Sex With Emily - Sex Toy Review: Intense & Unplugged

Episode Date: September 2, 2015

Today is everyone’s favorite day at the Sex With Emily podcast. That’s right, it’s Sex Toy Review Day and the gang’s all here! Emily and her trusty team are reviewing innovative new products, ...and providing new insight on some old favorites. From the game-changing “kegel exerciser meets Rabbit vibrator” to the newly liberated Magic Wand rechargeable, and even a Fleshlight or two, the SWE team members share their individual experiences and give helpful hints to guide you to your sex toy success!Are you looking for a way to strengthen your orgasms? Could your goodie drawer use some fun new upgrades? Today’s show is all about bringing pertinent sex toy information straight to you, the listeners. So tune in and get ready to talk toys! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. It's everyone's favorite day, Sex Toy Review Day. My amazing Sex with Emily team is reviewing some of the most innovative products, plus giving a new twist on some of the old favorites. Thanks for listening. You know how I'm always talking about how important it is to mix things up in the bedroom? Well, hustle Hollywood stores should be your main destination to the best toys, erotica, the sexist lingerie, and most of all,
Starting point is 00:00:25 the easiest way to find answers to what you've been looking for to how to enhance your sex life. I always say it's great first date night. Take them to a hospital, Hollywood, start, and figure out, you know, maybe not first date, a date night, a second date. Figure out what you both like.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Oh, that toy looks hot, or have you ever watched this kind of porn? It's a great way to figure out what you and your partner want to try, what you like, despite its very relationship, or if you just need a special toy for yourself. Also, they have a new website,, and you can use sex with Emily at checkout, and you get 20% off, any of their toys, any of
Starting point is 00:00:57 their products. Also, if you go to their store, you also say sex with Emily at the counter, and you get 20% off all your sexy purchases. How fun is that? So go to and have a good time there, because I know you will, spicy for sex life. Eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Bit rumies, they call them in a fight on day. Hey, Avaline, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken.
Starting point is 00:01:33 He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair stand. Oh, my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, not only? What do you mean, like laundry? It's shrink? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:01:43 Oh, my God. I, I feel so grown. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can check out all of our podcasts. You can so easily subscribe to the podcast. You just, you know, click on the subscribe button to a week.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Do you love that? Plus, you have blogs on our site. We have videos, so many fun things happening there. And really, if you like listening to the show, you should really check out the site because we always have more information and blog posts and things like that will change your life. Just like the team here has changed everyone's life
Starting point is 00:02:41 because they are the people who make sex with Emily Ron and make it so possible. I'm so glad that we're all here today. Hi everyone. Yes. Hi. This is a big day you guys. Really? Because you know, we get a lot of toys in the, into the office. I mean, every, it's kind of a joke. I mean, we actually do videos if you took out our Instagram. We do. It's like the other day we get Madison 20 pounds of fleshlight.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Uh, yeah, I think it was roughly 21 pounds of fleshlight delivered to the office. It's pretty amazing. It's exciting. It's like, what's in the box every day? We don't know. So we pick out toys and we all try them out. And so we can give you information because I know I never ever talk about products that I don't believe in and that we haven't tried and that we don't like.
Starting point is 00:03:17 So we've picked a range today that we're going to go through. But these aren't just toys. These are things that will like take your sex life and your relationship to the next level. So if you're really not only toys, it's about intimacy, enhancing intimacy and intimacy with your partner and with yourself. Because some of these toys are gonna do things to your body that I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:03:35 no matter how great your vagina is and your penis, it can't do the things that these toys can do. And they will help you have better sex together in a part. I'm tying you, right guys? Do you agree? I agree. Yes. Okay, you don't disagree. I mean, I don't, they're not a part. I'm tying you, right guys? Do you agree? I agree. Yes, absolutely. Okay, you don't agree. I mean, I don't, I they're not yes men.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Let me say that, or women. Okay, fine, I'm only no, that I don't agree. Okay, so let's just give a little, okay, that's Madison. People have heard her voice before on the show. A lot, Madison is my producer. We have our intern Eddie. Hey guys. He's been amazing.
Starting point is 00:04:00 He's been here willing to jump in and try everything out. We'll be talking about the flashlight. Alyssa, my assistant, who rocks and Laurie. Hi. Hi, Laurie. Laurie is doing everything too in the office. We're all working together here. We are really everything you see from sex and we people we are creating it to you guys can about our sex. This is the deal. We, I, okay, the first thing we're going to start with today is anything else you want to say before we get started? Anyone you guys want to say anything about how happy you are working here? So happy.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Honestly, it's been the funnest past couple months of my life. Can't believe it's real. I'm not paying you to say that, okay? My masturbation game is like really on point right now. What does that mean? What do you mean? What do you mean? I just am getting more out of masturbating and doing it more often and liking it more. Yeah. Oh, okay
Starting point is 00:04:46 We're gonna get into that more. So before that before prior to this job I've always kind of masturbated, but I feel like I was in a little bit of a rut like before this Wow, we got your masturbation, right? Okay. I love that the dream. The dream. Live in the dream. Live in the dream Okay, so we don't want to waste any of your time here. Let's get started with the intensity. So the intensity is, if you haven't heard me talk about it in a prior shows, today we're gonna break it down for you. So here's what happened.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I have a friend, he's a, you know, a friend of my husband, my friends, husband. He's an investor and he's a really powerful guy in LA and he invests in really important groundbreaking medical devices, which is, you know, brand on one day when I get a call from him. I don't know where I said Emily. There's a company that's doing some amazing stuff
Starting point is 00:05:35 in the sexual health space. And I've got this product. I don't know. You're the expert. Can you try it out and tell me what you think? If we should, you know, help them grow, give them money. It's by these doctors. They've helped all these women try it out.
Starting point is 00:05:46 So he hands me these boxes of this thing product called the intensity. So when you first see it looks like a rabbit vibrator, but on the shaft there are two stainless steel plates. These are the muscle stimulators, the part that do your hyperlapticizes for you. There's also a tiny little appendage that comes out from the shaft like the rabbit ears that barbates like the clitoris, which is standard for most rabbit eyes. And what it does is, so you've also heard me talk about the importance of doing your cagula exercises.
Starting point is 00:06:12 They're for men and for women, but today we're focusing more on female, strengthening the female pelvic floor, but yes, men can do them too. So the amazing thing about this product is that, okay, the importance of chagolacresisers are they straight from your pelvic floor muscles. So what is your pelvic floor? Okay. The pelvic floor, it supports your internal pelvic organs. Okay, what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:06:35 This is what gives you control over your bladder, your bowel, and for men, the pelvic floor is important for rectile function and ejaculation. So for women, pelvic floor muscles can help you with greater sexual satisfaction and a brousal. So what am I saying? When we do our cagula exercises, you tense and you relax, and that will strengthen them over time. So why is this important?
Starting point is 00:06:56 Well, when you do these exercises, you strengthen pelvic floor because like any other muscle, like when you go to the gym, you do your biceps, or you do your squats, you have to exercise them or they atrophy They don't work anymore. They don't feel good You got flabby arms. What are they called those what are they called and you got the bed? If you don't do your triceps you got flabby abs if you don't do your abs and your pelvic floor
Starting point is 00:07:20 Which no one's gonna walk out going. Did you see that chicks pelvic floor? Okay, which is why we probably don't focus as much time on it, because you're like, I don't really see that result, so I don't understand. The problem is for women is that over time, your pelvic floor like any other muscle becomes weak,
Starting point is 00:07:36 and this can start in your 20s, 30s, it definitely in your 40s and 50s, and it just happens, it drops, it becomes weak, and the problem is women have problems like, you know, and this happens to you guys sometimes, right? The women in their knees, you pee maybe, your pants, jump on trampoline, you pee. Also, you're in our account, and it's a child,
Starting point is 00:07:56 so like if a woman is a child, after a child birth, things get stretched out, you just supergiant it. You wanted to be tighter. Women are always saying, like, how does it tie to my tight? This is the answer to all your problems, because when you do these exercises,
Starting point is 00:08:06 it will become tighter. Plus, the benefits of having straight stronger exercises, even if you're like, oh, it's fine. I've never felt any p-year. I've never had any problems. I have amazing orgasms. When you do these exercises, your orgasms as a woman become much, my and men, for ejaculation,
Starting point is 00:08:22 become much, much stronger, because you're working your internal muscles, you're a clitoris, that vaginal elusive g-spot orgasm you all talk about, they become stronger. So when I launched my app, Kegelcamp, a few years ago, I thought, it was really like everything, I need to do them more. Like, I know the benefits of them, because I've done them like, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:41 for a month and then stopped, so I committed to three months, I did them, and I'm telling you guys. And I too, Laurie, when I started my show 10 years ago, up my masturbation game, my sex game, I was not like everything, I didn't have all the answers. So when I was doing them, and I'm doing again now with this new thing we're gonna tell you about,
Starting point is 00:08:59 I know joke, I could have orgasms in, I could have orgasms probably in half the time that I usually can. Plus, I was able to have during intercourse, which you know only 30% of women can have orgasms, G-spot orgasms, which I can, but it's not as frequent every time. Plus, I was having the blended orgasms. So I had the literal... It was like a whole different game, because when you're strengthening it,
Starting point is 00:09:24 it's like those muscles are like they're tighter. So they're, so they're hitting your g spot, your g spots, it's like, it's all in, you know, it's just like, it's just tighter and stronger. And when you're doing the exercises also, like I find like, you know, you also become like more turned on. So I was like masturbating more in the whole thing, it like changed my sex game. And then I stopped. So because it's just kind of a pain sometimes
Starting point is 00:09:45 to sit there with the app and do it yourself. And people do them wrong. So we got this intensity, right, that I just told you about this product. And it was invented by a doctor. And it was specifically just given to clients, patients had to go and see their doctor. The doctors would have to use it on them.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I know that sounds kind of crazy, but he would definitely, because it was a very expensive machine. It was like a thousand dollar machine and biofeedback, because so many women go in with this problem, either sexual dysfunction, they just can never orgasms after childbirth or, you know, it's everything's looser down there. And so, but then they thought,
Starting point is 00:10:16 why don't we make a portable one? That women can just take home and use, right? And strengthen it. So, they created this product. And so, the amazing thing about this product is that it does them for you literally. It's like there is nothing will do your abs for you. Like nothing will do it run for you. But these you lie there and it actually, I don't even have to tense and relax. It's doing it and it feels really, really pleasant. I honestly think this is going to be revolutionary because women who last night in a love line, for example, we got three calls from women who said that they've never had orgasm
Starting point is 00:10:47 during intercourse, which you know is really common. And there was one woman who said she hasn't wanted since her children, and I was like, I believe that if you, the more in touch you are with your body, the more you masturbate, and the more you do the exercises, the more sex you want, and the more. So I feel like with this toy, it's a combination of a medical, like, it does your exercises, plus it's a goddamn rabbit vibrator. So it has the vibrations on it. So it's like you have vibrations and you have orgasms and exercise your muscles. So first you cover the muscle stimulators in the electrode gel, which comes with the
Starting point is 00:11:21 intensity. Then you insert it into your vagina and slowly you inflate the shaft so that the muscle simulators are in complete contact with the muscle surround the vagina. It's so cool because it customizes the fit to every person's body's difference. So it'll customize it and it just stops when I know that it's in the right position. Then you start increasing the stimulation controls. There are two different sets of controls in the intensity. So one is for a vibration and one is for kegul stimulation. So you increase the stimulation to feel full muscle contraction. And there's no need to move around once it's inside you.
Starting point is 00:11:58 So I just lie there and I felt super relaxed. Like I had inside me and I laid back and I was like, wow, I felt sort of this like zen, peaceful relaxation and I've never felt that kind of stimulation inside my vagina for and I felt that in the past I probably wasn't doing my kegels as effectively and I felt like I chilled and I meditated. It's the same way that you might feel if all of a sudden you have all these like dishes to do and someone comes along and does them for you and you're just like oh I'm just gonna kick back and let someone else do the dishes and And they get you an orgasm while they do it.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah, it's pretty good. Right. The sensation is not like something I've ever felt before. I mean, it was totally, totally new. Like when the muscle stimulators, the two stainless steel plates that are on there, when they activate, it's like, it's intense. Intense, really.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Right. But they act, yeah, exactly. I mean, what did you think? Unless of the intense of the stimulus. So it took me, yeah, it took me two times to really understand it and feel it. And I really like it. First of all, I love what it does. And it feels great when you figure it out.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I've never felt like it's an interesting feeling of being full. And like, full and stimulated, which I know is kind of what sex is, but it's like a different feeling. Yeah. In in its own, I don't know, it's different and I loved it. Yeah, and it's perfectly and it's like designed to fit into, because as you know, all vaginas are unique, like beautiful little snowflakes. Right. And it's like perfectly designed to fit into every single vagina and like fit every woman a little bit differently. That's part of the pump thing is that you pump it up so it will fill you Completely because you're supposed to feel full and all of that and I feel like with a most insertable sex toys You kind of have this like you're it's very obvious that you're not completely full that there's like a you know
Starting point is 00:13:38 Like a dildo or something in you this just kind of like fills you right up So it's like it's just totally. And then you've also got the vibrations filling you up. And that's nice as well. Exactly. And I think that's why it took one or two times is to find the right level of fullness for me. You've got to play on with it and figure it out exactly. And once you get that sweet spot, you're golden.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Exactly. You had to puff it up. And then you feel like, I thought it was just cool. And I found that it was just like, so I at first, the whole deal is that you could just buy the Apex, they've a toy called the Apex that just does the exercise for you, but this one is a wrap.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I turned off the wrap and I was like, I'm just gonna do this. So I just laid back and it felt tingly at first. But to me it was like, all of a sudden, I felt like I felt like I had to meditate. I felt like it was really like meditative and that it felt, but I actually did it for 10 minutes because when I met with the woman from Intensity, she was like, oh, meditated, I felt like it was really like meditative and that it felt, but I did, I actually did it for 10 minutes, because when I met with the woman from intense, she was like, oh, you know, do it for, because I met with the man that
Starting point is 00:14:30 I tried, I was like, oh my god, and I've met with the person the woman who runs it. And she was like, do it for 10. So then I felt like I've gotten to this zone where at first, it just felt like I was relaxing that it was doing these muscles. And then I felt like, then I started to get turned on. Then I started to get like a rouse after like 10 minutes and like super peaceful relax. And I felt like these muscles were working.
Starting point is 00:14:49 And then I turned on the rabbit vibration part, which I typically not a huge to be honest. Like I like rabbit vibes or not, I go to a McCliddle vibe girl. So then I turned on the rabbit simulation part, like after I was done doing the exercises, which you should do like five times a week. You could do it five minutes a day, and then I have the most incredible blended orgasm that
Starting point is 00:15:12 no other toys ever given me. I haven't even told you five days later on the inside. Exactly, for your internal, for your internal clitoris. You use separate vibrators on the toy. Right. It's crazy. So what did you think of the internal vibrations? on the toy. Right. It's crazy. So what did you think of the internal vibrations? Oh, I couldn't really feel the internal, but I also think that I went a little bit ham with the stimuli. Yeah, I went a little, sorry, ham. I went hard. I went a little bit harder with the stimulation, because I really wanted to make sure I was feeling that. So I was turning up the vibrations. I did have it pretty high, but I mostly felt the stimulator, which was really cool and very like totally new sensation. It's like I never
Starting point is 00:15:50 realized I wasn't doing my kegel exercises correctly, until I felt it doing them for me. And I was like, oh hey, that's what that's like. And then it even says in the directions, like part of to feel the full results, you need to also do free kegels when you finish up with it. And I felt like I knew how to do them better once I removed the toy, because it was like muscle memory. I knew what it felt like then. Right, exactly, I could do it right now.
Starting point is 00:16:12 That was really cool. Yeah, exactly. Oh, next month, you guys, we are doing a Kaggle. Next month is all about Kaggles, too, in the office. We're doing, it's about, it's sex education next month, but we're going to be having a little Kaggle contest. We're going to run through our Kaggle Camp. We're going to do videos.
Starting point is 00:16:24 It's going to be a fascinating series. We're going to see the under the cagal contest. But here's the thing about the inner. So a lot of them we don't know though, this is the straightening your inner clitoris. There's 15,000 nerve endings. And it's part of the clitoris. So it internally runs along the root of the vagina.
Starting point is 00:16:38 So there's these four inches of legs, like the clitoris. So people are like, oh, I don't get why if I I brought my labia or the inside, why that feels good, because it's all really connected. So that's how you have that elusive vaginal or g-spot orgasm is when you also, also, are so anything the inside clitoris is really all connected to the g-spot as well. So that's something special about this. And then you got the external. And yeah. So what else you guys, could you guys feel, I mean, I know that have you guys felt
Starting point is 00:17:06 the strengthening of it, have you felt like, have you done it over time? I mean, I know that we're starting with it, but I feel, I don't know, I felt like it's, and even when I've now had sex afterwards, I'm so much, I don't know, I just feel like I'm walking around. I'm feeling like more aroused,oused in my day-to-day life from this goddamn machine.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I swear to God, this is amazing. What? I'm really excited about it. Ever since I heard of what it is, that machine is a toy. And I just feel like every time I talk to my friends, I'm like, you guys have to try it because they're all like a lot of them have kids.
Starting point is 00:17:40 They're like, I can't. And I think it gets you in the mood for sex more. Totally. All of it. I mean, it's like when you start working out you're like for your beach body You know and you're like super stoked to hit the beach and show it off because you've been doing all this work on And I feel like that's it you know you're walking around carrying like a loaded gun basically You're like yeah, I've been working for this. It's gonna be good. Yeah, exactly So yeah the benefits and alone just make it worth it even if it didn't vibrate
Starting point is 00:18:02 I feel like a lot of people would still need like would still want to use it because it's just, it benefits you so much in the long run. I can't wait to see it. And one of my favorite things that when we first heard about it was that it's also like a preemptive thing, you know, so it was like we get older and you know all the natural things happen. If we do these enough and use the toy long enough, then when the time comes we're just going to be tight and ready to go forever. And so I think that that helped me to start noticing it more, you know, and being more in touch and definitely feeling stronger.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And that's awesome. Yeah. And it's really gonna get better. I love it. And you too. Oh yeah. I mean, I'm really excited for the next time I have sex with someone because I feel like I want them to be like, oh, you're so tight down there.
Starting point is 00:18:42 I can feel you contracting or not contracting. No, it's true. I can feel you contracting around. No, it's true. But I can feel you squeezing around me. Well, they can. OK, so that's the other thing I might say. There was so many things I wanted to say here, as I often do, when I do these cacoles, the guy I was dating when I was really into my cacoles for that three-month period,
Starting point is 00:18:57 he could feel it tighter. Like, I could feel it tighter. I was a boyfriend in San Francisco, and it was like, I could feel it. He could feel it. And so what this woman from intensity was telling me was that, so I had that experience with him and I was like, oh my God, you could rip.
Starting point is 00:19:10 It's like, I could rip his penis off. I love that, because that's not. No, I didn't want to rip it off. I'm kidding. But of course, the guy is always so in control of every movement and action that happens and then like to know that I can like, move my vagina around it.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Right, so and when you're doing pulsing as it you're more likely to have those orgasms too. And then this woman told me you have all these women. So there's all this stuff down with women getting labial plastic and stuff to the vagina or tighter. They think it's like it's like a cosmetic fix like after kids or whatever. Well it turns out that what happens a lot of these women go back to the doctor like three months later and they're like what happened? Well because it got stretched out again. So now doctors are saying, get this intensity.
Starting point is 00:19:48 So and then so you'll be tighter. It's like a non-surgical vaginal origenation. Exactly. That's why everyone's talking about this. And I just feel like honored. And so often that we get to like try it out. Try it out. And the other thing I was just going to say about is, oh, the lady plays the tighter.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Yeah, just that you feel tighter and that your partner will feel too, because like a lot of men are written in sets here. Yeah, like I think feel tighter and that your partner will feel too, because a lot of men have written it and said to you, yeah, like I think if you look at their testimonies of things they've sent us, I said it, like, changes their sex. They've been for women. I also think I was talking in Dr. Drew about this. We've been talking on Dr. Drew Pinsky.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I love that with me about this. And I just, I'm getting one for his wife too, because I said to him, I said, you know, it hurts me that so many women, because one of the top questions we also get asked, is like women who just have lower libido than their partners, or, you know, it hurts me that so many women, because one of the top questions we also get asked, is like women who just have lower libido than their partners, or, you know, not in the mood, different times a month, after childbirth again,
Starting point is 00:20:30 or just whatever. And I think it's because women, they've met in masterbite a lot more frequently than women. That's no. But I think that if you have a slump or something that you're just not feeling sexual, the more that you, just like, you know, when you start going to the gym and you feel healthier
Starting point is 00:20:45 and just makes you want to eat healthier and make it like a change to your whole life. And I told him, as an easy think, look to me, he's like, you know, you might be a reverse he's like, you're insane, but then he was like, you know, I think you're right. And I said something about this. But I just strengthened these muscles.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Like, it takes you five minutes. I think this could solve, like, you know, this new libido pill came out for women that I think that this could solve it. And women would have more desire if they were more in touch and it wouldn't just be like go masturbate it's like you're increasing this muscle that will actually make you want to have more sex as a result. And also you know like guys talk about girls getting loose or whatever
Starting point is 00:21:16 which really like upsets me. But what about like guys that just have a slender penis? Yeah I'm not that much of a slender. Like, you have a skinny dick. You know, right. Using this toy might help you if your boyfriend or partner has a skinnier penis. Yeah, that's, that's a good thing. I used to date someone who had quite slender penis
Starting point is 00:21:36 and that's when I started to like really do a lot of kegels because I was like, oh, I gotta make the facts be better. And you could feel that. I mean, it takes like two weeks, literally. That's the thing that's so amazing. It takes two, when they say like, oh, wait a month make a recipe better. And you could feel it. It takes like two weeks, literally. That's the thing that's so amazing. It takes two, when they say, like, oh, wait a month, but two weeks. I was exercise also, it was two weeks.
Starting point is 00:21:49 I'm gonna choose this. I'm gonna choose this. I'm gonna choose this. I love it. Okay, so you guys, this is the intensity by PornWah. It's, POURM. I just go to my website, click on the banner. And we are giving one away this month
Starting point is 00:22:03 that I want you all to know, which is pretty exciting. So if you want one which I'm sure you do now I hope I can't imagine they don't it's feedback at right and email to me why you want one or why you want one for your partner and we will be giving one away and we'll send it to you. Is there anything else you guys like comments? Um questions that you think because I know I'm passionate I know I miss some things go um no I don't think that I don't think it questions that you think, because I know I'm passionate. I know I might miss some things. Go. No, I don't think that. I don't think it's that you missed anything. I think it's just like for kind of like helpful tips,
Starting point is 00:22:30 you know, like that was like why it works, how it works, all of that, but like actual like troubleshooting tips. I know, as you said, it's kind of when you first are looking at it, you're like, oh, I don't know how I'm going to do this. Like this is kind of, it's all new to me. So I, the first time I sat down to try it, I was kind of freaked out. I don't even really do kiggles at all, so I was like,
Starting point is 00:22:47 what is gonna happen here? And I actually masturbated first with my magic wand, which I'm gonna talk about a little bit later, and got myself a couple orgasms deep, and I was so much more relaxed, and it was so much easier for me to like, you know, use it and actually like jump into it and enjoy it. And I think it felt better because I was already stimulated, you know, when you're
Starting point is 00:23:07 you're already aroused, everything's just swollen and like tender inside. So I watched a little better. Oh, good. Yeah, I feel like that's so interesting. See, we had different sets. Yeah. So that's there. Right here is how we are all different.
Starting point is 00:23:18 So I liked getting aroused by doing it. And then it built up to me wanting to have the literal or eternal, the rabbit vibe. But you know, but that's like pleasure first. No, but it is true that most women need literal stimulation to have like a G-spot orgasm. So it would make sense that it would relax you. So that's either way, I love it.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Okay. And then I used the magic wand during and it was like, wow. Yeah, it was crazy. And you have to slow up. I mean, I orgasmed internally to the stimulation thing. So like the way it was like, like, that's like, as my like,
Starting point is 00:23:48 as my like insides were clenching, I was having a clitoral orgasm. It was pretty spectacular. Oh my God, yeah, that's what happens. This is the thing. I felt so true. Yeah, it's amazing. Nice.
Starting point is 00:23:57 And I was like, oh, I just did my kiggles. I'm good. Look at some gatorade. Exactly. Yeah. Anything else that let'sissa, do you... I did the same thing as Madison, actually, because the very first time I tried it,
Starting point is 00:24:08 I was like, I'm going to check this out. And it was enjoyable, but not as good as when I did masturbate first. And just like her, a couple orgasms deep, I loved it. Rock my work. OK. Good. Yeah, I watched some porn because I feel like that gets me
Starting point is 00:24:22 really wet. And I don't use insertable toys at all. Oh, I remember. porn because I feel like that gets me really wet. Yeah. And I don't use insertable toys at all. Oh, I'm just a never- It's just like the first time. This is my first time and it was also like, oh, it's going to, I'm going to insert it. And it's going to, you know, like stimulate my muscle. So I was really nervous about, I don't know, not being primed for insertion.
Starting point is 00:24:40 So for me, the pornography worked. Right, good. Okay, so then how did you, that was your first thing inside your vagina except for penis? Yeah. So, for me, the pornography worked. Good. Okay, so then how did you, so that was your first thing inside your vagina except for penis? Yeah. Okay, and that was, let's just break that down.
Starting point is 00:24:51 How was it? You know, I was really intimidated about it, but it was not as, I mean, I like it's intimidating because it's so big. It's just intimidating. Oh, no, it's just, it's something inside. Yeah, what I'm not used to.
Starting point is 00:25:00 But it was not as, like, it was not different from having sex. Like, I thought it would be way different, but it was just like like it was not different from having sex like I thought it would be Way different, but it was just like sex I could control and I'm also not like moving it in and out No, you just said that's you guys feel like you just you just sit like I rested on a pillow Like excited. I didn't have to hold it like I just laid back. No, I chill like I got into this deep trance that like my whole body I don't like a spiritual experience so you like so insertion, okay, And then you had orgasm before after? I had the orgasms before just like medicine. Yeah, I was, I wanted to be like real, real ready down there. And they sense totally. Oh yeah, and other thing,
Starting point is 00:25:38 you can use lube with it. Just make sure it's water-based, but in truth with the gel and everything, it inserted pretty easily, like granted, I was already aroused, but I felt that it went in really easy and I didn't even need bloom, which was like nice, but I think you can use water-based if you need it, just on top of the stimulation gel. You gotta have that gel. Yeah, it comes with it.
Starting point is 00:25:56 So it's worth it, it'll change your life. Check it out. So yeah, And that was good people. Okay. Now, we'll talk about everyone's favorite. The Magic Wand. The Magic Wand. Okay, the Magic Wand has been around for 30 years.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Those are 30th year and, right? And it's always been you guys remember, it's Cadillac Vault Vibrators. And until this year, it plugged into the wall. It plugged into the wall, which is fine. It's powerful. You're like, I'm fine. I'll take the wall.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And it still does if you wanted to buy one of those. But now it has the magic wand rechargeable. So this is what people I think have been dreaming about for years. Like, I want to take it with me. Like, I want to go to the beach. I want to mess with it in the car. I want to take it on the beach. I want to be able to be driving.
Starting point is 00:26:43 So it's cool. And they've really, really upgraded it to, in different ways, as well, that it's body safe silicone. There's different patterns. Because the other magic wand is, OK, so this is a literal device. So the other one that just specified was internal exercising your public floor.
Starting point is 00:26:59 The magic wand only, you can use it externally. Literal, you can use a massage device, which is what it was originally intended for, so they say. But it is big, but people are like, oh, and I put it inside me like no, it's just, it's literal. And it's intense because it has such strong vibrations, and they were able to mimic that with which is amazing in the rechargeable version. But the rechargeable version also has the four vibration patterns, which the other one
Starting point is 00:27:23 has two, it just has the on, right on raise to vibration patterns and no four intensities. So this has but what I love on this one Okay, you guys is that okay We'll finish this it comes with the charging adapter six foot cord You clean it with damn cloth Really funny Oh, that's really funny. Can we explain that? Yeah, I mean, we kind of have to explain why. So we did a video, a video review.
Starting point is 00:27:51 So if you aren't following us, aren't subscribing to Sex and then we are on YouTube, please go do that right now. And then you'll see the Magic One review video where Emily breaks down some of the key parts of the new rechargeable Magic One. And she kind of like shows you aside by side comparison of the olden and the new rechargeable magic wand. And she kind of like shows you a side-by-side comparison of the olden and the new one. And we were trying to figure out the best way to clean it.
Starting point is 00:28:10 And so we had said to use one thing, and then we're like, oh, we can't. So we did a voice over. We're Emily recorded the words, a damp cloth. And I'm sorry, because now when you watch it, you're going to see it. You're going to like really fear a damp cloth. Yeah, I but.
Starting point is 00:28:24 A damp cloth. Yeah, a damp cloth. A damn cloth. Yeah, I but a damn cloth. Yeah, so it's a cloth. A damn cloth. Yeah, it was a sound bite. So I have a little empty three of it on my computer because I edited it into the video and now if there's like a moment of silence in the office or just it feels like we could use some something different. I'll play it and we'll just be Emily saying a damn cloth. And all of us will reiterate it back to her like,
Starting point is 00:28:47 oh, Lori, a damn cloth. I never even been there for that. That's a good, amazing. I was there, but I was like, I know it. It missed me and they play a damn cloth. We do not have a bedtime in the office at all. So, okay. Oh, I'm gonna wash with a damn cloth.
Starting point is 00:29:04 It just rub it off. It's fine, but it's just, I mean, I've talked a lot so much I want to, you wash with a damp cloth. It just rub it off. It's fine. But I've talked a lot so much. I want to have to you guys about it too. Okay. So how do you all usually masturbate? Before I had this wonderful opportunity to start doing what I now do, I had no choice.
Starting point is 00:29:20 I was always a hands-on girl for lack of a very good girl. Really? Word, I mean. Yeah. And so I made my way very well. I've had a hands-on girl for lack of a very good girl. Really? Word, I mean. Yeah. And so, you know, I mean, I made my way very well. I've had a fabulous time. But now that I have these, magic one, Blumamad, love it.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Okay. It's my go-to for when I want a guaranteed, you know, maybe I'm like, you know, I got 10 minutes before I got to go somewhere. I feel like I'm going to use my magic wand and pop in probably three and ten minutes if I really do. Yeah, now what settings do you like? I like to start with the lowest one, just the regular vibration, and then go to, what's the second of the vibration pattern? I like that one too. I actually masturbated this morning so I could be really too. I was actually masturbated this morning, so I could be really, I could be really, I wanted to be fresh on which one I like too,
Starting point is 00:30:07 and I like number two as well, but there's four. Because it was like, I was actually gonna, I was lying about, I was like, oh, maybe I should record this so we could do the different, like, okay, I lost, not me masturbating, but just like the patterns are like, mm, mm, mm, mm,
Starting point is 00:30:20 like there's different, like, so it's like a rising and falling, a rising falling of different ways. Which I never used to be into the waves, but now I'm into the waves with this one, because it's like my orgasm can build and walk and down, up and down with. I love that.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Okay, and so... Yeah, okay, so Madison. Madison on the mic here. Madison on the mic. So, yeah, I actually had the luck to get an original magic one, the kind that plugs into the wall, and it's my favorite, kept it bedside when anyone would come over my boyfriend and be like, Madison, put away your wand, come on, we have company, and I was like, it's fine, they know what I do. So it was very exciting at the rechargeable
Starting point is 00:31:00 one. And the settings, honestly, I think the settings are what makes it my new favorite toy because you've got the choice of like some people really like the continuous like, and like that's awesome. That was the old magic wand. That was like it was a one trick pony. That was its thing that it did. Yeah, exactly it went turbo and then like super turbo. And so this new one it starts off a little bit more gentle like the lowest setting is a little more manageable, which is good, because I'm very sensitive down there. And I can't handle a really intense direct vibration right away. So I actually use it over my underwear, which is what I'd recommend to anybody who's like,
Starting point is 00:31:34 oh, I can't use a magic wand. It'll burn my clitoris off. Where underwear, you're going to be happy you did. You will love it. Yeah, some people definitely need to wear underwear over it or put some things right. Yeah, exactly. Teacher, a damn cloth. Yeah, exactly. I'm putting it in a damn
Starting point is 00:31:45 cloth. A damn cloth. So I use it over my underwear and I start off with the, you know, like the continuous one and I really build. Like I learned how to have multiple orgasms and how to have extended orgasms by playing around with the settings on this and I'm really excited to share. So a lot of people go into the magic wand like yes, it is a hidden and quid it kind of sex toy. If that's what you're looking for you can go in in 15 seconds later mind blowing orgasms and you're done. You can go about your day. I like to take my time with it and I kind of tease myself. I like hold it close to my clitoris but not quite or I use it in the surrounding areas and really just like build up that orgasm and then I have the first one on the lowest setting like the lowest like continuous setting and then I switch it
Starting point is 00:32:28 to the I think it's number four on the different patterns and it's one that's like really slow wave and what's funny is it makes a really loud sound when it gets to that like crescendo and like rattles a little bit because it's working so hard but it's so like your neighbors can hear. Oh it's much quieter than the old one was too by that that's a really important way quieter um yeah and then that one will take me into multiple orgasms like right away if I just do that slow little build up with the the continuous and then I go into the wave one and I just kind of play around with it like seven or like it's crazy it is really, really special.
Starting point is 00:33:05 It takes time, you gotta tease yourself, you can't be too hard to stay, but. And you can rub, and the thing is also that you said was important, is the teasing, is that, and like, is that learning, when I always talk about masturbation, it's important to learn your own body, these are the kind of things I'm talking about,
Starting point is 00:33:18 the textures of it, who are like, what do you mean learn your, okay, I got it, I have a literal orgasm, I know what we're saying is like, there's different ways that you can train your body and learn how to delay your orgasms so you can have longer, stronger orgasms or you can build to it and teasing yourself. So we always talk about teasing during sex
Starting point is 00:33:35 when we're giving people advice with their partners, but you can just use it and rob up your labia robin your inner thighs, tease yourself with it because it feels so good. The vibrations get dramatically. Use it in your nipples. Oh oh I've never even I'm sorry I did meet their one the nipple thing yeah oh yeah I never like really stimulate my nipples yeah
Starting point is 00:33:54 with a little waterways interesting oh yeah I'm gonna do that sorry I'm gonna throw you off here yeah do tonight yeah that's okay I was just gonna say that the magic wand is how I learned that my orgasm on the right side of my clitoris is totally different from the orgasm on the left side of my clitoris. And when I was using the magic wand is when I discovered that because you know you're holding it at a specific angle and like my left hand, we get tired. So I was like, so I'm like, so how would they get different? The right stronger?
Starting point is 00:34:19 The right upper left. My on my right side, it is a more extended intense orgasm I would say and then on my left side It is a more like quick fire. That's how okay. That's kind of I think the upper left quadrant of the clitoris There's like eight different parts of the My strong No, that's more that's strong side. No, that's totally common actually in women That's right But I love that you know because the right one the left left one's where one people can feel it, but the right one is more extended. It's a left one
Starting point is 00:34:47 is more common for women, which is so funny that you found that out and I love this. You guys are like, you guys are like modern day explorers that you're a very, very, very rational explorers. That's amazing, but that's true. And people, because everyone I first heard this was early on, and I was like, oh yeah, there's quadrants to the clitors. I'm like, come on, I'm lucky if like people can just find the clitoris. So that's everyone then. Everyone has it's like the quadrant. It's not a special. No, I'm saying that we all different, there's nothing but it's for other women, it could be different sides. That's why every again, we're like, stuff like vagina. Okay, I'm going to tell you, first of all, okay, we'll come back to the
Starting point is 00:35:22 magic one in a second, but first I'm going to, if you think we've been talking about vaginas, I'm now going to talk about your penis for a second, because I want to tell you about promescence, just a little quick break here to tell you that if you're a peanut, if you'd like to have sex that lasts longer, especially if you're with any of the women like these who are now having longer, stronger, powerful organisms, I know you might want to less a little bit longer in bed. It just happens. Not everybody, you know, some men last like four minutes. They might want to less eight.
Starting point is 00:35:52 And the truth is there is an orgasm gap. Typically it takes women, you know, 15, 20 minutes, 30, to have an orgasm sometimes during sex. Men, not so much. So this helps close the orgasm gap. Also helps men who are premature ejaculation. It's actually the only FDA-approved treatment. But any interneti, you use promessant.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Talk to me about it. So I actually used it to masturbate with the fleshlight. And I might usually go around like five to seven minutes with it. And I feel like I lasted almost like 20 that half an hour with it. Really, with using the progressive. Okay, so tell me, like how did you? So first you apply it, make sure, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:30 you get it everywhere, let it absorb some, don't use it before though, because then like, it'll like, I guess we're off on like someone else if you're using it with the party. You have to wait 10 minutes. Yeah, so you have to like wait those 10 minutes. And you put on your penis.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Yes, sure. And then your orgasm, so it lasted for 12 with the flashlight. That lasted, and then once I actually came, it was great. Wow. And it still felt like a great orgasm. So that's, okay, cool. I've not even seen you talk about this. Okay, I love that you used it.
Starting point is 00:36:56 So everyone should use it. Try it out, it's And you will love it. Go to my website, sex with Emily, and you can find out about everything we're talking about or click on the promessant banner. Okay, we're gonna get back to Eddie and his penis in a little bit. But let's go back to the fleshlight. Thank you, Eddie, for that.
Starting point is 00:37:10 The magic one. The magic one. Is what I meant. So the mattress, one spoiler alert. Um, okay. So we're talking about the levels and patterns. I think you guys, I love the intricacies. I love that you guys are all. Okay. So do we all. Who else? Alyssa, you talked about yours? Um, I, yeah. Oh, there's the one thing that during sex, because we've heard complaints before, you know, it's so big, how do you use a drink of sex?
Starting point is 00:37:34 But the old one, you used to get like kind of tangled and you'd be limited as to like how far you could really take it into your love making. And then we recently had someone tell us that she didn't enjoy it, because she felt that she couldn't use it during sex But I'm here to tell you you can and you should right to be honest you really should like what position to use it I'm the most common that we use it in is wheelbarrow because like he
Starting point is 00:37:56 Said to wheelbarrow, okay, so I'll be sitting like off like half off the bed with my legs like up on my guy's shoulders And he's standing and he or I will be holding the magic wand against my clitoris and he will just be going to town and let me tell you, like, that this is where the strong vibrations come into play because those become shared vibrations. Like instead of just having it localized, like directly onto your vagina, like you've got it inside of your vagina because it's transferring into his penis. Like he's stealing the vibrations through it. And he's filling the vibrations.
Starting point is 00:38:28 You're feeling the vibrations and like, oh my god, I wake neighbors, like things happen. Like I am loud. My room, my poor room, my inside. And what does your boyfriend say about the vibrations? Um, see? I mean, okay, all guys' penises are different too. So I'm guys really feel vibrations more than others.
Starting point is 00:38:44 He only feels it in the head of his penis. And he can't really feel it in the shaft. He can enjoy it, but it's not super intense for him. But I've heard other guys say it's way more intense, and that they like feel those vibrations. But he can feel it, but he likes it. He more likes it because he looks down, and I'm like, it's like a demon, it's being exercised for my body. And he's like, wow, like I have a partner. So he enjoys that aspect of it. And yeah, you can use it on men and like vibrations on their balls. There's lots of different uses. What? Tell me. I used to use my moms when I was in the middle of the world. Did you use it with a damp?
Starting point is 00:39:16 Did you clean your damp mom? I try to get that. I legitimately believe and I refuse to believe otherwise, but I think she used it to massage her back. Like I really did, because I saw her doing it, and I'm just gonna tell myself that that's what she used it for, but as a young girl, I used it, and that's like how I started to masturbate.
Starting point is 00:39:35 And then now, and then I didn't, then my parents found out I was using it, and it disappeared, and I could never find it again. But until now. Yeah, but now I have the rechargeable and it's like an upgraded version. It kind of like throws me back to my, you know, rookie masturbating days, and I feel like a super pro now
Starting point is 00:39:53 that using the same type of toy. It's kind of nostalgic thing for me also. Okay, sentimental. Yeah. And how do they, how are your orgasms with it? Are they, do you have multiples? Are we, we will, Lori just started multiples. If you've missed the update here on the show,
Starting point is 00:40:08 if you missed Lori talking about her experience with another toy she had five. Yeah, I had my orgasms for the first time. It was actually five, that was three. Right, so now I, every time I have orgasms, I go for multiple because I'm so jazzed on them. Yeah, I was okay. Okay, and I like adding little loops sometimes,
Starting point is 00:40:25 water-based lube. And just again, when we're talking about all the nerve endings and the clitoris, 8,000 and 15,000 inside, you can rub it all. It's not clitoris, labia, all over. And I just heard something interesting from a friend, as I'm preparing for my, as I'm talking about my anal sex lately, that men can use it, put the magic wand in their prinium
Starting point is 00:40:51 and push up and, oh, we gotta get a new one. Yeah, and actually, he said that he can feel his peace butt through that using his strong vibration and it's the most amazing orgasm ever. So, we're gonna be discussed, so we're gonna give everyone, next time I was in your view. I'm so sorry, I didn't tell you that.
Starting point is 00:41:10 But I actually broke it down for you. I'm like, wow, that makes total sense because it's strong and can feel it. So your pranium is next, Eddie. Okay, so yeah, they can check that out. Act website. The website, it's just a magic one. You can go to magic one or magic
Starting point is 00:41:26 one, they take you to the same place or much easier, just go to, click on the magic one banner. Okay, you're good. Thank you. Okay, golden. I feel like this is so good, you guys. People are going to understand now all these things we're talking about. Thank you for all this textured responses and changing people's lives. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:46 So moving to the flashlight, Eddie. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, okay, you guys have every talk. What's the flashlight? It is body-safe, phallate-free, super skin material. It is a masturbation sleeve. It's a male masturbation sleeve. And it has suction control. It simulates the feelings of real sex like sex in the can.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Inside the walls of special textures they all feel different. There's hundreds of different kinds of fleshlides. It is the number one selling sex toy for men. You use it with some blue, waterproof blue. It comes in different models. If you like flesh-like girls, you can get like one of your favorite porn stars or you could just get like a pink lady, a stand-up training kit. You can actually get the vibro, which is a vibrating bullet in it. There's lots of different kinds, there's the new flesh I go. So I'm going to have to Eddie. So first Eddie, how did you usually masturbate? Just with your hands. So yeah, just with my right hand, sometimes you know if I want to get a little crazy, my left hand. Right, mix it up. But no, no, I masturbate with that and still with the hand. We're not as often.
Starting point is 00:42:49 So how, and so you had news of flashlight before you tried? How many of them have you tried now? I have two. The stamina training unit and the flash check. Okay. So tell me about your experience with them. So my very first experience, I was like, I don't know, like I've never really felt like a grip on my penis.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Like anything because I guess I can sex and use like bottoming. So I was like, I don't know, I've never really felt like a grip on my penis. Like anything, because I guess I can sex and use like bottoming. So I was like, all right, let's do this. And it was actually really great. I think I had like three orgasms the very first time I used it. Really? Like you jacked three times.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Yeah, like I used it three different times instead of just like one with like regular masturbating. Oh my God. Okay, and how did it feel? Were your orgasms, they feel different? Yeah, they were really different because I guess I feel like with my hand, it's kind of just like a,h, like, oh, it's like, you know, you got the job done That's it doesn't really last and I feel like with the flesh sites, they like there's like a build up to it like a bigger build up
Starting point is 00:43:34 And then like once it's like a release it's like, oh, it's a great it's a different build up. Okay. It's just like a lot of things You're talking about here is the toys allow you to build up. That's why I'm always saying it's's not like it's replacing your hands or replacing your God-given power. It's just what toys do is they just kind of give you different experiences. Okay, so your first, okay, so how would you, and then you use the salmon training unit first, and then you used... No, I had the flashjack first.
Starting point is 00:43:58 A flashjack first, okay. And then you use salmon training. Okay, and which, how do they differ? So I want to say that the flashjack gets kind of represented in an anist. So it's not really bumps and it's more smooth. Okay, and which, how do they differ? So I want to say at the flash, I guess it kind of represents an anus, there's not really bumps and it's more smooth. Okay, represent anus. So that's good to be more interested in anus, yeah. It's just like a smooth, you know, I guess it kind of like a little wavy in there. So it doesn't really have any bumps in there. It's more like a smooth
Starting point is 00:44:17 ride, but it's like a tighter, like smoother. Okay. And then the stamina training unit has like little bumps throughout it and they're like different patterns. Like you can feel them like differently throughout there. So the rate feels good on your penis like she's like whoa what's that pattern? What's that pattern? So I'm sure there's like different patterns at the end but I guess I'm not well in doubt so I don't get there. Oh, any. But I'm sure other people will get there.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Okay. And then what about um did you use the loop with it? Yeah so I first tried flesh loop with it and then I also have the carbon-electro one. I know we told her the last two's on the show, the other day, and we told her that you loved it. I do. You liked the electro-loop? Electro-loop, which is Christiana to make a loop with that name. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:54 So, and then how did you use it, and then you'd ejaculate in it, and then when I want to explain to the process? I actually don't like ejaculating in my flesh. I see that you can clean them right after. I just like take it off. Oh, right, that's kind of easy. You have to clean it right. You pull out. Yeah, I pull out of the flesh. I see that you can clean them right after. I just like take it off. Oh right, that's kind of easy. You have to clean it right.
Starting point is 00:45:06 You pull out. Yeah, I don't want to do flesh. Don't want to get for your mind to flesh it pregnant. Although that would make more flesh like it. So it's just a little bit. We don't need more. We actually have to flesh it. That's the only flesh that goes were born.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Yeah. The flesh I go is actually really cool. So that's their latest product. You have been given you flesh I go yet. I haven't. Okay, we're going to have to give you flesh I go. And add a magic wand. It's closer to the size where real flashlight,
Starting point is 00:45:28 travel size, easy to carry around. It appears smaller, but it still accommodates 90% of men. So what else about the flashlight? So you left it. What's next? What's next? Are you going to try? We're going to get you the magic wand.
Starting point is 00:45:40 OK, guys, anything else? We've got a room. So flashlight, if you want one, you want to try it. Go to, click on the flashlight banner, and then you get a wand. Okay guys, anything else we gotta bring up. So flashlight, if you want one, you wanna try it, go to, click on the flashlight banner and then you get a free bottle of their loop. Yeah, use code Emily for. Oh, use code Emily. And what else do you wanna say about that?
Starting point is 00:45:54 So the flashlight, all this, oh, and this stuff you can buy, also on the good vibrations. Yeah, good vibes banner on my site, if you wanna buy any toys, but if you wanted to get the magic wand, I think you use code Emily too. But really we are just trying to, and if you want to buy any toys but if you want to get the magic wand I think he is good Emily too. But really we are just trying to and if you guys like if this is interesting to you and
Starting point is 00:46:08 you there's other toys you've been curious about or you'd like to see review I just think that we're going to start doing more of these so we can really explain to you the stuff that we talk about and how it can have toys can really help you and different ways to use it sex toy hacks all that. Sex toy hacks. People love hacks. I know I love the hacks. Was there any hacks I'm trying to think do we talk about hacks on this? I like the hacks of the, using the magic wand, well, with the guys, guys don't think about that.
Starting point is 00:46:31 But also using the nipples you guys, I mean, even when you're masturbating, because you know I'm a huge fan of using Lou, by like Lou, wherever I go, I probably have some on me right now. But if you just start like, you're rubbing your nipples, like you use like the light massage there, it. It feels with the vibration. The vibrations, it feels really good. Help everyone to check out the intensity. Oh yeah, the intensity is a big one. And email us if you want to win one, tell us why you want that, why you need the intensity in your life and we'll pick a winner. Yeah, we'll be listening. And any questions also you guys have about these toys that we're talking about, if there's
Starting point is 00:47:03 something that you didn't felt was not clearly explained, email us. We want to clear that up for you. We want to know. We want to hear from you. Gators talk about a bunch of topics that you cannot hear about anywhere else. And plus, there'll be some really cool products that are latest and greatest products. I'll be there. I'm giving the keynote.
Starting point is 00:47:17 It is a unique one of a kind of event. And if you want to take your relationship or sex life or just your life to the next level, check it out. Mm-hmm. All right, everyone. And check me out. Facebook, Instagram, Instagram, Twitter. It's all sex with Emily across the board. And I love hearing from you. Thanks for listening. Was it good for you? E-Mommy. Feedback. It's I got to ask you all a question here. Are you getting enough sex?
Starting point is 00:47:53 Tell me, really. Are you getting enough? Whoever can get enough sex. I guess some people, maybe you're not having enough sex and you want more. Adam and Eve has all the solutions for you. They want to give you more sex. They have 10 free gifts. 10 free gifts. You get a sexy surprise for her.
Starting point is 00:48:07 You get a specially selected toy for him and third, a little something we know you will both enjoy. You get six full length adult movies on DVD. And number 10, free shipping. Free shipping on your entire order. I do not like when people guide you for shipping. Adam and Eve doesn't do that. Go to Adamand
Starting point is 00:48:22 And you can also buy me the toys we talked about today. They're not the intensity, but you can get the other ones and anything you want, really. If you've been looking for a new toy or it's a little something to spice it up, they have laundry, they have fun games, you can play with your partner, enter code, Emily at checkout at Adam and, get your 10 free gifts, change your sex life, have a good night, have a good life. I love you. Thanks for listening. Change your sex life, have a good night, have a good life. I love you.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Thanks for listening.

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