Sex With Emily - Sexy Foods for Sexy Moods with Chef Amber Caudle

Episode Date: February 13, 2020

On today’s show, Dr. Emily is joined by incredible food creator, Chef Amber Caudle to talk about the sensual sides of food – from cooking to eating – with a few ideas to use on V-Day or even all... year round! They discuss how food can be truly healing for the mind, body, and soul, the sensual side of eating – especially since so many foods look like penises and vulvas, and why body acceptance from your head to your toes and everything in between helps you in and out of the bedroom. Plus, if you’re cooking for a hot date – what foods are a hell yes and what foods are a definite no-no.Follow Emily on all social @sexwithemilyFollow Amber on all social @chefamberLAFor even more sex advice, tips & tricks, visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. I'm Dr. Emily and on today's show I'm joined by my friend an incredible food creator, Chef Amber Coddle to talk about the sensual sides of food. From cooking to eating with a few ideas to use on Valentine's Day or all year round. Tapicks include how food can be truly healing for the mind, body and soul. Seeing the sensual side of eating especially since so many foods look like penises and volvas, think about it. Power to the pussy. Why body acceptance from your head to your toes and everything in between helps you in
Starting point is 00:00:30 and out of the bedroom. And if you're cooking for a hot date, what foods are a hell yes and what foods are definite? No, no. All this and more. Thanks for listening. Look into his eyes. They're the eyes of a man obsessed by sex. Eyes that mock our sacred institutions. Betrubized, they call them in a fight on day.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Hey, Avaline, you got a boyfriend? Because my man E here, he just got his heart broken. He thinks you're kind of cute. The girls got a hair standard. Oh my! The women know about shrinkage. Isn't it common knowledge? What do you mean like laundry? It shrinks.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Can we not talk about sex so much? Are you kidding me? Oh my god, I'm off here. So, so, so. Being bad feels pretty good. You know Emily's not the kind of girl you just play with. You're listening to Sex with Emily. We're talking about sex, relationships, and everything in between. For more information check out, all social media we are sex with Emily across
Starting point is 00:01:37 the board. Intentions with Emily. Okay guys, for each show, join me in setting an intention. What was it about this show that drew you to it?, maybe you think, oh, God, you know, I actually want to have a sexy Valentine's Day and I want to find some foods that I can cook better, that I can make that are easy, sensey, and sexual, or you're maybe just trying to be healthier
Starting point is 00:01:56 and you want to do it without all the distractions and without it being difficult, this show is going to help you because when we feel healthier, we feel sexier. My attention is to give you ideas to make food less of a hassle and more enjoyable and definitely sexier and let you know how that can help you in the bedroom as well. Okay enjoy the show. I am so excited to welcome my guest Amber Coddle. She's a chef based in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I like to call her Chef Amber. You can call her Chef Amber as well. Chef Amber L.A. Chef Amber L.A. You can find her on Instagram and Twitter. And she is an incredible one. We've got to know each other in the last year or so. And Amber, I've never met anybody as passionate about food and as, and that you care so much
Starting point is 00:02:40 and you put so much love into the work that you do and the food you do and she's an amazing restaurant in her most abit. Thank you. The source cafe have not been there. Oh my God. I heard that it's just like you. It's like sex, I have delicious, nourishing food
Starting point is 00:02:55 and you feel so much better sexier and healthier when you leave. And I've cooked for you a lot, so that's the thing. She, okay, so this is who Amber is. She actually, we had recently met, but you brought the dessert to my birthday party. Yes, I brought some adaptogen sexy balls, basically. She brought the sexiest balls to my birthday.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Yeah. And they were delicious and healthy. And literally they were the leftovers that I kept eating. I was like, we gotta hide these, they were great. And then she made a meal for me recently. And you just, the way you move through the world is just how you, you are with your business and your food. So thank you for being here. Yeah, I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:03:29 She's having me. Of course. So we were going to talk about just some sexy things that we could do. I mean, starting out really about, well, let's first off, we're going to get a little Valentine's day recipe. But really, these are just things that people can do that are sexy. Exactly. And that food essential, but you're like philosophy about food. Can we just talk about your philosophy? Because I think you comment from a very unique place.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Yeah, so I believe that what we put in our bodies matters right now, and I'm so passionate about inspiring people to nourish, nourish their bodies with amazing, beautiful, organic food. And I think that one of my philosophies is slowing down and really honoring the act of eating and what we put in our bodies. And I feel like when I'm feeling
Starting point is 00:04:10 my bodies, that when I'm feeling my body with amazing food, that I feel strong, beautiful and sexy and healthy. And then it's just a mind-body soul connection. Everything I make, I make with intention, like you said, I put so much love into my food, but you feel it. It feels so good. So I love talking about, also, I want to change the stigma around the word healthy when it comes to food because I think that's healthy. Emily sometimes people think, oh, I'm going to be deprived
Starting point is 00:04:37 and I have to go on a diet. It's going to be boring or it's steamed tofu and broccoli and it's like, screw that. No, you can make beautiful, sexy food. And I believe that sexy is the new healthy. And I love telling people that like, if your food doesn't taste as good as sex, you're eating the wrong food.
Starting point is 00:04:53 And I would have thrown in, I don't know if I'll have to cut some here or something. Okay, then you're eating the wrong fucking food. I mean, you are. And so think about when I cooked you dinner a couple weeks ago, and we sat down in the morning at the table, we were all moaning. Everybody's like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:05:06 and like the saltiness and the sweetness, and just the act of eating slow, right? And actually honoring and looking at the food, I mean, it feels so good, and then it just, I don't know, it feels so good, yeah. You know that it's you exactly in the way your presentation, and then we sat there, and you're right, it was salty in the sweet and the freshness.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yeah. And just knowing you too, that you had made it in Europe. Oh my God. Amber, it's really is a gift, so, but okay. It is difficult though, in my brain, because I am not a chef. I am nowhere near a chef. And being healthy for me sometimes can be a struggle.
Starting point is 00:05:37 So how do we make healthy, not a struggle? So stressful. Yeah, why did it stressful? It is, and I know you're so busy, and I feel like for me, we could do a podcast, we could do a whole show on this, but setting yourself up for success. For success. I'm here with sex with Emily, so it's like, there's my mind.
Starting point is 00:05:56 It happens. Setting your day up the night before for the next day, whether that means I'm going to air one and I'm grabbing breakfast lunch and dinner, or whether that means I'm ordering something. Have a plan or else one, you're not going to eat all day or you're going to start shoving stuff into your whole unconsciously mindlessly. And that's where we get ourselves in trouble. And then you're depleted, tired, imploded, and cranky. I mean, at least that's how I am.
Starting point is 00:06:20 So for me, I plan my meals the next day, even as a chef, I'm around food all day. I have, I'm the opposite. I have food all over the place. So for me, I'm like mindlessly snacking all day. And then I feel like crap at the end of the day. So for me, planning, planning, planning, it takes so much willingness, so much effort. But it's like the biggest act of self-love that I do for myself. I find like in our own industries, we don't like take care of ourselves. So people are like, oh, you probably like sit around and cook all day at your house and your refrigerator at your house is like so full. If you come over to my house, it's completely empty, right?
Starting point is 00:06:52 Because you're around food all day. I'm around food all day. So I just have to plan it. So if you have a meal delivery service, like that's a 2020 goal for me at the end of this year for Source Cafe, we're going to do it. But if you have one. Source Cafe in her most of it. I want you to check that out.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Yeah. And if you, everything much, Chef Amber, you could also find in the show notes at That's where everything is. You just look at the, the toolbar, it says, no, to then there you go, and then you find it. Everything click through and check out her restaurant and all of her beautiful recipes. So what about cookie, what about in a relationship, a sex, anything? It doesn't have to be like a relationship.
Starting point is 00:07:24 But how do we, how do we cook foods that are like sexy? Let's say for valentines, they're actual. Yeah, maybe that's not too challenging. Yeah. Okay, so let's just talk about the act of sensual eating, right? So take the papaya. I mean, if you slice that open, it looks like a vulva. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:07:41 So you could just have that on a platter for your lover and just scoop out the inside of the papaya Just the act of eating the papaya is essential Which could turn into set is sexy also look at the artichoke So artichokes are known for their affidija at qualities. So steamed artichoke dipped in some really creamy coconut butter or ghee But think about the act of like stripping the flesh from the leaves with your teeth, Emily, that is sensual. That's so hot, right? It's hot, we've got it.
Starting point is 00:08:09 It's hot. You're scraping your teeth, you're eating the flesh. That is sensual. Oysters, of course, oysters are known for their affidija qualities, because did you know that they can change from male to female and back? Therefore, they can understand feminine and masculine and experience
Starting point is 00:08:26 the love of feminine masculine. I know. Crazy, right? Really? And they're slippery and they're salty and like they're sensual just to look at. And when that flesh hits your mouth and slides down your throat, it's very sensual. I'm talking about all the flesh she's trying to get. So those are like fun. I mean, those are every day like steamed artichoke, right? Oysters, avocados, the Mayans and Aztecs believe that they increase sexual desirability
Starting point is 00:08:52 and also helps with erectile dysfunction. So avocados and they're a great brain food. But so, I mean, gosh, I mean, just start with something. Forget Viagra, right? Right. Eat a lot of avocado. Eat a lot of avocado. And it's very amazing. And it's very amazing it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out.
Starting point is 00:09:05 You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out.
Starting point is 00:09:13 You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out.
Starting point is 00:09:21 You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it. You'll have to cut it. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it. You'll have to cut it out. You'll have to cut it. You'll have to cut shape of the asparagus, the tip. I mean, it's pretty phallic. Everything's like, there's so many phallic foods and then there's a lot of foods that look like vulvas. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:29 And so take the asparagus, dip it in some raw cashew cheese. I'll give the viewers the listeners a recipe and dip that asparagus and then the cashew cream very easy to make. Serve that with some oysters. You've got a steamed artichoke. I mean, have some avocado and then I'm gonna give you an amazing chocolate avocado mousse, which I make daily. I mean, it's very easy.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Throw it in the blender. It's avocado, rock a cow, maca, which, hey, maca is the root for libido. Serve that with some berries, which berries are the symbol for love. It's Valentine's days, right? Strawberries. And then the papaya, like, there's your meal, right? And that isn't just have to be on Valentine's Day. So I think that slowing down. That is our meal. That's what it is tonight. Aren't you hungry? You do, we get so hungry with you here. But I think it's true. I mean, we have to like, because it also like learning to like cook together or share a meal for ourselves because we so we just forgot the art of cooking. Like we don't, we forgot the art of cooking. We forgot the art of cooking. And it is self love.
Starting point is 00:10:25 And nourishment and love. It is. Now what about though, other like Afro-DG acts? Do you ever, or things, we talked a little bit about that, but even in your restaurant or cooking for people, are there certain meals in particular besides the that are particularly sexy? Like we were talking about earlier,
Starting point is 00:10:41 have you ever been in a date with someone that was like, they weren't eating sexy, or were like, hunched over their plate or shoveled food in or stabbing their steak with a fork? Yeah, I love seafood. I think sushi and raw bars are really sexy and sensual. That's like a favorite date for me. Also, it doesn't cause any bloating or gassiness so if they're sexy time afterwards,
Starting point is 00:11:01 you don't wanna go to and have a big plate of beans and Mexican food is not like sexy food for me. I always say that. It's sour cream and the beans and like the corn. I mean, it's like, it leads to a lot of indigestion and bloating and gas and the garlic and the onion. So I think I love sushi. I think sushi are the hottest dates.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Same. I think they're so hot. I love sushi and the oony and like just and everything's just so sensual. It is. And you write your absolutely like closer to each other. It is. You're absolutely closer to each other. Yeah. You can even like feed each other.
Starting point is 00:11:27 They're like cooking together in the kitchen. And I don't know, making a bunch of fresh roasted vegetables with nut creaks, nut creme sounds bad. But she's creams and stuff is like my favorite. Oh, yeah. I'm just like really, really hungry right now. I know. What should we avoid, though?
Starting point is 00:11:45 Because people always want to know what foods do we have to avoid? I would avoid onion and garlic just because they're so, you know, pungent for breath. And also, you know, the beans and any type of lentils, beans, if they haven't been prepared right, if they haven't been soaked overnight to remove some of phytic acid, which can help that actually will cause bloating and stuff. But if you eat the wrong beans, stay away from beans, legumes before a hot night. Yeah. I mean, rice is much a much better option if you want some carbs.
Starting point is 00:12:16 There's so much. Yeah. Okay. This is the rice. And cruciferous veggies. So cruciferous veggies for a lot of people, the cauliflower's broccoli, jammy. Yeah. Jamie was going to make broccoli. Yeah. It was like, chit-a-date the cauliflower, broccoli, family. Jamie was gonna make broccoli.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah, it was like, shit a date. It was not a sex, I know a lot of, and also sun choke. So sun choke actually in the culinary business, we call them gas chokes. They're full of inulin, so much fiber, and certain people can have a major reaction. So like if I'm cooking for like a big party or a sex, like there's no way I'm cooking sun chokes big party or a sex, like there's no way
Starting point is 00:12:45 I'm cooking sun chokes and cruciferous veggies because somebody's going to be walking around like complaining about the gas. How did you get into this? How did you get to be this human that is making all this beautiful food? You know from my health journey Emily, I had a health crash probably eight years ago and inspired me to get out of the crazy restaurant, 80-hour-a-week restaurant, chef, and I was eating too much sugar and exercising too much and partying too much the whole thing. And I crashed and I opened up source cafe
Starting point is 00:13:12 because I wanted a safe place that I could eat and that my family and friends could eat. And so seven years later, and then honestly, my creativity comes from what I can't eat. So I have like some adrenal fatigue stuff and I have some hormone stuff. So it's like I can take mocha and ashwinganda and avocado and I feel't eat. So I have like some adrenal fatigue stuff and I have some hormone stuff. So it's like I can take mocha and ashwenganda and avocado and I feel so strong. That's it inspires me and pushes me a chef daily.
Starting point is 00:13:34 That's where my creative recipes come from. I mean if I could eat whatever I wanted if I had like a normal body wherever that means I don't know how creative I would I would be. Wasn't it true that from our our guess our greatest challenges comes like our creativity? And there it is, in the gold and the light, yeah. So we're all the light shines. It's one of the things that we struggle with. Yeah, I'm writing a cookbook and I want to write another book about my whole relationship with food and that.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Well, yeah, let's talk about your relationship with your food and how it's impacted your relationship with your body and how you've shifted that. Yeah. I'm talking to chef amber Chef amber LA you can find our Instagram and Twitter Maybe people need help with their Valentine's Day meal plan. Yeah, because even if you're not yeah, they don't have to be like They don't might not want to eat cacao or they don't any kind of meal any place. Yeah, that would be sexy amber gonna You whip it together. She's gonna help all of us here. Yeah, so body and food like body and food
Starting point is 00:14:23 We could do hours in this alone. Oh my God. I guess how about like sexually, how you have felt since you've gotten, I know you hate the word healthy. Yeah, that's okay, but that's good. But since you've changed the way you eat. Yeah. And I know you've done a lot of insight out.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yes. But how do you think it's impacted how you are sexually now is how you were 10 years ago? Okay, well, I would say, first of all, when we nourish our bodies, and I've been nourishing my body with the right food, healthy food, for sure, I feel more energized, I sleep better,
Starting point is 00:14:53 I feel stronger, I feel healthier, I feel sexier, my light, my cheese brighter, you know, if I'm walking around with this voice in my head, I feel fat, I shouldn't eat that, there's too many calories, even if it comes to broccoli and apple energetically, that energetic weight is heavy, I feel fat, I shouldn't eat that. There's too many calories. Even if it comes to broccoli and an apple energetically, that energetic weight is heavy. I feel dark. And now it's like, I can eat what I want. Mindfully, I sit down, I honor, even if it's a brownie, I always say this to people like, have an apple and a brownie and I have an apple and I'm like, Oh, maybe I shouldn't eat it. It has too much sugar, like how many calories
Starting point is 00:15:21 or that's going to energetically make me feel heavy versus at brownie. Like sit down and eat the brownie. Like I'm gonna honor this brownie. I love this. My body wants this rocket cow right now. It's gonna make me feel amazing. And honestly, when I fluctuate and wait, I can be a little bit heavier and people say,
Starting point is 00:15:35 oh my God, you look so good. You look like you've lost weight. And I have it lost weight. Like I've lost maybe that energetic heaviness and feel so much more embodied and sent. I do. I feel sexier,. Like, I've lost maybe that energetic heaviness and feel so much more embodied and I do, I feel sexier, sensual, confident, and letting go of those voices and that judgment that we have. What's your trick for letting go of those voices? We've been talking about that a lot.
Starting point is 00:15:56 How do you like go of those? So for me, Emily, I started this practice. I've been sharing on Instagram. It's a mere practice. Okay. And it's best to do naked. But some people, when I say it terrifies them, and you look straight in the mirror,
Starting point is 00:16:11 in your eyes, make eye contact, and just start, I love you, I love your butt, I love your boobs, you're so gorgeous. Some people can't get that far, so maybe you just start to say some affirmations or stuff you're grateful for, and naked is the best. And especially if you're having a loud voice day,
Starting point is 00:16:25 it's even better. Like, I still have them, and I get straight in the mirror, and I'm like, look at this gorgeous body that works 24-7 for you every day. And when I, if I'm driving down the road or something's crazy, and I start to feel that voice come in, I shift it and try to change it to something positive and opposite thought, it's hard.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I mean, I'm human, and it's, once you're in that low, it's hard to like, climb to the top, but right now I found that too that that that looking in your body and looking in the mirror because someone somebody was afraid to even You know look in the mirror naked wait. I'm talking about looking even looking at your vulva. Oh look at your vulva like there's done some vulva gazing Right, tons of vulva gazing. Thanks. Thanks to our good friend of the gazing, thanks to our good friend, Dolly. We love it. We love it.
Starting point is 00:17:04 The other friend Dolly, we love it. We got a lot of tech to look. So it's so true, looking at the mirror, because a lot of, we get a lot of calls, from way I'm in it, but I think men can, I know a man could benefit from this as well. And it's like, if you hit your body, there is something to be said for like,
Starting point is 00:17:17 looking at yourself in the mirror, dancing around like being naked, but even if you can't find the positive thing, sometimes it's like, it's so wonderful. But I'm not gonna say, I love my body, but I hate it, but what helps, can't find the positive thing, sometimes it's like, it's so wonderful. But I'm not gonna say I love my body, if I hate my butt, what helps, what I found also helps is finding something that you do love, or kind of neutralizing it.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Like if it's like, oh, hey, you could be like, it's, but it helps me walk toward. Or like, you know, I'm a strong body that I can look at. I can look at strong body. Take care of my kids, I just birthed two children. Yeah, I birthed the children, I built the humans out of my vagina.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Exactly. How could I be mad at this body? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I think that's so powerful. And I think that, yeah, I mean, we're also damn hard on ourselves. We are. We truly are, but it's like, you know, I feel like it is,
Starting point is 00:17:58 the more we can just stop the thoughts, recognize the thoughts. I love when you talk about like being in the car, like that's when a lot of the thoughts can happen, and just kind of shifting it. I like to also focus on the senses things that I'm feeling in the moment When I'm hearing what are tasting what I'm smelling. No, that's good. I was tasting on of your balls Oh my god, and I have to say your cacao balls. I have to say I love those balls. I know they're so good When we're in our shit in our head for me. It's not about my body. It's not about how big my ass is
Starting point is 00:18:24 It's really not about food. It's something deeper and it's a good whack on the head that I need to go inward and really look at really what's, but I mean, what's really bothering me? Why am I like attacking my ass today? It's not about my butt. It's really something inward, right? I'm just trying to shove shove that under the carpet with all these other self-sabotality thoughts. Well, the thoughts of the, because there's be more thoughts that are going to distract you. There's always going to be more that comes in. We're going to take a quick break and we come back more with Chef Amber. Amber Coddle, you can find her at chef Amber LA on Instagram and Twitter.
Starting point is 00:19:05 I love that you're here. She owns the source cafe by the beach in Hermosa. Yes. Sounds like she's still lovely place, the beach. Yeah. You get to see the beach and be at the beach. I do. And then Hatton Beach were in the middle of opening up our second.
Starting point is 00:19:18 So yeah. It's like an open end of March, end of March. We've got a so soon. And I will have wine and beer right now. I don't have wine and beer, so I will have organic and biodynamic wine, kombucha, sexy mocktails. Mocktails are really hot right now. It's a mocktail.
Starting point is 00:19:32 It's a non-alcoholic. Okay. So it looks like a cocktail, but it's beautiful. And we're going to fuse a lot of adaptogens. So I'm actually one of my favorite drinks because I'm not drinking right now. So I'll do kombucha with a little coconut water and maybe whisky and a little maca or ashwanganda and like top it with sparkling water and mint leaf. I mean hello, it's amazing. People don't even know everyone know what all of that is. I've heard all those things are
Starting point is 00:19:56 good. Adapted genes. Adapted genes. All right. Well, what about feeding your part? Where are some foods? Okay. So we've been talking a lot, Amber, about people feeding doing a of what are some foods? Okay, so we've been talking a lot amber about people feeding Doing a sexy night at home with the blindfold. Yeah, have you ever fed sexy foods? What do you want people to have killer dates this year? Yes, or do something different in the bedroom What could they with that that would be easy? You know what fun and sexy Okay, so with the blindfold and stuff it's's so fun, a lot of different like creams and stuff. So for instance, like the avocado chocolate moose,
Starting point is 00:20:28 I'm telling you, it's not complicated, it's very easy, but to tease that on the end of a straw barrier, or let your partner smell it first, because you're gonna get all the senses. The senses, it's really fun. I like to do like three or four different, like kind of cups. You could have some like mashed berries for like a fast jam,
Starting point is 00:20:45 and then you could have your avocado mousse. I also do just like a cashew cream, which is, these sound complicated, but they're very easy. It's like cashew cream. So you just whip up cashews? You just literally blend up cashews with a little bit of water. If you want to make it sweet, put some maple in it.
Starting point is 00:21:02 If you want to make it savory, put a little bit of salt and lemon. Like, one of them can go with the asparagus. You can dip the asparagus. That's really easy to feed. But, you know, it's healthy. Yeah, it's healthy. And none of these will bloat you out.
Starting point is 00:21:15 So I always have to think about that too. And chocolate's good too. And chocolate's amazing because it's actually calming, but also energizing. And it helps us adapt to outside stressors. And it releases the happy hormone. Yeah, how does all this food help with stress? We're also goddamn stressed out.
Starting point is 00:21:30 How do you feel the food do we impact your stress? Yeah, so I think that the way we eat impacts our stress. So if we're running around and standing and driving like me, I'm very guilty. I mean, my nervous system is not digesting that food. I'm completely stressed when I eat it. Or if I'm on an email, a hard email, an eating, not great. And also processed food.
Starting point is 00:21:50 I mean processed food, we can't digest it. It stresses the body, it has a lot of inflammation. So. Anything that comes pre-packaged. Yeah, yeah. I mean, unless you're at like, Air One. Because we love Air One. The addicted, yeah, or my cafe, everything, a lot of, you know.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Your cafe, the source cafe. Pre-package, but yes, the process, GMO stuff. Yeah, be careful. Be careful. It really is. Be careful. The thing is, if we are unhealthy in our bodies, we are eating too much, we're drinking too much, we're smoking, we're not eating.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Because listen, we're not all going to be, it's not going to be the process food, it's not a process food. Of course. But really, it's about you know this consciousness around around that what we're putting in our bodies and exercise and food we're going to feel better. We're going to feel sexy or we're going to want you know we're going to feel you're going to want if you're feeling your body with awesome amazing food you're going to want to go
Starting point is 00:22:36 to the gym. You're going to want to go for that walk or do something else better for yourself. If I have a weekend where I didn't play my food and I'm eating mindlessly I'm going to feel fatigued, bloated. Now here comes the voices, oh, I ate too much. And then there goes my light. I don't wanna go to the gym. I don't wanna take a walk or I'm going to the gym for the wrong reason.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I'm not going because I wanna feel strong. I'm going to the gym because, oh, I've gotta lose those pounds and there goes the voice again. How does it take to shift that? Because people who have never eaten healthy or they've never started. But I just think the fact that you've gone from that place to being like a lot of people can recognize that.
Starting point is 00:23:11 I mean, I've been in a state. It isn't journey. It's a daily journey for me. It's a daily journey. It's just it's being so mindful and just striving for that alignment and that balance like every single day. Where do you feel like you are the most mindful?
Starting point is 00:23:24 Oh wow. I'll be most mindful? Oh, wow. I have these empty more mindful. Yeah, so one thing that I try to do is when I'm washing the dishes, I wash the dishes. When I'm brushing my teeth, I brush my teeth. Those acts, I stopped multitasking as much. Now I'm a still a guilty multitasker, but my morning routine has helped me be the most mindful. I have a very, very non-negotiable intense sacred morning routine has helped me be the most mindful. I have a very very
Starting point is 00:23:50 non-negotiable intense sacred morning routine. What is that and why practice trans and unil meditation? So I'm and I just got my advanced training so now it's it's it's about 30-ish minutes and Then I dry brush and I've done some J-Day practice in the morning some J-Day. Okay. I'll oil pull I do some Tai Chi chantine. I mean, it's intense, but how long is it? You know, right now, I'm working with a coach, he's like, try to just keep it under an hour shaft. Like, it gets a little bit cold. It's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:24:13 It's like, please, like just an hour. Right, or my business partner's like, how long was your morning routine? Like an hour's good for me. And if you're out there listening, you're like, oh God, that sounds intense. I don't meditate, just start with five minutes, but, or a minute, or a minute, just a minute or just even
Starting point is 00:24:28 brushing my teeth using the two minute timer. Yes. And being mindful that entire time that helps. Beautiful. It's like, I don't want to and then it gets me into the mind. It just brushing my teeth. I'm just brushing my teeth because otherwise you're going off and all the thoughts all day.
Starting point is 00:24:41 And that's where I'm the most mindful. And when I'm cooking, when I'm creating, I'm just in my zone, in my flow, I'm in the kitchen. It just, something takes over me and I just start creating. It's amazing. It's amazing. Yeah. Okay, what about the J-
Starting point is 00:25:03 It's kind of like kegoballs to the awaken your energy. They move, they, do you tell me what they've got? Yeah, I mean, I am starting back on my practice again, and it really helps me feel embodied, get connected to my womb, that chakra, to my pussy, like really get connected. I used to do it a lot. It just builds so much confidence. And, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Should I build confidence? Oh, I think being able, for a while, I would kind of lose connection with my pussy and that center and helping me breathe through and just remembering, like asking her and like connecting with her in the morning and having the J-Deg. I know there's just something empowering
Starting point is 00:25:38 about feeling embodied. I mean, when I feel embodied and really embodied and confident, I mean, I can conquer anything. And then my creativity's like through the roof. When you actually do all the things in my practice or just wake up here. Yeah, yeah. And then I, I'm loving, I'm loving my new.
Starting point is 00:25:53 People in our world say, like, our sex educator. Okay, I say pussy, yeah. I mean, pussy, thing. Okay. No, I like when you say pussy. Yeah. I mean, it awakens everybody in the room. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Everybody driving is like pussy. Pussy. Yeah, I mean, really, mean really, it's amazing. Yeah. But I am kind of got a nervous, I got a nervous, oh no, okay, we're sprying. No, it's good, we're like, now it's fine, it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Okay, okay. It's powered to the pussy. It's powered to the pussy, yeah. And I love, I have my crave necklace on. Oh. How is the best for night, do you? I love it, so mine I chose I come first because for me, I feel like it's okay. It's finally
Starting point is 00:26:26 taking me forever to realize it's okay to put myself first. I'm allowed to be self-absorbed and self-centered and selfish and have boundaries and put my needs first and not just in the bedroom and life. Boundaries saying no. Like no, I can put myself first because if I honor myself and I'm going to be able to show up in the world, be of service and take care of others. Absolutely. And I'm not going to. Yeah. So. So have you been like, would you're to show up in the world, be of service and take care of others. Absolutely. And I'm not going to, yeah. So, have you been like, would you're with a partner in the past? Maybe you would not have, you've been more about their orgasm in your own.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Absolutely. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. The pleaser, the giver, the pleaser, the giver. And that's why, sexological bodywork opened my eyes to that and just different work, yeah, to help realize. I really did it right to learn like what. So much.
Starting point is 00:27:02 To be able to ask for what you want. And to receive and ask, receive and ask. ask and like there's nothing wrong with that. Yeah, and pleasure is our birthright. Pleasure is our birthright. I love it and I love that you have it which the icon first we should talk about our necklace. We haven't talked about it in a little bit. The vibrator necklace that you can get sex with slash whisper or go to our site. It says like you can get icon first, meditate, masturbate, manifest, or turn me on.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah, I love it. I'm giving one to one of our dear friends tonight. Yeah, she's gonna be so excited. I love it. Happy birthday to her. Oh, Amber. Okay. I have to ask you, okay. Well, first of all, Amber, everyone can find you at chef Amber. Yes. Chef Yes. Chef Amber LA in Instagram and Twitter. And check out the source cafe and Hermosa I have to ask you the five questions we ask all of our guests. Are you ready? Yes
Starting point is 00:27:53 Your biggest turn on Ooh, I like when somebody breathes on the back of my neck biggest turn off smacking food What makes good sex connection eye contact and eye contact. Something you would tell your younger self about sex and relationships. Slow down. You do not have to rush. And really just know that you are worth it.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And you can honor yourself. Honor yourself and you are worth it. That's it. Number one sex tip. Ooh. It comes to me not rushing and really getting into your body. Like don't skip on for play. Exactly, I love it.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Thank you Chef Amber for being here. Thanks so much for having me. I love you. I love you too. If you like the show, we'll rate us, review us. Five stars we'd love wherever you're listening, whatever platform you're listening on, Google Play, Spotify, iTunes, Hey, leave us a comment there.
Starting point is 00:28:48 It helps. We appreciate you. And thanks to my awesome team, we love you. Ken, Kristen, Alisa, Brian, producer, Jamie, and Michael. Was it good for you? email me. you

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