Sex With Emily - Out With the Old, In With the O's

Episode Date: January 7, 2017

Ready for a fresh start in 2017? In this show, Emily and Anderson are here to help you step up your game and set your own rules, both in the bedroom and in the dating world. The two dissect the phenom...ena of “Sexual Black Friday” and discuss why NOW is the best time for new singles to start swiping online. They also answer your emails, from BJ’s to G-spots to the right way to date more than one person at a time. If you’re looking for ways to make 2017 your year for better sex and romance, this podcast has what you need. Check it out… Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily Happy New Year's. Today's show where answering your questions, topics include best practices for meeting an online date offline, non-monogamy etiquette, how to give your girlfriend vaginal orgasms, and how to spice up the old blow job. Thanks for listening. I feel like I'm always talking about the G-Spot, from tips to help you find it to products to help you pleasure it.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Normally, this is where I tell you about a great vibrator that is perfectly shaped to get the job done. But not today. This time, I'm going to help you hit the G-Spot during intercourse. Something I happen to know is a lot of your bucket lists. Introducing the G-Spot link from Sportgeats. The G-Spot link is a positioning strap that allows a woman to comfortably hold her legs at the best angle for a partner to hit the G-Spot during penetration.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Its comfy Velco straps wrap around her ankles with an additional strap that acts as a handle. Just put it on, grab hold and position yourself. No fatigue, no backache, no shaking muscles, just deep G-Spot hitting fun. It might be kind of hard to picture how the G-Spot link works, so get more information at slash Emily. You know, if you want to see some action shots. If you're ready to transform missionary into extraordinary, try the G-Spot link for yourself. Go to slash Emily and don't forget to use code Emily at checkout for a special discount just for my listeners. Look into his eyes.
Starting point is 00:01:31 They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubized they call them in a bygone way. Hey Emily, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. It's a lie.
Starting point is 00:01:49 The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, Emily? What do you mean, like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god. I'm off here.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I'm so drunk. Being bad feels pretty good. But, you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can do so many things there. I hope you check out We had our best year ever on the site. We like doubled our numbers.
Starting point is 00:03:00 People, you're loving our articles. We put a blog post in videos every day. And the best thing is, when you get there, it's so easy to subscribe. We put everything in your fingertips, subscribe to our news editor, social media, and the podcast and shop our store. It's a great place to be. So check all that out. I'm really excited for the show.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I'm here with Anderson. What is up, Pam? Happy New Year, my love. It's so good to see you. It's been since November. It's too long. I can't believe it's been since November. My heart is like so open when you walked in. It's so good to see you. It's been since November. It's too long. I can't believe it's been since November. My heart is so open when you walked in.
Starting point is 00:03:27 It's like we broke up. I said we broke up and now we're like we're getting back together. We're getting back together. Yeah. But it's a makeup podcast sex. Makeup podcast. We were something.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Make a podcast. It's just, it's really good. I, I, I, um, a lot of, a lot of shit has happened to you since I last saw you. I don't believe how much shit. I was like talking to Eddie. Where do we start? Where do we start? Um, okay. So I haven't seen you since shit I was like talking to Eddie where do we start? Where do we start?
Starting point is 00:03:45 Okay, so I haven't seen you since November which was Thanksgiving time. Let's start with spiders. Okay, I think everyone wants to hear about spiders I don't even know where you got bit. I just know you got bit by one of the bad ones. Yeah, okay, so Yeah, I just all I got from you was a text with a spider emoji a little emoji of a spider I've never had an opportunity to use a spider I am not either. I did not know it existed until now. There's a movie that I absolutely hate with Jake Jill and Hall called Enemy and it ends with a spider which I absolutely can't stand. It ruined the whole movie. That's the only time I've ever used a spider emoji is when talking about that movie. I knew it existed. I didn't need it. I'm like I can use it for good purposes now to
Starting point is 00:04:21 let you know that I was thinking of you because I knew it was up. Thank you. Simple. Thank you. Well, okay. So here is what happened. A lot of you, if you fell me on Snapchat or Instagram or anywhere you know or we did a Facebook live on the hospital, men just came to the hospital. Oh. Sorry. Huh.
Starting point is 00:04:35 My other co-host came to the hospital, visit me and did a Facebook live. It's cool. Just check it out on our Facebook page. But no, here's what happened Anderson. So as you know. I suddenly don't care. No, stop.
Starting point is 00:04:46 It was just, I didn't even tell you what happened. I wasn't like sending out like a press release. No, just a menace. No, someone else told menace. A menace, here's where I'm at. Stop it. Come down immediately. Okay, so here's what happened.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Say that bite you on the vulva. I wish, I better say that. I don't wish. Okay, so can I just tell you the story? Yes, please, please, please, please. You're gonna get interrupted every sentence. Please. Okay, so I have been living in the same place for three and a half years.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Which is long for you. Yeah, and it's long and I moved there for a month. And it was, it's not, it was kind of a makeshift gift. We were supposed to be there for a month. Right. I moved to LA, didn't have a lot of money, didn't have a lot of, you know, resource, I really just needed to get into a house.
Starting point is 00:05:23 And it's a guest house you've seen. A little cute bungalow, yeah. But it's small. There's no storage, there's no shelves, there's no closets, there's no whatever. And but I really, you know, I've been all about, every time I've made money, you know, it took me, I've been doing this for 11 years now,
Starting point is 00:05:38 not the best, you know, there was a lot of money coming in, let's say initially. And I, I'm scrappy. I'm scrappy. And all the money I ever make goes right back into the business. Back into the show. We opened a beautiful new office this year. We have great staff.
Starting point is 00:05:50 But I was not, I just like, my practice. You don't take care of yourself. I don't take care of myself. You don't. I thought, well, I was like, because I'm scared. I want the business to grow. And you guys all, by the way, my listeners are amazing because the more you listen to the show and subscribe and support our sponsors, that helps as well.
Starting point is 00:06:04 But I was like, you know what, I really got to move. So my mom came to town, I would talk about moving for a year, but just like, you know, calling and seeing the places, I'm just busy. I don't want to do it. Doesn't excite me. So people like, I love looking at real estate, the homes, the rents, hate it. So what happened was my mom came to town and my mom's like hardcore type, I should like finding a place this week. So we looked at like five places and I found a place and I loved this place and I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:27 okay, got a moot, that's, we're doing it, we found it, we're gonna move. So what? Five only. Like I'm the kind of person I want to look at 25, but I do. I looked at 75 last time. Okay, right, so I regretted this
Starting point is 00:06:38 because that's a second story would happen to the place I got because I added it up, breaking the lease and finding another place. Here's what happened. So I'm in the garage and I hired this organizer, Adriana. You might have met her. She helped me do my office. She's like, because I'm not a great, I'm not that organized.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Okay. I've got shit. My garage is filled. You've seen a lot of sex toys and things. Right. It's constantly vibrating. Right. It's constantly vibrating.
Starting point is 00:07:01 And so my house is so small, but I did have empty garage and I stored a lot of things in there. So when it comes time to move she said we need to spend a day We spent eight hours in the garage and I'm telling you I moved here from San Francisco I had books and dusty boxes and the garage is kind of gross Right I go in there all the time because my washer and dryer is in there and so I'm always in there at night Do you go in there stressed probably because you look at all the stuff you're like I got to do my god I've got like toys. I've got the Sivian. I've got old toys, new toys. For chances, I've got homeless man living in there,
Starting point is 00:07:28 like under the box. Probably, probably. Just self-pleasuring. So we're there all day. And she's just like, keep going, keep going. She's got the boxes. She does that to organize it. So we're pulling stuff down from the shelf.
Starting point is 00:07:37 We're pulling down boxes. It's been there for three years. And we were there for eight hours. And there was one final box. And it was the very top shelf above the washer dryer. And it was heavy because it was filled with books, sex books. When I have about 500 sex books
Starting point is 00:07:52 and they put it in my garage, it was from grad school. And I was like, she's like, oh God, let's just stop, it's too heavy. And this is very unlike me, but I said no, it's our last box. Let's get that box, she's like, but we can't lift it.
Starting point is 00:08:03 So I say, I rip it open. I like reach up there. I climb on the washer. I can reach it. I open it and then I read. I'm like, why don't I just take out some of the box books, make it lighter, carry it down. It's more put my hand in the box. I put my hand in the box. And obviously I feel this sharp pain. It felt like two little like four teeth were going around my hand like a pitch. I'm like, oh! Like a pitch, like a trident, a pitch. It clamped, a clamping down. I go, oh! And I pull, it's a finger.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I pull my pointer finger on my right hand. I pull that, I'm like, oh! And she's like, I think it's a spider, because there are spiders in my garage. Nothing's scary, but like. What are they doing? So I was like, what's a spider gonna do in a box? Well, because the spiders, the dormant spiders,
Starting point is 00:08:43 they sit there, right there. That's chill. So I'm like, oh my god, do you think? And so I go in the house, we start googling like spider bites, but that's your hand job, hand too. This is my everything hand. Yeah. It's my hand job, hand, point of hand, my right hand. So we go in the house, we're googling spider bites. Like it, you know, the only spiders that can bite you could be could be a black widow in Southern California, or brown recluse. Recluses are bad. They're not common here. So, but you could be a black widow in Southern California or brown recluse, but they're not common here. So, but you know, I'm not like a warrior.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I'm not like someone who's like, oh no, I'm like, look at it, I Google it, it's like ice it. I'm like, you're like, I'm fine, let's keep, let's go back to the box. I have no ice because everything's moved except for a frozen burrito. So I'm like, I take the frozen burrito and I'm like, elevate my finger for,
Starting point is 00:09:22 they says, do it for half hour, I probably do it for seven minutes. And then I realize I'm hungry and I eat the frozen burrito. So'm like elevate my finger for they says do it for half hour I probably do it for seven minutes and then I realize I'm hungry and I eat the frozen burrito. So there goes your ice pack. But I'm like it's fine it's just a little and it's a weird bite because oh also you can't see any puncture wounds there's no it just red but not too red so like let's finish. So we finish packing the boxes I go on a date that night. Let me ask you this when you were looking up like what to do if getting hit by a black widow,
Starting point is 00:09:47 were you looking at like for adults or kids? Because you should probably be looking at kids. But I didn't know it was a black widow. You got the frame and then you know, you're a little thing, you kind of like a child. I didn't know to do that. I didn't know for sure even what it was, but it was like, you know, elevate it
Starting point is 00:09:59 and see what happens. So you went on the date. And I, right, so I didn't, I should probably should have read more about what to do. Can't believe the organizer didn't make you read more. What did she? Got to organize your biology.
Starting point is 00:10:09 She said huge regrets because she actually was with a guy in Australia once who died from a spider bite. Well, they got different kinds of spiders over there. Well, true, but I didn't know what it was. And I'm like, you know what, let's finish. Cause I got this date and I'm starting to date and it was a first date and I don't want to cancel. So I go home, I shower, and it's, again,
Starting point is 00:10:24 she keeps calling me, I'm gonna, she's like, is it okay? It's not throbbing too badly, it's just red and a little itchy. So go my date, turns out he's from South Africa. Ooh. He doesn't live there anymore. He's like, oh no big deal, he's like, we get bit all the time.
Starting point is 00:10:37 So I'm like, okay, cool, I'm not gonna rub this. He's got the accent, it's accent. Bit by black widows all the time. He's like, oh, there's spiders all over South Africa. He lives here now for about a year. They got the kinds that like leap out of like off the ground and like capture birds. That's what they got there.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Right. He's got crazy. He's like, what are you worried about? Yeah. I grew up in South Africa. I'm like, I'll greet another reason not to worry. We have drinks. It's a lovely date.
Starting point is 00:10:57 I go home and then I wake up in the mountain light and I can't sleep because I figure itching, itching, itching, red. Right. So I'm like, fuck, what do I do? So in the morning I talk to Kent, right? Kent, vice president company. Kent, vice president. He used to be an EMT though. And he's likeching, itching, red. So I'm like, fuck, what do I do? So in the morning, I talked to Ken, right? Ken, vice president company. And he used to be an EMT though.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And he's like, oh my god, Emily. He's like, Mr. Wolf, he fixes everything. He's like, Emily, it's not a spider. If it was a spider, you wouldn't feel it. And there's no way it was a B or it was something else. He's like, it could have been a wasp, but don't worry, you're fine, you're fine. Ken, not a doctor.
Starting point is 00:11:23 It's not a doctor. And he tells me, wasp, but don't worry. You're fine. Can Ken, not a doctor. He's out, not a doctor. And he tells me so another person, not don't worry. He's like, but if it gets worse pay attention to it. It's like come to the office and Monday I'm looking and it starts getting a little redder, a little swollen, little and then I'll have a sun about 3 o'clock 24 hours later. It starts to turn purple. So I take a picture of it and I send to Ken. He's like, now you should go to the urgent care.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I don't want to go to the emergency room. I go to urgent care and they're like, ooh, that's bad. They let, actually pictures, they let me in and they like, give me a shot of antibiotics in my butt. They look at it, they're like, it's definitely a spider. They're like, I think it's a brown or a clues or a black widow.
Starting point is 00:11:56 They're like, just watch it. If they gave me antibiotics to take home oral antibiotics and a shot in my butt, they said, come back on Wednesday. But if it gets worse, come back tomorrow. Right. That night, I go to Wednesday. But if it gets worse, come back tomorrow. Right. That night, I go to bed. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:12:07 And I'm like hurting. It's like, I look at it. It's purple. It's itchy. It's throbbing. My head hurts. So I go back to urgent care at ADM and they're like, it's fine. That's when they remove the finger.
Starting point is 00:12:17 They remove my finger. They said, go to go to go to seaters. Amputation time. So I go to the hospital. I'm waiting there in the hospital. They put me in like a little, I was saying gurney. What's it called? That's what you got gurney Well, you lay down on a gurney and they put dead people on them to there's no people. There's no room Oh, yeah, you're the hallway. Yeah, yeah, so they're coming by asking me shots asking embarrassing questions with like people just rolling by no privacy
Starting point is 00:12:39 Love it. Yeah, my friend Elle came to see me. She was lovely and they're like yeah, doesn't look good And I'm waiting there. They're like, oh, you know, and my finger's getting more and more swollen. I can't bend it, I can't bend it. So they finally check me into a room. And they're like, you're gonna be here for a while. I get an IV of antibiotics, the doctors are coming in. Meanwhile, my ex-boyfriend happens to be on shift that night.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Oh, really? Yeah, I broke up with he's a doctor, it's either. So I had to do it a while. D-guy. The guy I know about. Yeah, you've met him. Yeah. So that was fine. That was fun. Well, no, it was kind of good to have a doctor at Cedars. So I had to see him around. D-guide. The guy I know about. Yeah, you've met him. Yeah, yeah. So that was fine.
Starting point is 00:13:06 That was fine. Well, no, it was kind of good to have a doctor there who can be like, wait, I care about you. I mean, did you say, did you tell him that you were there for AIDS? Just to fuck with him? No! Because that would have been funny.
Starting point is 00:13:16 No. You're like, yeah, finally figured it out. So he's like, we've got you, so I go in a room and I'm telling you, it just kept getting worse and worse. So then these doctors come in at night, right? The surgeons. And it's like the resident surgeon and he starts taking pictures of it, videos.
Starting point is 00:13:29 And he's videotaped my hand how it won't close. And he's like, I gotta send this to our chief surgeon to see what we need to do. You might need surgery because they have to, because the concern was the tendon sheath could get infected by the venom and then I could lose mobility and I think, so he's like, we're going to need surgery.
Starting point is 00:13:46 So they couldn't feed me because you can't eat or have drink if you might need surgery. So it's kind of scary. It was escalating. So that's all day Tuesday. I wake up Tuesday morning. So what are we at? Day two now?
Starting point is 00:13:57 Day two in hospital. Monday, I'm there. Yeah. And so Tuesday, you got bit Sunday. I got bit Sunday, Tuesday in hospital. So I get woke up Wednesday morning by this, I'm lying about like 7 a.m. Real quick, sorry. You got bit Sunday. I got bit Sunday Tuesday in the hospital. So I get woke up Wednesday morning by this I'm lying bed at like 7 a.m. Real quick. Sorry. You got bit on Christmas day. No, this was Sunday before Christmas Okay, the sun in before God has been forever since I've seen you. I know
Starting point is 00:14:14 So I'm sitting there and and this guy like shakes me wakes me up and I look at him He's sitting down and it's the hottest doctor I've ever seen not my ex and he's like, hi, I hope your ex is listening Yes, I said hi, and he's like, hi. I hope your ex is listening. Yes. I said hi. And he's like, hi. So I've seen your finger. I've watched the videos. It's like a YouTube video.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I've watched it. And we have to start to get. We have to start to get. We have to start to get. We have to start to get. We have to start to get. We have to start to get. We have to start to get.
Starting point is 00:14:39 We have to start to get. We have to start to get. We have to start to get. We have to start to get. We have to start to get. We have to start to get. We have to start to get. We have to start'm moving. Like, what do you mean? That's him staying on track. And I'm like, he's like, no, no, I said, well, is there any way we can wait?
Starting point is 00:14:48 So, and, and he's like, well, you know what, let's think about it. And like, you're right. I said, well, couldn't we wait till tonight and just see if it heals? Because you guys, I've got antibiotics, I've got painkillers, I've got like IVs all over me. So, turns out it started to heal that day.
Starting point is 00:15:02 They still wouldn't feed me. I'm getting hangry. I haven't eaten in two days because, and then he came back and he says, you know what, I think that we avoided surgery tonight. You can eat dinner, but then you can't eat again. And the next morning he came back and he said, you don't need surgery.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And I said, great, can we go on a date? I didn't say that. You wanted to say that. No, but it was actually really, like my family, it was really scary, but the antibiotics, I flushed in in the antibiotics, it went away. And it's, look at it, you can't even tell. Yeah, you can barely tell. I was dating a little bit.
Starting point is 00:15:29 But it was a black widow, but it turns out that it was a black widow, and that they don't typically butt you, but if you wake them from their slumber, he could have moved from San Francisco for all I know. He got pissed, he bit me, and that's what happened. So, was a little, because they had a little hourglass on their own. I don't see it.
Starting point is 00:15:47 You'd be able to tell if he was from Prasemistus, go if it was a Rambo. He was a gay spotter. They actually have, this is a true story. Brown, No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Brown widows are actually taking over and they're killing the black widows.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And they're from Mexico. Soon enough, we're not gonna even have black widows. We're just gonna brown widows. Do you think Donald Trump's gonna try to keep him at the border? He may try and like build a little web for them on top of the wall He would who knows? But I have to say though the weirdest thing is that I was in and out of that garage five thousand times in the airs at night
Starting point is 00:16:12 Dark I don't know. So you never saw he might still where is he now? Well, where she so here's the terrifying part. This is not you guys I promise we're gonna get into sex in a minute, but I forget I had to go back and finish packing. So, you learned your lesson. You've been humiliated. I had work gloves. You put condoms on each finger. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:30 We were gloves and then I had every box fumigated. Now I'm moving to my new house yesterday and they're all in the garage and I'm gonna fumigate again and I hope that there's no more spiders in my life. But where gloves if you're packing? You got off easy. I was dating a girl who got bit by one
Starting point is 00:16:42 and came out of a rug that she was carrying over her shoulder. I wasn't around or else I would've helped her with the goddamn rug and a bitter on the neck and she still has a hole a little hole in her neck Come a spot look from a black widow. Yeah, well, I mean, I've got to have a little scar But I have to say that it was a wake-up call and I really feel like it was a good thing. Yeah I appreciate life it was a wake-up call. I feel like I've got some special power there. Everything I think is happening. I'm happy. I still got a lot to give him.
Starting point is 00:17:08 That's so much to give. So that's my story. Happy new year. And I'm feeling great. And you've moved three times. I've moved three times. So I also decide what what happened was since I was living in a place that I did not
Starting point is 00:17:19 like for three years to save money, save money, like live my life, I was like, I want to find a perfect place. So I found a place. I moved in for one night and I decided it was too loud. You broke the lease and it cost you money. I broke the lease. I'm still trying to release it. It cost three leases last month. So I'm trying to release it. But then after I broke the lease, the landlord was kind. I still have to find someone to rent it. I came back to the office. I googled house because I just can't have neighbors. I can't live in it. What do you live in now?
Starting point is 00:17:44 I don't love me. What do you live in now? Anyone beloved me, beloved. What's your neighborhood? I just moved to Hollywood. I moved to Marley White House. And we home? This is what I'm saying. I dreamed, I rented, but I dreamed of living
Starting point is 00:17:53 a mile west of where I am. And this house is exactly that. Nice. So that's what I'm saying. You deserve it, kid. Thank you. Well done. Glad you're back.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Let's talk sex. Let's talk sex in the news. Yes. This is great for everybody in the new year. If you're still having weird feelings about, you know, being single or like, about dating apps, let me tell you this, if you're newly single, here is the best day to start swiping. So they say the anxiety and the stress that's imposed by the holiday season, we've got these social obligations, no easy relatives, no easy relatives, too much to family time,
Starting point is 00:18:26 booze, gifts, all this stuff. We break off of something we might realize. You know what, I don't want to be with this person anymore. I'm just miserable with my family. You just sit there with the drink in your hand, watching them interact with your family. I like to know, what am I doing with this person? Right, your life's a January.
Starting point is 00:18:37 New years are just, I'm gonna start dating again. Dating companies actually look forward to January surge and membership at my time. You know, Jim's, they've ever belonged to Jim and in January. I just freeze my membership every January because you can't even get in. It's always. All reminds you of gyms. They've ever belonged to gyms. And in January. I just freeze my membership every January because you can't even get in. It's always the worst.
Starting point is 00:18:48 The worst. Well, it's kind of like that with dating, but this is a good thing because people are so disappointed from the holidays, they're like, their butt is kicked into high gear. So they are dating, they're starting data online. And what they say is that, okay, so based on trends from previous years,
Starting point is 00:19:07 is confident of all the highest traffic on Sunday, January 8th, 2017, and precisely 8.49 pm Eastern time. They should be more specific. The company sees a 42% spike in new singles looking for love during the dating season, which they say spans from December 26th to February 14th. Everyone wants to date for real on time today. Tinder, they're not a specific, but they say that last year's data shows that they were up at this time of year and those bump in matches and all that.
Starting point is 00:19:35 This is like the sexual black Friday. It is the sexual black Friday. Jack Friday. So I'm just saying, I did a show, I guess it was late in December, but I was talking about my experience dating this year and how I actually took time off. And now I'm back on the apps. I talked a lot about swiping and my little tips for how I've learned to, like, I've been
Starting point is 00:19:54 doing Bumble and Tinder. Appreciate that, because, because know this, all right? What? You're sitting across from a guy who's never swiped at thing in his life. I've never swiped. I've never had the opportunity to swip. I just, like, your ATM card. All came along after I was already married, which is fine. I'm happy. I've never swiped. I've never had the opportunity to swip. Superlulky ATM card. All came along after I was already married.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Which is fine, I'm happy, I'm happily married. Got a kid, I'm excited, and life is good. But believe me when I tell you that I'm a little bit jealous that I didn't get to try the swipe. It's fine, you just swipe, and then you go on a date and have a good time and there's so many options. But I think it's detrimental to, let me tell you something. I could just swipe and it doesn't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Just for me. You can use mine. Oh, this is a bunch of dudes though. Here's the thing though. I want to say this thing about Tinder because Tinder said this, so it must be true. But I also think it's true. What they said was, is that I just read this.
Starting point is 00:20:37 It said that Tinder is not necessarily just a hook up app like everybody thinks. Well, of course, they say that because they want more business. No, no, no, but what I'm telling you how where this go it says um They should have like a virgin app like they have virgin alcohol, you know like I do like a virgin Margarita. I want a virgin swipeable so I could just swipe just to see what it feels like I can't find it But what is saying is you're right they really they they're freaking abs for people on horses, farmers. I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Yeah, farmers only. But I think that first of all, I think Tinder made a resurgence. I think that nobody's going to make you sleep or something. You're like, oh, well, I want to date. I got to have sex with them. You get to decide. Yeah. And I know a lot of people finding relationships on all the apps.
Starting point is 00:21:19 So, ladies, especially the ones that are a little bit more demure maybe or a little bit more innocent, I think that a lot of guys go on Tinder, guys that I know that I talk to, they think of it as a hookup act and they think that if a chick is on there that she's down for like a one night stand. Okay, but like he could think that all he wants, but if you're a woman, don't feel pressured into it, limit your alcohol, no one is expecting anything in effect to probably respect you more if you don't give a blowjob in the car on the first date. A little bit more. No, my friend used to call it a blowjob in Spencer.
Starting point is 00:21:48 He's like, every girl just gives you a blowjob, but you don't have to, and he's a douchebag anyway, whoever said that, my guy said that. So don't worry about it. And just find the ones that work for you. It's like a bar. I couldn't tell you what bar to go to because I don't know what you're into
Starting point is 00:21:59 and what more of a girl is music. So play around with them. Have a good time and everyone's online. Enjoy your freedom. Yeah. Okay, so we can move on to some a good time and everyone's online. Enjoy your freedom. Yeah. Okay, so we can move on to some emails. Another reason why it's going off in the open office because people who are newly single probably, especially the ladies, don't want to become mid-February.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Well, this is the thing they say the spike is through Valentine's Day. Yeah, see. And there was a thing. Desperately searching. I know. Like, you got, you got girls are like desperately searching to like beat the February 14th deadline, whereas guys are much more short-sighted and they're desperately searching to beat the 2 a.m. deadline Exactly right much more short-sighted you guys are much more yeah
Starting point is 00:22:30 Long-huh, there was a section in the news last month that actually said I believe that men are more concerned about being single around the holidays And women obviously more around Valentine's Day Huh and Valentine's Day to me is like we're gonna do a bunch of fun stuff this year around time Say because it's like that my year Valentine's Day I miss you can accent comes fun stuff this year around time. It's like, it's like, it's my year Valentine's Day. I'm Michigan accent comes out. Cause it's your year, why's it your year? No, I'm just saying always, he's always like, what's your business time of year? Like Valentine's Day.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I feel like it's like my Santa Claus. Yeah, yeah. I love Valentine's Day because I love, with my listeners, we do such fun things. We do giveaways and contest and we give you tips. But, but whether you're single or not, we give you tips for all that stuff. Let's take a quick break. We're gonna give a shout out to our sponsors who we love. And you know I only only talk about products and toys and things that I have used and
Starting point is 00:23:12 loved and trusted and true, so thank you for supporting them and we'll be right back. You know I love Loub. And I love System Joe. From their awesome products to the people that make them, they really have become a part of the sex with Emily Famie. So we thought we'd take it to the next level. That's why I'm so excited to announce that System Joe is now the official lubricant of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:23:38 So get ready to hear even more reviews, tips, and tricks in 2017 featuring their amazing Loub collections, like the new Joe Agape line. What makes the Agape collection stand out is that it's designed to closely match a woman's natural lubrication. It's incredibly light, easy to clean up, and provides the perfect glide. And all Agape's water-based loops are glycerin, paraben, and propylene glycol free. So you don't have to worry about what you're putting in your body with the agape line. It's all good. Josie agape personal lubricants are available
Starting point is 00:24:09 in original, warming, and cooling versions. And you can see them all in my store. Just click on the shop with Emily Tab or on the agape banner on my site. E-Mails! So very exciting thing happened at the end of last year if you're just checking out the show. If you have a question, you want me to answer, it's really easy to submit your questions easier than ever.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Go to, click on the Ask Emily tab, fill out the form and hit submit. So now when you're filling out your question, though, there's a thing a little box that says would you like to be called because we are actually taking callers. So then Assistant Producer Eddie will reach out, would you like to be called? Because we are actually taking callers. So then Assistant Producer Eddie will reach out to you set up a time and I can answer your quick, like, love line. I can answer and we can chat and then I can really get to the heart of your show. You don't have to do that. It's another option.
Starting point is 00:24:56 You can also leave me a voicemail, 818, ask SWE1. And as always, include the information that helps me help you, your gender, your age, where you live, and how you listen to the show. Pertinent. Pertinent information. Okay. Hi, Emily. I have a question for you.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Da. He said, Da. I know I'm probably the exception, but until recently, I've always been a relationship kind of person. All of a sudden, I'm very intrigued by a guy I'm chatting with on a dating website. Beside the fact that I've been alone for way too long, my question is, how does a girl feel safe letting a guy she barely knows into her home, much less into her bed? The whole risk of being physical with someone new is scary enough, but with someone I know
Starting point is 00:25:39 could have been with someone different every day of the week, is something I never considered doing before. Check this out, Anderson. I was raised with Dr. Drew. He scared the living crap out of me for the past 28 years or so. Realistically, I know when we have penetrative sex, we'll use condoms, but not for oral.
Starting point is 00:25:55 But feeling safe, letting him into my home where everything I love is is scary. Please help. Thanks, Lisa, 45 from Los Angeles. Lisa. So when she says that Dr. Drew has scared her the I didn't listen to love line before I was on it so I'm assuming what she's talking about well I did they didn't have it in Michigan growing up. I didn't my brothers and sisters listen to it
Starting point is 00:26:14 And I thought it was garbage, but my question is and you are 20 years Like I didn't know what I'm assuming that she's referring to because she's 45 is that back in the day 10 15 years ago when everyone started, like on Craigslist, that there was a lot of safety issues, that they're still there. But she said he scared the crap out of her. So she talked about STDs, she's about like letting a stranger into your home.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Do you know? Who knows, I mean Drew scared the hell out of me too. I, you know, working with them every night for 17 years. I was scared to even have a kid pass my age, because he was always telling me what a douchebag I'd be if I had a kid when I was older. If you listen to Tru, he will scare you out of life itself. Actually, here's a fun fact about Tru because he's a worry-work. I asked him one day because I didn't have insurance for a while and he was really shaming me and I said, what would you do, Drew, if you knew that tomorrow you weren't going to have insurance for the entire day? He said
Starting point is 00:27:00 he would lock himself in a closet and not move for 24 hours. So take everything he says with the grain of salt. The man does kind of live. Okay, well I know, but I'm just wondering, I'm just wondering what she, I mean, I can assume he was probably like, you know, be careful, check, let your friends know where you're at. So it's the end drew was all about online dating. At the beginning, he, in fact, this is when he was with
Starting point is 00:27:22 Corolla, he would talk about how it was a dangerous and then Corolla would come in and talk about only losers would date online. Well, that's the biggest thing about that. Well, that is so... So, but I don't remember him like warning people, I can be very, very... Okay, I got some stuff. I'm curious if there's anything I miss. So Lisa, here's a deal.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I totally get your concerns and worries because they're still real. Like, this is a stranger and you don't want to bring them back in your home. But here's something that I've learned lately that was like the best tip I actually got from a date. Before your first date with somebody, face time with them. Yes. Used to be Skype, but face time with them because people can be great online. They can be great texturs. Great wordsmiths.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I love a guy with a woody text. Woody. Oh, I don't want the woody text. I want a woody text. But, you know I don't want the woody text. I want a woody text, but you know You can find out if there's a little chemistry You can just see if they're like not a serial killer and then I would also meet them out You do that. I don't know You make sure there's not like hanging on the walls. You can tell there's no skins and there is like baby skeletons
Starting point is 00:28:18 I'm wielding a knife Meet them out public first multiple times until you feel comfortable. Yes, if you're really worried, let your friends know where you're going. You can have what your friend, you know, now with GPS, you can have your friend track you. What is the thing on the iPhone where they're like track where I'm at or whatever. Find friends. Friends, really? Yeah. So I'm saying like, don't invite them into your house.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Meet them for coffee. Never, ever invite it. I still go out with guys a few times. I don't even pick me up, like I meet them out. So when you're ready to have them all, we'll be safe about it. Let a friend know, have a neighbor in the loop, have an alarm system, tell your friends,
Starting point is 00:28:54 and definitely get tested. Like, I mean, for sure you wanna get tested and you always, always wanna use condoms. I mean, people just, I can't tie on people every day of my life, like use condoms, no, or use condoms the first time, not the second time. What the hell does that do? That's like saying, it was raining for nine, like 10 days in a row.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And the 10th day I didn't want to raincoat, you got wet. The first nine days you didn't. It's weird things, especially for guys. 10 days you could get pregnant, you could get an STD. Wear condoms. We've pat ourselves on the back so hard for, like, use a condom. One time is a condom.
Starting point is 00:29:22 And then once you get comfortable with the girl, you feel like you're comfortable with like her blood type as well, I guess. So nice to know. You just let it roll. Right. So, and she's also concerned about oral sex. So here's your options.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Yes, you can get an SDD from oral sex. Of course. You can. Do you want to use wear a condom when you're getting a blowjob? You can use a dental dam on you. Nobody does this. No one does. But these are your options. Nobody does this. No one does. But these are your options.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Hooker's do. Hooker's do. You probably don't want to do this. And I think if you're safe, make sure he's tested, make sure there's nothing weird going on in his penis, are those things you can't tell if he's a carrier. I think you just got to like,
Starting point is 00:29:59 it's no different from online or meeting a guy at a bar or restaurant or the supermarket or the gym. I mean, they're all disease, right? Seriously, everyone's eating and they can have something and they're carrying it. So I'm telling you, it's a risky world we live in. So just try to like, some people now, though, it's true. A lot of people are like, here's my paperwork. Like, they bring their paperwork and they show.
Starting point is 00:30:16 And if you want to go- Those are porn stars, Emily. No, it's not just porn stars. People do this. There's like apps. I mean, so if you really want to, you know, take this the next level, you can do that. You can sit down these rules, but it's up to you, Lisa. So just be safe.
Starting point is 00:30:27 That was such a weird, let me see your paper, honey. Yes, your paper. What do you got? Super sexy. Okay, so that's what we got next email. Hey, M, thanks for helping me get my free gun. I have a need of some advice for dating multiple people. I got out of a four-year relationship. It was a mutual ending and started dating multiple people two to three I don't know if there's a waiting period between partners like can I have sex with two people in a week in a day with protection of course
Starting point is 00:30:52 Also, I have a couple of sex toys. Can I use them between partners? I have Lalo's couples toy, which I only want to use on the main squeeze unless I can share it I also got their handcuffs to have to tell them that they're shared on the main squeeze, unless I can share it. I also got their handcuffs. Do I have to tell them that they're shared? Lastly, what's the etiquette for telling people I'm not monogamous in a way that won't hurt them or ruin something that could be more eventually?
Starting point is 00:31:13 I already heard the rebound guy, because you got a little too close. I just wanted to be single and date for a while. Thanks for any advice, love you, okay, by just 27 Massachusetts. Chess is incredibly hot. You think? I think so. Why?
Starting point is 00:31:26 It sounds like these guys are just throwing themselves at her and getting all attached. I need more. I need more. And she's dirty. She said, yeah, I got a freak on. A little dirty. She's awesome. Jess, I love you.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Let me tell you where I love you, Jess. This is a great question, first of all, because people are experimenting more and more with non-monogamy. We're talking about these apps. Everyone's sleeping together on the other. Everyone, you just assume if you go out with someone on the app, they've went on three dates that week, or they might even slap a people because that's the world we live in now.
Starting point is 00:31:56 So let's make that assumption. However, even for making that assumption, most people are not having this conversation. They're not saying, you know what, I'm dating other people. And I don't think on the first date, I think we should all just assume they're dating other people. Just look at assumption. Or put it in your bio and say not looking for anything serious. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:12 You could put it in your bio. You could do all that stuff. But just like, don't be surprised when you had a great first date. And he's like, I'm sleeping, I'm dating other people because they are. But eventually, if you're whistamon and it's going to get intimate, you do want to have the talk. What I also like about Jess though is that I think it's great that she's taking the time after a four year relationship to just date because I think that more people did this in their 20s, they'd be much better well off because what I typically did, I was like Jess,
Starting point is 00:32:46 I would break up with someone in my, I was a serial man on this, I would break up with a guy and then I'd say, I'm just gonna date and be casual. And you wouldn't. And I didn't have the language around it. I didn't know how to say that to guys because I was afraid they wouldn't be into that. Or would you find somebody almost immediately because you like the comfort of having a relationship? Yeah, but I also felt like, yeah, that too, but in my brain, I was like, I don't want this. I always went into the way they were put, they were like this. They want more than I could give. They were like, please, it's been a relationship
Starting point is 00:33:05 and then I would do it. But then I'd be like, why'd I begrudgingly get into another relationship and then eventually I would like it. If you look at all the divorces and all the failed relationships, and I mean, it's an epidemic. And I think a lot of it comes down to not having the willpower or the ability to be able to say, you know what? Not good enough for me.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Let's keep trying. Which I think is great that all these dates are happening nowadays. Right. Most of the guys are doing it just because they like, you know, continue to put not on their belt. But I think that a lot of, I've dated serial monogamous. I have them in my life and I'm really close with some of them.
Starting point is 00:33:36 And they're most miserable and they end up in really miserable relationships in ways, years and years of life because they don't have the self discipline to say, no, not good enough. Right, I mean, exactly. So, exactly. And if you're serominagmes and then obviously you meet someone you get married, you you
Starting point is 00:33:49 how do you even know you didn't it's almost like saying like you ate one meal like you had pizza and you're like that's long an eat for the rest of my life. Like I didn't experience with other cuisine. So with dating what happens through dating and through this experiential period of dating other people which is totally the norm now, is that you get to learn what, it's an educational process for you because how else are you gonna learn what you require?
Starting point is 00:34:13 What are your bottom line things that you want in a partner if you don't date multiple people? So, I feel like through dating, and eventually I stopped being in a ceremony, and I was, I learned, I'm like, okay, if a guy is an alcoholic, no, or if he's really cheap, no, if he hasn't serum, and I was, I learned. I'm like, okay, if a guy is an alcoholic, no, or if he's really cheap, no, if he hasn't done his work on himself, I can't deal with that.
Starting point is 00:34:29 He doesn't know his emotions. You know what I mean? That's three strikes for me right there. Yeah, well, we wouldn't date. No, we wouldn't. So I'm just saying, are you just learning, like, oh, you know what? Like, I used to think it's really important to me to have a guy like, who worked out, because I was really into Marathon's in my 20s.
Starting point is 00:34:41 This is an example. And my boyfriend was kind of like, at the time, he would sleep until 11, and I already run a marathon, picked up my drag cleaning and had lunch. And I was like, no, but what I'm saying nowadays, I look at it, and I think, you know what? I don't care if a guy shares all my same interests, because I've got friends who do that.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I'm just saying it changes over time. Yeah, would you agree with this? I'm being the expert that it's not about like a checklist. It's about chemistry. It's about the, you can't really put your finger on in a lot of the time. It's just you guys work. Yes, it works, but also about chemistry, it's about the, you can't really put your finger on it a lot of the time, it's just you guys work. Yes, it works, but also what I'm saying is,
Starting point is 00:35:08 yes, I would say that it isn't about like, does he match all these criteria, but there are certain things like I said, like if you're not willing to look at yourself and you haven't had therapy or like, like go introspective, that to me is like something that's important. What if your dad was a therapist and you didn't,
Starting point is 00:35:23 had a huge issue with your dad and didn't think that he should have been a therapist and it kind of made you not really believe in the entire profession. Well, Anderson, I've been waiting for you to get over that your whole life and I think you will eventually see I couldn't date you though. I couldn't. No, and I'm not saying there aren't exceptions. I'm just saying I'm not saying you have a massive checklist, but eventually when you date enough people, what I'm saying is through that experience of dating people, you recognize these things, you're like, oh, he's like that girl, she's that kind of girl.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Yeah, you can start counting questions. He's that kind of guy. No, but I'm like, that didn't work with that guy when I was, this is not gonna work on this person. I'm just saying you gather information about people. I think also just learn that like, there's some things that are non-starters, you're not gonna be able to get past,
Starting point is 00:36:03 whether it's drinking or something, some other big thing, or maybe you've learned that you can adjust and you can make things work because it's worth it on the side my wife She hates drinking she never drinks she drinks maybe once a year and she hates it doesn't enjoy it I love drinking I drink three four nights a week. She hates the fact that I drink But we we make it work like I don't drink around her that much and you know I don't make a fool wait till she's sleeping. I wait till she's sleeping and I crack the bottle of J. It wasn't. No, but like, you know, you can make certain things work
Starting point is 00:36:29 if other things work out as well. Exactly. I think being real careful, that's not. Right, there's not a formula. It's not a computer. But it helps to date to get this information. Right, so I think that it's great. So what I wanted to say to you about that though,
Starting point is 00:36:42 jazz is great that you're doing it. But I get that the etiquette is not well known because like I said, most people don't talk about it. So I say be open right away. Like just leave you as condoms around your house when they come over. Oh my God, I was dating a guy in LA like you're 10 years ago, long distance
Starting point is 00:36:57 and I came to visit him and I found, I dropped my phone and I bent down under the couch to pick up my phone. It was like to use cotton to the couch. So it was a slob and a slob. And then I got in bed that night and there was like a hair tie next to the bed like a woman's hair tie. I'm like, couldn't you have done a sweep?
Starting point is 00:37:14 Did he have long hair? No. That'd actually be worse. Figure out a woman's hair tie and he had long hair. No. He didn't have long hair. He was just fucking a lot of checks. I'm going to do it at least do a sweep, color house keeper or something.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Right. Okay. So so why did I even- What about sharing toys? That's an interesting question. I think it's kind of an obvious answer. I'm gonna get to that in a minute, but first thing I know I went off on this other thing is that let him know that I'm casually dating right now, that you know yourself Jess that you've actually been in a serious relationship and for you it's better to get to know people and to date them a few times to see what you want. So you're not looking for anything serious right now and just be honest with them about that. That's all you gotta say, okay?
Starting point is 00:37:49 And you don't have to do it on the first five minutes of the date, but maybe when you know there's someone you want it, you know, you could. I'm not even saying, it shouldn't even come up on the first day, really. Right, but the second day, you should like that. You're just experiencing each other
Starting point is 00:37:58 and enjoying yourself on the first day. No, and time is not that you don't want along this is really should eventually, but you, that's where you're at, and just don't apologize, no overaining, and that's who you are. The thing about toys. Okay, so I think that you could share toys with partners, yep, but some people could feel squeamish around it.
Starting point is 00:38:17 I think handcuffs are fine, but what are you going to do? You're buying a $200 toy, you're not going to share it. I think there's this amazing, amazing new invention called the UV. They actually have a Kickstarter campaign right now. If you go to, you click on the UV banner. You've got like two weeks left of it. Anderson, it was the coolest thing I've seen in 2016. It is a toy. It's like a dishwasher for your toys, but it's a little mini box. It uses ultra, it uses... I have one of these for my toothbrush.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Right, it's like to the same technology. Just throw your dildo on it. It charges your toys and it kills 99.9% of all bacteria. I always adhere to 9.9. What words that one? I don't know, I don't want that one percentage. No, there's some kind of virus.
Starting point is 00:39:01 And there's a little fucking black widow still on it. Always 99.9. I know. So I think UV's amazing. If you show. And there's a little fucking black widow still on it. Always 99.9. I know. So I think UV is amazing. If you show them that there's this beautiful box that you opened and you pull it out and it looks pristine, it's like sharing a fork. What about? Make sure it's clean.
Starting point is 00:39:14 So I don't think that you should like, I think now here's a double standard. Unless a guy owns a UV, most women are going to freak out if you rip out a rabbit from your ex girlfriend. But for women, guys kind of assume you I've used my toys with guys They're not like did you use that with your last partner? So just a little weird and I'm maybe I'm old-fashioned You are old-fashioned. I'd be like I've gone over to a girl's house and she hands me like a viabitter that Harry was just like You know ramming her with earlier that day a little bit strange My toes are named clean. What did she put like medical tape when he's wanting named like that boy that she or the guy that she's like frank on one
Starting point is 00:39:45 Harry on the other a lot of women needed toy to get off and so what are you gonna break it? Knock it off. I think that's fine But just say they're clean there whatever make your keep your sex door really organized and get get one of these UVs you guys because I'm telling you It's the coolest thing I've ever seen the other thing I want to say to you What was her last question here? This is a good one about how had a good one. About how many different day, like how often. Thank you. Okay. Honestly, honey, this rule, how many can you take?
Starting point is 00:40:10 How does it feel to you? How many can you take? Well, like, really? How do you pay? How do you take your day? That's your answer. Did you sleep with the guy in the morning and you're still sore, then you would date that night?
Starting point is 00:40:18 Or did I have supper with you guys in a day, back in my sleeping round days? Yeah, I slept with the guys house. We'd sex in the morning, I'd date that night, I just shawared, it was fine. It was probably after midnight, so technically. No, I'm just saying, there are no sex place, Jess. There are no rules here, you get to make your own rules. Yeah, so it's kind of how are you feel about yourself
Starting point is 00:40:36 doing it that way? You need to share, like, oh, it's good to be banging you, because I just banged a guy this morning, and this is, oh, no one needs to know, don't share who you're sleeping with. And again, you might not feel great about it. You might see the guy three guys in a day and be like, you know what, that was a bit much for me.
Starting point is 00:40:50 So I'm not gonna tell you there's like, there's not like a period where you need to wait. And you know, just do what feels comfortable to you. Yeah, so I think you got this. And, I have a many you can take. I like that answer him. I would never have said that.
Starting point is 00:41:04 What would you say? And I'm not slut shaming by any means at all, but like I've had situations where I've, you know, had a couple in the same day and I felt a little bit like wrong. And then you stopped doing it, right? I said the same thing to Jess. Jess, if you stop with the guy and the, if you felt bad about it, don't do it again.
Starting point is 00:41:19 When I was dating like three guys at once, it's just like 10 years ago, I could do it for a few weeks. It was like funny. I'd be like, I just love this. But then I was like, oh my god, this is like 10 years ago. I could do it for a few weeks, it was like funny. I'd be like, I just love this, but then I was like, oh my god, this is exhausting. I only like this guy. So these periods in our life don't typically last that long. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:33 So, because you can't handle it. So just so I'm saying, check it with yourself. If it doesn't feel right, plan your dates two days apart. Listen to your old moral compass. You are the only one who have the answers. And also with these guys you're dating, if you really like them, and they're like, that's cool babe, I'm gonna do the people too, have the answers and also with these guys are dating if you really like them and they're like that's cool baby. I'm doing other people too. You can keep checking in with them because people might say
Starting point is 00:41:49 yes I'm fine with that and then they're not. So just it's a conversation that you have to keep having. All right. Another email. Good answer. Good answer. Thank you. I love this topic and I love that people are being nominated. I'm just now in talking about you love it. I just like that people are being honest. Okay. Hi Emily. I love the show. I can't explain how much value it truly adds to my intimate relationship. I love hearing from people. This makes my life. My partner has never had a problem with orgasm through clitoral stimulation and oral sex, but has never climaxed through just penetration. If she climaxed during sex, we have to use a vibrator for clitoral stimulation, and even then it's touching go. Is there a way we can work towards climax through just penetration. As she climaxes during sex, we have to use a vibrator for
Starting point is 00:42:25 literal stimulation and even then it's touch and go. Is there a way we can work towards climaxing during sex? We both love oral and toy stimulation, but are looking for that next level of intimacy and intensity. I would love to know what I can satisfy her with. I'd love to know that I can satisfy her through the act of sex as opposed to just during foreplay. Thanks for any help you can provide and for all the information you've
Starting point is 00:42:46 already given us. Mark age 28 LA. Mark. Okay great question he's asking about G-Spot. He's asking about his girlfriend able to having a climax I'm assuming during intercourse which you know only 30% of women do and of those women it's not every single time. So it sounds like she's no problem getting off literally, which is where most women do use her fingers, use a toy, and that's fine. But you want that holy grail G-spot experience.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And it's practice. So if you've been listening to the show for a while, you know I've done a lot of shows on G-spot, how to find it, how to to reach it what toys to use. End of a rainbow. If you go to and you googled G-Spot I promise there's a lot of how-tos in there but what I'm going to tell you is that it does take practice clearly it has like some women they're like oh it just happened the first time I had sex.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Bitch. I was one of these women who had to like figure it out of my own. I had to buy toys. I had to like find it. I had to like and I had guys who were like willing to help earlier in my life. They were like, yeah, because the best way to find it is either through a toy or fingers.
Starting point is 00:43:51 And typically like you could have a night where you're like, or weeks where you're like, let's just focus on your juice pot. And you could use lots of lube, use your fingers, and just try to find it first. Because once you find it, then you'll show no what it feels like. And then when you're having sex, you can move in that position to have the G-spot for the girl's orgasm.
Starting point is 00:44:12 We haven't had a prison probably, no exactly where it is. All of them. You know what I mean? Yeah, well, what else are you gonna do? Exactly. But here's another special treat for you that is kind of a no brain or sure deal, sure, fire away to find it, the G-Spot link by sportsheets. So sportsheets is, oh my god. It's like, find my iPhone, but find my G-Spot. Do you know that I used to joke that I wanted to make a G-Spot locator app, but it's called
Starting point is 00:44:38 the G-Spot link. What they do is, so sportsheets makes all these great like Velcro handcuffs and dorge it, tie it. Like, like, like the mats you can lay down so you can score topia all over the place. All that stuff. They have sheets. You put Velcro in the hand. OK, but they have these positioning product, positions sex positioning products, which are so awesome.
Starting point is 00:44:58 There's one called the the doggy style strap, which makes doggy style more pleasurable for both men and women. You like put her on her waist and there's a vibrator on it. But the G-Spot link is the one that's rocking our Madison used it and it was like, holy fucking G-Spot. So what you do is you put it on your... G-Spot back in. I can't picture Robin ever saying that.
Starting point is 00:45:16 You literally like wrap it around her legs. It's really hard to explain. But while you're having sex with her, you can even try to find the D's with the... It's a leash, right? You're driving her. Like her legs are in the air, you're dri, yeah, it's like a leash, you're like, her legs are upright and you can like turn her to the left to the right and position her.
Starting point is 00:45:31 So you're literally hitting her G spot in a very efficient way. Right. And it's the G spot link. And it's the coolest thing I've ever seen. And except for the UVs pretty cool too. But it's just like try this, Mark. It's not really reasonable.
Starting point is 00:45:46 It could be a pirate when you're doing it. Like you're manning your ship. And be like, I kept it. She's fucked ahead. But if there's another better way to find it because every woman has different positions that works, check it out. Go do the sports cheats banner.
Starting point is 00:45:56 I'm a website and check one of these bad boys out. And Mark, can I just tell you this? You're ahead of the game. I had the curve already. Just the fact, well, she is, I should say, the fact that she can do it at all is that you're doing very good over that. Yeah, exactly. And I love that they want to, like, this is intimacy.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Like what Mark is talking about is a couple who's like, yeah, we had orgasms. We're not just going to rest on our idols there, we're going to like keep going. And couples, this is how couples enhance and maintain intimacy when they have like little sexual goals, like together and they're like trying to find it and talking about it. And I love this. And Harkini back to my love line experience and having calls like this on almost nightly, Drew would step in and go, I imagine that she is probably multi orgasmic, probably with a oral sexual. Continue to go. So that's it. Yeah, so he's probably got that going too probably usually the ones that can only you know do the clear role or then Right a lot of time they're multi orgasm
Starting point is 00:46:52 I thought but Drew he said as if the women if you go down a woman and an oral sex uncomfortable for her gets too much Yeah, that means she's multi orgasm. Yeah, I don't know about those theories about my I don't actually do I think has a limited I do too. Now limited, I just don't really, Ahhh, limited sample size, perhaps. True, he's been married for a long time. He's been med school for like, first half of his life and he's been married ever since. And I think I think I'm going to do a little bit here and there.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Right, I just don't think there's a formula, yeah. I don't think there's a formula to it, but I also want to say that to have a G-Spot orgasm, just, this is my, one of my main tips is that it helps to knock out a literal orgasm first because then that whole area becomes your favorite word engorged, blood swells, easier to find the juice about one or two times. Like your finger did when the spider bit it. Engorged.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Should I put that on Instagram? Absolutely. Go ahead, follow me on Instagram. Sex suddenly. I just like my Instagram. It's fun. I don't know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:41 I mean, it was so good to see you. You too. This is really fun. I thought we were gonna forget how to do the show, but I think we were. I had this moment this morning. I'm like, oh no. But then my best friend Charlotte is a vet,
Starting point is 00:47:51 and she's been out of the room for a month. Charlotte's the one that Emily and I were out in the parking lot at Love Line, and I had a rat that was on the death store because my cat half ate it, and I was trying to revive it, because I hate killing all the things I kill are wasps and black widows.
Starting point is 00:48:06 And Emily said, well, my friend, she's a vet. She'll be able to help. I'm like, no one's gonna wanna try and help fix this tree rat that I have in a cage at home. And she was no help. She's like, it's a rat, what are you gonna do? Yeah. Well, yeah, she's like, it's a rat.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Right, like I've read a lot of things going on. So you're talking to Charlotte about the fight. No, this morning she had been worked for a month because I think I talked about that she'd for early stage breast cancer. Oh, yes, sure. She had surgery and she's been out, but she went back to the age she's like, well, at least I remember I had to do surgery.
Starting point is 00:48:32 And I'm like, oh, because I was also feeling after 5,000 podcasts 11 years. I forget how to talk. I won't forget to talk. I'm like, we'll be good show. Now I'm loving the show. So that's story. Nice.
Starting point is 00:48:41 OK, blowjob question. Oh, we're doing that one. Yeah. What do you think? One more question. Oh, we're doing that one. Yeah. What do you think? One more question. Yeah, okay, I thought you were wrapping it up. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Okay, well, let's do it. Emily. Spice it up. I love giving blowjobs. I started sleeping with this guy and I really want to wow him. He loves my regular blowjob. So I tried the ice cube trick and it blew his mind. What are the other things I can also do to spice things up so it's a bit different,
Starting point is 00:49:06 Carly age 27. Well 27 years. I love this, I love this. Okay, let me review the ice cube trick. I think was having some ice cubes by the bed and putting it in your mouth. And even just in your teeth and drag, putting your mouth,
Starting point is 00:49:21 either having it inside of your mouth or you're giving a blowjob, or you just take it in your mouth and you drag it up and down as penis. I can't remember what my blowjob took. I think it was wild or could or nine and a half weeks where this was exhibited extensively. That's what it was, but it was, yes.
Starting point is 00:49:34 But my blowjob trick is really just like, it was a mix of hot and cold, so you're like, you can use like a warming luke and then you put some ice on it and guys do love that blowjob, especially if you blindfold them and you've got like things by the bed and you're like okay feel this ice and then you pour some like warm oil on them like I don't know you just they don't know what's next and like it's like the hot
Starting point is 00:49:53 the cold the hot the minty okay but here's some other tricks tricks tips for you I know one what that you're gonna say what you take a vibrator right and you put it on the side of your mouth. And you vibrate that thing. So it's like your mouth is a vibrator. Yeah, your mouth becomes like a vibrator, exactly. That's a perfect, your mouth is a human vibrator. You can take one of those eggs
Starting point is 00:50:13 and put it inside your mouth. Yeah, totally. Look at that. Yeah, you can put it inside your mouth. You can put it beneath your mouth. So that's right, you can move it. And humming, that's really good. So you can just like, you're giving a blowjob,
Starting point is 00:50:23 but you have the vibrator on the side of your cheek or on right, or on a very low setting, use that vibrator on his balls. I'm telling you guys, like it or on his chest. Go tread lightly. Don't go in all magic wand, like powerful vines. How do girls do the magic wand? All power?
Starting point is 00:50:41 Really? I wouldn't go all power on the penis for the first time. Here's another one, lube on your lips. This is a great check because one of the biggest thing of biggest, what the note success with the blow job is when it's wet enough. Dry mouth. So if you put some lube on your lips,
Starting point is 00:50:55 it could even be like a flavored lube. So it tastes good to you. It could be a warming lube. And then you go down on him with it. Your mouth is wet and slippery, his penis is wet and it feels really good because you're automatically, it's like slippery and wet enough.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Also, moaning and humming is good. Just like on your own, like humming while you're giving a blowjob. Gelato. Gelato. The use the Joe Gelato Loob. I'm telling you, it's on our website. Joe makes these loob that are the Jolato collection and there's like salted
Starting point is 00:51:27 caramel and chocolate and they all taste amazing. Yep. Play with his balls, like just ball play like. What? Why care for you don't like your balls? Hey, it's just a sensitive area. You can you can step wrong easily. Kind of ruined things. She's been with them. Okay, gentle, gently hold them like at your holding eggs. Yes, eggs, exactly, huh? Pay attention to the tip.
Starting point is 00:51:49 The tip of the penis is very, very sensitive. So you can like trace your tongue around the tip. And then also like put most pressure out, you can like be using, and also your hands. Like use both hands. What was the snake charmer tip from what's a food? What's a fun? What the fuck? Oh right, okay, so Joanna Angel was on the show.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Check out my Instagram. Make sure I'm on. She's got a tip about the snake charmer and she was using two hands with lots of loop going up over and around. It's more like a hand job tip, but you can just, if your mouth gets tired, you can just use your mouth at the top.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Both hands going back and forth, up and down fast, she caused the snake charmer. Doesn't work with little dudes. There's a video of it on my Instagram. Okay, also, uh, yes it does. Not if you're a little dude yet, but well, Jolana is really small. She's got tiny little hands, but little hands. But if you have like, you know, like kind of like normal side of hands and you're a tiny little dick. Yeah, and he says you can get with one hand. You could do it with one hand. My hands on top of each other. Uh, that's like
Starting point is 00:52:43 good, say, didn't you? So if you're a little dude, you can't get both hands around. Yes, you can. And if you can't just use one hand and twist it around. Just switch hands. You want to mix it up. Switch hands. The Frenulum also do know where the Frenulum is. If you don't know where the Frenulum is, Carly, it is the underside of the penis, the part that connects the tip and the shaft. It is the most, that's also the most sensitive. So when you're giving a blowjob, you can use your tongue and like lick around there. Call it like the male clitoris.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Yeah, I know. Yeah, it's your new best friend, the friend you love. It's big and best friends. That's the probably the best move, Carly. It's called your friend's mouth. And have your friend come over and help. Three cents. That'll be a great one. That would be your best blowjob tip. I just said it. Besides that. Besides a three, someone with your wife's best friend. All of it. Everything you're saying is good.
Starting point is 00:53:24 You think? Yeah, keep the teeth out. I mean, we're simple. Shit. Dude, it's just simple. I mean, you guys, there's not that much you can do, Carly. Just being there is like, all you really need to do. Right. And I'm telling you one different thing. Something new every time, not every time, but like literally if you just, this might seem overwhelming to you, but let's say you're listening to this and you want to get rid of home next time like that would be so I think it's variety Right, so I never have a hand free Really never have a hand free and you know it may be taken right up to the point and then hold off and then come back for more And then prolong it be enthusiastic be into it looking as it was eyes be naked anything else here am I forgetting?
Starting point is 00:54:01 But like you you ladies, I mean there's a thousand different things we can do to you every single, you know, every night of the week for 10 years we could do something different that might or might not work. But guys were, you know, it's just- I know, it's just peanuts. Up and down, back and forth, make sure it's wet. I think if it's like tofu, like everything tastes good with tofu, I think everything pretty much feels good with the peanuts. I like tofu because you can just add anything to it.
Starting point is 00:54:20 I don't know, I feel like there's a lot. And then also, again, on my website, tons of blood tip, blood-dipped articles. You did forget how to talk. I feel like there's a lot and then also again on my website tons of budget tip blow to You did forget how to talk Low job tip articles, but I love a woman wants to spice up a blowjob and he'll like it too. Oh, Carly They don't make many no it goes. I'm glad that you like the ice trip and I can't wait for other ones And then also I think I love the again the blindfold trip tips when they don't know what you're gonna do next I'd be fun to fuck with them too What do you mean like leave the room?
Starting point is 00:54:46 I have Stanley, I could have Stanley, and I could put his tail up or nose, and I'd be like, what is this? Oh, Stanley's tail. Where's the? I'm going out of town for a few days, we gotta talk. Maybe you can watch Stanley. I have a yard now.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Exploite him. Oh, you have a yard? Black widow free? Let's talk. Okay, I love Anderson's talk. I almost brought him today. Why didn't you? Don't tell me that. I can't do a show with you when he's on your lap. Because his hair is on your lap.
Starting point is 00:55:08 You're right. You're right. But I love him. Well, it's good to see you. Happy New Year, Andersen. So good to see you. Happy New Year, Emma. I'm glad to see you're doing well.
Starting point is 00:55:16 And Halsey and one jelly. My wife told me that you got bit by a black widow. My heart sank and I immediately went and checked to make sure that you were okay. You went immediately and found an emoji spider. Oh, I did that after I checked your feed. And I see that you're having a good time with it. Not you know you were you were okay. Back in the day I would have immediately called and go oh my god what's why I would have
Starting point is 00:55:30 called the rotary phone would have answered like somebody I would have answered and I was like hey where's Emily? I would have gone to the hospital but thank God now I can just look at your Facebook feed and be done with it. Exactly. And I got to tell you that it was actually a really good it was a weirdly good thing and I feel like this is going to be our best year, with Sex Family and I hope you want to show. It's always better, every year, better.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Have a year's better, I love you also. Thank you, Anderson. Thank you, Michael, who's doing our sound here. Welcome. I've got Michael. Great, and thank you, Eddie. Love you, Eddie. Assistant producer Eddie killed it today.
Starting point is 00:55:56 And Madison and Jamie and Laurie and Ken, am I amazing team? Thanks so much for listening. Was it good for you? Email me, feedback. It's text I have some great news for you. You're done with holiday gifts for another year, and you kind of officially resume shopping for yourself, guilt-free.
Starting point is 00:56:25 What better way to kick things off than with something new for the bedroom? Well my friends at Adam and Eve have exactly what you're looking for, no matter what that might be. is where you'll find all my favorite high-end toys, like the Magic Wand and the Wee Vibes Sink, as well as sexy lingerie, games, massage oils, everything you need to keep things exciting. And you know what's next? The new deal for 2017.
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