Sex With Emily - Sex Toy Testers Tell All!

Episode Date: July 16, 2014

This week’s Podcast is chock full of sexual information, all aimed to improve your sex life and make you feel good!Emily’s special guest, Coyote the woman BEHIND the sex toys, and is head of purch...asing for, which pretty much makes her the expert!In this episode, Coyote and Emily talk sex toys of all shapes and sizes! Want to know what toys are best for singles, couples, anal, g-spot, waterproof, etc? These ladies have the answers.Coyote uses her expert knowledge to guide newcomers through choosing their first sex toy. She and Emily give advice for a married listener who wants to introduce sex toys into the bedroom, and delve into the wonderful world of lube!Emily shares a story of her deep personal connection to Good Vibrations and Coyote tells us about her experiences in the ever-changing sex toy industry, including how she got started, what it’s like to shop sex toys for a living, and how her job has positively affected her own sex life.Emily also has special guests Ken and Helle from Baci on the show to talk about their new line of sexy lingerie and hosiery, and the awesome summer selfie contest coming up! Want to feel sexy AND have the chance to win $500 worth of Baci clothes? Ken and Helle tell you how!The gang talks new things coming out for GoodVibes, including some technologically advanced sex toys that make intimacy possible over long distances (or as Anderson puts it, making it harder and harder to rationalize cheating).This Podcast is all about the positive side of sex, why people should never stop the SEXplorations, and always have fun with it! All this & more in this week’s show!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks everyone for listening to The Sex with Emily Show. I love being able to help you have the sex life and relationships you deserve and I want to give you the best show possible and I appreciate you supporting our sponsors who help keep this show free. So have you ever heard of a massage candle? Well it looks like a regular candle but it instantly turns into massage oil. And you know massage gets your partner in the mood and the warm luxurious oil feels amazing when you pour it on yourself or your partner. It's the secret weapon in the bedroom if you want to spice things up, get your partner in the mood, and have incredible sex.
Starting point is 00:00:30 The feedback has been outstanding from one of my listeners, Dear Emily, about a candle by Girlfriend was skeptical at first, but agreed to try the warm oil on me first and gave me a back rub. Then I reciprocated and we had amazing sex. She can not stop talking about how good the candle smells, how great the massage oil feels, and I'm convinced that the scent
Starting point is 00:00:47 and the candle helped us through some of the barriers to sex that we face lately. So I created these candles so you can have the best sex of your life. Go to Emily and use code Emily for 20% off that's Emily and use code Emily. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubize they call them in a bygone age. Hey, Emily, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken, he thinks you're kind of cute.
Starting point is 00:01:22 The girls got a hair standard. Oh my. The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common, all right? What do you mean, like laundry? It shrinks? Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:01:30 Oh my god, I'm so dumb. Being bad feels pretty good. But you know, Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex relationships and everything in between. For more information, go to where you can check out our podcasts. Sign up for a mailing list which you absolutely should do because I
Starting point is 00:01:51 actually give really good email. Like some people send you really bad email, spam, you get off their list. People actually love my emails. They're informative, they're entertaining, sign up for the mailing list. Also, our podcasts. You can listen to them in the site, you can download them, but you could also also just as easily subscribe on iTunes and never miss an episode again because I do two week Why you laughing at me Anderson laughing with me or at me? Did you hear what you said? What about your emails? What I give really good email I'm sure I mentioned that way. You did okay. Yeah, I give really good email. I give you email I give you receive good email to no, I don't all my emails socks, but I really give good email You don't you don't receive good email too? No, I don't all my emails socks, but I really give good email. You don't you don't receive good email No, no, I emails and people not not to send me emails. No, I love my feedback at sex with the Emily's I love giving email
Starting point is 00:02:35 Feedback at sex at Emily's were I love those people send me amazing emails and I answer their questions as I will on this show How are you doing Anderson fantastic? I miss my am I miss you too. It's been a long time'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. really am because I have a few special guests but my most important special guest here is Coyote from Good Vibrations. So I need to give you, she is a... You just heard our guests in here by the way by saying that but it's okay.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Oh no no, I mean like they're special too but like I didn't mean that. Sorry Ken. They're giving you the business now. I have a sustainable, they're special too. I just seem to, it seems cliche. Okay listen, you're all special people just settle down. Coyote though is because this we're gonna tell you so you guys know how I'm always talking about if you've been listening to show for the last eight years or two years or
Starting point is 00:03:34 three years I've always talked about good vibrations like go to good buy your toys buy everything there but I don't think that you actually know like that I have a very deep, deep personal connection with Good Vibes. And Kiyote is actually the head, she's the purchasing manager at Good Vibes for more than 11 years. So she knows a lot about toys. We're going to get into trying, testing, developing toys, the best toys as you do, you
Starting point is 00:04:02 develop and test them. But we're going to talk about some of the latest and greatest inventions on the market, how people can bring toys into their relationships, some amazing things that we've seen in the sex toy world. But I just wanted to explain to you all my connection because I think this is the perfect time is that when I was coming into my own sexuality, when I moved to San Francisco when I was 20 years old, I, you know, know, there was a sex toy store in Michigan. It was like off the side of the road.
Starting point is 00:04:27 It was super sketchy. It was, you know, scary. You didn't really want to go. There was like blinking lights and weird. And I think one time we all went, like as a joke, it was like a bunch of, you know, men in there and it just wasn't our kind of place. But I moved to San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:04:38 And I don't think I never had a New Yorker as I'm trying to think. Maybe one I thought I had, but it wasn't readily coming. So nobody intended. So I went into good vibrations because I heard about it and a good vibration is a sex-positive store and everyone just talked about what this amazing place was. I figured I got to check it out. So I walked in and it was and I'm nervous because I'm talking to them about like okay how do I talk
Starting point is 00:04:59 about my orgasm and it was the most warm loving, disarming experience because everyone who works to good vibes is just so well most warm, loving, disarming experience because everyone who works at Good Vibes is just so well trained, educational, knowledgeable. It's beautiful stores, and they help you with, and it's like matter of fact. It's like, you know, all of extra, you know, of coffee and a sandwich. It's like, you're talking about that. But it's like, no, I have a G-spot. I want this, that, and it was just so comfortable.
Starting point is 00:05:20 And I just fell in love with Good Vibes ever since. And I think it's a great store and does good work and it's sex positive and it's just always carries the best products and I love that coyotes here and she was on my show first eight years ago like the first year I started my show Yeah, that's insane. We were it was so long ago. I know and I am so glad you're here me too Again, be to thank you for being a Los Angeles So that's my story of the good but they don't have the background But you of course you go to good vibes calm as as I always talk about. And if you're ever in San Francisco, Boston,
Starting point is 00:05:47 Palo Alto, where are they? They're stores. Berkeley, Oakland, Oakland. You got to just check out the store. But of course good Take care of all your needs. So also I have to mention that I am doing a Twitter chat every Wednesday, 12.30 to 1 o'clock Pacific Standard Time. If you tweet me at Sex with Emily and hashtag ask Emily, I answer all of your questions between 12.31 on Twitter. And it's been getting, it's very popular. And I've been helping people and changing them. Anderson.
Starting point is 00:06:18 How do you pick? Because I would think that the stream would get pretty, and- It does. I just am fast though. I'm like, God, great. I only have like 140 characters. I can do that. I'm actually better at that than answering like a long email and then there's an alarm go off right at 12 30 or right at one o'clock when it ends you just like I'm no but I don't I think is I'm like oh
Starting point is 00:06:32 But he wants to know what to do with his penis thing and that's his having issues I gotta help him yeah I actually go along right but I shouldn't say that because I don't want people to be like at one 15 She didn't answer me but how much how much of it's inappropriate though like show your tits and you know what it's funny that you say that there was one they're not it's not that inappropriate there's one guy's like when we have can when can we have sex like ignore that one but most of them were like real questions I wonder if that's the guy that wants to buy you a car from Detroit oh my god did I mention this on last week's show I wasn't here last week I mean no no this happened in the meantime, did I mention this on the show yet? I'm so I didn't. Okay, so if you are listening a few
Starting point is 00:07:09 weeks ago, my brother was on the show. And there was a guy that called in because we take callers sometimes in the show. And he lives in Michigan. And he said that he wants to buy me a first he wants to buy me a car. He's already called it before. And then he wants to marry me. And he wants to be with me. And he was he was very earnest and serious. And my brother said, well, what's your cause my brother is a money grub. He's already called him before and then he wants to marry me and and he wants to be with me And he was he was very earnest and serious and my brother said what what's your cuz my brother is a money grub He's very in a money her brother. He's like some of your bank statement. What kind of car? I don't I didn't even ask you That's so me. I'm not that material. I said I
Starting point is 00:07:38 Said I put your wood on the side. Oh god. No, it's Michigan. So be American car And then here's but here's the thing he Oh God, no, it's Michigan, so be American car. And then here's, but here's the thing, he wrote my brother in email the next day and it was like this, and I'm gonna read it on another show because I don't, I've got Kayaoi's business take care of. But it was the most like, and he's like, I really wanna be through sister,
Starting point is 00:07:56 and I'll send you the bank statement if you still need it, and I'm serious about it. And it was just like really sweet. And I'm like, Michael, this guy thinks you need, tell him you're joking, and that I'm a lesbian, or something, I don't know what to say, but it was a very hard felt. And I'm like, Michael, this guy thinks you need tell him you're joking and that I'm a lesbian or something. I don't know what to say, but it was a very hard felt. The guy listens to the show, Emily. Every show.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I forgot. I love you. Say hi to him. Hi. And I love the show. I really do. I'm just kidding. But don't say my brother, you're being statement.
Starting point is 00:08:19 He was only kidding. And I think you're awesome. And I'm not a lesbian. And I just, you're in Michigan, and I'm here. And I think that that will really be a challenge for our relationship. There's always Skype and FaceTime Emily. We could Skype though. We could Skype.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I'm not ruling you out. I just thought it was sweet that you that you wrote my brother that email and it was very nice. Okay. What the fuck? Jesus. Coyote. Yes. Maybe not this one though.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I don't have a car for you. It's okay, but it was it was very nice. And then I'm like, well, can I stop talking about the car just buying the car already? No, I don't have a car for you. It's okay, but it was very nice. And then I'm like, well, can I stop talking about the car? Just buy me the car already. No, I don't mind say that. Okay, Coyote. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I feel like you're my dealer anyway. Like all the toys that you guys hear me talk about over the years is because Coyote is the one of the other end who's like, you gotta try this, you gotta try that. She sends, she tells me like, yeah, I mean, I think I actually, we had a conversation once where I had to ask you like kind of really personal questions
Starting point is 00:09:08 because I'm like hey Emily do you do it up the butt and like are you into this and are you in trouble yeah and I'm a ball though yeah I think also well and also it's like super intimate it's good to me yeah we got into it well we it's our business well so on the first time I ever went on your radio show I feel like we have to talk about this because it was so bizarre. I'd never, well, I had been on radio shows before because my mom used to do radio, etc. But I'd never talked about what I was doing, like buying sex toys or selling sex toys or using sex toys or whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:37 And so I brought a bunch to your show, to your radio show. Right. Which is like so awkward. Right. Right. Because we're just sitting here, like, looking at a table full of toys and having to talk about them and it was super odd. But I brought this one called the cone. And it was huge.
Starting point is 00:09:51 It was like a huge triangle that you're supposed to sit on. Sit on, exactly. I remember that. I feel like it was a really good intro for me. It was. It was like, yeah, it was the cone and it was something. Whatever happened to that cone, or like glowed in the dark too, or something, you sat on it.
Starting point is 00:10:01 You definitely sat on it. And they had this whole booklet with like all these different positions that you could sit on, like with your legs crossed and really elaborate, like they really committed. I feel like the success of any product can be determined by how much the makers of that product commit to it. Because if you're gonna make a triangle, you have to really commit to the notion
Starting point is 00:10:19 that that's gonna be a great sex when you have to really convince people how to do it. I feel like they committed. Is it still around though? No, no, they didn't commit that much. But how did you get started then in this industry? that's gonna be a great sex when you have to really convince people how to do it. I feel like they committed. Is it still around though? No. No, they didn't commit that much. But how did you get started then in this industry? So you know, I had, I was moving to the Bay Area and I had a friend, I've had friends
Starting point is 00:10:35 throughout my life and people throughout my life who have known good vibrations or worked at good vibrations or been in the larger sex industry. And when I was moving to the Bay Area, I was moving there to follow a whole different path of life. I was going to be a stage manager, a union stage manager for a theater company. And in the meantime, a friend of mine was like, whoa, you need a job. The Bay Area is not Little Portland, Oregon. You can't live on $300 a month. And so they kind of got me in as a temp. And so I was working as a temp. In the meantime, I was putting out my resume for theater and this and that. And I really just
Starting point is 00:11:12 completely head over heels fell in love with the mission of the company. Talk about the mission for a second, too, after a few... Well, mission. So essentially, our mission is that pleasure's your birthright and that everyone should have access to non-judgmental Accurate sex information and pleasure products toys are gonna you know sex toys safer sex products We want people to come in and we want to revolutionize our sex life and help their intimacy And give them all the tools they need to have a just amazing sex life whether whether it's with themselves, with a partner, with a new partner, with a 25-year partner. So I just fell in love with that. And you know, I was on the phone talking to people and I was doing customer service
Starting point is 00:11:52 and these people were calling from all over the world with totally different, you know, I'm a six-year-old divorcee, I'm a 20-year-old, I've never had an orgasm. And it was just amazing because through the resources that I had at Good Fibrations, whether it was our own website, our shopping guides, our information, and the education that I got to be trained to work there, it was incredible. We were just touching people's lives and changing their lives and helping them really get in touch with their sexual selves. And it's powerful.
Starting point is 00:12:21 It really is. It's important the work. There's not other stories like that that I've ever come across. That's how you got started. It was a 10 thing. I was a 10 thing and I was still there. I was, yeah, I did sales and then I worked my way into the buying department and just good.
Starting point is 00:12:36 That's a good, that doesn't everyone want to be the buyer? I would think they'd be like knocking on the door and like, I think, yeah, I really, like, who doesn't want, right, it's the best job ever. So what do you think that you've learned by doing this job? Do you think that you're own, like, when you started and where you are now, your own sex life by being there and like trying all the different toys, are you always pretty open? I feel like I had my own evolution oddly enough through reading books that were written by people who either work at Gov or have over the past, Carol Queen, Pat Califia, you know, Susie Bright, by reading these people's writing, it actually helped me move into my
Starting point is 00:13:16 own sexual sphere. And then, you know, obviously having access to such a huge amount of sex education and really the non-judgmental and shape room. I mean those are the pieces that I felt personally impacted me is really striving to to live in that sex positive world whether it's about me and my own sexuality or somebody else's and and the whole you know it's just to dumb it down it's like they don't yuck my yum and and how to walk through the world like that and I I don't know that I don't know that I'm there yet but I really strive every day to be more sex positive, because I think if we all had less judgment in our lives
Starting point is 00:13:50 and really promoted people just living their true sexual selves, this world would be really amazing. Right, that's what we're trying to do here. I just like, no judgment, right? And it's like, if people always went, no, am I normal? Is it okay? I mean, it's like everything's fine, you know? It's like people just, we just, yeah, you both have the same niche. And I think it's really important. I think it's
Starting point is 00:14:10 important to understand that, you know, all these products come out, there's all these amazing products every year that come into the market. That's what we're going to talk about. Yeah, I mean, there's so many. And, you know, what might be your favorite might not do it for me. Exactly. And I that's so great because, you know, you have girlfriends and girlfriends and oh my gosh you have to try this product. I love this product. It was the best for me. And then that's like oh well it didn't really work for me. Right. Right. And so how do you do it? Yeah we're all different. And so that's that's that's exactly it. There's so many. So how do you because you're the test. Are you the only one testing? No, no, you know we really I rely a lot on the people in my company because I don't believe that it should just be one person.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Exactly. Exactly what we're saying. You'd just be on. And I do the product development too. And it's the same way. It's all sex educators who we look at the toys, we look at the DVDs, the books, everything. And we kind of do the best we can to say,
Starting point is 00:14:58 will this influence, will this be good for our customers? Or it impacts their sex lives? Will it enhance their sex life? Does this product do what it says it's going to do? Right. And so what, so there's, I want to get into like some of the, there's thousands of products right that come out every year.
Starting point is 00:15:14 I mean, and everyone's telling you out, right? And you tell right away when they come in, you're like, yes, no, yes, or do you just like kind of try them all? I feel like, so I've been doing the actual buying for a little over nine years. And I feel like it's kind of like exercising. You know, like when you first go into the gym and you're exercising and you're like,
Starting point is 00:15:32 I don't really know how to do that. And that yoga stance is really weird. And that's how it was in the beginning when I really felt like I had to do this crazy amount of due diligence on each and every product. But because there are so many products released every year, not all of them are feats of engineering. Not all of them are something so unique. Some of them are just a variation on a theme. And I feel like I have a pretty good grasp at this point on if a product is going to do what it claims to do and if it's going to be enjoyable for people. And then I'm wrong sometimes. And it's always it's always super interesting to me when I pick up a product and it doesn't do well.
Starting point is 00:16:06 And I'm like, oh, I had faith in you. Right, right. What did people like you? Exactly, because you're making the decision. So what would you say like in the lab? What are some trends right now that you're seeing? What do you see happening with sex toys? Well, I think there's a few.
Starting point is 00:16:19 I mean, we're definitely, it's an interesting, strange time. The last 10 years have been interesting in the industry in terms of products being released. But we're definitely seeing a lot more quality products hit the market straight out. Like, they're quality right away. They're just quality right away. And we're seeing so many new brands come out, which is really overwhelming for me and for companies like mine that we don't have 50,000 square feet that we can fill. We're not a Walmart of sex toys.
Starting point is 00:16:45 We have a curated selection of really the best of what's out there. That's why I always talk about it is because you know it's gonna be a good product. They don't sell like the shlocky stuff that you should buy. Yeah, we really try to sell it body safe and stuff. Yeah, and we want to vet it because if you go into a department store that has like 26 of the same
Starting point is 00:17:01 exact product, how do you tell? You're not gonna break them all out of the packaging and test them and we've done that for you. And so we want everything that's on our shelves, we've already vetted. And so it is really hard, because a lot of the brands that are coming that are new the industry are,
Starting point is 00:17:14 a lot of the products being launched, they are already quality. And so I mean trends, you know, you definitely have good materials, you have. They're all like good material. What material? A lot. Silicone, ABS plastic, just a nice hard plastic. You have some with really nice velvet coatings.
Starting point is 00:17:31 They just feel better now. So I'm 10 years, it's true. Like all those old plastic ones that are bad for you. I mean, it's just changed what the porn starts on the box. And the porn starts by saying is absolutely changed. Oh, absolutely. Why were they bad for you? Are they like leaching? Yeah, well, I mean, it's so interesting because you know, it's like chemically speaking. I'm not a chemist, but
Starting point is 00:17:49 Essentially, there were some materials that would they hold bacteria in and so you'd use them once and if you didn't use them with a barrier They would kind of fill up with bacteria and then you're just reintroducing that bacteria to sensitive areas. It's like the loneliest STD introducing that bacteria to sensitive areas. It's like the loneliest STD. Yeah, it's the loneliest STD end of the planet. You're still right, Annabelle. It's just not a clean toilet. So yeah, they're all, they're great now. So I don't even like, well, I think it's marketing.
Starting point is 00:18:13 I mean, I think we're seeing a lot more products that are being marketed out of the gate for couples and they're acknowledging now that it's not just, you know, lonely person using a sex toy alone crying to their bed. It's like a couple who wants to have amazing sex or a single individual who wants to have amazing sex with themselves, but it's positive, it's affirmative,
Starting point is 00:18:35 it's not shaming, you know, it's shameful you're buying this, it's amazing you're buying this. Like we're so glad you're buying this. And so the marketing and the quality and the functionality, I think we're seeing functionality that is just so advanced. Right. Even on items that, you know, as an example, the rabbit habit was just re-released. And this is the iconic twice as nice vibrator.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Yes, I can't believe how great it is. Yeah, it's a great vibrator. And it insects sex in the city. I mean, since that episode is bad. Yes, you still have the one from Sex and the City to Thoreau. Yeah, it's time to get a new one. But they, you know, they've just keep going back to this iconic, great item
Starting point is 00:19:11 and they keep making it better and better and better. And now they've improved the battery pack and the strength. And so it's just one of those things that you see this product that's been around forever and it's been made better and better and better. Right. And I love that. I love companies that go back to iconic, great designs and then just keep making them better. Right. And I love that. I love companies that go back to iconic great
Starting point is 00:19:25 designs and then just keep making them better. Exactly. You're right. And it's the new the new rabbit habit. I've talked about that recently and I was just so impressed. I got right in my old one. I did it. So you should all, you know, what did everyone do with all the old rabbits everywhere? Literally in the streets. Don't throw it in the trash. I mean, don't throw it on the street. But okay. So what about the other I was thinking about the other brands of toys that we talked about that we like, like what, so we got the rabbits, the real family of rabbits. So that's like a G spot. So if you don't know, it's like a G spot and clitoral.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Yeah, and for Citerone, we're going to be more for G spot and some are just going to be internal. So you're going to have like dual sensations. You're going to have internal and external either vaginal or G-spot and literal and it's a little bit like for some people it's like rubbing your stomach and patting your head. It's like way too complicated but for other people it's that right combination of in and out. That's why you exactly you just got to try it out and the thing I like about that I have is that you can turn off the outside or just use the outside or just use inside. So let's talk about that though because I do think, you know, since I believe it was even
Starting point is 00:20:32 since I've started this the last eight years and you've probably seen this last 11, that there was like some study that came out. I think it was probably about three years ago now that's like over 50% of all women and I've owned a sex toy and of those 50%, 75% use with their partner. And so I just do think that it is becoming more acceptable. We still have the people who, you know, they're men who are offended by other partners are like that's gonna replace that. And that's communication and education.
Starting point is 00:20:59 It is changing. I mean, I think you have a lot more media are talking about vibrators, you have television shows that have vibrators whether it's Cougar Town or that New Jersey show here. And they're so just screaming, and they're so just screaming now too. It's like it's not like this big scare thing.
Starting point is 00:21:16 So let's talk about like if someone, I always get asked these questions like, Emily, like I've never, oh, I'm actually gonna jump to an email from a listener right now that we can help answer. So dear Emily, I love the show and I'm taking your advice on introducing sex toys into the bedroom with my wife. So, I told her that I wanted to visit a sex shop and pick out some toys and she said,
Starting point is 00:21:37 who are you and what did you do with my husband? What toys do you think we should try first? This is from Adam. So, what would you say you want to, like, I get this all the time from Manwomen, they want to start out, they don't know how to introduce it. Like, I mean, I would say like, go to good vibes, peruse, you could look for couple toys, but it depends. I mean, a couple's toy doesn't necessarily just have to be the wee vibe. Like, what would you suggest to Adam?
Starting point is 00:21:59 Well, I think, I mean, I, everyone is so individual. And so what I always suggest is, especially when people are coming in our stores, but if they can't come into our stores, and they're going on the website, sure, look at, you know, couples toys in terms of very typical like the Wevi, which, you know, vibe, it goes inside the vagina and stimulates the clitoris, and then the partner can penetrate beneath the product.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Right, you can wear it while you're at the shoe. You can wear it, yeah, exactly. But I also think that it can be really sexy for couples to have a partner hold a literal vibrator for their partner while they're either engaging in oral sex or penetrating with fingers or penetrating with their penis. I feel that type of connection,
Starting point is 00:22:38 especially if they haven't used toys together, it's really great to get something that's more interactive. Either it can be a vibrating penis ring, something that he wears, and then stimulate some both during penetration. Right. Oh, the penis rings with the vibration. Yeah. Which one do you love right now? Oh, God, there's so many. But I know. I am a fan of the Mio by J.J. And also, I have to say, I do love the screaming O rings. I think they're so great because they allow people to experiment without kind of sinking in substantial financial. Exactly. That's true screaming O was right because you think they last for you know 40 minutes
Starting point is 00:23:11 or sure and there's even some that have reusable batteries right. Yeah exactly but once you know what you like and oh I really like this well great then you buy one that's like a little bit more durable and longer lasting because you don't want to keep going. Yeah. It's true. It's expensive to go in. So that would be a good one. So I love when you say that, like holding that, I think that a lot of people who are, you know, to say like heterosexual couples,
Starting point is 00:23:33 men's never had a use of vibrator, I think that men get a thrill, they don't realize this, but it's not a big huge penis, it's a little clitor, it's gonna help you get your, it's gonna, you're gonna see how much you holding that against her. It could make her feel so good. You're in control of it and it feels like you're going to make you feel good that you're, she's feeling good and men also don't realize that if they take that and she can also use
Starting point is 00:23:58 it and I'm men like the vibrations on their balls do sometimes. Well, and that's the thing is that, you know, sex toys, vibrators, they don't have to be you or me. Right. It can be, I mean, how is it really to watch your partner become aroused and have an orgasm? And, and that whole process can really be from you holding a vibrator on your partner,
Starting point is 00:24:16 or vice versa. We have this fantastic penis toy that called the pulse. And it has this oscillating pad that like stimulates the area under the head of the penis. And it's not necessarily something that he has to use alone. He can use it, a partner can hold it like anyone can hold that topic. And so it becomes another way to,
Starting point is 00:24:35 I mean, I don't wanna make it sound all heavy, but it can be a power thing or like, I am holding your pleasure. I'm the one who's giving this to you. I'm holding the vibrator and so I'm bringing this pleasure to you and we're connecting. Exactly. And you really are connecting.
Starting point is 00:24:50 It's not like this disconnected experience when you are holding, I just am always trying to, and I love that Adam's doing this for his wife, but there's still a lot of women too of shame around her that don't want to share it. And I think once you just have the conversation and you start doing it, that I've never heard anyone complain like, I've never, I've never got an email.
Starting point is 00:25:06 We use sex toys and I'm really upset about it. It really ruined our relationship. Absolutely, it's always the fear before. It's always the fear before. And I just realized that, like no other have been like we use toys and I'm pissed off. It's really our sex stuff. It's like oh my god, you know, what can we do next?
Starting point is 00:25:19 Well, that's not sex and creativity and shame as well, because we think that it's, you know, it has to be the body part, body part, put those together and to fire works, but that's not really how it is. And so, and we're not really taught to like take our time and just have fun and frolic around and experiment. And I like to, you know, sex experiments.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Like I love sex experimentation. Like how does this feel new? How does it feel new? Exactly. Let's have a long slow move. It makes it fun. It's not like it's sex experimentation. Like how does this feel in you? How does it feel in you? Exactly. Let's have a long, slow, slow, slow, slow. It makes it fun. It's not like it's an alternative. It's adding to your relationship to this by a suicide.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Absolutely. That's what I think, but a lot of people don't understand, which I try to tell them the time. So that would be some good places for them to start. Absolutely. So like, do it, do it, do it, Adam. Okay, and then what about going back to just like like literal vibrators like if it let's say starting out for a woman who has never
Starting point is 00:26:09 bought anything before what would you say? Oh yeah for first time Cloral I mean I was thinking of the bullet or the pocket rocket. Yeah I was gonna say we have this little bullet called the Pleasureite that's just like a little Cloral vibe it's super cute, just great, small, couple speed on it. Right it's really speedy and good yeah that's great I mean Pleasureite okay yeah and I like to recommend that as a you discrete small, couple speed on it. Right, it's really speedy and good. Yeah, that's great. I mean, I mean, I like to recommend that as an entry level, because once you get that, then you can kind of,
Starting point is 00:26:33 oh yeah, I really like the, oh mama loves this. Let's move on to one again, that's a little more expensive might last a little longer. If you spend $20, you're getting $20 worth. If you spend $80, you're getting $80 worth. So if you haven't used a product before, start with that entry level and then move into something that might be longer lasting, you don't have to replace them. It's rechargeable.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Exactly. There's lots of great products. You know, there's the girls from Vibratex. The girls are so cute. They're so cute. They come in a little pink, because they have a pouch. Yeah. I love them.
Starting point is 00:27:03 I think it's just like a complete package. And they're rechargeable, which is so nice. I know, like charge them in your laptop, which we do all the time at work. I think they make in most workplaces, you might not want to do that. But no, the girls are adorable and they're great gifts too, I think, if they're in just their clutter of libraries, but they're all different. They're pink and white and they're cute. I love them.
Starting point is 00:27:18 And I also really like the tango by Levi, because it's super strong. Oh, I've seen that one. I want, okay, Cody. Yeah. I want that on the list. I want one right down. See because it's super strong. Oh, I've seen that one. I want, okay, Cody. Yeah. I want that on the list. I want one right down. See, she's my dealer. That's right.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Okay, so I got that for you, Mama. Well, yeah, you're right. Love it, you're a top. So is there anything that you, okay, so we got to talk about, let's get into a little bit of like anal toys. Mm-hmm. Like the, for a man and for women. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Male prostate, we always talk about, you know, that guys should just take a gander experiment if they haven't, if they want to, if it's their thing. Yeah. Well, I feel like there's health. I mean, you can't talk. It's better. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Like this industry, it's always hard to talk about the health parts. Right. But I think it's pretty acknowledged that prostate stimulation is healthy for men, who have prostate. And I think that I would always recommend something slender and small like a narrowest product to kind of try it out.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And they're awesome. Yeah, because I feel like you want to ease yourself into it. And then once you do, you can get something like the black pearl that vibrates and it's really strong and it's going to kind of hide in that sensation. Black pearl, and I feel like that heightened sensation is something that you might want to do after you've done some experimentation and said, oh yeah, that's all right. So it's all like taking this this path, like, like, starting, you don't want to like get the, maybe the vibrating eal toy if you've never done it. But I mean, you could because the nice thing about vibrating anything is you don't have to turn it on. Right, you don't have the turn it on.
Starting point is 00:28:46 You can insert the black pearl, which is super fun. Oh, I see, oh, right. You don't have to make it right. And then you can say, oh, this is a perfect fit for me. I really love how this feels. Let's try some vibration now. I mean, the best thing with the most important thing
Starting point is 00:28:57 with any type of anal plane, especially for people who, again, you're having to move through some social stigmas, you're gonna have to move through some self-same,ame potentially is take it slow, have fun, try it out and use loop. Okay, use loop. Great. When we come back, we're going to talk about loop and we're also going to have our other amazing special guests coming.
Starting point is 00:29:15 But first, a word from our sponsors here. Again, everyone, thanks for supporting our show and listening, our sponsors and listening to the show. I have to tell you about Promescent. Did you know one in three men suffers from premature ejaculation? But now you don't have to, because Promescent is a quickly absorbing delay spray
Starting point is 00:29:34 that allows you to have the sex that you want. You can focus on your partner's hot body, especially now that you have the time to make them orgasm. Also, Promescent closes the arousal gap between men and women. You might get there faster than she would like. So it's not even if you're like a premature ejaculator, maybe you just want to less double the time. So, a promising helps you last
Starting point is 00:29:53 twice as long. Thousands of urologists are recommending promising the only FDA-approved treatment for premature ejaculation. Go to to find out more of that. Promessants, it's not rising to the top. That's a challenge. It's staying there. And also, I need to tell you about good vibes. One of the reasons you're able to listen to us is because of the incredible people at GoodVibes. They carry all the best toys. Get the ViperTax doll.
Starting point is 00:30:16 That's another new one. Kairi, we didn't talk about. 20% off when you use coupon code Emily. You can also get the strongest, most orgasmic vibrator all time the magic wand. Go to, click on the Good Vibrations banner and see my favorite toys because you know that I've tried them all. Use coupon code GVEmily20. That's GVEmily20.
Starting point is 00:30:38 And that's what I got to say about that. So we've been joined here by some other guests, really special guests. I didn't mean that you guys weren't special guests as well. Ken, really? I was just starting the show and I was, I was, I was, Yeah, when we were late, I appreciate it. You were late, I'm glad you guys were here.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Hi. Hi, I'm Hayley. Hi Hayley. Hi Hayley. So nice to see you and Ken and Hayley. Okay, ooh, they're here to talk about something very, very special, a new thing that we're embarking on, all of us here together.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Let's talk about it. So from Batchee, very special, a new thing that we're embarking on, all of us here together. Let's talk about it. So from Batchee, lingerie, and they have these amazing, let me see some of them. Tell me about this new, the dreams lime. Okay. Ooh. These are the, these are hoseri items from our dreams collection, which is around for a while, but this is the first time we're releasing Companion Hosey to the costumes. Okay. Dreams is the costumes line that you want the costumes. Yeah, no problem
Starting point is 00:31:39 And we'll be the other dealer and this is this is the first time that the companion Hosey has been Okay, got it. So that's okay, right. So this is the first time, and then so people can get the costumes or just wear the hose rate, because they're super sexy. We're under your like day-to-day clothes. So, and tell me about what, so what's your favorite one in here, Haley? Do wear them all the time? Every day, a rare one now.
Starting point is 00:31:55 All the time. No, not, it's kinda hot. It's kinda hot now, right? It's hot, hot. Okay. My favorite ones are the ones that go with the cop costume, cause they have little handcuffs, little metal handcuffs. That's what I want. I love those. I love that. Can you bring the cop with the handcuffs?
Starting point is 00:32:11 Everyone, so let's talk about it. Let's talk about this, um, this, this thing that we're doing together. This is contest, selfie contest. This is such a cool idea. Okay, let's talk about it. Tell me the details details. The premise, you sure you don't want to jump in on this? Oh, Hill jump in Ken jumps in. What are you saying? He's so cute. I love Ken. I love Ken too. I love Ken. So I can't. We're all in town because we have a conference this weekend. So are all my friends are in town. Yeah. It's sex conference and you all wish I know you wish you come, but you can't go ahead.
Starting point is 00:32:43 So we're calling it the Bachi selfie contest. The premise is that you put on a pair of hose re stockings of your liking and you wear them with your day-to-day clothing. And so it's up to you to kind of decide how much you're going to reveal and why. And the whole idea behind it, which I really love, is that you should be able to be who you want to be. And who I want to be Monday is not necessarily who I want to be Sunday. Right. And so these different stockings can really play up or play down to that whole thought.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Or that fantasy. So the selfie contest is really, so it's people are going to submit photos. So I want my Facebook and Facebook. So they have to go to And pick out, they go to the dreams, hold the ring, and they pick out a few, what are the price points on these? These are, gosh, it put in me on the phone.
Starting point is 00:33:43 It's okay, don't worry about it. But they're, I mean, they're not gonna break the bank. Like, you can still, you know. They range based on where they're supposed to. But there's sexiness. The thing about lingerie that I think is so, like, you feel sexiness even if you're wearing it for yourself.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Like, that's the thing, the point is that you wear it yourself. Right, and I think for me, that's one of the important things. I heard Kayaori talking about sex positive, sex positive. Yes. I love that because I, the concept for me behind lingerie is it's for me. Right. I'm wearing it for me. If I'm choosing to share it with somebody, that's my choice. Right. If I want to go choice. If I want to go to work wearing let's say the naughty school girl. That's always a favorite. Oh, let me see. I can wear them with a pencil skirt or just a skirt. They don't necessarily know what the real idea behind it is, but I do. And I feel good. Exactly. And you feel sexy. And this is, I love this with the
Starting point is 00:34:44 scene. I'm taking all of these home. There you are. So how do people enter the contest and how do we tell them to do? Tell them. Yeah. OK, so we'd like you to select the Dream Towsary of your choice. OK. Once you've got yourself into normal attire,
Starting point is 00:35:01 we want to show how you're wearing it for yourself. You take yourself in. Take yourself in. And you're going to go to the Batchie Facebook page. And those will be contest entry point right from there. You'll be able to submit the photo. And the cool thing is the winning selection, which is going to be judged by our Facebook following.
Starting point is 00:35:22 And hopefully yours is. Yes, ours will. My Facebook page is having challenges. well, we can talk about that. But the one that gets the most likes is going to win a $500 shopping spree on our site. Wow, and you guys, your site is amazing. You guys have such beautiful things. OK, so and we're launching this.
Starting point is 00:35:38 We can expect to launch it essentially as soon as this airs. OK, great. People can start buying it online and it's gonna run through August. Okay, that's fun. It's just a fun incentive. And if you have a partner, like you haven't take pictures, it's like, go online with your partner and be like, I think that would be really exciting.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Because people, couples are always emailing me like, how do we spice things up? How do you make things interesting? Go to your website and start thinking what you cost to your office, you role-playing. It doesn't have just be for the contest, but buy some sexy things together. Sure, you could also just do it with a group of friends. Yeah, exactly. And go out for the night.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Where are you favorite pair? Take selfies while you guys are out having fun or going to the movies or going out in the date. I mean, there's so many places you can do this and just have fun. Exactly, because it does. It's true. When you're wearing your good underwear and your good product, the good thing, you just have fun. Exactly, because it does, it's true. Like when you're wearing like you're good underwear
Starting point is 00:36:25 and you're good, you're good thing. You just feel sexier. I love it. Okay, so you're page slash botchy. And this will all be on all of all of those features. All of the, and they can access everything from There's links to, there's links to all of our features. I think it's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Can't wait to have these sexy people doing this contest. It's gonna be great. It'll be great. And we brought you plenty of stuff. You did? My office is so excited for you. I's gonna be great. It'll be great. And we brought you plenty of stuff. You did? My office is so excited for you. I know. They really were excited.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And we're gonna do some costumes with it too. We're gonna be entering as well myself and all the women in my office. We're going to be submitting many selfies. That'll be cool. Yeah, that'll be cool. Well, thank you guys. So it's B-A-C-I.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Correct. And there'll be more information on my site. And we'll be talking about this for the next six weeks. And it's B-A-C-I. Correct. And there'll be more information on my site, and we'll be talking about this for the next six weeks. And what's the final date? Right. Yeah, we're going to go to the very end of August to be able to submit your photo. Obviously, the earlier you get your photo in,
Starting point is 00:37:15 the more chance of accumulating some likes, unless it's really crazy on the last day of August. And you win. And you can get your friends in the way you do it, everyone. Absolutely. Absolutely. OK, I can't wait. And we're gonna be doing it. We're gonna start. We're gonna now that we have them. We might have to do like start tomorrow in my office. Yeah. It's gonna be a fun day.
Starting point is 00:37:33 If I'm gonna enter the conference. Yeah. Can you show it? Right? Do you want me to shake my legs? I mean look at the legs. No, it's my baby. No. I did your in LA, right? No, I didn't. I mean well maybe the dark ones would would cover whatever you're into. Can we don't judge? No. You can pick whatever you want. That's the best part. Okay, good. Well, thanks guys. So I'm't. I mean, well, maybe the dark ones would would cover whatever you're into can we don't judge no you can pick whatever you want Best part. Okay, good. Well, thanks guys. So I'm excited. I'll be talking about this to me to come We'll bring you new updates. We'll be like highlighting stuff off in our page and stuff like that. That's fantastic Thank you very much. Thank you for having so much. So fun. Good to see you applause applause applause for my very special guests. Okay
Starting point is 00:38:05 So we were talking about going back to Coyote every we were talking about Lou What? Applauds. Applauds. Applauds. For my very special guests. Okay. So, we were talking about going back to Coyote, where you're talking about Loube. Oh, yeah. We touched on Loube before we got on the Loube. We touched on the Loube. So, I would like to talk, you know I feel very strongly about Loube. Like, I just think that people don't understand the importance of using Loube, that there's still a stigma, and many people's minds attach with Lou with lube that it's you bring it out if she's dry or there's discomfort or there's a
Starting point is 00:38:29 better get the lube but lube actually enhances the experience actually for women and men and I think a lot of people don't realize that and we're using a toy or just having sex it just add a little lube make it a lot better when there's studies it showed that like 98% of women said it was better when they added, even if they're already wet. Well, because there's already friction. You're having friction with any type of sex play, whether it's external only or internal
Starting point is 00:38:51 with a toy. Exactly. And when you have friction, no matter how wet you were to begin with, you may not actually be able to sustain that. No matter what, everyone's body is different. What time of the month is it for you? How older you?
Starting point is 00:39:03 What time of the day is it for you? Exactly. When you've been eating, are you dehydrated? I mean, there's so many factors that can play into it. And so, you know, the whole weather is better is absolutely true. And why not have extra moistness and lube down in any area that you're playing in just to make it a more pleasurable fun wet slippery experience? Exactly. So which l do you recommend? I know there's so many. There's so many. I need a week. I carry a lot of really great loops. I really love the please cream. It's one of my favorites. Just because it has it's a water-based natural lubricant but it has a drop of silicone in it which just lets it stay a little bit slicker a little bit longer.
Starting point is 00:39:40 We don't carry a lot of lubricants with glycerin, which is an ingredient that actually helps it stay slicker longer. And because of that, just because some folks have sensitivities to it, we do, I do like the ones with a little drop of silicone because it's going to help. And then, you know, for anal plague, which is why we brought up a lube. Oh, right. Back then. Gel.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Gel is really great. Some people like silicone, just because again, it stays very, very slick for a very, very long time. But any kind of cushiony extra cushiony Jell is just great. Okay. And I just feel like, why not? You know, why not have it be extra cushioned, extra slick, extra fun?
Starting point is 00:40:19 Right, and if you don't like it, you don't have to do it again. I'm just like, try it. Try it. Yeah. And I do feel like there are people who are definitely like, ugh, I just really have enough. And I feel like that's great. But don't count out that, you know, or discount that in a few years
Starting point is 00:40:31 or next month, things might change. It does change. Yeah, you have to, you have to, you know, be prepared and know that yeah, your body, and it's not about, you know, a lot of times people feel like they're, their partner gets upset because they feel like maybe they're not turning them on and that's why they're not wet. Yeah. That's not the case. And again,
Starting point is 00:40:47 that's about not having body shame and not feeling bad about like, oh, well, my ex was so wet all the time. You're not. Exactly. Exactly. Right. Right. And then nothing to do. And we know you're actually directs for whatever. Yeah. Bring that up or all different. We are all different. That's why we're the toys at some point because I recommend them. Yeah. Like, you will do, do love the Jeju Mimi wetsuit. Well, I mean, yeah. That's a universal, but I'm saying just because I let somebody, well, why not?
Starting point is 00:41:11 Love that. No, I don't know the stores, or even one of the friends, or, you know, anywhere, I always say, like, this is what I'm going to recommend to you, but what looks good to you? Because if it doesn't look good to your eyes, then it might not be a fit because you have to be kind of attracted to it. You have to be like, that looks like a nice toy. I can see how that would feel really good. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And if you're okay. So what about back to the, we did talk a little bit of the process. What about for just regular anal toy for men or for women not vibrating? Well, I think that for a more of a plug like or kind of non-vibrating, you know, the booty from fun factory, the dawn one from pleasure works, that's more of like a bead, which is can be really fun It's like three little olives stacked in a row. Right, right And that's gonna force some opening and closing of the anal muscles and that can feel great The booty is really cute because it's just itty bitty tiny, right?
Starting point is 00:42:03 And so I always recommend people start with it because what I have found is that people who are looking to experiment with any type of anal play they'll be like, oh, I don't know, I don't know. And then they get something small and they're like, uh-huh. Yeah, I'm ready. Yeah, you're good. Good gateway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:18 If you just want, you're not ready for anal, you know, speaking of anal sacs, I have to ask you a question, another we talk about. Yeah. Is that anal sacs is a good topic. I used to say when I was starting, I was like, anal's a new blowjob. I swear to God, like, so everyone's like, what's trans and sex?
Starting point is 00:42:31 What's on my, I just think it's anal, like everyone talks about anal. But now I think squirting is the new anal. I feel like squirting was the new anal. I feel like, yeah, I feel like we have a problem. I can't get away from it. Yeah, I know everyone wants to know. I feel like anal, I feel like anal is still coming into its own.
Starting point is 00:42:47 I feel like it's still, you know, pegging is a lot like women penetrating male partners. I feel like prostate pleasure, prostate health. I feel like you have a lot more products that are coming out for the anal market that are marketed to mainstream and they're quality. Because again, you can't just put anything in the anus because there is bacteria just like any other part of the body. And so more quality products are coming out. Now squirting, I feel like it's this mystery of the G spot.
Starting point is 00:43:15 And I think squirting almost has like a bad reputation of like, oh, you can't squirt. You should be a squirt. This is what I'm saying. I'm getting, I think it's from porn. People are saying it. They're just like, what can you sport? Can you teach me how?
Starting point is 00:43:26 Can I do it? Can I do it? It's like all the time. Yeah, and I feel like your answer should always be like, maybe. Right, maybe. I can't say. I mean, you could try. And how fun would that be?
Starting point is 00:43:34 I guess exploration. Like exploration never stops exploring by yourself or with your partner. That is just the bottom line in life. Because that's when you're going to, it's all going to get boring for you and stagnant and you're just gonna watch a lot of TV Not boring. Don't judge don't judge. Not there watching TV But you're not gonna be doing anything else if you don't it's gonna get everything gets boring if you don't expand and try things Like sweating, but what would you recommend? Okay, so we wanted to right to try is there like a certain toy or certain you know fingers
Starting point is 00:44:01 In the little come Heather point them towards you push them in point them towards you, push them in, point them towards you. So I feel like with the whole exploration of the G-spot in general, the most important thing is to start out with that exploratory, we're gonna explore because again, with the fist up, but it's funny because it is true. Like let's make it like a fun new thing that we're going to try to get.
Starting point is 00:44:27 And not make it goal oriented because the last thing that anyone needs, whether whichever partner it is, is this like, well, did you score it? Did you score it? Did you score it? I didn't. I didn't. And so the pressure is not what you want. You don't want pressure around accomplishing anything in sex.
Starting point is 00:44:43 And so what I would recommend is some finger motion with the come Heather motion. Does it feel good? Some women do not like G-spot pleasure or pleasure. They don't like G-spot pleasure. They don't like the pressure. It doesn't feel good to them. And so that's the first thing to figure out is does it feel good to you. And then if it does, you can go into some toys like the pure wand is really great.
Starting point is 00:45:03 It's a firm metal. It has a weight. It has the tugging pulling. I like the pure wand is really great. It's a firm metal, it has a weight, it has the tugging pulling. I like the pure wand. The G-Twist is a vibrating version, it has a lot of texture, so it's kind of doing grab, grab, grab, grab, grab. Just do some good toys to explore with that.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Absolutely. Okay, I like that. All right, that's good. So what about, it's how that exploring and like never, never stopping. Okay, so what about now a lot of toys are waterproof, which is great, because you could wear them in that. Yeah, people really, a lot,
Starting point is 00:45:28 there are a lot of waterproof toys and a lot of splash proof toys. And I think that people, if you're like a bath taker, you need waterproof because a lot of products are meant for the shower because they're splash proofs so you can wash them. Right. And a lot of people really, that's enough.
Starting point is 00:45:44 They just wanna masturbate or have sex in the shower and that's totally great. For folks who are like, no, I want this submerged in my bathtub swimming pool to Cusy, they need to get completely sealed waterproof toys. Okay, which one would you recommend? There's so many. I mean, there's like the Jeju Toys or waterproof,
Starting point is 00:46:00 the Wevibe Toys or waterproof, and there's just a ton of them out there. I mean, you can even get an inexpensive $20 vibrator that's waterproof these days. Right, I know. That's so amazing that it's all changed so much. It has. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:14 And there's one more thing that I do have to say, Batchee, people sitting here, Ken Haley. We're sure. This is what I failed to mention about your contest, because we only have a few more minutes left, is that we also, I forgot to mention that they could look at the pictures in Instagram Your Instagram right? Batchi
Starting point is 00:46:30 I wanted to give out your Instagram Handle thank you. There's a handle still sure bachi laundry and then also it's your Twitter is bachi kiss Thank you, and then yeah Facebook, Facebook is slash botchy brand. For the contest. I just need to say that. Thank you. I want to say that.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Because I was like, I didn't want to say the wrong Facebook page. But I have them all here. And then I saw that I had them all here. There's a lot going on today. There is. But I think it's great that if you guys are on a mission to celebrate every woman
Starting point is 00:47:05 and the brand and that's what this is about, make them feel good. So we're going to and we'll be talking about it more in weeks to come. Thank you. So thank you. Okay, Kayo, do you have a few minutes left? Like what? Roundup. Okay, so we're going to be doing some video.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Okay, so Kayo, do you have any videos? So I'm here for a trade show. It's the adult novelty manufacturer's expo where I get to go around with a bunch of other people and see the newest products are being released. It's great because essentially we get to plan the next six to eight months of our inventory. There's a lot of great products being released. I haven't seen a lot of them. I've seen a few that I cannot talk about but they are beyond exciting.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Okay. I saw one today that I think is going to really be great. It's a whole new, it's a whole new deal. Can't see it, well, are we able to see it? A Saturday? Because we do videos, you guys are going to check it out. My website and YouTube will tweet it. All that stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:53 And we've done a lot of videos to that. We do, yeah, we have a good time doing videos. Oh, Bachi, yeah. We're coming there. We're going to come check out your booth. We'll do a video. Oh, that's awesome. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Oh, we're going to do some stuff. Oh, that's going to be, yeah. Oh, we're going to do some stuff. It's going to be a big sex weekend. So actually never have sex with these things. By the way, it's actually business. Well, there's people around. There's no way to do it. I know. I know. Well, just think I'd be having, you know, everyone's in the mood. There's toys, laundry. It's really just widgets. People think the hour who is doing me when I'm sexy, but you know, it's like, it's a software, yeah. I know. To us, it's a sad experience. So just in brief, what people can look forward to though,
Starting point is 00:48:29 there is a product coming out next week that is app controlled and Wi-Fi. So you can control it over with an app, or you can control it over the computer. So you go long distance intimacy. So if you're in a long distance relationship, your partner, you both, you have the toy, your partner has the app, you can, is controlling it.
Starting point is 00:48:48 The speed of motion. Yeah, and it can be across the room or they can be on a website across the country or across the world. Okay. So I think that's the future that we have to look forward to is increased intimacy, even no matter what the distance between people. So people who have partners who travel a lot, long distance love affairs, folks who are stationed elsewhere in the world. There's just a lot of great options for people coming down. I know I'm excited. There's a lot of
Starting point is 00:49:12 products that are coming out with apps. It's actually the new frontier. I'm heard about. I haven't seen it yet. Harder and harder to rationalize cheating. That's right. That's right. You'd be like, but we had the app honey. Yeah, you didn't have to do that with that strange woman. Exactly. I know, exactly. And plus there are no reason to cheat because you can have a million different ways to have sex and different sex
Starting point is 00:49:33 lives. You can put on your sexy lingerie. Exactly. You can put on your sexy lingerie. I can. I have a pair for you. Yeah, we got some of our answers. There's a million different ways to be different people
Starting point is 00:49:42 at different times and places. Exactly. Like, you just have fun with this. Absolutely. So be so tight and keep doing it the same way over and over again You just gotta try we've talked about a lot today. It gave me a lot of good ideas So thank you coyote for being on the show and everyone as they know good vibes calm I can't say enough. I know and thank you bachi and Coming next we're gonna have some sexy amazing photos for you including from my my my girls and office women Girls is it coming back? Can I say girls are it still offensive? I think that are young
Starting point is 00:50:12 Yeah, they're younger. Yeah, they're so cute and girls, but they can be your They're your girl. They offended Anderson where you look at me. We gotta go. I didn't realize that girls is offensive Women studies in college. you can't say girls. Well, I mean, I was walking down the street today over in the Santa Monica, and someone's like, hey, girls. And I'm like, I don't. You guys are such a pain in the ass.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Can I just say that? Well, here I go. I want you to say, oh, you're always, yeah. Yeah, holding. The voice is fine. Really? No, but girls, I feel like it's still, I still have a good issue.
Starting point is 00:50:43 I don't know why it's from, it's like, luckily my wife has, my wife has, she would have a good issue. I don't know why it's from God's like Hey lady my wife has a wife has a issue with Lady because when my assistance they're writing in interns are like ladies and I'm like I ladies feels like that's I know I've emailed all of you and said hi ladies No, but it doesn't bug me because I realize it was something a women's studies class that it was like ladies and That's why people shouldn't go to school Exactly. I think that's the that's the real moral of the story here. I can be a lady I can be a woman, but I feel girl. I've not been a girl for a very long time. I agree with you. I act like one
Starting point is 00:51:14 But I'm definitely I'm like mom are okay everyone Anderson. What's up with you? How's your latest podcast? It's time to wrap it up girls. We're out. Okay. You don't want to say anything about your podcast? Fine. Yeah, film vote. What's up? And after that everything's going good. We're obnoxious over there just like I am here. Sorry. I love it. I'm so glad you're not too bad.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Okay, everyone, thanks so much for listening to Sex with Emily. Was it good for you? Email me. Feedback at Okay, everyone. Thanks for listening to this show. Fleshlight the number one sex toy for men. man wouldn't be amazing if you could feel the pleasure of having sex anytime, even when you don't have a partner.
Starting point is 00:51:52 The flashlight, the most popular sex toy ver man, it simulates sensations of sex and it was engineered to look and feel like the real deal. Many people even think it feels better than sex. Not that you won't want to have sex again, but it feels amazing. The Fleshlight Stamina training unit helps you last longer, embed, and become a better lover. And then you'll experience some of the most mind-blowing orgasms of your life. And if you've ever fantasized about having sex with a porn star, you now can.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Because they've got fleshlides that are from Jaina Jamison, Jessica Drake, Asa Akira, Tara Patrick, they're available in a realistic flesh tone with popular, the lotus texture, they have amazing textures, you just gotta try them all. So go to slash flashlight to get your flesh right now that slash flashlight. Perhaps play a little game called just a tip. Just for a second, just a few hot fills. Hey, this is Jordan Harbinger, host of the Art of Charm Podcast, the number one dating
Starting point is 00:52:48 and relationship advice podcast in iTunes. I'm Emily Morris, host of the Sex with Emily Podcast, the number one sex and relationship podcast on iTunes and it's And this is just the tip. Hey Jordan, you get couples that play together actually stay together. What does that mean? There's a lot of sexy games you can play that will keep your sex life interesting. Just think about Truth or Dare.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Didn't you love playing Truth or Dare when you were younger? Sure, yeah. So if you've never played this as a sex game, it could really make some tidal-ladying things happen. I think you could find out a lot. Boobs make Truth or Dare end pretty much any game a little bit more enticing. Exactly, Right. What do you mean boobs make? Truth or death or enticing?
Starting point is 00:53:28 Why? So you can, yeah, whatever. You can talk about it. Is that good? That's a good. That's a good question. That's a good question. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Okay. Doren, do you know what the couples that played together actually stayed together? I think I'm just going to leave this totally intact, by the way. So you go ahead. Okay. Good. There's sexy games you can play that keep your sex life together like an adult version of truth or that. What does that involve?
Starting point is 00:53:50 I mean, you could say something like, you know, I want you to pick truth or dare. And then you could say, what's the number one sex fantasy that you've had about me while you were masturbating? Okay. And you could be like, I remember that time that you're giving me amazing blow jobs. Right. You just be super honest with just not that I give you one. Right. Nojob You just be super honest with yeah, not that I give you one right now You might fantasize about me even one but I haven't given as far as you know that's never happened. Did I give you blowjob?
Starting point is 00:54:11 No Okay, so you can also you can also you know talk about your fantasies You can just you can play strip monopoly for like hair. Yeah, that sounds extremely boring But I think the other one sound a little more promising. I think you're right. If you guys want to learn more from the art of charm about dating, relationships, and even networking for business, visit us at or check us out in iTunes and follow me on Twitter at the art of charm.
Starting point is 00:54:41 And check out the sectors of the M.I. podcast Sack of the and iTunes, if you want to have the best sexier life that is, also follow me on Twitter at Sack with Emmy. Buying a car can be such a stressful experience, but true car is changing car buying forever. True car actually helps car buyers get rid of the fear that they might overpay, and that fear is the worst. Last month, over 45,000 cars were sold by the TrueCars Certified Dealer Network and users save an average of $3,046 off MSRP. So, when you're ready to buy a car,
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