Sex With Emily - Oh the places you’ll “O”

Episode Date: August 26, 2020

Today’s show is all about you and answering your questions. One couple wants to know how to prepare for a threesome, another wants their partner to experiment with cuckolding. However you want to ex...plore an open relationship, I cover the topics everyone should think about before pulling the trigger.Also, how to overcome anxiety in the bedroom whether it’s you or your partner with the distracting thoughts. Take a deep breath and listen in.For even more sex advice, tips, and tricks visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. I'm Dr. Emily and on today's show, I am taking your questions about keeping things romantic, how to prepare for a threesome, working with a partner's anxiety during sex and so much more. Thanks for listening. You know, as recently as five years ago,'s all a six-inch interaction every time. No question about it. I've noticed in the last year or two, it's all a lot smaller. You want them to be a supportive partner,
Starting point is 00:00:33 and he doesn't know what that looks like until you tell him and you'll continue name it and explain it to him in a minute. You can say you talk to me about it. Blame me. Because I am telling you what I do know about your Synchromome girlfriend. Is that she's exhausted and she's tired.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Maybe she's still breastfeeding. We all need that period right before the sex where we feel more connected to our body. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Bitruise. They call them in a fight on day. Hey, Avaline, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got everything. Oh my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common all the way? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm off here so long.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. I'm Dr. Emily and I'm here to help you prioritize your pleasure and liberate the conversation around sex. So today, I'm answering your questions. So some of you called into my series XM show, some of you emailed me feedback at,
Starting point is 00:01:59 some of you message me on Instagram, which is also sex with Emily. We get so many questions. So I love to go through all the different platforms because however you reach me, I'm here to help you get the answers to your questions about sex, dating, and relationships. Alright, today's episode, we cover a lot of topics. I talked to a few people who want to experience some kind of alternative relationship. They want to open up their relationships.
Starting point is 00:02:30 So for example, one man wants up a threesome. Another man's partner wants to watch them have sex with someone else. So just remember this. However, you open your relationship up, whatever that looks like to you, it is so important to communicate your expectations clearly. Later in the show, I talked to my content coordinator Amanda, who you've heard from
Starting point is 00:02:51 my previous episodes. This is how these days of quarantine, I'm learning about my team during the show. And she wants to know how do you work through anxiety that you have in the bedroom. Maybe your partner has it. I mean, come on, let's be honest. We've all had a little anxiety. I mean, do you ever feel the pressure to perform? Or maybe you're just really distracted, right? Normal daily stressors. You find yourself having sex, and then you're thinking about the text
Starting point is 00:03:17 you didn't respond to, or something you have to do after, or someone at the door. How do we stay present for ourselves and our partner? Also, we cover multiple orgasms because he doesn't want to talk about that. I don't know. I feel like for, especially for a lot of women, we think, well, I at least could have one orgasm or I've never had multiple orgasms,
Starting point is 00:03:37 but it's not possible. Well, you know what I think, I think everything's possible. If you prioritize it and you focus on it, we can make it happen. That's what I'm all about. I want to mention one more thing that you're going to hear all these questions answered. There's a lot of ways to reach me. If you guys want to call in Monday through Friday, 5-7pm Pacific. You can call into my show.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Even if you don't have serious exam, the number, write this down. You're going to want it is triple 8, 9, four, seven, eight, two, seven, seven. It's five to seven pm Pacific Monday through Friday. I'm there for you. Doctors in, we can talk, because you know, I love talking to all of you. I hope you guys enjoy the show. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Ah! This is from Jordan, 26 in Colorado. And he said, I'm in a new relationship with a woman who is a nine month old son. How do I maintain a romantic setting while still spending time with her son? Again, this is communication. Jordan, you don't have to guest with this mother of a new child. Nine months isn't that long to have a had a child.
Starting point is 00:04:40 What she needs to feel sexy. Now you might think the kids sleeping and I'm'm gonna bring out the candles and make this thing and she might be like, I can't have sex with my kid's napping because I'm worried about all these other things. You're asking how I made a romantic setting while still spending time with her son. I mean, if you're talking about when the kid's actually napping,
Starting point is 00:05:00 maybe you could, I'm sure as a new single mom, she's gonna need a back rub. She would love if you were like, you know what? I just want to massage your feet. I'm gonna use some of this massage oil. Get something fun, like make her a little gift basket. We have this X-Sense, it's called X-Sense and it is the most glorious massage oil
Starting point is 00:05:22 that is like so soft, but it's not actually oil, so you don't get oily, I don't know, it's like magic, but they've all these flavors and sense, it's like in a beautiful bottle. And you can be like, I bought over some things to give you a massage to relax you because I am telling you what I do know
Starting point is 00:05:38 about your synchromome girlfriend. Is that she's exhausted and she's tired. Maybe she's still breastfeeding. And like I was just talking to Amanda about, we all need that many of us need that period right before the sex where we feel more connected to our body, where we can kind of breathe. And so I think romance to you, Jordan, with a new mother, is likely giving her the tools to feel in her body and taking care of, because she's taking care of a baby all day long.
Starting point is 00:06:13 So that's my recommendation. Don't know her, but I feel like if a guy showed up at my house and he's like, I've got all the massage tools, here's some delicious massage oil, have a seat there. I'm gonna rub your back, and now I'm gonna oil, have a seat there, I'm going to rub your back, and I'm going to get a warm wash cloth, and I'm going to put it over your bot, your wash your feet, and then I'm going to put the massage, I like foot massage, but I will take any massage. So I think it's a matter of letting her know that you are so into the romance and the
Starting point is 00:06:40 hotness and all that, and you want to make sure she has a good experience in your together. and the hotness and all that, and you want to make sure she has a good experience in your together. We have this from Kaylee 21 in South Dakota. Listen to your episode on BDSM and brought up bondage to my longtime partner. He then said he'd like to be tied up and for me to do whatever. To him, I have no idea what kind of stuff to do to him or how to be even sexy while dominating. So my question is, what are some appropriate things to do him while exploring new things? Okay, when our partner makes a sexual request, where we're like, I don't know what to do here.
Starting point is 00:07:09 How do I dominate? What does that look like? Just know that, hey, it's okay that you don't know, because how would you know? And beat, it's okay to go back for a clarifying question, right? I think that sometimes we're so afraid when we make a request to our partner or your partner says something, do I? Sexually, we're like, okay, I got it. And then we turn away and we're like, no, what? It's okay to go back and say, you know what, sweetie? I heard what you said about me wanting to
Starting point is 00:07:31 dominate you. And I would love to hear more about that. Can you tell me what that would look like? Maybe he's got some porn that he's watched. He has like a scene and he's like, this scene turns me on. And then you'll know where to go. We don't have to be my readers because when he says tied up and do whatever to him, tied up and spank him, tied up and blindfold him, like tied up and leave him for an hour, you know, tied up and tickle him. It's literally different for everybody. And so I think that the good news is like tying up, like you can use a necktie. You can buy a bondage of your hair.
Starting point is 00:08:07 You don't need a lot of fancy things, but you need to know like how, and also how dumb it does he want you to be really dumb. It does he want you to like be like, you are my slave. You know, is there a link? I would find out what's the scenario? What's the scene? Like the who, what, where, when, why? Like, what are you wearing?
Starting point is 00:08:23 Where are you? What's he saying? When does it happen? Like, give you a storyline. Talking about fantasies, we make it very difficult. We just kind of laid out there. But if we can give context to our partner and be like, okay, who, it's with me and you, like, when, like, you can either tell them when you want it to happen or like, oh, like, when could also be, well, I first had this fantasy because I was watching a porn or my friend told me about it, you know, where paint the scenario, you know, why, you know, maybe he might say to you, or if you're explained to your partner, the why could be that this is, this fantasy is part of my fundamental developmental arousal.
Starting point is 00:09:00 This is the image I think about that turns me on and I would love to be the partner who could help me fulfill it and I think it would be me on and I would love to be the partner who could help me fulfill it And I think it would be really hot and tell me you're a fantasy So find out more about what he wants and then we can talk about it But I don't think you have to guess I think it's already can be uncomfortable trying new things So it's okay to ask in a loving way and just pick oh my god I'm so that sounds super hot tell me more and then hopefully Kelly you'll be able to tell them tell them some of your fantasies. How great when we're all getting our needs met, right? This is from David 35 in Washington. I've been single for seven years. The past three, I've been
Starting point is 00:09:35 actively looking for someone for a serious relationship, but I've had a lot of trouble. I'm a single full-time dad and have been through a lot and know what I'm looking for, but when I talk to women about what I want and how I am in a relationship and how I'm up to doing things that are more open and adventurous, happy, alternative, all used with my partner, which is only turned into being badgered about how I'm not ready for a real woman or attachment. I'm at a loss. I'm not wanting to lead into a relationship without having everything out on the table. Advise please. All right, David. I love that you're speaking up ahead of time and letting these women know
Starting point is 00:10:09 what you actually want. But I can kind of see where the problem is here. So he's thinking, I'm saying open and adventurous. And they should be like, wow, tell me more. What kind of adventures? Let's go be open. Let's go swing. No, do you know what they're thinking?
Starting point is 00:10:27 They're going, they're calling their friends going, this dude David wants me open adventures. He wants an orgy. He wants three sums. He wants to sleep with six women at one time. That's what they're hearing. I'm guessing. This is why I always talk about really breaking down
Starting point is 00:10:44 your communication that just stating what you want is a great first step because so many of us, we start a new relationship, we never explain what we want, we kind of like, we just sort of pretend we want what they want, but we don't tell them that we actually have a really adventurous side and we might be dating other people and we just keep it quiet. And then we suffer silently. So you are not doing that, David. That was a great first step.
Starting point is 00:11:06 The next step is going to be letting them know what you mean by that. And I wouldn't even use, I'm gonna have to put words in your mouth here, but I wouldn't even mean open and adventurous. I mean, I think I wouldn't even lead with that. What I might say, let's just pretend this is was David's intent.
Starting point is 00:11:23 He's dating a new woman, he's a single dad. He can't wait to have a serious relationship. He said he's looking for a serious relationship. Like he wants that, so he leads with this. I've really been looking for someone, you know, what I want right now is a serious relationship. I'm not looking for a mother of my child, but I'm looking for someone that I could commit to. I'm not totally ready to move in together yet, but I'd really like to be with one person.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I also want to be with somebody who shares my values on sex. What's really important to me, my sexuality, is to be with someone who is open to exploring. Someone who's more adventurous. Somebody who likes to try toys, someone who will watch porn with me, somebody who, I don't know, maybe you want to threesome, somebody who I've in the past, I've had three sums and that's been a big part of my ability to get aroused, I think it'd be hot to see you with another woman. I mean, break this down because we sometimes give each other, we think we're saying it and we walk away, and since we don't understand things, we just, we go, it goes awry, and our
Starting point is 00:12:31 partner gets confused. So I think clarifying what adventures means to you is really going to help you, David. Okay, David, I am so excited for our color right now. Jim, we had a call, a few weeks ago, from Jim to 61 in Colorado. We were on the edge of our seat, because Jim called in, he'd been dating someone casually. And they were like, it was going,
Starting point is 00:12:55 you know, just every once in a while, friends with benefits, and then he got a call that she was pregnant. And he didn't know what to do, should he keep, does he want a baby? He's 61, he's already lived a life without wanting kids and She's casual relationship And that was like weeks ago and now he's here on the phone Jim
Starting point is 00:13:13 Tell us everything Of course Jim I can't stop thinking about it It ended up working out for what I think is the best it ended up working out for what I think is the best. Okay. There never was to maybe at all. Turns out that the lady had been undergoing hormone therapy for infertility, which I didn't know about,
Starting point is 00:13:35 and this was a false positive. Oh. Oh, gosh. So did she tell you that night? I know she,. She's going about about another half week after I talked to you. And I was on Christmas the entire time. But so we were, of course, we're, I'm relieved to a little upset.
Starting point is 00:14:01 And I get that. I did know she had been undergoing that kind of treatment and everything. It turned out before we had gotten back together and our casual things had been finding to marry somebody else. So I have a feeling that we're all that started. So for me, the situation turned out for the best. Love babies, love little kids. I think it's unfortunately probably passed me by. Yeah, yeah, 61.
Starting point is 00:14:32 You know, you get to decide that you're not ready to be a father. You've already decided it, you know. So you're saying before you were together, she was with somebody who wanted kids and so she was going through fertility treatment. She was getting ready to get married and then they broke up and we got back together with our kids. So are you guys still friends with benefits? We're still friends. She is in another state and I'm here in Colorado. So I'm not sure if I'll have any more kind of dicks, but Lady of Illinois, we talked about this on nice terms.
Starting point is 00:15:12 She wasn't ill-matter, and it just offset. Yeah, because she thought she had made it. Yeah. And with me, so I think you were kind of kind of okay the way it went. Yeah, no, it sounds like you how did you feel right after you found out? Definitely really, you know, like I have a little ones, but the situations as we hadn't been an actual couple couple, I don't think probably wouldn't have worked out really well. Yeah, okay, well that's, I'm so glad.
Starting point is 00:15:47 So now you get to, and also if you do have sex with her again, obviously condoms. I'm sitting you bad, absolutely. Like, thanks Jim, we were thinking about you. We were like, that was a call. We were all just on the edge of her and we were like literally hanging on to every word. We might know what happened. I'm so glad you called back. I mean to shake you guys up or anything.
Starting point is 00:16:06 No, we were just, you know, yeah. I mean, and then how do you feel about the fact that she didn't tell you she was trying to have a kid? Well, that's kind of, I'm kind of, that decided how I really feel about that. I mean, I don't feel like she deliberately wise be here, but I kind of wish I would know. Yeah. Well, I mean, she allowed you to ejaculate inside of her while she's going through fertility treatment.
Starting point is 00:16:38 So to me, that is a sign. Yeah. But again, I should have been smarter and put her on anyway. So still, I'm not even thinking. But yeah, now I'm well for sure. And I do have another question, Dr. Antony. Sure. But I think this itself, here's to me,
Starting point is 00:17:01 you know, as recently as five years ago, saw a six-inch interaction every time, you know, it's recently five years ago, it's all a six-inch interaction every time. No question about it. And I've noticed in the last year or two, it's a lot smaller. And I'm just wondering if I see a urologist, is that some kind of physical problem or is it a natural thing or? You mean it's, do you want to do erections?
Starting point is 00:17:24 When you mean that when you're a raptor it appears smaller. A lot smaller yeah. Is it less hard? It seems out of the same hardness is just shorter. Huh. I mean, I I have to think I mean most of the stuff that happens with our penis, not my penis, our ear penis, but our penis is if we collect the collective penis after after we, you know, after certain age, you know, men's testosterone starts to drop.
Starting point is 00:17:50 But have you, you know, I would think you would have something to do with that and I would definitely talk to a urologist and see that now how do you know, do you measure it? You can just tell. I did several years ago once and it, you know, was right up there, and you know, always think that, well, I mean, obviously, still want to. But, you know, the penis does get smaller, your testicles, you know, get a little bit smaller, they sort of shrink, and it's also has to do with the blood flow. This, listen, this is all blood flow.
Starting point is 00:18:21 It's the blood flow to your penis, to your testicles, and it's all going to make your erections less strong, less, you know, less erect. So there are some really cool treatments right now. I mean, if you're interested, I am a fan of all this technology that's come out now for penises there and and vaginas and vulvas. There's one called Gaines wave, and then there's another one called Boston Scientific, and they are these stimulations. You basically go see it. And I've done a bunch of podcasts on this with Dr. Edward Cartman.
Starting point is 00:18:52 You can go to my web or go if you listen to podcasts or just, you know, Cartman, K-A-R-P, Cartman. He talks about these practices that you would go in for like six treatments, and essentially they do like a laser to your penis, it doesn't hurt, but it actually just starts to stimulate blood flow again, and it can help men with erectile challenges.
Starting point is 00:19:14 It's pretty amazing, you know? Yeah, so I think it's a blood flow thing. So, I have an inner problem getting the erection is just slightly smaller, so, that's not a good idea. Yeah, do that, check it out. There it. Yeah, I think you have to get out of it. Yeah, I think you have to get out of it. I haven't had a problem getting the erection. It's just, like, a smaller. So, that's not a good idea. Yeah, do that. Check it out.
Starting point is 00:19:29 There's a lot of really cool stuff right now, and you don't need to take pills or anything, you know? It's a deal, huh? All right. I think you don't want to really appreciate it. Yeah, of course. Thanks, Jim. Thanks for checking back in.
Starting point is 00:19:38 I love that. I love a man who checks back in. Okay, this is from a 27-year-old female on Instagram. What's the best way to have multiple orgasms? The best way to do it is to first decide that you want to do it, because the good news about having a vulva is that the majority of us who have one, and some people know it as the vagina, but the vulva is the external part of the vagina, we can have multiple orgasms. It is possible.
Starting point is 00:20:15 In fact, our clitoris, which is responsible for majority of our orgasms, only exists for pleasure. It's only there. It has 8,000 nerve endings. The penis has 4,000, and it's only there to give you pleasure. It's only there. It has 8,000 nerve endings. The penis has 4,000, and it's only there to give you pleasure, which is pretty freaking cool when you look at like biology and how we've evolved. But the challenge is no one ever gave us an instruction manual and was like, Hey, you've got this love button and you can ride it all day. You're
Starting point is 00:20:38 like, really? I don't know. I said, one orgasm and I'm tired. So learning to have malt orgasms, like, I believe that many women can. Now there's someone that can't. There's a few reasons why. Women whose clitoris is really sensitive, typically can only have really big internal orgasms, but I'm just going to go with the majority of women that can have multiples for this purpose and the time we have. Let's just talk about during masturbation because that's how I learned.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I feel like so many of the ways that I've learned my body and I've learned how to become a better lover is by learning to become a better one to myself. So I was like you, I only had one orgasm and I was fine that I finally had one and then I was like, okay, and so what you do is you really just turn yourself on, you masturbate how you always masturbate, touch yourself, maybe you have one orgasm.
Starting point is 00:21:25 And then usually when you would stop after that orgasm, you kind of pull your fingers away, maybe you start playing with your nipples, using your hands all over your body, rubbing your inner thighs, you know, just sort of taking away right from the clitoris or wherever you are rubbing. And then you start to breathe at the same time. And I'm talking like a deep breath with you're like, like, way down to your pelvic floor, like you're feeling it go there,
Starting point is 00:21:50 and then you have a long exhale, like those deep breaths. And then you can go back and start playing into maybe you're mixing up the way you were touching. Maybe if you're using a vibrator, you use it a different part. Maybe you start to tease your labia because it's not just about the clitoris. Women have the ability to have orgasms in so many different ways.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Like, there's a lot of other erectile tissue that you find in the labia and over your pubic mound, which is right above your vaginal opening. So it's just a practice of knowing that it's possible and then breathing. And so because our refractory period, meaning the time between orgasms for women is a lot shorter, like for men, it can be between orgasms for women is a lot shorter. Like for men it can be like 24 hours for women it can be 30 seconds or a few minutes when you're learning to practice. The other tip and then we're going to take a quick call is doing your chagl exercises. You strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Those are the muscles that are responsible
Starting point is 00:22:39 for orgasms. The stronger those muscles are the more likely you'll be able to have orgasms and moths orgasms. Okay, let's talk to T43 in Arkansas. Hi T, we have a few minutes. What's going on? Thanks for calling. Hey, I'm so glad you got me on real quick. I've been married for a long time.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And my spouse just never really is interested in trying to, you know, climax. I don't know that it's, you know, I mean, it's just like, get, get, to, you know, climax. I don't know that it, you know, I mean, she'll like get excited, she'll get, you know, into it, but it's like, oh, just got to stop before we get there. Like, every time. Because she ever had an orgasm before? I'm not exactly sure.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Oh, okay. So it's not like she was having them and now she's stopping herself. We don't even know if she's had one. Right. That's the thing. I don't know that she ever has. Okay. Well, then that's the thing. So she doesn't know what it feels like to have one. She's probably feeling pressure. I would have a real honest conversation with her tea about your sex life outside the bedroom when you're hanging out, whenever you have conversations and you want to keep it curious and you want to keep it light and supportive and just say, you know, I want to talk about our intimate
Starting point is 00:23:52 life and I really, I think it would be really hot to see you, you know, having orgasms and to really turn you on. I want to make sure I'm doing everything to get you there. Can you tell me what really arouses you, what turns you on? You know, and she might say, I'm not talking about this, it's been 20 years, why are you asking me now? You know, and you're like, well, because it's important, we have to be intimate, you know, intimacy is important. And then you could say like, I'd love to make you orgasm, and then you can ask her if she's had an orgasm, and you just keep very curious and non-judgmental, and see what she says, you know, I mean, a lot of women have never had one, because they assume they're going to have it through penetration, but most women don't have it through a penis, they have it through masturbation or through oral sex or through fingers or a
Starting point is 00:24:33 toy. Yeah. Well, and she's really, you know, opened up more for the oral, you know, than even in the end. Okay. Awesome. And so, I mean, she's good with that. And even of late, in the last,
Starting point is 00:24:47 let's say, of late last year, is she'll say, hey, do this or do that. That really feels good. You know, so it's like there has been some progress, but it's just, I just have always, and we've always had a good relation, but it's always kind of strange to me.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I'm like, man, why do you not really want to try to get there? You know? Well, maybe she's never had one and she feels, like, all of a sudden, maybe she feels like she's about to and she stops at something that women do sometimes. We like, oh, block ourselves. So maybe you could say, I'll be here all night. I'll do whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Like, I want to see you, or like, let's get you there. Like, I think that would be really hot because maybe she's like, some women feel like they have to pee and then they get embarrassed and it's like because you're stimulating the same area. So you just gotta maybe calm our nerves and tell her you think it'd be fun to kind of get there together.
Starting point is 00:25:31 They kind of relax her nerves around it because if she's stopping, there must be a reason. And I'm not sure what it is. Yeah. Well, and it could be, I mean, it really could be, the, you know, just the fear of the unknown somewhat. Yes. It's a losing control.
Starting point is 00:25:47 You know, you lose control when you have an orgasm. You kind of let go and you're like, oh my God, maybe she's afraid of that. Maybe she orgasms once and... I think you're probably real truth to that. I think you're probably real truth to that. Well, that's very interesting. I appreciate the advice and hopefully maybe I can have that conversation at a time. It feels comfortable about it because that's the thing even talking about it.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I don't want it to feel more at home. Of course. You've got to keep telling her how much you love her, how important it is. Call me back to you every night. Let me know it goes. I can help you take the next steps with this. You'll get there. Just be comforting and loving.
Starting point is 00:26:23 That's what we got to do. Okay. Let's talk to Brian 35 in Canada. Hey, Brian, thanks for holding and thanks for calling. I have been with this gentleman for like a year. Okay. And he, he, other day he asked me if he could share me with other guys. Hmm, okay. And I was depending, because I've been gay since I was about 12 years old, so I've been, so as a younger person, I was quite promiscuous at every, and I slept with a lot of different men, so a fact of people with a different men doesn't bother me, but I don't know what, like our relationship is fairly solid.
Starting point is 00:27:05 I just would take, just hear it, hear it, hear it, it's about your opinion. Well, you know, Brian, it's so interesting. Like, my opinion is like, it's okay if you don't, you know, if you're not feeling it, but my opinion is, was he asking for like a three-some, like he wants to have a three-some with another guy? No, no, he wants me to have sex with the sons while you watch his. Oh, okay, God, he wants to watch you. All right.
Starting point is 00:27:25 So my thing is that with everything, I have no, many things can work in relationships as long as you're both on the same page, right? So people is like, oh, can I get a part of everything? So if you're not feeling it, there should be no pressure. Now, you might want to ask for clarification or maybe you could say, tell me more about that or where does the fantasy come from. What do you picture in your mind about it? And then you could listen to more details, but if it's a hell no to you, I say it's a no.
Starting point is 00:27:51 We gotta think about it, unless are you like a maybe? Or, you know, because for relationships, and let me just before you answer, you know, before you bring anyone else into the relationship, however else you do it, I always recommend that couples have a lot of conversations about it and set some boundaries and some ground rules and really think about and talk about why you're doing it, what turned you on about it before you just jump right into it?
Starting point is 00:28:14 Yeah, because for example, I have personally, I have no problem with it. I just don't, like, if it just once in a while, whatever, but I said, well, fine, you can pick somebody in and you can watch them screw me with every house sex with me, whatever. I have no problem. But then, like he's indicating that he wanted to do it three times a week, and that's fine with me. I am a very sexual person, and I like it. But we had us, we talked about it, and this earns them on the watch, you do it.
Starting point is 00:28:44 All right. Well, let me tell you this, three times a week first off and then that seems like a lot before you've even done it once. So to me, the fact that it's such a discolid, that seems like, I don't know, especially because I feel like with everything we go baby steps, right? It's actually with sex, so I'm wondering, how many times a week are you having sex, right? Well, human eye have sex like twice a day usually. Oh, wow, after a year. Okay, so maybe statistically speaking, it's just a drop in the bucket.
Starting point is 00:29:11 But how would you, I mean, if it's something you're interested in, you could try it once and see how you feel, but I wouldn't say that expectations. That's the only thing is saying, not only do I want this to take a step out with you and try this new fantasy, but it must be three times a week you know that's interesting to me. Yeah it was just number he's he's wrote there and I said well sure I guess I would try that you know and uh but yeah like I said I am a very sexual person and I will take it whenever I can or how many times I can after the doesn't bother me.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Okay so I have a question for you are you the one initiating sex every day, choice a day? Oh no. Uh, no, usually it's, it's, it's, it's, we just shared like, for example, I'll, I'll have a shower and he'll join me and we'll have sex, kind of thing. Okay. And then there's sometimes, and then usually once, when I do it, it, we'll be after dinner, something, and I'll put on some sexy panties and some sexy lingerie or something
Starting point is 00:30:10 and entice them to have sex with me. Okay. Well, here's what came up for me. I mean, maybe it's a lot for him and he's like, I want you to do it with someone else three times a week because maybe it's a lot of sex for him twice a day. So maybe he's like, I can't.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Yeah. I would get curious. This is my best advice for everybody with this sex stuff. It's like get curious. Tell him to tell you more about it. Has he been fantasizing about this for a while? Ask him where it came from and find out if it's what that's about,
Starting point is 00:30:39 because that just seems, it might be like a numbers game. He might just be like, I'm exhausted. And I don't know, I don't know your boyfriend, but I would just get clear before you bring anyone else in and then make sure you guys are both on the same page. Because this is not something you want to rush into or feel pressured into. Yeah, that's right. But for example, I can have sex like 10 times that I enjoy it. I love sex. Okay, then what is your concern then? I mean, I guess you could try it once, but I don't like that you have to do it through time to day things.
Starting point is 00:31:11 So that's why I'm saying, listen, we guys want to come to sex. Think about it this way. You want it to be either a hell yes, and if it's not a hell yes, it's a hell no. You don't want to be pressured into anything sexually, okay? You really don't. So we only have fewer minutes. Let's take Jeff in Michigan. He's got a question. He's been holding what's going on. How can I help you? Hi. I just got a question for you. We're having, we've been thinking about having the three so I'm
Starting point is 00:31:35 going to choose bisexual and it's our first one. We've been together for seven years and just want to get some advice on that and where to go to do that. She wants to be with us female and I like to be a submissive in that one and that they tell me what to do. Nice, you guys have discussed this. Okay, well Jeff, have you guys already played through the scenarios and what you would be into sounds like you have?
Starting point is 00:31:56 So, I mean, before, so you're just asking me where to get a third, is that your question? Or do you want to get a boost? Yeah, and when you know, and we just want to be safe about it. Yeah. And where we go for that. And then we're very sad. Amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I mean, it's been a couple of years. That's good. I mean, I love that you guys are having great sex. I mean, honestly, before I bring anyone else into the bedroom, you got to have like conversations about it. What does it look like? You want it to be consensual? Are there boundaries? Are there thing off limits? Is it someone you know, someone you don't know? Can they sleep over?
Starting point is 00:32:31 Can they not? And so I think it's important to kind of to talk these things through first. And there are some great things. Yeah, we have talked about that, you know. We can also put this in the show notes at There's a few sites that we recommend people to find a third, but I would go slow, do some zoom chats.
Starting point is 00:32:48 You know, find out someone that you're... It's important that you're both attracted to the person, you know, and I agree. You've got to be safe. You've got to use protection, and you could get a hotel room. You know, meet for a drink first, see if this is someone you actually like. You know, for many couples, this can be an enhancement, but for couples who don't cover
Starting point is 00:33:05 all the boundaries and ground rules, it can be, you know, when they're doing it to save their sex life, it doesn't work. And I tell her, you know, and then we're like, so we've been together for six, seven years, and like I said, what turns me on is the fact that I want them to tell me what to do. And because it turns me on to see her with it. She gets very concerned on with it. Is she into dominating you with the woman? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Oh good. Listen, sounds like you have the same fantasy. She's not saying I want to bring a woman and you dominate both of us. So this sounds good to me, Jeff. I'm going to put some stuff in the show notes at If you want to check out websites, don't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:33:39 We've got so much more to talk about after this break. This is from Sarah 23 New York. Hey, I'm a 23-year-old girl with double A cups. I keep seeing posts that boobsize doesn't matter, but I'm having trouble getting it through my head and it definitely affects my confidence and intimate situations. How can I feel confident and sexy in the bedroom with my super flat chest? All right, Sarah. Thanks for this question, because you know, I get it. You don't see, you know, culture, society, glorifying, smaller breasts.
Starting point is 00:34:21 We're never told from a young age, like, oh, big boobs and all that stuff. But here's the thing about confidence. Just remember, it is a, I'm love that you're asking this at 23 because it is a process and it takes time to learn to accept our bodies and love our bodies. And I can tell you, I don't, I don't have a large, I've small, I'm a small, breasted woman. For my sexual confidence, what really helped me was understanding like what felt good to me. So when I was with someone intimately, like I felt confident in my ability to move in certain ways that felt good, like through masturbation, I learned about orgasm and I learned
Starting point is 00:35:01 about pleasure. And so I feel like that confidence truly is, and I don't want to sound cliche, but that really is like the sexiest thing in the bedroom because somebody who's confident and knows their bodies and what feels good and knows how to give themselves pleasure and others pleasure, like that is sexy. So, well, I can't get you to say, like, you should just love your body. There's just certain amount of body acceptance that I like to preach. And that's, there's some things, you know, we've talked about like exposure exercises, like getting naked in your bedroom and looking at your body and touching yourself all over and realizing like how magical your body is and how much pleasure you can give yourself.
Starting point is 00:35:40 You know, maybe you can have a nipple orgasm. Like most, I think that many of us can, but we don't know because we never try it out. And also just know that this whole notion that only like your partners want to be with that everyone is craving large breasts, I can tell you just not true. Now maybe I haven't been with those guys because they're just wouldn't be attracted to me. But like, I don't spend my time worrying about the people that aren't attracted to me. I spend my time worrying about the people that aren't attracted to me. I spend my time worrying about the people
Starting point is 00:36:05 that I'm attracted to and return that. They've returned that attraction. And we could spend like, I am not a tall person. I'm petite, I have smaller breasts, you know? It's like, I could spend a lot of time on those negatives, but just like everything in life, when we focus on our literally our assets and the things that just make us who we are uniquely
Starting point is 00:36:26 and all the pleasure and a broadness zones and all those things. So I think the first thing realizing like, it is in your head. Maybe you were shamed, right? Maybe someone said, oh, I couldn't be with you. And then I would just say like, even though that might hurt, that's not your person.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And you will find someone who is your person. Again, it's a progress, not perfection and keep working on yourself and not making apologies and not saying, I know they're small and just like, learning to say, you know what, I like my body. This is what my body can do and getting into your pleasure
Starting point is 00:36:56 and rejecting the people that aren't for you. People show you who they are, believe them. So tell me what's going on Amanda. Yeah, so we've talked a little bit about what to do when you experience anxiety during sex. Specifically when you're just in your own head and you're not really in the moment and I would love to kind of learn more about those tips but also know how to communicate that you have anxiety to your partner so they know what to do.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Because one of the issues that I've been struggling with is that I can take, I can try to take care of myself, but I like my partner is like confused by my anxiety or he doesn't know what to do and he wants to help or he takes it personally. So I would love to develop some tools so we can both work together to help follow that. Yeah, this is such a great question Amanda, so can I ask you a few questions about your anxiety? Do you happen to know when you experience anxiety,
Starting point is 00:37:57 is it before, during, or after, or all of it, throughout all of it? I have anxiety throughout the day sometimes, just depending on how much caffeine I've had or what's going on in life. But then it typically, it comes up during sex. It'll come up just suddenly I'll start thinking about things that have nothing to do with the moment. What are the thoughts that come?
Starting point is 00:38:23 Because usually anxiety is triggered by thoughts. So was the content of the thoughts is it ever about sex, like is it ever about oh, I hope I'm doing the right thing? It was more like oh shit, I didn't return that email. What it typically turns into is I'll start worrying about future things, like I'll start being like okay,
Starting point is 00:38:41 what does like my schedule for tomorrow look like, or I'll start like thinking even as far in the future as like a month's from now. And then once I start having those thoughts, I'll be like, oh, I'm not like going to, like I'm not enjoying this, like he can tell, I'm not going to orgasm.
Starting point is 00:38:58 So it's like the anxiety from daily life, like spirals into them and creating anxiety about sex. Okay, so, and is this something that's that you've experienced before? Yeah. Okay. So it's almost like you have a response like I'll set up that when you get into an intimate situation, your brain is like, oh, time to start thinking about these things, or maybe you're worried it's going to happen and then it happens. Has there been a time where it didn't happen?
Starting point is 00:39:25 Yeah, there has. I would say it's not super frequent to the point where it makes sex unenjoyable. It's just often enough for me to notice it. Right. Okay. One thing that I like to say to do, so is to practice getting yourself up. Like it sounds like you need some kind of pre-sex ritual that's going to get you into a mindful place that's going to ground you. Some specific things you could do is breathing, like literally saying, I need five minutes. And the other thing that you could do is you could do it with your partner. You could say, can we take 10 D
Starting point is 00:40:03 breaths together? Where you're doing like conscious breaths, like you're looking at each other and you're breathing in, you know, for five breaths and your exhale, six or seven breaths. You always want your exhale to be a little bit longer and you're looking at each other's eyes. And now, I mean, I know that you are not someone is, you get all this stuff. You're not going, Oh, really, woo, wee stuff. Like I've done that before. But what you'll find is that it totally changes
Starting point is 00:40:27 your nervous system, because what's happening is you're in that fight or flight. And there are studies that show that when we actually do this slow breathing, it could be five, 10 breaths, you will be in a different state and you will feel more connected to your partner. And I think that's also a great way to set the intention and like the tone for the sex,
Starting point is 00:40:47 because I honestly feel that so many of us have that. We're like, because you're with a man, right? You're with a guy. We're differently wired in the sense of the way that penis owners respond to a rousal is, it's like they have a thought and it's externally, they'll get a direction and they're already turned on and then they're ready to go, but for women,
Starting point is 00:41:05 we need to be like in the right mind place, the right setting, the right things. We've done this, we've gone to the bathroom, we finished the email, like, we have so many other things. So just to be like, I'm ready for sex without any kind of grounding in the moment that changes your state,
Starting point is 00:41:20 because we know that state hasn't worked for you before. So you could do that, you could do it on your own. You could just be like, I'm going to go into the bathroom for a minute, and I'm literally going to make myself get through these 10 deep breaths. Another thing whenever I'm anxious, and I've talked often about during sex to focus on your senses, like, what are the five things? Like, what are you smelling? What are you hearing? What are you tasting? But another thing you could do is you go,
Starting point is 00:41:46 what are three things that I see right now in the room? Name them. What are three blue things in the room right now? What are three things that I'm hearing right now? Because when you are present like that, you cannot possibly be in the future or in the past. Like you are a ground you and it's intentional. Yeah, that's great.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I love the idea of doing that because it's like practical. That's something that I can do in terms of, because I think sometimes my partner is ego gets like a little bruised where he thinks that I'm having anxiety because of him or it means that it's his fault and that's not the case. What's like a way that I can kind of communicate that with him so he, like I have my toolkit now, like how can I?
Starting point is 00:42:30 So what, but I wanted to ask you this, what would you, what do you need in those, tell me what you need in those moments because that's where we start. What would you like to happen? I would like the opposite of how I'm feeling. So if I'm feeling stressed, I need somebody who's like really chill and like calm and like it's okay.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Like I don't want him to get stressed because then I have to like calm him down and use my energy to like make him feel better. Right. So okay, so what I would recommend is talking to him, not when you're having sex, but say you know what? I've been realizing that lately, I have a lot of anxiety during sex.
Starting point is 00:43:06 My brain does this funny thing where it just starts going and going and going. My anxiety hasn't calmed down yet from the day. And I was thinking in these moments, first I want you to know it's not about you. I love our sex, I love all the things, but I might just need you to hold me for like 10 minutes before sex.
Starting point is 00:43:22 I might just need you to breathe with me. I might just need you to breathe with me. I might just need you to like ask me, maybe you just want to talk, you want to listen. I know you like to fix things. I'm just guessing. I don't know your boyfriend. You could say, you could be like, you know what? I would like to talk to you, but I actually just need you to listen because I actually don't need solutions right now and I don't need help, but I love that you want to help me, baby. But I actually just need you to listen because I actually don't need solutions right now and I don't need help, but I love that you wanna help me, baby. But I actually just need you to listen to my day. I just wanna get it out,
Starting point is 00:43:49 cause once I get it out, I'm gonna feel so much better and maybe when we're doing that, you could be holding me or playing with my hair or whatever, you know, making me a sandwich, whatever you need to feel comforted because then he understands what you're going through and he's on board with it.
Starting point is 00:44:04 And if he cares, and you guys get to see how it works, but I would name it. That's great. I love the idea of like having the conversation. I know this is your advice all the time. I have the conversation not in the bedroom, but there's like something so tempting for me to bring up things at the wrong moment. Oh yeah. And maybe you want him nearby, you know, but I think that he, you want them to be a supportive partner
Starting point is 00:44:28 and he doesn't know what that looks like yet until you tell him and you name it and explain it to him and it's outside the bedroom. It's like when you guys are hanging out, you could say it was on the show. I mean, you could say you talked to me about it. Blame me. You know, we actually have tests 31 in Colorado
Starting point is 00:44:42 and she's got a comment about your Amanda's experience. Hi, tests. What's going on? Well, okay, so problem. I did my first time listening to the show and I just was listening to your caller and I've had that anxiety. I can very much relate to the feeling of, you know, being in my head and not really being able to be
Starting point is 00:45:03 in my body during sex. And that's how it helps me to frame it in that way to think about it like of being in my head or in my body. And especially during sex. And sometimes it helps to ground me and to connect with my partner when I can focus on just like, so even just like one area, you know, one sensation. It doesn't even you can like, choose to focus, you know, where like on the lips or whatever that might be. And then to channel like coming back into my body and getting out of my head through that sensation.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Thank you, Tess. That's exactly it. That's like the senses. You could even just say, you know, something that I do as well, Tess, super helpful, is that like, I'll say, my hands are my partner's body. What does it feel like to have my hands touching his waist? What did my lips feel like on his lips?
Starting point is 00:45:50 And then that's a sensation of touch. It could be scent. What does he smell like? You know, and yeah, you could just pick one because I used to always say, do all five senses and that might be overwhelming in the moment. Like, what do I smell? What do I hear?
Starting point is 00:46:02 But one, just going to, what is my body? Feel like skin on skin or what do I smell? What do I hear? But one, just going to what is my body, skin on skin, or what am I feeling? Yeah, you get to even like, smells or like, yeah, anything like that is just helpful for me to come back down. Yeah, exactly. Thank you, Tess. Appreciate it. So helpful.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Yeah, welcome to the show. I'm so glad you found it. Thank you. I'll be here every night. Of course, bye. What I would say, though, Amanda, you can even say, I'm going to start practicing it. Hey, I'll be here every night. Of course, bye. All right. What I would say, though, man, you could even say, I'm going to start practicing to do this when it happens. You could even make it fun.
Starting point is 00:46:30 And you could start to narrate and be like, my hands are tingling against your arms. I love the smell of your hair. Like, you guys could play a sense game. And just know also that you might be great for 10 minutes and then you start thinking again. So you know it's a practice and then you go back to it. But even just recognizing it will be such a great start towards the practice of being
Starting point is 00:46:54 more mindful. And telling you what you're doing. Yeah. Hey, it sounds interesting how similar it is to meditation. It really is though, man, here's the thing. Mindfulness in the bedroom. You know, I always talk about mindful masturbation, but it's the same exact thing. It's about being present.
Starting point is 00:47:13 It's about what is happening in this current moment because otherwise we live in the past and we live in the future. And I think most of us do that at different times. And if you have a strong meditation practice or one at all, you know what it's like. And eventually you do it enough, you train yourself. It's still, you still got to bring yourself back to the moment sometimes. But you just link in, you're like, oh, disturbing thought. Where are my hands right now? I'm feeling, you know, my partner's face. So that is really helpful. And I'm telling you guys, I'm meditation practice. know, my partner's face. So that is really helpful and I'm telling you guys a meditation practice.
Starting point is 00:47:47 And I bet everyone's a little tired of this right now because during COVID, everyone's like, do yoga and breathe and has your meditation and you're like, fuck you. There's a pandemic. But the truth is, if anxiety levels are rising and we don't know how to handle it, rather than going on a medication or drinking more, doing all the things that we do. I mean, I'm on a forecocktail now and then. But this practice, you've got to be patient with.
Starting point is 00:48:14 It's like you are retraining your mind because our thoughts are not the truth. Our thoughts are actually in our control, but no one tells us that. And then they run off and then that so this is this is the work. It even helps with premature ejaculation, not staying hard. It helps to breathe deeply during sex can enhance orgasms in women. It can prolong them. What we're talking about is like just everything you have with your partner, like you don't have to solve it on your own Amanda and then you could get the support you need.
Starting point is 00:48:49 And again, also know that it's not easy, Amanda. Like your partner might be like, like the way I talk about it is like your partner's like, I understand Amanda, let me come hold you. What do you need? But he might be like, how could it not be me or why don't you want my solutions? And so it just takes a little bit of like, yeah, I hear what you're saying. I know it might feel that way, but really what I need right now is for you to just kind of hold space for me. Listen. I think that's so interesting. And I also think like talking about it, then normalizes a little bit. Like I think mental like obstacles come up for so many different
Starting point is 00:49:20 people and just like naming it how you were mentioning like really helps generate like a little bit of power over it. Yeah, let's take back the power because we actually get to control our thoughts, our thoughts control our feelings, our actions and our anxiety. So that is the work for all of us. That's it for today's episode. Thanks so much for listening to Sex with Emily. So, tell me this. Did you hear Tip or Trick or a conversation that you just know? Your friend with love? Or how about listening to this with your partner to learn something new? Please like, review, and share this podcast with the ones you love.
Starting point is 00:49:58 You can find us on all social media. It is Sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at it is sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at

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