Sex With Emily - Make Sex Fun (Again)

Episode Date: December 3, 2014

In today’s show, Emily’s dishing out advice to help you have the best sex and relationships. Topics include how to last longer in bed, how to make scheduled sex fun, and how to get back into the d...ating scene after being hurt. She gives tips for a listener on how to master mutual orgasms despite a lagging libido, and helps a guy get over his past relationship traumas to start dating again. Menace offers some controversial tips on how to land the prettiest girl in the room, while Emily questions the effectiveness of dating games. To play or not to play? That is the question.No matter what has happened in the past, or what you’re trying to make happen for your future, Emily is here to remind us what were may have forgotten along the way - Sex and dating are meant to be fun! This podcast has the tips you need to move forward in your sex life and in your relationship. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Today's show is all about you because I love getting your emails that you send to feedback at and you have so many questions lately and I just want to answer them all so we can all have the best sex life of our lives. We are going to be talking about how to have better sex, dating dilemmas, fulfilling your sexual fantasies, what to do with you or your partner in an orgasm, that and everything else on this episode of Sex with Emily. But first, I want to thank everyone for listening to the show because I love being able to help you have the sex life and relationships you deserve, which is why I invented the most amazing thing on Earth.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I mean, I know I invented it, so I don't want to pat myself on the back, but massage candles, they're amazing, and who doesn't need to spice things up in the bedroom. A massage candle is the perfect thing because okay, it's a candle, beautiful candle. So look at regular candle. And it sets the atmosphere, it's a Roma therapy, and of course, amazing sex will follow because why? Well, let me tell you what a massage candle. It looks like a regular candle like I said, but it turns into the most warm, luxurious massage oil. So if you choose, after you blow it out, you can pour it on your partner and give them a delicious, luxurious massage.
Starting point is 00:01:10 And that gets you in the mood, it relaxes you, especially with the holidays coming up, everyone's all stressed out. And I have to say, like, you've been warned that these candles actually do lead to great sex, because the combination of the oil and the sense just will blow your mind and your partners.
Starting point is 00:01:27 And here is from a listener said to me, dear Emily, my girlfriend was skeptical at first, but agreed to try the warm oil on me first and gave me a back rub. Then I reciprocated and we had amazing sex. She could not stop talking about how good the candle smells and how great the massage oil feels. I'm convinced the scent and the candle helped us through some of the barriers to sex that we face lately. So if you support me and you support the show and you want to support my candles which are amazing go to Emily and use code Emily for 20% off that's Emily and use code
Starting point is 00:01:58 Emily. Oh and it's the holidays I think we've been having bigger discounts now so check it all out on the website. Thanks everyone for listening. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mark our secret institutions. Bit-room eyes, they call them in a bag on day. Hey, Aveline, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute.
Starting point is 00:02:25 The girls got a hair stand. It's a lie. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, but only? What do you mean, like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:02:35 Oh my god, I'm all for ourselves. I'm grown up. Being bad feels pretty good. You know, Abelene's not the kind of girl you just play with. Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can listen to all of our podcast, sign up for a mailing list, and you know, it's the holidays. So, okay, the holidays are around the corner, and I know you're thinking, what do I get
Starting point is 00:03:09 my partner, what do I do, and I've got some of the best tips on my site in my newsletters, which you should totally sign up for on my website that is going to tell you exactly what he or she wants. I know they might not have told you this, but everyone wants a little sexy site, spicy something. And I've picked out the latest and greatest toys and products that will make your partner very happy. So check all that out.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And in the upcoming shows, we'll be talking about that and everything else. So thanks for joining me, and I'm here with Menace. Hello. Which is so wonderful to see you. Good to see you, too. You're so whispering today. I am.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah. Like usually I am. Where's your energy at? What's going on? Are you working too much? What do you think? Yeah, probably. Like usually I'm- Where's your energy at? What's going on? Are you working too much? What do you think? Yeah, probably. Yeah, I'm whispery, but whispery is good.
Starting point is 00:03:51 You're like really low today. Like usually I'm really high like this? Yeah, yeah. Come on, pick it up. I'm in your presence. I know, I'm so happy that you're here. I barely got to even say hello to you, which we don't really talk off long away. No, because I want to say it for the show.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Exactly. I know, do you have a lot of questions and everything. I do have a lot of questions. I do have a lot of questions. One, how's your brother? My brother's really good. He's good. Yeah, my brother is in a really good place right now. That's good. Yeah, he's traveling all over.
Starting point is 00:04:15 He's really never home, never working, and having really good life. When is he going to take us with him? I know, no shit, really. I'm like, I want to be your girlfriend. No, he's having a great time. And he's, you know, oh, so I didn't go home for Thanksgiving this year.
Starting point is 00:04:28 This is like the first year in like a long time because I just really needed a vacation. And family, though I love my family, they're not really, it's not a vacation. So they're running back and forth. I love my nieces. And I thought I'm gonna go home and like later on this month when it's just more chill
Starting point is 00:04:43 and I wanted this little break over Thanksgiving. So maybe I sound so chill and whispery because I'm gonna go home and like later on the month when it's just more chill and I wanted a little break over Thanksgiving. So maybe I sound so chill and whispery because I'm actually relaxed. Oh, relax. Well, not really. But you know, no, I am, I am relaxed actually. Things are going well.
Starting point is 00:04:53 And my brother's great and he loves you. So he's gonna come out and visit soon. I love hanging out with him. I know, he's the best of our, you missed in the last time he was here. So I haven't seen you in a long time. I know. It feels like. It feels like it. It feels like it.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And what the hell's been going on in your life? I have a really cool story. Okay. By the way, are you saying that you want to tell others? I just want to make sure I remember to tell you have to. Okay. But how's your life going on? You know, my life has been really good.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I've been dating a bunch. Uh-huh. Yeah. And I've been deciding that like I like, okay. So since I moved to LA, I've mostly been dating people that I get fixed up with because you know, I've been working all the time and I don't get out as much.
Starting point is 00:05:28 And, you know, I tried a little Tinder here and there, but that just wasn't my bag, as far as not saying it never will be again, but I've just been, you know, out there, like meeting people and going out more and it's been fun. No one that's like super exciting to me right now that I think is gonna be it, but I'm having a lot more fun.
Starting point is 00:05:46 I thought you were like looking for a boyfriend last time I was talking to you. It wasn't that I was looking for a boyfriend which I know shocked you and you almost got your chair. You know, I mean, yeah, I think I'm at the point now where menaces don't meet for many, many years that I've always kind of been open to like dating and then I date guys that I'm half into and not that into,
Starting point is 00:06:03 you know, I like them, but you know, but now I'm now I'm like thinking you know yeah it would be nice to find someone. You want to be all in. I think I want to I think it's better to be either all in or out rather than one foot in and one foot. Yeah which you've always been. Always. I'm so tired of my pattern. So yeah so I feel like at a being just you it's funny because some guy was asking me he's
Starting point is 00:06:23 like has the show been doing this show for so long made you kind of jaded? I was like, well, I was always jaded before. And that's why I started the show, because I wanted to find out what is a secret to good relationships and good sex. And I feel like I've learned so much that I actually am inspired,
Starting point is 00:06:37 because I now have all the tools that I teach everyone. I mean, I do practice what I preach. I've learned to communicate what I want in a relationship. Sexually, you know, so everything's like so much better now because I've been doing the show for almost 10 years. Yeah. We need a 10 year anniversary show. We do.
Starting point is 00:06:52 2015. Just saying. But yeah, things are good and how are you? Tell me your story. I need to know everything. Everything's going well. I've been doing radio and Los Angeles for about seven months now and we're doing really well The Woody show the Woody show. Yeah, and oh it's so a lot of people who listen to podcasts listen to the show also
Starting point is 00:07:15 Okay, I love that. I see the Woody show here on alt 987 in Los Angeles every morning but it was so funny I was at an event for our show and for the Woody show. And some people came up to me and they're like, are you the same menace that's on sex with Emily? I said, yeah, they go, we just put two and two together right now. They've been listening to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:40 For years, right? And listening to the morning show and not realizing that I was the same person. Dude, how many menaces are there at the planning? I do. There's no name. You're on Twitter. You're menace on Instagram. I do.
Starting point is 00:07:50 There's another friggin' menace. I don't know, but you know, there's always casual listeners, but they came out to an event and they're like, we just put it together. Did they say they loved you? Yeah, they said, well, they loved the show. That's so great.
Starting point is 00:08:01 They loved listening. I thought it was really cool. That's really funny. Well, yeah, they're definitely as across the world. It's so funny because I feel like. I thought it was really cool. That's really funny. Well, yeah, there definitely is a cross-hearted, so funny, because I feel like, even though I haven't seen you much lately, that I'm spending a lot of quality time with you because I drive past your billboard every five minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:14 In LA, Menace has a billboard for his show on every street corner. I'm like, there's menace. There's menace, so it's kind of like a baby. It is super random, isn't it? Yeah, there's one right above my house. Like, I have a little eye walk out. I work over a run in the morning. Yeah. There's menace. I want to have his gay. I don't like being gay. I don't like being gay. I don't like being gay. I don't like being gay. Isn't it? Yeah, there's one right above my house.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Like, I have literally a walk out. I'd go over a run in the morning. Yeah. There's one, I was always doing. I love him. So, I love you. Yeah, it's really cool. Yeah, it's really cool.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I'll be like, you know, of course, I'm always at Disneyland. And so we're leaving Disneyland. And then there's like a billboard right there. And it's crazy. And like all like the workers and stuff there, like, and like listeners and we don't really the show the other show that I'm on we you know we're not really attractive people we say that on the radio all the time so we don't actually have Photos of ourselves on these billboards that are like cartoon characters right and it's so crazy that the people recognize it I'm like it kind of looks like you with the glasses it does but you
Starting point is 00:09:01 Not gonna be able to put two and two together. But thank you for all the people that, you know, listen to all the show. I love it. You should have me on the Woody show. We should. I'm serious. Every other morning shows have me on to give relationship tips and all that. I know. I know. I'm just asking for. I'm just saying be fun. No, but I do give you shout outs all the time because when we talk about like six toys and stuff like that, I learn this from Emily. Yeah, it was so funny. I just talked about you like probably a week and a half ago We're talking about sex toys and for some oh so so the guy that I do the show with he used to do a show in Missouri right and
Starting point is 00:09:39 They do these bar nights and they would give away tickets to concerts and stuff like that. And so they will be all the people at the bar and then he'll be up on stage and he goes, all right, I'll give tickets to this band if someone here has a sex toy on them, right? And he said that one time that girl goes, okay, hold on, hold on. She ran to a car and she grabbed the butt plug. No way. And brought it there to the stage and got the tickets. Did he touch it or he just looked at it? Yeah, so funny.
Starting point is 00:10:11 But it's funny because so then, you know, he's like, oh yeah, we should do that here, but we need to get some sex toys. I was like, oh, I know sex with Emily. She'll hook me up with a ton of toys. Sex toy Emily, I've been called Santa. What am I calling those? Sex toy Santa.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Sex toy, yeah, so I was like, oh, she got like a warehouse. She probably wants to unload a bunch of them. Exactly, I do. Yeah, so I was talking about that on there. Maybe we can give it away to kids for the holidays or something. Just kidding. No, no, no, this toy drive is total joke. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:35 We should do a sex toy drive. No, you should. That's a great idea. I know, I've got to, and now I'm getting more and more and more in the office like every day. It's like, I have to move out of my office. It's so big, which I actually think I am moving out of my office. But it's funny you should say that because if you asked me if I had a sex toy on me right
Starting point is 00:10:48 now, I do. And it's actually in plain sight. It's, are you wearing it? Yes. Or is it the underwear? No. You can see it right now. Oh, that thing?
Starting point is 00:10:57 What? What? So this is Vesper. It's by Crave. Crave. Dude, check this out. It's gold, 14-care gold. What? It's a vibrator. And it's by Craig. Craig! Dude, check this out. It's gold, 14-care gold.
Starting point is 00:11:05 What? It's a vibrator. And it's by Craig. And they gave it to me. I lost. Dude, it's the best thing ever. Oh, I got to take a picture of this. You just thought I was wearing a cool necklace.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And listen, you can't even hear it. Let's not just read it. It's really powerful. What? Yeah. And so, if you guys like, I mean, it's a great gift, too. I wear it every day because I just think it's cool. So, it's funny that you said that. And I'm like, I thought that was a pen.
Starting point is 00:11:26 No, and I'm like, oh, what if I hug up to it? I was like, we should take a picture. Let's take a picture after the show. Oh. And then you guys can see it. No, no, no, no, no, but dude, it's called, and so anyway, you can get it at You just go to Emily. But the point is, yeah, this guy made it crave.
Starting point is 00:11:41 They all make these really cool wear. I got these little, like, go. I got to take a photo of that. Keep on talking. That's for, it's called the best for it. I know, I was like the first one he got, gave it to me at a show, because he knew I'd wear it every day. You know what you see?
Starting point is 00:11:53 Was it necklace? OK, wait. He's taking a picture during the show now. Wait. Just of my chest. Hold it. I feel like I should show my breasts or something. OK.
Starting point is 00:12:03 What? Dude, isn't it awesome? So I was there. I wouldn't even have to run to my goddamn car. I'd be like, I've got one on my nose. Got one right here. That doesn't do right. I'm just having to do right now.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Thank you, honey, and get you one for your love. I'm sorry, I know this is a very, you know, it's just an audio, not visual podcast, but you'll have a link, sir. Yeah, totally. Yeah, totally. We'll links and pictures of this and all that. Did you get your partner and your lovely girlfriend anything for the holidays if you thought about that yet?
Starting point is 00:12:28 No, we're actually we're gonna go on a trip. So we're going on an amazing trip So I'm gonna tell me this but you're going somewhere great, right? I'm gonna go Gonna go back to San Francisco. I probably am gonna go to Disneyland before I leave Every time I go in your goddamage is so it's so incredible though So you know I've been talking about on the show for years before I leave. Jesus Christ. Every time I go in your body, I'm Instagram. It's so incredible though. So you know I've been talking about on the show for years. There's these private clubs inside Disney Land. You have to, you know, five star restaurants,
Starting point is 00:12:53 all this stuff. Anyways, one of the listeners of that show that I do is a member. So every time we go, they're like, oh, just come on in. It's like insane. I thought you already had an in though. I did, but you would have to like time we go, they're like, oh, just come on in. It's like insane. I thought you were already had an in though. I did, but you would have to like, I go, hey, I'd have to plan three months ahead. But now they like just say, hey, come hang out this like day of, which is insane. It was voted like top 10 places you'll never go in your life.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Like that's how hard you should go kind of thing or you'll never go because you won't get in. Yeah, it's like there was like area 51. Right. And like to get into these. That's cool. So it's really cool. But where was I going with that? Oh, anyway, so yeah, we're probably gonna go Disney and then but then I'm gonna go back to San Francisco
Starting point is 00:13:34 for about a week. I got a really long vacation. See some family. You bringing the girl with the family? Yeah, she's seen like a bunch of my family before. And then Chris and Stain were gonna fly to Hawaii Yeah, she'll see she's seen like a bunch of my family for and then Chris's day we're gonna fly to Hawaii and then we're gonna go to Vegas. I'm gonna love after you invade for a few years for years. Yeah, of course. We're in Hawaii We're gonna go you don't want to say because you think people talk you know, I I don't know
Starting point is 00:14:01 It's like it's not on the white side Okay, yeah, you'll have an awesome time even there. No, I'm trying to think of like what area in a wahu is like some different. I know it takes a while to get to where it does. We'll be amazing. That's great. And we're amazing. I'm glad you guys are still going strong. Yeah. I'm planning going to Mexico or something like that. I don't know yet. Nice. Yeah. I haven't planned it yet,
Starting point is 00:14:23 but you know me last day. Yeah. Because I need to get away again. You don't want to back. I was going to say there's one time. Wait, weren't you just in Mexico? I was there for two days with Dr. Drew and his wife. That's amazing. How was that?
Starting point is 00:14:34 It was really fun. Because last minute Drew, Dr. Drew Pinsky, I host Love Line on Thursday nights with him, people don't know about Love Line. And we drew saying that he had a party there because you know the whole island of Cabo got blown out in like this part of K last month. So his friend was having like a 60th birthday and he got canceled and he's like you know we're still going because I he took off his HLN show a love line. He's like you should come and tickets are so cheap because it was like the Thursday before and I went and my friend Charlotte came in you know Charlotte from San Francisco and we had a blast. That's really cool. It was really fun. I was
Starting point is 00:15:03 there for two days and it was a vacation, but then I came back and Monday was held. So then I feel like I kind of got wiped out. But no, it was super fun. And I love hanging out with June is wife. They're freaking awesome. Do you guys turn up or what? Turn up what?
Starting point is 00:15:14 Did you and your friend turn up? Turn up. What does that mean? Is that a sexual thing? Yeah. Did we have sex with them? No. I'm not, I'm not giving through. Oh, do we let me do it? No. No, I'm not, I'm leaving through and everyone.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Oh, do we like me do? No, it wasn't like that at all. We like, what is she like? I'm making fun of you. I know, I love it. No, I'm just saying turn up like you and your friend, did you guys like party? Go crazy, party.
Starting point is 00:15:35 We did, we did. We went to town, we were drinking, I mean, we had lots of margaritas. I was actually, okay, I shouldn't say this because I have an ex-boyfriend who said, don't tell me what you were gonna do, just do it. And this will make bother you, but we were buying really nice tequila at the, when we were leaving Mexico because they were
Starting point is 00:15:50 buying some of it. I'm like, it's Manus's birthday, which was like a month ago now. And I said, I got one again, it was really nice tequila. And then I got really overwhelmed by all the tequila. And I didn't know what you liked, and then I get you anything. So I'm still gonna owe you some tequila. I'm not really drinking a lot. Really? How come? Rarely. It's, I don't know, maybe because I'm still gonna owe you some tequila. I'm not really drinking a lot. Really? How come?
Starting point is 00:16:05 Rarely, because it's, I don't know, maybe because I'm older now. Wow, this is like, you're not, this is amazing. Not because I'm more mature, it just like it takes too much to recover. So it's true, to recover. To recover, you know. I agree, well, I've never been a big fan of it.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I hate it, and then I gotta do, you know, I gotta get up super early, so. Yeah, okay, well, I'm glad I didn't get you into tequila then. All right, thank you. Well, it's a thought that counts. Thank you. One more thing I've talked about though, coming up, God, I'm glad I didn't get you into the killer then. All right, thank you. Well, it's a thought that counts. Thank you. One more thing I've talked about, though, coming up, God, I'm telling this for months, but I can't believe it's only like a month and a half away, is that I am the host of the
Starting point is 00:16:32 Sexual Health Expo. And it is the very first of his kind, and it's in Los Angeles, it's in like West Hollywood. And it is, if you go to, you can check it out. And it's like the leading sex, it's for two days. Top sex educators from around the world are teaching workshops for everyone, on every different topic, you could think of men, women, couples, there's an award show at night,
Starting point is 00:16:55 one night, there's a super fun party. I'm giving the keynote, I've got to write that. And then there'll be a bunch of stuff where there's maybe a really fun party and it's in Hollywood. And if you want to go, you can email me feedback And then there'll be a bunch of stuff, oh there's gonna be a really fun party, and it's in Hollywood. And if you want to go, you can email me feedback at and tell me why you want to go.
Starting point is 00:17:11 And I might just give you a ticket and it's worth two tickets. And so also, it's January 17th and Los Angeles. We can meet, we can hang out, it'll be a good time. So you should go to that. And then also, always follow me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, section family, and you're menace. Just menace. Just menace, that's all. So that's what happened for me, and then no, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And then January coming up is like my huge month of just sexual, and I might go to AVN, the porn awards again. Oh, nice. And yeah, there's a lot going on, but I'm excited just to get through, but I like that the thing about LA is it's funny because before I live,
Starting point is 00:17:43 there are everyone's like, everything shuts down and over business LA or the holidays. But it really does. Like after things like things are just kind of mowing out a little bit. Yeah, no one's doing anything. I know. I love that. But you've to do your or you've to weeks off. Yeah, but that's like later. Okay. Another thing I've announced it and Thursday nights, men's isn't there, but you should make a special appearance from 8.39, 30 Pacific Standard Time. You can watch and listen to the show live at and even call in when the phones work because we never know if they are, but it's through you stream.
Starting point is 00:18:14 In Love Line Studio, which is a tugging you stream for years, but actually now you can watch it, which is a good time and you should come in one night. I would love to do that one night. It would be so awesome. It's a fun, I know you're sleeping by that. One night, I totally get that that you are sleeping by then. What about anything else?
Starting point is 00:18:27 I need to know, I miss you, I love you. Yeah, no, what's going on with the people? What's going on? Well, first let's read some sex in the news. All right. Okay, an Arizona woman has up to 90 orgasms every hour because of a rare sexual disorder. So this woman, Kara, can have 90 orgasms in an hour. That might sound great to a lot of people, but the 30-year-old Phoenix area resident says,
Starting point is 00:18:49 it's not something I wish on anybody. It makes doing the most basic things, going to work, going out, shopping extremely difficult to achieve, she says. To outsiders, it sounds wonderful, but to me, it's unfilling and shameful. I do anything to find a cure. And they actually can't find a cure. They're calling it the persistent sexual arousal syndrome or persistent general arousal disorder.
Starting point is 00:19:10 And she says it's ruining her life, it messes with your head. Your body's running on a hive up and down, which is true. When you have an orgasm and then you're down, and don't know. And just it's so bad. She's like, some days,
Starting point is 00:19:19 I just want to shut the curtains and never get up. And she says, it's really hard. Is that like, while you're with your kids at the school, she says it feels like I'm molesting these kids because I'm around them and having an orgasm. And she's like, I feel like a pervert. Like I can imagine the extreme of anything, like we're like, we'd all love to win the lottery
Starting point is 00:19:34 to borrow, do all the, have an orgasm, but I can understand this could be trust. Yeah, I actually know about this story, and it's funny because you think, oh yeah, that would be amazing, you know? But no, I get that it wouldn't be amazing. A lot of, you know, super creepers would like think, oh, I want to live my life this way But it actually see now I don't know like how it is for women because I'm not a woman
Starting point is 00:19:54 Immediately after sex, you know a guy False that at no doesn't fall asleep, but after he orgasms. It's actually like paint Imagine that pain like how If the guys that are listening. Imagine that pain that you have immediately after your orgasm and you just want to be away from the woman as quickly as possible. Because no, no. There's actually a physical pain.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Pain after the orgasm? Is it pain? Yeah, because you can't, that's why guys can't keep on going. Well, there's the refractory period where you get turned on again in like 20 minutes to an hour. Yeah, yeah. No, but I'm talking about immediately immediately after it's pain, like get your get your penis out of the vagina. Yeah, because it's painful. Right. Now, that's what this, uh, these people with these
Starting point is 00:20:34 orgasm problems, that's what they're feeling. They're feeling that pain. They're not feeling like the, the orgasm, the, like good part, they're feeling like that little tiny in between part where there's actual pain. Exactly. No, no, it's true. If you think it's gonna be awesome, just imagine that. No, I did not joke. No, no, no, no, no, I'm thinking about the people that are thinking like, oh, this would be great. Like, that's what they're actually feeling, so it's not fun. No, it's not fun at all. And she says, you know, she worked at a waitress, but she had to stop and she said,
Starting point is 00:21:04 finding work seems next to impossible. She says, you can, she worked at a waitress, but she had to stop. And she said, finding work seems next to impossible. She says, you can't say to your future boss, I may not be able to come in today because I'm suffering from orgasms. So that's a bad excuse. But it is a real, it is a real disease. And I wish I had a- Well, we've been talking about, there's been- We've talked about this before.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Stories in the news for years, like this happens to people. Yeah, I know. I know. Usually, yeah, I mean- There's like crazy stories of where, you know, the outside of this where like a guy falls from a tree and then he becomes a sex addict, you know, just in front of his head.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And I wonder what her history is. Like I wonder if she couldn't have algorithms for if she's highly sexual. I have no idea. We don't get that background, but maybe we will soon. Okay, another thing, your favorite topics, technology and money. I don't know if money is your favorite topic, for sure technology.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Take preference over making love. A study question 4,300, British, American, Chinese, and Brazilian women. They said they'd rather go three months without sex than technology. 80% also said they prefer money over sex and power. The modern day women prefers sleep and technology to sex, and new global studies reveal that as the world gets more complex, females are turning to simpler life choices that make their life easier. So it says that 68% of British women revealed
Starting point is 00:22:13 they would prefer a good night's sleep to sex compared to 60%. I know we always hear these stories. You put like just women in that category. I think men also would be in that category. Well, there was a study. If you research, we talked about that. A man, men would prefer the new iPhone 6 than sex. Yeah, probably. But this is so messed up.
Starting point is 00:22:30 This is so messed up. Exactly. Well, does series sometimes can talk back. But no, I guess I get it. I mean, the thing is just kind of a bummer, like these kind of studies, and I almost think they're doing them to get headlines, which they actually are now, because I'm reading it on my show. I'm clicking on it. But it says, you know, it didn't, it didn't, it wasn't any better than a battle against money either when asked if they would perform or money, sex or power 80% prefer money. Money secures the family's future, which women prioritize over their own needs. And I just think this speaks to, you know, that after you're, and these probably women are probably all in relationships.
Starting point is 00:23:01 I think when you're not in a relationship, it's like the grass always greener, you want more sex, you want more sex, then you not in a relationship, it's like the grass always greener. You want more sex, you want more sex, then you're in a relationship and you settle into it and you're like, oh, sex is okay. I can live without sex. If you had more money, it'd be nice to have a vacation. I'm trying to promote the thing. I'm trying to promote that men are not always horny.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Every single day, they just want to have sex. I had a conversation earlier today because a friend of mine, he had a, he had this woman get upset with them because he was just tired, he just wanted to go home and it was at the point where she was like saying, hey, I want to go home with you and he's like, you know what, I'm tired, I'm just going to, I'm just going to leave and he goes home and she got extremely upset because he wouldn't have sex with her because he'd rather go home right?
Starting point is 00:23:48 Right, honestly, to read or something, right? And then we ended up talking about this in a public forum, the radio, and she got so upset, blew him up on the email about it, you know? And it's just like, hey, you know, sometimes guys are not always horny. I believe it or not. I know society thinks. No, it's a total, sometimes guys are not always horny. I believe are not. I know society thinks.
Starting point is 00:24:07 No, it's a total myth that men want sex more than women. It's true. And in fact, I've heard from more women that they're with, they're not more, but equal amount of women have said they're in relation to guys who don't want sex as much as they do. And it's a perfect example of mismatch libidos that your partner wants more sex than you do. And it happens with men and women
Starting point is 00:24:25 across the board and men always see is that everything they think about is sex, which is true. And just because you might be thinking about sex, it doesn't mean you actually want to have sex. You might be sexualizing things, but it's not like you want to go home and bone every night. You can all get tired and whatever, but I could see this woman feeling rejected because she's like, how could you not want sex with me? I feel so rejected, you know? And it's funny, because I was talking to a guy friend recently, and he's like, God, I really, he was, he's kind of, he kind of sleeps with a lot of women all the time, and he was feeling like he needed a break,
Starting point is 00:24:51 like how I did my mandatoryum. He was feeling, years ago I did this mandatoryum, which is like a moratorium on men, and I for like six months did not date or sleep with anybody, which was a good time. And I was actually considering doing that again, but I decided that now I just, I'm not doing it. But the point is he did it for a while and he was saying that he was saying, well, I said, well, and now he's back to dating. But I'm like, well,
Starting point is 00:25:12 why can't you just not have sex? He's like, but they always come back to my house and then we have sex and they go, why don't you just not invite him back to your house? He's like, okay, well, what happens on the date of things are heating up? Like, can't you just say I'm trying something new and I'd like to hold out and out of sex. He's like, okay, and then I won't sound like I'm gay. But I don't know, like do you think that that... She accused him of being gay. Exactly, because women can't imagine.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Like, unfathomable. Yeah. Because women are so tied to their sexuality and that affirmation that we get for men. And that if a man actually doesn't want sex, you're like, what, what, what? I know, well, you look at every like movie and TV show. It's just a horny guy trying to go after the girl.
Starting point is 00:25:48 I know. And it's better to play that men. It's better to play that game like you're not interested anyways, because then, you know, then women don't feel like they have you in the palm of their hand. OK, menist, let's go back to this. OK? OK?
Starting point is 00:26:00 Because I've been using this for a long time. So menist and I have had this debate. It works. OK, so menist's whole thing is act like you're not because I've been saying this for a long time. So, menace and I have this debate. It works. Okay, but okay. So, menace's whole thing is act like you're not into her. Don't, you know, maybe reject her for sex. Don't compliment her and tell her she's beautiful, which I always say women want affirmation
Starting point is 00:26:13 if you're in a relationship. Like it feels good to be like, you're really sexy, I'm into you. And menace's like, no, no, she's just gonna think she wants you be the aloof guy. That's what you say, right? Act like you don't care. So, my question for you is, you say it works,
Starting point is 00:26:27 it works, it works, and we completely disagree on this because if a guy was acting aloof and he wasn't into me, I'd be like, next, because I think that. But that's you. I'm not saying this is like every single woman out there. So there is a certain type of woman that wants a challenge and she thinks she can teach you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Definitely. Okay, so that's a different type. So the woman that you're with now that you've been with for a while, do you still play that aloof game with her? It was only at the beginning to get her. She wasn't, I can tell she wasn't that type where I had to play that game, but there's definitely a woman that you could read. A runner of women.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Yeah, that you could read. What are the signs? Signs of women. Maybe the woman that takes a lot of selfies online. Dude, that's a whole nother thing. That's the deal with women. This is why no one meets anyone anymore. They're at a bar or they're at their club
Starting point is 00:27:10 and they're all like, okay, selfie, five minutes, it's taken to the selfie, that's all to be complete. I can't stand it. I can't stand it. It's funny. I've taken like one selfie. I put these jokes online, like, oh, my picture of my burrito got more likes than yourself.
Starting point is 00:27:22 You know, I was just like, I get it, you think you're hot, but you're not really that hot. You know, I'm sorry. Okay, if you were a model, you wanna be working the check out. No, models are okay, yeah, but all the models are doing stuff, but I get that sort of career.
Starting point is 00:27:35 But what you're saying is, with your girlfriend, then you still, you don't do any of this stuff, because you're in it. You're not playing games and not- No, no, no, yeah, we don't play any games. But I'm just saying, there's definitely been- A lot of them though. I've had this conversation with a lot of my my friends and they agree with you and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:27:48 oh, and it sucks because you don't want to play the game but you're like, damn, how am I going to get this- How long do you play the game for at the beginning? With the woman. Have you ever been like, I want to call her, I want to call her, but I'm not going to because I'm playing the game. Is it conscious?
Starting point is 00:28:01 Yeah, definitely. So give me an example. But not your girlfriend now, but from a while ago? Obviously, I never got a girlfriend now. A while ago? Well, there's always been, there'll be a work situation where everyone's kissing this chick's ass, right? Because she saw it.
Starting point is 00:28:17 All the guys in the building are like, they want a banger. They want a banger, because she's super hot, right? And then I would like say, I would just talk shit to her. And she would like, wait a minute, why is this guy talking shit to me? Everyone over here sucks my dick all day long, you know?
Starting point is 00:28:35 Are my clit, right? Yeah, and then that gets their attention. They're like, why doesn't this guy like me? And everyone else does. So she goes right for you? Yeah, it works every time. It's crazy. But are there some women that you've done that with it?
Starting point is 00:28:48 We're like, hmm, I'm not into. Not into me? Right, because you were a luff and they didn't notice and then they went, yeah, yeah. No, no, definitely, I'm not saying that it like. It works for everyone, but there's a sort of type of woman that you can just tell.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yeah, you can totally tell. Yeah, I got it. I guess I just feel like I have this argue in my guy friend too, just like you should be. You gotta, it's like, you gotta, we're at this angle on a woman that you feel like gets content attention, you know? Attention like online, attention in a work intention
Starting point is 00:29:17 out in the public. So this is super like desire. Yeah. Okay. I don't just talk, just talk. Just talk to him and see what happens, like joking around. Okay, but after you got her,
Starting point is 00:29:26 because you got her attention and you slept with her. Yes. Did you still continue to like, do these like not be that into her or once you're with her, you put your guard down and you're into her? I think it depends if you want to be with that person. But usually you just want to conquest
Starting point is 00:29:39 because that base was like, No, no, no, no, no, it's just like, you kind of make a decision. I wonder you want to go after that. Okay. But I think it's more of an L.I. seriously because all my guy friends in L.A. do this, what you're saying. And I don't know if I was just a San Francisco was another planet, but I feel like guys do
Starting point is 00:29:55 that here. And it does make me a little, I'm like, is he playing again? So my question for you is when you were doing this with women where their times are like, I really, like, would you paste it out? Like, I won't do it for an hour. I can't. You can't be thirsty, you know? So you're like, I'll text you back tomorrow or I won't ask you out again for a week.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Like, how about you? Yeah, or you just won't even communicate with them, you know? Just go and do your own thing. And then they follow up with you. Yeah. It's so easy. I don't know. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Okay, but it depends what kind of woman you want. I guess it's a woman who might be a little more. I don't want to be with a woman that wants to play games like that. But you know how to play the game. I know how to play the game. I got to. Okay, I'm just curious what comes up all the time. And then who was the other thing that I was going to tell you about?
Starting point is 00:30:34 A lot of important things. A lot of important things is that guys, don't be afraid. We've already talked about this many times. But don't be afraid to talk crap to him if you like if you like them But not like not like not like the no don't talk don't talk down to them But just like tease them tease them and see what happens. I'm telling you okay It works. It's crazy. I is the reason why you've always been teasing me all these years is because you actually want to sleep it Because I'm sick secretly in love with you. It's been like a 10-year battle. Yeah, and the
Starting point is 00:31:05 Then result is I hope we get married in a 10 year battle. Yeah, and the Then result is I hope we get married in Mexico on the beach. Oh, that's sweet. See I knew you'd come around I freaking knew it, but then you would know the hell I mean then I would See there's the neck, but you really want to know I got it. I'm not annoying in fact the guy you talk too much though Dude, that's what I do for a living but now we're alone Oh, man. I would be on the beach. Like you were talking before this, before we started recording this, just going like with your assistant. I'm sorry. Madison. Madison. She's not new. She's been with the five. I know when I met her like four times. I'm sorry. I don't remember. I see
Starting point is 00:31:41 people every single day in my building and I don't know their name, but I know it's terrible. But the, Madison. Madison, what was I gonna tell her? You were saying that you, just like Madison here, I would be for the show I was talking. Oh yeah, you were talking to her, sorry. I've been up since like three, I'm doing the morning show. So I apologize.
Starting point is 00:32:01 But the thing was, I can, I was talking a lot, you were talking a lot and it was exhausting. Oh my God, I wasn't even talking. I was getting tired listening to talk. Oh, so much work. I can't imagine like going and eating and look, I love you to death. And I'm telling you, there, there will be guys that will sit through a meal with you. But if you talk that much during a meal, I would just die. It's give and take. I ask questions. I know. They don't answer quick and go. But it goes like a mile minute.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I talk fast. Yeah. I'm trying to slow down. Okay, so, but when we come back, we've got a quick, I got a word for our sponsors, and then we're going to be answering all your questions about sex that you said to end relationships, that you said to feed us. I'm sorry that I was like pausing and forgetting what I was saying. Dude, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:32:46 It's so bad. What I have said, that's boring, okay? Talking is more interesting. I know, right? Okay, so everyone, thank you for listening to the show and for supporting my sponsors. And I gotta tell you about promoscent because one in three men suffers from premature ejaculation. And you might think, I don't suffer from premature.
Starting point is 00:33:03 I, I, I, I, I, I, I up after five minutes, 10 minutes, but you know what? The thing about it, it doesn't even mean traditional PE, which is like a minute or two. It's if you just want to last longer in bed. It can double the amount of time that you last in bed. You know, there is an orgasm gap between men and women and women typically take longer to orgasm. So what do you do? You use promescent. It's a quickly absorbing delay spray that you apply to your penis and it allows you to have the sex that you want.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And you can now focus on your partner's hot body and you don't have to worry about orgasming too quickly because now you can make them orgasm. And it closes the arousal gap between men and women. Like I said, the arousal gap, the orgasm gap, whatever you wanna call it, there is a gap in the time that you all know this. If you've had sex,
Starting point is 00:33:44 that women take a little bit longer sometimes. So check it out, it is the only, and I mean only FDA approved treatment for premature ejaculation or just for lasting longer in bed. Go to to find more. That's promesson. P-R-O-M-E-S-E-N-T dot com. Check it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Also, with the holidays coming up, this is the best time for you to go to What you should do is go to, click on the good vibes banner, and I have a special store created there that you can see my favorite, favorite, favorite products, toys for men, women, couples, singles, whatever it is. The holidays, I know you're all like, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get,
Starting point is 00:34:20 what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, what do I get, I don't even have a partner about her love, but you know what? Who doesn't want to put a little sexy something sexy in their stockings, stuffers or in their presents or whatever, something to spice up your sex life? Because all you're wrong, you're run around, you're busy, you're like, this is a great time to buy something really, really nice.
Starting point is 00:34:34 So you can get, I am in love with the Vibratex Girls. It's a little literal vibrator for her. She can use it during sex, she can use during masturbation, and it comes in the cutest little pink leather pouch So she could use that for her makeup and it's a great gift. It's called the girls also You can get the dollia which is D-A-H-L-I-A Which is extra G-spot stimulation?
Starting point is 00:34:57 You can get the Wevi Plus which is amazing menacee. You'll appreciate this It is a new couples vibrator that is all operated through technology So you could be like somewhere I could be using it you could be controlling it like from your phone the vibrator. That's a whole thing remote controlled technology like you could be in China and controlling it. We've talked about this like five years ago and I said you know it would be amazing and you talked down to me. I didn't so if you're in a a lot of this relationship, these are great and you can also get the most orgasmic vibrator of all time, the magic wand.
Starting point is 00:35:29 No, you didn't talk down to me, but it was just like, it was just so, the promotion, their panties that you can control from wherever. Yeah, it was like so far ahead of your time, it was like blowing mine. Yeah, but it was amazing. But it's awesome that it's finally here. It's here, there's a bunch of them. So that's a whole new thing. It's like tech and vibe.
Starting point is 00:35:44 So if you're into technology and vibes and sex, you should check it out. So again, go to my website,, click on the good vibes banner. And here's the best part. If you click on the banner and you go to my store and you use coupon code GVMLE20, you get 20% off all items. That's GVMLE20. Check it. People can't mess up on the present thing.
Starting point is 00:36:04 You got to get it in here. No, you got to get a good you do you really do Okay, so what are you gonna ask for this year? From hell I'm not sleeping with anyone but your brother Get you anything my family doesn't do gifts what which pisses me off because I brother could buy me a really nice No, he buy me a gift. Yeah, what do you? He probably actually would buy you a gift over me a gift. Oh no. What's your dream? My dream gift.
Starting point is 00:36:29 My dream gift. You probably have the iPhone 6, yes. I already have it. No, I think I'm good. Okay, I would ask him and he would send it to you. Yeah, no. Because he loves you. Fine.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Can I ask him for what I want and then tell him it's for you? Yeah, I guess so. But it'll be weird. What I want. Oh, Menace wants a YSL purse. Right, right. I don't want to wear a YSL purse. I already have one.
Starting point is 00:36:48 I would think a Chloe bag. But a Chloe bag? That's so two years ago. Chloe is timeless. OK, so your emails, thank you. FeedbackItSex with How to make scheduled sex fun. Dear Emily, I love your podcast.
Starting point is 00:37:04 I'm reading your posts on Facebook. My partner and I are trying to get pregnant. This has led to a lot of supplement taking, planning and limiting of sexual activity. It kind of takes the fun out of it. We have to limit sex slash adjaculations to the good days. The way my cycles requires us to have sex
Starting point is 00:37:21 before ant flow is coming. It's completely gone at times. Needless to say, schedule sex. Sometimes during my period is not much fun. It kind of embarrasses me. Additionally, we have crazy work schedules that don't always sink up so well. So there are times when we are almost too tired
Starting point is 00:37:36 to even deal with it. It's like sex is just another chore that sometimes gets pushed aside. Like the dishes or dusting help. I would love to try to enjoy sex again. And seriously, the baby making robot. Okay, baby making robot, it is true that when you are scheduling sex to get pregnant, it can feel like a chore.
Starting point is 00:37:57 And you guys like really, am I just like, you just want my baby better, which is a term I'm like, I'm en masse. Really? So here's a thing about what you could do to spice up this time. During this time, you won't be able, you know, think about this. When you're pregnant, you won't be able to have as much fun
Starting point is 00:38:12 as you can have when you're not pregnant. So this is the time to dress up where are your sexy lingerie. And again, if you guys are all rolling your eyes, I don't even care if guys aren't into lingerie, but women wearing lingerie makes us feel a lot sexier. You could do role-playing. There's nothing wrong with wearing a sexy nurse's uniform
Starting point is 00:38:29 and having a come home, be like, whatever, just play, have fun, because you're gonna have a baby in your life very soon, I know you're gonna get pregnant. And this is the time to kick your sex life into the knot into a level stratosphere where you've never taken it, because after you have the baby for at least six months afterwards, you won't be having that much amazing sex.
Starting point is 00:38:47 So bring in some sex toys, experiment. This is the time to get creative. Don't focus on the baby, put the focus on the sex. So don't think about it like something you have to do, and don't be nagging him, I'm sorry, I hate the word nagging, but don't be like, babe, we gotta have sex at 120 because that's what I'm ovulating today, so come on for lunch.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Think of it, you know, it's something that you get to do, you know, it's about your perspective on everything. And try to keep the fertility talk out of the bedroom. I mean, you know that you're both doing it because you're trying to get pregnant, but just kind of just take it, just bring some fun to it. Like I said, you know, I've got these candles, which are amazing. They smell, they're a rumotheirby, so they relax you. You can say, hey babe, I'm going to give you a massage right now. Like if he's not, and then it takes everyone who doesn't get a massage and your mind completely Leaves every thought and then your mind becomes connected to your body and you can think this the thing about this Candles like the massage road goes over your skin. I don't care what kind of candle me because that's atmosphere
Starting point is 00:39:39 You can use regular massage oil. I'm just saying a massage is a way to get your thoughts quieted and to get yourself both prime for sex. And if you're ovulating one weekend, you can take the weekend off because another thing is couples get in such a rut when they're always having sex in the bedroom, like the same place at same time all the time. So go away, you know, go away for the weekend and if you can't afford a vacation, I must try a house sitting for a friend. Just literally anything you do to get out of that that's that mindset of like it has to be here And now we'll make this baby making part a lot more fun Speaking of making babies. Are you pregnant? No, I was watching this news this news segment and this guy is like volunteering To have sex with all these women to help them get them pregnant like the old school way What would you mean like actual sex?
Starting point is 00:40:25 Like without a condom? Yeah, without a condom. He's like some college guy. Is he gonna get money from it or you just want to impregnate with him? No, I think he's getting. I've heard about this. Yeah, I think he's getting money for it.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I always thought like the promo for it. He gets to donate his eggs to a sperm bank. He could. Or his sperm to a sperm to a sperm to his eggs. He could, but then. But then he wouldn't get to have the in and out. Yeah, I think that's what he's like. Is it like an e-be or something? sperm to his fur, being tantasax. He could, but then, um, but then he wouldn't get to have the in and out. Yeah, I think that's why he's like,
Starting point is 00:40:47 he's like, is it like an e-beer or something? He's like, you can bid on him to have sex. No, I don't know how he's like, he's doing it, but it's, yeah, he just did a new segment on it. I did hear about this and I just sounds kind of creepy to me. And because then he's responsible for the child, technically, one of these women could be like, oh, yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I just know Sting's tattooed to Tilly, one of baby and then like, in a few years, she would be coming out for him the child technically. One of these women could be like, oh yeah, it's cool. I just know Sting's tattooed to Lee Warner Baby. And then like in a few years she'll be coming after him for child support. Yeah. And that's he has them sign paperwork or something. But really, but whatever, anything for to get on the news. Okay, next question, sexual timing question. Dear Emily, my girlfriend and I can never get
Starting point is 00:41:20 our sexual timing correct. It takes her a long time to orgasm. We use toys, we use tongues, we use hands. Problem is I can't stay hard for the 30 to 45 minutes. It takes for her to get there. I'm in my mid 40s. My libido isn't where it used to be. Once I get hard, then it's soft. It's nearly impossible to get hard again. I don't want this to be the reason for her to leave me. Phil, help, Phil. Okay, Phil, here's help on your way.
Starting point is 00:41:46 First of all, it's totally common for guys in their 40s. Their penis starts to change. It doesn't say it's hard, it does. It gets hard to solve. It doesn't, it's hard to get solved. It's harder to get it hard. Isn't it? You need to stay hard.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah. It's true. It's the more common you think. It's the orgasm gap and it's very unfair And that's why four-play sucks when we're older because a guy can't stay hard as long You know why you just wait until it's your turn make sure she is an orgasm And then she could get you hard and give you a blowjob and then you can have sex I guess if you want to
Starting point is 00:42:19 That way, but it how's a guy not gonna get an erection? I know all that is happening. Well, it's tricky. So here's some things you could do. You could have sex first, ejaculate, and then work on her so she can have an orgasm. That's the one thing. Right. So if you know that you can't get hard again, Phil, just have sex with her. And then afterwards you can go down on her, you could use toys, you could do whatever you need. Or if you want, you could try to get maybe if you take some time away from your thinking about the fact that if you got hard at the beginning, because you're turned on, and then you please her, and then she
Starting point is 00:42:53 gives you blowjob, gets your heart again, and then maybe you'll be able to stay hard for sex. And again, like I talked about just now, you could also try to promise it, because it's for a lot of guys your age who just at any age, who just want to last a little bit longer in bed, and it's totally safe, it's FDA approved, and you won age, who just want to less a little bit longer in bed and it's totally safe. It's FDA approved and you will, you won't go from the hard to the soft, from the hard to the soft. And it's, I'm telling you, it's funny because I've set with men in their 20s,
Starting point is 00:43:13 30s and 40s. And it is true just like with women's bodies changing in a sexual response cycle that men in their 40s, their penises start to do things that they didn't use to do. And it is a bummer like I've been with guys like, I'm sorry. and the thing is women, we're not tripping out about it, we get it. And so feel like I don't want you to feel like it's going to ruin your relationship. And you just said, I don't want this to be the reason for her to leave me. And feel the only way she's going to leave you is if you act like it's like the elephant in the room and meaning the subject we're not going to talk about, she's going to think you don't care. But if you bring this into your conversation, but like,
Starting point is 00:43:47 babe, I love you. I've got this thing going on. I'm like, peanut, like, you know, this is what I'm thinking. Sex and Emily said we could try this or that, you know, you could also go to your doctor. You should always get checked out anyway. But I'm sure this is just how the penis is in the 40s. So I would say, um, talked about it and make this, she's not going to leave you if you are communicative and open and talk about what the issue is and she can help you. She can help you. Maybe you need a little oral sex to get your heart. Have you ever been getting a blowjob and knock on hard?
Starting point is 00:44:12 No. Right? So what if you write hard and you lose it, you give her all sex. And then for her to get you up again, she perks you up with a little blowjob and then you check. Yeah, but I don't think his sex would last as long. That's okay. You're sharing it in orgasm.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Oh, yeah. What yeah, what if? What if? You know what I mean? Sex is so, it can be so complicated. And I think that we are, our pain in this ideal way that sex should be. Like, we come at the same time, or we're both aroused, and we both come home and want sex at the same time,
Starting point is 00:44:37 but that's not real life. That's called the first six months of a relationship. That's called the first six months of two years of relationship. But that's not long term sustainability sustainability. You're going to eventually have challenges with your sex life. Just that you'll have challenges with money or with children or with anything. Things are going to come up. Sex doesn't say perfect and everyone's always surprised, but that's why I exist is to help
Starting point is 00:44:58 you all connect. Of course. Right? I'm sure that not the what I'm going to ask you about your sex life about. I know better now. Okay, so dear Emily, I have a question for you. I'm naturally shy and it makes it hard to meet new people, especially women. I used a dating site and finally met someone. We became a couple. She got pregnant and I was about to start a family. Or so I thought.
Starting point is 00:45:21 The long and short of my situation is that I was dumped the day after the baby shower and later on found out the baby wasn't mine. Damn! I was concerned about putting myself out there before this all happened, but now I'm more afraid than ever. I feel like I have no trust for anyone now. Anyone knew what could I do to get myself back in the dating scene? Thanks, Adam. Well, if he had, I know that the chick was crazy, but that's usually how it is online. But if he had some success with that, then why does he just try to get... Because he's traumatized. Traumatized?
Starting point is 00:45:52 He is. No, this is trauma. I think she's pregnant. They have a baby shower and then she leaves him and says it's someone else's baby. And he loves her. Is that what she says? He said, right? So here's the thing. A lot of people, Adam, what did you just say that I was going to refuse. I was just going to say you were crazy too. Yeah. Yeah. It's very much more. Small few men. Men are much more covertly crazy and women are more overtly crazy. So we're like we were a crazy in our sleeve. But men have got a lot of crazy going on too. I just want to practice all this. It's equal. But here's a thing, Adam, as hard as it may be, you do need to like go over the past and move forward. And I understand like you can still
Starting point is 00:46:30 go through this like missing her and you can still, you know, this is and this actually is kind of trauma like you think you're getting married, you think it's your baby and the whole thing is taken out from under you and you know, they're in love. And so I just think you got to ease back into it and you have to start for so long. Don't isolate because a lot of people when they're feeling kind of down and they're never going to meet, it's like a cycle. We dump all of you, just get more and more bummed out, right? It's not going to happen again. We're going to get hurt.
Starting point is 00:46:53 And so I want to say since online dating worked for you in the past, you know, you didn't have a great experience, it might be a good idea just to like start putting your profile up again. I'm not saying you got a dating win online, but just just like realize that there, you know, there are other people out there. But also is, if you like know, I can't even go on, okay, Cupid ever again or Tinder, that's fine too. Why not do the old fashion way of meeting people by being out in the world? Because when you're feeling really down and scared and traumatized by this thing, the thing you have to do, which is the
Starting point is 00:47:21 most unnatural, is force yourself to go out in the world again, and to start meeting people. And this way, which is even better than I have online dating, or has pros to the cons of online dating, is that you actually get to like meet someone in an environment that you get to see if you have chemistry. It's at this whole online hype where you create this whole image of them before you meet them. And so I would say, don't even think of it as that you're going out to look for dates. meet them. And so I would say don't even think of it as that you're going out to look for dates. Think of it as like you're going out there because you want to start getting your life back together. So you can start take a class that you've always wanted to take. You know, take a wine tasting class or take a athletic class. There's all these like single things too you could do. You could, you know, go to a museum like go for a walk, put your cell phone down. This is my like
Starting point is 00:48:04 number one tip for people, we were just talking about the girls taking selfies of the barbell and the cajx. They're probably not banging anyone, or getting enough likes on Instagram because all they're doing is the staring at their phones the whole time. And that is, when you're looking down at technology
Starting point is 00:48:16 or when you're talking to your friends, that you're not gonna meet someone. So like I've said in the past, you just have to be open to meeting someone because I promise you, Adam, you've been through this experience, this is have to be open to meeting someone because I promise you Adam You've been through this experience. This is not how it's gonna be for your lifetime And you're allowed to go through this like depression and feeling really bad about it right now And I think it's good that you're feeling this because a lot of people just kind of want to get under to get over right
Starting point is 00:48:37 They just to go banging a bunch of checks or guys to get over it But you're actually mourning and feeling that it's painful. So I love that you were able to articulate to me what is going on and I'm saying you can still feel those things but maybe once a week, I always say yes to every invite you get for like a month. Maybe if you're feeling like, oh, I don't want to see this friend of that friend, it's probably just you're bummed out,
Starting point is 00:48:56 maybe you're a little depressed. So for yourself to do one thing a week that you wouldn't normally do and again, you can not even think that it has to do dating, it's just about meeting people. Like going out there and starting to socialize, and let your friends know I'm single, because that's also a great way to meet someone.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Tell everyone, you know, I'm single, I'm looking for someone if you haven't think of anyone, you know, and get yourself out there. So it'd be a fresh start, and especially if you're shy, great way to meet people and get into the dating scene. What would you say, Menace? Well, I did say, like, go, don't be afraid to go back online if that's what you're comfortable with and you've had some sex Some sex sex some sex and some success with that and then also again, yeah, changing up your your routine
Starting point is 00:49:38 We always talk about where going out to the people can hear you say that People can hear you three more minutes. Sorry. No way of the show. Yeah Yeah, three more. Sorry guys, it's okay, but no like you can You know like change up your routine. We've talked about this over the years where if again if you do the same thing every day You we just said that but change you know change up like We just said that, but change, you know, change up like, if you take a bus this day, take a bus that day. Take a different bus, like take a different room from work. Don't eat at the same restaurant every day for lunch
Starting point is 00:50:12 and say hello to people. Just say hi when you're like really, like it's not like there's some major pickup line. And it's so weird because I do that to every single person not that I'm trying to sleep with them, but it is so, it throws people off so much these days where I say hello to every single person I go by. When you're walking down the street,
Starting point is 00:50:32 we just like when you're walking down the street. Or yeah, like, well, kinda here and there. If we make eye contact, I say hello. Okay. Definitely. Which is good practice. And then this happens to you. So when you're in the office So when you're in the office,
Starting point is 00:50:45 you're not in the office. I say hello to everybody. I do not email people. I go and I talk to them in person. No, that's great. It's so crazy. I got the thumb. All these offices are like,
Starting point is 00:50:56 people are emailing each other that I three cubicles over. Like why? Because we're losing, that's we're losing the touch of like human connection. And I have a real problem with it lately The way that texting, we're doing shows on this too, but the way that texting and everything's taking over our lives And nobody is face-to-face communication. Yeah, people are social like socially inept.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Dumb, you know? It's so true. And it's funny because like there's so many guys in LA or I don't know I'm sorry if you're listening if you're if you're from LA born and raised in LA I think you're okay but if you're like a transplant or something like most people why the F are guys in LA the biggest freaking vaginas of life. Tell me why you think that because I think that's you but I want to know it's so crazy because like so when we do the radio show in the morning, and we do something that people maybe find like offensive
Starting point is 00:51:49 or like edgy or anything like that, we, the automatically, we're gonna assume like, oh, women are gonna complain. It is men that complain the most. I thought what? They're like trying to stick up for like feminism and all this shit, all these, and it's just guys.
Starting point is 00:52:07 They're like, hey guys, that was, you know, you were talking about vibrators and, you know, I had my kids in the car and then like, dude, for one, you are the parent. So you decide what your kid listens to. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Right. If we ended up talking about vibrators, all right. But you are a man.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Like, why are you bitching and complaining? Like, all the complaints are for men. And I never- That's interesting. You always think it's the more so than one. You assume it's gonna be the woman. And then it's so crazy and Los Angeles, you know, because we've done radio other places.
Starting point is 00:52:39 And I've been everywhere. I do not know why men in LA are the biggest fucking pussy of life. But not about, I thought you were gonna say like in a dating round, but you mean they're just more... Well, it's funny because my friends from New York that move here and like friends from other places that move here, they're like women in LA is like shooting fish in a barrel because other guys are, they don't even know how to talk to women.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Are there just pushes? Yeah, they're running to your morning. But I'm not talking about the people that are actually born and raised. I get it. We're making an exclusion for people who are actually born. Yeah, because the people born and raised in Los Angeles that I find, I think they get a bad rap
Starting point is 00:53:16 because people are like, oh, people in LA, they're stuck up and all that stuff. Like anyone that I met born here is super cool. Yeah. And then like 50, 50 on the transplant, sort of they're like cool or not. You know, they're trying too hard. Hey, but we're cool,
Starting point is 00:53:29 cause we came here after San Francisco. I know, right? So cool. So cool. Okay, everyone, well, that's all we have time for today. Sorry, I had a vent about that. No, that's true. I mean, I don't think I'm like a blanket.
Starting point is 00:53:39 No, I don't know. We'll talk about it on the next podcast, but I want to see, like you said in the dating round, that's really exciting. Well, in the dating round, I just have to say that it's just very different here because I feel like and I just an article for Elite Daily They just interviewed me about this About this almost boyfriend syndrome that people are dating like we talked about this actually another bit people are No one's really dating everyone's looking for the bigger better deal. They're kind of like not really Committal they there's always other options and that's kind of in my, which I guess
Starting point is 00:54:08 that's how I've been. But I have to bet that many like quality, quality men, but make me friends I have, but we'll get to this another time. Okay, love you. Find men is at at men is on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and all that stuff. And yeah, find me also you should totally be following me on Instagram and Twitter and Facebook. I just want to thank everyone for listening and joining the show and was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at Okay, everyone, speaking of toys for the holidays, I don't want the guys to feel left
Starting point is 00:54:40 out because Fleshlight is the number one sex toy for men, so you should probably get one for the holidays or get one for your partner. And it's probably the only toy you want because let me tell you about it. It is a male masturbation sleeve and you could actually feel the pleasure of having sex anytime even when you don't have a partner. It is body safe material. It was invented by NASA. It actually looks and feels like the real deal if you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:55:02 You put your penis in it, use a little lube, and it feels friggin' amazing. We've written a lot about it on our website, and I've just, every person I've given it to has been like holy moly, every guy straight, whatever married single, or like, this is the best thing ever since light spread. The flashlight stamina training unit
Starting point is 00:55:18 also can help you last longer in bed and become a better lover, and if you have a particular porn star that you love, you could probably get a flashlight that is molded into her private parts, if you know what I mean. So, oh, and here's a great deal. That the people at flashlight love me. You and my listeners, love my listeners so much.
Starting point is 00:55:35 And I love you too, that actually now if you buy a flashlight, they are throwing in their flesh loob with every single purchase. So all you have to do is use code Emily. So go to my website. This is what you gotta do. you have to do is use code Emily. So go to my website. This is what you gotta do. You have to click on the flashlight banner.
Starting point is 00:55:48 When you get there, pick out the toy you want, use code Emily at checkout, and you get a bottle of award-winning Lube. Because you know why? Lube makes sex better all around. So go to, click on the flashlight banner, use code Emily, and buy yourself something special or your part is something special for the holidays.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Thanks for listening. Click on the flashlight banner, use code Emily, and buy yourself something special or your part of something special for the holidays. Thanks for listening.

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