Sex With Emily - Man Up Friday

Episode Date: September 9, 2011

Emily talks about what men should do to man up once and for all. Hosted on Acast. See for more information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks everyone for downloading this highlight clip from today's show. Sex with Emily has changed. To get the full episode from today, go to, become a friends with benefits member, and you can download the entire episode. Thanks for listening. Yeah, listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can do so many things,
Starting point is 00:00:20 You can ask me a question. Any of your sex questions will be answered. Sex with relationshipscom. You can ask me a question. Any of your sex questions will be answered, sex or relationships questions. You can vote in our poll. You can become a friend's friend's friend if it's a member, which we hope that everyone be. You can read our blog, you can watch our videos,
Starting point is 00:00:35 there's so much happening. Yeah, and there's live video every single day. Live video every day of this show. This show is live video, one, two, specific dinner time, Monday through Friday, except Wednesdays. So we're so happy to be here. It's Friday, happy Friday, yay!
Starting point is 00:00:47 I know, I'm so happy. So excited. Are you so happy it's Friday? So happy. Let me guess you're going to rest and not do anything all this week. No, I've got a huge weekend ahead of me. Yeah, I'm going to a wedding tomorrow night. One of my former interns is getting married and that'll be fun, I think. And then I'm going to my party on Sunday in Golgate Park and then I'm going sailing on the bay.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Sailing on the bay. Have you ever done that? No, because it's cold. Exactly. I'm kind of like nerd friend to ask you. I'm like, yeah, sailing is like a great idea on theory on the bay, but it's so frigging cold in San Francisco, even if it's hot, it's cold on the bay. Yeah. So that's what I'm doing. Can you believe where I'm going on Saturday? Where? I hate to admit it. Oh my God, wine tasting.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Not wine tasting, but I am going to a winery. But how did I know? Okay. The only reason I'm going to the winery is, there's a music festival at the winery. And it's not in Napa. If it was in Napa, I would not go. It is in Livermore.
Starting point is 00:01:52 There's a winery in Livermore? There's 50 winery. Oh, I knew that. That's right. Livermore is sort of like a mini wine country. Yeah. Wow. Well, maybe you'll have some nice Merlot.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Adam, there's 25 bands. Oh, sounds awful. It'll be warm there, though. Oh, no. So that's's 25 bands. Sounds awful. It'll be warm there though. Oh no. So that's what you're doing? Yeah, we're gonna be there Saturday. I'm gonna go to Pixar tonight, watch a movie.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Yeah. I'm gonna see Contagion. Oh yeah, I was just reading about that. Really? Yeah, it's just be really good. Did it come out yet or? I don't know. I think it.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I actually get to see it. One of our new sex and news stories talks about engagement. Really? Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. They usually get usually get one of our new sex and new stories talks about engagement yeah yeah I don't know they usually get movies beforehand so it's probably not so do you go by yourself without me sometimes I know you never you never you can't be my plus one I always want to be your plus one how many times I've tell you that I want to be your plus one and you never plus one me next time I have a plus one next time blah blah blah and if I invite you you better not be going to some stupid wine tasting, new restaurant
Starting point is 00:02:46 opening. Some, my friend is at some weird sex orgy crap like that. If I'm a plus one, I'm a girl. If I invite you, you better freaking go. Of course. All right. Menace, done and done. Okay, everyone, listen, today's show, you can call us at any time at 415-9927392. However, you can't call us from Skype.
Starting point is 00:03:09 So that will not work. Use your phone. Use your phone. Use your cell phone. Use your home phone. If you've got one, 415-9927392, we can answer all your questions so we can take your comments. There's a thing one of my coworkers remind me of when I used to do my night show on the radio, I used to do a thing called Man Up Fridays. Okay. I'd like to bring that to the show. Okay, do it. Be a man, pick up the phone and call us. Oh, you know, try to talk to the computer, or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Don't be a pus, just call us up. Just call us, be a man. Be a man. Be a man. What's a tip that you can give about being a man? What do you think? Be confident. Be confident.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Be confident. Don't be wishy-washy. Don't say, I don't know what to do. And grab me and throw me against the wall sometimes and have sex. Oh, hey. Hey, how is that right? Is that, it's that easy?
Starting point is 00:04:02 Yeah. In the confines of your home. In the confines of my home. Not like on the street when I walk away from here. It's only one o'clock in the afternoon. Good tips for men. God, I feel like I give them all the time, but I think that's some of them. And I would say don't, if you like someone to ask them out, you've got nothing to lose. You're just going to sit and pine for some chick. If you like or ask about the second meter, whatever, like just do it. Go for it. That's what I gotta say. Just go for everything, if you're dude.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Okay, today's show, it's hand job show part two. We gotta finish up the hand jobs from yesterday. We're all gonna talk about how to become a better kisser because if you're a bad kisser, it can be the kiss of death. Your kiss can be the kiss of death to the relationship. And that is a friggin bummer. I have a friend who just got back, told us yesterday, but she came back from a date. your kiss can be the kiss of death to the relationship. And that is a friggin bummer.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I have a friend who just got back, I told this yesterday, but she came back from a date. She was really excited. It was her third date, and she always waits to make out on the third day. And she's like, oh, I know we're gonna make out tonight. I'm so excited. He's hot.
Starting point is 00:04:56 He's all these things. And she was really attracted to him. And he comes in for the kiss. And it was like this sloppy, awful kiss. So we're gonna teach you how to correct that, what not to do, because your kissing might be ruining your life, at least your relationships. So we're going to get into that,
Starting point is 00:05:10 and then we're going to be reading your emails that you send to feedback at So I want everyone to email me feedback at Well, it's free Friday too. Hello, free Friday. This show is free to everybody. So thanks everyone for listening, free Fridays. Ooh, love it.
Starting point is 00:05:26 You have to email me. Feedbackatsex with I will answer any of your sex, relationship dating, marriage, love, questions that you have. We will do that. And if you're friends with benefits member, we answer your emails first. We answer them right away.
Starting point is 00:05:39 You get priority. And that's amazing. We totally appreciate that. So happy free Friday to everybody. And then we've also got sex in the news and the email some topics in the emails Doesn't even say here with the topics are some it's gonna try to surprise you with the topics and we've got our poll You're really into polls. I love our polls. We do two polls a week. What are you really into? Huh? It's just I like hearing from the people the people I like the feedback. I love people emailing the show like the polls though. I like the polls
Starting point is 00:06:10 You hate the polls. Why do you have my polls? Because I didn't make them do you know anything? What I can't make you But I just want to be on right now for do nothing would be on right now for you I get it menace I get I get what you contribute to this world, to this sex with Emily World. So I just got interviewed. This is something that's just to be out for my home town paper,
Starting point is 00:06:30 the Detroit Free Press. Oh, my God. How embarrassing is this gonna be for your family? It's gonna be embarrassing because she interviewed me for an hour about why I'm my sex life, and I mean, I'm not my sex life, but how is a nice, what's a nice girl from Michigan doing with a show called Sex Family?
Starting point is 00:06:46 Like, how does a nice girl from the Midwest get into sex? And so it was like questions about my childhood and like, I told her I played a lot with Barbie and Kendall's and she was like, I'm like, well, actually, it was Barbie and GI Joe because my brother, I'd GI Joe and I thought Ken was kind of a pussy. And she said, well, did they have a good relationship? Well, kind of relationship was Barbie and Ken.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Like, she was getting into my psyche. I was like, I don't remember. Like they went to the beach and the Barbie beach bus. Anyway, it was intense. So then she's interviewing my mom and my brother and she's doing profile piece of my books coming out. Everyone I've taken, my book is coming out October 11th.
Starting point is 00:07:16 It's called Hot Sex. Over 200 things you can try to night and you can buy it online right now. You can pre-order it if you want. But we'll be talking a lot more about that. You ordered the hell out of it. You're telling me this. of it. I know. You're telling me nothing.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I know. It's on Amazon. You can buy it or sign in and choose to. And it is a friggin' awesome book. I'm really, really proud of it. And also, yeah, that's what I got. So it was a little stressful because it's like talking about yourself, not that I don't like talk about myself, but for like an hour and getting into like why am the way I am
Starting point is 00:07:41 and what are my parents think of what I do is what you should have them like just talk to them and ask them. Good times. Maybe I'll talk to you. Yeah, it's hard to me. I would say nothing but nice things. I'll be a sweetheart. Oh, you are sweet. You are sweet. Okay, so yeah, so what else? Anything else that you need to share? Nothing. You were going to hang out last night. You were going to set up my DVR. Yeah, I went to bed really early. I know, and working till 7 30. I know what the hell what the hell I was on a very important phone call which I told you about okay, yeah, it went on and on and on but um and then I
Starting point is 00:08:12 Just yeah, I went home and worked tomorrow, which is was super fun But this weekend I'm feeling like I'm like chock full of plans tonight's friends birthday party So I'm not gonna sit home and work out weekend and be lame lame. Are you gonna hang out with any dudes? A little bit maybe yeah. Yeah, maybe. And they're a little sprinkle. A little sprinkle of guys, sprinkling pepper and cement here and there. Don't really know. Don't really know what's going to happen. And then we've a contest going on. We've gotten amazing responses to this. So everyone, keep it coming because we'll be picking a winner on Tuesday. The contest is, what would you give up for amazing
Starting point is 00:08:41 sex? What in your life are you like, God, okay, I'll give up my iPhone for amazing sex. I'd give up chocolate or I'd give up whatever. What would you give up for amazing sex? What in your life are you like, God, okay, I'll give up my iPhone for amazing sex. I'd give up chocolate or I'd give up whatever. What would you give up for amazing sex? We've gotten some funny answers. You can tweet me, tweet it to me, sex with Emily or Facebook or email me feedback at because you'll be winning a special prize from Adam and and it vibrates and it's phallic shaped. That's all I'm going to tell you. Okay. Okay. It's phallic shaped. It's phallic shaped, that's all I'm going to tell you. Okay. Okay. It's phallic shaped. It's phallic shaped and it vibrates, so you'll be so psyched. So then, that's what I got to say about that. And then Monday's show, we're talking about crazy sex accidents.
Starting point is 00:09:14 They're hilarious. What do you think? Can't tell you. I can't reveal my sources. Thanks everyone for listening to this Sex with Emily Highlight clip from today's episode. To get the full episode, go to and become a friend with benefits member today. There's so much happening at the new Sex with We've got daily shows with live streaming video, we've got polls, we've got blogs, we've
Starting point is 00:09:37 got giveaways, there's so much happening at the site and we just hope you all join us and support the show. So go to right now and you can listen to this entire episode. Thanks everyone for supporting the show. all join us and support the show. So go to right now and you can listen to this entire episode. Thanks everyone for supporting the show.

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