Sex With Emily - Porn & Your Sex Life

Episode Date: March 7, 2023

Let’s talk about porn, people. In my opinion, porn isn’t inherently good or bad – it’s your relationship to it that matters. Sexy media can be used for inspiration, education, even healthy aro...usal, but you can also become dependent on it for sexual stimulation and have a negative impact on you or your relationship in the process. So on today’s show, I’m taking your porn calls to help you find a healthy balance. She’s worried her boyfriend depends on porn for arousal and isn’t attracted to her anymore: what now? He’s married and wants to watch porn with his wife, how should he broach the subject? Finally, her father was a porn addict and she’s worried her boyfriend might be too – I give her communication tips to ease the anxiety. All this and more on today’s porn show!Show Notes:How Do I Prep For Sex?PRE-ORDER MY NEW BOOK! Smart Sex: How to Boost Your Sex IQ and Own Your PleasureWhen it’s Time to Unplug, Plug in a Magic WandArticle: So, Where’s the Porn for Women?ScarleteenXConfessions.comThis episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get 10% off your first month. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He sat up by me sexually, but he likes that porn star sex and I'm not into that. It kind of feels like I found myself sometimes crying afterward because I just feel like I was just used. Okay, well let me tell you why this guy, how old is this guy? He is 44. Okay, well let me tell you why he likes porn star sex because that's the only sex he's ever had. You're listening to Sex with Emily. I'm Dr. Emily and I'm here to help you prioritize your pleasure and liberate the conversation around sex. Let's talk about porn people.
Starting point is 00:00:36 In my opinion, porn isn't inherently good or bad. It's your relationship to it that matters. Sexing media can be used for inspiration, education, even healthier rousal, but you can also become dependent on it for sexual stimulation, and it just might have a negative impact on you or your relationship in the process. So on today's show, I'm taking your calls to help you find a healthy balance. She's worried her boyfriend depends on porn for a rousal and isn't attracted to her anymore. What now? He's married and wants to watch porn with his wife, but how should he broach the subject?
Starting point is 00:01:12 Finally, her father was a porn addict, and now she's worried her boyfriend might be too. I give her communication tips to ease the anxiety. All this to more on today's porn show. Intentions with Emily. For each episode I want to start off by setting an intention for this show and I encourage you to do the same. My intention is to give you the tools to navigate porn consciously and confidently, from finding
Starting point is 00:01:34 what you actually like to creating boundaries in a partnership. It's all possible. But first, we have to have our communication in check and understand our intentions with porn in the first place. Please rate and review Sex with Emily wherever you listen to the show. My new article How Do I Prep for Sex is Up at Check out my YouTube channel, social media, and TikTok. It's all at Sex with Emily for more of sex tips and advice. And if you want to ask me questions, leave me your questions or message me at slash ask Emily or call my hotline 559 talk sex or 559 8255739.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Always include your name your age where you live and how you listen to the show and it's told to cool to change your name or choose to remain anonymous. Alright, before we get into the show, if you haven't heard the news, I gotta tell you something exciting I'm coming out with a book. Oh, I'm so excited for you guys all to read it. Get your hands on it. It will be released June 13th. It's called Spart Sex, how to boost your sex IQ and own your pleasure.
Starting point is 00:02:36 What I really need your help with now is if you could pre-order it. Pre-ordering is a whole thing in the book world. It really helps to get the book out in people's hands, make sure that as many people as possible are going to read this book and have more pleasure in their lives, and we would love it to become a New York Times bestseller. Can you imagine that smart sex is on the bestseller list
Starting point is 00:02:56 and people just have to look at and go, okay, you know what, maybe it's time. Maybe it's time I have a conversation about sex. Maybe it's time I get rid of my shame, my trauma, my stress around sex. I really think this book can change the world and I need your help. Please preorder the book right now at
Starting point is 00:03:12 All you gotta do is go to the drop down menu, select new book, it's easy from there. It'll also be in the link in the show notes. And also if you wanna support your indie bookstores, do it. You can also preorder from indie bookstores wherever you buy your bucks. Alright, I'm going to enjoy this episode. This is from Stephanie. I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years now and I feel like he secretly watches porn to get
Starting point is 00:03:47 hard. I'm not sure if he still gets turned on by me and it's made me feel as if he's unattracted to me. Does him watching porn make our sex less enjoyable? I also feel like I want to have sex a lot of the time but I can't find a way to satisfy myself effectively. Please advise what I should do, and if this is normal, should I be worried? All right. The porn conversation. Does he secretly watching porn? porn is a whole conversation. So I understand that feeling and shouldn't say how old she is, but there is a certain feeling
Starting point is 00:04:18 that if you refine out our partner, watch us porn, or it's a secret thing. I mean, that's a problem. And I think we should just make the assumption that we're all sort of watching porn first off. And why do we have to keep it a secret? And I think that it's because I think a lot of times we get judgment from our partners, and I was that person, I used to think that if my partner was watching porn,
Starting point is 00:04:39 it was so confusing to me because I thought he meant that he wasn't attracted to me more. I'm like, of course, he wants me to look like the woman in the porn. And that means that I'm not attracted to him, and it was so confusing. But there's like a learning curve here. Does him watching porn make our sex a joke? I don't think that him watching porn is making it less enjoyable, but what I'm concerned about is that it is your enjoyment.
Starting point is 00:04:58 You're saying that you want to sex all the time, but you can't find a way to satisfy yourself effectively. Do you know this is, and this I think is the real part of the question here, is that how you satisfy yourself effectively is to practice satisfying yourself. So if he's watching porn, are you masturbating? Are you figuring out, it feels good too? Maybe you should watch porn. I didn't understand at the point.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I made these assumptions that that's what it meant, but it doesn't mean that because he is going to watch porn in relationships and out of relationships. And it's part of actually being sexually healthy as masturbating. And I think it's important that we all feel comfortable masturbating. I feel like I don't have to tell men that as often,
Starting point is 00:05:35 men are usually like, I'm good, I got this. With women, there's still some shame, or maybe it just we don't have experienced masturbating because it's not modeled as heavily in society. You know, male masturbation is like glorified in many ways. Like, oh, of course, he's getting masturbated, but women, oh, we're not supposed to touch ourselves. But that's what I would love to see is more of a celebration of it. So you feel more comfortable, Stephanie.
Starting point is 00:05:56 So I would say, first off, you don't need to be worried. What I'm concerned with is you figure out what feels good to you and don't expect that it's just going to come through penetration because in this email it seems like it's very focused on your partner and what he's doing and then your second question was how do I get turned on or how do I get satisfied. Now if you are a masterbating and you are having orgasms then you've got to have a talk with them and say this is what I need, this is what turns me on because our partners are not mind readers. That's another mistake that a lot of us make. We're like, well, I thought you would know.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I, she should have known that I want this. He should have known how to make me orgasm. How would he know? How does she know what you like? Everyone's different. You know, a lot of people assume that every partner wants the same thing. It's like, I'm great at oral sex.
Starting point is 00:06:41 My last partner loved this move. Well, guess what? Your current partner, we can't assume they like this move. Okay, let's talk to Nejra 47 in the Bay Area. Hi Nejra, thanks for calling. I'm caught because I enjoy your talk, so you're very informative. But my issue is this, I'm 47 years old. I've never been married on a single mom to a teenager,
Starting point is 00:07:02 but I don't anticipate I'm going to get married in the future because as a black woman, you know, statistics are stacked against me for that. So what I'm trying to figure out is how to navigate single life with sex partners that don't treat me like a cum dispenser, you know? Oh, wow, Neater, so loaded. So there's so much to unpack here. Oh, wow, you just said so much.
Starting point is 00:07:24 First off, I feel that we've got to do a little attitude change here because for you just saying you just put that out there like oh black women No one's gonna want to marry them specifically black women after the age of 40 have more of a chance of getting struck by lightning Versus getting married and a few years ago. There was a lightning storm out here in two houses down lightning struck Okay, but need you are not setting yourself up for success here at all. What were the chances of me 15 years ago becoming the world's leading sex expert when I was having terrible sex and baking orgasms? Okay. Yeah. Yeah, like 10 years ago, I sold everything I own and I live in a friend's pouch.
Starting point is 00:08:00 So and I'm sending you're talking to you about your sex life. So there's a lot of shit that goes down that doesn't make any sense. So I'm just, we got a change this whole attitude around because I I feel like you're a strong smart woman I have a your 47 my friends are all 47 and there a lot of them are single summer married and they're finding love It's attitude and it's visual it visualizing what you want But if you're going into it like I'm a cum dispenser and no guy's gonna want me, that's just when we got to start. I'm just talking about my current spec. I understand. I've been a cum dispenser too. I've been there. I've get you girl. That's what I'm telling you. I understand. But I want you to just be like. I don't have the attitude that I can just have speckled the man and not
Starting point is 00:08:42 have any emotions. Essentially I get emotional and then it becomes awkward and then I just like, yeah. Okay, but that's been your history. So historically, like if you take a sexual history, you've been with men and you fall in love right after you get attached, which is very common for a lot of women. Many women are like, no, I cannot have casual sex. That is not for me.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I feel very bad the next day. So that's fine. So now we know casual sexism for you. My next question is how are you finding these guys right now? I just meet them randomly. Okay. I used to have a profile, you know, I tried online dating before, and I met guys through them, but you know, my main issue is that I've been sleeping with this one guy that I've known for a long time,
Starting point is 00:09:24 and I used to have a huge question back in school but it was unrecited. So, you know, he satisfies my needs sexually but he likes that porn star six and I'm not into that. It kind of feels like I find myself sometimes crying afterward because I just feel like I was just used. Okay, well let me tell you why this guy, how old is this guy? He is 44. Okay, well let me tell you why he likes now how old is this guy? He is 44. Okay, well let me tell you why he likes porn star sex because that's the only sex he's ever had.
Starting point is 00:09:50 He's never had anyone, let's say to him, you know what? This is what actually feels good to me, this is what I'm into. He's probably, you know, just when watching porn the last 15 years and that's the way that they've gotten men have gotten wired now to have sex in that way. And then the women they have sex with who are a little bit younger than we are who just grew up on porn. They are now having sex like porn stars because they don't know how else to have sex. So it's kind of a mess. But what I can tell you, Neeter, if you like this guy, you could be the best thing ever
Starting point is 00:10:19 happen because you could say, you know what, I want to show you some things that really turn me on. Like this is what I'm into., I really like oral sex. I want to dress sexy. I want to slow down. I want slow sex. Like, like, ask for what you want. Like, otherwise, they're just going to keep pounding away. You like, jackhammer and come to Spencer and all that. But until you advocate for what you want, what feels good to you, they don't know any different. And that's the reason why I'm not having sex because I advocate for what you want, what feels good to you. They don't know any different. And that's the reason why I'm not having sex, because I advocate for what I want.
Starting point is 00:10:47 But I just feel as though the lovers I've been with have been selfish. There are many selfish lovers out there. I'm telling you, I've been with so many selfish lovers. And I used to just kind of like just assume that's how they all were. But I realized that many of them appear as selfish, but it's because they've never been educated around understanding that it's so satisfying to be a Connected intimate lover with a woman and a female orgasm and to give her pleasure and to be in to watch that happen is like this beautiful thing
Starting point is 00:11:19 And they just don't know because they were never schooled on how to actually give an orgasm out of give a pleasure. So he probably thinks you're enjoying it because everyone else pretended they enjoyed it. That's why like every guy says, oh, every woman I'm with has an orgasm. No, they don't. They're just fake it. Probably are like, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:11:38 So you need to be the one that can speak up and let them know what you're into. That's all. I'm telling you, I used to live in the Bay Area. I know these guys. We might have slept with some of the same guys. They don't know any better. And I used to think it was my fault.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I was like, I'm broken, I'm not having orgasms, sex isn't great. Like, what's my problem? And then I was like, oh, it's not just me. Nobody knows how to have great sex. Nobody knows how to communicate around sex. I used to think that it was just up to men. I thought that men knew more than I did, so I would just kind of fake it and go along. I faked every orgasm. I faked everything. I was like, and guys, you're the best sex ever. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:12:14 yeah, okay, because I'm doing whatever. Like, you want, because I don't know how. So, this is a great time at 47 years old, and I'm telling you, the more that you learn what feels good to you and how to express it to guys like you're going to change your attitude around men is going to change and you won't even waste time with guys who aren't interested in learning and being great lovers to you. Young adults say that porn is their most helpful source of information about how to sex. This is exactly why I feel like sometimes I should just stop doing the show for a few weeks and just develop a curriculum for young people ages 18 to 24 until then that porn
Starting point is 00:12:50 is not the most source of information about sex. Young adults had porn was their most helpful source of how to sex less than a quarter so that sexual partners were the most helpful. You guys, you don't understand that porn is not real. Porn is scripted, it is not reality, it is in no way meant to be a teacher. But I get it. This has been haunting me. It's when my friend's son called, and he had a question for me,
Starting point is 00:13:13 and he's 17 years old, you know, he's in high school, and he just, very smart kid. And he was like, I said, do you watch porn? And he said, yes, because he was having problems with his girlfriend. I said, but you understand that porn isn't real. It's like learning to drive by watching fast and the furious. It's scripted, it's not real.
Starting point is 00:13:30 He's like, okay, fine, fine, Emily, I get it. Where do I go then to learn about sex? And of course, I direct people to the podcast and to my website. And there's a site called Scarletine and there's a few other educational sites. But how do we make porn that just isn't icing that is actually real?
Starting point is 00:13:47 That's actually educational. It's just gonna continue to fuck us up. It's still 18 to 24, they're saying that. It's just not real sex. You understand that even when you're watching porn, they're like cheating towards the camera. They have makeup on all their body parts that you think looks so perfect.
Starting point is 00:14:04 You know, there's no warm-up, there's no condoms. I don't know, is there a Lou? I haven't watched a lot of porn with Loub in it. They don't laugh, it's not funny, things don't happen that are weird and messy. It just really worries them that young adults consider porn as a helpful source of information. So that's why we need comprehensive sex education
Starting point is 00:14:21 that teaches us sexual, social skills. And you realize now from all of our people emailing and calling in even that are 22 32 they didn't have that either. So you know the one woman's whose partner says I we have to have a three-some we have to have a three-some I'm gonna divorce you or whatever it's like let me be honest I've had a lot of three-some summer good summer they're not what you think they're never what you fucking think it's like we think that that's gonna be better because I'm tired of having sex with my partner. It's just gonna be another person to deal with.
Starting point is 00:14:49 If you are not a great lover already, and you don't understand the rules of sex and arousal. And I don't think it's the parents. That's why I wanna develop a channel, the sex network, that's gonna be just all this information for all of you. Boys think more than girls that porn is a helpful source. I'm not knocking porn. You understand that I think that porn has its use and its utility and it's hot. It's really good to watch with a partner sometimes and get turned on together, but it is in
Starting point is 00:15:14 no way where we're supposed to learn all the lessons. All right, don't go anywhere. After the break, I'm taking more calls about porn's role in fantasies and relationships. Welcome back everyone. We've got an interesting call here from Mark. He's 32 in California, and he's interested but a little unsure about bringing porn into his relationship. Hey Mark, how could I help? Been married for four years,
Starting point is 00:15:49 been with my wife for 10. And you know, ever since I've been listening to your show, we definitely started exploring sex has been getting better and better, I love it. And I'd like to maybe bring porn into our sex life. And what would you suggest or what recommendations with you advice to me not being so comfortable or sometimes feeling not that confidence of not being well in doubt.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And it's like, you know, where it's my wife's first, I'm her first couple, I mean, our partner. I've been with multiple partners. So, I feel pretty confident, but once you see what's out there, it's like, whoa, okay, well, hey. That's what women think. Men think that all women are looking at penises as much as they are and we're just not. We're not obsessed with your penis size like you are.
Starting point is 00:16:42 So I want you to know that. That's number one. But number two, like what is it that you can like vet the porn at a time too and make sure that you're, you know, looking at average size penises, they're not all massive penises. But also, why would you like to bring porn? I'm curious as she brought it up.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Have you? She, you know, we, she wrote, not role, but yeah, I kind of roles a little bit about talking about bringing a woman into the mix. Awesome. And I think she does it just to please me, which is, I mean, I love it, right? She does get kinky sometimes with other girls. So I mean, well, could we ever get there?
Starting point is 00:17:20 Maybe. Would I pursue it? If she would pursue it, I would say yes. Okay. maybe when I pursue it, if she would pursue it, I would say yes. But then, you know, if I'm afraid that she may come back and say, well, can we bring a mail into the picture? And, you know, that would kind of freak me out. And I honestly straight out be probably we be against it. So it's, you know, I'm kind of like tiptoeing around. Do I want to kind of open up that door and you know, like, okay, well, okay. So what I hear you're doing here is I see you kind of open up that door and you know, that's all folks.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Oh, okay. Well, okay. So what I hear you're doing here is I see you kind of going on this feature trip around it like I'm going to bring porn. And then she's going to see there's other penises out there on their bigger than mine. And then she's going to want to throw you some. And then she's going to bring a man in and and I get it.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Mark, that all that stuff is real. It's like, is this going to be a gateway to me decimating my sex life? So Mark, it sounds like you guys are having good sex right now. You're in a good place. You communicate well. Yes. Okay. So I think really it's a matter of, I mean, finding some porn together that you both like, really? I would say you could search for some porn. We like Erica less porn. You do have to pay for it, but it's more like from a female gaze, not necessarily the male gaze, but maybe starting with the scenarios that you're talking about of a woman, the threesome
Starting point is 00:18:28 with being another woman in, start with those kinds of things. And I did read your blogs and I think you mentioned of some indie porn which is like not, you know what you see out there that's crazy. Yes. It's very, very, very, I enjoy that and I do want to present it. And who knows, maybe part of me just will just pursue the girl on girl with her. I mean, just watch and see how it goes. Listen, one porn at a time and see how it goes. If you go to work, we'll put that up for you on our website too. Mark, thanks so much for calling at We'll put up the article.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Do you guys, if you have been to our website, we've got so many everyday reposting blogs and things to help you better sex we have won about Great Porn. That you will enjoy that sort of altiporn. This is from Lara41 in Germany. Dear Dr. Emily, I discovered your podcast last year while listening to your Colorado Daily interview. I've learned so much from you ever since. You and your guests helped me understand my psychology and discover my sensuality.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Thank you very much. When I'm masturbate, I can only climax when thinking of some specific scenario. This scenario changes every few months and is about someone unknown who really craves rough sex with me. For context, I myself like slow, sensual sex with partners. This is not a bad problem itself. However, when I relax, find a nice setting, use my magic wand, and get all excited and ready, I find myself needed to think of my rough fantasy the climax climax literally. I find many other things much hotter during real sex, so how could I direct my mind to think about something different? In the past I watched a lot of porn, and for a while I was always thinking of porn scenes while climaxing. I overcame that, but would love to think of a
Starting point is 00:19:57 real-life scenario which excites me while I masturbate. This also poses an issue during part of sex, I get super excited and super wet. I know my body and really feel everything, but the last mile of the orgasm is very tricky. Because I find it hard to climax without thinking of the same rough scenario. Climaxing is an issue. What can I do to awaken my clitoris? I've tried using toys with partners who might like interest, etc. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Alright, let's break this down. It sounds like you might have accepting or have some judgment around the fact that you're unable to orgasm without fantasizing about rough sex. And let me just say, there is nothing wrong with this. And I invite you to purchase it in a different way, a reframe, if you will.
Starting point is 00:20:38 You're having connected sex and you're turned on in your wet. That's amazing. And now, you simply like to find other ways to connect to climax and say present to yourself and to a partner if you're with someone. So the first step to saying present is a practice I call mindful masturbation, which by the way I go into depth in my new book smart sex. And this is essentially about you're breathing a lot, you're touching yourself, you're glowing slow, and you're being mindful of all the sensations in your body.
Starting point is 00:21:05 So when you're doing this, for example, during masturbation, you're being mindful. When you're trying to be mindful and you're doing this practice, and remember, it's a practice, because you might be thinking of many of that things. You might be thinking of rough sex, but all you can do is bring yourself back to the present moment, even if you go off and thinking about other things back to the moment. When you come back to the moment, I want you to think about, what are you feeling? Where are you feeling pleasure? Specifically, do you feel it on the upper part of your clitoris?
Starting point is 00:21:30 Do you feel it in your stomach? Do you feel it in your nipples? What is turning you on from touch? And if you're alone, are you moving the magic wand to different places in your body? Does it feel better in your vulva? Which side of your clitoris, which do you like it in your labia?
Starting point is 00:21:43 These are all things that I want you to pay attention to when you're trying to mindfully masturbate. Just get curious. This is how we really get to know our bodies better, how we have more pleasure, and how eventually when we're really mindful and present during our masturbation practices, we can then explain to a partner. And now let's say you're with your partner, and your mind keeps wandering. Just bring it back to the present moment again. Use the five senses to anchor you.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Circle around the five senses, and you can start with your eyes. What am I seeing in the moment? Maybe you're seeing your partner's hot body. What are you hearing? Maybe it's the music in the background. What are you feeling? Maybe it's your hands and your partner's body. By the way, love that's using your magic wand
Starting point is 00:22:17 during solo sex that I also hope you use it during partnered sex. If you don't know what magic wand, if you've just joined the planet, or you just joined the show, it's the original one-style misajor. I love their mini model. They have three styles now. They have a mini or a rechargeable in the original. I love the mini that's especially fun for part-dirt sex. And we actually have a new article on our site now called, When It's Time to Unplug, Plug
Starting point is 00:22:36 in a Magic Wand. You can read all that at wand. By the way, I want you to release any shame you have around rough fantasies. In fact, it's really common, especially for both owners to have fantasies around rough sex. In fact, I think it's one of the top fantasies. So there's no reason to feel shame about it at all. What I'm hearing from you is just what I get curious about it. You don't want to be reliant on one fantasy, which makes sense. You want to diversify. So I'm inviting you to do that with some of these tips, but take away all the shame,
Starting point is 00:23:06 because you're doing great. Okay, this is from Meg 26 in Oklahoma. I'll get right to it. I recently discovered a decade long, according to him, porn addiction in my boyfriend. I would wake up to a masturbating porn bed next to me frequently. After feeling disregarded sexually because of this, I addressed the uncomfortable way I felt when he would do it nightly next to me frequently. After feeling disregarded sexually because of this, I addressed the uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:23:25 way I felt when he would do it nightly next to me, even after we'd have sex. My father was a sex-impawn addict and was sexually abusive, so I know I'm sensitive to porn. I mean, insecurities associated with that, I wouldn't have this if I didn't have the child experience with my father. Do any advice about how to get over my discomfort within watching porn and masturbating so frequently? I hate to feel so insecure and worry that the porn addiction will continue to be an issue and potentially deter us from getting engaged. All right, Meg, here's the thing
Starting point is 00:23:57 about pornography in a relationship. First off, I love that you have already sort of done a little bit of digging into this and realize that it might not just be about your partner, but it's about your history. And our personalities are a series of repeated behavioral patterns that we learned in childhood that now we just can't differentiate between them and know that they actually, they're habits, they're ways of thinking, they're patterns of thought that got developed by something that was deeply ingrained in childhood. So of course, Meg, you would be feeling that your partner masturbating next to you would make you
Starting point is 00:24:30 feel unsettled and threatened and unsafe. And so, you know, my advice would be first is to have a talk with your partner. You know, I always say timing, turf, and tone. You want to be at the right time. You don't do it in your stress or when you're angry or when you're hungry. And you want to do it at the right place, not in the bedroom, not like, you know, I wouldn't tell Meg that the second she wakes up, he's masturbating again to say, why are you doing that again and getting mad at him? That is not the right time. In fact, the bedroom is not the right time.
Starting point is 00:25:02 You want to do it outside the bedroom. And then your tone, it's not accusatory. It's not blaming. It's not shaming. It's like, Hey, I thought we could talk about something that's come up for me lately. And so this is what I would say to you, Megan, say something in the fact of, you know, I know we've, you know, talked about this before, but it sounds like she's addressed it. You have to say, I've really been thinking about this. And when I wake up at night and you're masturbating
Starting point is 00:25:27 and watching porn, it makes me feel unsafe. It makes me feel disregarded. It makes me feel like I'm not desirable. And I don't think that you're doing this on purpose. I know that you love me, but my history, and you can go into it. This happened with my family. And I know that this isn't something that you wouldn't
Starting point is 00:25:47 want to hurt me and then let them talk and ask them for a solution. First off, before we try to solve it, remember a conversation is not a monologue. It's a dialogue. And so you say, so what do you think about that? Remember, if you, this isn't a practice of yours, a common practice, your partner might get defensive.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Even if you said it in the nicest way, calm way, not night, you know, calm and casually and curious, that's everything. You want to be curious. But then you have to keep going back to this is how it makes me feel. Because they might say, well, that's crazy. You want me to stop masturbating and you say, no, what I really want to let you know how I feel about it. And try to see if we can come up with a solution. So that would be the first thing. Because if he wants to master, but he could go to the bathroom, he could go in the other room. That might be a place to start.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I'd be annoyed to be woken up if I was sleeping. When I'm sleeping, I'm so glad I'm sleeping. If you want to master, but just go to the other room. So that's part of it for me. I'd be like, this is waking me up. I gotta wake up in three hours. But the discomfort with porn,
Starting point is 00:26:43 that's a whole nother conversation too, because when I was 24 years old, I remember finding porn, or my boyfriend was watching porn, and I remember feeling so hurt and so confused by it, because I thought we were having this really great relationship that I was feeling sexually awakened, and we were so in love and into each other.
Starting point is 00:27:03 And I felt that he was cheating It felt like cheating It felt that he wanted me to look like the women he was watching in porn Like he wanted me to be clearly he wants a data blonde. He wants me to have larger breasts So I thought it's me and then you realize it actually porn watching is probably the most Typical normal when I say normal when it comes to sex, it's like statistically speaking, most people I know men especially are going to watch porn. They watch porn. In a relationship, out of a relationship, it's actually a stress reliever
Starting point is 00:27:35 and it can actually be healthy to relieve that stress, to masturbate. It's actually a very healthy thing for all of us. And so once I started to understand that it wasn't taking away from me, but it's just a behavioral pattern, a habit that we're going to do in and out of a relationship and that it's actually important to masturbate when you're in a relationship. That's it for today's episode. See you on Friday. Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Be sure to like, subscribe, and give us a review where every listed to the podcast
Starting point is 00:28:08 and share this with a friend or partner. You can find me on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at Sex with Emily. Oh, I've been told I give really good email. So sign up at And while you're there, check out my free guides and articles for more ways to prioritize your pleasure. If you'd like to ask me about your sex life, dating, or relationships, call my hotline 559 Talk Sex. That's 559-825-5739.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Go to slash askemily. Special thanks to A-Cast for powering the Sex with Emily podcast. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪

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