Sex With Emily - O-Shots & Orgasm Hacks

Episode Date: September 23, 2015

It’s a widely accepted fact that sex feels good. But for so many ladies out there, it could feel so much better. Today’s podcast is all about different ways for women to amplify their sexual pleas...ure, from sex toy hacks to orgasmic new medical advances!Emily takes a call from Dr. Lisbeth Roy, an expert on the new non-surgical procedure called the O-Shot that stimulates the vagina and clitoris to positively impact libido, arousal and orgasm! Dr. Roy breaks down the details and benefits of the innovative new injection, which has produced outstanding results in many patients with no negative side-effects. Then it’s on to your emails! Emily tackles listener questions on finding the right sex toy if you’re a beginner, and finding your mojo after you’ve lost your sexual confidence; loving yourself is step one.This show is a veritable treasure trove of useful information on how to increase sexual response and pleasure for women. Whether you’ve been going through a hormonal change, a lifestyle change or a masturbatory malfunction, this show is one to tune in to! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Tonight we're talking about sex toy hacks, getting your bedroom mojo back and the O-shot. Could this be the cure for female orgasmic dysfunction? We'll find out, enjoy the show. Oh, but first, you know I'm always saying how important is to mix things up in the bedroom. Well, hustle or Hollywood stories should be your main destination
Starting point is 00:00:21 for the best toys, erotica, the sexiest lingerie, and most of all, the easiest way to find the answers you've been looking for to enhance your sex life. And the products that you need, because here's a deal, you guys can talk about it at home, listen to my show, which is great. But how fun is it to go into an actual store like Hustler Hollywood? They have 12 stores around the country, you gotta check it out, and you know, make a little date night, say, hey, honey, I'd like to try this vibrator, and he might say, let's check out this porn. And then you leave and you have rock and sex then night.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Hustle Hollywood has amazing stores. They sell really cool lingerie. Everything that you think about sexually that you think might be fun to try. They have that at a Hustle Hollywood. So check it out. to find your local Hustle Hollywood store. And if you use code sex with the only checkout, you get 20% off your purchase. Plus, they also have a new store at Use code Emily20 and you get a discount off your order on the website. So check all that out, enjoy the show. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Betrubized, they call them in a bygone way. Hey, Emily, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh, my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge?
Starting point is 00:01:43 What do you mean, like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much Are you kidding me? I'm on for so long being bad feels pretty good, you know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play good You're listening to sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between from our fruit everything in between from our fruit. I feel interesting. I'm like some words might come out kind of funny's good for me deprivation is fun. It's weird I'm tripping a little bit like my eyes are kind of buggy. I've just had a lot
Starting point is 00:02:31 I had a lot of two big really day the two big days of stuff going on and so yeah sleep just kind of You don't do coffee. I just did I was just talking my best friend on the phone I got here because you know they have a nice coffee machine. Uh-huh. I was like what's stronger like Express so it espresso is stronger. No, it's not. It's weird. And then I'm like, wait, I think it's not. The lighter the coffee, the stronger it is.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Right, so no one knows that. And then I was like, wait a minute, I think that's wrong. I think I should get the light. Should I get the light three shot? Anyway, it's confusing. So I just got a chocolate mocha. Because I love chocolate. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:01 And now I'm going to get a great seal. When's it going to kick in? Hopefully now. Yeah. But actually really good nose sleep, like for good reasons. Yeah. Well, it's fine. If you're sacrificing sleep for good reasons, it's bad. If you're like staying up all night, like you don't beating off to like porn. Right. That's not good. I don't feel bad about the fact that I like, you know, I just had a lot going on. It's
Starting point is 00:03:19 some big meetings today, stuff like that. But I'm actually the second to be start, I see your face. Yeah. You start talking I'm like, I'm with you. Right? Dude, we love each other. How've you been? If you need a lean on me, lean on me. Lean on me.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I'm right here. Even though I'm a little sleep deprived. I know you are because you're kicking ass. You have a big event coming up that you've been up. 24-7. Talked about it last week, I guess, or maybe. But it's coming up September 26th. It's a cold cockle landing.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I'm going to show all the films that I shot last year. Cold cock. Cold cockle. My wife'm gonna show all the films that I shot last year in. Cold cock. Cold cockle. Right. My wife doesn't like the title of my production company. She says it sounds crass. Yeah, mine's okay.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yeah, cold cockle. Kind of, but it's this cockle and it's cockle. I like it. Hey, if you like it, that's fine. There's a whiskey company called Cold Cock. Which, that's because that's like a term that people use. When they punch people in the face. Cold cocky.
Starting point is 00:04:04 He'll cold cock you. He'll call cock you. Oh cock you I know I say it's 1016 Anderson Cowan C O W A N dot com if you want to come out and hang out you're gonna be there I'm oh yeah, the films are gonna show it's gonna be great time I was actually at the space last night and that's fancy. It's swanky. It's gonna be a great good time to ball I short films. Yeah award-winning films and you know what if everything goes as planned one day you'll be able to say Hey, I was at that event. That's the plan. You know, I'm already going to say that I'm already saying about it. I'm already writing in my diary about it. Like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:04:30 I was there when Anderson County, this first little show. I remember I was in County from back in the day. Yeah, you won't return my phone calls anymore then, but hopefully you always well. Um, few things I have to say, we actually, I'm really excited because we're going to jump to a call them and it because There's some way of talk to you, but first I want to tell you this is that before I forget and we get to our caller who's in Florida I'm just staying in place. She's a doctor. Dr. Lizbeth Roy. We got to get her in quick because I mean, she's in Florida. It's late I don't want her. I don't want I don't want doctors to be sleep deprived But she we're just gonna talk to her a few minutes about a shot. Yeah, it's the O shot I mean, it's just it's this revolution a new procedure that actually help women could help women have more orgasms with sexual dysfunction
Starting point is 00:05:10 Where where's the shot goes into your clitoris? Yeah, she needs sleep We need to make sure this one is like well I miss the clitoris and put in the belly button, you know, right? So we're gonna call her real quick I get my cuz I just want to say cuz I know like the beginning of the show you're like get to it Emily I just want to say two days of, anyways, no, like the beginning of the show, you're like, get to it Emily. I just want to say, two days of December 29th, from 8 to 10 PM, I am going to be at Hustler Hollywood teaching another one of my workshops, which I just love doing and I love seeing you all there.
Starting point is 00:05:34 And it is a back to sex ed basics, which is all the stuff that you don't know about sex, that you thought you learned about sex, but you probably don't know. Or maybe you learned in high school and you forgot, but I'm telling you since sex ed is sucks and subaing a time it's all the basics that will take your sex life to the next level join me there and RSVPH RSVP at like Larry Frank
Starting point is 00:05:56 Prussian Larry Flin production you take the penis and you put it in the hole the penis here's the right hole. No, not that hole, that hurt. What? It was a little lying fruit, low hanging fruit. That was too easy. That was too easy. So anyway, it's not so my website, you can check out more there. And okay, so let me just, let's call the good doctor in a minute, but let me just give
Starting point is 00:06:16 you guys a little bit of background here. Is that, and I read about this last year, and then I, someone introduced me to Dr. Liz Beth Roy, and I've been watching other videos on it. So they're calling the O-shot. Some are calling it the shot hurt around the world. Could be a cure for orgasmic dysfunction. And so, you know, they have this new female.
Starting point is 00:06:36 They're calling it the female, which is BS that's out there. And the truth is a lot of women, you know, just don't have satisfaction during sex. There's a study that's an 80% of women fake orgasms during intercourse. We all know about 80% of 2011 study. Exactly. And it's harder for women to orgasm, bottom line. It's hard for women to have the finish, to have the special finish.
Starting point is 00:06:59 You don't have to have a worry about that. You might think I'm not going to come to quickly, but you're not like will I ejaculate? You know what I'm saying? So there's just, and there's been so many pills and tips and tricks and everyone's trying to figure out the secret and maybe this is it. I don't know, we should give her a call and find out, but that's pretty amazing.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And for, I guess, will I ejaculate? I mean, I was on meds for a while. We're like, that's true guys have retarded or delayed ejaculate. Wait, let's not say that. I call the target word. It's called retarded word. Is it not called retarded ejaculation? I What? Let's not say that. That's the medical term. It's called retarded.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Is it not called retarded adeculation? I feel like it should be changed. Mental cell was. It's ejaculation. It's called ejaculation. So it's a specific way this procedure of using growth factors to rejuvenate the vagina for help with stress and continents and with sexual dysfunction. 8,000 nerve endings and they put a shot right in the middle of it.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Exactly. How badly it this hurt? I've watched all these videos on it and the women are like, oh my God, I have an organiser and I feel amazing and she says we're going to ask for all these questions. It uses the growth factors each woman has in her own body to stimulate a vaginal and literal rejuvenation to activate the orgasm system. So that's Sacto Lisbeth Roy. She's in Florida, so it's late there.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I feel like we should just call her. You ready? Let's do it. Let's do it. So we have Dr. Lisbeth Roy and the line, she's a physician scholar, speaker, author and sexual wellness educator. I've just told you all a little bit about the OSHA,
Starting point is 00:08:15 but I don't want to get into it too much because I want her to explain this, this sounds like a revolutionary, amazing procedure that could be changing so many lives. Maybe mine, I don't know. Hey, Dr. Roy. Hi Emily, I don't know. Hey Dr. Roy. Hi Emily, how are you? I'm great. How are you? Thank you so much for staying up to talk to us tonight.
Starting point is 00:08:30 My pleasure. I'm really excited. I started hearing about the OSHA. I think last year was first in the news and I started reading about it and watching some of your videos and I just find it fascinating, especially with everything coming out. Everyone's always trying to solve female sexual dysfunction and continents, dysfunction. I feel like this, maybe this is the answer. Can you tell me about the OSHA? Absolutely. Yeah, the OSHA really offers women a lot of hope for sure.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Certainly, sexual dysfunction is a complex issue, but the power of regenerative medicine is just an awesome procedure. So, OSHA is platelet-rich plasma, which is derived from the patient's own blood. We take all of the platelets, which contain growth factors and different rejuvenating powers, we concentrate them, and then inject them into the area that we'd like to rejuvenate. So O-shot will help with lubrication, for instance, increase sensitivity, intensity of orgasm. It improves blood flow.
Starting point is 00:09:36 All of those things that are important for healthy sexual function. Okay, and how exactly does it work, though, O-shot? Well, that's a great question. Whenever we're using plate that rich plasma, the goal is to regenerate tissue. So for instance, if a woman didn't have good sexual function to begin with,
Starting point is 00:09:57 the O shot is likely not going to help her. Okay. When we use regenerative types of therapies, we're trying to restore what was previously there and also to enhance. So you certainly can enhance function and make it better than it ever was. But it's not a magic for us. So when you're saying it wasn't there before, so tell me who it would not work for.
Starting point is 00:10:20 So if a woman has never had an orgasm for instance, this is not likely to help her rejory. But if she had normal sexual function, she was really perfectly happy and for whatever reason to quite often, you know, there's hormonal changes, there's just normal aging that occurs with tissue, you know, it's certainly common for many women to have vaginal dryness and vaginal changes as we age. We can really regenerate those tissues. I'll tell you though, it's very exciting.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Women who have pain with intercourse, young women, quite often, who have normal lubrication and no real reason for this pain. We ruled out anything scary. There's absolutely no. We don't understand where this pain is coming from. The plate-liberate plasma actually treats that very successfully. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Keep going, yes, I'm sorry. And that's okay. I'm going to say, it seems to modulate the nervous system response so it normalizes That nervous system response. Okay, cuz so many women do I mean it's amazing how we wouldn't experience pain Pain during intercourse and a lot of times they don't talk about it. I think it's gonna go away. It's their fault So cuz I was thinking I mean also what so it's younger women to our experience from pain But what who is your average demographic? Would you say to who
Starting point is 00:11:45 have the O shot for women who are having you know problems with you in orgasm or you know less lubrication right now is it women who are like premenopausal or you know what is the the demo the average person who comes in is somewhere between 45 and 65. Okay. And she's being some changes. And it's really causing her problems quite often. And so she's seeking out some help. That is our perfect candidate, so someone who's generally healthy and who has a generally healthy sexual response, who's losing sensitivity, for instance, and who does have some rational dryness. So she's losing sensitivity, and she's not as,
Starting point is 00:12:28 has an inability to orgasm. She's not as turned on, you know, her rouse, oh, has lessened, okay. That's her takes longer, you know, women feel terrible when it takes too long. I don't know what, too long years really. We always do, is there, we're always looking at the clock. Oh yeah, I mean, this is women of all ages,
Starting point is 00:12:44 we think it's taking too long. I wish we could just normalize that and say okay, it could probably gonna take 45 minutes Like we should just teach that to everybody right at a young age It might take you an hour and then you'll be so happy if it only takes 20 So it takes longer their experience dryness or maybe they're just not really in the mood for sex as much with this help with that Or is it more like a because because now she realized that she's able to orgasm she would desire sex more often because she's not having a sex. There is sorry to interrupt you but there is certainly some of that where when we think of low desire we really think of low test
Starting point is 00:13:17 australian. In my practice I treat a lot of women with sexual dysfunction and low desire is typically related to testosterone when there's normal healthy, happy relationship, so on and so forth. So I have had many women actually report an increase in desire after the O-shot, which surprised me, but I think it's along the lines of what you were saying. It feels better, it's easier, they don't have that guilt anymore. And so they're more excited about just engaging. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:49 I'm very happy that women are seeking out, seeking care. I mean, I think we've been quiet too long. We are so quiet about this. We don't talk about our doctors. And even if we do, it's the times they're just, you know, we're gonna try to prescribe you a pill like this new,
Starting point is 00:14:01 well, we're gonna get to that in a minute. But what we threw before and after, like a typical patient, you think, if she comes in, maybe she's, you know, between, let's say, 45 and 50, she's been in a relationship, but she no longer, she's able to orgasm, and then she comes in and she,
Starting point is 00:14:14 tell me about the process. She comes into your office, and then what happens? She comes into my office, I draw her blood, I process the plasma, platelet-rich plasma, it takes about 10 minutes. I apply a topical anesthetic to the injection site. Which is...
Starting point is 00:14:30 The injection site is interclerus. You see the injection site? Okay. One is intravaginal, and the other is in the clitoris. Okay. A lot of people say, I will check now, but I'm not going to say, because I've watched all your videos, so I get it. It's not as painful, it's just okay.
Starting point is 00:14:44 It doesn't have to be painful when it's done properly for sure. And it takes just minutes to actually do the entire procedure. I coach her to use an excellent tool that I use in my practice all the time. It's called intensity by poor woman. Oh, yeah. We love the, I mean, we're sensitive. That's changed my life already. So now I'm going to come see Phenosci. How does the intensity work with it? Yeah, how does it? It's an amazing tool by itself.
Starting point is 00:15:10 But when you use it with Play the Rich Plasma, it's my goal to improve vaginal health in general and certainly sexual function and sexual response. The intensity helps to strengthen pelvic bowl muscles. It also has a vibratory function. So you're stimulating blood flow, you're stimulating the skiing glands, which are responsible for vaginal lubrication.
Starting point is 00:15:33 It's fun, it's women permission. It's amazing. It isn't women. I have women that are in their 60s. They've never used a vibrator. This is a vibrator this is this is a uh... of vibrator on steroids it's a medical device i absolutely love it and i prescribe it and i can't say how many times they come back to thank me
Starting point is 00:15:55 they just felt like they needed permission and so i put the two together the regenerative power of play the rich plasma plus this tool to strengthen and stimulate and it's really a gift. And then they use the intensities because I've been using it, we've all been using in my office because I mean I know the power of doing your keg exercises on my own, I have an iPhone app called keglet camp, but I realize that you can still, you know, even though it reminds you of doing it every day in my app, sometimes I maybe I wasn't doing them
Starting point is 00:16:22 right. And that's the thing I like about the intensities that you do it right. So, and I do have found, you know, just such a difference having stronger PC muscles. So, do you tell me, so after they have the shot, you say, okay, I want you to use intensity like every day or do they use it? I haven't used it every day for six weeks.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Okay. And then I give them a call, we get back on the phone and we make sure that we either solve the problem or we continue to work on solving the problem. It's at that point that I typically recommend that they use it on a very regular basis, you know, as regular as they possibly can. What I find with women, even if we think we're doing our people, we've never really done a cable until we feel that contraction. That's how I feel with this. That's why I'm so amazing. And my orgasms are stronger. And so they go in for the o-shot and then you say okay you
Starting point is 00:17:07 know they there's not a lot of downtime it's not as painful and then you say try the intense using ten-seed home and then like how long does it last and well first of how long do they start feeling but how long to take till they start feeling the feeling better and feeling like they're functioning orgasic function functioning is back. Great question. It depends. If they have pain, like a young woman we were talking about, they have pain. That pain is usually resolved in a week or two.
Starting point is 00:17:32 It's really amazing and not overstating this. It's been a real eye opener. If we're talking about dryness and increased sensitivity, over the first four or five weeks or so, they're really starting to see some changes, and it just typically continues to get better. Now, I hormonally optimize my patients, I do some other things. So, my goal is to really solve their problem.
Starting point is 00:17:57 So, the O-shot is the icing on the cake. Right, right. When you tell them, you just, they don't just come in, it's not like getting a shot of Botox, you're doing a whole medical analysis of them right before you do it. That's the ideal. However, I will tell you I have about 50% of patients who just come in. They just come in. They're like shoot me up. Okay. Got and this is your clinic and can you
Starting point is 00:18:17 tell me the name of it? You're in Florida. I am in Bocca Raton, Florida. Okay. My practice is called Doctors Studio. Okay, and we'll also have this all on my website as well. And then how long does it last, the O-Shot? Is the kind of thing you have to keep, you know, you have to come back for every few months? Or? Yeah, so we're not talking about something like Botox where you put it in and the body metabolizes it.
Starting point is 00:18:37 We're talking about regenerating tissue. So what we try to do, sometimes it takes more than one procedure. We'll tell you, women are much easier to fix than men, which has been really interesting. Yeah, that is interesting. It is. We don't think so because there's like nothing that helps us, but I have found that women are much easier to fix than men. So once we solve the problem, which usually is in one treatment, sometimes more, I recommend
Starting point is 00:19:02 an annual O-shot. Okay. Now we continue to rejuvenate those tissues. We need to be not only responding to dysfunction, but we need to just be more proactive, which is why I recommend that women who don't have sexual dysfunction use the intensity. Oh yeah, oh no, me too. That's why. It's funny. Yeah, it is so important because it gets like everything like you go and you do your sit-ups the gym We're so concerned with our outside, but you don't realize that everybody is gonna have your pelvic floor will drop
Starting point is 00:19:31 If it's not if it's not strong it will weaken over time and so that's why my office where all ages But we're all using it and having the benefits from it So my question also for you is that so are there any side effects? None wow just my make-up or may cause orgasm So my question also for you is that, so are there any side effects? Did you watch that before? None, wow. Just my make-up or make-up orgasm? Right, more orgasms? Right, you might be a little, a little frisky or that's the side effect.
Starting point is 00:19:54 That's amazing. Okay, now what I think about these libido pills that were just approved by the FDA, they're calling it the female vagra. What do you think about all this? Well, I think it's a good start. Okay. I think it's a good start. I think it's a good start. I think that the jury is still out
Starting point is 00:20:08 and certainly you can't fix everything with just a pill. I'm very, very happy that we have pushed for the conversation. I think that it's been way too long. And yes, you may help some women improve their desire with this pill. I certainly hope so. I don't feel that it's treating the real problem. You know, I find that in my practice, the problem is typically something physiologic.
Starting point is 00:20:36 It's hormones, it's tissue regeneration, that's necessary. You know, it's poor diet, it's a lack of self-esteem. There's all kinds of... Exactly, it's not just gonna be with a pill, so... Right, I got it. But the pills have good start, you know, again, because we started the conversation. Exactly, okay, well I think you're doing great work,
Starting point is 00:20:54 so how do people, they can find you, how do they find you, what's your website? My website' Okay, and they... They also find other physicians that do these procedures and I have another website that's just for these PRP procedures called studio Okay. There's a little bit more in-depth information.
Starting point is 00:21:13 So they don't have to go to Florida. If they're in Florida, they should come to you, but people are doing that. When did this exactly start the O-shot? I remember reading about it probably about a year ago. Yeah, Dr. Rennel's actually did the first O-shot. I think it's almost five years ago. Oh okay. And I've been training doctors for the last four years and you know everybody's a little different. I have a very comprehensive approach. So you want to make sure that when
Starting point is 00:21:36 you do reach out to see a physician that they really understand this. It's new, it's exciting, a lot of people are jumping in and I'm happy for that. Yeah, I am too. The consumer really just wants to do a little bit homework. Right. Okay, so they should check out where they're going and also, I mean, I just think, why not? You're right, it's starting to dialogue and this works for people and it's changing their second, their joying sex again and it's, you know, their intake and hands intimacy, I think, you know, and you're saying it doesn't hurt even getting a shot in your clitoris. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:07 So, you know, Emily, it makes sense to people too, because we all know that our bodies are amazing, and it has amazing potential. Right. So, to be able to take something like your blood and turn it into, focus it back at you and turn it into a real healing machine, there's really no risk involved, there's no side effects as we've mentioned. The worst thing that can happen is nothing. And really that's pretty darn good. And it's allowed me to not worry about injecting women who come in and I don't know if it's
Starting point is 00:22:40 going to help them. And so we've been able to inject very comfortably have a conversation about this this uncharted territory and then we've been really surprised by by like for instance the young women with pain who knew that it would be that easy right all that very devastating problem because it's not even like you to find out the source of the piece know that she's experiencing pain and then the pains gone because you're using her own you using her own blood. And back in her mind. So we're modulating that nervous system response, right?
Starting point is 00:23:10 There is some physiology to it. It's not been proven. That's the thing. We're struggling right now trying to get some studies together because anecdotally, myself and a lot of other physicians were so excited because we see some fabulous changes and we are trying to document these changes so that we can give more scientific types of answers to your very good question.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Okay, well, I think it's amazing. Yeah, I mean, I really, it seems to, because I've been hearing a lot about this, though, people are using your plasma technology, I guess, in other parts of the body that just seems safer, I guess, for different functioning. the body that just seems safer, I guess, for different functioning. People use it also for aesthetic read, right? They're like a facial or something that you use. Yep, you can regenerate any tissue. So we use it in joints. We use it for muscular pain. It's really pretty amazing. A lot of surgeons use it for healing. Yeah, I'm glad we're using it for this too. This is amazing. So, well thank
Starting point is 00:24:06 you Dr. Bithroy. I really appreciate it. It's been great information for everyone and we'll have all this on my website, all your information and I appreciate you staying up and talking to us. Congratulations on your great work. Okay, you too. Thanks a lot. Have a great night. Bye. Anderson, you can buy your wife in a shot for Christmas. She will never ever. I was freaked out too and I first read about it. Maybe I feel like I was reading by the year. Well, my wife doesn't eat one of your arms.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I'm sure she doesn't. Exactly. She's got the A shot. That's me. Anderson shot. No, I have to say it first. I'm not even reading. I'm not going to talk about this.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Then I started, it kept coming. You know, things are. There's a trend. I started watching the videos. I was like, wow, you know, there's so many women who experience, you know, sexual dysfunction in some way. Like she said, pain is so common in women. It's like, there was these studies just done at Indian University, which is like the leading sex
Starting point is 00:24:58 university in the country. And they were talking about how so many of them that they never even talk about it. And then also women who just, you know, don't have desire anymore. They don't have any, they're not having orgasms. What a buzzkill. Okay, so we got that.
Starting point is 00:25:09 We talked about that, the O shot. I'm sure you all want to just run on, get one of those. I seriously want to go see your own Florida. My mom was there. I like want to try. I want to be like the guinea pig. You want to try this? Yeah, do.
Starting point is 00:25:19 But you don't need it. I don't need it. But what if I could just, what if you become super orgasmic? I don't, dude, I'm ready for something new. I'm ready to be able to have like you know eight orgasms so many sexual paths and now she needs a needle and a revolve at first I was like no and then I'm like oh I mean this was she's really so I mean Dr. Lizeth Roy if you go go
Starting point is 00:25:38 Well, we can have all of a sudden our site. She's such a doctor. No, but she's I mean you should she's hard course She's on the research. I'm impressed. such a doctor. No, but she's, I mean, you should, she's hard course. She's on the research, I'm impressed. Okay. So anyway, back to us. As a man, I just tuned out. Because I like that. Why? Is that bad?
Starting point is 00:25:52 No, you always do. I heard you on your computer. Because she was talking about something I don't care. Okay, but if you're white, didn't want to have sex with you. She wasn't lubricated and she wasn't having orgasms. Okay. And she was experienced some type of sexual dysfunction. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:07 That you were no longer getting to put your penis in her vagina. Oh, then might you have paid attention. Yeah. And she said, not tonight, honey, I've pained. Not today, honey. I've been orgasms since 1992. You would have heard scribbling. Not tonight, honey.
Starting point is 00:26:19 It's too dry. Not enough lube could help this desert of my vagina. You sound like Mr. Roper on Three's company. Not tonight, Ellen. I got a headache. Well, I'm just gonna say, do you only guys have heard that? So what I'm saying is it's fine for you to check out until one day you're gonna be going, what was that episode? I'll search for it.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Where would I find it? Let's say there was a certain episode I was looking for on your show. There's Google O-shot. Oh, this is Edmond, this is gonna be called. I guess there's a search engine to find certain episodes on the show. Oh my God, we've got what we've got. Okay, so I'm relaunching my website in a few weeks, but I've got two. There's a thing.
Starting point is 00:26:49 iTunes, you only has, I think, 200 podcasts on it now and they might have even dropped it. I've got 2,500. 2,500. Yeah, and then most of them are the same thing you guys don't know. I haven't done it for 10 years. I think they're not even all on my website. So with the new website, we're going to have all of them there and you're all going to
Starting point is 00:27:03 freak out and get a hum, I can do that. But we're not gonna freak out, you're gonna get, how am I gonna do that? But we're gonna have categorized, you know, with different keywords, which they are now, but some don't actually work on. So if I typed an anal in the future, like I'll get like 7,000. Exactly. Sex with Emily shows?
Starting point is 00:27:16 Right. But this just put an O shot. I'm sure it'll be in the description. But yeah, we've got a big hefty search bar on the new site. Is it O shot? O shot? Or is it O shot? Okay. It's not like the O face. Okay it O, O, DASH, DASH, DASH? Or is it O, O, O, FACE?
Starting point is 00:27:26 DASH, O, No. I just thought this was interesting. And then she uses the intensity, which you know is my favorite cat goxerciding. You need to make a ring tone of you doing that. No. Which one? That one.
Starting point is 00:27:37 You should make a ring tone. I think I can sell it on iTunes, on the stats. Yeah, 99% sex with Emily O sounds. I'm down for it. You should do that. Be very embarrassing ringing to go off like in an elevator or something.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Yeah, like my brother downloaded by mistake. How is that gonna happen? I'm not. I'm not waiting. You could do it to a mountain. You know how many things have to happen for him? It's terrible. Why my brother just happened when I had,
Starting point is 00:27:57 his birthday's tomorrow, Jesus. What in the world? I don't know why. It's like, I don't want to get in the hands of the wrong wrong people. Max, boyfriends. I'd be like, oh, I just want to remember it now. Look at the ego on this one. I don't have an ego on my ego.
Starting point is 00:28:10 It goes to window down. Okay. So, I do. You have a sex in the news for me. I do, ready? This is interesting, Henderson. Women are more likely to propose open relationships. Now, mind you, this is according to the open relationship website
Starting point is 00:28:27 So they might have a bit skewed. Might be a little skewed. However, what I do find interesting about it is they surveyed over 64,000 couples and other couples engaging in open relationships. Two-thirds of them say it was the woman's idea. If that's true, it flies in the face of the conventional wisdom that says men are the ones who can't bear the idea of sleeping with the same person until death do them part. That makes no sense scientifically. None, right? Because, because ladies, through evolution, evolution, because they're nesters. We want to be attached. Yeah, you want to like make sure that the dude is there. And by nature, guys, the ones who want to go out
Starting point is 00:29:02 and spread the seed, so it doesn't make sense there. But what it's exactly. So typically you think what that's But exactly. Open my show. Com says open relationships are good for you. But it's not that their partners aren't fulfilling, right? It might be what they're suggesting is that they're into preserving the relationship
Starting point is 00:29:20 at all costs. So there has been down there. You can bang other bitches if as long as you stay with me some time. Well, when relationship doesn't mean that he maybe she wants to bang, because here's the thing. If you've been with someone, I understand when you're starting out
Starting point is 00:29:31 and it's new and exciting, you're like, I can't imagine everybody was someone else. I know that I want to, but maybe 10 years in five days. That's strange. You're like, maybe we could work this out. We are so close.
Starting point is 00:29:40 We love each other, but that might be kind of cool. And you come to agreement. You're not cheating. You're not going to ask you and having stuff blown up and they're not cheating, you're not going to ask you and having stuff blown up on the internet. But, you know, it's that it's,
Starting point is 00:29:49 it's not that their partners aren't fulfilling it, could be about rekindling a relationship that doesn't working. Many people, a lot of couples, not most, but some have found, we've heard them call into love, and we hear my show, swingers, open relationships,
Starting point is 00:30:02 that it helped them. It helped the relationship. They thought, you know what? I want my husband to be happy. I want my wife to experience what it's like being with another man or another woman. And what it actually does is rejuvenate the relationship. Now for many, it tears them apart. They get divorced.
Starting point is 00:30:16 They can't get over it. Listen, the moment there is not a one, there's not one quick fix for any couple. Okay. The minute your relationship meets a stunt penis, it's, it's done. It's time to hang it up. Yeah, I don't necessarily agree with you because I know a lot of couples who are spinners and relationships who actually really have children. Yeah, no, and I have to tell you that I know a lot of people who are monogamous and not happy or monogamous in cheating. So I am not everyone either. It's a case by case basis and you look at what?
Starting point is 00:30:40 Look at me. Be honest with me. Okay. I've met some of the swingers that you brought in here over the years. They've been guests. Any of them would you wanna hang out? Let's go one-on-one basis or get drinks with? Yeah. Really. Yeah, there's something I even, yeah. They have ponytails.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Oh my God, he's so like menace. Oh, but they do, I've seen them. Dude, they talk. I talk to the creepy. No. I shake their hands and it's like lubed. Like their hands are lubed. She goes into the small, menace,
Starting point is 00:31:01 you always say every single swinger. I don't know who menace is. Ha ha ha. You guys are both gonna be on my live show, PS. You're gonna have to kiss and make up. In the small menace used to always say every single swinger. I don't know who menace is You guys are both gonna be on my live show. P.S. So you're gonna have to kiss the makeup Which we're gonna do soon. Oh swing or type is just not my I get it and you're dude if you're okay Here's a thing people who aren't into swinging are like gross never I can't imagine I'm gonna meet you my name's Tony the swinger. Hey, you got a wife listen you guys. I'm just telling you. I'm just saying that, and just like three sums, be up and mind it. I'm not, I know way I'm suggesting prescribing three sums everyone. I'm just giving you some stats here.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I've had three sums, but the relationship always ends shortly thereafter. Well, that's your own issue because you should have a three sum with the relationship about to fall apart anyway. You probably did it to destroy the relationship. Or the couples who call in and they're like, oh my girlfriend and I, things have been great, they were gonna have a threesome. It's like having a baby. Oh, we're gonna have a baby everything would be better.
Starting point is 00:31:50 The more we're gonna threesome, you know. Oh, that's the worst though. You have to do it when you're in a solid ground. You do it in your relationship when you're in a good place. And okay. Those kids suck. The kids that were brought into this world because they were trying to save a relationship
Starting point is 00:32:00 and they still do it, those are horrible children. No, they're in serious therapy right now. I feel bad for those kids, but they're not fun to be around either. Do know, do you know them? I do I knew a few and their parents like say oh honey You were a mistake and then like they never get over that Okay, so I've heard stories Thank god my parents have never said that out loud. Okay, weirder people will find love quicker Weird people rejoice you're gonna get laid sooner than you. According to a new study in the personality and social psychology bulletin,
Starting point is 00:32:28 being a non-conformist or a smart people say weird, although I would think they'd be the other way around. It's smart people would say non-conformist, makes you more attractive to the opposite gender. Researchers had a bunch of people check out dating sites and essentially pick out who they'd like to bone, says the site, just like, I would write it. They also, as I'm described, their ideal partners and picture dates, people they just met. They found that both men who improved a partner who didn't conform, whether
Starting point is 00:32:54 through clothing, life choices, or general opinions. What? I was just born 10 years too early. Because I was like one of the only non conformist at my whole school. I was like, 10 years too early. Why? Because I was like one of the only non-conformists at my whole school. I know, now it's cool. I was like beating down for it. And I had to like, the girls that I had to like settle for
Starting point is 00:33:10 were also like non-conformists and they're hard to look at. Looking back. Yeah, it's true. Well, I guess now everyone's trying to be different so they can get, it's on YouTube. That was me, but maybe I would have conformed. Maybe I would have been like, I wouldn't have gone non-conformist now.
Starting point is 00:33:21 I have to get a job. Yeah. You would have never have fitted in my life. Where's my letter of jacket? I need to conform. Yeah, you were doing that for a whole other reason. Yeah. But the researchers say this goes to show the old stereotype of what men like, the submissive
Starting point is 00:33:32 girl next door type does isn't true. They're now urging women to let their freak flag fly a bit. The study leads authors. I know, I hate that word, but I hate that phrase, freak flag fly. Let's hear a freak flag fly. I have said it once before and I've read it. Don't ever say it again and be cool okay I'm intrigued by the notion of
Starting point is 00:33:47 the girls night out and how many wouldn't feel so they can be more unguarded without men around more relax and they're saying why are you like this with your friends but not like this with guys so it is true that a lot of these dating sites that people think they want one thing but
Starting point is 00:34:00 that's why like a lot of things don't work they all these matches but they're not attracted like I want someone who sucks free tall this religion but often it's not really what're not attracted. Like I want someone who's six feet tall, this religion, but often is not really what we're attracted to. So I just find interesting. So people are lying on cells. So they just don't know. Absolutely. No, no, there was actually a study. I've been reading this book by a season. Sorry, who wrote, you wrote a book called, he's a comedian. Yeah, he wrote a book. Yeah, he did. He did. It was the most written, right? No, modern romance.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And it's actually fascinating. It's all about how we date today. It's all about you know the rise of online dating and How we match and how we pick mates and it's actually there's a lot of scientific evidence and believe it or not I wish it were funnier. It's actually more in depth, but what's very interesting is that it talked about when it first started It was like wait a minute our algorithms are matching people based on what they're selecting. They're saying they want Six-foot tall, you know, Jewish whatever he wants someone who's five three, but yet they really want a five foot black food. But listen, but yet they're not matched. Then they realize, but they're not picking these people. So then what they do is they started watching how people who they're clicking on, like they
Starting point is 00:34:55 started tracking people's behavior on match. And they're like, wait a minute, wait a minute. This guy's a big step. So a lot of times what we think we want, what we want the girl next door, because that means that she'll be like, you know, you know, my parents will love her or she'll be look good on paper or he'll be, you know, we want the banker because it's stability. It's not actually what we're attracted. We intellectually make decisions rather based on the entire what we want in our mind, body
Starting point is 00:35:18 and soul. Now that's the deal like when they're online going through the checkboxes and whatnot. But I wonder if that's actually happening in the real world too, whether like, you know, people are looking like, you know, in a crowded area saying, here's what I'm looking for in their head, you know what I mean? Or I wonder if it's only because I've never done online dating. So I can't imagine what that must be like. I think it's everywhere.
Starting point is 00:35:35 I think it's saying, you know what, give people a break. So what if he's wearing some freaky shirt and whatever returns will be not. I don't look, I don't, I'm not a judgmental person. No, you're not. And I've never been that way. I really, I literally don't look at people and say, I'm not a judgmental person. No, you're not. And I've never been that way. I really made great friends. I literally don't look at people and say, oh, he's this or that.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I love personalities. I love connecting to people. Right. Talking. So I don't even know what to say would be something that would stand out. I guess they're just saying, because a lot of it comes out to now physical parents more like just being yourself,
Starting point is 00:36:00 being comfortable, not trying to be, not trying to be the right thing. They're not overthinking it, but I always say this to guys, but it goes for wound. You know, you're with your best friends, and you're so comfortable, and you say anything, that's how you should be all the time. Wherever you go, there you are. So be yourself wherever you're at,
Starting point is 00:36:17 and I bet you'd be more likely to attract people to you, and you may attract people that are actually a good match, because you're not hiding anything, you're not pretending to be something you're not. He's your said then Don M. He's your said. This is my life work. Yeah, especially nowadays with all like the clever T shirts that are out there. Like everyone thinks that they're clever just by buying the right shirt that has the right stupid saying on it.
Starting point is 00:36:35 I had sex with Emily and all I got was his T shirt. That's not a shirt. I am a shirt. It is it? Well, okay. Where is it? Where can I go on? I mean, I made three of five of them. Only five. Well, a few years ago. You weren't real. No, okay, so where is it? Where can I go on? I made three of five of them only five well a few years ago
Starting point is 00:36:46 I know I didn't have a lot of money I was like five years or five well I did it because But now okay, it's on my Instagram you can check it out and Because we were doing treasure other music festival in San Francisco We got a booth there and so I wanted everyone to and and like, oh, let's do these t-shirts. We like literally ironed a bun. They looked really bad. But after that, I've gotten hundreds of that thousand of emails who are like, I want that, I want that.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I want that, but it's like putting out the investment, getting the t-shirts made and helping people buy them. But I am going to do that soon. But you said you've done that and people bought them. I just made another batch of shirts. And shot glasses and coffee mugs for my production company. The T-shirts are really cute too. So let me know that I post to be more like I wanted.
Starting point is 00:37:28 I want it. So I am gonna do it. It's gonna be on my website soon and you can order it. You just give it the same one. I got banged Emily and this is all I got with the shirt. Now on the front is the logo and it's gonna be for men and for women and you know. With the kiss, with the lips. Yeah, little lip sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:37:39 And the back you'll say I had sex with Emily and all I got was the T-shirt. What if your brother buys one, or where is it by mistake? That'd be so weird. I'm gonna set one for his birthday. I don't know why my brother had my... Because his birthday tomorrow, that's why.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Andy hates me. Just kidding, he loves me. He kind of does hate you a little bit. He loves hates me. I think, you know what it is, being the older he's older and that I think you just never got over the fact that I was born. Because my mom brought me over to the hospital and there I'm sitting
Starting point is 00:38:05 in the little best net and she turns around and he pushes me, he had the curtain to put the curtain over me, because I think that's his mentality. I'm telling him to do, yeah. Yeah, like why should I, I'm too, I gotta be talking to him. All this thing is going to do is take away from me.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yeah, me, me, me, yeah. No, we love each other, we talk all the time. Okay, ready? He's a liar. Okay, so my brother rocks. Exactly, can I just give a shout out to my brother real quick? This is gonna be toast so late, not about sex, but I swear I'm gonna get it. I would hope so What I would hope not I should say my brother is an amazing dude. He's a lawyer. He doesn't miss him
Starting point is 00:38:33 Yes, very successful attorney and he to yesterday he donated 23,000 backpacks to every child in Detroit schools who do who have backpacks, they don't have school supplies. It's a backpack filled with school supplies. For every student in schools, today's show came all this stuff and these kids 70% of them are in food stamps. The school has a set them home with food. They've never had pencils, papers, and my brother, they all got backpacks just to get back to the community. So my brother does rock. How big was his name and phone number on the back? just to get back to the community. So my brother does rock. How big was his name and phone number on the back?
Starting point is 00:39:05 It was on one of the mugs, I think. It's like on the pencils. It actually inflates into like a parachute that says Mike called Michael Morse. Right. No. When you open the bag, it's just a giant hot, horrible wound.
Starting point is 00:39:18 What I would say would you will like tear my mom like tears, right? It's like, the kids were crying and they had a pencil. Oh, that's sweet. Oh, okay. It's his birthday. It was nice shot out. He can't. Okay. Let's never hear this. I'll never hear this. He's never listened to my show.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Yeah. See? Okay. But first, let's, let's just give another shout out here. Not another shout out. But let's just talk about our people that we love that helps keep this show free so you can all listen and learn something about your sex life. I wanna tell you about... Down at your comfort. Oh, keep those balls that dry. Keep those balls, keep those boobs, keep those feet dry.
Starting point is 00:39:54 The thing about it, it's Emily Tony. I made this product, so you can be fresh and dry all the time. It's a cream formula, it turns into a light natural powder, and it keeps your intimate areas comfortable, fresh, clean, and guess what? Ready for action anytime. If you're ready, you want to blow a job, you're like, you're doing an event in shower, but you might go down to me. Guess what? You don't have to because you didn't sweat and you're not stinky. Also, women like in the summer when you're
Starting point is 00:40:18 sick, today it's been a friggin' heat wave in LA. I'm sweating. Thank God I put it out. I put my boobs lower back. No sweat anywhere. It is So cool. It's vegan. Check it out and on Twitter, Robbie underscore smooth said Down under comfort has changed my life. My balls don't stick to my thighs while I'm at work anymore I just saved someone's life. There's balls around that. That's so safe in the lives really early But you know, it might have made it a little more comfortable and give it a little boost to the confidence. I didn't mean to say this live,
Starting point is 00:40:48 but what I did say is the next quote said, this is from someone else, after being a baby powder man for most of my life, I can't imagine it. It's out at Girlfriend's a big fan as well. After being like, a baby powder man, a lot of men just talk about it. Oh, it's a baby powder man.
Starting point is 00:41:00 And it's messy. Right. And it gets crunchy between your thoughts. You go, Pearl Adam Crowley used to talk about how it was like paper mache. I gave some to Lynette to give to him. Yeah. I mean, he'd be the perfect man for it because he's always complaining about us.
Starting point is 00:41:10 I don't even want to get into it because that's disgusting. I know. I see that. I see that. I see that. I see that. Yeah. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:41:19 So she's got some, she can rub my nose balls. Maybe that would be good for a play. One. Any guy who says that his girlfriend won't go down needs to try the stuff. She loves it. Ball balls are no longer lonely. Check it out. Emily and use code Emily and get 20% off your order. Do that now. No more sweaty, anything. Okay, emails.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Let's do it. Names, ages, sexes, problems. Exactly. Some of your name, age, sex problem, where you live, all that stuff. I love hearing from you. Feedback at You should know what the question is. What the sex, nothing. You should just like, yeah, you need to go get a shot in your
Starting point is 00:41:48 vulva. Next. I appreciate that. I just think that you know what, I'm not psyched about this whole flabancaran, this new, what is that? It's the female, it's the, it's a new, it's called Adi, that's the medical name, ADD, YI, but it's flabans around. It's the pharmaceutical name that just got passed. It's really the pharmaceutical company pushing it, saying that it's going to help with the bido, like a female vragur, which doesn't exist because it's in our minds. I'm saying is, I don't know, everything, there's no side effects. If you're having problems with your sexual functioning, why not try it? That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Side effect is a needle in your vagina. Yeah, but there's no pain. She numbs it. And what if the only thing is that you might have more orgasms? Yeah, I've always been a woman. I'd be injecting myself right now. I like to bring you guys the news and what's happening with sex. Okay, this is about sex toy hacks. Hi, Emily. I brought a new sex toy. I'm a beginner. I bought the lust by Jopin, the the L18, the girl at the store highly recommended it and I tried it.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Yeah, maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I feel nothing from this. And honestly, it's more painful than fun. Have you heard of this product? I feel like it's money wasted and I can't afford to buy anything else right now. Any tips? I'm bummed out because I thought I was getting something good. PS, I'm a new fan. I love your podcast and it's really cursive from California.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Okay, Kirstie, here's the thing. You go into a store, you talk to the woman and you know, I get it. Some stores, it seems to be like, I want to try a toy. And she's like, wow, the joke and this is a really cool one. It's, you know, it's glitter all, it's G spot, but you're a beginner. So this is a mistake that a lot of beginners make
Starting point is 00:43:23 and you get in a little, you get in a little over your head. You got in a little over your beginner. So this is a mistake that a lot of beginners make and you get in a little, you get in a little over your head. You got in a little over your head. Because if you don't know about this, the lust by Jopin, it's a silicone dual stimulation vibrator. So this is just like a little bullet. It's like G-Spot stimulation, it's got two the different clitoral stimulators. It's like a hole or a deal.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And I'm kind of surprised you recommended to if you told her that your beginner. That said, a lot of women don't love the G-spot toys. A lot of women just prefer literal. In fact, most women require literal stimulation to even have an orgasm. So how people typically work with G-spot vibes is they make sure they have a literal orgasm first. And then it becomes a lot easier to have a G-spot orgasm because your everything becomes encouraged. The blood rushes. It's easy. I know you hate that word, it's better than moist, and you're more lucky to find the G-spots. So the thing about this toy is I can see that it can be a little
Starting point is 00:44:11 bit intimidating. But you can also try this. You could try just using it on the outside. I have a lot of G-spot vibes. I just use on my clitoris. So you don't have to stick it inside of you yet. So you can just kind of like use it around your Cliteris, use some lube and see how that feels. You can still make it work, okay? But if you are looking for another toy, and if this is just for anyone listening who is a first time toy user,
Starting point is 00:44:37 typically I recommend something simple and not intimidating. You should see this toy. It's like got flowers and buttons, you know, it's got bells and muskets. Little ladybug. Right, but I would suggest stick with a literal vibrator, like a bullet or an egg. They're non-threatening, they're round.
Starting point is 00:44:50 They just go right on your clitoris. They're inexpensive. Here's nothing. You can get one for $10, $15, too. I like like the screaming omics one that's like, it's 15, I think it's like three different speeds. It's a silicone little bullet. You can get it at a Haasar Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:45:04 You can get it good vibes. So they, and you know, it's like I said, most women, 75% need cholesterol stimulation. If you want to invest in a higher end cholesterol toy that'll go the distance, Mimi by J.J. Also the Wevibe Touch are my favorite.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I love it. Top favorites. Which one was that one? The Wevibe Touch. Wevibe Touch. That's the one that Lori, my assistant producer, told me she never had a multi-orgasm and came back the next day. I'm like, try this and let your mind go and don't think about it too much and maybe you'll
Starting point is 00:45:34 have to. Don't limit yourself. She had fun. She had fun. She had fun. She had fun. She had fun. She had fun.
Starting point is 00:45:42 She had fun. She had fun. She had fun. She had fun. She had fun. She had fun. Yeah, cuz you gave it to her. You do. You essentially gave her orgasms. You know what? I didn't ask what she was thinking about. I'm just glad that her sex life is expanding cuz she's awesome and she does great work. That's why I've never asked for a flashlight from you because it would be impossible for there not to be a poppin. You know, you pop in.
Starting point is 00:45:57 I'd be having it there and I'd be like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, like, like, like, like, uh, Larry David talked about the poppin. Yeah. The poppin they make, I've had poppins. Oh, you get the poppins. Go away, go away. Yeah, when you're when you mean like, I'm like, I'm like, like, like. I wish I had a pop in that was at least like a truck tax man pops in your head. Yeah. That's good. That's weird. Okay, so what? Well, I was gonna recommend that he that she just listened to your show a little bit more and she'll know all sorts of things. That's true. I it's funny to me that a listener of your show would be in that predicament where
Starting point is 00:46:39 they got a back. I know it kind of bumps me out. I'm like, do go back and listen to all my sex show. Everybody listen to the film vault watching a terrible movie. It's like why I know it kind of bumps me out. I'm like, dude, go back and listen to all my sex toys. Everybody's somebody who listen to the film vault watching a terrible movie. It's like, why would you do that? I know, exactly. All we do is give you good movies. Now you're right, but you know what? You know what I love about my show is that people every day are discovering it
Starting point is 00:46:51 and emailing me that I just became obsessed and down on 50 shows. So we have to talk to everybody. That's obsession. I know. So also, another thing is just use a loo. Use a quality water-based loo, this will help you. And don't be bummed out, Christy, because again,
Starting point is 00:47:04 you could still use this toy and keep going. What? One more. Yeah. We got time for one more. How about regaining bedroom mojo? Dear Emily, I'm a huge fan of you in your show. It's so awesome to be smart, confident woman out there talking about sexuality in a very intelligent and honest way.
Starting point is 00:47:18 My question for you is this. When my husband and I first met, and we're dating, I was super confident about my parents. I was running marathons, working out six days a week. Since we've married a lot, since we've married a lot has changed in my schedule. I'm working longer hours, have more responsibilities, and I'm unable to work out as much as I like to. As a result, I'm not as fit as I used to be. My husband still finds me very sexy, has not changed at all and it's desire for me.
Starting point is 00:47:42 However, I feel as though I've lost on my mojo and I have a hard time getting in the mood. Even when we do connect, I'm so self-conscious, I'm left unable to finish. Any suggestions for a girl struggling to see yourself as sex again? Thanks, a million Emily age 28 mini-appless. Many. Many, many. Okay, this is hard because the confidence, I can tell everyone to the cause come home, get your confidence, but get your confidence, but this is an inside job. So let's talk about Emily how you can start to work on your confidence because you've two choices. Stuff it is, you can make the effort to start working out again, even though it's not as
Starting point is 00:48:14 often. A lot of times we think, well, if I can't do ice cream marathon runner, and I still always say, well, if I can't run for an hour, I'm not running. 10 minutes a day is great. Okay. Usually what you do, you make it so that it's going to take 25 minutes out of your day. 25 minutes. It's manageable.
Starting point is 00:48:28 And what I like to do with the gym for me is you pick a podcast. I pick Emily's podcast. And you don't get to listen to it unless you're at the gym. That's what I do too. I listen to podcasts. Absolutely. So just know that the thing about it when you exercise you have endorphins. Those endorphins improve your mood.
Starting point is 00:48:43 They'll help you feel better about yourself. And then they'll make you more likely want to have sex, okay? So also, you know, or the other choices, like love your curves. And, you know, get into your body and have sex. I'm sure that you look amazing and that your husband is still very attractive, you said. So, as you should be, because you're a spectacular woman. So, those are your choices.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Also, I mean, you can say, you know what? I'm going to, I love my body. I'm going to feel good. I'm just going to go buy some sexy laundry that makes me feel good. Or I'm going to masturbate more and learn how to have, you know, multiple orgasms. Pamp for yourself. Get your hair nails and whatever it is that makes you feel beautiful because you, again, this is all coming from you.
Starting point is 00:49:21 But, you know, a big part of getting your orgasm back and reigniting the desire has to happen still a time. And so, you know, take some time to masturbate, rediscover your body, figure out what feels good, place the music, buy yourself some toys, you know, reward yourself if you do 25 minutes a day or once a week you look out. 15 minutes of the gym. Six days a week, you're going to start to feel fit again. You're going to start to feel like tight again. I know from experience, I just, you know, five minutes to the gym, five minutes back from the gym, 15 minutes there, again. You're going to start to feel like tight again. I know from experience, I just, you know, five minutes to the gym, five minutes back from the gym, 15 minutes there. That's, you're going to under a half hour and it's worth it.
Starting point is 00:49:49 It's so true. And you're going to feel way better. You could do 10 minutes. The morning 10 minutes, it doesn't matter, but just, you know, do it. So overcoming, you know, you've got no block. You got to get your mojo back. It is a mental hurdle. So just go out if you had an enjoy sex and those are things you got to do. And it's not hard to make. This will be fun. Emily, you're 28, it's all happening. Stop talking to yourself, bitch. Okay, thank you. You're losing it.
Starting point is 00:50:08 You really are sleep deprived. Why am I talking to myself? I met Emily, her name's Emily. I know. Oh, you're being cute. Okay, everyone, check out Anderson's, all of his stuff, go to After the disaster film vault,
Starting point is 00:50:20 more importantly, cold cockle night, where I'm gonna show all my moves. I love it. I can't wait. And Tuesday to the time of 29th, I'll be in House of Hollywood. Also follow me Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It's sex with Emily across at sex.
Starting point is 00:50:31 They'll make cross the board. And thanks so much for listening. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at Okay, you guys, I already mentioned the intensity a little earlier. We talked about the O shot. They actually this will help you with orgasmic dysfunction the O shot
Starting point is 00:50:48 But now they also recommend the intensity I recommend it to as well because it is a keggle machine It makes sure that you're doing it right. It's a medical device, but yet it's also a orgasmic machine It takes all the confusion out of kegles if you've been doing them wrong. We need strong vaginas We need a healthy pelvic floor. This is the only product on the market that will do that five minutes a day and you'll be having rockin' orgasms, you'll be wanting sex more often.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I know that I do. I told you I'm super deprived. One of the nights I was having a lot of sex. No, I'm seriously, I'm having, I'm having like crazy orgasms because of my cagglem muscles. I don't even know that. I'm sorry, but it's true that when you have stronger muscles
Starting point is 00:51:26 down there, you will, you know, you will have better sucks. And also, it's healthier pelvic floor. So your orgasms could be the fuck out of somebody else's orgasms. Oh, yeah. And you're tighter. You can squeeze, you can rip a dick off right now. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Okay, everyone check it out. It's, Our Grenna website, it's called The Intensity. It's the only toy you really need. Thanks for listening. Okay, everyone check it out. It's, Our Guna website. It's called the Intensity. It's the only toy you really need. Thanks for listening

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