Sex With Emily - Mixed Sex Signals & Missing Orgasms

Episode Date: October 7, 2015

On today’s podcast, we’re tackling the issues of mixed signals, the missing orgasm, and mischievous sex fantasies. How do you manage problems in the bedroom and keep your relationship in good stan...ding? Learn how to navigate mismatched libidos, carefully communicate your sexual needs and put those potentially problematic fetishes to bed in order to keep your relationship safe. Also discussed, the top and bottom sex positions for HER pleasure, tips to make Missionary anything but boring, and a Sex in the News story that’ll make you re-think gifting your penis to a partner. Whether you’re running into some sexual hang ups in your marriage or you’re ready to make new discoveries in the bedroom, this podcast has the answers for you! From vibrating hotel beds to dildo gifts that turn heads, this Sex With Emily episode has it all. Don’t miss it! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Everyone thanks for listening to Sex with Emily tonight's show Mixed Sex Signals. How do you read them? Also, how to orgasm during intercourse with a new partner and troubles with three sums. Can you believe that? People have trouble actually having three sums and troubles. We're going to talk about all that and more. Thanks for listening. Okay, you guys. You know, I'm always talking about how to mix things up in the bedroom. Well, Hustler Hollywood stores should be your main destination. They've got the best toys, erotica, sexy lingerie. Was there last night trying to get on?
Starting point is 00:00:29 She takes some pictures. They put them on my Instagram account. It's a really great store. They've got about 12 locations. And last night, I got a workshop there about sex out. It was sex out. All the things you wish to learn in sex out of it. A great crowd.
Starting point is 00:00:41 We went shopping after. And they literally have every single toy product on the market that you've ever wanted to buy. It's a great date and I activity. Go there, check it out with a partner. If you go to any Hustler Hollywood location, just say Sex with Emily Stain. You get 20% off. All your purchases at checkout, which is awesome. But now go to, code Emily20, and you also get a discount on the website.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Because everyone needs a little added, um, to their sex life. Thanks for listening. 6. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubized, they call them in a bag on me. Hey, Emily. You got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:01:34 The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean, like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh, my God. I'm gonna feel so drunk. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with.
Starting point is 00:01:49 You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information go to, you can check out, oh my God, all the things happening there. And I'm actually launching a new website very shortly, so stay tuned for that. It's going to be so much better than it ever was. I always thought my websites were pretty damn good, but this one's gonna,
Starting point is 00:02:10 freaking rock your world. Anderson can't wait for you to see it. Santa, my mailing list, and follow me on Instagram and Twitter and Facebook and Snapchat now. It's all sex with Emily. Anderson. Snapchat, the one that like disappears.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Yeah, it disappears and we're just starting. I'm just starting it. It is kinda shady. I'm just gonna do like my nipples like kind of You know, I've been waiting for a reason to do like a one second, you know, maybe every day like a body part Snapshot your thing you're waiting for we'll see I'm just saying that so Anderson I haven't seen you since your big premiere on this Saturday night. I'm really really proud of you. Thanks, kid Yeah, Anderson had like a sold out crowd at BuzzBee's E, which is a really cool bar here in LA. There's a bunch of people that were there that
Starting point is 00:02:51 I didn't even see there. Like I know I found out that there were their afterwards. Yeah, it was like bigger than my wedding. I didn't have that many, I didn't invite that many people in my wedding. But yeah, it was, it was essentially capacity crowd. and unfortunately one of the two AC units was broken so it was a hot crowd and I actually I'm kind of happy about that because it was hot and miserable in there but people still stuck around and enjoyed it. Now, on the first lap people didn't even go to the bathroom, they didn't even get drinks. No, I was really proud of you. You got up there and I understand if you guys have been listening for a while you know that
Starting point is 00:03:20 he's, you know, you've been a student of film for a long time. I will always be a student of film until I lose my mind or die. We should all be students of whatever we love. Like I'm a student of sex, we've always student of film. So you released a bunch of your films, your short films. I showed like the four or five things that I did before last year and then I showed all the five
Starting point is 00:03:36 that I really poured my heart into last year. And it was a success, I guess. And what's interesting is like everyone had different favorites, which was I was hoping and kind of thinking that Everyone would be like, oh, this was my favorite of that was my favorite, but everyone across the board. It's like a different So I can't get a good read on like which ones the best to submit to festivals. There's no such thing. I guess not No, why can't you submit all like different ones? Why can't you submit because they charge you a lot right? I don't realize how much they charge now to get 25 to 55 25 to 55. His highest 70 bucks for something.
Starting point is 00:04:05 For short, you think they cut it in half. No, they don't. Jesus, you got to do. I have an idea. We'll talk after. Make friends with the people who run the festivals because I do that and we'll get to them. That's a lot of work and I don't want to like people. No, I mean, introductions. Forget it. The point is, you're really talented. I was so proud of you. You got up there as a big like. You're like some of the movie. Yeah, I really like your movie. You know what I loved. I your favorite this is clear but I will I love Stanley the one I love the one that I made for free at my house yeah with your walking I mean yeah that one made by myself because I love Stanley and your dog and I
Starting point is 00:04:36 I feel she's he's close to my heart but I love the one that you want okay I felt I never saw your short film festival one because I believe you had to leave and I loved it I love the one the one the love how it was shot everything that one you were exactly Exactly, I really love that one. I love seeing Dr. Drew cameos from like years ago Mm-hmm, and you even credited me and one but I wasn't it. No, you were that's more mode That's my my I call that my red balloon. There's really no dialogue It's a Mormon going door to door doing this you know thing as Mormons do the elders that go knocked door to work I like that one too and I love that one
Starting point is 00:05:07 rejected left and right and that was you I don't know if you realize but the door opens you just hear a woman's voice saying I'm a Jew and that slams in his face that was you when did I say that I had you say it here like months ago all right here we go wait you know what I tell you it's so funny I was watching they're going oh my god I do that all the time whenever like like, like, really this hill comes down, like, I'm Jewish. Do you say that? Yeah, but I thought that, right? That's perfectly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:29 So then I'm like, why is that really fun? You didn't recognize your own voice. No! You're like, I'm Jewish. Yeah, but I'm like, that's exactly what I say, but I don't say that aggressively, but it clearly did. Why? I corrected you, you're saying.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Okay, sorry, you guys. But here's the cool thing. I really enjoyed meeting a lot of listeners, and there were several listeners there who said they listened to Sex with Emily. Cool. And then they became an Anderson fan listening to the after disaster and film vault,
Starting point is 00:05:51 and they were there, and I met several people like that. And that made me really good, that people are listening to all of our shows and spreading love. And if we have any youngins listening, I'm gonna do another one in the next two to three months because that was 21 and over, and I know a lot of people couldn't come,
Starting point is 00:06:03 and they wanted to come, but they weren't old enough. So. Okay, got it. Well, it was good night, and I'm proud of you. It't come and they wanted to come but they weren't old enough. So. Okay. Got it. Well, it was a good night. It was a good night. I'm proud of you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Let's talk sex baby. Well, happy podcast day. Hashtag. Is that what that is? It's hashtag podcast day. It's trending today. I didn't know. I looked at Twitter this afternoon.
Starting point is 00:06:19 It was like trending today today. Today today. Today. Really? I'm like, why did I get the memo? What? I was like, I thought I tweeted. I was like, I'm confused. I thought every day was today's podcast day. I thought every day was podcast day. For a lot of people, every day is podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:29 For the last 10 years, I realized my 10th year it's been 10 years a podcast. No, but I'm glad. You know what? If it makes people wake up to watching podcasts, everyone always blames all these holidays and like hallmark, but I don't think that had anything to do with hallmark.
Starting point is 00:06:40 But I'm glad that, you know, we got a holiday for what we do for living. And my podcast also Anderson Anderson a few weeks ago Which was very exciting news made it to 69 and iTunes Oh, I saw that actually you put that on on the old Instagram. Yeah, on Instagram. I was like really proud You know like a 200,000 podcast it was 69 was that what's why you put it there because it was the number Okay, if it was 68 you want to be like Just following but still I don't think it's ever been anywhere
Starting point is 00:07:03 I love and I love and my happy podcast is the thing I want to say like, just following, but still I don't think it's ever been anywhere. I love it. And I love it. And my happy podcast is the thing I want to say is I love, I love, I love, I love listeners because without you, there would be no happy podcast for me. There would be sad podcast for me. What does that mean? It would mean that I couldn't have it. You still do it if you had a listener? I never said about, well, if nobody's a really, if nobody's a thing.
Starting point is 00:07:17 If nobody ever listened to my show and I just did it and there was like one download, like every Tuesday, I would probably like start another career. And wouldn't be able to do what I love and my goal in life was to sit out and help The world have better sex and relationships I love that one people say that right. We're gonna do this without you It's really true. Yeah, I know, but I liked I like the idea of somebody saying you know what even if you didn't listen I do this no, but see I like that. I didn't here's a thing I started it thinking no one was listening. And here's the other weird thing Anderson that about the other night is that and this happened to me at my house. They're thing. I know this might sound
Starting point is 00:07:50 weird and maybe you get this too, but yes, we're sitting here at a room just you and I talking. I'm not thinking like right now. Oh, you can't. People listen. Yeah. Right. So every time I meet a listener, like this couple came up and they said, you really helped us with our, they told me about their relationship and their, I'm not going to say their names, but their listeners and they said, there's that you're a premiere. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:07 In the hallway, they're like, hey, so we're waiting to have sex until we get married, and we will listen to your show. Oh, that's Brittany and John, the Klausons. Yeah. Okay. Okay. They don't care if you say their name. I mean, all of that.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Okay, got it. So anyway, the sweet thing was that they were just like, yeah, you know, you, you, you, what I say, oh, yeah, you really, you know, help our sex life in our relationship. And I thought, you know, the realist's your show. And I thought, well, that, I'm help our sex life in our relationship and I thought, you know, the real scenes your show and I thought, well, I'm grateful that's why because I might dream to save the world one orgasm at a time is working. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Did any listeners try and take you home? I've, no, I don't think I've had a listener to try to take me home. I know I should really say that. You should not say that, you should not say that out loud. No, I have it. But the last time I had some Hollywood at the workshop, I'm just telling you guys, it was so cool. It was called Back to Sex Ed Basics. And so I really broke
Starting point is 00:08:49 down like all the things that you wish you learned sex ed, but you know, they teach us like anatomy and they just like don't get an SDD and work on them. But this was about like, yeah, anatomy, they showed you in sex ed class, but this was like, here's these hot pleasure points on your body that you didn't even know about, like the way certain body parts work. And I went through like, you know, how to really touch someone the best manual stimulation or all sex. I touched a little bit on everything, a little bit of everything. You can do it.
Starting point is 00:09:15 You can say it. But the thing, a little bit on everything. You're talking all over now. But there was these women who came in and we listened to the show for a while. This one woman, Kirstie. And she brought like 10 women. This energy was amazing. It was like their girls I know they drove in from like orange county for the night. They were most of them were blonde, hot checked. It was a brunette.
Starting point is 00:09:31 I was like, all these hot girls, nothing to the blonde, but it was funny because I posted an Instagram. So I was like, Oh, brunette buns. Anyway, they were so sweet. They were so open. They really wanted to learn. And it was funny like because at first, you know, when I do these workshops, I'm thinking, do people, you know, do do people know this or not and it was just such an interactive crowd everyone has questions they learned a lot and it made me think that I really want this was a great one and I felt that it helped a lot of people in ways they need to and I'm proud of it and I would also take it on the road and so if anyone wants to become speaking your your city let me know because it was like it went on and on for two hours people like questions and then I took
Starting point is 00:10:02 everyone shopping up by vibrators it was a good time. Up and down the aisle. Up and down the aisle. Really? Up and down the aisle. Oh yeah, dude, I'm like the sex pair with fun. Like if anyone's like, I have a tilted cervix and I can only orgasm, you know, leaning on my left elbow, I think this is the vibrator for you.
Starting point is 00:10:14 This is what you do. Is that right? Do they have the Jaju Mimi? They did. They did. And I love that I was like, here's my favorite. And they was funny because there was like, my listener's like, oh, are you talking about that
Starting point is 00:10:22 all the time? There's the Kray Vespos queue. If you ever do want to like pick up on Emily at one of these events, you just talking about that all the time? There's the Cray Vespos queue. So I- I can't really do want to pick up my Emily at one of these events. What do I need to do? Here's what you do. Here's a perfect light.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Just go up to her and say, hey, will you show me that at home? Right. Can you give me a little lesson at home? When I come over and check out my Sibian, yeah, that's right. I'm not gonna have it. You got a CB in your house. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:39 What? I didn't tell you this. Is it like furniture? Like do you say you can sit on the love scene or the CB in the theater? No, I have to tell you this is is gonna be, I mean, okay, Sibian, I use like $15,000 on it. No, no, no, no, no, no, they're not,
Starting point is 00:10:50 they're like, they're like, how much are they? I don't know, they're not, they're like thousand, something. But here's the thing, it is the, no, no, no, no, it's not about orgasm. It is about retraining your body sexually and learning how to be more sexually responsive and how to have the most incredible pleasure of your life that you'd never be able to experience without
Starting point is 00:11:11 Experience this toy because it's the only one that set up. It's kind of like a like a saddle It looks like it's not like big and intimidating. It's the most powerful like toy and you can sit on it Yeah, you mount it like a like it's the only one. It's the only product because inside No, that you can mount it like you're in the cowgirl position So then if you for example Let's say you have never had orgasm and you're like not really comfortable So you can like try it out and see like yeah, you could rub on it. It's vibrates, you know, obviously But you could also have the attachments. There's like different dildos attached to it
Starting point is 00:11:42 but you could also have the attachments. There's like different dildos that attach to it, bigger ones, smaller ones, and then you learn to move so like if you've never had a two-spot orgasm, you can do that. Does it have like a little door on the side that you can push and it opens and the attachments are in there? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Exactly. Oh my God, dude, I got the cabinet because here's the thing. I got it and it's sitting out at my house. So I was like, okay, I need some way, you know, I gotta cover it up because my house is kind of small. It's not a transformer, it doesn't like become, lazy, okay, I need some way, you know, I gotta cover it up, because my house is kind of small. It's not a transformer, it doesn't like be cum, lazy way.
Starting point is 00:12:07 It becomes like a couch, right, exactly. No, but what happens is they set me the cabinet. So now it looks like one of those ottomans, you know, that you can take off and store things in, so it's great, I need it anyway, and matches my house. And also, here's the other thing, it's not just for women, it's for couples, so it's a good thing about it.
Starting point is 00:12:23 You know how I always talk about how like mutual masturbation is a really hot thing? Because then you're like, you're not gonna forget to answer this. Would you say the typical man likes to watch a woman like get off orgasm masturbate? I know a lot of that on the old internet, so I'm assuming so.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Okay, right. So let's say it's your partner and she's, you know, you're touching her, you're kissing her like you can even climb on it too. And like you're crushing her, touching her. Totally enough room. Totally enough room.
Starting point is 00:12:43 So it's like, and then you transfer that and then you've sex, but she's getting off. You can, she can give you a blow job, whileasing or touching it. Totally enough room. So it's like, and then you transfer that and then you've sex, but she's getting off. You can, she can give you a blow job while she's on it. And a lot of couples like learn how to actually have sex on the CBN. This is not my first time talking about it, but I have just mounted it. Let's just say that.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Okay, congrats on that. And thank you. I've been doing it. I've been doing it. No, people give you S, they've got my CBN bubble. I don't want to get attached to. This is like having a threesome with an Ottoman, essentially. Now your family could come over. Your mom could throw a feed up on the, the, the book must have been bubble. I don't want to get attached to this is like having a threesome with an Ottoman Essentially now your family could come over your mom could there are a feed up on the the the chair Right, no, no, no, it's leather. It's really nice. It's got all these like men can use it for prostate
Starting point is 00:13:15 It's actually the coolest thing I've ever seen it. I think it's worth the investment How long ago? Yeah, okay, I got it probably about a month ago, but I didn't I didn't use it until I got a few months ago I got to be honest and I really like Part of it was like oh this is gonna be you know I was really excited about it because you know me like try everything once I'm a trisexual Charvary things once and I thought you know it's gonna be this thing But really I took out the box. I plugged in. It's ready to go like I thought we were complicated about these parts and stuff And then it's like take some time on on your own, like, figure it out,
Starting point is 00:13:45 and then it has these really cool dials. It's 30 years old, the Sibian. What? Yeah, it's a... But not this model. No, it has not changed. What? Yeah, it's got like dials for the vibe.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Was it Dr. Sibian that created it? No, no, the most amazing thing that's got created it. Does he try to like make a wrap-up? No, he came to my sex school when I was in graduate school, okay? And he invented the Sibian. And he's like, you know, probably I want to say that he's probably about like 75, 80 right now.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And he invented the city Sibian. Please tell me it was like a biome of state though. He was trying to find something like like like, like, off out your shoes, polish your shoes for you. He's named Dave Lampert. And I don't want to say, actually, I don't remember the entire story. I can look right here. He printed his lady. I want to talk about the whole story because I'm actually going the entire story. I can look right here, he printed his lady.
Starting point is 00:14:25 I want to talk about the whole story. Because I'm actually going to get into it more and he's going to be on the show. So he was speaking in my sex school class. He lives in Ohio. His whole family's involved. And this was like four years ago in grad school. I was like, wow, and I talked him after. And he's just a lovely man with this great story about how this is like, he won an event
Starting point is 00:14:39 of me that helped couples. It wasn't like this salacious thing. And because people, you know, it can get a bad rapper. It seems weird, but it's like the family business. And he's more like a nice guy from Ohio. Anyway, so that's how it got. And that's how I met him. So I met the people from Sydney,
Starting point is 00:14:53 and they're like, well, try it out. And so I was a little intimidated, but I put that I put out. It was so easy. And then it was like, it has these dials. So like it's like, like a spaceship, two separate dials, one's for the vibration. And then one's for the, if you have the,
Starting point is 00:15:06 the attachment inside of you, the silicone attachment, you can start to rotate that like G spot, you could figure out all these things about your body. I didn't go into the attachment part yet. Not yet. Anyway, to be continued, this is going to call the Emily Sibian Chronicles, because I'm telling you it's getting, it's getting interesting. Have to read one of the dating perhaps you get to that. Right. But I can believe how easy and great is and then I got the thing,
Starting point is 00:15:24 like ottoman, it's changed changed my life I'm never leaving my house again so yeah it's been a big week for sex toys and sex you're just I believe shows from this point on I welcome a sex with am I yeah I'm gonna tell you more about it another time yeah please do what happened to the vibrating beds the beds like you I always see my movies where like you go to a small tell and you put the quarters in and it vibrates. That's a really good question.
Starting point is 00:15:49 What happened to the, I missed that one. That would make it come out. I've never seen those. I can imagine what they do. It was like heart-shaped beds and bigs. What would they do for you? I don't know. It was sex good when earthquakes are occurring.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I never understood. I never got to try one out. No one's going to come in two seconds during an earthquake. Maybe the aftershocks. I think they probably give you a little more than two seconds for the quarter. Well, the earthquake is only, you said during your earthquake, there's almost like six seconds. One of the last freaking out taking cover.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Well, at 19 minutes or 30 minutes or something. You think you've got orgasms? They're like, let me end the ground. That's insane. I don't get it. I think it was like in movies. Only movies. Like CD hotels and Vegas in the 60s. But vibrating beds, it's funny because they have had all these smart beds lately. Do you remember that bed?
Starting point is 00:16:25 It was a sex in the new story that it was going to measure like how often you got this thing. You were giving shit. You got to have sex on off the bed. You guys have been banged in two days. I'm nagging bad. I need someone else. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I need that. Okay. Let's get into a little bit of sex. Oh. I don't want to say yo. Listen to this people. I'm going to bring you the Collins show that you've always wanted. Call it for.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Call it. Call it. Call it. Call call into my show on Wednesday, October 7th 130 p.m. To two Pacific Center time you got a call in with the number one question. You've always wanted to ask me You won't be there. I'm sorry, but we're doing a call and show October 7th and all you got to do is follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Follow my newsletter. I'll give you the phone number before October 7th and I want to talk to you So you won'll be there. You can come. Oh, that's cute.
Starting point is 00:17:08 You're going to come to the 10 year reunion and you and men that still love each other. Okay. Oh, fight. So what did you say? I will fight him. Well, not. I will challenge him to a duel.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I will slap him with a white glove. Well, you guys will be cute. It's going to be the best. We're talking to the improv people. Quick question. Who's menace? You're so funny. He's not, he, it's a one way battle. Okay. So here's the deal. This is our first sex in a new story that I'm going to break to you and I've mixed emotions about it.
Starting point is 00:17:36 A man molds his junk into Dildo for his wife as gift. She gives it to her sister. No, Christ almighty. You got to hear her sister. Oh, Christ of my life. You got to hear the details. So have you ever heard of the clonawilly? They sell it at sex toy stores. Yes. I didn't know that until it was called for the people in this. It's called clonawilly.
Starting point is 00:17:54 And they sell it at good vibrations. You know, if you use Kupai Kodamli, if you wanted to get a clonawilly, you mold your penis and then you give it to your partner, McAdildo. Here's the interesting thing. Or you sell on eBay. But here's the interesting thing. Or you sell a knee bay, but here's the interesting thing. Here's here, this is from Reddit.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Reddit was the infamous today FDUP story. They have like that on Reddit, I guess. This is his words, okay. For an anniversary gift, I bought one of those clonowilly dildo maker at the local adult store. I molded my junk, gave it to my wife as part of a gift. I never told her it was molded after myself. My wife isn't approved, however, she never used it or never admitted to it.
Starting point is 00:18:29 My wife's sister was over for dinner tonight. I think this is like real time. Tonight, her husband is out on deployment, so she comes over a lot. We're having conversation and she tells my wife she's getting lonely without her husband and can't wait until he returns to five months to get laid again. Oh, hold on, I got just the thing. Yeah, so she says, oh, I got just, she was going to an adult store. The sister says, oh, I can't wait until he returns to five months to get laid again. Oh, hold on. I got just the thing. Yeah. So she says, Oh, I got just, she was going to an adult store. The sister says, Oh, I can't some nervous. It makes me anxious.
Starting point is 00:18:50 She says, you know what? Wait a minute. I got something for you. She goes upstairs, brings it down. It says, here you go, sis. Here's a dildo. I never used it, what she say. And she said, um, she runs upstairs, comes back down, puts the molded dildo on the table and says, as you can see, never got around to using it. Sister-in-law takes it, and you sure it leaves the house, right? So the guy is saying, my sister-in-law took two months to go with my dildo. I don't want to do. I'm never gonna tell. But here's my first one. How bizarre is that?
Starting point is 00:19:17 Why would he go through all the trouble of molding his penis? I know. Did he get embarrassed in the last second. And does she not notice the similar? It is, I was similar, but she never used it. Stories bullshit. I don't think so. I don't think so. Like I could totally see this happening, but I don't, maybe it was in his mind.
Starting point is 00:19:34 He's like, yeah, I want to give her a sex toy, but I'd be super jealous if it was anything bigger than me. That could have been it. That is a very logical explanation. Bottom line, he's in a pickle with his pickle, and that's a story. Okay. Yeah. I'm gonna do so tell you one more thing. What can I can I tell you one please? I don't really want to get stolen. The movie guy I got the film book on over there
Starting point is 00:19:54 and I watch a lot of movies. It was a great movie called the final member. Have you heard of the final member? It's a documentary and it's about the one and only thank God penis museum. That's actually in Iceland. And they are looking forward the whole documentary is about they're looking for the final member because this guy has penises of all across the animal kingdom. The one penis he's missing is human, right? So it's the movie is, it's documentary, real life, the quest to find actual human penis. And they get a don't, they get an old guy
Starting point is 00:20:23 who's like kind of like known as a coxman. And Iceland, he's kind of like a famous dude. He's like in his early 90s. Right. And he's like, as soon as I die, you can have my penis. And they actually do a mold of his penis, but it goes terribly wrong. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:34 So they got footage of this poor old man having like plastic being beaten off his penis. And then they come across an American who wants to give his penis while he's still alive. I'm so much sorry. I'm so glad to see you. It's a great documentary. It's called The Final Member. It's on that foot. I'll check it out. The final member where this guy, you know, he's still alive. It's a great documentary. It's called The Final Member.
Starting point is 00:20:45 It's on that way. I'll check it out. The Final Member. We're this guy, you know, he's two members now. So, anyway, that's one thing. The other story. You didn't like that. I thought that was funny.
Starting point is 00:20:55 No, I like it. It's just a stirrup. Why is it a stirrup? Do you think that he beats off thinking about a sister in law using a penis? No, no, no, no. I think he's going to have to let it go on block it. He's going to have to block it. But I'm just, again, I'm just confused why he went through all that trouble.
Starting point is 00:21:05 And that's the best story. So, okay, here is another thing I gotta talk to you about. The best sex positions for women, these are ranked, okay? Remember Joanna Angel? She's been on show events. Yes, I watched her pee on a man once. It's true story. Exactly, she did pee on a man.
Starting point is 00:21:18 And she's been a guest on this show. She's got a website Joanna, Cam Girl. She's like a suicide girl-ish, you know, but before suicide girls, cool check. She was there for Thrillist. What? While they were still alive, the suicide girls before they killed a little bit.
Starting point is 00:21:33 They did not kill. Oh, I had one of my show a few weeks ago. Sorry, you weren't here. Moxie from Suicide Girls. It was an awesome show. So if you guys have missed that podcast, you should check it out, even though you weren't here. Did she have tattoos? Yes. Shocking.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Okay. These are the bottom three positions. Okay. This was from Thrillist. This is the worst. The ones they like. You guys like the least. These are like the least ranked.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I'm not reading them all because it was a list of 20. This is the bottom of the barrel. And I agree with some of it. 69. Number 20. How does 20? Yeah, it's totally great. It is the worst sexual position ever.
Starting point is 00:22:03 You guys can't multitask. Yeah. Exactly. I can't multitask. I'm going to have an orgasm. I want to lay like totally great. It is the worst sexual position ever. You guys can't multitask. Yeah, and I know exactly. I can't multitask when I'm an orgasm. I want to lay back and do it. I have no problem going down to you. Right. But I can't do it simultaneously. Like at all, I can fake it.
Starting point is 00:22:12 But I get guys like it, right? I've heard. Because you're like my dick's, I can multitask my dick's saying something. So I could like, you know, do like complicated math problems. No dudes dig it, yes. Yeah, but for me, it's like, you's cool to do, I don't love it. I don't wanna be like, I don't want it 69 being shot by face.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I like the standing up 69, that's a fun one to watch. It's funny. I want to put the person's upside down and they're like sucking it, yeah. That's like an acrobatic move. The other one that I disagree with is standing up. This is the bottom two. Standing up.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I'll have sex when they grab you for a second. It can be really hot, not the whole time, not the entire sexual endeavor But sometimes if you're like against a wall and a guy like slides you up the wall and you wrap your legs around I think it's hot and this says if you're able to do it involves her arms wrapped around his neck and he hoists a Wrap and involves leverage and a chair and blah blah blah and she's wondering if she's do that. Oh, that's it She's wondering if she's too heavy. I never think I'll stuck in your head I wonder if I'm slipping. No, I'm thinking this is hot because his chest is bulging because you're anything but heavy
Starting point is 00:23:09 That's true. Sorry. Okay, so here's the J. I. So you don't like Should I take a quick break and come back and tell everyone the top two? I feel like that's a good tease Yeah, okay. Oh, how about me teasing? Okay, well, let's do what I can tell you about this is my little tease for the tease Emily and Tony Emily and Tony down under comfort. Down on the conflict. If you want any area on your body, including your balls, back, breasts, feet, if you're a shape of the gym, elbows,
Starting point is 00:23:35 this is for men and for women, not obviously the ball part is for men, but it's like, if you use talcum powder, it's carcinogenic, it's messy, gets all over the place. This is a replacement for that. It's a cream to a powder, it's messy, gets all over the place. This is a replacement for that. It's a cream to a powder formula. It doesn't get all over the place. It smells light and citrusy.
Starting point is 00:23:50 It's all vegan. It's a natural, but you guys don't care about that. All I'm saying is if you wear this, you don't wear it at sweating. And if you have, if you all of a sudden get a random head, like someone's like, I'm gonna give you road head, but you're like, I didn't shower. And then you were wearing down under comfort.
Starting point is 00:24:05 You wouldn't have to worry about that because your junk would still be fresh and dry. I had a layer of confidence. Right, thank you for being very succinct. And so many melt-taxas tweeted me, it's changed my life down under comfort. Emily, my balls don't stick to my thighs while I'm at work. TMI?
Starting point is 00:24:22 Men never want to hear other guys talk about their balls. Okay, so here's the other thing I have to tell you, go to Emily and, get down at our comfort right now, use coupon code Emily for 20% off your first order, and also our massage candles. I'm not going to get into that now, but they're amazing. We have a special new price on those. So check it, check it, check it, check it. What's wrong? Nothing. You look like scared. There was some activity in the hallway. I was trying to figure out what that was. Where's your dog? It was just cuddling with me. You look like scared. I was just some activity in the hallway. I was trying to figure out what that was.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Where's your dog? I was just cuddling with me. My stand man? Yeah. I know you called Stanley. Is she 20? No, I do that a lot. No, I always use dogs.
Starting point is 00:24:53 My wife's mom is like that. Like she calls all dogs. I call all animals she. And it's like, or maybe she calls them all of these. People think I don't really like their dogs, but I don't mean it. Okay, so here's the top positions ranked. Girl on top.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Girl like that, because you guys like to control. Yeah, exactly. So it's one of the perfect positions, because we give this all the control, we have the switch part. It's like we can be like, I'm gonna move up, I'm gonna move down the pace, the depth, the speed. I can rub my clitoris however I want it against you.
Starting point is 00:25:20 And he certainly, men can certainly contribute to this, because they like, grab your hips, pull you forward, all that stuff. So yeah, girl on top of the good one, number one, missionary. Missionary gets a bad rap. Boring. B didn't exist in a cute event. Did it be the greatest thing ever? Sometimes you just want a little missionary. It's a weird world where a missionary doesn't exist. But I mean, you face to face where?
Starting point is 00:25:46 In a world where nobody gets a vision or sex. You never get everything you know for that scenario to take place. But like, it's solid. I mean, it's made fun of a lot. It gets a bad rap, I think. It is the go-to. But there's some little hacks you can do it, too.
Starting point is 00:26:01 I mean, I think the reason why we all like it, men and women, is because like, he's still being like kind of dominant in your feeling like his body on you. The face to face can do it too. I mean, I think the reason why we all like it, men and women is because like, he's still being like kind of dominant and you're feeling like his body on you. Face to face is nice. Yeah, your face to face. And you can, and like, she can also though start to do her things, where she like, she grabs his hips, opens and closes her legs, puts her knees back, wrap her legs around his back. Like, women's got a participate. She can't lie there. Like, it says here, like a starfish. Fish always get a bad rap to a fish. Fish are in my world are constantly moving.
Starting point is 00:26:26 They don't even sleep. I don't know if it's Joannis or I wouldn't say so. But I'm saying if you don't want to lie there, be like, uh, but you know, okay, let's start going to say about that. That's what I got to tell you all about the top positions. If you didn't know. Interrastine.
Starting point is 00:26:38 What country was that? LA, you know, it's real. LA. It's a real. It's a real. It's a real. LA. Oh, I'm a dumb person sometimes. You are a dumb. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist.
Starting point is 00:26:54 I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist.
Starting point is 00:27:02 I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. I was a realist. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A Her name was Kirstie. What was her question? Her question was about joking. We shouldn't do that. Oh, dear, I don't want to do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Okay. She was so sweet and she brought all her friends and I love you guys. Big kisses to you amazing girls. Big kisses. Big, big, big vagnuses. Okay. Mixed signals. Oh, first of all, emails.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Feedback at I read all of your emails and I try to let you know when I answer them. That's a new system in place. And we want you to know that we try to answer them all. Yeah, we already know. Yeah, we already know. So the other thing is that when you're emailing me, it's great to tell me your age where you live.
Starting point is 00:27:35 High Listen, thanks a lot. Okay, sex, what? Oh, what, your sex. Oh, male female. Sometimes it's been confusing. Yeah, okay. Emily, I've been married for 20 plus years. We divorced for two years and then got remarried again about a year ago our sex life
Starting point is 00:27:48 Oh, it's it has always been great recently. She's not been very forthcoming in a Prudish way if that makes sense She says she wants me to be more aggressive, but I don't get that vibe from her She seems disinterested about sex most of the time we communicate great But I hate having you bring up sex all the time. I need a little bit of help. I help this mix in some sense. Thanks, Sean 48, Washington DC suburb.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Okay, so I read this and I'm thinking, okay, and then I had a reread it again. He's like, I'm like, back up, he's been married. He was married for 20 years. Divorce for two and other back together. First of all, that's interesting. That's a backer. Yeah, I guess I was kind of like,
Starting point is 00:28:27 so I'm thinking maybe they're probably in their 50s or like late 40s, mid to late 40s. So if you're just getting back together, it's like makeup sex, like on crack out thing, like you're like, oh, we've been in part and stuff like that. And they always had great sex. So I'm curious, what's going on here? She could be having some medical issues,
Starting point is 00:28:46 she had menopause, paramanopause, she had medications, whatever it is because we always have to rule that out. Now, if you never had sex issues before, that's why I'm thinking that it could be something to do with a medical. However, if there's still resentments, if there was some cheating involved, if there was any unresolved issues, that could also be holding her back. But really what you got to do is just talk to her about it. You guys are back together again. It's so interesting because when couples, he's like, I don't want to talk to her.
Starting point is 00:29:16 When a couple is having an issue with their sex life, no matter who's having it, one partner is having it. It's both of your issue to deal with. You need to just talk to her about it. We're like, let's get to the bottom. You know, you're, is it that you're not into it? You ask her some questions about it. She wants you to initiate more.
Starting point is 00:29:32 So I mean, I could just go out and say, you know what? She wants you to be aggressive. She wants to throw on the bed, try something new, seduce her. But you're saying she's prudest, I'm confused by that part. I'm saying, just don't overthink it. Why don't you plan a sexy night? You must know after 20 years what turns her on. Maybe she likes a massage, maybe she likes going to a dinner.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I would plan a night that revolves around her and maybe she likes lots of foreplay. I don't know what your wife likes, but you do know. So just don't overthink she's gonna reject you. Just try to bring that back. Try to think back to all the great sex you had. Think about one of the most memorable times you guys are at sex and try to recreate that. See what that all happens. And the four play begins when you open the door for her at the car on your way to dinner.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Four play begins after the last orgasm. That was. No, but you're right. I don't know what she's into. So this is why it's so easy. But it sounds like you know what? Make it all about her. Like that was a great. Make it about her. Yeah. Make it Noah make it all about her. That was a great one. Yeah. Yeah. Make it about her and worshipping her. Don't make her feel bad because he says he says here that he, you know, we communicate great, but I, you know, I should go as I hate bringing up sex all the time. So when I hear that from a guy or a woman, oh, how are you bringing it up? It's all about your tone, your timing.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Are you saying, babe, you never get a sexy more. That's the last time she's going to have sex. So you got to re-approach, you gotta like, re-canoidal, re-canoiter, re-canoiter. You're making up, you're just words, is your girl? Re-canoida, you gotta figure out the right way to talk to about this and be straight, be real, don't make her feel gay, guilt or shame.
Starting point is 00:30:57 I mean, hard time speaking today. Do you know why? Because I talked for four hours last night, straight in the workshop. What did you say? I think Johnny Carson got married to like, divorce and married back to the same woman. It's three different women, I think.
Starting point is 00:31:08 At least two. So, of his like seven marriages. Maybe more than that, but like yeah, he'd get divorced and then they'd get remarried. Like that's a person addicted to marriage. And then divorced again, right. Exactly, I don't understand that. I really, I actually, when we skeptical,
Starting point is 00:31:21 skeptical of what happened. I don't know. You just said skeptical and you far weaked out. You lived in your life. No, my nose is stuffy. You're doing fine. You're doing fine. So my, I'm skeptical always of people who get back together after breaking up.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Now, sometimes it's great. It works out if there's a competitive Jesus moment, but you've worked on things. But oftentimes, yeah, it means like that moment where you're like, okay Let's you know, either we're gonna make this work or we're not and you have a comment Jesus It means it the moment of truth when you have a revelation you think you know what? Clarity that clarity. This is the person. I know. I'm Jewish. I'm saying Jesus This is the person I want to be with and you're like it's amazing. What? I know I got it It would just you can't do those things when I'm talking in little things. I can't know it's hard gets me because me I get
Starting point is 00:32:04 I'm getting a lady. I No, it gets me, because I get it. I get it. My point is that typically we tend to put our exes on pedestals sometimes. We have this ufork recall, but we had to say. I do like pedestals, I do like same thing. Yeah, we're on the same thing. So we tend to have this ufork recall where we think,
Starting point is 00:32:20 God, it was so amazing and we remember all the good things. So I'm often worried about people getting back together when you're just wearing the good stuff. Now, if you also acknowledge there's some things that weren't so great, but we're working on those. We have systems in place to deal with whatever it is, our sex issue, our money issue. Then you might have some help.
Starting point is 00:32:36 But if you're just getting back together because you missed each other, not a great idea. Okay, moving on. So good luck to you. Yeah. What, oh yeah. Good luck to you. Yeah. What? Oh, yeah. Good luck to you.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Yeah. Now Sean, seriously, I'm so glad that you listened. I'm so glad you emailed. And maybe you guys can listen to this together. You know, you know, it's also interesting. A lot of couples I've met lately are like, we listen together and it helps us. And I love it.
Starting point is 00:32:56 That's the chocolate conversation. Yeah, no, it's like, it's kind of like, I'm like the third party. Like, they're like, you don't want to look, you don't want to have it. So just do like, listen to this. And they talk about it after. It's like a book club, but it's a podcast club. Happy podcast day, by the way, for the second time. Okay, ready?
Starting point is 00:33:10 PC day. Got. I know I was, I wasn't invited, but I'm glad that it's happening. I think everyone's invited when it's. Oh, it's a game type hashtag. I don't know. You just think I would have gotten a memo. Happy blowjob, day again.
Starting point is 00:33:21 You think I'd be told? Yeah. Okay. Hello, Emily. I'm a new listener and trying to find tips on how to orgasm. I've been married for a little over a year now, and I'm 24 years old. I've never been able to experience one.
Starting point is 00:33:34 My husband and I are not comfortable with sex toys. And I've tried doing research on different ways to orgasm. I read that as he is fingering me or inside me, you know what that word? That's just, it's a little graphic. To tighten my muscle until I really intensify it and then release, it's definitely help the pleasurable experience but I don't know what an orgasm feels like
Starting point is 00:33:55 in order to figure out what I'm feeling or looking for. Any help is welcome. Belinda, parentheses, fake name. Belinda, this is an awesome question, because it's actually one of the top questions I get asked is how the hell do I orgasm if I've never had one before? And, but it's always, there's always different scenarios. So that's why I love answering this question,
Starting point is 00:34:14 because it's really important, and you need to take measures into your own hands, Belinda. So you've got to take some time without your partner, because what you're doing now is which is great. You're doing what we're calling your call your, but Wait, what is she doing? She's doing what we call her kegel muscles.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Yeah, she's squeezing and laughing. Now let me tell you, oh, she's, she's clenching her PC muscles around his penis, which is a great thing to do during sex. A lot of women, you know, have orgasms when they have strong PC muscles. And if you ever had a woman like clench at your penis with your every sex, oh, Jesus Christ, I need another goddamn pizza. He had to pop a floor. He had to pop a floor muscles.
Starting point is 00:34:51 She's tightened it. And yes, so that's- Your herland has a whole bit of us. Okay, I'll listen to that. So there's a great way, Belinda, on your road to orgasm to do chaglock exercises. But the thing is that you need to have some time alone. Because if he's not gonna figure out for you,
Starting point is 00:35:07 like a lot of women think like someday my prince will come and so will I. You think that your husband, that you're with, you gotta figure it out, like a lot of women do, that during intercourse is when you have your first orgasm. But for many, many, many women that most are self-led. Yeah, so a little time without him, you don't want the pressure and you really just have
Starting point is 00:35:26 to start getting to know your own body. So usually that starts with a night where you lock the door or I don't know where you have to go. Take a bath and you seduce yourself. You do all the things that make you feel relaxed and calm, light a bath, have some candles, place the music. Open the door for yourself. Yeah, open the door for yourself to the bathroom and then lock it and then you just want
Starting point is 00:35:44 to start getting familiar with your body. So take orgasm off the table. I'm getting the sense here, Belinda, that you might not have spent a lot of time just letting your fingers run all over your body. A lot of it women don't. Let instinct go. You're nipples.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Like run, take a bath, use some lube getting bed. Just touch your body. You're stomach, you're inner thighs. Tease yourself. See what feels good. Pay attention to what sensations feel good, you have use some lube getting bed, just touch your body, your stomach, your inner thighs, tease yourself, okay? See what feels good. Pay attention to what sensations feel good, what don't. Then you get to your clitoris, 8,000 nerve endings. There's a lot of ways to touch the clitoris, okay?
Starting point is 00:36:16 That's where a lot of women start. So you wanna make sure that you use some lube, it's great to use some water-based lubricant and just start touching yourself. Again, no expectation. Flat fingers, massage circles around it. You might want to put fingers inside and just start exploring. Because the more you get comfortable with this and the more you do this, you will be able to orgasm. But here's the other thing, Blinda. It is not an overnight
Starting point is 00:36:39 thing. First of all, you've got a lot of probably thoughts in your head about like it hasn't happened, why isn't it happening? And I have a friend who did this on her own, never had an orgasm before. We are in college and she was like, I'm doing this. And she spent 30 days, every single night Anderson masturbating. And she said, I'm going to get there if it kills me. First week, no orgasm. Second week, no, but she did it. She tried it.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Third week, she had an orgasm. She figured it out. She like, explored the fingers, like, who puts them which time in? A desperate woman. But now she had no orgasm until this day. Yeah. She hasn't left the room. No, she's married, kids. She is multi orgasms every time during intercourse because I believe she spent that time. So I'm saying spend this time and I hear the other thing. I'm not
Starting point is 00:37:24 saying that Belinda, you could just do this stuff by yourself, try it a few times, but then it's okay to bring your husband in, show him what you're learning even before you get to orgasm, but you just, all this is gonna happen on your own at the beginning and then no problem bringing him into it, have a good time.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Figure it out. And also go to my website,, because we've got tons of blog posts on there about masturbation. She loves her research Who does? Belinda here's what I'm here with blended too is like the fake name she said research at least once maybe twice I mean it sounds like I'm picturing her with like a chart on the wall and you know trying like mathematically Solve the the orgasm. She's in researching but she rewrite. Yeah, so I know you're probably gonna disagree with me here. I'm she's 24
Starting point is 00:38:06 Glass red wine. Listen up. No, not so funny. I mean it's always that she needs to get in She's chill out and let her in real life. I think she's a little bit upset saying relax I mean she's like a fake name, Belinda Who's the name? Yeah, but we wouldn't have known Okay, that's a really good point actually going after a physiological I don't want to know. That's a really good point. Sarah, you are intellectually going after a physiological experience. Absolutely, physiologically. So you are intellectually and that doesn't work because I tried that too.
Starting point is 00:38:32 I had my own orgasm issues. I can see that. So clearly, I don't even know. I don't even know. You've all heard me tell this story, but I didn't orgasm either. I started having sex with my- You were the woman, huh? I was the one.
Starting point is 00:38:41 You were the one. No, my friend. I wish I did that. I never had that much. I'm not great with routine, you know me. I was like, I'll do it for a day. But I really like, I started reading a Bible. You realize that it's not, you could read, you put a hundred women in a room and they're
Starting point is 00:38:54 all going to orgasm different. They're all going to masturbate, definitely. Together? Same time? Yeah. I want to do that. That's a great movie. That's great movie.
Starting point is 00:39:02 My next short film. Where can I find that? But what I'm saying is they all touch each other differently so as much as you research and I get it you like research It's gonna be all about your body and all the research you need is are in your hands right now Absolutely, and your bedroom all the tools you need but as Jay you Mimi would help you I'm not sure what you guys are opposed to toys. I'm not gonna go there right now But all I'm gonna say one thing about it. I'm gonna say one thing about toys in the bedroom We use technology in every single areas of our life
Starting point is 00:39:27 to enhance it, to have a better experience. Everything. Almost everything. Think about how technology has not. I'm trying to think of something. OK. So why not bring something that's battery operated, rechargeable, into the bedroom that could enhance your experience?
Starting point is 00:39:42 Doesn't replace your experience. You know, just because I'm on the internet, doesn't mean that I'm not interacting with Anderson right now, because I'm looking at my computer, it adds to it. I'm not printing out and wasting paper. You're not. No, I'm just saying people were opposed to it. It's like, why don't you just try a vibrator
Starting point is 00:39:56 and then we'll talk? Like I could do the master base, but buy themself without a flashlight or anything. That's one of the only things that technology, if you're not looking at a computer, you're just using the brain old school away. That's like one of the only things you can do in the world that doesn't involve some kind of man-made technology.
Starting point is 00:40:09 That's true, but now it does, because that is serving their computer. Most, but I mean, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know, that's true. That's sometimes you use your imagination. I feel like I'm gonna, I'm,
Starting point is 00:40:18 and not all women use toys either, you know what I'm saying? I think the next generation of kids that are coming up today, they're not gonna be nearly as creative or tell good stories because they weren't creating things that are modest when they're beaten. But here's exactly right. We are the last of the great story of us.
Starting point is 00:40:31 That's why the story makes. I can't tell good stories. Remaking movies. We think we're the last. Absolutely. The last of them when he can start. Okay, but there's the other thing I want to say about that is that is about the technology part.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Is that it's not that you like need toys. It's just that they since only 30% of women actually orgasm during intercourse. And even of those women, it's probably half the time they actually do orgasm. So it's not of any lack, nothing to do with your partner. It could just be, it could be a million things, time of month, your mindset. So having a toy there is to help you get there. It's great. It's a little added bonus.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Plus toys, in handshake experience, meaning you might already have orgasms, but then you have like, you have one on your nipple, and then you have like a nipple and a clitoral orgasm. Or you have one, like, you know, you put it on his shaft, or, right? And there's balls and tickle it, and he has this crazy, it's like,
Starting point is 00:41:20 it's for both of you, and it's like, it's like going to the movies and then getting popcorn. It was great, but when you got popcorn, it's something better than I could say that I first think in my head Okay, I'm going going sober not being drunk while watching a movie. No, I don't I refuse I hate that I'll never see a movie for the first time while intoxicated on anything It's really I'm not allowed to talk about a movie if I saw a drunk. I have no valid opinion. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:47 Don't you think sometimes you're, but maybe it's not bad. Yeah, okay, I get it. How about if you were like, I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. It was awesome. It was so good. Because I was drunk, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:57 Yeah. I'll go see a movie like for the third or fourth time for sure. Drunk for sure. For sure. Right. I was wasted at your movies. I actually don't remember. Oh, you bitch. I was kidding. I thought I'd not show you more on killers.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Like, well, I'm not. I said bad times. Yeah, it's bad. It's a waste of time to do it. You're right. Do you watch TV drunk? I don't really watch TV. We need to.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Yeah. Who has time? Nobody has fucking time. I don't know who you love. Okay, one more. One more email. One more email. Email, we should go home.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Okay, let's go home. Email. Email. Yeah, it's like email, but it's Email. Email, you're right. I'm going to rebrand it. Okay, let's go home. Emel. Emel. Yeah, it's like an email, but it's Emel. Emel, you're right, I'm gonna rebrand it. Okay, three some troubles, Emily, my girlfriend and I, also a girl, have had three sims with another girl, numerous times.
Starting point is 00:42:33 It's my girlfriend's fantasy. Anyway, I want to have one with a guy, but I remember talking to my girlfriend in the past about it and she said, no way. She's no desire to watch me or have sex with a guy. This is my fantasy and I really wanted to happen, but I'm just not sure how to convince my girlfriend to go along with it. Should I just forget about it? Thanks, Stacey. Les being a couple, they
Starting point is 00:42:55 have three sims with girls sometimes, but Stacey wants to be with a guy. She just wants to do it. So here's a thing, you're in a committed relationship and it's all about agreements and negotiations and relationships. So some fantasies that we have have to stay fantasies. So if you're truly okay just letting it go, I would say maybe you guys can just kind of start role-playing, you know, during talking about it, and seeing if it gets her turned on, like that's happened a lot of couples and you're like, I'm imagining a guy right here,
Starting point is 00:43:29 like with you, whatever. That could be start to it. Yeah, ease her into it. She could also use a strap on. You know, you could do something where, you know, again, role-playing, strap on. It's okay, you know, what was I say? So it seems like, um,
Starting point is 00:43:48 you get, she has to figure out what's more important. Yeah. Having a threesome with a dude or this girl. Well, that's the thing with relationships. I know. Well, it's not like it's it. How important is it? Right. So if it's not that important again, it's all about compromise.
Starting point is 00:43:57 So you could say it or you know, or just see, maybe it's, I don't know if you just brought it up because sometimes seeds have to be planted. People need to think about it for a while. I know a lot of lesbians own. A lot of them hate the idea of penis anywhere near the... Right. Well, I wonder how she'd be if she was with the guy without her around.
Starting point is 00:44:11 She's just like, I don't care. I just don't want to be a pussy of penis with you. Perhaps, but perhaps that's a huge violation. I wouldn't push it. If she's telling you she's uncomfortable, let it sit for a while and then try to do some of the other things I talked about. World playing in hand has been bring it up again.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Get to the bottom of it. See it, maybe, you know, never say never, it doesn't have to die, but it is negotiations and decisions we make in relationships, we all make sacrifices and compromises. Right. And thus we don't get to relationships and then we don't have to. Okay, Anderson.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Yeah. It was really good to see you again, Dusha. I feel like we haven't done a show in a while. I know. It's been a while. I know, it's been like a really long while. It has been a long time. I just wanted to say one more thing here.
Starting point is 00:44:48 I know. I can tell that you're looking, you're searching. I'm curious. Everything's just fine. Everything's just fine. Everything's just fine. Everything's just fine. No, it's just something to shut down.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Tell me something else. What was your podcast about this week? Oh, film vote. Yeah, I'm glad you brought that up. We did. Top 5 movies that didn't like the first time you saw them, but you ended up loving after you went back. Which is rare. It's hard to think of movies like,
Starting point is 00:45:07 well, if I didn't like it the first time, well, I would see it a second time. But there's a pretty decent healthy list. They're actually my list. My number one lines up with the listeners list because we always do what top five listeners list as well, where our producer stockpiles all the answers so that the submissions from listeners.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Also, we talk about the new movie, Secario, Sicario, which is going to be a big movie that comes out this week. And we both talk about the new movie sacario sick sick alleo sick are you which is going to be a big uh... movie that comes out this week and i don't talk about that i love that you do i got a listen because i never know i've been seeing movies lately and i need to i i don't like a host quite a bit ball brine from the adam corolla show i uh... i pummel him and scream at him and i he he defends himself
Starting point is 00:45:40 that he doesn't see me really mad at him this week he wanted to talk about the end of sacario and it comes out like today. Oh, you can't ruin. You can't just work. We'll talk about it at the end of the show. No, we're not even that. No, you guys, it's a very delicate
Starting point is 00:45:53 right there to review a film and not give it up. You know, I know how to do it. He can't. Well, you got a teacher. My bald friend, no, but I always, guys, I always guard him. I make sure that he doesn't give away anything to a massive. Okay, good. I love it.. I make sure that he doesn't give away anything to Massive. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:46:05 I love it. So check it out. Check it out, check it out, Anderson's packets. All I was gonna say is that I love you, the film bolt. And that, I wanna thank you, Anderson. I wanna thank Madison and everyone in my office, Laurie and Alyssa for Being Stagreat Team.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Also, like I said, I've got good stuff going down on Instagram. So check it out at Sex with Emily and Twitter and Foss also YouTube. We've got a killer YouTube channel going. I love you all so much. Thank you so much for listening. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at Okay everybody, it's time. It's time. It's time. It's time to talk about the
Starting point is 00:46:38 flashlight. It is because I've not even talked to you about it. The entire show and the flashlight is pretty friggin' amazing. In fact, at my house, there Hollywood workshop last night, I had some guys show up just hoping to win a flashlight. So I just had to give them one. We actually gave them one, and he didn't win, but I gave him one anyway.
Starting point is 00:46:55 And then some of the women were like, I want to touch it, feel it, you've been talking about it. It's like part of the family. It's like the longest relationship I've ever had of the flashlight. You can see it was wearing the women like, trying to compare to themselves. They're doing themselves the way back and forth.
Starting point is 00:47:07 They were like to say that it's like no you give me a hand job with it, you lose with it. It is a male masturbation sleeve and like I'm saying it's not necessarily technology per say but it's something that will enhance your orgasm, it will give you a different orgasm. You can use it alone with a partner, it simulates sex, check it out, go to, click on the flashlight banner and use code Emily and you get a bottle of their award winning flash loop. Love you all, thanks for listening.

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