Sex With Emily - So You Wanna Have a Threesome

Episode Date: December 15, 2021

Welcome to the wide world of alternative relationship models. Opening up, threesomes, and swinging are increasingly becoming more mainstream, so naturally, we’ve got questions. Some of us do better ...with monogamy, but some of us thrive with a little variety - and no matter where we land on the spectrum of relationships and sex, we can always gain vocabulary to explore our desires, and act on our pleasure.So on today’s show, I take your questions on open relationships and we get into it. First, we tackle open relationships when we’re already partnered. How do you establish the ground rules? What do you do when your partner has a date but you don’t, and you feel that jealousy coming on? Next, threesomes and swinging: how do you practice safe sex in a group sex situation? Finally: when you’re the third party, what’s the best way to talk to the partner of your partner? In this case, and truly all others, the key is becoming a grade A communicator – because if there’s one thing you can count on in an alternative relationship, it’s lots and lots of talking. Show Notes:Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships by Tristan Taormino Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You engage all of your senses and what I mean by that is you go back to, okay, in the moment what am I seeing? Well I'm seeing this woman in front of me who's really turned on, what am I hearing? I'm hearing the music in the background, what am I smelling? Oh that vanilla candle smells great. What am I touching? Her skin feels really soft right now. You might only be able to do one of those, but when we drop into our senses in a moment
Starting point is 00:00:24 then nothing else exists. And you might have to do that like 16 times in a minute, but the more you do that, the more you'll be able to connect with this woman and be more present. And have sex. You're listening to Sex with Emily. I'm Dr. Emily, and I'm here to help you prioritize your pleasure and liberate the conversation around sex. Welcome to the wide world of alternative relationship models. Opening up, three sums and swinging are increasingly becoming more mainstream. So naturally, we've all got questions.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Some of us do better with monogamy, but some of us thrive with a little variety. And no matter where we land on the spectrum of relationships and sex, we can always gain vocabulary to explore our desires and act on our pleasure. So in today's show, I take your questions on open relationships and we get into it. First, we tackle open relationships when we're already partnered. So, three thumbs and swinging. How do you establish the ground rules? What do you do when your partner has a date, but you don't, and you feel that jealousy coming on? Next, three sums and swinging,
Starting point is 00:01:30 how do you practice safe sex in a group sex situation? Finally, when you're the third party, what's the best way to talk to the partner of your partner? In this case, and truly all others, the key is becoming a grade A communicator. Because if there's one thing you can count on in an alternative relationship, it's lots and lots of talking. Intentions with Emily.
Starting point is 00:01:52 For each episode, I want to start off by setting an intention for the show, and I encourage you to do the same. So when you're listening, what do you want to get out of this episode? Well, my intention is to let you hear from people just like you who are curious about unconventional sex and relationship models. By listening to our conversations, I hope you'll feel validated if you've been wondering about the same things, even if you're not ready to make any big changes just yet. Please rate and review Sex with Emily wherever you listen to the show. My new article 5 Sex Toys to Stuff Your Stockings and Holiday Gift guide is up at
Starting point is 00:02:26 and check out my YouTube channel for more sex tips and advice. If you want to ask me a question, just call my hotline. 559 talk sex or 559 825 5739. Leave me your questions or message me at slash ask Emily. Alright everyone, enjoy this episode. [♪ INTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Okay everyone, before we dive in, I absolutely love this topic of alternative relationships. Because it is something a lot more people are considering But if this stuff is new to you, it can be a little scarier even intimidating and also Totally cool if it's not your thing. It doesn't have to be your thing Of course a majority of couples find it more comfortable to be monogamous and that's awesome
Starting point is 00:03:18 But there's also other options and so as you listen today here are my top three things to keep in mind. Number one, prioritize communication. I know I say it all the time. Communication is a lubrication. But in the case of alternative relationship models, be prepared to talk a lot. You're going to have tons of conversations with people, especially your partner, if you have one. You may think alternative relationship models bring more sex, and that might be the case. But one thing we can say for sure is they definitely bring more talking, and I think talking is sexy.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Number two, stay curious. When we don't take in new information, guess what happens? When we're not curious, we default to mainstream models and ways of thinking. And that's great if they work for you. Totally cool. But when you're curious about other people and how they do things, you absorb valuable
Starting point is 00:04:12 data. And that can help you make more informed choices. So just get curious. And that's sort of the opposite of the getting judgmental model. And number three, practice compassion. This stuff can get emotional and that's okay too. Remember your eyes statements with talking to a partner, listen to where they're coming from, truly listen,
Starting point is 00:04:32 and give yourself a healthy dose of compassion as well. This is new territory for most of us. So just by being here and listening to this show, you're doing the brave thing. And I love that you're all here. And remember to share this show with someone that you think it would help them. I know a lot of you out there are now considering
Starting point is 00:04:50 checking out different kinds of relationships. So if you found this helpful, pass it along. OK, everyone, on to the show. All right, I love this. We have a couple calling in, Jim and Pam, 35 from Iowa. And they want to know how to navigate or start an open relationship. Hi Jim and Pam. Hi.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Hey, so tell me what's going on. Well, so essentially about about a year ago, we kind of got low more experimental and exploratory with our sex life than one of the guys who we were just trying to explore was looking to try and do a three-step. Okay. Well, kind of on the way to that, we ended up meeting a woman that was herself in an open relationship, but only with other women. And then, she and my wife kind of hit it off really well.
Starting point is 00:05:36 They actually started dating. And right up the first day, the question came up there, if we were interested in an open relationship, we're both open to the idea is just such a new area and such a new area for us to explore that. We are entirely sure what we're doing. Okay. How long have you guys been together? We've been married for 10 years together for 15 years.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Okay. Great. You guys sound like you're really open. Really, here's a thing about open relationships is that there's a lot of talking, right? There's a lot of really insetting boundaries. So there's a great book called Opening Up by Tristan Tiarimino, and I would recommend that book because I think you guys can kind of walk through it together.
Starting point is 00:06:11 But what the most important thing is like, making sure that you guys keep the open lines of communication. So what are the boundaries? Here's some examples. You would have to have sleepovers. Do you want to meet the person ahead of time? Do you guys each on the same night, you're both going to go on dates with somebody else?
Starting point is 00:06:28 Are you going to share what happens or is it don't ask, don't tell? Are there certain things that are off limits on limits? And I think you guys will actually have fun with this? There's like a list that can ask you. They call them like yes, no, maybe lists. But I think they have them for open relationships. You can even walk through it like, Pam, you could come in and say, okay, last night, I had 16 orgasms with this guy and he did the best oral ever, you know, and I just, his penis was huge.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And you know, damn, like, how would you feel about all those details so you guys can kind of roleplay and kind of see, like, what would fly in what one? And I think the guidance of this book, and maybe even seeing a couples counselor, there's some that actually specialize in this to make sure that you don't, you know, that you're kind of going in the right direction. So that's what I would cover beforehand,
Starting point is 00:07:15 but obviously you're not gonna know until it actually happens. So be prepared that when you guys actually, when this actually does happen, and you come home after you talk about it, there might be some jealousy, like unexpected, or even in places that you didn't think would bother you. And so that's when you really talk about it. You're like, well, this really made me feel this way. And then this is why. And so what I found from people in open relationships, that they actually, the ones I know that are really in healthy, open relationships have the most honest, open communication
Starting point is 00:07:43 that is actually really admirable, I think. And they go places that people in monogamous relationships often don't, so I think it could be really positive. Just make sure you keep talking. Yeah, we've done so much talking. There's so many emotions. That's good. That's like the wingspan.
Starting point is 00:08:00 That's good. I think that's like several days, just like writing out like list of rules on a note pad, like a thing that we would be comfortable or not comfortable with. That's like, oh good. That's like several days just like writing out like list of rules on a note pad like a thing that we would be comfortable or not comfortable with. That's like, oh good. Okay, so it sounds like you guys are already, like this is going to happen. Yeah, I know. I love it.
Starting point is 00:08:14 You guys sound great. It sounds like you're already then going in the right direction. And then, so, and I think you just keep that going because you can't know until it happens, but I think it helps to do as much work you can at a time. And then to honor those boundaries obviously and like, watch the drinking, you know, if you guys are big drinkers or alcohol, like sometimes people can, you know, social lubricants sometimes, we make, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:32 we do things we wouldn't normally do, so I think it's great to kind of limit that drugs, alcohol, you know, when our inhibitions go down. And so yeah, any other specific questions, it sounds like you guys are already off to a good start. We are. It's just been kind of tricky. We're in Iowa where nothing is.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I know. That was the other thing. You're in Iowa. So how does this happen? Do you guys have kids? Do you time, can you travel? Or do you do? So we're at mid-to-limit days.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And we've been playing around on the different dating apps and things like that. It's just so difficult. It is. Is there a, is there, we'd have to probably travel to a bigger city. Yeah, I was going to say maybe go to the, you know, a city close by. There's some apps like Field, doesn't app F-E-E-L-D and FET life. I'm not sure how populated is in Iowa. You could have a weekend in Vegas. So, but I think you also be surprised though. I think that there are more people who are interested in this than you actually might think. So, you know, the swinger next door. So, I think that you're going to find your people when you put it out there, so keep looking and then
Starting point is 00:09:39 see what you got to do to make it happen. Finding that other person can be challenging, but I think you guys are, you know, they are there, I promise you, and if you have to go to another city, you might have to travel. Right, for sure. Okay, make a weekend out of it. Exactly. Why not? It sounds like a good time. Yeah. Yeah, so just keep talking, keep looking, you know, you might have some forever now.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah, for sure. Okay, good. Well, I want to hear how it goes. So keep me posted. Thank you guys so much for calling. I'm just for huge fans on my Facebook page. Oh, thank you. I'm fans of yours. I love how you guys are doing this. So thank you for calling. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Bye. Bye. I love this, you guys. You know, more and more couples now. They really, first let me say this. You may be listening to, oh my God, I can never do that. That's crazy, open relationships. And it's certainly not for everyone. I can tell you that. But you'd be surprised. There's a lot of people who actually
Starting point is 00:10:28 make this work by really fierce, honest, open communication. Let's take an email. This is from Kim, who's 21 in Louisiana, and she writes, Hey, Dr. Emily, my boyfriend, I've been together for two years, and we generally have a good relationship. However, I recently met someone else that I'm very sexually attracted to. I was wondering if there was a way to approach my boyfriend asking for like a hall pass type of thing, asking for permission to hook up with this other person. For one, I think it would help me let out some steam
Starting point is 00:10:55 and hopefully satisfy my want for something different and bad, but I still want to be with my boyfriend. Am I just wanting to have my cake and eat it too? Is this not a thing? Kim, this is a really good question. Yeah, this is kind of a cake and eating it too question. This is also a, you're 21 years old question. So you guys have been together two years.
Starting point is 00:11:16 He might be one of the first partners you've had and you generally have a good relationship, but you're in the place, what happens to a lot of couples? There's this thing called the honeymoon phase, which is a real thing to state of mind, or with someone, and we all that. The hormones, the oxytocin, everything's flying. You feel really connected and more in love and everything's great.
Starting point is 00:11:35 It's really more like lust. And then it's going to wait after. It's going to change. And so I feel like you want to stay with your boyfriend, but you are, you're young. There might be something that's not satisfying in your relationship. Typically, when we look outside of our relationship, it's because we're not getting certain needs met. And so I think that before you go off and cheat, and as a bra, hall pass, which I actually
Starting point is 00:11:58 appreciate you're not going to cheat, you're going to ask some bra, hall pass. But I don't think that's going to go well. So what I recommend is that you take it back inward and you talk to them what you actually want in bed. Remember, our partners are not mind readers as much as we would love them to be. So we don't have to have these really awkward conversations. So and I understand that, you know, that it is hard, but this is a great way to start. Just tell them, let them know what you need. Maybe you guys can figure out things together. You said you have to let off steam
Starting point is 00:12:27 and satisfy your wants and bed. I don't think he knows. And maybe he has a, remember like, great lovers are not born. They are made. So this could be practice for you and working on your relationship together. You know, if you, if you really feel like you want to explore
Starting point is 00:12:43 and you want to get out there, then it is time to end the relationship. That's my thought. If you, rather than like asking for the hall pass, that's gonna get messy. And often when we're in relationships, we wanna go outside of the relationships so I think it would be a great learning lesson,
Starting point is 00:12:55 life lesson for you to say, I'm not really sure exactly what it is, but all I know is there's something with our sex life that's kind of missing for me. And I think it would be, I love you, I love our relationship. And I think it would be, I love you, I love our relationship. And I think that we should start to talk about things that turn us both on, that would feel good.
Starting point is 00:13:10 And if you guys don't know, listen to the show together. And kind of just use me and just say, well Emily said this or that. You know, this is how a lot of couples and people learn how to do a better sex. Go to a sex toy store, watch some porn together that turns you both on. There's a lot of different resources out there if you're not sure exactly what it is,
Starting point is 00:13:28 Kim that turned you on. But I would use this again as an opportunity to have these difficult conversations. Here's the other thing. People just maybe think of, we hear from a lot of people who are new to the sex game. They just, you know, in their teens, 20s, and they're like, I just want to be the best lover. I want to have all the skills and all the tricks and all the things. But being a great lover is not about learning how to be the best kisser or learning how
Starting point is 00:13:51 to give an excellent blowjob, although we can't explain that to all of you. A lot of it is about these really challenging, hard communication skills that get a lot easier over time, right? That's why I just want her to rip the bandaid off and have that conversation. If we can learn to communicate with our partners, here what they're saying, pay attention, really listen, and then reflect back and learn how to work on it together, that's how you become a great lover. Communication is a lubrication, and that will make you all feel a lot more
Starting point is 00:14:22 satisfied and feel like that confident lover that you all want to be. Okay, we have Brian from Canada telling what's going on. Well, so me and my fiance have been together for eight years and recently decided to open up their relationship. We talked about it for months and months and made rules and did all the things you're supposed to do. Great. And now when it's getting down to the nitty gritty,
Starting point is 00:14:44 we decided to try it to begin to go on dates on the same night. Okay, that makes sense. Try and balance it out and get used to things. And now of course tonight, when we are supposed to both go on a date and mine cancels. No backup plans and it's tough. Oh, Brian, I'm with you right now. I'm feeling you. That's hard. You know, I trust her and we have rules and boundaries and I don't think she's going to go past those or anything. It's just hard to let your mind wander and all that kind of stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:15:15 Right. Right. Well, I think this is a great yeah. No, thanks for calling because we're here for you. I feel like I wish we could hang out with you all night just till she comes home so you don't let your mind wander. I wish I could do that Brian. That is a tricky one. Okay good No, but Brian this is gonna be you know this is gonna give you some time to sit and think about it And I but I also think the more you could like keep yourself busy tonight do some things you want to do watch some movies Watch television and not let your mind go to the negative places So you know what are you? I guess it's important to think about what are your plans for when she comes home? Right, that's another thing that gives me anxiety right? So when she comes home and I'm like, okay, what happened? And then she says, oh,
Starting point is 00:15:53 XYZ and then I go, oh, right. I didn't see any of that stuff. Does she know your date canceled? Yes. Okay. So what are your boundaries? Did you have boundaries like against, like, what are the boundaries? Did you have boundaries like against like what are the boundaries? Could she have sex to? Boundaries are like no penetrative sex. Okay. Yeah, but everything else was kind of fair game and tonight was kind of the night where we have been on a like few like you know Whatever week dates and like some other kind of little days before but tonight was kind of like the night where we were gonna go and And stay out on night type of thing.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Right. Oh God, Brian, I'm just killing me right now. Well just know that your time is going to come. Like you'll have a date next week or it'll happen, but right now I think it's right now you're in that jealousy fate. You're like, she's out and how am I going to react? But the truth is, even if you went outside Brian, you could have gone out with someone and there wasn't this one you can't so but let's say you went out and there wasn't a connection but she came home and she had this amazing night amazing
Starting point is 00:16:52 connection she can't wait to see this guy again so this is actually maybe this is a good thing because this is gonna happen anyway like that could have totally happened and you might have come home and had a bad date and that could suck too. So I think that there might be a way just to ask her calmly, like, how is her night and maybe there's a way to let that information turn you on. Maybe Beth could be some fuel that actually gets you around when she's telling you about what happened. You guys have done all the right things. It sounds like you've said the boundaries, the rules. You've talked about it. You went slow and had dates during the week. Truly, the only bummer is that tonight your date canceled. But that doesn't mean that you're whole, you have to throw out the entire open relationship plan because of this one snafu.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Of course. So I think either you could. It's a good test though, right? It's a good test of, you know, we're doing the right things. We did the right things and there's going to be other times where her day Cancel is or I don't have a date. This is what I'm saying. And as it evolves we're planning on hopefully doing it for the long term. So I mean it's yeah, it's a really good test. Yeah, it's throwing exactly it. This is a test. This was going to happen anyway. And that's why you guys just continue to talk about and a lot of people in open relationships have a lot of bumps in the road early on and
Starting point is 00:18:07 And so I think that that's where you do the learning and then after you know a few months or a few years They're like oh, yeah, we got over that you know we worked through all the kinks So I just think it's a great test and it sounds like you've been there for eight years She knows you she probably knows what you can handle and I think that the biggest thing is a little bit of foam over right now But just don't let this disappointment. You know when something happens, like I just try to think of like when you miss a flight and you're really excited for a trip,
Starting point is 00:18:31 and then you miss a flight, and then you know all your friends are somewhere that you're supposed to be there, and it's really painful because you just can't, you know what I mean? You can't stop it, but you miss a, you miss missing a party or yeah. So that's all it is.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Like this isn't isolated for a few more hours incident or maybe she'll be out tonight. I don't know, but it's it's not it does don't let this ruin the entire foundation that you guys have laid out for you. You're going to be fine with this. I think so. Be strong. Thanks Brian.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Thanks for calling. Thanks for calling. I'm late. Let's hear a word from our sponsors. Then I'm talking to Chris who needs a little help staying hard while practicing. Comfort swapping. We have an email from Courtney29 in Australia. Hey Dr. Emily, I love your show and I need your advice.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I've been married for almost four years. I've known my husband since I was 12 and he's a phenomenal human. We both struggled with postnatal depression and the myriad of marital problems in our relationship since we had our first child three and a half years ago and have since had our second. We went to an intimate birthday celebration for a very close friend of ours, 30th, and I partied a little too hard and my husband went home before me. I ended up having a threesome with two of our closest friends.
Starting point is 00:19:49 They are a couple, and my husband is struggling with it. There's obviously a lot more to this story, but perhaps I can share with you more later. Help me. All right, all right, I hear you, Courtney. So you slipped and fell in a threesome. That happens.
Starting point is 00:20:02 You know, I've slipped and fallen on a penis before, and it's okay. You know, I've slipped and fallen on a penis before and it's okay. You know, we all get through these things. But if your husband is struggling, which I can imagine, you know, he is, these are your closest friends and you guys have a really close, you know, you've been with your partner since you were 12
Starting point is 00:20:17 or you've known him since you were 12, this is gonna be really tricky. Now, you also said there's a lot more to this story and what makes me think is maybe there's been some prior attractions or maybe you knew the three someone's going to happen at some point. I'm not sure what it is, but it just sounds tricky and a little bit messy. And my advice to you is that you and your husband get into some marital counseling therapy right now to help you navigate this because it is trust that's been broken.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And when trust is broken in a relationship, you really need help putting it back together. Couples are not successful at doing it on their own. I've seen this happen all the time where someone's like, well, I apologize and it was three years ago and what else do they want me to do? No, you actually really need to get someone to help you navigate this. And you might also find working with this therapist that there's other tools that you're gonna gain
Starting point is 00:21:21 to help you guys communicate even better. In fact, this scenario, this situation of the threesome could actually bring you guys a lot closer. You said you've already been having problems in the relationship, so it sounds like seeing a therapist is really going to be the right decision for you guys right now. And the threesome, just think of it that way, it's the thing that got you into therapy. But from what I'm reading from your email here is that it's been something that's been coming for a while and what you made sort out is that Maybe being a little bit open or Hooking up with another couple might be fine in your relationship down the road
Starting point is 00:21:56 But it sounds like since the trust was broken and it wasn't something that he expected and he was home sleeping You're gonna need to first heal that, repair your relationship, and then figure out what you both want going forward. Because I want to remind everyone that any kind of relationship is possible. You have to remember that monogamy is the only model that we see everywhere in society and culture, on television and movies. But we're living in a different time right now, and monogamy was created for a bunch of reasons that have nothing to do with where we are today in society. If straight forward monogamy doesn't work for you or you'd like to figure out a way to open up something with your partner, maybe once a year, once a quarter, or whatever it
Starting point is 00:22:38 is, you guys get to decide. There's no relationship police that are going to come knock on your door and tell you that you're doing it the wrong way. So I hope I listened to this show today and just listen to this show in general. It's gonna have you all realize that the power of a healthy relationship and what you want to look like is in your hands. Thanks for your email, Courtney. Chris, peace 36 in Oklahoma and he can't stay hard and couple swapping, but he can during threesomes, regardless of the third person's gender. Tommy, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:23:09 Break this down for me. I basically exactly what she said. We've been, my wife and I have been playing around with, you know, third parties for a little over a year, and we decided we would try the couples thing because unicorns are hard to find. So, ain't that the truth? With that we're out. We decided we would try the couples think as unicorns are hard to find Ain't that the truth with that we're out
Starting point is 00:23:34 So you've been in three sims with men and women now are you a you bisexual are you with men or is it she's with the men? Just her just her okay, so what happens is you swap is it a married couple that you're swapping with? Yes, okay. Is she in another room? No. We're together in the same bed so far. All four of you are in the same bed. Yes. Okay. Well, maybe that's part of it. What if you separated into another room with the woman?
Starting point is 00:23:58 I think that would be easier for me with the other girl, but I'm afraid of where my mind will go otherwise. Well, here's the thing. First of all, you don't have to do this either, right? Like I, like I wanted to know that I like a gun to your head. This might not be your thing, right? It might just be hard for you. But also know this that a lot of the challenges that we have around sex, whether it's swapping or even just having an orgasm or asking for what we want is because we're in our head and we're so worried. This is really a mindfulness practice.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Do you have any practice with like experience with meditation? Anything like that? Okay. Well, I'll make this easy for you. Don't worry, I'm not going to like light incense and make you do anything like all woo-woo here. But really the pre-right, don't worry, don't worry. Here's the thing about mindfulness.
Starting point is 00:24:42 It really, this is what it means. Then we break this down. Basically it means that when you're with this other person, and I think it might help if you're in the other room, that the second your mind is going to, oh my God, what's happening? My wife, you go right back to, you engage all of your senses. And what I mean by that is you go back to, okay, in the moment, what am I seeing? Well, I'm seeing this woman in front of me who's really turned on. What am I hearing? I'm hearing the music in the background. What am I seeing? Well, I'm seeing this woman in front of me who's really turned out, what am I hearing?
Starting point is 00:25:05 I'm hearing the music in the background. What am I smelling? Oh, that vanilla candle smells great. What am I touching? Her skin feels really soft right now. You might only be able to do one of those, but when we drop into our senses in a moment, then nothing else exists.
Starting point is 00:25:18 You're just present. And you might have to do that like 16 times in a minute, but the more you do that and it's practice, the more you'll be able to connect with this woman and be more present and have sex with her without your brain getting in the way. Because all that stuff is just, you can control that because it's actually you talking to yourself.
Starting point is 00:25:39 It's not some foreign voice or brain. Unfortunately, it's not like some foreign alien in our brain even though it feels like but the good news is that you're in control. And what I would say is before you guys go on to another swap, I'd love you to start practicing this when you're masturbating or when you're actually having sex with your wife. Because you know, sometimes even when we're with our partners, we're like, oh, God, I turn off the oven. Like, oh, the kid's going to come in. You know, we worry. So the more you can say, you know what,
Starting point is 00:26:03 let me practice thinking about, like, being present. So the more you can say, you know what, let me practice thinking about, like, being present and engaging my senses with my wife, you'll already have practiced for when you bring in the next person. Right. That makes sense. And I actually have tried what, almost what you said the last time we were with a couple, because since the first time I sent you guys the question, we've been with another couple, actually the same couple. And I did exactly that and it helped out quite a bit, but I did still notice back and forth
Starting point is 00:26:32 that I was wondering, well, what the fuck is she doing? Right, right, right. Well, it's a practice. That's why they call it a practice, right? And only the boot against the boot against the boot. Like this is the life time practice. Like I still get distracted during sex. It's my job. And I remember I got to bring myself back. like this because the word it's a lifetime practice. Like I still get distracted during sex, it's my job.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And I remember I got to bring myself back. So it's not like it's perfect. Everyone's mind wanders during sex. And it is my partner, please, what's going on? Is that a noise outside? So just know that that's great. So you're telling me the second time it felt better so this is just keep doing it.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Keep doing this, keep practicing this. And then also to also know that if this doesn't work for you, that's okay. You can go back to the three okay. You can go back to the three sums. You can go back to the four sum. Maybe I have a four sum where you're all in it together literally. So just there's nothing wrong here. Just see how it goes the next time. And just I think it's going to keep getting better since it already is improving. I agree. Hopefully I'll just keep trying. Good. Okay. Just keeping present with that. Thanks, Chris. Thanks for calling.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Thank you very much. You're so welcome. I love that people are trying to explore something different each time, right? I mean, you know, you're swapping and threesomes and our brains just do things we don't want them to do. But the more we can practice being in our body and being present in the moment whether we're the one person or six people, it's going to serve you, and it's gonna help us all have better sex. Okay, we have Evan, 29 Alabama. Hey, Dr. Emily, so my wife and I have been married for five years now, and I love our sex life. But I want to see her with another girl.
Starting point is 00:27:57 We've talked about it three-s and before, and she's okay with it, unless they get feeling with me. And I'm not sure if she's completely down for it because she's more of a jealous person. So how do I talk her into it and make her feel safe? I'm not going to touch the other girl because I know she doesn't want me to
Starting point is 00:28:12 and I'm totally fine with just having two girls in bed. Love the show you've helped me out in so many ways. I can't thank you enough. All right, Evan, thank you so much for your email here and let me remind you of this. You're not gonna get your partner to have a threesome. No one is. In fact, when I hear that, I shudder because a threesome has to be saying that your partner chooses. It's because your partner is also interested in being with a woman.
Starting point is 00:28:35 If this is something that, you know, you're just kind of forcing upon her or you think it would be hot, that's no way to do it. And that's why we roll this back in a healthier conversation would be, hey, so have you ever thought about hooking up with a woman? Are you into three sums? It's something that you find hot. Now, all soon that you're married and you've already had some of these conversations.
Starting point is 00:28:55 But if she's a jealous person and you're gonna bring another woman into the bed and your intention is, you know, it sounds to me like you'd love Evan to be hooking up with both of them. And honestly, I think there's a lot of men in your situation who would want to be with both of the women that show up in their bed. So I think that we got to slow this down and your question is how do I talk her into it and make her feel safe. What I want you to do is talk to your wife about what are her fantasies, her genuine fantasies, what turns her on.
Starting point is 00:29:28 If she said that she is into hugging up with women, like find out more about that. Does she want to be with a woman maybe without you? Does she want you to be nowhere near the bed? Maybe she wants to hook up and have you just watch sitting on a chair in the corner. What does this scenario look like? Because it sounds like right now, maybe she does want to have the threesome, or she does want to be the woman,
Starting point is 00:29:49 but she doesn't want you to touch her. Maybe she wants you in another kind of scenario. So again, this goes back to listening and getting curious and finding out what she deeply, truly genuinely wants without trying to get her anywhere. I just want you to be curious and open and to listen and to practice repeating back what you hear. This goes for everybody talking about these things.
Starting point is 00:30:11 When your partner says something, like, I really want to be with another woman instead of saying, oh, really? Like, let's do it tomorrow. You could say, oh, so you want to have a threesome with another woman or you want to be with another woman? And she might say, oh, yeah. Well, I guess I want to be with another woman, but it looks like that.
Starting point is 00:30:28 So the more we can just relay back what we heard and get curious, we'll have our time for talking, but this is your time for listening and being an attentive loving partner. Okay, Evan, let me know how it goes. I can ask that question a lot. You guys, how do I get my partner to blank? Let me know how it goes. I can ask that question a lot, you guys. How do I get my partner to blank? Whatever it is. And really, you're really regretted
Starting point is 00:30:48 if you get your partner to do anything sexually that they're not 100% into. If it's not 100% a hell of yes, and you got them to do it, that's not gonna build well for your relationship. Let's take another email. This comes from Stacey 26 in Chicago. She writes,
Starting point is 00:31:04 Hey, Dr. Emily, I've been listening to your show for a few months now and I love it. Having a threesome is something I fantasize about doing for a while. And I've heard a lot of people talk about the emotional health side of it, like how to avoid jealousy if you're planning on with a partner and things like that.
Starting point is 00:31:18 But I've yet to hear much about the physical health aspect. What are the logistics of using a condom in a threesome? So Stacey, the thing in a threesome? So Stacey, the thing about a threesome is, if you're with, is using a condom is that you have got to change condoms. If you go from one person to the next, he's got a condom on, let's say, you and a friend, you and another woman actually don't suggest having threesome with a friend, a good friend. But he should take it off. It gets not safe. Just like when you go from back to front, like if he goes in your vagina and then he goes in your butt,
Starting point is 00:31:48 your anus can't do it. Condom, you just switch it. You have a stack of condoms by the bed and you replace it. So that is the physical health side of it and also getting tested. I mean, it is important. If you can be with someone who has gotten tested and can show your results,
Starting point is 00:32:03 although I don't know how often that happens, I would like that to happen. For people to get tested and share your result, but just use condoms. Like I think if you're gonna get tested and get it all buttoned up, then just keep using condoms. But the truth is, yeah, you can get stuff
Starting point is 00:32:18 in other ways too. But I think every few months, it's good to get tested. No one does that, but you should definitely once a year, for sure. Let's just say twice a year. After the break I'm talking to Elise who needs some advice for how to best manage communication while dating a couple. Okay we have Beth and E. She's from Colorado, and her partner is not giving her oral even though she's a giving lover.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Hey Bethany, thanks for calling. Let's get into this. Tell me what's going on. You know, it's just funny because I've never been in a relationship where I didn't receive as well, and honestly, it's kind of taken a stab at my confidence. Yeah, it makes sense. Yeah, it's just strange to me because after not receiving it, I really found it important. Yeah, it is. Absolutely. So you're not wrong here at all. I think that I've been in that situation too. And I was like, what is going on here?
Starting point is 00:33:24 So how long have you been with your boyfriend? It's been a year that I've been in that situation too. And I was like, what is going on here? So how long have you been with your boyfriend? It's been a year and I've kind of decided that if things don't change soon, I don't know what I can continue on. And I felt initially that that was kind of shallow of me, but I just wanted to know if there's a way I can kind of entice him because I feel like I've tried it all. Okay. First of all, it is not feel like I've tried it all. Okay. First of all, it is not shallow.
Starting point is 00:33:47 I'm going to tell you here I've ended a relationship based on lack of oral. So many women require oral sex. It's like the way we orgasm. Like we're more likely to orgasm from oral than intercourse. So you're good here. So tell me how you've talked to him about it in the past. Well, what I've kind of just said is that something that I'm doing it, like as it might sense or anything like that, he says absolutely nothing wrong with your anatomy. It's in my head. I also just get over it in my mind
Starting point is 00:34:13 because I haven't done it in the past two relationships intimate moment. Okay. And then he just reverts completely to something else. Good. Okay. So this is great information because here's what I'm thinking that he's probably feeling like he's not good at it and he doesn't have a lot of experience. So which he probably doesn't. I think he probably really wants to please you. It's not like he doesn't sound like he had a bad experience
Starting point is 00:34:45 or just not as thing, that he might need some guidance from you. But I think what we got to change here, Bethany, is that you have this conversation with him when you're not in the moment. So I think it's time for like a heart to heart, how to go out to dinner, somewhere where you guys are feeling relaxed,
Starting point is 00:35:00 can be a breakfast in the morning, wherever you feel comfortable and say, babe, I'm gonna talk to you about something. Love our sex life, our relationship, it's hot, but I know I've brought up oral sex before, and it's something that I actually, I've realized now after a year that I actually need it. Like, I miss it, I require it. And so, and I know we've talked about this. It sounds to me, like, maybe you feel like you're not really sure, you know, because you
Starting point is 00:35:21 haven't done it a lot. And so, ask me a question and say, is that what it is? And then let them answer and then do you think he would be open to that? Yeah, I think he really does want to try and maybe I could just give him some pointers. Yes, I guess I haven't heard really talk anybody. Exactly. Okay, so this is great because I bet he wants to learn and he wants to please you. Now do you like masturbate?
Starting point is 00:35:43 Are you familiar with your body? Oh, yeah. Okay, great. Okay, this is going so well, Bethany. So I think the thing for you to do is to say, we ask him if he'd be open to it and maybe a little mutual masturbation session where you could show him how exactly how you like to be touched.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Or maybe it's a one-way masturbation where first you get off and he's watching and then maybe he gets off because if it's mutual he might not really be able to pay attention. So you could just show him like this is how I like my clitoris touch, this is how I use my fingers, that guy like to have some loop here and then like actually show him. It's like a show and tell so you don't like you've to explain it when you're talking to him at dinner and you can just let him know that you'd love to work on it together, that you actually think would be really hot, if you guys to figure it out together.
Starting point is 00:36:27 And every situation is a new learning curve, because even if he'd been doing it to every woman of the past, every woman's body is different. So I think first find out, if you've got to go ahead, if he's cool and he wants to learn, and then it's either through mutual masturbation
Starting point is 00:36:40 or even if it's just you saying, you know what? So next time when you go down to me, I can't wait to teach you. I think it'd be so hot for me to show you exactly what I like. And then he'll feel less anxious like he's supposed to be performing. And then you guys can learn together.
Starting point is 00:36:53 You can teach him all he's learning. Good to be fun. Make it fun though. Make it fun, make it light, and just give him an option. Cause what happened to me was I said to my partner, I said, listen, is it number one? You, you, you, you, um, you're not really sure if I'm into it or number two, you're not sure that you want to do it or number three,
Starting point is 00:37:10 it's not your thing. And he said, you know what, it's not my thing. And then I said, well, baby, you're not my thing. And then I ended my relationship. It's a deal breaker. So for you though, I'm thinking you're gonna hear, yeah, I really want to, but I'm just not sure what I'm doing. You say, wow, great, because I can't wait to show you.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And then you make it fun, you keep it light. And you know, take a little bit of time, you know, takes a while. Like my boyfriend didn't get a lot of guys, don't get it right away. So you just keep working on it, so you can get what you want. Yeah, maybe it's just intimidating to them. It is. It's really intimidating to them because they want to please you so bad. And then men have this thing in their head,
Starting point is 00:37:47 like, oh, I should already know, and why don't I know? And it doesn't make me less of a man, none of which is true. So the more you can make them feel like, you know, he is that great lover and he's hot and you can't wait and all that stuff, he's gonna be able to relax into it and give you those screaming orgasms that you deserve. Okay, Bethany.
Starting point is 00:38:04 It's gonna only be a little bit longer until I'm like, I know. Well, this is why I think it's gotta be like tonight. Just talk to him about it. It sounds scary, but why don't you just get into it? It's gonna be so nice. Perfect. Please do it tonight,
Starting point is 00:38:16 and then please let me know how it goes, okay? Okay, okay, thanks Bethany. Thanks for calling Sex Family. I love this, you guys. We all have pleasures or birthright, and we all have the right to better sex, and especially oral sex you guys. So tell your partner what you want, make sure they're on board, and let's all go down like we mean it.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Next we have Elise, who's dating a couple. My question is, what's the best way to develop a relationship with them both individually, but then also respect their relationship that's established? Well, honestly, I think that this is a conversation that three of you have together. So if you are just getting to know them, what boundaries do they have set up in this relationship? What are the values? Are you over there certain nights a week? Are they cool if you go out with the guy alone? You know what I'm saying? So it's more like
Starting point is 00:39:08 finding out more about what's going to work for all of you. Because you don't want to piss anyone off. You don't want to be like, oh, well, I had a dinner with the husband to get to know him. And then she's like, we said you can't have individual meals. So it's really more about being authentic, I think, and saying, I really want this relationship to work I've never done anything like this before. I've been like a third in a relationship And I think what you're saying at least is that for you to really feel like you're a part of it You want to have some intimacy with both of them. You want to build the relationships so you know them both, right? Yeah, so her and I would like just be friends like we wouldn't be intimate and then him and I would be oh, okay
Starting point is 00:39:45 Got it. So I see, you're only having sex with him. Yeah. Okay, and that with her, because she is she gonna be watching, is she gonna be around? What's the, what's their fantasy? Well, it's more like a D.A.V. is,
Starting point is 00:40:01 more like a sister-wife kind of thing. Right, it's the way I've got it.V. is more like a sister-wife kind of kind of sister-wife. Right. So you think of it as a sister-wife, okay? I think you got to talk to her first. Yeah. And ask her what, and she could probably tell you a lot about what her husband wants to. So I think that the whole thing about the sister-wife is that you got, she's really your go-to.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I'd say she's your boss in this situation. So yeah, but then she's also a sub so I'm not really sure how that plays into it as well because then he technically is the one that like has all the power. Well, I think, but that's sexually, I would think that in the, there must be ways that she's a dumb in the relationship. If she's the one who allowed this to happen, I would believe that maybe she's a dumb in other ways.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I'm not really sure you're going to have to talk to them about it, but I think either if you feel comfortable, who initiated your contact first? Who's the one who you first talked to? She did. Yeah, I think she's the one. Check in. So you guys have open communication, Sam, not really sure who would talk to first, but I want for me to tell her what it's important to you. I would love to have this connection with you, make sure that we're all in the same boundaries and rules. And this is gonna be the kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I can tell you at least that you're gonna have to keep talking about as this gets started, because people can tell you one thing, and then you might be there and they're acting totally different. So keep checking in, so you can start making the good first steps to build that healthy relationship. So how do you feel about this?
Starting point is 00:41:24 So I have a question, because there's a lot of you listening going, what, sister wife, I don't get it. So you can start making the good first steps to build that healthy relationship. So how do you feel about this? I have a question because there's a lot of you listening going, what? Sister wife? I don't get it. It's not really that known of a concept. So can you kind of explain what your idea of what's going to be happening? Yeah, well, my mother's behind it is I really like the way that puts me into relationship. I have to go in very selfless and very mindful of them.
Starting point is 00:41:43 And I like that. I like that I can still have my knees met, but I'm also not a jealous person. So there's nothing that like, like, a lot of, there's a couple of couples who like don't show pd a in front of each other, but like we're not like that because I think that if he's better has been to her than he was like a good partner for me as well Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah, it does are you gonna be living with them kind of he's in the military So it's a little bit harder depending on like where they're stationed if they're off-base or on base got it Let me know how it goes
Starting point is 00:42:19 I'd love to hear more about this Elise as it evolves But just remember that you have to keep asking even those things that you think you can't say or you can't ask. This is really like having three people that in a relationship takes a lot more communication. So I can't take specifically what it is, but I can tell you to ask and figure it out together. The three of you, don't guess.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Okay, thank you, Elise. Thanks for calling sex with Emily. Next up is Mia. She wants to understand how to cultivate erotic sex. Hey Mia, tell me what's going on. So been married for about seven years and the other day after having sex, my husband texted me and said,
Starting point is 00:43:01 thank you for my wonderful sex and it was so erotic but i don't find it that it was erotic but i think maybe he is hinting that he wants to oh have me go to that level of erotic but i don't even know where to start without staring him well wait okay so me so he said to you thanks for that sex. It was so erotic.
Starting point is 00:43:27 And then you read it as a secret message where he didn't really mean that sex was erotic that you should be more erotic. Yes, because that's a word we've never used in our Texas. Oh. So erotic, I mean, here's a thing. First of all, no, it's such a good question, Mia. And so that's interesting to me to use that word. You guys have been together. You said seven years.
Starting point is 00:43:51 And he's never, and he's never said it. So you got to go back and say, tell me what, what was it that was so hot about it? I mean, yes, I loved having a sex with you, but what stuck out for you as erotic? And then have them tell you. And so that's one thing, just to find out what he means by that. But erotic means something that really,
Starting point is 00:44:09 it's just like talking about kink, you kind of get to decide for yourself what is erotic, but erotic can be kissing the way that you guys, maybe you kiss differently, maybe you slowly took his clothes off or went down on him or or you talk dirty. That could be erotic for people. Usually it's when I like to think of it as things going a little bit like maybe slower
Starting point is 00:44:32 or a little bit more like dirty talk or something. I mean, am I, was there anything different about that, about that one time that you remember well i even i actually thought he was being more aggressive and erotic because he has been working out and he lost about twenty pounds so he felt more like and to it and i think that i think that i think that i think that i think that he felt erotic and he used the word it right now i think that, I think that's exactly what it probably was. He probably feels like really good in his body and he was rougher to control. And how did you feel about it?
Starting point is 00:45:14 Yeah. Did you think you would hide too? I was like a new guy. See, that's amazing. So Mia, that's to him, that's erotic. So to you, do you have any like fantasies or anything that you'd be into that maybe you haven't tried yet oh definitely um yes the whole handcuffs kind of thing uh...
Starting point is 00:45:33 we've talked about it but i think it might be a good time to bring it up yeah i mean me uh... this is so great because i think it sounds like he's ready like he's like oh my god let's that's that was so hot so what i love about this is like, you know, the conversation's almost already started. Say, yeah, that was a Roderick or tell me what was the most erotic part for you. And then you could say, we've talked about handcuffs, you know, and then you guys could go shopping together. And that's so fun. You guys could go to a sex toy store near you, you're in California. I don't know
Starting point is 00:46:01 where you are exactly, but like, there's a lot of great stores here. You could, you know, go to our website if you want to shop online, and then you order cuffs, and it's really fun to get those in the mail, and then play with them, get some blindfolds, get some massage candles. Massage candles to me are super erotic, because you can each give each other a massage, the regular candles, you blow them out,
Starting point is 00:46:20 they pour them on your partner, it's like oil, that's not waxy or hot. I mean, it's amazing. So to me, this is exciting. And I think it's a matter of you guys figuring out what erotic means to both of you. Yes, the other night you were talking about asking your spouse or your partner three questions or these questions about sex but not in bed. I think it was something to the extreme of, what is your fantasy or a desire so we can open that conversation?
Starting point is 00:46:50 Yes, exactly. That's what you should, yeah, what is your fantasy, what's your turn on, what are three things that you want to try, you know, that what are three things that you've been fantasizing about? It's like called a sexual bucket list. And you guys can each write three things down in the exchange it and then you get to prioritize it and then you're like Saturday night cup,
Starting point is 00:47:09 you know, we're doing the the cuffs. And then we're going to watch Rita Roddicka together in the bathtub. And then we're going to, you know, I'm going to give you a massage with a candle and then ice cube. So we're going from hot to cold. You know, you guys get to decide together. So I know the conversation seems like, oh, how do I have it? But really, it's just like, yeah, that was erotic. And let's do this, too, or let's talk about sex. And then you're going to just the whole world is going to open up for you. Your whole sexual world. Thank you so much. Why not? Why not? No, Mia, why not? Your husband is getting hotter. I love it. Keep it going and keep me posted. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Okay, you're so welcome. Thanks Mia. Thanks for calling. And keep me posted. Thank you. You're so welcome. Thanks, Mia. Thanks for calling. All right, everyone. I hope you enjoyed this special on alternative relationship models. Remember, pleasure is your birthright. But communication, well, it's a learned skill. And when you're in open territory, it's your number one asset. That's it for today's episode, see you on Friday.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Thanks for listening to Sex with Emily. Be sure to like, subscribe, and give us a review wherever you listen to the podcast and share this with a friend or partner. You can find me on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter at Sex with Emily. Oh, I've been told I give really good email. So sign up at And while you're there, check out my free guides and articles for more ways to prioritize your pleasure. If you'd like to ask me about your sex life, dating or relationships, call my hotline 559 Talk Sex. That's 559 825 5739.
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