Sex With Emily - Masturbation Pro Tips (Part 1)

Episode Date: May 11, 2022

Did you know that masturbation helps you sleep better? Tones your pelvic floor? And – surprise – boosts your immunity? But let’s be honest: these aren’t exactly the main reasons people masturb...ate. You masturbate because it’s pleasurable, but as the OG form of self-care, masturbation delivers all kinds of benefits, physically and psychologically. That’s why today’s show kicks off a two-part masturbation series, and later in the month, we’ll look at how masturbation benefits a partnership. On today’s episode however, it’s all about YOU: common masturbation fantasies, how to mix up a stale masturbation routine, how to make your solo sex more erotic, and how to practice mindful masturbation. Plus, I take your questions! Can a vibrator desensitize your clitoris? All this and more on Part 1 of our Masturbation Pro Tips Series. Show Notes:Squirting Secrets w/ Deborah SundhalThe Sex with Emily Shop page Our Edging Guide Our Yes No Maybe List  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I waited a long time until I realized that I had to do the work and I had to figure out what I wanted. So right now, just know that when you're masturbating, it's something you can share with a current partner or a future partner. Which is why I like to call it solo sex. So when you think about it, it falls under the larger umbrella of sex itself. It's something that you're doing for yourself by yourself. You're listening to Sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:00:26 I'm Dr. Emily and I'm here to help you prioritize your pleasure and liberate the conversation around sex. Did you know that masturbation helps you sleep better, tone-dropopic floor, and surprise, it boosts your immunity? But let's be honest, these aren't exactly the main reasons people masturbate. You masturbate because it's pleasurable. But as the OG form of self-care, masturbation delivers all kinds of benefits, physically and psychologically. That's why today's show kicks off a two-part masturbation series, and later in the month we'll look at how masturbation benefits a partnership.
Starting point is 00:00:59 On today's episode, however, it is all about you, common masturbation fantasies, how to make your solo sex more erotic, and how to practice mindful masturbation. Plus, I take your questions like an aviabrader deced stizer clitoris, one of the best ways to mix up your current masturbation routine, and so much more, in part one of our Masturbation Pro Tip Series.
Starting point is 00:01:22 All right, intentions with Emily, join me in sending in Tension for the show. What do you want to get out of this episode? Well, my intention for you was to kick off one of my favorite months of the year, Master Ration May, with so much information to help guide you on your sexual journey because Master Ration is part of being sexually healthy
Starting point is 00:01:40 overall. So let's take it to the next level and also get rid of all that shame. Please rate and review Sex with Emily wherever you listen to the show. My new article Ask Emily, kink and BDSM ideas is up at Check out my YouTube channel for more sex tips and advice. If you want to ask me questions, do it. Leave your questions or message me at slash Ask Emily. Or call my hatline 559 Talk Sex 559 825 5739. Always include your name, your age, where you live and how you listen to the show.
Starting point is 00:02:12 And totally cool to change your name if you wanna remain anonymous. All right, everyone, here we are. It is International Master Bation Month every May. It's a real thing. I didn't make it up. I wish I did. But here's a little bit of the history.
Starting point is 00:02:39 When Bill Clinton was president in 1994, there was a search surgeon general, Joycelyn Elders. And one of the first things she talked about was that we have to be more sensible masturbation. She said that with the hopes of reducing the spread of HIV and STIs, she said, I think that masturbation is something healthy and perhaps it should be taught in schools. Well, she was forced to resign and everyone was up in arms
Starting point is 00:03:02 at the surgeon general. She'd tell everyone they should masturbate and have some more comprehensive sex education. So our friends at Good Vibrations decided to start a holiday and as masturbation may, we celebrated, we're allowed to masturbate, it's our human rights pleasure is our birthright and so that's the history of it. All right, let's get into it because, ugh, I love masturbation, mate. We're gonna celebrate with a two-part series on masturbation, which kicks off today. So the next episode will come out later this month,
Starting point is 00:03:32 and that's gonna focus on masturbation and how it benefits your partnership. But today, we're looking at how masturbation benefits you. I mean, this is your solo sex we're talking about. So we're asking you, how can you get more out of it? And more specifically, how you can mix up your current masturbation routine to make your orgasms deeper, the experience more erotic,
Starting point is 00:03:52 learn more about your body, more exploratory, and new body parts to pay attention to. Let's get into it, all right? Why masturbate? So let's do a little state of the uni masturbation. And this is what you all told me of the union masturbation and this is what you all told me on Instagram about your masturbation practice because I wanted to know. I asked how often you masturbate and 38% of you said every damn day 49%
Starting point is 00:04:17 said once or twice a week 11% once a month 18% barely and never. So, I like this. You guys are out there masturbating. Those are some good numbers. I asked the penis owners, do you masturbate regularly? You said yes, 86%. No, it's 14%. I asked vulva owners, do you masturbate regularly? And you said yes, 74%.
Starting point is 00:04:38 26% no. So, how is your masturbation practice? So, here's something though, beyond the section of the community, here's just some more masturbation stats to give us a lay of the lamp. So there's a survey from 2018, but it is the largest that I've found. Global survey with more than 13,000 respondents. So it turns out the average age people start masturbating in the US is 15 years old. I have a hunch that's a little bit younger, but that's the survey said. 92% of American men masturbate regularly, 76% of American women do,
Starting point is 00:05:13 and of those who masturbate get this, gay and bisexual individuals are 20% more likely to masturbate weekly than have sexual individuals. Only 18% of respondents in the United States feel it is important to talk about masturbation with people they are close with. Oh, well, that is a growth area for us here because I think it's really important to talk about our masturbation practice with a partner
Starting point is 00:05:35 and I'll get into why in a future episode. And 80% of men who have used sex toys say they are useful for improving their masturbation experience, but only 53% are open to using a sex toy. So I guess that's pretty good stat of those who have tried. 80% said yes, it was super useful, I loved it, but only 53% are willing to use one. Okay, so now we know how many of you masturbating and that there is a gap between men and women. So yeah, after reading all those, would I again find the most fascinating?
Starting point is 00:06:06 Why are we so quiet about it? You know, like, why don't we want to talk to our partners about it? Why is it so shameful? Why is it to be so mystery? And I think that's why we've so many problems with it is because we think it's shameful or we shouldn't be doing it. Sometimes we get jealous of our partners' masturbation or we think we have to hide it because it's just really, really misunderstood.
Starting point is 00:06:25 So like I said, we're going to cover more of that in a future episode. But right now, this episode, we are going to unpack it. Why should you masturbate? I understand. Maybe you've issues with it. You've got shame around it. A lot of you say, I don't need to masturbate because I have a partner. But let's get into why.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Well, first, I think we all know it can be really, really pleasurable. But if this will help you move along your masturbation routine, there's also proven health benefits to having a regular masturbation practice. So if you have penis, masturbation will lower your prostate cancer risk. That's a good one, right? Toned your pelvic floor muscles, which helps penis owners with erectile dysfunction, can also help you regulate premature deaculation, and for love of owners, it can help with urinary incontinence, which is very common after having a baby,
Starting point is 00:07:11 also strengthens your pelvic form muscles, and helps everybody, no matter what body part you have, it helps you have more intense orgasms. It also boosts your immunity, helps you fall asleep faster, and isn't mood booster. We think about it, don't you feel great after you have an orgasm? It's because you get that incredible chemical cocktail of endorphins, oxytocin, serotonin. But also, what I always think is a really important thing about masturbation is it just makes
Starting point is 00:07:38 you more sexually self-aware. You understand your own body, you know it feels good, you know the lay of the land, and you also get really valuable information about what you like. So then when a partner says, what do you like, what turns you on, how do you like to be touched? You have an answer. You know how your body works. You're not waiting for a partner to come in and figure it out for you like I was. I waited a long time until I realized that I had to do the work and I had to figure out what I wanted. So right now, just know that when you're masturbating, it's something that you can share with a current partner or a future partner, which is why I like to call it solo sex. I don't know, say about masturbations, it's just that word. You're like, oh, God, masturbation. But it's solo
Starting point is 00:08:22 sex. If you think about it, it falls under the larger umbrella of sex itself. It's something that you're doing for yourself by yourself, unless you're doing mutual masturbation, which we will also cover in our future episode. But mutual masturbation, you can do it with a partner, but it's still a solo experience. You're still getting off on yourself and learning about yourself.
Starting point is 00:08:41 The next thing I want to talk about is mixing up your masturbation routine. So it seems like a lot of you do masturbate. Maybe you want some ways to elevate your experience because just like sex with a partner, it can get a little rote. You do the same thing. You hit it in quid it. You just do it to get it over with. So if you're curious about what else is out there and I encourage you to be curious about it, I hear from a lot of you that you just want to expand beyond purely literal stimulation. You want to explore your G-spot or G-area. Have you explored your nipples to see what feels good for you if you can have
Starting point is 00:09:14 a nipple gasm? So I love G-spot stimulators, G-spot vibrators. I love the Dame arc. It has a great tip that I just love the way it's curved. It can help you find your G-spot. I really like the Wevibe Rave. By the way, a great show on Squirting with Deborah Sundahl that you should check out that episode too because it really helps you here figure out Squirting and how to find your G-spot. But we do have a shot page on our site. Just go to section of the, click the shot page and you can check out all of our stuff on good vibrations that has toys that you would like to do spot. And penis owners have you tried sex toys at all have you ever done it? Well, the world is your oyster. It is 2022. There are so many sex toys for penis owners right now. I recommend like vibrating penis rings, prostate massagers, anal play can feel great for all genders,
Starting point is 00:10:06 but only penis owners have a prostate. You can get a prostate massager or a butt plug and just explore it during your masturbation routine. And it's just, I think it's gonna be life changing for you personally. What's also great for penis owners is a B vibe. Like I said, you can try a butt plug or the arc wave is a fun masturbation product
Starting point is 00:10:24 which puts your penis inside of it. And it's kind of stimulates your frenulum, which is that sweet spot on the penis. It's a little bit more advanced. You could also use a sleeve, like a flashlight. Just try something different. We're talking about elevating it. So if you've never used a toy or you never use a product, I understand that your hand feels great. But this whole notion that your hand is the only way you should orgasm, you should only orgasm with a partner, it's just kind of silly. And think about it, it feels good. Something different, why not try it?
Starting point is 00:10:52 Or anal beads are also really fun, it's another way to stimulate, you know, the thing about it is you can kind of learn how to have anal pleasure, you can train your anal orgasms. A lot of you ask me about anal sex and anal play, and I just think that when you're alone is a great time to practice. Like, you don't have to wait for a partner. So what you do is you do what you're doing during masturbation, but you can also
Starting point is 00:11:16 in just a sort of finger, but you can't insert a toy, and then when you orgasm, you train your sphincter muscles to clench when it's happening. So that's how you can learn what really feels good to you if you're not ready to bring in a partner, which I think is a great great start. You can see if you can have an anal orgasm. You can also try edging. We have a great edging guide on our site at It's a free downloadable guide that will just teach you about lasting longer. That's what edging is all
Starting point is 00:11:45 about. These are just some new ways like to mix it up if you haven't thought about before. New neural pathways to pleasure. Even if you're just using your non-dominant hand, if you always use your left hand, use your right hand. Experiment with different pressures and speed and like try out different ways. If you always masturbate in your back, masturbate in your stomach, just how do you make it a little bit more fresh, a little bit more surprising? How do you do something different? Okay, finally, before I get into your questions, let's talk about mindful masturbation. I'm going to give you a challenge this month, and I challenge you to perform mindful masturbation. So mindful masturbation is
Starting point is 00:12:21 a little different than regular masturbation than this. You're good old, what you do in all the time. But mindful masturbation, the goal here is exploration, not orgasm, although what I've found is that you likely will orgasm, but you don't have to focus on it. Because when you take the pressure off of like chasing this orgasm, this is when the real exploration happens. So mindful masturbation is truly about aligning your breath with your solo sex, clearing your mind, going slow, paying attention to all the sensations that are arising in your body. So how you do is you want to breathe slowly, you want to aim for six, six breaths per minute.
Starting point is 00:12:57 So you just want to breathe more deeply from the belly. That is key here now to relaxing the vagus nerve. So you're expanding your abdomen and as you inhale, you're widening your ribcage. That's key here now to relaxing the vagus nerve. So you're expanding your abdomen and as you inhale, you're widening your ribcage. That's all it is. You're expanding as you inhale and then exhale longer than you inhale. That's all. You could even inhale for three counts, exhale for four counts. So it makes sure that your exhale is a little bit longer and that's going to help you relax. And why this is important is because I'm trying to get you into a mindful meditative state. You're focusing on the sensations in your body. You're focusing on your breath.
Starting point is 00:13:28 You're noticing what feels good to you. It's not so much about fantasy or watching porn or going off in your mind and something. It's about focusing and saying present to what is in the moment so you can learn about your body and you can expand your pleasure. So you also want to try some sensory stimulation. Think about your likes to do something yourself. So you're letting a candle, you're burning incense, you're putting on your favorite playlist. Maybe you're having some wine or like a bite of chocolate and the goal is we're getting out of our head and into your
Starting point is 00:14:01 body. And remember as you explore don't go right for your genitals. Okay? They might not be turnonia and ready. This is about exploring different erogenous zones like your neck, your nipples, your inner thighs. You can play with some ice cubes or body-safe candle wax. You know, like try paying attention to everything that you're feeling in the moment. Tease yourself with touch, with toys,
Starting point is 00:14:25 and then you can get into touching your genitals, figuring out and pay attention to what you're noticing. And just get curious, like, oh, I didn't realize that my left side of my clitoris is a little bit more sensitive than my right side, or my hand feels really good on my balls. You know, what are you noticing? And then as you wrap up, try this.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Meditate, masturbate, manifest. So as you're in this, you're deep in the moment, you're having your solo sex session. And then you use that energy to think about your day, your intentions, like, what is your goal for the day? What do you want to happen? This is really pretty cool. And then when you like, or thinking that,
Starting point is 00:15:01 your orgasm can coincide with your manifestation. Think about what I want to achieve today this week, this month, and that becomes part of your practice. All right? Who's in? Who's in? Are you gonna do that? You've got the 30-day challenge?
Starting point is 00:15:13 Let's talk about what you fantasize about during masturbation. So I asked you also on Instagram, I wanted to know like what do you fantasize about? Because listen, having a rich, healthy fantasy life is part of being sexually healthy overall. So I'm not knack in fantasies, so I'm just saying it's really good to kind of
Starting point is 00:15:32 try something a little more mindful and then play with fantasy. So here's what you fantasize about. You fantasize about past hot encounters being slightly submissive, receiving oral sex, three sums with my FWB, not my husband, passionate oral sex, full attention.
Starting point is 00:15:53 A lot of you say the last experience you had. Someone else said, group sex. Someone else said, mutual masturbation my partner, my favorite thing. Well, another one you said, I clear my mind, hashtag zen. Someone else said, varies, but often shower sex. My crush who barely knows I exist. My boyfriend having sex with someone else. It's common fantasy. Fairly vanilla sex, usually involving some form of penetration, slow button tense. Given head or getting head being with an enthusiastic partner
Starting point is 00:16:27 Someone else said I usually relax and focus on how I feel or a picture getting it from behind while looking in a big mirror So I hope this inspires all of you to kind of lean into your masturbation routine Maybe you got inspired to elevate it and just I want you all to recognize that masturbation is part of self-care. Truly, it is part of loving yourself. Masturbation is sex with someone you love and that is you and you deserve it. And I promise you the more you masturbate, it will help you be more sexually healthy overall
Starting point is 00:16:58 and feel more comfortable with your body. There's a lot of benefits. Let's take a short break. When we come back, I'll be getting into all of your solo sex questions. This is from Daphne 22 in the Netherlands. Hey, Dr. Emily, my partner and I've been together for three years. And for a while now, we haven't been having a lot of sex. My drive seems to be a lot
Starting point is 00:17:27 higher than his, so I end up going for long periods where I feel unsatisfied sexually. We're talking about this, so we've tried the yes, no, maybe less, and I hope that we'll improve. My main question is about masturbation for women. As a way of shifting my mindset around sex and our relationship, I think I need to try masturbation to satisfy my needs and see if this will help. I do masturbate sometimes, but I notice every time there's a sense of shame or disgust at myself when I do. I start off wanting to touch myself but halfway through my mind shifts and I have to stop because it just feels gross. I think because of this, I do it under the blankets and with sweatpants
Starting point is 00:18:00 on, I also watch porn, but certain triggers make me want to stop, which makes it difficult. For example, if the woman seems to not be fully enjoying it or seems forced to do anything, I just want to stop. How can I get a better relationship with myself and touch you myself? I want to not be grossed out by my own desires and thoughts. Thank you. All right, let's talk about this definitely. God, this is a great way to start off the questions here because I think it's really, really common, no matter what your gender, I hear from a lot of you, that you just feel shame about your practice. You know, you do it and then right after you're like, you feel awful.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And shame comes from a lot of different places. It can be psychological, it can be trauma-based, it can be cultural, generational, come from your early messages you heard about masturbation. But there's just so much shame around masturbation. And it's just very common. So I want you to first ask yourself, can you remember, can you think about where this source of shame comes from? This is the first step.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Was it your culture, your religion? Maybe you just thought that women shouldn't masturbate because I'm telling you, when I was growing up, I only saw men masturbating. I only thought, Peeces masturbated and I didn't even know as an option. So think about that. And then getting to this source is really key because what you realize it and you guys, oh, that's not me talking to myself. That is the messages from society. I am now an adult woman and I deserve pleasure. And then you can kind of come up with some affirmations.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Good try doing it every day, writing on affirmations about you could just say, like, I am a sexual being and I deserve a pleasure. And it's okay for me to touch myself. That's how I'm going to learn about myself, flip your negative statements into positive. So that's the first thing. And then over time, start to run yourself with more sex positive people, sex positive messaging. I'm so glad you listened to this podcast because I think that since most of us just never talk about sex beyond here about sex and all we hear is really limited. It sounds like you grew up in a place where it wasn't okay. So now the more you fill your ears and your mind and your time, the sex positive people and messages, you're going to be able to flip this around. I would recommend the mindful masturbation practice for you, which is
Starting point is 00:20:01 more about like breaths and getting to know yourself. Take time to breathe when you stop masturbating. Like you said, you just want to stop. You don't have to leave the room. You can say, okay, this is my old messaging and then breathe and then go be present and ground yourself in your senses and remind yourself that you're doing something healthy and you're doing something for yourself and you're doing something for your pleasure. So it's going to take time. Please be patient and also know this.
Starting point is 00:20:25 You don't have to just rely on random porn that you find. I understand that maybe some of the porn you're watching doesn't feel consensual, but you can try to like source your own erotica. Audio erotica can be really hot. We like Quinn or Dipsy or written erotica. You can read erotica. You have to watch it. You can listen.
Starting point is 00:20:43 But Lesa is also someone who offers ethical porn that's made for and by vulva owners that might resonate with you a bit more than what you're watching right now. So just remember be kind to yourself and wish you so much love on this journey, Daphne. So you got this. This is from Manny 33 in San Diego.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Hey, Dr. Emily, I'm currently single and not involved with anyone sexually right now. Masterbation has gone to point more. It's just not that exciting. Nothing compared to having sex with a person. I've used all the great toys out there for men and I've done all that self-care stuff when you look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how sex you are while masturbating. I'm trying to get away from visual aids like porn and websites that show girls that are nothing But tens because I believe it puts the wrong expectations in my head
Starting point is 00:21:30 Bottom line is that well, I have all this single time to myself How can I make masturbation fun again? I'm only masturbating maybe once a week But I want to do it more and look forward to it. I'm just tired of the fantasy and want something real Please help. All right, Maddie, love your question here. And I love that you, God, you really must be listening to the show or you really just, I love that you're in a ground to play to this.
Starting point is 00:21:56 And you realize it, yeah, I could keep masturbating the same way forever or I could learn to expand my sexual repertoire. So here's some ways that you can mix up your masturbation routine. Ready? This is for penis specifically. Well, first, you can change the position you masturbate in. Because listen, and this goes for a vulva on her's too, but likely you've masturbated
Starting point is 00:22:17 in the same position. So if you're always standing, you can lay on your back, if you sit, you can stand, you can use your left hand instead of your right hand, just try the positions. You could also masturbate if you work out, it's great to masturbate after you work out, because we release really good hormones when you work out like adrenaline and dopamine, and your doorphins are high at that point, so your blood flow is great, your pelvic floor muscles are relaxed, that's a great time to masturbate. Also, check out
Starting point is 00:22:45 Explore some other areas like the taint or the perineum. So the perineum is between the penis and the anus and his so many nerve endings. And so you can also put some vibrating sex toy there while touching your penis. With your other hand, you could stroke your perineum. It provides indirect stimulation to your prostate, which could feel really good as well. You could try a masturbation sleeve, as I mentioned earlier in the show. You can find more of those on our website and our shop.
Starting point is 00:23:12 There is a flashlight, it's a handheld column that you slip over your penis to stimulate the real feel of vaginal sex or anal sex. It can just feel good. It's like a different material that you just use your hand, and it's not yours, it can just feel good. It's like a different material that you just use your hand and it's not your hand. It's just something different. I said you could use a vibrator and play with it
Starting point is 00:23:32 and play like I mentioned. So much fun to kind of see how it feels to play with toys. Those are some tests for you to mix it up. I wish you many a very happy masturbation month and I wanna hear how it goes with you mixing it up, okay? same touch This is from Emily 26 in Seattle. Hey doctor Emily. I'm a long-time listener first-time writer I'm not sure if you've answered this question before but sometimes when I'm having sex with my male partner
Starting point is 00:23:56 I have trouble reaching orgasm using a vibrator my clitoris helps But sometimes I still can't seem to get it He suggested that maybe I've desensitized my clitoris from overuse of my vibrator. Is that possible? Is my clitoris desensitized from my overusing during masturbation and penetrative sex? Alright, I'm glad you were asking this question because I can't answer enough. You're not going to harm your vagina by using a vibrator. We all get set in our ways, right?
Starting point is 00:24:20 There's like a habit. You're doing the same thing over and over again and you're always using this vibrator. So yes, you're nerve-edding, your body, you're you get used to orgasm in the same way. It does not desensitize. But what you need to do is just take a break. Take a break from your vibrator and start exploring sensation and pleasure in other ways that can help teach you out of orgasm without as much a reliance on a vibrator. So like just like with sex, it's important to try new ways, new techniques, discover ways to get yourself off. Listen, if you like your vibrator that's awesome, you can also use it with your partner. But like what else can feel good to you? Like with
Starting point is 00:24:56 your partner going down on you, maybe a lighter touch, maybe using your vibrator in different places. Like holding your vibrator over your pubic mound and not directly on your clitoris. That can feel really good too, because it's indirectly stimulating your G-spot and could also stimulate your labia if you just like place it in other places. So I would just start with like masturbating with your hands directly and then maybe bringing your toy. So I think it's just important to find a balance between your hands and your vibrator. Then, you can integrate the two, you can start with a lower vibration, you can tease yourself
Starting point is 00:25:30 a little bit and get really turned on and then bring the vibrator, switch to your fingers, go back and forth. Just look at it as like something fun and not the goal of being orgasm, the goal of exploration. Over these years that I've been talking about this, I've definitely learned new ways to orgasm. I use to think I can only do it this way with this vibrator, I got stuck too. But then I realize that like I can figure out other ways and not be reliant, but it takes a little bit of work like everything else, right?
Starting point is 00:25:55 You know, you could order food to be delivered every day or you could learn to cook. You're still getting nutrition, you're still getting the nutrients, you're still eating a meal, but in one way, you're kind of learning how to do it yourself and the other way, you know, you're just using a toy. But you're getting the nutrients, you're still eating a meal, but in one way you're kind of learning how to do it yourself and the other way, you know, you're just using a toy, but you're getting the same result.
Starting point is 00:26:09 And for the record, I've never learned to cook, and I'm okay either way. This is from NOAA 33 in California. Hi, Dr. Emily, I love the show. It's been a great way for both my wife and I to grow in our sexuality. After growing up in an evangelical purity culture, I'm now coming to a period where I am growing my understanding of sexuality. Part of that is in my masturbation. I recently listened to your episodes about masturbation and many aspects resonate with me,
Starting point is 00:26:34 but I'm struggling with where the balance is. You talk about healthy self-love, but there was also a moment that you mentioned someone's partner possibly being addicted to porn. You also mentioned in previous episodes that sometimes when men masturbate too much, they develop a need for a specific rhythm and pressure that they can only fulfill with their own hand. So, with this new awakening and lack of shame with my masturbation and viewing porn, which my wife has expressed she's perfectly okay with, I'm also wondering how to know if and when I'm developing unhealthy habits. Oh, Noah! well, I'm just so happy
Starting point is 00:27:07 that you've gotten to this place on your journey where you are growing and understanding your sexuality and you realize that shame is something from the past and you can learn to overcome it. Talk to about it with your wife and experimenting on your own. And I understand like this is all true that sometimes when my masturbate they do develop a need for a specific rhythm and pressure And we call that the death grip and so I hear this a lot of men who are like not able to Orgize them with a partner They could only orgasm in way and that's because you always master rate the same way with the same hand doing the same thing Which is why we're also talking about mixing up in this episode so that doesn't happen to you
Starting point is 00:27:42 So that absolutely can happen. And what you do is you have to learn to try something different so you can rewire the pathways in your brain and learn other ways that you can orgasm. But I don't feel like that's you. You're a grown man and you're starting a new, but again, that is true. And to answer your question about porn, yes, you can become reliant on porn. Well, how do you know that? You absolutely need porn to be on any time
Starting point is 00:28:05 of your sexual. You need to be watching it, looking at it, you need to be thinking about it. And it also becomes a problem when you, yeah, you just are too reliant on these methods and you're like, I can't really get off with my partner. If there's consequences to your masturbation routine, like I said, you can't masturbate anymore, you're no longer turned on by your wife, you need to keep escalating and escalating. Like you're watching this kind of porn. Now you need to watch more extreme porn. You know, you just need all of these things to orgasm and to get in the mood. That's when you're going to know, but I think you are so mindful and you're so on top of
Starting point is 00:28:35 this stuff, Noah, and you're really doing this in such a beautiful way that I don't think you are a risk factor for any of this. But if you're still worried, you know that I'm not'm not going anywhere now and I will be here for you. Hopefully this helped you and so many of our listeners. That's it for today's episode, see you on Friday. Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Be sure to like, subscribe and give us a review wherever you listen to the podcast and share this with a friend or partner. You can find me on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at Sex with Emily. Oh, I've been told I give
Starting point is 00:29:13 really good email, so sign up at and while you're there, check out my free guides and articles for more ways to prioritize your pleasure. If you'd like to ask me about your sex life, dating, or relationships, call my hotline 559 Talk Sex. That's 559 825 5739. Go to slash Ask Emily. Special thanks to ACAST for powering the Sex with Emily podcast. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at

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