Sex With Emily - One Virgin, Two Subs, and a Threesome

Episode Date: July 26, 2017

Over-analyzation is an issue many of us struggle with. And in your sex and dating life, it can be causing your downfall. On today’s show, Emily is joined by co-host Anderson to help you switch from ...your toughest critic to your biggest fan! Wondering how to channel your inner #girlboss in bed? Want to fantasize freely without feeling guilty? Maybe, you just need tips to stop self-sabotaging. Whatever your qualms, it’s time to stop pushing these questions to the back of your mind and take a deep breathe. So, tune in and unlock those sexy desires! Thank you for supporting our sponsors who help keep this podcast FREE: Let's Get Checked, In Control, Womanizer, Sportsheets Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. And today, I'm here with Anderson. And we're taking your calls about sex, relationships, everything in between topics include a self-sabotaging virgin, what to do when you want to threesome and your guy doesn't, separating our fantasies from our reality, and how two submissives can have dominating sex in the bedroom. We're doing all those calls. All this and more. Yep. Thanks for listening. Oh, we're doing all those calls. All this and more, yep. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubized, they call them in a bygone day. Hey, Aveline, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh my!
Starting point is 00:00:47 The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common all the way? What do you mean, like laundry? It shrinks? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm off here. I'm so drunk.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily, we're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between for more information. Go to where you can easily subscribe to the podcast and you'll love a miss an episode again because we do two podcasts a week. You can also subscribe to the newsletter. You can do a lot of things on the website, listen to the show, hang out, hi Anderson. Hello, Em.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Hello there. Thanks for having me. Thanks for having me. Thanks for having me. My favorite kind of show to the calls. Callers, yeah. Love the calls. Bring you back the calls.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I love the calls. We've got some great ones lined up today. But you're going to be awesome. Offended if I say I don't want to talk to you anymore. I want to talk to the calls. Yes. Can we get right into it? Yeah, a little bit.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Or do you want to talk with you and me? Yeah, no, we don't need to talk. We don't have to say it. I'm actually really excited, but I do want to tell people the amazing listeners that I love you and that it's really great if you want to follow me on Twitter. It's true. I should give them reasons.
Starting point is 00:01:56 It's fun. Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat. It's great tweet. Instagram, I have little stories going on. My Insta stories is all at Sex with Emily. As always, you can send us your questions, email us, call us, go to the Sex withly website. Text your questions to 7979, 7979, and then put Sex with Emily all one more. No, no, that's wrong. What? Dude, it's 7979.
Starting point is 00:02:16 I thought you do that, and then text Ask Emily. Oh, ask Emily. Dude, maybe you should talk to me. What happens there? They just go into oblivion? No, it goes into oblivion. They go into oblivion then they'll leave. Yes, if you text, it's 7979, it's number. As Emily won word, you automatically get a reply that is a link to said in your question. Do it right now, I understand. I got a test to right now. While you're testing that, we're going to get to the calls that you guys.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I'm so excited for today's show. Let's know what you think of it. We're doing a lot of different kinds of shows. We've got guests, we've got callers, the emails, and I love hearing from you and getting your questions about so. Let us know what shows you're enjoying. Okay? We love you. Thanks for being here. And this is going to be fun. Okay, we're going to take a quick break. Thank you so much to our sponsors. Thank you for supporting them. You know, I only talk about products and services that I use. And that I use, I sign off on that I love and I hope you love them too.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Thank you everyone for listening. We'll be right back. Okay, now we're really onto your calls. If you do have a call, like I said, you can text me. That's really easy. You can also just go to the website,, click on the Ask Emily tab, and send your question that way. And then there's a little box today. Like we said, it's a call show. You can check the box and say, yes, I'd like to be called.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And we will set that up for you. But whenever you email me question, just please include your age where you live and how you listen to the show. And we can't wait to hear from you. We're excited. Okay. We have William. He's 28 from Maryland and he says he's a self-sabotaging virgin. Hi, William. I'm here with Anderson. Hey, Will. Hey, how's it going? Can we call you Willie? Oh, I guess. Sure. Why not? It feels more comfortable. How are you doing? I'm doing great. I'm doing great today. A little nervous'm doing nervous. It's okay. Just take a few deep breaths. We're happy to be talking to you. Tell me a little bit about what's going on. Overall, I mean, like I said, I wrote to you
Starting point is 00:04:16 in a nutshell, I'm a 28-year-old version who's never been a relationship before and at this current state in my life that really shouldn't be a problem but I am so used to Being the person who I once was that I tend to self-sabotage Any relationship or any connection I Attempt to have what is self-sabotage mean to you? Well, I mean for one
Starting point is 00:04:43 I always tend to make excuses i feel like something is getting serious or getting around that route i panic and not literally well sometimes later i run and uh... who's the person that you were before you said you was based on what you how you used to be oh yeah um...
Starting point is 00:05:01 extremely depressed uh... i was a very uh... the press did didn't really have much friends didn't really know who i was as a person Oh yeah, extremely depressed. I was a very depressed kid. Didn't really have much friends. Didn't really know who I was as a person. I was just very lost. Got my life together. And I honestly, I met the person I once was, but the insecurity is definitely still there.
Starting point is 00:05:21 So we got to work on the Instagram. Right, OK, so now we've created, you know, and you're like, okay, so I'm self-sabotaging every time I meet someone, it's not gonna work out, and you've all these feelings that you're just, it's like a comfortable blanket. It's like what you know, like that's your story. The Virgin, and you can't meet somebody,
Starting point is 00:05:37 and you're afraid of being rejected, and all these things. So we have it all in out for you, so we know what that is. And so now it's like changing your activities and your thought patterns. They're going to get you back. They're going to get you on the right track right now. And I think we can start it today.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I do want to. I feel like this is a turning point. First of all, that you called in and that we're talking about it. And so right now, your life is on track, right? I mean, you're not that kid anymore. You know, you've got a job. You've got friends. You've you've got a job you got friends You've got a good life right so everything's going great for you and so how do you typically like meet people are like what do you do for fun?
Starting point is 00:06:12 What's your life like? I train in MMA so I'm usually at my gym. I meet people there I barely go out unless it's on Saturday nights, but uh by weekdays I go work straight to the gym home sweet Rinse for Pete. What do you do for work? I'm sorry. What did you for work? Oh, I may the media specialist on the video editor actually. You don't mean any people. Yeah, and Gare straight Yeah, and, uh, scare straight. Straight. Okay. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I mean, I feel like this is about a conferencing and this is like rewiring those, those negative things that you're telling yourself and the story is about what you want and what you can't have and who you are. So you are in this different place and it's experience. It's really just the practice of, I would say, with these invitations and things you get invited to, like, we all get like those Facebook invites or people are it's I'm inviting you to go to dinner I just like start saying yes to those things Even if you don't have time I understand that you're training
Starting point is 00:07:11 But if you're going out one at a week I don't know what you're doing but make it a night where you're going out to like a place where your friends are around or where you feel Comfortable because right now you don't have a lot of the experience of just you know being an environment Just walking up people and talking to them. So if you say yes, these invites to a party or a barbecue, where you wouldn't normally go, but you got invited so you already know people there. And then you show up and you just really just, you're yourself and you start talking to people,
Starting point is 00:07:34 making friends, making connections, and I think you have to grow your community and your space that you're living in and then you'll feel more comfortable starting to talk to people, but you just gotta start somewhere and take the pressure off yourself. Like if you can just start saying, like, I'm building my life now as a,
Starting point is 00:07:48 you know, as a 28 year old who's got a job who's healthy, take care of myself. And I'm going to start building this, you know, community of people around me who support me and make me feel good and I have confidence. And you know, start meeting people. That's the first thing. Cause I think if you isolate here in this pattern and in your pattern, you're telling yourself, you're going home you're saying I'm this you know, dork, never-ad-sex that you got to just start changing your
Starting point is 00:08:10 your environment and that'd be one way to do it. Right, yeah, I can't agree it definitely is. It's just um, it definitely is easier said than done but yes, I just want to make one thing like it's not a whole it's like one event it's one thing differently that you're gonna do right right and then when you ask people like literally it doesn't have to be a huge date we're going out and it's like uh you know people don't women don't even need like this whole where you're you know making dinner and you do this whole thing you can find a woman to begin with at the parties yeah it's a fun Saturday Saturday night you go out your
Starting point is 00:08:42 friends to like a bar what What does that look like? Yeah, if usually every Saturday we go to the local watering hall. So you see the same people there. That's why I said to you, yes, the things that are not typical to what we're doing all right? And listen, William, I know in your head you probably think that you're one of the only people that feels just like nervousness and especially with doing new things and walking into a room, how you wish that you weren't as nervous as you were,
Starting point is 00:09:06 like, and everyone else does a much better job at it. I can tell you that Emily and I are not that much more comfortable than you are when we walk into a room. Everyone's a little bit awkward. Sounds like you probably don't drink so you don't have that on your side. No. But it's a practice and we all have to get through.
Starting point is 00:09:21 You gotta practice it and you know, you just gotta have a swagger and know that you're an mma a training mma that mean that gives you a whole lot to talk about special ladies are going to like hearing about that stuff and you have a good job and i'm sure that you have stories from that you have plenty of things to talk about so i don't quite understand why you retreat back to your old self only we all become different people uh... the question that i have i guess is about your depression was a clinical
Starting point is 00:09:44 depression are you being treated for it? Are you on medication? It was more of an environmental. Environmental. So it sounds like you had a pretty tall truce. I grew up in this where you get came, where your intimacy, a few years came from, probably in the environment.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Exactly. So I mean, like we say with almost every call, like really therapies where you gotta really start with this thing. Most, yeah, I mean, have you ever had therapy? Such a fan. Yeah, I mean, I've had counseling before. Yeah, I know I can be considered to different things.
Starting point is 00:10:19 So, I've counseling, I've gone to, I've never been to a foreign therapist, a psychiatrist or something. You might wanna think about, I'm not even that. Exactly, especially if you experienced depression in the past. And a lot of what,
Starting point is 00:10:31 I mean, a lot of things that we talk about on the show and in life are really about, a lot of our greatest challenges are because of the negative voices in our head or the stories that we believe about ourselves that are not true and that we keep telling ourselves over and over and over again. And it builds these grooves in our brain and it's comfortable that you're the ugly duckling.
Starting point is 00:10:50 You have these insecurities, you've been depressed, girls, don't like you and that's the story. It's playing and playing and playing. And so I could give you and I've talked about in the show, there's a lot of different things you can do and it all sounds very overwhelming, but really there's people journal. They write down all the negative, these are the negative things I believe in here's the flip side the positive and every morning or every night when you go to bed You like read that list and you notice in your brain when you're saying these things yourself and you flip it You're like you're gonna say one positive thing right you can meditate on it You can visualize it when you're going bed and you can picture stuff walking into this room where you have the confidence
Starting point is 00:11:21 I mean there's different exercises, but that's really what it's all about. That's the good news, William. The good news is that your biggest setback right now is coming from you and it's something that you can control. Like, you've got everything going for you. So it's just, I'm trying to have you put little positive things in place that will help you switch the fabric of the way that you're thinking and the way you're living your life.
Starting point is 00:11:42 So that's why I was saying, one day a week, go to do something that you've done before. Get comfortable telling your stories and building your confidence. And I think writing it down does help, journaling positive things about yourself, that you feel good about, and you keep reading those messages over again because eventually in saying them to yourself, they will replace that tape in your head. Okay? Those are the two things.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yeah, positive. Therapy can help because a lot of, if you might still have some kind of depression because a lot of times it might be something more deep-seated here, but you know, it does help to write, actually write down all those negative things that you say and then you flip it and you tear these message to, I am a confident, strong, you know, I really am like I'm so proud of these things I've accomplished and this is who I am, that's who you really are. And then when you believe that in every fiber of your being, that's who you're going to be presenting out in the world.
Starting point is 00:12:27 So it's not just like, oh, the sun is shining and life is so great. It's like kind of a deeper level, positive thinking, if you will. And that's really what's gonna work, I promise. And William, real quick, Emily can probably agree with me here. What we're hearing right now is a confident, happy,
Starting point is 00:12:43 easy to talk to a person. And I know I talk to people on the phone all the time and a lot of time is like oh god this person I'm not gonna talk to this person much because they don't really have much to say and tell it They're like nervous or they're like inside their own head. Yeah, you're not that guy. You're not that guy Yeah, I feel it. So whether you whether you feel like you are like a that's not how you come up Yeah, this isn't bullshit here. I'm not because if there was something else going on I tell you that I'd be like well It sounds like you're really,
Starting point is 00:13:05 you know, you're a stud, you're the man, and you're the only one who doesn't believe it yet. So, let us know how that goes, William. I want you to go answer one of those invites on Facebook or wherever you get invited things that you didn't think you'd go to. I want you to go to that and just start talking people. Okay?
Starting point is 00:13:19 That connections are made to the community. All right. Do that. Thanks, William. Thanks for coming. I so appreciate it. Thanks for your honesty. Do that. Thanks, William. Thanks for calling. I so appreciate it. Thanks for your honesty. Get him.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Get him. Well, just for the sake of time and brevity, I didn't get into his childhood, but I really wanted to know. I wanted to know what kind of abuse it was. There's a thing. But you're right. And we can all do it on our ass.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I didn't want to take him back there. You're right. You're like, it's all a painful one. You know what? He could do with that, but we all want to know the wise and the wise. Whatever our parents did, all these things was fine. It's a point in life, you know that,
Starting point is 00:13:47 you learn that and you move on. You take it and you're like, you can't blame your parents anymore. We got enough victims in the world. No, victim mentality, don't delve back into that. Have an understanding, move forward, make positive steps to have a fulfilled life. I would never guess that that was like a problem
Starting point is 00:13:59 and talking to a parent's voice. I mean, he just seemed like a happy, nice, confident guy. Right, and we all, and you're right, though, interested that we are going to want happy, nice, you know, confident guy. Right. And we all, and you're right, though, Anderson, that we, we are going to go on to another call, but we all do this. And I was sitting here across from you, thinking, you know, we've talked about this Anderson, we both go through this. We sit outside love line and you were like hard on yourself by moving.
Starting point is 00:14:16 And how many get the movie done? And I, you beat yourself up for being where you're at and like that you haven't done all the things. It's all childhood. It's all childhood. Right. And like Anderson, no, do it. We're doing the movie. You're to, and look at it. You've done it. It happened. It's like,. It's all childhood. Right, and like Anderson, no, do it. We're doing the movie. And look at you. You've done it. It happened. It's like, but the only thing holding back was those thoughts you had. And I've done it to myself. So sabotaging, we got it.
Starting point is 00:14:31 And look where you are. Look where I'm at. It's still struggling. It's across from you. And Hollywood. Okay, we have Emily. She's 21. Another Emily. Another Emily.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I don't know if we can do this. This is good. One Emily is really intense. Hi. Hi, I'm, we can call you, I'm Emily from Kentucky. I'm with Anderson. Hi, Emily, 21 from Kentucky. And it's good to know that Emily's are cool chicks.
Starting point is 00:14:53 And Emily, thank you for writing in. Thank you for calling in. Yeah. No problem. I'm so excited that you answered it. Yes, here I am. We want to help you. I know, you're so bubbly.
Starting point is 00:15:03 You seem happy, I'm. See, Emily's were good. I am really We want to help you. I know you're so bubbly. You seem happy, M. See, Emily's work. I am really happy. That's good. My senior year of college, I'm doing great. I want to see you. I didn't graduate college, so I was 29. Yeah, stop.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Good for you, Em. You're already out of the game. So, M, you, M, I'm calling you M. The question is, you want to know about a threesome? The you actually are interested in threesome and your boyfriend, not so much. So tell me what's going on yeah okay i've been with him for like three years and i basically in the past year have started to
Starting point is 00:15:34 bring up that i want to have a threesome and he didn't seem like against it but he also just seemed like really scared to be honest like he kind of just got red in the face and was like, that sounds hot, but oh my god, what? He really was not sure about it. Is he your age as well? No, he is two years older than me. Okay, but still 23. So he's still trying to figure out exactly what you're probably. And he's like, oh my god, you want to bring another person in?
Starting point is 00:16:01 What are we going to do? So it's probably confusing him and overwhelming and maybe somewhere it's a fantasy but not yet and then also everything's out on the table like you're talking about bringing a girl in right not a guy yes and he's aware like i'm bisexual and like i always been and he's aware of that so like i guess it's not a huge shock but i think it's still took him off the hard right and does he know how did you say it like he knows your bisexual but you've
Starting point is 00:16:24 been together for two yet three years have you been with women uh... in these last three years no i have in high school like but not you know i haven't had like sex with other women i've just like made out and you know done stuff at parties i guess but it's not been like was he around when that happened was he around you made out with the it was he around when you were making out these women at parties last three years no that was actually it was before
Starting point is 00:16:50 three years so here's the even she doesn't have to say that you're not so what you're saying is you just said to him hey babe so i'd like to have a three some and after three years yes he knows your bisexual but has it come up in three years so he might be feeling like threatened or that he wasn't pleasing you or you know who knows what he was thinking i'm not sure how you brought it up to what did you say exactly i can't remember when the last time i brought it up but the first time in the end and when i brought up i pretty much just like hey
Starting point is 00:17:16 how would you feel about doing this or like what do you think about them or like i think uh... we're watching what's the show called we're watching a show and that's Netflix and there was like a scene with a threesome and I like purposely put it on good and you're the scene was gonna be there and I do it. Where do you think about this? Where do you stand on the threesome topic and and he was like okay and then you got not right that's a good way to bring it up if you haven't brought it up I get it but it sounds like he's gotten kind of
Starting point is 00:17:41 nervous about it so I think you should say don listen. I think it would be really hot. I've been, you know, I love having sex with you. It's been amazing these three years. And I, you know, I've been with women in the past. And I've been fantasizing about it. And I would love to be with the woman and with you and kind of break it down for him how it would go. Because he's probably never,
Starting point is 00:17:59 had a threesome, never, doesn't know what you want from it. Does he have to be with the other woman? So you guys have to discuss these boundaries and together and, you know, create the roles, the boundaries, what you want from it. Does he have to be with the other woman? So you guys have to discuss these boundaries and together and create the rules, the boundaries, how you both visualize it, the goals. Your goals are dreams, your goals. So you probably just isn't,
Starting point is 00:18:13 and he might say to you though, you have to be prepared, you might say, you know what, I'm not interested. Like I don't want you to be with anyone else. Hey Emily. Yeah. Emily. Oh, which Emily?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know you're not going to marry this guy, right? I don't know. Maybe. You know that this relationship's going to end probably soon after you're at a college, if not before that, right? You know. Why do you think that? Because I mean, if you have this threesome, I mean, it's not going to be the guy you marry. You're not going to have a threesome with the guy you marry. I don't think that's why that's not going to be that stress. Are you going to be
Starting point is 00:18:45 able to be cool with him like going down another grown front of you or the penetration part that is that could have freak you out i mean i've never had a thresom before and i want to say that i'll be cool with it but i don't have a way of knowing how i would be right right i think that whether you realize it or not like you're kind of know you know that cut your college experience is going to wind down you not, you're kind of know that your college experience is kind of winding down. You know that you're probably going to graduate college, move on, and you want to kind
Starting point is 00:19:09 of put a bow on this relationship. I think that's where this is coming from. I don't know. Okay. And Blaze, that's true. I don't know if you know it. No, I love him very much. I don't want to leave him or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Okay. But I know what you're saying, Anderson. No, here's the thing. I get it. That's another subject. It's happened to me a number of times. Every time it was at. No, I do think I get a higher We got it that's another subject. We've got to happen to me in number of times every time It was at the end of the relationship. I get it and you're right This is a pattern that's made by heard Emily's response that and I wanted to check with her It's even was just like a defensive thing, but no Emily loves them. She wants to be with them
Starting point is 00:19:36 She wants to expand their sexual repertoire. They're like, you know, their experiences together as a lot of long-term couples do and so I think that it's a matter of and we we don't know what's going to happen in their relationship. I mean, she's a huge, huge risk here because when you open Pandora's box, that's why I think she needs more thought. Well, no, I like that you brought up. I might not be able to have sex with you, and more or less there's another vagina in the room.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Like that is a possibility. I keep my get so into it that it's just like, there's a lot of risk. You've strained very well. You've talked a lot. I mean, there's a lot of things that could happen. It's true. That threesomes, it's not just something you do to spice up your sex life. It's like having a baby. You've strained every one. I mean, there's a lot of things that could happen. It's true that three sums, it's not just something you do two spice of your sex life. It's like having a baby.
Starting point is 00:20:08 You're like, let's have a baby and things are better. Let's have a baby. We heard a call on Love Line years ago where a girl wanted to three some really badly with her boyfriend and they used her friend, her really good friend, and as soon as her boyfriend started having sex with her friend, she punched her boyfriend right in the nose
Starting point is 00:20:24 because she was so shocking and upsetting to her once it actually happened. She wasn't prepared for it and she broke his nose like while he was having sex with her friend. Oh my God. You gotta really be prepared. Yeah, so young. Well, this can be the way you can figure it out is a lot of couples you don't have to jump first of all. You do have to talk about it. You do have to set like, is there going to be penetration?
Starting point is 00:20:42 How are you going to find the third person? You guys aren't even really there yet. But if let's say he does agree to it, then there are some, you know, there is that process of talking through what's, you know, protection and how to find the person. But right now, I think if you want to revisit this, like I said, with your boyfriend in a way
Starting point is 00:20:57 that's just giving him a little more information and having a more discussion about it. Cause I don't think he's totally shutting it down again. He can't really visualize and explain it. You've got guys say, listen, I think it'd be hot. I'm not really sure how it would look, but how would you feel if I was with a woman and you were there in the room and would you want to have sex with her? You guys just got to talk about it in more detail. So we can picture it because I think he probably just didn't know where it was coming from.
Starting point is 00:21:20 He might have felt like inadequate. Yeah, he's an obscure guy. He's immediately thinking, what am I doing wrong? Am I not doing it right? But worst case scenario for him is he says, no, and then you guys do end up breaking up. And I'm telling you, 20 years from now, he's going to be thinking of what could have been.
Starting point is 00:21:34 How is your sex life right now? Oh, it's great. It's fine. It's always been ever since the first time we ever had sex. That's amazing. I'm happy for you. That's really cool. That's great. So you have in great. That's really cool. That's great.
Starting point is 00:21:45 So you have in great sections. So it sounds like if you guys have been great sex, you're probably really good communicators. You understand your body. You're getting your needs met. So I feel like you just kind of a really honest conversation with them about what the three some really meant and why you're thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:21:56 And you guys will be good. Keep talking. And don't jump into it. And Anderson is here. And not everybody guys is cut out for this. Not everybody can handle the three. And all the other things, sweetie, if he says, I'm not into it
Starting point is 00:22:05 You're not gonna convince I'm just like I tell men all the time We're like why won't my girlfriend do it? You're never gonna convince her and let's it has in us She really wants to and Emily would you be okay if he's not into it and you like end up with this guy And you can never ever hook up with a girl again Is that something you could live with? No probably not Okay, so these are the info these are the questions you're going to get answered down through this conversation on.
Starting point is 00:22:26 So I think it's great it came up because I think it's going to have you thinking about your relationship long term and what you really want because you're 21, you're still trying to figure it out. You don't have as much experience dating. You know, you just don't. It's been three years with him. So I think this is a great time for you to kind of really think about what you want, what turn G1, your values, how you picture your relationship and everything unfolding the
Starting point is 00:22:44 next few years. Okay, and- That's really smart. I never thought about that. Yeah, think about it. It's good. We've got to evaluate all this stuff in our lives. You know, jobs, you're graduating from college where you want to live in your relationship. So it's a good time to do it.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Okay, and let me know how it goes. Good luck, Anne. We got to put them on the list. Be careful with them. Thanks for having us. Bye, of course. Have a great day. Bye. Our next class is Laura.
Starting point is 00:23:05 She's 21 from Nevada. And she wants to talk about fancies versus her morals. Hi, Laura. I'm here with Anderson, and we are here for you. Tell us what's going on. Hey. Hi. Hi.
Starting point is 00:23:17 How's it going? Good. We are here for you. So Anderson, get your email. So tell us a little bit about what's going on. OK. Well, for tall, like, thank you so much for having me on your show. So I like that it's, so I, my question has to do with, okay, so I explain in my message that, I like, since I would, like, when I was younger and like, just starting to have like, fantasies and sort of sexual thoughts with, like, I used to feel and just starting to have fantasies and sexual thoughts, I used
Starting point is 00:23:47 to feel guilty about it and that was something that my mom always worked through with me which I was really lucky about. But I am now in a toll and I love fantasizing and everything. I started to wonder as I become more daring with my fantasies and like sort of played with like for bidding and like in real life I would show a really guilty about but in my fantasy life I kind of find exciting. I started to wonder what I felt now and then I also also guilty about those fantasies and though like, loral. They're telling it on reality. Right, I kind of wonder what you want to do. One fantasy. What are the fantasies?
Starting point is 00:24:23 A moral line. Right, right, I get it. I get where you're going with this. What are some examples you give one example of the one that you're most ashamed of? How about that? I'm from the most ashamed of. Oh God, I don't know. Anderson, that's how we're going. Okay, I have a middle one. We have to figure out where.
Starting point is 00:24:38 I'll give you an example. Yeah, okay, like an example would be like, I'm a teacher and like, I'm not actually a teacher, but like, in my fantasy, I'm a teacher and like, or a student, like, yeah, like, I'm a student and my teacher, like, wants to like, you know, fuck me and I'm like, and he, in my mind, like, is sexy, not just because I'm, you know, like, that fantasy is pretty classic, like, student wants to be a teacher, but like, sort of, the sexy part is that like, the teacher wants me and that's like, right, you want to give into that, like that fantasy is pretty classic, like student wants to be true, but like sort of the sexy part is that like the teacher wants me and that's like, you want to give into that like, exactly. Forbidden desire, you know, but like also I feel kind of guilty about it because there's
Starting point is 00:25:13 a whole age thing in like society that's sort of frown upon like breaking in. Exactly. Exactly. So here's the thing, when you talked about when you were younger, let's go back to that real quick, they said I clarify this. You said when you were younger, your mom talked to about your feelings of shame around sex and she helped you look through it. Will you go to your mom and say, hey, mom, I have these fantasies about banging teachers
Starting point is 00:25:32 and she'd be like, it's okay, honey. You know what? I was so confused about like, I think everyone at my age and in puberty was sort of having the same feeling, but I really didn't understand. I was really confused about it and so my mom and I have to have an open relationship. That you've been to it, but I sort of did approach her with my mom. How did she tell you, like the coolest person ever?
Starting point is 00:25:52 Yeah, that's awesome. And hopefully she explained to you, which is what I'm going to tell you, is that there is a difference between the fantasies that you actually want to happen. And then the fantasies that you just have, you keep to yourself, but they turn you on, and they make you feel good. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:04 And it's actually really, really healthy. Healthy, very healthy. I have to tell you, Lord, that the women who have robust, active, you know, textured fantasy lives are have better sex throughout their lifetime. And someone can't even come up with a thought. They can't even think about it. And I work with you in all, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:18 And I'm telling you that it's not, you're not doing anything wrong. There's no sex police. It's gonna come knock on your door and get you to put 30 when some kind of sexed junction in case you want that kind of thing to happen in your fantasy. But really it's all healthy and it's okay and you're 21 years old and you're figuring out your sexuality right now what turned you on and I think it's great actually that you are
Starting point is 00:26:38 Experiencing with these things and figuring out what you like and the reason why this can be helpful is because Well for so many things, but it's so important to know your body and to masturbate. And when you're having sex, you'll be more likely to ask for what you want and have orgasms or whatever your goals are. But the reason why it's also important is because what you could learn from these fantasies, that say the ones that you don't necessarily even want to happen is that you're like, oh, but I really like feeling adored or feeling like I want my partner, you know, my partner. Yeah, the chosen one and that my partner, you know, my partner, yeah, the chosen one and that my partner, you know, has this unbridled desire
Starting point is 00:27:08 for me and he has to have me take me right now which is a really common female fantasy. So maybe when you're with a partner, then she'd be like, oh, well let's do a little role playing and you know, and you could role play the teacher student thing and that's completely healthy as well. You know, it's not like you want that happen but you might want to bring that into your relationship.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Couples do it all the time. And I think you'll just know it and that will turn you on and that's totally again, it's not like you want that happen, but you might want to bring that into your relationship. Couples do it all the time. And I think you'll just know it and that will turn you on. And that's totally again, it's all healthy and fine. And I'm glad that I think that this is called actually gonna help a lot of listeners who still carry shame around and judge me around what they think about what turns them on. Like I'm just so glad that people are having these,
Starting point is 00:27:40 are having thoughts and having good sense. And Laurel sounds like she's a thinker and she's probably morally sensitive. It sounds like, right? And let me tell you this, Laurel, whatever fantasy you have, and I feel like you kind of give us a softball with the teacher scenario. I'm sure that she started out.
Starting point is 00:27:54 She was the teacher. She was the teacher and she was going after the students. That's where she started. So maybe that is one of her fantasy. Let me tell you this, no matter, and I do this all the time, because I think horrible thoughts sometimes and I write horrible things down because I'm a writer,
Starting point is 00:28:06 and I think of just awful scenarios for human beings to be in, that I hope to make movies out of one day. And I feel guilty about these sometimes, and I can tell you that anything that you think of, anything that you dream up, has not only been thought about by other people, but acted on by other people, so you're fine. All right, don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:28:21 You're human, you're creative person, obviously, and like Emily said, it's very healthy, and don't feel, unless, I don't worry about it. You're human, you're creative person obviously, and like Emily said, it's very healthy. And don't feel, unless, I don't know if you have any idea what guys look at on the internet, but most guys, at least once a week, turn off their internet and total shame and guilt after what they just looked at, okay? I've heard.
Starting point is 00:28:37 They do, they do, so it's like, I'm prayed for some girls after I'm done. I'm like, oh my God, that poor girl, what was I just watching? Exactly, but this is the unhealthy reactions that a lot of us have to sex. That prevent us from having really healthy, great sex lives that we all are so hard on ourselves. So just know that you have my permission, you have your mom's permission, Anderson's permission to have these fantasies and to do you.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Okay. My mom and Anderson. Yeah, and myself. It's not religious based, right? I mean, she's not like her moral compass is all because of religion, because that's a little bit more stringent and rigid and hard to, you know, if you're having guilt for the point you think you're going to hell. We're ever came from. Yeah. And I totally think that's where some of the shirts started. Even though I'm my family was ever religious, like super religious.
Starting point is 00:29:22 You could have heard something about the young age. I think that's where our comes from. Yeah, we all had, oh God, we all carried this stuff around. So imagine that poor gay guys, I think they're going to hell. And every single Sunday, they have to be in the Catholic Church, looking at like a really ripped sexy Jesus on a cross, that those thoughts that are going through their head, those guys with the guys that have the guilt, you're fine.
Starting point is 00:29:42 You're good. Oh my God, at least. You can see some of the Jesus statues I've seen in space. He It's good looking right? Oh my god. That's so funny. Okay, you were all good You know how to conversation and we agree to this cool. Yeah Oh, you had a conversation with Jesus if Jesus is cool You got Anderson and Jesus. We're all we're all signing on all good Laura. This is this is a good turning point for you in your life Thank you Laura. Awesome. Talk to a good turning point for you in your life. Thank you Laura. Awesome to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Good luck with you. Good luck with you. Bye. Thank you. Talk to you soon. I think that call was great with Laura. I think that so many people have shame, enjudgment, and fears, and worries,
Starting point is 00:30:15 around sex again that is holding him back, whether it's our thoughts around that we're not good people or that we're fantasizing about Jesus. I just want to go easy on themselves. Okay, let's take another call. Okay, we've got Cameron. She's 26 from Atlanta and she's got unwanted slippage during sex.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Hi, Cameron. I'm here with Anderson. Hi. Tell us what's going on with the slippage. Okay, so it happens with a couple of different partners, but pretty much what will happen is whenever I'm on top because my body tends to over lubricate itself, if I even raise too high, it will slip right out.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Okay. It's dangerous. It's very dangerous. Yeah, it can be really painful for the other person. You can break his penis. No. No, you absolutely can't. I can't.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I can't walk through. Yeah. No, right, you don't want to. But you're saying, okay, wait, so you slip out, so every time you're on top, what about when you're on the bottom? It hadn't happened like that yet. Okay. So, are you curious, but do you have orgasms when you're on top?
Starting point is 00:31:24 Do you just prefer being in, are you just okay? So how can I help you? Do you want to know how to be on top and have not slipper? Are you just in all positions? Yeah, honestly, because it's like, if I'm on bottom, then they have more control and they can, I guess, determine the depth in which they're going. But when I'm on top, then I'm in control. I have an issue, I I guess with raising myself too high and it just caught that.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Right, okay, that can happen because I think that what we see also important a lot is that women are bouncing up and down when they're on top, right? And that typically is not what's gonna work for a lot of women. You know, you probably want more like a thrusting technique when you're on top and let's say you're in cowgirl and you lay down with you.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Have you tried to lay down with lean forward like a 90 degree angle? So you're leaning more towards him and you're kind of doing like more of an up and down motion and then you're doing like that. I'm not up and down a back and forth. If I'm going down, then it's just more like an intense grinding and then we end up sore. Okay. You end up sore. What if you're lying? Okay, so what if it's a 90 degree angle though and you're like leaning over him and you're moving slowly like up and down while you're like what you're saying while you're curved over him while you're lean over him And you're sliding up but it's slower. It's not like a fast and it's a slower motion So it's not the grinding. It's still moving up and down
Starting point is 00:32:39 But you're leaning forward so we can't slip out and you could even have your head on his chest, you know Yeah, that can definitely work and then if you're leaning forward so we can't slip out and you could even have your head on his chest, you know. Yeah, I'm gonna take a chair there. Yeah, that can definitely work. And then if you're doing reverse cowgirl, that's a good one. You can lie back towards his chest. So when you're in a reverse cowgirl and you're facing, so you're facing out, if you are laying back, you can easily move your body up
Starting point is 00:33:00 and down and it's not so much of the, and you're leaning back so he's, you don't understand. It's so hard to explain the position. But don't take the cow girl literally. I mean, you should not be like bucking bronco on top. Exactly. It should be more controlled and slow. And I think Emily's right with the, with the porn,
Starting point is 00:33:13 so they're always going haywire when you see that. Doesn't feel good. Yeah, it's like, I just do them like, oh, it's the part where they want me to bounce, but they're not, because it's not going to go. They're orange and it's supposed to be getting sloshed about. Exactly, and that would hurt, right.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Right. So, and it's not really about the shape of a guy's penis, because I think people are listening to, well, maybe he's really small, or maybe he's big. It's typically not about that. It's... It could be the way that it's pointing out through.
Starting point is 00:33:31 It could be curved as his penis curve. No, it doesn't have any curve to it. Okay, I'll slippage happens to everybody. It does happen, it happens all, I mean, I'd say it's a pretty frequent occurrence. It slips out and you put it back in. But I also think that in these positions, you could also stimulate your clitoris if you use toys.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Do you use toys or anything like that? Your fingers, your hands. Yeah, I have to use some sort of toy in order to retort that. Great. So I think that it's just a matter of leaning forward, leaning back when you're on top and then using that toy. And then just not doing the up and down and doing more of the thrusting, the grinding, but not as far as the grind.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Feel better for you when you're going up and down, like real fast and getting more of the strusting, the grinding, but not as far as the grind. Does it feel better for you when you're going up and down, like, real fast, and getting it all the way, you know, out, in, out, in, or is it actually better once it's in there, and then you just kind of like do the moving around. I know you say that it gets, you, you chase yourself sometimes, but are you doing it for hammer? Are you doing it for her, for yourself? Yeah. Good question.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Well, I honestly, I do it more for me. Okay. I honestly don't do it more for me. Okay. I honestly don't focus on their needs as much. Good. Maybe on a better end. That's a great question. So you're saying you feel really... I'm on top of doing it for me.
Starting point is 00:34:34 So when you're on top and you're going up and down, it actually feels good because it's... Where his penis is hitting like your G spot, it's not about the clitoris, is that what you're saying? Yeah. I don't have one, but I would think that like once you're in there and it's kind of like touching the G spot, you can kind of like ride around a little bit, right?
Starting point is 00:34:49 Or do you gotta get it the hammer? You gotta get the hammer? I would also say do your keglexer, your keglexer sizes. I think this is so important. I'm telling you, do you do your keglexer sizes? Doing cowgirl and she can stand up and hold the car. Literally, I rip them out of bed with my hand. She can go to the kitchen while he's still connected.
Starting point is 00:35:03 It's true. Yeah, so walk in her car. No, but I'm telling you, if you have more Literally, I rip him out of bed with my husband. She can go to the kitchen while he's still connected. That's true. Yeah. So walk in her crowd. No, but I'm telling you, if you have more control of pelvic floor streams, and the great thing about doing your kegels is that you could just do them every day for five minutes for like a few weeks, and you will absolutely feel a difference.
Starting point is 00:35:16 And then you'll be able to clench those muscles. And that would, I seriously, that will help, that will reduce the slippage. What do you think, Giggle earlier? I don't know. That's right. There, Keele Keele. Yeah. Slow today. No, but I have a number. I have a number. Kegel camp. Slow today.
Starting point is 00:35:26 No, but I have an iPhone app called Kegel Camp that can help you. It reminds you of them. There's also some great, I love kegoballs. You can just wear them around when you're working out. They're like Benoit Balls. Who makes the kegoballs that we did? Ft London. Ft London has great kegoballs.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Ft called the balls. Ft. Oh, they're so cool. They're these balls that you wear in your vagina. Did they make little jingling sounds? No, but it connects to an app and it measures your strength, the gaseoballs, the gaseoballs. And they, literally, you can see over time, track it like a fitbit, but it's like for your vagina muscles
Starting point is 00:36:01 and you're like, oh, I can, it's stronger. So anyway, I think that would help too. And I also think. Is it going to clip it? No, oh, I can, it's stronger. So anyway, I think that would help too. And I also think- Is it going to clip it? No, clip it. That's funny. No. Anyway, you can just do them on your own though.
Starting point is 00:36:10 You don't need anything fancy. That will help camera and I think that just experiment also with him being on top too. Like if that's what you need, you can figure out way to get that same kind of thrusting either when you're on top, or maybe when he's on top of you in missionary, you can put pillows underneath you
Starting point is 00:36:24 that lifts up your pelvis as well. Or just date black guys. Let's go on. Hey, stop. Okay, Cameron, thank you very much for calling in Anderson. It's not about size. That's good. That's slippage.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Cameron, so play with some of those positions and you're going to figure it out. You're going to get into your groove. Promise. I often think you can. You're welcome. Have a great day. Bye. Dude. Sorry. Dude.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Sorry. And I don't even know what you meant by that. Black men. Can we? Stop it. Stop being so sensitive. You know what I do think? Because I know that sometimes when I'm on your show, you get emails about dumb things that
Starting point is 00:36:55 I've said. And I do want to, maybe it's not too late. I don't want to dress all the dumb things you said. This will be a very short. I don't have, we don't have that kind of time, but just going back to the gay guys in church when they're confused about the sexuality and this and that. That is a real thing though, and I'm sure that that happens. And I was what I was saying is imagine those poor guys,
Starting point is 00:37:10 what kind of guilt they're going through. I'm not saying that they should be guilty. I'm just saying I was comparing that extreme. I was an example, right? It was an extreme example. And I thought that a lot. And I thought, you know, because I know how I was when I was like, you know, 11-12 years old,
Starting point is 00:37:22 first figuring out sex. And if I was attracted to men and I had to go to church, I imagine like what if like a large, breasted woman was hanging up their half-clothes? I would absolutely have those thoughts around your body. I'm sure a lot of kids do, and there aren't, there aren't,
Starting point is 00:37:36 like, you know, you see the naked imagery. And he's got like a six-package, right? I know, and people are always, I know, and that's when it started. It's very, it's very confusing messages. When you're a young kid and you're hearing that sex is bad, but you start having these thoughts and nobody explains it to your entire life
Starting point is 00:37:50 and then you're 22 years old, calling in, talk to us and we're helping you move through it. So anyone who misconstrued that is me saying they should be guilty, I was not saying that. We're saying you're not, we're just saying it could be a lot worse. Yes. Guilt, although guilt is guilty. And I was also saying definitely,
Starting point is 00:38:02 date black guys. I did say that. Dude. No apologies. I'm not even going to black guys. I did say that dude. No apologies Okay, so our next call is a Lisa. She's 24 from organ organ. I say organ. I was a kid organ organ a Lisa Hi, and she is emailing is about two submissives in the relationship what to do about it. Hi, Lisa. I'm here with Anderson Hi, I was here to serve you. How's organ? Hi, oh my gosh. Thank you so much for taking my call. You're so welcome. We are here for you in Oregon.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Excited to talk to you. We're in California. Two submissives. So what's up? So basically my partner and I are trying to add some kinky staff to our relationship. We have really great sex already, but we want to try some new things. And he really wants me to dominate him, but I've never done it before. And I just, I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:38:51 It kind of scares me. I feel like, sometimes I sound really fake. If I try to do it, I don't even know what to say, or where to start. I got it. So I'm looking for tips on how to present myself in a more dominating way and not just trying to nervous giggles and give up.
Starting point is 00:39:09 All right, that's a great question. I love this question because first of all, you will be nervous and you will giggle and it won't be, it might feel uncomfortable at first. And that's okay because that's what happens whenever we try something new sexually. So I can't tell you how to do anything where you might not feel uncomfortable the first time you try it. So just know that's acceptable. And that's it's worth it. Because this is how we get this is how we get make our sexual fantasies and dreams come true. If you push through that stuff. So when
Starting point is 00:39:35 he says to you, when you think about, you know, he wants to be dominated, do you know what that means to your boyfriend? Like as he said, like, God, I picture you tying me up or spanking me or telling me to fold your laundry. Like, do you know? I think definitely I'm driving up like handcuffs or rope would be really cool. I think he's interested in spanking. He's showed me some porn that he's watched. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Kind of like, you could do this, but I'm not even sure how to act like the women, you know? Right. Okay. Right, okay. What, Anderson? No, I think that something that would really help, this is real advice and this is immediately what came to my head was a piece of uniform, something you put on that helps you become the part. I know with acting a lot of the time, it takes like a certain jacket or I'm not saying put on a Hitler mustache or I'm not saying put on
Starting point is 00:40:25 a Hitler mustache or anything like that. That could possibly work. But you put on a certain shoes, maybe stilitos or something and you will become the part. It will help you transform for sure and not feel silly. It's like almost like you're becoming a different person, you're acting. That's one thing, like a role playing. Like yeah, if there's something that makes you feel really sexy, like do you like getting
Starting point is 00:40:43 dressed up on Halloween? Do you like getting dressed up or do you want the women to wear something sexy on Halloween? role playing like yeah there's something that makes you feel really sexy like you can dress up in halloween you know do you like getting dressed up or you want the the women like to kind of wear something sexy in halloween or something that makes you feel particularly sexy. Oh yeah yeah I actually really like lingerie and I usually go towards more like feminine lazy things. Okay but that's okay. It could still be the feminine lazy thing and they see okay this is what I want Anderson. I like what you're saying. I like your point I'm gonna come back to that in a minute
Starting point is 00:41:07 so I want you to feel turned on and Sexy and like you want set right but what makes her turned on it might be like getting taken advantage of or like you know Being like I'm not taking advantage of but being overwhelmed and and dominated herself So if she gets herself in that headspace there she is is, like a little doe waiting to get the sex, the way that she likes it, which is to be dominated because they're both some missiles. Right, but I'm saying, to set the mood.
Starting point is 00:41:31 I'm talking to you, imagine, where do you want to eat? I don't know, where do you want to eat? Take forever. Is that what happens in your relationship? No, but here's the thing, getting yourself in the mood, I understand that you're, because no, but she can get in the mood,
Starting point is 00:41:40 you can masturbate, you can think about sex. When you wear, I don't know, for me, when I'm wearing like something that makes me feel sexy, lingerie or a great outfit, or like the mood, you can master, but you can think about sex when you wear, I don't know, for me, when I'm wearing like something that makes me feel sexy, lingerie or a great outfit or like the candles and I set the mood, it gets me in the mood. So you want to make sure that you're setting the stage for being in the mood. So even if it is lingerie, I wouldn't say you have to go out and buy like a dominatrix outfit. But what I would say is that let's start with the fact that he wants to be tied up.
Starting point is 00:42:02 That's what we know. And that's actually a really easy place to start with domination. What you can do is you can use and blindfold it. I like to say the blindfold and the handcuffs is step number one and we can make it pretty easy for you. You still might laugh and giggle again, but that's okay. You could use something you have at home like a neck tie. I always say buy the sports sheets.
Starting point is 00:42:24 I'm obsessed with their stuff because it's beginner bondage, or they have, so that's more advanced, but it's all velcro. So it's like literally like handcuffs that velcro together, the easiest things in the world to use, and then there's like velcro, you know, blindfolds, and they have a beginner bondage kit and you can get that, it's on my website. Yeah, you know, I actually already have some of this worksheet. Perfect. Okay. And I just like, I feel like sometimes they get them out and then I get stuck and I don't
Starting point is 00:42:51 already go down. So this is the next step. Okay, perfect. This is exactly what we're going to do. So what you're going to do is the next time, do you guys live together? No. Okay, so do you, does he come to you? So the next time he comes over your house, this is what I want you to do. Do you guys have plans coming up this weekend? Does he come over your house. This is what I want you to do. Do you guys have plans coming up this weekend to see Company Your House or you go to his house? How does it work? He goes to my house sometimes when we're trying to set a mood, we'll get a hotel room.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Okay. Yeah, you could do actually a hotel room would be great, huge fan of spicy things up in a hotel room and mixing up your location. Wherever you are, I want you to get the handcuffs out and take a picture of them. Maybe you're holding it, do you ever send him like sexy photos of yourself? Yeah. Okay, so I want you to, because then you're going to commit yourself to this. Take out the handcuffs and put like you could do a sexy picture with it, have it hooked up on the bed or have water around your wrist and say tonight, like when I see you next time we're using this, right?
Starting point is 00:43:42 Or just send a picture of it and say thinking about seeing you next time. So they're already out or 10 night, I can't wait for tonight, right? And then when he gets to your house, you're gonna have them already out ready to go. You're gonna have candles lit, you're gonna music, you're gonna be wearing your sexy laundry.
Starting point is 00:43:56 They think that makes you feel like the badass sexy woman that you are, Alissa. And then there's nothing you can do, but you say come over here, come to the bed and you're gonna put a blindfold on them, and you're gonna wrap the handcuffs around them, and you're just gonna start to kiss him, massage him, you're gonna start to have some things
Starting point is 00:44:13 by the bed, like some sensory play things. I think you could have, go to the kitchen, and you could have a bowl of ice cubes, and you could also have a warm massage candle, and you can play with different sensations, so you could put some ice on him, you could spank a warm massage candle, and you can play with different sensations. So you could put some ice out of me, you could spank him if you want. You could do whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:44:30 You could rub your breasts over him. I mean, just he won't know what's happening next because he's got the blindfold on. And whenever we take away one sense, all of our other senses become more heightened. So no matter what you do, it's gonna feel amazing. And there you have taken control, and he can let go. And that's what we're really talking about.
Starting point is 00:44:45 He's like, I don't know that he necessarily wants you to go in and start like, you know, spanking, but right now, you just took control of the sexual situation and then see how it goes. How does that feel to you? How is that feeling? And a lot of it is not, is doing nothing to it. A lot of it is gonna be withholding.
Starting point is 00:45:00 So, you know, doing, not giving him what he wants. Yeah, teasing. Like not going right for his penis. So maybe your massaging is like using your fingers on his legs, but you're not touching his genitals. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, give him a little and then you know, or edge edging, you know, you take him close and then you let you don't take him all the way until you're ready to take him all the way. And you might really like it. There's a chance that you know, you're gonna explore and find a side of yourself you didn't know was even there and you
Starting point is 00:45:24 might really like it. So give it a shot you know you're gonna explore and find a side of yourself You didn't know was even there and you might really like it So give it a shot But I still think like even just putting on maybe like a button up like dress shirt or something You know unbuttoned like a men's shirt with a collar Yeah, just some kind of something that would make you feel get into the mood a little bit of being the dominant Yeah, whatever it is Whatever it is make because I'm talking about just getting the handcuffs on and yeah Whatever gets you in the mood it could be a dominant could be a shirt. It could be a lot of the time
Starting point is 00:45:44 You know a prop will help you, like a cop piece of costume will definitely help you transform. Yeah, I like it. So set the atmosphere. And then once you got him tied up really, yeah, you could be like, don't open your eyes or don't you can't use your hand, you can't touch me,
Starting point is 00:45:55 I'm in charge. Like to say things like that, like I, you can't do anything, don't talk. Shut the fuck up. Yeah, like seriously, like don't talk, don't touch me, don't try to escape. You know, like just, I'm gonna, you don't know what's happening next, like I won't stop, you seriously, like don't talk don't touch me don't try to escape. You know like just I'm gonna You don't know what's happening next like like I won't stop you know don't come
Starting point is 00:46:09 I'm not touching you know just play with those things But I don't want to give you too much to do because I don't want you to get caught up in a script I think it's all gonna come naturally to you But once you've got them there where you want them you've already done the hard work first time out You can even be completely silent You know that could look yeah, tease them Maybe only just say shut up every time you say something shut up And then you just you're doing you're doing all the work
Starting point is 00:46:31 But that could eliminate you know your giggling. It sounds like as soon as you hear your own voice Not being yourself. They get you out of your head and you start laughing. So maybe you just do maybe the first round is You're a mute you're quiet have music playing. Yeah Hard metal. You already have handcuffs. So I feel like, because you're talking about getting over that hump, you already bought them, but it's like, when does it happen?
Starting point is 00:46:50 It happens when you tell them I had a time that's happening that night, so you can't get out of it. You've already been thinking about it. You've got them in the mood, and you're ready to go. And don't be too hard on yourself. OK. And have fun, and I love that you're exploring and expanding and trying something new with them.
Starting point is 00:47:02 It's awesome. Let me know how it goes, Lissa. Yes, I hope. Thank you, Emily. Bye. Good luck, Lissa. So welcome. You got this girl.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Talk to you soon. Bye. Careful of his balls. Right. Unless he's into that sort of thing. OK, that was awesome. That's good. I feel like it's so true that people
Starting point is 00:47:18 want to make these little tiny changes. And then it's just like, oh, but where do I start? You just got to do it. It's literally like rip it abandoned. It's not even the picture. You've already committed. They both want to do it. So that's how it's. like, oh, but where do I start? You just gotta do it. It's literally like rip it abandoned. I don't have the picture. You've already committed. They both wanna do it, so that's how it's. They both wanna do it.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Where you get in trouble is if one's really into it and the other one's like, can we just mission area? Like, you do every night, leave me alone. Which, right, that's the thing, they're both in the same place. And I like that they watch porn together. I kinda like cut her off with that, but for a lot of couples, that's a great tool. They'd be like, oh, can you try this?
Starting point is 00:47:41 But she's saying he did that and she's like, I don't know how to do that. So it can be overwhelming, and that's why I say couples, you got to keep getting more granular with it, showing you with my hands here, that you could get. Baby steps. Baby steps. But also if he's like, I like the scene and you don't get any, you'd be like, well, which part of it?
Starting point is 00:47:55 Did you like the part where she peed on him? Or no, no, just the spaking part? Who knows? You got to get more specific. Right. Got it. Love it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Anderson, great to see you. Good to see you. I miss you. I really do. I don't miss much about love I'm but I do miss the calls and I miss you and you you delivered on both I'm delivering both and I had lunch for you And you gave me lunch. That's right. I know amazing that I food. I very much. I'm so happy to see you too I'm still doing the film ball to the after disaster So I just got to say them addicts once a week. Only once a month we're done. People love your podcasts. They're great. Check them out.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Yes, right. You can talk to them on the phone. This summer only is the only time I think I'm going to make myself available to be able to answer any questions you might have or talk to them whatever you want. To give advice, I'm afraid. I actually talked to my wife. I'm not sure what advice is.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I'm not sure if you're going to be able to talk to me. I talked to Dr. Gaffer Mastroly who has an idea for a movie and we talked for over an hour. Oh, geez. It was really great. It was so much fun. That's really cool, God, Anderson. I love it. You guys get calls with Anderson. Chats with Andy.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Chats with Andy. I say Andy just because it's a little more. I like Andy. It's a good catch. It's a good catch. It's a good catch. It's a good catch. It's a good catch.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Yeah, my wife calls me Andy, right? Yeah. I love it. Okay. Well, thank you, Anderson. Thank you to everybody. Thanks for the colors. This is fun, you guys.
Starting point is 00:49:04 If you do want to call into the show, you know the way that you send me an email. You go to the website,, or you text to 7979. 7979. Ask Emily one word. You'll get the form that you can fill out, and you can also check the box that says, yes, I would like to be called, and then we will call you, and we will have a chat.
Starting point is 00:49:15 And it feels so good. And it's free. It's free, free, free advice, free therapy. Thanks, everybody for listening, and for following me on social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, it's all at I love you, thanks to my amazing team. Thank you, everyone, for listening. Was follow me on social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, it's all at Tax with Emily. I love you. Thanks to my amazing team.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Thank you, everyone, for listening. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at

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