Sex With Emily - Real (Sex) Talk with the SWE Team

Episode Date: June 13, 2018

On today’s show, Emily is bringing you a mash-up of some of her favorite roundtable discussions featuring the Sex With Emily team from the past few years. They cover everything from fantasies to mas...turbation to toys, and they even get into how being part of the Sex with Emily team has changed their sex lives – for the better, of course. To hear more from these shows, you can find them at! Thank you for supporting our sponsors who help keep the show FREE: Apex, Fleshlight, Womanizer, JO Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. On today's show, I'm bringing you a mashup of some of my favorite roundtable discussions from the past few years. We cover everything from fantasies, to masturbation, to toys, and even get into how being part of the Sex with Emily team has changed their sex lives. I had such a good time listening back to these conversations, and I'm sure you will too. To hear more from these shows, you can find them in the show notes. Enjoy the show. Thanks for listening. I'm gonna buy you on a day. Hey, Evelyn, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. Hey girls, gotta have a stand. Oh my.
Starting point is 00:00:48 The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks. Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm so proud. Being bad feels pretty good.
Starting point is 00:00:59 You know, Evelyn is not the kind of girl you just play with. So let's just break down if you're not sure about the G-Spot. There is still debate that comes up all the time that people sign on to ensure if the penis exists. If the G-Spot exists. But a lot of women, solid amount of women out there, around 30% and report being able to have a deep intense orgasms from vaginal penetration alone. The G-Spot, kind of like the ozone layer,
Starting point is 00:01:34 is it too medicine? Yeah, talking about that. Yeah, it's kind of like the ozone layer. There's a lot of doubt about whether it exists. We can't really prove it's there, but some of us certainly feel it's effects. Exactly, not for publicans, but. Right, not for publicans. We don't want to talk to them about our it exists. We can't really prove it's there, but some of us certainly feel it's effects. Exactly. Not for Republicans, but. Right, not for Republicans. We don't want to talk to them about our sex life. So, it did come from in the late 40s, the gynecologist
Starting point is 00:01:52 Ernest Graffenberg described their ride to stone in the front-wall of the vagina, and that's why it got the name as the G-spot. And he said it's a, you know, it was a study that was revealed to complex blood vessels, nerve endings, and remnants of the female prostate gland in the same area. It showed that for a minority of women, particularly those with strong pelvic floor muscles, do your kegels, stimulation in this area could trigger powerful orgasms without the clitoris ever being externally stimulated, then this marked the beginning of the great G-Spot debate. And so while some people say that it doesn't exist, some people say, well, it's all related to the clitoris and the G-Spot are all one.
Starting point is 00:02:31 What does it matter? You know, call it whatever you want. Like there are different sensations that you can have. Maybe they are all connected. The tissues are all connected. People think the clitoris is just a little, you know, button, but really it extends deep down inside. So, whatever it is, the here's where the G-Spot, truly,
Starting point is 00:02:47 this is where it is. I believe that it exists. I know it exists. Two inches inside the vagina. On the front vaginal wall, there's a cluster of tissue, roughly the size of a bean, resembles a texture of a walnut. And the size and location might vary from vagina to vagina.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Menaceys to joke, they wanted to get like a G-Spot locator app, like if you go like, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do a partner's fingers, and also when you become a rouse, like I always say like Not got a literal orgasm first or you know have just get warmed up with your partner do foreplay Watch some porn whatever it is it turned you on the more rouse you are the more likely you'll be able to
Starting point is 00:03:37 Find your g-spot and because the tissue all swell and they become much more sensitive to the touch So how do you find it? The best way, explore it with your fingers, or have a part of do it like I said, and it's that whole your palms facing up and it's that come Heather motion like you're like begging someone to come towards you. And you will find this like ridged area, which means that you're on the right track, and you stroke it. So it's not like so much like I in and out like a sec like you're pounding away at it,
Starting point is 00:04:05 but you're like stroking it with this motion with your fingers and use your index to your middle finger. I'm doing it right now, but like no one can see it because you're not watching me. But you've probably just, I guess I feel like that people have been doing this for years. We'll snapchat it. Like upside down quotation marks.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Upside down quotation marks. Exactly, you're stroking it. Thank you, that was good. They say if you have to pee You know, love you love this urge to pee and they stop but that actually probably means that it's working and sometimes you know, yeah, use your hands. It's great to use some glue be warmed up be relaxed and I have to say that I'm going to be honest here about my G-Spot Exploration. It took me a really long time
Starting point is 00:04:44 like I did not find it through intercourse. And I even bought ab-good vibrations when I moved to San Francisco. I literally got off the bus from Michigan and I walked into good vibrations and I was like, I just figured I hadn't really even had any kind of orgasm. But I bought a literal vibe and I bought,
Starting point is 00:05:01 I bought like the pocket rocket and I bought the G-Spot book, which I still have. And I bought a rabbit vibe.ot book which I still have. I bought a rabbit vibe. The original ViverTex Rabbit and I never found it. I didn't finish the book halfway through and I tried it. A boyfriend and we never found it. I gave up.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I had a lot of sex. I had clinical orgasms but I didn't find it. It wasn't until I was on my own and I started doing my kivals that I really started doing them and it was probably years later like not even till like probably about five or five years later that I really just realized that it was about those muscles and how I did it but it was it took me I'm saying is it could take you time and practice and energy and for a lot of women it doesn't happen during an course and it's going to take some work or what you find it then you're like, I know how to move in that position.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Like, I know how to do it. So, I'm curious, I'm gonna go around the room here. Madison first or Madison, I'll talk to Jamie first. Madison's busy preparing her G-Spot speech. But Jamie, tell me, have you discovered your G-Spot? Yes, I definitely didn't discover it through intercourse. It was definitely, I was with my boyfriend for a while and I had critical orgasms a lot,
Starting point is 00:06:14 but I was like, there's something not happening and I don't know how to do it. So then one time, I just went to the bathroom while he was laying down or whatever and I was just gonna go to the bathroom and I just kinda like found it on my own and then I was like, oh my god, okay. There's a spa right here and I was like, okay, so how am I? Because the time I was, you know, wasn't super experienced.
Starting point is 00:06:35 I was like, how am I gonna explain it to you? How old are you at the time? Because you're still here. Well, I was 19 at the time. Okay, so I was like, but- How old are you now? I'm 22, I'll be 20, too, soon. But, yeah, so I- I love when you're young, you're like, I'm almost 20, though. Like when you're older, like, no, old do you know? I'm 22. I'll be 20. But yeah, so I
Starting point is 00:06:48 I love when you're young, you're like I'm almost 20 though like when you're older like no I'm about 25 Yeah, no, but I was like how am I gonna explain this to him like because he probably thinks that he's found it already You know, right? So I was just like I found it and then I was like okay So when I went back to the room and I was just like, like, okay, let's go around for another round. And then I was kind of just like, instead of like, I was like, how about we just do, you know, no sex and just for play. And so through like, him fingering me, that's how it was actual able to have my first G-Spot orgasm. So how did you even know that something was missing? Because I was just like, I feel it, you know, when you're a literal orgasm, you feel it like, you know, on the outside
Starting point is 00:07:25 of your vagina, but you don't really feel it like deep within. Right. And I was just, I was like, well, what's the whole point of sex? You're going in and I want to feel something. Good. That was very stuff. That's like really smart.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Yeah. So that's why I was like, OK, I'm just going to like find it on my own, because how am I supposed to tell him something? If I don't even know where it is, like, we're both just like searching with no map. Exactly. So then and now during intercourse when you have sex as a guy, can you usually have a G-spot orgasm?
Starting point is 00:07:49 G-spot orgasms are definitely hard. They're difficult to have. So it's hard. I mean, definitely if I have a literal orgasm first, it's easier to get one, but it doesn't happen all the time during sex. But I do have them kind of often. OK.
Starting point is 00:08:02 And then can you only have one position? It depends. Like if I'm in a missionary type position, I have to, I raise my hips a lot. Right. With a pillow underneath you. Yeah. If I have a pillow, if I don't have a pillow,
Starting point is 00:08:16 because I use to do martial arts, I can be in weird positions. I guess. Oh, good. So like I can tell. That's helpful. I just raise my hips up on my own. Kind of.
Starting point is 00:08:23 It's kind of like a back bend ish. But half my back is still laying down. It helps because your pelvic yeah Yeah, cuz it just hits it more makes sense and it's just like is they don't even have to go that deep cuz it's super shallow It's a great tip Jamie. How are you not like married or like why? I'm like hearing you be like like I twist in all these crazy positions Holy crap. I'm not She's adorable. You're trying to call me on Instagram. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Half of us are saying, I'm single Jamie. Okay, you're in relationship. Okay, Madison. I'm saving Lori for that. Because I have no idea what. You don't know how to explain to Lori. I have no idea. Lori's just the loose-canon man.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I think I've accidentally experienced a G-Spot orgasm once or twice. I was kind of like with a boyfriend having sex always on top always like I said a lot of sex in cars So always in the back seat of a car with him sitting and me kind of like straddling him and I'd be like whoa What was that and not really think about it? But I'm pretty sure I had a G-Spot orgasm before I really had a literal orgasm just like I said on accident
Starting point is 00:09:19 It was like what was that that was nice. Okay anyway, and it wasn't the first time I had and where I knew what it was Was the first time I had sex in my knew what it was was the first of my sex and my current boyfriend. And again, same position, him sitting straight up, each time I like him so much. Honestly, that's probably part of the appeal of it is that I didn't know sex could feel as good as it felt until I started having sex with my boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Like I never knew, and it's because we waited a long time and we were like connected. And all of that just kidding me. But a lot, a big part of it was just like, his penis fits my vagina perfectly. Like we talk a long time and we were connected and all of that. But I mean, no, but a big part of it was just like, his penis fits my vagina perfectly. Like we talk a lot about penisiness, but like, I mean, it's just finding like that lock-in-key kind of situation.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Because like I have like a tilted cervix, he rocks a slight curve, so I think that works out. That's should be a new dating site actually. No, it's the curve penis and it turns out this. Yeah, it's a cervix. No, seriously, it was like, it was, yeah, you're not alone. It was like a puzzle piece. But swipe up, just show your cervix and you can see it. It's like a lock and keep. It's brilliant. Okay, delete this, because I don't want anyone to hear about it. Yeah. But yeah, so it just, it worked out
Starting point is 00:10:16 and ever since then, you know, it's not guaranteed. It's not every time I orgasm a lot easier clearly, but I can have a blended orgasm anytime. I'm consistently being stimulated internally during oral sex, for instance. Like, I can have that. And I recently found out, during my research for this, I read that generally, G-Spot orgasms take about 15 minutes of consistent stimulation to happen. And that's why I wasn't having them very often in, like, during intercourse. And I realized one time, like like when we had the central sex it was because we were going really slow and we were doing like the same movement over and over again.
Starting point is 00:10:52 You can't see my hand motions of us being together. Right, the central sex of 2000 was that 2015? Yeah, so it was earlier this month. Oh, 2016 was recent. Yay. But yeah, like it was, you know, we were going for a long time and like it happened and I was like, Oh, okay, because it was just so much deeper. It's like your knees are weak afterwards. Yeah, and that was needed the fifth to slow. You're like, get it over with and that.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Usually, yeah, I know. We just had a show with Celeste and Danielle, the Samaritan experts, and they were talking about like, quickies, like a woman who wanted a cookie versus a guy who wants slow-sensual sex, and I'm the girl who's like, I know. I got shit to do, I got a sleep, like, anyway. You're like the woman eyes are the one men are guys, but I'm not exactly. No, I get, so that's true. You do, though, it's not, you just do the constant
Starting point is 00:11:32 on the same spot. Yeah, is that your state was this, it's pretty much like, it was that. It was finding that spot and like hitting it just over and over again, not like violently, just kind of like rubbing against it. Also, I was telling Mary about this, that it's super shallow, it's way more shallow
Starting point is 00:11:44 than anyone thinks I'd have a conversation with Wes, I was like, dude, you don that it's super shallow. It's way more shallow than anyone thinks. I had to have a conversation with Wes. I was like, dude, you don't need to like, not go through. I shallow, we mean it's not way deep inside. Yeah. Like you know the tip of the penis isn't gonna find it. It's more like in the inner wall, the like two inches inside.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Yeah, I have small fingers, and like my fingers can like, just reach it. And that's how I know about how deep it is. So I think a lot of guys are overshooting when they're doing it. They're like kind of like, get it all the way into their knuckles and it's like, did you don't need that?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Like guys love to do the thing. You're like, how would you know? It's just that come here. They're digging for change. Come here there. Okay, thank you for that, Madison. Okay, Lori, I barely could sleep last night because I really was up all night wondering,
Starting point is 00:12:24 Lori surprises me. Her goal, we all made resolutions this year and her goal for 2016 was to finally have a G-Spot orgasm. Yes. And I'm wondering like, what do you been doing to achieve these goals? G-Spot orgasm is like my Everest. Like I've been really, really focused on it. And I've been having literal orgasms almost daily since I was seven. So to change up, like what my brain thinks about an orgasm has been like a journey. I spent like almost all day today, masturbating, like I'm, I'm kind of tired
Starting point is 00:13:00 when you lock in. No, I woke up at eight and I was like, I'm gonna, it's gonna happen. And I feel like I have definitely today reached a new summit. To Everest. But I wouldn't call it a solitary G-spot or gas, I definitely think I had my first ever blended orgasm. Oh.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Because I could like every time before that I've ever duly stimulated, I couldn't have either type of orgasm. Like it was too much going on, either type of orgasm like it was too Too much going on like kind of spread that of nails for me I couldn't have a literal or a g-spot orgasm if I was using a rabbit or if I was stimulating my clitoris and my with my fingers at the same time Couldn't do it today, however I was actually I had like the Raven Nova like both right next to me and I was going back and forth between them. Nice. Oh man it was the we're gonna talk about the tutorials that we love these new G-Spot
Starting point is 00:13:50 games. But I was like really working the G-Spot hard and I know that I located it because I felt it felt like the roof of my mouth. Right right. That's how that was the best way I could describe it. That's what it feels like like a walnut roof with mouth. Right it was like rough and I felt it and it felt good when I touched it, and it was totally different, because when I tried to look at it before, look for it before, never had cagled in my life. And then now I've been doing cagels all the time, so it was a totally different feeling,
Starting point is 00:14:14 like searching for it this time, found it, located it, started using the G-spot toy, the rave to try to stimulate it, felt really good. So I was like, oh, it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. And then gonna happen, it's gonna happen. And then like right at the point of when I thought it was gonna happen, I switched to the Nova just to kind of aid with the clitoral simulation a little bit.
Starting point is 00:14:33 And I came like from having something inside me in the other time ever. So that is a blended, so maybe it did feel different, though, did it feel more intense? I did feel different. It felt totally different than afterwards when I was done, the way that my clitoris usually feels after coming is how like the inside of me felt. Then I think you did. No blended would be...
Starting point is 00:14:52 I mean like yeah that's it. I feel like that kind of lets me get closer to like... No but I feel like most of mine have... Well they've kind of been bled. I feel like it is sort of a blending, do you know? I don't know. But that's good. That's good. It was totally different. It was different. That's amazing. That's great.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Congratulations. We've all been working on that. But, that's good. It's been, yeah, it was, you know, I had like four or five regular literal orgasms beforehand. You knew it was different. It was different between. Right, I was looking stuff up and I was like, I had like porn on one laptop.
Starting point is 00:15:24 You had the wave and the novo, which are two two products that were going to have that is. I love it. It's good. And Murray if you've been listening to Show For Why you know that before we did our last was there the last review show a couple ago a couple ago. The UN had a multi-bored asm. And we talked to you that night before the show and gave you some tips and came in you at like five. Yeah. Oh yeah yeah, that was amazing. I had
Starting point is 00:15:48 I listened to all of your tips to like I kept my hips up. I kept my legs together. I was keg We were like, like, Laurie, I think we're gonna be team. We're like, you do this. Have you tried this? I did it was all like right at the top of my mind and it Do you love that? That's our homework? I love it. That's your work. I got to take home assignments tonight. I got to work all night. Find my G-spot. It's really tough around here. I'm sorry. It's good though. I feel like if I just keep doing this, I'll be like a G-spot expert at the end of the year. I feel like I'm in the week. I mean, you're so close. Hi everyone. Yes. This is a big day you guys, really, because you know, we get a lot of toys in the office. I mean, it's kind of a joke.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I mean, we actually do videos if you took out our Instagram. We do. It's like the other day we get Madison 20 pounds of fleshlite. Uh, yeah, I think it was roughly 21 pounds of fleshlite delivered to the office. It's pretty amazing. It's exciting. It's like, what's in the box every day? We don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:42 So we pick our toys and we all try them out. And so we can give you information because I know I never ever talk about products that I don't believe in and that we haven't tried and that we don't like. So we've picked a range today that we're going to go through. But these aren't just toys. These are things that will like take your sex life and your relationship to the next level. So if you're laying only toys, it's about intimacy, enhancing intimacy with your partner and with yourself. Because some of these toys are gonna do things to your body that I'm sorry, no matter how great your vagina is
Starting point is 00:17:10 and your penis, it can't do the things that these toys can do. And they will help you have better sex together and apart. I'm tying you, right guys, do agree? Agreed. Yes. Okay, you don't agree.
Starting point is 00:17:19 I mean, I don't, I'm not yes men. Let me say that or women. I finally know that I don't agree. Okay, so let's just give a little, okay, that's Madison. People have heard her voice before on the show. A lot, Madison is my producer. We have our intern Eddie. Hey guys.
Starting point is 00:17:32 He's been amazing. He's been here, willing to jump in and try everything out. We'll be talking about the flashlight, Alissa, my assistant, who rocks and Lori. Hi. Hi, Lori. Lori is doing everything too in the office. We're all working together here. We are Lori. Lori is doing everything, too, in the office. We're all working together here.
Starting point is 00:17:46 We are really, everything that you see from sex and the end of the week, we are creating it. So you guys can't bother sex. This is the deal. We, I, okay, the first thing we're going to start with today, is there anything else we want to say before we get started? Anyone you guys want to say anything about how happy you are working here?
Starting point is 00:18:02 So happy. Honestly, it's been the funnest past couple months of my life. Can't believe it's real. I'm happy to say that, OK? My masturbation game is like really on point right now. What does that mean? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:18:12 What do you mean? I just am getting more out of masturbating and doing it more often and liking it more. Yeah. Wow. OK. We're going to get into that more real soon before that, before prior to this job, you.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I feel like I've been in that job. I've always kind of masturbated, but I feel like I was in a little bit of a rut like before this. Wow, we got your masturbation, right? Okay, I love that. It's the dream. The dream, live in the dream, live in the dream.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Okay, so we don't want to waste any of your time here. Let's get started with the intensity. So the intensity is, if you haven't heard me talk about it in a part of shows, today we're going to break it down for you. So when you first see it looks like a rapid vibrator, but on the shaft there are two stainless steel plates. These are the muassistinulators, the part that do your chagolatricizes for you. There's also a tiny little appendage that comes out from the shaft like the
Starting point is 00:19:00 rabbit ears that vibrates on the clitoris, which is standard for most rapid vibes. And what it does is, so you've also heard me talk about the importance of doing your cagalectricizes. They're for men and for women, but today we're focusing more on female, straitening the female pelvic floor, but yes, men can do them too. So the amazing thing about this product is that, okay, the importance of cagalectricized are they straitening your pelvic floor muscles. So what is your pelvic floor?
Starting point is 00:19:26 Okay, the pelvic floor, it supports your internal pelvic organs. Okay, what does that mean? This is what gives you control over your bladder, your bowel, and for men, the pelvic floor is important for rectal function and ejaculation. So for women, pelvic floor muscles can help you with greater sexual satisfaction and a brazil.
Starting point is 00:19:46 So what am I saying? When we do our cagul exercises, you tense and you relax and that will strengthen them over time. So why is this important? Well when you do these exercises, you strengthen pelvic floor because like any other muscle, like when you go to the gym, you do your biceps or you do your squats, you have to exercise them or they atrophy. They don't work anymore, they don't feel good.
Starting point is 00:20:05 You have flabby arms, what are they called? What are they called? And you got the bed. Like the bed. Oh yeah, they're mingo wings. You got the bingo wings if you don't do your triceps. You got flabby abs, if you don't do your abs and your pelvic floor, which no one's gonna
Starting point is 00:20:18 walk out and go, and did you see that? Checks pelvic floor. Super cool. Okay, which is why we probably don't focus as much time on it, because you're like, I don't really see the results, I don't understand. The problem is for women is that over time, your pelvic floor like any other muscle becomes weak and this can start in your 20s, 30s, definitely into your 40s and 50s and it just happens. It drops, it becomes weak and the problem
Starting point is 00:20:41 is women have problems like, you know, if you and this happens to you guys sometimes, right, the women in their knees, you pee maybe in your pants, jump on trampoline, you pee. Also, you're in our accountants, if you're a child, so like if a woman is a child after childbirth, things get stressed out, you just sort of a giant and you want to be tighter. Women are always saying, look, out of the tight, am I tight? This is the answer to all your problems because when you do these exercises, it will become tighter, plus the benefits of having straight stronger exercises, even if you're like, oh, it's fine,
Starting point is 00:21:10 I've never felt any pere, I've never had any problems, I have amazing orgasms. When you do these exercises, your orgasms as a woman become much, my and men, for jack this should become much, much stronger, because you're working your internal muscles, your clitoris, that vaginal elusive g-spot orgasm, we all talk about, they become stronger. So when I launched my app, Kegelcamp, a few years ago, I thought it
Starting point is 00:21:33 was really like everything. I need to do them more. Like I know the benefits of them because I've done, I've done them like, you know, for a month and then stopped. So I committed to three months. I did them and I'm telling you guys. And I, I too, Laurie, when I started my show 10 years ago, up my masturbation game, up my sex game, I was not like everything, you know, I didn't have all the answers. So when I was doing them, and I'm doing again now,
Starting point is 00:21:54 with this new thing we're gonna tell you about, I know joke, I could have orgasms in, I could have orgasms probably in half the time that I usually can. Plus, I was able to have during intercourse, which you know only 30% of women can have orgasms, g-spot orgasms, which I can, but it's not as frequent every time. Plus, I was having the blended orgasms. So I have the literal, it was like a whole different game because when you're strengthening it, it's like those muscles are like, they're tighter. So they're, so they're hitting your G spot, your G spots. It's like it's all in, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:29 it's just like it's just tighter and stronger. And when you're doing the exercises also, like I find like, you know, you also become like more turned on. So I was like masturbating more in the whole thing. It like changed my sex game and then I stopped. So because it's just kind of a pain sometimes to sit there with the app and do it yourself
Starting point is 00:22:44 and people do them wrong. So we got this intensity, right, that I just told you about this product. And it was invented by a doctor. And it was specifically just given to clients, patients had to go and see their doctor, and the doctors would have to use it on them. I know that sounds kind of crazy, but he would definitely, because it was a very expensive machine. It was like a thousand dollar machine and biofeedback, because so many women go with this problem,
Starting point is 00:23:06 either sexual dysfunction, they just can never orgasms after childbirth or, you know, it's everything is looser down there. And so, but then they thought, why don't we make a portable one, that women can just take home and use, right? And strengthen it. So, they created this product. And so the amazing thing about this product is that it does them for you literally. It's like, there is nothing, nothing will do your abs for you. Like, nothing will do run for you. But these you lie there and it actually, I don't even have to tense and relax. It's doing it and it feels really, really pleasant.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I honestly think this is gonna be a revolutionary because women who, last time in a love line, for example, we got three calls from women who said that they've never had orgasm during intercourse, which you know is really common. And there was one woman who said she hasn't wanted since her children, and I was like, I believe that if you, the more in touch you are, if you're riding the more you masturbate and the more you do the exercises, the more sex you want and the more. So I feel like with this toy, it's a combination of a medical, because it does your exercises, plus it's a
Starting point is 00:24:06 goddamn rabbit vibrator. So it has the vibrations on it. So it's like, you have vibrations and you have orgasms and exercise your muscles. So I just, I felt super relaxed. I had it inside me and I laid back and I was like, wow, I felt sort of this like zen, peaceful relaxation and I've never felt that kind of stimulation inside my vagina for. And I felt that in the past, I probably wasn't doing my kegels as effectively
Starting point is 00:24:30 and I felt like I chilled and I'm irritated. It's the same way that you might feel if all of a sudden you have all these dishes to do and someone comes along and does them for you and you're just like, oh, I'm just gonna kick back and let someone else do the dishes. And they give you an orgasm when they do it. Yeah, it's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Right. The sensation is not like something I've ever felt before. I mean, it was totally, totally new. Like, when the muscle stimulators, the two stainless steel plates that are on there, when they activate, it's like, it's intense. Intense, really. Right. But they act, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:01 I mean, what did you think, unless of the intense of the stimulants? So it took me, yeah, it took me two times to really understand it and feel it. And I really like it. First of all, I love what it does. And it feels great when you figure it out. I've never felt like it's an interesting feeling of being full and like full and stimulated,
Starting point is 00:25:19 which I know is kind of what sex is, but it's like a different feeling. Yeah. In its own, I don't know, it's different and I loved it. Yeah, and it's perfectly, and it's like designed to fit into, because as you know, all vaginas are unique, like beautiful little snowflakes.
Starting point is 00:25:33 And it's like perfectly designed to fit into every single vagina and like fit every woman a little bit differently. That's part of the pump thing, is that you pump it up so it will fill you completely because you're supposed to feel full and all of that. And I feel like with most insertable sex toys, you kind of have this like, it's very obvious that you're not completely full that there's like a, you know, like a dildo or something in you.
Starting point is 00:25:55 This just kind of like fills you right up. So it's like, it's just totally new. And then you've also got the vibrations, like filling you up. And that's nice as well. Exactly. And I think that's why it took one or two times is to find the right level of fullness for me. You got to play on with it and figure it out exactly. And once you get that sweet spot, you're golden. Exactly. You had to puff it up, and then you feel like,
Starting point is 00:26:16 I thought it was just cool. And I found that it was just like, so I, at first, the whole deal is that you could just buy the Apex, they've a toy called the Apex, that just as the actualized for you, but this one is around by this. I turned off the rat, and I at first, the whole deal is that you could just buy the Apex, they've a toy called the Apex, that just does the exercise for you, but this one is around by this. I turned off the wrap and I was like, I'm just going to do this. So I just laid back and it felt tingly at first. But to me, it was like, obviously, I felt like I had to meditate.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I felt like it was really like meditative in that it felt, but I did, I actually did it for 10 minutes because when I met with the woman from Intense, she was like, oh, you know, do it for, because I met with the man for I tried, I was like, oh my god, because when I met with the woman from Intense, she was like, oh, you know, do it for, because I met with the man that I tried, I was like, oh my God, and I've met with the person the woman who runs it, and she was like, do it for 10. So then I felt like I've gotten to this zone where at first it just felt like I was relaxing
Starting point is 00:26:56 that it was doing this muscle, and then I felt like, then I started to get turned on. Then I started to get like a rouse after like 10 minutes and like super peaceful relax, and I felt like these muscles were working. And then I turned on the rabbit vibration part, which I typically not a huge to be honest. Like I like rabbit vibes or not my go-to, I'm a literal vibe girl. So then I turned on the rabbit simulation part, like after I was done doing the exercises,
Starting point is 00:27:18 which you should do like five times a week. You could do it five minutes a day. And and and then I have the most incredible blended orgasm that no other toys ever given me. I haven't even told you about this. I have a vibrator on the inside. Exactly. For your internal, for your internal clitoris. You use separate vibrators on the toy. Right. It's crazy. So what did you think of the internal vibrations? I couldn't really feel the internal, but I also think that I went a
Starting point is 00:27:47 little bit ham with the, uh, stimulator. Yeah, I went a little, sorry, ham. I went hard. I went a little bit harder with the stimulation, because I really wanted to make sure I was feeling that. So I was turning up the vibrations. I did have it pretty high, but I mostly felt the, uh, the stimulator, which was really cool and very like totally new sensation. It's like I never realized I wasn't doing my kegla exercises correctly until I felt it doing them for me. And I was like, oh hey, that's what that's like. And then it even says in the directions, like part of to feel the full results, you need to also do free kegles when you finish up with it. And I felt like I knew how to do them better once I removed the toy because
Starting point is 00:28:25 I was like muscle memory. Like I knew what it felt like. Exactly. I could do it right now. That was really cool. Yeah exactly. Oh, next month you guys, we are doing a Kaggle, next month is all about Kaggle's too in the office. We're doing, it's about, it's sex education next month, but we're going to be having a little Kaggle contest. We're going to run through our Kaggle Camp. We're going to do videos. It's going to be a fascinating series. We're going to do the Kaggle exercises. But here's the thing about the inner, so a lot of them we don't know though,
Starting point is 00:28:46 this is the straight thing, you're inner clitoris, there's 15,000 nerve endings, and it's part of the clitoris. So it internally runs along the root of the vagina. So there's these four inches of legs, like the clitoris, so people are like, oh, I don't get why if I brought my labia or the inside, why that feels good, because it's all really connected.
Starting point is 00:29:02 So that's how you have that elusive vaginal or g-spot orgas when you also, also, or something, the inside clitoris is really all connected to the gspot as well. So that's something special about this. And then you got the external. And yeah, so what else you guys, could you guys feel, I mean, I know that have you guys felt the strengthening of it, have you felt like have you done it over time? I mean, I know that have you guys felt the strengthening of it? Have you felt like have you done it over time? I mean, I know that we're starting with it, but I feel, I don't know. I felt like it's, and even when I've now had sex afterwards, I'm so much, I don't know, I just feel like I'm walking around. I'm feeling like more aroused in my day-to-day life from this goddamn machine.
Starting point is 00:29:42 I swear to God, this is amazing, this, this, it's amazing. What? What? Really excited about it. Like, ever since I heard of what it is, that machine is a toy. And I just feel like, I want every time I talk to my friends, I'm like, you guys have to try it,
Starting point is 00:29:53 because they're all like, a lot of them have kids, they're like, I can't, and I think gets you in the mood for sex more. Totally. All of it. I mean, it's like, when you start working out, you're like, for your beach body, and you're like, super stoked to hit the beach and show it off because you've been doing all this work on, and I feel like it's like when you start working out for your beach body, and you're like super stoked to hit the beach and show it off
Starting point is 00:30:06 because you've been doing all this work on it. I feel like that's it. You know you're walking around carrying a loaded gun. Basically, you're like, yeah, I've been working for this. It's going to be good. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, the benefits and alone just make it worth it. Even if it didn't vibrate, I feel like a lot of people would still need,
Starting point is 00:30:20 would still want to use it because it just, it benefits you so much in the long run. I can't wait to see it. And one of the one of my favorite things that when we first heard about it was that it's also like a preemptive thing you know so it was like we get older and you know all the natural things happen if we do these enough and use the toy long enough then when the time comes we're just gonna be tight and ready to go forever and so I think that that helped me to start noticing it more you know and being more in touch and definitely feeling stronger. And that's awesome. Yeah. And it's really gonna get better. I love it. How do you all usually masturbate?
Starting point is 00:30:51 Before I had this wonderful opportunity to start doing what I now do, I had no choice. So I was always a hands-on girl for lack of a very good word. I mean, yeah. Right. And so, you know, I mean, I made my way very well. I've had a fabulous time. But now that I have these, magic wand, blew my mind, love it. Okay. So, I go to for when I want a guaranteed, you know, maybe I'm like, you know, I got 10 minutes before I got to go somewhere, I feel like I'm gonna use my magic wand
Starting point is 00:31:19 and it can pop in probably three in 10 minutes if I really do. Now, what settings do you like? I like to start with the lowest one, just the regular vibration, and then go to... What's the second, I can't remember which one it is, but the second of the vibration pattern, the one that's like, oh, I like that one too. I actually masturbated this morning so I could all be really... I could be really fresh.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I wanted to be fresh on which one I like too, and I like number two as well, but there's four. Because it was like, I was actually kind of, I was lying about, I was like, oh maybe I should record this so we could do the different, like, okay. I lost, not me masturbating, but just like, like the patterns are like, mm, mm, mm, like there's different, like, so it's like a rising and falling, a rising falling of different ways. Like a wave. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Which I never used to be into the waves. But now I'm into the waves with this one, because it's like my orgasm can build and, you know, walk me down, and I'm down with it. I love that. Okay. And so, um, yeah. Um, okay, so Madison. Madison?
Starting point is 00:32:15 Madison on the mic here. Um, Madison on the mic here. So, uh, yeah, I actually had the, uh, the luck to get an original magic one, the kind that plugs into the wall. and it's my favorite, kept it bedside when anyone would come over my boyfriend and be like, Madison, put away your wand, come on. We have company, and I was like, it's fine, they know what I do.
Starting point is 00:32:34 So it was very exciting at the rechargeable one. And the settings, honestly, I think the settings are what makes it my new favorite toy, because you've got the choice of some people really like the continuous, like, brrr and like that's awesome that was the old magic wand that was like it was a one trick pony that was its thing that it did yeah exactly it went turbo and then like super turbo and so this new one it starts off a little bit more gentle so like the lowest setting is a little
Starting point is 00:32:59 more manageable which is good because I'm very sensitive down there and I can't handle like a really intense direct vibration right away. So I actually use it over my underwear, which is what I'd recommend to anybody who's like, oh, I can't use a magic wand, it'll burn my clitoris off. Like, where underwear, you're gonna be happy you did.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Like, you will love it. Yeah, some people definitely need to wear underwear over it or put some thing right. Yeah, exactly. I'll put it in a damp cloth. A damp cloth. So I use it over my underwear, and I start off with the continuous one.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And I really build. I learned how to have multiple orgasms and how to have extended orgasms by playing around the settings on this, and I'm really excited to share. So a lot of people go into the magic wand. Yes, it is a hidden and quiddit kind of sex toy. If that's what you're looking for, you can go in 15 seconds later,
Starting point is 00:33:46 mind blowing orgasms and you're done, you can go about your day. I like to take my time with it and I kind of tease myself. I like hold it close to my clitoris, but not quite, or I use it in the surrounding areas, and really just like build up that orgasm. And then I have the first one on the lowest setting, like the lowest continuous setting.
Starting point is 00:34:04 And then I switch it to the, I think it's number four on the different patterns. And, by that that's a really important way quieter. But yeah, and then that one will take me into multiple orgasms, like right away. If I just do that slow little build up with the continuous and then I go into the wave one and I just kind of play around with it, like seven orgasm, like it's crazy. We're gonna give a shout out to our awesome sponsors
Starting point is 00:34:41 because we love you and thanks everyone for supporting our sponsors and for listening to this show and we'll be right back. Okay you guys so how was your October bin? Let's talk about your freakingness. What have you been doing to take the freak out of it? So I'll start and then I actually met a guy who has a foot fetish on Scruff, which is like a gay dating app. He was really shy about wanting to come out about it and he's like, not a lot of guys
Starting point is 00:35:11 are into it and I want to know if you are. So I don't have a foot fetish and I never knew it could be something really interesting. So I was like, you know what, I'm going to let him come over. I'm home alone. Like why not? It was my birthday weekend. So I was like, hey, why not? Like a little birthday treat.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So he came over and I was like, happy with it. Yeah, thank you. And I didn't know how to do it. I was like, so like, what do you want? Do you want me to keep my shoes on? Like, do you want to take them off? So he did and like, he started smelling my socks.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And then he was like, oh, like is it okay? Like I lick your toes and I was like, yeah. I was just talked about like this. Exactly. You just had your toes licked. I know. I perked up when you said that because I was like, oh my god, I just had that.
Starting point is 00:35:45 And it was amazing. See? Our feet are actually really sensitive guys. I didn't know that. Wow, no, they are. So wait, did you shower and scrub and get a pedicure before? No, he said that's kind of part of his fetish. He likes smelly feet.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Not that mine were bad, but he's like, oh, they smell good. And I was like, you shower everything but your feet, like leave them outside the shower. So your feet would be actually smelling okay. No, I think I had shower just earlier in the day. And then like, he, they smell good. And I was like, you shower everything, but your feet, like, leave them outside the shower. So your feet would be actually smelling, okay? I think I had shower just earlier in the day. Okay, got it. And then, like, he came at night. And then he's like, well, they smell bad,
Starting point is 00:36:10 but like, for me, that's good. Not like bad, but just like, he likes it. It's like manly or something. So did you like, okay, I want to understand. So you were full, he came in, he's like, hey, what's up? And then he comes to your house, where you went to his house. Your parents were home.
Starting point is 00:36:24 He came to my house, They weren't at my house. Sorry, guys. If you guys hear this, yeah. I don't have boys over all the time, mom. Sorry. Sorry, mom. He lives with his parents. But it's cool, because he comes over.
Starting point is 00:36:34 And does he bring you wine or food or? No, he didn't bring anything. It was like a total random. I think it was a Friday. He came in and we didn't take our clothes off for anything. It was very normal. We had just a normal conversation, but my feet were in his mouth. So right away like was there make it did you make out first? No he's actually doesn't
Starting point is 00:36:51 care for like anal sex like like masturbating together or like just feet so you just lay down in the couch took yours yeah and he like lick them and press them you lick them he put them on his face like oh well like you have really nice feet like I've never seen them so nice and I was was like, oh my god, I didn't even know. I know, did you get turned on? Oh, that first, I was like, okay, like I'm figuring it out. And then I invited him for a second date
Starting point is 00:37:12 to try it out again on Sunday and I actually really did like it. Well, see, this is the thing, mistakes, the first time, something's new. So you don't know experience where the right one's going, it's kind of hard to get into, but then the second time it turned you on,
Starting point is 00:37:24 or it felt- It did the first time it all, I was like, well, I need get into but then the second time it turned you on or it felt it did the first time it all is equal and you like make the second time now but you said good so I'm ready to experiment more maybe the next time I love this and you're writing some great blogs to about well we'll get into that I have some more yeah seeing you say about your blogs okay so what about anyone else freaky? Ricky? Good word, Madison. Well, okay, so I'm probably, which is weirdest about me, but I'm the most vanilla person in the office, I would say.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Yeah, definitely. No, it's true, it's fine. I'm okay with it, guys. But it doesn't mean I can't, you know, appreciate it and enjoy it as a third party. I'm fascinated by all things related to sex, but I'm not necessarily like the kinkyest person in my home life. And so, I was like, oh, Eddie's gonna explore fetishes and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:38:13 And my homework for myself this month is to work on fantasies, because I don't have one. And that to me seems weird, because I'm like, fantasies are so important. Like cerebral knowledge of fantasies, I'm like, my fantasies are so important. Like, you know, like cerebral, my cerebral knowledge of fantasies, I'm like, oh, it's so important. Like, you need it for your fantasy life,
Starting point is 00:38:30 you better masturbation, better sex, and then I come home and I'm like, what is my fantasy? And all I can conjure up are these like, joky ideas and like, you know, little quips and it's kind of my way of like getting around it. It's like, what is my fantasy? And I'm like, oh, like there's like the windows are open and the windows are clean and I can't hear my neighbors talking in our mean and downstairs
Starting point is 00:38:53 and screaming at their kids and all of a sudden I come like, you know, it's like, those are my fantasy. My fantasy is so mundane. Yeah. But um, so I'm working on. We've still got a few days left. Yeah. How have you been so watching porn? Yeah, I mean, I'm working on. So I've got a few days left. Yeah. So watching porn. Yeah, I mean, I do watch porn. I just find myself so distracted by the details of it and the production of it. So head, though. I always think, how can we do this for you?
Starting point is 00:39:16 I feel like you like to read, read a radical? Yeah, I mean, I do like to read. I was watching porn the other day, and I remember thinking, there's someone in the background whose job is to scream, like, all right, more throat, more open your throat, open your, and I'm just like, I'm not just like, I'm not as important. And you can't even joke porn.
Starting point is 00:39:36 This is so sad. You gotta like turn Madison, like, which we just, turn it right now. It's really sad, but like, I will say, you know, of course, when I was drunk a couple nights ago, I was really not in my head and ended up scaring the bjz of sad
Starting point is 00:39:49 and my boyfriend. He was not expecting what was happening. What happened? I will come up with a blowjob. In the middle of like, to 4am? Yes, at 4am, because I got drunk, did hung out by myself for a while, and was like, oh, it would be really fun.
Starting point is 00:40:03 I'm gonna wake him up with a blowjob, and he's like, man, you're down there forever. He's like, I wanted me, he's like, I need to make sure you were okay. That's sweet. Madison, the blowjob just says the very, bring it the very best. That's kind of you. So that's every, that's a many of man's fantasy, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:20 What says I love you better than that? Then like waking up? Well, as I was gonna say, what says, what says what did I was trying to think of that? To be fumbling under the covers. Trying to figure it out. Like, yeah, but so as far as freaky sex goes, I'm really stupid. Yeah, I'm really just dedication.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I'm really just trying to find my fantasies. Yeah, you guys fantasy work is important. It doesn't, it's okay if it doesn't come naturally to you, but you know a lot of times we are in our heads to the point where we distract ourselves If you have a go-to fantasy or image, it's really helps your sex I've talked a lot about this on the show, but it's like a lot of the somatical work I've been doing with my somatical training going back for my last one next week
Starting point is 00:40:59 But it can just it's healthy. It's healthy to have a fantasy You don't necessarily want to act out with your partner, but there's a lot of different ways to cultivate that. If you don't know what it is, you know, feed your brains, start like reading a radical watching porn, thinking about the hottest sexual experience you ever had, like a sexy, you know, maybe a dream, but it doesn't, you start with one thing
Starting point is 00:41:19 and then you build out from there. So Madison's really into her Armenian neighbors and we'll have them next. They'll be coming over and it's due singer. Okay, guys, I want to go on. I want to know, I'm curious, how has your sex life changed since you've been working here at Sex with Emily? Definitely a lot, I think. I personally had never tried toys at all. I've been interested, just never did it.
Starting point is 00:41:45 And now I have literally 13 under my bed. They're organized too, but it's so funny because people will be over at my house and they'll drop something on the floor and they'll look under my bed and they'll be like, Jamie, there's all this. I'm like, don't look under there. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:42:00 I'm actually not ashamed of it. I'm like, no, you can totally look at them if you want their clean. So toys, you've learned a lot about toys. Yeah, and I love it. I love them now. I'll never go back. I love it. ashamed of it. I'm like, no, you can totally look at them if you want their clean. So toys, you've learned a lot about toys. Yeah, and I love it. I love them now. I'll never go back. I love it.
Starting point is 00:42:08 That's good. So, and what's the one thing you've learned about sex that surprised you the most? Just off the top of your head, don't ever think. I mean, I guess, I don't know. I guess I just never realized for myself how much before I was quiet in what I wanted. I asked for what you want. Yeah, I never even realized that I didn't do that. And now I'm like, now I do it on time.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Downboy. Yeah, I love it. OK, Eddie. So I feel like I've had a lot more sex since working here because that's kind of like the things people tell you on Twitter, they'll just like try to do an iceberg like, so what do you do? And then I tell them, and then like, well, what's that?
Starting point is 00:42:42 And like, I kind of, you know, I just feel like free promo. I'm like, oh, well, this is what it is. I'm kind of like, I have good time. Right? And they'll be like, so what do you do? And then I'm like, what are you learning? And then like, I'll tell them what I'm doing. And then like, they get interested.
Starting point is 00:42:53 And like, oh, hey, like, do you wanna hook up? Like, do you wanna be like, spread, or something or whatever? Like, wanna date me? And I'm like, sure. And then, you got me out there. But do you think it's causing me out there? That's great.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Well, I remember when you did the comeback kid thing when you came back three months ago, you said you're taking a break. You're not really doing that. And now you've got some guy overlooking your feet tonight So I don't even know what's happening three months almost like overnight. It really was coming back It's like it sparked that back in me exactly you guys and that is a very good point The thing about sex is once you take it off your radar because life gets busy We all get set our ways you get into relationship work. Whatever. We it. Even Eddie, who's, you guys are all millennials too, which I love.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Love millennials, by the way. I'm not a basher because I've got the best freaking millennials here ever. But like, it's true. You said you came back, you're like, oh yeah, and it's like a lot of things when we're trying to develop new habits in life. Healthier things, you're like,
Starting point is 00:43:38 you just gotta keep it up. So I love that. Okay, in Madison, how the hell has yours two years, two over two years? Yeah, it's true. I say probably the way that it's changed the most is how I communicate about sex with my partner. So it's like that's all encompassing, like asking for what I need, how I let him know about things that I like and I don't like.
Starting point is 00:44:03 And you know, as we mentioned earlier earlier, when there's an issue with mismatched libidos, it's really easy for both partners like on both sides to yet kind of like shame me and like, well, why do you want it so much? Well, why don't you want it? And it's like something I've learned being here is how to talk about it in a constructive and not hurtful, like totally open and compassionate way.
Starting point is 00:44:24 So no one's getting their feelings hurt, no one's being resentful, totally open and compassionate way. So no one's getting their feelings hurt, no one's being resentful. It's all out in the open. I think that's good. That's good. Yeah, it's not as exciting as sex toys are to looking. No, but to keep it. Wait, but can I tell you the thing?
Starting point is 00:44:35 Is that the points that you all brought up as exactly, if someone's had to be like, what do you talk most about your show? I'd say asking for what you want in bed, learning how to communicate. So it's about communication and communicating if you're in a relationship, communicating to your partner. And kind of thought kind of the same thing, not being afraid to try new things, try new toys, try, you know, like being charged, it's kind of all the same, right? Yeah, especially because single soul, my hookups are like one night stands kind of, some
Starting point is 00:45:02 of them are more in depth than that, but it's like harder to get what you want for I think especially women out there. On the one night stands. But do you do it? Yeah, now I do. Okay, let's talk. I wanna hear how you do that. You're 24.
Starting point is 00:45:16 23. 23, Jesus. 23 and a half as a couple days ago. So there you go. So so many women took me, you guys, and I started this like in my 30s, like I did not know it that, but now at 23, you're on one exam and go, what happened?
Starting point is 00:45:30 Give me an example. I mean, well, especially because my job does come up, you know, when talking usually, so they're like, oh, okay, all this interesting stuff. And like, I don't know if people expect you to just be an expert from working here. I mean, we're not experts, like let's just, only Emily's the expert. Everyone else here, I mean, we're not experts. Like, let's just only unleash the expert. Everyone else here, we work, we learn a lot of stuff, but I think
Starting point is 00:45:51 they just more open to it that I take charge and they're like, I think they're just attracted to that. Absolutely. So I think because my job kind of like shows them, it's like, okay, well, they also feel like they need to, they feel they need to impress me more because I've heard about so many things. So I feel like it's a little they feel they need to impress me more because I've heard about so many things. So I feel like it's a little easier for me because of that. But yeah, now I just go for it because I'm like, hey man, this is gonna be a one time thing. Like I'm not wasting my time here.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Right. Exactly, I'm gonna get what I mean. I think that's really nice. I love that. I'm powered young people here. Jamie is an inspiration. Yeah, no, really, it's true. And you guys, I think you should all listen to that.
Starting point is 00:46:23 We asked for what you want. There's no reason to suffer through bad sex. But don't be angry about it. It's true. And you guys, I think you should all listen to that like we asked for what you want There's no reason to suffer through bad sex But don't be under for long time. Um, one thing I've learned about sex that surprised me the most is um, how many people are having Problems with it because that's something you don't hear about. My friends never talked about sex until I started working here and all of a sudden the floodgates were Opened and I know everything about everyone's sex life. And that's great, but I just, you know, I didn't realize, like people aren't as open about having bad sex as they are about having good sex.
Starting point is 00:46:53 So true. And I didn't realize how many people out there are having bad sex and don't really get better. Because we hear from the emails every single day, you hear from the listeners, it's so, you're absolutely true. And I think that what we try to do on the show and life, like just, I just so badly, like when I die, they just say she made sex normal.
Starting point is 00:47:09 But hopefully your friends are talking to you about it. And you're so right that people don't, not only do they, some people talk about good sex, but some people don't talk about sex at all. Yeah, but they really don't talk about bad sex. Especially guys, they have like no one to go through for that. Yeah, all my friends were like, I had great sex last night, like, ta-da-da,
Starting point is 00:47:26 like I can't wait to jump on his dick. And I'm like, wow, everyone's having this amazing time. And like, I'm not like what's going on here. Just you start to feel like you're really like the freak in the room who's like not really enjoying themselves as much as everyone else. And it's like, it's really, really, just so everyone who emails knows,
Starting point is 00:47:42 like here at the sex family team, we learned so much from your emails. Like even the ones that don't go on the show like we as a team Emily you know anyone who's working there at EGMEI we all read the emails and we learn a lot and we like we empathize and we get so much out of them so thanks everyone for emailing all the time we do appreciate that yeah and a lot of the questions you guys ask also are stuff that here in the office, we've also, we ask. So you know, so you're not alone.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Like, yeah, there's always someone asking the same questions as you. Exactly. And we've never once in my, you wouldn't work. So I wouldn't work for you. We've never seen email, ha ha ha. Look at this funny person. We don't laugh at you. We don't judge you.
Starting point is 00:48:21 No, there was not one guy who sent the big black tape. That was the big penis. Black penis? Black penis shot. And I sent it to everyone on the team. It was like, happy Friday. That's true. That's true.
Starting point is 00:48:32 That was the only time. We want to help you. We're with you. We're all in this together. Anything that you have learned, surprised you about sex at learning. I was thinking about, I was like, oh my God, where do you do?
Starting point is 00:48:41 So I guess everyone thinks that gay people have amazing blow job skills. And I feel like I did my god, where I need to do. So I guess everyone thinks that gay people have amazing blowjob skills. And I feel like I did it in the beginning, but after listening to the show and getting the tips, reading the blogs, you guys will have written and just set on the show, I feel like I've actually gotten up there. I'm like, I have a mini Emily in behind me,
Starting point is 00:48:59 my head just like, listen, I'm like, okay, I need to do this, make sure you do this. And I think it's worked for me. I think I got it up there. I'm like, Eddie, like, I need to do this, like, make sure you do this. And like, I think it's worked for me. I think I got it up there where I like, I really want it. Yeah, like, go down, go down, go down. Swirl, go down, go down, go down.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Exactly. Swirl, go down the front and grab the balls, go in for the balls. Literally, yeah, that's how I feel. It's like the Microsoft Clippy in the icon corner. It's the Clippy corner, but it's Emily, and she's just giving you sex. She's giving me a little clip. It's like, while I'm there.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Oh my god. I see you're about to go in for a blowjob. Let me help you with that. Love job spray, Lou. Right, and download this on iTunes. A lot of my, it's funny because a lot of my friends do tell me they're like, I was thinking about you. So I was having sex with my husband.
Starting point is 00:49:35 I was totally thinking about you and I did the reverse cowgirl. Or whatever, this actually happened to friend of mine because I was telling you that I did the reverse cowgirl recently, which is kind of random to whip out the reverse cowgirl. Like I just did it. I did the reverse cow girl recently, which is kind of random to whip out the reverse cow girl. Like I just did it. I forgot.
Starting point is 00:49:48 What happened, boys? I... Oh God, this story. I was a little buzzed. You guys know I'm the kind of huge dreamer. But I was buzzed. And in fact, see, I think if you've listened to the show,
Starting point is 00:50:00 you'll know that you're not gonna think that I have a problem, but it was a little black out. It's just like, I gotta say in the morning with this. Like I gotta say in the morning, with this guy, I woke up at the morning, I was like, did we have sex? So I looked down and I'm like, because he had already left, I mean we're friends, it's like not like I'm with whatever,
Starting point is 00:50:13 but he was like, boom, like left, but he had to go and I wake up late, and I had to look for the condom, just, and I'm like, okay, there's a condom, that's good, we had sex. And like, is there, you know, is there a seaman in the, okay, he came good, he had a good time, there's a condom. That's good. We had sex. And like, is there, you know, is there a seaman in the, okay, he came good.
Starting point is 00:50:26 He had a good time. So then I'm like, oh my god, I have a blackout sex. I remember like college. So then I talked to him and I'm like, okay, dude, what? Like, I'm like, that was all, he's like last night. It was so hard. I'm like, yeah. And I'm like, is he, is he messing with me?
Starting point is 00:50:42 Cause I passed up, cause I woke up naked on my couch with the blanket So then I said what happened and he's like well, he's like do you remember the Uber ride? I'm like yeah What you were doing in the Uber. I'm like oh my god. What I do apparently we like made out I don't remember what I did I didn't take his pants off But I remember I touched him, I kissed him. When he came back to my house, he's like, and then like, he's like, you're on top of me, I had a couch. And then you turned around and you were leaning
Starting point is 00:51:11 over your coffee table. I'm like, reverse cowgirl. I'm like, I did reverse, like, because that's the kind of thing you do something. You kind of, that's a consciousness. He's like, he was so hot and then, yeah, no one naturally finds themselves in reverse cowgirl. I'm very skilled, drunk, reverse cowgirl. And then the other thing I did, this was a good spitter. They call that a spitter. By the way, when you're in. Yeah, when you're a small person.
Starting point is 00:51:32 I mean, easily, yeah, be the new spin-off. I spun around. Yeah. It was actually really funny. And then, so I was telling my friend this, right? And I said, oh my God, the funniest thing happened. I was laughing. And she's like, no way.
Starting point is 00:51:42 She's like, that's really funny. I get a text from her a few weeks ago. And she's like, no way, she's like, that's really funny. I get a text from her a few weeks ago and she's like, I know this is sound weird, but I am wearing your underwear and I just did a reverse cowgirl with my boyfriend. And I was like, why do you have my underwear? She's like, I borrowed it, I love it at your house one day, like months ago.
Starting point is 00:51:59 And then I think I channeled you and I did a reverse cowgirl and I tell my boyfriend I was wearing your underwear and you got really turned on. Anyway, it was so funny because she's like, I was thinking about you and I did a verse cowgirl and I told my boyfriend as we were going to get really turned on. Anyway, it was so funny because she's like, I was thinking about you when I was having sex. But that again, my friends are just like, I was thinking about you and I asked for this or that. So I hope you're all thinking about me in a good way or just at least thinking about things you've learned on the show and you've used that.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Don't think about me doing sex unless you want to. And that's what your fantasy and you use these tools during sex. OK, thanks everyone for listening to the show. I love talking to you. And thank you to my amazing team, Ken Valentiro-Sera, producer, Jamie, and Michael. Was it good for you? Email me feedback at
Starting point is 00:52:38 you

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