Sex With Emily - Monday Manscaping

Episode Date: October 17, 2011

Emily talks with guest Anthony Sosnick, founder of Anthony Logistics for Men, about grooming essentials and practices, the Sex with Emily "Carnal Confessions" booth at Treasure Island Music Festival, ...extreme sex confessions, How do you tell your partner to groom "down there,"? Menace explains why he strongly dislikes drunk white girls and the best products to manscape your body. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Look into his eyes They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex Eyes that mark our sacred institutions Betrubized they call them in a bygone way hey, Emily You got a boyfriend because my man he here. He just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute The girls got a hair stand. Oh my the The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry?
Starting point is 00:00:26 It's shrink? And we not talk about sex so much. Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm off here. So, I'm gone. Being bad feels pretty good. You know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just playing with.
Starting point is 00:00:37 You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to A lot of you are there right now watching the show. Thank you so much. Thanks to our friends with benefits members. We totally appreciate it. We love you becoming friends with benefits members.
Starting point is 00:00:51 We've got lots of exciting stuff coming up on the show and you get four shows a week and it's super fun and happy Monday. Hey, Menace. Hey, how you doing? I'm great. How are you? Good.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I got to hang out with you over the weekend. That was exciting. That was super exciting. We never get to do the festival thing on the weekends I did leave you in annoyance The I was annoyed if that's even you love because I was dancing whatever. No, no I was just annoyed by something that happened like a couple minutes before that you are so I was a mess. I was scared people my insurance were like I think man is just mad Well, you know, you just got this a loof kind of what asshole thing or so deal with My interns were like, I turns around and leaves me.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I wasn't upset with you. Okay. I'm upset with your assistant. I know. Okay, so here's the deal. So everyone's got a little drunk. Okay, we went to the Treasure Island music festival, which is this amazing music festival in San Francisco
Starting point is 00:01:56 on Treasure Island, which is a little island outside, right outside the city. And there was how many people there, would you say, Mattis? I'd say 40,000? No, I'd say... 40,000? No, not that much. 20,000? Maybe 20,000 over the weekend. 20,000 over the weekend.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Great bands, lots of fun. And we had our first, for me, it was a really big deal. Because we had our first sex with Emily Booth. We've never had a public presence at a festival before. You know, I'm on the radio doing my thing behind the scenes. But really, it was amazing Booth we had. And we had lots of going on. We were raffling away, free copies of my book behind the scenes, but really it was amazing booth we had and we had a lot of stuff going on. We were raffling away free copies of my book Hot Sex, which you can get in stores right
Starting point is 00:02:29 now and on, Hot Sex over 200 Things You Could Try Tonight. And Jimmy Jane, we were giving away these beautiful Jimmy Jane toys. If you've not tacked out Jimmy Jane, they've got amazing sex toys, vibrators, toys, whatever we were giving those, but we did a raffle. But the biggest thing of the booth was our carnal confessions wall. So we had hundreds of people come up, we had a wall, and people could tie luggage chaggs with their confessions, and some people are kind of dirty.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Those were really good, and hopefully, we're gonna read them tomorrow. I didn't bring today, I'm gonna bring them in tomorrow, and read some of them, because people were really like open, like I think I'm gay, or like I one time had sex, or put like my, what was that guy saying?
Starting point is 00:03:06 I put my penis in a melon or something and then a penis almost burnt off. People like were telling again, in a cooked melon, like crazy, weird stuff. But people were so, they got coming back and it's like, I heard about this booth and I'm like, it's kind of cathartic to write your confessions and let it blow in the wind and you're all blowing there in the wind. It was beautiful. One of my favorite things was you had the big sex with Emily Sine on the booth,
Starting point is 00:03:28 and every girl named Emily had to come and take a picture of the sign. I know, it was hilarious. And we were stickers and stuff. It's funny, because Emily is, has been the most popular name in America for like the last 15 years. Yeah, it was really, it was really cool.
Starting point is 00:03:40 It was impressive. We pulled it out, we did a live show, which was kind of crazy. I made the mistake, not a mistake. My interns are awesome. They're there for 12 hours a day and yesterday the other alcohols expensive, so I brought them some booze. Yeah. And they went through it with like, I'm like, six bottles of wine, a bottle of tequila, and a bottle of whiskey was gone in like two hours. So then they started disappearing.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I was probably a mistake, but next time, maybe I'll just pace out the alcohol throughout the day. You should do that. Thanks. I'm learning. That's what happens with the old issues. Because I can't, you know, I can't dream because I have to deal with the people that I see constantly with, you know, work stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:17 And I go to these festivals and I cover them for work. So where I left you last night was because your interns were so gone and you're your assistant. I knew it was time to go when I was staying there and I was with my friend and we my friend and I weren't drinking and everyone else was and some guy comes up and he super wasted right and he was being an asshole. Okay. And he comes up and he super wasted, right? And he was being a asshole. Okay. And he comes up and he talks to Kelsey, right? Right. He talks to Kelsey and I go, and then he goes away. And I go, who is that guy?
Starting point is 00:04:52 And she goes, what guy? I go, the guy was just here. And then she goes, there wasn't any guy. I go, the guy that just asked you for a lighter and you said you didn't have one. She goes, that didn't happen. Are you serious right now? I go, are you playing? Are you serious? There was no guy here. Okay, so maybe she was focused on something
Starting point is 00:05:11 else. All right, it's time to exit. It's time for me to go. Okay. Cause I'm in the toilet. That's why I know. Yeah, whatever. We were busy. We were busy getting, we got busy drinking hundreds of people. No, we've got, we got 809 people who signed gave us emails. It wasn't really really it was a really good time I know it was great time to you. Okay today show I'm really good. I'm not really mad at her. I was giving her a hard time I just that's how you that's how you roll. Yeah, I just need to get our show is really funny We did a live show from there a pre-recorded show. Yeah, I got to edit it up and we'll put it up on the website I can't wait
Starting point is 00:05:42 Today's show we have a special guest here, Anthony from AnthonyLegisix4Men. It's, his website, and he makes amazing skincare products out tons of products for men. And we're going to be talking about landscaping and grooming today and all the things that guys have to do these days. There's more pressure on them, shave the balls, wax the back, use good products, just like women. Like we spend tons of money on products. He's makes these amazing beautiful products for men. I'm more impressed that he has I know.
Starting point is 00:06:09 We were talking about that. How long ago did you have to talk to him? Well, yeah, you will put you on here. There's Anthony. You cannot see my camera. Hello, hi. I bought about 12 years ago. Oh man, do you look out?
Starting point is 00:06:18 I find a story, but I got really lucky. Yeah. You got really lucky. I'm so really impressed by that right now. You don't even understand. I've been trying to get one domain for like 14 years which one I'll get a few. No, I can't tell you. Okay But is products are patched with natural ingredients that soothed heal and renew skin and you have six unique brands that address the needs of every man
Starting point is 00:06:37 We're gonna get minus on some products Yeah, and women we're gonna talk about I've used them closer just a few. I've used something. I've used you send me some products They're amazing the one that the um I Closer just a little to you. I've used something. You said me some products. They're amazing. The one that the, um, the, the, the cool fix, the, the cool fix. Yeah, it helps. You know, hairs and razor bumps. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Amazing products. So we're going to get into that man's gaping what meant to do all that stuff. And we got just some of your emails. And we also have sex in the news. And we've got to talk about tanga, who's also one of our new sponsors. They make these amazing toys for men. Their website is, Japan.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And they make these masturbation saves for men and masturbation toys for men. And they are, sex toys are not just for women. They're revolutionary products based on its Japanese company, and they do their masturbation for you. So do you ever feel like menace? You want a masturbate, but you're just kind of not,
Starting point is 00:07:27 like it seems like a lot of work. I know, and I just don't, I'm not into using my left hand where they, where do you think it's somebody else? Yeah, I'm not saying you should do that, but this feels like a vagina on your penis. Yeah, I'm just saying. Well, they brought in all those other extra parts that you can put onto it where you have different
Starting point is 00:07:47 different feelings. Right. We had like five different types of either. Yeah. They do a ton of stuff, but using Tiger Products, this is the most important thing. They will also help to increase your stamina, which will prevent premature ejaculation, which is a huge issue for men, premature ejaculation. I had some guy talking to you about, one of your friends was talking to me about, oh,
Starting point is 00:08:04 no, no, no, no. When we were doing the show yesterday one of your friends came up and said with this one girl I couldn't get hard and I premature ejaculated all the time But it was only for a year and then it never happened to him again. Who was that dude? He was very open because we were not only having people confess on the wall But when we were doing our live show we pulled people in from the audience to actually make confessions Yeah, they they can some guy you still, uh, they can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them.
Starting point is 00:08:27 They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them.
Starting point is 00:08:35 They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them.
Starting point is 00:08:43 They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit them. They can fast suit on. So I need you to. Oh, okay. That sounds fine. The tango flip air is a sleek late way. Sleeky air toy with a unique air release switch. The flip air is awesome. It like pressurizes. It goes around your penis and you press the button and it can like make this create this suction. Feels really good for masturbation.
Starting point is 00:08:57 And there's a bunch of different kinds of that. So, okay. You can also call in for one, five, nine, nine, two, seven, three, nine, two. You could leave a message. You can call us in chat. You can say hello. You can leave as a message 415-9927-392. You could leave a message, you can call us in chat, you can say hello. You can leave as a message when we're not even here.
Starting point is 00:09:08 We might play your questions, your comments, anything like that on the air today or any day. We're gonna do that, right? Yeah. Okay, so I've got some, what else we've talked about yesterday? Anything else that you were annoyed with that you'd like to air? Anything else I was annoyed with? You know, there was a lot of beautiful women there. That was really cool.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Right. Yeah, if you want to go see beautiful women, I guess go to concerts. Yeah, but not all concerts. No, these were like cool hipster chicks. Right. Not the like drunken wasted, but there was a lot of... Exactly, my booth. I was annoyed by, I really get annoyed by drunk white chicks because they just love dancing
Starting point is 00:09:49 and screaming, like not even with the music, you know, it's like totally off. Just white chicks? Yeah, they- Don't discriminate. No, I'm not discriminating, I'm basing it on facts. Okay, the white chicks dance to to the music. That's hilarious. They're probably not concerts. But other than that, no, it was a really good time.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Do you get laid this weekend? I did not get laid. I was working all weekend. OK, what apps? You never tells me anywhere. I did have a fun after party where a lot of my co-workers came over to my house for like an hour before they went to another after party. And I convinced them to get them to my house for like an hour. Okay. Before they went to another after party and I convinced them
Starting point is 00:10:26 to get them to the tele-tubby outfit. So I put some of those photos on my Instagram. So if you want me to- Oh, we gotta check out Manus and Instagram. Yeah, white Manus on Instagram. He's obsessed with his tele-tubby costume. I have this for our guests who doesn't know. I have this tele-tubby outfit that I have on my-
Starting point is 00:10:42 It's the gay tele-tubby. The gay tele-tubby. But he's not gay. Which I did not know that it was a gay tele-tubby when I bought it. Yeah, so I have on my head. It's the gay teletubby. The gay teletubby. But he's not gay. Which I did not know that it was a gay teletubby when I bought it. Yeah, so I have it at my house. I'm going to use it for Halloween, but it's sister. So every time somebody comes over now, it's now the requirement. If you couldn't find my house, you have to wear the teletubby outfit.
Starting point is 00:10:58 What makes a gay? What's the, what's the, I don't know. I think the crazy, one of those crazy Christian groups were saying that he was the gay tele-tubby because he had a triangle on top of his head, and then also he had a man purse that he would carry around. I don't know if it was Gucci or Louis, but he had a man purse so that I could be totally wrong
Starting point is 00:11:20 on my facts on who brought it out as the gay, but I assume it was the Christian coalition or whatever that brought it out. And now he is known as the gay teletubbies. Okay. So you're the gay teletubbies. So I'm going to be the gay teletubbies. That's your highlight, Dr. Halloween. Happy wedding to go. It's next weekend, right? Next weekend Halloween. Well, no. Kind of. Oh, the weekend after. Yeah. Two weeks. Two weeks. Whatever. I don't even know what date is. It is the 17th of October. I know that I'm reading it right in front of me.
Starting point is 00:11:47 And the other amazing thing was how many people were at the festival asking me specifically, like asking me specific sex questions, like about the relationships about orgasms, like one guy said that his girlfriend, he was really bummed out. He pulled me aside and he's like, she can only have an orgasm if she uses a vibrator. And do you think that's okay because he was feeling challenged by that. And then he was feeling like he wasn't providing for her. And I said, well, only 30% of women have orgasms actually during intercourse.
Starting point is 00:12:10 So using a vibrator, like you should be psyched that she's getting off. And he was like, again, using it. And the next day that night he went home and used it with her and he came back the next day. And he was like, it was fine. She had an orgasm. I feel so much better.
Starting point is 00:12:23 So I have someone. Have better sex. Just a festival. I feel better much better. So I helped someone have better sex. Just like a festival. I feel better about that. People are really excited that you're giving away sex toys also. I know, Jimmy J, they're the most amazing sex toys that really do fall.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I don't even do that. We're gonna do a raffle. We should pull the names on the show and call people and tell them they want. Oh, and we owe your intern who's in the studio right now a sex toy. She's such a really one and one. Really? Yeah. What does she want? She's got all my interns all they do is get sex toys.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Okay. We just got like a thousand of condoms from lifestyles too. It could have been you. Did you say that? Or am I just making that up? Oh, I lost my phone on my computer. Okay. Oh yeah. She lost her phone. So she wants to replace her phone with the vibrator. Dude, women, you know, I'm not just talking about you. I'm talking about all women. If they lose their phone, holy crap. It is the end of the world.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I've been dealing with this all morning. I'm buying her any phone, because I'm going to deal. I talked to her about it. I calmed her down. So she wasn't too extreme, but oh my God. Well, it's hard if you lose your phone. You got all your stuff on it. It's not backed up.
Starting point is 00:13:24 And that's because she was not to be sexist because you know I'm never sexist. No worries. She was a typical woman. I go well you know you got to backed up. I don't have to. I don't have to. I don't have to. I go you got to backed up on your computer right?
Starting point is 00:13:34 Like any dude has and she's like no I know. We're going to work on it. We're working on it today. We're going to get it back. But yeah. Okay. Things happen. It's just a phone.
Starting point is 00:13:44 You're not missing an arm. No exactly. You're still walking there. I know you, but. Yeah. Things happen, it's just a phone. You're not missing an arm, it's okay. No, exactly. You're still walking there, I'm under your fine. Okay, let's get a sex toy. She's getting a sex toy anaphone now, that's it. Exactly. I get everyone's sex toys, that's what I do. Okay, sex in the news, women on the pill are more likely to date a nice guy who's bad and bad.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I'd like to know how they did this study. An interesting study conducted by Craig Roberts of Sterling University, Scotland has found that women taking oral contraception tended to choose mates who lacked sexual prowess. The researchers surveyed 2500 women in the United States, Czech, Republic, Britain, and Canada, who had at least one child on whether they were taking the pill when they met their mates.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Then they questioned them on their sexual satisfaction, so they tied it. The results were, the results were odd. Women on the pill were more likely to begin relationships with the guys that they weren't physically attracted to. I've heard this before. If you're on the pill, it's obviously messing with your hormones and it is, will make a difference on the men that you choose to be with. So basically taking the pill can make you pick some fumbling five, but you may be into him for his comforting presence as you two marathon watch shitty reality television that is a Help it out the men of America right there. I know right there's so
Starting point is 00:14:50 Have a kid you don't have a kid because they're they suck and then second You know if you're bad and bad you're still getting a chick, so I don't say I see it's a win-win Okay, so women who use oral contraception when they met their partner tend to find them less attractive Engage in compliance sex and rejected sexual vantus more frequently as a relationship progressed So women on the pill you're gonna take a take attention to their pay attention to their day day Yeah, yeah, okay Google powered vibrator brings new meaning to the phrase search and in options. Why? Who says that internet? Internet isn't lady friend?
Starting point is 00:15:25 Certainly not the makers of the Google her, a vibrator that turns on every time Google pings your browser. According to FAT's Randy Sarefan, who invented the clap-off bra, have you heard of the clap-off bra? No, why haven't you told me this? I never heard of it until just now. The clap-off. No, which triggers the pulsation of the vibrator when it's inserted into one of your favorite
Starting point is 00:15:46 Orfaces Sarah friends instructional video also includes a handy how to guide making your own Google her Supplying horny chicks magivers with the tools and you make their own search engine Whatever just use your vibrator and then Google and do it separately. That sounds really stupid Why are you knocking something that's amazing? What? Every time you get pinged on Google they're gonna vibrate with you're on the moon at What? Every time you get pinged on Google, they're going to vibrate. Where if you're on the mood at that moment of vibrating,
Starting point is 00:16:07 you're getting pinged on Google. I don't get it. No. Every time, it's kind of like the thing. If you're already can have sex with, we've talked about this before my everything. So it's like somebody can ping you on Google. Maybe it's like through Google chat.
Starting point is 00:16:19 If you're having a, you know, it's like a sexting conversation. And then there's a sextoy operating at the same time. How awesome is that when you're sexting with somebody? When you want that? Yeah, I guess so. I thought I was sexting with someone and then I... There was a sextoy attached to your body somewhere while you're sexting with somebody. So every time he texted me, I would get a vibration.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Yeah. It wouldn't be consistent enough for me to have an orgasm though. What about a few as a really fast textor't be consistent enough for me to have an orgasm though what about if he was really fast texture maybe maybe really fast would really fast and say like maybe you like and take it slow maybe a little slow text maybe a little slow text but then it would just be like come on more tax more tax I'd be like like like they think the the um Pavlovian like rat like like more texting more text mine would be terrible because it would take me so long to forget how to spell something I know I would be the one to spell yes, right exactly that would be bad
Starting point is 00:17:13 Okay, Jennifer Lopez and Bradley Cooper together again. Did you hear this Bradley Cooper? We're seeing Los Angeles Saturday with the woman paparazzi says is Jennifer Lopez Apparently he was dating Renee Zalweger, right? And they broke up. Do you know this? I haven't heard about this. He's being Jennifer. I never knew Bradley Cooper hung out with JLo. Apparently they're together again. And I never knew they were first together. She likes him. That's all it says. They're just all rotating each other.
Starting point is 00:17:39 The only problem is, JLo take a break. Have some time before we start hanging some guys. I know why does everyone have to jump? And you know why I think it is have some time before you start hanging out with the guy. I know why does everyone have to jump, and you know why I think it is? I think it's because they're in their relationship, and it's not like it ended the day we heard about it. It's like, for a year, they've probably been fighting, not getting along, and then it ends, and she's like, ready to get laid again. With these relationships, I don't understand, because I look at some of their schedules,
Starting point is 00:18:02 like Katy Perry and whatever the wacko dude from the UK comedian that thinks he's funny. Russell brand. Russell brand. Like they're on separate sides of the world all the time. I mean, I give them a pause for making it work. Like these, you know, people go on movie sets all the time. I don't understand how.
Starting point is 00:18:20 How do you make it work? And then they hook up with other people. Yeah. It's crazy. Juicy Zoe Dishonel. I did it. She was there. And then they hook up with other people. Yeah, it's crazy. Did you see Zoe Dishanel? I did. She was there. I heard a rumor that she was. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:18:29 You didn't see her. I keep on seeing her husband, which I wasn't interested in. No, he loves her. Yeah, Zoe Dishanel. But I kept on running into. You know, he's in love into. He was distracted. Her husband who I have photos of his band, Death for cutie up on my website
Starting point is 00:18:47 Yeah, I like them. I heard them. I know you don't like them, but I liked them. No, they're cool They're not you know my favorite band. I really liked Empire of the Sun Yeah, we had the day before right because they're very theatrical Do you feel different vibes both days of the festival? Well, it's different genres. The first day is more electronic, which is probably like a younger crazier hyped crowd and then the next day was very very indie hipster slow tempo music. Yeah, I think that's more me and You know people are just laid back and relaxing dude. Those are my peeps. Oh, God. Love them. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Okay. Let's move into some emails. Okay, cool. I like hearing from the people. I know. We love the people. Thanks everyone for emailing me at feedback at You know if you're friends with benefits member, you get your emails answer.
Starting point is 00:19:37 We give you free sex advice right away and your emails go to the top of the list. So Emily, I've been using your iPhone app, Kaggle Camp. I've only had it one day and I'm already at level two. It's doing the exercises more than once or seven times a day too much. Can I dampen to myself doing it too much? I only did it four times masturbated to porn and wow, I came like a porn star.
Starting point is 00:19:56 My wife gives me sex once a month. So if I have to watch porn to masturbate every day, so be it. This is from Jason. Okay, so I have an app called Kegelcamp that you could buy in the iTunes store and it's for the iPhone. Eventually it will be for the droid and its Kegel exercises are for men and women to do it and enhances your orgasms if you're a man. It's those pea stopping muscles. The muscles that you used to start and stop the flow of urine, you contract and you're releasing and contract them and you do it a few times a day. I don't think that more than once or seven times a day is too much.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I don't think you're going to damage yourself at all, and it sounds like you came like a porn star, and things are great. I don't think that there's a problem for doing too much. If you start feeling any pain or anything at all, you should consult your doctor. I am not a doctor, but seven times a day is good. You can never do too many cataclysmises. You can do when you're just standing around. You can do right now, minus if you wanted to.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Help us spend with human gerage calculation, help some stamina, and help us women have longer, stronger, more intense orgasms. That's great, but you never know how to sell your app. You never know how to do it. The app is instructed with your voice. Right. Okay, that's the biggest thing. It's a big thing.
Starting point is 00:21:01 So do an example of the app. Okay, I go like this. I'm like, ready? app. Okay. I like this. I'm like ready. Yeah go level two Construct relax Construct relax see now everyone's gonna buy it that was a little snippet of my iPhone app But you it's so amazing is that creating this app you never know like are people gonna use it? Are they gonna get it and I've get I've received so many emails to people are like it's really helping them and change your sex life
Starting point is 00:21:29 So that feels good. You know when you're making a product and people actually like it Anthony We've got Anthony and we're talking about we're gonna be talking about man-scaping balls. I waxed Mac Well, I didn't but one time I had a Bikini waxed on the show and menace got his balls waxed on the air. Never again. Never will I do it again. We had her come in with her whole rolling beach she rolled it with wax and waxed his balls. It was awesome.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Did you wash first? Wash that area first to prep the skin? I guess. I don't remember. It was years ago. I think so. Yeah. So we're just, we're talking, it is important to do.
Starting point is 00:22:01 We're going to get into all the right, we're're gonna get into everything that you need to do for the right landscaping and because we're getting miles all the time people want to know which I do, should I trim, should I shave, Anthony is the proud. All right, are we gonna get into it now? Well, I've got more things to go at. You want to? We can, we'll go back to that. Okay, we'll go back to that. I just want to talk to him because we're just in, in front of him.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I, um, I want to ask you how did you even, why did you even come up with all this? Yeah, let's go into you. Well, and again, props for getting That's still amazing to me. Anthony, that's how I'm. That's a fun story. Different time, different show. All right, cool.
Starting point is 00:22:38 I was the guy that was into taking good care of myself, looking for good products 12 years ago, 15 years ago. And at that time, there was really nothing on the market for men. There's maybe one or two brands, just a few products. And I felt that the market was growing. If I was into it, there must be a lot of other guys as well too. So really, I was a frustrated consumer. I was the guy that would go into stores like Sephora, Nordstrom, look for good quality
Starting point is 00:23:02 skin care. And again, found nothing. So I thought maybe there's an opportunity, so I started doing some research. And what I did was I went to maybe 10 different stores and bought probably $3,000 worth of products. Everything that you could use from shaving cream, body cleansing gel, shampoo, aftershave type products,
Starting point is 00:23:23 and really just tried everything. And that sort of set the foundation as to the research. And then I did two years of research and product development and really identified the need for a complete men's grooming line from head to toe. And we launched in October of 2000 at Sephora. And today we have six different brands for different kinds of skin
Starting point is 00:23:45 conditions for men and for women and we're sold in about 25 countries and roughly 2500 stores. Nice. Amazing. You're like Barneys. Yeah Barneys Sephora, Nordstrom, Blue Mercury, Space and K, a lot of the chains, more of the retail chains and a lot of independent products. It's amazing products. I've used it for me. I mean, you have new products, but I've used the men products too. The mountains. So you have you found since then that it's more in the public eye in the last 10 years?
Starting point is 00:24:14 Yeah, I mean, like 10 years ago, it was very taboo to even talk about an eye cream, for example. Right. So now it's, it's, you know, like every guy, it's like standard. I mean, so we're making products now that even five years ago, people wouldn't even consider using. Men, men.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Or women. Men. Because I've been using I cream of men. Men, specifically. But what we've learned is that because our price point is such where it's geared towards a man, many of our customers are women buying the products for themselves. Because the products have to be great.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Otherwise, men won't buy them. So if the efficacy there, if the products for themselves, because the products have to be great. Right. Otherwise, men won't buy them. So if the efficacy there, if the products are really, really good, women will certainly spend $25 on a moisturizer as opposed to spending $50 on a moisturizer that does the same thing, if not better. Exactly. Because it's from, right, I totally got it. Yeah, I, it's true.
Starting point is 00:25:00 It's very expensive, but women have to do it. We have to go through it. So men should have to do it too. Yeah, it's actually, I don't know if you watched the real world at all, but the, the guy, one of the main guys though, he, that was a big part of the show. He's really into all that stuff. Right. You should watch it. Like, he's like, he's supposedly, you know, all the girls are in to him. Like, he's the best looking guy on the show.
Starting point is 00:25:23 And he's like, totally into all the scared skin into him, like he's the best looking guy on the show, and he's like totally into all the skin care. Look how great you look. But you know what it is, it's just taking care of yourself. It's all basic stuff. I mean, what we sell, what these brands are all about, are just basic good skin care.
Starting point is 00:25:35 It's not complicated, it's easy to use. Right. I mean, I just found out what microdermabrasion was like, honestly, two years ago. Yeah, that's fine. You wouldn't, you're a dude, though. I mean, I have a dude, so microdermabrasion was like honestly two years ago. Yeah, that's fine. You're a dude though. I mean, I have a dude still microdermabraze, but I know, but I just heard about it and I said what it was.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I mean, you actually have nice skin. Thank you. Yeah, I really have our shave job would be great for around this area, but you have nice skin. Yeah, I didn't really have any problems due my teenage years with skin, but I No, you look nice, but when I do have like a, you know, is it, it is very apparent. Like, do you have products for that too, right? We do.
Starting point is 00:26:12 We have products for almost everything that you could think of. And what we don't have, we're working on some other products that will help in other areas too. Okay. So let's talk a little bit about grooming. What are the trends that you've seen growing over the last 10 years, since 12 years since you've been doing your product for a month? Well, like early on, it was really important just to get guys to even try a-
Starting point is 00:26:32 I know, try it, right? You know, try it. So we would sample a lot. We'd sample in all the stores. We did a lot of events. We still do tons of events in the stores. I personally go out and do events in the stores, talk to customers, do personal appearances, you know, skincare events. That's, talk to customers, do personal appearances,
Starting point is 00:26:45 skincare events. That's really a grassroots way to get the word out. And I think it's really important to do because it lets people know that you care about what you're doing. But since then, the market has grown from guys just using a premium shave cream or a premium facial wash to eye creams, to ingrown hair treatments, two all kinds of anti-aging products. And the market today really is going towards the anti-aging category.
Starting point is 00:27:11 More and more people want to look younger, feel better about themselves, even as young as, you know, late 20s or early 30s. Yeah, because they're really trying to get away from plastic surgery and both. It's expensive. They're trying to go with, you know, creams and stuff like that. So I rather, I rather people go, people are gonna hate me because I'm friends with some plastic surgeons, but I rather go that route first than before trying to, you know. Yeah, you should go that route.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Yeah. We should send a minister product and watch his face change over time. I know. I mean, I wear these like fake glasses just for my eyes because for the past 10 years, I get up at 4 a.m. They're fake glasses? We've gone over this before. I forget.
Starting point is 00:27:51 They're really don't need glasses anywhere. I don't because I have huge bags in my eyes. We make probably half a dozen products that I can cure that. Literally put it on. Can we send something to him? I haven't found anything yet that could. We have a product called the Rescue Gel Treatment. We called it the morning after product.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And what is... He needs that. Every day I wake up that early. It's a gel type lotion that's made with caffeine, green tea and menthol. You apply it to your face just like a moisturizer. It's for guys that say outlay that party too hard, that drink late, that just wake up early. And it circulates the blood flow. So it really makes your skin come alive.
Starting point is 00:28:25 You look healthy, you look just refreshed, and it kind of wakes you up a little bit. And that's one of many products. We have great under eye creams. But these products, they're so simple to use. It literally takes 15 seconds to apply it. And then you're done for the day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:41 That's the big thing is that most guys feel that this stuff is so complicated. When really it's so easy. It's so easy. And there's not used to using products. Yeah. And guys might be listening to this thinking we're like doing it in from Marshall. Like it's no. It's about taking care of yourself because it brings in. It brings women to you like a magnet. Exactly. Exactly. If you take care of yourself, a woman are going to talk you and importantly, even more. Something else about using these kinds of products,
Starting point is 00:29:08 one great thing is that you not only, not just our products, just any premium products. Out there is that they don't only make you look good and feel good, but mentally it does a lot for you too. Because make you confident. Because when you feel good about yourself, talking about the guys and having issues and problems with the pretty girls and all that,
Starting point is 00:29:24 when you feel good about who you are, because you feel good about yourself, talking about the guys and having issues and problems with the pretty girls and all that, when you feel good about who you are, because you feel you smell good, you look good in your well-groomed, that can add a whole lot of confidence to a guy and to women. So we like to say that these types of products, not just our brand, but just brands in general, help men and women look and feel better about themselves. Right, because you're like, put in Sv'enthmonia, you went out and got it, you and women look and feel better about themselves. Right. Cause you like put in spent the money, you went out, you got it, you're doing it, you have a routine. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, a perfect example is when you had your
Starting point is 00:29:52 book signing here, just recently, like, I didn't even have chance to change my clothes, do my hair or anything. And I had no confidence to talk to anybody. I don't know. You felt you were like, I'm like, hi, you're like, don't introduce talk to anybody. I didn't wanna stay there. I know, you felt like, I'm like, hi, you're like, don't introduce me to anyone. I'm like, I do wanna talk to you. Do you wanna just show up? Because I wanna make sure I show up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:11 But you don't wanna talk to anybody. I don't wanna talk to anybody. I was there like five minutes. Because I, you know me, I'm usually a confident person, but at that time, I'm just like, I wasn't, I wasn't feeling confident because I was like, I don't feel like you. What? Yeah. You had his products, you might feel bad. If I, you know. I'm just like I wasn't feeling confident because I was like I don't feel like you
Starting point is 00:30:30 Yeah, you had his yeah products you might feel if I you know, but let's talk about what about like Okay, grooming and man scoping like that's a word that came I guess when I started my six seven years ago People started man scoping which is like you know men Shaving you know or waxing or doing anything to their backs or their balls or their their whole body, right? So don't you think that's changed in the last, like no one talked about that really before 10 years ago? No, I mean, now men are trimming, like that didn't exist. Definitely not in the media.
Starting point is 00:30:57 It is now. Exactly. Or talked about now. And so doing those kinds of things, it's really important to prep the skin before you wax or before you shave those kinds of areas. You can wax any part of your body, but if it's not clean, if the surface isn't clean
Starting point is 00:31:13 or cleans with the proper cleanser, if you don't moisturize after with the proper moisturizer, you'll get razor burn, you'll get burning after you will actually get ingrown hairs on your back. See, that's where your body is. That's where you got screwed with your hair. That's where you got screwed when I made him get wax. I didn't do it, but our waxing person
Starting point is 00:31:30 did not prep your skin. And they should do it again now with his products, and then it'll feel better this time. We have a saying at our company, you would never wax your car without washing it first. Yeah. And that applies when you do shaving, when you do that.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Oh, nice. Think about it this way. Think like your hairs on your body, your back, your face, wherever, filled with dirt and filled with oil. If you don't wash away all that dirt, all that oil that gets trapped inside, when you try and remove it, it's gonna be a tough, tough job to do.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Right, right, right. So what's the suggestions then for, like, do you, what kind of questions you get asked by a man? Like, what do they need? Like, a shy trim. Like trim like they don't know I feel like there's a lot of men who are kind of confused by like what's the norm and I know you should just do what makes you feel good and like I think some women care some women don't care what guys do but what what kind of questions do we get get asked or how do you well I think that you know it's really subjective but I think what people
Starting point is 00:32:23 Well, I think that it's really subjective. But I think what they really care about most is just looking clean. So whether it's waxing or trimming or shaving, they just want to look clean and they want to look like they've been taking care of themselves. So they ask, well, what products should we use? A lot of them go to waxing places. And I say, well, that's great.
Starting point is 00:32:43 But make sure that you're using the right products before and the right products after. So we always suggest to prep the skin before you do the waxing and then also use the right kind of moisturizers or right soothing products after. Those really work. We have a great product called the Cool Fix, which is geared towards women.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Men also use it. It's great for ingrown hairs after waxing or shaving your bikini area under your arms and your legs. And what happens is when you wax and your hairs tend to be curly or coarse, they curl back in and they grow back inside your body. They become infected and that's where you get all the bumps. So a product like the Cool Fix has three different acids in it and they help to loosen the hairs so they pop back out.
Starting point is 00:33:22 So next time you shave or wax, they come right off. That is brilliant. And it's easy. You don't know we have to go through women with the shaving and the bumps and the hurting. Now have you made a manual that you put inside these products to how to talk to your partner about having to use them? I'm gonna write that for you.
Starting point is 00:33:40 What do you mean, like say, like how do you really need to wax your back? But maybe we can do a pamphlet and Within our way more harsh and like a man can take it about you know Oh, honey, you need a wax your back and all that kind of stuff for a wax your your junk But what do you tell a woman that you got to be a little more sensitive? Yeah, definitely But I think guys yeah, you gotta be sensitive, but do you think how do I approach it? And I What's your issue with me? What?
Starting point is 00:34:07 What's your issue? You want me to shave? I can't say honey. You got a hairy ass bush, right? I can't say that. No, you can't say that. It looks like a wolf. You could say let's go shave you together You could be like let's shave it together and then you could like I don't want to shit. I'm afraid I'll do something I can tell you what you could do, what a lot of our customers do. Yeah, talk to them. In situations like that, they come in and they buy the products and they bring them home and they're like, honey, look what I got, these products, they're so great,
Starting point is 00:34:33 they do all this great stuff. You're kind of like giving a hint subliminally. Right. So they get the message, but you're not outwardly saying it. Right. And you want to make them feel a little bit guilty for spending the money and buying these products. So naturally, they're going to try and use it.
Starting point is 00:34:45 After they use the products and they see the actual results, then they start to feel good about the wow, this looks better down there. I feel better about myself. Where can I get this stuff? So if you just kind of surprise your partner or whoever you're trying to surprise with these products, most of the time, that's the best way to do it. That's a good idea. It's under the radar, just as a gift. Yeah, here's a gift, but that's still like saying you got to shave your
Starting point is 00:35:10 bush. Because right, but you know what? We've been overanalyzed everything. Why is he giving this to me? But no, still, have you been with a woman where you're like, this would have been perfect when her bush was too, Harry? Sometimes, yeah, yeah, I had that happen. And you're like, gotta go. I don't know how to go. Is that what you do? Yeah, I don't know if you heard about this, but there's been like kind of a backlash. Backlash.
Starting point is 00:35:31 That was not with guys, but with win or, I don't know, they're in their early 30s and they're like, forget that, I'm not gonna shave no more in blah blah. I mean, it doesn't really last that long, but they give this idea. Right. Do they want to do that? Have you heard anything about that or? Yeah, I'm sure. Sure, but I just believe in just being direct. I mean, if you're with someone and if they care about you and if you care about them,
Starting point is 00:35:55 there's ways of saying it in a nice way. I mean, I think that if you're with someone that cares about you, they want to please you. They want to do what's right for the relationship or right for the experience. So I think being direct in just a soft gentle way, that's at least my approach. I kinda do it in like a joking way too. What do they don't think I'm really serious? But they do know you're serious, what do you say?
Starting point is 00:36:19 Yeah, but I just like, wow. How do I approach it? It's like, oh, it's been a long time we see blah, blah. Or something like that. Right, right, right, right. You're like, oh, really? You haven't. Or maybe you can do it together.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Honey, why don't we wax together tonight? It'll be nice for us. We'll have a glass of wine. I'm afraid I'd mess that up. But it was funny, because when this bikini wax store was on the show six years ago, it was Marilyn Yeager. She's in San Francisco. I was like, why do women even
Starting point is 00:36:47 need a shave? She goes, honey, if you want to sell the house, you got to mow the lawn. So that's why women are supposed to do. Why are men supposed to trim now? Why did that come about? Men weren't trimming before. Because then men get really nasty. I know, but they never did anything about it. So why did that change? You know what? Probably porn, but I also think generally speaking, more and more men are taking good care of themselves. All over their body. Not just their face, not just shaving, but really all over.
Starting point is 00:37:14 I mean, we see guys, they come in with acne, acne on their back. We see guys with all kinds of skin conditions, rosacea, all kinds of problems all over the body. So men are concerned about everything, not just the shaving issues. Okay, let's get to know the men in the conscious. And the more comfortable today. I mean, again, talking about an eye cream eight years ago was kind of taboo. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:36 So, I thought, I'm not only an eye cream, they didn't get that they could use it and that it would work for them. Right. So a decade later, talking about shaving your balls or waxing your balls is not such a big deal anymore. What do you think about shaving versus waxing your balls? People would want to menace wax if, but what do you think, what do you recommend? Well, either or.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I mean, as long as it's done properly, I think it can be- Again, using the products before and after. Well, using the right products, and also it's the right technique also. Because we've seen people wax or shave areas that it looks great on some and not great on others. It's really, can you wax properly, or can you shave properly? I like to put designs in mine.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Do you do that? No, I don't. I don't even care that much. I see that. I'm like, the chick who doesn't care that much. I really don't. I'm not like uptight about it with guys. Really?
Starting point is 00:38:22 Nope. You're crazy. Yeah, I'm not. I'm not. I'm like, whatever. It's fine guys. Really? Nope. You're crazy. Yeah, I'm not. I'm like, whatever. It's fine. You don't have long guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Hair can get down there. I've been with some men in my time. They can have dreads. Yep. Yeah, you probably seen that. I don't know if they showed you. They were taking on their pants and go, look what I do at this situation. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:38:39 I was in a Sephora store in Seattle maybe three or four years ago. And a guy walked out to me. He was a male stripper. And so I'm sitting in the store and he was asking me all kinds of questions. And he's like, Hey, Anthony, can I show you something? And I'm like, yes, sure what? And we go in the corner by the men's products.
Starting point is 00:38:55 And he pulls his pants up. And he's like, what can I do? Because I wax my balls. What do you suggest? And so I was looking at him. And of course, I'm there doing an event, so I have to be professional. I'm like, well, first of all, you should definitely be cleansing that area first.
Starting point is 00:39:10 We have a great body cleansing gel that's moisturizing. And then try something that, try a moisturizer that has some soothing qualities that has aloe vera, chamomile, maybe. So it's common. And people want to do this. They're just like, here's my balls. Here's my balls. You know, this is to do it. They're just like, here's my balls. Here's my balls.
Starting point is 00:39:26 You know, this is what you do. Yeah. It's like a, it's like a doctor, you know. Right. Or it's like people come out to me and saying, you know, their wife wants to use an art library, or their girlfriend wants to use a vibrator. And yeah, what do they do?
Starting point is 00:39:35 Yeah, I totally get it. The real life problems when they happen to all of us. They are real life problems. Now, wait, you're based out in New York. Yes. Okay. So how long are you here in the Bay Area right now? I'm here to the Wednesday. Do you see different attitudes between New York and San Francisco?
Starting point is 00:39:52 I want to consider stuff. What is the style like everything? I think generally on the West Coast, it's a bit more laid back. Yeah. People are shy too. They're not as direct, I think, in New York. I'm not going to put words at your mouth, but... No, but I think that people are generally just a bit more laid back, depending on where you go on the West Coast.
Starting point is 00:40:11 But in San Francisco, San Francisco, the men tend to be a bit more grooming conscious than other parts of the country. Right, right. New York, especially. I think that it's a great market for men's products. When you get up north, Oregon, and Washington, those types of areas, the men that icing tend to be a little bit more laid back, and not so into using 7, 8, or 10 different products, but maybe two or three really small. But they can do any of that, right? They can just get a range of all of it?
Starting point is 00:40:41 I mean, we have about 100 different products throughout all the different brands. So there's a lot of choices that they can choose from. We also sell supplements now, too, for men. Oh, really? We have a new line called Anthony Inside, and there's six different supplements geared towards male-specific conditions. One of them, which is called libido. And the great thing about this product is that not only helps the actual physical part of
Starting point is 00:41:03 sex, but it helps, it's kind of a mood stabilizer. Oh, wow. So it's kind of a two and one, so it actually helps put you in a good mood. Minus, you should take it. Yeah, all right. mood stabilizer. Do you think? What, do you think I'm in a bad mood all the time?
Starting point is 00:41:17 Kind of. Kind of grumpy. No. Do you think that grooming is ever a deal breaker? Like, have you been with someone? I'm probably the guy I have, but you've been with someone who you're like game over. Like, even if she saw her grooming, she like hair under arms, hair, were you like, I don't wanna be with her?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Yeah. You left the room? Well, we had our guest, I forget our name. She was here just recently. They did the book with you. Jamie Waxman, she's going to our chair. Yeah, and she's going to armpit hair. And I told her a story about how there was this,
Starting point is 00:41:47 I had a sculpting class and there was a scroll that was super hot. And we had to go down into the basement where there was no air conditioning. And she took off her sweater and she was wearing a tank top and she was wearing shorts. And she had like hairy legs, hairy armpits. And after that, I was done.
Starting point is 00:42:04 You were like done and done. So that was a deal breaker. Yeah, I don't know. That hasn't happened to me, but I know a lot of women who are like, he has waxed back or he has to do something different. So. Yeah, when you go to the beaches,
Starting point is 00:42:15 it's pretty crazy. Oh, I don't know. So you don't go to the beach a lot around here, but you're right, it is. I want to get back to you. One thing that I want to ask you, Sure. Since you travel a lot,
Starting point is 00:42:23 is there any areas that you're surprised, like you go to, say, Montana or Missouri, where do you do really well? We're from Michigan, you know? Yeah, but I mean, is there any parts of the country where like, wow, we sell a lot of product in some area that I wouldn't expect? Like I mean, obviously you probably do well
Starting point is 00:42:44 in New York in San Francisco, but let's say,. Like, I mean, obviously you probably do well in New York in terms of Cisco, but let's say, how about, you know, on the coast we do really well. I'm trying to think in an area that we do really well. That would be surprising to anybody. That would be surprising. Not really, I mean, pretty much all the places
Starting point is 00:43:02 that sell these kinds of products. So the guys that take care of themselves are on the coast. In the middle, you don't want to hang out. No, no, no, place like, right, but like place like Chicago, Dallas, Houston, right, like the big cities. Actually, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, a lot of the, yeah, a lot of our customers, we have a lot of local customers, the very into grooming. But you tend to see more people, more grooming conscious guys really in the major sort of trendy hit series. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Well, you have to because it's a rap race. Yeah. It is. What about chest hair? I feel like if men always trim their chest hair, they just seems like lately more men are doing that. What do you think? Well, I think lately in general men tend to trim and wax everything. But it's uncomfortable. It's like it's your, like I don't mind chest hair either. I think that's fine. I mean, I would never do it to me. You just like carry guys. I don't mind. No, it's not that I prefer here guys. I don't care. In between. You like guys just like that. We average guys, not too very.
Starting point is 00:44:00 I don't want to spend more time getting ready than I do. We found your fetish. You're into it. No, I got it. No, I'm not. I'm not. I just don't mind. Do you mean to be too pictures of like, like, a man? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I don't do that. No, I don't mind it. I don't mind it. No, no, I don't. I don't mind it. I'm not like, I just don't mind. I don't want him to be like, oh, I'm sorry. I'm late for dinner.
Starting point is 00:44:19 I was shaving my chest, waxed my balls, my back. Like, I'm sorry. I'm late. I don't want that. I don't want that. I don't want him to be spending too much time on the grooming over over what I'm doing. Okay, and that's a thing. If you use these kinds of products properly, it's not going to take you know an hour to get ready. It's really like you know five
Starting point is 00:44:35 minutes, ten minutes. But I'm just talking if they're like shaving before the day and they're trying to they're prickly and stuff. Yeah. I yeah, I maybe they're swimmers. Yeah, you have to like really swimmers, you know, yeah, you have to like really Fikers swimmers and she have their legs around. Yeah, they're really mean yeah, then once you start though You have to maintain right you can take breaks. You have to I mean if you don't take care of yourself It'll just you know, it's like working out. It is like working out if you start getting in shape Oh believe me when I take breaks. Yeah, I take breaks Yeah, and yeah, and the thing is it's
Starting point is 00:45:05 that much harder to get back into it. Right. You know, because once you start letting your, you know, you stop, you know, shaving properly, you start developing your own hairs and razor bombs, you get acting on your back, all those sorts of things, they need to really start from ground zero and start to get back to where you were. And that's that's a pain in the ass. It is pain in the ass. You got to keep it going. It's like women like with their bikini line So like like what and then also you tell about why doing it like for women There's a lot of benefits like if you do wax all the hair off for you However, you get it off you wax you shave you use laser laser hair removal whatever
Starting point is 00:45:36 It's that it can make your orgasm. I mean it can be more sensitive and makes that can make sex better No hair. Yeah, for men to, it makes your penis look bigger. That's what I've been told. Yeah, it does. That's why men trim, right? So the penis is look bigger? A lot of guys have actually said that, because I've asked, why do you trim?
Starting point is 00:45:52 Are you in the industry, the porn industry, or did you know it, it actually makes my penis look bigger? Well, and that's everything that men, every man wants, right? Recanon inch by shaving. Yeah, so that's another reason why to do it. But I'm not a tight about it, but you might be the partners who are.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Okay. Well, I think a lot of it, the taking care of yourself as a guy is whatever your partner wants. Well, it's feel what you want to do. It should be what you want, but I see a lot of it being fed to you from your partner. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:22 You know what's gonna happen though? If you take really good care of yourself, you'll have a much easier time getting a partner and finding someone to care. A, you'll feel naturally more self-confident. And B, you'll just smell better. You'll look better. You'll just exude a well-groom guy.
Starting point is 00:46:37 And everyone wants to be with someone that smells nice. Yeah, that's cute. That's clean. No matter how grungy a guy or a woman may look or come across, if they don't smell good and they don't look like they're, you know, they're taking care of themselves, they can't start. No one's going to want to be with them. I trust like super grungy every day because I don't care. You know, we're kind of re-assitioned.
Starting point is 00:46:58 But if I put on my Chanel platinum cologne, like are like, just love it. It smells good. You smell good when you wear that. Thank you. Yeah, you're welcome. They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not.
Starting point is 00:47:15 They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not.
Starting point is 00:47:23 They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not the friggin pro. You know everything. Okay, I think that's all we got time for right now. Are we good? Yeah, we're good. Okay, um, and Anthony. Thank you so much. You're gonna have to tell me the story off the air. What off the air?
Starting point is 00:47:36 For the dot com. For the dot com. Yeah, we want to have the dot com. And Anthony, you know, we know each other because we grew up together. We lived in the same house. We lived, we didn't grow up together. But I, my family
Starting point is 00:47:46 bought his family's house. When I was 10. When I was 10 years old, my family moved into a new house and Emily's family bought our house. So what's really sort of funny or kind of crazy about this whole thing is that we literally grew up using the same swimming pool, the same bathroom, the same living room, one right after the next. And then we also went to the same camp pool, the same bathroom, the same living room, one right
Starting point is 00:48:06 after the next, and then we also went to the same camp together, which is the same cooler. That's crazy. I know, so we hadn't seen each other in years. Such a small world. I know, and then we can't do the camp. She was squeaky and loud, was she back then. Do you remember me? I think I remember that you were on the quiet side.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Really? I think so. How do we go back in time? But we weren't super close. I mean, I knew who she was and she was sort of like, you know, the cute girl who, you know, who's parents bought my house and other than that, that was about it. Yeah. Now, she got to boarding school. Cool. Right. That's right. That's on another story. Okay, everyone. Thanks so much for listening to Sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at
Starting point is 00:48:41 Thanks so much for listening to Sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at

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