Sex With Emily - Ready, Set, Oral

Episode Date: January 21, 2015

You’ve got sex questions; Emily and Menace have answers.. And then some! From the politics of sex and dating in the workplace to a quest for the missing orgasm, in this show I’m answering your ema...ils and giving you tips to ease your sexual anxieties, and help you step things up in the bedroom. Also discussed: One very sassy swedish pop star who proved just how accommodating condoms can be. And how did a husband’s good intentions result in a “noxious dildo blaze”?This podcast has tons of entertaining anecdotes and helpful tips to help you have great sex and relationships (with yourself, or otherwise), so get ready! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Tonight's show, from the politics of sex and dating in the workplace to a quest for the missing orgasm. In this show, I'm answering your emails and giving you tips to ease your sexual anxieties and help you step things up in the bedroom. Thanks for listening. And also, everyone, you gotta check out Good Vibrations. You know that Valentine's Day is creeping up on all of us and
Starting point is 00:00:25 is the only place to go for Valentine's Day presence because listen, you gotta get something sexy, right? And they have stuff for couples, they have stuff for women, they have to, if you want to enhance your sex life, you play a game together, you get a toy that she's always wanted like the We vibe or the Jeju duo, which is a remote control, and the new one, which is a remote control vibe that you can control from anywhere blue to people. You could be long distance relationship and you can control her vibrations from wherever you're at.
Starting point is 00:00:54 All the latest and greatest toys at And they only carry the best brands. So you don't go all those schlocky places online, they'll sell you plastic stuff that could blow up her vagina. Good vibes only does the good stuff. So check it out, go to Click on the Good Vibrations banner.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Use coupon code GVemily20 and get 20% off your purchase. Cause I know you like that, right? Who doesn't like a little discount and all that. So thanks for supporting my sponsors. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubized they call them in a bygone day. Hey, Evelyn, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken.
Starting point is 00:01:38 He thinks you're kind of cute. The world's got every standard. Oh my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, not only? What do you mean, like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much?
Starting point is 00:01:47 Are you kidding me? Oh my God, I'm so proud. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can listen to all of our podcasts. Sign up for the mailing list, which you absolutely should do because it's then you really
Starting point is 00:02:19 get emails, but they're not annoying. They're actually informative. And follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. If you want sex tips all day every day, that's what you should do. And I love you all. Thank you for listening and checking out the show. And I'm here with Menace today.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Hello, Emily, how you doing today? I'm great. How are you? I'm amazing, as always. You always are amazing. No, I'm always tired when I'm here. I'm sorry. You're tired, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:43 When did you ever not tired? Like tell me one time a day that I'm going see you and you're gonna be like I'm I'm I'm right I know you should do a podcast of 4 a.m. And I would just like kill it Really is that when you're on your radio then not at 4 a.m. I'm getting ready to be on the radio Oh, you know time. Yeah, I would do it. Don't challenge me. That'd be maybe that's one. That's maybe that's my sweet spot, too Yeah, the 4 a.m. Yeah, who knows? I can do it. I know, I could probably do it, although I don't have a hard time getting up.
Starting point is 00:03:08 So how you been, what's going on? What's the dating life life? My dating life is diverse and interesting. Oh my God, so I went to a Lakers game a few weeks ago and I ran into two guys that, which is random, because I've been dating in L.A. here and there. Two guys that is random, because I've been dating in LA here and there, two guys that I've dated since I've been here that I didn't, that I liked,
Starting point is 00:03:32 but I didn't really see it going anywhere and I probably, I got back to them and I wasn't that clear maybe. I think I only went out with one of them a few times and the one just once, and then I hadn't really followed up. Let's just say I probably didn't handle the most professional way and I haven't run into both of them boom boom back to back.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Why? They're like, hey. That sucks. I know they were like, boom, and it was funny because you know what, I was like, what are you data, everyone in LA? I'm like, no, does everyone use the goddamn Lakers game. So that was embarrassing, but I think I would do myself because then one of them texted me, he's like, hey, when we going on our second date.
Starting point is 00:04:01 So apparently the things that I worry about, like these people hate me is to get back. I just said, no, I'm not interested. I had said that, but then I ran into him and then they circled it back in. But as far as dating, I've met so many interesting people, there's a guy who's been seeing and sleeping with on and off that is actually we're in a really good place
Starting point is 00:04:19 because I don't have a lot of time to see him, but when we do see each other, we have really good sex. And I actually introduced him to sex toys recently and he never used one. So I feel like it's like a gateway. Like he was like, oh, I'm not into him, I'm not into it. And I was like, well, I've got to try out like this new toy and we did.
Starting point is 00:04:35 And he was totally done. It's good. Next thing you know, he's duct tape with a snorkel in his mouth. Exactly. That's what we're working towards. But like, I think it's hot. Like, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:44 He'd never seen like the insertion vibes. I use like one of those like rabbits, like the vibrotex rabbit. And he was into that, and do some literal stuff. He used a penis ring. It was a good time. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:04:54 But thanks, honey. But I am, you know, I'm, I think I got a branch out because I've kind of had the same rotation for a little while. And so, you know, I'm getting fixed up. Things are going on. Good. One day I'll have a really great friggin' like story. Oh man, that'd be crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:11 That'd be like the most downloaded podcast here. I can't do it. Emily's getting married podcasts. Dude, I don't even want to get married. You know, what a nightmare it seems to like who's coming to the wedding? Where's everyone gonna sit? Like, what do you get the invitations and the planning? Like, I can't do that. And then just the coming to the wedding, where is everyone gonna sit? Like, what do you get, like the invitations and the planning, like I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:05:27 And then just the financial, the way how much it costs and all that kind of stuff, it's crazy. But your wedding will be a good time. Oh yeah, definitely. It would be if I, if I have a wedding. But she's not prescribing you the girlfriend of 10 years,
Starting point is 00:05:38 but I've never met it several months. We love having fun, just going, spending our money on travel and stuff like that. That's good. That's a good time. Well, the same page. I've met, we are on the same page. We never used to, just going, spending our money on travel and stuff like that. That's good, that's a good time. Well, on the same page. I've met, we are on the same page. We never used to be on the, oh, you guys are on the same page.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yeah. But you and I are kind of on the same page now that you're not really looking to have the traditional get married and you're not sure about kids. Yeah, I mean, again, I think. You need to be cute. It all goes bottom line and everything goes down to money I said to say even though it's supposed to be about love and relationships. It all comes down to money
Starting point is 00:06:13 It does your kids It doesn't though, but that's so negative If you have like if you want to have kids like you find a way to work it out, you know, you you love conquer's all I guess you drive you to make more money. I think. Yeah, that's what I think. It probably would. So yeah, well, what else is going on with you? Nothing much I actually, a couple weeks ago, I ran into, you're going to probably have run the show recently Brandi.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Brandi Glamville. Yeah, from Real Housewives. She was at the show that I was at, the Food Fighter show in Los Angeles. I don't know if anybody read up on it. It was amazing. It had like 10 special guests that just came out and formed. But it was a really, really rainy night.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I would share something with you because I think that you would think this was funny. Okay. I was so upset because my girlfriend, came out with me to this show and it was raining. And I got her a birthday gift a long time ago And it's an all-saint jacket now all-saint jackets are not cheap No
Starting point is 00:07:12 $700 and I was pissed the entire time like why are you wearing this? Yeah, it's leather. I'm like why are you wearing this jacket in the rain? Did you put any proofing yours just to like leather proof it? No, I don't think so. Dude, that's bad. She know it was raining, huh? You knew it was raining, it was raining all weekend. Yeah, but I, you didn't realize like how much
Starting point is 00:07:33 in the rain that we would beat. Did you feel like she didn't appreciate your get your 500? No, no, no, no, no. Dude, that would piss me off. You gotta be careful with that stuff. That's a nice gift though. I know, I'm always the best gift gift. You are, like I heard these guys, like I was in this guy that I'm never there one is like oh no
Starting point is 00:07:48 Where you don't get me anything cuz I really don't care. I was in this girl for a week She asked me for like a flat like when flat screw TVs. He's like yeah, she asked me for a flat screw TV I'm like did you buy our one equals? Yeah, I'm like I should cash in on these guys too. I should be like oh Yeah, I'm looking for this you know one of our mes Yeah, you know exactly like I'm feeling like maybe I should just go on more shopping dates with these guys. No, I mean, you don't want to come off like that, but if they offer, I can find my own goddamn shit.
Starting point is 00:08:12 If they offer, just, I mean, don't turn down. Yeah, but then you feel beholden to them and all that, all that stuff. Have a Valentine's day, you guys didn't do anything, it's coming up. I know in the real world you're all like, what? But it really is, just a few weeks away. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:26 In the real world, meaning not the sex with Emily World. Yeah. Well, it just sucks because, you know, October is my birthday, and then you have, you know, December, which is all bunch of gift giving too, and then her birthday is in January. He's like, Yeah, but Valentine's Day is a whole different day, honey.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Yeah, but it's like like when does it ever end? There's these months these months were it's just like This endless spending on this crap You know, just just to just give you some toys. I'll give you some like fun I think that she can let me tell you something to this guy that I was with I didn't I just kind of glazed over it But he's been a friend of mine and we sleep together sometimes and he says you mean I you know, I've never used a toy, I don't know if you'll know that. So of course, you know, I have all these ones test and he was kind of like, wow, that's really hot. That's really cool. Like, I like it. Like, he liked the way it felt on him too and he kind of had it was on
Starting point is 00:09:17 anti-toys as well. So I'm just saying if you would like me to put together a little care package for Valentine's day for you, I would be happy to do that just as your friend. Okay. Yeah. Why not try something different? You guys have been together two years. I'm sure it's already really still right now. You're so excited.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Oh, yeah. Totally. Totally still. The most still. Not still, but you know, stagnant. This is what happens. It's biology. We're so old.
Starting point is 00:09:39 It's really good from six months to about 16 months. And that's the range of the last phase. And then, you know, the dopamine, all the chemicals in your brain, you settle in, and then you're like, and then you gotta continue to work on your sex life. So I'm just putting it out there. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Speaking of sex toys though, I do have a sex in the new story. That is relevant. Okay, a man nearly burns down his home while trying to clean sex toys. I heard about this. Surprise, I haven't done that yet. A husband with very good intentions nearly set fire to his home when he tried to clean
Starting point is 00:10:11 he and his wife's collection of deal-dose. After getting into arguing with his wife, the man figured he'd dig his way out of the dog house by tending to their neglected silicone deal-dose. Why didn't you be thorough? I brought these downstairs, set them in a small pot of water to boil, and had up stairs for a moment to call my dad and wish him well. Quick combo with my dad turns into an involved talk with my mom and dad about 15-20 minutes
Starting point is 00:10:35 later, suddenly my smoke alarm is loudly going off. Having completely forgotten about the Dildo Boyle, sounds like an event or something. Come to that Dildo boil. I casually get up, prepared to disarm the fossil alarm, taking place in my house until a huge waft of black, inky smoke winds its way around the bedroom door. I immediately think, what in the ever living hell is burning and at the same time in my wife's room,
Starting point is 00:10:59 what the f and I rush downstairs of the kitchen, billowing, disgusting black smoke, see a massive pillar of flame exploding upwards out of the tining pot, which is now been boiling dry for a few minutes. Wife is panicky, fired the signature, the whole thing, and you know, there's a blast, there's a noxious dildo blaze
Starting point is 00:11:18 with the entire contents of the signature. So basically in the future, do you want to do your way for favor? Don't do our any favors. Aren't you supposed to put it in the washing? Well, it's a patch. I mean, there's silicone. You could just use some light soap
Starting point is 00:11:30 and a little thing. You don't have to, I mean, let's start glass dildos. Like the dishwasher or something? You can put something in the dishwasher, but I don't know. I mean, I have this problem too, which is why I don't cook is every time I got a damn try to cook something or boil something,
Starting point is 00:11:42 I forget and then my house goes off. My alarm goes off. But it's a nice gesture, but it's funny that of all the things he's trying to do to get out of the dog house, he's like, I know, I'll wash our sex toast. Yeah. Probably just center some roses next time
Starting point is 00:11:55 or something that would probably work well. Well, did you see in the news of that huge divorce that's going on between an oil CEO and his wife he tried to cut her a check for $987 million and she said no Why'd she say no? She said because she wanted more she thinks she deserves more more like a billion like why cut her short of a billion Yeah, what happened was he like is he because she could also lose it at that point I know I know I know they give be like you get you know, yeah, you only get you know 400 million
Starting point is 00:12:28 Well, he might be worth 10 billion so she's like I would think he is worth about 10 billion Well, you know what it's interesting if he is worth 10 billion She you don't deserve half not deserves that the law the she deserves half Okay, she run the oil company. It doesn't matter. She would they have kids They have a family the law says that you get half in many states. So I can understand that well to many that seems like a lot. I'm not saying like I can imagine I just could imagine you being a billionaire and some guys like well you know what I deserve half of the sex of
Starting point is 00:12:59 the Emily Empire. You would do my prenup would, you would lose your effing mind. You would lose your effing mind, so please that she deserves half a month. My prenup would be such a strong, I would say, I would say, let's say you got married, and let's say you got really high one day or drunk, and you decided to get married.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And, I'm gonna vaguely say this. Yeah, and you got married without a prenup, and then they're like, well, you gotta give half a, you got to give half of your money. Even though this person didn't, you know, stick with you for the past, whatever,
Starting point is 00:13:32 10 years of doing this, but someone. We want to pren up, I wouldn't do that. See? No, I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it. I'm not saying. The tables are turned. It's not the tables are turned, I'm sure they've probably been together 30 years.
Starting point is 00:13:44 I mean, how old is this like, a oil tycoon and they've got billions? I'm just saying, you know, it's tricky. Money is the thing about how much you need to live. You're so in love. Everything's great. We're getting married. We're just going to plan. We're going to get the dress done. We amazing and cut to, you know, 25 years later. You're miserable. You don't have sex and don't give her any money. So, so the lesson is. So I started researching. Yeah. I started researching this about like big payout I'm like that's to be like one the most expensive divorce is ever, you know now not even close really So there's this woman that her face is online all the time
Starting point is 00:14:16 You can't go online without seeing her face, but you might not know who she is So she's had a lot of plastic surgery and she's like known for looking really Yeah, she looks like a lion or a cat, right? Well come to find out she is the number one most paid out wife in divorce history of $2.5 billion And on top of her $2.5 billion in her divorce element She gets $100 million each year for 13 years.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Oh my God. This happened in 1997. Wow. And then ever since then, she's just been at the doctor like puffing up her face and getting her cut up. Yeah. Yeah. Can't you think of such better? They couldn't she like start like a, you know, a school for girls or something in Africa or something like that? That's something crazy. I mean, do something for the world really.
Starting point is 00:15:06 That much money, that message. So do you remember, okay, Rubra Murdoch, right? So he got remarried, I think it was, I don't know. I remember this like 15 or 20 years. Just recently, not too long ago. Oh, and he got divorced in 2013. He gave his wife $ 1.8 billion dollars. Oh my god. They're barely married But you know what I I think that she gets a little bit
Starting point is 00:15:34 She deserves a little bit of that money because he was up doing a speech one time at some I don't know what I talk or something some like I don't know if it was a hearing or something But somebody came up and just started attacking them, attacking like punching them, right? And with like at a drop of hat, she went running and started being the crap out of the person that was attacking them. She did, the wife, the little wife.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Yeah, so she's down for a man. Right, I didn't know that you got divorced. Yeah, they got divorced. They were so happy. In 2013, but his first wife before that, he gave her $1.7 billion. He just keeps his money machine. So $3 billion, he's already paid out. And he like prints money.
Starting point is 00:16:13 He's like, that's nothing, that's pocket change. Your Rupert Murdock, it's crazy, right? It is crazy. If you just go on Google and check out these high. So what's our point here? What's our lesson here? Pre-Nep-Nep-Nep-Nep. I guess three-
Starting point is 00:16:24 You married someone, you spend a life together and you know, you help they, you know, what the helped him build his career supported him, you know, then they're just they serve you to some money. And the whole thing that goes on is like, you know, we, I'm a custom, some certain lifestyle that we've had and you have to keep me up to these conditions that in which we've, I've gone accustomed. It's just crazy. Okay. So anyway, I have a penis story as well. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Which I know is really going to be popular. Way more interesting than the people love. The billion-wear to the money stuff. I just wish I was married into Boris by now, because then I'd be like, no more stuff. Your brother wish you were married into Boris by now, right? I know. He just wanted me to marry someone who I should have married into Boris by now. I can't leave you to movie to go and he's going to be doing the other
Starting point is 00:17:05 annoying things, bro. Okay, if your penis is smaller than a pop star's leg, well, then condoms will fit you. So men have invented a number of clever excuses for why they won't wear condoms latex allergies, lessensions, inability to maintain erection, and always the popular, they just don't fit me. Yeah. I haven't heard all these, like, oh, I can't do them, I mean, this is too big. Yeah, it doesn't fit.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Can't really feel anything. Yeah. Okay, well, 17-year-old Swedish pop star singer Zarlarsson has a message for men who tried to weasel the way out of safe sex by claiming condoms just don't fit them. Take a seat. Larsen, an integral photo of a condom stretched all the way over her leg like a knee sack just to prove that the whole, but I'm just too big for them argument, your high school wife and tried to deploy was total BS.
Starting point is 00:17:57 So assuming whatever you're working with is smart than a woman's leg and sorry dudes, it is you should be just fine. Were you ever one of those guys? No, never. Okay, because this is and I feel like that that it is the condoms have come a long way. I remember like you just have to go into the drugstore with the guy to unlock it. Remember like 7-11 and behind the counter and they were like thicker and latex bit now. There's like people don't realize this like hello new world of condoms. They make condoms now that are like next to wearing nothing skin. S&K, Y&N condoms, they're amazing.
Starting point is 00:18:30 These condoms, they're non-latex, they're poly isoprene, they're super, super thin, and honestly, they do feel like you are wearing nothing. I've been testing out like a bunch of different condoms. I've been just getting different partners and crags as a research study. And I'm obsessed with them. Skin is a great one.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Lifestyles makes them great ones. And so they're not too big. They don't, people just think maybe condoms used to be more uncomfortable. But anyway, I think this is a good message. That is a very good message. Because I feel like people just don't work condoms enough. And you can get diseases.
Starting point is 00:18:59 And this is what I hear all the time from people who are very smart and educated. And I'll just, well, I've known her forever. So we can uh, oh, okay. So you guys have known each other since I saw she would never lie to you about having a sexually transmitted disease or anything like that. She's probably, yeah, since you grew up in the same town, I mean, there's no way that anyone in your town could have herpes or could have any kind of transmitted diseases. Nothing. So don't listen to that people. I mean, that's the people say these things or I didn't have one or the heat of the moment You're really drunk and you're like whatever. I'm just you know the strip public service announcements
Starting point is 00:19:29 You the goddamn condom just get some phallacio if we can't Just get people yeah, yeah, get some kind of Seriously if you don't have a condom but I get it in that moment like I wanted to do it But don't okay, cuz then you live with a lifelong You have a life filled with bumps and things yeah I wanted to do it, but don't. Okay, because then you live with a lifelong, you have a life filled with bumps and things. Yeah. Did you bump your head just now? I did.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Okay, now we're gonna get your emails. So I love hearing from everyone and thank you so much for emailing me at feedback at Do your Emily. I recently started dating again and gave my first blowjob in over a year. I'm not mentally ready to sleep with a guy yet, but since I enjoy oral sex, I told him
Starting point is 00:20:11 I wouldn't mind giving him head whenever he wanted it. Do you think I should just get over myself and do it? He and I both express interest sleeping together, or can I keep up my oral game until I just want to have sex already? Please help Veronica. Well, Veronica, there's a few things here that concern me. First of all, what about your pleasure? You're saying, I'm just, this is the problem. I think with women today, they think, well, I'm just going to do it for him.
Starting point is 00:20:36 You're going to get in blow jobs and get in blow jobs. What about him giving you pleasure? So that's one thing. I'm not thinking, I like that you know yourself well enough to know that you're not ready to have sex yet After you were in a relationship and there's nothing wrong with this for play and you give them blowjob And he performs all sex on you or you you know do a bunch of other fun things So that's one thing. So don't just be doing like I'm gonna give the you know The stand I'm just gonna like give them a blowjob to like so who like stave off having sex
Starting point is 00:21:03 But I think that you need to go at the speed that you're comfortable with. And don't rush into it if you don't want to. But build it slowly. So I hope he's not pressing you. It sounds like he's not. And sex is a sprint. It is not a marathon. There's a lot you could learn.
Starting point is 00:21:18 In fact, I wish that more couples would stave off sex for a while and spend time learning each other's bodies. It's a great thing to do? To Veronica is mutual masturbation. One night, you can just sit there, you masturbate, you masturbate, it's really hot. You see what he likes, he sees what you like. And there's a bunch of other things you can do
Starting point is 00:21:36 besides having sex, so don't pressure yourself into it. And also like doing the setup where you're just giving oral until you have sex, like, that's bad. That is bad. And I actually talked to a guy for recently. He's like, it's so weird, Emily. He's like, I was dating this girl. And all she wanted was to give me low jobs.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I was like, we'd meet up and she never wanted sex. And she said she got turned on by it. And I get it. I'm not saying that it's not hot. Like, I don't get turned on by giving blow job because I do. I really, like, it's hot. But if that's the only thing you're doing, you know, but it's funny because he was like, does that it? Is that it? And I think, yeah, you can't get turned on by giving blood job because I do. I really, it's hot. But if that's the only thing you're doing,
Starting point is 00:22:06 but it's funny, because he was like, does that it, is that it? And I think, yeah, you can't get it. But if that's, she wouldn't even let him touch her. So I wonder sometimes women are still in this, like, I want to do it. What? It was a guy.
Starting point is 00:22:16 No. But if women are still in this mode of like, I want to please a man, I want to feel desired, I want to look really hot doing it. And so he'll like me if I give up sex. And so I just think that women that need to start taking responsibility for their own pleasure, their own orgasms, and have a grand old time as well,
Starting point is 00:22:35 just like he is. Yeah. Oh, speaking about guys, did you hear about the same with Michael Phelps on how he was dating a supposedly dating a trainee. Yes, I did. So what to do with that? I don't know what's going on
Starting point is 00:22:49 because he hasn't really said anything. So which scares me to think that it was actually true. Not that it's a bad thing, but that he was actually sleeping with a man and not knowing it, you know, which I don't think is cool. How could you see what the man, I mean, that's he is.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Yeah, no, had like full surgery and everything. And now, and now this person, who is a she now, she is going everywhere, telling everybody about it. And now she's like, doing a porn. Dude, everyone does a porn. Like, I don't care what you do, you could like, give the biggest check ever to the high school Olympics team, like it always, and you're like,
Starting point is 00:23:27 I'm really famous, so now I'll do a porn. A porn is like, wow, I could really be famous. Really, it's all Kim Kardashian's fault. Yeah, right? It's crazy, everyone's doing porn now. I know, I'm glad that I've not yet known a porn. You're gonna go that way. I have to porn!
Starting point is 00:23:42 Oh my God, this is terrible. Oh yeah, you did, dude. Oh my God, But I was not naked and I just saw it for the first time. Are you serious? Yeah. Do you remember my birthday? I went to San Francisco and I shot it for Adam and Eve. It's called Marriage 2.0 and I play myself. I play sex educator giving advice to the couple who's thinking about opening up the relationship and I just saw it at them. I actually did do porn but not no nudity. What? And we really
Starting point is 00:24:03 assume. Yeah. Yeah. Like a body double something that looked like you and that on the expert. So I actually did do porn, but no nudity. And we really assume, yeah, first of all that. Did they get like a body double, something that looked like you and then they just didn't do any face shots? Dude, I was saying they're talking to my phone close. What do you mean? No, I didn't do nudity, but I did film porn. So I'm wrong, technically. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:16 You finally made a porn. I finally made a porn. Exactly. But no nude photos on me out there are on the internet. Yes. Ever, what at this point really? Like if I haven't done it by now, don't you think? Like, no. Okay, we have to take a quick break from talk to our sponsors, talk about our sponsors,
Starting point is 00:24:33 like, Promescent, for example. Okay, Promescent is blowing up. Okay, Promescent, I've been talking about it for about a year now. It is the only FDA-approved treatment for premature ejaculation. But not only that, even if you're like, well, I last long enough in bed, there is an orgasm gap between men and women. You ever notice that it takes your partner a little longer to orgasm in the knee?
Starting point is 00:24:54 Sucks. Yeah, right, man. You got to do it more. The guys are like doing everything they can to hold it in. Yeah, they're like, what can I write? Right, exactly. And you're like thinking of baseball, you're thinking of like, you're with your furry mustache. Promissant is the thing you can use, that it has no side effects at all. You put it on five minutes before sex,
Starting point is 00:25:13 and it's a quickly absorbing delay spray. And you just put on your penis, doesn't transfer your partner, helps you last twice as long as you usually last. So if you last 10 minutes or last 20, if you last four or less eight, there's thousands of your rologist recommending promising the only FDA approved treatment for pre-mature ejaculation.
Starting point is 00:25:32 So check out promising it's Check it, check it, enjoy it. Have some awesome sex. You've been, yeah, been down with them for quite a long time. I know, but now I just had an email from the CEO, they're like, we are, there's a huge article coming about them because the whole, I won't get into the whole thing now,
Starting point is 00:25:52 but this doctor that invented it was like really like a urologist and he really cared about like helping men and he invented this thing in a bottle. And the guy Jeff, the CEO was like his best friend and Jeff's a businessman. So the CEO, the doctor was like, what do you think about this product? And Jeff's like, that's cool. I'll help you grow your business.
Starting point is 00:26:09 He's like, I just want to help men. I see everyday men come in and they have penis issues. He's like, long story short, terrible story. This doctor got, he was in the hospital working. And the guy came in and shot him down, thought he was a mistaken identity, thought he was someone else like a vet The vet came in and thought he was a doctor that a dead surgery on 20. Yeah, and he could die
Starting point is 00:26:30 So the whole point of the lesson too is that they're like trying to get enough money like you know Also like this guy's wanted to carry on his legacy. Yeah, but also, you know helps with family and all that But it's a great product too. Yeah, there's a whole freaking thing to it. Okay Next email, so you're doing a good thing by buying I am doing a good thing it's a great product too. Yeah, there's a whole friggin' thing to it. Okay, next email. So you're doing a good thing by buying. I am doing a good thing, but yeah, you're doing a good thing by buying from us. And if you need it, I'm not saying,
Starting point is 00:26:50 like, just do it, but it's actually a really good product. And the thing why it's blowing up is like, it's just crazy, the sales have like quadrupled since I started working for them because doctors are all getting on board now recommending it. Like the, the, the urologist has always recommended it, but now there's like all these other, whatever hospitals, all over the country getting on board. so I think it's really cool because you know men's
Starting point is 00:27:08 got issues with their penises they need some help. Dear Emily I work at a hardware store and I'm currently dating one of the main managers from there it was something unexpected we have a month dating I'm 25 he's 33 do you think do you think we would be able to keep business and pleasure separate? Thanks, Jacqueline. Probably not, probably not Jacqueline. I'm gonna say that's a no. Are you crazy?
Starting point is 00:27:35 I mean, if she's crazy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's her boss too. I mean, when you combine the two, like they're intertwined, you can't help but you see each other every day. No, yeah, I think you're fine. I'm in my current girlfriend, we met at work. Right, but then what, you fired her? No, she ended up leaving me.
Starting point is 00:27:51 I'm not saying she can't work, but I don't think you can keep it separate. If they break up, she might get fired. It'll be tense when you see them in the office. Yeah, you gotta be really into it if you want to. Yeah, I mean, and if you really love your job, you are putting it at risk. However, a lot of people date people they work with because that's the people we see every day.
Starting point is 00:28:12 It happens all the time. You dated your assistant. I haven't dated you when I work with in a while, but, you know, years ago I used to. All the time. All the time. So, I get it, but I don't think, I don't even know what you mean by separate, but I'm saying, yeah, you could like go to work and not, you know, not make it romantic at work and then take that on the weekends, you guys spend some lovely time together. I'm just saying, there is a risk if
Starting point is 00:28:34 you love your job and something happens and it goes wrong. And you know, you also sub a people at work that you did not continue dating and you deficit them every day, right, Manus? Didn't you sleep with like everyone in your office at one point? Sorry, everybody. Like years ago, Didn't you sleep with like everyone in your office at one point? Like years ago, did you? Yeah, no, you gotta make sure like you have a really cool relationship with anybody that you sleep with, you know.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Make sure he's a good guy. Just don't do it willy nilly, like one night you just randomly hook up with, you know, your coworker. Exactly. Make sure this would actually work. Right, exactly. I mean, I'm glad you're doing fun. And also there is something about that attraction that someone you work with because you're seeing them in their element and it's really sexy to see someone, you're
Starting point is 00:29:13 like a man in charge and she's doing her job and there's some passion there. I mean, that's really what fuels a lot of attraction is when you see someone kind of in their element and a powerful role. Yeah. So I get it, but don't be seduced by all that. If you think it's going to risk other things. Dear Emily, new This Earth Here show, and I'm totally hooked. I am two years out of my first serious relationship, three and a half years, in which I lost my virginity. In that time, I've had a handful of other sex partners
Starting point is 00:29:41 ranging from, I can't believe what I've been missing out, to at least my friends will get a laugh out of this. But even during the most mind-blowing sex, handful of other sex partners ranging from, I can't believe what I've been missing out to, at least my friends will get a laugh out of this. But even during the most mind-blowing sex, I've never had an orgasm. And just always thought I was one of the girls who couldn't. You've helped me realize that all hope is not lost, and it's high time I start making my orgasm my responsibility.
Starting point is 00:30:01 I've never really masturbated before, but I'm looking for a vibrator or two. That's powerful and versatile. You mentioned so many on the show that I just can't decide where to start. Any suggestions? Thanks for all your sage words. My morning commute and sexual curiosity have become a hell of a lot more interesting since I started listening to sexual families. Samantha. Thanks Samantha. I'm so glad the show has inspired you and you're so right. I talk about so many different toys on the show that it can be a little overwhelming.
Starting point is 00:30:26 So let's figure this out. So first of all, I love you right. Women are responsible for their own orgasms. It is not your partner's responsibility. If you don't figure out your body, he's not gonna figure it out either. So I would say, if you'd like it and you've never really masturbated,
Starting point is 00:30:42 I would say that you should start with just something small like a literal vibrator play with your clitoris. I really like the layout by fun factory. It's a little one that like curves in your hand and you can just like I think it's battery. I can't remember battery operated Maybe it's retarded. Well, it doesn't really matter, but there's so many of them if you go to good And you could just like try your clitoris see how that feels because that does have 8,000 nerve endings and it'll probably be really good. Use some lube and I would also just start with your hands and see how that feels. Start playing with your body, set time aside that's masturbation because listen, you haven't
Starting point is 00:31:16 had orgasm, you were in a relationship for three and a half years, don't expect quick results. This happens, we all want a quick fix, we all think, oh, I tried, it didn't work or it should happen right away. It's not going to happen. You know, for some women it does. Some women of orgasms like that, right? Yeah. You know how I hear about those women. Like, you know, it's pretty bad. Those women are amazing. I had no idea. I'm doing the Lord's work. Yeah, really. But you know, it didn't happen for you. So I would say try a clitoral vibrator. Also, if you want to do some exploring, I would get a rabbit vibrator because this way you can explore clitoral and g-spot simulation like the J-JU-F-F-E or the rabbit habit.
Starting point is 00:31:49 They have controls on them where you can use them for insertion for your G-spot and then also they have little like the ticklers for your, your clitoris. And you can even control both of them so you could use it like just in your clitoris one day and insertion. But I would just, you know, have some fun and play around and use some lube and know that it might take some time and start to like not, don't just go right for those regions either, you know, take a bath, get on bath, like touch your breasts, use some lube, like, I know this sounds, I just feel like I've said this, but like, light some candles, like, turn off your guy, give him cell phone and focus on your body, because this is how it's going to happen and it could take you a day
Starting point is 00:32:25 It could take you a week. It could take your month, but I guarantee you That once you figure out the puzzle that is your own orgasm and you put all those pieces together You know, you will start having orgasmic sex And you'll enjoy it and you'll think sex with them like exactly. I would like to Yes exactly you can name it for a store. What about the pool it? Yeah, the bullet. Okay, so the bullets, right?
Starting point is 00:32:49 That's right, you know. Yeah, the packet rocket, the bullet. I mean, if you don't want to spend a lot, you can just get like a quick little bullet, like an egg, like the bullet, or the rocket, the packet rocket. Yeah, you might spend like $10, $15. All this, if you go to
Starting point is 00:33:02 and you click on the Good Vibes banner, you'll see my store. And you can also search their store, you can search for like, Clid or Roll Vibrators, you can search. And just see what you like, you don't have to do a huge investment, but you know, I, Packer Rocket was my first one, little battery, take the AA, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:15 they all do the tricks. So I would say a little Packer Rocket, the Leia, Clid or Roll One, and then maybe move on to a insertion. And then you'll upgrade to the Tachi Magic Wand? Yeah, exactly. The Magic Wand. The Magic Wand, exactly.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And I would like you to name your first orgasm after me. Thank you very much. That's all right. Okay, oral sex tips. Dear Emily, great show. I just started listening in December. I learned a lot from you and the listeners and like the content covered.
Starting point is 00:33:43 I'm Anita Smehal. My wife and her recently had her first baby and she's now four months old. We tried for six years and through that time, sex became more of a job. Now that we've had her, I want to do more experimentation in the bedroom. I really love licking my wife down there.
Starting point is 00:33:57 It's such a turn on, but she struggles every time to let me go down. I've purchased books to help me do it right. And when I'm down there, she enjoys it, but getting there is a hard part. Please help. How do I convince her that I really love doing it? I've told books to help me do it right and when I'm down there she enjoys it but getting there is the hard part Please help how do I convince her that I really love doing it? I've told her that but she's still very hard to convince when we're having sex I'm pretty sure I could do it for hours if she'd let me it drives me crazy that I can't do it more any advice
Starting point is 00:34:16 Now I can make her more comfortable about letting me do that. I would Love her to want me do it all the time. Thanks. Connellingist and training Okay, so the first thing mr love her to want me to do it all the time. Thanks, Connellingist and Training. Come here. Okay, so the first thing Mr. CIT is why is she struggling? Does she say to you, I am uncomfortable and I think you don't really want to? Is she ashamed for a body part? Or does it really not feel good to her?
Starting point is 00:34:37 Because there's a lot of women, it just really doesn't feel that great. But you're saying you're a hard time getting there when you're getting there to let you get there. So I'm a little confused by this, but I would say, you know, take a shower together, have a sexy evening at home, and then just, you know, start, and don't just go right down there, like start cresting her breasts, like, like build up the foreplay. And it sounds like, you know, either she's got shame around it it or I don't really know here. I mean, the thing is, guys, some guys really, really love it, man.
Starting point is 00:35:09 It's contrary to what you might think. And I think that if we got to get to the bottom of it, because if she's got some body shame issues or she feels like she doesn't look that good down there, you really don't want to do it. But you guys have been together a long time. So I think that she would understand that you're really into it. So I'm not sure where the communication breakdown is. I mean, have you straight forward said to her, babe, does it not feel good? Like, do you know what I mean to do? It's because there's a lot of women
Starting point is 00:35:32 who are multi orgasmic, super orgasmic, but they don't like oral sex. Yeah. They do not. Like, those women exist. And so if she really doesn't like it and doesn't feel good, you know, she's not going to do it. But I'm not sure why she doesn't want you down there. I mean, if it's a dirt, you know, like again, you can shout. No, again, some women are just not into it. Yeah, exactly. And I. And especially maybe the kids she had a baby.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Yeah, it could be that she doesn't look the same down there. I know. How long do they have their baby? Hold on. Four months. Okay, oh gosh. Okay, so here's a thing. This is the big secret here,
Starting point is 00:36:05 Mr. CIT. The doctors will tell you that women can start having, you know, intercourse again, regularly after childbirth at about, you know, six weeks, two months, not true. It can take a lot of women between four months, nine months, even a year until they feel like there's no pain down there and they feel more comfortable's no pain down there, and they feel more comfortable again with their body. And I'm sorry to say that because that's got to be a really hard position to be in. But she might not be ready yet. She might not be healed down there. She's, you know, breastfeeding. She's connected to the baby.
Starting point is 00:36:37 It's hard for her to relax into it. So maybe you guys need to take like, I know you have a young baby, but like take some time where it's just the two of you if you get a babysitter and you try to bring it back, but just don't force this and don't rush it right now. Four months into having a newborn is not the time to push your sexual agenda. It's time to take care of your wife. Yeah, and the baby might be a reminder, like,
Starting point is 00:36:54 whoa, this is what sex leads to, you know? Well, no, I mean, I just think that women have so much going on. I want you to have a baby like the baby's crying, you're tired, you're exhausted. I hear this all the time and I was my guy for these like, like the baby's crying, you're tired, you're exhausted. I hear this all the time, and I was my guy for these, like it's been four months, unlike I do. It's a misinformation.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Doctors should stop telling women if they're, we some women might be like, hey, let's go, but like you can do a lot of stuff down there, like you've pushed a goddamn baby out. So dude, you got your hand, get over it, come on. Yeah, get a flashlight. Yeah. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:37:22 So, yeah. What do you have coming up in the next couple weeks? Anything good? Valentine's Day. Let me think. I think it has been Valentine's Day with someone. No, I hope not. Why not? No, I shouldn't say that. I shouldn't say that. Maybe. You never know what could happen in a few weeks. Yeah, if I'm seeing something like around the pretense of its Valentine's Day, but I'm pretty fun at Valentine's Day. Because when I have had a boyfriend at Valentine's Day, like I bring them like, I'm like, okay, like I remember I was dating someone like about a few years ago. We went away for the weekend and I just literally bought a suitcase of sex props. Wow. And it was so fun. I had like bondage gear and I had my bondage tape,
Starting point is 00:38:05 which I love. Do you like getting flowers? I mean, I'm not a term flowers away. I was actually dating I earlier this year, who set me the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers every single week. Like beautiful days. I know every time I came on in every fall. Thirsty. Like I was thirsty. He just likes sending me flowers. And I appreciated them. I love them. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm trying to think what's coming at February. I mean God January was so insane at four conferences in like 12 days. Crazyness. Keynote speeches, all that stuff. So I'm just gonna say if you're into flowers, I suggest any guy that's listening right now. Tell me. If you're even talking to a girl, send
Starting point is 00:38:44 them flowers. They love that stuff. I refuse to give flowers because my mom's a florist. And which makes no sense. Just say mom sends these flowers. It's a waste of money. But girls love it. Okay. Let's talk about this for a second. Yeah. Let's say you're only dating someone for like a week. Yes. And it's our two weeks. And it's been in this. I've been in the situation. Right. And what do you do? You you get them something small some flowers. Yeah, that you thought about them. Yeah Maybe you say hey, it's Valentine's day. You know, yeah a little flower like maybe next time you go on a date If you are going on a Valentine's day, you have to do a whole thing like yeah, bring your simpricadian flowers. No woman doesn't
Starting point is 00:39:20 There's no flowers Yeah, you can't know. I was like, oh, I hate flowers. You can't really go wrong with that. Or just do something to write. If you like this person. Yeah. And you know what, if you don't like her, she's gonna know you don't like her because you didn't get a flower.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Didn't do anything about it. What are you gonna do? You said it's been all gifts, gifts, gifts. You don't really care. Yeah, I'm sure we'll do something maybe go to a restaurant or something like that. It's not really excited to restaurant. That's what you want the time.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I'm just so hungry, we did so much, I know. Why don't you do one thing differently to, in your sex life, try something that you haven't done or do something special. All right. What? I don't know. Three some or ask some other chicks come in.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I'm sure she'll love that. Would she be down with that? No. I'm joking. And you're not even joking. She wouldn't be down with that? How do you know? Would you be down with that? No. I'm joking. You're not even joking. She wouldn't be down with that? How do you know? Would you be down with that?
Starting point is 00:40:08 No. Wing Wing. Have you had one? No. You never had one. I'm just kidding. I don't know. I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I'm so boring. Okay. Just because I'm not a sex craze maniac like you. I don't do it. I'm not. But you know what's so funny is that people do assume that I'm like an infomaniac. Someone says, you're talking about like two cases full of sex toys. That's my job.
Starting point is 00:40:33 That's not like a normal relationship. I go so far on that fact. It's just fun. It's fun. It's what I bring to the table. I know it's fun. Some people are great chefs. Some people, you know, what do other people do?
Starting point is 00:40:45 In realizations, they cook. They know how to- They're great caretakers. Yeah, I'm trying to think what other people do. They've got to bring more than sex to the table, Emily. How long have I been telling you this for years? I'm just like, I want to know what is your value added to a relationship? I'm a good time. I'm fun. I'm entertaining. So I've heard. All right, that's all we got time for.
Starting point is 00:41:11 All right. I love you all. Thanks everyone for listening. Fell Menace everywhere. Instagram, Menace, Emmy, and ACE or Twitter. Thank you for all the listeners that always hit me up on Twitter or Instagram. Say that they love the show. I love that. That's great. I know. I love that too. It's cool. I love that they love you. Everyone loves you and I love you. And I love you all for listening. Thank you so much for listening to this show. Check out the survey we have in our site because we'd love to get your feedback about what you love. I always asked really, and actually some people have been doing this lately. I said, what are your beefs about the show? What do you like about it? What do you want to improve? What do you want to hear
Starting point is 00:41:43 in the new year? What don't you want to hear? Less menace. Less menace. I'm kicking them out right now. And also, if you like us for VWS and iTunes, say good things about it, or whatever. Tell us what you ever want to do. Also, follow me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. Sex with Emily.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Thanks, everyone, for listening. Was it good for you? Email me. Okay, everyone. This is the best present you can buy. Any guy on your list, and that is the fleshlight. It is the number one sex typhoid from MN.
Starting point is 00:42:11 In fact, I think it's the only guy that I'm sex typhoid from MN, they even have to know about because, okay, it is a male masturbation sleeve that looks and feels like the real deal. So it simulates the sensations of sex. He puts it around his penis, he puts a little lube in it. It's tight. It feels great.
Starting point is 00:42:27 You can use it on him. He could use it alone. He could use it when you're not in the mood for sex. And I don't know. Every guy I've given it to has been like, holy moly. Can I get another one for my friend? I love it. It's waterproof.
Starting point is 00:42:39 They can use it in the shower. They can use it with a partner. There's the stamina training unit by flashlight that helps you last longer in bed, helps you become a better lover. It's like, you know, the best, and people say it's like the most mind blowing orgasms of their life. It's like sex in a can. You can take it wherever you go, and it's like flesh light because it looks like a flesh
Starting point is 00:42:56 light, so no one really knows what it is, and you can leave it by your bed. It's body safety, is it over and over again, and I think you all should just try one out. Because if you haven't, you know, we talk about toys for women, there's thousands of shoes for women. You guys got one. And this one is to the test of time. And like I'm saying, one guy told me he would leave his wife if he could cook.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Okay, so I'm just saying try it. See, I think you'll like it. Go to Click on the Fleshlight banner. Use code Emily. Oh, because if you use code Emily, you will get a bottle of the award-winning fleshloob because fleshlites and fleshloops go hand in hand. So check it out, enjoy it, and thanks for listening.

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