I was good too, but I'm kind of afraid to try. What could we do? Should I talk about it? I'll be about it being too dry. I'm a new listener, but you're so fond of listening to Thanks Pam. Well, I have one thing to say first of all, she said in there, like, you know, he's afraid I don't accept. No, you're level of wetness or dryness has nothing to do with how turned on you are. It could be so many things where you are in your cycle, what medication you're on, how hydrated or dehydrated
Starting point is 00:53:27 you are. So don't think that there's a connection there because there isn't. I always say that there's such a stigma with loops though because you know, guys, feelings get hurt and she feels bad and the whole thing. And I'm just like, I want to leave it every night and stand like it should be part of your sexual
Starting point is 00:53:39 repertoire but not KY. No, I would actually recommend silicone, lube or coconut oil either one. You're not going to, if they're using a condom for whatever reason, even if they're married, you don't want to use an oil based lube at all. But silicone lube is great. And to get the guys involved a little bit more, let them jack off with it first, because I'll tell you what silicone lube is absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Wicked actually makes one of the most amazing ones. Gun oil is really great. Oh, I love it. Lube is like, yeah, that's where my new face. One thing I could ask for them is the guy circumcised or not because that made make a difference to what's going on with that as well. Okay, so now I want to include
Starting point is 00:54:11 if your partner circumcised. I like system Joe, I like pure. I like, yeah, I mean, I would just try the lube and I would just take, yeah, exactly, tell them that it's not. Yeah, and things. Yeah, as I know all of us in this room, no thing like kind of your drugstore loops like K Y, not
Starting point is 00:54:30 really the best thing. There are so many things in there that can irritate you that I would suggest staring clear. And if you don't have access to a sex store, you don't want to order online, as long as you're not using condoms, get that extra virgin coconut oil, and go to town, it tastes good. I am. I haven't used it yet as a little bit because I have so many loops to test all the time.
Starting point is 00:54:50 But I know, I put a love coconut oil for everything else. There's an article like 100 uses for this. Yeah, I reuse it all the time, like everything from our coffee to whatever. Also, Adam and Eve, I know carries it, and they distribute everywhere throughout the world. They do, they do. So check out Adam and Eve use code Emelie
Starting point is 00:55:02 and get some really good freaking lewabes. And silicone lewes, that's a bad rap for so long, but it really is great and that's to use it with a toy. Like don't use it with your toys always because it can break down the materials, but otherwise like yeah, it's a free, you'll like it feels good. And I usually find if I have a good quality silicone Louis Vest and a good quality toy, granted your mileage, my very, and there's no guarantees. But I oftentimes find as long as I have quality silicone, I can use them together. I recommend spot testing it, like do a little spot to see, but knock on wood. I've been pretty lucky
Starting point is 00:55:31 mixing silicone with silicone. Yeah, I, yeah. Yeah. The higher the higher quality silicone is medical grade and it won't counteract. Okay, so get, you know, it's spend the money. It's worth it. It's a good face cream, like get a good. And it's's going side to side. Just spend the money because it lasts longer. Exactly. And it has a hundred uses. You can use it in your hair to get rid of frizzies. Right, exactly. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:55:51 And runners, Chase, if you're a jogger. Same with my down under comfort. Do you know it's funny that I just I went earlier in the show, the down under comfort cream to powder formulae, you can use a dry shampoo and the cake. Oh really? Yeah. I've actually used it before as ball powder. What? I love ball powder. Yeah. Have I, have I, have I, did I give you guys some? No, no, we're gonna do that. I need some. So that's okay. Okay, guys, well,
Starting point is 00:56:12 we got, thank you so much for joining me. So, Sunny and then tell me all your other stuff that you want. Yeah. So, Sunny, Sunny or go to, to showtime and just look up Sunny Megatron. The whole first season is available on demand or on the Showtime anytime app. You can find me on any social media, whether it's YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, I'm Sunny at UNNY Megatron and Ken. You can find me on all of Sunny's websites. We both write a lot of articles there. You can also just find me on Twitter at PsychicKen or it looks like side chicken.
Starting point is 00:56:44 PSY chicken. That's right. Okay. Thank you guys so much. Thanks for having us. Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:52 And everyone, I love you. Thank you for listening. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, which is all at Sector's Emily. How easy is that? And also, what else we have to say here? Oh, if you guys like the show and you, you know, people always ask me like, how do we listen? I feel like podcasting is,
Starting point is 00:57:05 right now everyone's kind of getting it, but there's a lot of apps you can download that are really easy, there's the free iTunes app, which is called podcast, I think comes along with iTunes app. There's also podcast one, which is a great app. And if you want to, you like to show a review of some iTunes, that is awesome. We're also always looking for interns,
Starting point is 00:57:22 all this stuff, emails, feedback at So thanks everyone for listening. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at Thanks for listening. Okay, so the deal is, oh, Sunny, can I'm glad you're here for me because actually this is my final words.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I'm gonna talk about the flashlight. Have you guys used a flashlight? I have like almost the entire series. Okay, go ahead. I've tested all of them. The Nina Hartley one is my favorite by the way. Her texture is just amazing. I bet it would be.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Right, that's awesome. Okay, so I always talk about the flashlight and how amazing is we talk a lot about male toys on the show. But tell me if you guys use it together or a flashlight, what's your favorite thing about it? The favorite thing to me is just the consistency of the, in the camera call if it's TPE or TPR. I know it's one of the two, but it just like, it's the texture. It feels absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 00:58:11 It has so many little bumps and like, like different textures on the inside that it does things that a human mouth vagina or ass can't replicate. And so if guys, if you want a alone time, flashlight is easy to use. It's easy to clean. You just unscrew the cap on the bottom and just like clean out the inside of it. It's great for a quickie. Have one at your office, stash it in the dust.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Exactly. And a little one, the flight, like it's, yeah, totally. It's even great for partner sex, you know, whether it's like, hey, you know, just had some dental worked on or, you know, don't want to do. Right, like I'm going to be just like my other hand, I'm just doing it.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Or, you know, I'm going to work on other parts of you or whatever it is, it's great. And I know I interviewed a lot of the flesh like girls and I just got fascinated by like, how did you pick your texture? Like it was like stoia and stuff. Yeah, I'll secure it all those people. Yeah, and they're all different. I love what you said that it's not something that you can actually experience.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Like, it doesn't matter, you threw a mouth or threw a hand. Right, they're not replicating an enemy. They're having very specific textures on the inside of the replicating area. I love it. Are they all like out displayed? I'd love to come to your house. Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Yeah, we have so many sex toys, but yeah, they're all displayed on the inside of my man cave. Okay, good. I love it. Okay, so everyone check out fleshlight and just get one. I mean, you've heard me talking about it and I don't know. All everyone up till again. It was like, why do you make me get this fleshlight? It sucks. I've never heard that except for thank you Emily, whereas a
Starting point is 00:59:33 fleshlight been my whole life. So check it out. Go to

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