Sex With Emily - Semen Recipes

Episode Date: October 28, 2011

We talk about sex, relationships, and everything in between. Hosted on Acast. See for more information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information about sex with Emily, go to where you can listen to all the shows we are now doing daily live streaming shows every day, Monday through Friday, 1 to 2 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Anyone can watch. And we're hoping that you're all enjoying becoming friends with benefits members. Friends with benefits members get so many things. You get priority treatment to your Q&As. You get access to full video and audio podcasts. You're getting five times the content we used to get before.
Starting point is 00:00:34 We're doing weekly sex, toy and product giveaways. So just check out the Friends with Benefits program and please support the show. We totally appreciate it. Don't we menace? Yeah, we do. Are you a little tired today? You went on a date last night. I did, yeah. So what's going on? So I just get into it. Okay, it was good.
Starting point is 00:00:51 A little slow starting off. I was like, oh maybe you were out last night. I was out last night. I had a really good day. Break it down. Okay, break it down, break it down, break it down. We went to dinner at Serpentine, this good restaurant in San Francisco. Did you eat? I had, we split something, salad and, I can't remember the other thing. Wow. Can't even remember dinner from last night? Serious. I was really into the day.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Are you really, were you wasted, was there drinks before? We had drinks. Before. No, during. We only had a glass of wine each or maybe two. I got a little buzz. I cannot drink that much. I had two glasses of wine. I was a little buzz. He's really he's really funny. He's handsome. He's he's cute. I like him. I like him. So what happened? What do we we're we're we're
Starting point is 00:01:37 together? We had dinner. We conversated about we talked about like our lives. A key group in another country. And so he talked about that with very different upbrings. And his family and we just got to know each other. And there was nothing, there's like, I was thinking, I'll talk about it, but there was nothing. It was just a really good connection. And we're going to see each other again. OK, you want me to break it down more.
Starting point is 00:02:00 So yes, we had dinner. We didn't have dessert. The dinner was we split an entree and an appetizer I can't wait, I can't wait to get working with an entree, but it was really good. It was like chicken or something Okay, so whatever after, what did you after? Afterwards you went back to my house Really? And um, we had fun we kissed
Starting point is 00:02:22 Yes, yeah, And it was nice. Did you know what I know what that sound is? What? It's your water bottle. Why does it make that noise? Because you got air in it. So I saved you for a second. You'd gather your thoughts.
Starting point is 00:02:36 And yeah, we're gonna see each other again. What? That was it? Yeah, it was really fun. He's cool. I mean, I don't know There are no negatives. There's nothing that's like oh, but he blah blah blah. He just seems really cool Thank you. Oh you guys are we kissed Kissed uh-huh and he's a really good kisser. That's amazing. Yeah, how long did this kissing session go on for? A long time. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:06 A little bit about an hour or so. Yeah, was there, I mean, was it any like heavy petting? It's like standing up kissing or were you? My mom always asked me if we were like heavy petting. Yeah. I guess that's a word. Were you laying down and kissing? We were. Was he, were you on top kissing? Was he on top kissing you? I wasn't, he's, he's a lot bigger than me. I was on top of him kissing him. He's cute, he's tall. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Yeah. And you, uh, did you kiss any other part of his body? No, I did not. I did not. Kisses, but other parts of his body. I did not kiss his genitalia or anything like that. But like I'm already kissing his neck because I don't know how sexy that is. Did his weiner accidentally fall inside you?
Starting point is 00:03:46 No. Did I accidentally slip and fall on his penis? Yeah. No, I did not. Are you lying right now? No, I'm not. I feel like I'm like, why are you shaking right now? Everybody, look at the video podcast right now
Starting point is 00:03:57 and tell me, analyze the footage. I don't see it. And tell me if she's lying. Feedback at Go to, leave a comment. I know, speak together on the first date. Never? Date.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Never? Yes, I have. I try not to. It's a new practice I've implemented. So, you had dinner, had a glass of wine, it didn't have dessert, didn't go do anything else, and then you just went home to your house and you kissed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Yeah. Likely effing story. But that's fun. Whatever. That's fun. Yeah. And I'm leaving town for, oh, I'm going to Michigan tomorrow for a wee. I'll tell him more.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I mean, they'll tell him more. They just don't want to do. I mean, that's what happened. And he's like the key. He's. What? He's really friggin' cute. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Hot. Smart. Cool. Coolgin cute. Okay. Smart. Cool. Cool dude. Yeah. So I'm going home to see my family in Michigan tomorrow for a week. Do you have any reserves on Michigan? What do we?
Starting point is 00:04:54 Reserves, meaning like- Do I have like dudes that hook up with a Michigan? You can hang out with? I don't have any dudes in Michigan that I hook up with. I just- I bet you flaunt around, you go flaunt around to all the dudes that are married now that you used to go to high school with and say how much of a wife suck and we should hang out totally. Yeah, I don't do that.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I'm not trying to break up any marriages, but I don't actually see that many friends when I go to Michigan because it's like all about the family. I've got three nieces. My brother, his wife, my mom, I stepdad, like we got tons of just family and it's all about the family and my brother has this amazing lake house and we go, we go on the boat, we drink, and we party and it's fun. So is the guy from last night going to come out to Michigan? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:34 He's flying to Michigan to be my family. I told you yesterday, my family band put a moratorium on meeting and you guys I date forever. So no, he's not coming to Michigan. That'd be a little premature. But yeah, no, this guy's good. We'll say. Yeah. No, I told him I was madly in love with him. And I asked him, I played around with my last name in his last name, my name and his last name. Just kidding. Did you get my hand job? No. Oh my God. I don't give hand jobs right away.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And then I don't give them to everyone. But when when I do it blows their mind. Yeah, right. It's already guys Okay, what'd you do last night last night? I made spaghetti and I watched TV with your roommate. Yeah, I slept That's awesome nothing We'll just roommate move out so you can start having sex again. Hopefully soon I think although you are having sex with your roommate, so. You know, less than a month. How many times do you sub together?
Starting point is 00:06:29 I don't know. In the last month that she's been living three months, she's living with you. Once a week. I can probably count her on my hand. OK. Yeah. Five.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yeah, probably like five. Both hands, seven. Yeah, so that's cool. And we miss me. We'll miss us. We still have shows coming on. Even though we're not here today, we've re-recorded some shows.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I, yeah, I'm really excited for tomorrow's show with the interns. Oh my God, tomorrow's show is amazing. It's gonna be awesome. Yeah, it's gonna be awesome. And you want to grill me more. I want to grill you more, but no, it's fine. I'm just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I don't know. I don't know. I'm just saying you better next week. Okay, next week. When's your plans to hang out with us? Can I tell you what I like about him? Let don't know. I don't know. I'm just saying he better next week. Okay, next week. I'm just saying yes. When's your plans to hang out with you? Can I tell you what I like about him? Let me tell you what I like.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Is that he has not played any games with me, and he's been right away, he's been like, I already got a text from him this morning that was super fun last night, so great to see you. Like, he shouldn't have done that. No, he should have done that. Nor I agree. I know what you're saying that some women are like. No, no, no, I'm not saying, I'm saying not some women, I'm just saying you. Like he shouldn't done that. No, he should have done that. No, I agree. I know what you're saying that some women are like, no, no, no, I'm not saying, I'm saying
Starting point is 00:07:28 not some women, I'm just saying you. He shouldn't let and should let you know. No, I love what I'm saying is I love that, I love that. I love that I know that he likes me. Like I like that. Yeah, but see, that's what, that's where things go wrong with you in relationships. Once the guy starts liking you, you're like, you're onto the next one. That's not true, man.
Starting point is 00:07:46 That's not true. Maybe in my youth, maybe years ago. But I think I'm at a different stage now where I, oh, he's swimming to me, so I'm not into him. Like, that's just immature and that's not where I'm at. I can't wait. So if this guy asks for you to be his girlfriend, oh, God, I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I'm gonna see what the It could have you only hung out with this guy one time. I mean it could whoa something's weird Like this guy. No, it could it could totally happen, but this is so I don't think it's happening anytime soon What do you mean why I'm saying no, I'm saying I'm saying so fast Not moving in while we move in together next week I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:37 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm games. I think that he menace plays games with girls anything so works
Starting point is 00:08:45 But I just think that you should just be honest He's like I had a great time like what did he say like great time? XO he did XO I thought was cute. I don't play games. I just don't share too much He said what do you mean don't share to share too much? I don't share too much. That's the key He said that was real fun. Thanks because if you share too much. I don't share too much. That's the key. He said that was real fun. Thanks. Because if you share too much, you're like, Oh, you know, women, they want to know everything open up and tell them and you do that. And then they get scared off. Like, you have to, you have to break it. Yeah. It's like a little like it's like you got right. If he was like sending me like, so it's not like I'm playing
Starting point is 00:09:19 games. I'm just like withholding information, right? With a little information about how you feel. You know, yeah, because you have to put it down on timeline right are they all freak out right and run away Okay But I think this one is working out and then tonight. I mean we'll see what I then tonight you got another day No, well I did but I canceled okay, so here's a deal I I had a date remember the guy who I went out with his mom on a date. Yeah, who I really liked He looked like so much fun with mom I thought you could to meet the mom because the mom I always say you to look how went out with his mom on a date? Yeah. Who I really liked. He lived in LA. So much fun with mom. I thought he'd get to meet the mom because the mom,
Starting point is 00:09:47 I always say you have to look how a man treats his mom and that's how he's gonna treat you. He treated his mom very well and the mom was awesome. So we went on a date to the museum like a month ago and he lives in LA. So he emailed me like two weeks ago he called me and he's like, I'm gonna be in San Francisco Wednesday night whatever the date is today, June 29th.
Starting point is 00:10:03 And I said, well, I'm leaving Thursday, June 30th and we made plans forth. And I said, while I'm leaving Thursday, June 30th, and we may plan for tonight. And then he like, I'm like, but I have to warn you, before I go out of town, I have this crazy weird ritual of like, I stay up on the night, I get ready, I have so much work to do when I get everything done. And it's just like my Emily thing, like I leave town, I clean my house, because I like coming back to a pristine, like I just have this thing. And I'm like, the night before I leave, I like to do, because
Starting point is 00:10:23 I'm leaving for a week or five, six days. So anyway, he's like, well, you have two weeks to prepare for that. He thinks that's bullshit. He thinks that's whole. So I told him, so that's a really point. I would.
Starting point is 00:10:33 He thought I was lying. So I, he thought that I didn't want to see him. And I said, I want to reinforce to you and let you know that I had a really good time on our date and I really want to see you again. And I have a date the night before, and I don't have time to plan. No, no, no, no. I didn't know that I have a date the night before and I don't have time to plan. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:10:45 I didn't know that I had the date last night until yesterday afternoon. I was messing with you. I know you are, honey. So I said, I cancel it. So he left me a message, or so we had plans. And then he left me a message yesterday, two days ago and said, hey, so are we still on?
Starting point is 00:10:58 For Wednesday, I'm not, I'm gonna come Thursday. So he gave me an out, so I was like, you know what, dude? It's super busy. Can we just do it when you get back? Like we'll meet up another time in LA or wherever when you come here. Oh, dude. Damn, it's our cancel.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Yeah, but why should I like, just because he happens to be in town, I'm gonna rearrange my whole Wednesday night craziness. I love packing and getting, I hate packing. Yeah, but the guy that you hung out with today probably come over again today anyway. I don't think so. I don't think what, no, it's slow, slow, slow.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Not gonna come over. No, it's moving, moving, so I gotta watch my porn TV box tonight. I know. I know I'm gonna miss it. What category are you gonna? You can. You can watch on the computer. Oh, right. I can watch on the computer. We're talking about fire TV, which I've been talking about a lot. FYRETV, it's porn. It's, it's, it's, it's, you gotta get your porn on. It's like the Netflix of porn. It's crazy. It literally is set up just like Netflix, but it's all porn. Exactly. You can start by categories, by winners, by AVN winner, you know, who won certain awards, like best, what are they called? Comshots or whatever?
Starting point is 00:11:53 Facials? Facials? Yeah. Super cool. They do. Like best, what do they call it though, officially? Anil. Yeah, yeah. It's really, it's like, I'm going away. The best amateur. I'm so honored to have this TV box. So I'm gonna do that. What's your favorite category? I like the three Sims. I like girl and girl I'm such a chick. Yeah, and I like some of the gay porn is hot We when I set it up the first thing went to we started playing and it was it was two girls in a blow-up pool that were totally lubed up.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Remember? And then this chick, she had what was a clear plastic like Dildo or something like that and she was sickening it in her anus. Right. She was. It was really classic. That was really classy and really fun. Yeah. So I'm going to do that. And then tonight I'm actually going to this really cool. They asked me, I don't know if you remember this, menace, but like four years ago on the show when we were live, I had these guests that called themselves orgasmic monks. They're like meditation.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Do you remember this? There's a place in San Francisco called One Taste SF. I don't think people live there anymore, but they teach this very, very specific form of masturbation. And the woman wrote this book called Slow Sax and Nicole Daydone, and I'm interviewing her tonight at her opening. It's the art and craft of the female orgasm. Increased pleasure, deep intimacy through the practice of orgasmic meditation. So I'm going to go learn more about that. I'm also, you can go on a date with the other guy, but you can do a masturbating monk. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I'd rather do that. It's for an hour, but I'd rather do that than go out with this other guy, because when you want to date, I get dressed up. I'm going for an hour, but I'd rather do that than go out to the other guy because When you wanted to date I get dressed up. I'm gonna be late. I got a car and you don't want to cheat on the new guy He's not my boyfriend And I yeah, we yeah, no Just playing you're just not into that guy. What are you gonna do? Which guy the LA guy? Yeah, I only met him once I don't know. What are you doing on 4th of July? Weekend.
Starting point is 00:13:48 For the July weekend, I have to go. It's a holiday practically, like in five minutes. Yeah, I have to. I have to go to a concert on Saturday. And this is all day festival concert. It's called the Warp Tour. And then Sunday, they asked me if I could be on the radio. So of course I say yes and then Monday. I'll have the whole day off Oh, that's good
Starting point is 00:14:11 When are we going to see it? Oh good. When are we going to see the bangles again? The bangles the 15th if you if you'll take the car trip with me it's the bangles and Springfield Where's the car to why Why where how far is it? San Jose, it's a it's at a Indian casino. I've never been to cash Creek. I want to go past second. Okay, so we go. Okay, we'll do it. If you want to take me, I'll take you. I know every word to every bangle. Yeah, it's just me and my buddies were gonna go and just get wasted and okay cool oh see you other buddies going too just one of my buddies yeah awesome I'm so excited okay
Starting point is 00:14:47 so we have got to be reading we will be reading some of your emails today that you sent to either feedback at or you can just do it for the Ask Emily button on the website topics include better oral sex low sex drive how to best to deal with jealousy and strip clubs we'll also be talking about beginner tips for role playing and how it can enhance your sex life today. And I've got to give some results of the poll, the most recent poll on our website, have you ever thought about a sexual act with a person of the same sex? So, 0% said I'm gay.
Starting point is 00:15:24 So yes, we don't have a lot of gay listeners who voted on this. 4% said I only fantasize about the same sex during masturbation. 20% said I'm straight, but I fantasized about the same sex. 76% said no, I never think about the same sex partners. Yeah, I don't. You don't? No. Because you're a dude. I bet you mostly dudes voted on on this cuz I think a lot of them think of another women
Starting point is 00:15:48 Oh, yeah, well I've had gay buddies that had sex with you know women before and then they will say like oh This woman's hot. I actually hung out with a guy that I used to work with and we were out one night and He despised this girl and he was like, I think I would change for this girl. Like he'd like- I would become he straight. Yeah, for this girl. Like he fell in love with this one girl. No, she wasn't.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Oh, she wasn't in town. Yeah, she wasn't in town. But I was like, I was like, Gays guys say like, you can make me straight, baby. Really? No way. I swear to God. They're messing with you. They weren't really gonna like turn in their gay card, but they were like... I can just imagine a hyper gay guy and you together...
Starting point is 00:16:30 Why would you? The energy would just probably make the room explode. Because I have a lot of exuberant? Yeah, I can just imagine you two together. And drunk, you would be talking to my element. I know, I'm a fun drunk. Okay, right, okay. So what's your take on sex toys?
Starting point is 00:16:47 Is there an latest fan? Our latest fan, our latest poll. Not a fan, number one. The latest fan poll. That's our latest fan poll. Not a fan. I tolerate them for my partner. I like them, but not all the time.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I love them. What's your take on sex toys? So go vote, I vote, I love them. You don't taking sex toys. So go vote, sex I vote, I love them. You don't even love them, you don't even like them. You don't even know them, seriously. Okay. I know that they hold up your bed.
Starting point is 00:17:14 You always say that's where you store them under your bed. Under my bed, I do. You play out like 500. And I have a friend staying at my house over the weekend when I go, so I have to like, sex toy. Pussay and I have a house over the weekend. My friend, my friend Charlotte with the dog sex, toy, pussy, and I have my house over the weekend. My friend Charlotte with the dog, with my new dog, I changed her name to Dixie.
Starting point is 00:17:30 God, not the dog. I'm not gonna be the dog. Okay, sorry. I'm not gonna be upset in putting pictures over on my phone. Okay, maybe, here's one. Do you wanna see it? Okay, I don't even wanna see the dog.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Okay, the Dixie. Because the dog's not gonna be around that long. What do you mean I'm gonna lose the dog? I'm not gonna be. Wait, was the dog there when the guy was there no the dog is it is at the beach right now? I would I would look out it takes a village all my friends are gonna be watching the dog for me You don't need to worry. I've got tons of friends who are like in love with her already And I've gonna take care of the dog so when next time you need me to hook up something at your house You're gonna make a call and have the dog leave before I get there. Why don't you don't like dogs? No, I love dogs, but I can just imagine like a dog running around your hardwood floor.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Okay. With you with like nine inch heels on and like the noise is just gonna drive you effing insane while I'm trying to hook up some like trying device that you want me to do. Oh, I do need your help with something. We'll talk about it offline, but I need to talk to you about cable. Okay, should we get in some emails? Yeah, go for it. I did work for the cable company.
Starting point is 00:18:32 You did? That's so hot. You're the cable guy? No. Okay, today's show is about role-playing later. Yeah. Would you dress up as the cable guy again? Do you still have your outfit and come over and we could do like a role-play?
Starting point is 00:18:44 I could probably dig up one. That'd be hot, I'd be like, can you still have your outfit and come over and we could do like a roleplay? I could probably, I could probably dig up one. That'd be hot, I'd be like, can you hear it? I did, I did install Kable, I helped run like one of the local TV stations, but... Whatever, just Kable, just play the Kable Guy and I'll play the Dames on Distress. I know how to hook it up though. Okay. Love it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Hey Emily and Madness, I just had a comment on the head push. I can't believe anybody would do that. Get some new moves, dude. What I want to know is what you do if she gives bad Head, how do you help you get better? It's a classy way of saying I didn't know I was like bad All-saxx and I'm trying to make it classier, but I didn't have it in me just now P.S. the podcast is awesome. Emily you you have the 60s voice. Thanks, Terry. You were talking about how wet you were yesterday,
Starting point is 00:19:27 this part was. I was, that's from Terry and Calgary. I was really wet yesterday because it was raining outside. Okay, Terry and Calgary, so just to, just to see you know, time wet is the head push. We were talking about moves at sock that guys do that are, and I'm like, okay, the guy who like takes your head and pushes it down to his penis and is like, here, here's my hard track.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Did you not know? And I'm like, I knew your penis was hard, and I knew I had the option, but don't push my head down because you're not going to get it that way. So he asks what to do if she gives bad oral sex. So menace, I thought that, well, this is what I say, and then I'm going to get to you in a minute because you're a dude with a penis. Tell her what you like, be more gentle, tell her to be gentle, or harder, or softer, tell her.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Like tell her when she's doing something right, like good, that felt amazing. Oh my God, keep doing that. Rather than the negatives, like out, or your teeth, or too much teeth, I mean, just be like, you know it feels good when you move a little softer, so you have to kind of give positive reinforcement, rather than negative reinforcement, I think.
Starting point is 00:20:24 That was gonna say, go negative. I was gonna say go negative, but I wanna say like harsh negative. I would just be playful negative because you would make them want to work harder at it. I wanna say, oh, you know, you really suck at this. I would just say, you could be a little bit better. You know, I understand. No, I would wait till the next session. So you wouldn't even say anything during? What if it's bad though?
Starting point is 00:20:50 If it's bad, I would just, I would make them stop. You'd be like, you could pull her head up from her hair. And then, probably, yeah. And then I would just ask her. If it's a hurt. Yeah. Come here, or. Come here, or slower. Slow, yeah, so I like it. That's the best way. And then I'll have sex with her. And then I'll have the horror. A horror, yes, I like it. That's the best part. And then I'll have the conversation later, like, yeah, you're really bad at giving.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Don't ever tell a woman she's bad at Felatio. Why? Because we don't want to hear the negative, just be like, you know? Are you going to try harder? No, I'm going to be like, what a dick. Yeah, what a bad, it's sucking his dick. You dick, I can't suck your dick. Yeah, you really suck at it.
Starting point is 00:21:25 I mean, I can probably get one of my ex girlfriends to show you how to do it. I'm just kidding. Not to go that action, but I don't know, it's be playful about it, you know. You don't want to be mean too many. I think you should just be positive reinforcement. Like, are you gonna say to God that felt amazing
Starting point is 00:21:41 that time you put your, my entire penis in your mouth. That felt great. Like if you're into like deep throating or whatever and you like that, I had this girl that was really bad at it. And I tried to what she do that was bad. I want to know what made her. It's just no, not teeth. It's just not.
Starting point is 00:21:57 They try to be like too soft. You know, and there's like no friction, right? You need the friction. You need the friction. Do you like the hand? The hand with the mouth I mean yeah that works, but you'd rather just have mouth. No, no, no, I okay either way. I'm fine Right, I'm just saying but there needs to be friction. Yeah, no balls necessary. Okay
Starting point is 00:22:15 So they're ha yeah, but you tell them that I'm gonna bring over my axe and she'll show you yeah, that's great advice She was amazing. I'm sure she can break it down. Was she? Are you just saying? I'm just saying. Your accent wasn't amazing. No, I ran into very few that are really bad at it. Oh really? That's good to know. I think the word has gone out there. There's been a lot of instructional videos. We go to Blowjob class here in San Francisco. I mean, the blowjob is very, it's gone mainstream. Like, blowjob is like second base these days. I know it's true, right? Kids are learning very young age.
Starting point is 00:22:47 But like I had to learn, like I had friends who had to show me and then you just performed here. How did they show you, tell me. I remember like, or maybe I was showing them, but you know, like on a carrot or a cucumber. Can you come up? I'm serious. Totally, like, like, fast thumbs up Ridgeman High.
Starting point is 00:23:03 And I'm sure they weren't taking photos of you. I've shown my friends recently because I've, I've few friends who are super insecure and think they're not good at it. So I've been like showing them what to do. Like there's so many different things you can do with your hands. Like not just use your hand, but like twist your hand around.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Like do the twist and play with your tongue. Like get your tongue in there. And let them give me a fluke show. And then I'll let you know if they're good or not. Okay. If you want to break it in like that. I mean, it's just doing the work to work. That's so sweet of you.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Like I feel like you're just, you're always giving back. I know, really. To you and kind. I try. I know, it's amazing. Okay, hey Emily, great shows. My girlfriend of about a year and I broke up three weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:23:49 I felt like she was the one until she and I had the talk. She said she found someone else. She also said the strong feeling she once had for me were not there anymore. I contacted her twice. The first time to send yes, flowers to her job. And last week a heartfelt text telling her that no matter
Starting point is 00:24:06 what she still is a place in my universe. PS your whore. She called me the same day to thank me for the flowers and for sending her my thoughtful text. I was stunned. She said we could get together to catch up. I ended the call early and she said, have a great evening and a great weekend babe. Can an ex still be into me? Are these signs that she still open to me?
Starting point is 00:24:26 What does this all mean? I'm thinking of calling her back in about a month to see if she'd like to have some tea and scones with me, only for only an hour. What? I'd also use the taste touch, taste touch technique you mentioned to brush off some scone crumbs off her lips to see her response.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Then just say goodbye and see if she would still cares for me. Thanks, Emily, for any kind words of wisdom or insights can provide me. By the way, I definitely do love her. Keep up the great work. You're a wonderful Alex from San Francisco. I think Alex has it. He has it down. He's not he's not showing that that he's overly eager because she's the one that was saying that she was not interested. You know, I think she's not that into him. Yeah, totally, but I'm just saying if he not to play games and being a realist, but if he shows too much attention in saying, I still love you and blah, blah, blah, blah. She's like really going to blow him off. And I know if you want to hit it a couple more times, you got to show that.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Yeah, I got to play cool. But I think you got to start dating other people. He said he's waiting a month. He said he's going to contact her in a month and make sure you're like cooking up. Make sure you're like cooking up. Yeah. I'll go for other people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:37 If you can start dating Alex in the meantime, just because she thinks that because she said have a great evening and a great weekend babe, He thought, can it still be into me? Is this a sign that she's still open to me? What does this all mean? I think it just means she probably still loves you like in a way like friends, like cares about you as a person. And she called you babe because she's used to calling you babe, but babe, I don't think she meant she's still into you.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Especially because she told you she wasn't into you. So I wouldn't read into these signs. We do this a lot. We're looking for signs. Oh, maybe she still likes me, but she told you point blank that she doesn't. So I'd spend the next month rather than thinking about how you're going to call her in a month, but you still can do and you can still have sex with her again.
Starting point is 00:26:13 A lot of people do that, but I would just start dating and getting out there, even though you still love her very much. I would say the fact that she told her she's not that into you and the fact that she said, babe, does not mean that she's into you still. Yeah. People, I'm not saying she she did but sometimes people say things on accident like I was dating this girl for about I you know two and a half weeks and I was I worked all night. I was probably I was working from like 3 a.m. and I got home at like 9 a.m And I was on the phone and I was like mumbling and I can barely even talk to the girl that I was dating And then I go I go okay, all right by a loving see there
Starting point is 00:26:51 And then she called right back. She's like what did you say? Oh? Oh my god, you said I love you by the day Because I was dating a girl for a long time before that. And you always would say I love you mean it back. Yeah, right. I know, and I love you mean it. You always say that. I don't like that. I love I love you mean it.
Starting point is 00:27:11 You always say that. I know, I love it. But it doesn't seem like you really do love me. I know, I know, I know. It seems all non-genuine. I don't know when you say that. So you can say that to everybody else. But I say I love you all the time.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Yeah, but don't say I love you mean it to me. Okay, I'll just say I love you. You can say to everybody else. Okay. That's funny that you did a by mistake. I love you all the time. Yeah, but don't say I love you. Okay, I'll just say I love you. You can say to everybody else. Okay. That's funny that you did a buy mistake. I love you. Yeah. Oh my God. You're so excited. And then she's she called you back. Those like, what would you say to me? Would you say? No, she was really cool. I really liked her a lot, but you worked too hard and conserved. No, she went off to go, you know, she was all about all this stuff that I I mean, it's great that she does this and people do this
Starting point is 00:27:47 But she was off all about, you know, going to foreign countries and rebuilding schools and stuff like that You know that's so not your thing. You know, like, well, why would you ever leave the country stay here in San Francisco and we can party exactly Did you try to get her to stay? No, okay, I, that's cute. I never, even though if I, I mean, even if I really, really love somebody, I, if they wanna go do something, I'm not gonna stop that.
Starting point is 00:28:12 That's the kind of guy's state. I hate guys who try to, for their own, for their own, it's only, when they make it only about them, when they're trying to change your behavior, because it's how it affects them. Like, don't leave, don't travel, don't do whatever. I love the guy who's like, like go have fun, have a good life. Like see when you get back. That's the kind of guy I want to date. So Emily, just started listening
Starting point is 00:28:32 to your podcast and I find it very informative and fun to listen to. I'm 22, I'm dating my current girl for almost one and a half years now, but our sex life has struggled in the past six months. It wasn't just a few days ago that she commented on how she hasn't felt sexual since before summer, just about six months ago. She doesn't know what happened or what caused it, but she's just lost her desire to have sex, something we used to have almost daily at the start of the relationship, like most people do. We still have sex at times, but I can tell she's always rushing me through it and really if ever takes initiative in starting anything. She even turns on offers for me to perform oral sex on her more often than not.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Something that used to be your favorite thing for me to do. Have you ever heard of something like this before and is there something? Is there an answer or something that she can do? She's very worried about losing me and I must admit this is putting a big strain on a relationship. Thanks, Sean. Well, Sean, it sounds like she's got some low libido issues. I mean, if she's still into you and she's asking you, please don't let this put a strain in our relationship,
Starting point is 00:29:27 I would say that either she's got some, or she's taking medication right now. I'm telling you, medication SSR issues on any antidepressants, any anti-anxiety pills, but a lot of this medication, I mean, I can't tell you blood pressure, all of them. They have an impact on your sex drive, and if she is taking, recently, you've been taking the motion, I'm even telling you that she is, but she could be taking something and this would seriously hinder her sex drive. Because
Starting point is 00:29:51 you've been together for a year and a half, usually sex is still pretty good. I'd say it's about the two-year mark that it starts to take a dip. Yeah, it used to be like three or seven. Now it's about, yeah. I mean, so I would say if she still is like really into it, but she's not, you know, I would say that she should get checked up by a doctor and then I would say that you should have a talk with her about it like is it just that she's not turned on does she still masturbate maybe there's other stuff that she needs to do that would make her feel good. Did she get fat? Did she
Starting point is 00:30:19 get fat? She fat? Well she could have body image issues there might be images that she's got body images and a a lot of women, that's a really good question. Menace. If she got fat. No, if she's. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wouldn't say fat. But if she's gained weight, a lot of men, a lot of women, if they gain weight, they no longer run up sex. Like, maybe she used to be an athlete. Now, she's not running anymore or whatever. A lot of women just don't feel sexual. So that could be another thing. Build herself a steam up.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Yeah, and the guys feel the same way too, like when guys are out of shape, like some guys definitely me. I feel like they don't wanna sex. They're like, oh, they feel like, I'm like, uh, feel disgusting right now. I don't wanna have sex. Oh, you always acute menace.
Starting point is 00:31:01 I try. I know, don't have menace. I'm trying to get tan. I'm gonna be tan and get tan this weekend. You are good. Just so you know, we are going to have more cameras in your skin. So menace will be you'll be able to see menace's cute face. Cute tan face. Okay. Is it okay to date more than one girl at a time? I just don't want to hurt anyone. I met two girls online at the same time and it's been on three dates with each of them.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Haven't had sex with either. Try and take it slow with both of them and I like them for both different reasons. Thanks, Emily, love the show, Jason. Totally, if you are not leading them on and doing anything wrong, there is nothing wrong with dating more than one girl at a time.
Starting point is 00:31:39 If you're telling one of them that you're committed but you're dating two more, I think that's the whole thing with dating now and online dating is that you have a lot of options like it's not uncommon for someone to go out and for dates a week no not a week and then you're not doing anything wrong eventually hopefully you'll you'll want to commit to at least one of the yeah but i don't think there's anything everyone's doing it everyone's expecting that you're doing it until you
Starting point is 00:32:01 have the talk the dreaded talk in my book now but until you have the talk, the dreaded talk in my book. No, but until you have the talk, like, are we committed? Are we seeing other people? It's fine. Days as many people as you want. This is the time to do it. Have fun. Or you can go polyamory.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Or you can be in open relationship, polyamorous, and date lots of people. Yeah. Which is an option for many people. I did. I had a whole Facebook battle the other day. What? What? about labeling relationships on Facebook because I look for things to get people engaged in So I said,
Starting point is 00:32:35 you should label your relationship if you're in one, just put it on Facebook. You don't feel the same way. This is how I feel. And then actually two people that were in polyamory relationships commented and one of them was like, oh, polyamory's not represented on here, so that's why I don't put anything. And I came back. It is open relationship is an option on Facebook. Yeah, but not polyamory.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Yeah, the label polyamory is right on there. So then they're like, that's why I don't put anything on. And I go, well, if you Google polyamory, it is a really, it's a type of a relationship. Right. So I said, you should just have the general setting of in a relationship. Right. And then somebody else that is in polyamory, agreed with me. Yeah, I had like, I had over, I don't know, 30 plus comments of people just going back and forth. It was just the other day. I missed it. Yeah, but it was, yeah, it was pretty, it pretty, pretty epic battle. That is an epic battle. Yeah. And what do people think about the, the, putting your status up online? Are they agreed with me? But you should. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:44 If you're in a relationship, I'm never doing it. I'm never doing it. I don't think you're in a special case. I'm a special case. I said, I said, you want to know what I really said, because it's pretty harsh to me about me. No, it wasn't about you.
Starting point is 00:34:02 I was just putting the general statement out there. I said, if you don't put your relationship status on Facebook, then you shouldn't be in a relationship, right? Uh-huh. And I go, and if your partner says it's not anybody's business, then you're an idiot, right? Right. And then so many people agreed with me.
Starting point is 00:34:23 But there was other special things that were like, well, they said in their culture, they look down upon if we're together, so that's why we don't list it. And I said, that's perfectly fine. If both people agree, that's a situation. That's the situation. If I was dating a gut, right. I got it. But it can't be one-sided.
Starting point is 00:34:42 That's what I was explaining. Right. I understand that. Like, if I was dating a guy and he was like, it's really important to me. I don't think I would do it. I'm like, I right. But it can't be one-sided. That's what I was explaining. Right. I understand that. Like, if I was doing a guy and he was like, it's really important to me. I'm like, I'm so into it. That's what I was talking about. I mean, like, dude, sorry. It makes me want to cringe and delete my Facebook account if you're going to make me do
Starting point is 00:34:56 that. Yeah. So, okay. Dear Emily and Mena, since I have listened to your show, my eyes have been opened up to a whole new world of things. Whole new world! Your show is like a class, but with two super cool instructors. I love the sex talk, which is interesting and freaking hilarious, you two have great chemistry.
Starting point is 00:35:18 What I value most about your show is even through all the jokes and craziness you're still helping people and the relationships of your listeners. What brings me to my point, I'm getting into my career and I'm ready to settle down, not for marriage, just for a steady relationship. I have had many girlfriends before, but there's always one major problem. I drive them away with jealousy. I have a very serious jealousy problem. And I know I do. I just don't know how to fix it. I drove away my last girlfriend who I'd bought an engaging ring for and it had eaten me ever since because she was my ideal girlfriend. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and sincerely, Joe from Alabama,
Starting point is 00:35:54 PSGO Giants. Yeah. I'm actually wearing a giant shirt right now. It's from a Twitter party and it says, it has the at symbol and then says SF Giants and then on the back it says follow me. Oh, that's cute. That's cute. Okay. So anyway, Joe, I think that God, first of all, congratulations to you.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I just think of you, Kudos for recognizing that you have an issue and wanting to work on it because a lot of men are like, yeah, you know, wouldn't look at the pattern of jealousy. They would just say, yeah, I always date these girls are all crazy bitches and they all cheat. That's what most guys would do like Mattis would say, but I know, Kenny, but I think it's amazing that you're looking at yourself and you want to get better at jealousy because I think jealousy, the roots of jealousy are they run really, really deep and I don't know Joe where you grew up or where you're upbringing was, but something or what happened to you,
Starting point is 00:36:41 I would say maybe something, maybe you had a girl cheat on you early on you early on or maybe you watched your dad, cheat on your mom or your mom cheated on your dad. Or you just have general mistrust issues. And I think that's something that goes deep. And even if you say you want to get over it, I would say talking to a therapist about it because again, this is like, there are some people who are like crazy jealous and it, again, it destroys, it destroys them. And I've dated jealous guys,
Starting point is 00:37:06 and I'm just like, I can't handle it, because I'm, first of all, I'm a terrible person, date of view of any ins and downs. But this isn't about me. I'm just, it is really frustrating for a woman, especially if you're not doing anything wrong. And I think a lot of parents,
Starting point is 00:37:18 kids who have parents who are alcoholics, I've heard of the higher case of jealousy because there's a lot of mistrust. They, you know, their parents were kind of unavailable or they'd say they do one thing and I do that. They weren't as reliable. And so there's a lot of like jealousy mistrust issues. So it just runs really deep and I would just take a deeper look at yourself.
Starting point is 00:37:37 And if you could go see a counselor, a lot of times they have sliding scales or through your work, they're through your health and turn to go three, five times. But really get to the core heart of why you think you're good jealous because you know you've done this with so many women. And I think before you get into a relationship and you're ready to sell down, I would focus on this issue because no matter who you're with, it's going to come up again if you don't deal with it.
Starting point is 00:37:57 So, have you ever had a jealousy issue? No, jealousy issues because- Do you have girls who get jealous of you? Yeah, I do have that, but my philosophy on everything is, Chelsea is usually because you believe the person might cheat on you. Right. That's usually what the factor is.
Starting point is 00:38:16 And I just, my philosophy is, if somebody's gonna cheat on you, they're gonna cheat on you. There's really nothing you can do about it. And I believe even if you act even more, more jealous, that's even pushes them away. Not to, I'm saying to make them go cheat on you, but this pushing away just to go date other people. Exactly. And so I just don't really, I don't worry about it. You know, if it happens, it happens. I mean, it sucks. I don't want it to happen. But I do make the statement like if I'm ever cheated on, then that's it. There's like no, no talking about it. Nothing like, you know, return your, return your key.
Starting point is 00:38:55 And I would like all my things and all my things back ACS. And you have a nice life. Maybe we cool down down the line, but we'll never day. Right. Right. Right. So anyway, but he's, but we'll never dig in. Right, right, right. So anyway, but he's, but I don't even know that he's ever been cheated on. He's just afraid of it. So it can a lot of times come from Mendelssohn's insecurity.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Joey, you could have just some deep, you know, I don't know what's happened in your life, but I think that jealousy, some guys have it really strong and I've dated guys and I, like I said, and it's just like, I'm like, really, I was looking at the waiter funny. I was like ordering the chicken pot pie or whatever from the waiter. Well, don't talk to the waiter too long. That's annoying. Yeah, I know, but I do.
Starting point is 00:39:30 I'm friendly. And he was like, you were making eyes at the waiter. And I'm like, this is when I was younger, I was doing this guy. I would have a teenager. And he was like, you were making eyes at the waiter. I'm like, I wasn't. I wasn't. That's what was so crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:42 And then throughout our relationship, he was constantly jealous and nothing to do with me. Because I was not. Now I could see that's what was so crazy and then throughout our relationship he was constantly jealous and nothing to with me because I was not Now I could see that anyone back and Tated the waiter just because no, I've never I've been Tated a waiter in years Okay, this is funny Have you ever heard about the book cooking with? Come see you know tell me about it I'm just gonna say I would say like a Jackuilit or whatever but I'm just gonna say come because that's the name of the book
Starting point is 00:40:07 Cooking with calm. I got an email about this and wasn't some this is what this is from Jeff He says he's a premium member. He says I got an email about this It was in total shock that this that this book exists are there really people out there doing this I'm new to your show and having her do talk about swallowing and whether you just do it or not and do like it My wife's swallow is but I'm sure she just does it to please me How do I get her to really like it and be into it rather than just going through the motions? Oh, and I hear a lot about doing oral sex on the female. What about some tips for the woman doing oral on a man? Love the podcast. I fly overseas 20 days a month and love listening to it commander Jeff home said Florida premium member
Starting point is 00:40:41 20 days a month and love listening to it. Commander Jeff, homestead Florida premium member. So yes, there's actually a book called Natural Harvest, a collection of semen-based recipes. What? It's by Fati, P-H-T-E-N-H-A-U-E-R, Fettin-Hower. The book hopes a change of fact that semen is neglected in food. Book argues that semen gives food an interesting twist
Starting point is 00:41:03 once you get over the hesitation. And we do. Okay, yeah, I'm not buying that book anytime soon. I just, uh, I just texted my friend right now to let him know. To let him know why that this book exists. I was like, do you got to look this up? We're talking about cooking with the club. You would love to show you now. Not that he's into that. Oh, I should text my gay friend about that.
Starting point is 00:41:21 I'm sure you love it. So is it for reals like recipes? Like they were able to make a whole book. Like for real, right? And were you looking at that for someone was? But there was no, there's a real recipe book. Like, oh, I just, I, I, I, it's not my thing.
Starting point is 00:41:34 What do you mean? But if it's cooked, if it's actually cooked, there's not going to be any remnants of it. Would you like that? If I was like, honey, I made a banana bread with your semen. F, no. Right. I mean, you can eat it, but not me.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Has chocolate chips in it too. No, your favorite. I don't care. Just a little semen. So I can't see why. I know that we did, we did, actually, to be honest, commander Jeff, you might have missed this show. It was a few weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:41:56 We did a show on a ejaculation etiquette, and we talked a lot about like making your semen taste better. There are certain food you can eat. I'm hoping that before you, I cook with menaceous semen, that he'll make it taste better. Um, I'm going to cook with your semen taste better. There are certain food you can eat. I'm hoping that before you I cook with menace's semen that'll make it taste better. I'm going to cook with your semen. Okay. And no, but also we do give we do give a lot of tips on a woman. We have given tips on oral sex on the man. Okay, you may come ice cubes. Oh, right. I don't know. I would not want that. I wouldn't want that. I wonder if that's in there. Come ice cubes cubes. That's not, you want an recipe. You like?
Starting point is 00:42:26 I know, but. It's like how you make, um, you want to love gel shots. I was just thinking about it, too. Do you like gel shots? Can we make them for the concert we go to? Yeah, don't mind the white stuff in the middle of the gel. In the middle. Okay, no, I don't want your comedy gel shots,
Starting point is 00:42:40 but I want gel shots for our concert that we go to. Oh my god, will you come to Carro bring a freezer? I have a little freezer pack. Oh my God. Oh my God, so far, I'll make them. I know how. I learned how. That's the only thing I know how to make.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Okay, and he wants tips on what are some sex tips for doing or on a man? We have talked about that a little bit recently. I think that we, didn't we talk about that recently on the show, but how to go down in a man? I think we always talk about that. But I think that the good tips are to, yeah, we do it. Does that an earthquake?
Starting point is 00:43:12 No, no, no, sorry, everybody. We're in services. Go say any time. Anytime the room shakes, we get nervous. Wouldn't it be crazy if we were on the air and there was an earthquake? I think that women have to be into it. Like I think just like a man when you said that you're not sure that your wife is, you
Starting point is 00:43:30 said she swallows and you're not sure if she likes it, I think that's a big thing for men that they're like, I don't think she's liking it, I don't think she's into it. So when a woman is performing her all sex, I think it's really important to be into it. And if you're not into it, don't do it, don't waste any of this time, don't be like, I'm looking at my watch, but like get into it. And a lot're not into it, don't do it. Don't waste anyone's time. Don't be like, let me look in at my watch, but like get into it. And a lot of women, we talked about this in the show yesterday, actually, with, oh, not yesterday,
Starting point is 00:43:50 this is gonna be on Friday's show with Nikki and Nikki Goldstein, who goes to sex school with me. She was saying that she loves pouring all sex in a man, and it totally turns her on. So I think that one of the big tips for women is just to be enthusiastic and to be into it. Another one is technique, you know, like use your hand, use your mouth, lots and lots of saliva.
Starting point is 00:44:07 It's really, really important. Watch the teeth. What are some other basic tips, menace? Remember, we were talking about earlier on the show. It's just, you know, add friction. Right. You know, don't totally, like a freaking vacuum, but make sure, you know, there is some friction in when you are performing
Starting point is 00:44:26 it. Right. The ocean's really important. Two soft is really bad. Two soft, but some guys, can I be honest, some guys like it's soft. I have some guys who I do my normal thing that's not soft. As harder, it's more harder, and I've had guys been like, it's softer. So.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I'm trying to, did you actually pull any recipes or anything? That's what I'm trying to do. It's called cooking with I know. I'm on it right now. I'm trying to see if there's any recipes or anything? It's called cooking with calm calm. I know I'm on it right now I'm trying to see if there's a recipe so there must be okay. Find it. I'm looking and then we're gonna get into our sex tips right now Okay, uh This is This is a rival a new book cooking with calm They do you really want me to make jealous shots for our concert?
Starting point is 00:45:05 Yeah, totally. With what? It's great. What is that? I'm filled with vodka on them. Yeah, or you know, I like to do it. Okay. I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 00:45:13 I'm going to do it. Do it. Although my fridge freezer doesn't make ice cube. It says it just says. I don't know. I wish they would. You guys would have pulled at least one repist rest of the recipe. Well, do that next week when we come back. Oh wait, it looks doesn't it looks natural like a delicious meal.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Oh my god. It looks like a tart like a this it looks like from a high-end restaurant. Everybody. We're on cooking with right now. And there's a photo of a dessert dish. She's a human book that I've got. She's out. It looks like a little souffle. Hey, what's it called? Like a, um, something that you would see at a four star restaurant. What's it called? A flan. It looks like a flan.
Starting point is 00:45:54 But you zoom in. Zoom in and on the flan, on the cum flan. Yeah, I wouldn't want that. I, please don't make me. You wouldn't even know that it, you wouldn't even know know I you wouldn't know what about if some guy was serving you Come for lawn come for lawn a comma Falauna comma and then I found it after yeah, don't force food down Don't force your semen down my throat, but you know that semen has a lot of vitamins. Yes
Starting point is 00:46:22 They did it's good for you, but you can also take a vitamin. That's for your health. I don't want any man forcing his comma me in any way, shape or form. So, okay, today's topic. I'll be fine with a husband then. No, he does. I mean, I have no issues with comma.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I just don't want it to be forced upon me in the flan. Feedback at Can you count how many times we said come in the past a lot a lot Emales, okay, today we're talking about role playing okay, okay, so we're gonna get into that I thought all you ladies were gonna dress up for me. We were gonna go into and then it was raining and It was all the time. I'm gonna I'm gonna dress up again I wasn't really expecting for you guys to dress up. We were.
Starting point is 00:47:06 It's cool. What were you gonna dress up as? I have a schoolgirl uniform that's super hot. I know that's cheesy, but it's really sexy. It's got it. You're really gonna, you're really gonna wear it. I really was gonna wear it. There's like outside this room,
Starting point is 00:47:21 we're at by the way, we should have mentioned that. Yes, mention that. We're at their offices It's an app that you download for your mobile phone, smartphone, and you can stream the show. If you're friends with benefits member, you just type in your password one time and you can listen to the show on the canyons. Any time, yeah. Anyways, so we're in their studio. A studio has windows and you look outside the studio.
Starting point is 00:47:41 There's about two girls and about 20 guys. Right seen it I know so you're really gonna walk in here listen to the show these dudes these guys I think so yeah I mean curious they know they know we are yeah but we come in to the office they're obviously food you eat their food I never eat I know I know I'm sorry their food okay so um but but role playing so you're saying if I came in a school Goa uniform that would have been kind of I Would have thought that was funny. I should have I will and I will do it again We'll do another world play which got by the time but it's I have this little
Starting point is 00:48:16 Plads skirt that's really cute that I actually made I got it like a the second hand store and I cut it I put a thing on it and I've got these little white tights and little white knee highs and it's sexy and like a way to check with it on. Yes. Yeah. How'd that go? It was good. It was good.
Starting point is 00:48:33 I actually, yeah. It's really stains on it. No stains. I washed it. It was a long time ago with this guy that I was dating that had the seasick, I love the schoolgirl thing. I'm like, I've got something and I put it on. It was super fun.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Cool. Yeah. It's awesome. Okay. So how do you ease into role play? If you've been thinking I want to role play, I want to spice up my relationship, how do you ease into it? Gently bring up new ways to spice up your life. So spice up your sex life. So like subtle hints a guy could give would be like, you'd look so sexy in something like that. If you were out shopping, you'd be like, that would be really hot in your first fall. I love when guys are like, that would be hot on you. Or I want to buy that, whatever, if you want to buy it from here,
Starting point is 00:49:07 you just think it would be hot. I'm not jealous. I'm not whatever. Even for women's wearing something, you think that's hot. I want to dress, I mean, I usually dress for me, like for what, so I feel sexy, because I feel like if I feel sexy,
Starting point is 00:49:17 then you're going to think I'm sexy. But to find out what your partner finds attractive is a big part of it. To be like, oh, I find that's attractive. So like you could say, you look great until I need that if you pass a lingerie store or something like that, lingerie or a sex store. Or I'd like to put those cups on you tonight.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Like if you see a cup in the store, you go to a sex toy store, go to a, they have tons of costumes and sex toy stores often. Or you can just go to a cost Halloween store. Costumes, or we have tons of them in San Francisco because you go wearing costumes all the time. I like the hot cop hot cop. Oh, do you?
Starting point is 00:49:48 That's hot. But I don't want them putting handcuffs on me or anything. I know, you're afraid they're gonna say you're wallet. We won't put handcuffs on you. But the hot cop is really hot, like those glasses and she's wearing her shirt like button down to here and she's like, hey. Giving you a ticket.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Cracking a joke about what a weird request you have or how silly you feel or even thinking of such a thing is a great way to make your girlfriend feel comfortable in situations you might feel uneasy about. So the entire time I have been guys bringing it up. Make it fair. The last thing you want to do is show up at a door with a blonde wig and a cheerleading outfit for her and nothing for you.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Encouraging to live out a few of your own role playing fancies by getting going to sex shops together. I'm picking out something for you. That way you'll make her feel like it's a plan. So you guys, and again, it's like about going in and going in together. It's about being in the right state of mind too. If you're gonna role play, you have to be a right state of mind.
Starting point is 00:50:32 It's really hard to get to the mental place when you think if you think someone's gonna be laughing or judging you, if you make it serious, if you make, if you take the situation seriously and show us some respect, she will do the same thing for you. So like you wanna play and it's funny, but you also kinda gotta do a little like,
Starting point is 00:50:45 we're going to get into the role here. Like, I'm writing you a ticket. Yeah. Bad. Okay, so what would you want a guy dressed up as? I don't know. Um, I don't really know.
Starting point is 00:51:01 You don't know at all. That's what I thought is dressed up. I think that like, I think that it's more for the woman dresses up more, but if the guy is dressed up like something, he has bonded equipment and he can tie me up. That'd be really hot. Maybe he's a cop and he's got a rope around his waist. Did they go? That's just a cowboy.
Starting point is 00:51:22 A cowboy has a rope. Maybe he's a cowboy. And he is a row. I just think it's sexy. You want a? That does the cowboy. The cowboy has a role. He's a cowboy. And he has a role. I just think it's interesting. You want a guy that's dressed up as a cowboy? Yep. Would you be into that?
Starting point is 00:51:32 Yeah. Would he have to wear a sweatshirt? I think role-playing is a lot of women. But role-playing isn't just the costumes. It's about like a scenario, like creating a sexy scenario. And again, people laugh about this, but I can't tell you how many couples I know have been together a long time and they did the whole go to a bar
Starting point is 00:51:47 and pretend that you're strangers and you've never met. I know you laugh at that, but I've friends who've really done that. They've been together, you know, five, 10 years and they go to a bar and they pick each other up again. Like that's role playing. Like that's like fun. Like let's meet and let's like rent a hotel room and this hotel lets me.
Starting point is 00:52:02 And it's like you create, because what happens with relationships and the reason why I'm talking about this is because you do get stuck in your routine you are doing the same thing over and over again so to say like let's have a night even it's awkward so what if it's awkward and you laugh at each other and you giggle and you're trying to do some kind of scenario where he's giving you a parking ticket or you've been bad and he spanks you you've been a bad school girl and he's dressed like the professor and he spanks you and you laugh at that men is laughing at that maybe. No, you're not.
Starting point is 00:52:26 But it can be really hot. If you get out of the mindset of like this is so crazy and weird, it can be a really hot thing to do with your partner. Yeah, already can play World of Warcraft. Right. You could play strip World of Warcraft. No, I don't know what it is. World of Warcraft is online role playing game. It's like one of the biggest ones in the world. I don't know what it is. World Warcraft is an online role-playing game.
Starting point is 00:52:46 It's like one of the biggest ones in the world. I've heard of it. I've heard of it. I've heard of it. I have heard of it. I just never played it. Shock. Okay. What? Leave a question. I was just going to say, if you're with your lady and you're really into World Warcraft, you know, being one room. Can you dress up like the World Warcraft players? Yeah, I really want to. I've seen that be hot. Yeah, whatever whatever your real world of Warcraft in your house and your dress up as your world of Warcraft avatar. That would be what's the avatar like is like silvery? No, you can be all kinds of I want to be a hot sexy avatar. You can be like a troll. What do you want it? I don't want to be a troll avatar That's on hot and sexy. I'm sure sexy troll girl not hot. You know how many guys would be into that sexy troll
Starting point is 00:53:32 Sexy troll I'm not sure it wouldn't be good for me wouldn't be good for my Emmett from world of warcraft. They'll be amazing Better than the hamburger. Oh, the hamburger is hard. Menace wanted me to dress like the hamburger. And I'd rather be windy from Wendy's and you almost freaked out. I didn't want to be windy from Wendy's because I actually. Yeah, you're tormented as a child. I didn't want to wear a red wig and the braids. But I could do the the checkered dress that she wears.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Yeah. Okay, so here's some of the benefits of role playing. It gives you and your partner the chance to open up to each other. It challenges you to communicate your feelings. You may even reveal your deepest secrets and fantasies. You might be surprised to know your own actions or your partners during role play.
Starting point is 00:54:16 You might be surprised at your own actions or your partners. Either of you may discover an unknown turn on. Maybe you really enjoy being dominated. Or maybe she got hot from calling you officer. Officer, I swear. I got pulled over by an officer once. I like hot Indians to the hot Indians. Oh yeah. Yeah. Native American. Yeah. Exactly. It's okay. Oh, Conniss. Right. You can say whatever. Someone just go with to be so PC careful. I think they made a feather Native American. We don't have an Native exactly. But I think that that is super hot. So that's some of the benefits.
Starting point is 00:54:47 I'll tell my cops during another day. Setting a date, agreeing to scenario, when you both agree that you're going to do it. And here's some common beginner scenarios to get you started. Stripper, customer, a lot of women that better into that. Like here's, you know, give her a hundred bucks or whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Hooker and John play the swavv rich John, hiring a high class escrow for the evening. Leave money on the dresser, let her do all the work. porn star slash director. Be a porn director, filming his favorite actors, pleasureing yourself. Give her very precise directions and make sure she is a real orgasm. Viewers can always tell when it's fake. Older man, younger woman. Plain older experienced man teaching a shy young woman the art of sex be a firm guide and teacher everything
Starting point is 00:55:27 You know employee boss. That's another good scenario Be the stern boss and teach your employer lesson and leadership sexual tensions run high at the office and it will come to a head for the two of you patient doctor That's a big one the nurse playing doctor. Play the doctor that gets to douced by his less severe patient or the flustered sex therapist on success we're trying to cure an infomaniac. Then there's teacher student, cop thief, cop thief, teacher student, go as far as you want to. If you feel as though the scenarios don't feel right, try switching roles.
Starting point is 00:55:58 You may feel more comfortable in the submissive roles. You never know. Okay. Tomorrow's show I'm going to give you successful tips for online dating. And my interns will be talking about their experiences online dating. Real live intern dates over the weekend
Starting point is 00:56:14 that they're going to share hilariousness, will and so I promise. It's pretty, it's pretty good. I remember I called you after the show because we already pre-recorded it because you're gonna be out town and I called you that day and I was like saying how good it was. It was really good. Like, it meant it's never calls and just says things are good.
Starting point is 00:56:34 In fact, you said things are bad usually. But you called to say it was a really good show tomorrow so you don't want to miss it. Okay, everyone. Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily and thanks everyone for becoming a friend with benefits. Remember, we so appreciate it and we appreciate you. So thanks for listening to Sex with Emily, and thanks everyone for becoming a friend of the benefits member. We so appreciate it, and we appreciate you. So thanks for listening. Was it good for you?
Starting point is 00:56:48 Email me feedback at

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